#the kharites
thewrathfulwitch · 4 months
The Kharites (Charities)
The Kharites are goddesses of "grace, beauty, adornment, joy, mirth, festivity, dance and song". There are multiple Kharites in generations, separating them from the older Kharites. The older three Kharites are named Aglaea, Euphrosyne, and Thalia. The younger Kharites presided over many things such as "play, amusement, banqueting, floral decoration, happiness, rest and relaxation". They are all daughters of Zeus and Eurynome.
They had a cult, where they were mainly worshipped in Northern Boiotia and Paros.
In Athens, it is quoted that they were worshipped during the Thesmophoria, which takes place in the month of Pyanepsion, alongside Demeter and Kore (Persephone). (Aristophanes).
In Elis, it is described that in their sculpture, one of them holds a rose, one holds a die, and the other holds a myrtle branch. They are attendants of Hera and Aphrodite, which explains the connection of the rose and the myrtle branch that are also connected to Aphrodite. The die shows that of youth, since it is used by the maiden young.
In Boiotia, it is quoted that the city of Orkhomenos was "The Kharites's city, home of lovely dances." (Pindar) King Eteokles was the first to sacrifice to them, establishing them amongst the city by teaching the custom of their prayer and building their temple.
In Paros, the tradition of sacrificing to them without garlands or flutes was founded by King Minos, who was told of his son's death. He was in the middle of a sacrifice and ripped both of these things away from himself. He completed the ritual, however, which began tradition.
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All information is found off theoi.com.
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royal-wren · 1 year
As the sun dips low over the horizon I hear the many raucous howls of numerous Canidae All heralding the arrival of two passing gods Beloved to man's best friend are they, the night-wandering duo Night delighting Hekate and Hermes that never tire
Infinite paths, infinite roads they traverse Their presence undenied Calls for their many mysteries unanswered Cried for by all beasts, the living, and the dead They hear my many praises for the torch-bearing liminal guides Both an echo of theirs and fuel for many more Both terrible and gracious are they, ever in motion
Busy Angelos' presiding over the earth, water, and sky Life and death, luck and misfortune with the ability to give and take All beneath your heel, all bound by your hand's grip You, the divine pair whom the Kharites Triple goddesses of moderation rejoice in
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hecatesdelights · 2 months
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rottenpumpkin13 · 7 months
Inspired by this post
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allmythologies · 9 months
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greek mythology: antheia
antheia is the goddess of swamps and flowery wreaths. she is the daughter of zeus and eurynome. she was depicted in athenian vase painting as one of the attendants of aphrodite, and probably one of younger kharites.
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tinogiehd · 4 months
Dnf but rats
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prismaticpichu · 4 months
Art for you just because :D
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Eyhejdjjdjjsjsjsjsdjdjjddjeududufyyfhrudb OMG I AM SPEECHLESS shehdhdhdhdhjdjddd THIS IS FREAKING ADORABLE AHHHHHH!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Pichu!Zack is NOT something I thought I needed in my life but boy does it feel complete now x,DD
Hmmmmmmm….. I think I have to go fix Sephiroth’s order lmao! I’m WAY too scared of collateral damage being the result of Seph eating an unwanted pickle. (I’ve certainly been there before.)
Thank you SO much for taking the time to draw and share your beautiful art with me <33333 I literally just woke up so plz know that this already made my day.
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cherry-blossomtea · 11 months
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My brain permanently lives in the AU where Kharites was raised in Garlemald
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hermeneutas · 3 months
Outros Deuses e Seus Epítetos - As Cárites/As Graças
Neste post seguimos nossa série de postagens sobre os amados Imortais. Desta vez focando em mais uma comitiva de divindades -- As Cárites, as Deusas da alegria, dança, glória, festividade e júbilo.
Também nomeadas "Graças", são as divindades responsáveis pela manutenção destes prazeres supracitados. Frequentemente agrupadas em três ou versões onde são deusas mais numerosas, elas são frequentemente descritas como atendentes das Deusas Hera e Afrodite.
Elas eram representadas frequentemente juntas, nuas ou com vestes leves, segurando as mãos umas das outras em um círculo enquanto exibiam expressões sorridentes. Elas portam coroas de murta ou rosas em seus aspectos. Na maioria das vezes são descritas como filhas de Zeus e Hera, mas com outras mães também sendo atestadas, como Harmonia, deusa da concórdia e filha de Ares, assim como Eurínome, a titã dos pastos e ermos.
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Em relação ao culto às Cárites, seus maiores espaços sagrados ficavam na cidade de Orcómeno na Beócia e na ilha de Paros. Entretanto, as Deusas eram frequentemente cultuadas em conjunto com outras deidades olímpicas (Hera, Apolo, Afrodite, Dionísio e muitos outros) em cidades como Atenas, Argos e na região da Lacedemônia.
Os nomes das Cárites
O número atestado de Cárites varia em cada uma das polis, com o escritor romano Pausânias indo em detalhes para cada uma. Ao invés de epítetos aqui listados, traremos um compilado dos nomes das Deusas que já atestam em si seus atributos comuns em relação ao seu domínio sobre os aspectos positivos da vida.
Aglaia - "Esplendor", também chamada de Kharis (Graça) ou Kalleis (Beleza), é a esposa de Hefesto, personificando o esplendor da beleza.
Antheia - "Florida", uma das Graças associadas às flores.
Auxo/Auxesia - "Aumento", é por vezes descrita como uma das Graças ou como parte das Horai, deusas das estações do ano. É a divindade do crescimento primaveril. Era cultuada em trio com as outras Cárites Damia e Hegemone em Atenas.
Eudaimonia - "Felicidade", deusa da felicidade e opulência, representada ao lado de Afrodite em algumas cerâmicas.
Eufrósine - "Bom ânimo", é a deusa da alegria de espírito e comemoração. Também chamada de Eutimia.
Kleta - "Famosa", cultuada em Esparta ao lado da graça Faena, são as deusas da fama e da glória.
Paidia - "[relacionada à] Infância", a Graça das brincadeiras e diversão. É representada ao lado de Afrodite em pedaços de cerâmica.
Pandaisa - Graça associada aos banquetes fartos, representada ao lado de Afrodite nos vasos de cerâmica.
Pannychis - "Todas [as] noites", é a Graça associada às festividades noturnas. Representada como parte da comitiva de Afrodite nas artes de cerâmica.
Pasitéia - "Deusa adquirida" é a esposa do Deus Hipnos, o Sono e a divindade do descanso e relaxamento.
Peitho - "Persuasão" é a divindade da persuasão e sedução. Geralmente retratada como atendente direta de Afrodite, por vezes sendo descrita como um epíteto dela. Também era listada entre as Cárites.
Tália - "Festividade" é uma das Cárites cultuadas ao lado de Eufrósine e Aglaia, tida como irmã de ambas. Curiosamente partilha o nome com a Musa da Comédia, embora seu domínio esteja mais ligado aos banquetes fartos e luxuosos, é por vezes descrita como a mesma deidade que Pandaisa.
As Graças são numerosas e descritas como imprescindíveis para os aspectos positivos da vida. São suas nutrizes, representações vivazes da celebração e alegria que frequente abençoa a vida dos mortais sob os olhos atentos de Afrodite e várias outras divindades. Diz Píndaro em seu hino que sem estas Deusas, as doçuras da vida não florescem, seja a sabedoria, amor ou a beleza.
Apreciamos as honrosas Cárites por fim neste post e que suas doçuras sempre nos encontrem!
Ode Olímpico às Graças, de Píndaro. (Honraria feita a um vencedor dos Jogos Olímpicos)
"Cujos refúgios estão perto do rio Céfiso, vocês, rainhas amadas da canção dos poetas, governando Orcómenos, aquela cidade iluminada pelo sol e terra de adoráveis ​​corcéis, vigiem e protejam a antiga raça mínia, ouçam agora minha oração, vocês, Cárites, três. Pois em seu presente estão todas as nossas alegrias mortais e todas as coisas doces, seja sabedoria, beleza ou glória, que enriquecem a alma do homem. Nem mesmo os deuses imortais podem ordenar em seus comandam as danças e festas, sem a ajuda das Cárites; Pois vós sóis as ministras de todos os ritos dos céus, cujos tronos estão colocados em Pytho (Delfos) ao lado de Apolo do arco dourado, e que com honra eterna adoram o Pai, senhor do grande Olimpo. Eufrósine, amante da música, e Aglaia reverenciada, filhas de Zeus, o Altíssimo, ouçam, e com Tália, querida da harmonia, olhem para nossas canções de festa, com pés leves pisando para agraciar esta hora alegre. . . Venho elogiar Asópico, cuja casa mínia, Thalia, agora a seu favor ostenta o orgulho do vencedor olímpico."
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To the Kharites for celebrations
Hear me, Blessed Kharites,
Children of Rain-giver Zeus and Eurynome of Meadows.
They who danced in celebration for the birth of Bright Apollon, who were honoured by the mythical King of Orchomenus,
Sweet-spoken Kharites who join in harmony with Joyous Apollon and Glory-giving Mousai,
If I have ever sung your songs, please accept this prayer, Blooming Kharites,
I ask you to dance with me in honour of this celebration, to share your joy and exuberance with those around me, and to allow little to remove this jubilation,
I ask for your favour with a token of my praise, I offer to you (offering)
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verticordial · 2 years
Whenever you have time, I’d love a prayer to the Kharites if you could please ☺️ ~verdantlyviolet
goddesses of the simplest pleasures,
you flourish now in summer blooms and naked revelry and on the tongues of all who worship you.
you who are perfumed with sweetest oils, you whose breaths are warm and thick with honey
here your procession is needed, oh ever-green and delightful Kharites
and so to you i call with humble request:
carry with you joy, bound between your slender arms, for those who have not felt it in some time.
and with flowers weaved between your fingers, grant the first blossoms of blissful relief
in those who have toiled in this season so far.
(22 June 2022)
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cyreneia · 1 year
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EDIT ?/? OF CYRENE ( mutuals may reblog )
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royal-wren · 7 months
Once I sang solely of the Mousai, giving them the greatest praise. Tonight though, you, the Kharites so blessed and honored have my greatest regard. To you, the greatest arts the world has to offer are given after the inspiration strikes like a hammer to steel in turn for you elevate all in your lovely hands. You praise the artists who create real gems, both to those who are rewarded and those who go unheard of. All of them rightfully called your works, as the drive that gives grace and beauty to all in moderation.
You're on my mind always, goddesses who delight and rejoice in gods and men loyally, equally in the moderation you honor. As I write your favorite medium, writing, story, and poetry are known to be holy and divine, I give you my praises and glory back, eternally yours to continue to raise high. You who delight in Hermes greatly as a poet, storyteller, ever writing and doling out peace, joy, inspiration, grace, and eloquence when needed most. By the name you share with him, Kharidôtês, see how he gives back to gods and men in a manner befitting to you. See how in turn he too showers you in all of these for what you give is what you will receive.
Devotion to you who delight and enjoy all things is all I want to do for every joy, passion, interest, laugh, and moment of rest I take the best offerings I can give you. For you, there is always a spot at my table, in a similar vein to Hermes, Peitho, the Mousai, and Aphrodite my pride for every empty chair claimed by you, beautiful Erasimolpoi (Philêsimolpoi).
To you, Aglaia, Thaleia, Euphrosynê will forever be burned in my mind.
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depressed-linguist · 9 months
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‘three fair-cheeked Kharites…from whose eyes as they glanced flowed love that unnerves the limbs’
- hesiod, theogony
The Three Graces - detail from La Primavera, Sandro Botticelli (Uffizi Gallery, Firenze)
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 months
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Canon-compliant Genesis bullying 😔
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allmythologies · 8 months
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greek mythology: thalia
thalia was one of the three kharites and the goddess of festivity and banquets. she was usually depicted dancing in a circle with her two sisters.
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