#the image describes it pretty well idk how i got here and how i make art look good ive just been doing it for like. 9 years probably more
kate-bot · 2 months
Heheheheeeeuu!! Uuuhhh idk if you wanna read this request but I have a question… AAAAAHHHH!!!!! I REALLY LOVE YOUR STYLE DRAWING!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!! WHERE APP YOU USE TO MAKE STUFF???? I LOVE YOUR STYLE??? WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT STYLE???? <:DDDDD <??)
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sorry that was my first thought when i read that HEHGHEH
anyways to answer your question i do most of my art on photoshop!! although a lot of my older stuff i used paint tool sai too!! learning photoshop was quite a steep learning curve but i love using brushes i find online so its 100% worth learning ... im also getting into adobe fresco (basically photoshop for ipad) and its a lot of fun too!!
and my STYLE????? not gonna lie i started drawing properly when i was like. 10. so my style has changed soo much over the years.. i watched loads of south park when i was younger and you can still kind of tell that i never shook off the south park eyes from my style. its basically just an amalgamation of all the different things i liked as a kid... cuphead proportions, south park faces, animal crossing bodies.. so my advice to you is to just take inspiration from what you like!!! and soon enough you will start turning it into your own new thing and it will be awesome!!!
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i hope that answers ur question tysm for the ask!!! :]]]
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wisteriagoesvroom · 1 month
Re: suits, there are hundreds of different types of suits, but the most common cuts are british, american and italian. I could see Lando (aka would love to see) most likely in an italian cut (slim tailoring on trousers and jacket, unstructured shoulders, light cloth (not colour but fabric) also looks very nice with an open collar and no tie...). Typical big brand names here are Zegna, Armani or Attolini, I personally love Kiton and Brioni as well, but just googling itlian cut suits should show some good results.
For Oscar, I would adore a (for once) properly tailored brutish cut suit (higher waistline for the trousers, more structure in the shoulders, tapered waist, thicker fabrics). Maybe even make it a proper three-piece bc ever since the wetsuit pics from Australia, I think we all agree that those curves need to be shown more often. Examples here are Ted Baker, Dunhill and ofc everything Savile row.
Tho if we keep with the Mclaren sponsors, Reiss does some great work as well. There's a double-breasted tuxedo jacket in this year's collection that I would love to see Lando in (then again tuxedos are a whole nother topic ...)
This got very long and is probably not very helpful but I love infodumping about fashion lol <3
i know you were self conscious about writing at length about this but all i have to say is: yes. here is some additional photographic evidence from my POV;
lando in snazzy italian tailoring, but to take the stylised vector a bit further:
exhibit a: asymmetric waistcoat with steampunk details
exhibit b: italian but with a fun pattern
exhibit c: open collar a step further, he could so rock a 70s suit. also just really need him to rock the gucci glasses with some shiny loafers like he’s sooooo got that vibe. im thinking how bruno mars and harry styles wear that kind of suiting sometimes
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now to our elusive chanteuse f1 driver oscar jack. i feel like it’s, like what you described, about a classic style but with really fine details. good fabrics, simple cuts, plain colourways. below is pretty stylised but also this is rpf and it’s my playground and if we were claiming realism we should just put the rpf toys down full stop and i am not doing that!!
if taking a costume designer’s perspective too, there could be soooo much you could say with layering and pattern and contrast depending where we are in the story or plot. the idea of fic!oscar in a classic brit cut suit with tiny revealing details like a handkerchief (lando’s) or a button (a nod to a family member or a friend) is very dear to me.
the other option i like is a classic tux jacket with tails and crisp shirt and a a sky blue handkerchief, like idk that image also tickles me for some reason.
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anyway so i had been thinking about a tailor AU- *loud scuffling noise as i try to put wayward au ideas back in their box*
p.s. oscar in dunhill... like u were cooking but u especially cooked w that one....
and tagging the people who might be interested in this conversation i invite y’all to weigh in!! @cx-boxbox @kichona-s and @jusst-you-race
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randomgentlefolk · 3 months
Oh thank goodness Frederick has a cat-like flexibility. No but fr tho. The fact that he can fit in small places and just, fold his body??? He's a cat.
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OH I AM SO DOWN TO GWEN, AURELIA, THE POSSUM, AND THE RAT PROTECTING FREDERICK LET'S GOOOOO. Also The possum and Gwen's sharp teeth and Aurelia's spit? Heck yeah. AND THEN AURELIA PROTECTING GWEN!! I'm so glad she had a redemption arc :')
OH. OH. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS. Do you understand the amount of time I've been thinking about Frederick throwing a book at his bullies and Leland to the point I want to draw it but give up midway due to unable to draw anatomy of a person throwing a book? Yeah. And Frederick calling Leland a doofus LOLLLL.
Curtis not being able to see shit but still defending the aid kit station pretty well? That's what I call true skill. I mean he's really fighting multiple soldiers with armor and spear, and he's winning. But man his hand tho. I'm guessing those are from splinter and maybe some sorta swelling from holding the broom too long (idk how to describe it) or smth? Those has got to hurt...
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HAHAHAHHAHAH I can't believe I didn't expect she would say that LMAO. Also she looks so goofy in the second image HAHA.
Nah the commander really went for Laverne too... Did Leland even agree on that?
Omg....Lorena catching Suzie....Lorzanna....
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Leland's strength continues to terrify me. He just broke stair railing that seems to be made from marble, WITH HIS BARE HAND. I swear the Pastel palace is gonna need LOTS of renovation after all of these end.
"You don't decide what you want" oh bull I say, bull. Boooo Leland rotten tomatoes rotten tomatoes boooo nobody likes you go home boooo rotten tomatoes.
Eugh I'm surprised Frederick hasn't broken AT LEAST a bone with how much he got slammed and thrown hardly. The door broke bro the door broke. His spine...
Now that I think about it never have i ever with syrah would probably be wild XD
Okay at this point I am the most glad that frederick told cpc because otherwise many bad things would happen...
Wait a minute. What happened to spider Prez? I can't seem to remember...Did she pass out after breaking the door?
Wait so the Plaidypus isn't the royal plaid army?? Wait cause I'm kinda confused now :') if someone can explain it to me that would be great.
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Shit, Frederick fr need a doctor asap. All those tossing around, the dusts, nah...
Okay this is sad and all but Syrah with the long nose made me giggle.
THANK YOU PRINCEL-WHOSE-NAME-HASN'T-BEEN-REVEALD!! Blaine really missed like ¾ of the war lmao.
I swear cpc is responsible for me learning new vocabularies daily.
OH??? BLAINE?? BLAINE??? I don't, I really don't know how to start.
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First of all, there's a new meaning to this. So what I'm getting here, Blaine wants to be at the top because if he gets all the attention, Lance and Frederick won't be in trouble because he thought Leland wouldn't notice him much then. I suppose what's in Blaine's mind is, it's better to be neglected by your shitty parents rather than being noticed and verbally/physically abused by them?
Okay, I'm starting to get it. I'm the youngest sibling so I don't know if I'm getting it correctly, but this is what I get: "I will take all the abuse from our father so you, my younger brothers, can live a happy life without being notices by him."
Older siblings, amirite?
So, Blaine has been trying to protect his brothers but because Frederick keeps upsetting Leland and then making him proud, Blaine's plan keeps on being in shambles?
One thing I'm confused about though. Hear me out, Blaine most likely has golden child syndrome right? So how do we draw a line between which act is because wanting to succeed due to believing that's all his worth, and which act is from protecting his brothers?
Oh but he still owes Frederick and Lance lots of apologies though. Don't think I can forget what you said to Frederick in the dungeon, Blaine. That chapter broke me. To Lance, well, to be honest I don't exactly know what he should apologize about, but I feel like Blaine still has to? Sorry, I'm not making sense. Maybe apologize due to not talking to Lance and Frederick about his plan?? Oh man someone help me–
Imagine this tho: Blaine apologizing to Lance and Frederick for letting them get hurt by father, but then Isolde came and assured him that what Leland do isn't his fault. Haha I love to analyze this guy's mental health.
I hope he goes to therapy after this is all over. The plaid princes really need a lot of therapy. Actually the whole plaid family need therapy.
Okay say goodbye to my professionalism for awhile.
Frederick looks so amazed and I won't blame him cause I WOULD TO. IF I WAS ABOUT TO DIE, And someone suddenly came to save me, then proceed to throw the bad guy and himself out of the window by breaking the window and letting the damn sun rise view come in. I. I would look like that.
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Blaine looking at the sunrise and realizing the true meaning of life and contemplating what he has done. I love him so much you got this bro.
Also Blaine turns out to be strong! I remember headcanons of him being the weakest out of the three. I mean that could still happen, but the fact that he carried Leland in which who knows how much he weights, and threw him out of the window. Damn.
But they're still falling though, that's not good. I doubt Blaine will die for that matter. It would be wasteful. He barely had his redemption arc. I'm thinking either he uses Leland to break his fall, or Nell's premonition about the tent save him. But the forest is a little far though... Oh! Or maybe, because the pastel kingdom is full of hills, they would fall and roll down towards the tent! That's a possibility!
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That's it for now. See ya next chapter!
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts. Please actually tell me your thought on this because I NEED answers and theories. Also psychology analization will actually make me go insanely happy)
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So....the KFP4 plot huh? WHEW! I really needed DAYS to process all this & uh...I think I’m finally ready to talk about it?
Also before I start saying anything please note that I may share few more EXTRA details. Where did I get the details? Welllll? I may have cheated & decided to spoil myself a bit to get more stuff out. Although I promise I’m not gonna share any images & go deep to spoil movie. To be honest I myself only managed to get like only 5% extra details. Also reason I had to spoil myself to dig this deep by talking with the person who got this stuff personally from CinemaCon is that I’ve seen a lot posts saying most of you all have GIVEN UP on the franchise after the plot news was out. Granted some of the plot is not making sense. I myself had to read like 100x to process all in. But giving up on the franchise? I still can’t do that. KFP has a special place in my heart. I’m not saying I’m here to rescue by giving you guys hope. Instead I’d highly suggest you all to keep the expectations low....LIKE REAL LOW! The higher we’re setting the bar the more disappointing results we’re gonna get. Some things so far I found does give us a little hope of light & some are well....meh?  
So first let’s just start with the villain herself. The Chameleon. Turns Kate Mckinnon is voicing the villain & her design so far is actually not bad? So far it actually looks good. Only way I could describe her looks is that she’s giving me a bit Shen mixed with bit of Viper vibes. Elegance is the only word I can describe her. Since its only a storyboard image sadly. Its not even a concept art image. 
As for her abilities/powers! Ooooh I hate Dreamworks here for baiting us saying this Chameleon can ‘summon’ the old villains. I know they’re doing this for keeping this a surprise or something idk but whatever the CinemaCon fans saw are completely different from the whole summoning idea. Apparently turns out she IS THE ONE HERSELF who can turn into TAI LUNG, SHEN & KAI. SHE’S A SHAPESHIFTER! Which is no surprise since she is a Chameleon & they’re known for changing colors. So I really don’t see the point why Dreamworks made movie news blogs & reports saying & using the word “SUMMON” which is completely different from “Shapeshifting”? Another thing this is gonna disappoint a lot of Tia Lung, Shen & Kai fans because i’ve seen a lot over excited fans who are waiting for a rematch Especially a Po vs Tai Lung. I’m so sorry guys but these guys are not coming back. They originals are dead DEAD!
She’s also gonna shift into one of Po’s biggest challenger yet too. I’m not mentioning this one this is worth saving it for the movie or the trailer. I hope they save this surprise of the MOVIE ONLY
So far for me the villain actually does sound & look promising. Whoever came up with Chameleon shapeshifting idea is actually pretty darn smart. My only concern is that she doesn’t become one of jokester type villains since its Kate Mckinnon who’s voicing. So yeah...that’s the villain info
Now for the fox character Chen?Zhen?Zhan?Chan? LMAO y’all have no idea how many different spellings I had to come across to get this character info! The funny part is people are even changing the fox’s gender in some articles which is really weird because its Awkwafina who is gonna voice her. So far we only know that she’s gonna be shown as a thief first? And later as Po’s student? Her design? No idea. For now. 
Judging by Awkwafina’s past animated characters like Sisu & Ms Tarantula I’m assuming the character might be some playful, sneaky, childish, cunning type of a fox character since the fox is gonna be introduced first as thief? idk this is just my thoughts? Bonus if she turns out to be some annoying teenager or young adult who would try to get on Po’s nerves during their adventure.Kinda to give Po taste of his own medicine & realize how difficult it is for Shifu & Tigress who has to deal with Po’s shenanigans. 
Also I won’t be surprised if the Fox too has some very similar backstory like Po or Tigress. I’m really getting a feeling the story is gonna be about misunderstood fox who most likely could be either an orphan or abandon by family/villagers or something
Okay so now comes the plot. We all know that Po is gonna get promoted to higher master position & he has to find new Dragon Warrior...yaddy-yaddy-yadda!  Apparently their gonna show Po finding Chen/Zhen/Zhan/Chan (SOMEONE PLEASE CONFIRM WHAT’S HER REAL SPELLING!) in the museum where Po is....patrolling? (i’ll be honest this info is a little confusing because I really don’t see why Po of all people is patrolling at the museum especially since now he’s in a bigger position....like why?) So after he finds her & catches her & stuff & she tells about Chameleon & later go on this adventure (Oop! Dragon Knight plot?) to city where the Chameleon resides & here comes the typical Mike Mitchell writing. Take a wild guess what the city is gonna filled with? We had got Wolves for the Gongmen City right? Now what could be MORE DANGEROUS THAN WOLVES? Hmmmmm? Well.....
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This really reminds me of one episode in LoA where Po had to deal with his past bully which was also a BUNNY! Funny part of that episode was that even Tigress had hard time believing Po couldn’t fight his bully bunny enemy & constantly reminded Po how tiny the bunny is which pissed & offended Mantis off. Anyways back to the main topic.
Now I’m not gonna sugar coat this one. The plot STILL very much does sound very off & very animated series level of writing. Also the person has confirmed this movie is gonna have more of comedy BUT (here’s the hopeful part or at least I’m hoping) the thing is all this info is just like 10 or 20% of the plot. There could be chances that we could still get some emotional stuff since Dreamworks is known for hiding & saving the emotional stuff strictly only for the movie. Remember Puss In Boots? The trailer gives us more of action & the idea of the plot meanwhile the scenes like Puss feeling guilty about not attending his own wedding, the anxiety scene, Goldie’s wish scene & Perrito’s back story all this was saved for the movie. So yeah I am still keeping 5% hope we do get some heavy stuff especially if this movie really does turn out to be the FINAL CHAPTER. Who knows that those storyboards were only the main stuff just to give idea & furious five too MIGHT be there during the adventure but their all split up or something? Idk man I’m just saying.
Where is Shifu? Furious Five? Po’s dads? The Other Pandas? OKAY....uh...so far uh....sadly I’ve no freaking idea where the hell are Po’s dads or the pandas? I’m just gonna assume all the pandas have settled down in Valley of Peace & living regular lives. Po’s dads I’m assuming running the restaurant? There’s sadly no info on this one. Although I really wished his dads would’ve played important role in this one since its gonna be lot difficult for Po to take in his new position & to pass his Dragon Warrior title. 
As for Shifu & the Five. We are gonna get them but we’re told they’re NOT gonna be part of the adventure or what so far the storyboards was shown at Cinema Con din’t have much of them. I am still like 3% hopeful for this one since the guy mentioned these were only the boards which were shown there could be chances the changes can be made. But if the movie really is only focusing on Po, the fox & the Chameleon than I’m assuming we might get very few cut scenes of Furious Five & Shifu. Back & forth scenes like they did in KFP3. Either that or the Furious Five are having some other separate mission & hence that’s why Po decides to go solo with the fox. 
Now for the big question; Why isn’t Po giving his Dragon Warrior title to any from the Furious Five? Especially to Tigress?! OH BOY! When I came across the articles saying Po is gonna have to find new Dragon Warrior replacement my mind too immediately went on Tigress! HECK! EVEN MY MOM SAID THIS! Also I had the whole KFP1 movie flashed in front of my eyes Especially the scene of Tai Lung screaming at Shifu telling him about how he filled Tai Lung's head with Dragon Warrior dreams & trained him hard till his bones cracked & Shifu & The Furious Five being sour & bitter towards Po in beginning...I understand now...I FREAKING UNDERSTAND THE PAIN THEY WERE GOING THROUGH TO PROCESS THE FACT THAT THEY ALL TRAINED THE HELL OUT OF THEMSELVES FOR THIS DAMN TITLE EVEN GOING TO EXTEND THE GET THEIR BONES CRACKED & END UP GETTING NOTHING & instead some random noodle folk panda fell from the sky with no whatsoever kung fu skills gets the title...YUP I UNDERSTAND THE RAGE NOW. AND THIS SHIT IS HAPPENING ALL OVER AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD THIS DRAGON WARRIOR TITLE IS SUCH A FREAKING CURSE!! GODDAMN OOGWAY!!
BUT...BUT...Here's the thing what we also see is that Five...ESPECIALLY TIGRESS never had that desperate goal for Dragon Warrior title in the first place. We all know at this point well aware that Tigress only wanted to get the Dragon Warrior title is because she wanted to make Shifu proud but after seeing Shifu finally being more compassionate and the older playful self again thanks to Po. Tigress doesn't hold that grudge or jealousy anymore towards Po. Which same goes for the five since they were already warming up towards Po before Shifu & Tigress.  
I know most of us & myself deep down all wanted Tigress to get the title since she has gone through hell the most right from her Bao Gu days but Tigress has made it very much clear that she's moved on from the whole wanting Dragon Warrior title and she's become her own warrior
Now in Tai Lung's case. Even though Tai Lung says he did all that training to make Shifu proud but it was clear that Tai Lung was already blinded & thirsty for the Dragon Warrior power the most (Thanks to Shifu). Heck! Shifu himself admits this that his pride blinded him so badly he turned Tai Lung into a monster.
So yeah I know right now we're all disappointed that Po isn't giving his title to any of the furious five but to some random fox (who is a thief...wow..nice choice Po) but let's not forget that's how even Po's story started & we'll just have to wait & watch to see Po taking Shifu's role as master & trains this fox character. 
Also I’ll make a separate post on how Chen?Zhen?Zhan?Chan? (I SERIOUSLY STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HER REAL SPELLING IS) on how she could earn the Dragon Warrior title. That’s not gonna be a spoiler post that is just gonna be an analyzing post or how I can see it happening
And lastly can we trust Mike Mitchell?...OOOOOH BOY! Judging by his past projects I would say it’s a little concerning but lets not forget even Joel Crawford had made some not so very successful projects in the past as well & years later Puss In Boots 2 became one of his best & successful projects yet. I’m not so concern of Mike my main concern is what exactly happen to Jennifer Yuh Nelson for not being part of this so sudden? I remember in interview she had mentioned if she really decided to make all 6 chapters like Jeffrey Katzenberg suggested she really wanted to make a complete beautiful necklace franchise for Po’s journey! Heck to be honest the third movie itself WAS ENOUGH AS A PERFECT END TO THE CHAPTER! It really did give us a perfect trilogy I honestly don’t know why or what made them to give us fourth. This whole retiring thing & passing on torch has been a very common plot trend in most animated/anime/comic medias lately. Anyways. Too late now. Lets see how this chapter turns out.
So....uh..yeah I guess that's it? I tried my best to keep this post with some positive stuff just to you know...lighten up? The thing is we can't say much anything right now because the movie is still in beginning/mid (storyboarding) stage. Its still too early. Changes still can happen hence we cant say much yet. Jack himself mentions that its too early for the trailer. So yeah its very common at times last moments some ideas could have changes.
Only word of advice to the pandom I'm gonna give is be a little more patient. I myself needed DAYS to process & break it down. If we have waited this long we just going to have to wait a little longer. My guess on getting the first teaser we could most likely get it in... August or September (this year)? I'm calculating according to how we got Puss In Boots trailer. The trailer was released in June & the movie was released in December.
We just gonna have to play the waiting game a little long & PRAY!! LOTS & LOTS OF PRAYERS (& INNER PEACE) THIS MOVIE DOESN'T RUIN THE FRANCHISE!! That is all for now. Feel free to share your thoughts or can private DM me!
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codenjoyer · 1 year
anyways. some small ideas for a highly self-indulgent werewolf au.
GHOST - cascade mountain wolf (this specific "breed" i guess?? of wolf is extinct btw), bc he will forever be a red head in my mind & they were described as cinnamon-coloured. - second largest of the pack, usually seen as the secondary leader next to price due to his rank - he does not like his werewolf form due to the fact that it reminds him of his father, and the things he'd done to him as a young pup just finding out he could shift.
SOAP - human, knows about ghost being a werewolf, but not price (so far). - has some suspicions about price being a werewolf - definitely thinks that gaz is also a werewolf (only to later find out he's not) - makes a lot of werewolf puns around ghost (& later price when he finds out) - has definitely found ghost out in the woods as a werewolf & just chucks his clothes at him "put ur fucking clothes on, wtf are u doing out here simon" - image of charlie day with the information board "EVERYONE, EXCEPT ME, IS A WEREWOLF"
GAZ - human, unaware that price & ghost are werewolves - more of a "i don't believe in werewolves" kinda guy - that is until he sees one of them shift in front of him, then he's just like "what the absolute FUCK" - most people, even other werewolves, assume that he is one bc he has a lot of werewolf-y traits; this just comes from the fact that he was (unknowingly) raised by a werewolf.
PRICE - labrador wolf (i just think price would be a very fluffy wolf tbh, no other reason for this) - oldest & third biggest member of the pack (was the second biggest before könig stumbled in) - following actual wolf pack structure, he has adopted soap & gaz as his own & treats them as if they were his kids on occasion. he's tried to do the same with ghost, but ghost was not having it. - price finding gaz like "what the fuck is that?? is that a human?? a werewolf?? lemme go check him out"
ALEJANDRO - mexican wolf, but he's unusually big for a species of werewolf that is usually pretty small - while he understands that rudy is human, he honestly sees rudy more as another werewolf due to the wolfishness rudy picked up from him inadvertently. - has 100% tried to court rudy like he would another werewolf, but later remembered that rudy is not another werewolf (totally not embarrassing for him)
RUDOLFO - human, he knows ale is a werewolf, he doesn't really care too much. - they grew up together, so he also has some wolf-y traits he picked up from ale. - he knows ale views him more as a werewolf due to a time when they both sat down for a drink, ale told him just about everything. he tries his best to emulate werewolf traits bc of this, he doesn't want ale to feel like he's alone as a werewolf (even though ale kind of is bc - as far as rudy is aware - there are no other werewolves, besides ale's family, where they are from.)
KÖNIG - eurasian wolf or steppe wolf?? idk what to make him - largest, big fluff guy. fur out the wazoo - very intimidated by his own strength around humans, he does not want to hurt people inadvertently, unless they give him a reason too - hes got one of those dog sweaters that just says "anxious" on it, thanks to soap - doesn't know where he exactly fits in with the 141, price seems to be nice, but ghost is very standoffish with him, gaz reminds him of a wolf but is human?? and soap... well, hes basically off limits for friendship with the way ghost hovers around him.
GRAVES - technically not a werewolf, he is a werecoyote - he just has those kinda vibes. idk what it is. - i dont have any other ideas for this bitch (/aff), hes just coyote - hates that he is a werecoyote & not a werewolf, he has some issues. (definitely gets made fun of behind his back, mostly werewolves referring to him as "werechihuahua" bc of how small he is when in his were form)
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pray4byron · 3 months
Love the blog theme and colours! Esp the header. Can I get a HH matchup? The description is mostly pasted from another ask I did before, but like, I really don't have a new way do describe myself. Idk if this is as bad as sending the same propmp to two blogs, lmk cause I don't want to be disrespectful here
★Gender and pref: I’m a he/she and choose how I present myself based on the setting bc I’m not that open with ppl (yeah, it’s important to express yourself but realistically that won’t get me far in certain settings in my country); no gender pref but I’m not too fond of some writing choices when it comes to women in Viv’s works, depends on a character though
★Looks: my style has a rockstar gf vibe? Sometimes softer colours too. I'm 5’7, athletic but not ripped, gray eyes and wavy blonde hair. Ironically (in this context) lots of ppl call me an angel/angelic-looking. Not going to lie, that feeds into my ego a little bit but I don't really get what they mean. I wear makeup too, love the fox eye trend
★Personality, hobbies: I’m social and extroverted. Usually that leaves me as a leader of whatever group I’m in. I have a little bit of a hater in me, but I don’t show it if ppl don’t encourage it. I do like when it’s being enabled though. It’s not convenient when you’re in a position where ppl ask you for opinions and actually follow your guide, yk, if I manage an event I’m not going to go around shit talking everything. It feels nice to have someone who does that though, makes it easier to join in and not feel like a jerk (or at least be jerks together I guess??). I write my own songs and am in a band as a backup vocal. Kinda proud that it’s my band but I need to get better until I step up as anything more. I’m a bit of a perfectionist. I like to tease ppl if given the opportunity. Others say I’m flirty. Bold with it at that. I’m ambitious too. Kind of a big thing but I have npd (if you want to look it up without reading scientific papers, go on tumblr, the rest of the internet is filled with ‘demonic narcissism’ bullshit) and it influences the way I am. I care lots about my image and don’t have a ton of empathy. I don’t go kicking puppies, but it’s noticeable how I lack in this department. Sometimes people say I’m ’too nice to have it’ 🙄 cause i do well with kids and do all the youth group volunteering. Also, I do some martial arts and other sports. Kinda sceptical of romance at this point cause I had lots of it and I don’t mix well with a lot of people, but maybe I could do something serious for once if I had the right person. I try to be responsible and respectful but I have no issue finding my place at a wild party or something. I'm pretty chill in general, but I can be soft-er if I want, like with children or if the few ppl I‘m close with (I've got many friend groups but I struggle to make meaningful connections) need me. Usually I just stay my highly analytical, laid back self and say my silly little comments every once in a while. Heard I’m pretty funny if I want to be. My love language is acts of service. I like small things and I do them a lot. I can do words too, but I don't care for them in return. Like, you can be an asshole (up to a limit, I know my worth) and it’s cool with me if I see you have your ways of caring like putting on a song I like in the car
★❤️&💔: love movies like Fight Club (my fav), American Psycho and Donnie Darko; hate sharks, they freak me out; my fav book is The Catcher in the Rye; hate it when people push me to open up and be emotional; love music and I unironically had a few guys play songs AT me and I actually like that too, tho I get why ppl clown on it
★My type: I like people who are more negative than me and aren't afraid to shittalk everything. Just saying whatever, not caring if they offend ppl (up to a point, some issues aren’t debatable ik). They have to be somewhat funny. Just… not serious all the time at least. Don't really care for morality (to a certain point, again) if you're charismatic and fun to be around, I’m along for the ride and happy to support whatever you get yourself into. I think I would get along with someone who had a little npd too, I like to be able to relate to my partner a bit. If they work somewhat similarly, I don't have to struggle with understanding some stuff, bc I already know how to manage an ego or grandiose behavior. As for looks. Idk, I don’t have a set type. I think maybe ppl that are bigger than me? I’m pretty athletic so it’s not hard, but I guess that’s been a pattern? Also, I do enough of leading as is so in relationships, I don’t mind watching from the side and supporting whatever my partner is doing
first of all, thx!! my blog is all lute themed because i love her sm haha, also imo it’s not disrespectful so dw, but if some other blog gives you crap, i gotchu, anyway this was such a hard tie between quite a few characters, but here’s who i decided to pair you with…
Angel Dust !!
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I was debating so hard between him, Husk, or Charlie — but decided with Angel cause he’s a happy medium imo
I feel like you and Angel can bond well, but under the correct conditions and circumstances, like you both have been through shit and it sucked — and it probably still has a tight grip on you today, but you guys give each other the boost to keep trucking along, you’re each others reasons to get out of bed each day, each others cheerleaders for lack of a better term
You definitely enjoy Angel because he’s not afraid to talk a bit of shit, but he’s also not as serious as Husk, he can have a good time, he also matches your flirty energy a lot so you guys kinda just bounce comebacks and random shit off eachother
Angel is ALL IN for your “rockstar + angelic partner” look, thinks it’s hot asf, genuinely thinks you were in Heaven at one point or another because of how undeniably beautiful you are
Angel also enjoys the kickass hater in you, you guys could sit and gossip and talk shit for several hours, but you both kinda keep eachother in check from going too far — especially infront of others
Despite Hazbin being a musical, I’d like to think Angel is canonically a good singer, because cmon, how could he not be with a VA like Blake Roman?? So he could easily sing at and/or for you, bitch would serenade you😩😩
Also bro finds the fact that you hate sharks hilarious asf, I could see him deciding to be a little fucker and getting you a shark plush as a gag/joke gift on Christmas or smth (or I guess Hellsmas?? Idfk.)
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azureaqua · 2 years
Final Showdown! (a.k.a Last of the Ikemen artbreeder series, the Ikesen guys - Pt. 1)
Yay, I'm not dead! Or I have just risen from the dead.
After nearly 2 months I've made the Ikesen guys too. Let me tell you, this was the hardest & longest one tbh. I had to make asian portraits only and there were 17 guys in total, so yeah, it took some time.
(It's also kind of funny how - unintentionally - I did my 3 main Ikemen games in a certain order; the way the suitors' number grow each time lol.)
I'm not sure if I'm as satisfied with this batch as I want to be, despite the time and effort, but all together they look nice! So let's get into it!
Part 2 here!
• Maeda Keiji
(So, at first Keiji was Shingen's prototype, if you will. Mainly because of the hair and its color. Also his basic features were good; like the smokey, smouldering eyes, nicely curved eyebrows and mouth, and stronger cheekbones and jaw. (Idk, I always imagined Shingen having really nice and defined cheekbones in real life haha.) But in the end, he looked a bit too young, I guess? Shingen - historically - but even in the game IS one of the older guys, so I wanted to make him even more mature. And then I looked at this prototype and because of the hair's shape Keiji came to mind and in the end, I think I did the right thing.)
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• Kennyo
(I admit it, he was - surprisingly - one of the easiest ones. I was genuinely worried that he'll be hard to recapture because of the harsh scar and grimace on his face, and again; the older-man look. I guess I just got lucky with the bases? Other than his scar that I had to draw on, I didn't touch up anything. His design is the most Asian-like in my opinion with the 'everything black' theme going on with his hair and eyes lol.)
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• Tokugawa Ieyasu
(He wasn't as hard either, than some of my other edits, but I couldn't get him right the first time. He was okay, but really, not the best effort. His face was just off - it was way too soft. Ieyasu is young, perhaps one of the youngest of them all, but he has an uninterested scowling expression on him almost all the time, so I guess that makes him appear more mature in general. But I'm definitely satisfied with him, and his emerald green eyes look super nice!)
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• Uesugi Kenshin
(Well, he's one of those that I'm not exactly sure about. At one point he seems accurate, but then just so off-track of his game avatar so I genuinely don't know what to think. He has a harder stare and more grown-up look and features than Ieyasu, so they are not the same base. Although, while making them, I was thinking of using them for each other, since they are very similar with the blonde hair and cold, uninterested stares. But he came out pretty and kind of unreachable, noble-like! And they definitely describe him as so in the game so it's a win?!)
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• Sarutobi Sasuke
(It was a two-part thing again, since he's that ONE character who wears glasses lol. Editing on specs in a way that looks good AND appropriate for the character is hard. Although for Faust, I think I really did a good job and probably won a lotto or something that it came out so good. But I think Sasuke isn't as bad either! His eyes and hair are fairly simple, but achieving that stoic, blank expression was the real deal in the end. But it worked, he looks smart, like a real moderately awesome ninja!)
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• Date Masamune
(He was difficult, especially since I had to imagine the eyepatch on him every time. It makes a big difference, trust me. This isn't the original edit of him, on second tries I always do a better job to be honest. By then I realized that his cheerful and reckless expression was missing and tried to give him a wider smile and sharper eyes and he indeed came out super handsome with those plus touches! His eyepatch is drawn on by me again, but even that can't ruin this image!)
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• Mori Ranmaru
(I struggled with him the most, I feel like? His baby-like features, overly cheerful smile and big eyes was hard to achieve... Somewhat. I don't think I did him justice. Also, I admit that I mixed female prototypes into him, mainly because of the hair, but also since in the game they mention it a lot of times that he's considered really beautiful and feminine. All-in-all, I think he's precious nonetheless!)
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• Akechi Mitsuhide
(I'm also not quite satisfied with him, because I think at some point I had a better base for his face and hair, but in the end when I tried mixing with that one or just reconstructing it, it didn't come out so well. And in itself that piece wasn't good enough, so yeah, that's why we ended up here. He could use some more work, but I wasn't exactly sure where? From a close up he feels decent though, so maybe it's some kind of black magic. I also like his expression and his floofy white hair, I'm happy that I could achieve such a nice, pure color!)
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What do you guys think so far? How did I do?
(Don't forget to look at Part 2, with the other guys in it!)
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nebulanewts · 1 year
Well,here I am posting about LL news again,this time w/ the new Hasunosora / Link! Like! Love Live! gals :] since we now have more information on them bc of this stream that happened earlier
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Here’s their 2d art! From what I saw in the stream,it seems like they’ll have 3D models in the game which is,,to be expected but still a little odd,I like the art style,it’s different but still kind of Love Live-y if that makes sense?? Anyways,here’s their names and my general first impressions of their personalities so far
From left to right:
Hinoshita Kaho - 1st year,yellow image color,overall from what I can tell is the genki leader but in a kind of Chika / Kanon mix kind of way?? It feels weird to compare new idols with older generations,but idk how else to put it she’s cheerful and positive but is also slightly more reserved if that makes sense…I also thought that she might like flower arrangement / might come from a family that owns a flower arranging business OR just likes flowers idk I might have misunderstood it somehow but she might
Otomune Kozue - 2nd year,mint / teal image color,kind of a ojou-sama type?? Which idk if we’ve really had before besides maybe Maki? Idk but she’s very reserved and calm,Kaho seems to look up to her a lot and she teases Kaho a bit back about not studying bc she takes studying and idol practicing,but yeah I think their dynamic is rlly cute so far
Murano Sayaka - 1st year,blue image color and oh my god she’s BABY!!!! Potentially one of my favorites out of these girls,she’s a little softer and shy (??) but she wants to try her best!! Yes I’m biased bc idol characters like her are usually the ones that become my favorites,but listen she’s just so CUTE ok like her design,her personality,her VOICE all of it is great (+ also she’s really good at figure skating which from what we know fits her super well plus she might know Tsuzuri from figure skating?? Idk)
Yugiri Tsuzuri - 2nd year,red image color and I literally said to myself “guess we gotta have a tbh creature girl every generation now” fndjdj there’s no other way to describe her I also like her a lot so far,she’s mysterious and quiet but also kind of silly and has a lot of gap moe…sort of like more mature Rina,idk how else to put it she’s rlly cute and again her + Sayaka have a super cute dynamic like they both help each other out of their shells in a way?? But Sayaka also spoils her a lot and reveals this less serious side to her too,I like it a lot also her voice sounds similar to Moca from Bandori which I think is nice
Osawa Rurino - 1st year,pink image color and well…we got our Nico / Kasumi / Natsumi type,she’s super energetic and a little bit smug?? Calls herself Ruri,uses a lot of English and knows a lot about idols or at least wanting to make people happy through being an idol,she also gets teased a lot + is childhood friends w/ the next girl which is very cute,she also…really likes tokusatsu type shows?? That’s kind of interesting chdjdj maybe I heard that wrong
Fujishina Megumi - 2nd year,gray image color and I lied,SHE is my favorite so far like…she’s a little calmer but also pretty upbeat ; She also seems to know a lot about idols,fashion and wanting to spread happiness through being an idol,plus also apparently isn’t good at studying (which…is a mood) and again,is Rurino’s childhood friend + understands her the most bc of this,listen the moment she said “Hi-Megu!” that’s when I decided she was already my favorite ok dndjdj
That being said,I’m pretty excited for these girls now that we know a little more about them! I look forward to knowing even more soon :] also it seems like the characters stream in the game?? So there WILL be a story in the game and we don’t have to like. Figure out the story through them talking about it while playing a game or something which is good cndjdj also a lot of people are saying the gameplay is similar to Uma Musume or Idolmaster which I can see why but yeah it’s definitely unique compared to the other series / games but we will see,it looks pretty fun and interesting so far
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djosource · 1 year
Joe Keery SAWU autograph signings
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general public will be live on December 1st at 1PM EST
you have several options to choose from. you have the “item from SAWU” store” option (which is usually a selection of funko pops and a variety of photos to choose from) or “send-in type item” which you can send an item of your choosing in to be signed and sent back to you. 
you also have signing options from pen color to certain customizations, which these also are additional charges. (pen color is usually the standard black, green, blue, silver chrome and gold) 
you have the option of getting a signature plus character name, a custom message or a quote up to 8 words (again, each add on is a different price so if you got a character name plus a custom message that would create a new total. EXAMPLE: base price could be 200. a character name add on could be an additional 50 dollars which would make the total 250. if you added the character option plus a custom message that would jump from 250 to possibly 300. I say possibly because each actor on SAWU has different base prices as well as different add on prices so as of this moment of me typing this up we do not know joe’s pricings. either the actors agent sets the prices or discusses it with them I’m really not sure but all I know is david harbour did this previously and the base price was 100 so it’s not too crazy. major actors like robert downy jr. had a base price of I think 300. again this info is totally useless right now because as I’m typing this up we don’t know joes pricings but I’d say no more than 150 for a base price we could get lucky with an 80 dollar base price here’s to manifesting) 
examples of options:
personalization: to Alyssa
character name: Steve, Keys, Kurt, etc. (honestly idk if djo would also be considered a character but I guess you could) 
quote: “pretty damn good babysitter” 
keep in mind if you select a funko there isn’t much space to write a whole lot so I would stick with just a signature or the simple personalization  
each item is a different price- funkos are one price and then different sizing of photos are different prices. (limited quantities for funkos so if you cannot purchase this then those are sold out) 
first select your photo size
on the side (or scroll down a little if on your phone) there will be links to the photo options. click on the links and each photo will have an ID descriptive name on it. copy and paste the name of the one you want and plug that into the PHOTO ID section. 
then select ink color. depending on what image you’ve selected, keep in mind what will show up best. for darker photos silver is usually the way to go- if it’s a lighter photo black or blue or green are all good options. 
describe what your item is (if you’re sending a vinyl sleeve for example, say that. if it’s a funko, a magazine cover, etc.)
if you’re sending your vinyl sleeve or a funko, please don’t send it with the item! keep your vinyl or funko at home and just send the sleeve or box, this way if by some fiasco it was lost or damaged at least your actual item is safe with you at home. 
then select your add ons if desired. 
here’s the full how to down below for item send in. 
(taken direct from website) 
Step 1: Place an order.
Step 2: Print a copy of your receipt to include with your send in package.
Step 3: Label your items accordingly, don’t forget things like pen color and personalization. Be sure to read our guide on how to get your items ready for a SWAU send in, this step is very important!
Step 4: Securely package your labeled items and sales receipt and mail to the following address:
SWAU Re: LUNA 362 Gulf Breeze Pkwy #403 Gulf Breeze, FL 32561 USA
any other questions can be found on SAWU’s FAQ page
this is just my basic understanding of how this website works all questions should be sent to them and not me! just wanted to type this up to help people out for a smooth time at check out. 
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iwillstealyoursalt · 3 months
Characters for a project I've been working on for a bit
Quick Note: There are two non-made characters, and also this project was originally supposed to be a fighting game but like i dont have the coding knowledge for that so it might be a comic or askblog or something idk the only thing ik for sure is that itll have multiple characters and that a certain character who i havent modeled yet has just been grabbing people from random worlds and putting them here. ik its not the most original plot but shush These are being shown from Oldest to Newest! also be warned these names are VERY bad since they were supposed to be placeholders but i got too attached ALSO ONE OF THE CHARACTERS IS MADE OF RAW MEAT, CARTOONY SIMPLIFIED BLOCKY RAW MEAT BUT BE AWARE STARTING WITH JEWELLE!
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shes uh,,, there ig. her torso was supposed to be kinda like a ring but that didnt show too well in the final design. She'd probably be a fast character reliant on slowly chipping away her opponent's health if it ends up as a fighting game
Then theres this ghost who's both unnamed and not rigged since this is actually a redesign (the old design was BAD) so shes not posed
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I imagine she'd have a gimmick where the lil statue inside her chest is the only thing that can be hit THEN THERES THE LEGALLY MANDATED JOKE CHARACTER SMOOCHITHA THE 9TH
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yeah she uh,,,,,, she exists
Also there's Cadence (Also a remodel but i had the energy to rig & pose her)
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She'd probably be tankier and rely more on status effects
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She'd probably be a glass cannon or something my brain is goopifying by the minute im sorry Salmonella
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sje uhm,,,, she uh uhhmm she uhhhhhhhh Then there's Alexandria
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Since I LOVE characters with symbol faces I tried to give her one but uhhhh it didnt turn out as intended. it was supposed to look like a scribble bc of his writing theme but it just looks like she has a line for a face aiosdaoisdioasd. anyways she'd mostly be a sorta trap-builder sorta character i guess idk how else to describe it
Then there's Gingersnap! (be warned she was modeled bc she was on the list of characters I said I would model but hadn't yet and I wanted that list to be smaller so she's a bit rushed. yes this makes a likely remodel candidate sorry)
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she'd be a tankier heavy-hitter sorta character or something im tired
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yeah uhhhh i think her kit would be pretty funky and weird but if you use her right she could be pretty strong,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, yeah Anyways de-smooched smoochitha as a bonus
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strawberryamanita · 2 years
Okay, I'm not much of a seamstress, but I had an idea for a fun little hoodie you could make by upcycling a plushie! idk how well it would work, but here's my idea(I'm putting it here instead of my doll blog because I know it'll get to more people, and idk how many of my followers can sew themselves 👀):
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I'm kinda organizing this set of pictures as like an equation, just so people can understand what I'm tryna get at. idk if I really need to ID the pictures, because I'm about to describe the process using them all anyhow:
So the image on the left would be the materials you'd start with. Get a plushie of just about any size. Big plushes for big dolls, little plushes for little dolls. It'd probably be easiest to work with one that's filled only with cotton stuffing, but if you're feeling extra ambitious I don't see why you couldn't take the fur off an animatronic toy, like a Tickle Me Elmo. It'd also probably be best to work with a bipedal plush, especially if you're making a hoodie for a bipedal doll, but I certainly wouldn't stop you from getting more ✨️experimental✨️ with it.
The middle picture is a pic of a hoodie template(website sources are on the screenshot to cite where I got them). You'd have to cut off the parts of the plush that don't fit the template -- cut off the hands, cut off the legs (that you can then save and make into fuzzy pants!), cut off the face and pull out the cotton stuffing.
You can keep the ears or other appendages, though, because then that'll lead to the image on the right. There's some really cute animal-eared hoodies for people of all ages, and you can get creative with what parts you keep and what parts you throw away. Maybe take the fabric from the hands/feet and make little pockets? Sky's the limit, honestly!
That's all I got for this, really. Sewing seems pretty simple and intuitive when I watch videos of people making this and that out of fabric, but I respect the skill and talent you need to make something nice, and can only offer a superficial idea for a piece rn. If you end up making a plush hoodie for a doll, I'd love to be tagged in your work so I can see what you've made!
If you made it this far into the post -- thank you for reading! 💟
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knowlessman · 8 months
okay, so iirc they rescued the nerf-dart kid (…the kid they were making the darts-that-nerf out of) who is actually a time anomaly kid and everyone's in the hospital. oh shit, and mr future sight is dead, and also maybe all might isn't going to die (he's totally gonna buy it in either the season finale or next season), anyway bhna s4e15-19
oh fuck, and the league of villains tortured overhaul and like took his hands I think. heh, he turned into a resident evil boss but then got ethan winters'd. it's like, a pun or something
new OP, huh. anime is so weird about when it gets new OP's… wait, is this an old one? they've had that splash image or whatnot at the end before, with the band instruments. beh. go figure
hm. slendervest going rogue?
sudden Firefly-ass guitar riff o_0
"have you heard rumors of a wild man living in this area?" don't tell me you're banking on bigfoot to come rescue you -- oh my gawd it is bigfoot. well, biggerfoot. cept he seems to be made of rock -- "one of All for One's faithful servants… Gigantosquatchia"
(togata) "I have what Nighteye predicted with his Foresight! I know I'll get my Quirk back!" …this is pessimistic, but you have what he told you when he used it. still, it's good to see somebody talk about "I'm not going to cry" without it being because of toxic masculinity or appearances or something; like, togata actually feels hope and in any case believes in Nighteye's ideal of, like… idfk, nontoxic positivity? hard to describe
heh. figures bigfoot would get away
(bakugo and todoroki at remedial license training thingy) oh boy, endeavor has something to say -- HAHAHAHA DAMN RIGHT, HANG UP ON HIS ASS ZUKO
huh. forgot about Ed from the dodgeball arc. aughta be interesting.
…uh-oh, is this vampire girl again? : /
and mr meatball. I guess meatball is double-d
(back view of shady characters) oh shit it's the league of villai - oh nvm that's just principal tiredman from the dodgeball arc
(new end theme) who the fuck is this guy, why does he have all might's hair. don't try and tell me this is all might, all might's eyes have no wossname, sclera I think? all might is a bionicle, this is just a normal guy. cosplayer maybe
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pfft, forgot ed's backstory was that endeavor mr incredible'd him 'XD like, some celebrities are just gonna be dicks about it, okay? attention is power, and power corrupts
okay so yeah this is how vampire girl gets a bigger part in the show then. …shit, she must have the real camie in a cellar somewhere, that sucks : / -- "but because of her foggy memory of the days before the exam…" so it could not be knife-girl? …it's gotta be knife-girl tho. -- wait shit they know that vampire girl replaced her??? …the league - I mean the cops know knife girl's quirk, right? maybe the league guessed that they would've figured it out anyway, and - but whatever tests they did on camie to find the anesthetics probably would've revealed the switch if vampire girl was impersonating here agin, right? fuck dude idfk, I give up
(orca doing a drill sergeant routine) 'XD wtf did the mangaka watch full metal jacket before writing this bit
…I guess babysitting will teach you patience if nothing else will? or at least that's the thinking here?
okay, bakugo and the kids have baited each other into fighting now, looks like lawsuit o'clock (to say nothing of camie)
the whole overarching "the age of heroes is over, it's the age of villains now" theme is, like… idk this is just a weird show
quirk… singularity… doomsday. …okay, I guess that's a thing now??? (are we gonna get eugenics-y about this, I thought the show was being pretty good about not doing that)
"is this bad? are you saying I'm just sitting here watching things get bad and doing nothing?" YES, orca, most of these superpowers are lethal fucking weapons, there are no responsible goddamn adults in this entire show -- also why are your eyes so fucking scary, do real whales have sarlacc pits where their eyes should be?
"the rest of you also did a good job" you mean the six or so kids in this class whose names and even vague deals we still don't know? only like four characters even got screentime
"strange things started happening" : / already thought laserguts was kind of annoying. is… ? considering Magne, I've got a bad feeling about this -- (the literal next scene) ugh, fucking hell, yeah this is gonna suck -- ("I know") I already have assumptions about how this's gonna be taken and how it's gonna turn out to have been intended and like, okay, if I'm right, it's stupid in a way that could be funny but it's also still creepy and laserguts is still officially not positive representation
meanwhile midnight is teaching a school class while carrying a… what, cat o nine tails? a fucking bdsm whip, idk. while carrying that around. this is such a weird fucking show
aoyama I hate you. weewoo tier. gonna call the bad-lgbt-rep police on your ass. whaddaya mean lgbt police is a contradiction in terms, fuck off
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-- do I need to know what that french phrase is that he carved into it? …nah, I don't. I really don't.
"it's because we both have quirks that mess up our bodies!" …I guess that could've been worse? thank fuck it's over, at least
school festival stuffs. idk, no comment
(visiting eri, flashing back to the whole brouhaha of last arc) chisaki was a good villain. he made you want to hate him for, like, real reasons; he wasn't just directionless evil for its own sake or bizarrely pretentious, niche evil with incomprehensible motivations and its head up its own ass.
…who is this sean connery looking fucker. is he just here to try and do some clownery at the festival and get clowned on? ugh, fine, guess I'll watch the next one and find out -- ah. a libertarian. or something.
"the school festival is one month away!" …the fuck? y'all made it sound like you had a day. hat n clogs even said the deadline to figure out what you were gonna do would be like eighteen hours or so after you found out there'd be a festival.
aye, teachin him how to use… okay well I can't call it that… uh, the paper football attack. the finger gun. teachin im how to use that without breakin his fingers. and just in time to show it off against mr connery, I imagine.
…huh. looks like the festival arc takes up the entire rest of the season tho, so I'mma leave that for next time
0 notes
fuckingdilfsatm · 2 years
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Daddy omg
Hello there fella’s
So I just wanted to point out that I CANNOT for the life of me write fanfic. So my apologies if this doesn’t live up to your expectations :-(
This story takes place after Curtis got back from the NWH universe but his cure melt functioned and he turned back into his Lizard-form.
Trigger warnings: angst/ fluff/ cussing
You’re basically a half-lizard, and you live in the sewers of NYC, now being a reject of society. The Lizard visits his old home after returning from another universe. And then y’all just meet. (Sorry but idk how else to describe the story here)
There you are. Y/N. In the sewers of New York City. Or what you call home nowadays. Not even your family could look at you anymore… Not when you looked like this, monstrosity.
You can remember it as if it happend yesterday. The Lizard threw that… that curse around in the air.
Lucky you happend to walk passed at the wrong time and the wrong place, sniffing up that green shit that turned the cops into lizards right in front of your eyes. You ran away, quickly speeding home and trying to stop the green scales from growing on your body. You managed to make it stop after pouring every liquid your scientist-dad had in his lab into your mouth.
You sat there afterwards, panting like crazy from all the stress and fear. Your mangled body slumped over to your bedroom, which was located in the basement. The moment your head connected with the pillow, you passed out.
When you turned on the news the morning after, you saw that everyone was talking about some Curtis Connors. Your attention was already slipping, your hand almost pressing the button to turn of the TV, when the reporter said it.
“Thank you Cassidy. I am located just outside the Oscorp Tower, thè place where Doctor Curtis Connors tried to turn the entire city into lizards.”
Your body shifted, and you turned up the volume of the TV.
“-the antidote has been released into the city, causing victims to turn back to their normal, human self.”
Your feet were moving faster then you could comprehend, and you found yourself staring into the bathroom mirror in no time.
It was all fixed! You’re normal!
Hope and joy left your face as soon as your eyes met the image the mirror showed you. All the life seemed to leave you. You touched your head, your arm, pulled up your shirt- it was still there. The scales were still there. Your left eye, looked like the one of a lizard.
From there things escalated quickly. Your family thought you were a monster, and the police wanted to lock you up and do experiments on you.
Well at least, that’s what the voice said in your head. It speaks sometimes. The evil, sick voice, taunting you. Begging you to become fully Lizard or whatever.
You were snapped out of your thinking by heavy footsteps. You perked up. What the hell is this? You stood up, holding the metal pipe you had used as weapon sternly. Your feet didn’t make any sound in the undeep water as you slowly made your way to the source of the noise.
You’d learn how to live in the sewers, and how to take care of trespassers. So a weapon was necessary.
More footsteps could be heard now, accompanied with the sound of heavy breathing. That made you tighten the grip on the pipe.
Your head peeked around the corner carefully, begging that whoever was making that noise wasn’t looking in your direction right now.
You dropped the pipe, mouth agape. The thing you now knew as the Lizard, almost snapped it’s head. The two of you made eye contact. Your mind was pretty clear, just staring at the beast standing a few feet away from you.
“Who are you?” The Lizard spoke in a cautious way. God damn his voice is nice. “I uh, I’m Y/N,” the words came out much more insecure that you wanted them to sound. “Y/N…,” He spoke to himself, scanning the person in front of him. He noticed the scales, the eye which looked like his own and the quiete terrified look on your face.
Now, you’re not stupid. You know that the Lizard isn’t some brainless killing machine. After you came to live in the sewers permanently, you did a lot of research on Dr. Connors. The interviews he had in jail, and before that. The articles he wrote. Everything. By doing this you gained more information about the Lizard. (Seeing Curt can’t shut up about it)
“Mister Connors?” You asked quietly, not wanting to piss of the Lizard. He snapped out of his analysation of you, actually looking into your eyes for once.
“My apologies… I hadn’t expected anyone to be here,” You nod, understanding. “Perhaps we could, talk?” He tried to reason with you, a sympathetic look on his face. You nod again. “That’d be nice.”
The two of you arrived at his “lab”. It was still semi-destructed from last time he has visited here. There were pieces of broken glass over the floor. “Careful, please,” He says, bending down to clean up the glass shards. Well not really clean up, more shove it underneath his working benches with his claws. He hadn’t noticed you taking a seat on the ground, observing your surroundings as he was lost in thought.
When he arrived back on earth, he had to break out of prison. Somehow… he turned back into his lizard form. Everything was so chaotic, he forgot to take a breather. He looked at the person he’d just found in his “home”. They were obserbing a big piece of glass while softly nibbling their bottom lip. “How did you turn out like this, if I may ask,” The lizard said with a grunt, taking a seat on the ground next to Y/N.
“I got hit with whatever you threw at those cops. But uh, I guess the antidote didn’t work on me,” they sighed, looking up at the Lizard with a look of despair. He felt guilty, seeing this person sad. He’d never even think about what happend if someone would turn up like this… half human, half Lizard.
Trying to comfort Y/N, he put a claw on their shoulder. “I will try to fix this Y/N, I promise,” He smiled warmly, trying to cheer you up. But he quickly stopped smiling, knowing it wasn’t the prettiest, or the kindest.
Instead of pulling away, Y/N leaned their head on his shoulder with a sigh. “Thank you sir.” They mumbled. “You can call me Curt, please.” They nod.
“So uh, where did you go?” He looks at you, a bit confused. “You were like gone, for a bit.” Curt couldn’t help but smile a little, not expecting Y/N to ask a question like that. “It’s a long story dear. I’ll tell you another time alright?” They nod. “Okay.”
A yawn escaped Y/N’s lips. “Sorry,” they chuckled, not wanting to make it seem like Curt was boring them. “It’s already late I suppose,” the Lizard said, noticing himself also getting tired. “Do you have anywhere you stay at?” Y/N nods.
“Good, you can come meet me here in the morning then.” That made Y/N frown. “I mean, you can always come with me.” Confusion was yet again displayed on Curts face. “Please.” They insisted, holding eye contact with him. If he could blush, his cheeks would of been coloured red by now. He agreed.
They took Curt to their “home”, which is basically a bunch of junk, a broken mattress and food all scattered around in one place. He scratched the back of his head. “That won’t fit love,” he said, looking at the mattress. “Yes it does,” Y/N rolled their eyes. “How?”
Y/N grabbed his claw, gently pulling him towards the mattress and pushed him onto it. They reached out to get a blanket. It was so thin, it’s almost see-trough. But Curt didn’t say anything, thinking it was a cute offer. What he didn’t expect was for Y/N to lay down right next to him, pressing their body against his. His back met the wall, but that was alright. He was too stunned to speak as Y/N pulled the blanket over the two of you, getting comfortable quickly.
They looked at him, their cheeks going red. “Oh uh, sorry,” they croaked out. Sometimes you could get a little, too comfortable. As you were about to sleep on the floor, you felt a claw softly pushing you closer to the Lizard. You two looked at each other, not saying a word. What could you say in a situation like this? You’re in- well on a mattress with a Lizard. But he was so unbelievably hot.
He gently placed your head onto his chest, wrapping his arm around you. You look up at him, your cheeks a deep shade of red. “Um, goodnight Curt.” You said softly. He smiles a bit. He hasn’t felt this comfortable in a while, and he forgot how nice it feels. “Goodnight Y/N,” he said softly, before closing his eyes.
Author’s note:
Im so sorry I know this is shit but I tried okay. If anyone has ideas for a story, let me know!! Also, English isn’t my first language so I’m sorry if some sentences sound weird or smth 🥲
Bye bye! Thank you for reading :-)
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 326: What’s up Kids, It’s Me, Your Old Pal Stain
Previously on BnHA: Ochako shamed the U.A. Clown Mob into letting Deku go back inside his own fucking school by giving them an hour-long speech about how not to be humongous dickheads. Kouta and Gigantic Fox Lady saved the manga by being the only ones brave enough to give Deku a hug. Shouto was all “man, all this togetherness sure does remind me of that promise you made that we would handle Touya together which you immediately bailed on, doesn’t it, Dad.” Aizawa was all, “for the one and a half people out there who thought that my losing an eye and a leg might actually make me less sexy, I’m very happy to prove you wrong.” All Might was all, “[standing outside the U.A. fortress alone in the rain talking to someone or something??].” Like seriously, what was up with that though.
Today on BnHA: All Might is all “here I am in Kamino having a belated mid-life crisis because Deku abandoned me and I’m a terrible mentor and everything sucks and I hate myself.” Stain is all, “don’t make me come over there and give you a ten page speech about why you’re still the goat while menacingly holding you at swordpoint the entire time” because idk if you knew this guys, but Stain is pretty crazy actually. Anyway so he does that, and then All Might gets all emotional, and then the lady from chapter 92 shows up and gives All Might’s statue an encouraging pep talk, and then Horikoshi is all “and it even stopped raining lol can you believe this shit I’m not even a little bit subtle,” and he really isn’t. But I still got emotional anyway, because seeing people reassure All Might that everything he’s struggled for his entire life hasn’t been in vain just got to me okay. Horikoshi knows I am weak to the All Might feels and he just goes for the jugular every time, that bastard.
lmao. “in the neverending downpour, All Might is...” yeah, thank you, glad we’re getting right to that then
“All Might is driving 95 mph in his busted ass car in the pouring rain, is what he’s doing.” huh
so basically a day or two after his adopted child refused to accept the handmade bento that he packed with love, my man is out here acting like he’s got nothing to live for anymore. this sure bodes well for certain prophecies on which the clock is still ominously ticking down
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his fucking face though omg. is it weird that I’m kind of hoping more people ambush him just because I think it’d be funny to see them get their asses kicked like the last bunch
(ETA: or maybe he will just stand there openly not giving a fuck and basically daring them to stab him!! get it together please All Might.)
side note, “anti-hero supporters” is such a strange way of saying “people who hate heroes”, which I’m assuming is what they actually wanted to say?? this makes it sound like it’s a group that really loves antiheroes. “these Hannibal stans have been a real menace lately. time to go deal with them”
ha ha ha, fucking ouch
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are you really gonna do it Horikoshi you bastard. are you really going to let that be the final encounter between the two characters whose relationship you once described as the vertical axis of the entire fucking story. are you really gonna?? huh??
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you’re telling me you were driving 112 mph and you still didn’t get there in time. you’re losing your touch old man. lol Todo’s ice is almost fully melted already, how late were you
(ETA: so apparently this is taking place after the end of chapter 325, meaning he went to U.A., hung out for a bit, saw the kids come back with his bedraggled half-dead protégé in tow, watched as they shamed the civilians into some long-overdue character development, and then was all “welp, time to go argue with the hero-hating faction or something because I’m feeling useless.” and Edge just let him go, just like that. though to be fair I have to imagine it’s pretty hard to say no to All Fucking Might.)
also belated lol at the fact that the kids were all “yeahhhhhhh we are definitely not gonna touch that thing, let’s just leave it here, he doesn’t need it anyway.” probably the right call to make since they couldn’t get a hazmat team on such short notice
fuck. ha ha ha fucking ouch part two
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All Might please put that thing down before you get gangrene. also yeah, you dropped the ball, good for you to acknowledge it. nobody’s perfect and you did your best. but yeah you could have handled a lot of things completely differently. but I still love you
is Horikoshi really putting this flashback here. are you serious. what kind of fucking sadist
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look, I swear I’m not one of those people that runs up and down the street shouting “DEATH FLAG!!” at every third panel lol. but this shit screamed Death Flag when we originally got it, and it’s screaming DEATH FLAG!!! even more now. like with the capital letters and exclamation marks and all. and that’s just a fact. I don’t like it but that’s how it is
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“DID YOU READ THE SIGN??!” Horikoshi asks while zooming in maniacally because he thinks we’re blind or something. lol what
-- though actually, it only just occurred to me that this sign is actually written in English. I never really paid attention up until now and had been assuming it was written in Japanese and translated by the scanlators, but the writing here is clearly part of the original image. anyway so maybe that’s why he’s zooming in?? just to make sure everybody pays attention lol
okay fuck this
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see, this is the whole problem right here. once again All Might is all on his own. Deku’s self-destructive angst spiral was fortunately brought to a grinding halt because he actually has support from his friends and family and teachers and classmates. but All Might never had that same kind of support, and it’s made all the difference between the two of them, and not in a good way. Katsuki wasn’t wrong when he said All Might and Deku were both cut from the same cloth. but now when it’s All Might’s turn to go all “I WALK A LONELY ROAD~~” once again, there’s nobody in sight
just, after forty plus years of him carrying this torch, I just wish someone would finally come along to let him know he doesn’t have to. all those things that he wanted to say to Deku are also things that he needs and deserves to hear himself. Aizawa was making a little progress there, but now he’s got his sad zombie cloud boyfriend situation to deal with, and we can’t expect him and his perfect hair to solve all our problems. someone else has gotta step up
oh my god
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“you rang?” never mind I take it all back sob
omg why am I laughing. shit
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this man truly has the best PR game in the series. we were truly convinced he was gonna suddenly become a good guy and defend All Might against the other villains or some nonsense. as if this wasn’t the same man who decided on a whim that Iida Tensei deserved to be paralyzed, and that his fifteen-year-old brother deserved to die for daring to be upset about it
lol even All Might is all “I genuinely never saw this coming” lmao
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just want to say, for the record, I have always harbored a very sensible hatred toward Stain. feeling very vindicated right now. good job Past Me
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ffffwefjslkg. ghsdlkg. dsfkkkslkjldwkjrg
STAIN: heard you talking shit old man
ME: smh that’s what I thought you’d say you dumb fucking Stain
STAIN: how dare you talk about All Might that way
ME: gljfljgk
(ETA: in hindsight I have no idea how I didn’t clue in sooner that he didn’t recognize him -- or, well, ~didn’t recognize~ him, to be more accurate lol. I think it was the whole “is that a slight against the heroes?” thing that threw me. Viz’s translation makes it much clearer that he’s offended on behalf of All Might specifically, not heroes in general. anyways.)
sob. so All Might is all “yeah I don’t blame you for not recognizing me in this sweet leather jacket”
good thing he still knows how to do this party trick
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A+ reflexes on Stain’s part presumably pulling the sword back a few inches to keep this dumbass from impaling himself with his whole pufferfish routine. can you imagine if that was the gruesome death Nighteye foresaw. and he was just too embarrassed to say anything
lol anyways guess I was wrong about Stain everyone
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way to fucking go, Past Me. you really biffed this one
oh wait
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Stain sure is one wacky rollercoaster ride
oh fuck me lol I forgot how much I did not miss this
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(ETA: “this here is the sacred ground where All Might gave up the last of his power and turned into a shriveled old man!! please ignore the part where I admit to knowing all about that, and yet pretend not to recognize said man when he’s standing two feet in front of me.”)
Past Me, I know we’ve had our ups and downs these past ninety seconds, but I’m really starting to think you were on to something. this dude has always been kind of insufferable. always acting like his high horse is a fucking giraffe when it’s actually a Shetland pony
dammit now he’s got All Might going off on a depressed monologue
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oh my god my heart
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why the fuck does that hit so hard. he became a hero because he couldn’t bear to just sit back and let bad things happen to people who didn’t deserve it. I mean that’s basically the same as every hero ever, right? so why does it still hit so fucking hard every single time though. what is it about seeing someone so determined to stand up for other people and fight on their behalf. it just never loses its impact no matter how many times I see that determination mirrored in so many of my favorite characters
“I wanted to make the world a better place.” omg. but you did, though. like seriously, I feel like people are always dogging on him for not being 100% perfect, and fandom really doesn’t give him enough credit for everything he still managed to accomplish. this man came of age at a time when Japan was by all accounts a total shitshow, and singlehandedly managed to bring about an era of peace that lasted for four fucking decades. can you imagine having peace for that long?? that’s longer than I’ve been alive. shit
and he gave people hope. he inspired them and protected them and made them feel safe. and no, he couldn’t save everyone, because he’s only one fucking dude (and also because the whole time AFO was also out there desperately working to undermine him so that he could keep preaching his narrative of “heroes are bad actually”). but you know what he did do, is inspire multiple new generations of heroes who, if they can all manage to work together, will finally be able to accomplish everything he never could
so yeah. forty years of peace, and inspired the “that’s how we all became the greatest heroes” generation -- that’s a fucking win in my book. talk about having a net positive impact on the world. lol anyways now I’m all fired up and ready to fight anyone who tries to talk any shit about you, All Might
“but what if I talk shit about myself” okay listen up All Might I’m gonna need you to try just a little bit harder to work with me here okay. please calm down and stop blaming yourself for every single bad thing that’s ever happened in the world. do you remember that time Bakugou was blaming himself for Kamino, and you gave him a hug and told him it wasn’t his fault, and that he was only a boy, and that even though he was strong, even strong people can struggle with the burdens they place on themselves, and that you were sorry for not seeing that earlier? do you remember all of that? that’s what I want someone to tell you too, dammit. anyway please stop breaking my heart please and thanks
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are you dead All Might
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I don’t even have the slightest idea what’s happening lol
oh snap did he grab him so they could hide??
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hold the fucking phone. don’t tell me this person in the background with the umbrella is here to actually do something decent??
oh my godddd
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and here come the feels. oh boy. okay don’t mind me, I’m just gonna sit here sobbing over this fictional lady and her simple act of kindness in this weekly shounen manga that I care about way too much
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holy shit. I was not even remotely prepared. you can’t just do that to me. you can’t just leave all these death flags on my lawn and then suddenly shift gears to show me the best of humanity in a chapter where I was expecting the worst. that fucks a person up lol
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my heart. you see that, All Might. your legacy is so much more powerful and meaningful than you think
...has. has Stain actually been giving All Might a pep talk this entire time
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I give up lol. this dude is a fucking enigma
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it may just be a metaphor panel, but I’ll take it lol. I missed them. nice to see the traffic light trio front and off-center. I know the whole “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes” thing had left some questioning whether certain characters would continue to play a central role in the narrative, and hopefully this will help to ease those concerns just a bit
anyway, so idk if it’s getting a bit chilly down there in hell, but damned if Stain didn’t just give an actual decent fucking speech
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I have to say, earlier when I was whining about All Might not having a support squad, I really was not expecting Stain to be the one to come over and pat his head and reassure him that he made the world a better place
-- okay LISTEN
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holy fucking shit
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“I’m just gonna pretend like I haven’t been stalking him for two days and didn’t see the entire Deku bentogate thing go down, and then I’ll give him the whole big speech that I rehearsed, and then I’ll turn around and be all ‘BUT IF YOU’RE A TRUE HERO’, and then I’ll toss him the super-secret AFO wifi password that I stole from Tartarus. god I’m such a badass. fucking give myself chills”
so basically what you’re telling me is that this whole time my “what’s up kids” characterization of Stain from this shitpost has actually been 100% accurate. just want to make sure I’m understanding this right. okay then
“and then I’ll dramatically spin around and be all NOW COME KILL ME BITCH”
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it must be so much fun to write Stain. drawing this coked-out maniac who talks like a chatbot that was trained to speak by reading Alan Moore monologues. that must be a trip
anyway so All Might is still crying, the awesome lady from chapter 92 is admiring her handiwork totally oblivious to the batshit insanity going on fifty meters to her right, and it’s finally stopped raining lol
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“THE RAIN WAS A METAPHOR YOU SEE” yes, yes, we got it lol. thanks for that Horikoshi. don’t think we needed any help putting the pieces together on that one but I appreciate the effort
so that’s the end! and as I mentioned in another post, I had the count off by one chapter, but next week should be cliffhanger week! so break out your U.A. Traitor bingo cards, friends and fiends. either that or something else happens that I’m completely not expecting at all. which, based on my success rate with Stain predictions, I’d say is more than likely lol
mmm but anyway, so now that the Hug Deku 2021 campaign has finally come to an end, what’s it gonna take to get a hug for my struggling bento-preparing jacket-rocking world-weary death-flag-waving husband who is the worthiest man to ever live and deserves the fucking world, goddammit
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waka-chan-out · 3 years
Hello! Congratulations ^^ could you do oikawa + prompt 12? Maybe the reader is a dumbass, hates him, or is just pretending, idk, thank you!
300 Follower Event
Oikawa Tooru
Prompt 12: “Fine! I’ll say it.”
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this fic was part of my 300 follower event. check out the rest of the submissions here.
timeskip college au.
word count: 2.4k
content warning: i—this is basically enemies to lovers without all the extra steps. oikawa is a brat. i am in love with him. let’s all have a good time. otherwise, the only warnings are someone walking in and technically unprotected sex. we can ignore that for the sake of the fantasy.
thank you so much! i liked your thinking with this one. it was very fun to write.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you asked. Oikawa frowned.
“Like what?”
“Like I have something on my face. If you have something to say, just say it.”
“I don’t!”
“Then stop staring.”
“Fine.” He looked down at his notebook. Then he huffed and laid his chin on his hand. You groaned.
“What?” you snapped.
“What do you mean?” He held up his hands defensively.
“You’re acting all pouty.”
“I am not!”
You set your jaw and glared at him. He was infuriating. He was also smart, which made it even more frustrating that you were assigned to work together — he seemed like he was good at nearly everything he tried.
He was also handsome. So handsome it made you want to slap him. No wonder his friend from home was knocking him around all the time. It was hard to stare that that pretty face for too long before you wanted to punch it.
“Now who’s staring?” he said, sly smile creeping onto his face. You rolled your eyes and turned back to your notebook, scribbling what was probably nonsense in your notes.
“It’s not so terrible for you to admit you’re attracted to me.”
You stared at him in disgust.
“What are you talking about?”
“I meant exactly what I said. You don’t need to get so defensive.”
“I’m not defensive.” You laughed incredulously, but you had to admit -- you totally sounded defensive. “You’re just wrong.”
“Ah, I see. We’re playing that game.”
You tried to return to your work, but he was staring holes into the side of your head, face tipped over into his palm, spinning a pen in his free hand. Without looking up, you pushed your notes over to him.
“So I was thinking you could present this part. Then I can talk through --”
“You’re very pretty, you know that?” he asked. You stopped talking for a moment, pointedly not looking up at him.
“I can talk through this idea and then we can take turns after that.”
He leaned in. “You’re also very stubborn. Has anyone ever told you that?”
“Yes. They have. Can we work please?” You turned to glare at him but stopped midway through the motion. He was incredibly close, too close, a smug smirk plastered on his infuriatingly perfect face. You gritted your teeth.
“We can work. Do you want to work?”
Your face felt hot.
He tipped back and crossed his arms.
“Okay. What am I doing again?”
“Were you not paying attention?”
“No.” His eyes fell to your lips. “I wasn’t.”
You took a shaky deep breath and turned back to your notes.
“Um. The presentation. You can . . . wait.” You paged through your notes. “I lost it. Hold on.”
“You seem flustered.”
“I’m not -- you know what?” You pushed your books away. “I give up. What is your deal today?”
He licked his lips and scanned your face, weighing his options. Then he dramatically held up his arms like he was surrendering.
“Fine, I’ll say it.” He leaned onto the table, closer to you than would have made you feel comfortable. “I find you extremely attractive.”
“Subtlety isn’t your thing, is it?”
He rubbed a hand over his face.
“Let me rephrase.” He sighed. “I like you. Very much.”
You stared at him.
“What am I supposed to do with that?”
He tipped his head to the side and grinned.
“Well, I can think of any number of things.”
“You’re an asshole.”
You scanned his face. He was completely serious. Even with an eyebrow arched and small smile on his face, he wasn’t joking in the least. You sighed.
His eyes flew open.
“I said fine.”
A disbelieving smile played at his lips.
“Fine, what?”
“If I do something about it --” You looked away, unable to continue while looking at that smug face. “Will you finally shut up?”
He grinned, still looking unsure.
“Are you serious?”
You smacked his arm.
“Yes, I’m serious. If you keep acting like that I’m gonna send you home.”
“I’ll be good.” He crossed his heart. “Promise.”
You stood and nudged at his chair.
“Then scooch.”
He raised his eyebrows, that cheeky smile still plastered on his face. God, you wanted to knock that right off. He pushed back from the table and you threw a leg over him so you were straddling his lap.
“My, I was hoping you’d say yes but I didn’t think you’d be this eager.”
You grabbed a fistful of his soft, impeccably styled hair and yanked it back. He let out a small yelp and stared at you in surprise.
“What did I say?”
He let out a breathy laugh.
“You told me not to act like myself.”
“I did, didn’t I? How do you think you’re acting right now?”
He grinned and bit his lip, a gesture that should have been off-putting but somehow worked perfectly on his face.
“If you want me to stop --” He strained forward against your hand in his hair, leaning very close to your face. “You’re gonna have to make me.”
You him closer and kissed him.
It was desperate, aggressive, laced with frustration and the slightest bit of self-satisfaction. He slipped his tongue into your mouth eagerly, smiling slightly when you returned the gesture. You could feel his confidence returning in every shift of his lips. He laid his hands high on your legs, squeezing them slightly as you pushed yourself further into his lap.
You lightly bit his lip and his fingertips dug further into your thighs.
He was greedy, seemingly entirely focused on getting closer to you, constantly closer when when he wrapped his arms around you and every inch of your upper bodies were pressed together. You expected him to be more selfish, maybe a little lazy. You thought he’d make you chase him. Instead he was entirely wrapped up in you, sighing against your mouth when your tongue slid against him just so.
You were faintly aware of pressure between your legs. He was clearly excited, impatience becoming more apparent as your hips moved against him.
He gasped into your mouth. You hadn’t expected that reaction from someone like him. It surprised you so much you had to pull back and laugh. He somehow kept a light smile on his face when as he frowned.
“What’s so funny?” he asked. You laughed and leaned against his shoulder. His brows raised and he waited for you to finish.
“I -- it’s nothing.” You covered your face with your hands. “You’re just . . .” You looked between his legs.
“You don’t have to call attention to it! You’re in my lap. What options did I have?”
“Think about your grandmother.”
His nose wrinkled.
“Absolutely not.”
“Oo! Think about Iwa-chan,” you teased. Oikawa looked off to the side like he was seriously considering what you said.
“Actually . . .”
“Oh my god. No. Stop that.”
“You’re right. You’re much prettier than that brutish Iwa-chan.” He leaned forward and kissed you gently. It didn’t last long, but when he pulled away you felt like your ears were ringing.
“Are we going to finish what we started or shall I head home?”
You glanced at the time and glared at him.
“If you tell anyone about this I’ll kill you.”
His face lit up.
You glared at him.
“Fine,” he said, leaning further against the back of the chair. “Do your worst.”
He inhaled a sharp breath as you gripped his hair and forced your lips together.
If your first kiss was aggressive, this one could almost be described as vicious. He yanked you against him, but not before you could start pulling at the buttons of his shirt and pushing your hips against his. He let out a small sound, so quiet it sounded like he was purposefully holding back to save his pride. You got his shirt open and took a moment to appreciate just how strong and soft he looked. Another perfection stacked on perfection. No wonder he had such a shitty personality sometimes. He had to make up for the rest of his strengths.
You ran your hands down his chest and he shivered. He shifted his lips away from yours and ran them down your jaw. He landed a few open mouth kisses on your neck as he slipped his fingers under the hem of your shirt. He only pulled his mouth off of you to tug it over your head, then immediately returned and kissed along your collarbone.
You sighed and wrapped your arms around his neck, melting into the warm press of his hands. He grabbed your hips and rocked them against him.
You both gasped, not realizing how sensitive you were to each other until you were more active about it. You prayed that you wouldn’t regret what you were about to do, but you couldn’t stop yourself.
You hopped out of Oikawa’s lap and you silently thanked the universe that you weren’t wearing real pants. Having to shimmy out of a pair of jeans just to have sex with Tooru Oikawa was something you would have never lived down.
“Really?” he asked, eyebrows raised.
“Shut up before I regret this.”
He held up his hands in surrender, smiling lightly to himself. You readjusted your clothing as he frantically undid and tugged down the front of his slacks.
You swung back onto his lap. He hissed a bit at the more direct contact and stared up at you with wide eyes. He looked almost precious like this, like a kid playing with a toy for the first time. You tried to force the image out of your head.
You brought your lips back to his, kissing him hard as you brought your hand between his legs and tugged down the waistband of his briefs. He hummed in surprise but didn’t break the kiss. He finally seemed to grasp reality when you tugged your underwear to the side, and positioned yourself over him.
“You really wanted me didn’t you? Is this all you could think about while we were—”
You slid down onto him with little resistance. His eyes shut and he choked on the rest of his words.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” you asked.
He let out a bitter laugh and tipped his head against your chest.
You buried a hand in his hair, tugging slightly and reconnecting your lips as you started moving. He brought his hands to your hips to help you shifted on top of him. You were almost annoyed with how good he felt inside of you, somehow being just enough but not too much and hitting you exactly where you needed him. Your motion in his lap was more eager than you wanted to seem, but you felt like you genuinely couldn’t help it.
Oikawa pulled away from your lips and buried his face into your neck, swearing quietly. You summoned all the strength in your legs to go a little faster, allowing yourself to give in to the feeling as much as you wanted to hold back.
You held a little tighter to his hair and he began letting out nearly silent whimpers, soft and high and breathy. They were somehow both very unlike him and exactly what you would expect. He moved his hands from your hips to wrapping his arms around your waist.
He swore, voice muffled against your chest. You hummed in agreement, head tipping back as he pulled you down harder onto him.
One hand pulled away from your waist and fell between your legs.
“Can I?” he asked. You nodded without looking at him and he beamed. He slipped his hand beneath the fabric and began rubbing circles on your clit. You tipped forward and and buried your face against his hair, trying and failing to hold back a gasp. He laughed, then groaned as you pulled on his hair again.
“You like when I do that, don’t you?” you asked, smiling against his face.
“Shut up,” he huffed, moving his thumb faster against you. You moaned and tightened your arms around his neck.
“Are you close?” you asked.
“Good.” You were breathless and riding the wire yourself, feeling like you could tip over any second.
“Fuck,” he grunted. “You’re gorgeous.”
The words sent a shock through you and you moaned against your will. You wanted to return the compliment, but you couldn’t find the words. Instead, you desperately pressed your mouth to his and sighed into his mouth.
His arm latched around your waist. It allowed your hips to shift less but made him hit you even deeper. Your breath rushed from your mouth into his and he drank it in.
Your lips hovered just above his as you swore, grip on his neck tightening so much you were sure it was almost painful as your body shook. You went over recklessly and almost embarrassingly hard, but it seemed to drive him crazy. He held you steady in his lap as he followed after you, eyes squeezing shut as harsh sounds fell from his lips.
You fell limp against each other, chests heaving in a shared rhythm. Slowly, your pants became laughs as you realized the position you were in. He joined in until you were both in a fit, voices breathless and giddy and muffled against each other’s skin.
“That was better than I thought it was gonna be,” you said. He weakly smacked your leg and squeezed you in a firm hug.
“You’re so mean.”
You ran a hand through his hair, hoping he wouldn’t see the genuine smile on your face.
You checked the time again and noticed his face had turned up
“Why do you keep checking the time?”
“Nothing. My roommate just —”
There was the sound of a lock in the door and in swung open.
“Oh my god!” You scrambled out of his lap as your roommate stepped into the entryway. “I’m so sorry.”
You tried to explain through small bursts of laughter as Oikawa rearranged his pants and gathered his things. He tucked into his shoes and approached the door.
“Tooru. It’s nice to meet you.” He grinned, looking somehow even more handsome with his ruffled hair and rumpled, unbuttoned shirt.
She stared at him like he was out of his mind. His smile didn’t falter.
“Well.” He turned to you and did a single finger gun motion. “I’ll be seeing you. You have my number.”
The door swung shut and you buried your face in your hands.
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canmom · 2 years
Toku Tuesday 55: Daniels
Hello my friends! It’s a Tuesday, so that means we’re going to watch some films.
Tonight the theme is director duo Daniel Kwan (關家永) and Daniel Scheinert, who got a lot of buzz recently for their multiverse-blending scifi film Everything, Everywhere, All At Once. Is it worthy of that buzz? Idk, let’s find out, I’ll probably write about it later.
They’ve been making short films together since 2009, and hopped into the feature film side of things in 2016 with Swiss Army Man, featuring a third Daniel, Daniel Radcliffe, as a farting corpse who washes up on a beach and soon turns out to have a bunch of strange powers. Here’s a trailer for that movie:
Hopefully the music in this trailer is deceiving and it won’t try too hard to be Inspirational. The premise does sound inventive and funny, and it is amusing to see Radcliffe still going for the most grossout hardcore roles he can find to shake off the association of, well, you know.
Six years on from that, the Daniels are back. Everything, Everywhere centres on martial arts star Michelle Yeoh who got her start in Hong Kong ‘heroic bloodshed’/‘girls with guns’ films (c.f. TT#32) such as Yes Madam, and later became internationally famous through the wuxia film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon - definitely something we need to cover on one of these nights.
Yeoh plays Evelyn Wang, who makes a meagre living running a laundromat, but abruptly discovers, while on the hook at the tax office, that she can connect to thousands of alternate possible versions of herself from different branches of an Everettian modal realist multiverse - and that there’s some kind of major multiversal threat which she has to call on these powers to face. Ultimately it’s basically about existentialism.
Here’s your trailer!
Multiverse films have been pretty popular lately, and much like Into the Spiderverse a few years ago, it sounds like this film uses the alternate branches as a collection of genre pastiches:
The film has been described as a "swirl of genre anarchy",[4] featuring elements of martial arts films, science fiction, fantasy, action, and animation.[5]
The film was apparently ideated for some decades, inspired by reading about modal realism, and has no connection to Spiderverse etc. Regardless, it’s a fruitful set of ideas to go into - undetermination, the factors that are common to every ‘iteration’ of a person, creating meaning and purpose out of nothing. (’Home stuck’ you say? Uh. Haha. Never heard of it.)
In the interests of securing more hours for drawing and painting, I’m not going to be giving a detailed writeup this time. However, I did recently read an interview about how they structured Everything, Everywhere around the famous kishoutenketsu structure that’s nigh-universal in Japanese storytelling (ironically, while their inspiration Miyazaki increasingly found it constricting and pushed away from it in his later films, says AniObsessive who made me aware of it). They say the usual things: that kishoutenketsu is about change rather than conflict, which I still find a bit dubious, but you know...
As a consciously ‘Asian-American’ film, in Daniel Kwan’s own words, the directors relate that much of the writing process involved 'leaning in’ to the large pile of stereotypes about Asian characters in American films; the goal being to take these stock characters and add more dimension to them, and expand the image of their core actors beyond the types of martial arts films they’re broadly known for. Kwan says:
“Early on,” Kwan explains, “Someone asked me, ‘Why are you making an Asian American film about kung fu? Why do you have the main characters live and work above a laundromat? Shouldn’t we be moving beyond that?” He takes a deep breath.
“And it struck me in a funny way. Because, yes [we should], but also this is my life! Am I going to allow a stereotype that has boxed me in my whole life—to force me off my own story? To decenter myself from this story? This is a film rooted in how I grew up, and the stories I grew up on,” he continued. “That almost became a call to action, a clarifying moment. After that, I decided to lean in even harder.”
The interviewer, Linda Codega, heaps praise on the film for the way it ‘expertly, lovingly deconstructs’ such concepts. I admit a certain wariness any and all discussion of ‘deconstructing tropes’; at best it’s often oblique to what’s actually interesting in a story, at worst self-congratulatory. Nevertheless, it does sound like this process pushed them to put a lot of consideration into the character writing, and the nigh universal acclaim sounds like they nailed it lol.
What of the actual action in this action film? (To pretend that there is something resembling tokusatsu in Toku Tuesday anymore.) This is pretty interesting actually: the film has a lot of pretty impressive VFX shots, but this was achieved with a tiny team of just five people on a pretty thin budget. That video really skims over the details, but their tricks included things like speeding up footage of walking around New York, LED screens to help match lighting, small-scale greenscreen compositing, pushing the actors around in a wheelbarrow while they act in slow motion, as well as a lot of tight editing and jump cuts.
As for the martial arts choreography, that comes from a pair of Youtube stars: Andy and Brian Le of the channel MartialClub, as related in this article. They consciously made homage to the Hong Kong martial arts film lineage which Yeoh was used to; the scenes apparently involve unlikely props like butt plugs, and there’s some cute production stories like Ke Huy Quan only landing a certain move on the second take.
This all seems like a very 2020s sort of film, in short: canny digital production techniques using After Effects and practical effects to create something that looks very ‘expensive’ on a small budget, self-aware reappropriation of films past, the invitation of filmmakers who got big making free content on Youtube. (The same trends you see in mediums like animation with ‘webgen’ animators increasingly filling anime credits, bands like Mili who made their name on the web performing OPs, independent animators like Vewn being given their own shows, not to mention all the adaptations of web novels and webcomics.)
So, that’s the plan tonight: at the very least Swiss Army Man and Everything, Everywhere, and if possible I will also try to track down some of the Daniels’ short films. We’ll start around 8pm UK time at twitch.tv/canmom (when have I ever made 7pm? Best to stop pretending, I think.)
In the meantime, canmom theatres are going to be playing Elden RIng for a bit and then working on this nsfw animation commission for a couple hours, if you fancy joining this afternoon~
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