#the green stars yes!
greengoddesssmoothie · 3 months
Gentle reminder that while Kirk is shown to be a bit reckless with his own life if it means saving his crew, he isn’t dumb. The man is canonically a tactical genius and a nerd. His sweet and caring side shouldn’t be conflated with naivety.
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starrysharks · 11 months
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pigtail flora aka clover hayakawa !
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 269
Another Legend of Zelda Crossover with Ghosts are Dragons. Because it’s fun :>
Danny has decided to go on a vacation with his platonic-romantic-they-aren’t-sure-yet partners. To a different world! Where they can spend more time than just the summer before heading back to their world or the Realms for work. Self employed or no. 
Look, they spent their entire teenagehood protecting the city and world, they deserve a break! So they chose a random direction and a random world that didn’t feel too liminal and ecto-contaminated, and off they went!
And it’s great! The monster issue is easily enough taken care of too, even if it’s to Sam’s complaint. Interesting taste though… Oh well, they can complain and debate that later, because they don’t have to really worry about much. Well, much besides the weird corruption sort of rotting smell that seems to be getting stronger… 
Maybe that’s normal around here…?
@fairy-lights-and-blobs @radiance1 You both enjoy dragons so here <3
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bojangos · 3 months
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drew reference for my revan, verus raan, for my very. extensive "revan trains tarre vizsla" au.
it eventually devolves into a 'revan in the clone wars' au thanks to @glimjack (this is all your fault)
if anyone.... wants to know more about them or this au..... speak to me...
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mommymothma · 9 months
Ahsoka getting the gang back together like
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bumblingbabooshka · 5 months
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Tuvok, you must desist. You smoke too tough. Your swag's too different. Your bitch is too bad - Tuvok, they'll kill you! Patreon | Ko-fi
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obimaulartfire · 7 months
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I think if Maul was a mermaid, he would be one of those freaky deep-sea fish that people are afraid of. (Based off of the Black Dragonfish, Idiacanthus sp.)
Not sure what kind of AU this is! I'm thinking "Maul gets cut in half, gets thrown into an ocean and becomes forever changed by the unknowable energies in the water."
And of course he found Obi-wan and is dragging him down :) Don't worry he's fine
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Me sharing this first on Twitter and then walking over to Tumblr to post.......
POV...your friend who you're in love with gets a star sapphire ring after saving you...
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literally....literally swooning. Hal, he LITERALLY swept you off your feet in battle...
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fugottron · 5 months
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Aziracrow Jellycats
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sanchoyoscribbles · 2 months
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a redraw meme! I'm a little mad at myself for not doing this for a few years (I've done a few other redraws in the meantime, but...it wouldve been cool to have a bunch of years in a row! TwT)
2007 was the earliest made on gimp, a touchpad and NO pressure (obvious with the THICK CHUNKY LINES. im 90% sure I did lineart, colored over them, then lined over them again all on 1 layer...) plus the pattern fills gimp had (the stripes and rainbows, plus the repeating space background that needed a desperate scale-up...)
2015 might be the most obviously tmm inspired style wise ( and I think...this character WAS a tmm oc, actually, so this tracks. her name was star hoshiko (yes. star star.) and she was infused with star power instead of an animal. whatever that means. in my defense I was Ten 👍) and was when I was still using sai!!
2016&17 were me trying to sort of push into semi-realism, the smaller eyes, the more realistic skirt in the '16 version and more realistic hair in the '17 version, and also the first ones done in clip studio which is still my mvp program.
2018 was the furthest from the original, me REALLY pushing orangey yellows for some reason (the darker oranges let the yellow glowy parts stand out more was probably my logic at the time?) it's also funny to see that I went back to a more cartoony/anime style between 2017! the eyes got bigger again, the hair more stylized (esp with the shading/highlighting!) yet the clothes got more detailed....
2024- this time around I wanted to try and capture elements of the original design, since it seemed I was drifting further and further away from it... those very bright lemony yellows that scare me to work with sometimes, the original stripes, that BAD dark yellow for the base of the dress... I know a lot of people will prefer the semi-realism of the earlier years but I feel like the very anime style is more FUN. and I feel a lot more confident in my posing, expressions, and I just. focus more on having fun than making her pretty. that being said I did try to add little details from the previous years designs :3 doing redraws is always so nice to reflect on style and improvement!! I totally recommend doing one if you want to, a blank version is here!
also for funsies, heres how gross the flats look. man i HATE that weird base dress shade T_T u can tell I did shift it to be SLIGHTLY warmer, just a bit....the cool-toned shading pushes it back to the lemony again tho, lol
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stararise · 2 years
thinking about the part in hunted where lloyd has to burn his gi, and he says, (in protest) "but this- this is who i am."
lloyd thinks of himself as an extension of the green ninja. and he thinks of the green ninja as an extension of his power ("but without my power, i'm not the green ninja")
by the end of hunted, he learns that the second part of that is false ("mystake taught me power isn't what makes the green ninja, it's the person behind the power"), that he can be the green ninja without having any powers at all; but he never addresses the first
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kemendin · 11 months
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Cas is slowly creeping up towards the outfit cap again (sitting at 25 right now) so I figured I'd show off some of his newer looks since the cap was raised from 16. The first four are my faves of this batch, but I enjoy them all!
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georgiousburnham · 2 years
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Looks like our pack has a new alpha dog.
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jim-kirks-bubble-butt · 5 months
anyways where are my uhura-centric tos fics???
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starwarskit · 1 month
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Des of Depa Billabas clone battalion!
I thought if someone else can make a medic for a pre-existing battalion so can I! (And wasn’t finding out Helix is an oc WILD I really just take people around face values when it comes to named clones)
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Round 1, Poll 2
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Who's your favourite Green cure?
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