#the golden harp
thegoldenharp · 2 years
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derya sadak, captain of the luscinia ~ @gncrezan!
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Mairead Kilpatrick - mc of @thegoldenharp
“ ‘Filthy lucre.’ If ye can afford to so name it, ye’ve not watched loved ones perish for lack of it.”
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jamskateable · 9 months
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Gabriel flaunts his pretty body without realizing it. he doesn’t scold any wandering eyes, though. after all, is it such a shame to admire God’s greatest creation?
or he’s just THAT oblivious. no one knows, really.
either way, his charisma, his diligence, and his half-naked lounging have earned him the appreciative eyes and ears of every angel in Heaven.
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tobi--beans · 4 months
white golden retriever emojis ? and if possible maybe harp seal pup emojis / nf
I uh, so yeah I forgot harp pups and adults were very different in coats soOOOOOO- both versions! :D
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The dog is judging your actions <3 /silly Happy harp seals, silent pause white golden retriever, and blepping white golden retriever - Seraph [They/Them]
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sapphoismymuse · 6 days
now that i think about it… the book never said what the dwarves did with those instruments after bilbo’s house…
so now i’m just imagining the dwarves arriving all the way in rivendell, dwalin and balin carrying dwarf-sized violas with them on their ponies while thorin has his full on golden harp
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usssnarfblat · 2 years
If the Disney Renaissance had happened 50 years earlier...
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bookofmac · 3 days
my most gonzo tlt theory is that one of the Tridentarii is gonna get twa sister'd into an instrument by the end of it and the only way they get to talk is by one playing the other
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i-like-polls · 10 days
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dovewifes · 3 months
something about willows, maybe. this might be something later, it might not. it will live here regardless <3
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thegoldenharp · 2 years
meet...the crew (the golden harp)
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born and raised in the shadow of newark castle, hicks was ever destined for a life close to sea. a chance encounter with local law enforcement sent him hurtling to the docks and into the arms of the golden harp’s captain - he has stayed there ever since, a silent bulwark of support for any would-be captain of the vessel.
name: hicks (he/him) (first name unknown to the crew)
born: 1684 in glasgow, scotland (26 years old)
sexuality/romantic orientation: gay (men and non-binary) (not widely-known)
physical description: dark, umber skin - equally dark eyes framed with thick lashes. sturdy countenance - square jaw, square shoulders, thick waist and thighs. 6’ 5” - occupies special quarters at the stern of the ship. strong, meaty hands, scarred knuckles, surprisingly smooth palms.
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the sea is in yusuf’s blood, he likes to say - or perhaps the same disdain for authority, as he followed his cousin out to sea as a corsair after running afoul of a prominent merchant’s daughter. since then, he has developed a reputation for loving the finer things in life, earning him some powerful creditors and a need for protection aboard the golden harp…
name: yusuf sadak (he/him)
born: 1681 in sinop, modern-day turkey
sexuality/romantic orientation: pansexual/panromantic
physical description: long and lean - delicate fingers, slim shoulders and slim waist. often dressed in rich fabrics, though he never goes anywhere without richly ornamental twin daggers, tucked in voluminous robes. warm beige skin, thick, dark hair including his crowning glory, a rather extravagant moustache
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raised in a den of thieves, sharkey used his fists to resolve a disagreement one too many times, and found himself on a prison transport. there, he incited the crew to mutiny and set sail for nassau, eventually joining the crew of the golden harp. charismatic but cold, he seems content for now - and given his past history, lorcan wants to keep him that way…
name: sharkey (he/him) (doesn’t share his first name with anyone)
born: 1686 in barking, london
sexuality/romantic orientation: pansexual/panromantic (closeted)
physical description: patrician good looks - high cheekbones, piercing blue eyes, broad shoulders and slim waist. perpetually bruised knuckles and an expression that perpetually hovers between a smirk and a sneer.
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sally has been part of the golden harp’s crew since the beginning, tricking the gaol guards with spiked cider from her uncle’s brewery and stealing away. she has been a surrogate (and sometimes literal) mother to wave after wave of crew members, a constant source of warmth among the crew.
name: sally mcnamara (she/her)
born: 1654 in dublin, ireland
sexuality/romantic orientation: heterosexual/heteroromantic
physical description: clearly still a great beauty, much as she’d blush and claim otherwise. plump, lush curves and soft features - rough palms, deft fingers.
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Aaaaaand I just realized that Mairead was on the continent at the same time that Mary Read was possibly fighting disguised as a soldier and I just….
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feytouched · 5 months
my dumbass dog zaya chewed up all the lowest hanging ornaments on our xmas tree AND the battery pack for the lights -_-
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babygirlisagun · 9 months
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Harp on the roof 👼🏼🍷my new pastime
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suncaptor · 1 year
Colonial violence yeah yeah but also anyone think the British influence ruined the beautiful original flag.... 🇮🇪🇮🇪? Who is she....
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lovelyllamasblog · 1 year
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Jillian Beanstalk 🫘
Daughter of Jack Beanstalk
Birthday: December 9
Star Sign: Sagittarius ♐
Jack and the Beanstalk
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My tag for this series is 'fairy tales'.
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