#the goal is to dress to not sweat more often than it is dress to look good
astranauticus · 7 months
the rwd season 4 qna inspired me to start thinking about college au headcanons except a lot of these are gonna be really specific to my school and y'all are just gonna have to deal with that <3
Kyana feeds some of the school cats. she would feed all of them if she could
Dani smuggled Plug (the scrawniest black cat you've ever seen) into her dorm room illegally and somehow management hasn't caught her yet (based on a true story) (Kyana visits to see Plug all the time)
Finbar keeps an updated tier list of every canteen in the school with breakdowns of the best stalls/dishes for each
A senior from the school of engineering once said to me 'all the engineering people dress like rats cuz our classrooms don't have aircon' (context: tropics) anyway that's Dani
Kyana would probably be involved in a lot of freshman orientation events from second year onwards. she just likes talking to the new kids and giving them advice like she would be the kind of orientation group leader who'd get messages from her freshies asking about all kinds of random nonsense because she's made sure they know they can always contact her with questions
VR-LA is The Guy you go to for textbook pirating resources
(this is more of a 'wouldn't that be funny' but VR-LA is just Veerle's discord handle)
Docent is the name of VR-LA's old laptop that broke down so he gave it to Cassimere (computer engineering major he met once at a networking event) to fix except Cassimere got everything off the hard drive and then somehow managed to fuck it up Even More so he had to get a new laptop (and named it Emi)
Roy has gotten food poisoning from his dorm meal plan at least once (based on at least one true story)
The heap trio + Mandy would be those friends constantly playing majong in the dorm lounge and if all the majong tables are taken they just play in one of their dorm rooms on a towel to dampen the tile shuffling noises (it was Mandy's idea)
Every morning Dani goes to the drinks stall at her faculty and orders one iced coffee to the point where the stall owner starts preparing an iced coffee whenever they see her approach (based on my true story)
Roy would be one of those people who goes clubbing every other week and every time he tries to drag the rest of the heap trio and Egan almost always goes and Dani would go if she didn't have a good excuse but always begrudgingly. anyway Roy would always be the only one having a good time until Egan gets drunk enough to start having fun
Finbar actually uses the dorm kitchens instead of just buying canteen food and it always makes the hallways smell really good
Vhas also uses the dorm kitchen sometimes but like. one time i walked into the pantry on my floor and someone had left cut sweet potatoes and 2 eggs in an inch of water in a pan on the stove. that's Vhas
Kyana's constantly applying for overseas exchanges and international summer/winter school programmes. the world is large and she wants to see it!
Maxim's the definition of a hall phantom. you know he lives on your dorm floor because you pass him by in the hallways sometimes and literally nowhere else. sometimes you're not convinced that he actually exists
VR-LA and Maxim's friendship stems from them being from wildly different faculties (VR-LA's in STEM, Maxim's doing anthropology so arts/social sciences) but also having lots of weird interests they cant really bug anyone in their home faculties about
Elyse is in student government and every once in a while Finbar receives a series of angry texts about the newest idiocy she's had to put up with
MR-SN and AS-TR start a stargazing club together. other notable members include AS-TR's girlfriend E-DN, MR-SN's friend C-RA (the one who always volunteers to carry the heavy ass telescopes) and MR-SN's friend K-LB who he pestered into coming to fix one of the wonky scopes even though K-LB's actually in electrical engineering but he's the only engineering person MR-SN (an arts student) knows
oh and of course VR-LA joins because he genuinely just likes space (developing a crush on his club chairperson was not on his bingo card)
Kyana and E-DN were MMA sparring buddies at one point which is how she found out about the stargazing and joined immediately
honestly i can probably think of more but this post is fuckin long LMAO
#rolling with difficulty#'do not let the internet turn you into an american' i say as i make posts that can be understood by me and me only#i mean im not sorry about it this is my house#like my experiences are just gonna be extra incomprehensible because my countrys fuckin tiny so the target audience really is me and me onl#too bad! you think its hard to read my posts? i gotta live like this!#if i sound extra confrontational i got 5 hours of sleep for the whole week unfortunately so just know its all /lh more or less#really tempted to make some kind of business major joke for roy even though obviously the heap trio would all be in engineering#bc its just common knowledge in my school that business majors are the ones with the most free time to go clubbing all the damn time#and *also* theyre the faculty that dresses the best which also tracks??#didnt really nail down specific majors for everyone (besides the obvious ones like food science for finbar and mech eng for dani)#but i kinda like the idea of cs for VR-LA because of that 'programmers are real world wizards' joke and also.. projecting#cs with focus area in AI would even make sense bc of docent and emi. if i want to make the projecting Even Worse!#also if i ever do human designs for the old crew (doubtful cuz i find drawing robots more fun than drawing humans)#look up sally hansen hypnautical nail polish bc i wanna give human AS-TR that as a nod to her original design#didnt really get into the fashion of it all bc again i live in the tropics so nobody really dresses well here#the goal is to dress to not sweat more often than it is dress to look good#hands down my favourite line in the cqna was noir's i thermoregulate through my forearms#so in the middle of summer i still wear all black and just roll up my sleeves#like thats ME. except its summer ALL YEAR ROUND#walao#asto speaks
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deuce-agere · 4 months
Do you think you could post more about working out while regressed? I’m trying to work out more, but also regress more, and things like weight lifting tend to pull me out of regression, but your posts makes it feel more comfortable to do them together!! Thank you either way
I’m so glad that my posts help you feel more comfortable!
For me personally, working out has always been something that helps me regress. I think it’s the gender euphoria of it all, since I heavily associate fitness with my gender expression and discovery.
The number one rule for me, regressed or not, is to have fun. Especially when you’re trying to start getting into working out. No one wants to do something they don’t like, especially when it’s going to make them tired and sore. If you need more cardio and you like dancing, then dance more. Find the workouts you enjoy for each area of your body. As you grow to enjoy working out more you’ll find it easier to do the parts you don’t like.
Take things at the pace that you need. You will never enjoy working out if you try to start on a higher level than you need or try to work up too fast. Modern gym culture has lead people to believe that it is bad to be a beginner, but it’s not. If you need to do push ups from your knees, you do push ups from your knees, it will make you stronger and it will work your muscles.
Many gyms have a calisthenics section, and they often include big structures that are kind of like adult playgrounds. My gym has monkey bars, they very in height to make it more challenging and so they can be used for other purposes, but they have them. If you’re a kiddo who likes climbing that could be a lot of fun for you.
Get fun water bottles and/or stickers for the water bottles. Get fun headphones, mine are green dino themed (I like them because they remind me of crocodilians) Use colorful and fun workout equipment if you’re buying your own. Wear workout clothes that you like and you are comfortable in, I usually just wear one of my t-shirts and some sweats. Sometimes dressing the way you want can be scary but anyone who judges someone else at the gym is not worth your time.
Come up with games and play pretend. Sometimes while I workout I will pretend I’m Hercules, and I’m training to become a hero so I have to work really hard. You can pretend you’re in a race, or that you’re a super hero. Make it fun in whatever way you can.
Make a playlist of songs that make you feel small and/or pumped. I have a lot of Hercules on my workout playlist because it helps me regress and motivates me toward achieving my fitness goals.
You can even try watching kids exercising videos. YouTube has lots of workout videos for kids. Sometimes following an instructor is easier than following a list. They have easy and fun workouts for you to try if you want to give them a shot.
Your diet is important too! But it doesn’t have to be boring ‘grown up’ food. I make my chicken, rice, and veggies with dino nuggets. Chocolate milk is a great after workout drink, and if you’re looking for big muscles you can get some with extra protein. If you use enough frozen fruits and a small enough portion of cold milk (or non dairy drink) you can make protein shakes with the consistency of milk shakes or even straight ice cream! And there is never shame in eating what you want and then adding what you need. If you need chicken nuggies to eat a salad, then eat those nuggies with your salad.
Let yourself enjoy your fitness journey. It doesn’t have to suck, no matter what gym and diet culture tells you.
You’ve got this!
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spicesweet · 29 days
good morning, girls! ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊
coffee in hand while I write this, it's chilly once again. I feel like this is what life is now, one day you're sweating, the next you're shivering, and you're just supposed to know what to wear. I even had a dream that I was getting dressed to go to school (a nightmare in its own right) and I couldn't decide whether I should wear a dress or pants because whenever I put one on, the weather shifted.
but I went to bed last night and woke up today thinking about more important stuff. I'm thinking a lot about how vague most advice we give young people is, in particular the biggest one of all, "learn how to love yourself", which is so big but so insignificant on its own. telling someone who lacks confidence that they need to love themselves is kinda like telling someone who's having a panic attack to calm down. like yeah, duh, if I knew how to do that I wouldn't be in this predicament. yet we keep saying it, over and over again.
and if you really read into the posts here that always say that, it's always like, buy a gua sha, treat yourself to something cute, use a bath bomb, do a skincare routine. it's always about something you need to spend your money on before being able to enjoy the self-love. it's always about getting something that's not within you, then the self-love can start. or, also more often than not, it's about your goals, your productivity. it's about writing down a 3-year plan, keeping a meticulous journal, writing a mock job interview, keeping a savings account; once you hit certain milestones, once you achieve and become, the self-love will start.
I'm not writing this because I have an answer about this, btw. I'm just a girl waiting for the sunrise with some coffee at hand. I'm just thinking "out loud" here. because I think I know and experience self-love, and I talk about it all the time, but if I were to describe it, could I? could I list out the actions and feelings that represent self-love, categorically; could I detach external abstract factors, such as productivity or the amount of money I spend on my appearance, from the explanation? how does one learn how to love themselves? how does one teach that?
anyway. the sky's starting to light up so I'm gonna go greet the birds and the sun. hit me up if you've got answers. hit me up if you've got doubts, too, if you ever thought about this. also hit me up if you've had a panic attack and someone told you to just calm down. or all of the above! ‧₊˚✩彡
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trivialbob · 5 months
My week of ambition
There is PTO to use before year end. I took off this entire week despite no travel plans for Thanksgiving. I never can sleep late, my body doesn't do that, so I am up at at 'em long before the 7:15 AM sunrise.
It actually feels nice to get dressed first thing in the morning. Too often, because I work at home, I neglect clothing until the afternoon. This week I'm all about warm socks, jeans, and sweaters instead of a slippers, a robe, and sweats.
Sheila still has to work. Today she has a very early shift. Her vampire genes prevent her from enjoying sunrises like I do.
"But honey, it's not that bad. It's still very dark out as you get ready for work!"
"Shut up, Bob."
For the rest of this week I'm wearing a garlic clove to bed.
Rather than sit around in my robe, surfing the Internet or binging TV shows, I have been cleaning and organizing--while fully dressed.
The clutter of a hallway closet bothered me. I took out everything. When I put it all back in an organized fashion I saw we have enough shampoo, sunscreen, and bug spray to last the next twelve years.
That situation is a byproduct of a messy closet: Don't see what you need? Buy more. That happened in one of the kitchen cabinets I cleaned. We have enough tinfoil to protect us from a fleet of black helicopters.
Outside the Christmas light are installed. My motorcycle got re-winterized after the past weekend's jaunt. Some late falling leaves are now mulch. And that was just Monday.
I have been reading books too. Recently I finished David Sedaris' most recent one and really liked it. Yesterday I started one of his others, a "best of me" collection. Didn't care for it one bit. I read a few pages from different chapters, but nothing caught my interest. Today that book goes back to the library. Someone on a podcast read a piece by the author Patrick McManus the other day, about the difference between a creek and a crick. It was beautiful and funny. I'm going to get some of McManus' books today.
And finally, during weeks like this I don't treat myself to nice restaurant meals. The fridge and freezer should be devoid of leftovers by the weekend (barring any turkey we bring home from hosts on Thanksgiving). I'm trying to use up even non-perishable foods in the cabinets. That helps my cleaning and organizing too.
Should a zombie apocalypse occur this Sunday, I won't even have a day's worth of food on hand. That is my goal.
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durnesque-esque · 9 months
How does it feel to be who I wanna be when I grow up for style/vibes huh
Well this is an extremely kind ask! In wholehearted honesty: it feels great!
It's taken me a long time to figure out who I wanted to be and to become confident just being that person. I have been shyer and more self-concious than I think I often appear. But 7 or so years back I kind of settled on an idea of style that I wanted to cultivate for myself: comfy, executive, goth. I wanted easy, low goth style that I could dress up for business needs or nights out or dress down for easy day wear - particularly when a lot of my life was spent outdoors or sweating in trailers.
I have continued to cultivate a wardrobe and style to match that ever since. I don't spend a lot of money on clothes, so I'm really thoughtful about what I buy or make for myself. It's been a slow process of buying a couple pieces at a time and cycling out things that don't fit the vibe.
Anyway, all this to say - it's been a purposeful effort to get where I am, so I really appreciate someone saying it appeals to them, but also very much to encourage you.
If you like my style and want to emulate it, the goal was for it to be easy - because I'm a pretty lazy dresser and I don't like shopping. While I have a few custom pieces I've made for myself or purchased from artists like Sovrin & Lorica (and so many more jewelry folks), most of my actual clothes and a lot of my accessories come from places like Hot Topic, Ross, Forever 21, and H&M.
I also thrift a good bit - reduce impact on the fast fashion industry where you can. I'm still wearing pieces I bought 7 years ago when I first started this effort.
That's the nice thing about picking a style and running with it - you can wear things as long as you love them.
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I don't post a lot of pics here, so anyone who's interested in more visuals of what I wear, check either my instagram in general or run straight for the tag: comfyexecutivegoth
Anyway, thanks Anon for your kind compliment of an ask and best of luck with your own style journey! 🖤
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orchdaries · 2 months
𝙲𝚁𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝙺 your character will wear to the banquet. choose the material, then answer the corresponding question. you must choose for all categories.
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𝙱𝙰𝚂𝙴 : 𝚆𝙾𝙾𝙳・in a social setting, is your character more stoic or reserved or are they boisterous and expressive? why?
aera has always been good with her words and communicating, being more of a talker than a listener. even if she easily matches the energy of whoever she's talking to, aera also has the tendency to be more expressive with a large arrange of expressions and tones. she simply thinks that she feels too much to be able to tone it all down which is good because it means that she comes off as a very honest/genuine person, but it's also bad because it means she isn't as good with lying or deception.
𝙴𝚈𝙴𝚂 𝙷𝙾𝙻𝙴𝚂 : 𝙰𝙻𝙼𝙾𝙽𝙳-𝚂𝙷𝙰𝙿𝙴𝙳・if your character were to successfully manipulate someone to their will, would they harbor any guilt or remorse for their actions?
she would've definitely felt guilty since she'd rather not have to appeal for such methods while getting what she wants. aera doesn't want to force people's hands or stepping on top of anyone to achieve her goals, truly believing that there are always other less harmful ways to do so. she's still human, however, and would feel some satisfaction by being able to deceive someone to get what she wanted, however that would be very short lived and most likely another reason that would make her feel bad about the whole thing.
𝙽𝙾𝚂𝙴 𝙿𝙸𝙴𝙲𝙴 : 𝙿𝙻𝙰𝙸𝙽・what's your character's most used coping mechanism?
aera is an escapist through and through so it's no surprise that she finds relief and comfort in the fantasy books that she reads, even being truly convinced that she lives in the stories that she reads all the time and relying heavily on the concept that everything has a meaning, a reason to be and nothing is really in vain. sometimes she also might resort to work as a coping mechanism just so she'll occupy her head with something that isn't what she's trying to run away from.
𝙼𝙾𝚄𝚃𝙷 𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶 : 𝚂𝙼𝙰𝙻𝙻・does your character adapt the way of speech to accommodate different people, or they speak in the same manner with everyone?
she most surely adapts her way of speech depending on whom she's talking to; or more like she tries to match the energy of that person. if they're energetic and expressive, it's more likely that she'll be just the same or if they're more quiet and reserved, she'll still be able to navigate through a conversation but her tone will be much softer and her feelings won't (as much) all over the place. it's hard to tell, however, if this is because aera is easily influenced by her surroundings or if it's a social skill that she naturally has, a consequence of wanting people to feel the most comfortable around her.
𝙴𝙼𝙱𝙴𝙻𝙻𝙸𝚂𝙷𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃𝚂 : 𝙻𝙰𝙲𝙴 𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙵𝙰𝙱𝚁𝙸𝙲・what colors and shades does your character normally dress in? what length of clothing do they prefer?
aera naturally prefers colder colors so she usually dresses in light shades of red, sometimes even bordering on pink, more often than not pairing it with shades of either gold (or other shades of yellow) or silver (or other shades of white/gray), mostly silver since sometimes even gold or stronger shades of yellow feels like putting too much "weight" on her palette. she finds darker colors to be too "heavy" in her mind and tries to stray from them though she isn't completely opposed to dressing in such colors depending on the occasion, who gifted her the clothes, etc. aera is someone who runs hotter than the average person so she tends to wear clothes that expose a little more of skin just so she won't feel overheated and it surely helps her in her occupation to not be disturbed by overly long sleeves or anything of the like. besides she absolutes hates sweating.
𝙵𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂 : 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳-𝙷𝙴𝙻𝙳 𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙲𝙺・how strictly does your character abide by a moral compass, if at all?
for her own actions, aera is very strict with her moral compass and she has a very firm line that she doesn't cross with people (or at least she tries not to), however she's a little more lenient when it's about other people's actions towards her and tries to be more understanding of where they're coming from, their point of views.
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threadsun · 2 months
i was wondering if you hsve TDV (i forgor we are calling it that) snippets for your faave bachelor? :3c
Okay it's not a snippet and idk who I'd consider my fave bachelor (I like most of them equally) BUT other than what I've posted here, the only tdv thing I've worked on was the beginning of a story about Nik and Z moving into pelican town, so... :3 I'll be self indulgent and show ya that! It's Z meeting Sebastian the day they move in.
Content: Smoking, sex work, mentions of ableism/inaccessibility, polyamorous nonbinary ocs :3
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By the time Nik rolled their eyes and shoved Zander out the farmhouse door with instructions to explore the town, it was already dark. Zander didn’t mind his dismissal in the slightest. He hated unpacking. So leaving Nik to do all the boring work and only coming back to break down boxes was ideal for him. Besides, he was always better at making friends than they were!
“Town…” He pulled a few faces, squinting at the various overgrown paths leading from the farmhouse. “Where the fuck is town?”
The way he saw it—and without his glasses, he wasn’t seeing too well at all—he had a couple of options. Return the way they’d come in and see if the bus stop was nearer town than the farm, or follow the way he’d seen Robin go and assume she lived in town. It was a pretty easy decision, and Zander was chuffed to bits that he’d managed to work it out. Of course Robin would live closer to town than the bus stop!
He set off for the northmost path, picking his way as delicately as a creature of his stature could through the too-narrow path Robin had made when coming to do her repairs. Twigs caught on his arms, snapping as he pushed past them without a care, ignoring the small cuts they left behind. They’d heal up easily enough, and he was far too focused on his goal of finding friends to care.
“Shit, stairs.” Zander tapped his foot and pouted as he broke through the edge of the overgrown farm to the mountain pass. “They’d better have a flat way into town.”
That had been one of the many reasons Nik and Zander had been reluctant to move out here. Grandpa Moon had asked them to take care of the farm years ago, but the cons had outweighed the pros until recently. Until Nik needed a detox from some of their more troublesome coping mechanisms, and a small town was the only fix they could see. But wheelchair access was important for both of them on their worse days, and they both doubted there was much in the way of accessibility out here. This just proved their fears to be well founded.
“Well shit.” Zander sighed and began to hike up the steep path, hoping that he’d be able to make it back down again. “If town isn’t up here…”
He let the threat hang in the chilly night air, directed at no one in particular. As he hiked his way up the mountain pass, he sent a grateful thanks to Past Zander for putting on some proper boots. He’d mostly just been having fun dressing up like a farmer, and really the short shorts and low cut top weren’t at all cut out for proper labour. But he’d at least thought to put on some sturdy work boots to sell the whole “cute farmer” schtick!
“Thank fuck.”
The sight of a campfire in the distance was more than welcome. A patch of yellow and a large structure slowly came into some sort of focus as Zander got closer. A tent and a house. He’d made it to town! It was… only a tent and a house, but no town is perfect. And it was kind of quaint, knowing the whole town lived in one little house together.
It was a quiet place. Despite being quite early in the night, everyone seemed to be asleep. Zander could hear a river nearby, gently lapping. Dammed by something, he figured. He’d seen this sort of thing often enough. There was a brief flicker of an idea, as he approached the water. It was late, everyone was asleep, and he was sweating slightly from the hike…
He headed towards a tall bush nestled beside a tree. One hand curled into the hem of his little shirt, ready to pull it off as soon as he was close enough to the water and the bush. That was another thing he was intimately familiar with. Stashing his clothes away to skinny dip. He noted the way the river ran, wondering if perhaps there would be more privacy further down. It could be a good place to record some fun porn, if he could find a place he wouldn’t get caught.
That was another thing he and Nik had contended with when deciding to take over Grandpa Moon’s farm. It was easy enough for Nik to head into the city for band practice and gigs, and no one ever connected them to their on-stage persona. But Zander? No one ever wanted to admit they knew who he was, but anyone who had ever seen Kitty Cohen would recognise him in an instant. If not by his face, then by his… assets. A small town like this? Well, they might not take too kindly to a sex worker moving in. But that was just something they’d have to learn to live with, because Zander was here now, and he had no intentions of leaving any time soon.
“Fuckin’ hell!” Zander was steps away from the bush when it moved.
It was, upon closer reflection and much squinting, not a bush at all. It was a person. Dark hair, dark clothes, nothing but a pale face and hands to make them stand out from the night around them. They had been leaning against the tree, flicking at a lighter and staring at the river, but at the loud exclamation from Zander, they looked up. The whites of their eyes were large and round, clearly startled.
“Sorry.” Zander shot them one of his winning, gap-toothed smiles. “Thought you were a bush.”
They blinked at him. With his back to the fire, it was near impossible to get a good look at him, no matter how long they stared for. His voice was… familiar. Definitely not from around the Valley. It was almost cartoonishly exaggerated. Not that he gave them much time to wonder where he was from or why he was there.
“Kinda hard to see around here at night. Weird that this town doesn’t have any lights. Then again, I guess if you all live in that one house, you don’t really need outside lights. Unless someone is in the tent. That would suck, having to live in the tent while everyone else lives in the big house. Or maybe it’s like a jail? Oh, I hated being in jail. You got bobbies round here? Was that the old geezer who met us at the bus? He said he was mayor, but I don’t know what that means in a place that only has three people living in it.”
He never seemed to run out of breath, even as he walked around to stand on the person’s other side, allowing them both to see each other better. Zander was a good half a foot taller than them at least, all freckles and bouncy curls, in contrast to their scowls and dark hair covering dark eyes. The sight of him seemed to make them freeze a little, hand fumbling with their lighter for a moment before dropping it in the river with a string of soft swears.
“Oh, mind if I bum a fag?” Zander’s eyes caught on the packet of cigarettes in their hand. “I’ve been dying for a smoke, but the missus quit, so…”
The first thought that went through Sebastian’s mind at the sight of the man in front of him was as follows: That’s Kitty Cohen. That’s the Kitty Cohen. Flashes of countless nights spent scrolling the porn star’s pages ran through his brain as he stared up at those lips he’d fantasised about almost every night. Those curls he’d imagined running his fingers through so often. Those famous tits, all but spilling out of the white tanktop that was practically see through in the light of the campfire.
The second thought was: Did I just get called a fag? It was… honestly, a term he’d never actually heard before. Not out loud, at least. He knew what it meant, and it wasn’t exactly inaccurate, but… well, quite frankly it was a baffling thing to be called by a stranger. Least of all by—and this was where his third and final thought came in, stalling his brain completely—Did the Kitty Cohen just call him a fag?!
“Sorry.” Zander finally took a proper breath, giving another disarming smile. “Didn’t even introduce myself, did I? Zander Cohen, just moved into the old farm!”
Sebastian stared at the offered hand for a moment before tentatively shaking it, still trying to process everything that was happening. It felt like he was half asleep. Or in that odd stage where one’s stayed up far too late and begins to feel like they’ve made the journey to some odd mirror realm. Whatever the fuck was happening, it involved the sex worker he’d spent all of his young adulthood getting off to. And worst of all, his hands were just as soft and warm as Sebastian had always imagined.
There was a moment after he uttered his name in which he paused, wondering if that even was his name. Had he fucked up and said the wrong one? Did he embarrass himself in front of Kitty? Or, rather, Zander. He supposed he should get used to calling the man that, if he didn’t want to expose himself.
“So… May I?” Zander gestured to the cigarettes once more, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. “I’m gasping here.”
“Huh?” Sebastian’s unfocused gaze turned to the packet in his hands before nodding and offering it. “Right, yeah. Uh… sorry, my lighter… fell in.”
“No worries, I always keep a spare on me!”
Zander reached a hand into his bra, unaware of Sebastian’s eyes following his every movement with rapt attention. After a moment of searching, and a few glimpses of the other things he clearly kept in his bra, he produced a cheap lighter. He grabbed one of the cigarettes and popped it between his lips, cupping a hand to block the breeze and lighting the end.
“Fuck…” Zander let out a blissful sigh, smoke curling from his mouth as he revelled in the feeling of smoking again. “Gonna have to hang out with you more often. Can’t keep these at home, you see. Nik would find ‘em, and that wouldn’t end well for anyone.”
Sebastian watched Zander smoke, tongue wetting his lips as he noticed the lipstick stain on the cigarette where Zander’s lips held it. It took him a moment to realise he was staring, another few moments to stop, and a little more to remember he’d come out here for a smoke too. He fumbled with another cigarette, jamming the packet back into his pockets and putting it to his lips. He patted around his pockets, feeling for the familiar bump of his lighter.
“Damn,” He hissed out a few muffled curses as he remembered it was now at the bottom of the river.
“Need a light?”
Zander’s laugh was as odd as his accent, but both were familiar enough to send heat pooling in Sebastian’s stomach. Before he could respond, the taller man leaned in. One hand rested on the tree behind him, the other holding his chin still. He couldn’t breathe. Zander smelled of cheap rose perfume and damp earth. It was the sweetest thing Sebastian had ever smelled and he could already tell it would haunt his dreams.
Zander pressed the smouldering end of his cigarette to Sebastian’s, waiting until he was sure it had caught before looking Sebastian in the eyes. His eyes were darker green in person, Sebastian noted vaguely. Like the thick, soft moss that grew on the rocks by the river bank. Zander’s lips pulled back into a grin, letting their cigarettes touch for a moment longer. He gave a wink and pulled away, taking another drag.
“Consider that payment for the smoke.” He considered his own words for a few seconds before fishing the lighter back out of his bra and tucking it into Sebastian’s hoodie pocket with a pat. “Actually, take that too. I’ve got plenty at home. Nik likes to set things on fire.”
There was a few moments of smoking in content silence before Zander broke it again. He was fond of rambling, it seemed. And Sebastian didn’t mind listening to that voice, even if it sent all the blood to his crotch. He was saying something more about moving in and the path over here from the farm, but Sebastian was desperately trying to push from his mind the audio he’d been listening to minutes before he’d come out to smoke. That same voice guiding him as he touched himself… shit. This was not going to be easy. And Sebastian wouldn’t live it down if Zander ever found out he was a… ‘fan’ felt like an odd word to use, but he couldn’t come up with anything better.
It was strange, how similar Zander was to Kitty. Not that Sebastian had ever met a sex worker in person before, but… he’d sort of figured there’d be more of a difference. That he wouldn’t be as flirty and charming and tits out as he was online. Sure, instead of proper makeup he just had dark eyeliner smeared around his eyes. And his clothes didn’t seem to hide any of that fancy lingerie Sebastian was used to seeing him in. But the accent, the laugh, the smile… it was all authentic. And that was almost as surprising as his presence here at all.
“—never seen a town that’s just one house before! Then again, I grew up in a circus, so I guess I can’t judge. Still, back home this place would be considered way too small to be a town. It’s more like… a hamlet, maybe? Must be weird, the mayor and everyone else in town living in one house though. Do you all get your own rooms?”
That was another thing that was, surprisingly, authentic about him. That patented Kitty Cohen stupidity. The ditzy, airheaded act wasn’t an act at all. Much to Sebastian’s surprised, that was 100% pure Zander. And even more surprising… he found it kinda cute?
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Some body image/self esteem rambling under the cut, and some stuff about clothes...
I don’t know if it’s the summer, or the trauma book I’ve been reading, but my brain is currently working hard on body image. It’s strange to think about it outside ED rehabilitation… that’s the framework I know from before. But I have never really made any proper progress on that front. I have been focused on hating my body, especially the way it looks. It’s very easy to hate a fat body. You are more or less expected to hate it, really. No amount of friends telling you that you should just not care about what is expected is going to help, because the subtle and not-so-subtle reminders of how wrong you are? They are everywhere.
So, I have had some hard rules about the way I dress. One rule is the length of my dresses. Just above knee is the limit - if it’s shorter than that, I can’t wear it. My upper arms? Too fat. Sleeveless tops and dresses without a jacket or a cardigan are a hard no. These are the biggest rules I have. I have sometimes worn a shorter dress with thick stockings/leggings, but I have always felt uncomfortable.
Until I wore this dress.
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Initially I was a bit unsure about this. It’s rather fitted. It’s too short by my rules (I know you can’t tell in this pic, but it is). By rights I should have felt incredibly wrong while out and about in it. I didn’t wear stockings, just a pair of those short biker shorts that you wear to stop thigh chafing. I did wear a cardigan, but that’s not relevant here. I was out and about most of the day, even in places where there were quite a few people, of all ages. These things all make me nervous no matter what I wear, at least usually. 
But this time, a miracle happened. I remember walking outside, enjoying myself, even thinking I looked good or at least alright. I was not worried about people laughing at me, at my fatness. This NEVER HAPPENS. I can’t remember feeling that way in a long, long time. Clearly this dress is magical! I felt good in my skin, and was able to focus on what I was doing, and not how I was looking. I was stunned.
It happened again another day, with another dress that was also short. It’s like I’m under some spell. Because yet another day, I wore jeans and a hoodie (my usual clothing) and walked to pick up a package. I was cold sweating and out of breath with anxiety the whole way there and back. I thought those were my safe clothes? I don’t know anymore. Maybe I should wear more dresses - maybe they are my safe clothes instead.
I’ve been buying a lot of clothes and shoes during the past few weeks. I think I’m reinventing my style again or something. It’s traditionally not easy to find nice plus size clothes, but honestly in many ways it’s gotten easier. You can order so many brands online, you’re bound to find something if you look properly. But still, a lot of it is dark, shapeless, and boring. Nice prints are often reserved for the so called ”normal” sizes. And tailoring, what’s that? Of course I mostly shop fast fashion, and tailoring is really quite rare in any size category. It would be so cool to go to a tailor and get a piece of clothing done to measure, but it’s not in my price range… Still, I’ve made some good purchases, I think. My friends (you know who you are) must be sick of my constant fashion show by now. I feel like I’m always looking for reassurance - I want to hear that I’m good enough, and I can choose clothes that fit me. I really do love clothes, even though my normal clothing doesn’t really show it. Maybe something to work on.
As far as my upper arms go - no progress made on that front. They are still too fat and wobbly to see the light of day. Maybe that’s my next goal…
I’m sharing this in the hopes that someone maybe can relate. And be happy for me, possibly. These are such lonely things, it feels good to share them. Feel free to comment if this made you think thoughts 💗
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iluvfionaapple · 2 years
(tw ed)
Reasons To Lose Weight (for me personally!!):
-prominent collar bones that compliment necklaces
-people can pick me up easily and comment on how little i weigh
-others may compliment me more often
-ill look better from different angles
-to lose any double chin thats left
-to have a nice jawline and my facial structure will stand out more
-to have long slender looking hands
-to be able to go down a size in clothing
-to make outfits look so much better
-to be able to pull off almost any look
-to still look skinny even when im bloated
-for my hips to really pop
-my ribs would stick out a bit and make me appear slimmer
-to be able to do exercises like push-ups easier since i weigh less
-to sweat less
-to notice that im getting smaller and my clothes are looser
-to have tiny wrists i can wrap my hand around
-if i even wanted to crowd surf id stay up so much longer and be less likely to get hurt
-my old clothes that used to be tight will fit really well
-ill be visibly smaller even under baggy clothes
-i can be confident in a bikini
-i wont have to wear shorts and a fully covered bikini top to the beach, so i can even go with friends
-my stomach muscles will appear way more toned
-any workouts i do would have much more visible results
-people in public will notice and think i look tiny
-i have more options since more people may find me attractive, and ill be more confident to pursue them
-to make people think i just have a really fast metabolism if i eat alot in front of them and they wonder how i stay skinny
-sweaters would look so cute, especially in winter
-people may admire me like how i used to admire effortlessly skinny people
-i wont have to alter things so much to make them flattering on me
-pretty privilege can give me so many advantages- with teachers, jobs, and even random people who might naturally like me
-id be able to sit on peoples laps/lay on them without worrying about being so heavy, especially if its a partner since i wouldn't want to say no or be uncomfortable
-ill end up spending less money on food, leaving more for other things i want
-ill feel accomplished whenever i reach a goal/fast
-my skin could clear up from eating less junk
-my skin will be less oily
-rings will look so much cooler/elegant (depending on the vibe i was going for)
-older rings/bracelets may start to fit better
-ill never be told to not eat junk food/eat before meals if i don't want
-i can better achieve the mysterious vibe im going for
-ill look longer rather than wider
-i can be confident enough to actually go after somebody (even just friends) and possibly stand a better chance
-fat wont overflow out of tight clothes
-i'll look really cute sitting
-ill get more used to not eating if i put the effort in
-ill be able to emulate a 20s or runway model
-i can basically be walking th1n$p0 and feel like a model
-i can easily fit in any kids clothes if i really wanted to
-i wont take up so much space in seats and theyll be comfier
-i can borrow or try on anybody's clothes if i wanted
-ill have something to show for working at this for so long, it'll be worth it
-my legs wont seem that big even when they expand when i sit down
-having more options for thrifting since i still fit in larger ones, but smaller ones are now included
-relatives/family friends will notice in pictures
-i can listen to paper bag by fiona apple and really truly relate
-i can have an excuse to get new clothes
-my arms will look skinny
-ill have less surface area to shave/moisturize
-ill be able to fit into tight spaces if i really wanted
-my stomach wont roll as much when i sit down
-ill actually be proud and surprised when i body check
-ill get to brag on tumblr for any goals i reach
-putting my hands on my waist
-making my waist look so much better and itll give me a somewhat hourglass look
-dresses would really look good
-id actually like shorts
-i wouldn't be so uncomfortable in leggings/yoga pants
-people will be impressed
-people will be shocked when i show them an old picture of me
-ill look pretty even from the side
-i can be proud of my bmi lowering
-i can see the results of my weight dropping on the scale
-low waisted pants will look amazing
-if i got w someone i wouldn't be super uncomfortable with showing my body, and id know i looked good even from different angles
-i wouldn't feel at all bad for any future partner, which could even make the relationship stronger
-pictures of me will look amazing and more aesthetic
-i'd be pinterest worthy
-id be cool with changing with people (like if i were trying on clothes with my friends)
-id feel lighter on my feet and i can move easier, like if i wanted to swing on the kitchen counters or run around
-if i do something like bump into my friends they wont feel it as much
-ill feel amazing in a big shirt or in a big blanket, especially when its chilly
-sunglasses look better on a more angular face
-people can give me piggyback rides
-ill feel valid enough in my ed
-i wont feel like the work was for nothing
-ill be happy looking at myself in dressing rooms/mirrors in general
-i can take so many pictures to post and look good
-people will focus on me more
-ill have the kind of slender legs with a thigh gap that make people jealous
-i can pull off skinny jeans, tube tops, and pretty much everything that used to not look great on me
-id be able to look more feminine and masculine
-i can squeeze through groups of people
-ill look back someday and show people how good i looked
-ill still be pretty small even if i gain weight
-ill be compared to things like feathers
-i wont compare myself to others as much
-so id look more memorable/one of a kind (esp to a future partner- who i can meet any moment)
-to look good in my halloween costume
-to get ready for back to school (this applies year round since i can even make a dramatic change over short school breaks)
-going to the waterpark with friends (especially for pictures)
-for school picture day/the yearbook which people will look back on their whole lives
thats it for now!!
(btw i promise ur beautiful! if your interested in recovery please do that this is literally just my insecurities running rampant like fr dont take anything from this if u dont want to, u can mssg me if u need someone to talk to abt recovering)
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peachyxjoon · 2 years
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A/N: This is how I think he is in bed
After Care
He's definitely a little awkward, but so sweet. If you're hungry he'll go make you something, or if you feel sore he'll put you in a warm bath then cuddles and movies.
Body Parts (Favorite body part(s)
On him, he loves his lips. If kissing you was a hobby, it would be his favorite. On you he loves you hair and waist. He loves your long/short hair and your figure. Your imperfections are perfect to him. Stretch marks, thick love handles, he loves it all.
He cums a lot. It's a little on the thinner side. Jin needs a condom on. His goal is to pleasure YOU! He's not focusing on pulling out so he needs a condom.
Dirty Secret (His dirty secret(s)
He once hummed your pillow while you were out of town and he had to but you a new pillow case. He also wants to be bottom to try it but isn't to sure if he'd like it or not.
Experience (How many times he's done it)
Come on y'all, let's be really. Our WWH is a virgin. He said his first kiss was with a statue in Blood, Sweat and Tears. When you guys first did it, he was in the clouds. He probably didn't come down for hours Lol.
Favorite Position (Favorite sex position(s)
Jin is kinda vanilla when you two have sex so missionary. He loves seeing your boob bounce as he thrusts into you. And it gives him the opportunity to kiss you neck, lips or chest.
He's kinda serious in bed but if he get confused on what to do, it would make you both laugh a little then you'll go back to being serious.
Jin is definitely trimmed down there. I don't think he's bald, unless you ask him to, but he doesn't shaves often. On you he doesn't care just as long he gets to pleasure you.
Intimacy (romantic or not)
Jin is like Namjoon. He's romantic if it's needed. Like an anniversary or valentines day. But other than that. If you guys have need together a little over a year, you guys are fucking not really making love. If you guys are not even at a year yet, it's making love. he takes his time to make you cum at least 4 times. The wanted to only give you pleasure never leaves tho.
Jerk Off (How often does he masturbate)
He doesn't do it often. I don't think he ever had and ever will. Before he met you, he probably did it once a week but now that he has you he doesn't need too. But if he's on tour he'll go back to once a week.
• Praise
• Sir kink
• Hair pulling (if you've been together for a long time)
I honestly don't see Jin having a lot of kinks
He prefers the bedroom and only the bedroom.
Motivation (What gets him going)
His you sit on his lap, I feel like that would give him a boner immediately. Or complementing him then slowly progress to sexual complements (praise kink).
No (What he's not comfortable with)
Sharing! He won't share you. You're his and he's yours. To threesomes. He's also not comfortable with people watching you fuck. It's kinda weird.
Oral (Giving, receiving)
He may be a handsome little experience man, but God damn that man knows how to work his tongue. I think Yoongi gave him tips. He loves receiving head. He loves taking a break from work just to have your lips around his cock
Pace (How fast does he go)
He goes pretty slow at first then fast till you shake and came more than once.
Like Namjoon, they're not his favorite, he wants to take his time going down on you.
Risk (public sex?)
No. No public sex unless it's his dressing room bathroom. if it has lock he'd do it but it has to be in a safe place. he wouldn't do it in a mall or restaurant, you know.
Stamina (How long can he last)
1-2 rounds. He can last with out cumming for awhile, he can hold it. But he'd run your clothes so you cum more than him. So 20-30 mins each round.
I don't see Jin having any toys, HE wants to make you cum, either with his tongue and fingers or his cock.
Unfair (Teasing)
He loves teasing you, either rubbing your thigh and your heart while driving to an event or to go eat dinner with the members, so your horny the whole time. Or he come out of the shower with the towel hanging low on his waist, walking around the house and you just sit there waiting for it to drop but he makes sure it doesn't.
This man is a moaner. Almost like the pleasure is to much for him but he keeps going. He gets really loud if you're in control.
Wild Card (Random Headcanon)
You were taking a shower waiting for Jin to come him. You were blasting sensual music, making you feel a certain way. So you starting pleasuring yourself, when all of a sudden a hand grabbed your wrist and words whispered into your ear "I thought I told you to wait for me princess"... it was a long night🤤
X-ray (How big is he)
Long but skinny. He carrying a good 6-7 inches on him. Daddy goes deep.
Yearning (High sex drive?)
He has a high sex drive. He wants you all day everyday. He can last with out sex for about a week probably.
After bathing you and feeding you, he's out. He cuddles you and sleeps soundly.
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demcngeneral · 1 month
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Name: Ni Tian Er Xing Dace Claim: Zhu Zhengting Age: 10,000 Gender: Male Alignment: Lawful Ht:6'1 Wt:148 Hair Color: Black worn extremely long pulled up in high tail and braided down so it falls past his backside. Eye Color: Blue Species: Demon/God Distinguishing Features: Zhing has pointed ears and his long braid he dresses in dark armor when he is in the field which also stands out. There are patches along his skin that are like stone from the stone curse unrightfully levied at his kin by the Tyrannical Immortals.
Marital Status: Single [varies by verse] Sexuality: Demisexual & Demiromantic Position: Demon General and Ruler of the eight clans. Homeland: The Demon Realm ( a place they were cast by the Tyrant Immortals ) Personality Noble and upright he is a man who speaks his mind freely. Willing to meet violence with words and when that fails a well placed blade is certain to end the issue. He is willing to do anything to help his people, and fought tooth and nail for them for the past thousands of years. Blood, Sweat and Tears are all worthy sacrifices to insure the continued well being of his people. Even to the point of deceiving them if he felt it would be better for them. Though it makes him feel shame, since the secret was the last promise he made to his brother. The last Demon General. He truly believed it was for the best and would give them hope. If he commits himself to something and is dedicated to it, he will give his all. He will never waver and he won't break a promise given to that person. If he claims someone as his kin. You are his kin until you die or he does and likely into the next life. His line only takes one spouse and it is something that he deeply believes in. Mostly because there is too much trauma. The bonding and the loss is enough to tear on of his Clan apart and many of those who do not have high cultivation often die with their beloved. His failing often come in the form of feeling like he has to do everything for himself, that he can not trust others as he doesn't trust easily. He is a survivor, and he knows that trust must be earned and can easily be destroyed. Betrayal is met with death or never associating with the person again. It is simply something he doesn't allow in his life. He has enough on his shoulders trying to hold the weight of the world there. History Zhu Zingting was born thousands of years ago. He vaguely remembers playing under the sunlight of the upper world, and he has vague memories of his parents. They are memories he holds onto and finds dear. Raised by his older brother, with the intention of him becoming the next General and ruler. Their parents were immortals that turned against the heavens and were cursed into the demons they are now. Unlike those of other clans. He is a second generation immortal and there for Demon God. Raised to be noble but ruthless because it was what their people needed. He learned combat at the hands of his brother, the Demonic God of War. As the position of the God of War has been vacant since the betrayal of the heavens. In his youth Xing discovered the truth of the Flower of Dawn that it was the cause of the curse of petrification that was effecting himself and his people. His brother, insisted that he hold the lie and made him swear as a dying promise to the person he loved more than life itself, it was a lie he struggled with much of his life.
It is his ultimate goal to see the current tyrants of the heavenly kingdom destroyed and a true gods restored. He wants the chance for his people to live free and be able to enjoy the things people take for granted. Abilities Legendary Swordsmanship- He has practiced the art of swordplay with his blade for a little over 10,000 years. He is a gifted combatant he is good at seeing his enemies weakness and he knows where to strike and how. Most people fighting him don't have the chance to know they are even dead until they hit the ground lifelessly. Tactics- Many years on the field of battle have led to him being very gifted at commanding armies and fighting great battle at the head of the army. he is a War machine and knows it. He will NEVER command from the sidelines and he will fight along side of his men. Wisdom- He has lived a life of martial and mental prowess he has read many books on many various subjects and he good at offering advice in situations he has some knowledge on or might have seen. Super Speed-He can move across a battle field or a room in a blink. He can be anywhere on a field of battle quickly and he is very skilled at placing himself where he needs to be. He has turned the tides of battle with just this skill. Making an enemy miss a target , a shot to go astray etc. Teleportation- If his formidable speed was not enough he can teleport himself and others with a quickness that borders on instantaneous. He often uses this to teleport in combat and get even further advantages. He has also used this to teleport another out of harms way, and to make sure he doesn't loose a valued member of his group. Mastery of the Demon Sword Art- This cultivation art allows him to summon many blades at once, or one that is very large, he can do the death of a thousand cuts and has achieved the highest tier in this art. There is no one that has mastered it as he has. It is one of his clans sacred arts. Demonic Strength & Endurance: Doesn't really need to be described he is super strong, super enduring and fast. Due to his blood and immortal origins. Powerful Cultivation: He can use his cultivation to heal himself and others , augment another's cultivation. Use it for shielding, stunning and otherwise making a true nuisance of himself. Weaknesses Holy Light (temporarily )-The light of the false Divine Emperor can cause him damage he can not quickly repair as he can normal wounds inflicted upon him. He finds it blinding and makes him have to relay on blind fighting in combat, and is dazzling at best under most situations. Cold Iron - There is some curiosity that he and his clan are effected by Cold Iron, that effects him in the same way cold iron effects the fey. Petrification Curse- This curse was leveled against the whole of the immortals that sided against the tyranny of the heavenly rule of the current immortals. He also suffers from it but his is less because of his cultivations and the fact his healing can keep it at bay. When his chi-energies are low his pain is greater. Divinations- Where as his abilities to use his super speed and his teleportation in combat are second to none due to the diligence of his study of them and his constant practice and war with things. A seer can tell where he will be, as he appears to be a flicker flash of light as he moves. Holy Golden Sword- Where he can recover from most things. Death by the Holy Sword of the TRUE god of the heavens can poison his body and slowly shut it and him down, as the petrification disease would spread to quickly for his powers to contain it.
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iinnerme10 · 1 year
3 Easy Methods to Select the Best Garter Belt For You
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Method 1
Choosing a Style
1. Go with a wide belt for solace and smoother lines. In the event that you plan to wear your garter belt underneath your everyday dress, pick a wide belt style. These create smoother lines around the waist and hips and are far less inclined to appear through your garments. Wide garter belts are also more comfortable than narrow ones, making them the better decision for daily wear.
• Widths vary, yet pick a belt that is at least as wide as your palm. It ought to sit at the narrow part of your waist, not on your hip.
• Narrow belts will more often than not descend the hips, constraining you to pull at them all day.
2. Select a narrow belt for the room. Solace matters significantly less when you're away from plain view, and other than - you won't be wearing that garter belt for a really long time! In the event that you're looking for something charming and smooth to wear in the room, go with a narrow belt that fits around your hips.
3. Pick one with snare eye closures in the back for adjustability. This is really smart regardless of where you plan to wear your belt. Search for one that has snare eye closures toward the back, very much like those on the backs of bras. For the most exceptionally fit, pick a belt that offers (at least three) columns of snare eye closures so you can adjust as required.
4. Ensure a solid match by choosing adjustable straps made of elastic. The straps, or garters, are the suspender-looking bits of fabric that hang down from the belt and attach to your stockings. Whether you're wearing your belt away from plain view or under your regular dressing, go with elastic straps that you can adjust with the same slide mechanism you have on your bra straps.
• Very much like bras, there's nobody size-fits-all garter belt, and having the option to adjust the straps is critical to a solid match.
5. Pick the four-strap style to wear in the room. Four garters (two in front and two in back) are all you want on the off chance that solace and practicality aren't your goals. These styles look great, yet they won't hold up your stockings for a really long time, especially in the event that you're walking around. They are also easier to get off, which makes them a decent decision for the room.
6. Decide on six to eight straps for security and solace. For daily wear, you really want six garters least to genuinely hold up your stockings and keep everything in place - two in front, two in back, and two along your thighs. Certain individuals favor the extra security of eight straps, yet this is for the most part a matter of personal inclination. Give the two styles a shot and see which feels significantly improved for you.
7. Wear 10 to 12 straps to create interest looks. Anything past eight straps is outside the realm of solace and more about creating a particular provocative energy. On the off chance that you appreciate intricate details, loads of straps, bodices, and other interest wear, attempt one of the styles with 10 or even 12 straps. Remember that assuming you plan to take these off in the room, you'll have quite a great deal of unclasping to do!
Method 2
Selecting a Material
1. Pick non-stretch satin, powernet, or cotton for daily wear. On the off chance that you plan on wearing your garter belt under your daily garments for any timeframe, go with a breathable and comfortable fabric like satin, powernet (some of the time called powermesh) or outright cotton. Everyone sweats, and it's important for this area of the body to breathe - for both your solace and your health.
2. Select lux fabrics like leather, satin, and faux fur for the room. Garter belts for the room can be made of basically whatever you want! Lace, vinyl, silk, leather, faux fur, and nylon are only a couple of choices. Get whatever looks and feels better for you. Assuming you want that 12 strap leather garter belt managed with faux fur, pull out all the stops.
3. Avoid embellishments like lace, unsettles, and retires from wear. These embellishments look great however turn out best for the room as it were. Unfortunately, little details like unsettles and withdraws from directly through your garments. They can also snag within seams of your garments, constraining you to pull and adjust all day lengthy.
4. Pick a belt made of light-shaded fabric for daily wear. Assuming you're wearing tight or light-hued clothing, dark fabrics may show directly through, very much like dark panties would - aside from quite a lot more noticeably! Always take your outfit into account prior to getting all strapped into your garter belt. It doesn't damage to twofold really look at in the mirror prior to leaving your home, for good measure.
5. Go with metal clasps over plastic ones. Plastic clasps don't grasp the stockings well and will generally slide right off. Whether you're wearing the garter belt in or outside the room, you want the clasps to hold immovably onto your stockings. Metal is the most ideal decision. Avoid the clasps with metal teeth, however - those can snag and tear your stockings and dress.
Method 3
Making Sure It Fits
1. Get measured and fitted at an autonomous underwear shop. On the off chance that you've never purchased a garter belt, you may find it supportive to go down to your nearest underwear shop for a professional fitting. While the staff individual is taking your measurements, give them an idea about what you're searching for and ask to see what they have available.
2. Measure your waist and hips. If you would rather not get a professional fitting or on the other hand on the off chance that you plan to purchase on the web, it is vital to have accurate measurements. Utilize a fabric measuring tape, if conceivable. Measure around your natural waist, which is the narrowest part of your middle. Then, at that point, measure around the broadest part of your hips.
• For most garter belts, all you really need is the waist measurement. Be that as it may, assuming you plan to wear the belt at hip-level, you'll require the hip measurement. Either way, it's not a bad idea to have both.
• Write down the measurements in inches and centimeters (this will save you from being required to change over later, since brands may utilize either).
3. Check the brand's measuring chart prior to making your purchase. Measurements and sizes for garter belts will vary from one brand to another, so always check the particular estimating chart for each. Because you're a medium in one brand doesn't mean you'll be a medium in another!
4. Figure out the merchandise exchange before you purchase anything. Whether you're purchasing face to face or on the web, figure out the company's merchandise exchange for underwear prior to making a purchase. Since underwear is worn so near private areas of the body, many companies may have particular standards about what can and cannot be returned.
5. Keep your receipt and leave the tags on. On the off chance that your garter belt doesn't fit the way you expected once you get it home, having your receipt will make returning/exchanging it a lot easier. Until you're sure the garter belt fits, don't eliminate the tags or any of the defensive covers on the garter belt.
6. Wear the belt around your waist for solace and security. For everyday wear, pick a belt that fits around the narrowest part of your waist. Make sure it's cozy yet comfortable. Assuming it's excessively close, it may squeeze your skin painfully, and in the event that it's excessively free, it will slide down past your hips. It ought to fit cozily around your waist, yet feel comfortable. Since it's sitting at your waist, your hips give extra security against it sliding down.
7. Put on the garter belt prior to moving on your stockings. Make sure the belt is safely in place before you go through the hassle of snaring and cutting everything. Slide the belt on very much like you would panties, then, at that point, make all your adjustments - the snare eyes toward the back, where it's situated on your waist, and so on. When you're happy with the fit, roll on your stockings.
8. Adjust the straps to the appropriate length once your stockings are on. The garters ought to hang down about one-quarter to 33% of the way down your thighs, simply past the highest points of your stockings. Utilize the sliding mechanism to adjust them, on the off chance that necessary, guide them into place. Once clasped onto your stockings, adjust the straps a little more, if necessary, until all that has a solid sense of safety.
9. Wear panties that don't sit higher than the belt on your waist. Garter belts are traditionally worn with panties, and as a rule will be sold with a matching pair. The panties shouldn't come up higher than the belt on your waist or be noticeable at all above the belt. Assuming that you want, you can avoid the panties altogether - it really depends on you.
Buy Garter Belt Online India at the best price and quality.
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false-gwen · 1 year
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Character’s full name: Gwendolyn Gracie Hart Reason for name and/or meaning of name: Her mother was going through a witchy phase when she was pregnant with Gwen, and thought that a mystical name might bring her some magical powers.  Spoiler Alert: It did not. Character’s nickname: Gwen, but she won’t respond to anything else Birth date: July 27, 2001 Star Sign: Leo
Physical appearance Faceclaim: Maya Hawke Gender: Cis-female Height: 5′11 Build: Tall and built of lean muscle Eye color: Blue Glasses or contacts?: She used to wear glasses as a child, but went through laser eye surgery before she was assigned to Nora and now has a perfect 20/20 Distinguishing marks/scars: Gwen has many scars all over her body from many different things over the years, but nothing that she finds particularly interesting.  She also has a whole lot of freckles Hair color: Dirty blonde Type of hair: Scraggly and short, with curtain bangs that Birdie talked her into Hairstyle: Gwen mostly wears her hair up and out of her face in whatever the most convenient way to her is Clothing style:  Though she would much rather be hanging around in sweats and ball caps, she usually ends up wearing a lot of dresses and skirts because she can hide all her weapons very discreetly under them Make up:  Not usually, though she loves a good bold lip
Personality Good personality traits: Hardworking, Loyal, Observant, Resourceful, Selfless Bad personality traits: Cynical, Feisty, Snarky, Strong-Willed, Untrusting Mood character is most often in: Though to the outside, Gwen usually looks in a chilled and laid back mood, in reality she is always on guard for any hints of danger. Sense of humor: She has a pretty dry, sarcastic and even dark sense of humour  Articulation: Gwen’s articulation is usually pretty strong, she speaks clearly but uses a lot of slang Character’s greatest joy in life: Other than training? Character’s greatest fear: Something horrible happening to Nora Character is most at ease when: She’s around other guards and doesn’t feel like all of the weight of the world is on her shoulders Most ill at ease when: She’s out in new public spaces with lots of people Enraged when: Anyone looks at Nora the wrong way Depressed or sad when: She feels like she has too much time on her hands Priorities: Her job comes first, every time Life philosophy: Life is miserable and then you die Greatest strength: Her roundhouse kick and ability to aim a gun Greatest vulnerability or weakness: A part of her is always a little nervous that the safety in numbers strategy they’ve got going on will backfire, and end up in multiple people getting hurt.  She obviously cares about more people than just Nora, and is worried that will get taken advantage of someday
Goals Drives and motivations: It has been so long since Gwen has thought of anything but keeping Nora safe and happy that she truly can’t remember anything that motivated her before Immediate goals: Keeping Nora and the rest of the kids safe and sound Long term goals: Maybe to take a vacation
Childhood Hometown: Paterson, New Jersey Type of childhood: Gwen grew up with hippie parents who flitted from obsession to trend faster than she could blink.  It wasn’t a stable childhood in the least, with Gwen taking on role of the parent more often than not.  It wasn’t until her Dad walked out on them and the bills kept piling up that Gwen went looking for a solution.  Joining the guard agency before she even realized what she was doing or signing up for may seem sad to some, but to Gwen it seemed like a foolproof solution. Pets: Does Nora count? Dream job: She’s really already in it
Present Current location: New York City, New York Currently living with: Nora, Birdie and Cassie Sexuality: Pansexual Occupation/education: A professional guard who also happens to be (failingly) majoring in Mechanical Engineering Mode of transportation: Gwen likes to drive .... fast.  But considering they live in the city she will also take the bus and subway
Family Parent one: Eden Christine Hart Relationship with them: Gwen speaks to her mother on a regular basis, mostly to make sure that she’s paying her bills and buying enough groceries for the week.  It wasn’t easy growing up with someone so flaky, but Gwen has a secret soft spot for her mother, even if she’ll never admit it to anyone.  She’d rather her mother spend all her money on crystals than on drugs or gambling, and is pretty sure that her trend of the month is a strict Keto diet, which certainly won’t kill her. Parent two: Oliver Williams Relationship with them: Gwen doesn’t talk to her father, but as far as anyone knows, she has two loving but slightly flighty parents who would love it if she were to quit engineering and become an actress Other important family members: Do the guards who trained her at the agency count?
Favorites Color: Black Music: Screamo and jazz, depending on the mood Food: She’ll eat anything, but she particularly loves a good flaky pastry Film: Die Hard Drink: Give her a margarita on the rocks.  She also drinks Coke like it’s water Form of entertainment: She secretly likes watching old sitcoms like Friends Most prized possession: The friendship bracelet Nora made her when they first became friends
Habits Hobbies: Martial arts and weaponry Plays a sport? No, but she would probably do really well at rugby or lacrosse How she would spend a rainy day: Either training or watching Netflix Spending habits: Gwen tends to err on the side of frugal Smoking/drinking/drugs?: She smokes on occasion, but doesn’t often drink because she needs to have a clear head at all times Nervous tics: She blinks a lot when she’s uncomfortable Usual body posture: When she’s in the comfort of her own home, her posture is usually more relaxed, but when she’s out and about, her posture is usually more stiff and upright
Traits Optimist or pessimist?  Realist Introvert or extrovert? Introvert Daredevil or cautious? A mix of both Logical or emotional? Logical Leader or follower? Follower Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Habitually messy Prefers working or relaxing? Working Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident Animal lover? She likes animals, she just doesn’t necessarily have time for them
Self-perception How do they feels about themselves?: Gwen has a decent amount of self-esteem, she knows that she’s capable of a lot of things.  However, being turned into a weapon at a young age has to put a dent in how you feel about herself, and if she were to ever retire, she’s not sure she would actually know anything about herself. One word the character would use to describe themselves: Feisty What does the character consider their best trait?: Her tenacity What does the character consider their worst trait?: How she’ll never really be able to trust anyone fully What does the character consider their best physical characteristic?: Her entire face What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic?: She could live without her knobbly knees How does the character think others perceive them?: Gwen doesn’t think that people spend a lot of time thinking about her What would the character most like to change about himself/herself:  Not a thing
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: Gwen believes that there is a lot of bad in the world, but she wants to do her best to shield Nora and the others from it Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? She’s pretty good at speaking her mind, even if she knows the people around her don’t want to hear the truth Most important person in character’s life: Nora Best friend/s: Nora and Flo Dating experience: Who has time for dating? Romancing: Gwen is not a romantic person in the slightest, if she ever catches feelings for someone, she’s more likely to punch them than try to kiss them
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loafease57 · 2 years
Best Leather Messenger Bags For Men & Women for Beginners
11 Classy Leather Messenger Bags for Men [2022 Guide] Goal: Obtain a enduring natural leather bag that is classy, premium, and exceptionally operational. We sell our natural leather bag at an desirable expense, and we assume you'll really love our bags. All bag sizes are 8" x 18", 12" x 12" and 15" x 22", all measurements possibilities are on call today. All bags are hand-made and our premium is incredible. Please take a look at our Shopping Cart. That’s the natural leather messenger bag in a few words. And that's how it really feels to be a person again and a full-time writer. I indicate, actually. I mean, that's all that you obtain for writing, it's only it implies being like a writer. I suggest, for one person to claim, "I'm a full-time writer. Why do I claim that?". is kind of like an invite to go perform something that's not always possible. When you visualize a Roman courier needing to have to carry something coming from one area to another in a hurry, it’s in a natural leather carrier bag, best? Currently you just possess to bring in what you're bring from one individual to another’ and after that say to it’ how many individuals are needed. Also after that you need to be capable to figure out what the coordinations of holding something should look like. Or maybe also a carrier young boy from the Revolutionary War? I assume the reason people are so critical of the Confederate banner is merely because it's also outrageous, it's also flag-y and folks don't like the past history. That's not what our nation stand up for. The means folks dress and believe. That's also a lot of exciting to check out, I expect. You need to also note that the Confederate banner is a excellent icon.
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In this short article we provide up tips on how to identify the top quality of a carrier bag, as well as our top bag picks. This write-up is written from the inside. The initial factor we yearn for to perform is make certain the bag is properly cushioned. I have made use of a set of nylon trousers, jeans and a set of coaches in an effort to stop my hands coming from sweating during holding in the shower. They function terrific and seem to protect versus perspiration from perspiration and/or humidity. Additional Info purchasing for their guys and hubbies often have to determine between dark or brown, flat or shiny, and therefore on. But this is what's brand new to this world is the reality that we're not just chatting regarding some new, enhanced fashion designs that are more refined than ever previously. We have literally a new closet. And this may seem like one significant difference, but it's actually a significant distinction. Often the quality can be therefore similar it’s basically inconceivable to select. What you are attempting to say to individuals is that you like the company (because they carry out a gorgeous work) (that I do) at that point there is actually a huge difference in price or top quality between these products (because you are taking away a item coming from them) you need to not produce this a aspect through stating that they are not your brand name any longer; somewhat, they are not your brand anymore. There are a handful of techniques to find what bag is absolute best to purchase for your funds. 1. Go to our website – it are going to give you the particular price you have to spend to get your money. 2. Click on on our prices vary and choose the most cost effective bag you can easily locate. 3. In the leading correct palm section of the site you are going to locate various other costs hyperlinks. 4. Under the alternative to decide on your budget you will definitely find a confirmation regarding the right rebate. Allow us assist you figure out good high quality with our listing of handpicked absolute best leather messenger bag chooses. When it comes to what is absolute best for your bags, you probably understand our choice of finest leather-made messenger bags is all regarding convenience and appearance. For a excellent top quality assortment, you may pick a set of boots, but in some cases there can be even more choices, or something even a lot better, just to call a handful of. This listing comprises of the finest natural leather bag brand names in the USA, UK and France. Anatomy Of Leather Messenger Bags As along with any kind of high-dollar investment, it’s essential to recognize your stuff before you go shopping online or at a brick and mortar establishment. It's also critical to recognize who you acquire from. Although the information on your package may seem difficult to some, look at it this method: When you open your pocketbook or bag the first thing you will definitely view is a leather-made messenger bag that you can easily put over your phone. Here are some things to look at when you’re choosing a bag: Know Your Natural leather Understanding the different styles of natural leather is the very most crucial factor to know when deciding on a carrier bag. What styles are you looking for? Is it natural leather that appears correct for you? What are some ideas you have for choosing leather kind or bag? Knowing Your Leather-made The leather from the bags created by Torsen Leather does not match very closely along with our bags. Well, that is if you yearn for a bag made coming from natural leather, of program! But if you would like a lighter/cams created coming from leather be certain to wait till I upload additional info on other natural leather designs! Offering it in mass It is always wonderful to obtain some leather-made for a lengthy supply and purchase one at a time without the demand to worry regarding shipping costs. If that’s the case, analyze up on your natural leather know-how stat. Then you also receive some added leggings, that, of training program, don't produce you look like a typical individual and are definitely simply a outfit up for you. But the simple fact that you do, is that if you are fortunate you will certainly acquire some added pieces of your heart to help those around you as well. You are lucky definitely if you desire your person dressed that means as properly.
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selenesheart · 3 years
something new || p.p.
word count: 1.0k
pairing: pansy parkinson x fem!reader
summary: pansy fingers you for the first time.
warnings: smut, fingering, clit play, a tiny bit of embarrassment, slight innocence kink if you squint.
selfish, arrogant, bossy, cruel. people around often used this and many other words to describe pansy parkinson.
but what the others didn’t know was that when the slytherin girl was out of the world’s sight, she was the sweetest, funniest and most caring person you’ll ever meet.
ever since you met pansy, your life has been the best. your friends would often interrogate you, asking if she made you do it, a few of them were sure that the black haired girl had use a love spell on you.
you were sure that you liked her when one of her attempts of giving you a kiss in the cheek ended up being a peck in the corner of your lips. when she backed away, your face was burning, your whole body felt hot. without you knowing pansy looked back at you, smirking as she saw your sweaty forehead and red cheeks.
now, being a relationship with pansy was a roller coaster of emotions, taking dangerous decisions— at least for you— was part of her “fun”. going to get snacks at midnight, pulling pranks on your classmates, going on broom rides at random times in the morning to see the sunrise. you’ve never done any of those activities and more, you’ve “never had fun before” as she said to you a few weeks ago.
but what shocked her the most was when you told her that you’ve never really done anything sexual or anything including that topic after a game of truth or dare between us two. the reason you didn’t do such things was because you felt filthy and were nervous.
after hearing your answer, she made it her goal. to be the first one to pleasure you, ever. to make you feel so good. to make you whine and scream her name. to fucking destroy you one day. only if you gave her consent, that is.
after spending a little less than a month discussing the topic, you reached out to her and told her that you were ready. after checking multiple times if you were sure, pansy agreed.
that’s how you ended in her dorm, in front of a full length mirror, your naked reflection staring back at you. you felt comfortable knowing that pansy was behind you, stroking your back with her delicate fingers.
“open your legs, sweetheart” you heard pansy's whisper behind you. making eye contact with her through the mirror, you slowly opened you legs. you felt embarrassed, you didn’t really know what to do. pansy reached front and grabbed your hand, trying to make you more comfortable, and it worked.
soon, pansy’s hands were massaging your breasts, the new sensation making your breathing get heavier. the slytherin girl started kissing the left side of your neck, sucking, licking, all that while playing with your hard nipples.
her soft fingers worked their way down, until they hovered over your lower stomach. watching carefully every move she made, you got aroused. you didn’t exactly know what it was but they way you felt right at this moment, all of your body felt like it was on fire. you felt good.
pansy began massaging your clit after you told her to continue. with her free hand, she began to caress your soft thigh, widening your legs a bit more, so she could get a better view of your pretty little pussy.
with wide eyes, you watched as pansy dragged her fingers through your glistening folds. when she neared her way to your hole, you hips bucked.
“are you ready, love?” she whispered. nodding furiously, almost begging, you took a deep breath, mentally prepared for your girlfriend’s finger to enter you.
lips parted, legs widened more as one of pansy’s fingers entered your tight hole easily. then another finger. she began pumping her fingers in and out of you, while keeping the intense eye contact.
“tell me” she said sweetly “how does it feel?”. you felt all the blood in your body rush to your face after hearing her much intimate question. you were embarrassed, you weren’t sure how to respond but you also didn’t want to disappoint her.
“it— it feels—” you tried to make a sentence “it feels really uh— good, pans” your answer seemed to please her, because then she added a third finger. you felt like you were on cloud 9. your breath getting heavier by the second.
pansy was going on a animalistic speed, all you focus on was the way her fingers hit all the right places inside of you. the other hand that wasn’t inside of you, moved to you upper body and got a hold of your breast, toying with your nipple.
her hands were cold compared to your body’s temperature.
you couldn’t believe how good this felt. then, you felt a unfamiliar feeling in the lower part of your stomach. you began whimpering and squirming, and pansy knew that you were close to cumming.
“pansy, i’m— i feel tingly” you panted. “‘s all right hun, you’re doing so good” she responded, speeding her fingers once again. the hand, that once was massaging your chest, started circling your sensitive clit.
moans and whines were coming out of your mouth uncontrollably. the coil in your stomach exploded, coating the slytherin’s finger with your sweat cum. pansy slowed down her finger while riding you out of your high. you were on bliss.
with a heavy sight, you fixed your posture after pansy took her coated finger out of you, putting them inside of her mouth, humming at the taste.
after you dressed up, you turned to pansy with a smile on your face, once she saw you, she returned the smile, walking towards you. stopping right in front of you, pansy grabbed your sweaty face and kissed you lovingly.
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“Your dad just left to go to the Sheridan jobsite. We have a little bit extra time to do more than pit worship and piss drinking. Get that pussy face in there. It’s been hot and humid all morning. I’ve been sweating like a whore in church. It should be real rank. I certainly can smell it. Rub your fucking face. Don’t lick. I want my fucking scent on your face, not your tongue contaminating my scent. Atta boy. You really like real man stink don’t you?...
“My other pit needs attention. I want you to smell me constantly throughout the rest of the day. You’ll smell my rank pits one minute and then my musky ass the next. Oh yeah, we have the time. I’ve been thinking of you eating my sweaty crack throughout the morning. We’ll get to that in good time. Don’t forget to play with my nipples. You know they are wired to my cock. Both nipples. Softly now. I’m not one of those queers that pull and twist them. Here let me demonstrate on yours. Now don’t make a fucking sound and call attention to us. Feel my thumbnails digging in. Painful? Isn’t it? Your goal is to do the exact opposite. Yeah. That’s it. Soft. Quit fidgeting. The more pain I inflict on your titties, the gentler your touch should be. Softer. Oh… man… like that.
“Now look at my cock. It’s rock hard. We are going to do a few things different. You are still going to suck on me and drink my piss. You ever hear of a blumpkin? It’s when you give me head while I take a dump. We are in a port-o-potty after all. Get on your fucking knees. Move over let me sit down. Not much room in here. Take your time blowing me, and I’m not going to give you any advanced notice of me pissing in your mouth. You just know what to do; you’ve been drinking my piss for months. Now you get the extra bonus of doing it as I take a dump. Lucky you.
“Hey, you’ve wanted to do more with me. Not much we can do in a port-o-potty during a lunch break. Focus on what’s going on in your mouth, and not under it…. Fuck does this feel good. Your toilet mouth was made for servicing men. Real men. Urgg! When I see you walking around the job site looking for your dad, I don’t see anything other than two holes to piss and cum in…. Ugh! Ugh! Ah!...
“…I look forward to these Friday afternoons when I can use you the way you should be treated. Oh that felt good. You have a talented mouth. Now, it’s time for you to do the next thing. Lean back. You’ve eaten my ass before. You get to eat it again. Bitch, you are going to do this. You’ve cleaned off my cock after fucking you. This is no different. Now I’m going to hold your head in there. Next time you will be expected to gleefully eat my shithole.
“Let me feel that tongue. Atta boy. That’s it; tongue fuck me. This is now your job going forward. You ever hear of a rusty trombone? That’s when a bitch like you gives a reach around at the same time as a rim job. Feel how rock hard I am? More importantly, feel how much I am leaking. Slather that on my head. Get it really slippery.
“Between your tongue fucking my ass and the hand job, it’s not going to take me much time to cum. When I say so I want you to stand up, turn around, bend over slightly, and arch that back. Oh man. With your freehand play with my nipple. Softly. Oh so soft. Oh man. Oh fucking man. I’m getting close. So fucking close…. Fuck!… Get up and turn around now!. I’m going right to the root. My raw cock is ready to explode! Oh your cunt feels good. Get ready to be bred. Here it comes. Ahh Ahh Ahh, fuck yeah, ahh ahh… Ahhhhh. Damn, that felt good. Hold still. That’s a huge load, four days worth.
“I’m pulling out, you know the routine. Clean me off. Easy. Easy. You know I am sensitive. I want your cunt more often. I hear that we are going on to a new job site in the hills in a couple weeks. It will be a smaller crew. Your dad is putting me in charge. Ask him to be a part of it. The other guys are partiers. Your dad will want me to look after you. Now pull off my cock. Get dressed. Let me see if the coast is clear. As usual wait five minutes. And keep my load in you and my scent on you as long as you can. When you walk around and smell my pits and ass on your face, think about my load in your cunt. Think about how much of a goddamned faggot whore you’ve become.”
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