#the comments were so weird on this live
evankinkley · 25 days
Imagine getting a live with JLH and you can ask her about her favourite dramatic scenes, what she wishes for madney in the future, what she thought of the wedding episode, which natural disaster she would like to see on the show etc.... and instead you ask her about a non-canon ship that she's not a part of.
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120percents · 9 months
i just think it’s so funny that zoro does not even wanna comment on the usokaya situation when usopp explicitly asks and he very pointedly looks away when they kiss and yet he proceeds to butt in every single time sanji flirts with a woman or implies he knows about romance to redirect attention back on himself like god i wonder where your interests lie…
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opens-up-4-nobody · 3 months
#so my mom's wake thing was today and that was a lot. not in an emotional sense but in a im standing here talking for 3hrs#to ppl i dont kno or barely kno. ya kno? but it was good bc so many ppl showed up to talk abt her#so many people. my mom made a huge impact on the school system. so many ppl relied on her. she encouraged at least 2 ppl to get their#master. for one person to specilize in helping the dyslexic after her experience advocating for 3 dyslexic daughters. she wrote and was#awarded a 10000 dollar grant for special needs and intervention curriculum. which will affect so many lives.#everyone loved her. she's gonna get a track meet named after her and a scholarship created in her honor.#she was an amazing person and she affected a lot of lives and im glad she was my mom. and she raised at least one jem in my littlest#sister who is so sweet and is a great teacher. god but there was some weird stuff too. were pretty sure her old boss was in love with her.#and there were some weird comments abt her being a strong woman or this woman doing so much and its like hm y do i detect a note of sexism#y not say she was an amazing person? y the surprise? weird comments about how pretty i looked. which yes i looked great lol. my funeral fit#was cute. we did bright colors bc it was a celebration not a dower event. and im sure it was ment well but it was a lil weird. and then#everyone was telling my grandma what a great job she did raising my mom and like god fuck off she didn't do jack. my mom was great despite#her terrible mother. ugh. but altogether it was good that everyone was able to express their love for her. it was def a day that was for#them mostly. i mean partly for us but mostly for them. none of us even cried. ay but we have 2 more parties in her honor#bc everyone loved her so much we have to do one in her hometown too. plus a personal friends get together. ugh. im so tired#i wish i wasnt the most awkward. eye contact avoidant person in the room but like ya kno. what can ya do?#unrelated
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mikakuna · 4 months
batman really just be saying shit. "killing the joker will make you the same as him"
like oh yes of course. you're definitely on par with a man who's killed thousands of innocents because you killed one person. bitch please. you're telling me bruce being a pussy enabler is why thousands of people die at the hands of one person? he should just go to therapy after killing the joker if it's that big of a deal. if you're gonna take on a role as serious and God-like as Batman/hero, you need to accept that you have to do immoral and messed up things. there's no reason to really make batman so strictly Moral if the supervillains he fights really show no shame in mass murdering and torturing innocents- innocents in a city that he swears is his and his to protect.
in a universe like dc where supervillains (+people who work with chemicals that aren't usable in the real world) exist and absolutely cannot be tied down in prison, killing is likely one of the only ways to keep cities safe. like sorry but batman has to kill the joker, a mass murderer, if he wants gotham to become a safer place. it's that or create an indestructible prison that no villains can escape from no matter what. which surprisingly hasn't been made yet, from what i know, despite all the amazing tech bruce has and can afford
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ducktracy · 6 months
yet another reprise of the same post i’ve made dozens and dozens of times before but GEEZ! i am so incredibly lucky to be doing what i’m doing! to think i spend hours and hours and days and weeks and months and years and hopefully DECADES pouring over animation history, lauding the masters and studying their work so intently and absorbing it and feeling and identifying with it, and the fact that i get to walk the same turf they did. that i get to be a part of this business that they established. that i get to carry the torch and that, some day, no matter how small or insignificant, my own work and contributions will be regarded as “animation history” because i work in animation and all history is history. i just can’t believe that i’m privileged enough to indulge in some of the same practices that The Greats did, that i get to study their work and, if i’m so lucky, channel and make homages to it where possible.
this isn’t to say “i’m just like Tex Avery because i work in animation TOO!!!!”, but, rather, an expression of my sheer GRATITUDE and amazement that i get to do what i do at all. i’ve met so many nice people. blossomed so much as an artist and cartoonist. get inspired each day by the talent i am constantly surrounded by. and to think that i get to be a part of it!!!!! that i get to carry the torch! i know this sounds so conceited and pompous and i really don’t mean it that way at all because i don’t WANT to be known as someone who people are only interested in because i work in cartoons. i just wanna be known for me! what “me” is i guess is for you to decide! but, regardless, i’m just feeling extra thankful tonight that i’m able to indulge in my passions and SPREAD my passions and have said passions fostered. that i’m lucky enough to tread the same ground as some of the greatest creatives that gave me this ground to tread on. there will never be enough words to properly articulate just how deeply and passionately my gratitude extends.
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trans-xianxian · 6 months
I think we gotta start recognizing that "things accepted online/in leftist spaces" and "things accepted by the general public in the real world" are two very different things. like no actually gnc men are Not suddenly seen as okay because there are drag queens on tiktok. men are still beaten and harassed and ostracized and Killed for being feminine. in the us. in my very liberal city full of ppl with blue hair and pronouns I am made to feel uncomfortable and unwelcome for being a gnc guy. the tiktok comments on videos of men wearing make up are not indicative of the beliefs of most people
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clownsnake · 14 days
(Spoilers for Orv in the tags, bc I’m commentating now I guess)
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andoutofharm · 11 months
petekeys will see pete say someone else is his soulmate and still obsessively post petekey shit in fob twitter's replies it's so annoying i try not to care about shipping wars because y'know it's pathetic but they're so weirdly elitist and mean girl about it
petekeys will see pete write a song titled i am my own muse and still somehow say half of fob’s music wouldn’t exist if not for mikey and trip over themselves to be as condescending and elitist as possible to everyone who tells them otherwise and weirdly parasocial and racist to pete
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curiosity-killed · 7 months
My sister has this thing where she like…loathes my childhood self ?? which. Feels a little unhinged. but leads to things like her being like “omg you STOLE so many baby dolls and because I was a Good and Rule Abiding Child, I was APPALLED and you were TOTALLY REMORSELESS” and I was like. 1 yr old when this happened.
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nuvomica · 1 month
sometimes i look at the whole Thing that western gay culture got goin on and just. man. none of that's for me bro idk
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bleetusmcyeetus · 21 days
Oh my god I was NOT expecting to leave the Sun & Foxy fake date ep. mildly shipping Puppet and Foxy?? Help when I clicked on it I was kinda thinking “oh. More fake kidscove stuff. That’s always fun :)” but then everything happened and???????????? Huh??????? Like I don’t really ever ship TSBS characters just cuz it feels weird to me but?? Oh my god
#HELP???#I don’t know how to feel#like the whole Puppet Bodypillow situation is very 🤨 on Monty’s part obviously and kinda very weird#BUT#but but.#Puppet what was that reaction when Foxy kept it??#like Foxy was being completely normal about it. he took it because well Why Not and to maybe sell as a ‘collectors item’#then YOU made it weird#I don’t. hm#is Puppet catching feelings for Foxy??#like. there is NO WAY they included over half an episode of JUST the two of them for. nothing#like Monty at the end was even like ‘🤨hey. hey buddy why are you. Being Like This? Hm?’#I. I don’t know to me personality it honestly kinda seems like it. could work??#like it just felt so REAL to me when they were in Puppet’s new apartment and like. Foxy knew EXACTLY what Puppet would want#and he got EXACTLY what Puppet would want. and you could see how happy Puppet was they were just trying to act not excited#“I like. Couches. I like comfortable couches.’’ and ‘You have a very comfortable couch’ like??? excuses to just. be in Foxy’s house more???#I am reading waaaaaaaaaaaay too much into this but CMON. PUPPET YOU WERE NOT NORMAL ABOUT ANY OF THIS BUT WHY??? PUPPET.#and FOXY?? FOXY YOU ARE POOR. Foxy the most recurring thing about you is that You Need More Money. and then you.#spend MILLIONS of dollars on an apartment for Puppet???? adhdjfjskdjdhagfjskfsjd#like. going back to Puppet. she even EXCPLICITY made some romance-related comments regarding Foxy and?? I don’t know. I don’t knowwww#IS SHE catching feelings?? IS she?? I just. that felt like Something. their entire interaction the whole time felt like Something.#puppet x foxy#(kind of)#mgafs#mgafs puppet#mgafs foxy#i rambled a bit#THAT JUST. chat I am TELLING YOU there is SOMETHING. there is something. I really hope we expand on this because PLEASE. please#it just. as a Ship it feels soft and comfy?? like a comfort ship?? idk I just really hope they expand on this#if they don’t I’ll live. I’ll just be Silly in my head and imagine it being real. BUT IF THEY DO. ILL NEVER BE NORMAL AGAIN
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fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
I wish all food service workers who are weird about regulars always ordering the same specific thing and tease them for it a very “please don’t do that”
#was just thinking about when i first started my exchange year & there were basically 2 eateries on campus#i mean one of them was a giant food court with a bunch of options like burgers; sandwiches; salad etc#the other one was just a basic diner. i really really liked the diner because the food arrived fast; it was super good#and it was really close to where i lived. so every time i went in i got a hot dog and fries. and i went there for dinner probably every day#it took maybe about 3 days for the girl at the counter to start recognising me; knowing i was going to get the same thing each time;#and screaming ‘hot dog and fries????!?!!’ at me every single time i entered the building. which; if you’re like me and grew up with a weigh#problem and body image issues; fucking HORRIFYING. like why are you announcing to the whole diner what i’m going to be eating#i kept trying to show up when she wasn’t on shift or ordering something different and then i eventually just stopped going there#i kept going to the cafeteria because i could fix my own plate and the lady who weighed your plate (you were charged based on that)#never commented. but the cafeteria food was SO bad#i ended up going to the burger bar to just get the premade chicken tender baskets but those started to gross me out after a while#so i ordered a custom burger this one time and the guy was looking at me kind of funny for my order (i wanted a grilled chicken burger#with no cheese and just lettuce; onion and mayo on it) and one time when i went in i saw/heard him notice me and immediately start telling#his coworker about how ‘weird’ my order was. like i’m sorry i’m bri’ish and therefore don’t have the american propensity for shoving#a ridiculous and unnecessary amount of ingredients into any given sandwich??? sorry that i hate tomatoes and the idea of chicken and cheese#together horrifies me. i guess.#sooooo i started going to the sandwich bar and they were lovely. i ordered pretty much the same thing every day and the girl acted like it#was brand new to her every day. she also spelled my name wrong in a new and different way every day. and always added a smiley face#one time she put so much tuna mayo in my sandwich that i had to go get a spoon to eat it with. i hope she’s well#i just… i don’t know where i was going with this rant. i just hate being teased about what i eat bro#like whenever i like a food it’s ALL i want to eat for the next three months and i know that’s boring and not healthy but i don’t care!!!#why do YOU care. i don’t care and it’s my fucking body#you can let me eat my hot dog and fries in peace without announcing it to the whole diner. that is something you canndo#personal#*i feel like someone is going to accuse me of criticising food service workers. hiiiiii i’ve been one :)
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airenyah · 7 months
god it is SO trippy watching the bbs high school related scenes in the year 2023
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rabbitindisguise · 1 year
I have to keep reminding myself whenever I'm on tumblr lately that autism is not neurodivergent lite because of the sheer number of posts comparing autism to other neurodivergence on the basis of "being autistic is the easiest thing to be"
So like if you're also autistic going "what is even going on right now, why are people talking about us like we're able bodied neurotypicals who identify as nerdy after it was cool" this is absolutely nonsense and I'm sorry it's happening
#personal#neurodivergence#actually autistic#disability#I have EDS and bipolar and the only thing I sobbed over and lived in denial in for ten years was autism#it's one thing to be dysfunctional it's another to not be seen as a *person* in society#being bipolar did not go down easy at all it was just like okay yeah fine now all this I guess I was wrong about being okay entirely#and there are things that I did (and still do) that were/are bad that I need to hold myself accountable for#autism is like#oh I have to recontextualize every bully every dehumanizing comment and every botched social interaction through the lens of it wasn't#actually my fault#I always knew that getting super depressed and then really all over the place was not a sign of being a bad person no matter what people sa#the idea of suddenly adopting decades of trauma because things I thought were personal failings were actually morally neutral things was!!#there are no words#and the idea that I'm not a bad person for being depressed is baked into standard CBT guys#there's no standard therapy that believes being autistic is a good thing#you need to get that off the black market via places like tumblr because it's risky as hell to even get diagnosed nevermind everything else#I was so damn lucky to know autistics that love themselves growing up#that was unheard of in 2011#it was WEIRD#it was bizarre#it was like romanticizing self harm and doing hard drugs in school bathrooms#and all the time now I'm like am I crazy? do I even remember what being in special ed was like in actuality?#no I do. it was bad.#ableism#allism
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mwagneto · 2 years
Tumblr media
well someone watched xmen too young
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
austin/olivia related gossip and speculation in the tags. if it’s not your thing that’s totally okay, but there are 800+ of you and some ppl do like these gossip seshes. anywho!
always down to chit chat abt this off anon if you also have opinions and want to private message! i talked to someone tonight who was in the fandom in 2021 that gave me some new insight/info about that summer that i couldn’t really fit in the tags 🤸🏼‍♀️
#it kills me to say it but#i don’t think they are on good terms#at least olivia isn’t#i was in such a whirlwind last night i didn’t really think about it but her posting nothing on her story abt his win#even just a repost from an official page#feels…like a choice#and noticing this made me go back to her aacta post where she posted a photo of baz’s virtual speech but not austin’s#and didn’t mention his win in her caption either just said#that she loved the women who made the movie 🧍🏼‍♀️#she posted a photo w/him on her story to promote the movie dropping on hbo max on sep 2nd but…that could have been an obligation#and i don’t think they were ‘faking it’ for press bc they seemed to genuinely enjoy being with each other even in candid moments that#weren’t interviews#idk the vibe is just. weird.#and honestly it makes me so 💔💔💔 re: his aacta speech like dear god#if my ex who i like. Disliked in some capacity. said all that about me#live! and in front of our former coworkers#i would have a breakdown#also cast members have been commenting on the stuff baz has posted about austin winning/being nomed ish the past couple months#even if just emojis#she has not#she liked his post about toxic las vegas but i think that’s like. it.#the lovers that went wrong 💔💔💔#honestly glad we prob aren’t getting a reunion anytime soon them being in anyway awkward in person would send me skipping out a window#honestly#my personal personal opinion is that he broke her heart#i think even if they split after filming they still ✨talked✨ and she maybe thought there was still a chance to try again#when he was done in london#but then boom lily 🧍🏼‍♀️#gossip time with mollie#anyways
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