#the borgias 101
yagobadstar · 1 year
“Come va?”
1. Icaro: “Uno schianto”
2. Proserpina: “Mi sento giù”
3. Prometeo: “Mi rode”
4. Teseo: “Finché mi danno corda”
5. Edipo: “La mamma è contenta”
6. Damocle: “Potrebbe andar peggio”
7. Priapo: “Cazzi miei”
8. Ulisse: “Siamo a cavallo”
9. Omero: “Me la vedo nera”
10. Eraclito: “Va, va”
11. Parmenide: “Non va”
12. Talete: “Ho l’acqua alla gola”
13. Epimenide: “Mentirei se glielo dicessi”
14. Gorgia: “Mah!”
15. Demostene: “Difficile a dirsi”
16. Pitagora: “Tutto quadra”
17. Ippocrate: “Finché c’è la salute”
18. Socrate: “Non so”
19. Diogene: “Da cani”
20. Platone: “Idealmente”
21. Aristotele: “Mi sento in forma”
22. Plotino: “Da Dio”
23. Catilina: “Finché dura”
24. Epicuro: “Di traverso”
25. Muzio Scevola: “Se solo mi dessero una mano”
26. Attilio Regolo: “Sono in una botte di ferro”
27. Fabio Massimo: “Un momento”
28. Giulio Cesare: “Sa, si vive per i figli, e poi marzo è il mio mese preferito”
29. Lucifero: “Come Dio comanda”
30. Giobbe: “Non mi lamento, basta aver pazienza”
31. Geremia: “Sapesse, ora le dico”
32. Noè: “Guardi che mare”
33. Onan: “Mi accontento”
34. Mosè: “Facendo le corna”
35. Cheope: “A me basta un posticino al sole”
36. Sheherazade: “In breve, ora le dico”
37. Boezio: “Mi consolo”
38. Carlo Magno: “Francamente bene”
39. Dante: “Sono al settimo cielo”
40. Giovanna d’Arco: “Si suda”
41. San Tommaso: “Tutto sommato bene”
42. Erasmo: “Bene da matti”
43. Colombo: “Si tira avanti”
44. Lucrezia Borgia: “Prima beve qualcosa?”
45. Giordano Bruno: “Infinitamente bene”
46. Lorenzo de’ Medici: “Magnificamente”
47. Cartesio: “Bene, penso”
48. Berkeley: “Bene, mi sembra”
49. Hume: “Credo bene”
50. Pascal: “Sa, ho tanti pensieri…”
51. Enrico VIII: “Io bene, è mia moglie che”
52. Galileo: “Gira bene”
53. Torricelli: “Tra alti e bassi”
54. Pontormo: “In una bella maniera”
55. Desdemona: “Dormo tra due guanciali”
56. Newton: “Regolarmente”
57. Leibniz: “Non potrebbe andar meglio”
58. Spinoza: “In sostanza, bene”
59. Hobbes: “Tempo da lupi”
60. Vico: “Va e viene”
61. Papin: “Ho la pressione alta”
62. Montgolfier: “Ho la pressione bassa”
63. Franklin: “Mi sento elettrizzato”
64. Robespierre: “Cè da perderci la testa”
65. Marat: “Un bagno”
66. Casanova: “Vengo”
67. Goethe: “C’è poca luce”
68. Beethoven: “Non mi sento bene”
69. Shubert: “Non mi interrompa, per Dio”
70. Novalis: “Un sogno”
71. Leopardi: “Sfotte?”
72. Foscolo: “Dopo morto, meglio”
73. Manzoni: “Grazie a Dio, bene”
74. Sacher-Masoch: “Grazie a Dio, male”
75. Sade: “A me bene”
76. D’Alambert e Diderot: “Non si può dire in due parole”
77. Kant: “Situazione critica”
78. Hegel: “In sintesi, bene”
79. Schopenhauer: “La volontà non manca”
80. Cambronne: “Boccaccia mia”
81. Marx: “Andrà meglio”
82. Carlo Alberto: “A carte 48”
83. Paganini: “L’ho già detto”
84. Darwin: “Ci si adatta”
85. Livingstone: “Mi sento un po’ perso”
86. Nievo: “Le dirò, da piccolo”
87. Nietzsche: “Al di là del bene, grazie”
88. Mallarme’: “Sono andato in bianco”
89. Proust: “Diamo tempo al tempo”
90. Henry James: “Secondo i punti di vista”
91. Kafka: “Mi sento un verme”
92. Musil: “Così così”
93. Joyce: “Fine yes yes yes”
94. Nobel: “Sono in pieno boom”
95. Larousse: “In poche parole, male”
96. Curie: “Sono raggiante”
97. Dracula: “Sono in vena”
98. Croce: “Non possiamo non dirci in buone condizioni di spirito”
99. Picasso: “Va a periodi”
100. Lenin: “Cosa vuole che faccia?”
101. Hitler: “Forse ho trovato la soluzione”
102. Heisemberg: “Dipende”
103. Pirandello: “Secondo chi?”
104. Sotheby: “D’incanto”
105. Bloch: “Spero bene”
106. Freud: “Dica lei”
107. D’Annunzio: “Va che è un piacere”
108. Popper: “Provi che vado male”
109. Ungaretti: “Bene (a capo) grazie”
110. Fermi: “O la va o la spacca”
111. Camus: “Di peste”
112. Matusalemme: “Tiro a campare”
113. Lazzaro: “Mi sento rivivere”
114. Giuda: “Al bacio”
115. Ponzio Pilato: “Fate voi”
116. San Pietro: “Mi sento un cerchio alla testa”
117. Nerone: “Guardi che luce”
118. Maometto: “Male, vado in montagna”
119. Savonarola: “E’ il fumo che mi fa male”
120. Orlando “Scusi, vado di furia”
121. Cyrano: “A naso, bene”
122. Volta: “Più o meno”
123. Pietro Micca: “Non ha letto che è vietato fumare”
124. Jacquard: “Faccio la spola”
125. Malthus: “Cè una ressa”
126. Bellini: “Secondo la norma”
127. Lumiere: “Attento al treno!”
128. Gandhi: “L’appetito non manca”
129. Agatha Christie: “Indovini”
130. Einstein: “Rispetto a chi?”
131. Stakanov: “Non vedo l’ora che arrivi ferragosto”
132. Rubbia: “Come fisico, bene”
133. Sig.ra Riello: “Sono stufa!”
134. La Palisse: “Va esattamente nella maniera in cui va”
135. Shakespeare: “Ho un problema: va bene o non va bene?”
136. Alice: “Una meraviglia”
137. Dr. Zap: “Bene, la sai l’ultima?”
138. Verga: “Di malavoglia”
139: Heidegger: “Quante chiacchiere!”
140. Grimm: “Una favola!”
Umberto Eco
da “Il secondo diario minimo”
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foxstens · 1 year
actually fuck it. after nearly 75 hours im done with brotherhood.
this game is technically shorter than ac2 and i also like it less so why did i spend so much time on it lmao. i can’t really be assed to put my thoughts into sentences so i’ll just make a list. i’ve already said most of my opinions anyway.
- bad parts
1. lag. laaaaaaaaaaag so much lag. i’ve never seen this much lag in my entire life what the fuck. and technically fewer outright glitches but more bugs with missions n shit
2. feels pointless story-wise even if it has some good parts like the central conflict could have been resolved so easily i didnt need to fix the entirety of rome for it. i guess it was going for the idea that ezio needs the support of the people i guess but the people were already against the borgia and outside of the recruits it’s not like they /do/ much to help him 
3. some challenges whether they be races or parkour rooms or even one specific assassin assignment, they’re just badly designed. pc controls suck which definitely doesn’t help but even apart from that
4. rome is a nightmare to traverse even with fast travel points and i despise it. it’s not built for roof jumping and in the countryside it’s full of hills that you gotta go around to fucking get on, and there’s this huge ass wall all around the city that you just. you just can’t climb it. there’s no way to climb the coolest structure in the game wtf
6. 10 feathers. if you put 101 borgia flags in the game, i think you could’ve put like 40 feathers as well. especially since this time there’s a map for them. i guess i should be thankfully since they didn’t force me to explore rome more than necessary but still.
- mixed parts
1. the music. some tracks i do like and they fit the atmosphere but it felt like i heard five tracks the entire game and none are as memorable as the ones from ac2
2. the people. rome has too many people and they’re so freaking annoying but the vigilantes were great and so were the random thieves that dropped nice loot
3. weapons. i tried to pay more attention to the weapons in this game and it worked, the ranged weapons are so great i ended up barely ever using the hidden blade, but i also didn’t make the most of it. i never got the hang of the heavy weapons or the daggers, and i also never used the throwing knives after seeing how bad they are at aiming. 
4. visuals. the cutscenes and the colours look so much better than ac2, idk how since it only came out a year later, but i hate the way rome looks and the overall feel of the city.
5. money. you really have to manage your finances in the beginning which i liked but it doesn’t take long until you have nothing to spend it on and you end up sitting on 600k for the last 20 hours of the game
6. side quests. there’s a lot of them and they can help with getting the sync requirements for the cristina memories for example, but there is /a lot/ of them and i just don’t see the point. same with the guild challenges.
7. the leonardo parts. the leonardo dlc was actually pretty cool if difficult and the warmachine parts were pretty well-designed imo but also long and pointless, i didn’t have the most fun with them and i do not care about the reward.
8. i just didn’t find it that fun a lot of the time? i still had fun and loved the experience, wouldn’t have spent 75 hours on it otherwise, but it rarely made me feel the ‘ahhh i love this game :’)))’ feeling that i crave
9. the pacing is literally up to you so you could have a balanced experience with both slower and faster parts, or you could be dumb like me and spend a million years in one specific sequence just doing every side thing possible, therefore making that sequence too slow and everything else too fast
- good parts
1. borgia towers. i absolutely adored scouting out each area and devising a strategy for dealing with each captain and the guards and finding the easiest way to climb the tower. it was fun it was engaging and it felt like i was making a difference
2. rebuilding rome. i hate rome but being able to rebuild each area after liberating it, and especially repairing the aqueduct that runs through the countryside was great. also felt like i was making a difference when some areas previously overrun with guards were now full of people and buildings
3. the romulus lairs. i had mixed feelings about the assassin tombs in ac2, some i loved and some i literally couldn’t do, but these were a lot better for some reason. i loved all of them
4. the combat. now you get a crossbow and you can chain-kill and each weapon has a special finishing move and you can stun enemies by kicking them and it’s so raaaaaaaaaad i love the combat
5. the cristina memories. the best optional stuff, the only story-related part of this game to make me feel something, the only part that felt like it gave ezio substantial development. amazing 10/10 best ever, i just wish it wasn’t so fucking sad
6. assassin recruits. helping out a citizen in need and then sending them on missions until they become full-fledged assassin is just a really cool concept in general and it’s implemented really well, i just never made use of them outside of the arrow storm due to fear of them dying.
7. some missions are really cool and unique and they really make you think and strategize and use all of your options. i don’t play games to /think/ but since i’m supposed to be an assassin here it’s a good thing.
8. the modern stuff. i do not play these games for the modern stuff and i really disliked it in ac2 but here it was a lot better. you leave the animus when you choose to and in the beginning and end there’s parkouring challenges, and you get to explore modern monteriggioni and later the colosseum, it’s all really cool. i didn’t look for any glyphs tho lmao.
9. minor things like the existence of the aqueduct and the relationship between ezio and claudia being more fleshed out and even the traitor subplot. 
dang that’s a long post. that’s pretty mcuh all my thoughts at the moment but they might change after i go back to ac2 and after i play revelations. but at the moment it’s a pretty mixed game for me. i guess technically ac2 was also mixed since it too has flaws n parts i don’t like but it had so many parts that blew me away, those flaws seem minor in comparison. that’s not really the case here sadly :(
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sfinsurancemesa · 1 year
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We also offer insurance for local businesses like restaurants, hair salons and more. We have policy options for commercial insurance too - including workers compensation insurance and commercial property.
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(480) 981-8681
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hellman55 · 2 years
"Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood", All 101 Borgia flags locations
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metall-and-dust · 3 years
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something-great · 5 years
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François Arnaud: An Addiction
Current fix: Cesare Borgia,The Borgias | Episode 101
“Tell me why I shouldn’t.” “Because of the sixth commandment - thou shalt not kill.” “Oh, I’ll be forgiven. The pope is my confessor.”
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sfumature-dime · 2 years
“Come va?”
1. Icaro: “Uno schianto”
2. Proserpina: “Mi sento giù”
3. Prometeo: “Mi rode”
4. Teseo: “Finché mi danno corda”
5. Edipo: “La mamma è contenta”
6. Damocle: “Potrebbe andar peggio”
7. Priapo: “Cazzi miei”
8. Ulisse: “Siamo a cavallo”
9. Omero: “Me la vedo nera”
10. Eraclito: “Va, va”
11. Parmenide: “Non va”
12. Talete: “Ho l’acqua alla gola”
13. Epimenide: “Mentirei se glielo dicessi”
14. Gorgia: “Mah!”
15. Demostene: “Difficile a dirsi”
16. Pitagora: “Tutto quadra”
17. Ippocrate: “Finché c’è la salute”
18. Socrate: “Non so”
19. Diogene: “Da cani”
20. Platone: “Idealmente”
21. Aristotele: “Mi sento in forma”
22. Plotino: “Da Dio”
23. Catilina: “Finché dura”
24. Epicuro: “Di traverso”
25. Muzio Scevola: “Se solo mi dessero una mano”
26. Attilio Regolo: “Sono in una botte di ferro”
27. Fabio Massimo: “Un momento”
28. Giulio Cesare: “Sa, si vive per i figli, e poi marzo è il mio mese preferito”
29. Lucifero: “Come Dio comanda”
30. Giobbe: “Non mi lamento, basta aver pazienza”
31. Geremia: “Sapesse, ora le dico”
32. Noè: “Guardi che mare”
33. Onan: “Mi accontento”
34. Mosè: “Facendo le corna”
35. Cheope: “A me basta un posticino al sole”
36. Sheherazade: “In breve, ora le dico”
37. Boezio: “Mi consolo”
38. Carlo Magno: “Francamente bene”
39. Dante: “Sono al settimo cielo”
40. Giovanna d’Arco: “Si suda”
41. San Tommaso: “Tutto sommato bene”
42. Erasmo: “Bene da matti”
43. Colombo: “Si tira avanti”
44. Lucrezia Borgia: “Prima beve qualcosa?”
45. Giordano Bruno: “Infinitamente bene”
46. Lorenzo de’ Medici: “Magnificamente”
47. Cartesio: “Bene, penso”
48. Berkeley: “Bene, mi sembra”
49. Hume: “Credo bene”
50. Pascal: “Sa, ho tanti pensieri…”
51. Enrico VIII: “Io bene, è mia moglie che”
52. Galileo: “Gira bene”
53. Torricelli: “Tra alti e bassi”
54. Pontormo: “In una bella maniera”
55. Desdemona: “Dormo tra due guanciali”
56. Newton: “Regolarmente”
57. Leibniz: “Non potrebbe andar meglio”
58. Spinoza: “In sostanza, bene”
59. Hobbes: “Tempo da lupi”
60. Vico: “Va e viene”
61. Papin: “Ho la pressione alta”
62. Montgolfier: “Ho la pressione bassa”
63. Franklin: “Mi sento elettrizzato”
64. Robespierre: “Cè da perderci la testa”
65. Marat: “Un bagno”
66. Casanova: “Vengo”
67. Goethe: “C’è poca luce”
68. Beethoven: “Non mi sento bene”
69. Shubert: “Non mi interrompa, per Dio”
70. Novalis: “Un sogno”
71. Leopardi: “Sfotte?”
72. Foscolo: “Dopo morto, meglio”
73. Manzoni: “Grazie a Dio, bene”
74. Sacher-Masoch: “Grazie a Dio, male”
75. Sade: “A me bene”
76. D’Alambert e Diderot: “Non si può dire in due parole”
77. Kant: “Situazione critica”
78. Hegel: “In sintesi, bene”
79. Schopenhauer: “La volontà non manca”
80. Cambronne: “Boccaccia mia”
81. Marx: “Andrà meglio”
82. Carlo Alberto: “A carte 48”
83. Paganini: “L’ho già detto”
84. Darwin: “Ci si adatta”
85. Livingstone: “Mi sento un po’ perso”
86. Nievo: “Le dirò, da piccolo”
87. Nietzsche: “Al di là del bene, grazie”
88. Mallarme’: “Sono andato in bianco”
89. Proust: “Diamo tempo al tempo”
90. Henry James: “Secondo i punti di vista”
91. Kafka: “Mi sento un verme”
92. Musil: “Così così”
93. Joyce: “Fine yes yes yes”
94. Nobel: “Sono in pieno boom”
95. Larousse: “In poche parole, male”
96. Curie: “Sono raggiante”
97. Dracula: “Sono in vena”
98. Croce: “Non possiamo non dirci in buone condizioni di spirito”
99. Picasso: “Va a periodi”
100. Lenin: “Cosa vuole che faccia?”
101. Hitler: “Forse ho trovato la soluzione”
102. Heisemberg: “Dipende”
103. Pirandello: “Secondo chi?”
104. Sotheby: “D’incanto”
105. Bloch: “Spero bene”
106. Freud: “Dica lei”
107. D’Annunzio: “Va che è un piacere”
108. Popper: “Provi che vado male”
109. Ungaretti: “Bene (a capo) grazie”
110. Fermi: “O la va o la spacca”
111. Camus: “Di peste”
112. Matusalemme: “Tiro a campare”
113. Lazzaro: “Mi sento rivivere”
114. Giuda: “Al bacio”
115. Ponzio Pilato: “Fate voi”
116. San Pietro: “Mi sento un cerchio alla testa”
117. Nerone: “Guardi che luce”
118. Maometto: “Male, vado in montagna”
119. Savonarola: “E’ il fumo che mi fa male”
120. Orlando “Scusi, vado di furia”
121. Cyrano: “A naso, bene”
122. Volta: “Più o meno”
123. Pietro Micca: “Non ha letto che è vietato fumare”
124. Jacquard: “Faccio la spola”
125. Malthus: “Cè una ressa”
126. Bellini: “Secondo la norma”
127. Lumiere: “Attento al treno!”
128. Gandhi: “L’appetito non manca”
129. Agatha Christie: “Indovini”
130. Einstein: “Rispetto a chi?”
131. Stakanov: “Non vedo l’ora che arrivi ferragosto”
132. Rubbia: “Come fisico, bene”
133. Sig.ra Riello: “Sono stufa!”
134. La Palisse: “Va esattamente nella maniera in cui va”
135. Shakespeare: “Ho un problema: va bene o non va bene?”
136. Alice: “Una meraviglia”
137. Dr. Zap: “Bene, la sai l’ultima?”
138. Verga: “Di malavoglia”
139: Heidegger: “Quante chiacchiere!”
140. Grimm: “Una favola!”
Umberto Eco
da “Il secondo diario minimo”
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honmyoseagull · 2 years
Whumptober debrief
FIRST OF ALL… Thanks to @whumptober2021​ et @whumptober-archive​ for the wonderful event, it was a blast, I had tons of fun. Got to flex the impro circuitry of my bird’s brain… ^_________^
Thank you to the readers who made the experience even better… (You’ve made me smile, people, even when I was stressed this month. That HELPED A LOT. Love to you all, mutuals or strangers.)
BUT, NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN… ^^;; Been a zombie for two months. (September: plotting in my coffee mug at breakfast - jotting down notes on lunch break - writing home at night till 1.30 most of the days / October: editing 27 fics for 31 prompts while juggling with family crises and Inktober too: that’s a little bit much for a single bird. ÔO )
*****MUTUALS OF MINE, writers or artists, I’m so calling you out on this next year to make it a team effort… YOU’RE WARNED.*****
Whumptober 2021 Masterlist
No. 1 - ALL TRUSSED UP AND STILL NOWHERE TO GO - “You have to let go” - barbed wire - bound
No. 2 - TALKING IS OVERRATED - garotte - choking - gagged
No. 3 - STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK MY BONES BUT… - insults - “Who did this to you?”
No. 4 - “Do you trust me?” - taken hostage - pushed
No. 5 & No. 9 - I’VE GOT RED IN MY LEDGER - RUMORS OF MY DEATH HAVE BEEN GREATLY EXAGGERATED -presumed dead - (blind) rage - tears - betrayal - misunderstanding - broken nose
No. 6 - bruises - touch starved - hunger
No. 7 - helplessness - blindness
No. 8 & No. 15 pneumothorax - exotic illness - “Definitely just a cold” - FEED A COLD, STARVE A FEVER - delirium - bees
No. 10 & No. 27 - hospital - ice chips - I’M FINE. I PROM… - passing out - collapse
No. 11 - JUST KEEP SWIMMING - adrift - drowning - dehydration
No. 12 - IT’LL BE FUN, THEY SAID - torture - made to watch - begging
No. 13 - THAT’S GONNA LEAVE A MARK - “This is gonna suck” - burns - cauterization
No. 14 - crush injuries
No. 16 - ON A NEED TO KNOW BASIS - recovery - scars - aftermath
No. 17 - FIELD CARE 101 - “Please don’t move!” - hemorrhage - dread
No. 18 - THE DOCTOR IS IN - “Now smile for the camera” - doctor’s visit - CPR
No. 19 - JUST A SCRATCH - bitten
No. 20 - LOST & FOUND - trapped under water - solitary confinement
No. 21 - THAT’S WHERE THE BLOOD’S SUPPOSED TO BE - bleeding through the bandages - pressure - blood-matted hair
No. 22 - THEY MADE ME DO IT - cursed
No. 23 - YOU BREAK IT, YOU BUY IT - auction
No. 24 - ONE DOWN TWO TO GO - self-induced injuries to escape - flashback
No. 25 - escape - flight
No. 26 - fallen - waterfall
No. 28 - IT’S NOT JUST IN YOUR HEAD - “Good. You’re finally awake.” - nightmares
No. 29 - ALL WORK AND NO PLAY - “You’re still not dead?” - too weak to move
No. 30 - No. 31
DIGGING YOUR GRAVE - disaster zone
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So, Yeah, I guess????
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agentrouka-blog · 4 years
What changed the finale of GOT? What makes Westeros a better place? We see Bran pulling a full Robert and not bothering to even going to his smallcouncil meetings. Leaving Tyrion as a Jon Arryn of sorts. Nothing changed from the pillot. Part 1.
Furthermore the script says that a better future awaits Westeros because Sam, Davis and Brienne are better people. Wasn't Martin the one who criricized Tolkienn for his medieval filosophy of good man=good ruler. Where is the Aragorn tax police here? Brothels? So they are good people and Westeros is gonna be well. Part 2
It reads like Jaehaerys smallcouncil with good people such as Septon Barth or ser Rryam Redwyne. But as they died they were replaced by the likes of ser Otto Hightower and ser Cryston Cole. What stops Brienne or Sam succesor from being luke these men? What stops in the next royal election a person like Alejandro Borgia from being elected? What are the countermeasures of the new system?part 3.
Martin said that the Targ flaw was building the system on dragonpower and that the smallcouncil was never a countermeasure of this. So what does the finale of thhe series accomplish on the mark Martin story? What has changed for the better in Westeros? Why does it feels like we are back politically in the pilot. Does Martin or D&D think that some "elections" magiccally fix everything and makes a better world? That's the thinking of a kid? What does the finale accomplish?
Oh dear. Where to start? Oh yes: You are absolutely right.
Honestly, I think politically, the finale has only a vague resemblance to the book ending. I would not lay this on Martin’s feet. I mean, what is he going to say in interviews “Actually, they left out all the good parts and delivered a stupid version of half the ending. The real ending goes as follows…” Hardly. 
He said 
How will it all end? I hear people asking. The same ending as the show?  Different?
Well… yes.  And no.  And yes.   And no.   And yes.   And no.   And yes.
It’s, at best, a partial ending. Most likely, a fraction. How can you resolve an issue you never introduce in the first place?
They already left out much of the physical misery the books prepare us for: starvation, sweeping illness, the roaving displaced, the siege situation around King’s Landing that may prompt political compromise. The political finagling that would lead to a Big Council in the first place. They reduced the fate of Westeros to the presence of a handful of Lords and Ladies at a meeting in a Dragon Pit. It’s condensed beyond recognition.So, yeah, politically, the finale of the tv show makes absolutely zero sense. I understand your frustration.
They will all need each other to survive the winter, most likely, but at the same time, you can’t change a feudal system over night. Maybe just replacing the central power of the Iron Throne with something multifaceted would be useful. Maybe the council could be more permanent? Who knows?? I’m not too invested in predicting it. But it is likely to make sense. GRRM has built his story around knowing the ending. It will not be stupid.
We know Catelyn suggested the Great Council all the way back in ACOK. It’s mentioned three times in the ASOIAF books, and tons more in the accompanying literature.
Jon was not entirely innocent of the history of the realm; his own maester had seen to that. “That was the year of the Great Council,” he said. “The lords passed over Prince Aerion’s infant son and Prince Daeron’s daughter and gave the crown to Aegon.” “Yes and no. First they offered it, quietly, to Aemon. And quietly he refused. The gods meant for him to serve, not to rule, he told them. He had sworn a vow and would not break it, though the High Septon himself offered to absolve him. Well, no sane man wanted any blood of Aerion’s on the throne, and Daeron’s girl was a lackwit besides being female, so they had no choice but to turn to Aemon’s younger brother—Aegon, the Fifth of His Name. Aegon the Unlikely, they called him, born the fourth son of a fourth son. Aemon knew, and rightly, that if he remained at court those who disliked his brother’s rule would seek to use him, so he came to the Wall. And here he has remained, while his brother and his brother’s son and his son each reigned and died in turn, until Jaime Lannister put an end to the line of the Dragonkings.” (ACOK, Jon)
Not sure it will go down quite like this. The dynamics are different. But Jon wouldn’t be happy on the Iron Throne. He wants to frolick in the northern Snows with a Lady wife and plentiful babies.
“Robb will set aside his crown if you and your brother will do the same,” she said,hoping it was true. She would make it true if she must; Robb would listen to her, even if his lords would not. “Let the three of you call for a Great Council, such as the realm has not seen for a hundred years. We will send to Winterfell, so Bran may tell his tale and all men may know the Lannisters for the true usurpers. Let the assembled lords of the Seven Kingdoms choose who shall rule them.” Renly laughed. “Tell me, my lady, do direwolves vote on who should lead the pack?” Brienne brought the king’s gauntlets and greathelm, crowned with golden antlers that would add a foot and a half to his height. “The time for talk is done. Now we see who is stronger.” Renly pulled a lobstered green-and-gold gauntlet over his left hand, while Brienne knelt to buckle on his belt, heavy with the weight of longsword and dagger. “I beg you in the name of the Mother,” Catelyn began when a sudden gust of wind flung open the door of the tent. (ACOK, Catelyn)
When more women have a say, things will go down a bit better, yes? Yara, Arianne, Meera, ..?
Jon was tired. I need sleep. He had been up half the night poring over maps, writing letters, and making plans with Maester Aemon. Even after stumbling into his narrow bed, rest had not come easily. He knew what he would face today, and found himself tossing restlessly as he brooded on Maester Aemon’s final words. “Allow me to give my lord one last piece of counsel,” the old man had said, “the same counsel that I once gave my brother when we parted for the last time. He was three-and-thirty when the Great Council chose him to mount the Iron Throne. A man grown with sons of his own, yet in some ways still a boy. Egg had an innocence to him, a sweetness we all loved. Kill the boy within you, I told him the day I took ship for the Wall. It takes a man to rule. An Aegon, not an Egg. Kill the boy and let the man be born.” The old man felt Jon’s face. “You are half the age that Egg was, and your own burden is a crueler one, I fear. You will have little joy of your command, but I think you have the strength in you to do the things that must be done. Kill the boy, Jon Snow. Winter is almost upon us. Kill the boy and let the man be born.” (ADWD, Jon)
I know we all love Maester Aemon, but I actually think he was full of manure. Don’t kill the boy. Dare to dream. If it goes down in a similar way, Jon will not be giving Bran that same advice.
My own personal favorite idea is, indeed, a permanent Great Council of several independent kinddoms and regions.
To resolve the matter of his heir once and for all, Jaehaerys called the first Great Council in the year 101 AC, to put the matter before the lords of the realm. And from all corners of the realm the lords came. No castle could hold so many save for Harrenhal, so it was there that they gathered. The lords, great and small, came with their trains of bannermen, knights, squires, grooms, and servants. And behind them came yet more—the camp followers and washerwomen, the hawkers and smiths and carters. Thousands of tents sprang up over the moons, until the castle town of Harrenton was accounted the fourth largest city of the Realm. (The World of Ice and Fire: The Targaeryen Kings: Jaeharys I) 
Wouldn’t that be the sweetest irony? If the true ending to the Targaryen kingship led to a permanent council set up in the very geographic center of Westeros by the God’s Eye, making use of the castle that was just finished and doomed when Aegon started conquering Westeros? WHY have we spent so much time in that ruin if it is not meant to serve a purpose in the future? For a sort of parliament?
Let’s let King’s Landing become a port city, if it is to be rebuilt. Let the seat of power become something entirely new. I would love that. 
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ducavalentinos · 4 years
I was tagged by @lady-eleanor-vane, thank you! 💜
rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. tag 10 (or however many) people.
Bates Motel
Rome HBO
Breaking Bad
The Borgias
who is your favorite character in 2?
Narcos: Tata Escobar, I mean I already loved her in S1, but I feel s2 gave more depth to her character, and I loved watching that, and I love her inner conflict between her love for Pablo, and having to think about her children safety. And how brave she is. How that doesn’t mean not feeling afraid, because she is always afraid, but she doesn’t let that paralyse her, she pushes through that fear and tries to protect her family as best she can, and ughh I love my queen so much! I miss her! <3
who is your least favorite character in 1?
Bates Motel: Emma, but then again I don’t like her character in any season.
what is your favorite episode of 4?
Breaking Bad: I’m thinking ep 12, Crawl Space. It’ soooo good it actually feels like a season finale.
what is your favorite season of 5?
The Borgias: I can’t choose, oh my god! lol. Ok probably season 3.
who is your favorite couple in 3?
Rome HBO: of course it’s my historical otp cleopatra x antony. who is your favorite couple in 2?
Narcos: Pablo x Tata, my babies! amor bandido at its finest. I’ll never be over it.
what is your favorite episode of 1?
Bates Motel: this is literally so hard, but I guess I’ll say ep 101 because it really does a great job establishing Norma and Norman relationship, their individual characters, and it sets the tone of the show basically. But I also love ep 205 because there’s some good moments of Vera Farmiga’s amazing acting.
what is your favorite episode of 5?
The Borgias: I can’t choose, sorry djsdjsdjs
what is your favorite season of 2?
Narcos: Season 1 and 2.
how long have you watched 1?
Bates Motel: hm, the show started on 2013, but I only started watching on 2015 I think, and just keep following after that until the last season on 2017, so it’s been 2 years?? since I last watched it. Seems longer bc I really miss this show *cries*
how did you become interested in 3?
Rome HBO: Well, my interest for Ancient Rome came back again a few years ago, and I have always had this show on my list to watch, but never got around to it because the copy I had was bad, but I was able to find another copy, more decent and decided it was time to finally watch it and it was one of the best decisions I ever made djsdjsds.
who is your favorite actor in 4?
Breaking Bad: I don’t actually have a favorite??  They all great, honestly. 
which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Bates Motel, Narcos or The Borgias: Oh my god, why are you doing this to me??? I....love these three shows for different reasons. I don’t prefer one over the other, I’m sorry, but I can’t lol.
which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
Rome HBO: because it has only two seasons so it’s easier to watch and rewatch.
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Breaking Bad: JDSDJSJD is no one an answer here? like....their lives is the defintion of The Struggle™ and I already enough of that in my own live so I’ll pass.
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
Breaking Bad and Rome HBO: hmm, I don’t think so? maybe for Walt’s caracter individually? he has the intelligence, ambition and ruthlessness of the many characters on Rome HBO, so maybe it could work out for him, idk.
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Bates Motel: Actually we had that, with Emma and Dylan, I never thought about them romantically, and at first I didn’t think it was going to work out, but then they ended up becoming strangely fine. I never care for the ship, but they were ok together, that much is true.
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Rome HBO or The Borgias: Both have it imo, but I’ll say the Borgias just because I enjoy the overall storyline better. I love Rome, but I think I should say that I only really loved the part that covered the “elite” and their lives. The part that deals with Vorenus and Pullo is one I just didn’t find interesting.
which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
Narcos or Breaking Bad: No doubt Narcos. Tuyo is a masterpiece and there’s so many good Colombian songs, I listen to them all the time now and it’s a joy. Tagging: @borgialucrezia @elcctra @aphollos @bergmancapa @roseneys and anyone else who wants to :)
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foxstens · 2 years
not to be a purist or anything but heck ac2 was so much better
i have figured out in the meantime that brotherhood does have notoriety AND THERE’S NO EASY WAY TO GET RID OF IT. in ac2 you could just wear the right cape and rest easy outside of some story events but here to unlock the capes you either gotta rebuild the entirety of rome (which is time and money) or find all the 101 borgia flags (which is time) - this was one of my favourite parts of ac2 since it made the game so much more chill. but here i gotta watch my damn notoriety and rip posters down like a peasant
and while the restricted areas where you gotta kill one dude burn down a tower and then rebuild shit are cool, there’s so many of them and they’re so fucking hard because sometimes the one dude is protected by every other dude in the fucking area AND I DO NOT HAVE MUCH HEALTH AND AMOR DIES QUICKLY AND I CAN ONLY HEAL 5 TIMES. ok i have gotten a lot better at fighting, or maybe the combat in this game is just more responsive idk, like here you can kick the enemy and the blocking/deflecting/parrying whatever actually works really well. but the smoke bomb effect is way toned down and the guards are like, smarter and i do not have cool weapons yet. I DONT EVEN HAVE THE DOUBLE HIDDEN BLADE I CAN’T EVEN DO THE SUPER HIGH JUMP I FEEL SO WEAK.
the parkouring has been working so far though and im getting to know the city, the bank is making money at a steady pace and i’ve also been able to access some repressed memories. like some of the sync requirements are bonkers but some i did without even paying attention so it works out somehow. but they’re annoying to go through tbh. i still don’t like rome. and the music still hasn’t impressed me, i feel like i’ve only heard three tracks. I FUCKING HATE THIS CITY oh my god. but the game says there’s 24 viewpoints which???? ac2 had like over 70 what the shit. i think they’re just more spread-out so you don’t have to climb a tower every two minutes but. i liked hunting the viewpoints. and here some of them are under borgia rule so you gotta burn down the tower and you don’t even get to see the sync and hear the cool music. nyeh.
i’m not sure how i feel about the story yet, idk if im super satisfied with how ezio’s written here. but im only on sequence 3 and if we go by the story-related stuff this game is super short actually, sooooo. idk remains to be seen
but i still hate rome. IT’S SO BAD. IT’S TERRIBLE I HATE IT. since there’s so many people everywhere and you can’t just use the roofs all the time because of the wack ass architecture and all the ruins, it’s just a chore getting anywhere, nothing like the chill experience i had with ac2. i mean it makes sense bc its /rome/ but it feels so much less modern when compared to florence or venice. even the sound design has failed to impress me so far despite how amazing it was in ac2, idk why. and i hate that there’s no nice water you can just take a swim in. in florence when i was stressed i just jumped on some roofs and then felt fine. in venice when i was stressed i just took a swam or rowed myself somewhere and then felt fine. or i chilled in tuscany for a while. but here there’s nowhere where you can do that. even the hideout is just. i dont like it that much bc there’s no one else there. i mean this game does have water but there’s little of it and it’s ugly. it has like two boats and no treasures on the boats. venice i miss you. also also why the heck do /i/ have to spend money and time to rebuild rome I DONT EVEN LIKE IT. why can’t i hire ppl to do it for me is2g
sooooo right now im of the opinion that this game shouldn’t exist. gameplay-wise it’s good in some areas and disappointing in many other, and story-wise everything that has happened so far could have been avoided if the ending of ac2 was a bit different.
by the way this game also has 100 feathers and a gajillion treasure chests, and i seem to have a hard time finding them. of the feathers i’ve found 2 within the first like 10 minutes of the game, and since then nothing... which is bizarre. like i’m not looking for them specifically but i tend to have an eye for secrets especially when i run through the same areas a million times. but i guess it’s the shitty architecture due to which i prefer to traverse the city on the ground as opposed to high up, and feathers tend to be like really high in very specific spots. haven’t had a lot of luck with the borgia flags either despite there also being 101 of them, probably for the same reason. /and/ for the same reason the treasure chests are 50% more awkward to look for now. not having to fight guards for treasure chests is nice tho, i’ll give it that.
like i don’t hate the game. there’s parts i appreciate. but i of course expected to like it as much if not more than the first game, and seeing as that’s not the case so far, makes playing it a bit of a struggle.
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metall-and-dust · 3 years
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[ putting the hole in holy since 1492 ]
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something-great · 5 years
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François Arnaud: An Addiction
Current fix: Cesare Borgia,The Borgias | Episode 101
“I will not forgive failure from you or your brother. Am I understood?” “We will not fail you, Father!”
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zach-cunctator · 3 years
This has been a horrible horrible year, and that’s a major understatement. These books have been the biggest bright spot that helped me get through it. These are my read books of 2020:
1 Changes by Jim Butcher (Audio)
2 The Burning Page by Genevieve Cogman
3 The Borgias by G.J. Meyer
4 Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Random Riggs
5 The Pale Criminal by Philip Kerr
6 The Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller
7 Lunar Activity by Elizabeth Moon
8 Side Jobs by Jim Butcher (Audio)
9 Babylon by Rene Crevel
10 The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski
11 Buenos Aires by James Gardner
12 The Hellfire Club by Jake Tapper
13 The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan
14 The Civil War by Julius Caesar
15 The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan
16 Rosemary’s Baby by Ira Levin
17 Trumps of Doom by Roger Zelazny
18 The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan
18 The Golem by Gustav Meyrink
19 Mr. Knife Miss Fork by Douglas Messerli
20 The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov
21 Ghost Story by Jim Butcher (Audio)
22 God-Optional Judaism by Judith Seid
23 Blood of Amber by Roger Zelazny
24 Barbarians to Angels by Peter S. Wells
25 Sword of Destiny by Andrzej Sapkowski
26 Watchers by Dean Koontz
27 The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
28 The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
29 From Cold War to Hot Peace by Michael McFaul
30 The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
31 Love’s Executioner by Irvin D. Yalom
32 Season of Storms by Andrzej Sapkowski
33 The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth by Thomas Jefferson
34 The Naked Sun by Isaac Asimov
35 Cold Days by Jim Butcher (Audio)
36 Blood of Elves by Andrzej Sapkowski
37 Amnesia Moon by Jonathan Lethem
38 The Robots of Dawn by Isaac Asimov
39 The Time of Contempt by Andrzej Sapkowski
40 We Can’t Always Play Waltzes by Daniel Pereira
41 Three Act Tragedy by Agatha Christie
42 Robots and Empire by Isaac Asimov
43 Sign of Chaos by Roger Zelazny
44 Baptism of Fire by Andrzej Sapkowski
45 Skin Game by Jim Butcher (Audio)
46 The Lost Plot by Genevieve Cogman
47 The Currents of Space by Isaac Asimov
48 Anatomy of Terror by Ali Soufan
49 Brief Cases by Jim Butcher (Audio)
50 The Stars, Like Dust by Isaac Asimov
51 The Tower of Swallows by Andrzej Sapkowski
52 Compulsion by Meyer Levin
53 Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel
54 Pebble in the Sky by Isaac Asimov
55 Rome: A History in Seven Sackings by Matthew Kneale
56 Prelude to Foundation by Isaac Asimov
57 Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
58 The Lady of the Lake by Andrzej Sapkowski
59 Firefly: The Ghost Machine by James Lovegrove
60 Peace Talks by Jim Butcher
61 The Bald Soprano & Other Plays by Eugene Ionesco
62 On Tyranny by Timothy Snyder
63 Forward the Foundation by Isaac Asimov
64 Origin by Dan Brown
65 It Devours! by Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor
66 The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells
67 Foundation by Isaac Asimov
68 The Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell
69 The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake
70 From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg
71 The Boys From Brazil by Ira Levin
72 Dr. Bloodmoney by Philip K. Dick
73 The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home by Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor
74 The Book by Nicole Howard
75 Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov
76 Too Much and Never Enough by Mary L. Trump
77 Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov
78 The Works and Days, Theogony, The Shield of Herakles by Hesiod
79 Foundation’s Edge by Isaac Asimov
80 The Island of Doctor Moreau by H.G. Wells
81 Foundation and Earth by Isaac Asimov
82 Rage by Bob Woodward
83 Disloyal by Michael Cohen
84 Battle Ground by Jim Butcher
85 Serenity: The Shepherd’s Tale by Joss Whedon, Zack Whedon, and Chris Samnee
86 Knight of Shadows by Roger Zelazny
87 The Castle by Franz Kafka
88 The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (Audio)
89 Forty Ways to Look at Winston Churchill by Gretchen Rubin
90 Prince of Chaos by Roger Zelazny
91 Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut
92 The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
93 Confessions of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell
94 Weird Things Customers Say in Bookstores by Jen Campbell
95 Virent Ova! Viret Perna!! by Dr. Seuss
96 Ubi Fera Sunt by Maurice Sendak
97 Roman Soldier Versus Parthian Warrior by Si Sheppard
98 The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket (Audio)
99 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (Audio)
100 The Three Impostors by Arthur Machen
101 The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams (Audio)
102 The Coma by Alex Garland
103 Tampa by Alice Nutting
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goshantishanti · 6 years
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“Come va?
 1. Icaro: “Uno schianto” 2. Proserpina: “Mi sento giù” 3. Prometeo: “Mi rode…” 4. Teseo: “Finché mi danno corda…” 5. Edipo: “La mamma è contenta” 6. Damocle: “Potrebbe andar peggio” 7. Priapo: “Cazzi miei” 8. Ulisse: “Siamo a cavallo” 9. Omero: “Me la vedo nera” 10. Eraclito: “Va, va…” 11. Parmenide: “Non va” 12. Talete: “Ho l’acqua alla gola” 13. Epimenide: “Mentirei se glielo dicessi” 14. Laura Petrarca: “fortuna che sono fortunata ” 15. Demostene: “Difficile a dirsi” 16. Pitagora: “Tutto quadra” 17. Ippocrate: “Finché c’è la salute…” 18. Socrate: “Non so” 19. Diogene: “Da cani” 20. Platone: “Idealmente” 21. Aristotele: “Mi sento in forma” 22. Plotino: “Da Dio” 23. Catilina: “Finché dura…” 24. Epicuro: “Di traverso” 25. Muzio Scevola: “Se solo mi dessero una mano…” 26. Martin Dovinto: “ il bello degli incontri” 27. Fabio Massimo: “Un momento…” 28. Giulio Cesare: “Sa, si vive per i figli, e poi marzo è il mio mese preferito…” 29. Lucifero: “Come Dio comanda” 30. Giobbe: “Non mi lamento, basta aver pazienza” 31. Geremia: “Sapesse, ora le dico…” 32. Noè: “Guardi che mare…” 33. Onan: “Mi accontento” 34. Mosè: “Facendo le corna…” 35. Cheope: “A me basta un posticino al sole…” 36. Sheherazade: “In breve, ora le dico…” 37. Patrizia Romano: “fortuna sono na Napoletana” 38. Carlo Magno: “Francamente bene” 39. Dante: “Sono al settimo cielo” 40. Giovanna d’Arco: “Si suda” 41. San Tommaso: “Tutto sommato bene” 42. Erasmo: “Bene da matti” 43. Colombo: “Si tira avanti” 44. Lucrezia Borgia: “Prima beve qualcosa?” 45. Giordano Bruno: “Infinitamente bene” 46. Lorenzo de’ Medici: “Magnificamente” 47. Cartesio: “Bene, penso” 48. Berkeley: “Bene, mi sembra” 49. Hume: “Credo bene” 50. Pascal: “Sa, ho tanti pensieri…” 51. Enrico VIII: “Io bene, è mia moglie che…” 52. Galileo: “Gira bene” 53. Torricelli: “Tra alti e bassi” 54. Pontorno: “In una bella maniera” 55. Desdemona: “Dormo tra due guanciali…” 56. Newton: “Regolarmente” 57. Leibniz: “Non potrebbe andar meglio” 58. Dante Shanti: “ sottile ” 59. Hobbes: “Tempo da lupi” 60. Vico: “Va e viene” 61. Papin: “Ho la pressione alta” 62. Montgolfier: “Ho la pressione bassa” 63. Franklin: “Mi sento elettrizzato” 64. Robespierre: “Cè da perderci la testa” 65. Marat: “Un bagno” 66. Casanova: “Vengo” 67. Goethe: “C’è poca luce” 68. Beethoven: “Non mi sento bene” 69. Shubert: “Non mi interrompa, per Dio” 70. Novalis: “Un sogno” 71. Leopardi: “Sfotte?” 72. Foscolo: “Dopo morto, meglio” 73. Manzoni: “Grazie a Dio, bene” 74. Sacher-Masoch: “Grazie a Dio, male” 75. Sade: “A me bene” 76. D’Alambert e Diderot: “Non si può dire in due parole” 77. Kant: “Situazione critica” 78. Hegel: “In sintesi, bene” 79. Schopenhauer: “La volontà non manca” 80. Cambronne: “Boccaccia mia…” 81. Marx: “Andrà meglio…” 82. Carlo Alberto: “A carte 48” 83. Paganini: “L’ho già detto” 84. Darwin: “Ci si adatta” 85. Livingstone: “Mi sento un po’ perso” 86. Nievo: “Le dirò, da piccolo…” 87. Nietzsche: “Al di là del bene, grazie” 88. Mallarme’: “Sono andato in bianco” 89. Proust: “Diamo tempo al tempo” 90. Henry James: “Secondo i punti di vista” 91. Kafka: “Mi sento un verme” 92. Musil: “Così così” 93. Joyce: “Fine yes yes yes” 94. Nobel: “Sono in pieno boom” 95. Larousse: “In poche parole, male” 96. Curie: “Sono raggiante” 97. Dracula: “Sono in vena” 98. Croce: “Non possiamo non dirci in buone condizioni di spirito” 99. Picasso: “Va a periodi” 100. Lenin: “Cosa vuole che faccia?” 101. Hitler: “Forse ho trovato la soluzione” 102. Heisemberg: “Dipende” 103. Pirandello: “Secondo chi?” 104. Sotheby: “D’incanto” 105. Bloch: “Spero bene” 106. Freud: “Dica lei” 107. D’Annunzio: “Va che è un piacere” 108. Popper: “Provi che vado male” 109. Ungaretti: “Bene (a capo) grazie” 110. Fermi: “O la va o la spacca” 111. Camus: “Di peste” 112. Matusalemme: “Tiro a campare” 113. Lazzaro: “Mi sento rivivere” 114. Giuda: “Al bacio” 115. Ponzio Pilato: “Fate voi” 116. San Pietro: “Mi sento un cerchio alla testa” 117. Nerone: “Guardi che luce” 118. Maometto: “Male, vado in montagna” 119. Savonarola: “E’ il fumo che mi fa male” 120. Orlando “Scusi, vado di furia” 121. Cyrano: “A naso, bene” 122. Volta: “Più o meno” 123. Pietro Micca: “Non ha letto che è vietato fumare” 124. Jacquard: “Faccio la spola” 125. Malthus: “Cè una ressa…” 126. Bellini: “Secondo la norma” 127. Lumiere: “Attento al treno!” 128. Gandhi: “L’appetito non manca” 129. Agatha Christie: “Indovini” 130. Einstein: “Rispetto a chi?” 131. Stakanov: “Non vedo l’ora che arrivi ferragosto…” 132. Rubbia: “Come fisico, bene” 133. Sig.ra Riello: “Sono stufa!” 134. La Palisse: “Va esattamente nella maniera in cui va” 135. Shakespeare: “Ho un problema: va bene o non va bene?” 136. Alice: “Una meraviglia” 137. Dr. Zap: “Bene, la sai l’ultima?” 138. Verga: “Di malavoglia” 139: Heidegger: “Quante chiacchiere!” 140. Grimm: “Una favola!”
●Umberto Eco, Il secondo diario minimo
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sexoblogue · 4 years
Retentissement de l'hépatite C sur la sexualité
Un nouvel article a été publié sur https://sexoblogue.fr/retentissement-hepatite-c-sexualite
Retentissement de l'hépatite C sur la sexualité
Les patients atteints d’#hépatite C chronique rencontrent fréquemment des difficultés sexuelles qui vont être différentes en fonction du stade de la maladie @SOS_hepatites @HIS_hepatites
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L’infection au virus de l’hépatite C (VHC) est une maladie chronique qui, malgré son évolution initiale asymptomatique, affecte plusieurs aspects du bien-être des patients, notamment la qualité de vie physique, mentale, sociale et sexuelle, et ce, même aux premiers stades de la maladie[ref]Foster, G. R. « Quality of Life Considerations for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C ». Journal of Viral Hepatitis 16, nᵒ 9 (septembre 2009): 605‑11. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2893.2009.01154.x[/ref].
Les questions liées à la santé sexuelle vont être associées au VHC de plusieurs manières :
Premièrement, les comportements et pratiques sexuelles peuvent être liés à un risque accru d’infection au VHC[ref]Chan, Denise P. C., Hsin-Yun Sun, Horas T. H. Wong, Shui-Shan Lee, et Chien-Ching Hung. « Sexually Acquired Hepatitis C Virus Infection: A Review ». International Journal of Infectious Diseases: IJID: Official Publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases 49 (août 2016): 47‑58. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijid.2016.05.030[/ref]. En effet, même si l’hépatite C n’est pas considérée comme une infection sexuellement transmissible, puisqu’elle se transmet essentiellement lors des échanges sanguins, la transmission dans les rapports sexuels peut tout de même avoir lieu en cas de règles, de rapports anaux non protégés ou de pratiques qualifiées de “hard”[ref]https://www.sida-info-service.org/les-hepatites-sont-elles-des-ist/[/ref].
Deuxièmement, l’infection au VHC peut entrainer des dysfonctions sexuelles à part entière. Les chercheurs ont mis en évidence trois types de troubles sexuels distincts en fonction du stade de la maladie[ref]Karaivazoglou, Katerina, Evangelia-Eirini Tsermpini, Konstantinos Assimakopoulos, et Christos Triantos. « Sexual Functioning in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C: A Systematic Review ». European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 29, nᵒ 11 (novembre 2017): 1197‑1205. https://doi.org/10.1097/MEG.0000000000000949[/ref] :
les troubles sexuels pré-cirrhotiques, au tout début de la maladie
le déclin sexuel induit par la cirrhose, lorsque la maladie est évoluée
et les difficultés sexuelles associées aux interférons, qui est un des anciens traitements de l’hépatite C
Malheureusement, ces perturbations cliniquement significatives et durables qui perturbent la vie quotidienne des patients, échappent le plus souvent à l’attention des cliniciens.
Les études mettent en évidence difficultés sexuelles chez les patients atteints du virus de l’hépatite C (VHC) à des fréquences allant de 19% à 88% selon les études[ref]Verschuren, Jesse E. A., Paul Enzlin, Pieter U. Dijkstra, Jan H. B. Geertzen, et Rienk Dekker. « Chronic Disease and Sexuality: A Generic Conceptual Framework ». Journal of Sex Research 47, nᵒ 2 (mars 2010): 153‑70. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224491003658227[/ref].
Celles qui rapportent des pourcentages relativement faibles de dysfonctions sexuelles, (de 19,4 à 22,2 %), ont soit exclu d’autres comorbidités, comme le diabète sucré[ref]Soykan, A., H. Boztaş, R. İdilman, E. T. Özel, A. E. Tüzün, A. Özden, A. Özden, et H. Kumbasar. « Sexual Dysfunctions in HCV Patients and Its Correlations with Psychological and Biological Variables ». International Journal of Impotence Research 17, nᵒ 2 (mars 2005): 175‑79. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.ijir.3901267[/ref], soit leurs échantillons sont relativement jeunes[ref]Piazza, Marcello, Grazia Tosone, Guglielmo Borgia, Raffaele Orlando, Gianfranco Fenzi, Mario Vitale, Antonella Bloise, Angela Mariano, et Vincenzo Macchia. « Long-Term Interferon-α Therapy Does Not Affect Sex Hormones in Males with Chronic Hepatitis C ». Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research 17, nᵒ 9 (1 septembre 1997): 525‑29. https://doi.org/10.1089/jir.1997.17.525[/ref] ou comprennent des patients présentant des stades précoces de fibrose[ref]Elatrebi, Kamal, Mohamed El-Atrebi, et Hala El-Bassyouni. « Sexual Dysfunction in Males with Hepatitis C Virus: Relevance to Histopathologic Changes and Peginterferon Treatment ». Saudi journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Saudi Gastroenterology Association 17 (1 novembre 2011): 406‑10. https://doi.org/10.4103/1319-3767.87183[/ref].
A l’inverse, celles incluant des patients cirrhotiques d’âge avancé montrent que la grande majorité (88%) présente des dysfonctions sexuelles[ref]Toda, Katsuhisa, Yoshiyuki Miwa, Shoko Kuriyama, Hideki Fukushima, Makoto Shiraki, Nobuo Murakami, Makoto Shimazaki, et al. « Erectile Dysfunction in Patients with Chronic Viral Liver Disease: Its Relevance to Protein Malnutrition ». Journal of Gastroenterology 40, nᵒ 9 (1 septembre 2005): 894‑900. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00535-005-1634-8[/ref].
Différents types de troubles sexuels
L’infection par le VHC est liée à des difficultés sexuelles principalement dans les domaines du désir, de la pulsion et de la satisfaction sexuelle[ref]Soykan, A., H. Boztaş, R. İdilman, E. T. Özel, A. E. Tüzün, A. Özden, A. Özden, et H. Kumbasar. « Sexual Dysfunctions in HCV Patients and Its Correlations with Psychological and Biological Variables ». International Journal of Impotence Research 17, nᵒ 2 (mars 2005): 175‑79. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.ijir.3901267[/ref].
Les études montrent également une association significative entre la dysfonction érectile et les antécédents d’infection par le VHC[ref]Chung, Shiu-Dong, Joseph J. Keller, Yu-Chih Liang, et Herng-Ching Lin. « Association between Viral Hepatitis and Erectile Dysfunction: A Population-Based Case-Control Analysis ». The Journal of Sexual Medicine 9, nᵒ 5 (mai 2012): 1295‑1302. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1743-6109.2012.02663.x[/ref].
De plus, les patients atteints du VHC non traités présentent souvent des taux de testostérone totale et libre plus faibles, facteur de risque de dysfonction érectile[ref]Ferri, Clodoveo, Maria Antonella Bertozzi, et Anna Linda Zignego. « Erectile Dysfunction and Hepatitis C Virus Infection ». JAMA 288, nᵒ 6 (14 août 2002): 698‑99. [/ref].
Enfin, seul un pourcentage extrêmement faible (7,7 %) de patients atteints du VHC se sont plaints d’une perte totale d’intérêt pour le sexe[ref]Yamini, D, Benjamin Basseri, G Chee, Anush Arakelyan, P Enayati, Tram Tran, et F Poordad. « Tobacco and other factors have a negative impact on quality of life in hepatitis C patients ». Journal of viral hepatitis 18 (1 octobre 2011): 714‑20. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2893.2010.01361.x[/ref].
Correlation entre troubles sexuels et stade de la maladie
1- Les troubles sexuels pré-cirrhotiques
Au tout début de la maladie, avant que le virus n’ai pu abimer le foie et entrainer ce qu’on appelle la cirrhose, les troubles sexuels les plus fréquemment observés sont les troubles du désir (baisse de la libido) et de la satisfaction sexuelle[ref]Soykan, A., H. Boztaş, R. İdilman, E. T. Özel, A. E. Tüzün, A. Özden, A. Özden, et H. Kumbasar. « Sexual Dysfunctions in HCV Patients and Its Correlations with Psychological and Biological Variables ». International Journal of Impotence Research 17, nᵒ 2 (mars 2005): 175‑79. https://doi.org/10.1038/sj.ijir.3901267[/ref] [ref]Dove, Lorna, Raymond Rosen, Darmendra Ramcharran, Abdus Wahed, Steven Belle, Robert Brown, et Jay Hoofnagle. « Decline in Male Sexual Desire, Function, and Satisfaction During and After Antiviral Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C ». Gastroenterology 137 (1 juillet 2009): 873‑84, 884.e1. https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2009.05.060[/ref] [ref]Elshimi, Esam, Wesam Morad, Noha Ezzat Mohamad, Nashwa Shebl, et Imam Waked. « Female Sexual Dysfunction Among Egyptian Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C ». The Journal of Sexual Medicine 11, nᵒ 3 (1 mars 2014): 768‑75. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsm.12412[/ref] [ref]Danoff, Ann, Oona Khan, David W. Wan, Lainie Hurst, Daniel Cohen, Craig T. Tenner, et Edmund J. Bini. « Sexual Dysfunction Is Highly Prevalent among Men with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection and Negatively Impacts Health-Related Quality of Life ». The American Journal of Gastroenterology 101, nᵒ 6 (juin 2006): 1235‑43. [/ref].
Ces difficultés peuvent s’expliquer par des processus physiopathologiques extrahépatiques et par la détresse psychologique accrue.
En effet, le fait que les patients atteints d’hépatite C signalent une plus grande altération de ces aspects de la sexualité qui sont basés sur des processus corticaux supérieurs, par rapport à d’autres sous-domaines sexuels, tels que l’érection, l’éjaculation ou l’orgasme, qui reposent principalement sur des réflexes, pourraient suggérer des perturbations des circuits neuronaux du cortex préfrontal, du système limbique, de l’hypothalamus et du striatum ventral, soit à cause des effets directs du virus, soit à cause d’une neuroinflammation induite par le VHC[ref]Stahl, Stephen M. « Circuits of Sexual Desire in Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder ». The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 71, nᵒ 5 (mai 2010): 518‑19. https://doi.org/10.4088/JCP.10bs06115whi[/ref].
2- Les troubles sexuels induits par la cirrhose
Le déclin sexuel induit par la cirrhose semble être lié au stade de la fibrose hépatique uniquement chez les patients âgés et chez les patients atteints de cirrhose avancée[ref]Bonkovsky, Herbert L., Kristin K. Snow, Peter F. Malet, Carla Back-Madruga, Robert J. Fontana, Richard K. Sterling, Clark C. Kulig, et al. « Health-related quality of life in patients with chronic hepatitis C and advanced fibrosis  »,. Journal of hepatology 46, nᵒ 3 (mars 2007): 420‑31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2006.10.009[/ref], alors que chez les patients plus jeune et ceux atteints d’une maladie hépatique plus légère, la gravité de la maladie ne détermine pas leur bien-être sexuel[ref]Vergniol, J., S. Duc, G. Hou, J. B. Hiriart, J. Foucher, F. Chenus, C. Fabères, et al. « Sexual Quality of Life Is Impaired in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C ». International Journal of Impotence Research 28, nᵒ 2 (mars 2016): 68‑73. https://doi.org/10.1038/ijir.2016.5[/ref].
La cirrhose s’accompagne souvent d’une altération des niveaux d’hormones sexuelles en raison d’un dysfonctionnement métabolique, d’une modification de la concentration de globuline liant les hormones sexuelles, d’une altération de la santé physique ou d’effets secondaires des médicaments, ce qui peut expliquer que ce stade va être plus délétère§re pour les personnes d’âge avancé[ref]Toda, Katsuhisa, Yoshiyuki Miwa, Shoko Kuriyama, Hideki Fukushima, Makoto Shiraki, Nobuo Murakami, Makoto Shimazaki, et al. « Erectile Dysfunction in Patients with Chronic Viral Liver Disease: Its Relevance to Protein Malnutrition ». Journal of Gastroenterology 40, nᵒ 9 (1 septembre 2005): 894‑900. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00535-005-1634-8[/ref].
3- Les difficultés sexuelles associées aux interférons
Aujourd’hui, le traitement de référence de l’hépatite C est basé sur les antiviraux à action directe (AAD). Ces nouveaux médicaments soignent toutes les formes de l’hépatite C et leurs effets secondaires sont légers.
Mais pendant des années, le traitement était basé sur l’interféron (INF), une protéine qui interfère avec la réplication virale et qui stimule l’activation des cellules immunitaires. Et c’est malheureusement encore le cas dans les pays qui n’ont pas les moyens de payer le prix exorbitant des AAD.
L’IFN est associé à une variété de symptômes comme les malaises, la fatigue, les troubles cognitifs et la dépression[ref]Foster, G. R. « Quality of Life Considerations for Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C ». Journal of Viral Hepatitis 16, nᵒ 9 (septembre 2009): 605‑11. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2893.2009.01154.x[/ref].
Les difficultés sexuelles associées au traitement par IFN sont donc liées à l’effet combiné de la dépression et de la pathophysiologie virale.
Pendant le traitement par IFN, les patients atteints du VHC connaissent une baisse significative de tous les aspects du fonctionnement sexuel.
Toutes les études s’accordent à dire que ce déclin initial est suivi d’une amélioration progressive après la fin du traitement, ce qui est surtout évident chez les patients qui obtiennent une réponse virologique soutenue[ref]Elatrebi, Kamal, Mohamed El-Atrebi, et Hala El-Bassyouni. « Sexual Dysfunction in Males with Hepatitis C Virus: Relevance to Histopathologic Changes and Peginterferon Treatment ». Saudi journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Saudi Gastroenterology Association 17 (1 novembre 2011): 406‑10. https://doi.org/10.4103/1319-3767.87183[/ref] [ref]Dove, Lorna, Raymond Rosen, Darmendra Ramcharran, Abdus Wahed, Steven Belle, Robert Brown, et Jay Hoofnagle. « Decline in Male Sexual Desire, Function, and Satisfaction During and After Antiviral Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C ». Gastroenterology 137 (1 juillet 2009): 873‑84, 884.e1. https://doi.org/10.1053/j.gastro.2009.05.060[/ref] [ref]Malaguarnera, Mariano, Enzo Vicari, Aldo Calogero, Lisa Cammalleri, Ignazio Di Fazio, Maria Pia Gargante, Giovanni Pennisi, Corrado Risino, Salvatore Ranno, et Liborio Rampello. « Sexual Dysfunction in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Patients Treated with Interferon Alpha and Ribavirin ». Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research: The Official Journal of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research 28, nᵒ 10 (octobre 2008): 603‑9. https://doi.org/10.1089/jir.2008.0021[/ref].
En revanche, les rechutants qui continuent à recevoir un traitement d’entretien à l’IFN pendant une longue période présentent des difficultés sexuelles plus importantes que les rechutants non traités, ce qui soulève de sérieux doutes sur l’efficacité et la sécurité du traitement à long terme à l’IFN pour ce groupe de patients[ref]Snow, Kristin K., Herbert L. Bonkovsky, Robert J. Fontana, Hae-Young Kim, Richard K. Sterling, Adrian M. Di Bisceglie, Timothy R. Morgan, Jules L. Dienstag, et Marc G. Ghany. « Changes in quality of life and sexual health are associated with low-dose peginterferon therapy and disease progression in patients with chronic hepatitis C ». Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics 31, nᵒ 7 (avril 2010): 719‑34. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2036.2010.04235.x[/ref].
Le fait que les répondeurs virologiques déclarent une meilleure santé sexuelle après le traitement, alors que pour les non-répondeurs, l’IFN est associé à des difficultés sexuelles persistantes après le traitement, suggère indirectement que la déficience sexuelle associée au VHC est au moins en partie une conséquence du virus lui-même et pourrait être une cible possible pour les nouveaux agents antiviraux à action directe.
Quand les comorbidités pèsent sur la dysfonction sexuelle
La pathogenèse du dysfonctionnement sexuel lié au VHC est multifactorielle, englobant à la fois des sous-composantes physiques et psychologiques.
La plupart des études établissent une forte corrélation entre la dysfonction sexuelle et une mauvaise qualité de vie, en particulier dans le domaine physique et social, en soulignant le rôle crucial de l’évaluation standard de la santé sexuelle dans la pratique clinique quotidienne[ref]Toda, Katsuhisa, Yoshiyuki Miwa, Shoko Kuriyama, Hideki Fukushima, Makoto Shiraki, Nobuo Murakami, Makoto Shimazaki, et al. « Erectile Dysfunction in Patients with Chronic Viral Liver Disease: Its Relevance to Protein Malnutrition ». Journal of Gastroenterology 40, nᵒ 9 (1 septembre 2005): 894‑900. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00535-005-1634-8[/ref].
L’âge, le sexe et le taux de chômage sont en effet fortement associés au fonctionnement sexuel des patients atteints d’hépatite C chronique[ref]Verschuren, Jesse E. A., Paul Enzlin, Pieter U. Dijkstra, Jan H. B. Geertzen, et Rienk Dekker. « Chronic Disease and Sexuality: A Generic Conceptual Framework ». Journal of Sex Research 47, nᵒ 2 (mars 2010): 153‑70. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224491003658227[/ref].
De plus, les symptômes dépressifs sont fortement associés à une perturbation du fonctionnement sexuel et augmentent le risque de dysfonctions sexuelles associé à l’IFN[ref]Bonkovsky, Herbert L., Kristin K. Snow, Peter F. Malet, Carla Back-Madruga, Robert J. Fontana, Richard K. Sterling, Clark C. Kulig, et al. « Health-related quality of life in patients with chronic hepatitis C and advanced fibrosis  »,. Journal of hepatology 46, nᵒ 3 (mars 2007): 420‑31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2006.10.009[/ref].
Enfin, outre la durée du traitement, d’autres paramètres sont apparus comme déterminants des dysfonctions sexuelles associées à l’IFN : l’âge avancé, la fibrose avancée, un mauvais fonctionnement physique de base, des antécédents d’hypertension, des taux de cholestérol élevés et l’utilisation d’antidépresseurs[ref]Elatrebi, Kamal, Mohamed El-Atrebi, et Hala El-Bassyouni. « Sexual Dysfunction in Males with Hepatitis C Virus: Relevance to Histopathologic Changes and Peginterferon Treatment ». Saudi journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Saudi Gastroenterology Association 17 (1 novembre 2011): 406‑10. https://doi.org/10.4103/1319-3767.87183[/ref].
Plusieurs questions méritent encore des enquêtes rigoureuses à grande échelle, notamment le fonctionnement sexuel des femmes atteintes d’hépatite C, et l’impact des nouveaux traitements sur la santé sexuelle et la qualité de vie en général.
En outre, la sexualité humaine est un vaste phénomène aux dimensions et implications multiples, dont l’évaluation, que ce soit dans le cadre de la recherche ou dans un contexte clinique, exige du temps, de la sensibilité, de l’expertise, d’excellentes compétences en matière de communication et la capacité à créer une ambiance à la fois professionnelle mais aussi confortable et discrète.
Plusieurs études montrent que les médecins se concentrent sur différents domaines d’intérêt par rapport aux patients atteints du VHC et sont parfois perçus comme inattentifs aux besoins subjectifs des patients[ref]Cotler, S. J., R. Patil, R. A. McNutt, T. Speroff, G. Banaad-Omiotek, D. R. Ganger, H. Rosenblate, S. Kaur, S. Cotler, et D. M. Jensen. « Patients’ Values for Health States Associated with Hepatitis C and Physicians’ Estimates of Those Values». The American Journal of Gastroenterology 96, nᵒ 9 (septembre 2001): 2730‑36. [/ref].
C’est pourquoi nous sommes fermement convaincus que, lorsqu’ils évaluent les questions de santé sexuelle, les chercheurs ne devraient pas s’appuyer exclusivement sur des questionnaires d’auto-évaluation et des échelles psychométriques, mais aussi intégrer des entretiens cliniques semi-structurés, voire non structurés, permettant aux participants de communiquer un large éventail de leurs expériences subjectives.
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