#the amount of stuff i post about his backstory *before* having listened to his backstory episode is insane
shadow-the-crow · 2 months
Why is my brain like this??
I still don't know more about Michael's backstory than when i last posted about him. I only know the basics of what happened. Also i've been on a short tma break for a few days now. I shouldn't even be thinking about this.
but out of the blue my brain went
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redfish-blu · 1 year
Kobra kid backstory headcanons please? I saw your drawing with the hospital gown thing and I want to learn more
Yeah gladly. I love that dude :)
- Kobra was born in (still LA but barely) Battery City. November 22, 2006. Very shortly after the end of the Helium Wars and very shortly before the BLi takeover.
- He lived there for 9 years, two of which were spent in “Assisted Living” which gets into the hospital gown thing. That’s what I consider deep lore because it gets into like. Big Picture details of the story (which I will happily explain if there’s interest). Basically it was a sinister BLi thing.
- Him and Party’s mom died when they were young (7 and 13 respectively), so they went into the system and were separated. Party went to military school and Kobra got snatched by BLi for the aforementioned purposes.
- He obviously has no memory of this. Which I’m sure will not come back to haunt anyone after Party lies to him about it for ten years.
- When they both made it to the zones around 2013, they lived in the first ever Gravel Gertie. So that’s kind of cool. Kobra was taught how to read and write there. And do some basic math. Party was actually one of his teachers cuz they were short staffed as fuck.
- Kobra is always wearing headphones or earbuds at any given time. He loves listening to music (silence without some kind of auditory stimulation bothers him). When he lived at Gertie’s, he had a walkman and a few cassettes, a collection that grew over the years until he found an iPod and started using that instead.
- His music taste is pretty rigidly rock and punk rock, but he also records stuff from random zone bands or songs that Jet writes and listens to that too. Very rarely does he listen to pop or folk music, unless he’s in a particular mood.
- If the world didn’t end, he would have probably been some kind of professional athlete. He doesn’t play sports often because there’s rarely time to do so (also because he finds it embarrassing and egotistical), but anyone who has ever played against him in basketball, football, fucking soccer, will tell you he’s crazy good.
- Kobra has heterochromia. His left eye is hazel and his right eye is dark brown. This is the main reason for always wearing sunglasses. He isn’t insecure about it, but it brings attention to his face and that’s like, at the bottom of the list of things you want when BLi has a bounty on your head.
- He has always had an issue with self worth. When he was a kid, like until he was fifteen, Party and Jet wouldn’t let him do dangerous tasks or go out alone without supervision. Logically he knew it was because dying in the zones is the easiest thing you can do, and they were just looking out for him. But it also made him feel like nobody believed in him. Which was really shitty, and he carried that feeling of inferiority around a Lot. Everything he did kind of just became about proving he wasn’t a nobody and could be independent.
- Kobra spent an abysmal amount of time at Dr. D’s place, where Party explicitly told him not to speak to Cherri Cola under any circumstance. And he didn’t, but Cherri lived to spite people and talked to him anyways. In which Cherri kind of became that older kid who gets you to do things your parents tell you not to. He taught Kobra how to shoot and fight hand-to-hand, which was ultimately helpful in the long run. Even if Party did throw a lawn chair at Cherri once for giving Kobra a black eye (on accident).
- That yellow bike was actually something he bought. It was sketchy as fuck, basically the equivalent of buying something off craigslist but it’s post-apocalyptic so it’s even worse. He had to go to Zone 3 (first red flag) where a dude named Merle sold it to him for 2,000c’s out of his garage. It was creepy as shit but his face didn’t end up on a t-shirt so it was all good.
- For a brief period of time, Kobra was a “professional” racer at the Crash Track in Vegas. He was contracted at 16 with a fairly popular team called The Roadrunners, which may have been a little human rights violation-y because he didn’t really get paid that much for the Evel Knievel shit they had him do on the track, but he wanted to be a star so it was “no big deal, they let me take the leftover pizza home”.
- Loves video games. Even if he knows he has no way of playing them, he’ll take any he finds back home with him just in case a ps2 appears out of thin air. Honestly it’s kind of a hoarding problem at this point, that’s like all his room is used for. Posters and an archive of every game ever made. His favorite (which he only ever played once at someone’s house party) is Skate 3, but generally he likes his gameboy because it’s portable.
- His “biggest rival” on the Crash Track is DJ Hot Chimp, who is the same age as him and part of a different team. They are almost tied for most 1st place races and often mess with each other while practicing or if they see one another around the zones. There’s not really any animosity but their respective teams tell them to keep dissing each other for the publicity. Meanwhile they both work for Dr. D and see one another at the cookouts bi-weekly.
- Everyone in the zones has at least a little grasp on Spanish because there’s a Large community of spanish-speaking killjoys. Kobra was taught both english and spanish at Gertie’s, but Party and Jet speak predominantly english and all the stuff he listens to and reads is also english; but he really tries not to let himself forget anything because you will get further if you know both. Often he acts as a translator for the rest of the Four (except when Ghoul is around because he’s a native speaker).
- Okay last one cuz this is So Godamn Long; Kobra believes firmly in The Phoenix Witch. He wears and makes Bad Luck Beads for himself and everyone else he knows. It’s very important to him that the people around him are being looked after when he’s not around, this includes drawing symbols of protection and luck on people’s arms in sharpie and painting them doorframes, cars, and weapons. He’ll leave one in every place he passes through.
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burr-ell · 11 months
while I've been a cr fan for a while now, i've only recently started to interact more with the fanbase after completing campaign 2 and starting to go through campaign 3(i will hopefully catch up before it concludes but who knows lol) and man is the fandom strange. never have i seen a fandom have both a toxic positivity problem as well as a toxic criticism problem at the same time. people both viciously defend the show and attack it depending on the time of day it feels like lol. that being said I do want to know about what you enjoy about the show? I feel like most of the posts i've seen of yours are meta/takes about the fandom, which i do enjoy don't get me wrong, but i'd love to see things you like, especially if they're niche things! sorry if its a question you've been asked before! much love from another, what i would say, sane critical role fan ahhah
ah you want to see me be annoying. bless you anon <3
-mr lord percival de rolo and ms lady vex'ahlia de rolo and their sister/in-law ms lady cassandra de rolo and their bear son trinket de rolo and their baby quarter elf de rolos and their bear grandson charles de rolo and
-listen, i don't know what made me such a lunatic about perc'ahlia and their family but i am, that will never change, they've both suffered so much loss and they could have gone dark so many times but they didn't! they both chose the light and each other and chose the light because of each other and they have a FAMILY, whitestone is a city of rebirth and i want to gnaw on something every time i think about it
-i also just! love vox machina as a whole! it's classic, archetypal fantasy adventure stuff and that's why i love it. i love the chroma conclave arc especially, i really enjoy the stakes and the traveling across the world and the absolutely ridiculous moments that grew out of it. vox machina is, in the metanarrative, the living legend—the group that started it all and began breathing life into the world of exandria, and i've always enjoyed those kinds of stories.
-EXU CALAMITY. if you haven't seen it you absolutely should, i highly recommend it. it's an amazing story, the characters and setting feel so realized and alive in the four episodes they were around, and the actual players are incredible. i love the lore it introduced, i love the specter of vespin chloras over the narrative, i love how much presence asmodeus has and how well brennan plays such a master manipulator. and the INTRO??? why isn't the intro released as a single it's so good
-i've only had fy'ra rai and morrighan for a day and a half. if anything happened to them i'd kill everyone in the crown keepers
-i love the kinds of concepts and narratives that taliesin considers for his characters and how deeply he thinks through their presence in the world. he's thought so much about whitestone and both what it used to be like and how it's changed since C1, and while i've only watched the m9 twoshot, lucien/molly/kingsley is such an interesting idea (and i just really like kingsley). ashton is also an absolute joy to watch, and i'm so curious about their backstory and lore. taliesin has a knack for portraying characters who have very strong moral and personal beliefs but would rather coexist in a world with others' than enforce their own, which is probably why i like percy and ashton so much in particular. i also really enjoy his sense of humor; it's very dry and snarky with just the right amount of gothic whimsy.
-simply put. Travis Good. even back when he was playing grog, who is on paper a pretty simple character concept, he just couldn't help but give him a compelling and interesting backstory—and when he had to show off his acting chops, he DELIVERED. the depth that he gives his characters and the enthusiasm he has for the lore of the world are so burr-coded. cerrit in particular was an absolute tour de force and just watching travis go for whatever decisions he's going to make is incredible. he's also absolutely hilarious and his comedic timing is underrated. i mean, southerner to southerner, game recognize game.
-laura bailey!! i'm so fascinated by her consistent narratives about masks and coping mechanisms, and i love the fact that she's willing to make her PCs unlikable. she embraces their flaws and their virtues and just plays them so naturally. you have to read between the lines sometimes with her characters or you risk falling for the fronts they put up, and i love that kind of subtlety! she also doesn't feel the need to walk anyone through those choices, which i also appreciate; she simply plays them as they are, and however you react to that is up to you. i admit i'm interested in the alternate universe where laura played a character in calamity—marisha absolutely nailed it as patia, but i'm also interested in what laura would have done at that table.
-welcome to tal'dorei? oh my GODS that album is spectacular, especially the title track
-lastly, i genuinely enjoy the fandom experience! i've met some really cool people and made some really good friends here, and i love the creativity, especially of fanartists. i've learned so much about narrative and storytelling from reading different people's analyses, i've learned more about art from the fanart community, and overall i feel like the people i've met and the experiences i've had have helped me grow as a person.
anyway thank you for encouraging some positivity! i enjoy writing meta and critical analysis is really fun for me, but it's nice to take a step back and remember all the things i love. <3
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greatwyrmgold · 1 year
More Otherverse OCs
A bunch of people liked the last post I made about an Otherverse character I made up, so I figured I'd share a couple more with varying degrees of detail.
Frode Kvasir, the Emptied Vessel
I'll start with Frode, since he's possibly the most detailed out of all of these. But those details are all in this Reddit post I wrote on him, so I won't write too much here.
Frode is basically an Other in the form of a transient, which faeries created and use to gather and refine the experiences of people faerie don't want to directly interact with. He's stuck in a cycle where he gets rescued by local unhoused people; listens to, refines, and shares stories; and has all of that knowledge violently extracted from him before being abandoned again.
Eve Penders, Glamour Alchemist
The protagonist of Pith, a fanfic I posted one chapter of. Her backstory was supposed to be explained in chapter 2, but I never got that to a state I was happy with before getting distracted.
Born Evelynn Micaiah Isolda Pendra, firstborn of a couple of lesser faerie Practitioners. Her parents pawned her off to the faerie for reasons she was too young to understand. The terms were relatively lenient, with three important points.
First, there was an option to buy Evelynn back at a later date, if the original price plus interest was paid. The parents intended to use this option more or less immediately, once they used the amount borrowed to do...something...but if this worked, being sold probably wouldn't be a defining moment of Evelynn's childhood. After all...
The faerie swore not to seriously or permanently harm Evelynn for the duration of the contract. No long-term transformations, no maiming, no stripping away her identity, stuff like that.
Finally, the contract would end when Evelynn came of age. No more special protections, no precontracted buy-back, etc. Evelynn would have one chance to win her freedom at that point, with terms left up to her owner. If she won, she'd be given a new life to replace the one she lost. Otherwise...
Eve's feelings about this arrangement are complicated. She recognizes that her parents cared about her to some extent; if they didn't, they could have gotten a much better price out of her. But at the same time, they still sold their own child to the Fair Folk. If they truly loved her, wouldn't they have found another way? If nothing else, one parent could have agreed to be temporarily sold. Aren't parents supposed to do stuff like that, to sacrifice themselves instead of their children?
Stripping away details that only matter in the context of the unwritten fanfic: Evelynn's contract was passed around, and wound up in the hands of Guildmaster Morcant, a faerie businessman who ran a literal sweatshop. (His workers make stuff, but the sweatshop's primary money-maker is the sweat of exploited children.)
Morcant has a thing for stripping away names and identities from his workers, to make them fit into his machine better, but he was limited in what he could do to Evelynn by the terms of the contract. He could reduce her name to Eve Pendra, but couldn't eliminate her personal identity or ties to her family. Eve caused enough problems for this faerie that he wound up selling her off; he sees the whole thing as a big disgrace.
As her eighteenth birthday approached, Eve's contract wound up in the hands of one of Morcant's rivals. Eve convinced her that she could embarrass Morcant again by selling Eve to him, specifically so he could get vengeance on her through the contest...and also giving Eve enough of an edge that she won the contest he rigged.
That happened; Eve won. She kept the gifts she was given to win the contest (notably including the ability to produce a small amount of glamour herself), and also gained a new life to replace the one she was taken from.
Eve Penders was no longer connected to the Pendra family, but she had awakened at a normal age and was trained in the art of using glamour. Eve Penders was awakened, bound by the Seal of Solomon as a Practitioner, but Eve technically never took the relevant oaths herself; thus, her Practice tends to be fragile and ephemeral.
Eve has the skill of someone trained by a family of faerie Practitioners, but this quirk of her Awakening exaggerates the weaknesses of glamour-based Practice. Luckily, she chose to attend college in a town where a prominent alchemist lived. Alchemy is a much more stable Practice, to the point that even non-Practitioners can use it to some extent.
Eve still uses glamour sometimes, both on its own and in conjunction with alchemy. For instance: After she decides to turn against her tutor, for reasons irrelevant to this bit, she steals alchemical reagents she's working with, replacing the stolen portion with glamour. Since some of the active ingredient is still present, the potion has part of its normal effect; the glamour makes it appear to be fully effective. Eve hopes nobody will realize it isn't before she's rescued her tutor's homunculus-clones and turned fully against him.
The Melomanic Bug & the Calamity Bug
This story starts with a third bug, the Millennium Bug. This Bug was a Nex Machina, created when a technomancers tried to channel some of the global fears over Y2K into an entity they could use. They wound up snaring more of the Y2K panic than they anticipated, creating a centipede-shaped Other powerful enough that it took most of the powers in one of the world's largest cities to contain.
Luckily, the technomancers tried this in late 1999, so it wasn't long before Y2K went—and with it, most of the fear that kept it going. The Millennium Bug collapsed in on itself as people realized that Y2K was largely under control. But that much power can't just go nowhere.
First off, the Millennium Bug created a powerful echo. (A pale shadow of the original Bug's power, but that's still very potent, especially compared to other vestiges.) It was bound by a Practitioner with an interest in creating artificial Others, who sacrificed several visceral Others in an effort to stabilize the echo. The first of these was a musically-inclined bogeyman, which was disproportionately influential over the end result—a slithering bug-snake-thing surrounded by haunting music. The Melomanic Bug.
Now, part of the process of stabilizing the Melomanic Bug involved forging a sort of master-familiar bond with it. The Bug's creator(?) assumed two things: That the stabilization would be largely effective, and that a familiar bond with a powerful Other would be less hazardous if he designed the Other for the purpose of being his familiar. These assumptions were theoretically sound; in practice, what he was doing was too experimental and volatile to have that much hope in things going according to plan.
The Melomanic Bug's "master" now spends most of his time maintaining either the Bug or his connection to it. It's only a matter of time until something disrupts him enough that he gets utterly subsumed by the Bug. Whether this results in the whole thing messily collapsing/detonating or gaining enough Self to truly stabilize depends on the circumstances.
But the Millennium Bug didn't just leave a ghost, it left an impression, something like the Carmine Beast's. But instead of collecting violence, it collected fear; and instead of manifesting as violent behavior, it coalesced into a new bug. A scorpion-shaped mass of the dread people felt towards a seemingly inevitable doom.
Known as either the Millenarian Bug (a reference to millenarianism) or the Calamity Bug, its core was formed around fears that the city would decay under a crime wave, which has a strong influence on it. However, over the past couple decades, most of the power it accumulates comes from global climate change.
The Calamity Bug can take human form, appearing somewhere between a corporate executive and a yakuza boss. (Did I mention that these characters were written for a fic set in Tokyo?) If it isn't trying to look normal, it has a stovepipe hat like a caricatured 19th-century industrialist, aside from the fact that it's belching smoke like a literal stovepipe.
Aside from this shapeshifting, the Calamity Bug retains some of the Millennium Bug's Nex Machina nature. In particular, it infects areas with its presence, cutting them off from reality. People trapped in these areas emerge, apparently the victims of either violent crime or industrial accidents. And of course, it has an affinity for technology—especially internal combustion cars and industrial machinery.
The Calamity Bug and Melomanic Bug are nowhere near the godlike power of the Millennium Bug, but they're certainly among the city's local powers. (Well, the Melomanic Bug's "master" is—that Bug isn't fully sentient.) They're remnants of a calamity that almost befell the city.
The Virgin Killer
A bogeywoman, living in the same town as Eve Penders up there. They are, in fact, friends! It's probably worth noting that the city they live in has an associated realm, called the Undertow. It's a bit like Kennet's undercity, but shallower and less bloody. The details matter in theory, but aren't interesting enough to get into here.
The Virgin Killer usually goes by Virginia or VK, both because her true name is a double misnomer and because it's not a name most people would want to be called by. The big thing I like about VK is the way she hunts.
Imagine you're some stereotypical frat boy, bar-crawling to get lucky. You're drunkenly hitting on girls, ignoring them when they tell you to buzz off, maybe getting a little handsy. Finally, one girl responds positively, a girl wearing a white jacket over a red sweater. Virginia. She looks vaguely familiar, but you're pretty sure you've never seen her before.
Virginia invites you to her place, and you accept. But something's off about the apartment. it's eerily quiet, and you notice that she doesn't turn around after taking off her jacket, even when she's leaving the room. As Virginia goes to tidy up her room, you think you see something move by her shoulder. A trick of the light, surely.
When she's ready, you head into her room. Virginia faces you still, sitting on her bed, wearing her red sweater. On the wall behind her is a great big mirror; you can see that Virginia's sweater is backless.
So is Virginia.
Where there should be smooth human skin, there is instead a gaping cavity. Bloody things squirm in her hollow torso, like a cross between intestines and earthworms, coated in blood.
You flip the fuck out. Virginia stands up, asks if something's wrong. The things in her back unfurl, stretch out behind her. One reaches forward, you stumble backward before it can grab you. This shit is not worth the pussy.
You run out of the apartment, Virginia following. You scream for help, but nobody responds. One of her bloody tentacles almost grabs your arm, your ankle, your neck. You run out the back door, duck through an unfamiliar alley, keep running, running.
Suddenly, you realize she's gone. You're in the middle of downtown, in the middle of the night, high on adrenaline, with a bit of red smeared on your cheek. But you're alive.
Over the coming weeks, you keep thinking you see Virginia in the corner of your eye. It's not her, just some classmate or neighbor or random chick who looks kinda like her. But seeing those girls reminds you of that horrific night again.
So yeah, that's VK. She hunts douches, brings them to her apartment (which straddles the normal city and the Undertow), reveals her true form, chases the douche back through the Undertow version of her neighborhood into the normal city, and lingers in their mind.
That last effect is achieved through glamour she barters from Eve, which lets her look a bit like the women her targets run into. Not their friends or family, just random women they happen to pass by regularly. Each time someone thinks they see VK and is afraid it's actually her this time, she feeds on that fear. And there are a lot of douches in town.
VK is, physically speaking, one of the strongest Others in town. She works as an enforcer for the local council—keeping peace in the market, intimidating ornery goblins, driving out unwanted intruders, that sort of thing. She doesn't have a lot of special tricks; she looks human, looks familiar, and has basic bogeyman tricks plus extremely strong back tentacles.
Okiko, the Cinder-Urchin
A side character in an Otherverse/Jujutsu Kaisen crossover fic I never wrote. My notes identify her as "an 'it's complicated,'" specifically noting "Ghost:Wraith::Revenant:Okiko". Which doesn't feel quite right, looking back, but it's a snappy opener.
There once was a petty thief, shot to death by police officers while running from the scene of a crime—a common enough occurrence in any large city. Somewhat less commonly, she got up and began killing police officers in revenge.
Practitioners working in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department reacted quickly. One of them caught the revenant and threw together a quick-and-dirty positive binding to keep her in place long enough for her to be bound properly. As Pact/Pale nerds know, positive bindings bind like with like; they're not particularly forceful, but they feed power into the bound Other, so it generally chooses not to break the binding.
The Practitioner contacts Sakura*, a local incarnation of Spring. She wove living green plants into the revenant's binding while the group's more powerful members got ready to deal with it. In theory, this was replacing the positive binding with a negative one, binding (un)death with life, which would keep the revenant trapped against its will. Instead, the revenant kept drawing power from the life-infused binding.
This made the revenant verdant, stronger than expected, and unsuited for what the police Practitioners had prepared. She escaped to kill more police officers; they tried to bind her again, this time in fire, but again she drank from their binding and became a burning torch of a revenant.
I'm a bit torn on whether the group should try to bind her with a third thing, have her overcome it a third time to cement Okiko as a breaker of bindings, and then contact the local Lord; or if they should see that coming and contact the Lord first. Either way, the Lord gets contacted.
For most Lords, this should be the end of the story. The Lord sees that this new Other is a threat to the local community and puts it down. But this is a Jujutsu Kaisen crossover, and part of the fic's premise is that Satoru Gojo is the Lord of Tokyo.
For those who don't read/watch JJK, Gojo has an anarchist streak. In my fic, he took the position of Lord specifically to prevent anyone else from using it; when he realized powerful Practitioner families and such took this opportunity to abuse their power even more, he instead started abusing his Lordship to disrupt various power blocs in Tokyo's Practitioner community.
So instead of destroying the revenant, Gojo shapes her, guides her. This is where the revenant becomes Okiko. No longer is she blindly attacking anyone in a police uniform; she's a being of life and fire and freedom, delivering righteous violence on those who abuse their power over others. Police officers, of course, but also corrupt politicians and abusive businessmen and the like. Obviously the police Practitioners aren't happy about this outcome, but the optics of complaining about how she still murders the cops who brutalize people aren't great, and it's not like they could directly oppose Satoru Gojo even if he wasn't Lord.
That's Okiko. A revenant who gained a knack for absorbing anything used to bind her, consolidated into someone who punishes abuse of power.
*Sakura isn't notable in any way I feel like sharing, but I really like her name. See, sakura/cherry blossoms are symbolically important in Japanese culture, and specifically symbolize the start of spring, when the titular cherry blossoms—hey, where are you going? Come back!
Carl Thurow, Magus at Law
(He isn't an attorney but I don't have any other law magi to make that joke with)
"The universe is perfectly balanced. Action and reaction, good and evil, debit and credit. All things have a price equal to their value, and that is how it should be."
A Law Magus/accountant who buys into the status quo hard. He started with significant advantages that he turned into overwhelming strength, so he assumes anyone else could do the same if they worked at it. Never mind the fact that he actively made it harder for others to succeed as he ascended.
Another critical part of Carl's worldview is the belief that everything is a zero-sum game. He believes that for anyone to gain something, someone else needs to lose something. (Justified in part by seeing the world as innately competitive; if Alice gets stronger, Bob gets weaker. Mostly justified by being extremely loose with his logic.) The only way to make the world better or worse is for the "good" people to gain as much as possible at the expense of "bad" people.
He has two unique points of Practice.
First: With a proper ritual space, tools, and enough time, Carl can calculate a numerical representation of value for a person/object/etc. Their karma, their Self, their social clout, their personal strength, and so on, reduced to a single number. This process involves drawing a diagram around them—like long division, but magical (and circular).
Once he's done this, Carl can add additional elements to the diagram to either drain or add raw power to them. Draining power leaves them diminished but exaggerated; a goblin becomes pettier and nastier, a faerie becomes more ethereal, an Incarnation becomes less human and more axiomatic. Adding power dilutes them, making them less special (though more powerful).
Second: With a bit of raw power and the right ritual diagram, Carl can create two equal and opposite spirits. This has many uses; for instance, some elementalists would be interested in someone who could turn a store of raw power into fire and ice elementals.
Most often, though, Carl does this to create Omens of fortune and misfortune, binding the former to bolster his own luck and inflicting the latter on those he deems deserving. (Being a Law Magus, he's naturally skilled at finding karmically-deserving targets.) Frequently, these people are already desperate; an extra dose of misfortune drives them to do even worse things, which makes Carl feel justified in targeting them.
A literal shower-thought idea.
Blackforest Angler
A concept that I've worked into a couple of different characters for different fics.
Step 1: Have a powerful Blackforest Trapper who uses Others in the "trap". (This usually involves something brothel-adjacent, binding succubi and the like, but anything that requires trapping Others to serve as part of the trap could work. Or maybe mundane humans, if they're bound to it magically and not just by a salary.)
Step 1b: The Blackforester has the full Practitioner panoply. His place of Blackforestiness is his demense, and his familiar and Implement are in part used to control, tap, or otherwise interact with it.
Step 2: The Blackforest Trapper dies, but his connections remain. (Maybe justify this with an exotic form of death that doesn't sever his connections cleanly, or entangles them, or something.)
Step 3: The spiritual remains of the Blackforester—his legacy, his memory, the connections between his panopoly and other possessions—stick together, animating a new Other.
This Other, the Blackforest Angler, is formally a complex spirit. It's composed of the Others bound within the Blackforest Trapper's Practice, the demense and building it was based out of, the Implement that...was involved somehow.
The angler is a living symbol of the idea that the harm someone does can outlive them. The system our Blackforester created outlives him, continues to ensnare new Others to keep it working and claim new victims to empower it.
It's powerful; not as flexible as the Practitioner that originated it, but about as powerful, and not tied to a single fleshy body.
Unnamed car salesman
I never got around to naming this character. Let's call him Kobeni, because his cars rate more highly than he does. He's a chaos mage, which is like a Finder except that he calls himself a chaos mage (and doesn't think of what he does as "finding" things).
Kobeni buys and sells cars, but the most notable car on his lot is his own work. He dragged a sedan off the Paths and gave its internals enough of an overhaul that a mundane mechanic should be able to fix it if something goes wrong (taking Lost engine bits for use in other projects).
He also channeled the car's Lost nature into a very useful ability. If nobody outside is looking at the car, and everyone inside the car closes their eyes, it can teleport to another empty street with the same name. The big limitation is that the jump consumes as much gas as it would normally take to drive there, and the car has pretty crummy gas mileage for its weight class; if you don't plan things out carefully, you'll be stranded on the wrong Third Avenue with an empty tank of gas.
It also hasn't been extensively tested; in particular, Kobeni hasn't tested things which might let the car slip back to the Paths. Don't teleport to or from roads with "oak" in their name, don't drive on those roads too long if there aren't people around, and definitely don't drive off a cliff.
There's also a gremlin-built city car which has been on the lot for years. It was probably designed to be crashed, so obviously not many people want to drive it.
Batteries Spirit
I guess this isn't a "character" in the conventional sense, but I don't know what else to call it. A magic item with a soul?
It's a complex spirit—part electricity elemental, part automotive spirit, part infrastructure technomancy...thing. Its primary hallow is a portable car jump-starter. (You know, one of those batteries with the jumper cable clamps that you can stick in your car to jump it in case you don't have a friend around when your battery dies?)
That jump-starter is very good at jump-starting cars, in part because part of the batteries spirit enters the car's battery. While that segment of the spirit resides in the battery, the car is basically guaranteed not to have battery problems (no more jump-starts, no matter how cold it gets). In exchange, the spirit siphons some energy from the car's engine, which has somewhat worse performance and gas mileage. The effect is easily large enough to be noticed if you're already tracking those things, but probably not if you aren't.
The spirit segment in a battery can thrive or starve, depending on circumstances. If the car is driven every day, it will grow to fill the battery and infiltrate parts of the car's electrical system; it shapes the electrical system of that car to serve as a better hallow for itself. Such a segment can spread to cars which its host vehicle jumps.
On the other hand, if the car isn't driven much at all, the segment withers and dies, returning the battery to normal. If the segment inhabited the vehicle for any significant length of time, other immaterial Others might take up residence in its place, with all sorts of interesting effects on the vehicle.
I keep calling these spirit segments "segments," because they're all still parts of the same complex spirit. The spirit is distributed over dozens of cars, giving it significant power...while making it difficult to use that power for any specific thing. And since events which let it spread from one car to another are relatively rare (a car it inhabits being used to jump another car), it's not likely to spread across the entire continent any time soon.
Whoever holds its primary hallow can consult the spirit for its wisdom. It knows a lot about automotive electrical systems, of course, and also understands the flow of electricity in general. Mostly, it's a way to tap power from cars across the county. Of course, drawing too much from the spirit risks draining the weaker segments to death, removing both a source of power and a spot it could theoretically spread from. (And creating haunted car batteries, but that's somebody else's problem.)
The batteries spirit itself doesn't have much personality or agency. It has dreams of spreading to one of those new electric cars, with their massive batteries, and maybe figuring out a way to infect the broader electric grid from there. But it doesn't have any plans for that other than "Hope someone jumps a Tesla with one of my hallow-cars," and it's not clear whether it could spread to something charging a battery it's in the way it spreads to batteries it charges.
The Bogey-dragon
Just a random weird idea. Dragons are created when power feeds into itself, like a fire burning on itself, growing stronger faster than it consumes itself. Bogeymen get power from fear. What happens if a bogeyman sustains itself on fear of its own reflection?
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weebsinstash · 11 months
Really missed the werewolf/ABO posts!! Do you have more asks on that? Also hope one day we get back to the isekai emperor and male concubine with bakudeku discourse because that was juicy.
Honestly i didn't get sent a lot of asks on that stuff and I kinda stopped posting about the werewolf audiobooks for a while because I just, like, a lot of them follow the exact same formulas and I wasn't sure if I was boring anyone by sharing the drama (and also those stories cost money and I realized that I eas spending, decent amounts of money buying chapter unlock coins)
I have some asks about the whole Emperor baku/concubine izuku/Empress reader stuff and that still sounds so juicy. I dunno if you guys remember but I was getting HELLA into Chinese dramas a while back which combined with manhwa were the inspiration for that baku/reader concept and I still have one I need to finish called Legend of Yangxi Palace and there I'd also Legend of Hao Lan which looks good and has the same actress as the lead. Some of those dramas are kind of cut and paste but when you find a production house wirh a budget, jesus christ. I literally watched Legend of RuYi with my mom and the ending made us WEEP.
But yall if you want to hear more werewolf audiobook shit I was listening to a story a while back called Twice Rejected and it was SO CRAZY like I literally have to tell you this shit in bullet points
-protagonist is named Koko
-Koko's mom is a straight up selfish bitch who was in love with the Alpha of the pack and they turned out not to be chosen mates, and her true mate was, shit i don't remember his name but, Koko's dad. He wasn't wealthy and lived a humble life but was the packs Gamma (if you don't remember that's the wolf who's in charge of helping look after the alphas mate, the Luna)
-this isn't good enough for Bitch Mom and she tries to reject him but he refuses bc he wants to get to know her as his fated mate and she throws a tantrum over this
-one night she gets piss drunk and comes onto him basically out of loneliness, he literally tells her no multiple times because of how drunk she is but she keeps pushing because she feels rejected by the Alpha who is now with someone else and she wants someone to want her, and there's the mate bond and all so, daddy Koko caves
-bitch has the nerve to wake up "UGH you took advantage of me, I hate this, I hate you"
-she gets pregnant from that one time and her family basically forces her to marry the dad who I just remembered is named Mac. Mac Magnus? That name fucking sucks lmao
-Mac is actually such a good guy she does fall in love and she gives birth to twins. Absolutely LOVES the first one that comes out, her name is spelled either Janola or Hanola, the captions suck and I've literally never heard of this name before. But Hanola is a perfect clone of her mom
-unfortunately Koko was an extremely difficult birth, where Hanola was easy Koko took like 10 hours and hurt a lot, and she came out more resembling her father but, Koko also has, um. Dark eyes? It is a plotpoint of her irises "being so dark it's like looking into pure black orbs" and there are old folktales about these wolves being cursed. Um. How do I politely say "I guess Asian people don't exist in this world" because like people are literally looking at her eyes and gasp and they all avoid her like the plague like. Bro it's an eye color?
-its. It's basically kind of lowkey colorism/racism. Hanola is blonde hair blue eyed but poor Koko has dark hair and dark eyes and isn't as pale and her mom HATES HER IMMEDIATELY, like STRAIGHT OUT THE WOMB HATRED
-Mac always loves and supports Koko and chastises his wife for mistreating their daughter but uh he also like. Never fucking puts his foot down either so Koko was bullied even when he wad alive
-that's THE BACKSTORY. Chapter 1 literally begins with Koko's house on fire and her mom is physically fucking beating her, when she's like 5 or something by rhe way she's like literally a fucking toddler, because. Oh no, she did the grave horrible sinful error of. Freaking out over her favorite stuffed rabbit still being in the house and her father chose to go get it and. He died unfortunately
-Her mom literally forces her to sleep in the basement and barely even feeds her, beats her constantly, insults her, the entire pack treats her like fucking garbage, even her own sister blames her for what happened to their dad
-kokos mate turns out to be the alphas son, the same Alpha her mother longed for
-bitch ass Hanola, who Koko says has been around the block a few times, steals her mate just to fucking spite her, and her mom LOVES IT because, shit you not, she's still so like fucking, weird about the Alpha who never wanted her that she's like "YES now my daughter will marry his son in my place" like GIRL the projection!!! you had a loving husband who you never even deserved and he should've beat your ass for how you treated his daughter
-I like, only vaguely remember certain details because this happened so long ago but, uh, Koko's mate rejects her, takes her sister, and they even spread lies about Koko and like my blood was fucking boiling. Her mate Alpha orders her, as in she physically cannot resist, to watch them have sex, and THEN the SPITEFUL FREAKS go around the pack saying "that ugly slut koko tried to claim the Alpha as hers when he wasn't and she was even caught peeping on them having sex, what a freak and a pervert"
-by the way they just constantly insult her no matter what she does, calls her ugly despite her being an identical twin to Hanola besides hair and eye color, calls her useless, calls her fat even though she's literally malnourished
-all of a sudden, Hanola turns out to have a very weak heart that she was concealing, and she needs a transplant within two weeks or she will die. I personally believe Hanola did this on purpose, because
-KOKO'S MOM AND THE PACK DOCTORS DEADASS ASK KOKO FOR HER FUCKING HEART BECAUSE, "well waiting for a transplant might take too long"
-they bully the fuck out of Koko until she agrees and they STILL TREAT HER LIKE GARBAGE. Koko is over here "if I'm so worthless and a mistake and killed my father, at least I can save my sister"
-THEY NEVER EVEN LET HER SEE HWR SISTER. THEY TELL HER SHE HAS GERMS AND WILL MAKE HER SICK. she never literally never gets to speak with her sister before she's supposed to die for her. They will not even let her do that and even accuse her of wanting to see Hanola to harm her even though Koko is still attached to her because they were close as children
-Koko is treated extremely well for two weeks, finally actually being fed and treated kindly because oh say stress might damage the heart Hanola is supposed to get
-this. This part is absolutely fucking crazy. It's literally the day of the fucking transplant and they say "nah koko fuck you, you can't even ride in the same car with us to the hospital where you're going to die, here's some money, get your own ride" like jesus christ cannot emphasize enough that they literally singlehandedly caused what is about to happen over sheer pettiness like how the fuck would you take excellent care of that donor heart and then not even help transport it safely to the hospital, like at least for Hanola's sake you think they would have
-Koko accidentally goes to the wrong hospital, and she's rushing around begging for money for a cab, desperate to, again, die for her sister
-She's passed out in the hospital for, unfortunately, 3 weeks. She rushes back to the pack and everyone accuses her of murder because her sister died. They literally surround her while her mother beats the absolute shit out of her saying she was a mistake and she wishes she had died in the fire instead of her father like her mom is literally dragging her around by her hair
-they don't even believe or listen to her and they reveal a shocking truth: before Hanola died, her last wish was for KOKO TO SUFFER TO DEATH in a real specific way
-in a lot of these stories, when a werewolf doesn't have a pack, they turn rogue, it changes their scent and everything, and it can make them go completely feral. Something something "our wolves belong in packs and we lose ourselves without them". Hanola's dying wish was literally for her sister to be cast out and turned rogue so she would literally slowly suffer insanity and die
-she's in the woods, as an outcast, and they're literally following her around making sure she doesn't reach another pack, they literally beat her and chase her off when she tries to get help from other people
-she gets away somehow, I don't remember how, I think the moon goddess literally teleports her to where her new mate is supposed to be and she winds up in a town where everyone immediately treats her like garbage just because of her eyes
-cue meeting her mate, the beta of the pack she's in, and he instantly rejects her as well because he instantly recognizes her as "koko magnus, the black eyed curse girl who killed her father"
-finally, she gets a new mate, Alpha Nile, who's last mate Erika unfortunately killed herself because she couldn't conceive an heir and the entire pack shunned her and treated her like absolute trash including Niles' mother who deliberately started rumors about her and eventually caused her suicide
-Nile uh, ok his full name is literally Nile Heaven and he actually met Koko as a child and didn't tell her his name, he only called himself "Alpha from Heaven" and comforted her when she was crying and said she wasn't ugly or cursed, just unique, and she would find someone someday (and it turned out to be him lol)
-but like literally everyone continues to call her a black eyed curse and she eventually has to win their respect but like she gets kidnapped by someone who's pining after Niles and is horrifically tortured and beaten and all of that and by the way Koko realizes just before the kidnapping, before she can tell Nile, that she's pregnant
-Koko was one of those "my wolf appeared super late or was originally super weak but I'm actually supernaturally powerful" and tbh I can't remember much of the plot from here but, it gets a happy ending, Nile's mother is forced to accept she was wrong and regret her actions after both Nile and his sister shun her and remove her form her position as Queen Mother and she even helps rescue Koko
-as one final kick in the teeth, this is one of those stories where the POV doesn't just go from ML to FL, it also bounces to side characters, and guess who we get to see again? Koko's BITCH MOM
-bitch mom deadass admits in her head she still hates Koko and thinks she's useless, but maybe the little doormat can be of use to her now that she's the mate of Alpha King Nile
-honestly it was deadass so infuriating, Koko apparently never went into extreme detail on how her mom participated in all of her abuse so like, guess what. Bitch mom shows up, "oh koko my lovely daughter I've missed you so much" and Koko is just like "who the fuck is this? Guards, take her away" and. Fucking. Nile and his fucking sister are just like "OH GOODNESS this ISNT YOU KOKO 🥺 you told US to accept OUR mom, you can't turn her away, she's YOUR MOTHER" like deadass I think have broken up with Nile over this. He straight up invites her mom to stay with them in the castle and the dumb bitch gets the highest quality amenities and treated super special
-deadass I don't even remember what happened to her mom, but I'm pretty sure I remember she did some dirty sketchy shit and died
And yeah the story ends with Koko and Nile having a newborn baby girl who they name Aurora and they live happily ever after and like, it was a well written story, just like. So many fucking chapters man, and when you have to pay to unlock, it really does add up
OH YEAH ONE MORE CURVEBALL. I made a post recently something like "I was deadass 80 chapters into this story and they suddenly swerve and give her a new love interest, this is 120 chapters, this is so late in the game"
Well guess why that bullshit was
"Hey you know this guy you rejected because he was being lowkey abusive as fuck and literally marked you by force and Alpha ordered you to not be able to leave his pack, basically robbing of free will, and also during this time he was "having trouble deciding" between you and an ex girlfriend who he caught cheating on him and he was just keeping you waiting in the wings and left you hanging for ages? yeah turns out YOURE JUST A SUPER SPECIAL WOLF WITH TWO MATES UWU now you can be SHARED by your new mate who is literally a vampire king who instantly treated you better and with more respect than the last fuckbag who bssicaply instantly agreed to treat your child with another man as his own child and make them the heir to his throne, and youre gonna BE SHARED with the old dickbag you literally rejected already but lucky you the rejection doesn't even count because HE doesn't accept it! Yaaay, no actual free will, yaaaay, you're literally with your new boyfriend who you love passionately and you're still feeling the mate bond with this the last bastard you literally ran away from, yaaaaay!"
Deadass, they let you get over ONE HUNDRED FUCKING CHAPTERS IN AND DROP THAT SHIT ON YOU. "Oh you thought she was gonna have a healthy relationship with the new guy? NAH FUCK YOU, BRING THE GUY IN HERE WHO MARKED HER BY FORCE" like. How fucking dare you make me pay money for this. Oh and also? She was also horrifically abused by her family but her sister finally comes around and defends her and apologizes for everything and her sister is MURDERED by the protags first mate who chose her sister over her because he decides "oh nah I actually the FL the whole time, I'm gonna make you miscarry and kill you"
The sister actually got brought back to life by the moon goddess too, MG was deadass "yooooo i am actually SO SORRY GIRL, i told you if you repented you could potentially have a better life and i even showed you possible visions of the future being happy with your mate but i couldnt predict how evil that mf who killed you was, im reviving you and sending you your sister's way for protection as an apology" and i kinda wanna just listen to a few more chapters just so she can find out her sister is alive again but other than that, like, fuck you with this "shared mate" bullshit one of them is legitimately awful
Also it was really sad when Sophie (the sister) miscarried because she was diagnosed with SEVERE endometriosis which my mom has actually, doctors told her I technically shouldn't have been able to be born, I was like her miracle baby, so it like. Legitimately ripped my heart out because he literally kicks her stomach and leaves her for dead in the woods after telling her he'll kill her if she tells anyone and then he killed her by poisoning her anyways (and the bitch who did it? The ex that the FLs second mate was going to leave her for because the ex was lying about him being the father of her baby when it was the man she cheated on him withs"
Oh and I just remembered. Even though Sophie miscarried and then was killed later on, Moon Goddes was like, you know what, this is on me, I'll fix this, and when she revives Sophie, she gives her her baby back 🥺 honestly probably the best MG I've encountered because most times she's just like "it is simply fate my child uwu" like fuck you, at least this MG admits she fucked up big time and immediately made up for it
So. yeah as you can see, tons of fucking drama over here in werewolf world, and I also have a new story on a new app where I think the FL is literally going to end with basically THE GOD OF SHIFTERS? get your fucking bag girl, hop on that shadow beast dick 👏
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upagainstthesunset · 1 year
Gonna take this rare burst of social media energy to talk more about my oc. That's right. It's Heartbeat backstory time!
Since it'll be ages before i ever get to any kind of big reveal in the fic, here's a little summary of who she is. Its really intended to be a mystery in the story until much later, but i seriously cant wait that long. Putting it under a cut in case you want to skip it.
So Heartbeat shows up with no memory of who she is, and Metron takes her in, promising to get to the bottom of it. She's obviously from Earth and besides her inexplicable connection to the Source and the Speed Force, nothing remarkable about her. Despite the amnesia, she still knows about stuff and is aware of what things are. Its like she just doesn't remember her own history. Think of it like not being able to remember what you ate for lunch a week ago.
Metron's like yeah, yeah I'll figure out who you are, and then he immediately proceeds to not do that bc in all honesty he doesn't really care. What he Actually wants is for her to cooperate and increase her powers so he can somehow make use of them. He has no doubt in his mind that he could find out who she is, like it'd be trivial to him, so he back-burner's it and will get to it later.
They go through the whole plot of this mini series, which ive laid out in a previous post, and at the end Heartbeat's Mother Box is able to tell her something. It's a name: Lorraine.
Heartbeat doesn't know who that is, but it incites her to refocus on her amnesia instead of her powers, especially since at this point she's already developed her powers a satisfactory amount. She starts putting the thumbscrews on Metron and he's like okay fine I'll look into it.
To himself he's thinking hmm that name's really familiar. And he thinks and thinks and finally realizes... It's Lorraine Hampton, the woman he was assigned to protect back in New Gods #13, which was the first of Gerry Conway's run after Jack Kirby's initial series was dropped.
Lorraine was a club singer in New Orleans. She was young and smoked cigarettes and lived the night life. She thought Metron was ...alright, which tbh is saying a lot given how he just randomly appeared in her apartment. And she was glad he was there to protect her. I mean, he did stop what's his face from kidnapping her, but later she got abducted anyway. So shrug.
Back to my story, it turns out Lorraine went on to have a child out of wedlock, which wasn't unheard of back then but also wasn't an easy life. She named her daughter Cadence Claudia Hampton. Claudia after Claudia Shane, who she was abducted alongside, and eventually became good friends with (again, this is me injecting my own story on top of canon, there's no indication they became friends in the comics, though they did get kidnapped together). And Cadence bc a cadence is a measured cycle that repeats, like the way music does. Or like a metronome. A METRONome. So yeah. She totally named her daughter after Metron. Look, the whole kidnapped by Darkseid's cronies thing and meeting gods and all that really left an impact on her okay?
She was always grateful that such powerful beings would try to protect her and other mortals from the evils of the universe, so even though Metron was certainly odd, she was thankful for him, and she never forgot him. She'd tell Cadence bedtime stories about a magical god who came to earth in his equally magical chair. Of course as Cadence grew up, that's all it became. A silly story of magic and whimsy.
Metron goes to look for Lorraine, but she has already passed away. Too young. Lung cancer. It ended her career early, and left Cadence alone in her late teens. Metron thinks it a shame. He knows he could use the Mobius chair to go back in time and listen to her sing again, hidden from view. But he decides not to, it wouldn't be right.
Cadence grew up, failed out of college, and tried to make it on her own as a musician. She made her way west to southern California, lugging a guitar or keyboard to whatever seedy bars would let her play. Not very glamorous. Eventually she'd settle for a day job at a cafe even though she hated coffee. The place had open mic nights and sometimes she'd go on if she could get on the list before it filled up. And so years passed, Cadence barely getting by. Mostly alone, mostly with very little.
By the time she was taken by force, she was 29. Ten years after Lorraine's death. Of course it was DeSaad who grabbed her, took her back to Apokolips, and though shrouded to Metron from that point on, he could imagine what she must have been put through. Clearly Darkseid had tried again with the Anti-Life Equation, this time going after the offspring of those he'd calculated possessed it in the past.
It still doesn't explain Heartbeat's connection to such mystical powers, but Metron had his answer to who she was. How funny that it's someone he shares a sort of connection with.
But then does he tell her? Idk yet. Maybe he keeps his cards close to his chest and strings her on for a while. I'd need to give him a good reason tho. And does she have part of the Anti-Life Equation? How did she lose her memories? Why does she have a connection to the Speed Force? And why the Source? Many things i haven't decided yet.
But i like that her name is Cadence. It's musical, a good choice coming from Lorraine. And not only is she named after Metron in a way, but as chance would have it, you could also think of her name as meaning a recurring pulse or beat. Like oh i dont know, maybe a heartbeat. ;)
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the-dumbest · 6 months
You want more IEYTD headcanons?! No? Well too bad!PT2
In this episode a little more on family!
I had decided to give Phoenix one of those family’s with a large amount of kids, Phoenix is the 6th of 11 kids-
They are all named after some sort of bird as are his parents and I’ve got a list if you want me to post the list lemme know
Not many of the siblings have designs as of rn the only ones who do are the parents the eldest twins which both look like their mother as well as Phoenix twin sister Dove as they both look identical to their father.
Speaking of their dad the story for him is very complicating and the one raising Phoenix and his siblings wasn’t their real dad? I’ll get into all that another time but their not dad was a huge ass.
Phoenix used to get along very well with his twin sister when they were younger but since dove was their not fathers favorite and he wasn’t very fond of Phoenix they slowly drifted and things got more tense before Phoenix ended up running away around the age of 15 where he joined the EOD.
Since I have no clue what the timeline is I’m makin my own Phoenix first mission taking place in the first game of the series was shortly after he had ran away and joined the EOD at the age of 16 before his transition and the events of spy and the lier taking place post transition at the age of 21 and the events of cog in the machine as well as the at home mini game he was 22.
It took him a very long time to heal from falling from the Zoraxis tower, it didn’t help instead of letting the agency know he wasn’t dead and getting help from the medic he made the genius decision to just go home and take care of himself. Which is where Lawrence ended up finding him.
Back on the track of family so far we have not created anything for Lawrence tho we have a small bit for Juniper.
Originally my friend came up with this whole plot that he came from a wealthy family and that his parents were dead and stuff, then I decided to replay spy and the lier and listened to the radio for the first time.
Of course it tells me his parents are very much alive and he came from as he put it a “simple” family and he’s from Evansville Indiana-
So as a counter I have come up with the plot if he lied to Phoenix about his family because he cut them off due to them not liking how the game was making him act like a dink and he feels horrible about it now that he let the fame get to his head and it blew up in his face, he used the they’re dead thing so Phoenix wouldn’t try and find them.
For some side character family’s and fun facts Maple was originally planned to be Specs biological daughter that her partner gave up without her knowing. As cool as that plot would be i am autistic and it made me sad so we decided against it.
Maple also got her name from her adorable maple syrup brown eyes.
Z and Roxana were raised together by a single father not because their other parent had left, their father is a aro man who wanted kids but didn’t want a partner so they’re both test tube babies.
I’ll eventually make a post explaining the full backstory of my Zoraxis but you get one bit of info for now, they are in some way related to Phoenix. Only time will tell how :)
Part 3 will be just some random little fun facts about the characters and less lore based
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nocturnalghoul · 1 year
✨️Get to know me!✨️
Tagged by @anotherghoul666 I feel so popular lol :D
Share your wallpaper: okay my main lock screen is my girlfriend and I, which I am not sharing, so here is my home screen. It is in fact girldick Sunny because I saw Crow (I think?) post it and immediately went "yep I'm using that" (ignore my 8k emails o.o and the fact that its 2am, well 3 by the time I am posting this)
Tumblr media
Last song you listened to: Secrets of the Stars by The Milk Carton Kids (working on a fic inspired by it rn)
Currently reading: I'm semi-rereading Dracula but that doesn't count in my opinion because I've read that book too many times. My at work book is Odd Apolocalypse by Dean Koontz (the fifth book in the Odd Thomas series). I had started that series years ago back in college and only recently realized I had stopped at book 4 so I decided to finish it out.
Last movie: Listen, I take zero pride in this but the answer is Goon (2011). I had a super bad week at work last week and it weirdly always makes me feel better. Sometimes you gotta watch a not great movie to make the brain happy.
Craving: I would commit a crime for one of those lemon Italian ices right now.
Currently wearing: Drag Talk tshirt, Astros shorts (I'm a big baseball fan), "Bigfoot is real and he tried to eat my ass" baseball cap to keep my hair out of my face.
How tall are you: a little above 5'7" although people always assume I am taller, I do not know why.
Piercings: I have a singular helix piercing on the right ear that I am still trying to heal but am open to more.
Tattoos: None currently. I love the idea of getting tattoos but also have a policy I have to like the idea for at least a year before I get it and nothing has made it past that waiting period. I'm just not good at permanence.
Glasses/contact lenses: Glasses wearer. They are big and green :). I cannot do contacts cause I got a whole thing about anything getting near my eyes so I can never put them in.
Last drink: strawberry lemonade flavored sparkling water. It's yummy!
Last show: currently working my way through The Expanse
Last thing you ate: Banana bread (I made it myself)
Favorite color: blues and greens which is very apparent when you look at me and that is the color of most stuff I own
Current obsession: I mean Ghost, but also Wild Child released a new album on Friday (they are like more of an indie folk vibe) and I am so excited.
Unrelated obsession: the games Hi-Fi Rush and Melatonin. I LOVE rhythm games so much.
Pets: I have a little gray cat named Pierre! He has a whole backstory my former roommate and I made up lol. He is a little french orphan boy and chimney sweep (hence why he is gray). He also has an overbite and his little fangs poke out of his mouth when he sleeps like little vampire fangs so he is a tiny vampire.
Do you have a crush on someone? Does my girlfriend count because she is the only person who has ever successfully convinced me to care enough to date them. I'm more of a large amount of friends kinda girlie.
Favorite fictional character: I am so bad at picking favorites in general but now my mind is void of every character I have loved ever.
Last place I traveled to: I went to Greece last August with my mother cause it was lifelong dream of hers. I'm sure I've traveled within the states since then but outside of Austin for a concert cannot for the life of me think where.
I feel so lame to once again break this chain but I'm historically late to the game and am fairly certain everyone I know has been tagged already so I'm gonna go for the cheap option of if you want to do this and haven't please consider this me tagging you, even if we haven't really interacted. Have fun <3
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danielpowell · 2 years
Okay, I'm making the show post cause I have to put my thoughts in one place. Warning you that this is full of spoilers, so don't get mad and say I didn't warn you. This very well could change on a re-watch, honestly. These feelings are rather fresh.
The theme visuals look pretty.
Wardrobe is great- I genuinely want Dan's shirt and cardigan look, the film bar one.
Lots of sets look really nice and packed with detail- there's even nods to the podcast and the miniseries.
Certain tracks are nice and the sound design is well done for the most part.
Expanded backstory of the two mains we don't get in the podcast- while I don't necessarily like the ones they are given because of the aspect of ~ they were connected the entire time ~ it was nice to see any at all.
Expanded backstory and personality of the two supporting characters for the main- Mark feels far more involved and while I do think he's supportive and caring in the podcast, I do think the show does a great job at showing his ride or die attitude. Annabelle, Alexa's replacement, is still very queer ! She's a very fun character too. I think her actress did a fantastic job in this role. I would have loved to see her in a relationship with Melody outside of roommate and best friend.
Ratty is there and far more realistic in depiction. Dan barely fighting anything Ratty does is hilarious. He's a disgruntled roomie and puts up with it. I find this dynamic way more enjoyable than in the podcast, in all honesty.
The film restoration bits are sexy. The tech is on point and the tools are pretty fucking accurate if you ask me. Thanks for wearing gloves, Dan. More than I can say for Daniel Powell who doesn't even say the right model and doesn't prep the tapes before playing them.
Speaking of, they have the Otari MX5050 Bii model in the background at one point. Kudos.
The mold is kind of cool, actually. I think it would have worked better if he had noticed it on the tapes sooner. More Mold, please.
I wanna say that many of them give great performances, but genuinely it's hard to tell what I think is bad or good because the writing or directing hinders it. They did a good job with what they were given.
It is apparent they listened to the podcast by all the homages and references thrown in.
They have a Magnetic Fields track in there. It's short, but it did get me as it's one I put in an Archive 81 playlist.
The short segments at the start of each episode are reminiscent of the tapes and in-show ads from the podcast. I thought the killer clown movie one was hilarious and I kind of want to see it.
Mark bludgeons Davenport, go king go.
I'm in the unpopular crowd here, but I'm glad Rat isn't in it. People can't be normal about him. I think if he was people would have rioted anyway.
They did in fact erase the sapphic relationship and instead have them as platonic. While Annabelle is unabashedly queer, is teasing and flirty towards Melody, and is present through a large amount of the show, there is nothing that states, alludes, or cements a romantic involvement between her and Melody which is a grevious offense.
Melody mouth kisses Samuel on screen after flirting with him. They go on a date. It's kind of implied they were going to drink and maybe do stuff in the privacy of her apartment. It's very uncomfortable paired with the fact she is now not sapphic.
There is zero confirmation she is a lesbian or sapphic in any way. If anything, it's the opposite.
They do make Cassandra Wall a lesbian, but it's done so in a way that feels... icky. I can't speak much on it as I am neither a woman nor a lesbian.
Melody is now kind of incompetent and a damsel in distress, which is so far removed from the original. She has to be rescued.
She also has a fight with her best friend and gets told she is smothering people for trying to help them. It was very upsetting to witness.
Jesse is both aged down and changed to a girl, for some reason. I think it's to further connect Dan as he has a sister in this portrayal, but it rubs me the wrong way. There are certainly some improvements when it came to antiblackness, but maybe replacing the teenage black boy with a younger girl (with lighter complexion) isn't a good look.
In that same vein, while Jess still runs errands for Visser residents, they completely get rid of any mention of Why. This snippet was supposed to give hints to people gathering ritual components and more importantly, touch on disability and the fact that there are disabled and elderly residents and that the programs in place for their food deliveries suck. It was an important detail to me, but instead it's utilized as an excuse to have Jess around and help groom her as a sacrifice for the cult.
I'm not sure if it's just me, but I found the scenes of her in pain distressing and unnecessary.
Oh yeah. And she lives unlike in the podcast, but she's a nun now :/
On that note, they change the genre from found-footage weird fiction with comedy and cosmic horror elements to a religious horror mystery drama that made me more angry with each bastardization of the religions in question. It feels very satanic panic and uninspired at best and lazy and offensive at worst.
The backstory for the mains quite frankly suck. The connection and involvement between them was wholly unnecessary. I don't care if it makes their connection deeper or whatever. The point was that Dan was isolated and didn't know these people. He was an observer that got strung in thanks to his obsessive and curious nature. Trading this for a tragic backstory and a family connection to Melody was a poor decision to me. I was not a fan.
The dog being the same is dumb ! That's the most generic dog with a red collar I've ever seen. Dan, what the hell are you talking about ?
Melody is a witch now, I guess ? The whole thing with her mom was just, bad. It's bad. I hate stories that try and do genetic witch shit. I'm Irish Pagan and it's by choice, it's not a hereditary thing.
Also, making it to where Melody is instead trying to track down her mom rather than simply gathering stories and staying because she cares and it's her job is a choice they made. It's not a good choice. Isn't Melody supposed to be a social worker ? Or was that not good enough for this re-envisioned story ?
Also, she stays in Visser in this portrayal and doesn't even live in New York. They could have easily kept it to where it was her act of recording and taking the tapes with her that give her a connection to Visser and its Weirdness. But they don't! In fact, the recording only feels important for the sake of letting Dan watch it and go :0
Dan's dad is her therapist because sure, why not ? Let's add threads where there didn't need to be.
Dan also has a history of mental illness and they shove this down your throat many times by having people constantly ask him if he is having a mental health emergency. It feels very modern, I'll give them that, but it only infuriates me further as:
Why the hell is LMG name-dropped in full and why did they try and make them seem any kind of caring ? They are a face-less, heartless corporation.
Dan can get groceries and leave whenever he wants. They eliminate isolation, poor living conditions, and poor nutrition. These were huge factors for his mental decline, why axe them ? You wouldn't have had to rig all the family history and trauma if you had just stuck with this. In fact, it would have been enhanced !
Dan's kind of a huge asshole to Mark for seemingly no reason ? To me, Mark was shown to be supportive and present for Dan when he needed to be. Why is Dan saying to not do stuff for the podcast, you only care about the podcast, when it doesn't look like it was, ever ?? I feel like I missed a scene or a conversation or a line somewhere. Please correct me if I did miss something cause it was not at all spelled out to me. It felt out of place, like they wrote this scene for the end but forgot to actually bring any conflict.
They do scenes where Dan and Melody interact and talk with each other and they are So Awkward. There is no chemistry here, I'm sorry.
For some reason they turned Dan into solely a techie nerd and instead gave the hipster qualities to Thomas (?) and MELODY. If they were trying to make a connecting factor with them, it failed miserably.
Dan finds out he's being watched early on and navigates this by 'hacking' so he can find blindspots. He later destroys the cameras. He is never reprimanded for having visitors or other things, I don't know why this was done at all, please help me understand, this show is somehow so stupid and so convoluted at the same time.
Something about sending both Melody and Annabelle to psych wards "for safety" really doesn't sit well. Like, um, it's pretty obviously bad ? It's bad, right ? Pairing this with people constantly thinking Dan is just having a mental breakdown feels very wrong and kinda ableist. I don't know if that's just me or not.
Ratty was an afterthought. I loved him being there and alive, but he does nothing except serve as a treat for podcast fans. He's barely there. If this was so Rat, could actually be Ratty, that would be hilarious to me.
The theme song sucks, there I said it. I found it boring and even annoying when they played it in scenes. The shrill tones, yuck.
Some tracks are actually painful to listen to. There's one in particular that would trigger headaches. It was also paired with flashing lights at one point which is just asking for trouble.
The dialogue is Bad. It's very stiff and unnatural. Boring, even.
There is some gore and the blood looks like corn syrup. It's not good special effects. At least they had sfx.
The magic CGI also blows.
The sex scene is sudden and unnecessary.
There is one archive and it never said to be the 81st. The title has no relevance to the series.
The last shot where you can see the twin towers reflecting in the windows is COMICALLY BAD.
Overall, I was bored to tears. I multitasked at points and was still wishing I was watching something else.
TL;DR [too long, didn't read]
It's a very bland and uninspired adaptation that makes very bad, stupid decisions for plot and only has a few good things going for it.
I'm proud of Marc and Dan for getting to this point, and I want to support them, but if you are a fan of the podcast I have a strong feeling you won't enjoy this show. But hey, you just might.
Edit: [March 30th, 2024] I'm actually a fagdyke, so this is funny to look back on.
Also, for reference, I now have the screen worn film bar shirt. Huzzah.
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frostfireft · 3 years
Can we have more Bickslow headcannons? And maybe Evergreen, Freed, and Lexus too?
Fuck yeah you can! I’m gonna start with a lot of angst and then move into their dynamics as a team. (this got REALLY long but I’m not sorry)
-I gave you all my HC for Freed’s backstory in my last post and mentioned that Freed is the reason that Bickslow and Evergreen joined the guild, so have both their backstories too! 
-Bickslow grew up in a travelling circus with several other child performers. It wasn’t exactly a nice environment. There were lots of issues and safety hazards and abuse going on behind the scenes, but they were forced to keep smiling and performing through it all. 
-Bickslow was especially targeted by the ringmaster because of his magic allowing him to look into people’s souls. The ringmaster is the one who forced him to wear a helmet when he wasn’t using his ability on the crowd for money. 
-Because of that, he only had five friends back then, all children younger than he was, who looked up to him both for his tricks and the fact that no matter how upset he was, he had a smile for them.
-one day the tent caught fire during a practice. Bickslow was the only one to make it out alive. 
-but considering all the traumatic events they went through, most of the children kept there weren’t able to move on, and their spirits lingered in the area... Except for the five kids who were most fond of Bickslow. They stayed near him and talked to him all the time, especially once they realized he could see them. You still have a soul as a spirit after all. 
-the town he was in began to think he was crazy because he was “talking to the air” all the time, and they would continuously call child services to try and take him to an orphanage. The five spirits however, would warn him before they could, and Bickslow used his years of acrobatics skills to stay away from anyone who tried to move him away from where the circus burned down. It may have been a place of trauma, but there were good memories too, and it’s all he had. 
-So the town tried one last gamble. Who better to adopt a child with mysterious magic that Fairy Tail? 
-And Makarov, in an attempt to get Laxus to be more social, decided to send him and Freed. 
-It went about as well as you’d expect. Laxus tried to fight him while Freed did research on the area and what happened to him. 
-Laxus didn’t have as much control over his magic as he thought he did at that age, and Bickslow was kicking his ass before Freed showed up and trapped him so they could talk.
-Freed shared his story with him and offered the same thing Laxus once offered him: a home. 
-Bickslow cracked soon after that, and told them everything after Freed started asking questions about the town thinking he’s crazy while they were on the train back to magnolia. 
-While many members of Fairy Tail were unnerved by him, those around their age did their best to make him feel at home. Natsu listened to all his stories about the circus and about the five ghosts who followed him, and Bickslow listened to his stories about the dragons. 
-Freed used this time to research Seith magic extensively, and he eventually came across the idea of putting the souls into objects. He and Bickslow worked for weeks to figure out how to do it, and the five spirits became his five main “dolls.” 
-He of course, asked them if they were okay with being alongside him before putting them inside the tiki dolls, and if he cried when they said there was nowhere else they’d rather be? Well Freed and Laxus weren’t going to tell anyone about it. 
-Evergreen was both harder and easier to get back to Fairy Tail. 
-Like Freed, She was once a part of the noble class, but under a name she never wants to use again. 
-When she gained her eye magic, she accidentally turned her mother to stone, and it was all downhill from there. Her father tried to keep her locked in a room, and it worked for a long time. 
-Eventually though, she had decided she’d had enough, and snuck out and ran as far away as she could. She kept a ribbon tied around her eyes any time she had to go into town, and learned how to walk while completely blind. This did some damage to her eyesight after several years of doing it. 
-it felt like it was too good to be true. She was free and she did odd little jobs in a town far from her original home to earn money for food. it was all she needed..... Until a child tore the ribbon from her face. 
-the second she made eye contact, the little boy turned to stone. There was nothing she could do about it except cover her face up again and run. 
-her father, however, had notified several guilds about her disappearance and claimed she was dangerous if left alone, so when stories spread about a homeless child turning a boy to stone, it became their first lead in months. 
-there was a lull in fighting missions at the time, and something about her magic intrigued Freed. It was an eye magic like his and Bickslow’s first magics, and they aren’t exactly common. Freed, Laxus, and Bickslow took it upon themselves to take the mission to bring her home.
-She very quickly figured out how to hide herself in the woods and away from people. Freed had to trap the entire area and make it so that eye magics don’t work within his barriers before they could even get close to her. It took almost a month. 
-And much to their surprise, she was nothing like what they were expecting. After all, they were supposed to be hunting down a nobleman’s son, not a daughter.
-Bickslow almost immediately asks her about why she ran away, and Ever looks up at him- then panics as she slams her eyes shut- but he doesn’t turn to stone because of Freed’s runes, and he explains as such. 
-They have a long conversation about why she ran away, and she tells them everything her father did to her, from being locked in her room to being terrified to tell him she’s his daughter and not his son because of his anger issues.
-They realize then and there they can’t give her back to him, and Freed comes up with the plan to tell him that they didn’t find his son, but rather a random girl with a similar magic, and she can join Fairy Tail instead of staying on the run. 
-The only reason she doesn’t agree immediatly is because of her eye magic. She couldn’t control it, and the idea of turning someone to stone again scared her.
-Freed sent Laxus to buy a pair of glasses without a prescription and a nice dress for her to wear, and he etches runes into the glasses to block her eye magic when they’re on.
-She’s sold from that moment on, and the raijinshuu’s friendship is sealed with that secret. 
-Laxus helps her chose her name before they get onto the train, and they solidify the story before then too  
-Makarov Accepts the story without question, even though they have a sneaking suspicion he knows. 
-They become a tight knit group in no time. 
-Then they learn about Ivan and all he did to Laxus, and they start to jokingly refer to themselves as the Laxus protection squad. It’s a lot less of a joke when Ivan’s actually around though, and the guild definitely notices. Makarov even starts to officially call them that in some reports. 
-No one remembers who suggested the name “raijinshuu,” but they all privately agree it’s dumb. Especially since  it insinuates that Laxus is the team leader. Freed’s the captain of their team for a reason.
-Dispite the fact that Bickslow is the tallest of them, both Laxus and Freed are both physically stronger than him. That’s not to say he isn’t strong, but Laxus can carry freakish amounts of weight due to his slayer biology, and Freed does the same due to his demon biology. 
-Freed can carry all of them at once. No one knows how. 
-Freed puts new runes on Ever’s glasses every time she gets new frames or a new prescription. He knows she doesn’t need it anymore, but she’s always grateful for the option. 
-if they share a bed, Freed and Ever cannot sleep next to each other. Their hair tangles together and they’ve only had to make that mistake once. 
-Ever and Bickslow are not under any circumstances allowed to cook, Freed can make fancy meals, and Laxus makes homemade stuff that would make your mouth water. He also stress bakes in secret at four am. 
-That’s how they always know he’s stressed when he doesn’t tell them. It’s kind of hard to miss 6 batches of cookies that spontaneously appeared overnight
-Freed has an unsharpened rapier that feels like getting hit with a slap bracelet at full speed. Naturally, this is the sword he chases Bickslow with when he pisses him off. 
-Laxus likes to pretend he’s one of the smartest members of the guild, but the raijinshuu knows he’s actually kind of a himbo. 
-Bickslow is really close friends with Loke, and when he noticed the man was dying slowly, the others comforted him despite not knowing what was going on.
-Bickslow often helps ghosts pass on from the mortal plane. 
-Evergreen keeps up with all the latest fashion, but she still considers Freed to be more fashionable. Because of this she always double checks her outfits with him. 
-Evergreen’s always the first to sass someone when they’re being rude to her team. It’s earned her her reputation as a “bitch” but she’s far too proud of it to be offended.
-One Laxus was open about his dragon slayer magic, they pushed him to talk to the other slayers to learn about himself and his magic. Freed and Bickslow pushed the hardest though, since they’re friends with Natsu and knew that he would be all too willing to drag Laxus into his little family of dragon slayers.
-Laxus was much happier oncce he accepted that he was more dragon that human anyways, and the more he learned, the happier he was. 
-In case it wasn’t clear: mtf Trans!Ever (she/her exclusively), he/they Freed, and  wtf is gender, is it a food?” Laxus and Bickslow (any pronouns). 
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flamingo-writes · 3 years
Pannacotta Fugo — General and Relationship Headcanons.
I have no clue when did I start simping for this guy, having finished Golden Wind almost a month ago 💀 And there aren't enough fics or hc's about him, so I'm gonna make my addition to this. Also because I headcanon Fugo to be slightly different than what most fics portray him as.
Some of this headcanons were based on the backstory given to Fugo on the light novel, not the one he was given in the anime. You can read this post where both backstories are explained and analyzed.
Fugo x Gn!Reader
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Listen, he's a kind person. He's gentle and empathetic. He took a wounded Narancia into the restaurant and asked Bruno to feed him, he also helps Nara study, so, Fugo cares. He really does.
He genuinely wants to become a good person, unlike his parents. Reason why he'll never treat anyone the way his parents treated him. Unfairly, continuously pushing them,
Fugo is short fused, and has issues managing his anger. But for the most part, his raging fits, whether they're uncontrollable, they're still brief.
He still is someone who acknowledges other's effors. While his family wasnt kind acknowledging his intelligence, Fugo however, is kind when acknowledging others.
He was the kid who was always under pressure, highly controlled by his parents, which made him a quiet kid, but a rebellious teen. He's still quiet, and for the most part, avoids conflict, but isn't afraid of throwing punches if necessary.
Listen, Fugo is touch starved. I don't make the rules. As a kid he barely recieved physical affection, pretty much only his grandmother gave it to him. He finds himself craving physically affection.
He's a genius and he knows it, but he hates being treated like one. He is after all a teenager and wishes to be treated as such.
Fugo is laid back, and can take a joke, even, sometimes joins Mista's and Nara's bullshit.
He is cautious tho. He'll go along with the bullshit until he realizes they're about to get in trouble.
He's got a bit of a low self esteem. He knows he's intelligent, and he knows he can rely in said intelligence. However, he still struggles to overcome the years and years of gaslighting from his parents. He knows he's more than his IQ, but sometimes, it's hard for him to realize his worth aside of it.
He has issues opening up to people. Getting to trust someone isn't much of an issue, he's analytical and easily see if someone is trustworthy. The issue is opening up.
This is because of how controlling his parents were. His past haunts him, and wishes to forget about it. So, if he opens up to you, please be kind, listen.
Once he's opened up, you'll become his most trusted ally. He sucks at comuniting his feelings, he won't be able to understand them himself, but he will let you know if he's feeling anxious and uneasy.
He's an inexperienced teenager, so, he doesn't really know how relationship work. He knows only what he's seen from the outside.
Fugo is delicate. And he needs constant reassurance that he's doing well, that he's a good boyfriend, and that you love him. Tell him he's doing great, and that you love him.
Hold him. He needs it. Hold his hand, hug him, paly with his hair, he loves the affection, and he needs it.
He's also too shy to ask for both reassurance and physical affection, so, you'll have to keep both going on a daily.
He'll never ever snap out on you. Somehow, he never gets to lose his control when it comes to you
Narancia realized this and started using you as a shield. And it worked.
He'll still sometimes get annoyed and raise his voice at you, but it's not on purpose, he didn't mean to.
You're his most precious. He'll refer to you by your name when talking to others. But when he's talking to you specifically, he'll call you his beloved.
At first Nara and Mista made fun of him. And Fugo got annoyed. But he never snapped at them about it. Mostly because you kept telling him to ignore them and how much you liked that pet name.
"My beloved..." He says it with a particular dreamy tone.
If you like to read, get ready for the amount of book recommendations he's gonna give you. He'll borrow you all of his books at some point. And he will ready any book you suggest. He'll also ask you to lend him books all the time.
You'll find pressed leaves or flowers randomly in his books. All of them collected from random places at random times. And he most likely forgot about them.
If you don't like to read, he'll still recommend you books. But always about the topics that interest you, and easy to read, nor too heavy books. However, he will make an effort to get you more into reading.
He randomly starts geeking about random topics he likes. One day, he'll start mumbling about the String Theory, multiverses, the laws of thermodynamics, how volcanoes are formed, or different historical events. And he will talk about them for hours without realizing it. It's super adorable. Listen! And ask him stuff! He'll love it.
If he doesn't know the answer, he surely will research it and tell you about it once he's learned about it.
When he finally notices he's been geeking about stuff for so long, he'll immediately apologize.
He really appreciates the tender moments. Quiet moments when its just the two of you, cuddling in either of your rooms, listening to music.
He really likes forehead kisses. Wether giving them or receiving them.
He prefers to be the small spoon, or to hide his face in your neck when cuddling. He feels protected. Please protect him.
But he will never deny you being the little spoon if you ask.
No matter how long you've been in a relationship, his kisses will always be shy in the beginning, wether if they get heated up or not, is a different story. All his kisses always start shy.
He really tries to be a good boyfriend, even if he sometimes has issues comuniting how he's feeling, or when he accidentally raises his voice at you over nothing, or when he's suddenly colder and wants to be alone, its just the way he is. He really tries to be a good boyfriend, he's never been in a relationship before, and really loves you, so he tries his best to be the partner you deserve.
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wisehq · 3 years
Mission Debrief: Chapter 43
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Alright, before we get into it- full disclosure; the hivemind is in full swing at the Operation Strix discord server, so pretty much anything I write here is going to be an amalgamation of all the conspiracy theories and reactions we vomited out as soon as the chapter dropped. On that same note, I think writing these the day after will start to be the norm. Just so I have the chance to calm myself before going on a twenty-page tangent about everything Endo may or may not be planning.
Okay [deep breath] let’s get into it.
First, let’s start off with Franky, before we get into the juicy stuff.
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When the chapter first started, I thought we were going to get backstory on Franky. Endo seemed to be alluding to this on his twitter page, and I was actually interested in possibly seeing more about his and Twilight’s relationship. Of course that didn’t end up happening; instead we got another side story about Franky trying to get some action by finding a lady’s lost cat, but seeing as how it’s Franky we’re talking about it seemed appropriate. Also, how can I be upset when-
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The princess herself arrives! I gotta say, I loved the lightheartedness of most of this chapter. Yor’s always a delight, and pairing her together with Franky was a smart move on Endo’s part. They built off each other’s wackiness and I love this moment with the two of them. Just like with Twilight, we see that Franky genuinely wants to make the world a better place (and also get rich along the way) and Yor’s so impressed with him. I also liked that moment where Franky is surprised to find Yor still playing Loid’s wife even when he isn’t there- much like how he was with Anya while he was babysitting her. Just another little nod to the fact that he sees the Forger girls as being more than players in a game of elaborate house.
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Then- just a quick thing before we get into what I know we all want to talk about- it’s interesting to me that Franky isn’t a one-man operation. He has a whole network of informants that he works with, and it makes sense that someone in his line of work has a many ears on the wall as possible. It’s a surefire way to stay plugged into the goings-on of the Ostanian underworld, unless of course...
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...They get taken out by Garden.
Garden. We finally have a name for Yor’s group now; we thought it was The Shop for the longest time, but apparently that’s only part of it. Yor alluded to this briefly back in ch. 29 when she described The Shop was being in charge of information gathering, and once their job was done it was Yor’s turn to come in and do the actual assassination. In this sense we see The Shop was being more of a support role in the same way that Franky is, though it’s still safe to assume the Shopkeeper is still in charge of both The Shop and Garden. At least for now- until we get more information to say otherwise, anyway.
Of course, the interesting thing is our silhouetted figures standing in this panel- not to mention the fact that Franky states that all the members are capable of taking on a whole troop of soldiers (for reference, a troop ranges between 9 and 100 men, though it usually hovers around 50). We know Yor is capable of doing this, but now that we also know the other assassins of Garden are as well, it begs the question; is Yor’s strength truly a unique thing in this world? And if it isn’t, what could be the source of it?
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OSO-R, the drug used during the Tennis arc, was described as being in its trial stages. I originally chalked up it’s fast development time as just being part of manga logic, although I’m now starting to question that theory. It’s possible the roadmap for OSO-R has been around for much longer than first thought, and may find its traces back to when the war had just ended. Loid describes Garden as having been around for some time. We also know that Yor was just a child when she started up her assassination gig, so it’s possible that she and others like her may be have been exposed to a serum similar to OSO-R a decade or so before. Given Ostania’s track record of human experimentation, the scenario is possible.
Also going back to what Franky describes as “the shadow government”; it’s interesting that we’re hearing rumblings of a government operating outside the public’s view literally one chapter after we were just introduced to the concept of a royal class at some point in Ostania’s past. There’s a lot of things that cab be construed from this (such as Garden serving an authority that doesn’t necessarily align with Donovan and the government) but listing everything would just turn this review into one long-winded mess. So instead, we’re gonna entertain a fun theory- one that may or may not be true, but if it *does* end up being confirmed later on down that road, you heard it here first.
Mr. Green is a part of Garden.
Allow me to state my case.
When ch. 39 came out, I found it very unusual that a brand new character we haven’t seen before got a majority of the panel-time alongside Damian and the boys. It wasn’t very suspicious at the time, given that we’d just been introduced to Becky’s maid Martha, so we all just assumed Endo was building up his side characters a bit. For all intents and purposes, that may very well be the case.
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I know one person in particular who latched onto this panel right here, and for good reason; why would a security guard stationed at a school nowhere close to the border know about code words being used by people trying to cross over illegally? Yes, he was supposedly in the navy, but the way he phrases it here heavily implies that these code words are a recent affair, or at the very least are still being used currently. Why would he know that? Even if he was in the military, it’s information that has absolutely nothing to do with being in the navy.
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Mr. Green is also very strong; strong enough to make the boys think they were going down rapids when in actuality it was just him rowing so fast. Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever paddled a boat before, but it’s hard work- and it’s certainly difficult to the get that boat going at cruising speed, let alone fast enough to cause rapids. Yor’s the only one we’ve seen with strength like that and- yes, Green was supposedly in the navy, but at this point in time we don’t know anything else about him. We don’t know what he did after the war, nor do we know how he wound up in Eden Academy in the first place.
This is where we start going deep down the rabbit hole. Hang on.
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This gentleman who we’ve never seen before is clearly aware that Garden exists, or at the very least is privy to Yor’s actual job. Much like how WISE has plants within Loid’s hospital, this man likely works to support Yor in some way. If such is the case, we can likely assume that- because the shadow government is supporting Garden- they would have their assassins posted in key areas for various reasons, likely to keep an eye out for traitors or to keep them spread out to cover a wide area should the need ever arise to deploy them.
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We’ve only ever see Yor target traitorous politicians and outright terrorists (I realize this one is just a daydream, but you get my point). It would make sense, seeing as how she works at city hall and it would likely put her in an advantageous position when hunting them down. Of course, politicians aren’t the only people who might catch Garden’s attention. Given the amount of political and economic unrest that is currently going on in the country, there likely would be some people who would be fed up with the state of things. Such people may not be like Franklin Perkin- someone who would take direct action against the government- but instead would rather try to steer others towards a mindset that stands in opposition to Ostania. Such a person may try to target more impressionable people- people who are likely to listen and learn from an authority figure in their lives. People like...small children.
Eden students.
Garden. Eden. I see what you’re doing there, Endo.
Traitorous professors? Renegade academics? It would make sense to have a Garden assassin stationed at the most prestigious school in the country; the amount of information and contacts that are positioned around there are second to none, and what better way to suppress insurrection than at the source, at the very foundations of knowledge itself? Also, for kicks and giggles, let’s not forget that the name Mr. Green certainly fits with the plant motif Endo is going for with his assassin group (Garden. Thorn Princess. Briar. You catch my drift?)
Am I grasping at straws? Probably lol. I’d also like to reiterate that this is in no way all my thinking- a lot of crazy people put their brains together for this one, good or bad. But hey, it’s about all we can do until the next chapter! And at the very least, it’s a lot of fun to wonder what-if!
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...She’s coming.
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dendrothecary · 2 years
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boogies onto the dashboard. hey there! so i've had baizhu in isola for a good amount of time now and i feel he's established enough for me to start considering relationships for him! so you might be wondering what this post does. well, i'll tell you! by liking this you're giving me permission to: 🙔::  hop into your dms to plot! 🙔::  send you starters (with permission!) 🙔::  regularly send you memes on meme day (a personal favorite of mine) 🙔:: and all around good plot building stuff! sounds good, right? neat! now let's get to the menu.
🙔::  patients. this is the top of my priority list! baizhu's pharmacy is thriving in cotes ward, and i'm sure he sees a lot of patients walk through his doors. after the moonchase event, it's evidently quite clear he cares a lot about his patients and his practice, so any ailments your muse may have, or any aches and pains they might be experiencing, doctor baizhu is here to listen and treat you! not only is this my most sought out relationship on the list, it's also the most common. most people would know baizhu in this way! 🙔::  business partners. looking to make business dealings? bubu pharmacy could always use more suppliers! be that herbs from the market, or other various medicinal supplies, baizhu is keen on nurturing business connections for his pharmacy. a relationship like this would be professional and polite, suitable for a work setting. 🙔::  friends & acquaintances. i think it'd be nice for baizhu to have some pals in isola. most of the time, he's quite mild mannered and pleasant. very easy to get along and strike up conversation with! this is a category for a muse who's looking for someone to have some tea with, have a nice chat over lunch and talk about mundane things. he just wants to have a laid back time and enjoy some company! 🙔::  frenemies? i simply cannot talk about baizhu without also acknowledging that he’s honestly! kinda sus! he's a clever man who can, at times, be a bit selfish and questionable. so naturally, not everyone will get along with him. however! taking into consideration baizhu's polite pretenses, this would be a subtle type of banter, not an obvious sort of feuding where interactions are openly hostile. remarks might be underhanded and casual, but always spoken with a smile. very lowkey, i think! and they might even lean more towards a weird sense of camaraderie, depending on how this develops. i'm a bit iffy on this category though, considering how little we really know about him! 🙔::  mentoring. have a muse pursuing knowledge of medicine? baizhu has plenty of it to share! these muses might be able to intern at the pharmacy, or even study under baizhu's guidance. this would be much like a teacher and student bond, wherein baizhu would sort of take them under his wing. i feel this category has the potential to be really sweet, and i'm pretty interested in developing relationships like it!
before i end this post, i'd like to point out that baizhu does bear interest in those who are immortal! obtaining immortality is a goal of his, and he'd like to learn more about any whom already possess it. i left this out from its own category, just because, again, we don't know a whole lot about him haha. once he's playable and has a full backstory available to read, i might update this plotting call and recirculate it! but for now, that about wraps things up! if any of these interest you, please leave a ❤ and i'll pop in your dms to plot. thank you so much for reading!  :^)
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spacegoatart · 3 years
i haven’t officially posted my own treasure planet headcanons, so that's what this is! some of this might be ooc but i don't really care because they are fun to think about, so yeah, enjoy!
this is gonna be long so i’m gonna put it under a keep reading
it makes me so sad that they supposedly don’t keep in touch at the end of the movie, so that's where headcanons come in. Jim and Silver went thru WAY too much to not keep in touch, Silver couldn’t leave Morph without being able to see him again either (Silver literally refers to himself as Morphs ‘dad’ in one scene!!) they at least send letters or have some sort of burner phone, with Silver being a wanted criminal and all. for a while they probably just sent letters, Jim talking about the academy and Silver sending little gifts from his escapades such as a lava rock or an especially interesting coin. Jim keeps all the gifts in a box, along with the letters but if he feels especially attached to a gift, he’ll set it on his window sill of on the rim of his mirror. as much as I like the idea of Jim getting Silver a jitterbug/ladybug, realistically Silver would be the one to set the idea into motion. Jim gets a larger gift and its a little phone, made of parts that Silver could scrap together (or on he found in a shop on a traders planet), he immediately sets it up and texts Silver. it was really nice for them to talk in real time and were probably already discussing the idea, even though Silver could get caught, so Jim was really excited about it. Jim now keeps Silver updated on life events and Silver calls every now and then to tell Jim about his travels. Silver hasn’t quite figured out how to send photos but once he does, he starts sending some everyday (including some hilarious selfies, akin to what a dad would post on Facebook).
Silver absolutely visits, for a while it was very, very scarce because he was still wanted but was sneaky enough to come and see Jim every few months. he comes and hangs out at the inn for a few days while his crew is out at bars or stocking up on items for their next adventure, as well as they know better than to fight their captain on his decisions. during these visits, Silver tells Jim (and anyone brave enough to sit near them) stories about what he had seen, creatures he had encountered and wonders they had discovered. Jim tells Silver about his time at the academy, new friends he’s made and what he’s learning, including some complicated stuff. sometimes Jim even get so into it, he brings out a textbook to express his point. while Silver is pretty smart, he has no idea what Jim is talking about (because its usually math and obscure facts) and usually just smiles and nods as Jim rambles. (lol this may be me projecting my ADHD onto Jim but i have the feeling he info dumps to people hes comfortable with)
speaking of the academy, i think despite all the combat training and captaining that Jim is learning, i think Jim would be really interested in math. like a surprising amount. it would probably be difficult to start off but once he did, hoo boy he could not stop. there were some hurdles he had to face but eventually he landed in a pretty advanced math course (not the highest but still pretty up there, maybe like calculus or applied mathematics). knowing some math was important as a captain, having to deal with probability on a ship in the Etherium, but Jim was fascinated by numbers and the way they made up the world. i think he would be really interested in physics or theoretical stuff, which is difficult but i think he could do it. he probably uses his previous experiences in space to help him visualize the math, which helps a lot.
the first time Silver came to the inn, Jim practically tackled him. which was no big deal since he’s almost double Jim’s size, Silver was more worried about Sarah and what she thought of him being a pirate and all. Jim assured him that everything was ok and he asked her but Silver still felt a bit nervous. he felt like he was intruding on her territory. but while Jim had run upstairs for something and Silver stood sheepishly in the doorway, Sarah came over with a smile on her face and shook his hand. he wasn’t expecting that at all, he was more ready for a glare from the kitchen or even a talk about ground rules. Sarah talked to him about how excited Jim was (she was also kind of excited, she had met plenty of pirates and was almost as fascinated as Jim was) and how she was grateful for Silver staying in her sons life. Silver felt much more comfortable after that and they started talking too, (not sure if it would be romantic or not, it would be cute but i love them just being friends as well) they became pretty good friends. Jim loved it, even if they weren’t married or Silver wasn’t biologically related to him, he felt like he had a full family again. when Jim was busy or sleeping, Sarah and Silver would chat over coffee or in the kitchen while Sarah cooked, Silver helping. Sarah would probably rope Silver into helping her at the inn once she learns he can cook and he kind of falls into a routine. come see Jim, hang out, when Jim is busy/out, go put on an apron.
(this one is 100% projecting lol) this is a pretty loose hc, especially since it started as a joke but now i really like it. i think Jim, as well as Silver, is transgender. Jim wasn’t really expecting Silver to be trans, as are most (he passes super well lmao). i mean, many pirates were gay, why can’t space faring ones be trans? hell, Silvers crew probably has a slew of queer folk among them, if not all of them being some sort of LGBT. body modification looks like a regular thing in their world, so i think Silver has already had top surgery, whether he was planning to or not. by that i mean that i think Silver could have been injured, woke up and found that something was missing. worried he may have become more cyborg, he checked, winced and found that bandages had been bound around his chest. ‘well that's out of the way’. despite not wanting to be vulnerable around his crew, most of them if not all of them know he’s trans since most of them didn’t see it as some sort of weakness, it was just who you were. (if ya’ll are interested, i have some crew hcs like gender and sexuality but this post is mainly about Jim, Silver and Sarah)
(continuation of the trans hc) when Jim came out to Silver, there’s a moment of silence between them. in Jim’s head it was awkward, but in Silver’s, things started clicking. Jim was worried Silver didn’t understand and quickly explain but Silver comforted him, and explained that he understood. Jim was the confused one now and Silver quickly cleared that up, explaining that he too was trans. Jim was relieved, confused and surprised. he hadn’t expected that outcome but that wasn’t bad, if anything he thought it was cool. he had more in common with his adoptee-dad than he had thought. Silver now makes sure to emphasis his compliments when Jim is working, hoping to boost Jim’s ego and make him feel better. it works and Jim feels even more comfortable in his own skin. (i have another part about Silver taking Jim to get top surgery but they would need Sarah’s permission first, not that she’d say no but Silver doesn’t want to encounter her wrath xD)
i’d like to think that Silver takes Jim up on his ship, not for plundering but just to sail around. the new crew had already seen Silver in action and decided nobody wanted to question him about Jim, especially since he was causing any trouble. eventually Jim couldn’t really visit Silvers ship anymore, being a Navy officer and all but that was ok, Silver still came to the inn and Jim had his own ship/s.
Silver knows all the drama around town, mostly because Sarah hears it fro customers and then gossips to Silver about it. Silver will come in, say hello and she’ll start, he’ll probably respond with something like ‘no way, they did that?’ and then he’d listen as she worked.
when talking to Jim, Silver refers to Sarah as ‘ma’ and Sarah starts referring to Silver as ‘dad’ since they have become Jim’s collective parents, and it doesn’t bother either of them.
after Jim lets Silver get away at the end of the movie, Silver stays on his own for a while, though no one knew that. he got a larger boat, just big enough for him and he wandered planets, drifted through space, just thinking. he wasn’t sure what to do next, he was a wanted man but he also had no crew. the thought of settling down passed in his mind but he couldn’t bring himself to do it, he was comfortable in the Etherium, he would get cabin fever after a week. so he continued being a pirate, it was rough work but he loved being among the stars, exploring the galaxy. Jim knew this and didn’t want to push Silver to stay at the inn for a long amount of time but they still made it work.
Silver has little experience with children, having none of his own until Jim (i’ve seen people give Silver children as his backstory but he doesn’t strike me as that kind of guy, not that he wouldn’t want kids but he’d have to choose between family life or pirates life. that's too much for him.) the most experience Silver had was with helping people at port and with his crew, anyone young enough to need guidance and smart enough to listen.
Silver loves music but really only know sea shanties, drinking songs and some old folk music, but he can still be found singing with his crew and humming while he’s working. Jim on the other hand listens to a lot of music, especially after treasure planet. (this is assuming they have all the music we have xD) he listened to brooding teenage music before, like Teenage Dirtbag or bands likes Greenday, but now he has a few shanties on his list as well, plus some classical music for when he’s studying or relaxing. he also listens to ABBA, either because he just likes them or because his mom plays them in the inn.
Jim, Sarah and Silver have way more pictures of each other now. the inn now has multiple family photos with Silver included, Jim has a framed image of the three of them and Silver has a little scrapbook. it’s the only thing he’s ok with having on his ship, still worried about being seen as ‘soft’ (even if he is a big softie and everyone knows it).
Silver usually wears a pretty simple working outfit with his nice coat and hat but when he does want to look nice, holy shit does he do it well. sometimes when he’s dressed up he wonders why he doesn’t do it more often just for fun but then he thinks of the countless times he’s had to throw out shirts stained with blood. he would never let that happen to his nice clothes.
i really like the idea that if things had been different, Sarah Hawkins would have been a pirate, and a damn good one at that. maybe she wasn’t in this life but that doesn’t stop the occasional daydream and questions to Silver about his lifestyle. he offers to take her on his boat when he takes Jim and she hesitates but says yes in the end. Jim definitely didn’t get his wanderlust spirit from Leland. (this is a little ooc for Silver but not for Sarah, i 100% believe she would be a pirate) maybe after Jim joins the Navy, he buys a small boat, big enough for him and his mom and they go on trips where they just enjoy the Etherium.
you cannot tell me that the second Silver was out of earshot on the long boat that he didn’t cry his eyes out. motherfucker may know how to hide his feelings but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have them, he’s a sucker and he knows it. when he gets more comfortable around Jim and Sarah, he finds himself getting way more tearful from touchy feely stuff. Morph being cute? sobbing. Jim called him dad? waterworks. literally anything that tugs on his heartstrings? has to go to his cabin to cry his eyes out. the first time Jim and Silver met up again, they both just started sobbing.
Silver, Jim too probably, has PTSD (sorry if i get anything wrong, i’m not sure what else to call it) to an extent. it isn’t intense to the point that he gets overwhelmed with emotions and has flashbacks (unless it has to do with his missing limbs) but he does have some nightmares and prepares for the worst in most scenarios. Jim has to remind him that the bang at the door wasn’t pirates, it was just a unruly customer and that the silhouette he saw outside was just a passing ship, not canon fire. Silver apologizes every time, despite not doing anything but switch to his sword and brace but he can’t help but feel bad for worrying them. i can’t imagine the kind of terrors he has about loosing his limbs.
Silver, when he detaches his arm, will forget he only has one hand. sort of like that video with the astronaut back on Earth, but instead of gravity, he keeps handing stuff to his cyborg hand, dropping the item and they being confused when he can’t find whatever he had. he’s just so used to it by now, he’ll even gesture with his missing hand and not realize he can’t convey what he’s doing. Jim has been asked to hand his stuff, Silver will try to grab it without look and ask Jim why he didn’t hand it to him. Jim has to remind him that he doesn’t have his cyborg arm, leaving Silver apologizing. its always lighthearted between them and they joke about it but Jim knows Silver is still bothered by it a little.
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shima-draws · 4 years
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Hiro is here!! We've all been waiting for him!!
You know the drill by now, all the yummy details about his background are under the cut ;) Also be warned it is VERY long I went a little feral writing his backstory lmao
Age: 17
Hair color: Orange
Eye color: Pink
Element: Psychic & Forest
Okay so a lot of this is gonna be stuff I'm pulling from posts I've already written to make it easier on myself and so I don't have to repeat anything.
Before he was born, the Novune Forces approached Hiro's parents because they knew that he would be born as a dual elemental. Part of their goal was to raise several dual type children to become human weapons--they targeted dual type babies specifically because they're said to be more powerful since they can use more than one elemental type.
It was the perfect opportunity for Hiro's parents because at the time they were not ready for a child despite agreeing that they were going to have it. Ofc the Forces did not reveal their plans so to them it turned into a nice surrogate parent situation where Hiro's mother would give birth to him and he'd immediately be given up for adoption afterwards. It was definitely hard for them to part with him but they trusted he'd be in good care. Well. That turned out great, as you can probably tell :')
Hiro, along with Kaz and Mallary, became the Forces' iconic trio, with Hiro considered to be the golden child and the most dangerous between the three of them because of his high intellect and skill in combat. He grew up under a very strict regimen and would spend hours each day dedicated to training both his mind and his elemental powers. He's an extremely gifted psychic elemental and took to his abilities almost immediately--he’s able to read his opponents movements and set up traps before they can even get to him. He’s usually airborne for most battles he’s in; he finds it easier to strategize from a higher vantage point, and he also just likes to float around and dodge enemy attacks and act like an ass lmao. He’s a pro at immobilizing his enemies so they can no longer move, ending his battles swiftly and cleanly. Physically he’s not very powerful so he uses a magic staff to fight. His intelligence more than makes up for his lack of super strength!
He has a special power like Kaz’s extra dragon typing (and, like Kaz, he has a streak in his hair from the experimentation)—Hiro gets visions of death, basically predictions of the future, and his visions are never wrong. He’s able to see who dies in battle and the Forces use this to their advantage so that they can prepare around any casualties. Hiro hates getting these visions because he doesn’t like seeing people die, he witnesses their last moments and it’s certainly traumatizing for him;; and like Kaz, this power was something he only unlocked through lots of experimentation on him, so he usually passes out for hours after getting a vision since it’s not a “natural” ability he was born with.
As for his second typing, it was something he never really clicked with. Forest elementals have to be very attuned to nature and are generally more kindhearted and gentle people, but since Hiro grew up in a base with only limited access to the outside (and because he’s forced into acting as an antagonist), his forest elemental powers were repressed over the years. He’s already powerful enough as a psychic elemental so he doesn’t feel the need to resort to a second power, especially since his superiors viewed his second typing as useless and he never received proper training on how to use it. He's already a huge threat as he is so they said good enough. The Forces believe that if something is useless, throw it away, so they eventually abandoned any hope of him succeeding in bettering his forest powers, and focused solely on enhancing his psychic abilities and making his death visions clearer.
Before Hiro became the cold-hearted and snarky colonel that the Forces know him as, he was actually a very kind child with an aversion to violence, and cried often. That got forced out of him pretty quickly though--he learned right away that disobedience means punishment and the only way to pay for his mistakes is by verbal and physical abuse. Poor baby :'( He and Kaz and Mallary go through a LOT of unfair shit as kids. The event that really drove home his intense determination and flawless record was the first mission he was ever sent out on.
This happened when he was around 13. Usually members of the Forces don't get to go out on solo missions unless they have a high position or are old enough to, but he was the exception because of his talent and because it was an experiment to see if he could handle it. His mission was to infiltrate a small, family run guild and basically gather intel and find out what their agenda was, as there were rumors they knew of some of the Forces’ plans. Upon Hiro’s arrival to the town where the guild was situated, he ends up rescuing the Guildmaster’s daughter, Lorelai, who is around his age. Unknowingly, he triggered his forest elemental powers, which caused them to land in a field of flowers he’d bloomed. Because of this, Lorelai starts to call him Flower, since he couldn’t come up with a codename in time and he doesn’t have a real name anyway lol
A couple weeks pass and Hiro spends more and more time with the guild, growing closer to Lorelai and being lulled into a false sense of security. He becomes extremely jealous of how the guild lives, and is very emotional at how much of a family they are, and how sweetly they treat him. Hiro starts to ponder over whether or not he should be sneaking around behind their back, when one day the guild is attacked while he’s out. When he returns, the village is set ablaze, and when Hiro demands what’s going on, his superior informs him that he was merely a decoy to get their defenses down, since apparently the Forces had definitive proof that they knew of their plans. His superior orders Hiro to search the village and kill anybody who was left.
Hiro, panicked, searches for Lorelai, and finds her hiding in the forest nearby. He apologizes to her and has a mental breakdown, blaming himself for all of her misfortune. Lorelai realizes that he’s being kept in the Forces against his will and begs him to run away with her. Hiro knows that he’ll be hunted down if he does, and Lorelai could get hurt, so he tells her he has to stay with them. In the midst of this, they are confronted with the current colonel of the Forces, who encourages Hiro to kill Lorelai. Hiro refuses, and the colonel calls him out for insubordination. The colonel then decides to kill both of them in order to get a promotion. Hiro leaps to defend both Lorelai and himself, and in the scuffle, receives the scar on his head, and accidentally kills the colonel. Traumatized, bloodied, and terrified, Lorelai is the one to apologize to him as he cries his eyes out. Hiro numbly reassures her and tells her to run while she can. Lorelai admits that she loves him and bids him farewell, hoping that they can meet again, and that she’s sorry she can’t do more for him.
This is when Hiro decides to become the perfect agent—dangerous, cruel, and flawless, so that something like this never happens again, and so that he can have enough power to make the decisions rather than just following orders to mindlessly kill people. From then on out he does what he’s told without any complaints and has a record for never failing a single mission the Forces have given to him. Any enemy considers him to be absolutely ruthless because he does not hesitate in battles and will neutralize with no questions asked. He’s a cocky little bastard around enemies lmao he loves to snark them and tease them. He’s strictly against killing after what happened to the colonel, so instead, if it’s a high risk operation, he erases the memories of his targets to reduce the threat. Because he’s so uncomfortable with the thought of death in general he reasons that losing your memories is better than dying, and that makes it easier on the Forces as well since they’ll leave less of a trail rather than just killing people left and right. 
Growing up, Hiro didn’t interact with Kaz very much, and they usually just saw each other in passing. However they both respect each other a great amount, and they sympathize with each other, being in the same sort of situation. Both the Hiro and Kaz hate their upbringing and hold a grudge against their superiors for their treatment and experimentation on them;; As for Mallary, Hiro became enamored with her because she reminds him a lot of Lorelai (who he later admits to being his first love). He finds her strength captivating and the way she doesn’t give a shit about other people’s opinions admirable. Hiro eventually falls prey to her manipulation and falls over himself to please her, which bothers Kaz because he knows Mallary’s just toying with him.
After the Forces’ plan to kidnap Ginni and use her as a hostage blows up in their face, Hiro finds out that Kaz had escaped with her, and commends him on the extremely smart decision to do so lol. He wonders if he should start considering leaving the Forces as well, seeing as he’s mature and responsible (and smart) enough to make it on his own. He’s ordered to retrieve Kaz which was a HUGE mistake on the Forces’ part because they didn’t realize Hiro’s loyalties lied more with people on the outside. Hiro meets up with Kaz and Kaz eventually convinces him to desert the Forces and work with him to stop their plans. Hiro agrees to work as a double agent for a while, leaking all of the Forces’ information to Kaz, Ginni, and the guild. In the midst of all this, Hiro meets Olivia, who pretty much calls dibs on him and she’s like “Listen Ginni got to give Kaz his name so can I give the colonel a name?? Please???” So she starts calling him Hiro! And finally baby boy smarts up and starts crushing on a girl that actually gives a damn about him and god dammit it’s the cutest fucking case of puppy love since Dusk/Nozomi. Hiro absolutely adores her, but he’s too nervous to actually do anything about it because he’s got huge abandonment issues (thanks again bad parenting! And Mallary!) and doesn’t want to ruin one of the only genuine friendships he’s ever had. But he is head over HEELS for Olivia and it’s so……softe.
Mallary finds out that Hiro’s acting as a spy, and retaliates. Hiro realizes just how awfully she’s treated him and defeats her, allowing him to escape and officially join up with the guild.
After that it’s a whole bunch of crazy action stuff as plans come together and they get to take down the Forces. Hiro falls harder and deeper for Olivia while she remains oblivious (at least, for a little while, until she finally starts noticing). He grows closer to Kaz and Ginni as well, and begins connecting with Kaz on a deep level because of their shared history. (They’re kind of like brothers, and Hiro considers him to be his best friend :’) )
Once the Forces are defeated, Hiro and Kaz both decide to go on a journey of self discovery in order to better themselves and learn more about the world they haven’t seen due to being locked up for so many years. Kaz and Ginni are already on the verge of forming a relationship, but with Olivia and Hiro it’s still tentative since she’s unsure and he still feels inadequate as a romantic partner. Olivia admits that she likes him and Hiro is so happy he’s ready to burst, but then he realizes it’s not the right time for them to be together so he gently rejects her. (Olivia takes this as an actual rejection tho not a “I’m not ready to be in a relationship with you yet tho I WANT to” and Ginni’s like YA’LL ARE SO DUMB I S2G).
Hiro and Kaz go their separate ways, and Hiro travels around for a while! He eventually settles in a lovely little village where he learns about his forest elemental powers and how to use them better. He’s finally able to connect with other people and essentially becomes way softer around the edges, revealing the true personality he had when he was a kid. A year or so passes and suddenly Kaz, Ginni and Olivia show up to reunite with him, and not long after that Hiro and Olivia FINALLY get together and start dating 😔👌 (Ginni: TOOK you look enough, god)
At some point the four of them go on a journey together and Hiro runs into his biological parents again…!! And he finds out he has a younger sister and they all reconnect and it’s SO EMOTIONAL
Other than that I think that’s all I have 🤔 Thanks for reading though this epic rollercoaster ride of a story plot lol!
Extra personality traits
-Hiro’s sarcasm and snarkiness is a defense mechanism to prevent anybody from seeing his vulnerable side, and also a way to trick the fear inside of him. Kaz is the one to point this out actually lol
-Despite that he does enjoy teasing people lightheartedly and being sassy, once he gets comfortable enough with them! There is a difference between his snarkiness towards enemies compared to that towards friends
-Is EXTREMELY loyal to the people he cares about. At first he tends to act prickly and kind of standoffish towards people he doesn’t know well. Over time he becomes more open to trusting others. Once you earn his trust and he deems you worthy of his friendship he instantly becomes softer and kinder haha, it’s like a switch
-Often dismisses people that he thinks aren’t worth his time or aren’t smart enough to hold an intelligent conversation with him
-Spends a lot of time reading and gathering knowledge. He is very book smart—but not very people smart :’D He and Kaz will spend hours in the guild’s library, since they’re both very thirsty for information outside of what they studied during their time in the Forces
-Touch starved as FUCK. He flips his shit every time somebody touches him in a friendly way, and will melt into a puddle if he gets hugged
-He can be very nosy and insensitive sometimes, prying into other people’s personal affairs if he thinks he can solve the issue
-Absolutely a tactics expert. He calculates all of his moves very carefully, and uses prediction tactics to leave no room for error. He enjoys coming up with mock battle situations to challenge himself.
-Very self-sacrificial;; he views the lives of those he cares about to be far more important than his own. He’ll lay his life on the line for his friends in an instant
-Is the person in the group who is the least fond of violence. If he can find a way around injuring someone, he’ll do it. He prefers to restrict his enemy’s movements or slow them down so they can’t fight back. He is VERY good at neutralizing opponents before they can even register it
-SUPER speedy. Due to his small size he’s very quick, most people don’t see him coming
-He’s really sensitive about his height fjmaksldmas he snaps at people who make fun of him for it
-Tends to levitate when he’s in deep thought. Olivia finds this very cute
-Blooms flowers when he’s happy/embarrassed
-He’s actually. A very talented dancer :0 During his year away from the guild he learned a lot of folk dances at the village he was living in, and when the others witness it they get really starstruck because it’s super mesmerizing!! He blooms flowers as he dances
-At his core he’s a very compassionate character!!
-After escaping from the Forces, he’s able to express his emotions more openly, and goes back to the way he was as a child. He’s a crybaby :’) He cries whenever someone he cares about gets hurt
-The only person in the group with the fucking brain cell, and the most rational one. Unless Olivia gets involved, then he gets stupid and flustered lmao
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some thoughts on mag 200
i’ve been having trouble articulating this, but i wanted to get some thoughts down on mag 200, and the ending of tma as a whole, now that i’ve heard the finale twice and had some time to process it all. putting this under a cut in case people don’t wanna see it -- there’s gonna be a lot of praise here, but also some legit criticism. this is a way to sort through my feelings more than anything else.
first off, relistening to the finale, and sitting on it for a while, has made me feel a hell of a lot better about the whole thing. the episode comes off a lot better when you’re not vibrating with fear and anticipation, in my opinion. the final statement was very fitting and cool -- not my favorite ever, but i can appreciate it a lot as a final closing for the fears. and i don’t have an ear for soundscaping but the sound in that statement was cool as hell. the jonah magnus gets fucking murdered scene is incredibly satisfying. a lot of other people have said this, but i love that jon finally got his revenge, and was able to lash out against jonah for all the years of manipulation and beng used, and for tim and sasha and everything else. that was perfect. i genuinely thought we might not get a scene like this after 193 but i am so glad we did. incredibly satisfying. the girls made it out!! i am very glad that they’re ok and moving on and seem to be leaning on each other. (By God I Will Wring Found Family Out Of This Podcast If It Kills Me.) and the admiral’s okay. love that
and the jonmartin ending. oh my god. while i was never the biggest fan of the possibility of martin having to kill jon, the way it went down was so painful and good. i loved that final scene. i love the ambiguity -- that they might have died but maybe they didn’t, maybe they’re all right and happy and we can decide for ourselves -- i love that i got exactly what i wanted, that i get to have my cake and eat it too, all the angst of a jmart death and still the possibility of happiness... i am going buckwild. i love it. the longer i spend with this ending, the happier i am with it. i really really loved it
on another note... i do have some reservations about the finale and the season as a whole. i understand peoples’ irritations with the finale, and while i’m trying to focus on the things i did like, i definitely have some irritations. for one, i definitely wish the finale had been longer. i would’ve loved to see more of what wtgfs and basira were doing, and the actual lighting of the archives, etc. and while i completely understand why the scene at the panopticon went as quickly as it did -- it comes off very much as wild, frantic impulse in the heat of the moment where they’re in danger and trying to protect each other -- i do wish it had gone a little slower. 
in my mind, the biggest issue in season 5 ended up being pacing. and this might be a personal preference thing -- there’s a lot of things within the show that i don’t personally vibe with, but i don’t necessarily think they’re badly written. but i do think season 5 was slow. and while slow things can certainly work in a certain context (season 4 comes off wildly slow til you listen to 160), i wish more of what actually happened in season 5 had been baked into the end game. the season felt like it had a lot of filler, which drives me mildly crazy, because the end game feels rushed and i don’t think it NEEDED to be. i liked a lot of what season 5 did -- there’s some impeccable episodes, the character interactions are weirdly lighter and softer than they have been in previous seasons, and i wouldn’t trade a lot of the things that it’s given us (all the jonmartin interactions, jon and georgie briefly rebuilding their friendship, martin and melanie friendship, wtgfs scenes and intimacy, backstory, lore, etc) for anything. but i do think it could’ve been structured and paced a little differently. i also think it could’ve given some more screentime to the character stuff we got from episodes like 161, 170, 186, 190, 191, 192, 199... i absolutely love both martin centric monologue episodes, but i hate that we didn’t get anything like that for jon. (or for melanie or georgie or basira...) the best episodes of the season, imo, are the ones that broke from traditional form of domain statement domain, and the ones that focused in hard on backstory, lore, character introspection, character interaction... i wish we had more of this. 
when it comes to the jonmartin arc... i know this has been a point of contention with a lot of people, but i don’t hate it at all. maybe it’s just because i relistened to the majority of the season back in january, but a lot of the more grating moments that seemed large week to week (martin pressuring jon to smite people, the disagreements they had earlier in the season, jon using martin as bait in 176, etc etc) come off a lot more minor when you’re binging. personally, relistening to act i made those interactions come off as things they were struggling with through continued support and reassurance. there were absolutely things i wanted addressed, especially with the “kill bill arc” -- the disagreements early in the season, and how it seemed to turn on its head in the argument they have in 194. (i didn’t like martin blaming jon for the kill bill arc and i was hoping it would get brought up.) i also wanted to see a discussion of martin going with annabelle in 194 -- i wasn’t really ever mad at martin for doing it, but i did want to see them talk it out. 
but! after relistening to 200, i think i have a better handle on why that couldn’t have happened. martin goes behind jon’s back to go with annabelle and they don’t talk about it; jon goes behind martin’s back to sabotage the plan everyone agrees on in order to prevent the fears from spreading. if they’d had a big talk about trust, and working through martin going off with annabelle, and then jon turned around and did the same thing, more or less... it would’ve completely soured that discussion. jon and martin needed to be in a place of discourse for this ending to work. 
honestly, the more i’ve thought about this final JM arc, the better i feel about it. sure, jon and martin are in a bad place, and they’ve gone behind each other’s backs and been somewhat selfish, but i don’t think this ruins their relationship. for one, martin’s break in trust comes from a place of wanting to save jon and the world. and for another, jon genuinely feels he is doing the right thing, making a decision he can live with. (i have my own opinions as to how ethical jon’s decision was, but that’s another post. and i think the muddy ethics of this ending are on purpose -- it’s horror, a genre that often doesn’t offer ethical decisions.) their final decisions and final moments come from a place of love and protectiveness, and they change their decisions for the other. they still love each other, through all of it. i don’t think these late stage betrayals equivalate jonmartin necessarily being doomed as a couple (not that anyone has said that, but it’s worth saying). and i think it’s important to remember that this is still a relatively new relationship. it existed for approximately three weeks before the literal apocalypse, and it’s been under an immense amount of stress, as well as the constant fear that one or both of them would die. (which they did.) i’m not saying that excuses certain things they’ve said or done, but i am saying i don’t think the relationship is doomed. i think, if jon and martin have survived, they’ll need to work through things. they’ll need to talk it all out. and they’ll be able to! they’ll heal from this one way or another. the tragedy isn’t that jonmartin is doomed, or toxic. it’s that these moments of betrayal are what dooms them. and the beautiful undercurrent of it all is that they still manage to come together, and make decisions that mean they stay together. and that wherever they are, they’re still together. 
all in all, i don’t think season 5 has been perfect, and i can make my peace with that. (tma’s worst is a hell of a lot better than most shows’ best.) (i also think it might be worth considering how covid could have affected certain aspects of how the season was written -- pandemics are stressful, and i can’t imagine what it’s like to finish an enormous, in the works for years project like this in the middle of that. personally, i’m impressed they’ve managed to finish the show through all of this and keep it to a similar quality.) i think critiques are valuable and worth discussing. and i think plot aspects aside, there are several other critique related things that could be brought up about this season that people have articulated much better than i ever could. but i also, personally, want to walk away from the show feeling satisfied. i tend to be weirdly positive about things i love (the x files finale was horrendous, but i managed to get to a place where i was happy with it, for example), and i think that applies here -- even more so because i really did love so many aspects of that finale. i don’t necessarily want to linger in my own mind over what i disliked, especially considering the show is over. although i did want to air out my thoughts. 
i still love this show. i loved a lot of episodes this season, frustrations aside. season 5 will forever be my only live tma experience, and it got me through one of the worst years of my life, and i am very grateful for this. i genuinely did just want to air out my thoughts and get them all down on paper. these are just my opinions -- i don’t want to criticize anyone who feels differently about the finale, or the season as a whole. everyone’s opinion is their own. 
i feel a lot, lot better about mag 200, to the point of genuinely loving it. i hope my appreciation only grows as i get further from that frenzied first day and have more time to sit with it. and i can’t wait to see all the art and read all of the amazing fics that are going to come out of this ending (and write some of my own). it’s been a wild ride. i’m glad i was here for it.
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