#the addiction x book simon
crowcage · 3 months
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ongnf sivid
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thexsilentxwordsmith · 5 months
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Cockwarming Simon as you two make out in his office.
From the request here
“I need it in ya, baby,” Simon gasps in between the breaks in your lips connection. “Just for a bit. Ya know ya fuckin’ want me in ya too.”
The tiny office is silent save for the deep groans and sharp breaths as Simon holds you close, you perched comfortably on his beefy thighs while he sits at his desk so that he can steal kiss after heated kiss, relishing in the feeling of your soft lips against his own. Rough hands run up the length of your back, following your spine over your shirt until they reach the back of your head where he uses them to draw your face in tighter until your mouth stings from the pressure. 
Sitting in the middle of his lap you can feel his cock poking against the cheek of your ass, pulsing and throbbing as it strains against the fabric of his pants. It’s no surprise what he needs; it’s the same thing he wants every time he calls you into his office for a “meeting” during your lunch break, which is becoming more and more frequent these days.
You are a very addictive problem, one that he is constantly losing himself in and making every excuse in the book to spend as much time wrapped up in that he can. A pretty thing like you, how is he supposed to keep his hands off? If that means setting up a quick make out session to get through the day, then he’s gonna make it happen one way or another.
“Have training in a bit,” you mutter as you break from his mouth just for a split second. “Don’t want to be late.”
He’s right back on you before the last beat of your reply can hit, not wanting to be parted from you for longer than needed. It takes a minute before he tries to reason with you again. “Not gonna be late,” he reassures. “But how the hell am I supposed to stay outta ya, hmm? Not when ya feel so fuckin’ good. Just want ya to warm me for a bit and then I’ll make sure you’re outta here with plenty ‘a fuckin’ time.”
His hand rubs along one of your thighs as the other is still tangled in the strands of your hair, not wanting to give you the chance to get away from the barrage of his lips. Fuck, it’s getting harder to think straight the longer his mouth captures yours in that tangled dance that he seems to be an expert in. You lean into his embraces a bit more and Simon is sure he has you right where he wants you now.
There is not a chance in hell you are going to deny him. “You better make it up to me later,” you say breathlessly and you can feel his lips upturn into a smile against your own.
The grip on your hair tightens as he gives it a sharp tug. “Take off your fuckin’ pants.”
That gravely, heavily accented tone sends a full shiver down your spine. No one can make a demand like that sound so fucking good, especially now that he’s made you delirious off his kisses alone.
The officers building is full of people today so privacy is near non-existent and though you know this is probably a terrible idea, you can’t be stopped. Helping you off his lap Simon sets you on your feet to the side of the desk, giving you the space to do what you need to do. He watches with hungry eyes as you undo the button keeping your bottoms secure; goddamn you are a pretty little thing, aren’t you?
Adjusting himself, he sits back more in his chair. “Slower,” he demands firmly. 
Instantly your movements become measured as you take your time undressing while you keep those beautiful eyes directly on him. He doesn’t break eye contact at all; instead his hand slips down over his abdomen to the crotch of his own pants where he tugs at the fabric tenting there before massaging the spot as he watches your little striptease. Those unflattering uniforms keep all those voluptuous curves hidden from his view and so any chance he gets to see you out of them is a treat indeed. 
You drag the zipper down painfully slow, making sure to give him all the tantalizing he wants. As the front now hangs open, you slide your hands back to your hips where you slip your fingers into the waistband and begin to push them down until the top seam of the panties clinging around your hips are exposed. 
Eyes unblinking, breathing stayed, Simon is caught in the moment, his hand pulling up the hem of his shirt just over his navel so that he can fiddle with his belt buckle until he can pry the damned thing loose. He grunts as he has to roll his hips back so that he can slip his hand between the bulk of stocky muscle on his lower abdomen and the seam of his pants to get it off. The metallic clink rings out and he quickly undoes the rest, plunging his hand inside to pull out his cock so that he can palm it and give it a proper stroke as you continue on. 
Instantly you freeze as your eye catches that trail of sparse hair traveling down the line of his stomach below his belly button towards his member and your mouth begins to salivate and a hard, throbbing pulse between your thighs makes your legs feel like liquid. God, you are so down bad for your superior that it is bordering on pathetic the way that even that small patch of hair has you chomping at the bit.
Simon clears his throat as he catches your sight lingering and as you meet the glint in his eyes and the smirk on his kiss-raw lips, you refocus on the task at hand. These pants still have to go and time is of the essence. You continue on, pushing the fabric down over the curve of your ass to your thighs and then your ankles in the same slow fashion, only this time more unsteady as your heartbeat pounds. They hit the ground and those damned pants are finally off; there you stand before him in nothing but your panties.   
 “Off,” he hisses as his head nods down to the last article of clothing keeping you from being filled by him.
There’s heat bubbling in your cheeks now, making them flush, and though you are almost rendered dumb just from the tension alone there’s still a little fire in you yet. “What’s the magic word?” you ask with a good bit of sass. 
A chuckle escapes his mouth as his hand strokes harder around his dick; he does love a bit of cocky pushback, but make no mistake that that will be remembered for later. His mouth yearns to devour your lips again and he doesn’t want to wait any more than he already has, so he lets it be…for now. Leaning forward in his seat he reaches out and his large hand wraps around your wrist to pull you back to him.
“Keep ‘em on all ya fuckin’ want sweetheart, don’t need ya to take ‘em off for what I wanna do,” he groans as he grabs onto your hips and forces you to move yourself back on top of him straddling over his lap. 
Fair enough. 
You can feel his warm fingers twitching with anticipation as they move in between your thighs and up against your clothed sex before his digits hook themselves into the crotch of your panties and wrench them to one side roughly. The seam digs into that soft area at your upper inner thigh as you loosely wrap your arms around his neck while a hand on your hip aligns your body at the perfect spot over top of him. 
Holding the base of his cock, Simon pushes down on your hip and you don’t fight it. “That’s a good fuckin’ girl, now let’s get this in,” he praises as the tip pokes through your petals and against your entrance. A harder press on your body and his cock shoves its way inside, stretching you wide as it slips in and you whine inside your closed mouth as you struggle to take him in so quickly. 
“F-fuck,” he exclaims, his body shuddering as you come all the way down until you are once again sitting on his lap only this time with all of him thrust deep inside you. “Isn’t this better? Goddammit, this is where ya fuckin’ belong princess.”
His forehead comes to rest on your own, staggered breath being siphoned between the pair of your lips before he leans up into you and crushes your mouths back together in sloppy kisses that leave you with a yearning that situates itself deep in your core. Your mouth is like candy, sweet and addictive, and each brush of your lips against his own only makes him vibrate with a need for more. Long fingers find their way back to tangle in your hair to grip it hard as he smashes his face in until your features are molded together.
Those soft, supple lips are his to ruin and he will, by fuck he will. With each fiery embrace he lays his claim upon your mouth as if he wishes to bind your faces together so he never has to do without their euphoria. Without warning his strong, thick tongue parts your lips with ease and plunges fully inside your mouth to dance and twist with your own, filling the orifice to capacity as he shoves it down the back of your throat. 
You can barely intake air with your mouth full of his tongue, but it doesn’t matter. Suffocation feels like a dream when you are stuffed so overwhelmingly from above and below. Your pussy holds him tight, tight enough that the throbbing from the blood rushing to engorge his cock feels like he’s being stroked without any movement. Each throb has a visceral reaction and you can feel the wetness gathering by the second with every beat. 
The dizzying intensity of his kisses and the pulsating of his cock are too much and leave you clenching your thighs, squeezing him in the process as you cannot help rocking your hips, but that is dangerous territory. Simon is already teetering close to the razor’s edge.
“Don’tcha fuckin’ move,” he says with a sharp hiss of breath, wrangling your hips down square against his pelvis with a heavy grip so that you cannot shift them at all. “We don’t have time to do this proper, just need to feel ya to get through this fuckin’ day and then I’ll do it right later.”
There is desperation on his lips something vicious and it can be felt in the way his embraces become more aggressive; through the haze fogging your brain you instinctively know he is holding on by a thread. Doing as he says, you do your best to keep yourself still to allow his cock to soak in you just as he wants. 
Your arms around his neck tighten as you grip on to sanity and his hands travel back up your body to cradle your face between them. There’s nothing outside of the taste of your lips, the burn from the pressure of your mouths together, the throbbing from inside your tight pussy as it coats his cock in your nectar. It all becomes an insatiable blur as his mind numbs and he forgets everything else outside of the ecstasy of you. 
The longer he’s buried in you the more your walls swell to squeeze him tighter and he does not realize what is happening. Simon forgets that he is getting too worked up, succumbing to all that pleasure that he cannot stop his body from its more primal instincts. With each passing minute the tension from the coil knotting in his abdomen is drawing closer together, threatening to snap at any second and send him coming and coming hard. 
Eyes closed, mind gone, body so warm it feels like he is on fire, the feeling of your body driving him insane, it is all too much. That coil has tightened all it can and he finally becomes aware of it just as you accidentally rock your hips ever so slightly, but it is enough that there is nothing else he can do other than accept what is about to happen. 
“Fuck,” he groans against your parted lips as he realizes that he has miscalculated just how much he can take. “Ugh…fuck, baby.”
It’s too late, this cannot be stopped and at the last second he reacts. With a sharp, loud grunt he picks your hips up and rocks his own back to pull out of you just as he pops off. The sticky, warm emission spurts out of him with force and up onto his exposed belly, catching the bottom half of his t-shirt in its intensity. His lips lock to yours in an effort to keep the noise from those deep, guttural whimpers down as he rolls his hips, milking every last out of the aching tip that he can as you grind against it.
A couple of minutes pass before his pace finally slows and comes to a stop with nothing left to give as that swift flow of exhaustion floods his body. Those bruised lips unlatch from your own as he falls against the back of the chair to sit limp as he works to regulate his breathing. Being so worked up is something he is still getting used to, losing himself like that is not a problem he had before you came along. But no one has ever made him feel as if he’d been struck by a live wire before: all excitement whenever you are around.
Just one of the hazards of being with such a vixen.
There is still a pulsing in you that causes your body to continue to ache, but as your wandering eyes land on the watch around Simon’s wrist you see that there are only a few minutes left before you need to be in training and you still have to make it across base. Carefully, you get up off of him and make your way to your pants, redressing fast as those brown eyes cling to your every move.
“See what ya fuckin’ do to me, sweetheart? I’m a goddamn mess for ya,” he sighs as he watches you fix your soaked panties back into place before pulling your pants back on, sad to see such a gorgeous sight be concealed once more. 
“Seems like we have that in common,” you smile as you finish up and lean back into him, using his thighs as support as you give him one last, lingering kiss. You’re already gonna be late, might as well make it worth it. 
Simon wants you to stay, to have you for the rest of the afternoon, but he knows that duty calls and if he doesn’t tell you to go then it’s only going to get harder to leave. “Best get outta here ‘fore I change my mind and do somethin’ stupid to get us both in fuckin’ trouble,” he says with a nod of his head. “We’ll finish this up later, I swear.”
You lean in one more time for a short peck before turning tail and quickly making your way out of the office. Simon’s gaze lingers on your form until you exit and shut the door behind you, leaving him alone to deal with the mess he’s made of himself while his raw lips are already craving yours again. 
“She is a problem,” he chuckles to himself, “a very big fuckin’ problem.”
Tag list: @llelannie
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sunsetsimon · 6 months
apology - simon ‘ghost’ riley x reader
thanks for requesting anon <3
nsfw ahead! mdni
also sorry i had to rush the end but i promise ill have something better out later!!! - sun
─────── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───────
the bed dips as simon lays next to you, finally coming to bed after avoiding you for the last 2 hours. he knew he fucked up earlier when he forgot the main thing you sent him to the store for. you'd been looking forward to trying out a new recipe you'd found online and knowing it'd take a while, you asked him to run to the store and grab some stock for the soup.
"in a bit, dove. 'm gonna finish this workout first," he said when you asked him. you nodded in agreeance, not realizing 'finishing his workout' meant taking an hour run around the neighborhood.
and of course you could've gone yourself, but simon always prefers you ask him to do things like that and you wanted to be patient. he gives you a quick call when he gets to the store, stopping there on his run, "stock, tomato paste, cream and rice. thas'it love?"
as he's on his way home he can't help but feel like he forgot something, it nags at him but he continues anyway. greeting him with a kiss at the door, you grab the bag from him and carry it to the kitchen so he can take off his shoes.
"ugh- simon! i told you to get stock!"
simon stares at you puzzled, but makes an 'oh shit' face when he realizes, "ah fuck! knew i forgot something, i'll go back now."
"it's fine, i'll just have something else," you sigh, leaving the items on the counter and walking away. he tries to stop you, saying he'll be quick but your mood has already been ruined, waving your hand in dismissal. you retreat to your room for a while, reading your book until simon decided to check on you.
"'m sorry about earlier. was being a dumbass and forgot."
"you could've just called me," you reply with a slight irritated tone in your voice, eyes not leaving the page of your book, though you weren't reading anymore.
"i know, i should've," he nods, pulling you to him on the bed, his arms wrapping around your body, his head on your stomach. "i can't make up for it now, but i am sorry."
you reread the page again, attempting to focus on the words. simon's fingers grab at the fabric of your sweatpants, pulling it down to reveal the skin of your stomach and hip. your legs twitch as his wet lips trail kisses along your tummy, his short blond hair tickling your skin. his touch is addicting, you instantly melt into him, a wanting ache growing in your pussy.
he works your pants off, throwing them to the side and pushing your legs open wide. leaning forward, he kisses the wet spot in the fabric, his nose bumping your clit. the muscles in your thighs ripple, flexing to keep them open while he teases you. sticking out his tongue, he flattens it against your clit, his hot breath only making you wetter.
dragging your panties down, he groans at the wet stickiness of your slick on the fabric. taking a deep breath as he holds them to his nose, "fuck, y' smell so good."
"simon..." you whine, feeling like you might die if he doesn't do something. anything.
"g'nna make you cum, dove. as an apology." simon leans down, his mouth latching onto your cunt. he moans against you, pulling you closer as if he could devour your entire pussy. his hips rut against the mattress, grinding down to ease some of the pressure.
he revels in the way you cry his name, desperately fucking yourself onto his tongue. two fingers slide into you easily, pushing deep and curling against that spongey spot that makes your eyes roll to the back of your head. you tug his hair, holding him close to you as he sucks your clit, flicking his tongue on it quickly.
“gonna cum-“ you barely make out, jaw clenching to hold back your moans.
simon only hums against you, raising onto his elbows, pulling your hips into the air. his tongue prods at your entrance, lapping at the sweet wetness thats dripping out of you. his fingers fuck you expertly, pulling you to orgasm quickly. you squeal as you cum, legs shaking and mind spinning as it washes over you. his dark eyes are on you, watching intensely as you writhe in his arms, whining ‘okay-okay’ until he finally stops.
“how was that?” he asks, finally pulling away with a smirk on his scarred lips. his chin glistens, your sweet wetness all over the bottom half of his face. of course he already knows the answer, he just wants to embarrass you.
“oh shut up and come here, simon.”
fuck he’s good at apologies.
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outoftheseine · 7 months
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a lot of dad!simon fics here. i am not sorry. i want to bear this man's child(ren) | note: this is COD so there are some trigger warnings like: blood, guns, injuries, military stuff, death so please beware of them. there also also 18+ content so minors DNI. don't forget to read the authors' warnings | more will be added!
main masterlist
haunted | part 2 • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @babygirl-riley (heavy angst, tw: depression, drugs, addiction suicide, toxic relationship, please read the warnings!)
too old for you | part 2 • simon 'ghost' riley x medic!fem!reader
↳ by @lunarw0rks (smut, hurt/comfort, age-gap)
soft spot • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @cordeliawhohung
the red means, i love you • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader x john 'soap' mactavish
↳ by @thewriterg
smashing pumpkins • simon 'ghost' riley x civilian!fem!reader
↳ by @qwimchii
last kiss | part 2 • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @milf-murdock (angst, unestablished relationship, smut, fluff)
secret lovers | part 2 • husband!simon 'ghost' riley x wife!reader
↳ by @savemefromanepicoftimewasted
my baby swingin' • biker!simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @tojisun (very sexy biker!simon, smut, fluff)
happiness • simon 'ghost' riley x wife!fem!reader
↳ by @lethalchiralium (i feel so fuzzy when i read this series, fluff, sometimes angst, some tw be aware)
i'm with you | keep you close • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @undercoverpena (angst, feelings, explicit)
being yelled at by ghost | part 2 • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @hxltic (angst! simon is an asshole)
northern attitude | part 2 • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @bubbles-for-all-of-us (enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, angst)
lights on • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @peachesofteal (single mom!reader, fluff, slight angst, protective!simon)
one night stand | part 2 | part 3 • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @cmncisspnandmore
break in, break down • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @hyperactively-me (home invasion, comfort, fluff)
his girls • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @babygirl-riley (so so so fluffy, dad!simon)
one fucking mistake • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @codfanficedits (very angsty, hurt but no comfort for a whilez grieving, tw:depression)
book boyfriend • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @stargirlrchive (fluff)
lime-sized • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @imperihoe-writes (pregnant!reader, very fluffy)
bloodied bullets, soft confessions • simon 'ghost' riley x gn!reader
↳ by @ghosts-cyphera (a little mean!simon, hurt/comfort, injuries, fluffy end)
monster • neighbor!simon 'ghost' riley x afab!reader
↳ by @rowarn (smut, protective!simon, zombie au)
unmasked love • simon 'ghost' riley x afab!reader
↳ by @springtyme (so so so cute! dad!simon)
adoration • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @yawnderu (dad!simon, fluff)
simon 'ghost' riley x sensitive!gn!reader
↳ by @cherryredstars (fluff and nswf content)
this chapter is over • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @colonelarr0w (character death, angst, injuries, some fluff)
simon says • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @unreliablesnake (smut)
salt in an old wound • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!oc!reader
↳ by @ghouljams (hurt/comfort, explicit content, fae au)
blood on my shirt, rose in my hand • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @alwaysshallow (friends to lovers, the continuation is on ao3!)
antique soldiers • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @mangowafflesss
why? • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @riverbutghost (asshole!simon, injuries, slightly explicit at the end)
cold but warm • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @riverbutghost (asshole!simon, injuries, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff)
pretty pink flowers and bloody cherry blossom tree • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @underscorewriting (really really angsty, ugly cried)
for the last time • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @wttcsms (pregnant!reader, mentions of death, angst but fluff)
welcome home • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @nastybuckybarnes (home invasion, arguing, fluff)
medical leave • simon 'ghost' riley x gn!reader
↳ by @kib-ble (mentions of injuries, hurt/comfort, fluff)
no more stars left to count • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @lvlyghost (angst, hurt/comfort)
protective • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @ponyosmom35 (medic!reader, protective!simon, tw: sexual harassement)
return • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @bruhrobs (fluff, colleagues to lovers, single mom!reader)
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alwaysshallow · 8 months
— gorgeous, chapter 3
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x f!reader
Third visit, and complications. Not only with your car. (3,4k)
previous part || next part
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When it was your third time to see him, two weeks later again in your clinic, it wasn't the best day for you, to be honest.
Everything seemed to be against you. Not only your dearest coffee machine broke, but you didn't bring your umbrella on the walk back to the clinic since your car didn't work. And, of course, it rained cats and dogs, so you were pretty much pissed.
Another two weeks you spent on testing your luck with your car because once you could perfectly ride with it, and once it wouldn't just work because engine wouldn't even start. So, you continued with your little tradition of walking back home with hope that no one would murder you in the bushes. Or kidnap you.
You thought Simon would have a great laugh of this if it would happen, considering that he told you that's better to not test your luck and just go with it to mechanic. Celia's contact in your phone looked almost embarrassing every time you thought about it, so, you just weren't looking. You fought over a stupid thing months ago, and now you were too prideful to just admit she was right.
Shit happened, but you had your pride, and that occurred in being a fucking dumbass with car that wasn't exactly in the right condition, so you had to walk sometimes.
You had to eventually speak to Celia, you knew that, but you were extending that time for the longest.
Day in work was the usual; probably the calmest possible, good for you, considering that you've already had enough when you walked to the clinic. People were nice, talkative a bit, but you didn't mind that at all – if so, you liked people's stories. Older lady, named Madelyn, told you about struggles with her grandson that apparently was a big animal lover, but "violent" one. Four year old wasn't aware he was supposed to be delicate with his grandma's dog, so before she knew, he sat on him.
If her dog was a big one, like German Shepherd, it wouldn't be a problem. But, it was just a Jack Russell terrier, which caused you to chuckle a bit, when she told you that because they had luck nothing serious happened. To help old lady a bit, you gave her a special book for kids, how to communicate with animals.
She was in heaven when you handed her that, so it was a win.
Your work day quickly came to almost an end – almost, because you had one patient that you've waited for, and that was Simon's cat. For some reason, he always wanted to be the last in the line with Sparkles, so you respected that. It was supposed to be another routine visit after another two weeks.
And, for some reason, the thought of meeting him was tingly. It was a bit cheesy and sounded like a phrase picked up from fanfiction, but he was different. Different than people you usually met, different in the way that was just interesting for you to explore. Hell, you wanted to make him talk some more, like this time when you were walking in the same direction until he took another road. His voice was addictive, low, and the British accent was just fitting him so much that you could cry over it easily, you wanted more.
Simon seemed to loosen up the second visit, so you had hopes about the third one, after all. It was supposed to be the last one, another one in a month, so you wanted to melt that ice a little bit more before that break.
Fuck, you seemed like a teenager all over again when you thought about it.
"Someone's waiting for you." Bernie said, snapping you back to reality from your thoughts. She looked… mixed, out of sudden. "You want to pick that up, though."
"What? Can't they talk with me here?" you raised an eyebrow. If that certain someone was a client, you could take them here since you've been already waiting for Simon and had a small gap. It wouldn't hurt you.
"I figured out it would be better if you'd meet him outside." your assistant said, which came out a bit in a mumble; with a frown, you walked out of the room.
Bernie was never so mysterious about your visitors – yet, gears processing in your head told you it was someone you would rather avoid. Like, your day was already pretty fucked up, so you assumed the worst.
And, of course, you assumed right.
"Oh, fucking great" you scoffed under your breath, as you crossed your gaze with a stranger that was under your clinic's door.
Or, at least, you wanted for him to be a stranger, because he was your ex. Lousy one, where you wanted nothing from him, but to punch him in the face. You were together for three years straight, broke up about five months ago, just because he found someone else to bug.
Honestly, you were a little bit relieved when he broke up with you – still sad, but also relieved, considering that son of a bitch was… suffocating. Trying to cut your contacts with all of your friends, including Rosalie, including everyone that could be a "potential threat". Toxic partner as it finest, but you felt he would fuck up your life even more if you would try and break up with him. So, you stayed, praying for a miracle, which was cheating, in his case. It felt like a huge favor when he told you that, well, he doesn't love you anymore and he thinks a breakup is the best option.
He was silent after that – until now, of course, and you could only imagine what he wanted from you.
"Hey, pretty thing." he smiled widely, looking at you. "Looking marvelous, as always. Still in shape after the breakup, I see?"
"You thought I'm gonna cry after you?" you raised an eyebrow. "Cut the crap and compliments, Vince. What do you want?"
Your ex chuckled.
"Well, ain't that the attiude I love, bird. Haven't you missed me? Because I did, and I thought we could do a little date."
Oh, he wasn't fucking serious, was he?
Not knowing how to react, you laughed, trying to see what his reaction would be – and in simple words, he switched attiudes fast. From charming and "appealing", Vince's face became a bit stern, dark, like he didn't like the answer you just gave him.
Immediately it gave you flashbacks from your relationship, where your every reaction was calculated since he liked to be rough. Since he loved irritating the shit out of you, just to see you're not gonna do shit about it.
Because he was stronger. Because he could easily overpower you, trap you into thinking that you were the wrong one, not him. Because he always apologized with flowers and crocodile tears in his eyes, when you stood your ground.
He was a motherfucking manipulator.
"You broke up with me just five months ago, and you want to be back together, suddenly?"
"I'm not talking about getting back together. Simple fucking. She's not it, you know?" he raised his eyebrow, mimicking you from earlier. "I do not like that reaction, though. Gotta work on that, baby."
"Mhm, no way. You can go fuck yourself." you shook your head, turning back from him, to go straight to your clinic.
There wasn't a point for you to talk to your ex especially when he was nothing but a douche, you thought it would be the best to leave him behind and ignore. He, in the other hand, didn't – and you were painfully reminded that when he grabbed your wrist, preventing you from going or pushing him. It was a hard grip.
"Be a little nicer, will you? I'm trying to be a gentleman, baby." he murmured, and you almost felt how everything is just rising in you.
That little "nickname" especially furiated you.
"Let me go, Vince."
"I could just take you, you know? Anywhere, even in your little clinic, and yet, I'm asking nicely. So, stop acting like a little bitch and–"
"–Good morning."
Your eyes immediately went to the stranger's voice – even if you didn't see him, you knew who it was. That sharp tone, cold, brown eyes, transporter with his cat in it; hell, it looked almost hilarious. Height difference between him and your ex wasn't big, yet, if you'd be talking about muscle…
All in all, Simon probably could eat him alive if he wanted to.
"Morning. I'll take you and Sparkles in a minute." you smiled weakly, trying to at least act okay, like nothing was happening. He didn't need any of this shit, you thought you could play it perfectly on your own.
"I'll take you?" your ex laughed, shaking his head to himself. His grip tightened on your wrist, and that made Simon put transporter on the ground immediately. "Seriously? He's your new toy or something, Addison?"
"He's a client and even if he were, it's none of your business. I already told you no."
"Barely five months, and you're acting like a whore" he laughed bitterlessly, looking at you with pure venom. "I wonder, how many dudes–"
Your ex wasn't even capable of finishing that sentence. His comments were like a breaking point for Simon, as he grabbed his two wrists, freeing you from him and bent Vince's arms under… really, really weird and uncomfortable angle.
It was almost unbelieveable how easy he did it, and it all looked like he wasn't putting any effort in it, even if you knew he had to.
"When a lady" he started, his voice low "tells you no, I think she does mean it, hm?"
"Oh, fucking let go of me, dude, you don't even–"
"–I believe she told you the same, and you didn't let her go."
How Simon looked right now, surprised even you – it's not like he was visibly mad or anything, because he had a motherfucking poker face. Yet, he looked terrifying, and if you would be in Vince's place, you'd run as fast as you could, trying to just get out of his sight.
Probably your ex thought the same since he looked at him furiously, mumbled some "sorry" that didn't sound convincing at all and walked away, when blonde let him go.
It made you feel lighter when you saw him stepping into his car and driving off.
"Thank you." you said, looking up in your 'savior's' eyes, who now eyed you up and down, trying to… find something? You didn't know until he pointed at your wrist, a bit concerned? It was really hard to read him or what he was thinking.
"How's your wrist?"
"Been better." you shrugged, looking at your wrist too. Maybe it wasn't the worst, but you still felt like Vince's hands were there. "You didn't have to."
He rolled his eyes.
"Bullshit. Everyone who has some common sense should do this" he sighed, his eyes going up to meet yours.
For a few second, you both were silent, just two people looking at each other and you couldn't find the right words. Even if you thanked him, it seemed like too little considering he made Vince go away.
Even if it was for a moment and he could come back. It was… thoughtful.
"Not everyone would." you commented, but he was silent on that, as his brows furrowed. "Come on in, we have an appointment to do."
Simon followed you, without any word of course – he was being all mysterious again, or just simply in his thoughts, but you didn't mind. Not when you had a cat to take a good look at and Sparkles was absolutely looking gorgeous, even more healthier and even more… lively? Well, you could say that, especially the moment she practically jumped out of the transporter and you barely catched her, laughing at her behavior. Bernie was mesmerized too.
After a second or two of petting (Sparkles was irrestible, just that) you started examining her again, and when you really thought she doesn't need another x-ray, you did one, just in case your sixth sense was wrong. She seemed more than okay though; as you allowed her to inspect some places in your room and walk around, there was no hesitation in her moves.
That ginger cat even jumped over a few counters, causing Simon to have a heart attack and order her around to get down while Bernie was reaching her hands to her. You barely held back a laughter while you waited for x-ray results, because 6'4 man was practically begging his cat to come down, and she didn't give a shit about this. What's more funny, she licked her paw, not bothering to look at her owner.
You thought that he was more fitting for a dog owner, though – at least, the first time you looked at him. Back then, you could see how good his cat was for him especially considering the reputation they had and the attitude they had. Pretty much, the cats were Simon, and Simon was a cat. Black one.
Stepping their own path, choosing carefully who they want to trust, and who they want to simply avoid. It was the first vibe he gave off, and you didn't know about any other specific thing since he wasn't chatty, but it was a gut feeling.
And your gut feelings, mostly, weren't wrong.
X-ray came quickly; just as you thought, everything was healing up pretty well and Sparkles could just be fine with walking around apartment or really any other area, without her owner lurking at her all the time. What's more to it, a big satisfaction for you, she was looking even better, which you obviously said to him, like a praise.
Everything was fine, so why you were feeling a little sad? It was uncanny to feel this way, especially about something so normal, like a client and their owner. It was never something deeper, he never told you anything to feel attached to. Bernie wasn't feeling this way, she even left before results came in because it was late.
So why were you?
"You'll get a text when your visit will be scheduled. If something would be bothering you, I'm always over the phone" you smiled a bit, giving Sparkles a last bump in her tiny nose, before closing the gabinet behind you.
Once again, Simon was the last client. What a coincidence, huh?
"Right." he mused.
He looked like he was about to say something else, but didn't – at least, not until when you moved past your car, even if your keys were dingling in your hand. Simon even raised his eyebrow which was odd enough since mostly he had this perfect poker face.
"Can't believe it."
"Listen, listen" you squealed, one of your hand going through your hair. "I have a point in not giving my car to my mechanic. It would be rude."
Simon huffed, his eyes glistening with amusement.
"Rude. Giving car to mechanic, whose job is, simplest words given, repairing cars."
You rolled your eyes, laughing.
"Well, okay, it's not only that. She's my best friend, Celia. And we haven't spoken in… eight, nine months because we had a fight."
He was silent; awfully silent, so you took it as a sign to bring him into the details, if he wanted it or not.
"You know, she told me to break up with Vince. Called me a few names, I called her a shitty best friend, we were even. She was right though" you sighed. "But since then… well, it is just bad to reach out to her because my car is in shitty condition. It's not right." you babbled.
"And he ain't even worth a fight." he mumbled, more than himself than to you; your gazes crossed once again. "Just talk to her. It's just a man, your friendship is more valuable. And, your car is more valuable than this."
"Smart, coming from just a man" you teased him with a smile, nudging his side with your elbow.
You knew he was right though; Vince wasn't even worth it in the first place. To fight over someone like him.
Which was ironic, after fight with Celia, you two were together for only a few months. Theoretically, you could reach out after the breakup, but in practice, a wave of shame and guilt going through you was damn big that time. She was your friend, even best friend just trying to give you advice. Maybe too harshly, but it was her way of doing things – after saying something out of place, she was realizing that it might appear bad.
A sagittarius, what's more to explain?
"See, I'm the famous exception." he looked at you; he didn't nudged you back or anything, but seeing the corner of his lips twitching a bit was good enough for you. Cocky, challenging. He was confident.
You wanted to even dig in deeper, make some comments about this little smile to rile him up a bit, but you forgot what was on your mind in seconds when you realized that he was still walking with you.
He was supposed to turn right at crossroad.
"Taking a shortcut?" you asked him, even if in your mind was another question. It was better to play dumb than making assumptions, you thought.
"Walking you home."
You raised an eyebrow – surprised that you were right. You tried to tell yourself that maybe it wasn't big. He was in military after all, maybe it was a feeling of responsibility talking, work responsibility, to take care of everyone.
Yet, a feeling in your chest was a warm one. He was practically a stranger with absolutely cute cat, adorable eyes and a face that practically begged to be studied better. Still, you were a bit too shy to look, as you didn't want to appear as rude.
"May I ask why?" you glanced at transporter in his hand with Sparkles in it.
"You may, always. The thing is, I might not answer" he hummed, his eyes on the road straight, although you could see that his attention is on the high alert. A simple noise, and his eyes darted to the place.
"I know it anyway. Why are you doing this, I mean."
"Do you?" he raised his eyebrow.
"Well, I might not tell you that."
Simon snorted with laughter.
You lasted maybe a minute of quiet.
"I think that's because of that situation with Vince. And because I don't have this shitty car, so you thought it would be better to, like, walk me home. Even if it's not something that you have to do."
"You're always like this?" he asked after a few seconds, out of the blue, and you had to blink twice to register that.
"Like what?"
"Talking. Even if you pretty much told me you're not gonna tell me."
"…yeah." you mumbled with a bit of shame, pink creeping at your cheeks. "Are you always so reserved?"
"Negative. I'm not reserved, 'st talking when I'm supposed to." he shrugged, as he looked at you, which you saw with the corner of your eye, considering that now your attention was on your sneakers. "And that assumption… might be true. Too many jackasses are walking 'round here, including your ex."
"Oh, you have no idea."
After this comment, the rest of road to your apartment was pretty much silent – and it wasn't also that much far, so before you even knew, you stood right in front of your apartament building.
"I guess that's it. Thank you, seriously. You didn't have to, and yet, you did" you chuckled awkwardly, taking a few steps back. "Night, Simon."
"Night." he nodded.
"Addison?" he called out, which made you look back at him. "Check that car, alright? I'm gonna send you the number to my mechanic, but talk with that Celia girl."
"Oh, I… yeah, alright. Gonna wait for that." you choked out, surprised.
It was a nice feeling – to know that he's gonna text you, and not only that, he… well, was "care" the good word for what he did? You couldn't help but wonder when you finally found yourself in front of your door, third floor of building. Something pushed you to check if he's still visible out there – and, he was, even if barely, walking calmly with that transporter of his.
And one second later, he looked straight in your window.
Was that a coincidence? Maybe, but the feeling made you dizzy, so you hid swiftly behind the wall, clearing your throat – a few seconds later, when you looked again, Simon was gone, leaving you with many thoughts.
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mactavishwritings · 2 years
Fresh Ink part two
Ghost x Tattoo Artist!Reader
No matter what happens to him, he always comes home
tw: tattoo needles and slight arguing
this one will primarily be from ghost's pov. will switch to reader's pov occassionally. this one is also slightly longer!
part one | part two |part three | part four
The days leading up to the 29th dragged on and on. Ghost couldn't wait to get back into your little shop. Price made fun of him slightly, "I told you that it would become an addiction soon."
The day before the team was suppose to be sent home and Ghost could get his next piece was the final piece of the mission they were on. It should've been so simple, but fucking Graves had to go and throw everything away.
Ghost pictured you sitting in your little chair, waiting for him. He wanted to call or something, but he couldn't. He was stuck in the middle of Mexico, directing Soap to a church. He knew you understood because for active duty soldiers, you did not have a cancelation policy. He always thought it was so sweet that you would do that.
Sitting around a table with the rest of the ghost team, they plotted their next mission. "After this, we should commemorate this shit. We should get little tattoos or somethin'." Soap joked and the team laughed. "We could go to Ghost's girl. She does a fantastic job on him." Price sent a wink Ghost's way and he felt himself tense. The thought of sharing you with the rest of the team made him feel jealous.
He didn't want to share your softness. He didn't want to share your kindness or your artistry. He refuse to allow the others to be tattooed by you, but it was your job; your livelihood. How dare he take that from you.
Ghost nodded. "Considering I was suppose to see her a month ago for my next piece, maybe she can fit all of us in."
You were laying in your bed when your phone started ringing. You were up late like usual, drawing the next day's appointments. You picked up your phone and noticed it was a number you didn't have saved. You usually allowed your clients to give your number out to their friends so it may have been the case.
"Hey this is (Y/N). If this is regarding a tattoo, can you please call again at a better time. It is 2am." You said into your phone, trying to be as polite as you could muster at this hour.
"Why are you up then? Shouldn't you be asleep?" You heard a familiar British voice ask in response and you smiled.
"I was starting to think I offended you or maybe you died. What's up, Simon?" You asked, putting your tablet down. You could hear other voices in the background. You guessed that he was still on the mission that caused him to miss the last appointment he had with you.
"I'm sorry for missing that appointment. Do you think you could possibly tattoo me and my buddies? We wanna get dumb matching tattoos?" While on the surface, it sounded like he hated the idea, but you could tell that he secretly really loved it. He had told you previously about how some of his tattoos were dedicated towards old team members of his who had passed.
"Sounds good to me. You and I can work out a day to continue your sleeve. For this group piece, wanna do like four weeks out? I don't have the book with me. I do know I should be free 'bout a month out." You slightly rambled.
Ghost smiled, nodding along to your words. "Yeah sounds good to me. I can just text you when we get back?" Ghost picked at his thumb again, feeling nervous that you would tell him to keep your relationship more on the business side. "Yeah of course. Now I have your number so I can text you shit about your tattoos." He could tell that you were beaming. He felt his shoulders relax at the thought.
Soap elbowed Ghost and started snickering. "Ghost is in looooove." Ghost quickly thanked you and you two said your goodbyes before Ghost turned to Soap. "I have never seen you so flustered, L.T." Soap leaned forward on his elbows, sighing dreamily. "Shut it."
A few weeks had gone by and Ghost opened the door for your shop. The rest of the team followed him inside, all looking around curiously. Ghost nodded at your receptionist. "(Y/N) in? I actually have an appointment for once." Emma smiled at the group. "Course. Let me grab her. Any of you boys need anything? Water, snacks?"
Soon Emma brought you out as well as some snacks and water. You smiled brightly at Ghost and threw your arms around him. "I'm glad you made it back safely. I worked hard on your half-sleeve!" You laughed.
"Price! How's it been? Lemme see the tat. I wanna see how it healed." You moved on to greet Price and Ghost stepped back, allowing you to greet the team. Soon you led the group back to your room.
Since he had been there last, Ghost noticed that you added a few more couches and just general sitting place. He took the one closest to your usual chair, Soap sitting next to him on the coach, Gaz sitting on the tattooing chair, and Price sat on a bench next to the tattooing chair. "Right boys. Let me know what you guys think. I've been doodling." You smiled and flipped your tablet around to show your designs.
Immediately, Ghost smiled. Most of the designs were serious; Skulls similar to his mask, actual grave markers with dog tags, guns shooting out a ghost. Then there were non serious ones; a cartoon ghost, a small group of ghosts who were holding baseball bats. The guys looked over the designs, all smiling and laughing.
"This is some good shit." Soap looked up at you as you were prepping your work station. "Thank you. I work hard for my favorite client." You nodded your head towards Ghost. Thank god he had his mask on because Ghost felt his face heat up. Soap reached over and nudged Ghost.
Price rolled his eyes and grabbed the tablet from Gaz. "I think we all like the design with the gun shooting out the ghost. I do want you to explain the baseball bats." Price looked in your direction. "Ghost team. Baseball team. Therefore, Ghost sports team. Duh. Alright who's first!" You responded, causing the room to erupt into laughter.
You printed out all the stencils and got them all placed on the boys. Price decided to go first and you got his tattoo done quick. It was a relatively simple design so it wasn't had to get done. Ghost was never able to watch you tattoo from this side before. He was always the one being tattoo, not the watcher. Your arms flexed with each line you created. Your eyes squinted when you concentrated. He felt himself relax in your presence like he did every time he heard the hum of your machine.
Gaz was next. He was the only one in the group who did not have a tattoo. "Is it gonna hurt?" He looked at you with big eyes and the rest of the group rolled their eyes. "Dude, you've been shot before. Grow up." Soap groaned. You laughed and started on Gaz's tattoo. Ghost felt himself tense as Gaz tried to get you to comfort him. It was clear the young man was flirting with you.
After you finished Gaz, Soap plopped down and looked at you. "How many do you have? Tattoos I mean." Ghost was thrown off. He had never thought to ask you. He was sure you had tons that had many deep meanings. "Well, I have two full sleeves. I also have a sternum, a few on my rips, I got two matching pieces on both thighs, and some on my back." You recounted. Ghost had seen most of the ones on your arms. When he first came to you, it helped make him feel at home to see that you were somewhat tatted.
Finally, it was Ghost's turn. He decided to put his piece behind his ear, close to his hairline. Each of the boys had picked different spots and this was an intimate spot for him. You adjusted the tattoo chair and patted it. "Alright, your turn." Ghost lied on his back and turned his head. He lifted his mask up enough so you could tattoo the spot, but didn't reveal his face. You placed a hand on his head softly, running a thumb over his forehead. You started on the tattoo and while the hum of the machine was loud, he could still hear Gaz flirting with you.
Ghost clenched his jaw and slightly adjusted his position, not wanting to mess you up. You suddenly also moved to block his view of the team and your hand rest on his jaw. Once you started tattooing again, he heard you whisper something. "Relax, Simon. He's just messing."
The way you tattooed the rest of the team compared to him was completely different. You were gentle with him. You held him softly in a way that no one had before. He had never felt such softness before and he wanted to keep you to himself. He could feel himself falling.
He could feel himself falling in love with you. Hard.
Ghost's appointment to continue his sleeve came and he actually was able to make it to this one. He had stopped at the local coffee shop before his appointment to grab your favorite coffee. After the team tattoo, the two of you started talking more. First, it was to plan out his sleeves, but now the lines between professional business had blurred.
Emma smiled when he arrived. "Coffee? Someone's really trying to impress her." She sent the man a wink before nodding back to your room. "She's already back there. Go ahead, Ghost." He nodded at her before heading back to your room. You had just put up curtains, after asking for his advice. He was glad you did, made the room a little more private.
He stepped into the room and smiled. You had a stick of incense burning, leaving a warm feeling in Ghost's stomach. You weren't facing him, in your own world. You had music softly playing and were nodding along to it. You were wearing a pair of black jeans that you had cuffed, a black short sleeve shirt that showed off your tattoos, and a pair of black shoes. You soon turned and noticed Ghost standing at the door.
"Si! Is that coffee?" Your eyes soften as you accepted the cup from him. "You're a life saver. I'll have this after so I'm not shakin' with the machine." You put the cup off to the side and gave Simon a hug. He wrapped his arms around you and all the tension melted away. You tended to have that affect on him.
"Ready to get started?" You adjusted the tattoo chair for him as he sat down. He pulled his sleeve up so you'd have full access. He nodded, looking over at your station. You had the stencil already printed out, ready to be fitted. You lifted it up and started fitting the stencil, cutting small dents into curves to fit his biceps.
"Feeling better?" You asked casually, causing him to look at you confused. "Last time you were in, looked like you were gonna rip the little one's head off."
"Oh..Gaz. I don't know what you mean." Ghost immediately got defensive. You looked at him with an unconvinced glare. "Simon. I'm gonna let this stencil dry and you are gonna sit here and tell me why you almost killed your teammate for flirting with me."
You sat back in your chair and prepped the ink. He looked at you, terrified that he was going to have to admit his feelings. He didn't want the one constant kindness to be ripped from him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't want him to make you uncomfortable." He said flatly. You rolled your eyes and turned away from him. "Sure. Cause I was the uncomfortable one."
A silence fell over the room as the stencil finished drying. Ghost watched your movements carefully. He could tell you had a lot on your mind, a lot you wanted to say. As you sat back down and grabbed your gun, he sighed and turned his head away from you. "I'm sorry. I didn't like him flirting with you."
He saw you nod to yourself out of the corner of his eye. "Thank you. Why didn't you like that?" You asked as you leaned closer to him, starting to tattoo him. "Who are you? My therapist?" You smiled again and looked at him. "In a way. You're always relaxed with me. Expect for that day. I wanna know why. If it's what I think it is, then okay."
"What do you think it is then, little miss therapist?" Ghost turned his head towards you. He knew that you could break him down with a single glance and no one else in the world could do that. He would let you though.
"I think you like me. I think that you don't want to share me, because no one has giving this kindness before so you don't want to share." You said it so casually as if it was your coffee order. "Am I right?"
Ghost remained silent, not wanting to confirm for you out loud that you were correct. "It's okay Simon. I don't let all my client have my personal number to text whenever they want. I really like you too, so it's fine that you don't want Gaz to flirt with what's already yours." Your focus then went back to the tattoo.
Ghost was taken aback. He had always been so afraid to be so vulnerable, but around you, it came so naturally. He wanted to show you every side of him. He reached up and slowly pealed the mask off his face.
"Can I kiss you?"
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abbu0414 · 3 months
Equal Obsession (Simon Riley x Reader)
This is a little out of my writing comfort zone so please give me feedback if there's anything I can do better!
Word Count: 855
♪ Song to Listen To: Obsession by Mellina Tey
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You had met at a bar when he was home from his most recent mission. Most people would be scared by the scars littering his face, or the way he stood around his friends with a scary demeanor. But for some reason, he drew you in. Your friends advised against going to him to talk and to figure out who he was. But you couldn’t help yourself, how could you not go over there? Sure he was around other tall scary looking men, except the one with the mohawk, he seemed friendly enough considering he had started a conversation with one of your friends earlier and exchanged numbers with them.
He was hunched over the bar, with a whiskey in hand, already asking for another from the bartender. You muster up the courage to walk over there and ask for a Jim Beam and Coke from the bartender. Ghost peaks over at you from the corner of his eye, raising a brow. 
“Didn’t take you as a whiskey drinker, love.”
You slowly turn your head, looking up at this 6’1 man with the most beautiful brown eyes and dirty blonde hair you’ve ever seen. 
“A lot of people say that, what about me makes you say that?” You ask, chuckling lightly. He looks at you up and down. You couldn’t tell if he was checking you out, or figuring out what to say. He takes a sip of his drink and sets it on the bartop. 
“You look young.” He responds blankly. It was true you did look young in his eyes. It didn’t matter that you were 21 and he was just brushing 28.  Maybe it was because you didn’t see the horrors of war or people dying everyday. You looked bright. Fresh. Like you didn’t know what the true, cruel ways of the world were. And maybe that’s why he was so drawn to you. You were like an angel sent down by the Gods themselves. But why would they do that to him? He was a bad man that did bad things everytime he put on his tac-vest and loaded his mag. Why would they tempt him like that? It was scary how bad he wanted you and he knew it. He would be so good to you, he would devote his entire being to you…and make sure another man’s name would never leave those pretty lips of yours. He was obsessed. He clocked you as soon as you walked through the bar doors with your bright, bubbly friends. Your words ripped him out of his spiraling thoughts.
“I think my dear old Dad would be proud of my drink choice. And I don’t think 21 is that young, maybe a little young to have taste for a Beam and Coke, but not that young.” You tested the waters to see if he would bite, and sure enough, he did. God, you were so tempting to his desires. He would ruin you, that’s for sure. But maybe that’s what you wanted. You had been in and out of relationships, but they were all in the boy mindset, nothing serious came out of any of those relationships other than crappy dates and making out. 
You wanted a man this time, someone who knew what they were doing. This is why you also clocked him as soon as you came in. There was something about him that was so dark, and you liked it. His eyes spoke to you, but they were saying things like stay away. Did you ever listen? No, and you can thank your Dad for that. Your father had been in the Navy for over 20 years and you had learned the depths of what he did and what military people are capable of. You just hid it better than Ghost did. It was obvious he was active duty, the engraved lines in his face were like reading an open book.
After a slight chuckle Ghost replies, “I’d ruin you, you know that right?” It’s like he could read your mind. He puts his finger under your chin and lifts it to look at him. His cologne and whiskey breath was enough to sedate you for life, God it was so addicting. You could feel your knees begin to buckle, but you stood your ground. You let out a shaky breath and swallow looking at his lips and then into his eyes and he notices. The room was getting hotter, and noisier, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. All you wanted was his hands on your face again. Your skin was cold without his touch and you didn’t like it. 
“Have you ever considered that maybe that’s what I want?” You whisper. He grins and lets your face go. 
“Is that so?” 
“Eyes don’t lie.” You say in a soft but knowing tone.
Trying to keep himself from taking you on the bartop right there, he speaks with absolute certainty. “You won't even remember your own name when I’m done with you.” 
“Is that a challenge?” You respond with a tilt of your head and upturn of your lips.
Part 2?
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gazs-blue-hat · 11 months
Gaz’s Blue Hat  Masterlists and introduction! (Please Read Me!)
Hello! I’m Val, or “the hat”. I love the CoD universe and have watched play throughs of most of the games. At the moment, I’m only writing for 141 and possibly other main characters throughout the story.
If you do not have your age in your bio, you’re getting blocked. I’m sorry but this is an 18+ blog. I don’t feel comfortable with minors interacting with my things.
Another thing. I will write rough topics. I’ve struggled with Suicide, Self Harm, Sexual Abuse, Addiction and many other vices. I feel like there (rightfully) is a lot of hesitation to write these topics. However, I find comfort in stories. Of course I’ll put trigger warnings on every piece I do, but I want to let you know that you’re seen and you’re heard. Final thing and I'll stop my rambling, I promise. I won't tolerate hate here. I do my best to stay educated on things and thus, this is a safe place for people to ask questions and learn about things they might not know about. Be kind folks.
🪄 -Silly
-Fair Winds and Following Seas- Simon Riley x Reader (Tempest) 
Read on Ao3: Here!
Chapter 1: Pilot
Chapter 2: The Winding Road of Introductions
Chapter 3: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 4: Speed of Sound (Wip)
Glacial Tides- King!Johnny MacTavish X Siren!Reader
Masterlist Found Here!
--------------------------------------- Small Town UA- Hiatus
-Sunflowers and Shotguns (Small Town UA)- Soap x Reader (Lamb) 💖🩸
Southern Hospitality
Around the Fences
Air Pressure
Tornado Sirens (Wip)
Toxemia (wip)
-Injections and Ivermectin (Small Town UA)- Ghost X Reader (Tens)💖
Moos Malady 
Like Little Railroads
Riley and Riley (Wip)
Concussion (Wip)
CPR (Wip)
Fireplace (Wip)
-Books and Bombshells (Small Town UA)- Gaz x Reader (Keys)
Books Bring Us Together
WPM (Wip)
Dewy Decimal System (Wip)
Movie night (Wip)
Kickstarter (Wip)
Dog-earing (Wip)
-Waves and Warfare (Small Town UA)- Price X Reader (Skip)
Captain to Captain
Come a little closer (Wip)
Kate Kate Kate (Wip)
High Seas (Wip)
Depth Charge (Wip)
Songs of the Deep (Wip)
-TF141 and the WSM- (Small town UA blurbs)
Wear the hat, ride the cowboy 🪄
Beware the Wave Soaked Maidens (Wip)
Dungeons and Dragons AU (All characters have three parts)
Seeing isn’t everything (Kyle “Gaz” Garrick X F!Reader) (Medusa)
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Songs across Seafoam (Johnny “Soap” MacTavish X F!Reader) (Siren) (Wip) 💖🩸❤️‍🔥
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
Pt. 3
Shapes in the Mists (Simon “Ghost” Riley X F!Reader) (Changeling) (Wip) 💖☠️❤️‍🔥
Curls of Smoke and Embers (Captain John Price X F!Reader) (Dragon) (Wip) 💖☠️🩸❤️‍🔥
--------------------------------------- One Shots
Captain John Price 
Left Behind ( Wip) 💖🩸
Yours to command ❤️‍🔥
Wedding ring (blurb)❤️‍🔥
Cherry stem (blurb) mild❤️‍🔥
Bad day (blurb) 💖
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Potent Poisons and Precious Passions (Fem!Reader) 💖❤️‍🔥
Loving Something So Broken (Gn!Reader)☠️💖
Forged in Blood, Bonded by Steel (wip) 💖❤️‍🔥
Hearts Do Mend ☠️💖 (Slight❤️‍🔥)
Cherry Stem (blurb) mild❤️‍🔥
Tags (Blurb) ❤️‍🔥
Bad day (Blurb) 💖
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish 
Whispers in the Night (Wip) 💖❤️‍🔥
Domestic Bliss (wip) ❤️‍🔥💖
Cherry Stem (blurb) mild❤️‍🔥
Desperate (Blurb) ❤️‍🔥
Bad Day (Blurb) 💖
Talking you Through it (Blurb) (Capt. MacTavish) ❤️‍🔥
Headboard (Blurb) (Capt. MacTavish) ❤️‍🔥
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Passing Notes 💖
Cherry Stem (blurb) mild❤️‍🔥
Natural Remedy (Blurb) ❤️‍🔥
Bad Day (Blurb)
Paperwork Shmaperwork 💖
Alex Keller
K.I.A to C.I.A (Wip)💖❤️‍🔥
Love on the Battlefield (WIP)💖❤️‍🔥
Keegan P. Russ
Rupert’s Drop (WIP) 💀🩸
No Nut November (Blurb) ❤️‍🔥
No Pairings, just brainrot
What really happened at the end of MWIII
Intro (Please Read)
Character taking care of Reader Whumptober list
Reader taking care of Character Whumptober list
Reblogged Masterlists
These will be complete lists of everything I have ever reblogged about these characters. I don't like the Tumblr Tagging system to look through my stuff so I made my own list like this. I'll be going backwards from present day to the very start of this blog (June)
(11/5/2023 update): I'm working hard on linking and sorting everything I have reblogged. I have organized up to October. Everything that has yet to be linked will have the tag 'To Be Linked' on it. Feel free to rummage through the bins while I get my books on a shelf. Thank you for your support!
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
John Price
All Others /Multiple
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moxrocks · 11 months
“Our Love is God.”
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A/N - This is based off of the Heathers musical JD, specifically Simon Gordon
Warnings - Mention of blood, guns, dead body’s
Pairing - Jason Dean x GN!reader
Maybe you weren’t in the best situation. A couple of your classmates lay dead on the ground beside your feet. The forest around you was silent, not even the crickets threatened to chirp. Or maybe it was all drowned out by your hearts heavy beating in your ears. The night sky was covered in clouds, no stars daring to show their faces to such an atrocity playing out under them. The feint smell of gun powder floats in the air, like an aftertaste that you can’t decide is good or not. You stared down at the corpses of your colleagues, a blank face hiding the rushing thoughts in your head. It wasn’t like they didn’t deserve it but your mind couldn’t stop racing.
Oh god what have I done?
I’m going to get caught 
I’m going to hell
I’m going to throw up
My head is spinning 
Oh god oh god oh god
Fuck Fuck Fuck FUCK-
You jump as you feel a hand grasp your forearm, tearing your gaze from the bodies. As soon as you lock eyes with him your head slows and your breathing regulates, his hand never leaving your arm. He was close enough so that you could smell his signature scent of cheep cologne and old books. He was a monster. The manic, crazy gleam in his dark eyes. His pupils blown to an impossible size and god forbid the smirk resting on his lips after committing such violent acts. Even in the cloak of night you could see the blood splattered on his face slowly drying to his skin. But if he was a monster you had to be a demon. Blood was splattered on your clothed as well. The sticky substance in between your fingers and caked into your nails. The loaded gun lying on the ground beside your converse. Your bloody converse. The one he was so kind to lend you. You didn’t feel sorry and neither did he. You were truly horrible people.
“You’re always in your own head, the things I would do to know what you’re thinking.” He cups your cheek with his bloody hand, running his thumb along your cheek. 
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and relax under his touch. Your eyes flutter closed as you try to ground yourself. JD made it so easy, almost like he was a walking Prozac. He could say the same thing about you as well. As you open your eyes his gaze softened. He takes a second to take you in as if you could disappear at any moment before leaning in and capturing your lips in his.
The feint sweet taste of cherry slush on his lips was addicting though his kisses were never freezing nor cold. God no. They were hot and full of passion. You’ve never gotten used to it. Every kiss makes your knees weak and your hands shake, it’s almost like you forget yourself and the only thought in your head is him. Akin to a brain freeze, his kiss was the only thing to stop your racing thoughts. Froze you completely in the moment. You could stay that way forever if you could and he would too. Your arms snake around his neck to pull him in closer as one of his hands grabs your hip to do the same. You felt alive, you felt unstoppable, and it was all because of him. 
As you pull away clarity sets in. You weren’t monsters. Maybe you were in the best situation. There’s a necessary evil that has to be done to make the world a better place and you were the ones to do it. Burdened with the responsibility of changing the world and turning the hierarchy on its head. No. You weren’t monsters. You were gods. 
“Our love is god.”
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loudblonde · 1 year
Simon "Ghost" Riley X Male!Reader Mafia AU (Chapter 10)
Summery: Tension and jealousy run high with König and Ghost wanting to impress the younger man, yet (Y/N) doesn't care for their peacock-like tendencies.
Warnings: Mentions of torture of minors
Word count: 2,1K
+18 themes, minors dni
When they retired for the night, Simon didn’t know what to make of this. Logically he knew that getting jealous over someone who wasn’t even his own was just a result of them spending time together and sharing a bed. Logically he knew that (Y/N) was so detached from morality that he could never care for Simon in any way that Simon needed it. (Y/N) wanted Ghost, not Simon. There was no way in Simon's mind for anything else to make sense. He looked to where (Y/N) were lounging on the bed, leaned back and read a book. He thought about the cabin. How it had just been them. How there was no one else. How Simon and Ghost wanted that. Both sides of him longed to be fully alone under the predatory eyes of (Y/N). Whatever the gaze held, love, care, hate or lust, he just wanted those eyes on him. 
Almost as though (Y/N) sensed eyes on him, he looked up and motioned Simon over. Simon dutifully climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around (Y/N), his head coming to rest on the other's chest. Simon closed his eyes and smiled slightly. He didn’t care that Price was going to punish him for this. He didn’t care that he had been ordered to not get attached, not like last time. 
“You disobeyed a direct order and got the client killed all because you fell in love.” Price said, his tone was deadly still. 
Simon’s hands were tied behind his back, and his knees hurt from having knelt for hours on cold, dirty concrete. His breath was ragged and the icy air around them only tore into his wounds and lungs with a ravenous hunger. It was as though all the elements were trying to kill him. Blonde hair was stuck on his forehead with caked and dried blood. Yet, Simon didn’t speak, he knew it would only anger the man further. 
“And not only that, but you lost a million quid worth of product.” Price knelt down and took the boys’ face into his leather-gloved hand. He looked at Simon disgusted. “If I were any smarter I would just kill you, such… weakness shouldn’t be allowed here, but you have promise. Even with this monumental screwup.” He stood back up and motioned for Soap to come over. 
The Scotsman, well boy, neither were older than 17, walked over and stood next to Simon. 
Price dropped a balaclava in front of Simon, it held the image of a crude skull on the bottom part. “You are not Simon, but Ghost. Simon is a worthless sack of shit who is too emotional to even be worthy of keeping around. But Ghost is worth it. Ghost is my new attack dog. Do you understand?” Price asked. 
Ghost nodded, not saying a word. “Good, you will train with The Hound, he is getting old and a good leader, he will have free reign to punish you for any screw-ups.” Price said before sighing softly. He gently brushed Ghost's hair away, his hand resting on his cheek. Ghost leaned into his touch, too touch deprived to be able to stop himself. “I don’t like that I have to punish you, you boys mean a lot to me, but I can’t have weakness, not as high up as you are.” Price said. “I care about you, that is why I am doing this….” He pulled away and turned to Soap before handing him a knife. 
Soap looked at the knife and at Price confused. “Sir, what do you want me to do?” 
“Make sure he keeps that mask on, no matter what.” Price said and left the basement room entirely, ignoring the screams of pain coming from Ghost as the door closed behind him. 
Simon really should have learned his lesson, but if he hadn’t, he wouldn’t. He wanted to be close to (Y/N), even if it was just for now. To finally be able to sleep without worrying about nightmares and night terrors was too addicting and by god was Simon addicted to the younger man. 
(Y/N) slid his hand up through Simon’s hair, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the comforting feeling of someone beside him. Simon practically melted against his side, becoming a pool of muscles to be manipulated. 
(Y/N) opened his eyes and looked down at Simon. He smiled before closing his eyes again. “Simon?” 
Simon hummed in response, not yet opening his eyes. 
“I am enjoying our time together. This is nice. I wouldn’t want to trade this for anything else.” (Y/N) said, showing a moment of weakness in the privacy of their borrowed bedroom.
Simon’s smile softened as he looked up at him. “I am enjoying this time as well. I am… happy, for once. I can’t describe it any other way.” Simon said. 
“You growing soft on me, Si?” (Y/N) teased. They both chuckled and closed their eyes. “We are safe here for as long as we need to be here. Don’t worry about being anyone but your own.” 
“Thank you… (Nickname).” Simon said before yawning. He felt at ease enough to not worry about falling asleep. His body felt heavier and heavier as sleep dragged him down into a blissful night of darkness. No nightmares nor dreams, just silence. 
When Simon awoke the next morning, the bed next to him was empty though still warm. He groaned a bit and placed his head further into the pillow he was cuddling instead. A chuckle came into the room from (Y/N) who ran a hand down Simon’s back. “The shower is free, I am going to go see if König is awake or if I should just start cooking us all some breakfast.” 
Simon shuddered a bit before turning to look at (Y/N). He gave a small smile and nodded. “Of course, I will be right with you.” He said and got up. By the time Simon finished his shower, put on a mask and walked down into the main room, (Y/N) and König were already eating some eggs and toast. A plate covered with another sat for Simon at the table and he gladly sat down with them. 
“Enjoyed the first night here?” König asked as he placed down a cup of tea. 
Simon nodded. “It was good.” He said courtly, he looked at König with a raised eyebrow. König simply nodded at that. 
(Y/N) rolled his eyes and waved a white napkin between them. “Boys, boys, you are both pretty, no need to puff out your chests.” 
König looked away sheepishly. “My apologies, mein Schatz.” 
“Sorry, sir,” Simon said and picked up some toast. 
“I thought you said that you and Ghost were not a thing,” König said, turning his attention towards (Y/N). 
(Y/N) shrugged. “It’s mutually beneficial. I still get nightmares and so does he. We sleep well and if anything happens during the evening we can get away quickly.” 
Simon looked down at his food silently as he just picked at his eggs, he didn’t say anything.
“And I care about him. More than ever before.” (Y/N) leaned on the table, his eyes trailing down König who rightfully blushed. (Y/N) licked his lips. “Though, what are you getting at?” 
“N-nothing, sir,” König said, practically squirming in his seat. 
(Y/N) chuckled. “Well, that’s too bad.” He turned to Simon and tilted his head. “Ghost.” Simon looked up at him, his eyes trained directly at (Y/N). “Don’t feel intimidated because of a past that is further in the past than my last case.” 
Simon nodded and swallowed hard. “Yes sir. Of course sir.” (Y/N) gave him a court nod and looked towards König. 
“And you,” König looked towards (Y/N). “Don’t think that we are anything anymore, I loved you back then but we both knew that we would never be able to work out. Your priorities and mine are completely different and that is okay Arthur, I care about you, but I have duties to my father now and Ghost here is tied into that in whatever way I deem fit. Do you understand?” 
König nodded. “I understand.” 
(Y/N) gave both men a nod. “Good, now if you will excuse me, I will go draw, you two will make friends and then come model for me, we are stuck here for a while.” (Y/N) said and left.
König looked to Ghost and offered a hand. “A truce.” 
Simon shook it with his good hand. “A truce…” 
König tilted his head. “So you two are not together? Why not? I see the way (Y/N) looks at you, you are his whole world. If you gave him permission I am certain that he would do anything you asked him.” 
Simon leaned back and looked König up and down. “I know, I would want nothing more but I am not that person for him. I am a simple bodyguard and my role is to take any bullets for him that will undoubtedly come.” 
König nodded a bit. “That is… sad for you. I hope one day you both accept the care you have for each other.” König stood up and grabbed their plates. “I do believe we have been forced into being models.” 
Simon chuckled. “Well, I am not complaining one bit, even if I have to share his eyes with you.” 
König chuckled as he put the dishes in the sink to soak. “You will come to tolerate me soon, mein Freund.” 
Somehow, Simon didn’t doubt that. 
They made their way to the small corner (Y/N) had sat in and for the next few hours, they simply sat and chatted about everything as (Y/N) drew them, occasionally moving positions. 
By the time dinner rolled around and was over, Simon could honestly admit König wasn’t all that bad. He still didn’t like the man nor trust him as far as he could spit, but he had a modicum of respect for him. 
Simon sat on the bed and watched as (Y/N) walked towards the doorway and leaned against it. “So, wanna tell me what all the jealousy is about?”
Simon felt his blood run cold, and he froze up. 
“I… am sorry sir.” He said, not taking his eyes off (Y/N). 
(Y/N) walked over and tilted his head up, holding onto his chin with two fingers, simultaneously depriving Simon of any meaningful physical touch and making him crave it even more. “You are so desperate and for what?” 
Simon’s lips parted, and he felt the air get knocked out of his lungs as he stopped himself from moving from the position. 
(Y/N) chuckled a bit. “Oh how pitiful, a man such as you, depraved of any love. I barely treat you like anything but a plaything and yet you are more addicted to me than a junkie to his meth.” (Y/N) slid his hand so it covered Simon’s cheek, his thumb brushed against it softly. “We have many months without the watchful eye of my father, it doesn’t have to end in love but I think I can speak for us both and say that I desire you, Simon, carnally, beyond that, so much that even god himself couldn’t stop it, and you… you desire me the same, do you not?” 
Simon nodded, his mind both going a thousand miles per minute as the faint smell of expensive yet comforting cologne washed over him. (Y/N)’s words made his senses sharpen. There was a desire for Simon, not Ghost, Simon, was more intoxicating than any touch from (Y/N). Simon had never had anyone desire him for him, only ever Ghost. The idea that potentially (Y/N) may come to love Simon for Simon, it made him lose himself truly and utterly to the charms of the younger man. Simon would forever be his, in whatever way he wanted. Carnally, lovingly or a simple attack dog. 
Simon licked his lips and looked into the others eyes. “I am yours, truly yours. Please don’t throw me away.” 
(Y/N)’s eyes darkened at the idea. He reached up and took off a silver chain necklace around his neck and held it up in front of Simon. “May I?” 
Simon nodded wordlessly. (Y/N) moved behind him and placed the simple yet thick silver chain necklace around Simon’s neck, it was a bit tight around his neck, not choking him but forever a reminder of it being there. 
(Y/N) gently kissed Simon’s neck, causing electric sparks to be sent down Simon’s spine. His eyes fluttered close as (Y/N) sucked a bruise onto the back of his neck. “Si, when we get out of here in a week, you will be my most trusted man. When or if we ever return home to England, I will have you as my protector. Where I go, you shall go.” 
Simon, still with closed eyes, leaned back against him. “I would want nothing more.” 
tag list:
@rasberry-jupiter @one-green-frog
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crowcage · 3 months
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tv girl or somethin
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nerdby · 1 month
I'm not really looking forward to Deadpool & Wolverine coming out this summer. I mean, I am but I'm not
Because whenever a halfway decent Marvel film comes out the fandom gets invaded by insecure, eugenicist, posers who never bothered watching phases 1-3 or read a comic book before in their life and they just shit all over everyone who has read the comics and is aware of their political nature.
I mean, maybe things will be different now because a lot of people seem to have finally gotten the fucking hint thanks to X-Men 97, but I really fucking doubt it. Cause it's Deadpool so people are just gonna assume that it's because it's edgy satire -- YES THAT IS WHAT SATIRE LOOKS LIKE -- that it won't be overtly political. And they might be right and that's even fucking worse cause they are then I get to spend the whole fucking summer listening to incels going
And that......I cannot.......Like I do NOT enjoy arguing with people, but like I did not spend 30 fucking years educating myself about fucking comic books, video games, scifi, and blah-blah-fucking-blah to just get edged out of the fucking fandom by a punch of fucking pricks who are pissed off that they can't get their dicks wet. Like, seriously, FUCK YOU DUDES!!!!
And I am just praying that Loki or Mobius doesn't show up in this movie because they do -- I can't even be excited about it.
Because I'll have to deal with the absolutely fucking insane, eugenicist Hiddlestoners that invade the Loki fandom any time Tom Hiddleston appears on screen in a Marvel project for five fucking seconds!!!!
Thank you, by the way, for ruining one of my favorite actors for me😘
Like you fuckers have sucked the fun out of being a Marvel fan for EVERYONE who is a real Marvel fan. Accuse me of fucking gatekeeping all you goddamn want to, but a real Marvel fan doesn't spout off shit like
"Well, the comics shouldn't influence the movies."
Because they're fascist assholes who are addicted to shallow escapist media because they don't want to be called out on their fuck ups. Because they feel guilty and refuse to admit WHY that is, and the idea of setting foot in a therapist's office is mortifying to them. Which is fucking disgusting, by the way. Needing therapy is not some sort of fucking moral failing -- being mentally ill is NOT some sort of moral failing.
I've said it before and I will say it again.
It's not the movies that are the problem. It's the fucking fandom.
So you know what -- yeah, I'm gatekeeping. I'm gatekeeping fascists and incels. Stan Lee, Joe Simon, and Jack Kirby would be ashamed to have some of you people as fans. They wouldn't claim you and I don't either.
Welcome to Incelgate, bitches.
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scoutsurge · 4 months
Song daydreaminggg... audhfasudga
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literallydying00 · 1 year
Ghost headcannons
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Parring: Simon ‘ghost’ Riley x gn!reader
Warnings: basically just mentions of nightmares and if I missed any please tell me!
No Y/n used || no pronouns used
a/n: Hey, so I just posting this till I can get the other stuff posted and i’m posting this first because I kinda feel bad for taking so long but whatever. Anyways hope you enjoy :))
Simon normally didn’t fall asleep until late or sometimes, he didn’t at all. Then you came around. When you got together he started sleeping more and felt comfortable enough to at least try and sleep. Some nights he just sits with his arms wrapped around you and lets his mind run.
Some nights Simon still has bad nightmares about his family and work. You will normally find him in the bathroom because he isn’t ready to show such a vulnerable side of him. When he hears your voice after a nightmare, telling him that it is going to be alright and that you are with him, he almost always finds comfort in your voice. He feels bad for waking you when he comes out so he makes tea for the both of you (even though you are normally passed out when he comes back).
He loves tea. Don’t tell anyone but he enjoys more floral/herbal teas but he will always fold for green tea. Tea is like his addiction I swear, he drinks it everyday. He finds drinking herbal teas embarrassing because of his reputation so if anyone (especially on his team) finds out, he would simply parish.
he loves musicals and again don’t tell anyone. going along with this, a personal pet peeve of his is when he is trying to watch the musical and someone else is singing to the song. I don’t know why it just irks him. His favourite musical is probably phantom of the opera.
To everyone else around him he is considered cold,harsh and sometimes emotionless, around other people he is Ghost. When he is around you however, he is Simon. You have him domesticated, he will cook for you if you ask, give you a massage if your mussels are sore, watch your favourite movies/read your favourite books so you can talk to him about them and he will understand, will run a bath for you if he thinks you need one, and will buy almost anything you ask.
Simon has super horrible ears because of his job. Even with the headphones, the sound of explosions,gunshots, and other extremely loud stuff is bound to damage his ears. I think he has tinnitus (ringing in ears caused normally by hearing loss) and wears hearing aids most of the time to stop the ringing.
When the both of you are cuddling in bed he will wrap his whole body around you like a weighted blanket. He does because he says if something ever happened you would be safe. He also refused to let you sleep closest to the door because again its to keep you safer.
When he is driving he always has his hand on some part of your body, most of the time its your thigh.
He loves to lay his head in your lap because it helps him relax. When lays his head in your lap please play with his hair, it literally brings him so much comfort and he will fully fall asleep after a while.
For date night, you both probably just cook dinner together and have a nice dinner date while you talk about anything and everything. The night normally ends with you two watching a movie while you’re cuddled into his side and him carrying you to bed.
His music taste is either metal or classical music and there is no in between. He loves Everlong by Foo Fighters so much though that you think he never stops playing it (I mean me too). He will listen to your favourite songs as well just to make you happy when you hear them as you are listening to his playlist.
He is surprisingly good a poetry and still writes poems sometimes. When he is away if you ask him to send you new poems, he will write a bunch of poems about you and send them back home for you to read. You have kept every single one of them and he gets happy when he remembers you have them all and genuinely love them.
He barely ever wears his mask around you anymore because he knows you will never judge him and you love him. He struggled to show you his face for the first time because he was SO scared of commitment and he knew once he took off the mask, there was no going back.
He has a motorcycle and regularly takes you for late night drives in empty streets where he knows the two of you can just live in the moment together.
Simon is not a fan of pda but every time you go out he holds your hand to keep you close to him. When he holds your hand he ALWAYS does the thumb thing because it helps ground him and so he knows you’re still there with him.
Speaking of public, you have mayor scary dog privilege. Tell me if you saw a big, scary, menacing looking figure with a skull mask just looming beside someone you wouldn’t immediately back off that person💀
Anyways hope you enjoyed reading and i’m surely going to post more hcs of this beautiful man when I have the time <33
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vurlient · 3 months
Book Simon x the addiction david x stalkers tango.
damn I’ve got to work on these ideas man
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The WSJ article: <<This piece is adapted from Walter Isaacson’s new biography, “Elon Musk,” which will be published on Sept. 12 by Simon & Schuster.>>
That was written by ChatGPT I swear to god. Isaacson or WSJ journos don't write like a child in secondary. It's ChatGPT style of writing, like a narration but written by a child, anyhow deffo not by a professional writer that's for sure. It would not be the 1st book written by ChatGPT which got published.
Maybe when Isaacson said he has been shadowing E everywhere, maybe it was ChatGPT digging Twitter and Internet and then hallucinating a narration as a biography from what it got online. Loool
Honestly, who writes like this: <<The way that Musk blustered into buying Twitter and renaming it X was a harbinger of the way he now runs it: impulsively and irreverently. It is an addictive playground for him. It has many of the attributes of a school yard, including taunting and bullying. But in the case of Twitter, the clever kids win followers; they don’t get pushed down the steps and beaten, like Musk was as a kid. Owning it would allow him to become king of the school yard.>>
What?! That's Bing. Deffo ChatGPT.
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