#that's my two cents anyway XD;
ducktoonsfanart · 2 months
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Scrooge McDuck vs Flintheart Glomgold - The Terror of the Transval and The Second-Richest Duck - The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck - Carl Barks and Don Rosa - Duck comics and Duckverse
Well, I haven't drawn the conflicts between Scrooge and Glomgold for a long time, so I drew them together again as a redraw of scenes from two comics. The first drawing is a redraw that I drew is from a scene from Don Rosa' comic "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" from the sixth part called "The Terror of the Transvaal" in which Scrooge McDuck goes to South Africa in search of a valuable fortune and finds the then drunkard and hunter Flintheart Glomgold, who is a Boer. After Glomgold stole things from Scrooge one night even though Scrooge saved his life, Scrooge still entered the saloon and shot Glomgold and threatened him with the words, "But you,…you just made me mean!" and shot the tar of mud and feathers and defeated Glomgold and took him to prison. Yes, Scrooge is like a cowboy in this comic.
The second drawing shows a redraw of a scene from the 1956 Carl Barks comic "The Second Richest Duck" in which Flintheart Glomgold makes his first appearance claiming to have earned the most money at one multiplujillion and nine obsquatumatillion, while Scrooge claims to have one multiplujillion, nine obsquatumatillion, six hundred and twenty-three dollars and sixty-two cents and that's how their rivalry about who has more wealth began. And that's where the fight started, from which I drew my drawing. Only Rockerduck is missing and we have a complete scene. XD He will be invented by Barks five years later. Anyway, since I didn't get to do it in time for Carl Barks' birthday, I did this in his honor. Happy belated birthday to Carl Barks, who celebrates on March 27th and is the best writer of Donald Duck comics. Yes, I love Don Rosa as well as other writers and artists of Donald Duck comics that I enjoy a lot. I certainly drew both drawings in my own style.
I hope you like these drawings and these ideas and feel free to like and reblog this! Plus, happy belated tax day, which these rich people can't stand and it's celebrated on April 15th!
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tangledbea · 9 months
Okay for some reason this won't leave my mind, and if anyone could help me on this quest, it would be Bex!
If I am correct, Rapunzel is 5'1 and Eugene is 6'1, canonically. He's a whole foot taller, right? So with this knowledge, seeing them stand next to each other you can roughly gage what a foot height difference would look like between characters.
Now I want to turn the attention to gold ol' Lance. Anytime he is next to Eugene the difference in their height seems very similar, or perhaps JUST smaller, than Eugene and Rapunzel's. Does this mean this dude is around 7 foot 😭
I know it can be hard as there's not many shots where they are simply standing completely up right next to each other, (this goes for all the characters.) I also appreciate that it's animation, and for many reasons sometimes the height differences are going to look less, or more drastic than in other shots. (I guess it's similar to live action where sometimes it has to fluctuate in order to fit a certain shot etc? Like when smaller actors have to stand on ramps of boards!)
Just something that I found interesting! I'm guessing whatever his height is, it would be extremely similar to King Frederick's, now that I think about it 🤔 Oh, God, wait, the Stabbingtons!? Hang on, they must be even taller than Lance. Surely? Now I'm even more intrigued!
Okay, so I think you're working yourself into a tizzy here. XD
Firstly, yes, you're correct about Rapunzel and Eugene's canonical heights. However, the movie's height comparisons are visually more accurate than the series'. Remember that the series art style is stylized to be Rapunzel's journal, and she exaggerates things to a large extent. And even then, as you mentioned, they're both animated, and proportions are exaggerated. Also, there's framing. Height differences are often fudged in order to make a shot look better.
That being said, in the movie, Eugene and Frederic are about the same height, and we only get to see that for a moment.
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Frederic is still a little taller, because his head is bowed here while Eugene is standing tall. But that would put him at, what, 6'3" at the tallest?
That's a huge difference to their comparative heights in the series.
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Rapunzel tends to paint people's height based on more than just their literal height. She also puts how they make her feel into it. I mean...
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Eugene looks so short compared to the other men because he's her biggest comfort. He's cozy. Her dad's imposing. He's the king! He makes the rules! He keeps her inside the kingdom! Lance has a huge personality and is just full of life! The Stabbingtons, Wreck Marauder, and The Baron are all large and intimidating in the worst way.
However, when you look at the movie, the camera is constantly switching between a low angle to look up at the Stabbingtons, and a high angle to look down at Eugene when they're all standing together.
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In most shots, it looks like the top of Eugene's head hits about the bottom of their lower lip. However, in that last shot, we can see that the top of Eugene's head doesn't even reach their shoulders. It's that whole fudging thing. I think it's safe to say that the Stabbingtons are meant to be about 7' tall, give or take. Lance is probably about the same height as Frederic, and The Baron is probably about the same height as the Stabbingtons.
Anyway, that's my two cents.
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animentality · 6 months
saw your post about redeemable durge and gortash and how they are different. And my two cents is that pre amnesia durge was way beyond redemption, there is just so much necrophilia, cannibalism and mass murder you can do before it forever stains you haha xD It is like finding some old demented man that used to do warcrimes, you can jail them, but they wont fully understand why they are there. anyways, love durge and gort <3 thank you for your posts. Hopefully larian gives us option to rule with gortash at some point. there seems to be some hints of that happening in game files.
you know, I said something similar once.
but I don't know now.
the game is pretty liberal in terms of presenting villains as sympathetic and capable of redemption.
Astarion might've been forced to do some awful things, but he still has the weight of thousands of souls on his head, doomed to an eternity of hunger. wyll was mizora's lapdog, and he was absolutely going to kill poor Karlach, who did nothing to deserve it. his guilty reaction implies he might've done this before.
gale's desperation for mystra's approval and power resulted in him getting that orb in his chest, which could've detonated at any moment, killing like... I don't know. it could kill a damn netherbrain, right? so it would've been able to flatten at least a city. that's a lot of deaths at his hands, and for what?
nothing. his own ambition.
Lae'zel and Shadowheart of course serve evil cults.
I'm not saying it's the exact same, because they've definitely all been coerced in some way.
but it allows for some ambiguity, doesn't it?
let's even look at outright villains.
you can tell Ketheric that he's still redeemable. he even falters when you suggest it.
and while Orin was never going to redeem herself, I mean fucking look at Sarevok and her mother. she was a product of incest already, which was absolutely disgusting, and then her own mother tried to kill her as a child, for the approval of Bhaal.
and then Sarevok tells you to kill her!!! his own daughter/granddaughter (yuck).
she desperately wanted his approval, and Bhaal's approval, and when you confront her with the truth, she's forced to turn into the slayer before she can even contemplate what it means to her.
I just.
I know Gortash is awful and if he existed in real life, I would absolutely kill him. he's on Joseph Mengele levels of fucked.
I wouldn't even need a trial, he'd be like Hitler. just shoot him in the head.
but since it's a game.... I can say that they presented him in an oddly sympathetic light, just like the villains, just like our morally gray heroes.
nubaldin boasts about how he used to bruise his knuckles on his face. Karlach, who is his chief victim for the audience's understanding, even says that it makes sense.
it doesn't excuse what happened to her of course.
but it explains it.
so... anyway I've rambled too long.
I admit that amnesia is really the only thing that redeems the dark urge.
but consider that I also said that Gortash is actually less evil than them from the start.
and they kind of balance each other out, in that way. you could even call them equals.
they could both have redemption, if only they both sought it.
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strawglicks · 5 months
Sorry for the ramble in your inbox incoming- I'm a really huge fan of your analysis type posts like the ones about Cathal and recently Flint ;A; So I hope its ok to maybe throw in my own 2 cents about Cogs/their society- (Sorry this gets rambly I thought about this last night and writing this like an hour after waking up lol)
I think what alot of people kind of (I wouldnt say ignore- more of:) don't really get is that I dont believe characters like Cathal or Flint have bad tendencies because they really want to in a way, (I kind of worded that poorly but point is) but because their society rewards and encourages that type of behavior. I think you said something kind of similar on Cathals post- But especially for Flint, whose a Bossbot (Who are literally the embodiment of a toxic workplace and elitism. I believe a old snippet from the TTO magazines says "They have no real skills of their own, just the ability to push down others and stay on top!" Or something to that nature.) he has to be demanding and imposing. There is no benefit to him in being kind. (Like looking at Misty for example) And don't get me wrong I don't believe that if Flint and Cathal were removed from Cog society they'd be better/objectively nicer (Like Flint not being condescending to Toons and Cathal not making people do things for him and being encouraged to try) But I do wonder how much of it is pressure, or how much of it is egged on and rewarded. Atleast in the aspects it relates to how they treat others.
(..And also I wonder what happens to Cogs that don't get jobs and are seen as ..not functioning. Since Graham was freaking the hell out in "Meeting Of Two Minds" over the possibility of not getting the job. I have a whole thing about this actually in my oc lore but thats another thing entirely I'll write about someday I swear)
Also I gasped when I saw the doodle of Graham in the MSI shirt finally a MSI listener Graham truther. I think he'd like the album "How I Learned To" and of course "You'll Rebel To Anything". I associate him mainly with the songs "Lights Out", "On It", and "You're No Fun Anymore" :p (This has been my favorite band since I was like 13 and now I get to spill all my opinions xD) I always imagined him doing the guitar backbend their bassist does! And my final hc is that Flint plays bass and Graham plays the main guitar. I think it fits them .. some people overlook bass when its actually pretty hard to learn from what I hear and vital to the song. (Like heres Feel Good Inc w/o the bass.. feels wrong x_x)
Anyways thanks for reading ;A; take care and happy new year!
THe biggest issue with Cogs Inc is that it REWARDS and ENCOURAGES these poor behaviors, worsening these characters as people. ESPECIALLY cathal considering the position of power they’re in. I’m sure it applies to a ton of other cogs too, but unfortunately I haven’t gotten to them yet bc I’m not as insane abt them . LMAO
And yeah since cogs are literally built for work, it’s a wonder what happens to those who can’t find a job as easily as others. Hoping that gets built on since it’s clear in MOTM that these cogs have to actually apply and go to interviews and probably face some trial and error to land a job, just like people IRL.
ALSO. THE BAND HCS. I love it and you’re SOOOO RIGHT about the backbend that is so grahamcore. And yes I’m pretty sure Flint does play bass, I think his creator mailman said smth abt that on their blog . AND IM SO GLAD YOU BROUGHT UP FEEL GOOD INC bc i did draw flint in a demon days shirt in that same animatic . And ive def drawn them in the same shirt a couple times in the past too . I’ve always imagined him to be a Gorillaz fan, maybe graham too
Anyway ty for these thoughts im eating them up and leaving no crumbs . I love when ppl come to ramble in my inbox bc discussing this stuff IS SO FUN and a good outlet for me esp when i might be having art burnout rn .
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egg-emperor · 6 months
honestly I just expect and accept that in a bunch of official media, even including the games with Frontiers to a small degree, will have the odd bits of OOC dialogue with Eggman. there are times where I still go "he would not fucking say that" because there's just no way he'd ever actually say and mean such a thing, would ever say it that certain way, would ever actually feel a certain way to say it in the first place, etc
but my priority now is what were they actually going for and does that part work for his character? sure dialogue is very important and adds a lot, I love writing it the most myself and making it feel exactly like what the character would say and how they'd express it. but it's just highly likely for people to get it wrong from time to time and I personally would say that they are really just occasional and small
overall I'm happy with what all the strongest parts of the writing points towards most and revealed intent by the writers, that's what matters to me. I'd like for all the dialogue and scenes to never miss but there will be times where the odd couple of lines shouldn't have been there or could've been rephrased, vocalized and written in a way that was much more in character for him if anything
but again, I'm happy understanding what they're actually going for and what all the strongest writing and main sources point towards the most. for example, I think game Eggman overall is fantastic as ever. I think there's just some flubs here and there as they explore already existing assets of his character in different ways but will settle into it properly over time and gain more solid footing for the better
as for things like takeovers, it's been OOC for characters since the beginning, they've forgotten facts about the games and/or accidentally replaced them as a result, they've even gotten the names of things in games wrong. it's just simple social media fun lol. but I still enjoy them overall because it's not the solid finalized fully stamped and approved published media like the games
the big writers aren't involved, it doesn't go through tons of checks and changes, they're written fast on a time limit often based on how funny they think it'll be. they made Shadow a Taylor Swift fan ffs XD of course a big majority of the fanbase will treat it like canon, most of those don't play or like the games much anyway. it's honestly out of sight out of mind now, really not interested in fandom shenanigans anymore
I couldn't care less about fandom's wild takes and overemphasis on any sides anymore. all I can say is people will find ways to twist and misinterpret literally anything and it's a losing game lol. my blog is just to gush about Eggman, analyze things, share my thoughts, discuss with those who ask in my inbox/replies and then I leave. it's all become much more enjoyable after stepping back from general fandom
and that's what this post is again now, just my two cents as usual. not directed towards any situation or people in particular, just an overall observation of recent fandom from afar as I've taken a step back and where I stand on it based on focusing on the official media alone and avoiding the opinions of random strangers at any chance I get. the way the world is supposed to be but the internet's existence changed lol
I'm really satisfied and at peace with official Eggman and this is how I handle any small occasional OOC moments. I still understand and like what they're going for based on what all the strongest writing and writer commentary points towards. I don't concern myself with what general fandom thinks and if they latch onto the small OOC parts, they don't have the power to influence anything beyond the social media acc
I also tell myself that sometimes writers on official media aren't as insane and obsessed about Eggman like me to the point I remember every line he's ever said and think very hard down to every last word and the inflections and ways it could be interpreted when writing him lol. so yeah chances are at that, they're gonna have him say some things where I feel it should've been different or removed at times
but again, as long as I'm happy with the official media with its strongest parts and especially the game canon media then it's all good with me!
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shychick-52 · 1 year
Thoughts about Gandra Dee and Fenton? (Pt. 2)
So, in this post I raised a bunch of questions that always confused me about Gandra and Fenton's relationship and her being in F.O.W.L. In that last post of mine, I invited others to chime in with their own ideas. I'm just listing some of my own headcanons for them, which I've used in my fanfics. Please feel free to add your own two cents. (And I'm only listing my thoughts on the questions I actually have headcanons for).
How and when did they reconnect after 'The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee' (which took place in the middle of season 2, while 'Beaks In the Shell' happened near the end of season 3)?
How did that conversation go and what was said? How exactly did Gandra earn Fenton's trust after hurting him so badly? That is, how could he be absolutely sure he could trust her (even after she presumably told him- off-screen, anyway- her backstory leading to making a lot of bad choices in her desperation to get her science projects funded?
How did it not compromise Fenton's morals (because he's such a morally upright person, a total goody-goody) to be in a relationship with somebody with such a shady past, who was currently part of an evil spy organization? It's obvious he wanted to give her a chance after hearing her backstory, and understood that she's not really a bad person, but I just don't understand how he still didn't feel conflicted.
I like to think maybe a few days to a week after their so-called date, Fenton- who had Gandra's contact info, as it showed in 'Dangerous Chemistry'- couldn't stop thinking about Gandra, and reached out to her to talk about everything that happened. She was just so intriguing and he'd never met anyone he so strongly connected with, somebody who shared his passion for science (not counting Gyro) and who he shared such chemistry with (science humor, ya'll XD). He knew there was a real spark between them (and not just when she shocked his hand with her electric nanites when she demonstrated them to him XD). And he also felt really conflicted, because she was a crook who did take advantage of him and totally betrayed his trust (and although she helped him defeat Beaks and left him with the correct equation to help him complete his experiment, which he was undoubtedly very grateful for, I imagine he still felt conflicted).
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They reconnected and talked about everything, and she earnestly apologized for everything she did- including just taking off without a word in the end, which I think she did because she felt too ashamed to stay and face him- and explained her backstory (about how she was always misunderstood for her passion for super-science, which was always rejected for being too dangerous and unorthodox, leading her to experiment on herself and allowing herself to be hired by bad guys- the only ones who would fund her work, because they didn't care how much destruction it caused- and become this hardened, tough-as-nails, lone-wolf scientist who did what she did from desperation). And that led her to admitting she was in F.O.W.L. and explaining about them, knowing she owed him the truth. She hated being unable to truly be her own scientist like she originally bragged to Fenton, and she felt so trapped in this lifestyle and disgusted with herself, but always felt she had no choice- and she tried to look at it like she was the one using them for her funding, even tho she knew they were just using her too and didn't care about her brilliance.
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(Gandra explaining her past and reasons for being in F.O.W.L. to Huey in 'Beaks in the Shell')
Fenton was shocked, but filled with sympathy and compassion for her, even if he strongly disapproved of her lifestyle choices (but couldn't really judge her for them). He wanted to give her a chance and be the source of support she never got, and realized she wasn't fundamentally a bad person. And that led them to confessing their feelings for each other and developing their secret relationship (to keep the people in Fenton's life from finding out he was involved with an 'enemy' and branding him a traitor, and to keep F.O.W.L. from finding out she was a traitor involved with Gizmoduck and an ally of the Ducks- which was even more serious in her case, because they could do a lot more than just fire her for her treachery...). And ofc they eventually developed their top-secret VR space for the science community to conduct super-science in a safe, controlled environment, which she used her funding from F.O.W.L. and their resources to build, and planned to finally quit F.O.W.L. for good once the project was finished.
How long Gandra had been in F.O.W.L.? Did she join before or after meeting Fenton?
I like to think she was already in F.O.W.L. when Mark Beaks hired her, because it wouldn't make sense for her to join F.O.W.L. after reconnecting with Fenton, apologizing, and confessing everything, him giving her a chance, and them becoming a couple; that would look very bad, and I just don't see how Fenton could have trusted her if she did that afterwards.
What was the extent of Gandra's knowledge of Bradford's plans? Other than retrieving the Missing Mysteries as part of F.O.W.L.'s ultimate goal to destroy all adventure, chaos, and unpredictability and take over the world (which she already knew), what else did she know?
What was the extent of Fenton's knowledge of F.O.W.L.'s plans from Gandra? (Did he know everything she knew? Did she fill him in on anything? Or did she withhold certain information from him for his own protection?)
I think she knew the basics- that F.O.W.L.'s main objective was to ransom the world and take it over, to remake the world in Bradford's perfect image by eliminating all adventure and anything chaotic and unpredictable. She knew about the Missing Mysteries of Isabella Finch (she was the one who informed Bradford the Ducks found her journal they planted at the end of 'Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks') and that Bradford wanted the Ducks to find the artifacts so they could steal them all from the family.
However... I don't think she knew just how truly evil or insane Bradford was. I don't think she- or any of the other agents, until much later- knew about his plan for the Papyrus of Binding or his plan to clone Webby (which was all related to his convoluted plan to get Scrooge to give up on adventuring forever). Gandra was with the other agents at the end of 'The Sword of Swanstantine' when Heron contacted Bradford and held up the feather they managed to secretly get from Webby, saying "Mission accomplished"- and the other agents obviously knew about May and June by the time of the finale (not counting Gandra, because she'd been captured three episodes away from the finale before they were created)- but I don't think any of the agents knew about Bradford's plan to clone Webby until much closer to the end of the series. If Gandra had known, which she would have if she didn't get captured at the end of 'Beaks In the Shell', I think that's something she definitely would've tipped Fenton off about so he could warn the Ducks! So, I don't think any of the F.O.W.L. agents knew why their real objective was to obtain a feather from Webby on that mission- they just were following orders. It's my headcanon the information the agents got from Bradford and Heron was strictly on a need-to-know basis, only telling them what they deemed appropriate when they deemed it appropriate (Bradford obviously didn't trust his people with too much information at once).
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Proof of this is at the end of 'Beaks In the Shell' when Bradford caught onto Gandra's treachery before she could quit, and ordered her to be captured and brought to the Lost Library. Gandra cried out, "What?! What library?!" Bradford replied, "You have your secrets, Agent Dee. I have mine." And obviously Bradford finally told the other agents about the Lost Library by 'The Last Adventure' because F.O.W.L. relocated there on Bradford's orders early on in that episode.
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And she obviously also didn't know about Bradford's plan to capture and destroy everyone even remotely associated with the Ducks (family, friends, allies, enemies) along with all the Missing Mysteries- which she warned Huey about when he found her in the final episode- until she herself was imprisoned in the Lost Library with everyone else. Again, that's something HUGE that she definitely would've alerted Fenton to if she knew!
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And she was just as shocked as everyone else when Ludwig Von Drake dropped the big reveal that Webby was cloned from Scrooge (even more proof she didn't know anything about the whole plan to clone Webby):
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And I absolutely headcanon that Gandra and Fenton agreed that Gandra wouldn't/couldn't tell him most of what she did know about Bradford's goals and plans, for fear of putting them both at risk (including the secret location of F.O.W.L.'s headquarters underneath Funso's Fun Zone), as well as to avoid making their relationship awkward and reduce conflict in it.
Anyway, those are some of my thoughts for those questions that never got addressed in the show. There are the other questions and plot-holes (again, see the other post I linked to at the top of this one) that have me scratching my head, but I wouldn't mind your thoughts.
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shallowoak · 10 hours
Design Chatter - MLP East Blue Crew!
>> Link to the art here! <<
I've seen some fellow MLP au artists talk through their design ideas, so I thought I'd share my two cents and ramble a bit! Fair warning this will be long and there will be spoilers!
I kept a few simple guidelines for myself in mind:
Keep it fun and surprising, in the spirit of the original!
I draw in the G4 style, but features from every gen and toy line are fair game
Anypony who appeared in the comics as a cameo is not immune and has been redesigned for my selfish needs
I love back card / blind bag style character blurbs. I live for crumbs of worldbuilding XD
I've purposefully not included cutie marks because I suck at drawing them and I'd never finish a piece if I had to draw them :v (maybe a post for another time?)
🌅 Luffy 🌅
"Friendship isn't so much magic but a mandate for those this pony captain likes! This joyful newbie who idolises Shanks, a fellow flightless Pegasus pirate. Though rubber wings are useless for flight, his ultra-lightweight body means he is still adept at aerial combat- falling slower and flinging faster. He passes the time between islands gliding by the mast with the gulls."
I'll level with you all; I'm not huge on red and black ponies. It's nothing personal to anyone who uses the scheme; it's just not my bag. The contrast is a bit harsh on my eyes. (And that every brony in 2015 slammed ponies with the scheme, forever ingraining that bias into me)
Rather, Luffy's scheme is based on his shorts! Light blue and white evoke the shoreline and sky, two limitless places where he spends a lot of time. A softer scheme allows me to draw his vest and hat without them becoming lost on his fur, and I feel it gels better with his light n' bright attitude to life. There's no way he's edgy enough for red and black-!
The swirls on his wings (and hoof fluff) are from the G3 depiction of Pegasi. It's such a gosh darn cute way to draw wings. It's also a fun little nod to the pattern on his fruit and Gear 5 form later on. Ponies are always skirting around the idea of destiny. For him to be a Pegasus was an easy pick for me, the wings symbolising both freedom of movement and spirit!
💚 Zoro 💚
"This aloof Zebra spends all year saving for Apple cider season, where he promptly blows all his bits in under a week. He often unknowingly intimidates those he meets; a bias unaided by the three swords he wields with magnets embedded into his front hooves."
Before I'm bashed, I'm well aware Zoro is Asian. In this instance, you can view that his being a Zebra just connotes that his ancestry lies outside of the East Blue rather than drawing any real-world correlation.
I'm weak. I couldn't resist the alliteration of Zebra Zoro. You can blame Zecora for starting that. You can also blame her for the parallel of people misunderstanding Zoro's personality based on first impressions. I Pinkie-promise he's a big softie really.
It's the little things that make this version uniquely Zoro, though. His stripes are sword-shaped, come in threes and neatly avoid his back. Hoof magnets were a popular play feature of G3 ponies before kids kept eating them 😶 But I think it's a fun way for Zoro to retain that Earth Pony-adjacent strength whilst still being able to hold all three swords. His stance has always looked weird, anyway.
🍊 Nami 🍊
"A light-footed, citrus-scented Pegasus who gambles with the best in Klugetown. Nothing escapes her- not even the bits from your purse! After a decade of being on high alert, she's more in tune with the weather than even other Pegasi. The sight of rainbows stretching across the sky makes her think of home."
Her being a Pegasus was influenced by a few things. In G4, Pegasi often have an affinity for the weather and sky. Like Luffy, her wings symbolise the emphasis on freedom in her story. Farming is traditionally an Earth Pony job, so it also shows the disconnect between her passions and current situation.
Honestly, it's nice that we don't know anything about Nami's birth family. When she was adopted, she was just a baby, even younger than Sanji. Belle-Mere (Mare…) and Nojiko shaped her entire life. To that end, I wanted her design to be free of speculation and to focus on what we know for sure.
In this case, the clipping of her wings doesn't stop her from sailing away any more than it does in canon. But it adds to the feeling of control Arlong holds over her, another physical reminder of her duty and self-sacrifice.
Despite what the timeskip art style wants us to believe, Nami is pretty but also really... normal. Normal proportions, face, hair, profession. She's weird for an OP character in that way. To this end, I decided that her coat should reflect the colour of the maps she creates. Unique from the pastels around her, but not super stand out, much like her orange mane. The darkened ends of her fur walk the line between showing hard graft and dirtied hooves 🥲 I expanded her tattoo to be a full leg design- cuz why shouldn't she show off the symbol of her life beginning!?
🎱 Usopp 🎱
"A young, apprehensive Changeling who often lives disguised as a Pony. He uses his transformations to bring stories to life and dazzle those he meets! When danger arises, he shifts into the form of a smaller animal and hides..."
But it also allows for some very literal metamorphosis as he grows throughout the series. His horns grow larger and change shape as the slingshots he uses evolve. (Yes, he absolutely does use his horns to fire things from!) In Pony form, his cutie mark changes to reflect which part of himself he identifies with -or has the most faith in- at any one moment. As an artist, I bet he has great fun drawing up new marks to use.
The choice to make Usopp a Changeling speaks to insecurity as a character. Why present yourself as a village foal when you could be a great pony of the sea? Or anyone else you could dream up? It also speaks to my own insecurity as an artist, not touching the idea of drawing his nose on a horse face with a 10-foot pole. It's not happening, nuh-uh. It's a horn now for a reason, trust me!
Rather than becoming a muscly bug after the skip, his wings literally break out from his shell. It isn't the end of his development, but it signifies his change in outlook and newfound faith in himself. Followers of God Usopp view his Pony form as one they, as "common folk" can easily comprehend, rather than his true nature.
He's the only one I drew as his timeskip design, just because it was the most interesting to me. Hyperfixation does strange things to a man.
🍥 Sanji 🍥
"A hot-headed Unicorn who breaks expectations, he fights rude customers with kicks that match the strength of a true Earth Pony! His unusual tail is a hot topic of speculation for off-duty chefs at the Baratie- but he won't speak a word about his past. Maybe try asking about his specials instead?"
His blue coat reflects the shirts he often wears, sure, but blue feels so appropriate for someone who loves the sea so much. It also allows for his fluffy black socks to stand out, coining his epithet. (If horse Sanji wore pants, would he wear them like this? Or like t h i s?) Not naming any names, Luffy he's the only fighter sensible enough to wear horseshoes to protect his feet and often visits Farriers when they make port.
Classic Unicorns are calm, refined and beautiful. Everything that Sanji is... on the surface. I love how Sanji constantly plays with our expectations; who says a creative can't kick ass? Further to that, Sanji's magic skills are wholly unimpressive, with a repertoire of a grand two spells. It helps separate him from Robin, the actual magic scholar on board. As an Earth Pony unable to teach him, Zeff has always felt guilty.
His tail isn't hairless, but is covered in a thin layer of fur like his body until it reaches the tip. It's useful for working in the kitchen as it's easy to wrestle into a hair net. In the Baratie, he's often seen with a red bow decorating it, warning customers that he'll kick if provoked. This style of tail is a largely lost trait of old Unicorns, now most commonly seen in nobility who care a little too much about bloodlines. It's not a feature he's proud of, especially when it calls into question the nature of his relationship to Zeff- a pony he otherwise closely resembles.
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youdontloveme-yet · 11 months
I'm gonna be the person to say it. Pretty sure I ain't the only one thinking it, but Jeng and Pat should NOT end up together. Leaving aside the fact that I watched episode 11, I firmly believe they will be destructive with each other. Pat will forever be insecure because of the power imbalance and Jeng will never understand that he can't be doting over Pat for eternity. They both need to grow in their own lane and learn from their mistakes. Throwing them together with no growth whatsoever is detrimental.
Jeng must understand that in order to be different than his father, he has to finally take reigns of the company and his side businesses properly, before he can take away that precious time to be with someone. He is immature in his relationships with people and is in dire need to understand that not everyone needs to be taken care of. He needs to learn that he, himself, needs to be taken care of. Here I feel like he is scared to be a burden, thus why he tries to take care of everyone, but does not really allow that to be him.
On the same note, I feel like Pat is very much over everyone thinking that he's too emotional or fragile and that makes him irrational. He needs to understand that it is not bad to be those things, if he can manage them properly. Also, the thing with his family is taking a bit too much of toll, especially having in mind that his parents separated in a very civil way and are both present in his life. Here comes my issue with his character. He is so afraid of actual commitment that he is actively sabotaging himself. So, instead of speaking up and saying all the things he thinks his partner is doing wrong, he just sulks. Pat needs to grow up a bit more than he thinks. He needs to accept that things do not last forever and that not every failed relationship is a stagnant pattern to the failure of the next.
Anyway, here's my two cents. Tried not to spoil ep 11 as much as possible and actually managed, so good job me XD
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solarsavoy · 1 year
Fandom Saturday, Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
I finally watched the movie at the behest of my husband, and it was awesome. There were a few times when the lore had me feeling a little lost, but for the most part I was able to keep up with everything. To avoid any major spoilers, I'm just going to focus on a few things I picked up on that my hubby found unique. This was his third time watching it, and now he wants to watch it again because of what I pointed out.
All the women are badass.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I hate it when things are one-sided. Some of the men are weak or bumbling idiots, but literally every woman in there is a badass. The wife is the sweetest motivation, the daughter is surprisingly quick witted for her age, Michelle Rodriguez is Michelle Rodriguez, the Teafling is calm and cool and obviously their trump card, the ultimate sorceress is, well, the ultimate sorceress, and this is all well and good except it's horribly unbalanced by the fact that there are no women failures, no women struggles, nothing. Like, really? It'd only be really bad if there were no equally badass men though, and thankfully there is at least one, but it's still a bit unbalanced for my taste.
Second, it is so obvious that Doric is in love with Simon.
Now, they sort of ease the shipping of these two, but to me, it was fairly obvious. This is the main reason my husband wants to watch it again. Simon is the only one she responds to 95% of the time. Sure, a fair amount of it is insults, but she only insults Simon. Edgin says something stupid, she might respond, but Simon says something, and oh, she just has to put in her two cents about what a failure he is. She's always looking at him. She stands closest to him. She is so focused on him, it's ridiculous, and when I pointed this out, Deo was... extremely surprised he hadn't picked up on that, but it was true. After that, he noticed. When >insert heartstring dramatic end here< happened, who was she snuggled up to? During the fight, she was ready, but who did she first protect? (It certainly wasn't Michelle Rodriguez, but hey, she doesn't need protection. XD) And when Simon was feeling unconfident, who was there to insult him? Hm. That's an awful lot of focus on a human, in a group of humans, that she supposedly hates. Hmmm. XD
Anyway, it could be because I'm a writer myself, but I ended up calling just about everything in the movie. Like, something comes out and I'd say "oh, that's important", or "oh, they're not gonna use it for that but this", and everything was correct, but that still didn't take away from the movie. It was a really good movie and I highly recommend it. Thank you for joining me on my first Fandom Saturday in a while. ^^
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booklover551 · 4 months
Likely Possibilities for Crowley's Previous Angelic Identity:
I'm sure plenty of people have done this at some point or another... but I'm doing it anyway XD. It's fun to think about, so I decided to give my two cents.
FIRST, let's lay out the clues we've been given:
Crowley worked on the stars
Crowley was a "Throne" or "Dominion" or higher
It's implied that he and Saraqael worked together at some point
So, first let's review the hierarchy of angels:
Hierarchy of Angels (according to Wikipedia anyway):
Note that this is not the *only* existing hierarchy of angels; I chose this one purely for similarities in terms.
This pretty much confirms what fans of Good Omens guessed: Crowley was somewhere higher up on the social ladder. That limits potential possibilities to anyone who was a Dominion or above. So, keeping that in mind, I looked at all the angels with that ranking (who Wikipedia had info on; admittedly there were entries with no information to go on, which I eliminated).
What I came up with was this:
Pahaliah: Throne
Guardian of Redemption
Wikipedia describes as "bearing the mystical name of God... "the Ineffable Name."
It feels right for Crowley to be some sort of guardian of truth/wisdom. His main problem with God was in seeking the truth: he asked questions. Not to mention, part of being wise is knowing when to take suggestions from others. I also think the Ineffable thing could be kind of funny. Throughout the series Crowley shows such distaste whenever Aziraphale attributes something to God's Ineffable Plan. It would be interesting if there were something more personal in that distaste.
Agiel: Seraph
Associated with Saturn
I chose this one for kind of similar reasons to Pahaliah: the association with intellectuality, which in turn, lends itself well to Crowley's need for questions. The fact that this angel is associated with Saturn could also be a helpful connection in that we know that Crowley worked in the space department (so to speak). That having been said, I acknowledge that a lot of angels are associated with specific planets, so that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
Gadreel : Cherub
I really only chose this particular angel because they're "responsible for deceiving Eve." As the serpent, that was literally Crowley's job description.
THERE were a couple of other entities I thought were interesting to consider, like Azazel and Raphael, but I ultimately decided that it didn't make sense/there wasn't enough evidence one way or the other.
In terms of Raphael, in particular, since I know that's a popular theory, I personally think the Aziraphale-Raphael connection holds a little more water. But that's just my own personal opinion.
However, all that being said, what we have to consider in the end is that Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett didn't necessarily strictly keep to one particular system/religious ideology.
Take these instances, for example:
Saraqael: There is an angel with that name (also known as Sariel). But the only real connection between the angel in the show and the angel in the source material is space. We know that Saraqael and Crowley worked together. In the original source material, Saraqael taught men about the phases of the moon. Hence, it makes sense that they would have worked together. But that's really the only thing connecting the two.
Muriel - Muriel in the show is the lowest order of angels. But the actual angel Muriel is a Dominion (though I admit, it's likely Muriel wasn't intended to be based on anything in particular).
The hierarchy of angels - Neil Gaiman has actually laid out a fairly specific hierarchy of angels. According to it, Aziraphale is intended to be upper-middle management, basically. However, if we're going off of the hierarchy above, as a Principality Aziraphale should be much lower on the hierarchal ladder.
All of which is to say, this is kind of a moot point without knowing HOW EXACTLY the authors modified the hierarchy. But it's still fun to theorize!
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callmegaith · 5 months
i have been following your blog for a while and saw a few of your posts about Jackalope. Here are my two cents:
You're worried because the ship is fucked up. Welcome to Rusty Lake. All the characters are unstable. None of them have good relationships. Jackalope fits right in. I think you did good to represent them in a respectful way, though, with interesting writing and an intriguing dynamic.
Embrace the fact that this ship is fucked up and that's okay. Get freaky with it. Don't hold back. This is your vision, and brother, we are seeing it.
Anon... It's a little more complicated than that, I fear. I KNOW people like Jackalope
My art of them consistently does WAY better than anything else especially on twitter, considering I don't even tag it. And people told me they like it so I know there's interest... Like... Way more than I ever thought there would be.
But I'm navigating a very delicate situation here. Writing and making stuff for something fucked up is sensitive. Ik I can be like "fuck it idc if this triggers anyone" and tag it in main, but I don't want that.
I'm very very fine with just keeping it in my circle even if I make bangers sometimes I wish I could tag in main. But honestly you guys support the art more than enough and I'm grateful and thankful for that 🥰
Jackalope is great, but it's not for everyone. And that's fine. It's just a ship and it's not worth making anyone uncomfortable for. It's not my responsibility to curate people's spaces and make them comfortable, sure. But I also don't wanna do nothing either.
Regardless I'm very happy with how well my art is doing. It already exceeded all my expectations. Like you guys constantly blow me away with the love and support you give my art. I can never ask for more.
I will try to embrace the fucked up nature of it more xD I know Rusty Lake is already messed up anyway. And I'm really glad you think I present the ship in a respectful manner. Like... That means a lot to me, more than you know.
Thank you, anon. 🙏
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freshtomatoesddd · 2 years
Random passerby with a rebuttal: I don't think that saying it's tragic when a well-intentioned child is indoctrinated and manipulated into supporting or committing atrocities in any way excuses those atrocities. They're not saying that the character's specific actions in canon were heroic, but that the motivations that were manipulated to those ends could have been heroic in another context, minus those malicious influences. Somebody who is willing to routinely put their life on the line to protect what they think is right is not a regular kid. That kind of motivation would be called heroic if in service of good ends rather than imperialism. Note that nobody here is actually saying that the canon actions taken in service of imperialism were heroic. Is it not tragic for a child with potential for heroism to be manipulated into supporting atrocities instead? Again, this is in the context of a fictional indoctrinated 13-14yo child soldier, not an adult who chose to become a fascist.
I'm well aware Azula didn't choose to become an imperialist, and I do agree that her actions would've been seen as heroic if she were fighting with the Gaang for example. However, it doesn't matter how good Azula's intention were when it came to serving her nation because she still participated in imperialism. There is no separating the two. That was my issue with the OG post, that it focused too much on what Azula could've been instead of what she's actually done, and in a way reframing her imperialist actions as simply being misguided instead of actively perpetuating a violent cycle of subjugation. Imperialism is cruel no matter how you spin it, and Azula still partook in it. Now that doesn't mean we can just pile on Azula for being a child brainwashed into fighting a war she doesn't understand. However, we can't take away from the severity of her actions by focusing on her "nobler" traits. Because the reality is that imperialism will screw up a lot of lives, regardless of whether the person committing them had good intentions or not.
Also they're at war. There is no nobility or heroism in war. Only death, pain, suffering and hatred. I agree that Azula's dedication is admirable, but given that the context is a war where she's on the imperialist side, that doesn't make her look very good.
That's my two-cents anyway, but I greatly appreciate that you gave me a counter argument instead of getting defensive and blocking me. XD
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w1ckedwoman · 9 months
Question for the holiest weebfem I know on radblr, is watching Revolutionary Girl Utena worth it?
I've read that it's "shocking it was made by a guy because of how well it captures the female experience, the woman carrying the cross for the male sins, and a female protagonist who rejects femininity"? Does it actually live up to this praise?
Not gonna lie, it's kinda difficult for me to answer this because I watched Utena a few years ago when I hadn't started my research on feminism yet, but I'll put my two cents in anyway.
I find the way it questioned gender roles refreshing even by today's standards, and I really like how it never feels too "in your face" or "preachy", it makes you think and reach a conclusion. Plus, it had a pretty positive outlook on homosexuality, without making a joke out of it like other anime of the time (and nowadays tbh). Also, if you enjoy symbolism and surrealism, you will have a great time lol
Now, there are some points I can see some people may find negative. Utena is a pretty episodic show, specially the second arc, so I wouldn't recommend binge watching it. Also, there are some melodrama moments that are fairly common in shoujo, so if you don't like works targeted to that demographic, it can be annoying I guess (I really like shoujo so I dont mind tbh xD)
As a warning, there are depictions of incest and sexual assault, nothing explicit and as far as I remember, there weren't romanticized at all, but I think is fair to say it just in case.
I wish I remembered more, but that's about what I can say, I guess I need to rewatch it some time in the future. Thanks for asking anyway gyn <3
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Do you think the largo siblings believe in ghosts? In addition, do the other RTGO characters believe in ghosts?
An interesting question ^^ so here's my two cents :)
Shilo: I don't think she does, but also doesn't judge people if they do. I think of her more as a very down-to-earth character who wouldn't care at all to sleep in a haunted house ("That's what I've been doing all my life anyway, d'uh")
Nathan and Mag: I can imagine them both believing in Marni's ghost, talking to her (as we see Nathan actually doing so in the movie) and dreaming of meeting her again in the afterlife. I think it's some kind of hope that keeps them going.
Graverobber: Totally xD though I could also see him doing so and talking about hauntings and stuff just to mess with people ^^ I can also see him randomly talking to ghosts, like when there's some noise he'd say "excuse me, I need to concentrate", or when something falls down near him he'd sigh and mutter something like "feel you" or "mood".
Luigi: Of course not. Until he's alone in his room and hears the floor creaking ...
Pavi: Absolutely, he owns more than one ouija board and uses them regularly. Omg can somebody please draw Pavi with a purple ouija board? :D
Amber: To some extent, a little bit, though she'd never admit to take it seriously. Which doesn't keep her from having fun with Pavi using his ouija boards (and insist casually remind Pavi to say Goodbye to the ghost; because it would be rude to not do it. No other reason. She swears.)
Thank you for the ask, dear anon, I had fun answering!
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I enjoy both sub!reader and dom!reader, as it were (although I'm pretty picky about kinks), so I'll throw out my two cents here.
Personally I am like... pretty self-conscious about the dom!reader I specifically like bc I'm happy to write much harder doms than the rest of the fandom, when the reader is in charge.
But when the reader is the sub, I write much much gentler doms, even in things like yandere where there are noncon/dubcon angles.
Sometimes it's really fun. Because someone will mention "what if... satan puts a collar and leash on you and makes you meow for your orgasm" and i'm like,,, hhHHHhhhh hot,,
But then... putting SATAN on a collar and leash? Making HIM meow to put it in, or meow to cum? oh yes YES YESSSS,, excellent delicious.
So it's neat because certain kinks I like in both directions. It sounds great to me either way!
But when I get into some of my more extreme kinks, then the reader has to be the dom, bc if the character I'm supposed to be projecting on is treated like that I'll get that feeling you do - of anger, of virulent outrage.
Some of my motivation to write sometimes actually comes from having read depictions of characters dominating the reader in ways I don't like XD
Like yeah fuck you Lucifer you think you're the boss of me? I'll show you -
dfglkshgh anyways. there's just some of my own ramblings about it. i'm not sure if i said anything substantial but at least u r not alone in ur ramblings now dlgfshgf lmao
Firstly. Hello elsecrytt. Secondly, "I'm not sure if I said anything substantial" welcome to tonight's theme. You have correctly guessed the theme of my ramblings, that's 500 points for you.
So I was RIGHT when I said that switches really get the best of best worlds I'm this fandom huh. Vindication.
Also, I'm pretty sure I know EXACTLY what fic you're talking about with the "Satan puts a collar on you and makes you meow for you to cum".
"Fuck you Lucifer you think you're the boss of me?" Ok but Lucifer is one of those characters I do not think I could ever let dom me. There are SOME obey me characters I would go "Yeah, you could dom me" but Lucifer is never on that list. He is always wearing a lease sorry. He can dom Barbatos and Diavolo but that's IT.
OK but actually getting into what your ask says:
Do not be self conscious about what kind of dom!reader you like!!! Self consciousness is or cowards!! Live your truth!! Also idk what dom authors are out there, but the ones I follow are all pretty hard doms... we all enjoy some hard doms from time to time. The boys deserve to be crushed, believe me.
Anyways. What I am trying to say.
Me 🤝 you (elsecrytt)
The most sexy of rambles
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sing-me-under · 1 year
Now, the time for me to complain about why I don’t actually like the finale is approaching because I’ve argued most of my points against the general negative consensus.
I’m not gonna go in depth right now. It’s 4 in the morning I just spent the entire time baking Christmas goodies until I forgot to put fucking sugar in my last batch of cookies.
But to summarize some of my positive opinions on the finale:
The finale was the most logical scenario with the resources and people they were working with while still maintaining the same ending. There was probably a better way, but it was the most direct and logical route to a set destination.
c!Dream was being pitied for his fall from grace because c!Tommy knew they weren’t getting out of the prison alive. c!Dream would never have been allowed a redemption arc, and if there was enough time, he wouldn’t have taken the option anyway, especially not with c!Punz having no reason to not continue with the plan for his own personal gain rather than some twisted end game.
The content creators have been playing Minecraft for so long that they’re fantastic at displaying motion and body language through their characters. I dunno. Maybe you didn’t pick up on it, but I could sense the stress and pushing and limping and just THE MINECRAFT BODY LANGUAGE WAS GOOD.
Now for a sneak peek on my negative opinions:
A vast majority of finale neg and crit is valid and I agree with it. I just disagree with a lot of the rest of it and that’s why I’m vocal about what I liked. I don’t like to rehash what other people have said though, I also don’t like to actively ruin my enjoyment of something I like, so you probably won’t hear me putting in my two cents on the stuff that’s already been beat to death. I’ll just focus on specific crit that I don’t see much of.
They didn’t need the revive and limbo scene. I think it was stupid and I don’t get it. Everyone agrees that literally fucking killing cTommy then him going “Ah yes Dream wasn’t always bad” was a good idea, but for my own sanity, I chose to gloss over it. Just have like one normal conversation. Or just have cGeorge or cSapnap actually be there and having a dynamic with cDream instead of doing whatever the fuck limbo was.
Literally any other fucking character taking part in the last finale stream would have made it like twenty times better because there’d be someone to talk/slap sense into any of them instead of letting all of them have existential crises.
If it weren’t for the fact that cc!Dream plays both c!Dream and DreamXD, a finale in which DreamXD fucks up c!Dream and renders the nuke useless would have been much better.
anyway. That will be all for tonight. I have work later and tomorrow and then a long day of putting up with family that makes me want to rip my lungs out.
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