#that's my specialty baby
lakemichigans · 2 years
i might be shooting myself in the foot by saying this when i still have a few weeks left in the semester but tbh i think organic chemistry is easier than gen chem
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seldompathic · 5 months
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Too much fear in familiar blue eyes for his liking :((
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txttletale · 7 months
Hi I'm kind of an economic newbie (besides a few of the shorter books by Marx), and you recently said something that intrigued me: that it is good for nations to be in debt. Why is that? I'm somewhat familiar with the liberal myth that nations must always spend less money than they create, but surely there's more to it?
when a government spends money that money is in almost all cases going back into the nation's economy. if $20 billion is borrowed and then spent on building a railway, that money doesn't just vanish into thin air--that money is used to buy things and pay people which creates demand (the workers who get paid buy commodities, the railway itself requires materials which have to be mined and refined and delivered, etc) which in turn boosts production and grows the economy, which leads to larger government revenues in the future. obviously this doesn't mean that debt is always good, because if a government's creditors decide they can't rely on it to pay that debt back (because of instability or economic crisis) then you will suddenly have a bad problem. but as long as the people you're borrowing from believe you can pay it back government debt is basically good for the same reason that it's good to borrow money for any venture where you're sure to see return on investment
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podcastwizard · 1 year
learning about cuberdons and then learning that you can only get them in ghent because they have a minuscule shelf life and cannot be shipped has wrecked me
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topless-oncology · 7 months
on today's episode of "I only noticed this after watching the whole show 5 times": chase is an intensivist, a doctor specialised in critical care aka dying patients
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actual-changeling · 7 months
i just. i just realized that as far as i remember i never wrote a meta post about the fact that aziraphale almost says i love you??
well time to remedy that
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softquietsteadylove · 6 months
Baby olympia stole my hearth, their little family is soo cute 🥹, if it's okay with you love, could you do one where Thena is doing something with baby olympia like feeding her or dressing her (in a super cute outfit 'cause thena is a fashion icon) and Gil is watching them, falling more in love with his girls, feeling grateful that he came back to Thena and that their little her was born. Just Gil being soft for his girls. 🩷
Gil keeps an eye on them - his girls - in the corner of the room.
Thena calls it 'feeding', which it is in some ways. She sits in the rocking chair Phastos constructed for them, and she holds Olympia, and both of them enter a dreamlike state as Cosmic Energy slowly leaves Thena and is absorbed by their little supernova.
Their little miracle--Gil still can't believe it.
He can't even believe that he's alive, for starters. His last memory is of him on his back on the amazon forest floor, looking up at Thena (much to her dismay). But he remembers she was smiling until the moment he closed his eyes.
Next thing he knows, he's alive again, Sersi has saved the world, there's a Celestial sticking out of the ocean and he and Thena have catching up to do. And then Thena is pregnant.
No one saw it coming, of course. No one could have. They all thought of Ajak often during the process of it all, but they were on their own for it. Thank all the stars in the sky for Sersi, and Phastos. All their siblings, of course.
Druig and Sprite are most wary of the baby, no matter how they love her. Sprite excels at entertaining young Olympia, if nothing else. She does seem amused by Druig, as if his constantly reading her young mind has established a somewhat two-way connection.
Kingo says he doesn't like that, because he should be her favourite. He and Phastos argue on that often. But, although Makkari bouncing and jogging her (gently!) around the Domo is fun for them both, Sersi is of course Thena's chosen second mother for their child.
And there could be no better, he agrees. Sersi has always been the most human, and the most connected to the ways of the heart. She's sweet, and warm, and has an awareness of the soul that none of the rest of them possess.
Gil admits this freely; he has only one soul to which his is linked.
It's strange to think that his wife has now lived part of her life without him, and yet to him he has spent not even a day without her. But he can see how she's worn out by what she's endured. He wishes he could take it on for her; it's not fair.
Gil walks into their shared room. It's still just his personal quarters in the Domo--far from luxurious. Phastos did do them the kindness of engineering an expansion, just into the next room, but the extra space was still appreciated.
There is also a small crib for Olympia, mere steps away from the bed.
He chuckles, looking at the little mobile above it. It's a simple thing, but Thena did whittle and paint it herself. There are dinosaurs and pegasi and also regular birds. A whole history's worth of creatures.
They all guessed he would be the one who would be unable to bear being away from Olympia. And they are right, but it's Thena who has the most acute anxiety about it.
Only by his and Sersi's convincing did she allow them to install the crib at all. If it were up to Thena, she would be holding their child in her arms until the day she was Sprite's height.
Gil kneels down in front of his beautiful girls. Olympia is sleeping soundly, absorbing little dewdrops of Cosmic Energy from her mother like a meadow receives the rain. Sersi reasons that human children often need extra vitamins and nutrients besides in just their food; perhaps this is the same.
He brushes his fingers over his daughter's tiny head; she really does look like a tiny Thena, although he thinks her hair is getting a little darker just at the roots. He kisses her little forehead. She scrunches her face. "I'm sorry, my little sunburst."
"You're here."
He smiles up at his wife, her enchanting green eyes affixed to him. She looks even more stunning since bringing Olympia into the world. "I'm here."
It's become a kind of greeting for them. Thena will voice those words as if one day he won't affirm them. But he has no right to worry about that when it's very possible that she has experienced that in some form or another.
He leans up, capturing her lips against his tenderly.
Thena sighs as they part, her head tilting lazily as she relaxes that last little bit. Her eyes shine at him, "she's strong."
The connection between Warrior Eternal and her progeny is one that brings tears to his eyes. He moves the back of his knuckle against his daughter's cheek, "I know. Look who her mother is."
Thena lets him kiss her cheek with reverence. "To say nothing of her father. Two of the galaxy's deadliest--she will be a force to be reckoned with."
"She," Gilgamesh pats the soft of his palm against Olympia's head, "will never have to know battle, so long as we live."
"Yes," Thena sighs, letting herself believe his reassurance. She inhales, adjusting her arms, "here."
It's a simple thing, but it moves him that she trusts him so completely with their daughter. Of course she does, he is her father. But he knows Thena--knows the way she twitches and flinches and watches. She is made to be vigilant, after all, and even with their own family, she is always keenly aware of their daughter's whereabouts.
But with him, she hands her over. Thena has no question about his ability to prioritise and protect their child.
He makes room as she stands from the chair. She wobbles faintly and he moves so she can lean into his side. "Easy."
He isn't entirely sure what takes place during the 'feedings'. Because he also makes her regular old milk and feeds that to her. But Phastos and Druig alike cannot fathom what takes place between mother and child and their connection of energy.
Thena nuzzles her face into his shoulder.
"You're tired," he chuckles, holding their daughter in one arm and his wife in the other. "Nap with me."
Thena mumbles faintly. And while he doesn't hear it, he knows it's because she wants them to have Olympia in the bed in between them, instead of in the crib.
"We talked about this," he reminds her as he oh-so gently lays Olympia down on the little cot within the high walls. "You trust Sersi."
"Of course I trust Sersi," she grumbles, as if she is not grinding her teeth in her head to distract from her separation anxiety.
"She needs to learn to sleep on her own," he says gently, pulling Thena with him to the bed. "You can't hold her forever, sweetheart."
"We live forever."
He chuckles, careful not to be too loud with his little sunflower in the room. But he tucks some of Thena's hair away from her face and kisses the corner of her amazing lips. "As will she. And that's a long time for her to sleep in her own bedroom."
He can practically hear his wife's feelings about their infant daughter sleeping in a completely separate room. He presses his nose to the sculpted hollow of her cheek. "I will want you all to myself again someday, you know."
That makes her smile. She laughs faintly as he kisses her cheek and pulls them to lie down together. She settles into his chest, his arms wrapped around her, their daughter's tiny breaths reaching their inhuman ears. "You have your priorities I see."
"I do," he answers honestly, rubbing Thena's back and burying his nose in the hair at the top of her head. "It's my two girls, always. My new little star and the sun of my galaxy."
"Hm," Thena allows him to relish the contact with her. "I shall pretend that's sweet, instead of you being eager to bed me again."
"I can be a sweet and loving father, and also your husband, y'know."
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kukurubean · 2 years
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a blazing sun against winter frost
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lucysweatslove · 11 months
I don’t know what I expected today, but I most definitely did not expect to be told, in Russian, that I deserve to die by strangulation bc I’m not “fulfilling my destiny” by choosing not to have kids.
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standardlilith · 1 year
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Vanilla Bean has I think the highest prey drive of any cat I've ever had, which means that it's a weird relief sometimes when a moth or something gets into the house and she gets to go nuts on it. Like, I have nothing against moths, I'm quite fond of them, but the flipside of the Sacred Covenant of the Indoor Cat, wherein I keep her off the streets and thus she doesn't decimate the local wildlife, is that if the local wildlife decides to come indoors too then it's on sight. Keeps her from getting too pent-up.
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betterthanbatman1 · 1 year
Idk what to ask 🙈 can i have a doodle pls something cozy 🌸🌸🌸
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Wear your hood, chum. It’s cold outside
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flamingicarus500 · 2 years
i am obsessed with the lil fuckin scrunglies
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witchvvolf · 1 year
they're a ten, but... tag
i have been called, and i fear i must answer 😫✊🏾 thank you @thewardenofwinter for tagging me! i will take a risk and tag @kingsinking and @honeysoiair if yall are down!
black forrest cake
Rosemarie: she's a ten, but she sends incoherent texts in the middle of the night, and won't reread it in person if you ask about it.
Simon: he's a ten, but he looks like a hozier wannabe, down to the cable knit sweater.
Suzanne: she's a ten, but always has something under her nails. it's safe to assume its dirt—though you know she hates gardening.
project labyrinth
Rumi: she's a ten, but she doesn't like whistling. of any sort.
"Them": they're a ten, but they're always trying to cut you a deal. they always ask you have to lose, complete with a kind, yet unsettling smile.
project tsa
Venus: she's a ten, but she's some definition of 'lana del rey vinyl.' do with that what you will.
Ambrose: he's a ten, but he always visits late at night and tracks mud through the house. if you ask what he did, he won't tell you.
Farah: shes a ten but she's a cat. literally. shes a cat.
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redhairedgirl95 · 1 year
I'd love some Musa friendship headcanons with the boys please!
Musa & the Specialists - friendship headcanons
Musa & Sky - at first she doesn't really get Sky, and she straight up doesn't like him after the switch reveal. She hates lies, and that was a HUGE lie. In time, she gets to know him better, but it takes time.
They go on walks together. They started by chance, because he was walking Lady and she was absentmindedly listening to music with her headphones. And Lady ran to her, because Musa gives the best ear scratches. Since then, they often go for a walk together. They don't talk much, just enjoying each other's company in silence. It gives them time to think.
Musa & Helia - A singer-songwriter and a poet-artist? That's a great combo for a good friendship. Musa writes and then submits her new songs to Helia - especially her love songs. Their collaborations are always a bop!
Musa & Brandon - Musa is a mess at expressing her feelings, while Brandon is a pro at doing the same. She turns to him when she's got problems in communicating with Riven ... or Stella. She knows she can rant to him about how entitled, messy, irritating she thinks the Princess is, because she knows he won't tell her ... she also knows he'll try to make her see Stella the way he sees her, but it's a small price to pay to have a friend like him.
Musa & Nabu - Music! Music! Music! Nabu loves music, and Musa ... well, she's the fairy of music. They exchange suggestions on new bands and singers, compare their respective music tastes, and have go dancing together. A lor.
Musa & Timmy - Her powers enhance her hearing and when they're together, Timmy asks her to listen to his machines, to check whether or not they're making funny noises and he should turn them off for a while. He repays her by providing Musa with the best technical assistance she could ever ask for!
Musa & Riven - well, they're not friends. they're something more <3
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since i consider you a wise blog in the nu metal side of tumblr, i figured i'd ask you for help.
are there any nu metal ships you like or recommend? i've been reading so much davisdurst fics on a03 cuz there's a lot of it there, but I wanted to branch out but not sure where to start. i like korn, limp bizkit, slipknot, linkin park, crazy town, but i'm also down to check out ships of other nu metal bands and crossovers too. if shipping is not ur thing, i get it. disregard this message. just figured i'd ask since i'm not sure what other good ships are out there to check out.
Oh I adore this ask, thank you for taking the time to write it. I’ve been meaning to get back into nu metal shipping, it’s just so fucking fun.
Davisdurst is pretty much my otp but I also like any ship with Fred (names that come to mind are Head from Korn and Wes from LB) and especially any ship with JD or JDevil specifically (anyone in Korn but especially Fieldy and Munky and Chino from Deftones). Also within Limp Bizkit Sam x Wes is another very good ship with plenty of awesome fics courtesy of the fucking amazing @downtherabbitholewithlucy. They’re not super popular ships but I love the ship I call LB’s RhythmSection (John Otto x Sam Rivers) and DJ Squared (DJ Lethal and Sid from Slipknot, turntablists just understand each other like that). Had an amazing JD x Wes fic written for me once and it’s one of the best nu metal fics I’ve ever read, that ship has real potential. Oh and one time I got an ask on the confessions blog about shipping David Silveria and Shifty from Crazy Town and I’ve honestly thought about writing something for that because it sounds hilarious and could be hot as hell. I know there are some fics with guys from Linkin Park, Incubus, and Rage Against the Machine but I haven’t checked them out yet. Oh and lord in heaven, don’t get me started on the Slipknot ships. A polylover’s/multishipper’s/rarepairer’s heaven. Any of those are good but I like Clown x Sid, Jim x Corey, Paul x Anyone, Chris x Craig, and Joey x Anyone.
I totally would be down to get some shipping going with the guys from The Union Underground and Crazy Town and shit like that because they’re totally slept on shipping-wise and those are some good looking guys with writable personalities. Haven’t gotten around to it myself because…😅
Anyways, hope this helps anon! Happy shipping!
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