#that was your FIRST instinct??
declawedwildcat · 6 months
I see a lot of screenshots from undeniably excellent lines in the chat sections of this game, but I feel like people are sleeping on this absolute banger of an excuse Grim gives to try and hang up on you
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stil-lindigo · 5 months
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Bisan is calling for another global strike!
I saw some posts just outlining Jan 21st, and wanted to clarify that Bisan has called for a full seven days of action.
What a global strike would look like is:
calling in sick to work
purchasing bare essentials ahead of the week so you can observe the general boycott of goods / buying as little as you genuinely can
putting in a concerted effort to elevate Palestinian voices and make it clear that this strike is in support of a permanent ceasefire!
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For those who will have to purchase necessary goods during this time, please observe the brands that the BDS movement is asking us to boycott!
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Right now is also a good time to mention some better uses for your money during this week.
Available e-sims in Gaza are running low!!
Mirna El Helbawi and her team are working round the clock to continue to connect Palestinians as Israel does its best to cut them off from the rest of the world.
You can learn how to purchase and send e-sims here, and below you’ll find a list of what is currently needed (the areas in brackets indicate what region you should select to buy e-sims in).
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CareforGaza is an organisation that does verifiably good work, distributing supplies directly to Palestinian families.
They have a Gofundme set up at the moment, but because of Gofundme’s poor track record regarding refusing to transfer funds to Palestinians, I’d recommend continuing to donate directly to their PayPal here.
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Good luck to all of you. Don't turn away from Palestine!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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An unbothered queen has entered, and subsequently left.
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hajihiko · 2 months
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close call maybe?
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tornado1992 · 5 months
Friendly reminder! Sonic Prime in Latin American Dub hurts more!
Exhibit A: Instead of calling Sails a beauty, Sonic actually tells him he loves him (he loves every version of his little bro!)
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stealingyourbones · 7 months
Submitted Prompts #145
*hands you a fox skull I found in the woods while walking to work*
You know the classic Tattoo Artist AU right?
Now imagine it's Everlasting Trio opening a tattoo parlor together.
They can all do a bit of everything, but Danny specializes in the actual tattoo art part of it, Tucker is their cashier and designer, and Sam does the piercings.
Then one day, in walks one Bruce Wayne, on his journey to learn how to Be Batman, coming to ask Maddie Fenton to teach him all she knows, and, in his downtime between training sessions, ends up being invited on several dates by her son and his awesome partners.
When he feels like he has learned all he could here, Bruce goes with a summoning sygil in his pocket, three new numbers on his phone he calls regularly, and several pieces of art on his body created by each one of the Trio.
Fun part of having the Ghost of Time owe you favors? You can ask him to put up a Time Out so you can visit your Beloved even when he's training with a group as dangerous as the League of Assassins.
Years later, and amidst moving shop to Gotham, Danny Sam and Tucker gets a phone call from a very panicked Bruce Wayne asking how to parent a suddenly-orphaned kid with anger issues.
Dick Grayson, orphan hell-bent on delivering Justice ( and some murder) to his parents' killer, wakes up to suddenly having 4 parents, a strict but loving grandpa, and a sister who's the very personification of Mischief (something something Ghost shenanigans. I'm thinking Ellie didn't age any further until her chronological age caught up with her biological age).
Gotham comes to learn two things then:
Bruce Wayne isn't the innocent prince everyone thinks he is, even if the Brucie persona still has them convinced he's a lucky himbo, if an adventurous one.
Stars have mercy on your soul if you go after Robin. Not much gets Phantom out of retirement, but hurting the little bird will get you a Very Angry Parent capable of delivering nightmares to the front step of your mind.
Unfortunately, because I'm a sucker for drama, Jason still dies, but Phantom and Batman are right behind him and holding him as he goes out, the angry screeching and sounds of violence on clownkind accompanying B's gentle affirmations of love (hey, what better way to make use of your kingly diplomatic immunity than to brutally murder another "diplomat" for hurting your son? :D ).
The Pit Rage gets Bad as it always does, but Talia can't get it into Jason's mind that Bruce abandoned him. How could she, when his last memories were of his parents delivering Justice and love in his name?
Red Hood doesn't last a day in Gotham. It was inevitable that someone would recognize him, but he really should've expected the literal ghost to recognize his soul and immediately launch himself at him screeching like a Stressed Parent Bird and alerting the rest of the polycule to the presence of their missing bird.
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so hey uh.
“I saw you.”
“Of course you did.”
this is Ed and Izzy’s relationship this season in the tiniest little nutshell and I am chewing concrete over it. just bash me in the head with a cannonball because the guy who’s known Ed longer and better than anyone else in his life, the guy who lost a fucking limb to Ed’s downward spiral is standing there still and saying to him it’s okay, I see all of you and I love you anyway.
I’m fine btw
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7dreamies-caratzen · 2 months
I remember when I started practicing and praying, and I used 'babe' without realizing to some deities like 'good morning babe' because I just use 'babe' (platonicaly) with EVERYONE I'm comfortable with.
And I started panicking and saying sorry before realizing that it's not a crime omg
It's just that I'm comfortable with them, they won't be mad at you if you treat them as your friend, you can joke with your deities, as long as your respectful its fine!
Don't overthink, if it sounds okay with YOUR practice then it's okay
If being formal with your Deities is better from you then it is 🫶🏻
Don't feel bad about how you're practicing, you're doing well, be respectful and everything will be fine 🫶🏻
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baejax-the-great · 8 months
You actually never have to make female aliens fuckable by human standards
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 2 months
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Killer: pspsps, c'mon, i'm a human just like you
Killer: the water will feel good because you have human flesh. not that i don't have human flesh, being human and all
Nightmare: . . .
Killer: c'merre
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The prevalence of male violence means that the chances of a woman telling the truth about a man hurting her is INFINITELY more likely than the chances of her lying, but people will still believe the man over her
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naffeclipse · 7 months
What whould happen if harpy YN was the one to find the baby orcas and desided to take them under their wing (*budum tiss*) before even meeting eclipse?
You couldn't help but catch the desperate, shrill chirps carried by the wind. It's not the cries of chicks, but you feel how small they are in the calls. You waddle cautiously across the ice and reach a breathing hole where the small sounds are coming from.
You never imagine upon looking within you'd find two pairs of small, wide-eyes looking up at you, mouths open in whining hunger. Their small bodies are black and white, but one is tipped in golden yellow colors, and the other has gradient edges of deep blue. They squirm in the quickly freezing water, ice cracking around their tiny, shivering forms.
Then you're seized with terror. If little sirens are here, large ones must be close by.
You should retreat, you should leave before the parents return and decide to make you into a quick meal for their young... but you can't turn away from their little faces. They cry out. Small hands tipped in nubby claws cling to each other. Their complaints of hunger prick your heart.
You wait. You stand by, prepared to dive away on your belly should a siren see you far too close to its babies but they never come.
Their crying grows louder and louder, and your heart softens and softens. Strangely, the young are alone, left so close to where other predators could snatch them up. Perhaps... Just maybe...
You look upon the young and smile at them. Carefully, you dip your flippers into the freezing water and pick them up, cradling one in the crook of each arm. You fear how little warmth you can offer them upon the ice with only your feathers and their slick rubbery skin but like nestling eggs, they dig into your side and their crying falls to whimpers.
"Hush, chicks. I'm here. I'll find you food."
You don't notice the shadow that just arrived at the breathing hole, searching for an unfortunate seal to dine upon but instead discovering a wonderful strange sight. A harpy with the feathers of the penguin tenderly tending to siren young.
You are beautiful.
Those babies will need to be guided in the water, and of course, they require food. They're so sweet and small.
He can provide, he will share the burden of child-rearing, and show you how he can protect his new family. In return, he will make you his.
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"I could fix him. I could fix him!"
No, babe.
I could make him whine, beg, cry and ask for more. I would terrorize him.
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breadandblankets · 3 months
something I think u have to do if you make everyone else in the batfam a meta/magic user/bender/special abilities haver of some variation is make Duke the inverse
listen he's the only meta right? the only one with powers? if you make everyone Else have powers than what's his schtick??
(I mean other than being a genius teen activist and hero well in his own rights before Batman even sneezed in his direction but you and I both know no one cares about that -_-)
its about the Contrast okay
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galedekarios · 6 months
if you are genuinely out there claiming that gale "succeeded" in everything he "wanted" by becoming a god and that's why it's a good ending for him, you truly are a testament to the slow and steady death of media literacy congrats lmao
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orobty · 2 years
Family Tradition
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