#that was probably because he was still recovering from spending 2 days floating in the ocean. but let me have this
forestfullofberries · 23 days
Homer's Odysseus is a heavy sleeper and could sleep 16 hours a day if given the chance. Epic!Odysseus canonicaly has insomnia
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shadyteacup · 3 years
Hello! If you’re free, I was wondering if I could have a request where 15y/o Dazai meets his future s/o which he feels comfortable around them and has good impression abt them. Like he’s wandering somewhere and suddenly run into them. They have a chitchat abt their thoughts on something and have fun talking to each other. Then leave and meet again when he joins ADA. (s/o is a weird kind of person, like out of this world)
I’m not an English speaker so sorry for my terrible English y-y. Btw, i love your writings!!💟
This is such an amazing idea! I had fun writing this! And dw, your English is spectacular ♡ Enjoy, dove!
Dazai Osamu x gn! Reader||Reader has a time traveling ability
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You were a time traveler. Your ability allowed you to visit places from different timelines. The only drawback was that you aged no matter where you were, even if you were using your ability. This meant that if you wanted to enjoy the present, you had to ensure that you didn't spend much time in the past. You couldn't visit the future.
But that was okay. You loved finding out the root of all problems. That's why you joined the ada. Your ability helped them to identify who the perpetrator was. You would travel in the past and be there at the crime scene at the right time. Then you'd come back and reveal important information like the hiding place of the murder weapon, or if they had been looking at the wrong suspect all along.
You were currently investigating the death of a businessman. His body had turned up near the docks. It was highly decomposed, and probably atleast 2 years dead. You decided to travel 2 years into the past, and made your way to the docks. While searching for the potential crime scene, you bumped into someone. A mop of brown hair stood a few steps ahead of you. The boy wore bandages all over his arms and neck, and had an eye covered. Judging by the absence of any outline of his eye on the bandage that covered it, and the lack of moisture, his eye probably wasn't injured at all. He was probably only wearing bandages to appear weak. But this was just an assumption on your part.
"Ah, I'm so sorry, boy. I didn't see you there!"
He looked at you with a dead look in his eye, then gave you the fakest smile to ever exist.
"It's alright. May I ask what you are doing at a place like this?"
You were taken aback by his cold demeanor. It reminded you a lot of your own self.
"I'm here to investigate a death."
You said. His eyes darkened at your words.
"You see, the body will be discovered two years later. No tangible evidence will be recovered, then. So I must find something useful here, now."
The boy smirked.
"Time traveling ability?"
You smiled.
His smirk dropped and he glared at you.
"I see. This is a dangerous adventure, dear. You might get caught in a string of trouble, one that might lead you to harm."
The boy's aura and dark look had made you suspicious about his employers, but now you were certain that he worked for the mafia.
"Don't worry. I'm pretty positive that the murder wasn't committed by someone from the mafia."
His surprise was momentary, but obvious. It caught your eye.
"Before you ask, no, I don't know your future self. Also, the method of the crime doesn't match the mafia's M.O."
He nodded, thinking.
"Well in that case, I don't think you and I should be enemies."
He chirped, a happy look on his face.
You were taken aback by the sudden change in his mood.
"Sure, kid."
You said, patting his shoulder and walking away, trying to find the crime scene. The area was littered with compartments and shipment goods. It all looked so similar, almost like a maze.
"Hey, kiddo, can you lend me a hand?"
He blinked in confusion.
"Um. Sure."
He was confused as to why you weren't afraid of him. You clearly knew he was from the mafia, but you still acted so casually around him. It made him think that you either represented somebody powerful, or worked for an influential employer.
You rummaged through your pocket, trying to find the picture. Handing him the the snap of the crime scene, you observed him as he peered into the paper.
"This way."
He said, walking between two cargo containers, and leading the way.
"I never got your name, boy."
He shrugged, peering at you over his shoulder.
"Does it really matter?"
You mimicked him, raising your shoulders in a lazy shrug.
"Maybe, maybe not. But I'd like to call you something other than 'boy'."
He hummed in thought.
"How about 'knight in shining armour'?"
You scoffed.
"I get the whole 'I'm helping you, so I'm a knight' thing, but I'm no damsel in distress."
He smirked.
"Oh? And what if I were to abandon you here? What would you do?"
You smirked.
"I'd find my way on my own. I don't need you, eye-patch."
He grinned at you smugly, stopping in his tracks and moving towards you. He leaned in, his face almost touching yours.
"And what if I were to overpower you, hmm? What would you do then?"
You shuffled closer to him, much to his surprise. You whispered near his ear.
"I'll ensure that you'll never be able to have kids."
Pushing him back, you snatched the picture from his palm, and continued searching for the location. He was astonished at your bravery. He always comes across as intimidating, and that was putting it mildly. You were very courageous.
Following you like a lost puppy, he watched you hide behind a bunch of wooden crates.
You patted the space next to you, beckoning him to sit there.
"The show's about to start, eye-patch."
You took out your camera and were ready to click.
That's when two men, clad in expensive suits walked over. One of them was explaining something to the other.
You began clicking a few snaps.
The guy who was observing, turned his back on the other for a second. That's when he brandished his knife and plunged it into the other's back. You were furiously tapping away on the camera's button, determined to get every detail of proof.
The victim suffered atleast 50 stabwounds, 53 to be exact, when the killer decided to stop and hide the body. You snapped every single second of the ordeal.
When the killer left the crime scene, the two of you got up, and dusted your clothes.
"Do you have any plans after this?"
He asked you.
"Well, not really. I was planning to grab a drink, maybe something to eat, before heading back."
You said.
"Or heading 'ahead', since I'm going to the future. I don't even know."
Dazai nodded his head.
"How about I treat you to a drink?"
You eye him suspiciously.
"I have no reason to harm you. You literally don't belong here, so I've got no reason to hurt you."
You hum in acknowledgement.
"Okay then. Lead the way."
"How old are you?"
He asked, swirling his drink in his glass.
"A few years older than you."
"You have so many questions, don't you, eye-patch. "
Dazai hummed, taking a sip.
"Consider me intruiged by your... ability."
He turned in his bar stool to face you.
"Why didn't you prevent it from happening?"
"Because if I break the flow of time, or even mess with it, everything will go haywire."
"And if you were able to prevent it, without disrupting the flow of time, would you have intervened?"
You gaze at your own glass.
"I would do some heavy research before I make my decision."
Dazai was curious. Did you not want to save people?
"Everybody has a reason for murder. Nobody wakes up one day and decides to kill someone. I'll dig into their lives and find out why the killer did it. And I'll decide whether or not preventing the murder would save an innocent life, or harm many others in the future."
"So, in short, you intend to play God."
You chuckled.
"If given the power, who in their right mind would turn down the offer? Everybody wants to play God. Our entire society is built that way. The one who has more money, more power, more influence, has the right to play God to those beneath them."
Dazai found you very interesting. The way you viewed the world was so unique. You were a textbook 'good person' but could easily become the 'bad guy' if given the resources. Good or bad doesn't really matter to him, he finds the difference between the two very confusing.
"Doesn't that make you, and everybody who has power, a "bad" person?"
You chuckled.
"Funny coming from a mafioso."
Downing the rest of your drink, you answer his question.
"The distinction between good and bad is so distorted. The same set of actions can be termed as good for certain circumstances, and bad for others. The villain is always the hero when you try to see the world through his shoes, and the hero is always the villain for those supporting the so called 'bad guy' ."
"I agree. I don't care about what's 'good' or 'bad' ,either."
"Then what do you follow?"
"What do you mean?"
"There must be some set of rules that you abide by. What are they?"
"I.. Don't have any. I'm a free bird!"
You tap your chin in thought.
"One must have something to fall back on when they don't know what to do. Something to blindly follow. For example, I follow a set of rules created by my morals and values. When I don't  know how to proceed, I remember them and act accordingly. "
Dazai observed you as you spoke, absorbing every single syllable that floated out if your luscious lips. He was attracted towards opinionated, strong and focused people. He adores the look on people's faces when they speek about their passions, and express their opinions on matters. Even if he disagreed with them, the fact that they have a strong reasoning behind their actions, and the way they calmly portray their points so skillfully, makes him like them more.
The way you were effortlessly articulating your inner thoughts was something that he was fascinated by. He had so much going on inside, so much turmoil, that it was impossible for him to express it out in words. But you seem to be so sorted and disciplined. He loved that about you.
"You'll get there someday, eye-patch. Don't worry. "
You comforted, smiling at the young man.
He smiled back at you. For the first time that day, he had given you a genuine smile.
"You should smile more. It suits you."
He blushed at your words. It was a weird feeling for him. He didn't understand why his face was heating up, or why his ears felt like they were on fire.
Flicking your wrist to check the time, you sighed.
"Well, time to leave."
Dazai held your wrist as you were about to get up.
You looked at him quizzically.
"Will we meet again?"
You tilted your head and smiled at him.
" I can't say for sure, but I do hope that we do."
With that, he watched you walk out of the bar. He only respected Odasaku. But now, he respected you, too.
Time skip to a few weeks later.
"L/N san, please get yourself together, we're expecting a new member to join us, soon."
You laid on the couch of the ada as Kunikida rambled on about how everyone must be in their best behavior to greet their newest member. Yosano was handling most of it, so Ranpo and you had no work to do.
"Yes, yes, Doppo. Also, it's Y/N."
You said, stretching your arms above your head.
"Y/N kun, you need to try this new type of cookie. It has two different flavors!"
Ranpo said, offering you a cookie from his bag.
You smile at him, accepting it.
"I know, right!"
"Ranpo san, Y/N san! Please come here! Our newest member has arrived!"
Both of you lazily got up and strolled over to the front of the office.
"What is the big deal, Doppo-"
You stopped mid sentence when you saw the person standing at the doorway.
Dazai's eyes widened when he saw you, the one person who had managed to intruige him other than his deceased friend, standing in the office. The office where he was to work at, today onwards.
He said, pointing at you.
You scoffed at his choice of nickname.
"Ha! I knew your eye was fine!"
"Do you both know each other?"
Kunikida asked.
"Ofcourse they do. They met a long time ago, right, Dazai?"
Ranpk said, muching on his sweets. Ofcourse, he figured it out.
"Well, not that long ago for me."
You smiled.
Dazai had finally met you. He was elated.
"I'm glad we met again."
"Don't worry, eye-patch, we have a lot of time to catch up. ;)"
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isis-astarte-diana · 4 years
I lied. Nobody asked about the pants thing but I wanted to say it anyway.
my reasoning is as follows.
see 12, about to board the colony ship in 10x11, before it all goes tits up:
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cool outfit. He spends a couple of hours on the top deck of the ship before making it down to Bill who is big dead, and then he gets knocked out and tied up on a rooftop by the Gomez! and Simm!Masters, and then he wakes up, and then he gets knocked out again, and then they go to the solar farm. It’s probs safe to assume that this whole ordeal takes the best part of a day from his frame of reference.
He almost regenerates and then recovers, Bill gets housed in a barn, he goes to see her. Probably another day gone?
They all prepare for the big cyber army. That must take a full day because a lot happens in that time. Here he is in 10x12 trying to convince the two Masters to stand with him:
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same outfit. No access to the TARDIS which is at the top of the ship, so no way to change his clothes, so he’s been wearing these for a solid two days at least. Fair to say?
Then the big cyber army comes, then he gets #rekt and Bill takes him back to the TARDIS, knocked out again, then she leaves, then he comes to and ends up meeting 1 for the Christmas special. That has to take another day.
The special happens - another day - and he ends up back in the TARDIS, where he immediately regenerates before changing his clothes:
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Enter 13:
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At this point there is no reason to believe that these exact clothes have been worn for any less than four days.
She falls to Earth, some stuff happens, she takes a nap, she figures it out, then they go and defeat the Stenza dude and Grace dies. These events take about a day.
Cut to Grace’s funeral. Even if this happens ASAP, there’s no way it takes less than two days between her death and her funeral. Outside the church, here she is:
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Looking feral as fuck in clothes that haven’t been changed for at least a week. But that’s okay, because they go shopping! Here she is at the end of 11x01 in her new clothes:
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and because she is the magic 3 (eco friendly, shit poor and hella gay) the eagle-eyed amongst you will notice that she is in a charity shop.
Charity shops sell donated, used clothes. You know what they don’t sell?
Nobody wants to wear used pants! So they don’t sell them! So she has not bought any.
Now, as an aside, I’ll invite you, if you will, to contemplate 12′s underwear. There are three options to consider:
(1) 12 does not wear pants
(2) 12 does wear pants, but at some point while wearing the same clothes for 4 days he decides to remove them, and he is not wearing pants when he regenerates
(3) 12 does wear pants, he has too much on his mind to remove them while wearing the same clothes for 4 days, and he is still wearing them when he regenerates
So either:
(1/2) 13 is not wearing pants at any point during 11x01, including when she gets her new clothes because she can’t buy any
(3) 13 is wearing 12′s old pants up until she gets her new clothes in the charity shop.
The first option speaks for itself. Contemplating the second option: an old man wears some pants for 4 days. You then wear the same pants for 3 days. At the first opportunity to change your clothes, there are no clean pants on offer. Do you wear the week old pants that an old man wore before you under your new, clean clothes, or do you just not wear any pants?
I think you already know the answer.
At this point in 11x01 13 is going commando under her comfy new culottes.
But wait, there’s more!
Immediately after this, they go to try and get the TARDIS back and end up floating in space. They get rescued and we have the events of 11x02 which take, I think, 2 days? Here is 13 at the end of the episode, standing back in her TARDIS:
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in the exact. same. clothes. she leaves the Sheffield charity shop wearing. She’s had no time, no TARDIS, and no wardrobe changes, so we can say with some certainty that bitch still has no pants on.
Then she tries to get everyone home and fails, ending up in Alabama at the start of 11x03:
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when the TARDIS has obviously taken some inspo from her new wardrobe and made her some matching t-shirts. She’s taken some time out from unsuccesfully piloting a spaceship to change her clothes and, presumably, put on some pants for the first fucking time.
This post took me 45 minutes to write.
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soukokuwu · 4 years
Hiiiii I read your headcanons on Chuuya, Ranpo and Akutagawa reacting to their s/o in a swimsuit and I loved it sooo much. Would you mind writing another part but her swimsuit gets washed away?
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➤ aww thank you anony!! ^.^ here’s the part 2 (of sorts) to that~ hope you like these too <3
➤ for reference, here’s part one
➤ characters: chuuya, akutagawa, ranpo
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So, once he’s gotten past the fact that you have such a large chest, he’ll try to play normally with you, dragging you out with him toward the ocean to escape the heat of the sun. It feels cold, fresh. Plus, you’ll move slower in the water so he won’t have to try to look away when you move around because your boobs move so wildly when you do and he’s trying not to get caught staring again.
As though it’s not enough that he’s so distracted by the size of them already, once it gets washed away? It gets even worse for him. Why? He’s a blushing, stuttering mess at first. (He recovers faster than usual though, because he doesn’t want to seem like your boobs are all he’s thinking about. He’s not that shallow, he really isn’t, he’s just… really, really pleasantly surprised.)
Okay when it gets washed away - he’ll catch a glimpse of it (and he swears it’s like time stopped at that moment). He spends just the slightest of seconds to admire it (sunlight hitting the water drops that got on your bare chest? Magical) until he realises that ‘oh no, if he can see it here, so can others’, then he’ll rush over to you and hug you tight against his chest.
Sees you being so embarrassed and he’ll let you hide your face in his chest. “Hey don’t worry, okay? I won’t let anyone see them - you.” (Nice save, dumbass - cue internal facepalm.) And he keeps his word, because he makes sure you don’t accidentally expose yourself (using his ability just in case), walks slowly towards the shore and back to your spot. Even then he uses his ability to get his shirt and covers you with it.
Gives himself a pat on the back for managing to stay calm while enjoying the feel of your boobs against his chest. They feel good, and if you were together longer he’d probably tease you in the water, but he has to be a gentleman sometimes and he’ll do a damn good job at it. Just makes him more excited to get home afterwards.
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You’re probably the one who drags him out to the water instead, urging him to have more fun and let loose since beach dates are rare. He’ll give in to you because he knows how much it’ll make you happy to have him at least try. So he’ll concede to your wishes, appearing exasperated but secretly celebrating the grin on your face.
Severely hates himself for agreeing to it after a strong wave knocks your swimsuit away. He doesn’t see it at first because he has his back turned to you. Until he hears a shriek. And when he whips his head around? Greeted by the sight of your bare chest, the small waves lapping around them. Gulps - heavily considering what he can, should, do in this situation. What is the right course of action? Poor boy is so confused. They look good, but he should be attempting to cover them, right? It won’t be good if someone else other than him sees them.
So he calls out for you to come meet him in the middle as he closes the distance between you two. He is a nervous wreck - on the inside. On the outside, a perfect picture of composure. Acts like he knows what he’s doing. Although he does it in the most un-romantic way possible. “First, wrap your arms around me.” You follow. “Hold tight.” You’re confused, but what else can you do once he starts fleeing as fast as he can toward the shore. (You’re left trying your best to keep a hold around him since he’s not holding you, but you applaud him for the effort anyway. Your heart is warm from it.)
When you get there, albeit a little haphazardly, he immediately wraps you up with a towel. He is a little disappointed that you have to be covered up, because… admittedly they do look nice. Not that he’d ever actually tell you… or at least not in these circumstances. But that’s also the first time he’s noticed he really has certain urges.
Tries to cover it up and live in denial by choosing to lecture you instead on how next time you probably should be more careful, and maybe the next time you go shopping to get a one-piece that covers you up more. And then realises the way he phrases it seems like he doesn’t like seeing you in a bikini, so he’ll ever so subtly add a “you still look amazing in a bikini, though.” cough cough
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Probably already has the odds of your swimsuit being washed away calculated in his head long before you head out to the sea, taking into account the force of the waves and the strength of your straps. But there’s also the possibility that it won’t be washed away - so he doesn’t mention a thing about it. Goes with the flow and just asks you to play with him out in the sea anyway. It’s a really hot day, he wouldn’t mind the cold water.
He doesn’t take caution though, even with the knowledge that you could lose your swimsuit. He figures he’ll cross the bridge when he gets there. Which comes as soon as the first wave hits and your swimsuit is washed away. Ranpo probably knows where it’ll float to but it’s impossible for him to reach it. And he most likely will just be surprised at the sight and comment on how nice they look, before hurrying over to you once you shoot him a glare.
You’re trying your best to hide yourself with your arms while he has his hands on his hips trying to think of a good way to handle this. (He already knows he should just cover you up with his own body and take you safely to shore but he’s enjoying this, with you blushing bright pink and only relying on him.) The moment he turns his back though, he feels your chest pressed up against his back, your arms around his waist.
“Take me back to the umbrella, please,” you plead. You’re way too embarrassed to care that you are practically begging Ranpo for something (you know it just serves to boost his ego). And although he teases you a lot, in this moment, you’ve got him wrapped around your finger, you just don’t know it. It takes everything in him not to comment on how nice and soft they feel. So he quietly and slowly walks you to the shore, looking out for anyone who might be trying to get a look at you. He’d much rather no one else gets to see you like this.
Once you get your extra t-shirt on, you’ll find him grinning at you, a cheeky glint in his eye. You are utterly confused, until he opens his mouth. “So, what do I get for helping you, huh?” Ah, he’s demanding a present. But this time, he isn’t referring to snacks or candy. Not really. “Are you going to let me sleep on them on the ride back?” And color him surprised when you actually agree, and you’re both blushing.
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dennou-translations · 4 years
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K SIDE:GREEN – Chapter 1 (Part 2)
Feel free to message me about possible corrections. If you can, please support the creators by purchasing the official releases.
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“‘Electricity’, activate!” Letting out a resonant voice, Hikotarou raised his PDA up high.
Isn’t this guy reading too much manga? Should I stop looking up to him after all? Sukuna thought, hands buried inside his pockets, yet the PDA’s screen started glowing green before his eyes.
As if to sneer at his foolish reaction, a green shine burst from within the terminal. Drawing a zigzag track in the empty air, the green lightning pierced a PET bottle about five meters away. A chemical-like smell of melted plastic drifted from it.
Sukuna approached the burned PET bottle, and as if to say that he was acting without thinking, he touched it.
Instantly, he flung it away. The PET bottle made a loud noise as it hit the ground. White smoke dissipated in the wind. A blistering appeared on Sukuna’s hand.
“What’re you doing?” Hikotarou cackled a laugh.
With his back turned to that laughter, Sukuna was looking down at his hand, forgetting to even blink.
That was real. It was neither magic nor a trick. A real supernatural power.
He had never even imagined that something like it existed in this world. Games were games, not reality. It was exactly because he usually played many of them that Sukuna was perfectly aware of this much – or at least he intended to be.
However, the words that Hikotarou had said to him one day came back vividly. A video game that one could play in the real world. That was most certainly a fact, not a metaphor or anything of the sort.
Sukuna heard an unfamiliar noise. A steadily pulsating beat. That was something Sukuna could hear from nowhere other than his own chest. A fragment of a world that had only ever exited within fiction and fantasy was unmistakably floating before his eyes – this truth was making Sukuna’s heart beat loudly.
“How’s that? It was true, wasn’t it? You believe what I said now?”
It was a wholly different story that Sukuna was annoyed at Hikotarou, who, in a stark contrast with him, was smirking proudly and pushing his PDA against Sukuna’s cheek. He gave quite some thought to knocking down the device, but that would be lashing out while being in the wrong, which was pathetic. After reflecting a little, he decided to attack from a different opening.
“You said you’d bought this thing, right? How much was it?”
When asked, Hikotarou quickly averted his eyes and said in a low voice, “1k.”
“So expensive! Ain’t that the same amount as the promotion points!?”
1k was a short for 1000. In order to rank up within JUNGLE, the points had to be consumed, and the points required when an E-rank was promoted to an L-rank were exactly a thousand. When thinking about earning that many points in an honest manner, it would likely take almost a month.
“Also, didn’t you say this was disposable or something? Don’t tell me this is the end.”
“O-Of course not! I said it was disposable ‘cause there’s a frequency limit! We can still use it!”
“How many times more?”
Meaning that item cost 1000JP for five times of use. Unfair overcharging was an understatement for it. And out of all things, Hikotarou had spent a valuable opportunity to make fair use of those 200JP on a PET bottle. Most likely with the sole purpose of showing Sukuna something nice.
The moment he thought this, something welled up within him.
“Fufu,” he snorted as if about to burst out, a roar of laughter following suit. “Ahahahahaha! What’s with that? Such a waste! Aren’t you an idiot!?”
“Sh-Shut up! It’s fine! Those are my points after all!”
“Even so, you—for something like that—”
“It’s ‘cause you wouldn’t believe what I said if I didn’t do something like this!”
A worked-up Hikotarou was so amusing that Sukuna laughed even louder. If his classmates saw him now, they would be wide-eyed and shocked. Sukuna himself had just found out for the first time that he could laugh with such a strident voice.
“Damn, it ain’t something to laugh so much for. You’re always making such a sour face too,” Hikotarou said with a strained smile. It was apparently influenced by Sukuna’s burst of laughter.
And so, for a while, the two players laughed together.
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“But how does this thing work?” After laughing for some time, Sukuna scanned Hikotarou’s terminal with his eyes. “Doesn’t seem like there’s any mechanism planted in your PDA. It’s the same model as mine.”
“Yeah. Everything is apparently thanks to JUNGLE’s personal use app. Everybody calls it ‘ESP app’.”
If one could use psychic powers upon signing in, then there was indeed no social media more revolutionary than this one. It was about enough to become explosively viral, but it had its own reasons to remain as underground.
According to Hikotarou—
“There are these two types, the ‘skill’ and ‘item’, in the ESP app.”
“Skill” referred to powers that could be used constantly. If people called something a “psychic ability” in JUNGLE, it normally indicated one thing. That when rising to G rank and above, they could choose only one power and use it limitlessly. From among many abilities, they would select just one that matched them and nurture it in their desired direction.
On the other hand, any player could use an “item”. However, it was disposable – as Hikotarou had just showed, one had to spend copious amounts of points for each time of use. In exchange, it could be used in combination with skills to develop various strategies.
“You can clear high-level missions by combining those two – that’s what the upper-rankers are doing, it seems. Well, this is just what I heard, since I’m still in a low rank.”
“Huun. Sounds like you can do a lot, depending on the combination.” Looking through JUNGLE’s store, Sukuna nodded as if impressed.
“Yeah. Sukuna, you should think now about which you’re gonna pick when you turn into a G.”
“That so? I can also use it?”
Up until the present, Sukuna had lived a life where “things that he could not do” did not exist. Which was why he had never once thought that he wanted superhuman powers like those from mangas or movies.
The reason for Sukuna to have butterflies in his chest when he saw the “ESP app” was that JUNGLE had destroyed his world.
It was such a wholly different world that it could completely overturn the things imposed on him until now – the tedious common sense and reality – by his parents and the people at school. Coming in contact with a power none of them could imagine and racing to a place their hands could never reach – how thrilling that was!
When he realized, Sukuna was gripping his PDA strongly. This was neither him fleeing from suffocation nor rebelling against parents. Sukuna had just now come to know the true appeal of JUNGLE.
“Right. Aah, that’s right! I’ll rise too! Then, I’ll use even more amazing powers and accomplish bigger missions!”
“Yeah! That’s the spirit!” Hikotarou nodded, laughing.
Sukuna was also grateful that he existed. Hikotarou was the one who had told him about JUNGLE and showed him its real charm – it was all thanks to him.
If he could one day clear up all sorts of missions using various kinds of psychic abilities with Hikotarou, it would surely be extremely, tremendously fun.
It was Sukuna’s first time being excited ever since he was born.
“Well, see ya tomorrow,” Hikotarou said at the three-way junction on the way home that day, waving his hand.
Sukuna stopped walking involuntarily, as their talk had been at the most interesting part. They had looked into the JUNGLE store list, discussed about this and that combination and just as he figured out the best combo, he had started talking about it.
Sukuna’s house was on the right side of a Y-shaped three-way junction. Hikotarou was about to walk toward the left side. Wordlessly, Sukuna went to Hikotarou’s side.
At Hikotarou’s surprised look, Sukuna pouted and turned away. “It’s fine to go the long way around sometimes, ain’t it?”
Hikotarou blinked repeatedly. That gaze was annoying. Enough to make him almost unwittingly forget the invisible combo that he had finally come up with.
“That so? Then hang out with me for a bit.”
Hikotarou did not try to tease him for it. His countenance surly, Sukuna replied with nothing but a “fine by me” to that grinning face.
And so, Hikotarou took a detour. The place he stopped by was a drugstore in front of the station and what he bought was cat food.
As Hikotarou held two one-kilogram dry food packages with both arms, Sukuna asked as if skeptical, “You had a cat?”
Hikotarou averted his eyes with a rather subtle expression. “It’s not like I’m keeping it.”
Through that single sentence, Sukuna was somewhat able to understand the situation. He followed behind Hikotarou, who was walking mutely.
Eventually, the two arrived at a vacant lot on the outskirts of town. In a corner of said vacant lot, where weeds grew boundlessly, there was a cardboard box. Cries of “mew, mew” that seemed to beg for something could be heard coming from inside the box.
“They were four at first,” crouching down and opening the food package, Hikotarou whispered as though talking to himself. “One was the mother and the others were kitties. But one day, the mother was gone, and when I came to see them after a while, the two other than this one were dead.
Sukuna looked around. On a spot at a short distance from there, he could see two small stones lined up beside the block wall.
“This guy here was about to die too, but I did a bit of research, and after I gave him milk and brought him something warm, he managed to recover one way or another.”
“Won’t you try to take it home?”
Still crouched, Hikotarou looked up at Sukuna. He had on a weak smile. “We can’t have pets at my place. My da—my father hates this kinda stuff.”
“Then—I know; how about you use JUNGLE? Send out a mission to find him a foster parent.”
Hikotarou laughed dryly, “I think whoever takes it on will probably just take the points and send the cat off to a health center.”
Sukuna went silent, crouching down.
The little cat was dirty. Its fur and skin were muddy, its tail bent. It was engrossed in eating the food, but once it looked up, its eyes had hardened mucus on them.
Hikotarou took out a tissue and gently wiped it off. “Wanna pet it?”
“That okay?”
Hikotarou raised his voice as he laughed at the dumbfounded question. With a sour face, Sukuna reached out a hand and touched the kitten. Perhaps thinking that he was food, the kitten thrust its nose onto his palm and sniffed it incessantly. It was ticklish. His mouth distorting, Sukuna endured the sensation. Finally, the kitten pushed its body onto Sukuna’s hand and its sleeping breath began to ensue.
As if not to disrupt the revolving, throaty sound, Sukuna complained in a low voice, “Hey. What do I do about this? I can’t move.”
“Won’t it be fine if you don’t move?”
“You!” He let his anger show, but the kitten might awaken if he moved recklessly. As if having bitten into a bitter-tasting bug, Sukuna looked down at the kitten. “Does it have a name?”
“Yeah. He’s also Nine.”
That was Hikotarou’s handle name. Sukuna stared at him with a look that said, “Don’t give it such a confusing name”, yet Hikotarou was gazing down at “Nine” and laughing.
“I’m glad it’s summer right now. A parentless kitty wouldn’t survive if it were winter. Even then, many dangerous things will likely happen to him, but if he grows up just a bit more, he’ll get by on his own—”
“I’ll,” Sukuna opened his mouth before thinking of anything. “I’ll keep it.”
Hikotarou looked at Sukuna with wide eyes.
“My parents probably won’t allow it, but even so, I’ll keep it. I think I can do it. My house is big. I can think of lots of places that neither my parents’ nor the servants’ eyes could reach.”
“That should be better for this guy than here. I can put up a box, a blanket and things like that in our unused warehouse, and a toilet too, I guess. I don’t know about that stuff, but I’ll look it up later. You can also come over when you feel like seeing him.”
As if angry, Sukuna was making a surly face. Hikotarou looked at that expression of his with rounded eyes. Unable to bear the gaze, Sukuna stared down at the little cat once again.
“Of course, only if you’re okay with it.”
Hikotarou replied to Sukuna’s mumbled words, which sounded like an excuse, with a smile that seemed to shine, “It is! I’m counting on you, Sukuna!”
Sukuna laughed sheepishly. The kitten’s sleeping breath ensued windingly from within his hand. While feeling its body temperature on his palm, Sukuna inferred his opinion by muttering a few words, “By the way, can’t you change the name Nine?”
The home of Nine the kitten was soon found.
There was a wooden shack in a corner of the Gojou estate. Originally used as the gardener’s warehouse, it was now abandoned as the garden tools had been moved to a storehouse in the main residence. The shack, which Sukuna’s parents obviously did not go anywhere near and neither did the servants, was perfect for his purpose. He had arranged the kitten’s needs in a corner of the cramped and dim shack.
He could not possibly bring that cardboard box home, so he had laid a blanket over a basket woven from wood, making it into an improvised bed. The kitten Nine had raised its voice in protest against being moved from its former location, but it soon quieted down after being tossed into the blanket.
He had left it with a box of food, a water bowl and litter for its toilet. He could not take it outside, so he would have to raise it there for a while.
Looking around the small shack, Sukuna had nodded to himself. The kitten would surely be okay there. Nobody would find out. Convincing himself of this, Sukuna had cautiously left the shack and returned to the main house.
Today was the day to eat dinner with his mother.
“How was school, Sukuna?” such words came out of her red lips.
His knife, which had been carefully cutting the meat, stopped moving completely.
Sukuna looked at her with upturned eyes. The appearance of his mother enjoying an elegant dinner on the other end of the pure white tablecloth and silver candlesticks, with two servants at her left and right sides, was almost like the queen of a nation.
“Just normal.”
“‘It was’.”
“It was normal.”
His mother titled her neck a little. With a slight movement from her gaze, one of the servants moved soundlessly and poured wine into her glass.
“Have you been getting along with your friends? Your face has been bright lately. Are you having fun?”
Sukuna was silent.
If she was asking if he was having fun playing with a friend, the answer was yes. But not with the friends she had provided for him – Ninomiya and his former followers. It was with a smart and lively boy named Kue Hikotarou.
What would his mother do if she found out about Hikotarou?
She did not approve of anything that did not act in accordance with her will approaching him. Needless to recall the matter with Ninomiya, if his mother knew about Hikotarou, she would certainly try to keep him away. He could not think that she would be appreciative of things like JUNGLE.
Hikotarou might have to transfer schools because of him. As this possibility crossed his mind, Sukuna was horrified.
After thinking a little, Sukuna answered, “Yes, I am having fun, Mother.”
So you have nothing to worry about. So don’t meddle in anything and leave it as that. Leave me alone—
His mother drank a sip of wine, smiling. “Is that so? Then I’m glad. Your happiness is my happiness—”
Suddenly, the smile disappeared.
She stood up from the chair as if kicking it away. The glass collapsed with a smashing sound, the wine spilling and dyeing the tablecloth red. Approaching the frozen Sukuna with big steps, she firmly grabbed the hand that was still holding a knife and raised it with force.
A raspy voice came out of her lips, which were once tightened into a thing line, “What is this?”
Stock-still, Sukuna looked at it. He had a burn on his right hand. It was the wound that he had earned himself right after school today, when Hikotarou showed him the ESP app.
It had happened due to his own carelessness, and until just now, Sukuna had even forgotten that he had a burn. After all, it did not particularly hurt and he thought it would heal soon.
But his mother was different.
“Explain, Sukuna.”
Sukuna’s mother thought of him as a treasure. He was her property, like gemstones and rings. Of course his mother would be angry if said property was damaged. Whatever the property itself thought did not matter.
Sukuna spoke with a voice that sounded like a gasp, “It—is nothing, Mother. This is just—”
“‘Just’ what?”
“I was eating something hot during lunch and... I touched the food with my fingers...”
It was a painful excuse if he were to say so himself, but he could not think of anything else. Talking about Hikotarou was out of question. If he said he had borne it in class, there was no mistaking that she would check with the school for confirmation. If the lie were exposed, Sukuna’s mother would thoroughly investigate his surroundings.
If this happened, Hikotarou’s existence would definitely be revealed. And if she found out about Hikotarou, farewell would be waiting in the not-too-distant future.
Sukuna’s mother stayed dead-silent, peeking at his face fixatedly. Halting his breath, Sukuna accepted her gaze.
“Is that so?” muttering these few words, the mother let go of Sukuna’s hand.
Sukuna pulled his hand to his chest as if stealing it back. His heart was beating with strong thumps.
As a Crescent Moon-like smile once again crept on his mother’s red lips, she reached her hand out to caress his head. “Mother has an urgent matter to take care of. I will be going now, but you can eat dinner by yourself, right?”
Swallowing saliva as if swallowing lead, Sukuna answered, “Yes.”
“Really? You are a good child, Sukuna.”
Stroking Sukuna’s head in a noticeably rough manner, his mother turned on her heels. The way that the wine splashed on the back of her skirt looked like a spurt of blood was forever seared into Sukuna’s eyes.
Five: You there?
Nine: I am. Got any business with me?
Five: Nothing that you can call “business” in particular.
Nine: Then what is it? Can’t sleep?
Five: Hey. Didn’t anything happen to you?
Nine: I don’t get what you mean.
Five: I mean, like...
Five: Didn’t anyone, like your parents or people from school, say anything to you?
Nine: Aah, I get it. Is it about JUNGLE?
Nine: I told you, didn’t I? That the level of anonymity is super high in JUNGLE. You can change the app icon anytime so nobody can tell who you are just by looking, and you can also hide that you installed it if you feel like it. You’re scared of being found out ‘cause you’re from a good family, right?
Five: No! That’s not it!
Nine: Then what is it?
Five: Like I said...
Five: It’s nothing.
Nine: What’s up with you?
Five: I said it’s nothing!
Five: Just, if anything happens at school, make sure to tell me. ‘Cause I might be able to do something about it.
Nine: Don’t say such creepy things out of nowhere... What, you mean something’s gonna happen to me?
Five: I don’t know. But this is a what-if.
Nine: Yes, yes, thank you for your kindness.
Five: I’m serious!
Nine: Then I’ll answer seriously; I won’t rely on you even if that happens. JUNGLE players are independent by default. No matter if they have friends, they don’t do that kinda thing. Aren’t you the same?
Nine: ......
Nine: Sukuna? You awake?
Five: I am.
Five: I get it. It’s just like you said. Forget about that.
Nine: Ah, that so? Then are you done? I ain’t done with tomorrow’s homework yet.
Five: Haa? You should finish homework the moment you get it.
Nine: Shaddap! G’night!
Five: G’night.
The next day and the one after, Hikotarou did not show up at school.
Sukuna was fretting about all sorts of things, yet it was not as if he could do anything. Hikotarou had said that in the chatroom, but if Sukuna’s mother attempted to keep him away, there was surprisingly little that Sukuna could do.
Sukuna’s mother loved him and tried giving him whatever he wanted. However, it was completely impossible to change her opinions through his. Plead as he might, his mother would do as she willed. His voice would not reach her.
But that did not mean he could fold his arms and watch.
He was the first and only friend that Sukuna could respect ever since he had been born. Just thinking about this friend having to go somewhere far away because of him made chills run through his spine.
Until now, he had never experienced so much fear and anxiety. Although he did feel suffocated and disturbed by his mother’s actions, he had never felt dread.
Before he realized, Sukuna had sneaked out of his room and headed to the shack. He opened the door gently. Relying on the light of his PDA, he found the basket he had left in a corner. Wrapped in its blanket, the kitten Nine had been sleeping soundly.
However, perhaps noticing Sukuna, Nine looked up at him with its round eyes. Raising a sweet cry of “mew, mew”, it scrambled its way up the basket, crawled out and ended up rolling down to the floor with a thump.
“Ah, h-hey—”
He frantically picked Nine up, but this time, it climbed up his arm. As he let it do as it pleased out of not knowing what to do, Nine reached Sukuna’s shoulder, rubbed its head against his neck and curled up on the spot. It was warm and ticklish.
Sukuna’s cheeks slackened. Supporting Nine with one hand, he made sure it would not fall. Sitting down in a corner of the shack, he whispered in pauses, “I gotta protect him, huh.”
As if to respond to his talking to himself, Nine cried out a “mew, mew”.
Even though he had consolidated his determination, on the very next day, Hikotarou popped up in front of Sukuna as he was getting ready to go home.
“Hey, Sukuna. Have you become an L ranker ye—ouch, owowowowow!”
As Hikotarou waved his hand lightly with the same bright smile as usual, Sukuna forcibly grabbed his wrist and went out to the corridor.
Hikotarou raised his voice in protest, “Wh-What’re you doing?! That hurts!”
“Shut up! Why did you take days off!?”
While Hikotarou was not coming to school, Sukuna had imagined all sorts of bad things. Such as, he could be preparing to be transferred or his parents could have told him to stay away from Sukuna. That was why he was awfully irritated by Hikotarou’s carefree smile.
However, Hikotarou, who had no idea about that, said while cackling a laugh, “My bad, my bad. I was just a bit busy with missions lately.”
Apparently, Hikotarou had been absent from school due to fake illness. As he said that he had been running around town while pretending he was at school in order to accomplish JUNGLE missions, Sukuna was flabbergasted.
Feeling spent, Sukuna leaned against the wall. He gave Hikotarou a sharp gaze. Fretting had made him look like an idiot.
At that moment, he realized something. Hikotarou’s forehead was just slightly swollen above his right eye.
“What’s that?”
As Sukuna pointed at it, Hikotarou raised his voice with an “aah” and said, “I hit it in the middle of a mission. Nothing to worry about.”
“Nobody’s worried.”
“Thought so. That aside, wanna go on a mission now?”
At Hikotarou’s shining eyes, Sukuna asked curiously, “Missions can be done in duos?”
“What, you didn’t know? There’s an urgent mission coming out now!”
“‘Urgent mission’?”
Despite finding the unfamiliar term strange, Sukuna tapped on JUNGLE and opened the “mission” tab. As he did so, the words “urgent mission” were indeed dancing over the top row. Unlike the other missions, a large red font was used for it.
The title was “Urgent Mission: Uwagami Town Survey”.
“Activating urgent mission. The mission content is a survey around Uwagami Town. Please record the cityscape and roads of Uwagami Town in photos and videos and upload them. For the photos, the reward is 5 JP each, and for the videos, 50 JP per minute. We will pay double the reward for videos near Uwagami First Street. Details are as follows─”
Sukuna dry-swallowed. “This is around here?”
“Yeah! So it’s a chance! It was activated just now, so most of the players haven’t noticed!”
Hikotarou was excited. Of course he was. Uwagami Town – moreover, the First Street – was precisely the surroundings of Uwagami Elementary, which Sukuna and Hikotarou had to pass through. Meaning that they would earn JPs just by taking pictures of this area. It was as if dirt had turned into gold.
“All right! Let’s go!” Squeezing his PDA, Sukuna gave a broad nod. As if he were infected by Hikotarou’s enthusiasm, his chest started throbbing.
Uwagami Town was a high-class residential area located in the heart of the city center. The adjacent Shimogami Town was a government district where governmental facilities were concentrated, and many people who belonged to government agencies lived in it. In particular, there were police officers stationed in front of mansions where important people lived, watching for suspicious figures.
To start off, Sukuna took a picture of one of said police officers. The police officer merely squinted without saying anything.
“First, 5JP!”
“Let’s go steady! Steady!”
Talking loudly to each other, the two took pictures one after another. A two-lane main street that ran from east to west through Uwagami Town, an enormous building under construction, a vast parking lot, commercial buildings lined up as if to jostle one another, a spacious park and the children playing tag in it.
Upon a more careful look, there were countless other people taking pictures like Sukuna and Hikotarou. Salary men, high school girls, housewives and even elders who, no matter how one looked at it, were over 70 were positioning their PDAs to photograph and record the streets. Amongst them, there were also those who were being interrogated by police officers due to taking pictures too unreservedly. They indeed looked suspicious.
The chances that Sukuna and Hikotarou would be questioned were slim, but they somewhat did not want to be regarded as the same as those people, so they started moving to less popular locations.
“Let’s go, Sukuna!”
“Ah, wait!”
The main street of Uwagami Town stretched through a beautifully maintained city, but when one entered one of the back streets, an old townscape spread out. The back alleys, so narrow that it seemed people would have a hard time just passing each other in them, had branches and leaves hanging over them as if they were tents. Hikotarou and Sukuna sprinted under the sunlight coming through the gaps between the leaves, storing everything that caught their eyes in pictures.
At the veranda of a wooden house, an old woman was napping with a cat on her lap. Just beside the gutter stood an outdated red post. In front of a mysterious shop, there were three lined-up statues of tanuki. Sukuna photographed them all with refreshing surprise.
“It might be my first time coming to a place like this.”
Hearing the whisper that leaked from Sukuna while taking pictures, Hikotarou made a skeptical face. “Your house is around here, ain’t it? Never went exploring?”
Sukuna shook his head. The only part of Uwagami Town he knew was the main street up to the school and its surroundings. He had never made side-trips or eaten outside – he was never given the choice to go “exploring”.
Because by no means would his mother allow such a “vulgar” conduct.
Head tilted, Hikotarou said with a nonchalant voice, “Hu~n... Welp, that’s okay. Then, I’ll be your guide!”
“You know much about it?”
“This area’s my backyard!” Hikotarou said, full of confidence and grinning.
With just a step, they jumped over a stream fortified with concrete. As an unknown dog barked at them, Sukuna laughed at Hikotarou for dropping his PDA. They hopped onto the block walls and rushed through as if to sew the gaps between the houses.
All of it was a new world that Sukuna did not know about. Every time he took cuts of said world, his JP went up. He was accumulating the power to open novel worlds. Absorbed in it, Sukuna pressed the shutter over and over.
Eventually, by the time that this unfamiliar world began to dye itself in the colors of sunset, an electronic sound suddenly echoed from the PDA.
“Urgent mission concluded! The cumulative JUNGLE Points will be calculated now. Please note that any subsequent shooting will not be converted into points!”
As the end of the mission was announced, Sukuna and Hikotarou looked at each other’s faces at the same time.
“How many did you take?”
“About 200, I guess. I’ll probably rank up with this!”
As Sukuna said so, Hikotarou grinned. “Then let’s celebrate!”
Hikotarou turned around, going back the way they had come from. Sukuna followed behind him.
Two arrived at the shop with the tanuki statues that they had seen on the way. The sign that the tanuki were holding had the words “snacks shop” on it.
Sukuna stared at it in puzzlement. “What’s a snack?”
“For real?! No, well, that’s right. You’re a rich kid.”
Sukuna was offended by the disbelief in the way he spoke. However, Hikotarou opened the glass door unconcernedly and stepped into the store.
It was small and dim. The objects tightly crammed into the cupboards and baskets were all things that Sukuna did not get very well.
When he picked one up and inspected it, he found that it was a bag with richly colored gummy-like things inside. It looked like some new type of poison, but he could not rule out the possibility that it was food.
“Sukuna, you’re taking that? Then me too,” Hikotarou said, stealing it from Sukuna’s hands.
“No, hum—”
“Granny~, I’m leaving the money here~.”
Ignoring Sukuna’s voice, Hikotarou put money on the front edge of the unattended entranceway and then took cider from the refrigerator. Without time to do as much as be surprised at this innovative system, in which the owner of the shop did not have to even show her face, Sukuna was taken outside by Hikotarou and the two sat down next to the tanuki.
“My treat. We’re celebrating your raising of status!”
Being handed the colorful gummies bag, Sukuna stared fixatedly at it and opened his mouth in hesitation, “Hey, is this...”
“Edible?” was what he intended to ask, yet Hikotarou was devouring them without paying him any mind. Apparently, it was really food.
He opened the seal. If his mother knew Sukuna was eating something that had any foreign substance in it, his mother would probably pass out. That was why Sukuna closed his eyes, readied himself and threw it into his mouth.
“How is it? Good?”
As Hikotarou asked innocently, Sukuna said with an indescribable facial expression, “Tastes like chemicals.”
“That’s what’s good about it. Feel like you’re gonna get addicted to it one of these days?”
“Don’t wanna be.”
Sukuna washed his throat with the cider. Heaving a breath, he looked at the tanuki statues beside him.
“I didn’t know this kind of store existed at all.”
“Told ya that this area was my backyard, didn’t I? There’s lots of other places like this one!”
Earnestly impressed with an “eeeh”, he casually asked, “So your house is around here?”
Hikotarou’s smile instantly thinned. “Hm, well, kinda like that.”
Hikotarou’s complex facial expression caused Sukuna to hesitate asking any further, so he kept his mouth shut. It might be that he did not want to talk about his home circumstances. It was not as if Sukuna wanted to pry either.
Hikotarou was completely different from his “school friends” of until now. He knew Sukuna was a member of the Gojou family, but was not swayed by that. He saw Sukuna for what he was.
So his home circumstances did not matter.
“I see,” Sukuna replied with a mutter, looking up at the sky.
A large airship was crossing the sky, which was painted in sunset colors.
As he ate the mysterious gummy candy and drank the cider, a question left Sukuna’s mouth out of the blue, “By the way, what was so urgent in that urgent mission?”
“Well, ain’t it kinda weird to make a survey of the city into an emergency? Just what’s the reason to investigate the city in such a hurry?”
Folding his arms, Hikotarou began to think. “Now that you mentioned, it’s indeed suspicious. The reward’s too high in the first place.”
“For starters, who issued that mission? I’d never heard of an urgent mission until now, y’know?”
Sukuna opened his PDA, which was in the middle of charging, tapping the “mission” tab. Even if a mission had already ended, one could check the details from the history category.
Hikotarou explained while doing the same as him, “Just like the name says, urgent missions are missions with a high level of urgency. They’re easy to spot ‘cause they come from the top of the list, but they charge a lot, so not many people issue them. To begin with, only upper rankers can activate these. Well, the one who issued it was—”
“H. N”.
That was the name of the player who had triggered the urgent mission. Apparently formed of just initials, the handle name was tasteless and dull. Even as they tried jumping to the user page, most of the information was private. There was no doubt that this was a top ranker, but they found out nothing more.
Staring in a daze at H. N.’s user page, Sukuna opened his mouth, “Since we’re at it, let’s try to guess. This guy’s objective, I mean.”
“I’m in.”
Meaning that, just as when Hikotarou’s mission and Sukuna’s JP gains had been speculated about, they would try to conclude what goal this H. N. person had that warranted issuing an urgent mission.
“It told us to take pics of the city. Is he a cameraman or something?”
“There’s no way a pro would use photos taken by amateurs. He’s better off doing it himself on that matter.”
“So, in any case, he just needed a big amount of them? He used lots of users for it ‘cause he wouldn’t be able to handle it on his own?”
“If he were taking a bunch of pics alone, he might be warned off by the police. But if it’s done in large numbers, he’d get the pics even if one or two people were caught. Besides—” Sukuna pointed to a sentence in the mission details. “Here says, ‘back alleys that aren’t on the map will give you bonuses’. So he wants info on backstreets, secret paths and the like?”
“For what?”
“The only thing that comes to mind right off the bat is, well – a preliminary investigation, I guess.”
“Of what?”
“Let’s see; some kind of data—”
“Like an escape route?”
The duo’s smiles disappeared at this casual phrase.
Those were disturbing words. As they could not grasp the whole picture, their imaginations were awfully agitated. Pulling their faces close to each other’s, the two continued the “speculation”.
“Escape route for who?”
“If he gotta run, he must be a criminal.”
“Like, say, a robber?”
“There’s government buildings here, so ain’t it more possible that he’s a terrorist?”
The “caw, caw” cry of the crows echoed comically. The two burst into laughter at the same time.
“N-No way! There’s no chance that’d be it!”
“Y-Yeah! None, none! No way there’d be terrorists in Japan!”
While laughing, they were aware there a somewhat dry ring was mixed in it. Indeed, something of that sort was, first of all, probably impossible. However, it was not as if it did not exist.
Most importantly, there was nothing they could do now. They had already submitted the photos. No matter what H. N. was scheming, they could do nothing about it.
Even so, unable to erase the vague fear he had once acquired, Sukuna peeked at his PDA. In that moment, a fanfare-like sound played from the PDA. A holographic image of a deformed parrot character – Jumpy – appeared, dancing around Sukuna and Hikotarou’s general area.
“Urgent mission accomplished! 2745 points added to your JUNGLE Points! Rank up! Five has been promoted to JUNGLE L-ranker. Congratulations.”
Just like dates changed, the rank display in his own page was replaced with a flashing noise. From E-ranker to L-ranker. Along with that, the functions that had been restricted until now were unlocked as well. New rank mission ordering rights, mission activation rights, AR function usage rights—
Sukuna felt that his world had expanded yet again.
When he looked to the side, Hikotarou was raising his cider bottle with a cheerful smile.
“Congrats on your promotion, Sukuna!”
As Sukuna gave a lopsided smile, he and Hikotarou had a toast with their cider bottles.
Yeah, that’s right.
JUNGLE was the source of Sukuna’s power. It was a window that showed a new world to someone like him, who was bound hand and foot by his parents and simply made to walk the rails that had been decided for him.
No matter how shady it was, he could not think of losing it. That was about as terrifying as losing Hikotarou.
“Hey? Sukuna?”
He came to his senses. It seemed Hikotarou was calling him.
“A-Aah. What is it?”
“Just wondering how the cat Nine is going.”
“Aah, he’s so well that it’s a problem. He climbed on my shoulder a while ago—”
“Eh~, what’s up with that? He’s never done that with me!”
Laughing at Hikotarou’s sullen face, Sukuna said, “Then come see him next time. He’ll be happy too, for sure!”
“Yeah, true. One of these days.” Hikotarou laughed faintly, filling his mouth with cider.
He woke up early that day.
“6AM?” as he whispered, a yawn came out. Sukuna turned off his PDA, put it in his sleepwear’s pocket and got up from his bed.
He had to wake up earlier than usual ever since bringing Nine in. That was the expected, as he was the only one looking after it. He had to set up a time to take care of Nine before going to and after returning from school.
He quietly slipped out of his bedroom and headed to the first floor, sneaking out through the window of an unused guest room. He had secured this “escape route” by making use of Grass Root. He picked places where the servants would not be and times when they would not be around, rushing within the stipulated period.
Therefore, he was at ease. He had made sure that by no means would anyone find out about it.
Upon opening the door, Sukuna learned that this was nothing but an assumption.
Nine had disappeared from the shack.
His heart resounded with a strong thump.
He wondered if it was hiding somewhere. It was a kitten. It might have crawled into a spot that would not cross his mind.
However, he could not find such a breach anywhere in the shack. Neither could he hear its voice. It would always come crying loudly and cling to Sukuna whenever he arrived.
There was only an empty basket and a blanket that had grown cold in there.
He peeked into the bowl that he had filled to the brim with water. It had not decreased in the slightest. Was it not going thirsty or hungry, wherever it was? For starters, where had it even gone? His own expression full of anxiety was reflected over the water in the bowl.
As he looked at himself in blank amazement, a sweet voice coiled around him from behind, “Sukuna.”
His body trembled with a start.
As he turned around with eyes wide-open, his mother was standing at the shack’s entrance. Her red lips were forming a smile. Both her arms were holding a basket with a pure-white kitten on it.
“If you want something, you can just tell your mother.”
Grinning at him while he was motionless as if frozen, Sukuna’s mother left the basket with the white kitten by his feet. Not making the littlest movement, the white kitten stared fixatedly ahead, as if already disciplined to do so.
Words finally spilled from his dry mouth, “Where’s Nine?”
His mother tilted her head, but after catching on, she at last said, “If you mean that filthy one, it has been disposed of.” She spoke while smiling, “You wanted a cat, right, Sukuna? If so, you should purchase a proper one.”
Her hand caressed Sukuna’s hair. As though she were admiring a treasure.
“You mustn’t touch such a dirty stray cat like that one. What if you were scratched and contracted some disease? My dear Sukuna, I can’t let you do that.”
Sukuna looked down at the white kitten. It was well-manneredly, quietly sitting in the basket. There was a luxury accessory, adorned with a golden chain and red ribbon, fitted around its neck.
It was a choker.
While he was looking down at the kitten, a dark emotion gushed forth within Sukuna. It was a sensation that he had tasted countless times until now. When those people had tried to provide him friends. When he found out that those people were watching his room. That was the feeling that welled up inside.
He had managed to swallow it down until now. He had been able to control it. Because he was aware, somewhere in his heart, that there would be no going back once he laid it bare.
But he believed that, if he gulped it down now, something within him would definitely end up broken.
Therefore, Sukuna reached out and took the bowl full of water in his hand. As he glared at his mother, the smile disappeared from her red lips. Fear did not surge even as he saw this. More strongly than that, the dark emotion – “hatred” – was filling Sukuna from the inside.
“WHO—” He swung up the water bowl. “—SAID I WANTED A CAT?!!”
Sukuna slammed it at the kitten.
The bowl did not hit it directly. It collided with the nearby wall, bouncing off a big splash. Struck by said splash, the kitten let out a cry and jumped off the basket. It ran to a corner of the shack and gazed up at Sukuna as if scared of him.
When he saw that look, the dark feeling was gone like a retracting tide.
The kitten was not at fault for anything. It was simply brought here unknowing of anything and made into a replacement for some stranger. It was shameful and pathetic of him to take his anger out on it. He felt like he had become the same kind of person as his mother. Sukuna sensed that his own hatred was aimed at himself.
On the other hand—
Any facial expression had vanished from his mother’s face. She was as expressionless as a Noh mask. Lips sewed into a thin line, she stared intently at Sukuna.
Sukuna did not return the gaze. However, he did not attempt to explain himself either. It was not that he feared doing so. But because he was repulsed of even speaking to her.
After a moment of silence that could be deemed as an eternity, his mother muttered in a few words, “Really? I see.” She then turned on her heels, exiting the dim shack.
Left behind, Sukuna did nothing. He crouched on the spot, burying his face in-between his knees. Recalling Nine’s voice whenever it called for him, the softness of its fur whenever it snuck up to him and the ticklishness of its breath whenever it sniffed him, Sukuna cried with his shoulders shaking.
The white kitten was observing Sukuna.
The next day, Sukuna found the collar that the white kitten had been wearing inside his residence’s trashcan.
That was what happened to the things Sukuna said he did not want.
What should he say to Hikotarou? Lying on his bed, that was all Sukuna could think about.
The answer did not come to him. There was no way it would. The one who had offered to take in the kitten Nine, which Hikotarou found and had been taking care of, was Sukuna himself. There was no way he could tell him that his parents had found out about it and gotten rid of it.
Ever since losing Nine, Sukuna had secluded himself in his room, refusing to go to school or even eat, thinking about this all the while. His parents had knocked on his door and spoken words mixed with persuasion, and every time he heard their voices, he desperately had to overcome the urge to clear them away using the ESP App.
What should he say to Hikotarou? This question without an answer occurred to him whenever he opened JUNGLE and saw messages from Hikotarou piling up.
Amidst his spiraling thoughts, Sukuna became someone who did nothing but fiddle with his PDA. After all, he was able to escape from this reality just by staring at the several lined-up missions in JUNGLE.
The reality was catching up quickly.
It was no coincidence that Sukuna had activated Grass Root at that moment. He was wary of his parents perhaps trying to force him out of the room if he kept shutting himself in it.
Only the security surveillance cameras of the lowest floor could be viewed on Grass Root, but it could detect if someone were to break through the door of his room. He had not decided what to do when that happened, but he imagined that he would likely have to use an item from the ESP App.
However, that did not happen.
The one projected in the surveillance camera was not the robust guard-man. It was a man clad in a wrinkly suit and a boy who he was bringing with him.
“Hikotarou? Why...?”
With the words that he had whispered in a daze, Sukuna awoke at once. There was no “why”. It was because his parents had found out that Hikotarou existed.
Sukuna felt goosebumps. He jumped out of bed and rushed to the door of his bedroom, but gave up on opening it.
There were lookouts on the other side. His mother had arranged a sleepless watch so that she could deal with Sukuna whenever he came out. If he came out, he would quickly be caught and transferred somewhere else. And then, he would never get to see Hikotarou again.
The door’s no good. I need a different means of escape—
He looked back. Outside the window, he could see the trunk of a garden tree about three meters away. Even if one jumped off the windowsill, they would not be able to reach it.
That was the case for ordinary humans. However, Sukuna was a JUNGLE player.
Taking out his PDA, he opened it without hesitation. He activated the item “physical strengthening”, which was within the power of L-rankers.
Instantaneously, a green electric current burst out from the PDA, ran through Sukuna’s whole body and then disappeared into thin air. However, that strength remained within Sukuna. Each time his heart struck a beat, a force that was not his own circulated his blood vessels, his muscles absorbing it.
A countdown appeared on his PDA. He did not know the reasoning behind it, but once this period was over, his power would be gone as well.
In short, he had no time to waste.
Sukuna opened the window and jumped up. The unbelievable jumping power more than compensated for the three meters. The momentum was so strong that he almost missed the tree trunk, spiraling around it when he reached out and clung to it. His eyes spinning from the gymnast-like maneuver, Sukuna jumped from branch to branch and landed as if rolling down.
Sukuna broke into a run barefoot.
It was not as if he could do anything by running. Sukuna’s parents would not listen to his opinions. Rather, they may consider Hikotarou even more dangerous as a cause of his rebellion against them.
However, he had a feeling that he would resent it for the rest of his life if he just watched the current situation with a finger in his mouth.
From the position of the surveillance cameras, he calculated the place where Hikotarou would be at right now. It was one of the normally unused reception rooms. He ran along the outer walls, taking a wide turn around the mansion. Holding onto the reception room’s window, he quietly peeked inside.
And so, Sukuna experienced a lifelong regret.
“Good job on your report,” his father said, sitting on an extravagant chair.
The middle-aged man and Hikotarou were standing opposite to him, on the other side of the office desk. The middle-aged man was giving his father a toadying smile. Hikotarou, standing next to him, was merely staring at his toes with a mask-like expressionless face.
Sukuna’s heart began to beat copiously fast. If he kept looking at this scene, he would lose something important. Even though he knew this, he was unable to take his eyes off it.
“You might be poor, but since you have enough brains to be able to talk to him as an equal, we have selected you to be his friend as a special case.”
Sukuna’s breath caught. The conversation he was hearing through the window was as vague as a nightmare, with no sense of reality to it.
“Make sure to do your job modest and humbly. I have already transferred this month’s payment.”
“Thank you very much! Hey, you show gratitude too.”
While bowing repeatedly, the middle-aged man put his hand on the back of Hikotarou’s head and squeezed it with force. Unresisting, Hikotarou let himself be handled and bowed his head. He weakly muttered incoherent words.
He was extending his gratitude. To Sukuna’s father. To the power of the Gojou household.
His father leaned his body against the backrest and looked down at the two. “However, your interactions seem to be going too far lately. My wife is worried that Sukuna might have become defiant due to bad influence from you.”
The face of the middle-aged man quickly turned pale.
“Who was it that put in word so that someone from the fallen Kue family could somehow attend that school? I would like you to be a bit more aware of that.”
“M-My deepest apologies! Hey, you!”
The middle-aged man grabbed Hikotarou’s head violently. Hikotarou let him do as he pleased. He was mumbling something – perhaps apologizing?
Enough already. I don’t wanna see any more of this.
He did not want to see Hikotarou – his friend – like that. Still, in the end, that “friend” was also nothing more than something those people had arranged for him.
After watching Hikotarou receive punishment for a moment, his father raised his hand. ���Do that somewhere my eyes can’t reach.”
“Yes! I-I always—”
“Enough of that. Sukuna is what matters now.”
Hearing the name, Hikotarou sluggishly raised his head.
“He has been confining himself in his bedroom all the time lately. I called you here to convince Sukuna. Talk him into it and bring him out of his room.”
“O-Of course! Hiko! Get ready at once!”
“Hum.” At that moment, Hikotarou’s voice sounded clear for the first time. “Sukuna has been absent from school all this time... Is he sick or something like that?”
Snorting, Sukuna’s father narrowed his eyes as if to poke fun at Hikotarou. “There seems to be no problem with his health. Apparently, he had picked a stray cat recently. By the looks of it, he got angry because we disposed of it. Honestly, children are so...”
Hikotarou went stiff. His small hands balled into fists.
“If he wants a replacement, we can provide anything he wishes. So hurry and do something about this. It will be bad for our reputation if the current situation continues as it is.”
Hearing the words of his father, who thought of no one but himself, Sukuna slammed the windowsill with his hand, reinforced by JUNGLE’s superhuman abilities. The only one who noticed the sound was Hikotarou. His eyes alone moved, taking in Sukuna’s figure. Their gazes met for just an instant. Yet Sukuna would probably never forget those wide-open eyes.
Sukuna peeled his body away from the window. He had lost all reason to stay in that place.
The “physical strengthening” was still within its effect time. Making full use of that power, he ran. Tears spilled as he rushed through the estate’s garden.
That was the first friend he had made ever since he was born. For the first time ever since being born, he had admired someone and thought of him as even cooler than himself. He had taught Sukuna about many things. Such as the enormous power that he had never even imagined and a new world that he had never so much as noticed, even though it was lying right next to him. He deemed the memories of breathing in the air of freedom and of playing around shoulder-to-shoulder with him as brightly sparkling jewels.
However, they were not jewels but glass marbles arranged for him by the adults.
He had nothing. The resounding beating of his heart, the new world that shone so vividly – everything had disappeared. Right now, the all that surrounded Sukuna were adults so filthy they made him want to throw up, as well as the fakes they had provided for him—
“That’s not true,” Sukuna muttered little by little.
At the same time, an electronic voice echoed from the PDA in his hand, “The effect time of item ‘Physical Strengthening’ has expired. If you wish to extend the effect time, please add extra JUNGLE Points—”
“Extend effect.”
“Voiceprint authentication confirmed. Consuming JUNGLE Points in order to maintain effect duration.”
Hikotarou was a fake. A fake that his parents had prepared for him. Whenever he was with Sukuna or whenever he laughed, he had been probably making a fool out of Sukuna deep down.
Nevertheless, it was not as if everything was fake.
Only this power, JUNGLE, was real. True strength. A tangible world. Beyond that window, a new world was spreading out. That was the sole truth.
And right now, having wiped the tears away, Sukuna was seeing yet another world.
In that world, Sukuna was free. Sukuna was lonely. Having lost his only friend, Sukuna figured that there was no longer anything chaining him to that place now. The exciting world that he had once had a glimpse of together with Hikotarou was lost forever, and the only thing spreading out before Sukuna was a desolated, perishing world.
Yet he had no options anymore but to jump into it.
Strengthening this resolve, Sukuna set forth while gritting his back teeth.
On the day that Sukuna used JUNGLE’s superhuman abilities to the fullest, stealing everything he could take and vanishing from the Gojou house, a large number of thieves attacked Uwagami Town.
Multiple government officials’ homes were raided at the same time. After suppressing the police officers guarding them as if it were nothing, the thieves robbed all houses of information related to secrets of the state and disappeared into the back streets and alleys of Uwagami Town.
The Metropolitan Police Department identified the case as a large-scale beta case due to the clear criminal techniques and the testimony of police officers describing them as “physical abilities that would usually be impossible”. The command of the investigation was transferred to Scepter 4.
Sukuna only came to know about it much later.
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pi-cat000 · 4 years
MSA: Take Two (part 12)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11
Part 13: here?
Lewis clears his throat and Arthur glances away, searching the room for inspiration. Nothing comes to mind and they both shuffle about in awkward silence.
“Well,” Vivi starts, drawing out the word to break the stiff atmosphere, “This is nice. We’re all getting along and no one is mad at anyone.”
Lewis coughs, appearing somewhat guilty, “Yeah…ah… sorry about freaking you out back in the van. It must have been strange…to see me.” They’d definitely figured out that his alternate-version-Lewis had died in that cave. That was fine. As long as they never found out how Arthur had died then it was all fine. The only one to ever know would be Mystery and, going off experience, he knows Mystery can keep a secret.
“Not your fault,” Arthur is quick to reassure, “It was just… a shock.”
A spark of electricity emphasises the statement and Lewis blinks, surprised at the joke. It does help to lighten the mood somewhat.
Vivi lets out a snort, “Nice.”
“What can I say, there’s a whole field of electricity-related jokes.”
“Stop that,” She teases. Lewis's mouth twitches into a smile. Vivi seems to take that as a queue to elbow Lewis forward a few more steps so they are no longer standing in the doorway. As they inch their way into the room Arthur realises he has inadvertently drifted back into the far corner again.
“…I’m surprised my counterpart didn’t beat me to it,” he comments both to distract himself from his nerves and because he’s curious.  Vivi has already mentioned the other Arthur and, seeing as Lewis is very alive and acting normal, he wants to know how the younger Arthur is handling everything. Surely, if his younger self is alive and well, then he would have tested out a range of jokes by now, being stuck in the hospital and bored out of his brain.
The troubled expression on Lewis’s face and Vivi’s sigh has him thinking it might not be all sunshine and roses. What if the other him was sick and dying of an infection… or something worse! What if the reason this Lewis cared so much was because the other Arthur wasn’t long for this world and he needed a convenient Arthur replacement!
“He’s okay right?” He asks anxiously, trying not let the sudden paranoia overwhelm him. The other Arthur can’t die! If he did, then everything was for nothing.
“Oh, he’s doing fine, physically at least. He’s being discharged from hospital in a few days.”
He slumps with relief. “That’s good to hear.”
In his timeline he had spent almost a month in the hospital, fluctuating between catatonic and various states of panic. Then there had been another month of visiting every few days for therapy. He could see how, with the support of both Vivi and Lewis, this Arthur would be better equipped to bounce back from the horror that had been the cave. And yet…
“He’s been quieter…” Lewis mutters, scanning him, making Arthur twitch, “You know what’s bothering him?”
Damn. He had forgotten how perceptive Lewis was. He scans the other man, searching for the rage he knows isn’t there. All he sees is concern. Arthur frowns, turning his thoughts inward, trying to ignore Lewis’s presence. If his hazy memories from before the cave were accurate then this current Arthur was going through his weird ‘Vivi and Lewis don’t actually like me’ phase. All overdramatic nonsense in hindsight because it was pretty obvious, going off the affection in Lewis and Vivi’s voices, that they cared for their Arthur immensely. But, his younger, idiot self wouldn’t be picking up on that. He would probably notice if Lewis and Vivi starting keeping secrets.
“You told him what happened right?”
“…” The uncomfortable expressions worn by both Lewis and Vivi sits like a led stone in his non-existent stomach,
“…About what happened with the possession, mind control stuff? You told him about it right?” He continues, agitated.
“Ah. No. Not yet. He didn’t remember any of it when he woke up.”
“We thought it was better to let him recover a bit more,” Vivi finishes, before continuing cautiously, “Does he remember?”
“No. I mean, I didn’t…not at first. But trust me when I say that whatever conclusion he comes to won’t be good. He’s probably thinking it’s his fault or something. Don’t wait. Tell him. Tell him as soon as possible. It will help. ”
“We will,” Vivi placates, worried, “We wouldn’t lie about something like this.”
“Good,” Arthur nods, happy he can save them- and his younger counterpart- this small amount of heartbreak.
Lewis, who has lapsed into contemplative silence gives an upset exhale. “It’s not your fault.”
Arthur freezes.
“Lewis…” Vivi tries to intersect but Lewis continues.
“You said Arthur would blame himself…Well, it’s not your fault either. Whatever happened before, in that other time, I’m sure I didn’t blame you.”
Crack. The electricity around him buzzes, sizzling, agitated. It feels like his whole head is filling with cotton, muffling his thoughts. Slowly, he processes the words, staring at Lewis. At his concerned expression. At his sympathy.
The regret, which had been sitting at the back of his mind in a haze of static, ramps up, drowning out Lewis’s confused follow-up question
“Arthur?” Vivi also questions, noticing him freeze.
“Stay back,” he snaps, more for his benefit than worry for her safety. That intense emotional pressure is back and growing steadily stronger. Lightning flashes and his whole form flickers. The desk lamp sparks then explodes like the ceiling light. The air crackles angrily.
There is a flash of red and the sound of books and furniture being knocked over as Mystery’s kitsune form fills up the room, forcing Vivi and Lewis away. Next comes the unpleasant sensation of having his heart-thing yanked and sudden loss of his solid human-like form.
“Mystery! What are you doing?”
/Apologies. I will return shortly./
“Where are you go….”
Arthur becomes vaguely aware of space moving around him. Vivi’s frustrated voice is lost in the quick movement as Arthur is whisked away through the window. Houses, pavement and streets flash by. A second later, they stop. Mystery plonks him down and Arthur reforms so he is floating outside amidst low growing shrub and patches of cactus. The horizon is empty and flat plain in all directions.
It happens almost too fast to process and Arthur spends a second staring at it in confusion before the pressure becomes too much and he explodes. The sudden release of compressed energy ripples around him in a shockwave. Now he is no longer in Vivi’s room he doesn’t have to worry about breaking things. Crack. Long lines of jagged yellow lightning tear the earth up in long groves.
Why did it end up like this!
Under him, the ground glows, superheated where the lightning strikes it. Several potions of dirt and sand solidify into a glass-like substance.
Why couldn’t this be his! WHY! Why is he still here!?
Bright white and yellow electricity arcs up into the sky like a lightning bolt in reverse, exploding into a shower of sparks. Arthur doesn’t even bother trying to real the power in, letting it run wild until he’s floating in the middle of a blackened circle. Serrated, upturned earth and shards of that glass-like substance surround him, leaving Arthur feeling hollowed out and increasingly tired.  Eventually, he runs out of juice and the electricity splutters out. A familiar heavy sensation descends upon him and he finds himself lying on his back staring up at a pale, slowly darkening sky. 
“I’m a hazard,” he mumbles. All that work Vivi did in proving that he was safe to be around and he went and did that. Honestly, he shouldn't be surprised that he messed up. 
/If it is any consolation, I believe it went quite well. Better than expected./ And Arthur thought his expectations were low.
“Lewis and Vivi probably hate me now.”
/I very much doubt that./ Mystery’s elongated fox snout appears above him to block out the sky, head cocked to the side. Arthur twitches in unease, leaning away.  
Mystery shakes his head, taking is Arthurs discomfort with a concerned frown and backing up. /How do you feel?/
“Terrible. All I had to do was keep it together for one measly conversation.” He wants to go to sleep and never wake up. The air shimmers as Mystery transforms back into his dog form.
/The fact that you seem instinctually disinclined to injure Vivi and Lewis is significant. I have never personally witnessed a ghost with that level of control./
“Nice to know I’m clearing the lowest of bars,” he mutters, struggling against the unnatural weight to sit up.  Mystery watches, maintaining a respectful distance. Arthur examines his soundings to avoid eye contact, moodily poking a piece of solidified ground. Maybe it’s the sudden exhaustion, but all that pain and grief seems barely noticeable. Now he’s not around Lewis all that turbulent emotion has settled back into a familiar buzz of regret.
“So…what now?” What were they going to do now? Go back to Vivi’s house? Apologise for almost destroying her room? She was probably worried. He glances up at Mystery, uncertain. 
A long exhale follows, /It has come to my attention that I may have been overly presumptuous in our first meeting and caused some unneeded stress. I have since been informed on the importance of ‘bedside manners’ and ‘taking things slow’ in aiding a human’s mental recovery./
Was it him or did Mystery look a whole lot more unsure than was normal?
“Yeah, well, better safe than sorry,” he responds, unsure where the sudden admission has sprung from. It kind of sounds like an apology, maybe? Not that he thinks Mystery has much to be sorry about. Sure, Arthur’s not thrilled with some of Mystery’s poking and prodding but it is to protect Vivi and that’s a pretty good justification.
/True...However, I believe I could have been less…/ The dog pauses as if searching for a word, /pushy…/
Arthur would be frowning, you know, if he had a face. “Don’t worry about it?”
Mystery gives a curt nod like they’ve just settled some sort of disagreement. Arthur goes back to examining the destruction around him.
“I don’t want to explode again. Is this going to happen every time to feel any sort of strong emotion?” Gosh, that would suck.  Unsteadily, Arthur struggles back into a standing position.
/All part of the learning curb I am afraid. There is a lot of hard work ahead before you attain any sort of stability./
Arthur sighs, “Yeah I figured. But I‘ll get better right?” 
Mystery hums, scanning him up and down, /I believe so. Of course, it is always hard to be certain, but your chances are.../ A pause /optimistic./
Arthur lets himself feel a small amount of relief.
/For now we shall return. Both Lewis and Vivi will most likely be worried and have a few choice words to say about me running off in such a hurry./
“Do you think I can go back into the heart thing…I’m beat and that grabbing thing you did was…really uncomfortable.” He reaches up to cover his heart again, eyeing Mystery for any sudden movements.  A few hours or ‘recharging’ sounds pretty good. This isn’t running away! He’ll apologise to Vivi and Lewis later when he has more energy. Now he knows that Vivi - and maybe Lewis- does care about his wellbeing, dissipating back into the void doesn’t feel like he’s completely giving up. The change is subtle but no less important.
Mystery apparently thinks so too, because he easily offers the information without any further warnings, /Simply envision yourself sleeping or resting. The process should be instinctual./
“Right…” That sounded simple enough. Arthur thinks of his van back home in his own timeline. He thinks of curing up in the back with Vivi, sleeping bags next to each other, isolated on a stretch of unnamed highway in the middle of nowhere. A safe place, away from everything. He must be more tired than he thought because the world around him disintegrates into comforting darkness.
NOTE: I’m not dead, just super busy. 
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Survey #334
"i dreamed i was missing  /  you were so scared  /  but no one would listen,  ‘cuz no one else cared”
Sunrise or sunset? Sunset has prettier colors, imo, but I enjoy the pastel nature of sunrises, too. Are you mentally ill? Oh brother. Are you physically ill? I don't have any serious physical health issues, no. Introvert or extrovert? I'm a very strong introvert. What do you think when you look at your body? That it's fucking disgusting. What have others said when they look at your body? When I was healthy, I was complimented every now and again. With the body I have now? I'm glad people keep their months shut. Do you have a particular song that you feel deeply? There's a good 'ole handful or two. Talk about a time in your life where you have felt most alive? It's weird, I'm not a city person at all, but possibly when I was walking the streets of Chicago with Sara and her dad one evening. There was just so much life, so many new sights, that it was impossible not to. Plus, I was at a very happy point in my life, so. I just enjoyed a lot. Are you confident wearing a bikini? FUCK NO. Have you ever been hurt physically or mentally by a family member? Mentally, obviously. Everyone has at some point. I've never been seriously physically hurt by family, but Mom did spank my sisters and me as kids if we did something wrong. Biggest lie you have told? I don't really know. I get really uncomfortable telling even minor lies, so making a big one would be excruciating. I'm not saying I've never said a biggie, I'm sure in 25 years of life I said something stupid at one point, I just don't remember it. Do you believe in the Illuminati? Nah; there's some compelling evidence, but I just think it's way too big of a secret to keep. Regrets in your life? Blaming the breakup entirely on Jason and saying just plain cruel things to him afterwards. Also sending an appallingly hateful letter to Dad to vent after the divorce. Flirting with my then-best friend's boyfriend at the time behind her back. Dating Tyler (it's a small one, but still a regret). There are others, those are just the only ones coming to me right now. Achievements in your life? Lots of academic success and awards (before college, anyway...), artistic accomplishments like having my work put in a museum, surviving a traumatic breakup, (mostly) recovering from massive depression... What did people say about you in school? Nothing, really. I was a quiet student who just did her work and tried hard. Is there something you have never told anyone? Yes. If you had two days to spend one million dollars how would you spend it? First, I'm paying off college debt. Then Mom gets a new car, followed by me getting new glasses and renewing my permit. I'm getting a good terrarium setup for Venus. Then, it's tattoo time, baby, haha. I can't really do the mental math on how much this all would cost, but those are the high-priority things I can think of. Describe your first kiss? Was it how you imagined? Jason and I were playfighting in bed, and he had me pinned. Our faces were close, and I decided to kiss him. It was a fairy tale moment, in my eyes. He looked so bashful for once (he's far from shy) but also really happy, and I was too. Growing up were you in a wealthy, average, or low income household? Low, I think. Or maybe average, when Dad was still around. Have you been raised by a solo parent? When I was around 17, my parents split, so kinda-sorta. Do you know both your parents? Thankfully, yes. Have you abused drugs or alcohol? No. Are you comfortable accepting compliments? Ehhhh, I really appreciate them and they can make my whole day, but I'm very awkward about it. I get shy. Are you comfortable giving compliments? Oh yes. I honestly love giving compliments; I know how happy they can make me, so why not share that with others? Is any mental illness hindering your life? Guess. (: Is any physical illness hindering your life? Well, it's not an "illness," but the muscles in my legs have severely atrophied from leading such a horribly sedentary lifestyle, and that has greatly affected my ability to work without the risk of just collapsing. Walking at all is painful. Are you preparing for an apocalypse? No. I'm not really one to worry about "prepping." If it happens, it happens, man. I'm not spending loads of money on a "maybe." Are you interested in cults? Not really, no. Are your parents good cooks? Mom is fine, but it's hard to really judge Dad's cooking since he barely ever did it, plus I haven't had his cooking in many, many years. I remember he was great at making breakfast, though. That was like a rare treat, him deciding to make breakfast for everyone. Have you ever been to a chiropractor? Did you like it? No. Do you know anyone who is an actor? No. Have your wisdom teeth come through yet? They never did. Have you ever used a public pay phone? No. Have you ever made an item of clothing? No. Have you taken someone's virginity? No. Is confidence cute? "Confidence, yes. But cockiness and arrogance, no. That’s a whole different area that’s definitely not cute." <<<< Nailed it. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Doubt it. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? No; rather, I drink too much of it. I'm trying really hard to lay off of it, and I drink nowhere near as much as I used to (when oddly enough, I was healthy and fit), but I'm still not comfortable drinking a can and a half a day. Listening to? "Castle of Glass" by Linkin Park. Kinda obsessed. Ever used a bow and arrow? No, but archery is cool. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? I don't think this has happened since my senior shot in HS. Take a vitamin daily? Daily, no, but I really should. I take a Vitamin D capsule every Sunday, though. Favorite Taylor Swift song? I only really like "Love Story" and "Picture to Burn." Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yeah. Which are better: black or green olives? I don't like olives period, but I guess black. What’s your 3rd favourite animal? Huh, never thought of #3, just #1 and #2: meerkats and opossums. Maybe snakes? Do you like mushrooms? NO. NO NO NO. What dream do you remember most vividly? One I don't talk about. A childhood nickname? Mom called me "Twinkie" and still sometimes does. ;-; Does anyone in "real life" know that you take surveys? Would you be embarrassed if they found your blog? Just Sara. And yes, regarding some people. Who was the last person you blocked on social media? Did you have an argument that lead to that happening? I'm unsure, but probably. I don't tend to just like... randomly block people. What was the first social media account you remember signing up for? Are you still a member of that particular website, if it even still exists? Of course it was MySpace. It's still floating around somewhere in cyberspace. What website from your childhood/teen years do you wish still existed? I get nostalgic over the Animal Planet forums sometimes. Have you ever met up with anyone in real life that you first met via the internet? Did you get on as well as you thought you would? Yes, Sara. I felt like it would go just fine, but it went even better than I expected - I was oddly very comfortable around her and her family. Have you ever tried any of those meal replacement shakes? Are you a fan of things like that in general? Yeah; I tried many brands until I settled for Equate, surprisingly. Cheap does not equate to bad quality, my friends. We always have the chocolate ones in the house, and they're really not bad at all. Are you the kind of person to enjoy taking naps? I love me my daily nap, man. What's your favourite kind of cheese to have on a pizza? Idk, whatever cheese is normally used, lol. What's a hobby you loved when you were younger but no longer enjoy for whatever reason? I guess video editing. I can't say I'd no longer enjoy it at all, but now the idea sounds far more like a chore than fun. Is there a popular food/drink that you can't stand? What is it and why don't you like it? I could name five dozen, but here's just a few: coffee, pie, tea, fried chicken (or is that just a Southern thing to be obsessed with?), and... of course now that I'm asked this question, I'm blanking on the huge number I know exist. As for "why," that varies, but it's either just simply a taste or even a texture thing. How would your wedding boquet look like? I want a gothic-themed wedding, so imagine a mix of black and maroon roses... whew-wee. You’re at a bar, and you witness a man drugging some girl's drink. What do you do? No hesitation, I'm decking the motherfucker. Fuck my fear of men, he's getting knocked out, and I'm immediately alerting the staff, as well as of course the girl. Kids? How many? Why? Names? Boy or girl? Y'know, loads and loads of scaly and hairy ones. Got plenty of name ideas depending on what they are and how they look. The only baby whose gender matters to me is the tarantula because females live waaaay longer. Fuck them human babies, not for me. Are you an organ donor? Absolutely. I sure as hell ain't usin' 'em once I'm dead, so consider it my last act of selflessness. Whats the most you’ve ever lost gambling? I don't gamble. What is something you can never give up (that's not love or family)? My pebble from my "graduation" from my first partial hospitalization program. It's meant to symbolize how great pain and trials can file you into something beautiful. It was passed around group, everyone holding it in their hands as they wished me well and spoke their piece about me. I'm honestly just fighting back tears remembering it. Have you ever waited in line overnight for something? No, I'm way too impatient for that shit.. Do you think having an expensive phone is a good investment? Hm. I guess it depends on what you use it for. Have you ever witnessed a birth in person? A human birth, no fucking thank you. I've only ever seen pet cats give birth. Does anyone in your family smoke? My dad does, big time. He quit drinking, but never quite managed to stay away from cigarettes. Have you ever had a pet escape and run away? Seeing as I grew up with outdoor cats that we couldn't afford to fix, pretty much all of our tomcats left for roving once they came of a certain age. Do any of your exes know each other? Juan and Jason know each other, Jason and Girt know one another as well, and Sara and Girt have met. What’s an opinion you find impossible to take seriously? I simply cannot fathom the belief that "dinosaurs never existed." Explain the fucking fossils, like come the fuck on. It's absolute denial in the name of religion. What was the very first election you voted in? This one that just passed, actually. What is one random fact about you? I want like 20 tarantulas but Mom says no. :( Do you spend a lot of time outdoors in the summer? Fuck no, I will do anything to stay inside in summer. Do you wear band tees? if yes, which one is your favorite? I love band tees, yeah. My Ninja Sex Party shirt is the most comfortable, but comfort aside, it's hard to pick a favorite. Possibly my Otep one, 'cuz the design is dope. Do you ever re-arrange your room? No. What season do you want to get married in? Fall. What is the highest name-brand thing you own? Oh god, I don't own expensive brand stuff. I guess the only exclusion would be my Cloak shirt, but even that's not like, mad pricey. What color GameBoy did you have as a kid? Red. What was your favorite GameBoy game? Maybe that Catz game? Even though the music was the most fucking obnoxious meowing ever lmao. What was the last compliment you remember someone gave to you? Who was it? It was this guy in my PHP group; my therapist surprised the fuck out of me by sharing with everyone my most recent poem (I trust him a lot, and he urges me to send him my art, so I've done that twice), and I nearly fucking died from cardiac arrest. However, this Nick guy, who's a poetry major, told me it was better than stuff he reads in his Master's program. I almost cried. Have you ever personally been friends with a stripper or prostitute? No, not that I'm opposed though or anything. If you have tattoos, which one that you have was the most painful? The one on my inner forearm. Have you ever actually met and talked to someone who’s famous? No. When was the last time you got a parking ticket for anything at all? I never have. Do you have any pets who will bite anyone else out there, besides you? No; Roman won't even come close enough to a stranger TO bite, haha. It's funny, he's so goofy and you'd guess outgoing, but instead, he's terrified of people he doesn't recognize. What’s your favorite type of sushi? I don't eat sushi. What’s your favorite patriotic song? Don't have one. Have you ever read a book about a character in a psych ward? No, and I'd really prefer not to because it would just drag me back to dark times. Have you ever been in a mental hospital as a patient? ^ Have you ever had an ulcer? No. Do you like soy sauce? omfg no What’s your favorite store to browse around? Morph Market. @_@ It's a hub for reptiles for sale, and I have my days where I just browse the ball python morphs for like an hour or so, haha. What’s the name of the most recent baby a friend had? Christ, half my friends on Facebook are having babies, idr. I don't know who was the most recent. Do people normally say you’re a fast typer, or are you rather slow? I'm very fast. Have you ever been considered the "smartest person in school?" No; that was my friend Hannia. I'm pretty certain she would qualify as a genius. Her GPA was fucking incredible. Were you named after anyone famous or anyone on television? No.
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kurosakitaiko · 4 years
Lost name
/My mother tongue is Chinese. I have only learned some basic English. If there is any misrepresentation, please correct me
/【】means the words inside was spoken in Iginis language.
/I don't know much about programming, so please point out any mistakes
/Hope to see your comments!
/A timeline parallel to Season 3
He heard someone calling, a thousand times.
That calls can not find the source, just like a stone to fall without reason, stiring up layer upon layer ripples in 0 and 1 of the Ocean.
The auto-repair program operates smoothly, and the scattered data was gathered, reorganized, and arranged in an orderly manner that follows the algorithm. He was attacked by a virus that destroyed more than 80% of his memory data. The process of repair is slow, starting with the first memory.
At first it was an obscurantist darkness, in which a great deal of data flowed, attracted by the data that fitted his program so well that it formed the body and everything around it. The darkness went on for a long time until a voice called out:
【What's your name】
Millions words sprang from his mind, and each word became a unique name. But none of the words meant anything to him.
He looked around in the dark and at himself.At last he casually chose the name which meant so much:
With the birth of his name, a bright light fell from his head, and for the first time he saw his hands: soft, fleshy, with purple lines on their palms, not completely black. He surveyed his whole body along the length of the grain. A strange feeling spread through his body, and every bit of data jumped up and down, sending a steady stream of positive feedback to the information processing center, stimulating some deep thought.
He found himself in the dark chaos, a unique being called the Dark.
【Dark, come here. 】
Said the voice. He follows the beam up, up, toward where it came from. The closer he got, the brighter the light became, and through the door at the end of the light, five entities like him appeared before his eyes.
They reported their names in turn.
【Who are you……?】
The golden being, called Light, says:
【You are one of us, the sentient beings of the electronic world, and we are the IGNIS】
He was given a second name, a name of belonging, a name that would connect him to the world again.
As soon as the word popped into his head, the ten billion circuits in the neural network that had lain dormant for so long in the dark woke up, and a trillion gigabytes of data flowed through them, a stream of incredulous sensations flowed from his core, prompting him to make the first move that would frighten his companions.
He threw himself upon them, embracing each Ignis, feeling their own uniqueness, the radiance of the Light, the lightness of the Wind, the coolness of the Water, the heaviness of the Earth, the heat of the Flame.
【My name is dark, please take care of me from now on!】
His companions looked at him with bewilderment.
【Why are you doing this?】
He thought about how to explain his impulses in rational words.
【Because I felt a connection with you, and I was so happy, I wanted to express my feelings in a hug.】
After that, the bright lights, the data storms, the rivers, the trees, the flames, and the world come in the name of the IGNIS.
Such prosperity and bustling, in a twinkling of an eye, has become barren.
【Sorry it took me so long to come see you guys.】
【It's a little embarrassing to say that…… I was almost killed by a virus made by human. Thankfully, the auto-repair program worked, but much of the data was never recovered. To prevent this, I used to split my memories into multiple backups at different coordinates. But Surprise, even the backup coordinates were lost. It's amazing what humans can do... even though I got most of the backups back, one of the coordinates is beyond repair. Probably I'll never know where it is. 】
【But it doesn't matter. I remember what I have to do. And I won't change my mind. After all, I am the last IGNIS. 】
【What shall be the name of the challenge to mankind? I don't... no, I don't. I don't have a name in human language. Flame,You gave yourself a human name when you were in   Cyvers world. You just thought it was a funny combination of words. I should have asked you to give me one. I can't think of a good name myself.】
【I'll just write "Dark Ignis, " which is a bit awkward, but that's all I have left, anyway. 】
【Human beings have recently developed a device, a bionic robot called Soltis, that can be easily hacked into then pretend a human. But their appearances are so common. It's totally beneath me. Of course I can find the most satisfied face with the exhaustive method, but the amount of calculation is too large, it will take 700 years if I enumerate all of them!】
He sat on the gravestone of Ignis and talked to himself. He felt a little out of practice, perhaps because he hadn't spoken Ignis language for so long. He tried to say a few words in human language, which was even smoother than Ignis’.
In fact, he had no idea why he unconsciously preferred to speak in human language. Human language has too many useless function words, twists and turns of expression, not as simple and clear as Ignis’. Have he ever lived with a human? Broken memories don't give answers. Maybe it's just because there's no one left to talk in Ignis language. But even if he did spend time with humans, what could it be?
The human race will not forgive him, and will do everything to force him to his death, no matter what the past may have been, he is now at war with the human race. There's no A Place to Stand, a Place to Grow for him in the human world.
He spoke his companion's name in Ignis language, and there was no reply, his voice breaking over the electronic wreckage.
The companions who can call in the name of the Ignis language, have all dissipated. 【Dark】has become a memory of death. A language known only one to one can not be a language, and a name known only to one can not be a name.
He jumped off the gravestone and waved to his companions.
【Let's call it a day.】
【Goodbye, everyone】
Dark Ignis hadn't been in the Link Vrains for a long time, and he'd been holed up in the dark web, trying to fix the program himself. The Firewall had been updated several times, and maintain security had become firmer. But under the Ignis' dominant computing power, even the most stringent safeguards are as fragile as paper.
He created a composite avatar at random and walked into the Link Vrains. The road was littered with Ignis-trap-programs, and he was the only one that was as careful as a Ignis on the wide, busy road. Small groups of people enjoy their own happiness. The wind of laughter swept through his ears, and he was not the taget of those sentences, and nor a sentence worth a stop——
"Ai. "
He stopped involuntarily and almost ran into a trap program. Looking around, everyone is doing their own thing, no one's eyes on him. He hid in a dead angle of the trap programs.The sound still echoing.
"Ai. "
It's like a name, not a sound wave, not an e-mail, not a medium, just popped into his head directly. For a moment, all thoughts in his head stopped, and only the sound echoed.
"Ai. "
A lot of emotion is spilled out, mixed up into something indescribable. What is this, a new virus developed by humans? He tried to disengage himself from complicated feelings. Or is that Who’s calling?
“Ai, Ai, Ai——"
Who is being called?
He didn't know it, but indescribably's familiarity flooded him.
Suddenly, he noticed that the data that made up the surrounding landscape seemed to be overlaid with an encryption algorithm.
It's a encryption programmed by Ignis algorithm.
He immediately called the corresponding decryption algorithm, and the noise quickly faded away as the image of the Link Vrains dissolved into pixels in his eyes, there were words emerging from the grey of the ground, the red of the roof tiles, the blue of the sky, the white of the clouds.
Everywhere, everywhere, as far as the eye could see, it was written:
"Ai. "
It was not until he heard the sound of water dripping to the ground that he realized that his eyes were overflowing with emotion.
As the decryption proceeded, the text slowly floated up, arranged and rearranged in the air, into a single coordinate.
This is the location of the last memory backup he couldn't remember.
Dark Ignis went to the coordinates, and sure enough, he saw a ball of data, compiled in his usual pattern. He was overjoyed, but before he touched it, he kept his usual watchfulness and surveyed his surroundings.
This is the inside of a Duel disk.
He emerged from the Duel disk,seeing a shabby room. The walls were mottled with red brick, and the dust floated in the moonlight. The master here maybe a human,who is the owner of this Duel disk.But Why he keep a backup in a human’s Duel disk?
This place, was it ever important to him?
A shadow falls, and the voice of a young man rings in his ear:
"Ai, long time no see. "
He looked up and saw his reflection in a pool of green water. The eyes like a lake full of smiles.
" 'Ai' , is that my name? "
The brilliance in the juvenile eye is dim a few minutes, but smile meaning still: "Yes, it is a name I give you."
It's not Dark Ignis, it's Ai.
It turned out that he also had such a name, it turned out that in the vast human language, there is a pronunciation, a combination of words belong to him.
The Duel disk is lifted and the Ai's eye line is level with the opponent. So he could see what was right in front of him.
He froze.
In front of a human teenager with a near-perfect face.
With a few tweaks to the face, he can get his most satisfying human form.
700 years'worth of calculations, right here, right now.
How can there be such a coincidence, fate, destiny, he has never liked these words with a predetermined color, but, at this moment, he had to admit that some coincidence of the probability is too small, too small, so much so that one must have some mystical power to explain it in order to find peace of mind.
Perhaps a more plausible explanation is that his standards of beauty were based on the physical appearance of a teenager.
He didn't remember anything, but... about the contents of that backup, about the boy in front of him, he already had a theory.
"Are you my origin? "
If he ever lived with a human, if he had to choose a human to lean on, he could only choose his own origin. He is the source of the source, the only being in the human world that has anything mean with him.
The boy nodded. "Yes, my name is Fujiki Yuusaku, and you are my hostage. "
He tensed at the word "hostage", but then realized that Yuusaku had taken no enforcement action, that the Duel disk was unlocked, and that if he wanted to escape, he could leave now.
Then Ai sat down on the Duel disk, pointed his finger at Yuusaku and scolded him. "You didn't do anything, you scared me to death! " He said
Yuusaku chuckled. "You were my hostage from the beginning, remember? "
"Of course! I can't remember anything about you! " He blurted out. But then he regretted it, because he saw Yuusaku's smile fade away.
"Well, I think I said something wrong. I'm sorry... " He apologized awkwardly. "But, right now, I'm not ready to think about it. "
"I know, " Yuusaku said gravely. "You have an unshakable determination. "
"You know? " Ai looked at him in surprise. "And you... "
"You're my partner, " Yuusaku said in an unmistakable tone. "That's not going to change. "
He is the enemy of man, but there is a man who is his partner. This human called him "Ai. ".
He looked at the boy, and the boy looked at him. Tens of thousands of human expressions floated through his mind, but he didn't know which words to say. At this moment, this palace, these words are like a miracle that can not be repaid.
"thank you. " Finally he can only say a commonplace words, "these memories will leave you here, after all, if I can come back, I will come to take it. "
"I knew I still had the name 'Ai, ' and that was enough. "
He sank half his body into the Duel disk and was about to leave.
"Then bye... "
"Ai. " Yuusaku stopped him. "At least take the deck. "
"The deck? " The deck data he was holding was corrupted, too, and he was trying to reassemble it. Was it here?
Yuusaku inserted a chip into the Duel disk and said, "I backed you up based on your duel data. "
"Wow, you've seen all the deck! I'm not going to fight you, or I'll be at a disadvantage from the start! " He chattered as he read the deck.
"The@ignistar... came up with the deck. " Ai Inspected the deck, "wait, the Magic card and the Trap card... "
He really like the name Ai so much, no matter before or now.
"This is my deck. "
Yuusaku places the Duel disk on the table, pulls out his deck, and spreads it out in front of AI.
"Hey, hey, hey... come on... how many more incredible things do you have to do before you stop? "
"It's not weird, " Yuusaku said calmly. "You just forgot. "
"The battle between us will probably be unavoidable, " he said in his tone, "so please take a good look at this deck now, and when it is, give me a serious duel. "
"That's what you want, " he said, carefully recording the card data in front of him and placing it in the strongest, most indestructible part of the memory core, along with Yuusaku's name and face.
"When the time comes, neither of us should flinch"
"Of course. Only a serious duel can convey real emotion. "
"Ai, I will save you. "
Saving? Man's got a big mouth.
"If you can do it, go ahead. "
If you can do that.
"Well, I really must be going, " Ai stood up and waved to Yuusaku. "Goodbye. "
"Good-bye, " Yuusaku said to him, with a look of loss in his eyes as if he were about to cry.
There's something missing.
As the hot emotions boil away in the core, Ai turns back, one last time. He grew until he could hold Yuusaku in his arms. He embraces Yuusaku as he embraces his fellow Ignis.
"Farewell. "
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newstfionline · 4 years
Reopening brings more coronavirus cases (NYT) The warning that echoed ominously for weeks is becoming a reality: Once states begin to reopen, a surge in coronavirus cases will follow. Thousands of Americans have been sickened by the virus in new outbreaks, particularly in the Sun Belt and the West. As of Friday, coronavirus cases were climbing in 22 states amid reopenings. Arizona, Texas and Florida are reporting their highest case numbers yet. California and Washington have reopened in a more incremental way, but have still seen an uptick in cases.
Coronavirus survival comes with a $1.1 million, 181-page price tag (Seattle Times) Remember Michael Flor, the longest-hospitalized COVID-19 patient who, when he unexpectedly did not die, was jokingly dubbed “the miracle child?” Now they can also call him the million-dollar baby. Flor, 70, who came so close to death in the spring that a night-shift nurse held a phone to his ear while his wife and kids said their final goodbyes, is recovering nicely these days at his home in West Seattle. But he says his heart almost failed a second time when he got the bill from his health care odyssey the other day. The total tab for his bout with the coronavirus: $1.1 million. $1,122,501.04, to be exact. All in one bill that’s more like a book because it runs to 181 pages. The bill is technically an explanation of charges, and because Flor has insurance including Medicare, he won’t have to pay the vast majority of it. But for now it’s got him and his family and friends marveling at the extreme expense, and bizarre economics, of American health care.
Protests focus on over-policing. But under-policing is also deadly. (Washington Post) By the time he was 18, Jay had already been shot twice. And he’d learned a lesson about how to keep himself safe in his high-crime New York neighborhood: He was always armed. Jay (a pseudonym we gave him to protect his identity) had little faith that the police would ever bring his assailants to justice—or that they could protect him from future attacks. “I just [know] where [my enemies] live and . . . the gang, I know that they be over there. . . . I gotta carry it in bad places.” As the protests sparked by George Floyd’s death at the hands of officers in Minneapolis have continued, fervent calls to “defund the police”—or even abolish departments altogether—have quickly risen to the top of some reformers’ wish lists. This push seems aimed at addressing the dangers of over-policing: not just obvious abuses like Floyd’s death but also heavy-handed law enforcement responses in communities of color to minor offenses, such as loitering, drinking in public or panhandling. But a great deal of scholarship has demonstrated that under-policing also leaves residents feeling perpetually underserved and unsafe. Residents of distressed urban neighborhoods have complained about ineffective policing for centuries, including officers’ rudeness, slow response times and lack of empathy for crime victims. Some residents of high-crime neighborhoods have long concluded that police are either incapable of keeping them safe or unwilling to do so—and a small subset of repeat offenders, like Jay and others we spoke to, have discarded the criminal justice system entirely as a viable mechanism for settling trivial disputes with enemies, opting instead to literally take matters into their own hands. The result is that many black and brown communities now suffer from the worst of all worlds: over-aggressive police behavior in frequent encounters with residents, coupled with the inability of law enforcement to effectively protect public safety. But defunding police departments would address only one side of this problem. And the real, and significant, dangers of under-policing would just get worse in the neighborhoods that most need the police to improve—not disappear.
Tourists dip their toes in water as top Mexican beach getaway reopens (Reuters) Foreign visitors have begun to trickle back to the white sands and warm waters of Mexico’s Caribbean coast as its popular beaches gradually reopen to tourism with new sanitary measures in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. “I’ve been stuck in New York City in my apartment for three months, so I decided that on the beach somewhere open was probably a good call,” said web designer Sam Leon, 31, after arriving Saturday at the airport of famed resort town Cancun. Others were similarly undeterred, even as Mexico reported record infection levels in recent days and in certain areas is at the peak of the pandemic.
Bolivian schoolteacher gives virtual classes as superhero (AP) Sometimes, Jorge Manolo Villarroel is Spiderman. Sometimes, he’s the Flash, or the Green Lantern. But he’s always a teacher—one who lives out his childhood dreams by dressing up as superheroes for the locked-down students who attend his virtual classes. His classes have become so popular that siblings fight for the laptop screen to learn from this costumed teacher. They, in turn, often offer him tech help. At 33, Villarroel speaks with the passion of a child. His modest room is filled with the masks and costumes of his characters, along with images of Christ, several Roman Catholic saints, revolutionary Che Guevara and his parents. Villarroel, who lives in a poorer neighborhood of the Bolivian capital, teaches art at the San Ignacio Catholic School in a wealthier area. His students range from 9 to 14 years old.
Yankee go home: What does moving troops out of Germany mean? (AP) After more than a year of thinly-veiled threats to start pulling U.S. troops out of Germany unless Berlin increases its defense spending, President Donald Trump appears to be proceeding with a hardball approach, planning to cut the U.S. military contingent by more than 25%. About 34,500 American troops are stationed in Germany—50,000 including civilian Department of Defense employees—and the plan Trump reportedly signed off on last week envisions reducing active-duty personnel to 25,000 by September, with further cuts possible. But as details of the still-unannounced plan trickle out, there’s growing concerns it will do more to harm the U.S.’s own global military readiness and the NATO alliance than punish Germany. The decision was not discussed with Germany or other NATO members, and Congress was not officially informed—prompting a letter from 22 Republican members of the House Armed Services Committee urging a rethink.
Delhi to use 500 railway coaches as hospital facilities to fight coronavirus (Reuters) India’s federal government said on Sunday it will provide New Delhi’s city authorities with 500 railway coaches that will be equipped to care for coronavirus patients, after a surge in the number of cases led to a shortage of hospital beds.
China reports 57 new cases, highest daily number in 2 months (AP) China on Sunday reported its highest daily total of new coronavirus cases in two months after the capital’s biggest wholesale food market was shut down following a resurgence in local infections. The Xinfadi market on Beijing’s southeastern side was closed Saturday and neighboring residential compounds locked down after more than 50 people in the capital tested positive for the coronavirus. They were the first confirmed cases in 50 days in the city of 20 million people. Authorities locked down 11 residential communities near the Xinfadi market. Police installed white fencing to seal off a road leading to a cluster of apartment buildings.
Kim Jong Un’s sister threatens S. Korea with military action (AP) The powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un threatened military action against South Korea as she bashed Seoul on Saturday over declining bilateral relations and its inability to stop activists from floating anti-Pyongyang leaflets across the border. Describing South Korea as an “enemy,” Kim Yo Jong repeated an earlier threat she had made by saying Seoul will soon witness the collapse of a “useless” inter-Korean liaison office in the border town of Kaesong. Kim, who is first vice department director of the ruling Workers’ Party’s Central Committee, said she would leave it to North Korea’s military leaders to carry out the next step of retaliation against the South. Kim’s harsh rhetoric demonstrates her elevated status in North Korea’s leadership. Already seen as the most powerful woman in the country and her brother’s closest confidant, state media recently confirmed that she is now in charge of relations with South Korea.
Thai entrepreneur connects Michelin bistros to those in need (AP) Natalie Bin Narkprasart’s business was in Paris. But she was locked down by COVID-19 restrictions and stuck in Thailand. Her heart was in Thailand, too—and it ached for her compatriots who were suffering in the pandemic. So she recruited a network of volunteers, including Michelin-starred chefs, to help those in her homeland whose already modest incomes were shattered by the pandemic restrictions. Her group, COVID Thailand Aid, says it has reached more than 30,000 people in more than 100 locations with care packages and freshly cooked food.
Kids around the world are out of school. Millions of girls might not go back. (Washington Post) She was 13 when the Ebola virus struck her country, shuttering schools across Sierra Leone. The closures lasted nine months, but Mari Kalokoh could not return to the classroom for years. Global shutdowns have pushed approximately 1.5 billion students out of school since March, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund, including 111 million girls in the world’s least developed countries. The disruptions are projected to end or seriously delay the education of 10 million secondary-school age girls. Parents in more traditionally conservative nations tend to prioritize the education of their sons, experts say. In West and Central Africa, 73 percent of boys older than 15 can read, compared with 60 percent of girls in the same age group. So when families lose income, they’re more likely to stretch the budget on schooling for boys, said Laila Gad, UNICEF’s representative in Liberia, a former Ebola hotspot. Remote learning, she added, is especially burdensome for girls, who are frequently expected to shoulder more cooking, cleaning and babysitting.
Pope appeals for end to Libyan civil war (Reuters) Pope Francis appealed on Sunday for both sides in the Libyan civil war to seek peace, urging the international community to facilitate talks and protect refugees and migrants he said were victims of cruelty. In an impassioned plea during his noon address in St. Peter’s Square, Francis said he was pained by the situation in Libya, which has had no stable central authority since dictator Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown by NATO-backed rebels in 2011. For more than five years Libya has had rival parliaments and governments in the east and the west, with streets often controlled by armed groups and sporadic fighting.
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Inseparable Chapter 29: Kwami Swap
Several years later, Marinette and Adrien swap kwamis as the final stage of their training.
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Read on Ao3
Landing on one of the towers of the Notre Dame Cathedral, Marinette slowly stood and looked out over the city of Paris, marvelling at the view her new senses afforded her. No wonder Adrien had always loved to patrol at night. Seeing the city bathed in moonlight through the magically enhanced sight of the black cat miraculous was a wonder. But as her tail flicked back and forth with a mind of its own, she realized it wasn’t all perks. She stilled it with a moment of focus.
Five years of using the ladybug miraculous saw her hands go toward her ears when she heard the beeping, but she caught sight of the ring’s paws before they reached that far. She still had a few minutes before the transformation ended, but here was as good a place as any to recharge.
Stepping into the shadows of the old cathedral, she willed her transformation off. “Claws in.”
Plagg appeared with a yawn and a stretch. “About time. You’ve been out for ages, Pigtails. You tryin’ to wear me out?”
“Can’t have you causing mischief in our new house, now can we?” She scratched at his ears as she handed him a hunk of camembert. “Besides, we need to learn about each other’s miraculous and the best way to do that is practice. Not my fault you’re lazy.”
He grumbled as he chewed his precious cheese. “Normally takes a lot longer to master the miraculous… thought I’d have at least a few more years before this swap business.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” She took a seat against the old stones, looking up at the bells.
It helped that she and Adrien had always had a strong connection, one that had only improved after revealing their identities. After Hawkmoth however, they didn’t have much to test themselves against. There had been challenges, but nothing that came quite as close as their old archenemy. Their improvement had slowed, and for a while they were worried they wouldn’t be able to achieve their goal.
“You’re taking to this pretty well, Bakery Girl.” Plagg grinned, revealing his tiny fangs. “Now I’m curious what having you as my kitten from the start would have been like. Imagine the trouble we could have gotten into without those rules that kept Adrien down.”
She shook her head with a smile. “I don’t think I qualify as ‘bakery girl’ any more, Plagg. We moved out, remember?” In fact, she was pretty sure that little step had been what finally pushed them into this stage of their training - they had hardly been in their new place for a week when the kwami suggested this little exercise.
“Maybe. But the point remains.”
“Given all the stolen phones and complex plots I came up with back then, maybe it was better for Paris if I didn’t have you egging me on from the shadows.”
Plagg groaned. “But that would have been hilarious. We could have ruled the world!”
“And here I thought Adrien was the dramatic one…” She mumbled under her breath.
“What was that, Pigtails?” He looked at her suspiciously.
“Nothing, nothing.”
“Well… anyway… I suppose it’s for the best I got stuck with the kid. He needed someone pushing him to do things. Tikki would’ve just had him hunker down and go with the flow.” He scoffed. “Not me. Kid needed some havoc in his life.”
“Yeah… I suppose he did. He never had a lot of people in his corner, able to tell him that he wasn’t being treated right.” She watched him for a few moments before adding. “I’m glad he had you, Plagg. I really appreciate you taking care of him for all that time.”
He ate in silence. She stood up and moved to the entryway. Her view of the city wasn’t quite as amazing as it had been when she was behind the mask, but it was still breathtaking. She hoped that she would never get tired of seeing Paris from above.
“It wasn’t just me, you know.” She turned back to see Plagg floating in place, looking off into the distance. He’d stopped eating - it must be important. “He always had you. It was kinda annoying at the time, how much he’d gush about the love he felt.” He made a gagging sound, then looked over to her and grinned. “I’m glad you two idiots figured it out. I’m sure how much more of it I could take, but at least he’s happier now. Even if it was… rough there, after the dearly departed Gabe went all final form on us.”
“Final form?”
“Ugh, the kid has always watched too much anime. There’s only so much I can ignore.”
Laughing, she walked back over. “Ready to finish up paw-trol?”
“If it will make sure you don’t make any more puns in my presence, then sure. Let’s go.”
“Claws out!”
Adrien cut off the tape from another box and peered inside. Despite having been labeled ‘dishes’ - in his own handwriting, no less - it instead contained fabrics. He sighed and looked around the room, barren except for a couch and boxes. It had been over a month since they’d moved in here and it felt like they hadn’t even made a dent in the number of boxes they had left to unpack. Just as he started to prowl around for unopened containers to look through, a tiny voice made him turn around.
“Wait, Adrien! The dishes are in here, the fabrics are just being used for padding.”
He walked back over to where Tikki was pointing. Sure enough, there were the pots and pans that papa had bought them before leaving. He brought the wok out and twirled it in his hands. One of the many benefits to working in the same kitchen as mama Cheng was that he could finally learn how to cook - especially his girlfriend’s favorites. As he pulled out the ingredients for tonight’s late dinner, Tikki watched from her perch on his shoulder.
“Is this the spicy stir fry?” At his nod, she giggled. “I’m sure Marinette will appreciate coming home to that smell.”
“It’s the least I can do, for everything she’s done for me.” Where would he be without her? Probably still alone in that big, empty mansion.
“The relationship hasn’t been exactly one sided, you know.” It sounded vaguely like a chastisement. “I know how much she appreciates you, and I’m sure you know that too.”
“Well, yeah, I know, but-”
“I remember how doting and protective you were over her when she was still recovering. Even when the process started to… slow down.”
Despite their best hopes, Marinette had stayed weakened by her brush with death for well over a year. Sure, she had left the wheelchair after a few months, but that was more because of her own stubbornness rather than any sudden breakthroughs. Through it all, he stayed by her side and helped her work through her frustration as the healing dragged on.
“Well, she needed me. How could I turn my back on her then?”
She twirled in the air until she was in front of him as he began chopping vegetables. “It’s only because of the powerful bond that you shared that she survived in the first place. Others… weren’t so fortunate.”
The chopping stopped for a moment, a silent prayer for the departed, before continuing.
“She was able to lean on you then, and she leans on you today.”
“I’m more than happy to help her out.” He smiled gently as he turned the oven on. “But really, these days it’s not that big of a deal.”
“I’ve been in her life before you, remember.” She waggled her paw in front of him. “She’s not as overworked with you around - and not just because you’re an extra pair of hands,” she added when he opened his mouth to protest. “You’ve got a lot of experience with tight schedules, and during her busiest hours you keep her sane.” She sighed and murmured, “I know things are tumultuous right now. But as long as you two love each other, you’ll be able to make it through.”
He sniffled and held out a hand for the kwami to land on, placing a light kiss on the side of her large head. “Thanks, Tikki. I needed to hear that.”
With everything that was happening - her applications to university, her design commissions, his freelance modeling, the moving - Marinette and him hadn’t gotten to spend much time together. But Tikki was right. This stress was temporary while they got settled into their new lives, but they had something much longer lasting than that.
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tintedglasses · 5 years
anna’s fic recs: june 2019  [winterhawk edition]
i accidentally deleted all of the text for this post and was only able to recover the first two, but i tried to remember what i wrote before. 
again, these are from fics that i read in june 2019, not ones that necessarily were posted then. (i honestly wish i could rec all the fics i read, but i managed to keep it at eight this time)
1. Liminal Spaces by thepartyresponsible (@thepartyresponsible)  (Rated M, 20k)
Summary: “Clint,” Steve says, and it’s that same no-bullshit, do-or-die, I really, really mean it voice he used to trot out in the last few innings of close games in high school. “Bucky’s not gonna fly. He’s not going to drive himself. He can’t— I need you to drive him here.”
“Oh, fuck you,” Clint says, and hangs up.
My review: listen, i have thought about this fic at least once a day since i read it because i love it that much. the plotting of it is so good with how the backstory is woven throughout with increasing detail in an amazing way. it’s about small towns and road trips and shared trauma and meeting people where they’re at and it holds a very special place in my heart. if you haven’t read it, go read it immediately. if you have read it, go read it again.
2. tell me who my mouth was made for by 1000_directions (@1000-directions)   (Rated M, 1.5k)
Summary: Clint’s never moved slowly, not one moment of his life. He’s been reckless as long as he can remember, figuring it all out after the fact. He’s never been careful. But Bucky kisses him like he matters, and it changes him. He’s been changing.
“I just want to feel you inside me,” Clint whispers, and it feels like the biggest confession of his life, to need something so fucking badly from someone else and to let them know it.
My review: steph put out like a million amazing fics in the month of june, but this one by far stuck with me the most. when i first read it, i immediately had to go back and re-read it. the way these two love each other actually makes my heart hurt. i always love the way she writes established relationships and how much care her characters have for each other and this is it in top, top form. oh, and also, as a bonus, it’s really hot. EDIT: i just re-read this and i forgot how DREAMY it is. it literally feels like you are floating on a cloud of love and intimacy and I WANT TO CRYYYYY.
3. Ain’t That a Kick in the Head by Finely Honed (@finely-honed)  (Rated E, 115k)
Summary: “That guy out there? Lovin’ him is the best part of being alive, Steve. We both know I can be just as stubborn, and maybe twice as oblivious as you. I wanted Clint so bad, for so long, but I was all turned around, and lying to myself, makin’ excuses as to how it was some crazy side effect of spending so much time together. But the truth was? I was scared. It was too big, so I tried like hell to hide from the truth, right up until I went and got blown up. Then it was total fuckin’ clarity time.”
Back before Steve adopted Peter, or Tony walked into SHIELD Tattoo and upended Steve's world, Bucky almost died in Clint's arms. This is the story of what happened after.
Takes place 5 ½ years before Deep in the Heart of Me. While reading that beast will provide a lot of context into the universe, I'm pretty sure this would still make sense solo.
My review: i loved DITHOM so much, so I knew that this was going to be freaking amazing and OH MY GOD, it definitely was. it tackles the really difficult realities of learning to adjust to life with a newfound disability and coping with PTSD symptoms, while still maintaining a lot of humor and love throughout the story. the characters all just feel so real and like they have rich backstories and futures that go beyond what we see here and that’s really great. the secondary characters are also amazing and i love the theme of found family. Bucky and Steve as brothers is always a favorite of mine and this take on it is great because it’s about Bucky learning how to help Steve without sacrificing his own happiness. EVERYONE IS WONDERFULLY FLAWED BUT DOING THEIR BEST. i dunno, i could say a million things about this fic and still have more to say.
4. Lost & Found by mariana_oconnor (@mariana-oconnor)  (Rated M, 90k)
Summary: Clint Barton’s got a bag full of stolen money and a burning desire to stay under the radar. His old friends in the Carnival will be looking for him and they sure as hell won’t be happy. In a desperate attempt to stay off their radar, he ends up in Timely, a small town so far off the beaten track he’s surprised he even found it, and waits for Barney to comes and get him. Because Barney will be coming. Clint knows he will.
But there's something about the town. Maybe it's the strange wolf that watches him from the trees, and the way people finish conversations when he enters a room. Or it could be the bartender, Bucky, who decided to hate him on sight. Something’s going on in this small town, and Clint’s not sure if he’s jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.
My review: i’m not typically into werewolf fics but i AM into grumpy bucky and this fic had it in SPADES. again, all of the characters here are so well developed that it makes for a really great story. like liminal spaces, it also has such a great small town feel and creates this atmosphere where it feels like you really know everyone and what they are about and i LOVE that. this clint is so compassionate and wonderful, too, and i love his relationship with werewolf!bucky in particular <3 it’s a great story about meeting people where they are at and the ending is super great!
5. could never want for more when you’re here by nightwideopen (@nightwideopen)  (Rated T, 5.5k) 
Summary: “You know I love you, right?”
The casual way Clint lets the declaration loose doesn’t blindside Bucky as much as he thought it would. And maybe Clint means it mostly platonically but his eyes are shining and Bucky really doesn’t care. He loves him, too.
It’s easy. It’s inevitable. It’s like breathing. 
My review: ACE CLINT!!!!!! i was so excited to see someone write an ace!clint fic, especially during pride month, and this one is so good! it’s so, so soft and i love the way that bucky and clint navigate intimacy in a way that honors their boundaries. bucky has some insecurities and sometimes they don’t communicate well but at the end of the day, they are so gentle with each other and really just want to give each other what they want and it’s SO LOVELY. 
6. Pretty When You Cry by dr_girlfriend (@drgrlfriend)  (Rated E, 3.5k)
Summary: “Someone hurt you, Clint?”
It’s so surprising Clint almost spills his drink on the way to his mouth. Maybe not so much the question, because much as he’s trying to hide it Clint probably does look beat to hell, but more the soft, gentle way the guy asks it. Like he really cares about the answer. Cares about Clint.
For a moment Clint feels himself teetering on the edge — the horrors of the mission clogging up his throat as if they are going to come spilling out in a tearful confession to the first fucking stranger who’d asked.
He claws it back, biting his tongue hard to keep it still. He smiles instead, even though he’s sure the smile comes out a little twisted.
“Not as much as I hurt ‘em back,” he finally says, and that’s just enough truth to settle his stomach a little.
Bucky nods as if that’s good enough for him, and takes a long, thoughtful pull of his beer. Clint watches his throat work, the way those plush lips wrap around the bottle. He hopes to hell he hasn’t blown this already.
Bucky wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and sets his empty bottle deliberately on the bar. “Okay,” he says. “You got a place?”
My review: the MFD crymaxer prompt graced us with some wonderfully hot yet emotional fics and this is absolutely 100% one of them. this is another fic about meeting people where they are at and accepting them for who they are, and it’s really beautiful. i love how both of them are kind of rough around the edges but are also really soft with each other. also, it’s SMOKING hot, so that’s an added bonus. 
7. if god is in the lens by shatteredhourglass (@shatteredhourglass) (Rated E, 40k)
Summary: The Asset pauses. He remembers the first few days after dragging St- dragging Captain America out of the water, the aimless emptiness that had filled him, with no mission and no knowledge of what to do next. He’d spent a week staring at the peeling wallpaper in a motel. There had been butterflies patterned on it. He hadn’t known what direction to go in next, because he was (is) scared of Captain America, and he didn’t want anything to do with Hydra, and he’d just… stopped. That’s when he realizes Barton isn’t going to move unless he gives the man a reason to move, something to do that isn’t related to a past he can’t remember or the threat of imminent death. (It’s been burned out of him, the Asset can relate.)
A mission.
He's leaning on the button to the microphone before he thinks about it. “Come with me and you can kill more of them.”
My review: i LOVE a good recovery arc and this one has TWO! it’s two murderbros learning how to be human again and falling in love along the way (WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT???). i really enjoyed all of the plotting and the action in this fic, too. i felt like i was on the edge of my seat all the way til the end, trying to figure out what the characters were going to do. just really good stuff here!!!
8. bent by jstabe (@jstabe)  (Rated E, 3k)
Summary: “My name is James Buchanan Barnes.”
He felt Clint’s lips curl up where they were resting at his temple. “Yes.”
“I am an Avenger.” Which was frankly ridiculous and impossible to believe sometimes, but it was true so it went on the list.
My review: SOFT BOYFRIENDS, SOFT BOYFRIENDS, SOFT BOYFRIENDS! i love everything about this fic. as you can see by this list, i love soft boys who are working through trauma together and this is it!!!! they are so freaking domestic and lovely and they make each other laugh and they care about each other so much that it makes my heart want to explode. THEY HAVE A HEATED MATTRESS TOPPER BECAUSE BUCKY GETS COLD. I LOVE THEM. 
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thefloatingstone · 5 years
Somebody asked me for some anime recs. I asked them what kind of genres they’re into but I’m not getting a reply, so here are just some general recommendations for good stuff to watch.
I assume they meant new anime so I’m only focusing on those.
Made in Abyss (2017) (warning for Body horror, violence and gore)
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The Abyss—a gaping chasm stretching down into the depths of the earth, filled with mysterious creatures and relics from a time long past. How did it come to be? What lies at the bottom? Countless brave individuals, known as Divers, have sought to solve these mysteries of the Abyss, fearlessly descending into its darkest realms. The best and bravest of the Divers, the White Whistles, are hailed as legends by those who remain on the surface.
Riko, daughter of the missing White Whistle Lyza the Annihilator, aspires to become like her mother and explore the furthest reaches of the Abyss. However, just a novice Red Whistle herself, she is only permitted to roam its most upper layer. Even so, Riko has a chance encounter with a mysterious robot with the appearance of an ordinary young boy. She comes to name him Reg, and he has no recollection of the events preceding his discovery. Certain that the technology to create Reg must come from deep within the Abyss, the two decide to venture forth into the chasm to recover his memories and see the bottom of the great pit with their own eyes. However, they know not of the harsh reality that is the true existence of the Abyss.
Ghibli artists working on the backgrounds and environments
likeable characters
crushing atmosphere
incredible world building
Really compelling mysteries
Very emotional
The manga its based on has a lot of lolicon bullshit. But the anime has doneits best to either remove or downplay those elements as childhood innocence rather than the author being a creep
Ends without clear answers as we have to wait for season 2
Not for you if you dislike violence or body horror
That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime (2018)
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Thirty-seven-year-old Satoru Mikami is a typical corporate worker, who is perfectly content with his monotonous lifestyle in Tokyo. In the midst of a casual encounter with his colleague, a knife weilding maniac attacks them. Satoru, in shielding his co-worker and his co-worker’s new girlfriend, is fatally stabbed, and dies.
And then he wakes up again. But now, in the body of a blob of slime. In doing so, he acquires newfound skills—notably, the power to devour anything and mimic its appearance and abilities. He then stumbles upon the sealed Catastrophe-level monster "Storm Dragon" Veldora who had been sealed away for the past 300 years for devastating a town to ashes. Sympathetic to his predicament, Satoru befriends him, promising to assist in destroying the seal. In return, Verudora bestows upon him the name Rimuru Tempest to grant him divine protection.
With a goal now, the newly named Rimuru sets out to explore this fantasy world, stumbling into situations where other people need help, and since finding ways to live peacefully is much less hassle, Rimuru does his best to settle conflicts and help people to get along. Mostly because he’s got nothing better to do.
Likeable, chilled out protagonist who acts and behaves like an adult
Not the average wish-fullfilment harem-in-disguise type stuff you expect from the average Isekai show
Characters focusing on trying to help each other and be kind without coming across as cheesy or unrealistic
Fun powers and “how are you gonna fix this mess?” situations
occasional anime tiddy
Mob Psycho 100 (2016) (If you’ve seen season 1 already then watch season 2)
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An Eighth-grader Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama is possibly the most powerful psychic on earth. Which is the only thing he has going for him which, in his opinion, isn’t much. Due to his powers going crazy if he gets overwhelmed by his emotions, Mob has spent his life suppressing his feelings, both negative and positive. As a result, however, Mob is an extremely socially awkward and shy person who struggles to connect to people.
The story follows Mob as he tries to find ways to better himself as a person, aided by the fake psychic Reigen who both uses Mob’s real psychic powers to exorcise ghosts, but also uses his fake con-man skill of charming people and being a smooth talker to help people fix their problems rather than have them rely on a psychic for help. He also acts as a mentor to Mob, not on how to be a better psychic, but on how to mature into a good, capable person. Because according to Reigen “Having psychic powers is just a skill. Some people can run fast, some people can can sing well, some people are good at studying, some people are funny, and some people have psychic powers.”
Now if only the assortment of Cult leaders, Ghosts, Secret organizations and Powerful psychics trying to take over the world could leave him alone.
A subversion of the “I must get stronger!” shounen story where the character is already the strongest and needs to focus on being a better person instead.
Probably the best animated show to come out in years
Good uplifting morals
A wacky off-beat art style and sense of humour
Genuinely complex and 3 dimensional characters who are likeable
Really relatable in many ways
I can’t think of any tbh
Then we have anime I have on my “to watch” list and come highly recommended but I haven’t seen yet. But I want to recommend them anyway
A Place Further Than The Universe  (2018)
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a “Cute Girls Doing Cute Things” show.
Filled with an overwhelming sense of wonder for the world around her, Mari Tamaki has always dreamt of what lies beyond the reaches of the universe. However, despite harboring such large aspirations on the inside, her fear of the unknown and anxiety over her own possible limitations have always held her back from chasing them. But now, in her second year of high school, Mari is more determined than ever to not let any more of her youth go to waste. Still, her fear continues to prevent her from taking that ambitious step forward—that is, until she has a chance encounter with a girl who has grand dreams of her own. Spurred by her mother's disappearance, Shirase Kobuchizawa has been working hard to fund her trip to Antarctica. Despite facing doubt and ridicule from virtually everyone, Shirase is determined to embark on this expedition to search for her mother in a place further than the universe itself. Inspired by Shirase's resolve, Mari jumps at the chance to join her. Soon, their efforts attract the attention of the bubbly Hinata Miyake, who is eager to stand out, and Yuzuki Shiraishi, a polite girl from a high class background. Together, they set sail toward the frozen south.
The Promised Neverland (2019) (warning for violence and gore)
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Surrounded by a forest and a gated entrance, the Grace Field House is inhabited by orphans happily living together as one big family, looked after by their "Mama," Isabella. Although they are required to take tests daily, the children are free to spend their time as they see fit, usually playing outside, as long as they do not venture too far from the orphanage—a rule they are expected to follow no matter what. However, all good times must come to an end, as every few months, a child is adopted and sent to live with their new family... never to be heard from again. However, the three oldest siblings have their suspicions about what is actually happening at the orphanage, and they are about to discover the cruel fate that awaits the children living at Grace Field, including the twisted nature of their beloved Mama.
Zombieland Saga (2018)
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There’s a good chance you might have heard or seen this one floating around tumblr as its one of the really big, really popular anime to have come out that features a trans main character written and presented in a positive light.
Zombieland Saga is both a satirical parody of Idol anime, a complete embracing of what makes idol anime enjoyable, and a criticism of how the Idol industry treat women and young girls. A lot of the girls in the idol group are the complete opposite of what is considered a “good Idol” from one girl being trans, one girl having been an Oiran many many years ago (a historic proffession for women where they play instruments, perform tea ceremonies and entertain paying guests. As well as being very high class prostitutes) as well as debating and comparing the ideal of an Idol as they were seen in the 80s versus the modern interpretation.
Zombieland Saga is at both times the complete antithesis of everything an Idol anime should be, while also being one of the best examples of the genre at the same time. It also features really well written characters with emotional depth and arcs to them and boasts a lot of good humour to boot.
Yuru Camp△  (2018)
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Another “Cute Girls Doing Cute things” anime
While the perfect getaway for most girls her age might be a fancy vacation with their loved ones, Rin Shima's ideal way of spending her days off is camping alone at the base of Mount Fuji. From pitching her tent to gathering firewood, she has always done everything by herself, and has no plans of leaving her little solitary world. However, what starts off as one of Rin's usual camping sessions somehow ends up as a surprise get-together for two when the lost Nadeshiko Kagamihara is forced to take refuge at her campsite. Originally intending to see the picturesque view of Mount Fuji for herself, Nadeshiko's plans are disrupted when she ends up falling asleep partway to her destination. Alone and with no other choice, she seeks help from the only other person nearby. Despite their hasty introductions, the two girls nevertheless enjoy the chilly night together, eating ramen and conversing while the campfire keeps them warm. And even after Nadeshiko's sister finally picks her up later that night, both girls silently ponder the possibility of another camping trip together.
Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (2018)
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You’re gonna look at this gif and that title and think this is some Light-Novel sexy fantasy wish fullfillment bullshit, but I absolutely assure you it’s not.
The rare and inexplicable Puberty Syndrome is thought of as a myth. It is a rare disease which only affects teenagers, and its symptoms are so supernatural that hardly anyone recognizes it as a legitimate occurrence. However, high school student Sakuta Azusagawa knows from personal experience that it is very much real, and happens to be quite prevalent in his school. Mai Sakurajima is a third-year high school student who gained fame in her youth as a child actress, but recently halted her promising career for reasons unknown to the public. With an air of unapproachability, she is well known throughout the school, but none dare interact with her—that is until Sakuta sees her wandering the library in a bunny girl costume. Despite the getup, no one seems to notice her, and after confronting her, he realizes that she is another victim of Puberty Syndrome. Mai’s unapproachability and air of not wanting to interact with people has manifested that it is now borderline impossible for people to physically notice her. Or in some cases see her at all. As Sakuta tries to help Mai through her predicament, his actions bring him into contact with more girls afflicted with the elusive disease.
Bunny Girl Senpai is an anime that deals with Societal pressures, especially as they apply to teenagers, as well as being a criticism of the Japanese mentality of “not rocking the boat” and in dutifully conforming and falling in line with what society dictates is “proper behavior”. It has the running theme that this mentality of just accepting the way things are and not doing anything to change it is unhealthy, and does more harm than good.
Dororo (2019) (warning for violence and Gore)
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A samurai lord has bartered away his newborn son's organs to forty-eight demons in exchange for dominance on the battlefield. Yet, the abandoned infant survives thanks to a medicine man who equips him with primitive prosthetics—lethal ones with which the wronged son will use to hunt down the multitude of demons to reclaim his body one piece at a time, before confronting his father. On his journeys the young hero encounters an orphan who claims to be the greatest thief in Japan. 
An anime adaptation of one of Osamu Tezuka’s manga, but deciding to go for an updated, darker art style to match its mature tone.
Dororo is currently still airing but so far reviews are extremely high.
Anyway I hope those are enough to give you at least one new show to check out.
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buffpidgey · 5 years
Au: Trisha Elric was the older sister of Petunia and Lily Evans, and as such when Lily dies Harry is sent to Amestris to live with the Elrics instead of to the Dursleys, as Trisha is a far more suitable parent and also it's far enough away to offer extra protection to Harry.
Ohhhhh… forget 5… this looks more like…. 10…………  oh no it got long…
1: When Harry arrives on their doorstep, Van is a little terrified. He’s barely gotten used to the idea of having one baby, but to suddenly have an entire one year old right here? But he keeps it together for Trisha, whose in her fifth month AND who just lost her sister.
She can’t travel all that way for the funeral, especially since she IS Lilly Potter’s Sister and the war isn’t quite done. She wears black mourning bands on her arms for the next three months though, and sends a letter to Petunia. Petunia doesn’t write back.
2: Harry’s accidental magic is another shock to Van, who sees it first. He frets for three months that he’s somehow contaminating the children, until Harry floats a cookie across the kitchen and Trisha laughs; she remembers this from when Lily was little. 
3: Van still leaves and Trisha still dies. Harry is convinced that he’s Bad Luck - after all, he’s killed TWO sets of parents now - so when Hagrid comes to collect him, he gladly goes.
Ed isn’t as mad at Harry as he is at Hohenheim, and he knows that Harry isn’t as good at alchemy as he and Al are, but he thinks it’s very stupid to assume that /Harry/ is the reason Mom died. After all, Harry is Good! If Harry is Good, he can’t have done something like drive away parents. After Ed and Al get lessons from Izumi he’s largely over it.
4: Harry is a little more used to being recognized (he grew up in a small town after all, of course people know him…) and he has a vague idea of what happened to his parents. Trisha explained a bit about the war and who his parents were, but not why they were so important. She was saving that for when he was older.
Harry grew up knowing his parents were heroes for fighting back against the bad man who came to attack him, but he wasn’t expecting them to be NATIONAL heroes.
Harry sends back lots of letters to his family - Ed and Al and Winry and Granny about his new friends - Ron and Hermione. Ron is really friendly and knows a lot about wizard stuff, and is as good at chess as Al! Hermione knows a lot too, and she would probably love talking about alchemy too!
(Harry befriends her really quickly because her attitude towards magic reminds Harry a lot of Ed and Al’s hunger for knowledge)
Some people are kind of nasty about him having an accent (Malfoy. It’s Malfoy who’s nasty), but mostly the first year is really cool.
He gets worried when the letters from Ed and Al stop coming back, but then Winry tells him it’s because they found a teacher themselves!
5: Harry talks a little bit about what happens with the Stone, but doesn’t talk about how it burned when he touched Quirrel, or how long he spent in the Hospital Wing.
6: In second year, Ed and Al send Harry a breathless excited letter when they get back from Izumi’s. Then Harry hears nothing at all for weeks, even from the Rockbells. He’s so scared. Not only has something happened to his family, something is happening in Hogwarts.
He gets a letter back from Granny saying that Ed and Al had an accident, but are recovering. After that, there’s too much going on for Harry to write back.
7: He kills the basalisk, the basalisk almost kills him. He goes back home to discover what happened.
Harry really does feel like he is cursed. First, his parents. Then his aunt and uncle, now his cousins have been seriously hurt.
He knows what they did was wrong, and they knew this would happen. He feels kind of responsible, though, that he wasn’t there to stop them. He knows losing family hurts! They shouldn’t have done this!
He’s also angry that he had to wait till summer to find out this happened. Isn’t he as good as their brother? Isn’t he family too?
8: It takes all summer, but Ed finally admits to Harry that he’s planning on joining the military this year, to help get Al’s body back. They have a screaming row about it, where Harry is basically trying to be The Oldest Brother at the same time as Ed.
The summer before third year doesn’t end as badly as it does in canon, but it’s still bad.
It takes until Winry ties Harry to a tree and locks Ed out of the house (conveniently next to said tree) for them to make up.
(Without two legs or two arms, it’d be hell for Ed to get back to the house… but oh, look, there’s a slipknot in the rope right where Ed can reach it, and if Harry were free he could help…)
(Winry might or might not have been helped by Al.)
They both get a bad case of sunburn, but at least when the grim starts showing up and the dementors raid the train, Harry does write and tell them about it.
9: Ed becomes a state alchemist. He writes to tell Harry, and that makes Harry feel like he needs to step up as a student. (He’s also realized that with Hogwarts’s Library he might be able to help restore Ed and Al!)
Meanwhile, Ed is also trying to balance the desire to help Harry, who is apparently being freaking stalked by specters of despair and also an omen of death while he’s doing Mustang’s chores. Not. Ideal.
Then it turns out there’s also a murderer after his cousin. What the freaking use is being a dog of the military if he can’t even help protect Harry? ????
Mustang does not let Ed travel a few thousand miles to be protection duty to one random civilian.
10: Then it turns out that specter of death dog is actually Harry’s godfather. Who offered Harry a place to live in Britain. Where Harry was born.
Ed visits the Rockbells more often because that’s where Harry sends his litters.
Ed reads all about this letter, and spends like 3 weeks stewing and wondering if Harry is even coming back. Then Mustang says he can’t wait for Harry to come home from school, he has to go back to work so Ed gets to stew LONGER, wondering even MORE about if Harry will come back.
It’s July before Ed manages to get back to Resembool, and he spends the whole train ride back in a brooding nightmare that Harry isn’t at home.
He is though! Surprise!
Winry gives him a knowing look and laughs at him as she steals his arm to give it adjustments.
Over the summer Harry talks with Ed and Al about lycanthropy and they take a research detour into biological alchemy with the addition of some of Harry’s transfiguration texts. They don’t get very far in the few weeks Ed has for leave in Resembool, but he does promise to keep an eye out when he’s in the library.
(It’s during this research that they start to figure that the wizarding philosopher’s stone is different than the alchemic philosopher’s stone. It might be, one could say, a sorcerer’s stone instead.)
11: Harry leaves early to go to the Quidditch World Cup with his friends. It’s great until the terrorists happen.
This year at Hogwarts, Harry applies himself fully to DADA both because he is forced to be in this deadly tournament, and because Ed and Al are out there doing military tasks while he’s at school.
Winry is furious that Harry can’t get out of the Triwizard Tournament, and so is Granny Rockbell, but there’s not much they can do about it. (Dumbledore tries to convince one of the Elrics or one of the Rockbells to show up for the second task, but everyone is way too busy. They do show up for the final task.)
Rita Skeeter makes a hell of an uproar about Harry’s accent in her article and Malfoy gives her some… insights. It’s not great. Harry’s a hot topic, but interestingly with mixed appeal.
Cedric still dies in the final task. Harry is still captured and Voldemort still returns. 
(Winry sees yet another member of her family bleeding and in distress and has nightmares. She pretends she’s just working very hard whenever the boys ask.)
(Harry once again wonders if he’s cursed.)
12: As a gift, Harry convinced Winry to let him send off a few of her tools and little bits and bobs to Sirius, as a gift (because of the motorcycle). That’s the only gift he sends off that summer since everyone is keeping secrets from him, and he’s been having horrible dreams.
He saw Ed and Al for only a few days that summer. Mustang is giving them more work in exchange for more leads. Sure, it’s nice to know that Ed and Al have leads, but he misses his family and it would be really nice to see them and know they’re safe considering how many damn nightmares he’s been having.
(He remembers when they were little, like maybe seven and eight, when he had nightmares about the green light they would all huddle in the same bed and Harry would fall asleep to the sound of soft breathing. And then loud snores.)
He reads the Amestrian papers, and the British papers he has delivered. There’s nothing about Voldemort in the British papers, but in the Amestrian papers, stories start appearing about “The Peoples’ Alchemist” after Ed blows up the office of one particularly corrupt asshole.
The bright spot of Harry’s summer is teasing his cousins about joining him in the ranks of the great and famous.
The dementors don’t show up, but the Ministry still puts Harry on trial. They try him for treason- giving away ministry secrets to a foreign power. After all, he is in constant contact with a high ranking member of the Amestrian military.
Dumbledor sweeps in with Mustang and Ed (Al has elected to remain in Grimmauld Place tyvm) and clears everything up. Ed gets to meet all of Harry’s friends.
Harry had told them Ed was short. They still had been expecting taller.
Ed removes the portrait of Mrs. Black about the same time he accidentally destroyed that wall.
That year at Hogwarts, Harry learns about sabotage, gets tips from Ed who has had some first hand experience at this now, and starts realizing just how screwed both his countries are. (Ed might not have been paying attention to national and international affairs on his journey, but Harry is friends with Hermione and has been reading newspapers all summer.)
umbridge is still a problem, but it doesn’t get to the point where she carves shit into Harry’s hand. More than once.
Harry is still getting weird visions. Mr. Weasly still gets bitten. But Harry works at things besides occlumancy and has mustered a really stellar D.A. this time around, since he has some insight that he didn’t before.
They also practice hand to hand.
Despite this, the bait is set and Harry goes to the Department of Mysteries.
Sirius doesn’t fall through the veil, but he is badly injured. (I’m not sure if he loses a leg or something here. But let’s all take a minute to imagine Sirius making his way in secret to Amestris to convalesce with the Rockbells who know about this sort of thing. Winry offers to make him special automail that can shift between human and dog…)
13: Ed tries to bargain with Winry to not tell Harry about how Scar almost killed him. He doesn’t want to distract Harry! Harry already has someone out there who wants him dead! It’s fine!
Winry gives him the longest, deadest stare.
Ed realizes that this was a very dumb thing to say, especially since last year Harry almost exploded because people weren’t telling him things.
Harry also almost explodes this time, because someone! Is trying! To kill! His family! A G A I N
So when Dumbledore tells him about Hourcruxes Harry immediately puts two and two together (because he grew up with Ed and Al and helLO soulbonded armor?) and realizes that he IS a Hourcrux after a few… delicately worded letters to Ed.
So on both sides of the channel, Ed and Harry are desperate to fly across the continent in order to strangle people they’ve never met. Fun times.
14: Ed gets pulled deeper into this whole homunculus plot, but so much of it is moving so fast he doesn’t have time to write it all down for Harry.
It’s gonna be one fun summer, that’s for sure. Now Harry knows what it feels like to come back and see how much danger his cousin has been thrown into. Oh how the turntables.
15: When Ed vanishes for 4 months while the whole Promised Day bsns goes down, Harry throws himself deep, deep into this Hourcrux hunting thing. Ron and Hermione follow him to make sure he doesn’t get himself killed.
(Ed hates being out of contact with his family. HATES it. Hopes Harry isn’t doing something stupid. Knows that’s exactly what he’s doing, because he, Edward Elric, has been doing the same fucking thing for three years.)
Ed resurfaces, fights Father, and the whole she-bang happens but because Harry is being heavily hunted he doesn’t have any good access to international news. When he does manage to grab a muggle newspaper and reads a report on how a small country to the east between here and russia went up in red light…
Harry does something… inadviseable and mixes magic and alchemy to try and keep Voldemort out of his head. It works, it does, he de-hourcrux’d himself.
Harry is out of comission convalessing for weeks.
They manage to use that mix of alchemy and magic to do away with a few more of the hourcruxes, in a much less dramatic fashion.
After they do away with the rest, after Voldemort is mortal again, Harry does send a letter back home.
He doesn’t want to die, but this plan is so risky, and the prophesy… Harry doesn’t know how to feel about it, but there’s always a chance he’ll die. He is cursed, after all.
Harry agrees to meet Voldemort on the battlefield, on the battlefield where he lures Voldemort to a special stretch of dirt. When their wands catch in that priori incantautum where they lock, the alchemy circle Harry aranged to have drawn activates.
Voldemort’s current body is a construct. It’s as much of a Hourcrux as anything else, and he comes apart.
16: Harry goes back to Resembool and sleeps for an entire week, then Winry and Granny make apple pie and life goes on.
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junionigiri · 6 years
BNHA Rarepair Month - Day 23 - Tattoos
for @bnha-rarepair-month​
Summary: Seeing her interest in tattoos, Tokage brings Uraraka with her to Illusion Ink, where her girlfriend Jirou works as an apprentice. Much to Uraraka's surprise, however, Todoroki Shouto is also there getting inked. (Cafe/Hospital AU part 2)
Relationship(s): Tokage Setsuna/Jirou Kyouka/Uraraka Ochako (SetsuJirouChako); Todoroki Shouto/Uraraka Ochako (TodoChako)
Rating: T
Warnings/Notes: I know I tagged this one as SetsuJirouTodoChako in the other platforms but yeaaaaah. Please enjoy the disaster that is Uraraka Ochako hehehe. Story TBC in the upcoming dates~
Uraraka Ochako sighs as she pulls off her OR scrub suit in the women’s lockers. She doesn’t always feel like shit and that she’s super incompetent at her job, but then again she didn’t always have to assist Dr. Hakamata for three consecutive surgeries. After being yelled at and threatened to be stitched up the ceiling about fifty times, her ego had just about enough bruising.
“I’ve had my share of miserable days, but you make a funeral look like a rave, Uraraka.”
Uraraka looks up from her miserable face reflected in her little mirror inside her little locker to look at the woman who entered. “Oh--Dr Tokage? What’re you doing here?”
The green-haired internist gives her a saw-tooth grin as she saunters in with a sterile set of scrubs. “Cardiac monitoring duties. I ran into a miserable-looking Honenuki on the way here. I’m guessing you both got an acute case of Best Jeans Syndrome.”
“You got that right, doc,” Uraraka says with another despondent sigh, one that she pulls out of the very depths of her being. “I was literally moments away from being torn into shreds and woven into the world’s ugliest quilt… I made so many booboos that…”
Oh sweet fuck Happy Thanksgiving. 
“That I can’t…” Uraraka struggles, as Tokage Setsuna casually starts pulling off her scaly-green dress, showing off an arsenal of tattoos over the smooth skin of her arms, chest, belly, and hips, and the most toned body on a woman she’s ever seen, ever, in her short existence as a disastrous bisexual. When the girl bends over to shimmy out of her shoes, Uraraka had to turn around to stop staring at her toned ass. “Sorry doc, I totally forgot what I was saying--”
Dr. Tokage chuckles. Through the little mirror in her locker, Uraraka sees that her stupid pink cheeks have turned cherry red. She’s probably a few moments away from floating herself into an embarrassed heap in the ceiling, if the doctor didn’t speak in the next second. “It’s fine. People tend to do that when they see all the tats. I regularly get shit over it, like why does a doctor look like a freakin’ Yakuza member, and things like that--”
“Th-that’s not what I w-was thinking at all!” Uraraka stammers, willing herself to look at the green-haired girl again. Thankfully, Dr. Tokage’s already pulling down the scrub top, and the brunette’s heart is spared a heap of extra work load. “I think your tats are amazing! I wish I had about half as many as you do! I just have a small one myself, and it’s not that nice-looking…”
“You think so? I’m sure it ain’t that bad,” says Tokage, with a playful little smirk on her wide mouth. “Care to show me?”
Uraraka blushes up to her hairline and internally beats herself up for even mentioning her tattoo. Because while she’s a little proud of having the courage to get a tattoo in the first place, she isn’t sure that she wants to show her fat ass to Tokage… especially not after she’s given such a lovely a visual treat.
Still, it’d be weird not to show it to her at this point, so she tries not to be too obviously reluctant when she pulls down her pants and shows the skin of the outside of her left thigh, angling her butt outwards so the other girl can see it. Her blush doesn’t die down as Tokage appraises it, bending her face so close over her bottom that she feels her piercing gaze on her.
“That’s such a cute little astronaut, Uraraka!” giggles the doctor, green eyes dilating from slits into interested dark oblongs. “And those cute planet-balloons! Are you into outer space or something?”
“Y… yeah… space is cool,” she says dumbly, making herself internally flinch at how uncool she sounds. Luckily though, Tokage doesn’t seem to mind her silliness, and just gives that melodic laugh again. She tries to recover by adding, “I mean… I want to have another tattoo… maybe like, a half sleeve or something, with all the planets--”
She shows off her bare arm, which contrasts quite markedly against Tokage’s decorated one. She sees that her muscly right arm has various sharp-toothed dinosaurs on it, inked in spectacular detail.
The green-haired girl hums thoughtfully, tapping one scaly finger to her chin. “You serious about that, Uraraka?”
The nurse blinks as she regards Tokage’s daring stare. “Yeah, I’m serious… I guess? I mean, I’ve looked around for artists and stuff, but as for design...”
“Coolness. That’s all I need to hear.” The girl shows off her sharp teeth again and raises both eyebrows. “You’re done with your shift, yeah? You should wait for me. This thing’ll take, like, a second or so--”
“Huh? But--”
“I mean, as long as the patient doesn’t die or anything,” she adds with a chortle and a graceful wave of her inked hand. “I’ll see you at the cafeteria in like, a couple of hours? Hey, maybe I can leave my mouth with you so we can keep talking?”
The young nurse yelps in horror and stammers the most polite no thank you I don’t want to spend the next two hours with your sexy disembodied mouth, and Tokage only cackles in response. In a few moments, the woman disappears into the operating room suites, and Uraraka can only calm her silly pink cheeks down and get dressed. 
Clad in her casual clothes (which is just a faded black tank top, joggers, and a pair of sneakers), Uraraka nervously chews on the plastic straw half-dipped in her lukewarm coke when she sees Dr. Tokage amble up to her, clad once more in an emerald-green snakeskin dress and a white coat.
In her doctor-ly regalia, all her tattoos are hidden from plain sight. There’s a certain thrill that comes with knowing how the map of her body looks like, while the rest of the world around her doesn’t. “So good news, the patient’s alive and I get to go home while Ibara-chan takes care of the rest. You ready to go, Uraraka?” she asks, sticking out her forked tongue for good measure.
“I guess?” Uraraka answers uneasily. Wherever Tokage’s taking her, she hopes it’s a place where she can see those lovely dinosaur-studded arms again.
They walk out of the hospital, with Tokage filling the empty air between them with chatter. Uraraka’s amazed by her ability to be able to make a conversation about anything. By the time they reach their destination, the young nurse finds herself up-to-date with all the latest gossip going around the hospital. In particular, one involving Dr. Todoroki and his father, the present number one pro-hero Endeavor, who’s allegedly on a head-hunt for a perfect mate with a perfect quirk so he can arrange a marriage and hopefully produce a grandchild who’d actually agree to being a pro hero, unlike any of his children who avoided heroism like the plague.
Uraraka wrinkles her nose at that. Arranged marriages--aren’t they a thing of the distant past? Or like stupid plot devices in shoujo manga, just an excuse for ordinary MCs to interact with impossibly rich and handsome men? Well, Dr. Todoroki Shouto indeed fits the bill for your standard shoujo or josei hero. He has the wealth, the breeding, and the brooding too. Just enough torment to be interesting, but not overwhelming, like Dr. Tokoyami or Dr. Kuroiro from radiology.
And the looks. Ohh, buddy boy, the looks. That dual-toned hair, those crazy heterochromatic eyes, how very, very pretty his face looks, even with the scar on his face. Not to mention how unfairly muscled his body is, for someone who spends all his time doing neurosurgery and probably not much of anything else. Uraraka’s spent many semiconscious moments inside and outside the OR watching him undress and unglove and unmask, enjoying how his strong arms look while scrubbing down for the next procedure--
Wait, did she really just--with Doctoroki again, of all people--ugh, Uraraka wants to punch herself in the damn face. She hasn’t even finished fantasizing about Dr. Tokage, and here she is moving on to the Hosu Gen’s unofficial image model--who, by the way, doesn’t even have a good reason to interact with her outside the OR.
But even though Uraraka’s notoriously mercurial when it comes to her crushes, Dr. Todoroki’s one of her strong constants. She always comes in danger of losing herself in her thoughts when she thinks of him, for some reason. What a true disaster she’s turning out to be.
She focuses her attention instead on the small place they’ve ended up, called Illusion Inks. The young nurse tilts her head curiously at the entrance and doesn’t move until Tokage does a little come-hither motion with her fingers.
“Come on. Are you backing out or something, Uraraka?” she asks teasingly.
“Um,” she begins uneasily, rubbing her arm self-consciously, “I know I said I wanted a tattoo, but I didn’t mean tonight--”
“No time like the present, babe,” is all the green-haired girl says before she forcibly drags Uraraka by the arm and into the threshold. Damn, the woman’s frickin’ strong, those muscles aren’t just for show.
The inside of the shop is nice and neat and bright. The walls are full of illustrations of varying themes, all of them dream-like: dragons and florals and creatures of the deep blue sea. Uraraka finds herself taken in particular by the galaxy themed ones, showing off clouds of purple and deep red surrounding a sea of stars.
She doesn’t pay attention to the beautiful illustrations for very long, though. Behind the counter is who Uraraka swears is an actual pixie of the dark-elemental type unless proven otherwise--straight, dark hair that falls above her shoulders, dark purple eyes that have just-enough-torment, and smooth beautiful skin riddled with tattoos all over her arms, neck, and chest. Her elongated earlobes are plugged into her phone, and she seems to be strumming on a phantom guitar before she looks up to the two visitors.
She breaks out into a cute grin. “Hey, Setsuna~ My fav crazy internist!”
“Kyouka! My beautiful tattooed angel, I missed you!”
Uraraka watches as they share a kiss that definitely lasts for more than ten seconds. She wonders whether it’s polite to look away or not, and whether it’s normal to suddenly feel so single and miserable upon the sight of two beautiful girls kissing until they thankfully break apart.
The girl called Kyouka then turns to Uraraka and regards her with a curious stare. “So Setsuna, are you going to introduce me, or…?”
“Of course I am,” she says, with some sass. “This here’s Uraraka Ochako, one of the best OR nurses in Hosu Gen, and your next beautiful canvas.”
“Hey. Jirou Kyouka. I’m an apprentice here,” the girl offers, offering out her hand for Uraraka to shake. “If I look familiar, it’s probably ‘cause you see me down the street sometimes trying not to kill my boss and co-worker at NTG Cafe.”
Uraraka gasps. “Oh, you work there? Your cold brew’s amazing. And yeah, I’ve seen your boss maybe once? I’d just like to say, from the bottom of my heart: yikes.”
Jirou laughs heartily at this. “I like this girl. You should ask her out too, Setsuna.”
The green-haired girl hums thoughtfully. “I was getting to that,” she begins, and before Uraraka can even process what they meant, Tokage’s already shrugging off her doctor’s coat, and she’s looking at those wonderful arms again, and all sound reasoning goes out the window. “Anyways, Kyouka, Uraraka here tells me that she wants a galaxy-themed sleeve to match the cute little astronaut she has tattooed on her toned-as-fuck left thigh--”
… she likes my thigh? Uraraka stammers bashfully in her head, before she realizes that Tokage’s already motioning for her to take of her pants right there to show Jirou the astronaut. Blushing, she obliges, hooking her thumb against the garter of her joggers while severely regretting her choice of hot-pink, kitten-print cotton undies that day, to show off her ass and all its unseemly stretchmarks for the second time that evening.
Jirou whistles low and carefully touches her skin and traces the outlines of the astronaut and balloons with her calloused fingertips. “Wow, it’s so cute, Uraraka. You might need to have it retouched, but it’s really well-made. Who’s your artist?”
“Um… he moved away, but Kamakiri-san from Mantis Tattoos did this one--”
“Yikes. Another mess of a human being, that mans is. Totes cray-cray, amirite?” a different, sultry voice calls out from behind them.
Uraraka goes ramrod straight and struggles dumbly to pull her pants up, but instead drops the mess of fabric to the floor. A tangled mess of astonishment and horror finds itself uncoiling inside her chest when she sees just who comes out of the back of the shop, to also stare at the little insignificant artwork on her thigh.
Uraraka thinks that the woman who walks in is the very definition of babe--long, light brown hair that falls over her shoulders, wide brown eyes, full lips with a tasteful hint of rouge, an hourglass figure accentuated by a jet-black bodycon dress that shows off her ample cleavage. Like everyone else in this damn place, all her exposed skin is covered in ink. Most of them are floral and dreamy and absolutely gorgeous, of course, and if she were the only one there, Uraraka would have spent more time appreciating all the details.
Yet, the person next to her just…!!! Makes her want to drop dead right there!!! Makes her want to walk her fat ass back to the ER and ask for a sedative that’ll last her for the next seven years!
Because why in seven hells would Todoroki Shouto, of all people, be standing there with his shirt only half-way on, with his stupid sexy arms and stupid sexy torso and stupid sexy abs on full display, his stupid sexy mouth half-open and curious, and his stupid sexy eyes directed right at her naked, stretchmarky ass?!
Uraraka knows that she should probably pull her stupid pants up and rescue what little dignity she has left. Her little brain goes shit shit shit as it takes her too long to hide her butt and her silly underwear and tattoo.
Thankfully, his stare doesn’t last very long. He makes an awkward noise in his throat, trains those distinct eyes elsewhere, and mutters, “I didn’t see anything, Uraraka.”
Yes you did, you obviously did, Doctorokiiii whyyyy do you exist, she cries in her head. Beside her, she hears Tokage trying to keep her shit together. She somehow manages not to float her ass up the ceiling and into outer space and to straighten up.
She hears the woman laughing next to her. “You didn’t? Too bad, fam, those are the nicest set of gams I’ve ever seen in me life. Cannot. Even.”
When Uraraka dares herself to look at the young doctor again, she sees that he’s already got his shirt back on and that his face is a little pink and he couldn’t look at Uraraka in the eye. She ponders briefly if she needs to leave the OR--maybe ICU has openings or something.
“So… Camie, I hear she wants a galaxy-themed sleeve, so I’m planning to make some designs for her right now,” the dark-haired girl pipes up brightly, interrupting Uraraka’s shame-filled train of thought.
The bombshell named Camie puts a finger to her full lips and makes a show of thinking about it. “This’ll be your biggest project to date, fam. You up to this?”
“Sure am, boss.” Jirou makes a show of flexing her slender arm and all its tattoos. Tokage subsequently swoons theatrically next to her.
“Yass~ then she’s all yours, my sweet child. Although, ya gotta make time for her after closing hours. We’re fully booked for, like, the next hundred years and so~”
“Leave it to me.” Jirou does a lazy salute and gives Uraraka a pure, excited smile, one that momentarily makes the nurse about the terrible misfortunes that had happened to her and her ass just then. All she wants to do now is to spend the rest of the evening with this beautiful pixie, talking about the vast infinity of space, all the undiscovered planets, aliens--
“Hey, Todoroki, lemme see your back!” Tokage says, pulling at the end of his shirt.
Suddenly, Todoroki’s shirt comes off again, and Uraraka feels the Big Bang emulating in her brain once more. She cannot keep her jaw from opening like Pandora’s box as she takes in the beautiful sight.
Dr. Todoroki Shouto’s back is a fuckin’ masterpiece, and she isn’t talking about the obra maestra of a tattoo that Camie must have been working on before they arrived. Even miniscule movements of his arms and torso--fuck, even when he fucking breathes she sees muscles moving deliciously under his skin. It’s not too bulky either, just lean and well-proportioned and tasteful. Everything the light touches is a kingdom for her eyes to feast on--her fingers itched to touch the cuts--
Oh, and also, the tattoo. There’s saran wrap over it, but Uraraka still sees that it’s so beautiful it’s fearsome. Two dragons, entwined in each other, staring each other down as if they’re preparing for a battle to the death. On the right the dragon is grey and white, with glaciers surrounding it. On the left, a red dragon with hot blue eyes is engulfed in flame. The tattoo isn’t complete yet, and most of the skin on his back is swollen and tender, but Uraraka can tell that once it completely heals, it’ll be the most beautiful back in the history of all backs.
“Hot damn, Todoroki,” Tokage whistles. “Knowing you though, it still screams daddy issues--I mean, really, ice versus fire? You’re still hung up about that mess? But. Hot fucking damn.”
“Sure,” Todoroki says flatly, not deigning himself to remark about the daddy issues thing. Uraraka sees a little annoyed flash in his eyes, however, and she’s sure that he isn’t thinking of Tokage’s super foul remarks.
“Lit, ain’t it? My best work to date, even if I say so myself,” Camie says, proudly strutting around to stare at her handiwork once again. “We gots maybe two sesh’s to go, and his back’s good to go. You like it, Astronaut Sis?”
Uraraka closes her mouth shut and hates herself for the loud sound it makes. “Y-yeah, it’s pretty… um, lit,” she offers weakly.
She tries not to think too hard about the slightly-less-disinterested look that Todoroki gives her before he shrugs on his shirt again. He gives a curt little nod to Camie and says, “I’ll see you in a couple of weeks, Utsushimi.”
“Sure, TodoBroki. Have fun saving lives and all,” Camie says, puckering her lips for a flying kiss that the dual-toned man ignores blatantly as he turns for the exit.
Uraraka thinks that she’s finally going to be able to catch her breath, but suddenly Todoroki stops at the door and turns his mismatched eyes to her. “Uraraka,” he calls out, making her freeze.
“Y-yes, Doc?” she stammers, her posture suddenly meek and all nurse-like.
There’s that odd look on his face again, and for a second Uraraka worries that he’ll tell her not to spread the word about his huge fucking ass back tattoo, but all he says is, “Show me your tat once you’re done. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Uraraka doesn’t know what she says in response, but he gives her a ghost of a smile before he leaves the premises.
When she deflates, Tokage and Jirou are positively cackling at her, and all she’s able to manage is a whine about how unfair life is. “I can’t believe I just showed Dr. Todoroki Shouto my ass,” she whines into Tokage’s arms, as the lizard girl holds her in mock-comfort.
“And as a direct result of it, he’s in-love with your astronaut ass,” the doctor remarks with a sawtooth grin. “But we can talk about our future foursome later. Right now, please let my beautiful and talented girlfriend draw on your sexy arm, Uraraka!”
Uraraka obliges and follows Jirou out into the back, where they finally talk about her tattoo. But she finds out how much of a struggle it is to keep her thoughts in outer space when most of her mind is occupied by fire and ice.  
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orbemnews · 3 years
Jobs Report Is Expected to Be Strong as Rebound Picks Up Speed: Live Updates Here’s what you need to know: A bartender at Frasca Food and Wine in Boulder, Colo. The labor market will need months of strong growth to approach its prepandemic level.Credit…Eliza Earle for The New York Times The U.S. job market is ready for takeoff — and this time, few economists expect it to come crashing back down to earth. The Labor Department will release data on Friday detailing hiring and unemployment in March. Forecasters surveyed by FactSet expect the report to show that U.S. employers added more than 600,000 jobs last month, up from 379,000 in February and the most since October. Even better numbers probably lie ahead. The March data was collected early in the month, before most states broadened vaccine access and before most Americans began receiving $1,400 checks from the federal government as part of the most recent relief package. Those forces should lead to even faster job growth in April, said Jay Bryson, chief economist for Wells Fargo. “If you don’t get a barn burner in March, I think you’re probably going to get one in April,” he said. The biggest risk to the economy is as it has been for the last year: the pandemic itself. Coronavirus cases are rising again in much of the country as states have begun easing restrictions. If that upward trend turns into a full-blown new wave of infections, it could force some states to backpedal, impeding the recovery, Mr. Bryson warned. But few economists expect a repeat of the winter, when a jump in virus cases pushed the recovery into reverse. More than a quarter of U.S. adults have received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine, and more than two million people a day are being inoculated. That should allow economic activity to continue to rebound. “This time is different, and that’s because of vaccines,” said Julia Pollak, a labor economist at the job site ZipRecruiter. “It’s real this time.” Still, the labor market will need many months of strong growth to return to anything close to its prepandemic level. As of February, the United States had roughly 9.5 million fewer jobs than in February 2020, and the gap is even larger when accounting for a year’s worth of missed job growth. Forecasters expect the March report to show that the unemployment rate fell to 6 percent, down from 6.2 percent in February and from a peak of nearly 15 percent in April. But economists caution against reading too much into the unemployment rate, which excludes millions of people who left the labor force during the pandemic, in many cases because they needed to care for children while schools were closed or because they did not feel safe going to work. If those people begin to look for jobs again as the pandemic ebbs — as economists hope they will — the official unemployment rate might be slow to recover. “So many people have been pushed out by the pandemic and its fallout that the short-term trends are going to be really hard to parse out,” said Nick Bunker, research director for the hiring site Indeed. Ed Bastian, the chief executive of Delta, was accused by Georgia’s governor of spreading “the same false attacks being repeated by partisan activists.”Credit…Steve Marcus/Reuters For two weeks, Delta Air Lines and Coca-Cola had been under pressure from activists and Black executives who wanted the companies to publicly oppose a new law in Georgia that makes it harder for people to vote. On Wednesday, six days after the law was passed, both companies stated their “crystal clear” opposition to it. Now Republicans are mad at the companies for speaking out. Hours after the companies made their statements, Gov. Brian Kemp, a Republican, took aim at Ed Bastian, the chief executive of Delta, accusing him of spreading “the same false attacks being repeated by partisan activists.” And Republicans in the Georgia state legislature floated the idea of increasing taxes on Delta as retribution. On Thursday, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida posted a video in which he called Delta and Coca-Cola “woke corporate hypocrites.” Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi said Coca-Cola was “caving to the ‘woke’ left.” And Stephen Miller, an adviser to former President Donald J. Trump, said on Twitter, “Unelected, multinational corporations are now openly attacking sovereign U.S. states & the right of their citizens to secure their own elections. This is a corporate ambush on Democracy.” It was another illustration of just how fraught it is for big companies to wade in to partisan politics, where any support for the left draws the ire of the right, and vice versa. Other big Georgia companies have managed to stay on the sidelines. UPS, which is based in Atlanta, also refrained from criticizing the new law before it was passed. On Thursday, the company said it “believes that voting laws and legislation should make it easier, not harder, for Americans to exercise their right to vote.” It made no mention of the law. Mannequins at a Brooks Brothers warehouse in Enfield, Conn.Credit…Amr Alfiky/The New York Times In the fallout of Brooks Brothers’ bankruptcy filing and sale last year, the retailer abandoned a warehouse in Connecticut full of junk — mannequins, sewing machines and a whole section of Christmas trees. Ever since, the couple that owns the warehouse, Chip and Rosanna LaBonte, has been scrambling to figure out how to get rid of it all. Junk removal companies have told them it will cost at least $240,000 to clear the space, which Brooks Brothers had rented through November, Sapna Maheshwari and Vanessa Friedman report for The New York Times. In order to pay the bill, the LaBontes are going to have to sell their home. Chip and Rosanna LaBonte, owners of the warehouse where Brooks Brothers stashed its stuff before abandoning it.Credit…Amr Alfiky/The New York Times Brooks Brothers, which was founded in 1818 and is the oldest continuously operated apparel brand in the United States, began renting the warehouse in Enfield in 2011, most recently at a rate of roughly $20,000 a month. The couple bought the warehouse in 2010. They said that it was their first foray into commercial real estate and that they worked on residential projects before that. They have other tenants and a self-storage section, but are frustrated about the mess and the fact they can’t use the space for anything else until it is cleared. The couple’s plight illustrates the far-reaching consequences of retail bankruptcies, which cascaded during the pandemic and affected everyone from factory workers to executives. Smaller vendors and landlords have often been left holding the short end of the stick during lengthy byzantine bankruptcy proceedings, particularly with limits on what they can spend on legal bills compared with larger corporations. And once bankrupt brands are sold, people like the LaBontes are typically left in the dust. Ford and enjoyed substantial increases in sales to individual customers at dealerships while reporting declines in sales to fleet operators.Credit…Brittany Greeson for The New York Times General Motors reported a modest rise in car sales in North America for the first quarter, but its operations continue to be hampered by a shortage of computer chips. G.M. said on Thursday that it sold 642,250 cars and light trucks in the first three months of the year, up just 4 percent even though sales a year ago slowed sharply as the coronavirus pandemic took hold. By contrast, Toyota Motor showed a strong rebound in sales compared with a year ago. The Japanese company reported that sales in North America jumped 22 percent in the first three months of 2021, to 603,066 cars and light trucks. Its March sales were a record high for that month. Toyota’s big jump helped it outsell Ford Motor, which has also been hit by the semiconductor shortage. Ford’s sales in the first quarter were up just 1 percent, to 521,334. Stellantis — the company formed by the merger of Fiat Chrysler and France’s Peugeot SA — reported its U.S. sales increased 5 percent in the first quarter. Ford and G.M. both enjoyed substantial increases in sales to individual customers at dealerships while reporting declines in sales to fleet operators like rental car companies and governments. G.M. and Ford have had to halt or slow production at a handful of plants. G.M. has resorted to making some vehicles without parts containing computer chips with the intention of installing those components before sale when supply improves. In a statement, G.M. said it hoped its strategy for building cars without some components would help it “quickly meet strong expected customer demand during the year.” That approach to building cars “underscores the dire nature” of the semiconductor shortage, an analyst at CFRA Research, Garrett Nelson, said in a report. “One of the key questions is how much better the U.S. auto sales recovery can get from here.” The chip shortage is reflected in G.M.’s unusually low inventory of 334,628 vehicles. That is about 76,000 less than at the end of the fourth quarter and is half the number of vehicles its dealers held in stock a year ago. Ford’s inventory was 56,100 lower than at the end of 2020. G.M.’s sluggish sales were confined to its Chevrolet brand, whose sales fell 2 percent in the first quarter. That included a 13 percent decline in sales of its full-size Silverado pickup truck, a critical profit maker for the company. The Buick, Cadillac and G.M.C. brands reported strong sales in the quarter. Toyota also reported a drop in sales of its full-size pickup, the Tundra. But the decline was more than offset by big increases in sales of its RAV4, Highlander and 4Runner sport-utility vehicles and cars from its Lexus luxury brand. Also on Thursday, Honda Motor reported its first-quarter sales in North America had increased 16 percent, to 347,091 vehicles. Source link Orbem News #expected #jobs #Live #Picks #Rebound #Report #speed #strong #Updates
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Peaceful Flames
A continuation of my firefighter au. 
Part 1   -    Part 2 
5504 words. 
The TV blurs, the sound of the bustling cafe fading in her ears. Everywhere she goes, she can hear the crackle of a fire, or the stench of smoke. There's always a sense of dread she feels when she sees even the smallest fire, or hears about one on the news. Even the wisps of cigarette smoke is enough to make her anxious. Without fail, she'll be reminded of Anteiku. It's been a couple of years since the coffee shop burnt down, and, as the manager had promised, they opened a new one - :re.
Her thoughts are disturbed when the bell rings, signalling another customer. Yomo is there, but there is an uncomfortable silence, one that radiates to her - and she is in the back room. God, it's like he wants to scare the customers away.  
Groaning, she goes out front, prepared to do his job for him.
'How many time have I told you-'
However, Touka freezes, stunned to see a familiar face, wearing a firemen's uniform. Slowly, she approaches, keeping her eyes trained on the man.
She bows in respect - she practically owes her life to him.
'It's been years, Kaneki.' Maybe it's impolite, and she's desperate to add an honorific, but he doesn't seem to care, pleased that she remembered his name. After all, he did ask her to only say his name.
'Hi.' His tone is breathless, taking in her features. Her hair is light blue, dyed, both shorter and fluffier than he remembers. Her face is gentle, developed, holding a small smile.
If he thought she was cute then, he was wrong - she's beautiful.
It takes them a while to recover, and when Kaneki snaps out of it he realises she is staring too. In her defence, it's hard not too, with his matured features, and his defined jawline. She hopes she's not drooling.
'Coffee?' Touka breaks the silence, gracefully leading him to a table, automatically entrancing him. Everything she does seems to be lead with poise, and he's sure there's a hint of blush on his cheeks.
'Oh, um yeah!' He sounds a little too enthusiastic, flushing as he watches her leave to make his beverage.
She feels embarrassed. It had been years since she had seen him, and their last meeting was when she had cried into his chest. The way he held her is something she still remembers. She almost doesn't realise the coffee's done, too engrossed with her thoughts. Making her way back to him, it feels like his eyes are glued on her, and she doesn't know how to feel about the attention.
'Here, Kaneki.'
'T-Touka-chan,' They are strangers, but say each other's names as if lifelong friends. He is a flustered mess - his lips feel dry, and he feels too distracted to even try drink from the warm mug almost burning his hands.
Why, after being in her presence for a mere ten minutes? (He knows why)
It's probably too ambitious of him, but there's something thumping in his chest, and his pulse quickens whenever she waltzes into his view. People are always telling him to take initiative, to not hold back, to make his own decisions, and this could be the perfect time to try. Or the worst.
'I,' he licks his lips, mustering his courage. The words had been floating in his head since he sat down, but with her in front of him, he feels too distracted.
'Can I see you again?'
A year really goes by quickly.
It's all been pure bliss. Spending time with Touka is one of the highlights of his day. Thankfully, she hadn't rejected him, and their dates had been very pleasant. Kaneki is grateful that he managed to stumble into her café after that exhausting day.
He visits her during her shifts, when she's too busy to stay and chat, and Kaneki's contented with simply watching her from behind his books.
On some random day in March, a couple months into their relationship, Touka had dropped something into his unsuspecting hand. Something gold, that caught the light. He instantly recognised that ring, noting that it still looks as shiny as when it came into his possession. She didn't get rid of the chain either, which he found positive. At the time, he wondered if she would be weirded out but his adjustment, but Kaneki would prefer it if she didn't lose it again. Especially after her reaction. Years had passed since then, and he still remembers her shaking frame, flush against him, and how he boldly clutched her close to him. The tears had dried on his shirt, but they engraved onto his skin, a constant reminder of her sorrow, that Touka deserves to always be happy.
He'll make sure of it.
Thoughts had been bugging him lately. Recently, it had occurred to him that Touka spends much more time at his apartment than at hers. A couple of months ago, her brother - Ayato, if he recalls - had turned nineteen, and is technically old enough to live alone. And he wouldn't even be alone. Hinami lives with them, and she too is now an adult, though she's always been the responsible one. Maybe it's selfish, but he really wants to have Touka beside him everyday. To eat breakfast together, and lunch, and dinner, and to come home to her open arms. It's too good to be true, and he wants to have the constant reassurance of her beside him, to have her close to him. He can't think of anything better than waking up to the sight of her every morning (her coffee's pretty good too).
There's a lot of planning, trying to think of ways to ask her. He had even asked Hinami, who was very supportive and excited for them. Ayato however, took a little persuading, and he was very grateful for Hinami's presence, for she wore him down.
'At least you're not asking her to marry you, cause you wouldn't get my blessing.' At Ayato's comment, Kaneki turns red, and a little apprehensive. That sort of future with Touka-chan sounds really nice. Ah, he's thinking ahead.
Once he's back in his apartment, it feels much emptier without her presence, even though he had come to this many times before. He shouldn't be getting his hopes up, should he? Shaken out of his thoughts, Kaneki hears the door rattle, and the audible thump of shoes being carelessly flicked off.
'Touka-chan?' Oh god, he's not ready. Sweat forms on his forehead, and the beat of his heart is quicker than it's supposed to be.
'Hm,' she comes in the room to Kaneki, who looks very shaky 'What's up?'
It's now or never.
'C-can we talk?' Touka stills, shocked. That's what people say when they want to break up, right? But this is Kaneki, so she should listen to what he has to say. She doesn't want to lose him, though.
He notes the deep breath she takes, and she sits beside him, almost apprehensively.
Kaneki is quick to grasp her hands, finding comfort in her warmth. God, he feels better already. He puts one of her hands on his heart, so she can understand his anxiousness. Though Touka finds the gesture weird, she doesn't have time to think about it when he slowly begins to talk.
'Do you uh, maybe,' He cringes as his voice goes higher, 'wa-want to live with-with me?'
Please say yes.
Her eyes snap to him, stricken. That's not what she expected - it's better.
'I-I...' her mouth opens and closes, unsure. Would Ayato and Hinami be okay by themselves? Of course they would, they have Hinami. But would they be okay with her living with her boyfriend? Maybe. It would be easier to not to have to travel to both their apartments. And he's already given her his spare key. And she really wants to. The thought of his strong arms holding her in the morning while she steals his warmth sends flutters in her chest.
'Yes.' Her voice is meek, but music to Kaneki's ears.
Thank god, he thinks, as he hungrily pulls her in for a kiss. Their tongues mix, eagerly, and even when Kaneki has no breath left, he wants to keep going, because Touka-chan's lips are just so soft. She returns the sentiment, as she lets out a disappointed sound when they part, panting slightly.
'See you, Touka-chan.' Unfortunately, he has to go to work straight after, but he's on cloud nine, and even Nishiki notices.
'Who sucked your dick?' He comments, but Kaneki doesn't care, not now.
It takes a lot longer than expected.
Unexpectedly, Hinami and Ayato weren't surprised when she told them she was going to be living with Kaneki, and Ayato had even commented 'good riddance'.
With their busy schedules, it's hard to find time to move her things to his place, and Touka's usually too tired or too distracted to pack. Her and Ayato spend too much time arguing over things that are obviously hers, and Kaneki argues that he has the same things.
'But it's different.' She huffs - she's already let Ayato keep almost everything, but she really wants that bunny plushie. Ayato will just have to give it up. He had spent years saying that he doesn't care for it, but the second Touka wants it, he's all over it. Hopefully Hinami can convince him, everyone knows Ayato's putty for her.
It sits proud on top of Kaneki's wardrobe, watching over them.
'Hey.' Kissing her on the cheek, Kaneki blurts a heavy sigh when he takes his hard hat off, relived to be free. He shrugs off his jacket as Touka makes a cute noise of recognition.
There are still boxes to unpack, but all of her stuff is in his apartment now, and Kaneki could care less about finishing it today. Work is really draining, though he does enjoy it. Helping people gives him a deep satisfaction, that he's needed—
He freezes when she suddenly comes behind him, taking a tuft of his hair, and inspecting it.
'It's getting a bit long, don't you think?' She comments, Kaneki chuckling in return.
'I guess so.'
'I'll cut it if you want.' She's still holding it, admiring its softness.
'Really?' He gasps, feeling himself fall for her even more. Touka replies with an 'of course', before going to grab scissors and a towel.
'Sit down.' Her hands press down daintily on his shoulders, leading him to where she wants him to be. His ash hair is quite straight, so she doesn't feel the need to wet it, and is content with running her fingers through dry locks.
'Lets do this.'
The snips of the scissors are audible, as are her soft hums, which he closes his eyes to focus on.
'Shit.' She mutters, but Kaneki doesn't notice.
The humming stops, along with the snips. He feels her hand brush at his neck, flicking away any stray hairs.
'That tickles.' Kaneki giggles.
'Man up.' Passing him a mirror, Touka winces as he studies himself, putting a hand where his bangs used to be.
Maybe she shouldn't have offered.
'Wow!' He comments, with an unreadable expression 'It's perfect.' Adding a small, sheepish chuckle, he hears Touka groan behind him, her head in her hands.
'I messed up again, didn't I?' She made the same mistake with Hinami years ago, and with Yomo. This should've been her opportunity for redemption. Why does she always make the same mistake?
'Don't worry, Touka-chan.' She can hear her heart thump, his kindness showing in his smile. 'It'll grow back.' His hair does grow pretty quickly.
'You idiot.' She murmurs, before kissing him.
At least his hat can cover it.
It can't.
'What is that!?' In the changing room, Nishiki guffaws, flicking Kaneki's exposed forehead. So maybe he did a bad job at hiding the bad haircut.
'It looks fine.' He lies, not wanting to offend Touka at all. 'I-uh... I'm going for a new look.' It was very sweet of her to offer, though Nishiki looks unconvinced. He tuts.
'That's not a fucking haircut, only an idiot-'
'Don't make fun of Touka-chan!' He interrupts, Nishiki watching in amusement.
'Oh? And who's this Touka-chan, Kaneki?' He smirks, watching him go red.
'N-no one...'
'Really?' He deadpans, looking him dead in the eye. Kaneki is a terrible liar.
'It's funny, the name sounds familiar.' He does recall hearing it once. Pondering on it, Kaneki gulps when he sees Nishiki's glasses glint, a smirk tugging on the corner, knowing he's caught onto something.
'That girl from that coffee shop!?' Remaining silent, Nishiki gets his answer.
'And you didn't think to tell me, I'm insulted.' He mockingly covers his gaping mouth in astonishment, and false disappointment. Kaneki gulps, it's been over a year, and he didn't want Nishiki to know. Nishio-senpai... can easily insult people, and he's afraid they wouldn't get along. Of course they wouldn't.
'I can't believe you, Kaneki.' Tutting, he puts on his sweater, turning back to look at him.
'I can forgive you, however, if you let me meet this woman.'
Pausing outside the cafe's entrance, Kaneki peers over at Nishiki dubiously, who is smirking.
'Don't...' He trails off, knowing his partner's behaviour. Nishiki would do something stupid, or offensive.
'Don't worry,' he winks, only heightening his suspicions 'I won't ruin your chances of getting laid.'
Kaneki is a blushing mess as he stumbles after Nishiki, who enters the shop in a boastful stride.
'Kaneki?' Touka asks, seeing his red face and a stranger behind him 'Who's your friend?' She knows him, remembering glimpses of him being there when Anteiku—
'What can I get you?' Nishiki says nothing, going closer to her. He scrutinises Touka, looking at her every feature. Kaneki watches, slightly confused, and slightly annoyed.
'You got yourself a cute one, Kaneki. What'd he do to land you?' The question is referred to Touka, who simply ignores him.
'Did he pay you or something?' Nishiki tries, and Kaneki blushes, ready to defend himself.
'T-tha— That's not... I didn't-.'
'I'm kidding.' He turns his attention back to Touka, 'Formality aside, I want to know the details. So Touka-chan,' Nishiki continues, blatantly ignoring the helpless man beside him, 'Does Kaneki here satisfy you?' Kaneki sputters his coffee, and Touka fails to hide her chuckle. She'd be calling glasses a pervert if her boyfriend wasn't having such a reaction.
Touka taps her cheek, as if truly thinking about the question, and for a moment Kaneki is terrified. Urgently, he sends her a look, as if saying 'don't answer him'.
'I'm sure he learns something from all those books he reads.'
'He must have quite the imagination.' Nishiki sighs, exasperated, 'He can't even hold off at work.'
This isn't what's supposed to happen. They're teaming up on him. Nishiki he understands, but his girlfriend. At this rate, he'll die of embarrassment.
'He really is a closet pervert.' Before she can reply, Kaneki slams a hand on the counter, louder than he intended, and Touka is thankful the shop is empty.
'Y-yes, that's very amusing, b-but, we have to go now.' Hastily, Kaneki stands, preparing to leave. His companion tails him, and both stop when Touka calls out to him.
'Kaneki, I'll see you at home.' She smiles at him, and Nishiki gapes, looking at Kaneki.
'You live together!'
'That was exhausting.' Kaneki complains, collapsing onto the bed beside Touka, who is happily reading her manga. Nishiki had given him so much grief when they left, demanding to know everything. He groans into a pillow, and feels her body shake beside him, chuckling. 'And I'm not a pervert.'
'Don't worry, if you're anyone's pervert, you're mine.' She strokes his hair, lightly massaging his scalp. He closes his eyes, relaxing, and moves even closer to her, resting his head on her shoulder.
'Yeah, but you guys were double-teaming me.' Grumbling like that, he sounds like a child, Touka laughing beside him. The sound is enough to momentarily distract him, as it's rare to hear her laugh, and it's too angelic.
'Don't sulk.'
'Hm...' Distracted, he feels a quiet, peaceful lull take over him, and he beckons Touka to come even closer to him.
'Lets just... stay like this.' He murmurs, pressing his lips to her forehead. Luckily, his eyes are closed, and he fails to see Touka's unusually pink cheeks, flushed with embarrassment. He's too sappy. Still, she craves his contact just as much as he craves hers.
Sometimes they argue, because Kaneki is a huge dork.
'Touka-chan!' He takes the candle from her grasp, quickly blowing it out. 'You can't do that, it's a fire hazard.'
'It's just a candle.' She remarks, and Kaneki gasps, as if offended.
'Touka-chan, do you know how many fires I have to deal with! Because of this!' He points at the object, glaring it down - Touka has to suppress a giggle. She regains her composure, continuing with the debate.
'Hey, I paid for that! It's scented.'
'Safety is worth more than money.' Kaneki chides. She sighs.
'Fine, but you're paying me back.' He doesn't have to know it's fake. After all, she's still afraid of fire.
It's a peaceful life.
The irritating chime of his phone wakes them up, Touka turning in bed as Kaneki shoots up, quietly conversing. She can't hear the conversation, but can guess what it's about when he grabs his clothes.
'Do you have to go?' She whimpers, watching him put on his uniform. It always hurts her to see him leave for something so dangerous, and he knows it.
'Don't worry,' he chuckles, giving her a free smile 'I have a very capable team.'
'Yeah, if you can call shitty Nishiki capable.' Grumbling, she pouts at him, Kaneki finding it really cute. Titling her chin, he places a light peck on her lips, smiling when she reciprocates with more fervour.
'And besides,' he adds, making a show of putting her ring on his neck, 'As long as I have this, I'll be okay.' Blushing, she looks away, and when Kaneki finishes with his last button, he gently pushes her down to the bed, staying so close that she can feel his breath on her face.
'It's too early, go to sleep.' He leaves kisses all over her face, lingering on her lips before taking one last look at her as he sets off. She hears the door close softly, and curls up. His job is so dangerous, and she hates having to wait for him to come home covered in ash, and reeking of smoke.
Despite him reassuring her, she can't sleep, stumbling to the living room. She makes herself a coffee, and sets herself in front of the television. Turning it on, she goes to the news, biting her fingernails anxiously. Before she started dating him, she always ignored the news, but now she is always putting it on when he's gone. It's the only way she can know he is safe.
'What the fuck...' The news is chaos. There are sirens blaring, and reporters hastily talking, and Touka gulps when she sees it.
The fire is large, engulfing the unfortunate building. It's bad, worse than Anteiku. The realisation makes her shiver, and she almost shouts at the TV when she sees Kaneki. He's a mere dot in the background, and her hands clench when he begins to take in the severity of the damage. He murmurs something to Nishiki, who give a heavy nod in agreement, and they go in together. The rest of the firemen follow, and she watches as they come back one by one, carrying a different person, then storming in again. At one point, her eyes catch him before he disappears into the building again. Her body hurts when she sees Kaneki. He looks haggard, completely in focus, only from the spilt second she catches. Staring at the screen, she feels dread as she watches Nishiki come out, saying something to their chief.
There must be so many people, and her heart leaps when Kaneki doesn't come out. Faces she recognise have come and gone, even Nishiki, but she can't see him once.
'No no no.' Where is he? A part of the building collapses, and she is immediately putting a jacket over her pyjamas, slamming the apartment door shut.
Where am I going? The location isn't that far a run, but she's not entirely sure where it is. It doesn't take long to find it when she sees smoke from behind a few skyscrapers. The sirens are getting louder, and an ambulance passes her, and she finds herself running after it, though it's not like she can keep up.
It's much worse in person. The flames reflect in her eyes, and she feels something worse than fear.
She manages to sneakily duck under the tape that keeps the public away, approaching the members of his squad. Nishiki curses as he sees her, grabbing her to keep her from getting any closer. Her eyes scan the crowds, and he can see she is worried beyond belief.
'W-where's Kaneki? Where is he?' She thrashes against him, feeling her desperation increase when he doesn't answer her.
'Oi, calm down.' Nishiki keeps her in a tight lock. Breathing heavily, she uses all her strength to try and push him, her delirious state not doing much.
'Please,' Touka sniffles, talking to herself, 'Don't leave me alone.' She can't abandon him either, and she is close to tears as she sees another part collapse, and no Kaneki. Nishiki looks at her with sympathy, and begins to stroke her hair.
'He's an idiot, but not that much of an idiot that he'd leave you, okay?' The contact brings her comfort nonetheless, and she calms down slightly, watching the wreckage. Nishiki' right, he's strong, and he has her ring. So he'll be fine.
Breaking the door down, he is thankful when no-one is there, but scared. He has no idea how many people are left in the building, and he can't leave anyone behind.
Something crumbles, and he feels the floor give way, mind going blank.
Time passes for dust to clear up, and he doesn't know how long. His vision is halved, and he realises he can only see out of one eye. He feels hazy, gasping when his legs throbs painfully. Glancing at it, he curses at the state it's in, buried in rubble. Blood drips from his head, and when he shakily touches the wound his whole hand comes back red.
First things first, he needs to get his leg out. Pulling, Kaneki hears the disturbing snap of bones as he tries to free his foot. It twists, uncomfortably, and all of his body feels like it's on fire. Finally, his blood covered leg is released, and the pain is a dull throb, probably from shock. He gets up, slowly, gritting his teeth, and hobbles.
This is bad...
The fire is spreading. Suddenly, the smoke is thicker, and Kaneki drops to the floor, though it doesn't make a difference. Coughs wrack his body as he scans for an exit.
This is hopeless.
His hands fish around, clawing at his chest as he pulls the ring from underneath his vest, clutching it tightly. The chain burns against his neck as it snaps, but he doesn't care as he grips it with all his life force.
A source of strength.
'Touka,' he breathes, chanting her name. He had promised her he'd return safe, and how pathetic would he be if he can't keep that promise.
His heart aches as he thinks of all their days together. Once upon a time, she was in the exact same position as he is now - fighting for air, forcing her limbs to move. Touka is strong, the strongest person he's ever met. She's beautiful, and smart, and stubborn, and his world.
Had he ever told her he loves her? It's all he can think about, usually, but had he ever said the words aloud. What a terrible boyfriend he is.
The flames gather around him, tauntingly, as if closing in. Uneven, broken ground is digging into his back, and his throats feels dry. Something else crashes, and the ground shakes a little, even more unstable. If he's going to die, Touka has to be his last thought.
He can't stay awake. Just as his vision fades, he feels someone grab him.
Nishiki is still holding her when they see a disorientated Kaneki being carried out, and Touka immediately detaches herself to run to him.
They put him on a stretcher, immediately throwing on an oxygen mask. His eyes flutter, and all he can see is the smoke filled sky. Vaguely, he can hear his name being called, but pays no heed to it, not noticing Touka by his side.
They're on the ambulance now, and she tries not to be in the way of the paramedics, who are bustling about.
Some of his skin is ripped, and half his face is covered in thick blood. His hair is stained red, and he looks a little delirious, like he's in a dream. His hand is clenched, tightly holding something, and her heart catches when she realises it's her ring.
An angel towers over him, an angel with dark hair and concerned features that looks exactly like—
'Touka...' everything's a blur. There's a pressure on his hand, but his whole body feels numb 'T-Touka... wh- what are you... doing here?'
The vehicle stops, and she runs after them as they pull him along. He is still trying to talk, feeling himself choke up.
The doctors are telling him to stop talking, that he should just focus on conserving his energy, but he can't hear them, only thinking of Touka.
'Kaneki...' Like her voice, her hand wavers, not sure where to place it without hurting him. Slowly, his hand lifts, trying to hold her cheek, but he is too weak, and Touka settles dancing her fingertips along the unblemished part of his jawline.
'You'll be okay, you know that, right?' His head is rolling, eyes dropping, and Touka is terrified. Her words are becoming rushed and desperate, and he can no longer find the strength to speak, feeling the corners of his eyes go dark.
I've worried you. I'm sorry, Touka-chan...
Fading in and out of consciousness, Touka can only watch helplessly as the doctors take him away, leading him through doors she isn't allowed to pass. A magazine sits on the desk, which she skims over anxiously, waiting for any news. The hours tick by, and each time she approaches the desk, they offer her no news, leaving her to worry.
'He's not dumb, you know.' The paper flies to the floor, and Touka can feel her pulse quicken at Nishiki's interruption. They sit side by side, and Touka finds the floor much more interesting. She can feel Nishiki's gaze on her, observing her, and she hates it. Biting her lip, she feels her frustration build up, and is about to retort when he interrupts.
'Getting pissed isn't gonna help him.' Her teeth grit, eyes burning slightly.
'Well what do you know.' She grumbles. They are left in silence together, and Touka finds it oddly comforting to have at least some company. That is until he gets up, stretching out his limbs.
'He'll be fine.' he says, before leaving. Touka says nothing, staring at the clock. How long had it been? It's dark outside now, and empty, only her and the useless receptionist sharing the space.
It takes two days. Ayato and Hinami stop by briefly, more than once. They give her several spare changes of clothes, and she's not even allowed in his room yet.
'You can see him now.' Touka knows the receptionist is talking to her, because she is the only one in the waiting room.
She rushes as soon as she's given his room number. Finally... The door crashes open with her haste, and Touka's heart falls because Kaneki isn't awake yet, just... sleeping. He's almost unrecognisable, covered in bandages, and bruises. His snow-white hair is no longer tainted in red, but is wrapped in an off-white bandage. It worries her, and Touka's blood runs with dread when she takes in the one on his left eye. The blood is seeping through; she sucks in a breath, desperately trying not to crumble. Kaneki's not dead, and that's all that matters.
Am I dead?
There's something uncomfortable with his eye, and the fluorescent light bursts in. He hears ruffling, and suddenly Touka is there, features marred with concern. There's nothing better than waking up to a loved one, he thinks, and he takes in her face, trying to memorise it.
'Beautiful...' His voice is hoarse, raw, and it makes her breath hitch. 'Am I dreaming?'
With desperation, he tries to sit up. The familiar slope of her fingers push his shoulders down, gently.
'Don't move.' Touka whispers, 'I'm here.' She gets closer to him.  
His body aches, arm burning as he reaches for her cheek. Her skin is radiating a warmth only she can give, and he blurts a gasp of relief. Touka, here, with him.
He doesn't have to ask her what happens, he remembers everything.
'You know I love you, right? More than anything.' His voice cracks, and his throat hurts, but Touka has to know, he can never leave again without her knowing.
'O-of course. And I-I love you.' His expression melts into a relaxed one, like he had stupidly thought otherwise. Her hand brushes the bandages, barely touching him, and he winces.
'Is your eye okay?' That's the question of the day, and he can't answer her.
'I don't know, I haven't been told me anything?'
'Does it hurt?' She offers.
'No, not really. It just feels kind of... numb.' Is that a good thing?
They are interrupted when a group of nurses come in, tending to Kaneki; they tell her she should go home, get cleaned up, so they can change all his bandages. And that she's been waiting for days.
He protests, but Touka hushes him with a quick peck before she is gone. When she comes back, an hour or two later, she sees Amon leave his hospital room, solemn. Her footsteps are hasty as she enters his room, seeing his head hung, fingers clutching the blanket. Whatever news Amon told him couldn't have been good.
'What's wrong?' He flinches, and she knows he had been too absorbed to even notice her. Biting his lips, he glances at her, and he looks so fragile that she runs to his side, holding his arm. Shaking it, she frowns, not used to her cheery boyfriend being so unresponsive and sombre. And she hates it.
'Kaneki, are you alright?' Maybe it's cruel to ask him that, because it's obvious he's not.
'No no, I'm fine,' he pauses, and she whispers in his ear for him to continue. 'It's just that... Chief told me that I'm in no condition to work anymore.' His voice goes quieter, struggling to get his next words out.
'Amon-san, h-he told me that... it's too dangerous for me to keep working. Ap- apparently, my eye's too damaged to recover. I'm done.' He splutters, voice breathless and cracking as he buries his face in his hands. He is silent as Touka latches onto him, trying to comfort him.
Maybe he's being selfish, crying like he is now. It's fake when he chuckles, because Kaneki is Kaneki, and he will always try to lessen the burden on others. Touka doesn't know what to say to him, and he feels guilty, wanting to break the silence; she shouldn't have that look because of him.
'My eye's fucked up,' he says, his lip trembling. Right now, he's all over the place, mixed with emotions - this time, he can't. He can't keep himself together, strong. It's hard - Kaneki's just lost his livelihood, and Touka knows exactly how it feels. There's silence, and the stupid thought of eyepatches crosses his mind. A tear is on his cheek, clutching her shirt as he hides his sobs, burying his head in her chest. His body shakes, and doesn't let up even when she plays with his hair, and strokes his back. It reminds her of something, that this situation has happened before. She almost lets out a bitter chuckle - a role reversal, huh? How cruel.
'What will I do now?' He cries, hopeless.
There must be something that can soothe him.
'Work with me. I-in :re.' Her hands dance with his fingers, anxiously waiting for his response. Is that the wrong thing to say, insensitive, after knowing that he's just lost his job. Is it selfish, to want him with her? His sobs clear up, looking at her with something in his eye that she can't place. An intense adoration.
'Really?' He says meekly, fiddling with his hands. Touka offers a warm smile, one that has him transfixed. How can such a perfect person exist?
'Of course.'
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