#that it's gonna be like. a core part of the game 😬
you know, tears of the kingdom has a LOT of audacity to have me 2 hours in and still in the fucking tutorial world
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arctrooper69 · 2 years
I'm just gonna throw this one out there since the thought won't leave my brain. What if F! Reader, and Crosshair when put together are absolute trolls to TBB, pulling pranks and creating minor inconveniences for everyone for their own amusement. Then the day arrives when he pranks the F! Reader and takes a little too far (exchange sugar for salt in the caf? Idk, you choose!). She chases him down to give him a piece of her mind, and mid-punch into his armor, he catches her hand.
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Hi! I'm so sorry this took so long! Hope this is worth the wait! Also, I misread part of it so its reader and Crosshair pranking eachother not tbb as a whole. Sorry about that 😬 But I hope you like it anyway!
Impractical Jokesters
You started a game that Crosshair is now determined to finish.
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Warnings: Playing pranks on people I guess? Some lovey dovey stuff at the end. Making out?
"Okay, I'm gonna ask this once and only once!" Crosshair growled stalking down the ramp to where you were sitting outside the Marauder reading a book. He looked annoyed. "Are you responsible for this?!"
He flicked his hand towards you angrily, flinging globs of sticky green sap into the dirt by your feet. You choked, lifting the book to cover your face - partially to protect yourself from the slime but mostly so that he wouldn't see the wicked grin you were trying so hard to hide. Taking a deep breath you peeked over the book to look at him, feigning an innocent look. Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't laugh.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Crosshair. Go bother someone else."
He shook his head and growled in frustration. He knew. He totally knew.
A grin split across your face.
"Don't worry, Tech said the stuff isn't poisonous or anything."
He turned back to the ship but not before chucking his slime covered glove at you. "You're washing this out."
Kriff. That did it. You couldn't help the howling laughter that bubbled from your gut, bringing tears to your eyes. "Just admit it Cross, I got you good!"
He paused at the top of the ramp, turning to face you as he leaned against the hatchway with his arms crossed. His face was eerily calm. A slight smirk graced his lips for a brief second. If you were any less perceptive you would have missed it altogether. There was a sharp glint of danger in his dark eyes that sent tingles through your core, down to your feet. Oh, this could be fun. You flexed your toes, suppressing a grin.
Crosshair seemed to study you intently for a few seconds, twisting the toothpick in his mouth between his thumb and finger before abruptly turning to go back inside; but not before tossing the toothpick over his shoulder. It landed in the dirt in front of you.
"Oh you have no idea what you've just started, kitten. Better watch your back." He smirked to himself as he walked back into the ship before you could respond.
Your lips suddenly felt very dry and you licked them, letting your eyes linger on the hatch long after he'd gone back into the ship. Oh yes. This could be very fun indeed.
When Crosshair said to watch your back, you had a funny feeling he actually meant it. You could feel the his gaze burning across your skin as you walked back into the ship. Crosshair wanted you on edge. That was the fun of it. He'd wait until your guard was down and then he'd strike. It would come without warning. You shot a cocky smile behind you, refusing to let him see just how deep beneath your skin he'd gotten. The suspense was killing, but the thought of Crosshair lying in wait somewhere - it excited you.
A few hours later, you stood by the caf machine, happy for a break from rewiring the control panel. It was tedious to say the least, but you owed it to Tech. You twirled a small wrench between your fingers thoughtfully. He'd seen you eyeing the toolset in town and it was imperative you had good tools to do your job, so he'd bought them for you.
The ramp to the Marauder hissed open and you jumped violently, gasping in pain as the fresh caf sloshed over your fingers. Not scared....just prepared, you told yourself. Hunter grunted as he clambered up the ramp and dropped a large crate down onto the floor. He glanced over quizzically, hearing the sudden crescendo of your pulse. "What's got you so jumpy today?"
"N-nothing!" you stuttered, shaking the caf off of your burnt fingers.
He raised an eyebrow, "Whatever you say." He turned back towards the ramp, tossing you a pair of work gloves. "Come help me bring the supplies in. Wrecker and Omega already left for Cid's and Tech and Echo are working on getting the engines up and running."
You nodded, "Where's Crosshair?"
Hunter shrugged, "No idea. He said he had to grab a few things in town. He should be back soon."
Keeping your guard up all day was exhausting. By the time you finished helping Hunter, Crosshair had returned and vanished once again. As the day went on, you let his threat slip to the back of your mind, slowly but surely letting your guard down.
"Go get some rest, y/n." Hunter jerked his head towards the bunks. "We'll wake you in a couple hours."
"Sounds good to me."
You walked to the fresher. The door slid the door open releasing a bucket of freezing cold water. A shriek flew from your lips as you stood there in shock, dripping wet. Footsteps clambered quickly in your direction.
"Y/n!?" shouted Wrecker. He was the first on the scene. "What happened!?" Hunter followed behind him with a similar look of confusion written all over his face. Rendered speechless, all you could do was sputter. Omega's hand over her mouth did little to stifle the giggles.
A grunt of amusement from behind caused you to spin around. Crosshair was leaning against the wall with folded arms and a satisfied smirk on his lips. "You look like a drowned tooka." He mocked as he removed the toothpick from between his teeth.
Blowing water from your lips, you glared at him.
Crosshair simply shrugged. He twisted a toothpick between his fingers and pointed it towards you. "I did warn you."
You wrung the soaked shirt in your hands, flicking the water droplets at him.
Hunter glanced between the two of you. He could definitely hear the way your pulse soared. Hopefully he would simply chalk it up to shock due to the icy water, but the narrow-eyed look he shot you as he slowly guided Omega back to the cockpit, said otherwise.
You turned back to Crosshair, leaning against the wall with arms crossed, mirroring his posture perfectly.
"So this is what it's is gonna be, huh?" You questioned, slowly looking up at him. Your heart beat wildly in your chest.
He looked down at you, eyes darkening as they met your own determined gaze.
"Do you really want to play this game with me?" He asked dangerously.
You nodded. "You're on, Crosshair"
He rolled his eyes and smirked, "Just remember, you started this."
You chuckled.
If Crosshair wanted a war, Crosshair would get a war.
You chose the wrong girl, my friend.
As promised, the pranks continued on for the rest of the week. The harder Crosshair hit, the harder you hit back.
He'd put salt in your caf instead of sugar and in return you wrapped his bunk in plastic wrap. He stuck dye into your shampoo, and you retaliated by replacing his hand soap with lube. Back and forth, back and forth; neither of you wanted to give the other satisfaction by giving up.
"Seriously Crosshair?" You fished out another plastic cockroach from your cereal bowl. To his credit, they did look real. "That's all you've got?"
His sharp eyes glistened dangerously like steely knives as he shrugged. "Wouldn't you like to know."
The next day he struck again.
"CROSSHAIR!" You yelled across the ship. You were beyond mad now. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes. "Too far! You've gone way too far this time!"
You were met with silence. Where was everyone? Crosshair had crossed a major line by messing with your tools.
"I needed that wrench today!" You yelled. The wrench in question was now glued to the palm of your hand. "Get out here now!"
Still silence.
You would never mess with his Firepuncher or anything that could potentially compromise a mission, yet the boundaries of your games had slowly been fading away.
Hunter poked his head from the cockpit.
"Crosshair's outside, y/n. What's the problem?"
"What's the problem!?" you yelled. Hunter winced.
"THIS! This is the problem!" You shook your hand at him. Your right hand; the hand you used to work your tools and now your wrench was stuck fast in your grip.
"He GLUED my wrench to my HAND!" You wiggled your fingers to prove your point and the wrench stuck fast. Omega was now standing by Hunter, drawn out of her room by your outburst.
"Wow," she giggled, "that's certainly not...handy."
Hunter choked on his caf. Omega smacked him on the back.
"That was a good one." He chuckled, ruffling her hair.
Omega beamed, then looked back down at the wrench in your hand. She couldn't tell if the tears in your eyes were of pain or anger. Probably both.
"I'm gonna kill him!" A frustrated growl emanated from the back of your throat. Crosshair would pay for this.
The door hissed open and you stepped outside. Crosshair, where are you?
"Tech!" You shouted, catching sight of him sitting in the grass tinkering away at some device that may have once been a thermal detonator and was now...something else.
He glanced up at you as you stalked over to him. "What's wr- "
"Where's Crosshair!?" you snarled, not giving him the chance to finish.
Tech shrugged. "I believe he went into town but I- "
"Great." You interrupted and hopped on a speeder leaving Tech looking quite bewildered.
Strangely enough, Crosshair was fairly easy to find and it almost seemed like he wanted to be found. By you.
He said nothing as he allowed you to drag him into an alleyway, shooting poisonous glares at anyone who looked your way.
"What the hell, Crosshair!?"
He smirked, taking in your disheveled appearance. The silence only further induced your fury. He was doing this on purpose.
That was it. You'd had enough.
"Why the hell would you think this is okay!?" Your voice cracked as you lifted your eyes, expecting some kind of response. Something. Guilt? Anger? Amusement? But Crosshair simply shrugged. You saw red and balled your fist, swinging without thinking.
In an instant he grabbed your shaking fist in his hand and stepped forward, pushing you up against the wall.
"Are you done?" he growled. He was so close you could feel his breath on your skin. You shivered, slowly losing the will to fight back. Your legs already felt weak. He moved forward, pinning your wrists to the bricks behind you and forcing a knee between your thighs. Your breath quickened.
"I think this has gone on long enough, don't you?"
It was your turn to be silent. Your eyes once aflame with anger, were burning with something else. Something deeper and much more passionate. His eyes wandered your body, coming up to meet your eyes. Crosshair wanted you as much as you wanted him.
He shoved his lips against yours with a hot, hungry urgency. He looked back up at you and smirked. He had you at his mercy and he knew it.
"I win."
"Crosshair," you shivered as he teased his hands slowly down your sides. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent. "I love where this is going, but please, can we first get this thing off my hand?"
@zoeykallus @ttzamara @nahoney22 @merkitty49 @viva-la-whump @agenteliix @dumpsters-little-matchbook @nekotaetae @ladykatakuri @loverofclones @heyitsaloy @padawancat97 @sadspring @flyingkangaroo
If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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midwestmade29 · 6 months
Choose Me (Part 3)
Christmas writing prompt: #20 (A couple broken up get invited to a Christmas party) Word Count: 1,023 Divider by: @benkeibear Be sure to check out @madhatterbri's [full list] of Christmas/New Year writing prompts!
Lots of dialogue in part 3 😮‍💨 and still dripping with lots of angst!
I think I’m gonna have to give @madhatterbri her angst crown back after writing this story. Not my strong suit, but always good to switch things up from time to time.
Only disclaimers I would say part 3 has is manipulation and some cursing 😬
Every story has an ending...but will yours be happy?
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“Aww, you look upset. What’s wrong sunshine?” Shayna asked with smug smile on her face. “Please move.” You said sternly, but she didn’t budge. “What do you want Shayna? Isn’t there someone else around here you can torment? Maybe some new executive’s ass you can kiss?” Shayna only laughed at your sarcasm which made your blood start to boil. “You’re so cute when you’re jealous! You only wish you could do what I do. Afterall, I do have the grandest prize of all in my bed at night while you’re all alone in yours. Poor thing, it must be so sad knowing Christian chose me over you!” She said, faking a pouty face. Her words cut straight to your core making you want to run and hide like you have the last few months, but you knew you couldn’t waiver. “Look, I really don’t have anything else to say to you other than you won. You won Shayna! Christian is yours! If he wants you to suck the life out of him again like a God damn vampire, then so be it. He saw right through your bullshit before, so one can only hope he will again. Just tell me one thing. Why? Why would you meddle with Christian and I and tear us a part?” As soon as you asked the infamous question, you regretted it because you weren’t sure if you were truly ready to hear the answer.
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“Oh honey, isn’t it obvious? I’m a grown woman and you’re just a little girl! Why in the world would someone like Christian ever stay with someone like you? You can’t give him what he needs! Don’t get me wrong, I applaud you for catching his attention for a little while, but now he’s where he belongs and that’s in-between my legs.” Shayna said victoriously. “You stole him from me, so I simply took back what’s mine. An eye for an eye if you will.” Your jaw dropped at her confession and your stomach started to turn at the thought of Christian being intimate with her. Your head felt like it was spinning as you tried to process everything. You felt like crying and screaming at the same time the more her words sank in, but you had to say your peace. “Sounds to me you’re not as grown as you say you are playing these types of childish games. My life is not a game and Christian is not a prize to be won! We are more than pawns in your sick game. Shame on you!” Fury burned in Shayna’s eyes the more you went on. “You just couldn’t stand that he finally got the courage to leave your toxic ass in the first place! So please, cut the shit and move out of my way.”
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Without another word, you walked right past her, feeling 10 pounds lighter having unloaded the thoughts and feelings you had built up inside of you for so long. Your strappy heels clacked on the marble stairs as you walked down them, the sound echoing off the walls. Once you reached the bottom step, you heard someone rushing down them not too far behind you. “Y/N! Wait!” Christian called out, but you kept walking and didn’t look back. He eventually caught up with you and tried to stop you when he grabbed hold of your wrist. “Don’t!” you shouted as you pulled your wrist free from Christian’s grasp. “I’m sorry. Please don’t leave like this. I didn’t mean to ruin your night or to upset you. I wasn’t even sure you were here until I heard someone call your name earlier. Once I saw you, I couldn’t stay away. I had to talk to you.” He confessed. After exchanging words with Shayna, you felt numb, so Christian’s words fell upon deaf ears. When you didn’t say anything, he continued. “When Kris finally stopped chewing me out, I saw you say something to Shayna before walking away. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
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Feeling exasperated over everything, every thought and feeling you had left spilled from your lips. “You wanted to make sure I was okay? What about Shayna? Shouldn’t you be checking on your girlfriend instead?” He tried to interject, but you stopped him and continued. “You made your choice Christian. I’m not going to beg you to change your mind and choose me instead. If you’re willing to give up everything we had together, then I have to make a choice too. I have to let you go.” Something you said must’ve hit a nerve because he showed his true colors when his next words were coated with condescension. “You have to let me go?” he scoffed. “I did what I had to for my career! I’m all everyone talks about, and Shayna adds to that. I can’t give up that kind of clout! Being with her makes sense for business and that’s what fills my bank account.” In the matter of a few seconds, your entire world caved in once again. All this time you thought you knew Christian, but you were sadly mistaken. You had fallen in love with an imposter and someone who clearly loved fortune and fame more than they loved you.
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You pulled yourself out of the stupor you were in, doing your best to hold back the tears that threatened to flow when you replied to Christian. “So, what you’re telling me is that you’re willing to sacrifice true happiness and love for money and notability? It’s evident now more than ever that you are lost. So lost. I hope somewhere down the road you’re able to find your way again Christian. You and Shayna are a match made in hell and the two of you deserve each other!” Without a second glance, you turned and walked away, leaving Christian standing alone in the vestibule just like he left you the night he broke your heart in your apartment. He didn’t even try to say anything further, he could only stand and watch as the best damn thing to ever happen to him walked right out the door.
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Phew, glad that’s over 🤣 Now, time to write some smut & fluff!
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wanderingaldecaldo · 2 years
14, 18 and 28 for the fic thing!
Thanks for the ask! 🥰
Fanfic end of year asks
14 - a fic you didn’t expect to write
I answered this before but I'll give a different one. Once I started writing No One's Gonna Love You, there was no stopping me. I did a lot of the April prompt event at Lizzie's, but I got detoured for several weeks in late April/early May by Blaze of Glory.
I was in-game researching the panzer (double-checking that they could actually sit on it and smoke a cigarette after...well...you know) and I scanned Mitch. The results shocked me -- NCPD showed him as wanted for sexual assault. It shook me to the core. I certainly believe that people are capable of change, but to me that was the antithesis of everything Mitch stands for. I struggled with it for a long time. It actually put me off of writing NOGLY while I reckoned with it.
Turns out CDPR is just terrible and randomly generate charges for NPCs. I've gotten different charges with each different scan since then, but the fact that it showed up and I had to *see it*?
But I love the piece that I wrote as a result. It was the first time I really wrote from Mitch's POV, and I feel like I struck a good balance with it without descending into apologist territory.
18 - current number of wips
OH GOD I guess that depends on what counts. Let's say, anything that has actual writing done for it vs planning.
No One's Gonna Love You is still technically a WIP -- and I'm procrastinating by doing this instead 😬
Goro/Corpo V based on Pride and Prejudice (this is actually what got me back into writing this year and I have seven hand written pages for it already. one day I'll go back to it)
three for friends' ships
three Mitch/Val oneshots
Mitch/Claire slow burn
Parts two and three to Triangles, a Mitch/Scorp/Corpo V plot-what-plot
Judy/Carol rebound-to-love (Carol needs love too, dammit!)
Rogue/Johnny pegging
Total: Lucky 13
28 - longest fic you read this year
Chase the Morning by ThornWild. Does it matter that I was his beta? I don't think so 😅
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