#that denim jacket and the cowboy hat???
backroad-life · 3 months
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Credit: Backroad-life
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reunitedinterlude · 5 months
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dan and phil appreciation week
day three: favourite outfits - phil version (part 2/2)
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transalfredpennyworth · 9 months
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hide-your-bugs-away · 23 hours
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(April 1965 and March 1966)
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madsfash · 5 months
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ares857 · 1 year
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internet finds
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briefalpacashark · 3 months
~Cowboys and Men~ Part One ~
Synopsis : The 141 have to play cowboys.
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You sat along with the other boys of the 141 as you stared at Laswell. She had just delivered the news of your next mission.
“Well shit,” you grin widely. Why? The mission was right up your alley. You had personal experience practically having grown up in the thick of it. The boys, however. You were almost certain that none of them had even come close to anything like it.
The mission. Going undercover in an American rodeo. 
“So you want us to play cowboy?” Price asked.
“That’s right. Long enough till you find this guy and bring him in,” she stated tapping her knuckle on a photo of the target. An older man with a grim surrounded by gray hair and a killer mustache.
“Y/N you'll be the one participating in the rodeo. The boys will be your team,” Laswell explained simply. 
“Her team?” Jonny asked, jabbing his thumb at you. “Why can't I be the horse rider huh?” he asked.
“Can you ride a horse?” Laswell asked.
“Well no, canne be hard, can it?” his question had you chuckling.
“Its an invite only event, we've got a contact. You'll head out tomorrow to show him what you got. He'll slot you in where he can,” Laswell focused on you as she spoke.
“Sure thing boss,” you nodded.
“Honestly Laswell, I think I could do a pretty good job,” Jonny stated.
“The fact that you think a rodeo only involves horses proves how unqualified you are for it,” You stated.
“And you are?” Jonny asked.
“I grew up in the saddle of a horse, mate. You're looking at a genuine drover,” you gestured to your body with a smirk.
“The fuck is a drover?” Jonny asked the rest of the team. Gaz simply shrugged.
“Alright dismissed,” Laswell said. 
You were quickly dispatched to the good old US of A. You were dropped off in a random field via helicopter. Your team walked up to two men on horseback. The one on the left was tall and buff with golden hair to die for. The other was slightly shorter and stubbier. But they both had one thing in common. They looked like genuine cowboys. Hats and everything.
“Howdy!” Jonny called with a terrible American accent.
“Fucken hell,” you chuckled, shaking your head.
“Forgive him. He's hit his head a few too many times,” Price stated.
“That stunt his growth too?” The blond asked. Your laugh broke through your lips as Jonny’s smile fell.
“The one you just shut up is Soap, that's Gaz, Ghost. I’m Bravo and that’s Doc.” he pointed you all out the cowboys, tipping their hat’s to you.
“Ma’am, I heard you're the only one with experience in the saddle,” the smile the blond gave you was slightly flirtatious.
“Since I was two. Grew up on a cattle station over in Australia,” You stated walking up to him to give them both a firm handshake.
“How could you choose the military life over one in the saddle?” he asked.
“Plan to get back to it one day,” you said your attention being grabbed by his horse that tried to nibble your jacket.
“He's gorgeous. Mustang?” You asked, reaching up to brush his nose.
“Yes Ma’am,” he nodded. “Care for a ride?” he asked with a wink. You chuckled at his obvious flirting attempt.
“Sorry mate. Not planning in hoping in any saddle that aint my own,” you said, giving the horse a pat.  
“Alright, well, this is Sam, my name's Aurthur,” he stated.
“Pleasure to meet you,” Price stated spoke up drawing the attention off you. 
“Pleasures all ours, Come on by the looks of you, it seems like we've got some work to do,” he stated.
“Work of what?” Gaz asked.
“To make you a lot cowboys,” he said with a grin.
First order of business, if you were to pass for cowboys, you had to look the part. Aurthur generously offered to take you all shopping. Your choice was quick, picked out for practicality. A simple light blue button up. A pair of denim jeans, a comfortable pair of boots and your old hat. You pulled the beat up looking thing out of your bag. It was your simple cattleman hat shape, in a dusty brown colour. It was scuffed and dirty, but it was yours. Setting it atop your head, you smiled at the familiar feeling. Slipping on the dark leather jacket, you fixed the collar before stepping out of the changing room.
“Look out,” Jonny stated from their allocated seats, all gathered in front of the changing rooms.
“So how do I look?” You asked, giving them a little pose.
“Like one hell of a rider,” Aurthur spoke up.
“So so,” Gaz tilted his hand back and forth.
“Oh yeah, let's see you do better,” you said tauntingly.
“Watch a master at work,” Gaz stated. You all waited for his outfit choice. When he stepped out you almost died of laughter. Tassels, tassels and fringe everywhere. On his head sat a bright red Tom Mix hat.
“What you don't think it's good?” he asked jokingly. 
“You look like you'll fly away in a light breeze,” Jonny joked.
“Eat shit soap,” Gaz flipped him off.
“Nah, I'll show you how it's done,” Jonny spoke up. Yells of shock sounded from you all as he walked out in a pair of assless chaps. Only they weren't assless. In fact you saw a lot of ass due to the fact that Jonny only wore the chaps. Nothing else. He held a small bowler's hat in front of his privates as he pretended to act confused. He turned around, giving you a clear view of his rosy red cheeks.
“Fucken hell,” you chuckled, tipping your hat down to cover your gaze.
“You know, I don't think I put these on in the right order,” he stated. Even the Price cracked a chuckle or two.
“Might get a rash ridding a saddle like that,” Ghost stated.
“I like it,” you said. Jonny gave you a wink.
“Come on Captain,” Jonny encouraged Price when his ass was contained again. 
Price walked out in a good pairing. A deep red button up, a pair of jeans, some lovely light brown boots, a light brown fleece jacket and a white brick shaped hat. 
“Captain my captain,” You whistled.
“Where did you find that fashion sense cap?” Ghost asked.
“Quiet you,” Price warned playfully.
“You know those videos where a baby sees their dad with their beard shaved for the first time and they just break out crying,” You asked. Jonny hummed in acknowledgment.
“I feel like that with that hat he's wearing,” you whispered. Jonny chuckled.
“Alright Ghost your turn,” Jonny said slapping Ghost shoulder. Ghost slowly moved his eyes from the captain to Jonny daring him to hit him again.
“Alright, be that way grumpy,” Jonny muttered. “Guess it's my turn again,” he stated. With your help, Jonny walked out in a tight black long sleeve shirt, a denim jacket and jeans. Black boots and a brown rolled brim with a puncher crown. He looked alright apart from the obviously large belt buckle he wore. A picture of a bulls head engraved on it.
“Compensating?” you asked, nodding to the buckle, getting a bird flipped to you.
“At least his ass is covered this time,” Ghost grumbled. Gaz tried again, deciding on a cowboy version of a lumberjack. Plated shirt with a vest jacket, a dark blue pair of jenes and a black version of his original hat. 
“Careful Gaz, that shirt looks a little tight,” Jonny called.
“That's the point,” Gaz stated with a smirk flexing his biceps.
“They can try all they want. The look of a cowboy is something that comes naturally. A look, ma’am that if you'll let me say looks extremely good on you,” Arthur leaned down to whisper to you. You smirked, shrugging.
“I don't know, I think they're pulling it off,” you stated. You chuckled as Gaz tried to perform his best cowboy walk. Hand on his belt and slaughtering forward before making a gun motion with his hand. And Jonny, who pretended to slow motion, to doge said bullets.
“Yeah sure,” Arthur muttered, making you chuckle harder. As you continued to watch Gaz and Jonny make a fool of themselves, you failed to notice a certain pair of eyes set on you. 
“Careful Lieutenant, you glare any harder and he might just get the message,” Price smirked as he saw the slightly pissed expression hidden behind the skull mask.
“Don't know what you mean, sir,” Ghost grumbled before walking away. 
Noticing Ghost's missing presence, you went to look for him, finding him in front of the many hats on display.
“Having trouble choosing?” You asked, walking up to him.
“Any pointers?” he asked.
“Can't help you there. This was my uncle's hat. He lost it when I won a bet,” you said.
“But,” you trailed off, your eyes searching through the hats. You smiled, reaching out to grab one.
“Yeah, this one,” you said, placing it on his head. It was low and pinched a grayish black.
“Yeah, that suits you,” you stated simply with a satisfied nod before walking away. 
When you all returned to the ranch, Simon changed into his outfit. Black jeans, dark brown boots, a black leather jacket and dark grey button up. On his head sat the hat you chose, and he still wore his skull balaclava.
“Well hello handsome,” Jonny called as he walked out to you.
“Zip it Mc’tavish,” he grumbled. Jonny chuckled as he walked up to you. In the pen Arthur walked out a horse already saddled up. Spotting other ranchers gathering round to watch with eager grins, you quickly assessed what was happening. It was a bucking horse, or at least one they were trying to break.
“Alright, lesson one of being a cowboy. Staying on a horse that doesn't want you to stay on,” Arthur stated with a wide grin.
“Any volunteers?” he asked. You chuckled, shaking your head as Jonny raised his hand eagerly.
“Love the spirit scots, man. This here is Bessy,” Arthur said, gesturing him forward. You whipped your mouth as Jonny confidently made his way into the pen.
“Ello Bessy,” he smirked. 
“I'd say goodbye to your balls now Soap, while you have the chance,” you called out to him.
“Ah, away with ye. I'll be fine,” Jonny waved you off.
“He's gonna eat shit isn't he?” Ghost asked folding his arms over his chest.
“All five courses of it,” you chuckled, pulling yourself up to sit on the railings. 
“He has medical cover right?” you asked Price that only shock his head at his soldier stupidity.
“Alright Soap. hold on tight,” After Arthur gave him a basic run down and when Jonny was sat comfortable in the saddle did he stepped back.
“You're gonna set a timer, wanna make sure there is proof when I stay on longer than those bastards,” Jonny nodded back to you all, giving you a wide confident grin as the horse started to pad at the ground.
“Sure thing, champ,” Arthur grinned. “Go on, give her a kick,” he suggested casually, taking a few cautious steps back. 
“What like this?” Jonny asked, kicking his heels gently into her sides. 
You knew pigs couldn't fly, but Jonny sure could. One buck had the poor man was out of the saddle onto the horses ass, then the second buck had the man cartwheeling through the air before landing flat on his ass his legs split in front of him. You and Gaz was practically dying of laughter as Jonny rolled around in pain holding his manly jewels. After Jonny’s poor first display, the ranchers started to pass around bets. 
“Who's next?” Arthur asked, turning to you lot.
Gaz sat on the back of Bessy looking like he was about to shit himself.
“Ok what do I do?” he asked shakily.
“Hold on,” Arthur stated simply.
“I know that, but I don't know the first thing about horses. Do do I pat it?” he asked.
“Sure, it probably won't do you any good though,” Arthur shrugged walking back.
“Come on Gaz,” you called encouragingly.
“I changed my mind, I want to get down,” Gaz stated. As he shifted his weight in the saddle, Bessy fell into a fit. Bucking and kicking like crazy. Gaz lasted about four seconds before he was bucked off. 
“This is bullshit,” Gaz grumbled, limping back to you trying to remove the dirt from his mouth. 
“Are the betting on us?” Jonny asked nodding to the growing group.
“There ranchers, this is probably the best entertainment they've had all week,” you stated.
“Yeah well they should stop,” Gaz grumbled.
“Why? They're actually betting in your favor,” you lied.
“Really?” he asked with a small grin of hope.
“No,” you chuckled, shaking your head, Gaz's smile instantly falling.
“Your acting way too high and mighty or this,” Gaz stated.
“I think I'm acting the right amount of high and mighty for my skills,” You shrugged.
“Skills we haven't seen yet,” Gaz grumbled.
“I don't need to prove anything,” you shrugged.
“Well, if ye so confident in yourself lass. How bout a wee little bet?” Jonny asked.
“Depends on what it is,” you smirked. With the smirk Jonny already knew you accepted the bet. 
“If anyone of us can last longer than you, you owe us all a week of sick leave,” Jonny put the offer forward. In the military you need a doctor's note or your medic's permission to have a sick day. Which was practically impossible to get. You don't abuse your power but you didn't put up with their bullshit either. So they only ever got sick leave when they were actually sick. And not a man cold either, they had to actually be sick.
“And what do I get?” you asked.
“Bragging rights?” Jonny suggested.
“I'll settle for a picture of you in the outfit you rocked back at the shop,” you stated, pointing to him. Jonny grinned widely.
“Deal,” he said as you too shook on it. 
“You ready, boss?” Jonny asked, turning to Price.
“A week of sick leave, you said?” he asked, debating if he wanted to be a part of your shenanigans.
“Yes sir,” you nodded. 
“Right,” he muttered, pushing his hat further down on his head before slipping in the coral and shaking his jacket off his shoulders.
You had to give it to Price, he was pretty good. And he looked like he stepped right out of a cow boy movie. The mustache and the fit was just perfect. You sucked in a breath as he was thrown from the horse. Impressed cheers came from the others. He lasted almost ten seconds.
“Ghost?” Jonny suggested.
“I prefer to keep my balls unpopped,” Ghost grumbled.
“Guess that's me then,” You spoke up. Walking up to Bessy you smiled brushing her nose before walking round her to where Arthur stood.
“Need a hand?” he offered.
“Nah mate,” you said effortlessly, swinging yourself up onto the saddle and taking the reins in hand. The familiar creak of the leather saddle and the ruff feel of the reins was welcoming. You settled into the back of the saddle, leaning back slightly. You pressed your hat down far enough down your forehead that the only thing you saw was your hands and the horse's shoulder blades.
“Alright, lets fucking do this,” you whispered before gently kicking her. You leaned back as far as you could and pulled the reins tight as she bucked wildly. Your body was jerked about left and right back and forth, yet you held on. The boys had to admit they were impressed. The ranchers cheered as the seconds drew on. As you hit the thirty second mark you swore as the horse slammed up against the side of the railings. To avoid you leg getting crushed you lumped off, the force sending you flying over the fence, right into Arthur who just happened to be sitting stop it. The two of you hit the ground in a cloud of dust. A relatively soft fall for you due to you landing on the cowboy.
“Fuck you alright?” You asked as you quickly hopped off the poor man.
“Look at that, falling for you already,” he groaned, painfully accepting your hand to help him up.
“That line usually work?” you asked with a small smile. You had to admit he was kinda cute.
“Well I don't usually have pretty women tackling me off the fence but here we are,” he said. You chuckled, shaking your head picking up your hat.
“How long was that Jonny!?” You yelled across the coral.
“Too fucking long!” he yelled back. You grinned smugly making your way back over to the boys.
Gaz and Jonny were adamant on getting those sick days. Price opted in for a few more tries, coming only four seconds from your record before he called it quits.
“Not gonna have a go Ghost?” you asked nudging his side.
“Risk getting hurt before the mission, not likely,” he stated as you watched Jonny narrowly avoid a broken bone. 
“Fair enough,” you muttered. The boys could not beat your best. With bruised bodies and prides you all retired to your a few spar rooms in the bunkhouse.
The next morning, you all gathered before dawn. Arthur said you were gonna learn how to ride. The boys walking a bit slower than they usually would. You were all assigned horses. Ghost and Price and Gaz were going well after some instruction. And Jonny. Well let's just say he wasn't built to ride horses. He just couldn't wrap his head around it. Loud laughs sounded as the horse started to trot slightly, sending your little scotsman's bouncing rapidly in his saddle.
“Fu-Uck En H-EL-LL,” he said through bounces as his head bobbled around. You rode up to him gently pulling on the rains to get the horse to slow down.
“Come on Mate. your ancestors road these guys into battle,” You said.
“Nah, these are American horses. If it was a scottish horse I would be grand,” he stated definitely. Amused by his logic, you just shook your head. To your surprise, Simon pulled up on the other side of Jonny. “Having a bit of trouble there?” Ghost asked smuggle. “Fuck Ye LT,” Jonny grunted, trying to glare only for him to slid sideways in the saddle. You reached out holding his jacket to keep him steady as he readjusted. Ghost smirked before trotting forward. You rode up to his side looking over his posture, one hand resting on his thigh, the other holding both the reins. 
“You’ve done this before,” you stated.
“When I was a kid,” he muttered.
“It shows, You're a natural,” you said.
“Not as good as you,” he said.
“Oh stop it, you'll make me blush,” you grinned. He glanced over at your smile, grunting in response.
“So this is your dream, huh?” he asked. Your grin turned into a fond smile.
“Yeah. I want a nice plot of land in the tablelands,” you stated.
“Table lands?” Ghost asked.
“I'll admit you guys have some nice green pastures in England. But the tablelands. Man, it's something different altogether. Rolling green hills right out of a picture book. It's high up, lots of rain, and rainforests. Fog will roll over the hills in the cold mornings and arvos. I'll have five horses, shit ton of chickens and cows. Maybe a goat or two,” your shrugged. “Two dogs. One working kelpie and and little staffy,” you continued.
“A big old cottage that I built myself. Oh, it's gotta have a basement. Definitely a secret passage. Maybe a fake skeleton chucked in there.” your words had Simon smiling as his eyes settled on you. Settled on the sparkle of your eyes as you described it all.
“Oh and there will be this big ol tree. If I have a family I'll string it up with fairy lights and lanterns. I'll invite you boys round for week long adventures. Big ol fire place next to it,” you reminisce of a life that you possibly might never get to live. After all, your job wasn't necessarily safe.
“Oh so I’m a part of this future huh?” he asked. The instant your gaze turned to him he realized what he said. His face flushed as your smile became impossibly brighter.
“Of course,” you stated simply. Only when you did think of all those things you left out one key part. Whenever you thought about your future, the annoying prick in front of you would pop into the frame. Helping you build the cottage. Putting one of his masks on the fake skeletons. Him in the tree hanging up the lights. Him sitting next to you around the roaring fire. Clearing his throat his face flushed deeply as he looked back to the path in front of you. You didn't see the flush though. You simply saw him avoiding your gaze. For a moment, he wondered if he was having a heart attack. He thought it was the only explanation for his rapid heartbeat.
“Were going for a run care to join?” Arthur called back to you.
“Sure,” you called back. 
“So you ready to show me just how good you are?” You leaned over to Ghost with a taunting
“Perhaps,” he grunted.
“First one to the tree up on that ridge,” you suggested.
“Are we betting anything?” he asked.
“Bragging rights?” you shrugged. “On three?” you suggested.
“Alright, three,” he stated kicking his horse into a gallop. An excited grin stretched across your face as you did the same. The cantering group let out exclamations of surprise as you two zoomed past them in a full gallop. Even with his headstart you quickly caught up to him. Riding would forever feel different to everything in your life. It felt like flying, but so much more magical. As you were neck and neck you looked over to Ghost who looked to you. With a wink, you dropped the reins, opening your arms out as the horse pulled forward. You won by just an inch. 
The next day it was game time. You were strapped up and dressed up for your rodeo. You left a little earlier than the boys. You were hanging around beer in hand playing the part as Arthur introduced you to a few people. Chucking your watch you glanced at the time.
“They should be here by now,” you muttered.
“Speak of the devils,” Arthur muttered nodding behind you. A low whistle left your lips as you took them in.
As everyone took them in. Women, buckle bunnies and men had their eyes set on the group. They looked like a master piece of hot manliness. And you had to admit they looked good enough to have anyone's panties dropped with just a word. There boots kicking up dust as they strutted through the crowd. You swore the music was perfect of their entrance, looking like a scene out of a movie.
“Boys,” you nodded to them as they approached.
“Anna,” Price nodded to you. Your cover name for the mission.
“Come on, I've got to introduce you to someone,” Arthur stated beckoning you all over. You sucked in a small breath as he took you all to the target. 
“Tommy,” Arthur greeted the man like old friends.
“Arthur, how are you, my boy?” he asked. He was an older man, a true cowboy.
“Good Good,” Arthur nodded as they embraced.
“So you're the one Arthurs has been speaking about. You should know outsiders aren't usually welcome here,” the target stated as he turned to you.
“What scared of the challenge?” you asked with a teasing smile. The man paused a beat before breaking out into laughter.
“She's a spunk fire all right. Name’s Tom, everyone calls me Tommy,” he greeted holding his hand out to you.
“Anna,” you introduced yourself.
“Anna, you dont look like an Anna,” he said.
“Oh yeah, what do I look like?” you asked.
“Some real classy name. Like Evangeline or somethin,” he stated.
“Well, you certainly look like a Tommy,” you said.
“Why thank you ma’am,” he tipped his hat to you.
“And who are these fellas?” he asked turning to the boys.
“I'm her manager, Cole,” Price introduced himself. “These boys are on the team,” he stated, pointing to the rest who gave nods.
“I see, well fellas I'll see you out there,” he stated giving you another nod before walking off.
“So we grabbing him?” Jonny asked.
“To many people here,” Price mumbled.
“After the main event you'll have your chance, that's when he goes home,” Arthur said. You nodded, glancing around you. Fancy profession buckers were walking all round you. 
“Nervous Darling?” Arthur asked. The boys gaze snapped to him, some pissed of some surprised. The way American men say darling is just something different.
“I'm about to strap myself to a state of the art bucking horse. Of corse im fucking nervous,” you muttered.
“Don't worry. Come on, there are some other events before. Let's get you warmed up,” he stated. You needed to keep your mind occupied, so you agreed. Steer wrestling and roping was your go to. You didn't place first in anything but you didn't do too bad. The boys looked at you in a different light as you rode beside a young bull, jumping off your horse to wrestle it to the ground, flipping it over and tying its legs up. 
“God damn,” Jonny whispered as you stood to your feet holding your hands in the air.
“She's good, really good,” Arthur stated as he stood by the boys.
“That's our girl,” Price stated simply.
“So, what are you lot to her?” he asked.
“What?” Gaz asked squinting at the man.
“You lot seem real close. I know you're a team but I don't want to step on anyone's toes, I'm a gentle man like that,” he shrugged.
“What do you mean step on anyone's toes?” Price asked, his arms folding over his chest taking on the protective dad stance.
“Look if she's spoken for I'll back off. But I don't see no ring, and she calls you all by name. No pet names,” Arthur trailed off before turning to Ghost.
“So I guess im asking what are you to her,” the question was pointed at Ghost the boys quickly catching on. Ghost turned fully to him tucking his hand under his arm pits where his guns sat, hidden by his jacket. Although he made a point to let the smooth metal peek out.
“I'm the guy that fucks you up seven ways to Sunday if you hurt her,” his voice was deathly low, shaking Arthur up a bit. Yet it was Simon's glare that had the man really scared. 
But he also got the answer he wanted.
“So she's available?” Arthur pointed out with a grin.
=Cowboys and Men = Part Two here=
~COD Master List Here~
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Hit ‘Em Up! (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Cowboy!Gojo Satoru x Cowboy!Geto Suguru x Black!Cowgirl!Reader (Slow Burn/Enemies to Lovers)
Synopsis: You get to meet Geto & Gojo the Gunslingers, the notorious outlaws that have every town and law enforcement in a twist, when your bum-ass BF offers you as payment to avoid going to prison. Little do they know that this is only a part of your plan to get what you desire. But when you realize that the infamous gun-slinging, smooth-talking cowboys could be everything you want and more when they offer you a deal to team up with them, will you successfully be able to go through with it? 
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINOS GTFO); poly!SatouSugu; Reader is Black & Fem; Mention of other JJK characters; Porn with Plot; Tragic Backstories; T/W for Childhood Trauma, Parental Death, Violence, Panic Attacks & Torture; Angst/Hurt/Comfort; Hand Kink; Masturbation; Voyeurism; Gay Sex; Polyamorous; Double Deepthroat; Mutual Oral; Fingering; CMNF; Spitroast; Riding; Unprotected PiV Sex; Creampies; Outside/Public Sex; Shotgunning; Multiple Positions; Spit Kink; Facials; MDom/fsub Undertones; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen PT I & PT II. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Epilogue. Soundtrack.
TWO: G & G.
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You know that there are those in the world who strike fear into people’s hearts and souls.
But you’ve never seen anyone react to a single human being the way they do the duo that struts into the bar in their leather cowboy boots. 
You’ve never seen the saloon so quiet and still before then when the duo steps into the scene. A tumbleweed could blow by with how silent it is.
Everyone’s eyes stay planted on the tall, handsome men oozing with confidence and intimidation standing among the swinging doors, appearing like sexy phantoms in the night.
There stands Geto Suguru, the 6’4 long-haired gunslinger with the perfect, black locks that cascade down his broad shoulders and back, seductive eyes, and skillful hands that he hides behind two riding gloves.
He usually is seen riding a black Bronco that is just as big as him and sporting a black cape with black riding pants, boots, and a low-brim cowboy hat. Black fits him so damn well. The only thing that isn’t black on him is the red vest that is so low-cut that you can see the outline of his pecs. 
Beside him is his partner (and lover as it’s rumored) Gojo Satoru, the lean, confident, cocky, blindfolded bandit standing at 6’3 with snow-white hair, a sly smile, leather gloves that hide some skillful and deadly hands, and a blindfold covering his eyes that have never been seen but are said to make a man go cold with fear where he stands.
In contrast to Geto, the white-haired cowboy is doused in colors: a denim jacket that matches his slacks where a star-shaped belt buckle hangs from his crotch; brown boots with spurs; a red bandana wrapped around his neck; and a white cowboy hat sits low on his head. He, too, has his own horse: a brown Bronco that is recognizable from its hooves clicking across the ground.  
They are a match made in heaven and hell. Handsome, skillful, and deadly. They are known for their impressive yet terrifying speed when it comes to cocking and shooting their pistols. You’ve heard of them killing all kinds of wanted criminals and even other gunslingers in other counties.
Everyone knows them and so do you. 
If a record was playing, the damn thing would be scratching by now with the way the saloon reacts to seeing the gunslingers in the flesh. Whispers begin to rise from the silence, including from Yuki, Mai, and Maki who have wandered over. “Oh, my God,” Mai gasps. “It’s the Gunslingers!” 
“What the hell are they doin’ here?” Maki wonders aloud, peering at them from behind her spectacles. “Are they lookin’ for someone? I thought they had been arrested!” 
And they did, last year. At some point, the articles of gunslingers, corporation owners, and high rollers found dead with bullets in them and a note from “G & G” left at the scene stopped when they were arrested after that train heist. And you know it has everything to do with their connection to your boss. 
“Who cares?” Yuki dreamily sighs as she stares at the gunslingers with heart eyes. “I get to admire them in person now! Aren’t they delicious?” 
“Keep it in your pants, Yuki,” Choso grumbles, tugging on a lock of the blonde’s hair as she giggles. “They ain’t even all that.” 
“Of course not,” Yuki purrs, making Choso blush. “Not above you, Chosi, but a cowboy hat would do you so well!”
Even you will admit that the “wanted dead or alive” posters don’t do them justice: they are fine as all hell, straight out of a woman’s wet dreams. But they are also outlaws. And you despise outlaws…for personal reasons. 
The duo begins to look around the silent saloon, Gojo’s head slowly turning despite his blindfold. When his head turns toward you, you feel as if the air has been stolen from your very lungs. Despite the fabric covering his eyes, you feel as if he sees you. All of you. 
Gojo nudges Geto with his elbow before waltzing over to the bar, his boots thudding across the hardwood floor. Geto follows, ignoring the whispers and stares in their wake. The piano has begun to pick up again, but it does nothing to ease the tension swimming in the air. Quickly, you turn to face your drink while the girls scatter to work, leaving you to fend for yourself. 
Geto sits on the stool beside you while Gojo takes the one beside him. You feel the air around you become stiff and tense as the cowboys settle into their seats. “So what’s a cowboy gotta do to get a drink round here?” Gojo asks with a smirk. “Can ya help a guy out, miss?”
He gives Shoko a flirty look, not knowing that this girl is gay as hell. “I could damn sure try,” she replies, barely giving him a smile. “What will you fellas have?” 
“I’ll take a Long Island iced tea,” Gojo says then laughs. “Just kiddin’! A beer, please.”
Geto takes a moment to examine the shelves of alcohol behind Shoko. He then looks at your pretty drink. “I’ll take what the lady is havin’,” he answers. “Actually, what is that you got there, miss?” 
His dark, enchanting eyes meet yours and you ignore the butterflies they invoke inside of you. “Whiskey smash,” you blandly reply.
He hums thoughtfully at the name. “Hm…is it good?” You tick your eyes at him briefly, secretly admiring his features. “If you like your whiskey with some sweetness to it, sure.”
A slow smirk appears on his face. “Oh, I definitely do,” he drawls. “I like sweetness with my everything.” 
You swallow hard, so sure you have a cherry pit in your throat. Gojo chuckles from beside his partner, flashing you a white-toothed smile. “Oooh, me too. I’ll third that order, ma’am!” Shoko nods and shoots you a look before wandering off to fix the drinks. 
You do your best to keep calm and act normal, sipping your drink and trying to relax. At some point, the silence becomes thicker, prompting one of the gunslingers to speak on it. “Welcomin’ place,” Gojo sniggers. “I feel so at home.”
Geto quietly chuckles from between you and Gojo. “Let’s just settle, Satoru. We won’t be here long.” 
‘Settle what?’ you wonder, but you know that they are here for Kento. Shoko comes back with the frothy, red drinks, lowering them in front of the gunslingers. 
“Thank you kindly,” Gojo chirps before taking a sip. Geto nods his thanks but doesn’t drink his right away. Instead, he goes into his pocket and retrieves a folded piece of paper. He unfolds it and slides it across the bar to Shoko. “I don’t suppose you know who this guy is,” he says. 
You peek down at the paper, finding it to be a “Wanted” poster with your BF and boss looking back at you. Kenzo aka “Valentine” looks much different than when you met him. On the poster, he is clean and shaven, has longer, shaggier hair, and has a distinguished scar on his left eye.
But of course, this is the gunslinger who robbed people blind and just pulled a train heist and massacre in the town of Cherrywood a year before with his crew, Geto, and Gojo. The man who takes his place now is Kenzo, a humble saloon owner who sometimes dabbles in illegal activity to fund his saloon.  
Valentine, a criminal on the lamb and your outlaw boyfriend, is known for using his looks, charm, and violence to get what he wants. He is a man who loves money, women, and jewels. As a notorious criminal and outlaw, he has bounced from place to place, county to county, robbing folks and then laying low before starting again. 
He was arrested for robbing the Cherrywood regional train and having his crew massacre all of its employees and riders before you met him. Originally, he was given a fifty-year sentence but escaped after serving five weeks just by seducing a male prison guard and then knocking him out to steal the cell keys. 
You were hot on his trails when he showed up Blackwater a year later and met you in a whorehouse that you purposely took a job in since he frequented those. He took one look at you and immediately fell in love with you (and your body), proposing you a job at his saloon. “You could be mine,” he told you. “My girl.” You agreed and the rest is history. 
“I’ve heard of him, yes,” Shoko replies as she cleans a glass. 
“Is it possible you’ve seen him around?” Geto ponders aloud. “I don’t know if you’re aware, but he escaped Cherrywood a year ago after robbin’ a train and massacrin’ everyone in it. He’s wanted in about nine different counties.”
Shoko takes another brief look at the poster before someone flags her down from down at the bar. Saved by the bell. “I can’t say I have seen him, fellas,” she apologetically says. “‘Scuse me.” 
She hurries off, leaving you with the two cowboys. “How about you, ma’am?” Geto asks, passing the poster to you. “You recognize this face by any chance?” You look down, studying Valentine’s face.
You have, but first, you need to read these guys. “I’ve seen him in the posters, but not in person. May I ask why you two are here?” 
You keep it casual and curious, making sure you don’t sound too suspicious. “We were paid by a private source to track down Valentine for his crimes,” Geto vaguely explains. 
“And for personal business,” Gojo adds with a smirk. “You see, we were in, uh…business with Valentine some time ago and never got our cut.”
He doesn’t need to go any more into detail than that. You know exactly what he’s talking about. “We don’t like bein’ played with,” he says, his voice dipping an octave, sending a chill down your spine. “Or when someone’s money is funny, so we came here to exchange words with him.” 
‘Words or bullet?’ you want to ask, but you instead bite your tongue and sip your drink. 
“We’ve been told he was last seen in this town,” Geto explains. “We figured everyone comes to saloons so why not check here?” He slides the poster away from you, a kind yet flirty smile crossing his beautiful face. “But even if he isn’t, we can still enjoy a drink with a pretty lady.” 
You roll your eyes, having heard that line before. “Does that line work with all the girls?” you scoff. Gojo coughs up his whiskey as he laughs, but Geto doesn’t take it to heart. In fact, he chuckles.  “I see not with you,” he replies. 
“I like that,” Gojo states once he’s recovered, his blindfolded eyes set dead on you. “You’ve gotta be the first person who isn’t scared of us or tryin’ to jump in bed with us.”
You passively shrug, twirling your tongue around the rim of the glass. “I’ve been around gunslingers in my time.” 
At this, the duo share a look unbeknownst to you, quite interested in the pretty thing sitting with them at the bar. “Oh, really?” Gojo drawls and you realize your mistake. “Any of these encounters you’d care to share, little lady? I’m quite interested.”
Geto nods, his gaze like molten fire. “I am too.” 
You suddenly feel your mouth grow dry and your cheeks become hot. Your body reacts in a way it never has with any man you’ve been with, not even your first love! The way they continue to stare at you, giving you their undivided and unwanted attention, is even worse.
What is wrong with you?
Luckily, your boss comes to the rescue, barreling up to the bar like he wasn’t watching the duo from afar and shaking in his boots. 
“Oh, gentlemen!” he shouts, giving them both a hard, eager handshake. “Welcome, welcome! Can I offer you two another drink or a dance free of charge?”
Gojo ignores him like he isn’t even talking, leaving Geto to handle this. “Thanks, but no thanks,” he says, plastering on a kind smile. “We’re here for some information about him.” 
He passes Kenzo the poster and you watch in real time as the color in your boyfriend’s face drains. “Have you seen this guy anywhere?” Geto asks, squinting at him.
Gojo peers at him from under his hat, his stare intense even with the blindfold covering his eyes. Kenzo clears his throat and leans in to whisper to Geto. You pretend to ignore them though you secretly strain to hear. “Let’s talk in private,” he whispers. “Even the walls have ears, I’m afraid.” 
Geto nods and nudges to Gojo who sighs and downs the rest of his drink. To your shock, Geto puts a hand out to you for a shake. Though hesitantly, you take his hand and feel the room grow hotter than a sauna when he places a gentle kiss on your knuckles. “It was a pleasure meetin’ you, ma’am,” he softly says. “Hopefully, we’ll cross paths again.” 
His eyes gleam as he tips his hat at you, leaving Gojo to follow Kenzo upstairs. Gojo doesn’t follow right away, instead digging into his pocket for some coins and placing them on the bar in front of you. “For your drinks and yours,” he says with a crooked smile. “Have a good night, little miss.” 
Then, just like Geto, he leaves as if he didn’t just steal the air you breathe with it. It takes a moment to get your head back, but once you do, you down the rest of your drink and get up from your seat. Shoko catches your eye and gives you a look, her eyes telling you a message: 
“Don’t get caught,” she warns you. “And don’t get killed.” 
You nod, blowing her a kiss, before following your boss and the duo upstairs.
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scoutswritingcorner · 2 months
What about an au where Striker works for I.M.P? 🥺
Striker Working for I.M.P
Striker x GN! Reader
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A/N: I know you just wanted to do an AU where you wanted just Striker but I am a gay simp for this fucking maniac of a cowboy. 
-☠️Either you just joined or are just training with him whilst the others are out? He’s a hard teacher no doubt. He’ll critique every little thing but he means it in a nice way. He doesn’t need you getting hurt or killed on his watch.
-☠️ Will teach you hand to hand combat and how to disarm someone quickly just in case.
-☠️ A huge lonewolf still but much more easier to get along with cause he has a huge soft spot for you and only you, (he has one for the whole gang but don’t point it out)
-☠️ Still wears his cowboy get up but he strikes me as a fellow who also likes to wear sweaters and a denim jacket everywhere he goes. Also blue jeans and his iconic boots with his hat. You’ll never see him hatless unless he’s letting you and only you wear it.
Platonic Route
-☠️ Big Brother energy. He’ll annoy the shit out of you and then act like it wasn’t his fault.
-☠️ Will steal your snacks and then act like he didn’t. Don’t worry he gets you some more.
-☠️ Will fight you over some stupid shit. Like a kill or if you ate some of his food.
-☠️ Very sweet though, someone hitting on you or unwanted attention? He’s behind you and glaring at the person.
-☠️ Partner acting a fool? He’s immediately taking your side. They cheated? Their car is totaled and they have broken legs. 
-☠️ HE LOVES TALKING SHIT ABOUT EVERYONE. Just go up to him and start talking, he’s immediately focused on you and what’s going on.
-☠️ Gets Loona in on it too cause he also acts like an older brother figure to her and now it’s turned into you three around her desk spilling some fucking hot ass tea. Maybe about your ex or someone else you all collectively hate.
-☠️ Once again, he hates Stolas but he also acts like a big brother to Octavia and will take you, Loona and Octavia out on the town to just relax or have fun. Don’t worry he’s got his gun and knife if anyone tries shit. He ain’t afraid to get his hands dirty to protect his people.
-☠️ He hates photos of himself. He doesn’t like to be perceived but he will let you three take photos of him but he’s a big ole grump about it.
Romantic Route
-☠️Oh boy, he’s even more protective than before. If you both are on the job and he thinks it’s going to be a tougher kill? He’s taking it and sends you off to go check on the others. 
-☠️ That one scene in the D.H.O.R.K.S episode where Blitz and Moxxie were taken? Yeah you were with them and when Striker got you back with the others? He’s feral. He will kill anything that touches a single hair on your head.
You hang your head in shame as you listen to Blitz and Moxxie yell back and forth with one another. How did you allow yourself to get caught? The doors busted open as Millie, Loona and Striker ran over, a crazed look in his eyes. “Oh shit- You okay darling?”  He asked untying you from the chair and pulling you close, checking all over you for any injuries. “I’ll kill these bastards if they hurt ya” He snarled out.
-☠️Such a sweetheart. He’s more prone to lazing around the office with you if there’s nothing to do and will occasionally take naps. 
-☠️ Out on the town with him? He’s spoiling the fuck out of your ass. Like it’s unreal.
-☠️ Loves going to fairs with you, it’s prime time for him to get you everything and to show off his shooting skills.
-☠️In this AU Bombproof is a motorcycle cause I said so and he takes care of it like its his baby. He also gets you your own helmet and lets you ride with him through the city. Date nights are much more fun when you're speeding through each ring and seeing different sites.
-☠️Loves getting/giving good luck kisses. If you don’t give him one before a mission he thinks he’s gonna fail and it bothers him. Doesn’t matter if it’s a kiss on the lips, cheek or forehead. He wants his good luck kiss.
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What would the HOO boys wear?- Fashion analysis (Frank, Nico and Will)
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FRANK ZHANG- Frank is such a soft boy aesthetic aww. He lives knitted sweaters, fuzzy sweaters, or just any sort of sweaters tbh. He likes the colours bright. His colour palette is blue, red, orange and brown. He loves grey sweatpants and is not a huge denim fan tbh, also loves large white hoodies. Frank loves plain white sneakers.
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NICO DI ANGELO- do I even have to explain? This man IS the inspo of the dark grunge aesthetic. He feels uncomfortable in clothing that aren't black tbh, he loves thick jackets. Also, skeletons are a must in every piece of clothing he owns. He even loves wearing those skeleton patterned gloves which only cover half the finger (like the last pic) he has SILVER JEWELLERY obsession omg. Any silver ring, necklace, bracelet? Nico di Angelo will get them all.
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WILL SOLACE- surfer boy aesthetic at peak. He loves sleeveless tops tbh bc it helps him tan easier. he also isn't afraid to flaunt bright colored clothing. Orange, yellow, blue, white are his color palettes. He too loves knitted sweaters. He isn't too big a fan of hoodies though. Loves red shorts, this is random ok but he just gives off that vibe. He loves cowboy hats, argue with the wall.
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trulybetty · 10 months
Stood Up | Frankie Morales x f!Reader
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader (no use of Y/N) Word Count: 1,668 Warnings: being stood up, torrential rain (always bring an umbrella), mentions of alcohol, a difference of opinions on Top Gun and some could call this fluff Summary: Stood up for a date that left you in the pouring rain, you seek refuge in a sports bar and before you can change your mind the man next to you strikes up a conversation AO3: Linked
A/N: so, I was supposed to be working on Bookstore Frankie as per the WIP poll the other day and technically (in my head at least) this is Bookstore Frankie, we're just meeting him a long time before he becomes Bookstore Frankie lol.
Also, consider this is my entry for @pedrostories’ celebration, enjoy! xx
Stood Up
The Seattle rain was relentless. It wasn’t even supposed to rain that day, the forecast ironically calling for sun and highs of warm heat, which had meant you’d left the house in a maxi dress and your flimsy denim jacket. So that meant no umbrella and certainly no practical footwear for the torrential downpour you found yourself in for the date you’d left the house over an hour ago for.
You'd been stood up, and now, thanks to All-Star Week, cabs were impossible to find.
You checked your phone once more, Uber was a wait of over an hour, said date had left you on read and Cat, your friend with a text. One that promised as soon as she could get out of dinner with her husband and his parents, would come and get you with a bottle of wine to commiserate the evening over at your place.
The door to the dimly lit bar slammed shut behind you, cutting off the relentless sound of rain pounding the pavement. You were soaked to the bone, rain dripping off your hair to your face, and in a less-than-stellar mood. 
As you settled into a barstool and ordered a stiff drink, you tried to shake off the frustration. The bartender served you with an understanding smile and you were just beginning to relax when a voice from the end of the bar cut through the chatter of the bar.
“How would you like to ride home on a real cowboy?”
You looked up, and some guy in a ten-gallon hat made eye contact with you with a flourish of said hat and a wink. Based on the accent and the Texas Rangers shirt he was certainly from out of town.
Your eyes rolled at the cheesy attempt, dismissing it with a casual brush-off. The downpour seemed to amplify the irritation simmering within you. Tonight was not the night for clichéd pick-up lines, especially from individuals who seemed to believe they had some inherent right to your attention.
As you took a sip of your drink, you exhaled and began to second-guess coming into the bar. You prayed for Cat to show up soon and get you out of there. Looking through the window, you thought about downing your drink and fleeing for somewhere else less crowded. You were already drenched; what more could the rain do?
But before you could think on it any further from the other side of you, a deep laugh resonated, and you glanced over to find a guy wearing a ball cap labelled 'Standard Oil', a beer resting in his hand, his eyes crinkled as he smiled.
“Can't believe that line didn't work. What's this world coming to?” he joked, raising his glass in a mock salute.
Despite your mood, a reluctant smile tugged at your lips, “A horse did me wrong once, a cowboy and I would be destined for heartbreak from the get-go,” you replied, playing along.
“How about a pilot?”
You raised an eyebrow, you hadn't missed the aviation logo on the shoulder of his shirt, “I feel like I’m being set up for a Village People joke here,” you eyed him wearily, “how often does that line work for you?”
He laughed into this glass as he took another sip, “A lot less than you think.”
You took another sip of your drink, “What a surprise.”
“Frankie,” he said, extending his hand.
You took it, his grip firm and warm and gave him your name.
He gestured to your soaked clothes, “Rough night?”
“You could say that,” you admitted.
Despite your initial want to just drown your sorrows and maybe scroll through Instagram while you waited for Cat, you found yourself in conversation with Frankie. Turned out he was actually a pilot, a little elusive on the details of what exactly he did in the military, but a pilot nonetheless. That and he was currently stationed temporarily out of McChord Field, in Pierce County. He was up in Seattle for the weekend to meet up with some friends coming in from their own deployments.
Frankie's face turned playfully serious, his eyes widening as he said, “You're breaking my fucking heart, baby.”
You laughed, leaning back in your chair. “Oh, come on! You’ve got to agree with me?!”
He grinned, shaking his head. “I never thought I'd meet someone so smart and yet so wrong at the same time.”
You playfully swatted his arm. “I could say the same about you.”
Frankie's eyebrows shot up in genuine disbelief, and his lips curved into a playful half-smile as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. “Not like 'Top Gun'? That's almost sacrilege in my line of work!” His eyes sparkled with amusement, revealing his lighthearted take on the situation. 
When he’d mentioned he worked in aviation within the military, you’d jokingly asked if it was all like Top Gun and if he was a Maverick. Frankie had laughed at the question as he’d flagged down the bartender for another drink for you both. That had been before you’d voiced your true feelings on the 1986 cult classic.
You shrugged, sipping your drink. “I don't know, maybe it's the cheesy one-liners, or perhaps I just don't get the appeal of fighter jets.”
He gasped dramatically, clutching at his chest. “The appeal of fighter jets? Oh, you're really twisting the knife now.”
You giggled at his antics. The more you talked to him, the more you liked him. He didn't take himself too seriously. It was refreshing, especially considering your recent string of bad luck in the dating department.
“I'm sorry, I just don't get it,” you admitted, shaking your head.
Frankie's eyes softened, and he reached over to gently touch your arm. “It's okay. We can't all have perfect taste.”
“You think your taste is perfect?” you teased, enjoying the banter that had been flowing between you two all evening.
“In some things,” he winked, making your cheeks heat furiously.
When your phone buzzed with a message from Cat, signalling that she was outside, you found yourself a little reluctant to leave. It was strange, feeling a connection with a stranger on a night that had started with disappointment, and a part of you wanted to hold onto that feeling a bit longer. Frankie seemed to feel the same way, his eyes lingering on you as you gathered your things.
“Well Frankie, thank you for being a bright light in what was almost a terrible evening.”
“Pleasure is all mine,” he replied, his voice warm.
The two of you paused for a moment, the atmosphere suddenly more serious. He'd already mentioned that he was stationed temporarily and had hinted at an upcoming deployment. And though the good company and the buzz from the drinks had lightened your mood, you were still reeling from being stood up by the man you'd really thought you'd had a chance with.
You waved goodbye to Frankie and headed outside, the rain still falling heavily. As you approached Cat's car, thoughts of Frankie lingered in your mind, leaving you with a strange mixture of excitement and melancholy.
You were just about to open the door to the passenger side of Cat’s car when the noise from inside the bar broke through over the sound of the rain. Turning around Frankie was coming out of the door, you watched him look around before his eyes settled on you with a smile.
Throwing up the umbrella he had in his hands he dashed the short distance over to you, “Look,” he shouted to be heard over the traffic and the storm that was now brewing, “I thought maybe,” he paused looking a little at war with himself before he spoke again, “we could do this again? Maybe without the rain and the cowboy.” he joked and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Sure, I’d like that.”
He pulled his hand out of his pocket and pressed a napkin into your hand. Under the cover of his umbrella, you opened it to see his name scrawled with his phone number and you shot him a smile.
“Call me?” Frankie asked, his voice suddenly softer, more intimate despite the storm raging around you.
“I will,” you assured him, tucking the napkin safely into your pocket.
With a final smile and a lingering look, Frankie dashed back towards the bar, and you climbed into Cat's car, your heart still pounding in your chest.
Cat, ever the observant friend, was already eyeing you with curiosity. “Okay, spill. Who was that guy? And why are you smiling like you've just won the lottery?”
You looked over at her, your grin widening. “That is Frankie. We just spent the last few hours talking in the bar.”
“Frankie?” Cat's eyebrows shot up. “Also, you stayed in that bar with a stranger for hours? That doesn't sound like you.”
And it really wasn’t, even going out for the date that eventually stood you up had been a push outside your comfort level.
Cat narrowed her eyes. “You sure you're not being catfished by this guy?”
You rolled your eyes, a laugh escaping your lips. “Cat, that means online, not in person.”
“Same thing,” Cat retorted, not missing a beat as she started the car. “You never know these days.”
“Anyway, he's only here for a temporary assignment between deployments. Not like anything really is going to happen.”
Cat glanced at you, her expression softening. “It's okay to have fun here and there, you know. Doesn't have to be serious all the time.”
You sighed, leaning against the window. “I know. It's just… different.”
“Different is good,” Cat said, her voice softening as she pulled away from the curb, knowing all too well your past relationship history. “Different can be very good.”
You looked at her, realizing how much you appreciated her support, even with her teasing. “Yeah, maybe.”
Cat's smile widened as she focused on the road. “Of course I'm right. Now tell me everything about this Frankie guy.”
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julesthequirky · 4 months
The Choice: Chapter Seven
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All my work is purely aimed at those 18+ so minors kindly, DNI.
Summary: You find three of your favourite characters in your home. It shouldn’t be possible, but there they are. In the flesh. How the hell did they get there? And surely there’s a way to get them back? But as you get close to each one, the thought of sending them back proves difficult to comprehend.
Characters/Pairings: Fem!Reader, Dean, Beau and Ben (Soldier Boy)
Warnings: Language, typical Soldier Boy behaviour
W/C: 1,541
A/N: As you can see (for those who saw my post earlier) I have split the chapter into two. It wouldn't look right with all the chapters around the same and this one not.
A/N 2: Also it has crossed my attention that as much as you guys love these fics, please don't upload the ficpic to another social. I know none of the images are mine and you can decide to ignore my request, but it do 'make' them with the intent of them being uploaded solely by me. So far I've seen it on the pin board app.
Pulling yourself out of your reverie and ignoring the moisture between your legs, you located Dean in the hat section. He, of course, had on a cowboy hat and posing in front of the mirror.
“Lookin’ good, cowboy.”
Dean spun round with a sheepish grin on his face.
“You really think so?”
You nodded, reaching up on tiptoe, and angled the hat better. His green eyes bore into yours, and the moisture between your legs intensified. Those butterflies stormed your belly, causing a tingling to cover your entire body. Oh Lordy. Staring into his eyes had your brain short-circuiting.
“I love Westerns.”
“I know.” You replied as you moved your hands away.
His lips curved into a smile, which didn’t help the fluttering in your stomach. The Stetson he wore blocked off the surroundings, forcing you to focus only on him. You noticed how green his eyes could get, how the freckles speckled across his cheekbones and the bridge of his nose. You noticed the 5 o’clock shadow across his jaw and chin, the slight crook in his smile and just how pink his lips were.
Caught in his gaze, your heart beat just that little bit faster, and it ached just that little bit harder for the hunter.
“What d’ya think?”
You blinked and tried pulling words from your mushy, in-love brain.
“I think you should get it.”
He nodded and took the hat off.
The rush of Boot Barn came surging back. For a moment, you’d forgotten where and what you were doing. It was silly, silly schoolgirl feelings. Feelings you should push aside, but they just managed to get in the way.
A tap on your shoulder had you whirling around. It was just Beau with the boots and a selection of jackets.
“I couldn’t decide. Could you help?”
You nodded and took the jackets from him. All three were indicative of Beau’s style in Big Sky—black denim with a faux fur lining, tanned suede with a fur collar, and a typical blue denim jacket.
“I can’t decide either. I bet they’d all look great on you though.”
Beau blushed as he smiled, exactly the way Denise had complimented Beau in the first episode of season three. Dean, Beau and Ben shared this smile, and you had Jensen to thank for that.
“Darlin’ you say any more, and I’ma go redder than a farmer’s neck in the middle of summer.”
Damn that Texan. You gave him the jackets back and reached on tippy toe for a light brown Stetson. He ducked a little bit, allowing you to place it atop his head.
“There. It suits you.”
Beau’s face and neck went redder than a farmer in the middle of summer, leaving him speechless.
You clapped him on his shoulder and turned, only to be immediately put in a dour mood. Ben leant against the store’s wall, sweet-talking a female employee. Your heart whomped in your chest, emotion making it tighten. You weren’t sure why, but it felt like rejection.
The female employee smiled in Ben’s direction, giving him all her attention, twirling hair around her finger. Jealousy stabbed at you hard. Fuck him.
Ben turned his head to see you looking. He smirked and turned his attention back to the female employee. Instead of storming over there, you turned on your heel and went straight to the cashier with Beau and Dean.
At Walmart, you picked up a few plain colour t-shirts, Wrangler jeans, underwear, and socks for all three. Dean picked out a few flannels, as did Beau. Ben wandered around, trying to get your attention, and the petty person inside of you gave him the cold shoulder.
“You can’t be mad at me forever.”
You said nothing, moving the cart by some graphic t-shirts. Dean placed a set of two pyjamas, a long dressing gown, and a pair of slippers into the cart. Ben still had clothes to find besides the bare basics you had picked up.
Reaching out, you picked up a t-shirt with an American Eagle with the flag behind it. Patriotic. Sure, it was stereotypical, but honestly, you had no idea what he would wear. You pulled the t-shirt off the rack and brought it to Ben’s chest. He pulled a face at being treated like a child, but he wasn’t helping. You threw the T-shirt into the cart. Ben fished it back out, annoyance etching his face, and picked up a size bigger. Right. He was jacked. You’d forgotten that with the extra muscles, he would need a size larger than Beau and Dean.
You pushed the cart further, but Ben stood in front, gripping the metal, stopping you.
“I saw you when I was talking to that woman. You were jealous.”
You scowled and pushed against him, trying to ram the cart past, but all it did was jam one of the front wheels.
“Admit it, Y/N. You were jealous.”
Your scowl deepened. Ben wasn’t going anywhere, it seemed. Not until he got the truth from you. To evade him, you went to roll the cart backwards. The metal creaked in his hands. The cart wouldn’t budge.
“We’re not going anywhere until you admit it.”
“Why? So you can feel smug with yourself?”
Ben moved from the front of the cart to you. The metal had warped where he had held it, bending under the pressure of his hands. He stood tall, clearly using his height against you. You strained your neck, looking up. A dumb smirk sat on his face.
“Maybe it will make me smug, or maybe I’m trying to prove something to myself.”
Your brow furrowed in confusion.
“Like what?”
“Doll, what makes you think I’ll tell you before you admit to me your jealousy?”
Your scowl came back.
“I wasn’t jealous.”
He snorted with laughter. “Yeah, and I’m a virgin.”
You moved the cart, but he stopped you, again putting his hand on the cart.
“Sweetcheeks, just admit it.”
It was embarrassing to admit. Your pride made you too stubborn to admit. Your hands tightened on the bar. He tested you. on purpose. For what reason? Probably to find out if it would make you jealous or not. Well, it did, and he was probably right. But you weren’t gonna tell him that.
“Just pick out some damn clothes.”
Ben laughed. That deep booming laugh and walked away, allowing you some time for yourself. He knew how to push the right buttons. He knew how to get under your skin. Was that a good thing? Your ex couldn’t even begin to scrape the surface.
You followed as Ben wandered around the clothing section of Walmart. He grabbed some grey sweatpants and undershirt tank tops and threw them into the cart.
“You’re such an old man…” You muttered.
Ben turned around, throwing you a dirty look. Seems he didn’t appreciate that comment. Who wore undershirts in this day and age? Nobody you knew, that was for sure. He had only picked out a handful of clothes. Guess he didn’t need much.
You found Dean and Beau trying on boots. They were laughing together, doing impressions of someone. You didn’t get it until Dean lowered his voice, made himself look all serious and barked out:
“I fart the star spangled banner!”
Of course, it was a perfect imitation. Beau collapsed with a fit of laughter. Behind you, however, was another matter. You turned and collided with Ben. He huffed and snorted, nostrils flaring like a bull preparing to charge. You pressed your hand to his chest. Fuck, it was hot.
“Fuck you, you bendy legged fuckface!”
He stepped forward, forcing you back. You pressed a hand to his chest again.
“Please, Ben. He was only messing. He didn’t mean anything by it.”
Ben huffed, hands curled into tight fists. He didn’t care that he was in public, but you did. He took another step closer, again forcing you to step back.
“Watch your mouth.” Ben warned and walked off, presumably to cool off.
You stared after him, calling his name until you could no longer see him. It frustrated you at how sensitive the Supe was. It seemed he could give it but couldn’t take it.
“Jeez, he can’t take a joke, can he?”
You swiped a hand down your face and turned to Dean and Beau.
“Y’know, I was kinda hoping that since you both have a nice friendship thing going, that Ben would join in and have the same.”
Beau sat on the stool, looked at Dean and then at you.
Honestly, you didn’t wanna hear it.
“Tell me you were only messing around, D?”
Dean sighed.
“Yeah, I was just messing around.”
But from his tone, you could tell he was lying. An array of emotions pained you, but disappointment was the biggest one that fatigued you. You had expected better of him and Beau.
“I’m gonna go look for him.”
Dean stood, moving the shoebox out of his way, before stepping to you.
“Y/N, c’mon…I was only messing around.”
“Oh, yeah? Who else did you impersonate? Or was it only Ben?”
“He does a really good Yogi bear impression.” Beau piped up, not helping at all.
“I know!” You snapped, storming off.
Tags: @yvonneeeee, @curlycarley, @angelbabyyy99, @sassy-pelican, @k-slla, @deans-spinster-witch, @ashdoctor, @eretsupremacy89, @fanfic-n-tabulous, @deans-number-one-fan, @afro-hispwriter, @justjensenandhisalteregos, @tiredstrangerr, @zemosdarling228.
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beansprean · 1 year
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If Nandor’s “eat prey love” journey didn’t include a tearful vent session in a gay bar in Austin, TX with a drag queen named Rascal Fatts, idek what’s real anymore.
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Nandor sitting at a bar in his red fancy coat and a sparkly pink cowboy hat, slumped over the bar with an undrunk tumbler of liquor cupped between his palms. He is clearly mid-rant, frowning mouth open and a tear falling from one eye. Next to him is a drag queen, her blonde hair styled in a giant Texan beehive, wearing purple plastic hoop earrings, a tattoo choker, a denim jacket, and a tight pink top that her tits are spilling out of. She has one hand (with long sparkly acrylics) resting comfortingly on Nandor’s shoulder and the other holding an empty tumbler. There is empty tall glass on the bar next to her. She is nodding and listening as Garth Brooks’s “Friends In Low Places” plays in the background. 2. Close up on Nandor, sparkly cowboy hat removed and pressed to his chest as he bows his head, a single tear falling from his eye. In the background, a vision of Guillermo appears amidst a swirl of purple galaxies. He is wearing a brown vest and cowboy hat and smiling, surrounded by sparkles. Text at the bottom reads “see you space cowboy…” 3. Waist up of Nandor standing with a happy grin, hands on hips. He has a brown tee shirt on over his usual white undershirt with a logo of two horses running and the words “save a horse, ride a cowboy.” /end ID
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
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𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐎𝐧𝐞 | 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐲 ’𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫’ 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐰 & 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 ’𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐚𝐧’ 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐧
requested by anonymous
A/N: happy halloween darlings!! here we have the final kinktober post, and it’s not a short drabble like the rest of my kinktober posts, oh no no no my lovelies, this is a full-on, long-ass oneshot, so enjoy!!
I hope you’ve enjoyed the rest of my kinktober posts too, and I hope you’ve all had / are having a wonderful halloween!!
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“Hey Angel,” Jake winks at you, letting his gaze rake up and down your body languidly, a smirk plastering his face.
You roll your eyes at the cliché joke, clearly referencing your outfit for the night. It was Halloween and you, along with all the other Top Gun pilots, were at a party for the evening hosted graciously by Yale at his impressive beach house. You’d decided to dress in accordance to your callsign; Angel.
A plain white dress, simple, elegant, and still sexy as hell. It was tight, hugging your curves and contours of your body. The material was thin enough that your nipples were just apparent beneath the delicate fabric. It’s neckline just low enough to be enticing, its hemline the same; just short enough to be tempting, showing a fair amount of your bare thighs. A soft glimmer of glitter was dusted over your skin, giving you an ethereal glow. And last, but not least, you wore a simple halo headband for the full effect.
“Very clever,” you quip sarcastically to Jake’s comment.
You then let your gaze rake over Jake and his costume, taking in the glory of his body and how much of it he’d left on display. Not surprisingly Jake had decided to dress as a cowboy, and a slutty one at that. A beige cowboy hat sat atop his head, accentuating his tanned skin. He wore a blue chequered shirt which he hadn’t bothered to do up, leaving it open to reveal his almost obscenely perfect torso. His light blue jeans were tight and hung low on his hips, leaving little to the imagination. His belt was thick, a large oval gold buckle sitting between the v of his muscles which glared like an arrow towards where you were most curious to peak…
“Like what you see darlin’?” He tilts his head cockily, letting his Texan drawl deepen his voice. 
You shrug, trying to look nonchalant, attempting to hide your warm cheeks by taking a swig of your drink. Thankfully at that moment you feel a hand on your arm and turn to see Bradley behind you. Your gaze flicks over him quickly, taking in the blue jeans, blue denim jacket, and orange puffer vest. You knew immediately who he was dressed as; the one and only Marty McFly from Back to the Future.
“Ah, just in time,” you joke lightly, referencing his outfit.
“Very funny, Angel,” he squints playfully at you as you roll your eyes at the cheap joke for the second time that night. 
“Seresin,” he nods a greeting at Jake.
“Bradshaw,” Jake returns the greeting nod, his signature cocky smirk adorning his face again.
“You look good,” Bradley compliments with a wicked gleam in his voice.
“I am good, Rooster. I’m very good,” Jake quips, his smirk growing even more. 
You shake your head with a small laugh. You reach behind you, feeling out until your hand wrapped around Bradley’s. Your other hand reaches out to grab Jake’s. 
“Come on boys,” you giggle invitingly, starting to tug the boys along with you as you moved towards the centre of the living room where other people were dancing, “let’s go dance!” 
The boys let you drag them along, guiding them towards the dance floor. You giggle as you start to dance, swaying in time to the music, your hands still gripping the boys. Bradley is quick to join in, letting himself move with you as you swung your arm with his. Jake, on the other hand, releases your hand with a shrug, mumbling something about how he didn’t really want to dance, before he moves to lean against the wall just opposite you.
Of course Jake Seresin was too cool to dance, you think to yourself. Your eyes roll again before an idea flashes in your mind. You keep your gaze steady on Jake’s as you slowly press yourself backwards, letting your body lean into Bradley’s. You break your gaze away from Jake’s for a second as you twist your head to look up at Bradley behind you. You let your hand reach up until it snaked around Bradley’s nape, your nails scratching at the base of his scalp.
At the same time, you start to rock your hips in time with the music, swaying lightly, deliberately pushing back against Bradley so your ass was grinding against his crotch. Bradley lets out the softest of groans, so quiet you’d have missed it if his mouth wasn’t right against your ear as he pressed his cheek against your head. His hips quickly start to match your rhythm, swaying with you, rocking into your backside. 
His hands quickly snake around your body, one finding purchase on your hip, helping to guide you as you moved together. The other lies flat against your stomach, keeping you in place flush against him. You let out a gentle sigh as you tilt your head back to rest on his shoulder, eyes closed, as you grind with Bradley. It’s then that you let your eyes open again, landing on Jake where he was still leaning against the wall. But now he was leant forward, his eyes burning as they watched you with such an intensity you could practically feel the heat on your skin. You let your lips part with another soft sigh as you determinedly keep your eyes steady on Jake’s. Your hands wander over your own body, caressing yourself as you moved to the music. Jake’s eyes follow your hands, drinking in each movement as they roam over the curves of your body. 
You decide to push him even further, determined to break his resolve. Your hands move to the already short hem of your white dress, pulling it up slightly, revealing even more of the soft skin of your thighs, tugging it until it just barely covered your clothed core. You see Jake’s body physically tense as he watches your movement, his eyes transfixed on the exposed skin of your bare thighs. You hear as light chuckle behind you as Bradley cottons on to your little game.
A small gasp escapes you when Bradley decides to join in on your little game. You could feel his head shift as he tucked it into your neck even further, his lips lightly brushing against your skin, sending a shiver through your spine. But you knew, somehow you knew, that his eyes were also locked onto Jake. You let your back arch against Bradley, your mouth hanging open with a soft moan as one of Bradley’s hands move to caress your thigh, his fingers dragging across your bare skin, slowly moving higher and higher until they also toyed with hem of your short dress. 
That was the final straw for Jake, his resolve finally breaking.
He pushes himself up off the wall and stalks directly towards you. You don’t let him talk, barely give him a second as he approaches you, before you’re reaching outwards and grabbing him by the belt buckle and pulling him in until his hips collided with your own. Your hands immediately wrap around his neck, pulling him in close as you keep your hips rocking, bucking up against Jake, feeling the push of his belt buckle into your abdomen. Jake’s hands are quick to grip onto your waist, his fingers digging into your skin as he moves you against him. The surge of power that flows through you is unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. To have these two beautiful men pressed against, hips rocking against yours, hands all over your body; it made you dizzy, in the best possible way. 
You don’t know how long you stay like this with them. The music, the chatter, it all blurs into the background as your focus remains solely on the two men holding you, touching you, intoxicating you. Their hands were all over your body, caressing and grabbing at your waist, your ass, your hips, your thighs. You thanked the gods there was music playing loud enough so that no one else could hear the moans that fell freely from your lips.
Well, except Bradley and Jake, who seemed to drink in each of your moans, meeting them with a buck of their hips, a pinch of their fingers on your dress, a groan of their own against your skin. Both of them had their faces buried in your neck, letting their heavy breathing fan over your skin, the brim of Jake’s hat knocking against your head. You could feel both of their lips barely brushing over your skin, but neither of them moved to take anything further, neither moved to actually kiss you yet, no matter how desperate you were for it. 
You didn’t think you could take it much longer; your body was aching for more. And from what you could feel poking into your ass and your crotch, both boys were aching for more too. You let one hand reach behind you again, searching for Bradley’s nape and twisting your fingers into his hair. You reach out with your other hand, scratching down Jake’s bare torso until your fingers hook into his belt again, pulling him somehow even closer, yanking to get his attention. You can feel Bradley smile against your neck as you tug on his hair. Jake, however, lifts his head, removing it from the crook of your neck, until his eyes met yours again. His eyes are alight with lust, flickering with wicked intent. 
A whispered ‘please’ passes your lips before you can think better of it, causing that god forsaken smirk to return to Jake’s face. He leans in closer to you until the tip of his nose brushes against your own. Your breath hitches in your throat as his hungry gaze devours you.
“Please?” He mocks, titling his head to the side. “What is it that you want, angel?” 
You stammer helplessly as all words fail you. Your cheeks heat as you feel Bradley chuckle into your neck, equally as amused as Jake by your withering composure. 
“What do you want, sweetheart?” Jake prompts teasingly, his lips dangerously close to yours, your breathes mixing with his.
“I- I want-“ you pant heavily as all of the sensations almost overwhelm you, your mind spinning. 
“Hmm?” Jake prompts, his eyes darkening as they drop to stare greedily at your lips. 
“I want… you,” you finally manage to sigh breathlessly. 
You twist your head slightly towards Bradley, your cheek bumping his nose where he still had his face buried in your neck. The arm that still held onto Bradley’s nape tightened, tugging on his hair slightly with trembling fingers. 
“I- I want both of you,” your voice quivers as you finally admit to it, your cheeks warming. 
Your eyes flick back to Jake in front of you, your knees going weak as you take in the sheer look of hunger and desire that darkened his green eyes. His tongue darts out to wet his lips quickly as his eyes drag over your entire body greedily. 
“Hmm,” Jake acknowledges darkly, “is that so?” 
His gaze then shifts to behind you, locking eyes with Bradley.
“You alright with that, Bradshaw?” He drawls.
You can feel Bradley smirk against your skin as he places a quick kiss below your ear. He then lifts his head to meet Jake’s stare: “oh, I’m more than okay with it, Seresin…”
The next thing you know the three of you are snaking through the crowd, making your way upstairs until you eventually landed upon an empty bedroom. Jake locks the door behind the three of you, turning to face you where you stood somewhat awkwardly in the centre of the room. Bradley was just behind you, already shucking off his puffer vest and denim jacket, tossing them on a chair in the corner of the room, leaving him in just his button up and jeans. You gulp loudly, nerves flowing through you as Jake stalks over to you, moving to stand right in front of you. Your breath hitches in your throat as he towers over you, his eyes locked onto yours as he drinks you in, his green eyes glowing with desire.
“You sure about this, sweetheart?” Jake looks at you seriously as he takes off his cowboy hat and tosses it so it lands on the bedside table. 
You couldn’t believe that this was about to happen, your knees felt weak and you couldn’t tell where the nerves ended and the excitement started. You nod, not trusting your own voice to sound steady. You then feel a strong body sidle up behind you, a hand moving to cup your jaw, turning you gently until your face met Bradley’s. His thumb strokes your jaw reassuringly as he looks at you just as seriously as Jake did.
“You can tell us stop at any time, okay? Just say the word.”
You nod again, a tiny nervous smile gracing your lips. Bradley’s eyes dart to your mouth just as his thumb shifts to tug on your bottom lip. His eyes flick to yours for a final check in before he slowly, tentatively, leans in to push his mouth against yours. His lips start soft with yours, moving languidly, letting the two of you learn each other’s mouth. His thumb keeps stroking your jaw as his hand still cups your jaw, each brush of skin sending flares of electricity through your body. 
Beside you Jake saddles up closer, his head dipping into the crook of your neck again. But this time his lips work to caress your skin with kisses, his warm tongue tasting you with each mark he gently sucked into your skin. A soft moan escapes you, passing into Bradley’s mouth. He swallows it greedily, reciprocating with a gentle groan of his own. The noises seem to provoke something in Jake, who starts kissing his way up the side of your neck, moving upwards until he nipped lightly at your jaw.
You got the hint immediately, smiling lightly as you kiss Bradley for a final moment before you turn to your head towards Jake. Your eyes lock with his for just a second before he crashes his mouth greedily against yours, a barely contained restraint evident in his lips as he fights to be gentle, but everything in his body seems to want to devour you whole.
You whimper against his mouth, which seems to break the last of Jake’s restraint. His hands move to cup your face, pulling you against him. His body arches until his hips collide with yours, almost throwing you off balance with the force. Thankfully Bradley was still behind you to hold you steady, his hands gripping your waist. Jake’s lips are insatiable against yours; he kisses you dizzy, breathless, until your body is almost slack against Bradley as your knees go weak again. 
You moan into Jake’s mouth when you feel Bradley’s lips start to move on your neck, his moustache tickling your skin. Your hands rake down Jake’s chest again, scratching over his hard muscles. You then slide your hands back up his body, roaming over his shoulders, pushing his open shirt off him as you go. His hands release your face for only a second as he lets his shirt fall to the floor. His mouth is about to collide with yours again when you dodge him with a smirk, twisting your body between them as you face Bradley. 
Jake groans behind you as you lean to capture Bradley’s lips with your own, kissing him deeply as your hands desperately fumble with the buttons of his shirt. You feel the warmth of Jake’s body press into you from behind, his lips replacing where Bradley’s had just been on your neck, working to leave marks of his own across your skin.
You didn’t even realise you were trembling until your fingers fail to undo Bradley’s buttons. Mercifully he steps in to help, smirking against your mouth as he deftly undoes his own shirt, swiftly shirking it off and onto the floor. Your hands roam his torso just as greedily as they’d explored Jake’s, scratching again over the hard surface of his muscles. 
A surprised gasp tears from your mouth when you feel Jake’s hands caress your thighs, dragging up your skin until he reaches the hem of your dress, pulling it up slowly as he goes. The kiss with Bradley is broken as you allow Jake to pull the dress off you completely. Bradley’s breath hitches in his throat as he looks down at you, left bare except for the thin white lace panties you had on. Jake groans deeply, a sound of satisfaction as he looms over you from behind, causing you to look up at him and bat your eyelashes with a coy innocence.
“You’re so fucking sexy,” Jake hums as he dips his head to kiss your neck again.
“Fucking perfect,” Bradley concurs before he crashes his lips to your again. 
Bradley’s hands grip your waist, pulling you against him. Meanwhile, Jake’s hands slide around your body until they found your tits, cupping them in his large palms. He uses his grip to pull you towards him, letting your back arch and your head tilt until your kiss with Bradley was broken again and Jake could once again close his mouth over yours. Your soft moans are swallowed by Jake as he plays with your tits, squeezing and kneading them, his large fingers pinching your nipples gently. For a moment you’re so lost in Jake’s kiss again, in the feeling of his large hands caressing your tits, that you barely register as Bradley’s hands curve round your hips, his fingers curling around the fabric of your panties. 
“Don’t think you’ll be needing these anymore, angel,” Bradley whispers wickedly against your neck just as he yanks hard and rips your panties right off you, tearing through the thin fabric. 
You gasp a pathetic whimper just as both boys chuckle darkly. You turn your head back to face Bradley, barely able to get out a complaint at your ruined panties before Bradley’s hand is moving to hover just above where you were aching to be touched, his fingers skimming over your pubic bone. You look up at him pliantly, eyes wide and pleading as you silently beg to be touched, bucking your hips into his touch, your pussy throbbing in desperation for some, any, kind of friction.
But Bradley’s eyes shift to look beyond you, locking gazes with Jake as they silently communicate their next move. Jake’s hand moves from behind you until he finds his place between your thighs. A strangled moan tears from your throat as he starts to rub his fingers between your folds, collecting and spreading your slick.
“Fuck Angel,” Jake groans, “you’re so wet. This all for us, hmm?” He hums cockily, already knowing the answer. 
You whimper, nodding lightly as your cheeks flush with heat, hiding your face in Bradley’s chest.
“Come get a feel of this Bradshaw; she’s practically dripping,” Jake’s voice is laced with a wicked edge.
Bradley accepts the invitation without hesitation, finally letting his hand dip lower until his fingers too were between your folds. He hisses in a sharp breath as he feels your slick coat his fingers.
“Shit,” he grunts with a smirk, “she’s soaked.” 
Your cheeks heat further, but by now you’re almost beyond caring; you just needed these boys to stop teasing you and to start touching you.
“Please,” you breathe quietly against Bradley’s chest.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’ve got you,” Jake coos against the shell of your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spine. “Gotta make sure you’re nice and ready to take us,” he whispers just as he sinks a finger into your aching cunt. 
You moan loudly, hips involuntarily pushing back against him until his finger was sunk to knuckle inside you. Jake holds you steady with his free hand, keeping his arm wrapped over your torso, pressing you against him. Your head falls back pitifully against his shoulder as his lips continue to roam your neck. Bradley’s hand, the one that was also between your legs, started to move in sync with Jake, his fingers rubbing at your clit.
You gasp and lurch forwards, pleasure starting to build and flow in your body. Jake’s lips are attached to your shoulder, kissing and biting even more marks into you skin. Bradley kept his head up, cocked to the side, as he watched you intently, enjoying the way your face was twisting with pleasure even from the slightest of touches. Your mouth hangs open in a soundless gasp when you feel Jake push another finger inside you, starting to use a scissoring motion, stretching you out slightly. Your breathing gets heavier, practically panting as you look at Bradley helplessly, so overcome with pleasure already. 
And these boys hadn’t even got to fucking you yet. 
Your legs were weak at the prospect. Bradley hums in satisfaction as he watches you become more and more undone between them. He leans down to place a kiss to your lips, his fingers still working your clit with expert ministrations. Jake starts to move faster, pumping inside you with even more fervour, his long fingers reaching that sensitive spot that had you mewling from how good it felt.
“Fuck,” you curse under your breath, the sound muffled against Bradley’s lips, as you feel the coil start to tighten inside your belly, your orgasm fast approaching.
You lurch forwards, your head dropping as you now lean heavily against Bradley’s chest. Your knees start to feel weak, a tremble radiating through your thighs as they bring you closer to the precipice of your climax. All it takes is a final few thrusts from Jake’s fingers, a final few circles from Bradley’s fingers, and you’re gasping loudly as pleasure washes over you. Your pussy clenches, your body convulsing as your hips rock against their hands, riding out the euphoria. 
“That’s it, baby,” Bradley praises proudly just as he starts to slow down his movements until he eventually pulled his hand away as you started to shiver with sensitivity. 
“Mmm,” Jake hums against your neck as he scissors open his fingers inside you a few more times, “I think you’re ready to take us now sweetheart.” 
A tiny moan escapes you at the prospect; the fact that you were finally going to have both men inside you… it was enough to nearly have your knees buckling from under you. Bradley keeps a hold of your waist, keeping you steady as Jake releases you and moves away as he starts to strip himself of his jeans and boxers, kicking off his cowboy boots. Once Bradley is satisfied that you’d found your footing again he quickly follows suit, freeing himself of his own jeans and boxers.
With both men now naked beside you barely knew where to look or what to do with yourself. Both of them were glorious, and a part of you noted that they could have gone as Greek gods for Halloween, and it would have made perfect sense. Of course, Jake quickly notices you staring and tilts his head cockily, his smirk returning.
“Like what you see, Angel?” He taunts, calling back to the same question earlier in the night, as he saunters back over to you.
Jake encircles you in his arms and pulls you until your right side was pressed against his chest, letting your naked body collide with his, your skin flush against his, his hardened cock resting against the side of your ass. You can’t help the warmth of blush that creeps into your cheeks as he stares you down cockily. He chuckles cheekily just as he moves to climb onto the bed, guiding you with him.
He lays on his side, coaxing you to do the same, so that your chest was still pressed against his. Barely a moment later you feel the bed dip behind you and another large, strong body settle against your own. You look back over your shoulder to be meet with Bradley’s warm brown eyes. He quickly ducks his head to capture your lips in another kiss, keeping his mouth moving against yours as he slides in close beside you, his hardened cock pushing against the curve of your ass.
At the same time Jake pushes his hips forward against yours, his dick slipping between your thighs. You gasp against Bradley’s mouth as the tip of Jake’s cock rubs through your folds, coating himself in your wetness. Bradley takes advantage of the moment, licking into your mouth and deepening the kiss, groaning at the way you were starting to rock your hips in response to Jake, your ass now sliding across Bradley’s dick. 
Jake’s head dips to latch his lips onto one side of your neck, his breathing starting to become as heavy as your own as he slowly starts to fuck himself between your legs, gliding between your thighs. Bradley swiftly follows suit, pushing his hips closer into you, angling his dick until he was also slotted between your thighs. Between your legs was a wet mess, your arousal, your cum, and a mixture of both men’s precum. They both rub their cocks fervently between your legs, fucking your thighs, gliding against each other; Jake’s cock just barely brushing against your folds, Bradley slotted just below him, rubbing his cock against the underside of Jake’s. You see their gaze lock for a minute as they rub their dicks against each other, both of their eyes alight with a kind of wicked challenge, as if daring the other to go on. They both smirk as they both rise to the challenge, letting themselves move between your thighs as they fuck against each other at the same time. 
Your moans are nothing but pathetic mewls as you move with them, squeezing your thighs together, revelling in the sounds it pulled from both men. Your grind your hips, pushing down, desperately hoping to gain more friction as Jake’s tip just barely moves against your throbbing pussy. Your hole clenches over nothing as you frantically buck your hips. Pathetic pleads pass your lips before you even realise you’d spoken aloud.
“Please,” you whimper. “Need you. Need you both,” you pout, nudging Jake’s cheek with your nose, your lips ghosting over his skin. “Need you both inside me,” you whisper brokenly as you reach an arm behind you to caress Bradley’s nape, twisting your head to look at him with imploring eyes. Strong fingers hook under your chin and pull your head until you were confronted with Bradley’s face in front of yours. 
“You still sure you want this?” He whispers gently.
You nod quickly, digging your nails into his nape where your hand was still caressing his neck. Bradley’s smile grows into a taunting smirk that matched the one you were used to seeing on Jake.
“You think you’re ready to take us, angel?” He murmurs darkly, his voice dangerously low and deep.
“Yes,” you breathe. “Please,” you add in a whisper, rocking your hips back against him for emphasis. 
Both men hum deeply in acknowledgment to your pleas. They then lock eyes again, that silent communication once again passing between them. The men nod briefly at each other, wicked smiles growing on both their faces.
Bradley moves first, shifting his hips and grabbing his dick in one hand, guiding it from between your messy thighs to between your ass cheeks. He rubs himself between your cheeks for a moment, lubing your tight hole with the slick mixture he’d coated himself in between your legs a moment ago. The head of his cock, wet with his precum, gently nudges against your hole, causing a low moan to lodge in your throat. His warm brown eyes flick up to meet your gaze, silently checking in with you a final time. You nod once, pushing your forehead against his, a tiny ‘please’ passing your parted lips. Bradley tilts his head to press his lips against yours briefly just before he finally, slowly and gently, pushes inside you.
Your mouth hangs open, your breathing ragged as you feel the dull ache of him stretching your tight hole. Bradley moves slowly, a groan rumbling deep in his chest. He takes his time as he steadily sinks inside you, letting you adjust to his size. 
“That’s it baby, you can take him. You’re doing so well,” Jake hums quietly as he kisses your neck lightly. “Such a good girl for us,” he mumbles against your skin. 
Your breath hitches in your throat, your chest rising and falling heavily as Bradley bottoms out, pushing as deep as possible into you. He hums gentle shushing noises as he kisses your face delicately. 
“You feeling okay, baby?” He whispers against your lips, his forehead still pressed against yours. 
You nod, again not trusting your voice. The dull ache was still there, but it wasn’t exactly painful. In fact, it felt good, a delicious throbbing that made you feel spectacularly full.
“Good,” Bradley hums in satisfaction. 
Just then Jake starts to move his hips again, pushing up higher this time. He rubs his dick through your folds, his head nudging against your clit, causing you to jerk towards his touch, your ass moving slightly along Bradley’s cock. Bradley keeps your face turned towards him, his fingers still cupping your chin. 
“Ready to take Jake now?” He murmurs quietly, his moustache tickling your skin as his lips lightly brush against your own. 
You nod silently again.
“Good girl,” he hums, his eyes briefly shifting to Jake’s, as if giving him permission to finally make his move, to finally slot himself inside your aching cunt.
Bradley releases your chin and you’re quick to whip your head back round to face Jake in front of you. Jake's hand, the one that wasn’t pinned underneath him on the bed, moved so his hand could cup your cheek. He thumbs your lips, tugging on your bottom lip, keeping your head in place so he could keep his gaze on your face as he moved to sink himself inside you.
Jake moves just as slowly and gently as Bradley had done, steadily pushing into you, giving you that time to adjust as he stretched you out even more. You hiss lightly at the slight burn, the sensation of being so full. Jake moves cautiously, watching your face the entire time, admiring the way it contorted with a mixture of pleasure and pain, the way your mouth hung open lightly. 
With a final shift of his hips Jake bottoms out inside you, causing moans to escape the both of you as clench already just at the feeling of them both filling you up. 
“Fuck,” he croaks, his voice sounding strained, laced with a strangled groan, “you’re still so tight.”
You mewl pathetically, nuzzling your nose against his neck as you revel in the look on his face; tightened with restraint, as if he was completely overcome with how good it felt to be inside you. 
“Feel how she’s clenching already, Seresin? We haven’t even started fucking her yet,” Bradley hums darkly beside your ear, his voice coated in a taunting chuckle.
You moan pathetically at his taunt, your body involuntarily clenching around them again, causing both men to snigger lightly. You pout pitifully as they taunt you, batting your eyelashes up at Jake as he looked down at you. But he just smirks before capturing your lips in a searing kiss. He kisses you hard, messily, hungrily. His tongue and teeth collide with yours just as he starts to gently rock his hips, his cock slowly starting to drag in and out of you. A shiver runs down your body at the sensation, your body reacting on instinct, jerking against him.
Consequently, your ass moves against Bradley, the feeling of his cock dragging within you simultaneously causing your body to wrack with the sensations. Both men groan, almost in sync, as they both start to set a steady rhythm of thrusting into you. They both keep their pace gentle for now, still giving you that time to adjust. But you didn’t need any more time. Their slow pace was only serving to drive you wild with the need for them fuck you faster, fuck you harder. You mewl and whimper pitifully, your body moving frantically, trying to find a rhythm between them, a bit more speed, struggling to move your hips against both men simultaneously.
“Shh, sweetheart,” Bradley hums against your ear, his hand giving your hip a quick squeeze. “Let us do all the work. You just relax, angel,” he coos, gently coaxing your body to stay still as they both keep working to fuck you. 
“But I… I want… I need…,” you whimper between heavy pants.
“Mmm, what do you need sweetheart?” Jake hums in a breathy whisper, his head dipping to kiss your chest, his lips moving towards the valley of your breasts. 
“Use your words angel,” Bradley taunts, his warm breath caressing the shell of your ear, sending another shiver through your body. 
“Please... move faster. Harder,” you pant desperately, as you close your eyes and let your head drop onto the pillow beneath you.
You can practically feel their smirks, the wicked gleam in their eyes. They don’t need to answer you verbally; they let their bodies do the talking for them. Your eyes snap open, a gasp flying from your mouth as both men start to pick up the pace, fucking you a bit harder, a bit faster. Your entire body seems to tighten and convulse as pleasure already starts to sear through you. Bradley keeps one hand on your hip, helping to pull you back against him as he fucks your tight asshole. Jake lets his hand roam the curves of your torso, caressing your side, occasionally moving to knead at your tits before travelling your body again. 
Your upper body had fallen onto the mattress beneath, practically letting the boys use you as they pleased, almost limp in between them. 
Both Jake and Bradley, however, kept their torsos sat up slightly, leaning on their respective elbows as their hips moved against yours. You twist your head slightly to look up and see the men practically glaring at each other as they fucked you. Their rhythms pick up even more, their hips slamming against yours, squashing you between them, each thrust of their hips sending you jolting against the other. A tiny, knowing smile twitches at your lips as you quickly realise what was going on. As was typical between these two usual rivals, they were competing; competing over who could fuck you harder, fuck you better.
The boys’ grunts seem to get louder and louder as they stare each other down, their hips seem to slam into you with more fervour. You roll your eyes despite how hot the scene was; you knew it’d be even hotter if they’d just put their egos aside for a while and let it happen. You sigh deeply as you lean your head back and to the side, letting it fall against the pillow, giving the boys even more space as they glared at each other.
“Will you two cut the shit and just make out already?” You huff finally, gripping their necks and practically pushing them together. 
Bradley just smirks, clearly game for it, inviting Jake in, enjoying the small flare of panic that paints Jake’s face for a second. Jake looks to you momentarily, his eyes wide, just before Bradley’s mouth is on his. Jake sputters for a second, his entire body tensing, hips faltering. But it’s only for a moment, and then he’s melting into the kiss, his eyes closing, lips starting to move with Bradley’s.
You moan loudly, almost exaggeratively, as you watch the two of them. Your pussy clenches at the sight, eliciting synchronous groans from both men as you squeeze them. They continue to make-out, the kiss getting more and more heated, their bodies starting to move in time with each other, rocking against you, sending pleasure coursing through your body. The sight of them of together, their tongues dancing in the heated kiss, it was enough to almost have you cumming sooner than intended.
You can’t help as your body arches, pushing against them, almost involuntarily fighting for their attention to come back to you as a whimper passes your lips. Your nails dig into the back of Jake’s neck as you grip him tightly, pulling him towards you. Jake pulls his mouth off Bradley’s with a sinful pop, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face as he looks down at you. 
“Something wrong, princess?” Jake taunts, an equally wicked chuckle sounding from Bradley behind you. 
You whimper and pout as you lean to reach for his lips. Jake’s chuckle reverberates against your lips as his mouth attaches to yours again, still curved with his signature smirk. You’d only been kissing Jake for a second before you mouth goes limp, losing focus on the kiss, your lips hanging open as pleasure surges through you, taking over your mind, your body. 
“F-fuck,” you croak as your back arches, your toes curling. “You both feel… feel so fucking good. Sh- shit… I- I’m close. I’m gonna-,” you’re cut off with a pathetic squeak, unable to finish your sentence as your body tenses, reaching the precipice of pleasure. 
“Let go for us baby,” Bradley coos against your ear. “Give us everything, let us feel it,” he whispers huskily. 
With a final strained gasp you obey Bradley’s instruction, letting the build-up of pleasure crash over you. Your body shakes and convulses, rocking between the two boys as your orgasm wrecks through you, your pussy and asshole clenching, squeezing both boys as they continues to fuck you carefully. Jake curses incoherently as you clench over him, his hips losing rhythm just as he ducks his head into your chest, his hot breath fanning the valley between your breasts. A strain groaned is muffled against your skin as Jake’s hips finally still, his cock twitching and pulsing inside you as he reaches his own climax. 
“Fuck,” he groans in a dragged-out sigh, “feels incredible, doesn’t she Bradshaw?” Jake hums as he rocks his hips gently, fucking out the last of both his and your highs. 
Behind you, Bradley’s pace quickens, his thrusts getting sloppy and messy in rhythm as he chases his high.
“Y-yes, so good,” he sighs just before a loud groan falls from his lips, his hips stilling as he pushes deeply into you, pressing you tight against Jake’s chest again. 
Bradley groans deeply, almost laughing with his pleasure as his orgasm rushes through him. The room is full of the sounds of heavy breathing as you all slowly rock together, drawing out each other’s highs, bringing yourselves down slowly as the men fuck you gently.
The only other sound in the room is the wetness of the boys still moving slowly inside you, fucking their own cum out of you. The sounds were filthy. Sinful. Far from befitting your callsign and costume. Outside the room you could still hear the steady thrum of the music from the party, the chatter of all the guests. But that wasn’t of concern right now. 
All that existed for now, in this moment, was Jake and Bradley as you lay in between them coming down slowly from your highs.
Yale was definitely gonna kill you guys for the mess on the sheets though…
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A/N: I have to admit I don’t think this is my finest work tbh but I was in a rush to finish it bc I worked a 14 hr shift today and I had to scramble to finish this yesterday so yeah sorry if it’s not the greatest piece of writing but I hope it was enjoyable nonetheless!
Main Masterlist // Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
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cilliansmesoftly · 1 year
the cowboy hat rule
summary: you and austin are at a bar and you put on another guy’s cowboy hat.
warning: smut, sexual harassment, angst, friends to lovers, alcohol mention, cowboy!au austin, fem!reader
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“austin, c’mon! we came here to have fun!” you whined to your best friend, hand tugging at the denim jacket he was wearing. you’d been trying to get him to come to the dance floor with you since you arrived, but he wouldn’t budge.
“go on, doll. i might come in a little bit.” he laughed as he watched you pout. you huffed a breath before turning to the crowd and making your way to the dancing line. austin watched as you jumped right in, dancing with all the other people who grew up on the same line dances. he watched as your hair was tossed over your shoulder when you turned, facing away from him. his eyes traveled a bit lower, much to his disdain, and marveled at your hips and your ass. those jeans you wore never failed to make his heart flutter and make blood rush his cheeks.
to get his mind off of you for a moment, he turned away from the railing and walked towards the bar to get another beer. he adjusted his cowboy hat sitting atop his head as the bartender passed him the glass bottle. he lifted it up to his lips, taking a sip, and turned to check on you. and what he saw nearly made his blood boil.
there you were, dancing with the group of people, but a man was behind you. his hands were splayed around your waist, dragging to back to him. you were laughing, so cutely innocent at his intentions.
austin sighed, closing his eyes to relax himself and to remind himself that you weren’t his. you had the freedom of flirting with shitty dudes at bars. just as he was calming down, he opened his eyes to see the man placing his cowboy hat on your head, smiling smugly. you were smiling, adjusting the hat. you had no clue, and the thought just aggravated austin more. this guy really believed he was gonna take you home.
“oh, hell no.” austin muttered to himself, swigging the last of his beer and laying down some money on the counter before walking to the dance floor.
“austin!” you cheered, arms outstretched for him. he smiled tightly at you, moving his cold gaze to the man still touching you. without even looking at you, austin grabbed the hat off your head and l pushed it into the guy’s chest, making him take a few steps back.
“what the fuck, man?” he slurred, obviously drunk.
“don’t even fuckin’ think about touching her.” austin seethed, turning to face you. your eyebrows were furrowed in confusion, but you allowed austin to guide you away from the man.
“she wanted it, man! you saw her wearin’ my damn hat.” the guy called out to you both, austin stopped in his tracks taking a deep breath. “you can’t tell me she didn’t know the rule. a pretty little thing like that, she was asking for it.”
that pushed austin over the edge, turning around with his fists clenched. he face the guy, squaring his shoulders before punching him, a gnarly crack was heard and you gasped as the guy fell to the ground.
“austin!” you grabbed his arm, dragging him away from everyone. “what the fuck?”
his eyes never strayed from the man, his jaw clenched and eyes dark. he was huffing, chest heaving until you brought your hand to his cheek and his eyes softened as he turned his gaze to you.
“c’mon. we’re going home.” his voice was thick, accent barely peaking through. despite his hard exterior, his hand softly clutched yours to guide you out of the bar and into his old, beat up truck. he opened the door for you and closed it before walking to the drivers side and resting his hands on the steering wheel.
“are we gonna talk about that?” he ignored you, turning the key in the ignition and leaving the old bar in a cloud of dust. you sat silently, staring at your hands sitting in your lap. the radio was on playing an old george strait hit which did wonders to ease the tense silence between you two.
before you knew it, you had arrived at austin’s house. it was always tradition for the two of you to have a weekend together. your busy work schedules never allowed the time to hang out during the week.
austin threw the truck in park and took the key out of the ignition. you turned your head towards him, silently begging for an explanation. he nodded to himself before taking a deep breath and looking out of the window to avoid your piercing gaze.
“you know the hat rule?” he asked. his hands gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white.
“no.” you stated softly. despite living in the south all your life, you never really got into the whole ‘cowboy aesthetic’ you didn’t know many staple songs, you didn’t know all the line dances, and apparently there was a rule about a man’s cowboy hat.
“wear the hat, ride the cowboy? it’s basically… it’s basically a way for a guy to claim you without having to ask.” his nostrils flared at the thought of you with him. he couldn’t help but imagine his hands all over you, in places his hands should be. “i know you’re upset about me losing my temper, but you think i could just sit there and let him do that?”
“austin.. i didn’t know. you think i would’ve let him if i knew?” you scoffed, how could he be mad at you if you were clueless to their whole cowboy gang rules? “why are you so upset about it anyways?”
“am i not allowed to be with other guys?” you were getting angry now. austin had always drove the men away that you even found the slightest of interest in, but you never understood why. he had his other girlfriends, though they’d never last long. after the breakups, he’d come running into your arms. he’d take solace in your presence and you’d comfort him in any way he needed. you’ve had feelings for him for all your life, but you never thought he felt the same. being his best friend was enough for you, but you were starting to hate that he never wanted you with any other guy except him. “you always drive away any man that breathes near me.”
“cause i like you!” he yelled, making you flinch. he sighed, grabbing your hand from your lap and turning to face you. “you have no idea how long i’ve been in love with you, y/n. i wake up thinkin’ bout you, i go to sleep thinkin’ about you. it’s- it’s a fucking sickness. every time i even think about someone else having you, i just— i get furious. i understand if you don’t feel the same way, but please, please don’t abandon me. i’ve gone my whole life with these feelings, i think i can manage.”
you were shocked, your eyes looked over everything about him. his freckles, his eyes, his plump lips, his nose, everything. everything that you’d ever wanted to hear from him just spilled from his lips. you didn’t know what to say or what to do. your hands were moving before you could stop them and grabbed the hat off the top of his head before placing it on yours, cheeks tinting pink at your boldness. you didn’t need to say anything because austin had already pushed forward to capture your lips with his. his sighed into it, this was everything he’d ever wanted and more. it was better than he imagined. he could taste your chapstick and he could smell the perfume you put on, slightly putting him in a trance.
austin’s hands found your waist, dragging you over to sit on his lap. you giggled as you accidentally hit the horn, throwing a leg over his. the tip of his hat was hitting his forehead and austin tipped it back on your head. his tongue traced against your bottom lip, a whimper from him that was muffled against you as his tongue massaged yours. his touch felt electric against you and you could feel his cock hardening through his jeans.
“let’s go inside, yeah?” you mumbled against his lips, breaths heaving and hearts pounding. he nodded, pulling the handle on the door. you expected him to put you down, but he just carried you to the porch, unlocking the door with one hand and the other supporting your bottom. he guided you to the kitchen where he set you down on the counter. your legs stayed wrapped around his waist as he brought his kisses down to your neck, licking, sucking, and biting the soft skin and most definitely leaving marks for you to admire the next morning.
you felt austin’s hands drift their way to the jeans you were wearing, unbuttoning them slowly and taking the zipper down. he pulled them down your legs, his fingertips, barely grazing you, left goosebumps on your skin and you hurriedly kicked them off your ankles and onto the kitchen floor. he leaned back to admire you for a second, cropped white tank top riding up with all the wiggling you were doing and letting him catch a glimpse of your stomach. he eyed your delicate panties, a bow at the hem that was driving him crazy and the wet spot over your core that had him nearly falling to his knees.
“so gorgeous, honey.” you blushed at his words, hands shielding your face from his eyes. “no, none of that.” he grabbed your hands and kissed your palms. you leaned up, capturing his lips again and you moaned when you felt his bulge grind against your clothed clit. the noises coming from you sent austin into a frenzy, leaning away from you again to undo his belt and his jeans, pushing them down his legs. he toyed with the hem of your panties, admiring the innocent bow once again, then tugged them down your legs at an agonizingly slow speed. you wanted him all over you, wanted to feel him, kiss him, love him. you wanted it all, and you wanted it now.
“god, austin. fuck me.” you heaved, back arching off the countertop in pleasure. austin laughed breathlessly, shaking his head.
“i’ve waited my whole life for this, i’m gonna soak it all in, angel.” your heart swelled at his words, you knew he was right. but you just had to argue.
“why take it slow? gonna have me for the rest of your life.” his head dropped against your chest, a groan coming out against the material of your tanktop.
“you’re gonna kill me.” he shook his head against you, kissing your clothed chest. he moved down, kissing the bare skin of your stomach just above your naval. you were squirming when he finally set his sights on your core and he laid his arm over your hips to keep you still. “such a pretty pussy, honey. all this for me?” his finger gathered the wetness at your entrance, pushing it into you and you bit your lip to contain the curses begging to spill out.
“all for you.” you said breathily, leaning up on your elbows to watch him begin to thrust his fingers in and out of you, curling the two digits to stretch you out.
“so tight.” he muttered before latching his lips onto your clit and sucking at the bud, your arms collapsed underneath you and you laid back on the cold counter. your legs wrapped around his head, ankles crossing behind his neck. the cowboy hat on your head tipped in front of your eyes as it hit the counter and you moved to take it off, but austin hummed around your clit, the vibration making you clench around his fingers. “leave it on.”
you moaned again, legs clenching around his head even tighter. your orgasm was approaching much faster than you intended, with his tongue doing wonders on your clit, his fingers moving in and out of you at a perfect pace, it was hard to hold back. he could tell you were close by your sounds, your movements, your core clenching his fingers harder and harder with every thrust. just as you were tipping over the edge, austin pulled his fingers out, leaving you a gasping mess. you whined, but it was short-lived as austin moved up to take the hat off your head and kiss you deeply, his hand wrapping around the back of your neck to push you into him.
he couldn’t get enough of you, he felt crazy. he felt like a crazy, starved man. he knew once he got his fix, his hands, his mouth, his mind would never leave you.
“take me to the bedroom.” you whispered against his lips and he pulled you up, lips still attached, and carried you bridal style to the master suite. you giggled as he plopped you down on the soft duvet, your hair splayed behind you. austin smiled down at you making you blush and turn away.
“don’t get all shy on me now, princess.” he laughed, hand rubbing up and down in your bare leg. he stood straight and took off his jacket, leaving him in just a plain white t-shirt. you could see the muscles of his toned stomach through the material and you had to clench your legs at the sight. you leaned up, now sitting on your knees with him standing in front of you, and played with the hem of his shirt. “take it off if you want to, honey.” you bit your lip at the sweet name falling from his lips, raising the hem of his shirt higher and higher until it was thrown to the ground. you marveled at the sight of him. his chest, with hairs littered about, had freckles all over from days spent in the sun. his stomach was lean with abs that made your mouth water. but your favorite sight was his happy trail, hairs going from the bottom of his belly button down to what you wanted most.
“can i take these off, too?” you looked up at him through your lashes, toying with the elastic band of his underwear. he nodded, breathing heavily through his nose. you tugged the band down his legs and he kicked them off. his cock was a sight, the tip was leaking precum from the arousal you caused him and so, so pretty. the tamed hair around his pelvic bones made you ever wetter. your hand wrapped itself around the shaft and you brought the tip to your lips, kissing away the bead of his arousal. austin sighed loudly, leaning his head back. you went further down on him, but you couldn’t fit it all. you slowly jerked off what you couldn’t fit and bobbed your head around what you could. austin was a whimpering mess, hands finding comfort in your hair and, most likely, tangling it.
“god, i’m already close.” your eyes were watering as you took him deeper. a few minutes later, you felt him twitch inside your mouth and you picked up your pace. you looked up to see austin shaking his head before he gently pulled out of your mouth. “wanna finish inside of you.”
“jesus christ.” you moaned, laying back down on the bed. austin kneeled between your legs, jerking himself off for a second before finding your entrance. he looked into your eyes for consent and you nodded. he pushed in gently, eyes shutting tightly and jaw clenching.
“feels like you were fuckin’ made for me, angel.” he said through gritted teeth. once he bottomed out, you both let out a breath of pleasure. austin’s slow hands wrapped around the thickness of your thighs before bringing them around his hips, hinting that he wanted you to wrap your legs around him. you did as hinted, locking your ankles at his lower back as he pulled out ever so slowly and started thrusting a slow pace to get you used to him.
“faster.” you whispered, your hand reaching the back of his neck to pull him into a kiss. he sped up, his cock hitting any and all angles inside you. you were a moaning mess against his lips, your heavy breaths mixing with his. your foreheads were pressed together and the eye contact between the two of you was searing and almost too much to bear. you lifted your hips to meet his quick thrusts, making austin whimper and tuck his face into your neck. “fuckin’ me so good, honey. you feel so good.” you praised, which apparently austin liked because his hips snapped roughly into yours, hitting that sweet spot inside of you. you moaned loudly and the sound reverberated off the walls and came back to your ears.
“want you to ride me.” austin groaned in your ear and you nodded against the side of his head, pressing a kiss to his cheek sweetly. he turned you both over, keeping his length inside of you. as you sat down against his thighs, he hit even deeper. your feet were planted on the bed on either side of his thighs and you started to bounce on his cock, moving your hair to the side to get it out of your face. austin leaned up, chest pressed against yours, and brought his lips to yours. his hands grabbed your hips and rocked you even harder against him. you pushed his head back, kissing his neck and leaving lingering tattoo kisses against the smooth skin.
your orgasm was already building, the coil in your stomach becoming tighter and tighter with every perfect thrust. your legs were getting tired and austin could tell, so he leaned up fully, laying you down and fucking into you harder. he felt you clench around him, driving him crazy.
“perfect cunt clenching me so tight. you close, angel?” he asked gruffly into your ear. you moaned in response, your nails scratching down his back and leaving bright red marks. “me, too. hold it for a second, baby.”
“c-can’t.” you stuttered, your legs shaking and eyes tearing up at the overstimulation. “i w-want you to cum inside of me.” you whispered to him. austin moaned again, biting the skin on your neck. his thrusts fell out of pace and his cock twitched inside of you. with just a few more thrusts, your eyes clouded over, your body shook, and your climax reached its peak. you locked your legs tighter around austin, holding him close to you so he couldn’t pull out. whispering sweet praises into his ear, he groaned and you felt his warm seed spilling into you and he fucked it into you further. he collapsed against your chest, hearts beating in sync and so full of love.
“i love you, y/n.” he kissed the bare skin of your chest, his cheeks blushing a rose color.
“i love you more, aus.” he leaned up to kiss you before he slowly pulled out. you whined, but austin pressed his lips to yours to muffle the noise.
“i know, honey. i’ll be right back. gotta clean you up.” he whispered, kissing the tip of your nose before disappearing into his bathroom. you could already imagine the ache your body would feel tomorrow, but right now? all that mattered was that your boy was finally yours. he belonged to you and you to him. it was perfect.
the waiting, the pining, the yearning, it was all worth it to you, because now you finally had him and you knew neither of you would let the other leave your arms ever again. and all of this… just because of a dumb cowboy rule.
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samkiszkasfacialhair · 11 months
Rollin’ and Tumblin’ Chapter 1
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Rollin’ and Tumblin’ Chapter 1
Pairing: Jake Kiszka and Female Reader
Summary: You’ve lived a sheltered and privileged life, only learning what it truly means to live and love after meeting Jake, a young man of unusual western sorts who was hired to work on your father’s farm.
Warnings: Cowboy Jake, hunger in relation to unhealthy eating habits, knives.
Word Count: 3.1k
April 1903
It was the spring of your twenty third year. The day started off like any other day would. However, you were dreading the events that were scheduled for later in the day- a dinner party where you would be matched off with a wealthy man your father and mother had chosen for you to marry, William Drayton. His family, much like yours, did not care for anyone who did not live up to their standards of wealth and class. The Draytons had monopolized the oil business in the south and southwest portions of the nation, which guaranteed generations of wealth, something your father more than anyone was particularly keen on.
It was all politics. No one cared about true love or real happiness. You had never even met the man and you were expected to, from this night forward, spend the rest of your life with him. And you didn’t have any other choice. Most girls you knew were paired off with men between ages seventeen and nineteen. Not twenty three. Time was ticking and your parents were not allowing you to waste any more of it after years of you protesting marriage against their wishes.
All you’ve known your entire life is etiquette and poise. You were taught, or should we say trained to be meek and mild because men like that. To have thoughts and opinions of your own may as well be a sin, and even the thought of speaking up or out of turn would send you on a train with a one way ticket to Hell. Manners were shoved down your throat and you didn’t have a single memory of not looking and acting perfect every day of your life. You were a prisoner in your own body. But this was your life and there was no way out of it. 
The corset bounding your torso felt like a million pins sticking into you from every direction, pushing in harder each time you inhaled. The pink ribbon tying it together was pulled tight, keeping you painfully caged inside it, which seemed to be a physical representation of how you felt living your actual life. 
You sat in the parlor room of your home with your mother for breakfast. As you raised your glass to your lips, the familiar sound of your father’s voice began in the kitchen and echoed through the rest of the house. Along with his voice was another, a deeper, smooth voice that you couldn’t recognize. 
His footsteps along with the sound of another pair of feet got louder as he walked down the hallway and toward the parlor room to greet you. 
You turned your head as he appeared in the doorway and wished you a good morning.
“Good morning, Daddy,” you replied.
“I have someone to introduce to you both.”
With his words, came another man through the doorway. 
“This is Jacob. I’ve hired him as our farmhand. He’ll be in charge of things so you’ll see him around quite a lot,” he explained.
This wasn’t unusual. You were used to people around the house and on the land outside. You had your lady’s maids, cooks, house maids, and a few farmers who took care of your father’s pride and joy, the crops and cattle. 
But what was unusual, was Jacob himself. 
First of all, he was around your age, which was unlikely. Typically your father hired men well into middle age to be in charge of things related to the farm. Anyone your age, much like yourself, was typically treated as your father’s inferior. 
Second, he wasn’t the typical farmer you’d seen around before. He had more of a western look. Something you’d only ever seen in books or heard about through word of mouth. He wore a hat and a brown leather jacket which covered a blue denim shirt. His pants were denim as well, ripped and dirty, and you were surprised your father would let him into your home in that state. Lastly, the boots as well as the chaps he wore led to the conclusion that he dabbled in horse riding.
He took his hat off and held it over his chest to bow his head at you and Mother.
Upon taking it off, light brown wavy hair that was tangled and clumped together in every direction tumbled down to his shoulders. He had streaks of blonde in it, seemingly from being out in the sun. It was dirty and messy- yet incredibly fascinating. You had never seen that length of hair on a man. Ever. 
His face was that of someone you figured would only ever be a figment of your imagination. He had tanned skin and deep eyes that were a light shade of brown. His nose was prominent and strong. His lips naturally curved up into a smile with just a touch of facial hair surrounding them.
The only word that came to mind was handsome. And that didn’t even begin to cover it. 
You smiled at him and before you knew it, he was on his was out the door following close behind your father. The sound of their voices heading down the hallway were silenced with the shutting of the back door and you sat there for a minute just looking at the now empty doorway he once stood in. 
You pulled yourself out of your daydream to continue your breakfast and idle chat with your mother before finishing and heading to your room to get ready for the night’s festivities. 
The next few hours were spent in your room with your lady’s maids. Pulling at your hair to get it to curl perfectly, pushing and pinching at your face to color your lips and blush your cheeks, and the most dreaded of all but the expected, corset. 
Once in your gown for the night, you were accompanied downstairs where your home had transformed into a party that was already in full swing. You put on your best smile, a false one, but a smile nonetheless, and began the night. 
After just a bit of time, your father, dressed in his best tuxedo, found you, linked his arm in yours and led you to the dining area to meet your future husband. 
Your heart dropped into your stomach with dread as you followed him to your doom and could see exactly who he was leading you to at the head of the table. You wouldn’t say he was particularly ugly, so to speak. But he wasn’t exactly what you would deem to be good looking, or even average looking for that matter. 
“Daddy,” you whispered, “I really don’t want to do this.”
You could feel your eyebrows furrowing and your face dropping as nothing but anxiety and dread flowed through your blood.
He tugged on your arm with his, pulling you closer to him in a harsh manner. He smiled and spoke to you firmly through his teeth.
“You will do this and you will do it with a smile on your face. You are twenty three years old. Do you know how difficult it was for me to find someone even willing to marry you? You should be thankful his time in the army set him just as far back as you. His time at least was well spent. Now, I should not have to remind you how to act tonight. Is that understood?” 
“Yes, Sir,” you replied through a shaky breath, feeling absolutely defeated.
Before he could even reply, you were at arms distance with your future husband- meeting him, smiling, and sitting down next to him for dinner.
Dinner was a nightmare. The only topics discussed were politics, stocks, and money- none of which you understood a word of. You just smiled and nodded throughout dinner. Desperately wishing your corset would rip at the seams if you took a deep enough breath or ate enough food, both of which would be wildly inappropriate actions on your part. 
So you sat there, uncomfortable and on the verge of tears for the night, all hid under a smile which falsely showed your eagerness to be there and to be wed. 
After dessert, the women excused themselves to bed as the men began getting ready for rounds of cigars and brandy. Your father and now fiancé bid you goodnight with kisses to your hand. A hand with, much to your dismay, showed off a newly placed diamond on your ring finger. 
Your lady’s maids met you at the base of the stairs to return to your bedroom to undress for the night but you took a turn and headed for the kitchen. 
You walked through, grabbing an untouched piece of peach pie off a plate and headed out the backdoor. 
Darkness surrounded you as you walked through the fields and down to the swing you used to play on as a little girl. You picked up the piece of pie and brought it to your mouth, taking a massive bite. You continued eating, fully letting yourself enjoy food for once.
Once the feeling of hunger was satisfied within you, there was no stopping the tears that flooded your eyes. They had become two waterfalls, and your lap had become soaked with the tears that had fallen onto it.
Your future was being chosen for you. You’d tried to fight it for so long and now, you’d finally lost the fight. 
One by one, you watched your friends marry off into wealth and start families of their own to continue the toxic cycle, knowing eventually, it would have to be you. And now, the time had come. It was you. There was no escape from it. No way out. Not even a glimmer of hope. 
You looked down at your left hand to see the ring placed there against your will earlier that night and sobbed harder. 
You should be grateful. You should be happy. You were born into wealth and were guaranteed to have it for life. You knew there were so many people out there that had it worse. So many people that deserved everything you had just been handed. You were lucky. Yet, despite everything you had, you felt every terrible feeling one could ever feel. 
The sound of footsteps in the grass behind you caused you to sit up straight and wipe your eyes and mouth.
“You alright, Miss?” you heard a deep voice speak softly from behind you. 
You turned around to see Jacob there with a knapsack slung over his shoulder.
“I’m fine, thank you, Jacob,” you replied as you turned your head back to look down at your tear soaked dress.
It was silent for a moment. The sounds of crickets and cicadas filled their air until his voice broke through the sounds of them.
“Well,” he began, “have a good night then.”
You heard his boots crunch down on the grass underneath them as he began to walk away when all of sudden, the words tumbled out from your mouth without any hesitation.
“Do you ever just feel like you’re trapped? Like you’re on a train that is going full speed into a mountain with no tunnel to go through and if there was a tunnel, no light at the end of that tunnel to save you? Like, you’re going to crash and explode into flames and all you can do is sit there and wait for your inevitable death?” 
Instantly, a sense of relief washed over you as the words you’d been holding in for so long had finally been released.
However, the instant regret of revealing your feelings to a stranger who now wasn’t speaking had begun to bubble inside you.
“I think that corset may be a little too tight, Miss. S’messin’ with your brain,'' he laughed. His voice was deep and had the tiniest twang that held onto the ends of his words. Not a lot, but just enough.
You huffed out a laugh and turned around to him again to see him smiling, with his teeth, glowing bright in the moonlight.
You reached under your dress and behind your back for the ribbon that was keeping you painfully locked in.
“There’s this, this stupid bow that I can’t get undone on it,” you said as you bit your bottom lip in concentration.
“I, I could hel-help you. If you, uh, if that’s what you want?” he asked hesitantly.
“Would you? This thing is terrible uncomfortable.”
You took your arms out of the sleeves of your dress and pushed it down, exposing the laced up piece of undergarments to him. 
Was ripping the top of your dress off your arms in front of a man you hardly knew against everything you’d ever been taught was lady-like and proper? Absolutely. 
Was wearing a ring against your will to be wed to a man who you hardly knew against everything you’d ever wanted in life? Absolutely.
It had evened itself out in your head and that was good enough for you. 
You pulled your hair in front of you and turned your head back to face forward as he walked closer to you.
“Woah,” he whispered, “I don’t want to cause any harm or disrespect, Miss. But this, this is a job for someone who… isn’t me,” he said as his eyes grew wide at the sight of the ring on your finger. 
“If you’re talking about my…” you paused and closed your eyes, “fiancé,” you continued after choking out the word, “I’ve said more words to you tonight than I’ve ever even said to him. But if you wont help me, I’ll, I’ll just do it myself,” you huffed as you reached for the satin bow behind you. 
Your fingers toyed with it, as you struggled to get it to come loose when you felt the warmth of his hands on top of yours. 
You stilled your hands as his rested on top of yours for a minute. They were big, and rough and the feeling of them was completely foreign to you.
Defeat was a familiar feeling to you so what was one more round of it? You dropped your hands back down and rested them on your lap, letting him take the lead to free you.
He pulled and tugged at the strings for a while.
“Who the hell tied this thing?” he laughed.
“My lady’s maid, Katherine started it. But my mother finished it off.”
“Jesus,” he whispered as his fingers unsuccessfully fought against the light pink ribbon for release. 
He stopped for a moment and you turned your head again to get a good look at him.
He bent down and reached into his pocket, pulling out a knife and taking the cover off it to reveal a sharp, silver blade.
You swallowed hard at the sight of a knife just inches away from your body, and someone who was practically a stranger to you holding onto it.
“Now, don’t worry. I ain’t gonna hurtcha,” he said calmly as he brought the knife to the tie and began cutting his way through it.
The tearing of the satin fabric was music to your ears and with one tug of the now cut strings from Jacob behind you, you were free.
You breathed in and out hard now that you actually could and hunched over to relax your neck and back for the first time in hours. 
“Thank you,” you breathed out. 
After a few seconds of relaxing your once stiff muscles, you stood up from the swing and turned to face him.
“The pleasure was mine,” he replied, “And I’m, uh, sorry about the ribbon. I can pay your father to replace it,” he reasoned as he put the knife back in his pocket.
“No. No it’s fine I have dozens of others, Jacob.”
“Jake,” he said bluntly.
You stared at him for a second, confused, before he continued again, “M’names Jacob. But my friends call me Jake.” 
Jake. You liked the sound of that.
You nodded your head and peered past him to see your mother in the doorway, looking out at you. 
“Well, Jake, again, I thank you kindly for your help. But I believe it’s time that I bid you goodnight,” you said, smiling at him.
“Goodnight,” he replied, lifting your right hand and bringing it to his lips.
He held eye contact with you as he placed a soft kiss to the top of your hand. 
Instantly, you felt your body light up from the inside. Your heart began racing. Your stomach began fluttering with what felt like thousands of little butterflies inside it.
The feeling of a man's lips on your hand had been felt by you before-from your father and from William just minutes earlier. However, when they did it, you felt nothing but misery and disgust. But when Jake did it, you felt the complete opposite.
He lowered your hand a bit but held onto it as he continued speaking, “If you ever need any help again, you know where to find me,” he said, lifting his chin to gesture to the barn in the direction he had come from. 
A soft smile and nod were given to him in return before you walked past him and toward your house. 
You were but a few feet past him when you heard him call out your name. 
Your head turned around to see him biting his lip and holding back a smile.
“You might wanna,” he said as he gestured for you to put your dress back over your chest and arms, “before you go inside, back to your party.”
Immediately you felt all the blood in your body rush to your cheeks and you were thankful he wouldn’t be able to see the embarrassment on  your face in the darkness of the night. 
An involuntary giggle left your lips and he let out a laugh with you. 
You lifted your dress back up over the undone corset and back over your arms, turned to face your house, and walked quickly through the grass and back inside where you fought back a smile as you snuck upstairs.
A few moments later, you entered your bedroom and peeked out your window onto the gravel street below. Sitting tall on the back of a brown horse was Jake. 
He looked up to your window and you gave him a small wave. He tipped the brim of his hat at you before giving his horse a gentle kick underneath him and trotting off into the night. 
You watched him leave with a full smile on your face and a few more butterflies in your stomach. You turned around once he was out of sight only to be met with your mother standing in the doorway of your bedroom with a straight face, staring back at you. 
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