#thanks again for your patience <3
alectoperdita · 5 months
Heeyyy there, can you do 36, 30 or 7 from the ask game???? Joukai of course. Thank uouuuuu!!!
From Put That Guy in a Situation(TM) Ask Game
36. Avalanche/huddle for warmth & 30. Only one bed
Ahhhhhh! Sorry this one took so long. It's longer than usual, though, so I hope that makes up for the wait. Thanks for your patience. ;;;_;;;
tags: hurt/comfort, minor injury word count: 3,265 words
Skiing was stupid. People who skied were even dumber.
Case in point, rich, arrogant good-for-nothing assholes skied.
Kaiba skied.
Jounouchi's argument was ironclad. Unassailable even.
"Watch it, you oaf," a voice colder than the biting wind howling around them snapped in his numb ear.
"I should leave you to become a popsicle," he grumbled, firming his stance in the soft, powdery snow and readjusting his grip on Kaiba, careful not to jostle the other man and set off another tirade of complaints.
"I could say the same."
The fingers burrowed under the fold of Jounouchi's scarf bit into the nape of his neck. Hard to tell if it was because of an involuntary reaction to pain or a deliberate warning. Either way, it and Kaiba's words took the wind right out of Jounouchi's sails.
Yeah, skiing might be stupid, but it was even dumber to attempt a slope above his novice ability only to get lost off the trail. Especially as a winter storm brewed. But he couldn't stand how effortlessly Kaiba made everything appear, so suave and eye-catching in his ski gear. Or how he turned up his nose at Jounouchi.
It inspired a familiar feeling, one that drove him to act recklessly.
So it was Jounouchi's rotten luck that Kaiba, as the most experienced skier in the group, ultimately tracked him down. Kaiba predictably berated him for his idiocy, Jounouchi snapped back, and they fought. And then, in a begrudging attempt to extract Jounouchi from a ditch, the man fell and busted his leg instead.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he studied Kaiba's beet-red face. Kaiba wore his ski goggles atop his head like a hairband, pulling back his bangs and exposing his forehead. So it wasn't hard to spot the pained grimace wrinkling his brow. Flurries clung to his long lashes, no matter how often he tried to blink them away. He was sweating buckets despite the frigid temperature.
Jounouchi sympathized with that. Underneath his thick winter coat, his own clothing stuck uncomfortably to his skin. He'd kill to be back at the lodge and enjoying a hot shower.
"We need to get out of the open," Kaiba declared.
Jounouchi swept a critical eye across the windswept landscape. There were trees and snow as far as he could see, but his range was limited. Visibility plummeted as the storm intensified.
"Can't you, like, call for help? Doncha have a satellite uplink on you all the damn time?" asked Jounouchi.
"Atmospheric conditions affect satellite communication," Kaiba sneered, as if it were the most obvious fact in the world.
It probably was to a guy like him. Jounouchi merely rolled his eyes and focused on their terrestrial concern, repeatedly putting one foot in front of the other to make the most painstaking progress. It was the only way they'd get out of this if they couldn't count on rescue incoming.
"Who would've guessed you had such dainty ankles?" he said, then winced when it sounded like a shout as the howling wind died down at that precise moment.
"Excuse me," hissed Kaiba, tightening his grip. Ouch, ouch, he was definitely squeezing his neck on purpose.
Jounouchi had already dug his hole, so whatever. "I think you need more calcium in your diet, dude. Ya twisted that ankle like nothing. If you're not careful, you're gonna start breaking your hip like 'em little old ladies."
"First of all, it's not a fractured ankle, it's a fractured tibia. Second, my calcium intake is fine. Better than yours, given the trash I've seen you shovel into your mouth. And third, I'm taller, which means I have a higher center of gravity, which affects..."
Jounouchi tuned out the rest of the rant. He could feel the nervous energy flowing from Kaiba to him. As long as Kaiba kept running his mouth, it meant he stayed awake and alert. It meant he kept working with Jounouchi to cross the increasingly treacherous and snow-blind slope.
A stark shiver wracked their bodies. Jounouchi paused to assess his companion again.
Kaiba's teeth chattered. Sweat blanketed his forehead. Neither were good signs.
"You okay? Cold? In pain?" he asked softly.
"Yes," was Kaiba's reply. Which was as clear and helpful as mud.
Jounouchi sighed and urged them onward. He could only guide them toward what he hoped was the downward direction and pray that they stumbled back onto the trail.
After limping for what felt like hours, their footsteps dragged heavier and heavier behind them as snowfall and fatigue weighed them down in equal parts. That was when Jounouchi spotted what he prayed wasn't a mirage beyond a thicket of trees.
Slanted rooftop, horizontal wooden slats, the glint of glass windows—a cabin!
Giddy from the sudden shot of adrenaline, he nudged Kaiba. "Hey, hey. There's a cabin up ahead!"
Kaiba blinked blearily. He'd grown strangely quiet during the recent stretch. Now, he squinted, scrutinizing the building in the distance, perhaps wondering like Jounouchi if it was real.
The decision made itself.
"Let's go. You know what? I'm gonna carry you on my back. It'll be faster." Jounouchi was already carefully lowering Kaiba onto the snow-blanketed ground while keeping the weight off his injured ankle.
"No," Kaiba snapped. He clung to Jounouchi's biceps.
"It'll be fine, ya stubborn bastard. I swear I'll never tell another living soul so your damn pride can stay intact. I dunno about you, but I wanna get out of the cold ASAP."
"And if you drop me? Or you break your ankles next? What then?" challenged Kaiba. There was an increasingly frantic light shining in his eyes.
"Trust me. I don't wanna die out here any more than you do!"
For several terrifying beats, Kaiba stared at him. His claws were locked in rictus, threatening to rip into Jounouchi's padded winter jacket.
"C'mon, we're both freezing our butts off."
Jounouchi didn't know what convinced Kaiba in the end. Maybe the poor bastard was too wrung out to pick a fight.
"You drop me and it'll be the last thing you ever do." The threat lacked teeth, though.
Kaiba's hands trembled as they released Jounouchi's sleeve. They shook when they planted themselves on Jounouchi's shoulders. Kaiba was heavier than anticipated. Turns out there was meat on those bones after all. But it was a weight Jounouchi could shoulder.
The strangest sensation by far was the hot and heavy feeling of Kaiba breathing down his neck. Yet it was a soothing reminder that Kaiba was alive. Jounouchi huffed and puffed the final stretch to the tiny cabin, but he never dropped Kaiba.
Once they climbed onto the raised porch, Jounouchi deposited him against the railing and shook the accumulated snow from his gear. Eyes drilled into his back as he pulled off his beanie and brushed his hair clean.
The dog comparison he was certain was incoming never materialized, though. Kaiba must really be tired.
Hobbling on his feet, Kaiba's gaze stayed fixed on the door. "How do you propose we get inside?"
"Uh... Key under the mat?"
Kaiba leveled a disgusted look at him. He banged twice on the door with his fist. "Hello? Can anyone hear me?"
Right. Also, wouldn't hurt to check if there were already people inside. Preferably someone who could help them and wasn't going to hunt them across the mountainside for sport. He blamed Bakura for that last thought.
Leaning close, Jounouchi peered into the window, straining to see through the gap between the curtains. It was dark inside. There was no movement. No one was home. That made sense. The ski racks out front stood barren.
They'd long abandoned their equipment, too. No point in dragging extra weight along when Kaiba was already injured.
"Stay here. I'll check around back," ordered Jounouchi before hopping off the porch.
He circled the perimeter. It hardly took any time. To call it a cabin was probably generous to someone like Kaiba. But it looked sturdy, and it offered shelter from the storm. As he passed one window on the side, he noticed a small sign in it that read "Ski Patrol."
He jogged back to Kaiba. "Cabin belongs to ski patrol. There might even be a phone inside!"
Kaiba turned and greeted him with a key ring dangling from his index finger.
"Where'd you find those?"
"Hideaway inside a fake rock." Kaiba gestured to a pile sitting in the porch's corner.
Jounouchi laughed. "So I was right. That's basically under the mat. God, I hope they're the spares to this place."
He was glad they didn't have to go with his backup plan of busting through a window.
Braced against the doorframe, Kaiba went through two keys on the ring before he unlocked the door. Jounouchi whooped in celebration. Then, he moved forward to shoulder Kaiba's weight and usher them inside.
To Jounouchi's relief, the cabin came equipped with indoor plumbing and even a gas stove in the open kitchen out in the main room. There was a small round table and several chairs, but nowhere to lie down. But in another interior room, he found a bed.
One cramped twin-sized bed squeezed between the wall and a narrow nightstand. There wasn't room for much else.
He went back to the main room to report his findings. Kaiba sat at the dining table where Jounouchi left him, but he had his injured leg propped up on a second chair, ski boot and all.
"Phone's down," Kaiba grunted. "There's electricity, but there's no telling how long the generator will hold up. It's best if we don't use it until we must."
Jounouchi groaned. Guess it was too much to hope for. "Cool, well, there's only one bed."
Kaiba stared at him, unblinking for long lengths. Yeesh, did the bastard really think he was going to fight an injured person for the sole bed?
He approached the table. "You should take it. You're the one with the busted ankle. Want me to carry ya, princess?"
Laughing, he barely dodged the ski goggles Kaiba flung at his head. Somehow, that restored the equilibrium between them.
"Make yourself useful and find a first aid kit," barked Kaiba.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah."
Inside a kitchenette cabinet, he located a red bag with a white cross.
"Found it!"
A soft swear answered him from behind. He glanced over his shoulder and watched as Kaiba hunched over his elevated foot, struggling with his bootstraps. Jounouchi heaved a sigh, and on his way back to the table, he grabbed an afghan blanket folded on a shelf. He deposited the first aid kit on the tabletop and the blanket onto Kaiba's head, where his hair turned damp from the melting snow.
Kaiba cursed, louder this time, his limbs flailing under the blanket. Jounouchi kneeled down next to him, shed his gloves, and started working the snaps open. Above him came a snarl. He peered up just in time to see the outrage on Kaiba's face melt into shock after he ripped the wool away. Fighting a sudden wave of self-consciousness, Jounouchi lowered his gaze and kept going. His fingers, slowly warming, fumbled briefly on the next catch.
He waited for Kaiba to say something. Anything. Bark an order. Throw an insult. But Kaiba had gone deadly quiet, howling in his silence. The behavior was so strange Jounouchi wondered if Kaiba also hit his head when he fell.
Either way, Jounouchi felt the other man's stare drill through the top of his head.
Next came the hard part: getting the boot off without further agitating Kaiba's injury.
Again, his eyes flicked up to Kaiba's face, where he noted the almost contemplative expression that now dominated its planes. "Ya ready for this?"
Kaiba squared his shoulders, then nodded.
Yet afterward, the man's forehead was drenched with sweat, his face stripped of all color. Jounouchi went straight to the first aid kit and fished out the painkillers. With trembling hands, Kaiba snapped up the packet, tore it open, and swallowed two pills before Jounouchi could ask if he wanted a glass of water.
Figures Kaiba was the kind of freak that could swallow pills dry.
As Kaiba slumped forward and placed his head down atop the table, Jounouchi helped him out of the other ski boot as well. He set the footwear, both emblazoned with fancy KC logos, aside.
"Thank you."
The words stunned Jounouchi. His head whipped up, and he gawked at Kaiba. He couldn't see Kaiba's face, but the tips of his ears blazed bright red.
After several seconds of awkward silence, Jounouchi replied, "That should be my line. You're the one that found me after I got my dumbass self lost. So thanks for coming to get me."
To his surprise, Kaiba didn't lift his head. His bangs smeared across the tabletop as he nodded, though.
"And sorry you got hurt because of that," Jounouchi added quietly. His eyes darted back to Kaiba's elevated leg, but the thick pants made it impossible to gauge the severity of his condition. "How bad do you think it is?"
The table muffled Kaiba's reply. "Are there scissors in that kit?"
"Cut the pant leg up to the knee."
Knowing that the alternative was somehow peeling Kaiba out of said pants, Jounouchi obeyed without complaint. He worked carefully, though, not wanting to cut Kaiba. A gigantic bruise sat halfway up to Kaiba's knee, right around where his ski boot ended. The entire area was swollen, but there was no sign of blood.
"No bone pushing through the skin, so that's a good sign." Kaiba said, suddenly right next to Jounouchi's ear. His warm breath puffed over Jounouchi's cheek.
Jounouchi jerked back, grabbing the chair's back to steady himself.
Thankfully, Kaiba was too preoccupied with examining his leg to notice his overreaction. "I should splint it."
Jounouchi jumped to his feet. "Splint, yeah, makes sense. Ya need a stick or something, right? I'll look for one."
As luck would have it, he dug up segments of PVC pipes already cut in half. Kaiba also appeared pleased when he presented them, kindling a warm glow within Jounouchi's ribcage.
"Can I help with anything else?" he asked, despite not knowing how to make a splint.
Kaiba hesitated before replying, "I have it handled. But I'll let you know if I need anything."
Jounouchi nodded automatically. He bounced between one foot and the other as Kaiba worked. But when Kaiba peered up at him for a second, something inside him snapped. He spun on his heels before declaring, "I saw a firewood shed out back. Gonna see if I can get a fire going for us."
Without waiting for a response, he fled the small cabin. The cold hit him in the face like a slap. It was invigorating. Got his blood pumping in a good way.
It wasn't until he dropped several split logs that he realized he'd left his gloves inside. Instead of going to retrieve them, he sank to his knees and cupped his numb hands to his mouth, blowing hot air over him. He couldn't say how long he stayed like that before the chill finally drove him back into the cabin.
Kaiba barely acknowledged him when he returned. That made Jounouchi feel simultaneously better and worse. The bastard hadn't even waited for Jounouchi to return before he somehow hobbled his way over to the loveseat close to the fireplace.
He focused on the fireplace instead.
Once the fire got going, the temperature inside warmed considerably. Unsurprisingly, Kaiba had to be bullied out of his outerwear before he could be swathed with blankets over his shoulders and his newly splinted leg.
Save for the seldom pop and crackle of the fire, it was silent.
Kaiba glared at his smartphone, occasionally adjusting its position as if that would catch a stray signal bar. Jounouchi also checked his phone, but he was sure his coverage was shit compared to Kaiba's.
Jounouchi also hung up his jacket to dry and shed his ski boots by the door. He didn't hesitate snatching the quilt off the bed in the other room, huddling under it while standing next to the fire.
"You stand any closer and you'll catch fire," came a dry quip from behind him.
He turned to face Kaiba and found the man with his phone facedown on his lap while squeezing the bridge of his nose. He lay lengthwise along the too-small loveseat with his legs elevated on the armrest and his sock-clad toes peeking out from under a blanket.
Despite that, Kaiba looked cozy? Shit, Jounouchi felt a bit insane even thinking about that. But Kaiba appeared comfy. His sharp angles and harsh lines blunted under woolen curves.
Disarmed. Soft. Jounouchi had never seen him that way before.
"What?" snapped Kaiba, jerking Jounouchi from his hazy thoughts. When he shivered, though, the entire fabric mass shook with him.
"Still cold?" Jounouchi asked as he padded closer.
Kaiba dropped his gaze to his pale hands clasped on his lap. "Nothing to be alarmed about. I've always had circulation issues."
Jounouchi laughed. "Cuz you're a skinny beanpole."
Kaiba glared, but he didn't argue.
Another insane thought crossed Jounouchi's mind. One he shouldn't dare entertain, but being cold probably wasn't good for Kaiba's leg in his current state. He had already dedicated himself to Kaiba's well-being to this point. Might as well ensure neither of them became popsicles before Kaiba could get proper medical attention.
"Alright, budge up."
Kaiba should hurry. Before Jounouchi lost his nerves.
"Excuse me."
"Ya heard me. Make room. We're gonna share body heat."
"Why?" Kaiba's voice rose an octave. He gave Jounouchi a frantic once-over from head to toe.
"So we don't freeze, duh."
Kaiba looked at him as if he was insane.
Jounouchi felt insane.
"Look, you're still cold, and I'm not giving you this blanket too. It's the last one," he argued.
For a moment, Kaiba looked as if he might eject Jounouchi from the cabin entirely, busted leg be damned. But then a miracle happened. Kaiba, after lowering his gaze, scooted forward, leaving space for Jounouchi to join him on the furniture. With his heart in his throat, Jounouchi squeezed in, carefully wiggling until he bracketed Kaiba's tense form with his legs. Without asking, because he was positive the answer would be no, Jounouchi pulled the other man's back flush to his chest.
Kaiba stiffened. He froze as if he had been left outside in sub-zero temperatures. That gave Jounouchi an opening to slip an arm around Kaiba's waist, but he left the limb atop a layer of quilt.
From this angle, he could only make out the back of Kaiba's head and the tip of his flaming ears.
Kaiba remained strangely mute. Only the steady rise and fall of his chest signaled his consciousness. Another shudder wracked through his body, and Jounouchi could feel it, from the hissing inhale to the tensing of back muscles to the exhale and shoulder slumping under the woolen weight.
Kaiba stopped shivering afterward, though. So that counted as a success, right?
"Don't worry, I don't mind sharing the bed with you if you want a space heater there too," Jounouchi joked. A hard lump formed in his throat, and he fought the urge to tighten his arms.
In response, Kaiba elbowed him in the stomach. But it was a light touch for him.
Jounouchi wouldn't admit it out loud, but he was content to remain here. Just the two of them huddled under blankets until the storm finally passed. And when Kaiba leaned back against him, he gave the impression he didn't mind either.
Read other prompt fill ficlets here
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poorlydrawnandroids · 28 days
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Unfortunately they did not get burgers for Hank, but Connor at least learned a valuable lesson. I guess Nines suffers from Amelia Bedelia Syndrome.
Hi guys, this is actually a comic I drew and basically finished 11 months ago. And it’s been just about then since I’ve last really opened my iPad and did any drawing. There’s a ton of half-completed works on there and they’re pretty cute, so I’ll try to post them as I get the motivation. My therapist says posting to this blog will probably improve my mental health and he’s right but >:3c
So yeah! Let’s see what I can toss out this year, wooo!!
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zeawesomebirdie · 4 months
Brudick Co-parenting + Batfam Shenanigans Rec List
Thanks to @holybatmandickgrayson for requesting this, and thanks for your patience while I put it together!! (And paging @steine-druff as per usual!) Dick acting as the defacto second parent in the Wayne household is one of the best brudick tropes, and it has my whole entire heart. And the batfam dynamic itself has so much potential and is a joy to read, especially when the common goal of teasing Dick about Bruce is involved!
These are in no particular order, but I've tried to organise them into general categories. The titles to each fic contain a link to it. A lot of these are on the shorter end of the spectrum, but there's a few longer fics included too! I hope you find something here that you haven't read yet!
1. Till You Find Your Dream by Kyele [@timeforalongstory on tumblr]; rated E; no archive warnings apply; 177,062 words; 31 chapters; complete
“You know, my child, that the orphanage cannot continue to support you once you become an adult.” The abbess sighs. “There is one path that is always open to you. You may choose a holy vocation, and take orders. The Sisters of Perpetual Grace will accept you as a postulant if you choose.”
Dick had known to expect this. “Thank you, Reverend Mother,” Dick says respectfully, “but I cannot follow that path.”
The Mother Superior nods. He looks unsurprised. “Then perhaps,” he says, “you would be interested to hear of another opportunity.” From the papers on his desk, the abbess removes a single sheet. “Are you familiar with Captain Wayne?”
Dick accepts a position as governess to eight war-orphans, adopted by millionaire and WW1 flying ace Captain Bruce Wayne. The rest is inevitable.
Starting this list off with a bang, this fic is glorious! It's a The Sound of Music AU and A/B/O, and that sounds like a wacky mixture but truly this is one of the best co-parenting brudick fics I've ever read. It features beautiful sibling dynamics, Dick learning to function in high society at the same time as he's teaching the children to do the same, and the best exploration of gender and social roles I've ever come across. And the way the children come to accept Dick as their governess then protect him from being fired by Captain Wayne is utterly glorious!
2. The Fall of An April's Fool by Mysterious_Aud_Lou; rated M; creator chose not to use archive warnings; 3,967 words; 1 chapter; complete
All it took was one mission, one week, one bed, and one very tired mistake for Bruce Wayne to realize that he was in love with Dick Grayson.... and then came the fallout.
Bruce and Dick just came back from a mission in which they were fake engaged, and during that short mission, Bruce got a little too used to acting as a couple. Of course, the rest of the batkids pick up on this immediately, but luckily Dick is great at improv, and so this one has lived rent-free in my head ever since I first read it!
Damian Playing Matchmaker
Because I have a very surprising number of recs with this exact premise! These also sometimes double as co-parenting fics with the other batkids besides Damian too :)
1. Covet by resurrectedhippo; rated M; creator chose not to use archive warnings; 16,059 words; 1 chapter; complete
Dick Grayson is an extension of Bruce Wayne. If there’s no Bruce Wayne, there’s no Dick Grayson. They struggle to exist without each other.
The entire world wonders if they have ever been separate people.
This one is a little bit of both co-parenting and Damian being the one to force them together. It features Bruce denying his feelings for a million years, Dick helping to train each successive Robin, and so much mutual pining it hurts (affectionate). And of course, Damian calling a family meeting to announce that Bruce and Dick will need to be wed over the summer, much to the shock of every other person in the family
And I'm adding a cut here because this is getting long, but I've got more under the read more!
2. Better than the Sweetest Dream by shield_of_selene; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 15,089 words; 1 chapter; complete
Damian accuses Bruce of failing his Valentine’s Day duties; namely, romancing Dick Grayson. This starts a chain reaction that leads to exploding heart bombs, forced imprisonment, and wedding bells.
I love a villain who can commit to the bit, and the Matchmaker, a Valentine's Day themed villain, does not disappoint! This fic also features Damian having a better grasp of Bruce's emotions than Bruce himself does, which is always a delight to see!
3. To Court a Grayson by Mysterious_Aud_Lou; rated T; creator chose not to use archive warnings; 3,285 words; 1 chapter; complete
Damian Wayne has always gotten what he wants, and what he wants is his father to realize that Bruce will find no better romantic partner than Damian's beloved Grayson. So, armed with a briefcase and a carefully planned powerpoint presentation, Damian takes on the challenge of convincing his father that it's time to throw all other romantic entanglements aside, and begin to court Grayson properly.
Oh my goodness, where do I even begin with this one? The whole thing is just glorious, featuring Damian hacking into Bruce's work calender, Bruce actually sitting through the entirety of Damian's presentation, and one of the most delightful reveals I've ever read!
General Batfam
1. Old and New by junetangerine; rated E; no archive warnings apply; 5,241 words; 1 chapter; complete
Objectively speaking, he knew the man wasn’t infallible or indestructible (heaven knew he’d picked enough fights over it, Bruce insisting on patrolling even when he could barely stand on his own), but the prospect that he might not bounce back into the brilliant steamroller of a man that Dick loved in more ways than was appropriate or healthy was terrifying.
Not as jarring as the Twilight Zone experience of having Bruce look openly delighted to see him.
It was all Dick could do to remain frozen in place while Bruce crossed the distance between them and just kept going, right into Dick’s personal space and then closer, until his mouth was against Dick’s. It was short, just a firm press of lips, but enough to turn Dick’s world on its head.
A head injury leaves Bruce confused. He seems to believe he and Dick are a couple. Dick doesn't have it in him to say otherwise.
Exactly what it says on the tin. This fic is a delight, featuring Dick being incredibly conflicted and Bruce trying to deny his feelings the moment he gets his memory back! Also featuring the various batkids accepting this new dynamic with surprising ease
2. Be Kind, Rewind by kleine_aster; rated T; creator chose not to use archive warnings; 2,138 words; 1 chapter; complete
Batman always thinks of everything, except for erasing his old tapes when he really, really should.
This fic is very funny! I greatly enjoyed the dynamics between the various batkids as they processed what they were watching, and Dick's frantic reaction to being caught with Bruce
3. It's A Christmas Miracle (Or Not) by RandomMayhem [@randomlymayhemic on tumblr]; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 6,864 words; 2 chapters; complete
With Harley and Ivy causing chaos in Las Vegas, Dick and Bruce must go on an impromptu trip to stop the unruly couple. Only, they aren't quite sure what exactly they're supposed to be stopping...
Waking up married wasn't in the plan, regardless. Not with Damian on the verge of pulling a Rumplestiltskin. So, there's no doubt about it - the holiday season's about to get a whole lot crazier.
In which Damian threatens Dick's firstborn child should they return home late for Hanukkah. This fic is very cute and very enjoyable, and the batfam's reactions to their impromptu marriage are a delight!
4. Truth or Dare by rnedagemacaroni; rated T; creator chose not to use archive warnings; 959 words; 1 chapter; complete
This is why the Bat Family kids should not have free time.
Anything with the batkids actually getting to relax and have fun is an amazing read, and this fic is no exception!! Oh to be a fly on the wall during their games of truth or dare!
5. Wayne Family Adventure: the secret episode by Caroaimezoe; rated T; no archive warnings apply; 4,005 words; 1 chapter; complete
Prompt: How will the Batfamily take discovering that their dad and big brother/mother have been in a secret relationship for years
I adore the sibling dynamics in this one, and Damian being smug the whole time is just SO cute! There's also so much that could be said about how valiantly Dick tries to keep their relationship secret only to fail so miserably, it's a true delight
And that's all for now! I hope you enjoy these!
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johnslittlespoon · 8 days
You're A Dog (I'm Your Man)
Ch. 2/6
[WC: 9K | Gale Cleven/John Egan, Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Requited Unrequited Love]
John Egan loves like a dog.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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missingn000 · 4 months
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awkwardtickleetoo · 1 month
Ler!Sapnap Week Day 1 - Antsy
heyyyy……… in the midst of a we’re so over… came an indescribable… we’re so back…. (kinda)
so!! this is a fic for @sleepy--anon ‘s ler!sapnap week!!! woooo!!!! i know it’s a little bit late, but better late than never, right?? and i have two other ones for ler!sap week coming out as soon as i get them finished so it’ll basically be like its on time <3
this is for day 1’s prompt which is antsy!! make sure you check out the original post here, and make sure you show sleepy your love and support for putting this week together in the first place!!! thank you so much sleepy for working so hard to make this a thing, i am very excited to read what you and everyone else wrote, and for you to see what i have planned :D without further ado, let’s get into day 1!!
ler!sapnap, lee!dream, 1.3k words
“Dream?” Sapnap called out as he walked in the front door of their home, phone camera pointed at the floor.
“Yeah?” Dream’s voice called back to him distantly, a layer of nerves apparent in the word.
“Clay?” Sapnap called again, his tone more teasy and knowing as Dream stepped into the room, a wide smile and anxious expression on his face.
“Oh god…” He grumbled, fidgeting with his fingers and slowly stepping closer to Sapnap.
“He's here,” Sapnap confirmed Dream’s suspicions, making his smile grow wider as he groaned, throwing his hands over his face and bouncing on the balls of his feet. Sapnap chuckled at his reaction, smiling at his already flushed cheeks as he dropped his hands down by his sides and looked over at Sapnap with wide, anticipating eyes. “Are you excited?” He asked, adjusting the camera in his hands, still keeping it pointed at their shoes, not wanting to overwhelm Dream by shoving a camera in his face during such an intense moment, even though he was aware it was recording.
“I am… very nervous!” Dream said, voice high pitched and wavering, taking in a shaky breath and falling into nervous, fluttery laughter afterwards. Sapnap laughed fondly at his reaction again, his eyebrows furrowing at how excited and downright adorable his best friend was acting.
“Nervous and excited!” Sapnap supplied helpfully, reaching out to rub his palm over Dream’s forearm to comfort him, swinging his arm side to side to release some of the tension he held in his body. Dream laughed, light and breathy, the butterflies clearly bubbling up in his chest, showcased by his unsure voice and antsy movements, unable to stand still. He nodded at Sapnap’s words, tapping the toe of his shoe against the floor, then his heels, then hopping up and down a few times all together, his shoes squeaking against the floor with his anxieties.
“I’m nervous, but I’m excited, I’m– I’m doing… excited hops,” Dream explained, continuing his hopping in place, biting his lip to hold back his cheek-splitting smile. Between hops, he stayed on his toes, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet, trying to loosen himself up and calm down his tense body. Sapnap cooed fondly at him, squeezing his arm where his hand still rested, unable to hold back the feeling of what could only be called cute aggression he was feeling for the other boy. How could Dream be this adorable? It was just unfair.
“You’re so fucking cute, Dream,” He said, unable to help himself, yanking Dream closer to him by his wrist and looping his arm around Dream’s waist. Dream squealed at his actions, letting Sapnap tuck himself into his side and rest his hand on his hip, breaking out into giggles.
“Shut up, you,” Dream replied, but he wrapped his arms around Sapnap’s shoulders, resting his cheek on Sapnap’s head. Despite everything, his body relaxed in Sapnap’s hold, the comforting hug being exactly what he needed at that time. He had never been more grateful to have someone like Sapnap in his life. He would be sure to tell him that once everything settled down more.
“I can’t! You just– you’re just like– I don’t know! You’re just being so cute, I hate you!” Sapnap expressed, tightening his arm around Dream and squeezing him tighter, giggling and looking up at Dream as he broke into soft giggles again. “Fuck, I just like– I wanna, like–“ Sapnap stammered, unable to find the right words to describe how he felt, instead deciding to progress with actions. Suddenly, he latched his hand onto the spot above Dream’s hip, squeezing the spot mercilessly and holding Dream close against him so he couldn’t push away. Dream gasped, his whole body tensing again, letting out a squeal as he flinched away from the feeling, but found himself going nowhere at all.
“AH– no! Nononono, noho!” Dream protested, pulling his arms back and pushing at Sapnap’s shoulders, leaning away from him to try and shove him off, but his arm was too firm around his waist. “Sapnahahap!”
“I can’t help it, you're just too adorable!”
“Stohohohop!” Dream shook his head at the feeling, loose curls falling over his face. Sapnap giggled at him, pushing his arm further around his waist, the tips of his fingers able to reach his lower tummy, scratching and wiggling just outside his belly button over his thin shirt, making him squeal. He tried to twist away, arching his back and sucking in his stomach as he pushed back into Sapnap, but Sapnap didn’t budge. Dream pushed at Sapnap’s arm, smacking his hand lightly as he tried to pry it off him, but his attempts were futile due to his weakened state, and all he could do was squirm in Sapnap’s arms as his little hops returned.
“Aw, where you goin’, cutie?” Sapnap pulled Dream closer, his side pressed into his chest now, and pressed the back of his other hand into Dream’s opposite hip to keep him in place, as much as he could without letting go of the phone he was still holding.
“Sahahap–! Thehehe– the vihideohoho!” He reminded, attempting to push the phone away instead, his laughter turning hiccupy when Sapnap pulled his hand back and turned Dream more, now able to grab onto his other side and squeeze above his hip there as well, keeping the phone out of his reach.
“Oh, I know, George is gonna love this,” Sapnap teased, pulling Dream backwards into him as he continued to tickle him to pieces.
“Nohohoho!” Dream protested, his legs growing shaky from having to lean due to the way Sapnap was holding him, and he stomped his foot on the ground to try to regain some stability. Sapnap decided to take pity on him, stopping the tickling and pushing forward to help Dream stand again, keeping his arm around his waist as Dream caught his breath.
“Okay, okay, I’m done. You were just being so cute I couldn’t help it. You understand,” He explained, going back to Dream’s side once he was stable again and hugging him properly, the way they’d started. Dream scoffed at his words, rolling his eyes, but he hugged Sapnap back tightly anyway. “Besides, you can’t say it didn’t loosen you up.”
“You’re so dumb,” Dream replied fondly, earning a soft hum of ‘mhmmm’ in return from Sapnap. He pressed a soft kiss to Sapnap’s head, and they stood in silence for a few moments, before Sapnap seemed to remember that he did, in fact, have a reason for coming inside, and they probably shouldn’t keep George waiting much longer.
“Alright,” Sapnap whispered as he pulled back from the hug, adjusting the sleeves of his hoodie and switching his phone to the opposite hand, making sure everything was still set up to continue recording for George. “C’mon, cutie, let’s go outside,” Sapnap said, reaching up and fixing a stray few pieces of hair that were out of place, slightly tousled from his movements.
“I need a minute! I need a minute, let– let me collect myself,” Dream said, his nerves coming back in full force, his eyes wide and unsure as he let out a soft breath to try and relax.
“That’s okay! Take your time! This is a big day. We’ll wait outside for you, as long as you need,” Sapnap reassured, rubbing up and down Dream’s arm as the other boy placed a hand on his stomach, seemingly trying to quell the butterflies that arose inside very quickly.
“Okay, okay…” Dream nodded, and Sapnap nodded as well, patting Dream’s arm before turning to walk towards the door. “Hey,” Dream said before Sapnap left, looking at him with a soft smile when he turned around. “Thank you. For everything,” He said quietly, and Sapnap smiled back at him just as fondly.
“Of course. I wouldn’t wanna do this with anyone else.” And with that, Sapnap made his way back through the front door and outside to wait with George, bringing the camera back up in front of him, ready to continue on with the beginning of the rest of their lives.
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nametakensff · 1 month
Writing more s/teddie tonight, finally 😭
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jupitergames-if · 1 year
real quick shoutout to campfirewriting.com for singlehandedly demolishing my writer's block
i've whipped out 700 words in about an hour. i know that doesn't sound like much, but compared to what i've been managing, it's a lot lmao
anyways, chapter 1 is coming along finally
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tkodaily · 6 months
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 8 months
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ezgjhfgf i'm SO so busy waa crossing my fingers hoping i can finish at least one drawing this month SOBS<333
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okmcintyre · 4 months
If We're Here (for the Rest of Our Lives) by twosuns
My Bellarke Secret Santa gift for @writetheniteaway 💙
Wishing you a very, very happy New Year!! Hope you enjoy reading this one & tysm for the prompt!
Written for #bellarkegifts2023, prompt of: "PTSD/nightmares/injuries... any of that sweet sweet angst". I took THE MOST angsty storyline and flipped it to a version that I hope y'all will enjoy. Bellamy + Clarke + stuck on a planet together, probably to die there. They both have a hard time with it.
Big thanks to @bellarke-events for organizing this great event! Fandom has gifted us so much fanfic to catch up on 🤩💕☺️🎉
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lyctoralsaints · 2 months
how am I supposed to live, laugh, lobotomy in these conditions ?
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sleepis4theweak · 4 months
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To anyone has sent in an ask: I'm working on them, promise! I just have a lot :)
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hawkinsp0st · 2 years
exciting news—the byler script survey** for this week (8/23) is ready !!!!
enormous thank you to @willjacobbyers for the idea, and @alastyearonearth for additional guidance! thank you to @nancysglock and @blackdeathmamba for testing the survey for me!
this is to help us decide what to vote on when the stranger writers post their twitter poll tomorrow (8/24).
**this is the NEW LINK because the old one stopped working—if you already took the other survey i can’t see your response anymore, so please take the new one!!! :-)
1. please only submit responses once ! i couldn’t formally set up this restriction but i’m trusting y’all <3
2. select your top five scenes you’d like to see the stranger writers acct post.
3. i will close the survey and post the results tomorrow, 8/24, at 7am EST so we can get ahead of the duffers’ twitter poll!
4. if, for some reason, they post their poll before then, please reach out to me and i’ll post our results asap :-)
5. vote however you’d like and do not send hate to anyone who’s voting differently than you! that being said, i’m collecting this info so that those of us who want to can vote on a united front when the poll is posted tomorrow.
6. when the duffers post their poll, check my pinned to see which of the scenes they posted is most popular on the byler tumblr survey, and if you’d like, vote accordingly!
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coollyinterferes · 2 months
Joseph is just going to give his dear old Uncle a great big hug for the coming winter months. Not only that but a beaming smile too as he laughs proudly and totally did NOT plant a sticky note on Speedwagon's back saying he's the best uncle in the world.
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unprompted asks 【always accepting】 @gazelessmenagerie
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The silent hug from Joseph is welcomed by the old man with literal open arms. Speedwagon hugs the younger and much taller male back, giving him a wholehearted hug that rivals Joseph's in warmth too. It's mindblowing how tall his dear Joseph has gotten over the last few years! Despite not being much like his grandfather in regards to overall personality, Joseph definitely has Jonathan's genes and it shows. It's not that Robert hadn't noticed how tall Joseph had grown, because he did, it's just that it always becomes a lot more evident when they share a moment like this.
"That was really sweet, Jojo." Robert says with a smile that reflects that fondness he has for the youngest Joestar. One of his hands goes to pat the top of Joseph's head, ruffling the young man's hair just a little, fondly, like he always would when Jojo was little and the two spent hours playing together or reading comics and stories about fantastic heroes,and so on.
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"I really appreciate it. Thank you, dearest."
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chenziee · 1 year
Request: Luffy alone and musing on how much he hates Sakazuki and wondering why he feels uncomfortable confiding in his crew on this matter.
Thank you for the request and for your patience!! This got a little bit away from me but I hope it's still something to your liking <3
For unnecessary, unneeded, and entirely self-indulgent context, this happens during A Voice of Dreams :)
Character request: Luffy
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Luffy didn’t believe in revenge; punching people who deserved right in the face, fighting for freedom, protecting what he loved… that was what he believed.
He didn’t believe in revenge and yet, every time he woke up panting, with the ghost of Ace’s body slumping in his arms, his hands sticky with blood long since washed off, he wanted nothing more than to get back at the people who did it. But what could he do? Who was it who really killed Ace?
Just like Dadan had told Ace years ago… it was this world that killed Sabo, and it was this world that killed Ace as well. How could he fight something so vague like that?
But the guy who put that hole in Ace’s chest…
His hands curled into fists, a quiet growl escaping him. He shouldn’t be thinking like that; he would just put his crew in danger if he turned the Sunny around to go after him. And what would they say if they knew their captain was hung up on something as pointless as revenge? It wasn’t like that would help Ace in any way.
Not anymore.
Luffy jumped, turning around to look at Robin behind him with wide eyes. “Oh, Robin… Sorry, I didn’t hear you.”
“Are you okay?” she asked, leaning against the Sunny’s railing next to him.
“Yeah! Why do you ask?” Luffy replied, his voice maybe a little too loud for the silence of the ship’s deck this late at night.
Robin studied his face for a long moment and Luffy almost thought she wouldn’t react at all but then a soft smile spread on her lips just before her fingers came to gently wrap around his wrist. “Let’s go. I was just going to the library, you can listen to me read something.”
Luffy blinked, not sure what he was supposed to do or say. Robin, however, didn’t seem to need him to. With a small chuckle, she turned away, pulling Luffy with her towards the library.
And Luffy didn't fight her; didn’t protest when she pushed him into one of the large pillows on the floor, didn’t protest when she opened a thick, ancient looking book and started reading in a soothing, melodic voice. He didn’t protest when Zoro carefully opened the door at one point, only raising an eyebrow when he saw Luffy—almost as if he had expected someone else there instead—before he tossed two blankets at Luffy’s head, and he certainly didn’t protest when even later, Sanji came in with a tray of coffee, tea and a few sandwiches.
And when he woke up the next morning, more rested than he had felt in two years…
He couldn’t wait to do it all again.
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It's still the 5th in my time-zone but happy birthday to the bestest mom! I love you, Robin, I promise that one day, I will write a proper birthday fic for you... any year now...
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