#thank you so much for asking me stuff!!
elitadream · 4 months
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A welcome back surprise. We missed you ✨
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got a little carried away with this one... outfit sent by @chocolategothwolfhorse <3
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allastoredeer · 11 days
What funny for me it's when I see some people in radioapple fandom saying why they can't see Alastor as a bottom is because "he would never be a bottom because of his ego!" (and right under a post with b!Alastor content, the nerve)
Meanwhile Lucifer, King of all Hell, Sin of Pride personified, the man who stole Adam's first wife and claimed to do the same with the second, and had two songs about how great he is compared to others: am I a joke to you?
EXACTLY! Preach Anon!
Lucifer's ego is just as big, if not bigger, than Alastor's. I was rewatching the show recently, and during the "Dad Beat Dad" episode, literally the only person he was nervous, bumbling, or awkward around was Charlie (and Vaggie, to a certain degree considering she's Charlie's girlfriend).
In every other interaction he was smug, arrogant, indifferent, unimpressed, or downright dismissive. His whole song with Alastor was just him flexing his power and getting more and more insecure & angry about how "close" Alastor and Charlie were. I think people forget that Lucifer is the Sin of Pride, and you can 100% see it in his behavior towards the other characters. Obviously, he got closer to the Hazbin Crew, especially during the last song in the finale, but that doesn't make his ego magically disappear.
And I love that about him.
I find his huge capacity to love (both Charlie and creation) so endearing, but it's better and so much more interesting, when it's paired with the fact that his ego gets bruised so easily. He's the most powerful being in Hell, while also being insecure as fuck, while also being the personification of Pride itself. Is that not the tastiest, most delectable character to ever character????
Look, yes, Lucifer is depressed. He and Lilith got divorced. He and Charlie were estranged to each other for years. He lost his will to dream after being cast out from Heaven. He spent all his time making little rubber ducks, locked away in his room. But that doesn't, by any means, make the man humble.
If you look at Alastor and say he's got too big of an ego to bottom, and then turn around and make Lucifer the most bottomy bottom ever, then I say go back and rewatch the show, cuz you're missing a few very important factors. Especially if you're basing someone's capacity to bottom on ego alone. (I, personally, love it when prideful, egotistical characters bottom. It's so much fun).
Mostly just...hhhhhh, please stop stripping away all of my short-kings most interesting characteristics. I don't want a small, wide-eyed, easily manipulated little UwU soft boi. I want snarky, powerful as fuck, insecure, egotistical, provocative short-king who gets pissy when his daughter talks to a homicidal deer man with a silly haircut instead of him (while also being very soft, loving, and caring). He's multi-faceted, and that's what makes him interesting.
Once again, this isn't me getting after people who enjoy top!Alastor and bottom!Lucifer. Do what you want, I hope you're having fun. Just don't go commenting below other people's posts with shit like "Alastor wouldn't bottom because of his ego," when Lucifer is just as much of an egotistical little shit as he is.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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fluffy-ami · 10 months
May I request lee!Kunikida or Ango? If not, just go for any bsd character you like most <3
Have a wonderful day/night! <3
.......you will get both 🫵🏻 (i love u), I'll just post them separately and tag you once I'm done with my little Ango doodle! Have this for now✨🌸
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✨silly doodles silly doodles silly doodles✨ I am so normal about them I swear- (click for slightly better quality lol)
(Milestone ☁️ Top 5 Favourite Fandoms + Recently added) Requests are still open! 🌟
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disguisedcheezed · 5 days
thank you SO much for giving me my daily meals of dirkjohn. every day i sit down at your blog with an energy drink of some kind like a wine mom prepping for book club AND IT SHOWS. You make them so silly and it warms my soul to be on the same plane of existence as the creator of this art.
sorry, that was a little much. anyway, i like the way you slam their faces together like barbies kissing =D
HAHSDASD WALANG PROBLEMA UG SALAMAY KAAYO. It's always nice to know that my silly dirkjohn comics bring everyone joy than just myself.
And all of your compliments are always appreciated and it makes me live 10 years longer. I'd be making silly dirkjohn forever.
Also, the wine mom part made me laugh that I wanted to draw it hehe.
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(I actually want the computer footage to be real so bad LMAO.)
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moeblob · 14 days
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Look, I just think it's VERY funny and on brand that I thought of an entire premise of colorful characters for half the cast and immediately drew the only one void of color.
#my characters#i will not bore you all too much in the main post but now its story time in the tags so yeefuckinghaw#noll is a fae and is distinctly the only one that just lacks colors#at first he was like well surely i can wear colorful stuff to make up for my dark hair and eyes !#and then he overhears some of the fae talking about how hes a blemish to the fae and hes like well fuck#guess its time to go all in baby! and decks himself out in all black and jagged clothing#and he tries to play it off as hes an idiot and a lot of the fae actually believe its not ALL an act#like they can tell he thinks about stuff but he normally does it staring into space so they dont care to ask#cause surely it isnt important enough to brood about hes just thinking about stuff#and he really REALLY has a lot of confidence issues and worries that more fae are disturbed by his darkness than let on#but then the other fae that like to hang out with him are like#YOOOOOO THATS OUR LIL VOID! THATS OUR LIL GUY! our lil black spot look at him hes so edgy and cute!#and treat him like a pet cat at times giving him head pats even if he bats their hands away#and the plot premise is that some of the fae are bored and decide they should go play with some humans! give THEM enrichment too!#and noll gets roped into it and The Game is basically go find a human partner and convince them to be an ally#then the fae give the humans cool lil toys (weapons) and are like GO FORTH MY CHAMPION!#so noll keeps like ... not picking anyone to participate because its not just A Game to him#if he can prove victorious in A Game with outside factors such as humans then he can prove hes not#an absolute disappointment to the fae like he has a lot riding on this in his mind#and his friends are just like buddy you cant even play if you dont pick a human you gotta#anyway here is noll and then i have ideas for two other fae and also a veeeery vague idea for two of the humans though not as sure yet#rae if you read all this you should know the cobalt is a fae thanks bye#i am so stressed posting ocs every single time and i am incredibly depressed and anxious#so good lord please let me not just delete all the tags in an hour bc im ashamed
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creativesplat · 5 months
I would also like to see some miphlink, if that's okay!
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I was really struggling with what to draw, and then I remembered your ask from ages ago (dang ADHD brain...) anyway, sorry its such a late answer, but Miphlink inspired by Dicksee's La Belle Dame
#thank you so so much for the ask stars!! I had completely forgotten about it (I'm so so sorry!!) and it saved me from an artist-not-arting#you know the sort of pent up unpleasant feeling you get when you need to do something creative but its not happening and then its sad?#yeah I didn't get that because your ask suddenly popped into my head! so very happy about that :) thank you!#link is a horse girl and we need more of it in life#also to try and get the flowy fabric look that Dicksee's La Belle Dame has without putting Link in a dress I decided to modify Mipha's fins#and then added some of that gorgeous salmon colour from the original piece#also the reason the reason the champions tunic etc have that grey tinge to it is because the knight was wearing armour in the original piec#with a beautiful duckegg blue grey colour and I thought including that might be fun too!#anyway#the couple that is perfect for one another and should always be together for all time: Mipha and Link#mipha#link#botw#creativesplat draws#breath of the wild#miphlink#lipha#I really need to catch up on the miphlink tag... its so exciting to have so much wonderful art and writing to look through but I am a rathe#busy/ adhd forgetful bean so whenever I get round to reading or looking at art... there will be a long reblog/ queue of miphlink stuff!#eventually#at some point#because fashionably late (coughjustlatecough) is my middle name!#enough rambling sorry#I love drawing miphlink its like a comfort drawing thing#like her head is so squidgy and so easy to doodle so if ever my brain is bored or I want to draw and need happy hormones but can't find the#mipha is the answer because the squishy head is just sooooo good#the designers of mipha were amazing and I love them#epona#tloz#zelda
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lilybug-02 · 2 months
Glad to see you like it! I actually just edited the files to try and fix the scaling issues and it seems to work. The fixes are just moving 1 hair pixel for every sprite and moving 1 sprite to the right and it worked for me at least. The drop box has been updated as well (I think) to have it. Oh and I also changed the yaml file so chara is in their own section instead of examples.
You are truly a blessing onto this earth 😭🥰 You are so cool!! Like wth this is all so awesome! YIPPIE
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Here's Chara enjoying their pixelated chocolate.
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zepskies · 5 months
I found your blog a couple of days ago and ever since I‘ve been gobbling up every piece of Dean Winchester stuff you’ve ever written! 😫 Your writing is INCREDIBLE. Just wanted to say that. Thanks for putting your stuff on here so we all get to enjoy it! Hope you have a great day/night and wish you all the best for the upcoming year! ✨
Wow!! 🤩 Thank you so much, lovely! 💖💖
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@soluswolf I hope you're having a great day as well! I just came home from my cousin's wedding, so I'm doing great. I'm a sap, so I love weddings. 💗
And I'm very happy that you've found me and are enjoying my stories! That truly means so much to me every time I hear it.
Because yes, I do write for my creative expression, but I do also write hoping that others in similar situations feel heard and seen, not just entertained.
Sorry, I'm a little emotional right now and am about to be effusive and thankful for a bit...
Since we're getting closer to 2024, I've been reflecting. I think I've probably written about 200,000+ words in the past year alone.
It's more than I've had the creative energy to produce in a long time, and that includes the two and a half years in grad school. (Though to be fair, one of those years was 2020 lol.)
But I genuinely don't think I would have written half as much if not for the wonderful support and feedback I've gotten on Tumblr and Ao3.
To all the amazing people I've been able to "meet" and interact with on here (shoutouts below), your kindness and encouragements have helped me — whether you knew it or not — through stress and grief and moments of apathy, and times where I didn't feel passionate about my craft.
I've also had my original book set aside for a while because I literally didn't have the mental strength to be creative. Jumping into Tumblr has revived that passion for me.
I think it's also made me a better writer (practice makes progress, after all). And for sure, it's made me richer in friends. 💕💕
Happy New Year, everyone!!
I'm going cautious but optimistic into 2024. 💫
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**Special thanks to these lovely people for being so kind and inspiring to me this year:
@thatonewriter15 @chernayawidow @venus-haze @deans-spinster-witch @winchestergirl2 @waywardxwords @iprobablyshipit91 @deansbbyx @kaleldobrev @luci-in-trenchcoats @deanwritings @deanwanddamons @deanwritings @deanbrainrotwritings @deanwinchesterswitch @writeroutoftime @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @jessjad @wayward-dreamer @kazsrm67 @syrma-sensei @violetlilysunshine @k-slla @jackles010378 @iamsapphine @roseblue373 @spnwoman @spnexploration @rizlowwritessortof @pieandmonsters @spnfamily-j2 @lacilou @ladysparkles78 @mimaria420 @stoneyggirl2 @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @justagirlinafandomworld @pink-sparkly-witch @leigh70 — and I'm sure many others. 💜💜
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smimon · 4 months
okay i know you probably have enough drawing ideas for giant k but i just had this idea invade me.
you know how in snow white (not just the disney version) she pushes together the beds and sleeps on like 3 or more of them sideways? anyway giant k sleeping on 3 beds pushed together. and now i'm just picturing giant k as snow white and everyone else as the various dwarves
Ohoho big brain!!! 👀👀👀 Big brain. I love this idea so much and not just because Snow White is my favourite fairy tale hdjsbdbdfh
Thank you!!! Of course I have to draw it and not just once, let's make it into a comic! Let's gooo
Giant K series #16: once upon a time, in a land far, far away...
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To be continued 😉
#thank you so much 🧡 i was rotating it in my head all this time#sorry it took so long 🙇 (it will take even longer because im planning a continuation)#i did some math and looks like this princess needs at least 4 beds#and there is never enough ideas for giant k 🥺 i feel so moved that people care enough to come up with new stuff for this little series 🙏#thank you#ask#hazzybat#i based them specifically on the 7 Zwerge movie series because the dwarves are average sized men there do you get it#this ask made me rewatch the first movie and it is still so good hdjdhbshdh can i explain who is who? of course i can this is my blog#mikke is tschakko because to me there is some tschakko quality to him. even more so than jere for some reason#and he can carry his cameras in those bags#jesse is brummboss because he's the manager#lärvinen as cookie because if Käärijä has a friend who runs a cooking show then i am making a use of this knowledge#jaakko as sunny because he has this cheerful energy. allu as cloudy because he's always so cool. jukka as speedy because he's a polite fella#häärijä is bubi. the mascot the childish man the little menace#and securityman as ralphie because they are built similar i guess#yee#giant k series#käärijä#rpf#art by op#my art#fanart#also when i watched the movie as a child i always felt so sad about ralphie being constantly rejected#and this might have influenced the way i write giants up to this day. now look. this has come full circle#🥹
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puppyeared · 5 months
Been LOVING your lil magician folks recently please continue they're beautiful and very cute and cool and also very well-designed!! 🥺❤️
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thank you for the kind words !!! im not much of a writer, but i do have some sort of story in mind for them.. theyre bitter rivals who end up as roommates bc of their scatterbrained elderly landlord lol
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nyoomerr · 18 days
HI HI i continue to read and reread ur fics for inspiration <3 you're just sooo good at nailing binggeyuan
do you have any tips when it comes to taming a feral, resentfup bingge? or, hmm, what do you focus on when doing the bingmeification?
ahh thank you, i'm glad that you enjoy my stuff enough to reread it! i love those freaks too much, what can i say 😌
as for how to bingmei-ify your local feral bingge:
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this is only kind of a joke. generally i like to follow this sort of recipe:
bingge's usual method of doing things doesn't get him what he wants, making him question his beliefs
bingge experiences things he had not had in his "happy ending" in pidw and realizes he likes them, making him question if his "happy ending" was actually as happy as he thought
bingge faces growing frustration as a result of 1+2
something breaks the tension and causes bingge to snap and have a genuine breakdown, forced to realize that he has been, and perhaps still is, unhappy despite everything. (MAKE THAT MAN CRY!)
shen yuan does something that shows he cares for bingge even after having seen bingge at his lowest, and perhaps even cares more for bingge at his lowest than he did when bingge was projecting himself as a perfect (in his eyes) man. no one has ever loved bingge like that before. it's addicting and freeing and humiliating in equal measures. even with as miserable as it is, it's better than his old "happy ending." bingge will do anything to keep it - he'll be anything to keep it, since what he was before wasn't working.
whoops! your bingge has been made pathetic and soggy!! no going back now!! :)))
and of course it's critical that shen yuan is obsessed with bingge the whole way through, at every step of the soggification. the number one way to ensure your feral dog is healthy is to ensure he is cared for!!
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So I remember you saying how you headcanon that wukong despises oranges cause when he was a baby he bit into the skin, didn’t like it and hated it ever since, so i bring you: mk showing wukong orange juice, without telling him that it’s literally made from oranges (cause He thinks he already knew) and wukong actually ends up liking it, and asks him what it’s called
And when mk says that it’s orange juice, he’s shocked, SHOCKED I TELL YOU that they can make what he remembers as the most repulsive thing he’s ever tasted into something sweet. and he suddenly needs to lie down
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only my burnout kept me from making this into an entire comic bFLSK;JFASDF
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bisexuallsokka · 1 year
ok hello i have found that i have no choice but to introduce you to my "divorced zukka but slightly to the left" headcanon for a modern au. basically, a pre-transitioned zuko and sokka have a one night stand at the end of their senior year of high school, and never speak again. roughly six years later, sokka is starting his job at an elementary school (not a classroom teacher, like technology or something) and meets izumi, who is so sweet and cute and i swear thats the face katara makes when she's annoyed, and one day happens to see her dad pick up and huh he looks and AWFUL lot like that person i went to high school with and OH GOD some quick math brings an idea to mind.
So sokka attempts to confront zuko who is very much NOPE DO NOT TALK TO ME, but finally breaks down after a series of shenanigans that def do not involve mild stalking. but only to admit that yes, izumi is sokka's biological daughter, and would like to leave their interactions at that, except sokka has NO interest in SIMPLY leaving it at that because!!! he has a kid!!! that he knew nothing about!!! for six years!!!
zuko very much would like to continue living his life without sokka bc being a single young parent is hard enough but he has a good routine and good relationship with his daughter and he doesnt need this, this, SPERM DONOR to just come in here and mess everything up! the guy hasnt been there the last six years, there is absolutely no reason for his to get involved now!! BUT sokka absolutely would have been there if zuko had only TOLD HIM, but how was ZUKO supposed to know that, and did zuko really think so little of him?? except it was a one night stand and zuko didnt even realize he was a boy until right after and he originally wasnt even planning to keep izumi, and HOW could he have just given up their CHILD without ever even telling sokka about her and given him a CHANCE to take her, and WE WERE JUST KIDS AND HE WAS SCARED-
its complicated. and involves a lot of trying not to shout around izumi, who is just over the moon that her dad and her favorite teacher know each other outside of school. and there's a lot of heartache over sokka having to come to terms with the fact that yeah, hes not izumis parent, and there's only so much he can do without stepping on zuko's toes, and he only wants what is best for izumi, and zuko seeing that maybe sokka really does want to be all in for izumi even if zuko thinks sokka really doesnt fully understand what that means, and would it be such a bad thing? not that either of them are going to admit this to the other.
so it starts with small things, like sokka being allowed to pay child support (which hes been begging to do since day one), and maybe it turns out that zukos new coworker is sokkas friend and they end up at the same party where they can really see each other interact with izumi, and a chunk zuko's summer child care plans for the summer fall apart so sokka offers to babysit since his summer job is remote which feels BIG but also reallyyyyy too convenient to reject,
and then something bigger happens where izumi gets hurt at school and while sokka is blaming himself he's also panicking bc the hospital wont let him stay with her bc hes not an emergency contact so he steels himself and later tells zuko he wants to make his relationship to izumi legal. hes not going to have a custody fight, he would never ask for that, but he wants his name on her birth certificate and wants his name on her list of emergency contacts, and its the first time zuko understand that sokka 100% knows what he's getting into here and is willing to be in this 100%.
So maybe sokka moves into this "uncle sokka" role, because zuko still refuses to tell izumi that sokka is her other dad, and yeah that hurts, but sokka would rather have part of izumi's life if he can't have all of it. and sokka gets a better look inside their lives and discovers that its HARD being a young single parent, why would zuko have risked everything he worked for to mix in some guy he barely knew who might decide that zuko wasn't good enough and take izumi away? and zuko sees the pain sokka has from missing out on so many key moments of izumi's young life, and the more sokka is proving himself as a second parent, the more guilty zuko feels. they go through some shit together and its more and more evident that sokka doesnt just want to be that fun uncle, but he's ready more than willing to be a PARENT even when it means being the bad guy.
and maybe they start falling for each other a little, because they are starting to have this LIFE together and its not just about izumi anymore its the way zuko rolls his eyes and gets the new fancy ice pack out of the freezer when a limping sokka brings izumi back from the park, and its the way sokka makes zuko genuinely laugh after a long day at work, and its like their lives are getting fully intertwined-
except that they arent. and they couldn't. because if sokka decides its too much. because if zukos good favor runs out. if it didnt work out between them. they couldnt do that to izumi. what they have is good, its fine, (even if its not enough) they dont want to risk anything that could disrupt izumi's life. shes the priority. and sure, she's already asking questions about the two of them, but what if they don't work right in a real relationship? the way things are now, either of them could back out, and everyone would eventually be ok. maybe. except every time they think about the possibility, it seems like they are already too intertwined, and either of them trying to untangle would just be a disaster, so imagine if they HAD to untangle, and-
so they just end up in an awkward stage of sad pining. because theres no way it would actually work out. because it would hurt all of them. and their life has never been better, but it's never hurt this much either.
ok so i didnt realize i could still write this long in an ask, but essentially i am not a masochist like you, and they do figure it out in the end. this could happen a number of ways, such as izumi just announcing that yeah this is my dad and his boyfriend, or zukka doing the "pining make outs that we never talk about until one of us snaps and we decide to let ourselves be fucking happy", or a very funny "we both snap and bone for one wonderful night to get it out of our system and then we dont talk about it" which leads to an accidental second baby where sokka and zuko both laugh and say whelp it must be fate lets do this the right way this time.
the most important thing is that they both forget to tell izumi that sokka is her biological father, so teenage izumi is very shocked and upset that shes just had to learn this from something totally mundane like applying for a passport, and sokka and zuko do the spider man finger pointing of "i thought you told her" "no, you were supposed to tell her" "did we really not tell her?" and its absolutely disgusting how cute they are
thanks for coming to my tedtalk
i love every single thing about this! sokka wanting to be a part of izumi's life and help zuko out....zuko being reluctant to accept but eventually seeing how sokka is proving himself.....the limbo period where they are both afraid it could end any moment....TOO GOOD! i love every single option for how they could get together for real like this is my favorite take on modern au divorced zukka by far!!!! <3 <3
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ahollowgrave · 5 months
11. Blood at the corner of your mouth.
It is not your blood at the edge of your mouth. Not your blood that your tongue swipes from the corner of your lips.  Not your blood whose coppery tastes lingers between your teeth. 
But he fucking deserved it.
Sister Kindness has you tucked under her arm as she, to use her words, books it. Something she must not do often because she huffs and puffs her way through the crowded Shaded Bower. And though some call out ‘Sister’ to her with warm recognition she does not stop ‘booking’ it. (Sister Kindness would have you know that she is perfectly in shape for a woman of her age. She was ‘huffing and puffing’ from the extra weight of carrying you, thank you very much.)
She slows when the westshore pier appears around the corner and then she steps off the main path and sets you down. Kneeling to be something more like eye-level, she pulls a Roegadyn-sized handkerchief from the depths of her habit. Wetting a corner with a flask pulled from a separate, equally confusing pocket she begins to clean the blood from your face.
Sister Kindness’ hand is firm where it grips your chin, holding as little of you as possible. For once the contact does not send you recoiling. Perhaps it is the way your rage has left you as quickly as it had flooded you, leaving you feeling drained of everything else as well. Now that the moment has passed you tremble and, to your horror, you can feel a well of tears rising to fill that empty space.
“Was a helluva bite, darling girl,” Sister Kindness’s voice is quiet as she tilts your head to the light, searching for any blood she may have missed. You focus on her creek colored eyes and swear you feel their waters lapping at your ankles. Her smile is sudden but woozy around the edges; she is just as shaken. "Reckon he'll have a scar, too. Bet he lies about who gave it to him." ‘He’ was an elezen man -- maybe a merchant but likely not, as Sister Kindness did not know him -- with a face as sharp as his ears and a smile that spoke of too much confidence. And you had hated him on sight. His crime was making Sister Kindness uncomfortable and his mistake was not being aware of his surroundings. 
It does not take much pressure to break skin. 
Pleased with her work, Sister Kindness rises and disappears the handkerchief away. Handing you the flask, she instructs you to take a sip, swirl it around your mouth, and spit it out. There is some confusion about what 'swirl' means but, eventually, she is satisfied with this too. “Well, we didn’t get what I came for but we’ll be headed home all the same. Come now, before the ferry leaves without us. We will, ah, not be telling the abbess about this.” You don’t know if she means the bite or the trip to the city. 
You don’t ask.
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Thank you for the ask, Anon! ][ Sensory Prompts ][
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floralfractals · 6 months
Hi everyone, I wanted to write a quick update to you guys :)
I made this blog in March of 2021. At the time, I followed my first math course on fractals and dynamics, and had just discovered a tool to make my own awesome fractals. This blog started out as a place to share the art I was making as a coping mechanism during covid, but as I quit making them after a few months, this blog died pretty quickly. In 2022, I decided to start posting regularly again (mostly just shitposts though), just so that the effort I put into this blog wouldn't go to waste.
Then, in the beginning of this year, I started writing my thesis. I posted one (1) shitpost about him (my well-known and popular son), and got 10s of thousands of notes. Every morning I would wake up to another crowd of people who loved the graphs, or were baffled by them, and I got showered in asks to elaborate on him.
Truth be told, 2023 has been a very heavy year for me. A lot of things happened in my personal life, and I lost a dear friend to suicide. It became so difficult for me to keep writing on my thesis, and the project that should have been finished in June this year has now been taking 4 months too many. My mental health has suffered greatly, I haven't been able to take any breaks, and life has just been generally difficult. I have spent nights not being able to sleep because I wanted to finish my bachelor's thesis so bad, but my supervisors would keep demanding more work, more edits, and more drafts. At some point, I even considered quitting my studies and finding a job.
The community has helped me to keep going. Mathematicians and non-mathematicians alike who sent me genuinely interested questions, made me laugh in the notes, created fanart (??? I'm still baffled by this but the people who did this are the coolest in the world) and generally made me feel for the first time that mathematics isn't a universally hated subject. On some days, the only reason I was able to keep going and the only thing keeping me from experiencing burn-out was the support I got through this blog.
Today, 10/12/2023, I turned in my thesis. Thank you so much for your support!
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