#thank you SO MUCH for this ask!!!
ruporas · 11 months
Don't you dare apologize for how often you draw vashwood kissing. Let them kiss, they deserve it >w> also you are 100% one of my favorite artists for them, carry on forever -salute-
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elwenyere · 10 months
hello! I just have to say that I have fallen head-over-heels in love with what you’ve shared of your CodyWan pirate AU (the tension! the drama!) and I’m ~dying~ to read more! Do you have plans to post it anytime soon?
Ahhh hello!!! Thank you so much for this message and for the very generous interest in the Pirate AU!!! It's so encouraging and motivating to hear the snips feel enticing enough to whet the appetite for more. <3<3<3
The current plan for the fic involves four chapters and an epilogue, and because I cannot write in a straight line for love or gold doubloons, I will have to finish the whole thing before I start posting. Unfortunately, I also haven't been able to make a ton of progress on fic lately because I've been pulled away by the writing I have to do for my job (rude). But I can tell you that Pirate AU is currently in my top-three most active WIPs. The incredible @frostbitebakery has been collabing on some gorgeous character designs. And I would also love to offer you an additional snip, from the very start of the fic, to help sweeten the waiting period:
Of all the dangers that could befall a post-captain in the Coruscant Navy in the first months of a new commission, happening across a Geonosian man of war was bad; a run-in with pirates was worse; and any encounter with the pirate known as Kenobi was the most lethal by far. 
So, of course, the first thing Captain Cody Fett saw when his ship rounded the Cape of Carida after a near escape from a hundred-gun Geonoasian frigate was the winged blade on Kenobi’s flag. 
And the second was the pirate corsair’s cannons, fully manned and arrayed directly in their path.
Cody had let the pirates board. He’d had few other options. There was no room and no time to bring his own sloop around safely in the rocky shoals of the Cape, and the ship had already sustained damage to the hull in the skirmish with the Geonosians. 
The men had taken their share of hits too: Cody could still feel the evidence in the thick thumb of pain prodding his left side - the place where he’d felt the shattered metal from a dislodged long gun slice its way through his skin.
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generic-sonic-fan · 4 months
I was reading “Complex Inquires” and I wanted to shout out one of my favorite lines so far! “The laugh had been a perfect imitation of Sonic’s. It hadn’t been aware that it still possessed the data for that.” Anyway, it reminded me of the OVA metal sonic and how metal was made from Sonic’s (dna?,data?, whatever) and was becoming like sonic near the end of the movie. What are your thoughts on it? For me, just the thought of Sonic’s personality being so fundamental to metal personality’s and that metal is simultaneously sonic and not sonic is so intriguing to me.
First of all, thank you so much for reading!! This ask honestly made my day. I'm so happy that's one of your favorite lines. It's one of mine too.
If you've been reading Complex Inquiries, you'll know that my version of Metal Sonic does not think of itself as Sonic, even going so far as to refer to itself by the name "Unit MS-1" instead of "Metal Sonic". And this kind of plays into my own personal interpretation of Metal Sonic, which is different than how canon and most fanon interprets things.
See, I don't think Metal Sonic is Sonic. Not in the slightest. Not even in the OVA, where Metal is explicitly made from an exact copy of Sonic's data, so much so that they have a mental link. Metal Sonic isn't Sonic.
Even if Metal Sonic is based piece-by-piece off of Sonic's data, he's still a different person due to the circumstances of his creation. A Sonic that is controlled by Eggman, that has Eggman's code in his brain, just isn't the same person as the original Sonic, especially if they both exist simultaneously. Those different experiences make Metal a unique individual. This is why I don't find the "Metal Sonic is Sonic roboticized" theory personally compelling: does it really matter who Metal Sonic used to be, if what he is now is completely different from our organic boy in blue?
And to say something even more controversial- I'm personally not a fan of interpretation that Metal Sonic thinks he's the original or that he would even want to be the original Sonic if given the opportunity. Not in a literal sense, anyway. I just don't think that Metal could ever want to become the very thing that he's programmed to despise. Sonic is a pathetic organic while Metal is of superior design. Sonic is a "hero" who cares about "saving people", while Metal has no such weaknesses. There's a very distinct line that Metal draws between Sonic and himself. It's almost a necessity given how much of Metal's identity revolves around killing him.
Rather, it's the role that Sonic has that Metal covets so badly. In Metal's perfect world, Sonic never existed at all- only Metal. Only Metal to be the fastest thing alive, the strongest, the best. No one would mention Sonic. No one would make the comparison, because there is no comparison to be made. Everyone would finally recognize that Metal is not a faker, or a copy, or a failure, or-
It's not about "being Sonic".
It's about being free from Sonic.
Which, I don't know about you, sounds to me an awful lot like an individual clawing for his own sense of identity in the shadow of the person he was made to imitate.
It is also something that you couldn't waterboard out of Metal Sonic if you tried.
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singsweetmelodies · 5 months
Ok so from piarles...who fell first and who fell harder 👀
(this ask is in reference to this post i reblogged a week or so ago)
and what an excellent question, anon!! it made me grin so much when i first saw it, because if there's one thing i absolutely LOVE, it's talking about my ship opinions/characterisations/headcanons, etc etc. ESPECIALLY lately, when my writing brain is a bit offline, and all i can do is think and daydream...
anyways. SO: to actually answer your question, dear anon, i honestly think that a very compelling argument could be made for having this both ways around. it depends on the setting you're going for (canon-adjacent or AU, the specific background of that fic, etc etc...)
with that said, though - personally, i have a big soft spot for "charles fell first, pierre fell harder." i love the idea of charles (who, perpetual middle child that he is, always looked up to & admired pierre when they were younger) then growing up and realising that fuck, pierre has been different to everyone else all along, and it's because charles has loved him all along. simultaneously, pierre grows up to be a bit of a whore (affectionate) and he sleeps with a whole bunch of people until it SUDDENLY hits him, almost out of the blue, that the only person he wants forever is charles.
and like this excellent post said: charles has been living with his feelings/trying to ignore them for much longer, while pierre is hit by them full-force out of the blue - and he proceeds to be incredibly possessive and insane about charles. (that, incidentally, is ALSO one of my most favourite tropes - pierre being possessive and insane about charles.)
so yeah! i am definitely on team "charles fell first, pierre fell harder" - but like i said, i do think this trope can be done BRILLIANTLY no matter which way around you do it!
what do YOU think, anon? what's your soft spot? 👀😍
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tjerra14 · 11 months
what if ikrie joins the gaia gang at the base since it seems like it’d be considered a werak
sylens cannot be the only banuk they ever meet lol
Anon, I absolutely love the way you think and let me tell you, there's nothing more than I want from the third game than this. Sylens, for all intents and purposes, might look like a Banuk, but even the Banuk doubt he was ever truly one of them, and even if he was, he seems to like thinking himself outside of and above all tribes, so arguing he's the Banuk representative at base is wobbly at best. Let's face it: when they made their game about Aloy learning the importance of friendship and gathering her team for the current and coming challenges from all the tribes, Guerrilla kind of forgot that the Carja and Banuk exist, too. (And then got rid of the Nora, but that's something for a different time, so I won't get into it.) Where Ikrie joining the gang is concerned, there's a few scenarios I've spent entirely too much time thinking about that come to mind. We know that back in Frozen Wilds, she'd lost everything she held dear, and had her life completely uprooted, realising that what she thought would be her path could never be. When you talk to her at the hunting grounds, she says that she's in no hurry to return to Ban-Ur yet, and it's not too unlikely she might ultimately decide that she won't return at all. So, where would she go from there? She seems like a restless character, much like Aloy, so the hunting grounds won't be her final stop, and even though she considers starting some of her own, I feel she might not want to tether herself to one spot right away. (Plus I feel Lauvuk would have an encouraging thing or two to say about her leaving and seeing the world and asking that girl out.)
So I feel we have:
Ikrie staying in the Cut for a while after she last sees Aloy, eventually meeting Gildun, either while visiting Song's Edge, or just stumbling across him on the road, possibly finding him in a bit of a pickle once again; and after talking to him decides to accompany him west on his delves, for protection and company. Since we know Gildun passed through the later-collapsed tunnel, which would put them into Aloy's general vicinity, she could either go and seek her out, or we keep with the game's events and they meet up while Ikrie is trying to get Gildun out of another door incident ("By the Blue Light, you turn away for five seconds and he gets himself trapped again! ....I think I broke that button over in the next room.") After some catching up and Focus-acquiring Ikrie decides to join forces with Aloy again--fate's a long climb on a high cliff for people like her and Aloy, and what higher cliff and better challenge to rise to than facing Nemesis?, and returns to Base with her. (For bonus Banuk points insert Inatut in Gildun's protection squad here. I feel he would really hit it off with Erend, and eventually join the Vanguard. Vanguard Inatut rights!)
Another option would be her arriving late to the Battle at the Spire with Starbucks. News travel quickly in the Cut, even in remote areas, and a hunting ground is a hub for travellers seeking some training and maybe some rest before or afterwards. So Ikrie hears the rumours, and the stories, and learns that Aloy needs help saving the world. Both Aratak and Inatut have already left, and while she might not be able to catch up with them, she hurries to Meridian. When she arrives, the battle is over, the world is (for now) saved, everyone is celebrating, and Aloy, who she came to help, is nowhere to be seen because she already ran away (once again). Since there's nothing for her in Meridian, but she still intends to help Aloy, she joins Varl on his quest to seek her out, maybe following up on a different rumour than he does right before Forbidden West starts so they meet up a little later than that. (This one also comes with a side of Vanguard Inatut. I may be rather passionate about that one.)
Of course, there's also the shippy option fitting the timeline I have for them in my head, but ignores canon a little (or a lot): Aloy straight up asks Ikrie to accompany her to the West, the two of them set out in pursuit of the rumour that there might be an intact copy of GAIA somewhere in the wilderness of No Man's Land; the Embassy happens, Aloy runs off again and Ikrie is left to follow in her tracks, eventually finding her all messed up in Stone's Echo after her narrow escape from Latopolis. While Aloy is resting and healing, Talanah, Milu, and Varl catch up to them, and ultimately the events of Dying Lands take place, so that they all find the Base together.
Long story short, Ikrie as a Gaia gang member yes please. Imagine all the fun she'd have getting into all sorts of ridiculous challenges with Kotallo, too. The Sunwings at the top of the base would never know peace again.
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wokasho · 5 months
As someone that likes Sasuke, there are times I wonder why he's not the one getting the hate when he deserves it. In my opinion, Sasuke in part 1 was way more annoying and difficult to actually like in part one. And he's done way worse! Sakura may have made a bad claim about how Naruto had it more easy/was badly behaved cause he has no parents, but at least she tried to be nicer and improve her act. Sasuke insulted and belittled Naruto for freezing up at the beginning of the land of the waves arc, acted all cocky in the chunin exams only to get made when he gets put in his place, got into a fight with Naruto and belittled him again because he was insecure about his skills, threatened Kakashi with a smile on his face, betrays the village to get power from the man who nearly came close to destroying it, put multiple of his comrades lives at risk because he was selfish and NEARLY KILLED NARUTO FOR POWER. If it weren't for Kurama, Naruto would have possibly bled out. But Sakura's the one that's terrible?
The fact is: Sakura was annoying as any young teen who is oblivious of the world would be. Her comment was awful indeed, but it is obvious she regrets it right after Sasuke calls her out. Sakura rethinks her actions, sees how unfair she was and changes her attitude towards Naruto. She is wrong as a child is bound to be (trust me, I work with kids and teenagers). That is the age when they make mistakes, when they are certain of their convictions, teenagers believe they know it all when they hardly know anything, and Sakura had a normal, peaceful life, so she's blissfully unaware of the cruelty of the world. However, she changes, she grows, she doesn't do things like that again. She is always supportive of Naruto, painfully loyal to her friends and becomes much more empathetic and kind.
Sasuke is unapologetic about all the horrible things he did. He hurts Naruto every single chance he gets, he hurts the people who care about him and doesn't give a flying f*ck about the consequences. Now, I understand Konoha sucks, their government is awful and the elders should just die and stop wasting oxygen, but is that reason to do all he did? To hurt, humiliate and belittle his closest friends every chance he gets? I don't see much redemption in him, and honestly? He caused nothing but pain to his team, gave them nothing but trauma. I am a firm believer that he does not deserve their forgiveness, does not deserve redemption because I don't feel like he redeemed himself. Wanna start a revolution? Babe, ask your friends for help, the gods know Naruto had been wronged enough to hate the elders, and many shinobi would agree to a change of power. But Sasuke only ever hurt the ones who loved him, I don't think he deserves forgiveness, he deserves to get hit by a bus.
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storyknitter · 2 years
Eli'anara: Can you give my baby sister six months of her life back?
Valkorion: Well... No, but—
Let me tell you, I legit CACKLED when this ask came in! 🤣 That is 100% how Ellie would be in the "she somehow ends up as the Outlander" AU.
Valky-pants after six months trapped in Ellie's head, with 4.5 years to go before she gets out of carbonite:
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minecraftdog · 1 year
As much as I hate the un-reveal, I am so excited for him to show his face again because the statute of limitations regarding drontrovercies is fading, randos are being normal and yeah i can feel the good vibes coming
Omg hi !! yesss I really believe that in the worst case he will wait until the drong release. I miss his facie a lot. and also it's sooo good that the normies are starting to get normal towards him, he really is a marketing genius, as much as I dislike the fact he doesn't show his face
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E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Oh! Oh!!!
Is it time to bring back The Gatsby Gang Storms Area 51?!?!
I wrote it for the lovely @ask-the-great-gatsby and others in the Gatsby fandom back when I was but a wee lass of fifteen. It was absolutely cracked-out and stupid, but I loved it and had a lot of fun writing it! (And it turned out to be pretty popular—it’s in my Top 5 fics on AO3 for both hits and kudos!)
What makes it even better is that this isn’t just my most cracky/hilarious contribution to the Great Gatsby fandom, it’s also my ONLY contribution to the Great Gatsby fandom (besides some cartoony art and helping the proliferation of the #yeet Tom into the sun tag). In the height of my Gatsby obsession, I had lots of ideas for fanfic and wrote the beginnings of several. But the only one I finished, and published, and that saw the light of day? This one.
I could also mention that both fics I’ve written for the Secret History fandom—Aristotle’s Theory of Angry Birds and the multi-chapter A Dire Contagion—are absolutely ridiculous crack. I haven’t added to A Dire Contagion for a while, but maybe I should resuscitate it! And I haven’t really written anything super cracky for Cowboy Bebop yet…maybe it’s time to change that? 👀
[Fandom Alphabet Asks]
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daikaiju-arts · 30 days
May we see some Gangle x Pomni plspls I just like them in your style 🙏🙏
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I don’t necessarily ship them romantically per se, BUT I do like to think of them as being close friends 💚 I friendship them lol
Also a Bonus:
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generic-sonic-fan · 6 months
🗣 and/or 🤯??
Thank you so much!!!
🗣 Share your favorite dialogue exchange.
“Do not mock this unit.” Unit MS-1 typed. “No, no, I’m not making fun of you. I’m asking if you’re okay.” “Define: ‘okay’.” “Um, as in, are you alright? Are you hurt? Damaged, I guess?” It released a negative ping. “Physical status: fully operational.” “That’s good. Was it just a glitch, then? You were shaking pretty bad.” If by ‘just a glitch’ she was referring to ‘major processor disruption resulting in complete ineffectuality’, then yes, the prior event was just a glitch. More likely, then, she was chastising it. “It will not happen again.” It typed. “Good. It looked like it hurt pretty bad.” A. . . peculiar response. “Event caused no physical damage.” “It still hurts, though, right?” “Define: ‘hurt’.”
It's SOOOO difficult for me to pick a favorite dialogue exchange, because Unit MS-1 doesn't communicate verbally much, and I've already shared some pretty good snippets of dialogue on here already. This one is part of a larger conversation that leads to some interesting (read: angst-inducing) questions for Unit MS-1.
🤯 Share a surprising line, or one where a character realizes something.
Dr. Ivo Robotnik had, with a few errant words, rewritten his most prized creation’s processor functions into complete incapacitation. Dr. Ivo Robotnik had prevented it from fulfilling its purpose. Unit MS-1 saved this fact to the forefront of its memory banks.
This fic is a fic all about surprising realizations, and I don't want to spoil the major ones for you all. This realization, however, happens early on and arguably shapes Unit MS-1 trajectory for the rest of the story. And it doesn't (it arguably can't) come to this realization by itself.
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crabussy · 6 months
god I'm so fucking furious at the removal of Te Reo Māori names from organisations around Aotearoa. it's a complete non-issue, every organisation has the English name directly underneath the Māori name. I have never once as an English speaker been unable to understand what an organisation is for. Winston Peters, the Deputy Prime Minister, who is literally Māori himself, said “Te Papa is a historic name but tell me this waka kotahi, how many boats have you seen going down the road?”. Waka does not just mean canoe. it means vessel, and waka kotahi (the transport agency of Aotearoa) explains this VERY SIMPLY on their official website. waka kotahi means to travel together as one. Can you see how fucking upsetting this is. A Māori person in power who is in agreement about banning his own language, being so cocky about something that he does not even understand due to the suppression of the language of his people. It makes me sick. I've seen reports from Māori people all over Aotearoa speaking out about how upset and furious they are, how decades of progress have been undone in the fight to restore the rights of their people who have for so long been oppressed and have suffered the effects of colonisation. Please share this if you can, I hate knowing how few people will hear about this, I know there is so much injustice in the world right now and it is so exhausting, I know. I love you all, keep it up.
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egophiliac · 4 months
What do you like about the Diasomnia boys if I may ask?
I always love hearing about the different reasons people enjoy characters.
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I mean, c'mon. he has split custody over Sebek okay
also, Lilia in particular has maybe the best timeskip character development of all time
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 chapter 4 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 chapter 4 spoilers#stage in playful land#i hope this is legible whoops#anon i am sorry but you made the fatal mistake of asking me to talk about diasomnia#insert 'i just think they're neat' jpg#i do like the other characters a lot but they are definitely my favorites#they just hit a lot of my favorite things in characters i guess!#yes even you sebek even though you keep shrieking NINGEN at me#(it's okay he gets Character Development™ later)#and their dynamic! it's great! these guys frikking love each other SO much and they WILL have terrible terrible angst about it#ohoho delicious#give me all your emotional hangups baybeeeee#also somewhere in there i went from 'i like them all equally (but lilia is the most fun to draw)'#to 'lilia is absolutely my favorite (and still the most fun to draw) (EVEN MORE fun now thank you swishy ponytail!)'#(it was probably when his candy coating got a little scratched and whoops all the tragedy fell out)#(where's that 'get loved loser' post because i need to staple it to lilia's forehead)#i am extremely bad at putting things into words so please don't ask me to explain it any further#just know that the diafam is everything to me and if we don't get more episode 7 soon i'm going to crumble into dust and blow away#we'll be getting the crowleytimes on monday and maybe there will be. idk. some foreshadowing or something in his groovy#probably not but LOOK i'm desperate
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erwinsvow · 3 months
Imagine if Rafe let R try a joint
Like, her brains getting all fuzzy and she's even more giggly than usual, and he's just, like enamoured. He thinks she's adorable.
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"one hit, that's it-" rafe says, low and quiet in your ear.
you're curled up on his lap at the party, both of you resting on the couch while you observe the scene around you with big eyes. rafe's friends were snorting powder off of mirrors, washing it down with liquor that was definitely harder than the fruity seltzer your boyfriend allowed you to drink. rafe said you couldn't handle anything harder, and you agreed without questioning him, like you always did.
you had pointed to the white lines on the table infront of you and asked him as sweetly as you could if you could try some. kelce overheard you and starts pushing the mirror in your direction, and you look at him with a smile, before rafe stares him down and delivers a tap to your cheek. it's just to get your attention, not really to hurt you, but you feel your face flushing where he touched you when he speaks.
"hey, you don't listen to him, you listen to me, right?" you see kelce in the corner of your eye, taking the tray back and offering it to the girl next to him.
"i know, i just-"
"no, no just anything. y'can barely drink this watered-down crap without trippin' over your feet." he rests back on the sofa, hands gripping your waist and leg tightly. "wants to snort coke. you're funny, kid."
you pout, taking another sip of your drink. you're only half way through the can but your head is starting to feel fuzzy, already. you decide then and there that rafe always knows best for you, but you still want to try the things he tries, show him that you can handle it. the boys next to rafe pass a blunt over you, directly to him. when they blow out the smoke, you start coughing, but watch carefully as your boyfriend takes a long hit. just as he's about to pass it across to kelce, you catch his wrist.
"can i try that instead? please?" you try your best to straighten up, to show him you can take it and that you're not already drunk. "please," you whine, and his friends turn their head to look. you're sure that they think it's silly, the way you have to ask rafe for permission for everything and anything. you don't care, though.
"kid, stop-"
"i can take it, promise. just this time. i won't ever ask again."
that's how you had ended up like this, rafe talking into your ear while he holds the blunt to your lips.
"alright, suck in. long as you can. you're a pro at that, aren't ya?" his words make you lose your concentration, breaking into a coughing fit before you can even try to inhale.
"rafe!" you whine again, pummeling your fists into his chest, still choking on the smoke. your throat feels scratchy but you know that couldn't have been enough.
"what, kid, i gotta do everything for you?" he takes a long hit, and then grips your cheeks with his hand, forcing your mouth open and then blowing the smoke into your throat for you. then he clamps it shut, holds your shoulder while you cough, and passes the blunt along to kelce.
you cough a little, but before long, you're putty in his arms, leaning your head against his shoulder and giggling at nothing. you poke at his chest and then start playing with his chain, then his hair, and then back down to his fingers. he lets you do it, watching you play with his ring and pressing a kiss to your forehead. you're cute like this, he thinks, less shy and not as worried what everyone must think about you. he thinks he likes it, that maybe he should let you smoke with him every once in a while.
"feel good, baby?" he asks in your ear, and you squirm in his touch, pulling away before resting your head again.
"mhm. really good. this is fun. wish it wasn't a crime." he laughs, taking another sip of his beer. you try to copy him, reaching for your seltzer but knocking it over by accident.
"oops," you say with another laugh. "sorry to-wait, whose house is this?"
"c'mon kid, makin' a mess," he groans, picking up the can and watching the fizzy liquid travel.
"sorry, daddy." in your state, you don't realize how loud you said it, but even with everyone's eyes on you, you don't care much, smiling back sweetly at rafe.
"alright, we're leavin'."
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prettyinaccurate · 3 months
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jekyll and hyde except its how i pictured them the first time i read the book like 7 years ago
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eliotbaum · 15 days
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just perfect
LMAO I screamed
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