#terran siblings
Some more ideas popped up in my head while I was going about my business, so here's part 2 of...
Things I want to see in Transformers: EarthSpark S1C
**Spoilers if you haven't watched S1A or S1B yet!**
I will be starting the list at 13 since I ended my last post at 12. The list keeps growing!
Part 1:
13. Can we PLEASE get an explanation on what kind of beef/past relationship Alex and Mandroid have with each other?? Alex mentioned having an old colleague that used similar technology (in reference to the arachnimechs) in "Traditions". And in "Age of Evolution" when Mandroid saw Alex in one of his cameras whilst the Malto family + OP & Megs were trying to destroy his murder mech, he looked shocked but also super panicked when he saw Alex! He really tried to squash Alex like a bug and I need to know why!!! What does Alex have on him, or what the heck happened between them to cause such a reaction? 😯
14. This is probably a hugeeeeeeeee stretch and should probably be reserved for S2A but...can we see the Terrans and Malto Kids have a pool party? We know the Terrans need that special cave water to fuel themselves, but what if they have a backyard pool party since Robby and Mo did not attend Bruno's pool party back in "Friends and Family"? Twitch seemed really eager to attend one, so...like...how about that? I think it would be so adorable! 🤣
15. More scenes with the Terrans breaking it down with their fancy dance moves please! It's so nice watching them dance and have fun and be able to let loose once in a while. They danced in "Bear Necessities" and "Home" and I want more dancing Terrans please! 🥺🥺
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16. More Seekers please!!! The battle between Skywarp, Novastorm, OP and Megs in "Age of Evolution" was so epic! I loved every second of it and I want to see more Seekers get screentime in S1C!
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17. Can we PLEASE see Megatron and Starscream interact??! 🙏🏾 I am DYING to see them interact in this adaptation! Since TFE Megatron is no where near the same level as Megatron from TFP, in terms of being overly violent towards Starscream, I really want to see what Starscream thinks of Megatron working with OP and how Megs would interact with him. 🥺
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18. I really want to know the state of the Allspark and its whereabouts. "Warzone" showed us how the war ended and how the Allspark may or may not have been destroyed when the spacebridge was destroyed. I really want to know if it survived!
~ That's all for now...
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tunasandwh3ch · 10 months
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Starscream now is a protective brother for Terrans
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luribourdon · 2 months
They are the ultimate siblings trio let’s be honest
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deskraven · 1 day
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Somehow this is my current impression of them
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margaritaduck · 1 year
Terrans' first time in the snow
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cyber-streak-2 · 10 months
Nightshade, when there’s something up with Twitch, who just left: There’s only one solution. Someone has to go to Twitch and talk to her.
Hashtag: I vote we all look at Thrash at the same time.
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Thinking of Megatron's defection as a ruse is reminding me of an unused plot for Earthspark season 1 which would have had Megatron stealing the Emberstone for himself because Optimus Prime and Dot where keeping secrets from him.
Considering his reaction to Soundwave screaming "TRAITOR" at him in Decoy, I'm starting to wonder what's going on. I sincerely think Megatron really enjoys the company of Optimus, the Autobots, the Terrans and the Maltos, but I can't help wondering if he defected under a ruse. I really hope it's not that because it would be incredibly devastating.
Him stealing the emberstone is such an idea
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pluralsword · 10 months
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um we think it's clearer now especially with how much nick roche drew and likes arcee in idw that um twitch's sword colors are not an accident. we've been insisting this from the beginning that there was some inspiration/homage but this kind of convinced us.
(to be clear about the image below we chose it because it's one by nick where the sword shape is like this, even though the blades aren't yellow, but they are done in yellow for Arcee in phase 1 and when drawn in many of the Optimus Prime comics and in some of Unicron)
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Like here she is years after Sins of the Wreckers in a style different from her sword-wielding car front chest big ankle Ford Mustang look Alex Milne dreamed up, and Nick drew her like a G1ified version of IDW Arcee (which to be fair more G1 looking IDW Arcees have had swords like in the Star Trek and Transformers vs GIJoe crossover and also cutting the cables of Decepticons who underestimate her is literally in her 1986 bio), and with the way Twitch's helm looks a lot like IDW1/2 Arcee's with the crest tail this is either subconscious coincidence by one or more of the artists or um, was intentionally drawn on. the only other gal we've seen with two yellow blades is Windblade (who, like Arcee, has been in a same-gender love relationship, in Windblade's case, with Strongarm in Shattered Glass) and only with her Titan Returns or Legends toys, which is why we made a comic featuring Windblade, Arcee, and Twitch
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luminosityspecter · 7 months
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I'm never going to finish this drawing but I feel like my Klay siblings/Corvus siblings agenda needs to be shared
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Another Twofer but it's the same character!
Transformers Prime and Transformers Animated Bulkhead! And if the Maltos look at Jawbreaker they seem similar
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Jawbreaker: I uh… ehm…
Thrash: they actually kinda are.
Twitch: yeah. Kind of.
Thrash: Except, you’re orange, and that dude is green.
Hashtag: Ah, who cares. Orange suits you better, JB!
Jawbreaker: thanks?
Nightshade: Hmm… if I’m being honest, I’m seeing it a lot more in the Animated version, rather than ‘Prime’/Aligned.
Jawbreaker: ?
Nightshade: See, there’s quite a comparison and contrast between you and them-
- A vague “fucking christ” followed by a light smack, and footsteps leaving in the background -
Nightshade: -notably, and I do hate to be anything considered rude in such a regard, but, personally I think Aligned feels more like a brute, and not as empathetic compared to you, Jawbreaker.
Nightshade: And you do seem to have more qualities from Animated. You’re fairly clumsy at times, though you always mean well. You’re fairly artsy, if it’s more in a different way than displayed. Fiercely loyal. Your occasional short temper is something to be feared and respected. You’re so incredibly empathetic, we would hardly ever need to needle you to be.
Nightshade: I fail to find near as much similarity between you and Aligned.
Nightshade: All regardless, and wholly set aside- *gets up and carefully embraces JB*
Nightshade: -I love you all the same just as you are, no matter what may be.
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Hashtag and Twitch:
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Thrash: -from the top of the stairs- HEY.
- Hashtag snorting laughter, Twitch trying to scold Thrash, Thrash arguing, Jawbreaker kind of confused, and Nightshade looking guilty -
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**TFE Spoilers if you haven't watched S1A & S1B yet**
Been meaning to post this...
Things I want to see in Transformers: EarthSpark S1C
1. A thorough explanation for why the hell Bee has been in hiding for sooooo long, why he went rogue, why Optimus kept his existence a secret from G.H.O.S.T., and why Bee didn't just join G.H.O.S.T. like Elita-1 and Arcee!!!! Please! I need to know!!! WHY WAS BEE ALONE AND IN HIDING FOR SO LONG???! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
2. Similar to my last point, what's going on with Wheeljack? Is he also rogue, and why hasn't he joined G.H.O.S.T.?? I would also like more info on him and more screentime with him and Twitch! 🥺🥺
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Look at them! It's so adorable that Twitch calls him Dad 2! 🥰
3. Random, but I would really like to see Nightshade speak in their alt mode more. I don't know why, I just really want this! Lol we only saw them speak whilst in their alt mode twice, and that was in "Missed Connection" and "Home" I believe. Please give us more talking badass hawk owl protector moments! Actually, just give us more Nightshade moments PERIOD! 🥺
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4. More Elita-1 and Arcee scenes with them being absolute badasses!!!!
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I love them! ❤️
5. I want to see a Decepticon actually allowed on the Malto family's property without getting tackled to the ground by Bee, or them resorting to following someone home and then secretly spying on their family. Maybe it could be Breakdown that pays Bee a friendly visit and meets his family members (I am hopeful that he is still alive. Oh pleaseeeee let him still be alive! 🙏🏾). Or maybe it could be Tarantulas that pays Nightshade a visit and interacts with their family members. I just really want to see a Decepticon visit the Malto family without malicious intent! 🥺🥺🥺
6. A scene where Arcee uses her gun! I know this is a promo pic, but I actually really want to see her use her gun. It looks so cool! So cool and pink! I really like the design.
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7. Agent Schloder standing up to his sister again and becoming more and more aware of how truly evil she and the whole G.H.O.S.T. operation is. Maybe even have him side with the Malto family again like he did in "Security Protocols" to protect them.
8. More Terran fluff and more Terran/Malto Kids fluff! I love fluff! Give me all the sweet, sweet fluff created by drama, angst, comfort, and love! 🥰🤩🤩
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9. A wholesome af scene where the Malto Kids and Terrans express their concern for Bee after he regains his strength after the events of "Home". Honestly, I would really love it if the first episode of S1C starts off with Bee sleeping peacefully in a pile of hay with a bunch of pillows, with the Malto Kids and Terrans watching him. And then he slowly wakes up and realizes that he's safe. I REALLY hope the writers don't just do a time jump and skip over Bee being injured from the events of "Home", or the fact that the Malto Kids and Terrans snuck out and went to Philly. I want some Malto Kids/Terrans/Bee fluff, dammit! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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10. I would love to hear Skullcruncher speak. The poor guy has been through A LOT!!! He was working for Mandroid earlier in the series and then later on G.H.O.S.T. was doing experiments on him. 🥺🥺 I want to hear him talk about it! I want to hear him talk about all the fuckery going on with G.H.O.S.T. and what their plans are.
11. Can we please have a Swindle and Hardtop reunion? Pleaseeee?!! I really want him to be reunited with his brother! Swindle did the most trying to find him and we need to see them reunited!!!! 🥺🥺🥺
12. We need to revist those creepy worm/grub looking things that appeared in "Bear Necessities", 'cause that is not something you just skip over. Wtf were those things??! What is their purpose?? Are they infused with Energon?
~That's all for now. I might make more posts if I come up with anything else.
Part 2:
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soba-riri · 11 months
Mantis, who grew up seeing her half-siblings die by Ego's hands, finally has a brother that survived and is able to have an actual connection with him without worrying about him dying via the light. Only to watch him almost die in space while she's unable to do anything to help like her life on Planet Ego.
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luribourdon · 3 days
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When your brother move in another country to ‘‘‘‘rebuilt the judicial system’’’’, so now your other brother pick you up after school.
He’s cooler anyway~
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arceespinkgun · 1 year
You reblogged a post saying Earthspark has addressed things effectively, so what's your stance regarding the recent discussions about its anti-immigration message?/genq
I'm not sure how I feel about being asked to give an opinion on things people haven't said to me. If somebody sent me an ask being like, "I think Earthspark is anti-immigration, here's why, what do you think?" then I'd have no problem with responding and giving an opinion! But this is like, tagging me into a discussion that I don't really feel like I was involved in/should butt into? On the other hand, you're asking for my opinion directly, and I have seen people publicly saying they think it's anti-immigration in the show's tag, so I guess maybe it's okay if it's like, a public discussion. Plus, I'm a non-binary, disabled, mixed-race person, meaning the show addresses people who share experiences like mine, and one of my parents is an immigrant...
I wouldn't have reblogged any posts saying Earthspark's handled issues of marginalization successfully if I didn't agree! I think believing that the show is anti-immigration is like… a bizarre reading because it ignores an incredible amount of context and blatant messaging to the audience. The sense I got from when I saw people saying this in the tag is that the reasoning is something like: "It's unintentionally anti-immigration because the transformers brought their war to Earth, resulting in human death, and at least some of the Decepticons intended to colonize the planet. So when the show suggests it's wrong to discriminate against transformers, it falls flat because the immigrants WERE dangerous colonizers all along."
But that's not true. First of all, while yes, the Cybertronians are technically immigrants, when most people talk about immigrants they mean people who intentionally wanted to be in another place, you know? Not people who were stranded. And let's think about why they were stranded. The Autobots destroyed the Space Bridge to sever the link between the two worlds as a last-ditch attempt to prevent further destruction to the Earth and its people. They did this because they KNOW it was a terrible thing to have brought the war to Earth—the Autobots, as far as we know, always knew it was their duty to protect humanity and the planet. They stranded themselves on Earth and potentially destroyed their homeworld for the sake of the Earth. So while of course people might be right to fear Decepticons specifically, transformers in general DON'T deserve to be hated. To hate all transformers is to hate someone for their species, isn't it? Plus, the Autobots since the 80s have been refugees of a war, which they are in this series, too… you know, like many immigrants are in real-life? It's also important to see that Autobots doing morally dubious things in Earthspark—like working with GHOST—have been doing it because they're so desperate to protect humans and have their trust that they have become self-destructive.
I've also seen people complaining about how people find the Decepticons very sympathetic. But… how is that the show's fault? The show extends sympathy to the Decepticons 1) who have chosen to become better people, or 2) are being tortured by GHOST/other humans. Okay? I see no problem with this? Dot drove her car into Swindle's face, everybody. It's not saying self-defense or suspicion is always bad, just exploitation/abuse of POWs. Why are we not celebrating finally having a TF show that is extremely anti-military? The show has blatantly said over and over that it is people's actions that should be judged. The actions of people like Mandroid are not reasonable... it is impossible to justify in any way things like his hatred of the Terrans (who were born on Earth and have never hurt anyone, by the way).
I also want to say that it would be one thing if the show never explored ACTUAL real-world racism or if (shudder) we had some white family as the main characters instead. But this isn't the case. The show has successfully and clearly explored actual, non-fantasy racism multiple times. We saw the microaggressions against Mo and Robby from their teacher at school. We saw Agent Schloder making Alex be his driver and do errands for him. We saw Dot and Alex, fearful at the racetrack, as they're first held in suspicion by the military, then later have to pretend to be grateful. Also, I get the sense that people who think the show is anti-immigration think the show villainizes humans, but like. Half the main heroes of this show are human. Kids watching have great role models in the Maltos... judge people for their actions, not their identity. People deserve a second chance, but might not take it. Advocate for yourself, and when something feels wrong, speak up. I see nothing wrong with the philosophies of the human Maltos, and the experiences of mixed-race human characters are centered and explored excellently? The show presents a range of humans, some heroic and some villainous.
Finally, I think the most important thing I can say here is that when you want to examine the media you consume with a critical eye, that is good. But a critical eye doesn't mean "only focusing on bad things," and it DEFINITELY doesn't mean, "only focusing on tearing down representation of marginalized people as worked on by other marginalized people." What I mean is this: maybe you disagree with me and think Earthspark is bad representation. I don't get how, but you're entitled to your opinion and to share it. But I would implore you and everyone to also consider how much better it is than everything that has come before. I know it's the show that just came out, but if you're going to be this critical of it, remember how much worse everything else is, too: Carbomya in G1. Everything about Cab in Masterforce (extra relevant here since he's from a fictional place in the Philippines)! The really uncomfortable portrayal of (sigh) Una and Chak in BW. Everything involving the Sumdacs in TFA. TFP's main Black character being tortured and the aftereffects being portrayed as a funny joke in the premiere. The Combaticons working for a fictional son of Kim Jong-il in IDW. I could go on and on. I don't mean to say that we should settle for lackluster representation (though I see no issues with Earthspark's representation), but just that, well... it's weird to focus so heavily on the least problematic of all representation in the franchise IMO. And I think that to publicly argue that you are on the side of the people writing things like, "Transformers go home" may not ultimately be serving your communities.
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ut-girl666 · 1 year
Summary: How the Maltos discovered the Terrans could eat human food.
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dontjudgemeimawriter · 11 months
Incorrect Quotes Tag
Tagged by @aether-wasteland-s forever ago
Rules: use this quote generator & list as many quotes as you like using characters from your WIPs, then tag as many people as quotes you listed.
Tagging: @nopoodles @akindofmagictoo @splashinkling @blind-the-winds @puzzleddragon02
Raymond: How would you like your coffee? Terran: As dark as my soul. Raymond: Got it, one cup of milk coming right up
Mika, shooing Terran away: Can you go be depressed over there? You’re bumming out my whole area.
Mika: Terran, I need some advice. Terran: You need advice from ME? Mika: Yeah, frightening, isn't it?
Terran: Mika, I screwed up, big time. Mika: Terran, given your daily life experiences, you’re gonna have to be more specific.
Raymond: When's the last time you slept? Terran: Uh… a few days ago, I think. Raymond: A few- how many?! Terran: Uh… starts counting on fingers I need more fingers… Raymond: What you need is sleep!
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