#teeny little fella
squirmy-little-worm · 2 years
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So you're telling me you can add as many tags as u want? Anyways here's my cat
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Barnaby has service dog characteristics, where he can sense distress and the beginnings of a potential stroke/seizure, and thus provides whatever support he can in response, change my mind—
i can't because i Literally Can't 🫡
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arisatoarchive · 9 months
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l3irdl3rain · 6 months
I’m curious how does John compare sizewise to the other cats? He looks smaller than Kenny. I’m assuming him being shaved doesn’t help him look any bigger.
John is 6 pounds and 13 oz. Very, very slim. He’s a little taller than Arthur, but that’s not saying much because Artie has those teeny tiny legs.
Arthur is 8 and a half pounds. A little round and chubby, but not terrible. And like I said, tiny baby body. Just a little fella.
Kenny is 9 and a half pounds. He’s a pretty big boy in terms of just being tall and also long. He’s about a pound heavier since he came to live with me (oops) but still a nice healthy weight. He could be in a cat basketball league.
Merrill is a hefty 8 pounds. She’s definitely round. Again, not awful but in an ideal world she’d be slimmer. I would say she’s pretty average height?
Petunia is also 8 pounds. She’s short too, though maybe not as ridiculously short as Arthur? She was over 10 pounds at one point which was NOT good. Then I got her down to 7 and doc said that was a little too skinny so I had to back off on her diet. Definitely back to being too round but you win some you lose some.
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smalltimidbean · 4 months
I have to request this, but imagine a Peppino clone, but with Sea Angel DNA!! ✨💕
Photos of Sea Angels (they're super tiny but so pretty):
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YES, I love these funky little fellas!!! Get spliced!!!
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Also, some concepts/doodles, bc I had some other ideas (ie Legs or making them nearly completely translucent), and to showcase how itty bitty they are!
Possibly the smallest clone there is, so far? Well, adult clone, since there are some teeny tiny babies, but they are mistaken for a baby clone often, due to their translucency and of course, small size lkjgfdkjl
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onenicebugperday · 9 months
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@firekitten830 submitted: Just the teeny tiniest little fella that apparently wanted to join me for dinner, since they rode on my phone all the way here. Location is SC, would love to know what the are since they are just the cutest
Wow.....small. Best guess is a juvenile magnolia green jumping spider! The green color and two black spots on the head fit with that ID, but I don't know if there are any other species in your area that would have the same markings as a juvenile.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Riddlers finding out that their SO has a stuffed animal that’s dressed in a smaller copy of their Riddler outfit and that it’s SOs comfort item whenever they’re gone.
Riddler Plushie
Riddler Headcanons eeeep me writing this and looking over at my cotton candy scented eddie bear in his little riddler outfit ;-; request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: just fluff, a lil bit of suggestive stuff
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how did you make such a tiny little mask?
and the teeny tiny duct tape?
he's so flattered he might get a bit teary-eyed
it's just too sweet that you want to be around him all the time
and he's happy to share your affections with the bear
it's a bit concerning to him that you still need a comfort bear
but this is... acceptable
that's the most you're getting out of him
although, now that he thinks about it
perhaps the bear needs a little cane... he can look around for one
you know you could sell these right?
who wouldn't want a little version of him to hug all the time
he's already soft and cuddly, he's a perfect bear model
you've even managed to pick a smug looking bear
the attention to detail here is incredibly, you're an artist!
why is there a scruffy bear covered in stains on the bed?
oh! it's a little him to comfort you when he forgets to come sleep!
understandable, he is absolutely amazing, it makes sense
but there's a pang of guilt, associated with the narcissism
maybe he'll make an effort to be the one you hug more
ok yeah that's cute BUT you better not like the bear more
of coruse he's not jealous of a teddy bear
he's just saying... he should be the one you're hugging
or not... hugging... touching... carnally... all hot and stuff
but uh, if you have hugs going spare... he'll take them
young justice
you made this? the little glasses and everything?
gosh the bear even has little sideburns like his!
this is so unbelievable flattering to him
and a huge ego boost
you better believe he's showing everyone a picture of the bear
well who is this dapper little fella in the lab coat?
golly, that's the sweetest thing he's ever seen, or heard!
maybe you could make one for him... of you?
just so that neither of you have to be without the other
he can keep it on his desk to cheer him up
are you shitting him? you miss him that much?
well he'll have to make an effort to be around more
can't have you feeling sad at all, that's no good
and you deserve a lot more attention
especially for the creative element of the bear's stitched chest scar
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sermna · 4 months
We're checkin all the boxes!! Other needs fulfilled today:
Hold stick (one for each hand) ✅
Throw stick ✅
Eat cracker that was repeatedly on floor ✅
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planetbeanie · 11 months
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Hello there. I would like some help with identifying this little fella (a tiny dark green brontosaurus). According to the tag, it came out in 1999.
That’s the Teenie Beanie version of Bronty!
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sangji-3 · 2 years
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hehehe look at these little fella... teeny tiny little Volition came to me as a plush!
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you're gonna belong to me forever..
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nikofortuna · 7 months
JTTW Chapter 17 Thoughts
Chapter 17 for the @journeythroughjourneytothewest Reading Group! CW: Snakes under the cut!
Welcome back to ‘The Sun Wukong Show’! Starring mostly Sun Wukong and adversaries in this episode.
Why did Sun Wukong piece apart the snake? The J. F. Jenner translation phrases it as “[i]n his anger he picked the corpse up and tore it to pieces”, which makes a little more sense to me.
Also the snake species mentioned is likely the Mountain Slug Snake also known as White-spotted Slug Snake! They’re native to South, South-East and East Asia, so that checks out. They are small and generally harmless unless you are a snail or worm. I also find them very pretty.
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Though after checking the original Chinese to the best of my abilities it might also be a Many-banded Krait, which are venomous. This little fella.
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Not with the racism again, please… When I looked up what ‘swarthy’ means I already had a bad feeling. Unfortunately this time the J. F. Jenner translation keeps these comments in. The German translation will forever carry favour with me for consequently omitting all that.
It is however rather accurate that a bear with dark fur would also have dark skin as fur colouration also applies to the skin underneath.
Moving on there are a lot of re-caps in this novel I must say. Certainly understandable given that it is sort of pieced together from a bunch of writers.
When I read ‘small imp’ I kind of have to think of an adorable little kobold or goblin in a robe just a little too big for them. The J.F. Jenner translation even calls them “junior goblins”, adorable.
I’m a teeny tiny bit disappointed that we didn’t get a biology lesson when Sun Wukong takes out the Black Bear Spirit. The one or two times an adaptation I watched thus far depicted a ‘fight’ like this I always found it rather amusing if not downright hilarious.
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what would you do if you saw a bug hetch scuttling across the floor like a little ant at 1 am. like a teeny little fella
I have no clue. I get relatively jumpy at night so I would see that and my first thought would be there's some kind of serial killer situation in my house. It would probably take me a second to register a tiny bug that looks like a little man.
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suzieb-fit · 5 months
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Straight in with my three reasons to smile
1. Flowers from the fella. He doesn't do the flower thing, so it was a lovely surprise when he got home from the supermarket and handed these to me.
2. An indulgent lunch. Beefburger, chicken breast, mature cheddar, cottage cheese, half boiled egg and teenie bit of salad. Lovely!
3. A cup of decaff brought to me this morning, rather than me make it myself. I feel spoilt! Ok, I did actually ask if he wouldn't mind making it today, but still a reason to smile 😊
Weight training this morning before my usual 15hr breakfast.
Inner and outer thigh work.
Using the barbell, one dumbbell and my band.
I'm on it today.
After that I did a low weight upper body workout. I only used one of my little dumbbells for the halo move. For everything else, I only used my wrist weights. They're only 1.5kg each.
Determined to calm these arms down!
Then an hour later, some wonderful yoga.
Just what I needed.
Then I had that delicious lunch!
No sun today, sadly. But hey, it's winter. No big deal.
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 3 months
I think I might have a teeny crush on Christopher and I have no shame in admitting it…🧍‍♂️
Maybe a little
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great-and-small · 1 year
Not that other bug guy but the other day I saw a cute little fella on my window screen, a teeny tapered emerald green guy that reminded me of lacewings I've seen before, and I wanted to ask tumblr for an ID so I looked closer and discovered... it was a shapely piece of lint.
I pulled my car over once to help a gorgeous softshell turtle cross the road before realizing is was a scrap of rubber from a car tire 😭
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mishasminion360 · 2 years
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I saw your response to my comment earlier and I thought of a request!
Our sweet bean Javi Gutierrez and plus size female reader. Reader needs a body confidence boost from a bikini they bought on a whim and he helps them feel more confident and comfortable. Just absolute fluff. Thank you!
Oh, my dear @twistedboxy, it would be my pleasure to complete such a request! Please enjoy 😊
More to Love
Javi Gutierrez X plus size fem!reader
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Warnings: Angst; body insecurities; self-deprecation; hurt/comfort; fluff; Javi G being the perfect and supportive boyfriend we know he is.
Summary: When a new outfit isn’t as flattering to your full figure as you’d hoped, your man makes certain you never doubt how beautiful you are again.
A/N: As a plus sized gal myself it’s high time I wrote a fic giving full figured gals some much deserved love. (Full figured fellas are beautiful, too!) A lot of this was written from my perspective, the way I view myself, so this was a rather cathartic process.
Large, dimpled thighs, a second chin eclipsing the first, a stomach that sags and a pair of breasts that match. These are the first things you see each and every time you look into the mirror; where your eye (and everyone else’s) is immediately drawn to. These features overshadow the rest.
Sometimes, some days you don’t think you look so bad. Other days, days like today, moments like this one, you can’t stand the sight of yourself.
No matter which way you turn, no matter which angle you see yourself at, it doesn’t hide or at least lessen the impact of the painful truth: the bikini was a bad idea.
You love the beach but loathe the attire. Whenever you dare go out to soak up the sun you hide as much of yourself as possible under baggy shirts and cutoffs that fall just above the knee. You’d bought the yellow polka dot bikini on a whim. You’d spotted it on a clearance rack practically crying out for attention, and a little voice at the back of your mind had said, “now’s your chance! Step outside of your comfort zone. Get a little something special to make yourself feel sexy.”
But appraising yourself now you feel anything but. The two piece is just too itsy bitsy, too teenie weenie. And you’re….not. And that horrid realization brings you to your knees. You’re struggling not to completely crumble when you hear a soft tap at the bathroom door.
“Bonita, everything okay? I thought you were going to model for me.”
That’s right. Another reason you’d gotten the ludicrous idea to purchase the suit. You had hoped it would be a confidence boost, that it’d make you feel attractive. Not just for your benefit. You wanted to look good for your significant man friend. For Javi.
Rich, successful, charming Javi. Who could have his pick from a sea of busty, beautiful, doll-like woman who toss themselves into his path. But instead, for reasons you still don’t understand, he’d chosen you. And you can’t even be beautiful for him.
“It doesn’t fit,” you whimper from the solitude of the bathroom.
“Are you alright?”
“It…doesn’t f-fit.”
The door opens with a soft click and the next thing you know Javi is kneeling before you, his comforting hands squeezing your arms.
“What’s wrong, mi amor?”
“What’s wrong? Javi, look at me!”
“I am,” he says gently. “There’s no one I’d rather look at.”
You scoff and wipe at your eyes. It’s hard to be so down when Javi is so easily able to lift your spirits.
“I should have known I couldn’t pull off a bikini.”
“Then forget the bikini,” he says casually. “We can go skinny dipping instead.”
“There’s nothing skinny about me, Javi,” you snort. “Just once I wanted to look pretty. For me. For you.”
His hands slip from your arms to your cheeks. “Honey, you are beautiful.”
“No. No, I’m not. I’m huge.”
He breathes a sigh through his nose as he chews on his lower lip. He hates it when you get this way, you know he does. He doesn’t like it when you speak ill of yourself.
“You’re not huge,” he insists. “You’re a little bigger than most gals, but you have to be.”
“What? Why? What do you mean?”
“Well, you have to be a little roomier to contain that big personality of yours.”
A laugh bursts forth—a sound from the depths of your soul—and Javi cracks a smile.
“On the day we met, do you know what the first thing I noticed about you was?”
You pinch a roll of skin between your fingers with an inquisitive look.
“No,” he chuckles. “Your eyes.”
“Really, really. One look into those peepers and I was over the moon. Then I heard that laugh of yours and I knew I was a goner. I never stood a chance.”
He really is too good to you. You can’t even stay upset with yourself when he breaks out that smooth talk.
He helps you from the floor and pulls you before the mirror as he wraps his arms around your waist.
“I have never once thought of you as anything less than perfect,” he says kissing your cheek as he holds you tighter. “But the size of your hips can’t hold a candle to the size of your heart. The package isn’t nearly as important as the contents.”
You allow him to kiss the few remaining tears from your reddened cheeks as his fingers nimbly work out the knot tied at the back of your neck and the bikini top tumbles away.
“And trust me when I tell you that the only problem with this bikini is that you’re still wearing it.”
“You still want to go skinny dipping?”
“Not without you, I don’t.”
With a smirk you tug off the bottoms and let them join the top on the bathroom floor.
“Then you’d better lose those clothes, Mr. Gutierrez. Can’t race me to the pool with your pants around your ankles.”
He yanks his shirt over his head and discards it with your swim suit.
“Oh, yee of little faith.”
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