#teacher rant i guess
ston-rampler · 5 months
genuinely i can't stand it when someone online goes, "The kids these days don't even know X and they haven't even heard of Y! What has our society come to? Surely this is the end of days!" like that's not just how kids work. kids start out not knowing most things. the great part is that they are extremely teachable! this is a fixable problem
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ink-the-artist · 3 months
forgive me if you've been asked this before or if its annoying, but how did you learn to use colored pencils like that? your art is so special to me.
ty :) I took an art class for a few years where our teacher had us buy prismacolor pencils as one of the art supplies and had us use them kinda like paints, pressing down hard right away and blending the colors together. its not how youre supposed to use them she was just trying to teach us to use color and ig this was more to the point. I picked them up again years after i stopped going to that class just bc they were there and i wanted to play around w them a bit and ended up actually enjoying it when doing it on my own terms lol
#it was a weird class#it was just this russian lady doing private lessons in her house that my mom learned about somehow#I did NOT like those classes all we did was still life and they were hours long which is esp rough when im in high school and busy#and she wanted us to stand while working the whole time bc tradition i guess?#she did allow me to work sitting but thought i was lazy for it. idk dude i dont want to exhaust myself fast for no reason#standing is a lot more tiring than walking#i def did still benefit from those classes just from learning to accurately draw from life#did not like the teacher tho#on one hand shed paid for the art supplies for kids whos families were too poor to (and these are nice expensive supplies)#which is very nice#but on the other she was very homophobic and open about it#like when they legalized gay marriage she went on a rant about how horrible it is that they can adopt kids now#and also kind of racist#she was telling me how she got blocked from a facebook group bc she made a post asking if she could speak to a white person#and she didnt realize she was posting that publicly she thought it was a private message to the group owner#im honestly still not sure i heard/understood her correctly bc it was so bizzare and the only time i ever remember her being racist#she talked abt it like she genuienly was unaware it was racist#she described it as a misunderstanding bc she accidentally posted it publicly instead of privately#like it wouldnt have been racist to ask that at all#also one time she talked about how she saw demons in her home once#also she doesnt vaccinate her kids bc of microchips#she was like a walking russian stereotype lol#anyway heres some ink the artist lore
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1percentcharge · 3 months
rly appreciate ur review of poor things. genuinely don't see how so many have praised, i felt like I was insane when i saw how acclaimed it is
ugh thank youuuu lol i really cant stand that movie. I really just found it so boring how it went in circles for 2.5 hours and the comedy was so bad. oh no she said inappropriate thing at nice dinner! I must go punch that baby lol xd! and that stupid left field turn near the end when by that time I just wanted to leave the theater. it barely felt like it wanted to seriously engage with any of its topics. and just left such an awful taste in my mouth also that they made a second baby-brain woman and relegated her to a servant at the end of the movie.
Apparently in the book all the baby brain stuff is explicitly made up by Bella's husband? i feel like that changes so much...
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doodle17 · 3 months
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Hhhhhhhhggggg I love the archetypes I've grown attached
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padfoot-lupin77 · 6 months
I hate it when people go “back in my day people weren’t gay”, firstly because this is factually wrong, and secondly because I’m the worst person to say this to. I’m gay and a nerd, so I’m about to pull every myth, legend and story about queer people in the past. Like oh you think queerness is a new thing then let me tell you about the myth of Apollo, Hyacinthus and Zephyrus which was created about 3000 years ago. Sorry dude next time pick a fight with someone whose brain is the same size as yours.
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Typed up a whole essay on my experiences starting university right when the MeToo movement became popular, then decided not to bother with all that because who cares lol. But in case anyone needed to know as a lot of this fandom doesn't seem to:
-consent needs to provided not only before sex, but also during, so checking in is important.
-an important aspect of consent is respecting your partner
-don't hook up with someone drunk, crying, or otherwise vulnerable, who might not be consenting if they were in the right head space
-do not to blame the victim
-false cases were extremely rare
-words are important, but so is non-verbal language. Tears or non-verbal cues to stop means you have to stop.
-SA isn't an act of passion; it is an act of abuse. And not always committed through force. Gay men can assault women. Women can assault men.
-SA is frequently committed by people who aren't actually the straight up "evil" people we picture in our heads. It's important to see perpetrators as human because most of us are capable to committing it.
-It doesn't matter if SA happened "a long time ago". It's not just a simple mistake, it is something that can cause lifelong issues for the victim.
-joking or finding it funny when people commit SA and/or treat someone they had sex with like shit makes you. A shitty person.
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I have an oral exam tomorrow and I’m really scared so please pray for me.
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deicide-doll · 3 months
lmao rip, i got rejected from my top choice for teachers college
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error404vnotfound · 7 days
you know actually im kinda glad my relationship with my father wasn't that great because everyone always praises him on how good of a teacher and peer he was and all the work he put into his school and how good of a human being he was
but he really wasn't that good of a father. and because i didn't care much for him being my father i can enjoy the compliments and feel for his friends and peers that remember him fondly and be proud of who he was as a professional and a person without resenting him for not being a good parent
i can say id rather he was a positive influence for the thousands of students he taught and a support and guide and inspiration for all his co-workers across his career than him being a good dad
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fushigurro · 8 months
i am such a "just let me fucking do it" person
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losttranslator · 23 days
throwback to my high school philosophy teacher trying to catch me with stuff like "actually Jesus never said he was God, did you know that" and smugly prove that I (kid who was read the bible from the age of 2 and got my own by like 7) didn’t know the gospels.
like my dude, what do you think "before Abraham was, I AM" was about? you don’t know and I’M clueless about the text?
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everlywindex · 1 year
i've got my eye on anyone who calls robin arellano dumb actually because literally what in the movie ever implied that........ what gave you that idea. where did it even come from.
either we saw two different movies entirely or there is something seriously wrong with how you view this character. just saying
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olivegardenhunter · 1 month
for the love of god as someone who has studied international humanitarian law for the last 5 years. I BEG of you, naruto fandom, to stop throwing around words like war crimes and genocide like it means nothing. and PLEASE stop directly applying real world standards onto the systems created in the Naruto universe. I'm not saying don't compare them at all, but please recognise that the Naruto universe very much have their own established systems with their own laws and standards that are not a perfect parallel to our world. and it's for this reason that you cannot hold the Naruto universe to the same standards you hold in the real world.
criticism and comparisons are good, absolutely, but recognise that there are different standards, particularly when it comes to morality, that are established in-universe. and finally, PLEASE understand that some of the things you argue in absolutes are things that continue to be debated even in the real world in the first place! some of the standards and morals that you hold the Naruto universe to aren't even fully agreed on in real life. please just recognise all these nuances and differences when you want to make a meta about the Shinobi system by applying real world standards.
keep writing up metas about the Shinobi world and keep comparing it to the real world and critiquing and analysing and dismantling what it is. but please just be a bit more careful and nuanced when you directly critique and interpret naruto using real world standards and logic. it is important to acknowledge that there are different lenses you can view media through, and that our morals and standards just happen to be one lens. it is far more interesting anyway to critique and find fault with the shinobi system through its own logic and by following its own universe's rule.
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Cried over an English test but hey I'm alive
#very pissed at the teacher#i wasn't there the day of the test but i was there when they were handed back#so i got to take a look at the format and it was pretty simple#describe each literary device listed and give an example#so i thought i would be doing that. i could do that#but i show up today and the test he gives me is completely different#it says to identify the literary device in each sentence. the thing is#EVERY SINGLE ONE HAS MULTIPLE OF THE OPTIONS#so i asked the teacher and he said “yeah but they all have one that's the most correct just trust your instincts”#AND IM JUST SITTING THERE LIKE HELLO?????? “MOST CORRECT”????????#NONE OF THEM ARE MORE CORRECT THAN THE OTHERS#and i told him this!!!! and he said “just pick the most obvious one and don't second guess yourself”#OKAY WELL HAVE YOU CONSIDERED THAT WHAT IS IMMEDIATELY MOST OBVIOUS TO YOU IS NOT NECESSARILY THE SAME FOR ME#AND THAT DOESN'T MAKE ME WRONG???????????#FUCKING HELL#LEARN TO. IDEK. LEARN SOME COMMON SENSE DUDE#my reaction must have been pretty extreme bc the girl next to me was like “hey you'll do fine” and asked how i was doing a few times#appreciate you girlie you're a real one#so yeah i cried two or three times BUT did not let the tears leave my eyes#one point with just out of frustration bc the teacher said something wrong. and then later he corrected himself#and even though it was easier after that i still cried bc i was losing my mind#anyway i normally like this teacher but this was fucking stupid#everyone stop whatever you're doing and only pay attention to me#ann rants
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erabundus · 1 year
activity may take a slight dip this weekend; i'm trying to finish up everything for school, but i'll absolutely be around this evening!
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lukaherehelp · 5 months
okey I have to get back to working on the fox & the prince, I've being putting it off for like a week almost because I also need to get into the more nitty gritty stuff of explaining concept art and why I choose this project and present the draft to my project tutor in time to be able to adjust anything before going head first to work on it because the draft also counts for the final grade!
I'm totally not panicking or loosing my mind about this :D One of my friends (and former classmate) is being my emotional support, but she has recently found a job so obviously she can't be with me 24h and I don't want her to be either… I almost forgot about how nerve wracking the preparation of a project is, this is why I like to just make drawings and maybe sell them as prints, my anxiety and low self esteem are not made to go through these calamities not even at an academic level.
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