rechercheundarchiv · 6 months
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zoophagist · 2 years
can you produce your own milk like in ‘the book of renfield’?
"The Book of Renfield? Is that what the doctor is calling my patient file these days? He is always rather enamored with what he sees as my 'religious mania,' so he thinks the name is fitting I suppose." Renfield is obfuscating, but the appearance of utter ignorance seems so natural through much practice; how often has he avoided Seward's pursuit of his thoughts by affecting that illusive illogic of the madman? "I concede I am perhaps the closest thing my age has seen to a prophet, and it might be fitting to have a gospel of my own, but mine is a gnostic prophecy, only for a special few..."
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elliot-griffith · 1 year
So, about the book...and about me
I rewrote the ending and added a scene but at least it's tying more loose ends, although I'm losing the original plan I had. At first, I wanted people to have questions on whether or not Jesse was still alive but now, I don't care as much about it I guess. It was less important to me than explaining that one question that kept haunting me. I thought I would come back to it later, but I didn't. Until I rewrote the ending that is.
I also wanted to keep it in one book. Just one. But the fact that all of those horrible things happened to Jesse and he didn't even get to recover from it, made me feel awful. I didn't want him to just experience all that trauma and not be anything more outside of that.
Of course, trauma is a lot of his character, because, well, it's at the root of almost everything he does or feels. I didn't want to 'publish' something that only showed him being nothing more than that. I want him to live a full and happy life, as happy as he can. So I'm writing a second one. He won't be the focus this time, and the plot will be on a larger scale, but he will be in there. So will Leo and Darya.
I feel like I'm embarking on a journey that'll take a really long time. This time I'm not writing it to unload my emotions but to find solace in them.
I always need music in order to write and focus. Whereas in TBoR I listened to a lot of Palaye Royale and My Chemical Romance, this time, I'm listening to the Oh Hellos. It's quite a change in atmosphere and feels, but it's very welcomed.
I started writing TBoR because I needed something to help me stay afloat during a harsh relapse a year and a half ago, but now I'm writing purely because I like it. I'm happy with the way I progressed in my life. Maybe strangers on the internet won't be able to appreciate it but I do. I understand how much this means to me and I'm proud of myself for it.
Thank you for reading this.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Yes, am still reading your fics! Real life stuff can get in the way, but I just caught up with Book of the Raven and I can't wait to see what Alina learns next! :)
Aha, thanks (and to all who chimed in on the post to let me know). TBOR and SBTS are both on the list of fics that I want to return to as soon as I finish the werewolf au, so yes, they are still in the works for an update. This is what you get when you embrace the chaotic "MORE WIPS WOO!" life, and then realize, of course, that you can't possibly have time to work on them all at once. Oops.
Anyway, obviously I do know that people are busy and life is hard and things can get in the way, and I've never wanted to be the kind of author that demands comments or holds chapters hostage in exchange for feedback. It was just that it was such a noticeable decline over a long enough period of time that I wasn't really sure if anyone was even engaging with it anymore, and that couldn't fail to make me a little sad, alas. So yes, as I said in the tags, the whole balance between "I write to make myself happy" and "please the Validation I beg you" is the writer's life in a nutshell. Especially when I get very few comments and then get outright mean and stupid ones (see my complaint from a few days ago). I am happy to keep writing as long as people are reading and enjoying, and lbr, I probably couldn't stop even if I wanted to. But it's always nice to know that my efforts are appreciated, especially since I generally strive to provide a lot of content (long chapters that I post in multiple installments so there's more to read). However, if it's easier for people to have shorter chunks, I can go back to the one-chapter-at-a-time update strategy. So yes, I'm open to suggestions.
Anyway, thanks for this, and hope life gets marginally less insane for us all. Maybe. Eventually. One day. Perhaps.
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inkushel29 · 3 months
i promised to draw disorderly fan art and ive completely broken that promise
i also never drawn tsjor/tbor fanart either but i will make up for that
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bookboxaddict · 1 year
When they first announced the December 2022 theme for FairyLoot, I thought the book was going to be The Bones of Ruin.  On the one hand, I’m glad it wasn’t because now I have two new books on my TBR; but on the other hand... so far, TBoR seems a lil more intriguing than Cruel Illusions.  I’ll have to do a compare/contrast post at some point.  
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m39 · 2 years
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2003): The Brotherhood of Ruin
You know what? After what I experienced with Scythe’s Fire and Ice, I think even Doomguy himself would like to take a vacation from hell spawns. Somewhere interesting, like some pyramids or something. Not the Egyptian ones, these were already visited a couple of times. But what about some ancient American shit left by Aztecs, or Olmecs, or Toltecs, or Mayans, or any other Mesoamericans that build these pyramids. I mean, what’s the worst thing that can ha-
Suddenly, your phone starts ringing.
Excuse me for a moment.
You pick up the phone.
What’s that?
The demons are there too?
And the pyramids have demonic murals built on their walls?
The demons didn’t build them?
Okay, then. Thank you for the information. Have a nice day.
You put the phone down.
#4: The Brotherhood of Ruin
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Main author(s): Kristian Aro
Release date: 2001 (original release)/February 1st, 2003 (database upload)
Version(s) played: ???
Required port compatibility: Boom
Levels: 7
There is something interesting about The Brotherhood of Ruin. Not only in terms of its theme (that I mentioned above) but also in its release. While it is on the list of the Top 100 WADs of All Time in the 2003 roster, and it was uploaded to the database the same year, you might notice that something feels off when you take a look at the textfile and the date of making at the bottom of the title screen. And if you dig further and check out other websites that reviewed this WAD, you will find out that it was originally released around 2001, only later to be uploaded to the database in 2003.
Why was this WAD placed in the 2003 roster then? Maybe because it was completely unknown before the 2003 upload? Maybe there was no more room for the 2001 roster so the list’s main contributors put it in the 2003 roster due to the database upload? Or maybe-
Okay, you know what? That’s enough. If I’ll keep thinking and ranting about TBoR’s upload day we will be stuck here for ages. Let’s just take a look at the WAD itself now.
Since this WAD was actually released around 2001, I’ll partially try to go easy on it.
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The Brotherhood of Ruin looks really damn good. I tend to be a sucker for some ancient civilizations’ architecture, and even though I’m not really that interested in Mesoamerican architecture, I was still fully amazed by it in this WAD.
For some of you, however, it might end up as somewhat of a chore to look at since after like the first two levels (at best), you have basically seen everything: temples, pyramids, valleys, underground systems, and other locations among stuff mentioned in wiki article about Mesoamerican maps. It’s the only style that you will see in this WAD.
Now look, as I said before, I like me some ancient architecture, so the theme of The Brotherhood of Ruin didn’t really feel monotone to me, but even I can notice that it might bore some people who aren’t into this stuff.
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Changing the subject, the new music is pretty enjoyable to listen to. It really fits into this WAD’s theme, even the ones that weren’t created by Paul Corfiatis and two of these were borrowed from Heretic or Hexen. My favorite track is probably from MAP03, with MAP07 right behind it.
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This WAD tends to slightly focus more on switch hunting, but I don’t think it ever goes too far. The maps tend to be medium-sized to big-sized, but honestly, if you will check every room clockwise style (or something familiar) on each fork, you won’t spend that long in each level, even if it is your first time playing it.
I would also be happier if the doors that require keys were showing more colors (for the lack of better words) to stand out from the normal ones. I think that only some of these tend to do that.
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The Brotherhood of Ruin is somewhat of a medium challenge to finish. It can kick your ass in some places, but there is nothing that goes too far. I think I got numb to the hard challenges after WADs like HR, AV, and Fire and Ice map... that I beat days ago the third time.
This WAD has some dirty tricks in its sleeves, with ambushes and monsters having the high ground. But the hardest part was in the red key area in MAP07, where after grabbing the key, you end up sandwiched between two Arch-viles while they resurrect two Hoovies that you just killed. Other than that I can’t remember anything harder from this.
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And I think that’s all what I can say about The Brotherhood of Ruin. Despite its problems, it’s another good WAD worth checking out. And the Mesoamerican theme only helps.
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Not gonna lie folks, I’m really enjoying what the 2003 roster is offering so far, and it’s only four WADs by this point.
Now I do realize that the next WAD on the list is actually somewhat of a Frankenstein’s Monster of a PC port of Doom 64 with the subtitle Absolution (or just TC). But I’m gonna have to sadden you folks; I’m not going to review this fan-made port next. The reason for this is really simple: Doom 64 is an original game on its own with many of its mechanics being different from the Classic Doom. Plus, the Absolution port adds some additional monsters and levels. Describing all of this stuff would take forever, and I don’t like to take a very long time on a WAD or one of its episodes.
So here is the plan: Originally I was planning on making a month-long break from reviewing WADs, mostly due to reaching the end of Doomworld’s Top 100 WADs of All Time, not to mention the WADs that became addons for Bethesda’s Unity port of the Classic Doom. Now, I’ve decided to shorten the break to two weeks, and then review Doom 64 first (the 2020 port to be exact, not including the Lost Levels that came with the port), then the Absolution fan port and its added features. After that, I’ll take another two weeks of break. Then, I’ll start looking at the first Cacowards’ WADs (I won’t cover only the best 10, I can promise you that).
Anyway, that’s all I have to say for now. See you next time.
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roseprincessarts · 2 years
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Here is my art The Breath of Roses II as my new wallpaper into my home screen into my computer!
Here is a link to the art!:
(I will post my TBOR art until I get to it soon ;))
It is also used as my home screen for my phone and ipad as well ^^ I wanted to change my home screen wallpaper to use, so here it is! :3
What y'all think?
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ajtorres0 · 2 years
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Writing Update: Hola a todas, I have some fun news about one of my Snow White retellings. The first book in my Enchanted Swords series, The Sword of Reflection, I finished with the base outline! Yay! So I thought I'd talk a little about the book. TBoR will be following 2 protagonists, Princess Rein Betrachtung and Fenrir Sigmundson. Rein will be the chosen one Princess to wield a magical sword to save her Queendom while Fenrir will be a werewolf huntsman, and I mean the bipedal kind hehe, that has a connection to the enchanted forest they live in. My story will be completely queer friendly, magical, thrilling, and sweetly romantic. At least I hope. Like I said, I only have the base outline written and then I have to write a full outline. Besides the Chosen One trope, there will also be the Hesitant Hero trope, and I know there's one more, but I forgot it 🤦🏻‍♀️ Anyway, I'm super excited to write this book. I'm hoping to get to it after I've written out Part 3 of VTCoY later this year. I really hope you guys will like it. Talk more soon, adíos. QOTD: What's your favorite Snow White retelling? Book, movie, anime? Tell me all of them! #Bookstagram #Writergram #Authorgram #FantasyBook #RomanceBook #WritersLife #WriterLife #IndieAuthor #AmWriting #Fantasy #HighFantasy #Romantasy #Romance #SnowWhite #Retelling #FaerieTale #SnowWhiteRetelling #YA #YoungAdult #YABook #YAFantasy #YARomance #Magic #BooksAreMagic #BooksAreMagical #BooksOfIg #BooksOfInstagram #WritersOfIg #WritersOfInstagram #BookAesthetic https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce6ZwopriEF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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darlingsdevil · 4 years
The Ballads of Rebirth (Arthur Morgan x Reader)
Chapter 15: Full Circle
Summary: The big day. All rejoice!
Tag list: @rollyjogerjones
I still can’t add a read more tab on mobile.. sorry about that :/
A/N: Sorry for my long hiatus, not been super motivated lately so I made this chapter extra long for you guys! Longer than any thing I’ve written before (!!).I promise I sort have been doing productive things.. I guess. Listening to music (Hozier, Lord Huron, Gregory Alan Isakov and the Oh Hello’s are what got this chapter done), playing fallout 76 (I know), working, schoolwork, planning other fics (I have a big announcement coming up!!!)
IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: I wanted to clear some things up in terms of plot hole. My dumbass mistakenly has said that Reader has been in the gang for 15 years, not true - it’s been around 10, but a little less than John (like 3 ish months after him). I have also previously said that John and Reader joined the gang together, again, not true but I already fixed it. Reader joined the gang after John after Arthur saved her from the gang who kidnapped her. Hope this wasn’t too confusing.
As for the ending... yeah.. next chapter, and then epilogue. Not sure that many of you will stay around for the AU - which will be posted SEPARATE, after you read the actual ending >:3c Anyways, here we go.
This is all supposed to be italicized.. it’s italicized on wattpad and ao3, just tumblr decided to be a bitch and not transfer it that way and I’m too lazy to change each paragraph to italics.. so let’s just pretend it is.
Shady Belle was an interesting place for a wedding, it seemed. You had been ushered away from Arthur in the morning, and carted away to Saint Denis with the rest of the women, claiming Shady Belle would be too chaotic to get ready in, which really meant they didn’t want you to get ready with the men around. They had raided your room when the sun rose, waking Arthur too. You were barely able to kiss him goodbye, they carted you out of the room that fast. You wanted to lie next to him all morning, enveloped in his warmth, but your friends had different plans.
Saint Denis was such a difference compared to Chicago, the city you grew up in. You were an orphan living in the cold streets, just barely getting by. You worked in a textile factory for as long as you could remember. You lived in a cheap, one bedroom apartment, before that you simply slept in alleyways with other orphans, huddling by fires. You were uneducated, poor, and always hungry. A man kidnapped you on your way home from work one late evening, and the next thing you knew you were in a cabin in the desert, surrounded by men with guns and a nasty look on their face. Arthur was your savior, Dutch was your teacher, John was your brother, Abigail was your sister, Hosea was your father and the Van der Linde gang was your family.
But that was a long time now. Your wedding was merely hours away.
Arthur was nervous about the whole thing, he didn’t want to make a big deal out of the wedding but Dutch decided otherwise. Dutch thought a wedding was exactly what the entire gang needed, to boost everyone’s morals he had told you. You were beyond nervous for your big day, but with Arthur by your side, the impossible became possible.
Miss Grimshaw was the head of it all, the mastermind of the party. She set everything on a strict schedule, where everyone needed to be and when. She was a godsend during this time, otherwise the wedding would no doubt end up in a shed with you wearing a white sheet as a wedding dress.
Mary Beth was absolutely bouncing off the walls at the idea of a wedding, she thought it was incredibly romantic — two outlaws falling in love. It was something out of those novels she adores.
Saint Denis was hot, humid, and made you feel sticky with sweat. It didn’t help you would be wearing a heavy dress later that day either, but you didn’t mind. Nothing could or would bring you down today.
The first stop to your magical day was the salon. You got your hair trimmed and styled, as well as some makeup, keeping it simple. A few of the other women got their hair done as well. They all looked beautiful. The women could not hide their excitement for you, even a few patrons of the salon came up and congratulated you. Their talk seemingly echoed off the walls.
Abigail put the hair clip in your styled hair, it was a beautiful piece, elegant and dazzling. It was gold with a large pearl at the top and smaller jewels surrounding it. It matched your locket perfectly. Arthur had bought the hair clip for you a few days before.
When you were ready to leave the salon, it was time for the dress store, where you had left the dress. You didn’t want Arthur to see it, and it would no doubt get soiled at Shady Belle. Some of the other women had bought new dresses for the special occasion as well.
You picked it up from the counter, and walked over to the dressing room. All the women sat down on the benches outside of the dressing room, waiting for the big reveal. A few of them had already seen it, as they had gone with you when you picked it out, but none of them had seen you in your full wedding attire.
When you slipped it on over your undergarments you felt like you were floating on a cloud. You were absolutely beautiful. You felt like you could conquer the world in the dress. It was incredibly pretty, it had a loose layered bodice, with lace woven in, long ruffled sleeves and an a-line skirt. You felt your heart strings pull at the mere sight of it, you wondered what Arthur would think of it.
You slowly pushed the door open, hearing your loud heartbeat in your ears. You heard a wave of audible gasps, and then a few squeals, you eyed your white heels nervously, hesitantly looking up at all their faces.
They were all smiling, a few covering their mouths in joy.
“You look so pretty!” Tilly shouted, the rest of the women agreed. You smiled shyly, doing a small twirl.
“I really like the dress,” You said, feeling the cloth sway with you.
“I’d be surprised if Arthur didn’t drop dead the moment he sees you,” Mary Beth said playfully.
“Do you really think so?” You questioned.
“Of course. The man will have a heart attack right there, on the altar,” Molly responded.
You giggled, “I don’t want that to happen!”
“You look so beautiful,” Mary Beth repeated. You nodded her head at her, a smile on your lips.
“I’m so nervous though,” You confessed, sitting down next to Miss Grimshaw. You gripped the edge of the wooden bench, hoping to calm your nerves.
“It’s normal to be nervous, if you aren’t, there’s something wrong.” Sadie was the only married one in the gang, you trusted her advice.
“What if something goes wrong?”
“Nothing will be going wrong today, everyone is going to make sure nothing bad happens,” Abigail reassured you.
“Are you sure? I mean what if Arthur suddenly gets cold feet? What if O’Driscolls raid our camp?”
“If the O’Driscolls try to mess up your day, they’ll have to get through me,” Sadie said rather determinedly, a strange glint in her eye. You would not want to be an O’Driscoll when Sadie Adler was around, or an O’Driscoll in general for that matter.
“Arthur would never turn his back on you. We all see the way he looks at you,” Mary Beth said, a noise of agreement was heard. Mary Beth was right, Arthur would never turn his back on you, you were sure of it.
“Arthur and you do make a handsome couple. I can tell you’re really in love,” Molly responded.
“Thank you, Molly.” You smiled at her.
“We best be getting going, we wouldn’t want her to miss her big day,” Karen reminded everyone. It was getting late after all, there were still some things to do before the ceremony, such as making sure all the men were getting ready instead of getting drunk off their asses. Luckily, most of the preparations were done the night before, but there were still some finishing touches required.
Everyone fretted for you and Arthur to simply sit back and let everyone get your wedding prepared for you. You were wary of coming off as lazy at first, but the gang assured you it was your turn to sit back and relax, after all weddings were supposed to be happy and stress free. So you let everyone pitch in, even Uncle helped.
“Let’s head back then. The bouquet still needs the ribbons in it, we need to make sure dinner is being prepared-” Miss Grimshaw already began barking orders, Karen and Tilly both groaned. Everyone began to get up, gathering all their belongings.
“And you, Miss Morgan, we need you to head inside immediately once we arrive, we can’t have your dress get dirty,” Miss Grimshaw told you as you walked through the streets to get to the wagons.
“And don’t let Arthur see you, it’s bad luck, you know,” Sadie's voice rang out from behind you.
“I know!”
When the rowdy wagons finally came to a stop in front of Shady Belle, you were immediately taken up to Abigail’s room. She shielded you from the eyes of the men, rushing you up the staircase. Abigail and Sadie were not taking the superstitions lightly it seemed. She kicked John out of the room, but Jack was allowed to stay.
You walked over to the window, Abigail sat down on the rickety bed. You slowly pushed the curtains out of the way, looking down to the ground below. Dutch was giving a speech it seemed, Arthur next to him. Your breath was almost stolen from you the moment you laid eyes on him, he was so incredibly handsome. He wasn’t dressed yet, you were glad you hadn’t spotted him in his suit. He was standing proud next to Dutch, Hosea on the other side of him. You watched them for awhile, before letting the curtains fall back into place.
“Are you ever going to have a wedding with John?” You turned to Abigail as she brushed her hair on the bed.
Abigail gave you a look,“Knowing John, probably not.”
You chuckled lightly, “Well, if you ever do, I want to be there.”
“You’ll be the first invited,” She responded. You took the brush from her hands and slowly began getting rid of all the knots in her hair. You shifted behind her, making sure to not crease your dress.
“I still can’t believe you two are getting married. I remember when I caught you two kissing behind that wagon,” She laughed, remembering the awkward moment.
“He was drunk off his ass and I was too. It wasn’t much of a kiss, more like we were eating eachothers face.”
“Yeah but, it was still a kiss, right?”
“I guess it was our first kiss. But our first sweet kiss was the day after when he officially asked me out,” You sighed sweetly.
“John was horrified. I still remember the look on his face when you both arrived back in camp holding hands,” Abigail laughed.
“Hosea always knew. Dutch knew too. We were ogling each other for so long, it was kinda hard not to know.”
“You told me first though, remember?” Abigail said.
“Yeah, I do. And then the next day you went into town and bought a locket for me so I could put Arthur’s photo in it.”
You continued brushing Abigail’s locks. Abigail was the closest thing to a sister you had ever gotten. You stood up for her when the rest of the men saw her as a whore, you showed them she was more than that. You stayed by her side when John left her with a newborn. You had even helped give birth to Jack.
Arthur was closer to John for obvious reasons, but you were still John’s sister too. You were both furious at John when he left. John had betrayed you and Abigail, things were still rocky. Arthur understood what it was like to have a child, it wasn’t easy, but at least he had stayed for Eliza, you had met her twice, she was kind and respectful. Isaac was a smart boy, and looked a lot like Arthur. Arthur was distant for a while after he found out they both died.
“It took you awhile to find the right photo to put in it.”
“It did. I had to get him to take the photo in the first place. I remember I told him it was for a job!” You laughed.
“I’m sure he already suspected it.”
“Probably. I never was a good liar around Arthur,” You said.
“I’m so glad he ended up with you.. Mary and him were a troubled pair.”
“Trust me, I know.” Mary hated you and you hated her. It was the final straw when Mary began talking about you, trying to pull Arthur away from you, putting ideas into his head, and Arthur stopped putting up with it. At the time, you were no rival to Mary, you were more like his annoying little sister. His volatile little sister. You were a lot wilder in those days, no wonder Mary saw you as a threat.
“But honestly, you two are a wonderful couple. Arthur is lucky to have you,” Abigail said sincerely.
“Thank you,” You responded. You were finally done brushing her hair, you set the hairbrush down and sat down on the edge of the bed.
“I’m so nervous about this wedding,” You confessed to her, setting your hands in your lap.
“You have nothing to worry about,” Abigail looked at you. You looked up at her. Her eyes shimmered with pride.
“I don’t even know why I’m worried, I just am.”
“Well I’ll be with you the entire time, you’re my sister, (Y/N). And sisters stick together.”
“Thank you, Abi.” You leaned forward and gave her a hug, your eyes welling with tears of happiness.
When she let go, she sat up from the bed, walking over to the window. She looked down at the scene below with watchful eyes.
“John looks like he just woke up. That damned fool,” Abigail muttered, she turned to Jack, who had been playing with a few pieces of yarn and wood. You nearly laughed at the pitiful sight, you would have to buy him some real toys when you went back into the city. Arthur and you had briefly discussed having children, you had practically raised Jack, with Abigail. Arthur decided once things settled down and Dutch’s plan to go to Tahiti or wherever he decided at the time finally worked, then would be the time. You prayed it would be soon, Arthur would make a wonderful father. You wanted to get away from this life so desperately, you were tired of running, you were tired of killing. All you wanted was a family with Arthur.
You had lived the life of running, fighting to stay alive, killing without second thought. All you wanted was peace.
Abigail picked up Jack, letting out a quiet groan. Jack was getting big, you remember when you first held him, those big eyes looking up at you.
“Jack, do you want to go get what you made your Aunt?” Abigail asked Jack. Jack looked at you with big doe eyes, smiling widely.
“Yes, Mama,” He said, Abigail set him down, he walked towards the drawer by the window and reached open to pull it open. He barely even reached it. His small arms grabbed a small object from inside the drawer. Abigail put her hands on her hips, smiling at her boy.
“He made it himself,” Abigail said as Jack set a flower crown in your hands. It was pretty with wildflowers he had picked. He watched you examine it, smiling brightly.
“I think Uncle Arthur will like it,” He told you.
“Oh, Jack! Thank you so much. This is beautiful.” You gave him a grin, putting the flower crown on. It really was a thoughtful gift.
“He picked a flower for Arthur too, so you would be matching,” Abigail revealed.
“Arthur likes flowers, did you know that, Jack? He’d never let any of us know, though,” You laughed, grabbing a bobby pin from a small box next to the brush, you secured the crown to your hair. Arthur was always drawing flowers in that journal, and in his old one he had kept pressed flowers. Arthur was a secret softy, there was no hiding that. Perhaps it’s why you fell for him, his secret side was so tender and loving, and when he realized he loved you too, that’s all you ever saw of him. He was nothing but kind - even when he called himself a bad man, you saw straight through that. Arthur was a kind man, kinder than any man you had ever met.
“I know,” Jack said simply, setting down next to you. He kicked his legs out in a back and forth motion.
“How do you know?” You asked him, pretending to be shocked.
“Uncle Arthur told me he likes flowers.”
Abigail held back a laugh, looking at you. You glanced at her, giving her a look.
“Uncle Arthur told you he liked flowers?” You repeated.
“He told me when we were by the water. I found a flower and gave it to him,” Jack responded.
“I see. What flower did you give him?”
“It was a purple flower. Uncle Arthur drew it in his journal.” Jack got up from the bed and went back to his yarn and wood, plopping down on the hardwood floors.
You chatted aimlessly with Abigail for a few moments as she continued getting ready. You were beyond scared to walk down that aisle and face Arthur. The longer you waited, the worse your nerves got.
People came up and down the steps, but suddenly you realized that it was John and Arthur coming upstairs. You held your breath. Even Abigail stopped to listen. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you heard them speak and walk further and further up the steps.
“John?” Abigail called out.
“What?” He responded, John was close to the door.
“Arthur’s not allowed in,” Abigail replied, she picked up her makeup brush and began applying blush to her face.
“I know. He’s not, he’s going to his room.” You could hear Arthur’s footsteps in the other room.
“Can I come in?” John asked after a moment of silence.
“Sure,” You said. The door opened and there was John. He still wasn’t dressed.
“You look good. I’m sure Arthur will be happy to see you.” John closed the door behind him, walking over to the dresser.
“Think so?” You asked playfully.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t he be?” He chuckled, John pulled out a pair of black slacks and a white shirt. It looked clean enough.
“She’s nervous,” Abigail told John. John looked at you over his shoulder.
“That so? Arthur is too.”
“Did he say anything about me?” You blurted out, feeling like a schoolgirl with a crush. John walked behind the folding screen in the corner of the room.
“He’s real excited to see you,” John said from behind the screen.
“I’m sure everyone out there is,” Abigail chimed in.
“Arthur wanted me to give you something,” John said as he walked out from behind the screen in his wedding outfit. He walked towards you, outstretching his palm.
It was a chocolate bar. You smiled at it, taking it from John.
“What's up with you two and chocolate?” John asked you as he walked over to the cabinet, he leaned against it, watching Jack play with his yarn.
“It’s a long story, but he’s only supposed to give it to me when I’m injured though.”
“Maybe he just wanted to let you know he’s thinking of you,” Abigail spoke, she glared at John, you wondered what that meant.
“I don’t have anything to give him,” You sighed, staring at the chocolate bar. Arthur was always thinking ahead.
“I’m sure he knows you’re thinking of him,” Abigail replied.
You couldn’t bring yourself to eat it, your nerves were too high. All food sounded incredibly unappetizing. You set the chocolate bar on the bedside table. Jack eyed it, his eyes nearly glowing.
“You want the candy bar?” You asked Jack.
He nodded vigorously. Abigail rolled her eyes humorously.
“You can have it,” You told him. It was a gift from Arthur but Jack would have appreciated it even more than you could, and besides, the kid loves candy.
“Thank you, Auntie (Y/N),” He said, grabbing the chocolate bar with eager hands.
“I best be getting down there now, Dutch wants to talk to Arthur and me, good luck out there by the way,” John said, buttoning the top of his collar. He opened the door and left.
Jack continued eating his chocolate, you smiled at the boy. You wanted your own son or daughter so dearly, one with Arthur’s eyes and your hair. That’s all you wanted. You wanted out. As much as you loved your family - you wanted out. You had lived that way for so long, it was all you had ever known. But now you had a chance at freedom - to create your own family with Arthur.
But Arthur would never leave Dutch. And you knew that.
Deep down you knew.
You were tired of the running — tired of the plans, tired of it all. All you wanted was Arthur, him and nothing else. No gang — no killing. Just Arthur.
You didn’t want to raise a child in the gang, that was a foolish dream. You knew how easily the child could go without a parent, you had seen it happen with Abigail and Jack, although John eventually returned.
You were coming to terms with that though. In the world of an outlaw it was to live forever as an outlaw or die trying.
An hour passed - it was already almost time. A majority of the gang members had already left camp. Your nerves were skyrocketing and when Molly knocked on the door to tell you it was time you almost passed out. Abigail gently ushered you to the door. Your hands were shaking as you slowly opened it up, seeing Molly in her special dress.
The plan was to head to a small church where they held outdoor weddings behind the building, the venue backed up to a river so you would be standing by it saying your vows. It was not very far from Shady Belle. Churches were never quite Arthur’s style, so you opted for an outdoor wedding..
You walked down the staircase slowly to the carriage outside, your hands were shaking wildly. Abigail held you tightly, Jack at her hip. The carriage was waiting outside for you. The camp was deserted behind you, it was strange to see. It was almost eerie, the lack of life, but you knew later tonight it would be bustling with it.
Abigail helped you up into the carriage. Once everyone was in the driver set off. Your heart pounded in your ears, your stomach churning.
“I’m so nervous.” You clasped your gloved hands tightly in your lap, as if it would somehow stop the shaking. Every turn, every jolt, it did not help with your nerves at all.
“I know, dear,” Molly said, putting her hands over yours. Abigail watched you sympathetically, she knew this wasn’t easy.
The carriage moved closer and closer to the venue. Arthur was surely feeling the same way, hopefully not to the same extent.
You were silent for most of the ride, Abigail and Molly talked fruitlessly, but you could not focus on their words. It felt like there were a thousand thoughts in your mind but not a single one was coming to your mind clearly, they were all shrouded in nervousness.
When the carriage suddenly came to a stop your heart jumped. You looked out the window and held your breath. This was it.
You were getting married. Today. Right now.
It was suddenly almost hard to wrap your mind around it. Abigail had to lightly nudge you out of the carriage, otherwise you would have been frozen in that seat.
You stepped out of the carriage, the sun was bright and slowly setting in the sky. By the time you would all get back tonight - it would surely be night.
Charles and John were waiting outside of the church for you. Every step closer to the church felt heavier and heavier, it was beginning to be hard to stand up straight.
“You look nice,” Charles said, holding the door open for you. Sunlight seeped in from the windows of the church, it was dusty inside. Sadie, Miss Grimshaw and Mary Beth sat on one of the pews, waiting for you.
“Thank you, Charles.”
Mary Beth gave you a small wave as you walked closer to them. Molly, Abigail, Jack and John behind you. It was hot and dry inside the church, it did not help that you were wearing a heavy dress either.
You opened your mouth to say something to Sadie, but Miss Grimshaw quickly cut you off. Molly walked out the back door to the ceremony.
“Arthur’s in the room behind the altar, with Dutch and Hosea. The Processional is starting in five minutes,” Miss Grimshaw reminded everyone. You nodded slowly. Five minutes felt like nothing. Abigail clipped the veil into your hair as Miss Grimshaw spoke. The veil was long and trailed to the floor, with lots of lace that was intricately woven.
“The order goes Dutch, Miss Grimshaw, Arthur, Charles, John, me, Mary Beth, Abigail, Jack and then our bride with Hosea,” Sadie read off from a piece of paper she had been holding.
“Then I’ll get out there with them, and you, Abigail, make sure the boy doesn’t drop the rings,” Miss Grimshaw finished, she turned swiftly towards the room behind the altar. Charles and John followed suit.
You sat down on one of the pews, your heeled foot tapping tirelessly against the floors. You tried to think of something calming, but nothing came to mind. It all was scrambled, your brain desperately grasping at a comprehensible thought.
“You’ll be fine,” Sadie told you as she leaned against the pew.
“You will be,” Mary Beth agreed.
“I’m afraid I’ll mess up.”
“You won’t mess up, you’ll be fine,” Abigail beamed. The seconds ticked on, the women sticking to their own conversations after noticing the worry in your eyes.
The music began and you immediately perked up, five minutes seemingly goes fast when your mind is a jumbled mess.
Sadie, Mary Beth and Abigail got up. Jack held onto his mother’s dress tightly. Abigail turned to smile at you sweetly as they walked closer and closer to the back. You gave her a small wave of goodbye. She mouthed “you’ll do great.” as she vanished behind the door.
The church was now completely deserted, it was now you and your thoughts. About a minute passed before Abigail knocked on the door. You hesitantly walked over to the looming door. Your heart beating wildly, like it would jump out of your chest.
You opened it and took a small breath, trying to calm your screaming nerves. In a few moments, you would see Arthur, and he would see you. And you would be his, and he would be yours. Years of yearning, wishing the other would be at their side, who knew it would come to this? He would be yours and you would be his. It was as simple as that.
Hosea was waiting on the other side for you, looking handsome as ever in his suit. He was the closest thing to a father you had ever gotten, it was only fitting he would walk you down the aisle. He smiled at the sight of you, unable to hide his pride.
The small compartment behind the church was small too. The door was open leading to the altar where Arthur was waiting for you, but a path obscured by trees hid it from you.
“You look beautiful,” He whispered, resting a hand on your shoulder. You stared at the door, waiting for your turn. You smiled politely, although you were not facing him.
The summer buzz of cicadas was heard even as the Procession played, a melodic tune. You waited for the music to change into your entrance.
“You’ll do fine out there, Arthur loves you,” Hosea’s words were quiet, but you could hear them loud as day. It was entirely true of course. Hosea was always right.
The music slowly shifted into a much slower song, and you knew. This was it. Hosea slid his arm through yours, your right arm holding the bouquet. You both slowly stepped out into the bright day. You felt like you were floating on a cloud — like nothing could ever bring you down. The dirt crunched underneath your feet as the aisle slowly came into view. Hosea’s arm was steady and soothing, his steps slow and methodical.
Worries drifted away as you slowly came into view, the wedding party rising at your arrival. The music continued to play a slow, beautiful tune, the cicadas humming happily and the rush of the river drumming thunderously.
And then there was Arthur, smiling at you like you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his entire life. You were closer now to him, every step bringing you nearer and nearer to his heart.
Arthur was handsome. He was gorgeous. And he was yours — all yours. He was sporting a dashing black suit, perfectly tailored. The flower in his chest pocket was the same as the ones in your hair.
It was like there was a beam of light radiating from him, Arthur had always been your beacon even in the darkest of times. He was love itself.
You felt the eyes of your friends and family on you, but you could only focus on Arthur.
When you finally reached the altar, your hearts felt like they were being synced, beating as one rather than two. The officiant stood behind Arthur, underneath two trees with a small arch decorated with flowers, Sadie and Mary Beth waiting for you on the left, John and Charles next to Arthur.
Hosea let go off your arm, smiling the entire time. He took his place next to Dutch in the front row, you handed Abigail your bouquet and stood next to Arthur underneath the arch, he took your hands in his. His hands were rough and strong, but they felt like home.
You looked into those eyes of endless waves, you only felt love and happiness from him. He looked like a prince, like there was supposed to be a crown sitting on top of his head, rather than the flower one you wore.
The officiant began with a welcome as the guests sat down.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Arthur and (Y/N) in matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." The officiant said. This was really it, you kept reminding yourself. You both looked towards the crowd, for a fleeting moment you wondered if anyone would speak up. Arthur wondered the same, perhaps Micah would think he was funny and say something completely out of line, but he didn’t.
Arthur thought you were a goddess in your beautiful white gown. It looked exactly like something you would wear, the dress accented your body wonderfully, he couldn’t help but admire it.
The officiant spoke some more, weddings, love, union, the beginning of your new life - but you could barely focus on it. Your only focus was Arthur. Your fiancé, your best friend, your husband in a matter of moments.
“And now the bride and the groom are to exchange vows,” The officiant proclaimed. He gave you your paper with the vows.
Tears slowly started forming in your eyes as you shakily held the paper, smiling through it all.
“I remember when you found me alone in that cabin, that day you saved me in more ways than one. You taught me to love, to laugh, to trust. You have been my best friend, my companion, my lover and now you will be my husband. You have stayed by me when I was sick, injured, drunk, crying, you were there for it all. And I shall be there for you, I will choose you every time. I devote myself to you, Arthur Morgan, in sickness and in health. For I am yours, and you are mine.” You squeezed Arthur’s hand tightly, feeling the words come out naturally, like you had been waiting to say them your entire life. His smile widened throughout your entire vow.
The officiant held the paper out to Arthur, he let go of your hand to take it. You remembered him saying writing vows was hard, saying that his words sounded like nonsense. But they weren’t nonsense, Arthur was a gifted writer, whether he knew it or not. The thoughts in his journal (which you rarely ever saw) were something precious.
“My dear (Y/N), the first day I met you I knew I would like you. And I was right, and here we are now years later. It’s been a wild last few years, reckless too, but this is our first step into our new life, and we best not waste it. You are my love, you are my light, and I love you more than anything in this world. Nothing can or will separate us from now till the end of time,” He finished, his eyes brimming with love. Nothing could have prepared you for this moment, looking into his eyes and only feeling happiness. Like it was only you and him in this entire universe.
“Arthur, do you take Y/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and health, till death do you part?” The officiant asked. Arthur looked towards the man and nodded.
“I do.”
“And do you, Y/N, take Arthur Morgan to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and health, till death do you part?”
“I do,” You said to Arthur. You smiled uncontrollably, and tried to stop the tears that were threatening to spill out the corner of your eyes.
The officiant leaned down to take the rings from Jack.
“Arthur, take this ring and place it on her finger.” Arthur took the ring from the man, and you presented your left hand to him. He slipped it on effortlessly.
“I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you.”
“Y/N, take this ring and place it on his finger.” You grabbed the ring, feeling the weight of it in your hand, you slipped it on his strong hand.
“I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness to you,” You rang out loud and clear. Speaking only to him. Words that would forever bind you to him.
“And remember, love is an unbreakable bond, it is gratitude, it is faithfulness, it is kindness, it is forgiveness, it is everything good in this world. Lovers will always find a way back to each other,” The officiant said with parting words.
“With the power invested in me, I now declare you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride.”
You both leaned in, he grabbed your waist, you took his face in your hand. And you kissed him, and you kissed him. His mouth against yours, it was a rushing moment, like you were soaring above the clouds. And you felt the love between, the hearts beating as one. Arthur was secure, he was your lifeline, he was your home. Arthur was yours.
Cheers were heard as you both retreated. You took his hand in his as you made your way back down the aisle. The crowd stood up for you, clapping the whole way. You would have to get used to the new weight on your finger, it was different than the engagement ring.
Once you were back on the path, you finally spoke, unable to hide your excitement.
“Gosh, I was so nervous all day, but when I got up there it wasn’t bad at all!” You exclaimed, walking closer to the church. The forest singing a merry tune for you
“I know, John had mentioned earlier that you was nervous,” Arthur replied. Your heart was beating quickly, but this time not with nerves, with excitement, with joy.
“And thank you, for the chocolate by the way. I ended up giving it to Jack, since he was ogling it the entire time,” You laughed, speaking quickly. Arthur held the door open for you as you entered the church.
“I was wondering if you would eat it or not.”
“Jack liked it. He also said he picked you that flower,” You told Arthur as you walked towards the front of the church, out towards the carriage
“The flower crown looks nice in your hair, I think he made a good choice.” You opened the door to the carriage outside. The rest of the gang would come back to camp after you left. Arthur helped you into the carriage while the driver congratulated you two.
At 19 you expected to live the rest of your life with a gang of merciless strangers who beat and did horrible things to you, but now here you are, 10 years later - married to the man who had saved you. And he had saved you every day since then, reminding that you were worth the love he could give.
And he was yours, and you were his.
The party still roared to life outside. There was a feast fit for a group of outlaws, cake, never ending drinks, a vibrant bonfire, poker, stories, toasts, talks. It was everything you hoped your wedding would be. Hosea and Dutch were like proud fathers the entire night. You even saw what looked like Miss Grimshaw wiping away some tears when Hosea gave his speech.
It was interesting to say the least — when the songs started, you knew a majority of the camp had gotten drunk. Barely anyone had retired for the night — besides Strauss, and Reverend who had already blacked out. They sang songs for you and Arthur, they sang songs about love, about sex (which made you blush and hide your face, while Arthur had a dumb smirk on his face). You had switched out of your dress after the ceremony and opted for a looser small white dress.
When the crowd began saying the ‘Ring Dang Doo’ you groaned, knowing everyone would be looking at you. Arthur laughed as he sang along, watching you the entire time. The hoops and hollers were joyous as you hid your face in Arthur’s shoulder.
When the song was finally over you let out a sigh of relief, but you remained nuzzled into your husband's side. He was warm from drinking, and he had a happy glow to him. There was not another place you would rather be than to be next to him.
Hours passed smoothly, the songs became less rowdy as the party goers quickly dropped, hopefully not too hard. It was hard to believe your wedding day was over. You remained by Arthur’s side for a majority of the night. By the time Javier and John had packed up for the night — as well as an insufferably drunk Sean who’d fallen on his face getting up, it left only you and Arthur.
The fire crackled and sputtered as the remaining embers shuddered, praying to stay lit. The night was slowly coming to end, the final waves of darkness would be over soon, and light would wash over the terrain.
You were tired, you’d been awake for nearly a full day now. Your head rested on Arthur’s shoulder as he stared meaningfully into the fire, both of your eyelids heavy. You slowly blinked, trying to stay awake, to not fall asleep in the middle of camp.
“You know we could get away from this all, Arthur,” You mentioned to him, trying to suppress a yawn that was threatening to be released from your mouth.
Arthur replied with a questioning hum.
You looked up at him, “We could get away from this life, you know, start our own family.”
“You know I want that, sweetheart. Life’s just a mess right now, not sure it’s the right time,” He sighed. You turned back to look at the dwindling fire.
“I know, Arthur, I do. I just — I want a child of our own, a house, a family.”
“We’ll have that one day.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
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impreciousent · 4 years
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Know your rights. #tbor #irs #taxprofessional #tax #taxpreparer #30yrsexperience #accountant #accounting #bookkeeping #anointedforprosperity #onestoptaxes https://www.instagram.com/p/B5rLAfGFQKW/?igshid=fmqio9dv79wu
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zoophagist · 10 months
Do you have any specific headcanons for your Renfield's Dracula, anything at all? How much does he have in common with the BoR dude?
hmmm, good question! in the respect that this is a roleplay blog i try not to get to invested in the minutiae of headcanons on any character other than my own, because i love playing against all kinds of different versions that other people flesh out. but with a character like dracula, that is so crucial to renfield's life, i'd be lying if i said i didn't have any thoughts or preferences. so here's what i got:
not the first vampire. you aren't SPECIAL, count. yeah, i just think it's more spooky and ominous to have this guy you think is the biggest and baddest and then have to come to the harrowing thought of "what evil begot this evil" you know? and dracula's maker is still out there somewhere (just probably better at being a vampire than he is). personally i'm into the lore tidbit that killing a vampire kills all the vampires that it turned, so dracula's creator MUST be alive undead still, or else dracula would be dust along with them.
sophistication. i love a suave dracula, refined, elegant, a little uncanny. big hulking draculas don't do much for me, and i think that the novel's vibe of "he mimics civility and poise so perfectly you might miss he's the monster until you get too close" is best suited by a dracula who's not the tallest or the most muscle-bound. then his strength and ferocity are even more of a surprise when he reveals them. this is also fun in contrast to a beefy renfield.
inhuman forms. personally the mist is the one i'm most obsessed with, but bats and other such creatures of the night slap too. since you ask about tBoR overlap, i do like the idea that dracula's forms are much more varied than what stoker shows us, and some broader shape shifting abilities are very fun. i love a dracula that's sort of unknowable and myriad because it gives renfield more fodder for both worship of the inhuman and paranoia about the omnipresence of a master he may not understand or recognize at first.
the ur-mind meld. so in canon dracula has the power to see within the minds and senses of those he feeds on or turns. i like to headcanon that power further, letting him see/use the minds of those bitten by vampires he's made. so for example, dracula turns lucy and can exchange thoughts with her, and if lucy turns someone else, dracula can reach through to that person as well. it's all about the shared blood connection, baby. this also sort of draws on the logic of like... chains of command. if your boss is lucy, and her boss is dracula, effectively your boss is also dracula, as she would be bound to him, and you are bound to her, binding you to him... i love making a messed up little hivemind <3 other vampires & familiars can feel these connections to one another too, though more faintly. for them it's less like dracula's direct access to their minds, more an awareness of another being's presence in the same web of vampiric consciousness that all centers on dracula. maybe they have a stronger sense of empathy with one another, or can pick up each others' distress or warnings.
the I.N.B. (international network of brides). i like to headcanon dracula having a much larger number of progeny to spread around the world and do his business. first, it's just FUN. second, it works with the anxieties of vampire 'infiltration' in the book. third, it- well, frankly it makes my life a lot easier for how renfield becomes a familiar with telepathic dracula-alarms. see, if we accept both the I.N.B. and the above point about the psychic link vampires, familiars, and victims share, then i can have renfield get bitten by a bride in england (hello milady in tbor) and be psychically connected to dracula as a servant without having to break the canon of dracula never having been to england before! bc that canon is SUPER significant to me! on that note:
homebody. dracula has not traveled significantly in all the time of his undeath. i think it's just really important to stoker's novel that dracula has never tried something like his attack on england before and is actively learning how to pull it off as it happens. so when i think of dracula, i'm thinking of a guy who hasn't left the flyable-in-one-night distance of his castle since becoming a vampire. it's why his immediate area has become so unworkable for him; he's over-used it, everyone nearby knows what he is , and they've been learning ways to protect themselves from him for years. it's getting very hard indeed to keep himself and his three local brides fed around these parts!
schrodinger's bite. i have multiple, contradictory headcanons about if/when/how often renfield has been fed on by dracula, and if you don't look in the box to check, they're all equally true and correct at the same time. :) but i shift between them for whatever works in certain verses/interactions. for instance if i'm writing with a dracula who's never left transylvania until the harker incident? cool, dracula and renfield have never met face to face and renfield's only had contact with brides. no pre-england dracula bite. writing with a dracula who's from a source version that lets him travel more, maybe through parts of europe and asia? cool, renfield spent a little time in amsterdam where he got bitten at least once by dracula. both these versions are true and neither of them is. that's just how it be.
dracula's bite. every vampire lore has to talk about what being bitten is like, right? it's mandatory. i enjoy media that plays into the eroticism of the bite, but i think that an angle of plain, straight "it feels good" is BORING and LAME. what are we here for if it isn't also agonizing and making your fight or flight kick in??? i like to imagine the count's bite as an initial stab of pain and terror but then the sensations blur and the fight drains out of the victim, not just from blood loss, but from dracula's manipulative power, lulling them into foggy uncertainty and complacency.
dracula's bite but make it FAMILIARS. when dracula bites someone that he's exchanged blood with (a familiar), there's still the pain of the bite and the looming mind-haze, but because their minds and blood are already linked, there's this sort of reciprocal sensation-sharing that passes between them. for example, if dracula bites renfield, dracula can experience a sense of what renfield feels being fed on, and renfield can expereince what dracula feels feeding on him. this is why a familiar might crave being fed on in spite of themselves - the intoxicating sensation of being both the hunter and the hunted at once is rather heady. victims don't have that blood/mind link, and so are trapped in the horror of the bite, while familiars have had their senses opened to another layer of awareness and connection that can turn being fed on into a pleasure.
those are the things i can think of right now, anyway. but to specifically hone in on the tbor angle and answer that directly, i mean... some? some significant overlap? i think i consider the stoker novel more gospel that tim's 'gospel of dracula' (i think i'm SO clever with my wordplay), so stoker lore supersedes tbor for me if they're ever in conflict. for instance, even though tbor has some strong subtext that milady is 1 to 1 just dracula, i play looser with that in order to keep the stoker canon that dracula has never been capable of going to england before. but in places where tbor can add on top of the dracula novel without contradicting it, i'll use it (example: the above point about his range of shapeshifting!)
i hope this is a satisfying answer! i don't have a lot of, like, physical description hcs or minute behavior hcs, so i hope lots of lore-heavy stuff pleases you instead, anon.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
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Chapters: 5/? Fandoms: Shadow and Bone (TV), The Grisha Trilogy, Six of Crows Series Rating: Mature Relationships: The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov, Ivan/Fedyor Kaminsky, Matthias Helvar/Nina Zenik, The Crows
Alina Starkov is nobody special. Or so she used to think.
Now, as the only survivor of a mysterious mining accident on Keramzin Station, a remote outpost of the Ravkan Empire, she is plunged into a dangerous world of political and palace intrigue, the looming threat of interstellar war, and a strange connection to the Grisha, the galaxy’s most feared military order – and its general, the enigmatic and dangerous Alexander Kirigan. But as she struggles to make sense of her unexplained new abilities and her uncertain future, the rest of the Common Sector, from Fjerdan Federation drüskelle to Kerch merchants, wants to get hold of her, and will stop at nothing to do so. Enemies are gathering on every side, rebellious planets bide their time and plan their uprisings, and the secret that Alina is unwittingly hiding may burn the entire universe to the ground.
A bunch of misfits are, unfortunately, its only hope.
Read on AO3!
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the-angel-of-filth · 5 years
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🏳️‍🌈Featuring Two Lads of the 80s/90s:🏳️‍🌈 Saul Walker (Gay Flag) and Anthony “Anton” Voland (Bisexual Flag)!
They’re the main protagonists of two separate but interconnecting stories: The Beast of Rabbitwood (TBOR Verse) for Saul and A Moral Panic (AMP Verse) for Anton! Their stories also happen to be i the same cinematic universe as SOH and GD! TBOR follows an eccentric, wandering self proclaimed cryptozoologist, Saul, who drives into the sleepy town of Rabbitwood after hearing reports of a strange, massive “Beast” living in the area. Obsessed with trying to document the entity as a way to be taken seriously in cryptozoology circles, he tries to locate the monster himself...
AMP follows a story some years before TBOR, about a reclusive and anxious young man, Anton, who along with personal problems, feels that he’s being tormented by an unseen, malevolent force. One night, he’s suddenly attacked by a shadowy figure while trying to sleep. Hope seems to be all lost when he soon senses the presence of an entirely different entity altogether..
✨Also just in case: Free to use if you’d like, just credit me and a reblog/like would be appreciated! Thanks!✨
Bonus: Alternate Flag for Saul!
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reigensarataka · 6 years
@ voltron fandom learn the definition of healthy relationships and stop fetishizing mlm couples challenge
vld: heres a fairly attractive male character who-nasties: oh? 👀
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theorderofthetriad · 2 years
I'm going outta town, which means I'm gonna be sparse on tumblr for a week or so.
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