#tbh i think this is really the closest either of them could get to dressing ''fancy''
birdboy-blues · 26 days
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(I hope you're happy now I've merged dark and light!)
[I always knew that we could be intertwined]
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purplesurveys · 4 months
Have you ever left your front door unlocked all night?  Yes. I've also done worse by not only leaving the front door unlocked, but also leaving the door key (where my CAR keys are also attached) still inserted in the unlocked-door key slot. I tend to make the mistake when I come home extremely exhausted, but I understand why it drives my mom just as extremely crazy.
Do you prefer cold or warm weather?  Cold, are you kidding? I can think of a few things worse than having your house feel like an oven and sweating in your own home.
The last advertisement you saw: What was it advertising?  It was a Chinese ad so I had no idea what it was even selling. It looked like an online platform of some sort but as to what it offers...no clue.
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap?  Liquid. Bar is fine too but I just don't like how it's so slippery.
Do you wear any perfumes / colognes on a regular basis?  No.
Do you have high or low self esteem levels?  It depends on what aspect we're talking about. I have high self-esteem when it comes to how confident I feel about myself; but being 25 also currently propels me to be in a quarter-life crisis and feel a little lost and down about my current direction in life.
When was the last time you listened to a song on repeat? What was the song?  The Astronaut, because my mom is currently obsessed with it and asks me to play it on repeat in the car. I have absolutely no complaints lol.
How do you feel about being in the house alone?  I like it, but given I'm very chatty around my sister it can feel lonesome sometimes. I dread the day she moves out, if she does end up doing it earlier than I do :(
What was the last compliment you received?  I can't even remember. The closest thing I can think of is a moment last night when an an aunt told me it was her first time seeing me all dolled up and girly, but tbh I don't really count it as a compliment because it could have implied many other things.
Do you like mint or orange flavored chocolate?  I love different spins on chocolate. I never look for them per se, but I'm also willing to try them when I get the chance.
How often do you get spots? Like, pimples?  Usually a day or two after I let my face cuddle with my dogs', hahaha.
Do you believe that when your ears burn someone is talking about you?  No.
Are you a good host when visitors come over or do you wish they’d leave? I like to think I'm a good host. The few times I've had guests over, I wanted to make sure the receiving area is all dressed up and that they don't run out of food to choose from. It's difficult to get to my place as it is so I want their visits to be as worth it as possible.
When was the last time you burnt your mouth from eating something too hot? I've never, like, injured my tongue or whatever but the other night I took a bite of lasagna just like 30 seconds after taking it out of the microwave and I promptly spat it back out.
What is your favorite foreign language to listen to? (In music or speech)  French.
Do you prefer instrumental songs or ones with lyrics?  Lyrics for the most part; but there are also some instrumentals that I enjoy listening to, especially when they're part of a movie or video game score.
Name something simple that makes you happy.  Sunday morning drives. Traffic is nonexistent, you hit all the green lights, and it's just such a vibe to drive when the sun has just risen.
What is your favorite instrument to listen to?  Saxophone, piano, and violin.
Pick one: Books, movies or music?  Music.
Do you carry a bag around with you often? What does it look like? I need to have a bag with me since I'm always carrying a bunch of stuff. My main bag is a brown handbag with a million pockets; I have a secondary handbag which is purple and white; but in cases where I can carry light, I have a white belt bag that I like to wear over my shoulder.
Do you like your natural hair color?  Sure.
Do you delete your emails / texts often?  I don't go on deleting sprees for either of those, but I do for photos and videos.
What was the last book you read about?  It chronicles the different stages of the life of a woman living in South Korea and how the evolving forms of sexism and misogyny she faced in her society eventually drove her to severe mental illness. I'll gatekeep the frustrating ending for now, but for anyone interested in this synopsis the book is called Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982.
What color are the walls in the room you’re in?  White.
Did you dress up last Halloween? As what? Nope.
Do you have any old friends who you still kinda speak to but it’s awkward?  Not really, no.
Name one of your favorite memories.  Traveling to Thailand.
Are you a polite person?  Yup, but I can also have a short fuse.
When was the last time you used a quote from a movie in real life? I never quote movies.
Have you ever used a chat-up line that actually worked?  I don't think so.
Can you put your legs behind your head? I used to do it as a kid, probably still can but with a bit more difficulty if I had to guess.
Do you forget things easily? No, I have a sharp memory. The only time I have memory slip-ups is at work, but that's also because I'm no longer passionate about it.
The last song you listened to: Did it have a male or female vocalist?  Male.
Is the heating on in your house currently?  That's not a thing here.
Do you often find toothpaste too minty?  No.
Have you ever had braces? Do you need them?  I currently have them.
Are you a subscriber to any magazines? Which?  Nope.
What does your voice sound like? (Loud, quiet, high pitched, etc)  Deep and firm, but it can turn high-pitched and soft when I'm interested in the conversation.
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myriadof-fandoms · 2 years
harringrove week day 1 - wouldn't it be nice
did i think i would actually have something done for harringrove week? no. it’s a miracle tbh. what i did not manage is staying with the prompts for every day and this just so happens to be one of the days where i couldn't. the prompt i used was technically for tomorrow and it’s Hawkins Country Club During the Annual Benefit
ao3 link
Steve didn't ever really expect to be this happy.
Since he was small he’d had his whole life planned out; married by 25, steady job, 2.5 kids. The thought had always made him feel like he was suffocating.
Standing in between people from his past in the middle of the Hawkins country club’s annual benefit brings back those memories. 
From where he's leaning against the bar he can see Nancy and Jonathan. Seated close together and talking like they’re the only people in the room. They're not the nuclear family either. Living in Chicago and working for a newspaper together while Jonathan tries to make photography his main job. Last time he asked if they wanted to have kids, Nancy laughed in his face. Not the nuclear family sure, but closer. Picturing himself in Jonathan's place, imagining his life with Nancy instead of Billy, makes him feel slightly nauseous though.
It's almost like there’s a different life staring right back at him, contrasting ridiculously stark with what his life actually is right now. 
Steve works in a bar. Billy fixes cars in the evenings and studies during the days. When they feel like it they just leave on Friday evenings. They drive down to LA or through the night to get up to Seattle to see one of the grunge shows Billy loves. Sometimes one of the national parks. Sometimes just to a beach that isn't the closest to them. It's a freedom he hadn't ever dared to dream about. 
It's kind of fun to fantasize though. Look at the road not taken where it’s drawing itself in front of his eyes, taking shape through the life of the people he knew when he was a teenager. 
Steve sees a picket fence instead of their tiny balcony. He can see many of these sort of formal events with a wife who likes to dress up, someone who doesn’t complain the entire time they’re changing into formal attire. 
Steve wouldn't want it for anything. 
He loves the opposite that he’s living; 26 now and never going to be officially married unless some people in the government calm down very quickly about a couple of things. there's a ring though. At the bottom of his nightstand, the only place Billy is not likely to stumble over it. Steve figures why not. He's got no intention of ever falling in love with anybody else. Their friends all know about them. Steve's parents do too. There's nothing stopping them from having a ceremony or even just putting on the rings. They could call the other spouse. Just because the law won’t let them, doesn’t mean they can’t go for it. What do they care about the law?
If he was still living here, maybe down the road from where he’d grown up, he’d have probably reached all his dreams already. Stable life, stable job, maybe working towards a promotion. 
Instead, he has Billy. and the two of them, they have plans. They want a dog at some point. Billy's finishing up a masters degree in literature. He's thinking of turning it into a double major still. Education. It would structure them more. He'd go through more training. But the weekends would still be theirs to leave. Stability mixed with a freedom neither of them is willing to give up ever again. Billy likes the solidity of living in one place though. Or rather one state. Sometimes they talk about moving down to San Diego. Closer to Max. It'd give the opportunity to leave their hypothetical dog with her when the itch to drive into the middle of the night becomes too great. But Billy's not quite ready to go back to a city he’s lived in with Neil. Steve figures they’ve got a lifetime to figure it all out. 
What Steve's pushing more than almost anything else though are Billy's studies. It's the only thing Steve's really working for too. The idea of Billy as a teacher is too good for Steve to not encourage. When Billy first mentioned it, mumbling it into his morning cup of tea as if it’s no big deal, Steve had been absolutely dumbfounded. Looking back it made sense though. He taught Max how to drive, and at least kind of well too. Steve remembers the summer evenings when he was moping about his future on the Wheelers backporch and all Holly ever talked about was her swimming instructor. Billy had had all the kids from Hawkins wrapped around his finger. They fucking adored him. Tell tale sign of Billy being one of the softest fuckers alive hidden away behind the bad boy image he was keeping up at the time.
Steve can see Billy now, standing next to Eddie, who looks about as wrong footed as Billy says he always feels at these events. Crissy fits in though, sitting next to the two of them at the table she and Eddie share with her parents. And since Chrissy had wanted to go, there was Eddie as well. Really there’s not a lot that Eddie wouldn’t do for her. If anybody would’ve told Steve 10 years ago that Eddie the freak Munson would be the only one of them headed towards the lifestyle of a suburban family he’d have laughed in their face. There's no denying that Eddie looks happy though. Neither he nor Chrissy ever really stop smiling around the other. It’s almost sickening. Billy likes to make fun of them. Billy smiles a lot around them too though.
Maybe the best thing about the life Steve's getting to live are Billy's smiles. There are many of them and Steve's on a mission to know them all. The smile for Max, the smile for Heather, the dirty laugh when he’s thinking of a joke and the stupid smirk for Eddie and Tommy. The giggles when Steve kisses his stomach and that grin when he's shamelessly and unapologetically happy. It first appeared when they were on the road heading towards California without much of a plan at all. it’s a frequent one now, when he’s out surfing, or just when they’re crammed on their tiny couch together.  
Their apartment is tiny in general, a two bedroom in the Castro district. They’re roommates, keeping up appearances so long as nobody looks into the second bedroom to see the bookshelves and working space instead of another actual bed. Billy had admitted to it once early on when they were still just fucking in a way that just as well could've been called fighting. Stoned out of his mind he'd wandered around the Harrington home and stopped by Steve's dad's study. 
“I want one of those. Proper library. I want to own more books than I can ever read.”
Later on when Billy started letting Steve in, he'd admitted to much more. Like Neil's disapproval of Billy's love for reading and his reluctance to allow books that weren't for school in the house. Billy wasn't supposed to waste his time with fiction. 
When they'd moved in Steve had spent one very draining day installing shelves while Billy was out. Put up the Lord of the Rings books that Dustin and Eddie had told him Billy would like. Now he’s stuck with Billy who’ll spent hours in the room, complaining about his coursework and bitching because he's still a little shit but when Steve tries to make him stop reading in the middle of the night he'll just flip him off with a grin that's so carefree it makes Steve want to die. 
When they visit Hawkins, there’s always the contrast to the house Steve's parents still live in. Big, filled with signs of money, and as empty of actual affection as Steve remembers it. His parents still haven’t quite figured out how to show they care in ways that aren’t material. But they try and they did ask both Billy and Steve to come with them tonight. Every shared breakfast or dinner they make halting conversation with Billy and him, asking about their life without sounding scandalized about the conditions of it. Surprisingly, even right when he had just told them, they weren’t as opposed to Steve moving in with a man as he would've expected. They don’t get it, but they don’t mind either, and his mother, though still trying to hide it, absolutely adores Billy and his easy charm. 
Billy hasn't spoken to his father since he moved out. He's seeing a therapist once a week. It's the only thing Steve uses his parents' money for. He figures if one of their parents caused the problem, the others can make up for it.
They only really come back to Hawkins about once a year, for Christmas or when a lot of things happen to line up. There’s not a lot that calls either of them back here. But Hopper and Joyce are here. This time Dustin is home deciding on which of the many post grads he should be doing. Max is visiting her mother. It had all called for them to come really.
To Steve it's been worth it to come here just to see Billy in a suit.
Like he’s been pulled from Steve’s thoughts, he’s there. 
“I want to go home,” that deep voice in his ear that he’d recognise between a thousand others. Billy’s moved right into Steve’s personal space, a hand placed on his lower back shielded from view by the bar behind them and leaning against his side.
“Mh, we can leave soon.”
“No. I mean, sure, this is boring as fuck,” Billy smiles wickedly, still as excited as a 10 year old would be when presented with the opportunity to use a swear word, “and I definitely want to head out, but I want to go home.”
Steve draws his eyebrows together, “It’s like 10pm. We planned to leave the day after tomorrow.”
“Stevie, if we leave now we can make it out of Indiana tonight. Find a motel somewhere in Illinois. We’ll be home by the time we planned to leave.”
Steve just looks at him questioningly some more. Billy punches his arm.
“C’mon, live a little, my guy.” 
Steve is. Steve has never expected to be living this much. 
But yeah, Steve misses home too. 
They don’t waste time saying goodbye, they’ll just call from the road. 
Billy blasts his damned metal once they start driving, and lets down the windows, probably waking up half the population of Hawkins when he speeds through the empty streets. Steve laughs, loudly and exasperated. He’s happier than he ever thought he’d get to be.
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ladyimaginarium · 9 months
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1. Favorite Anime? Naruto, GANGSTA., Black Lagoon, Michiko to Hatchin, Ergo Proxy, Death Note, No.6, Shingeki no Kyojin would've made this list if it was written by Jewish writers bc my& mixed native jewish ass is conflicted w/ this one, Deadman Wonderland, I& haven't finished Tokyo Ghoul yet but it's really good, I& didn't finish Kuroshitsuji either but i& rly vibed w/ the aesthetic, BNHA was... ehhhh, okay, didn't really vibe w/ the whole ableist trope of "disabled coded character magically gets new powers or becomes abled" so I& dropped it, I& know for a fact that the animated ASOIAF stuff coming up is gonna make me& reverse shit myself&. all i& know is that if the books were animated that would fix me&. 2. Your Worst Anime? Can't rly think of any tbh, I'm& picky, the closest I& could think of was the Boruto series. Mostly bc it basically destroyed any kind of development in Shippuden & shit just doesn't make sense & not to mention it slaughters Sasuke's character & just the entire female cast as a whole which im& not even gonna get into for the sake of my& own sanity. lmao 3. Do you read the Manga that go with the Anime you watch? Usually yeah but I like to keep these separate tbh. I read the manga only if I know that the anime won’t get a second season and I’m still interested in what happens next. Anyway, in short, I bother with the manga only if I really love the anime ie gangsta & naruto but I& can't watch or read long series anymore due to adhd & spoonie reasons lmao 4. Favorite Genres? action, supernatural, fantasy, science fiction, comedy, horror, psychological. 5. Least Favorite Genres? Harem mostly bc the dudes are so lame & basic lmao 6. Favorite Character? Erica ( GANGSTA. ), Beretta ( GANGSTA. ), the Benriya trio ( GANGSTA. ), basically the entire Second & Third Destroyers regiments ( GANGSTA. ), basically the entire Akatsuki ( Naruto ), basically any of the founders ( Naruto ), any of the jinchuriki & tailed beasts/bijuu ( my& plural ass vibed w/ them so hard & i& didnt even know i& was plural at the time lmao ), Michiko Malandro ( what do u think lmao ), Nezumi ( No.6 ), Uchiha Madara ( Naruto; he really is That Black Air Force Energy Icon ) Eren Jaeger (snk; LISTEN HE'S MY& INSYS BF IM& CHEATING OKAY ), Mihael Kheel / Mello ( Death Note; g-d he's so fucking iconic ), Misa Amane ( Death Note ), L Lawliet ( Death Note; aro autistic mf represent ) Marco Adriano ( GANGSTA. ), Rebecca Lee / Revy ( Black Lagoon; she could beat my& ass & i'd& thank her lmao ), Eda ( Black Lagoon; smth about a nun w/ a gun who dresses up like a bimbo at night but is actually a cia agent makes me& go WOOF WOOF BARK BARK ). others im& def forgetting lmao 7. Least Favorite Character? bitch idk 8. Qualities you like in a Character? Kindhearted, caring, badass, strong-willed, cheeky, has deadpan sense of humor. women who can beat my& ass. poor little meow meows. 9. Short or Long anime? Short these days. I& litcherally Cannot watch longer anime. naruto was my& first long anime & it'll likely be my& last lmao 10. Anime or Manga? I procrastinate both but I guess manga, mostly because I can read it without fearing that the plot will go to shit  11. How do you choose the anime you watch? If it has pretty art, if the aesthetic is pretty, if my& friends watch it 12. Skip or listen to Intros/Outros? I usually always listen. I& literally never skip Naruto, Black Lagoon or the GANGSTA. openings & EDs 13. How do you cope if your friends or family don’t like you watching anime? most ppl around me& like anime but if they don't i& dont give a fuck?? like. why the fuck should i& care what other ppl think lmfao 14. Do you stop an anime midway if you don’t like it? I& sometimes drop anime for no reason whatsoever. lmao It’s a waste of time if it doesn’t hold your attention, let alone if you don’t like it. it's somewhat what happened w/ bnha as explained above. i& just really dislike that trope as a disabled & neurodivergent system lmao 15. Who are you tagging to do this? @librastrai @dethqveen @abri-chan & whoever else wants to do this !!
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faeriecap · 1 year
pls talk to me about sam/riley!! canon, au, idc! give me all u got 😤😤
FUCK YEAAAAAAAAA OMG literally one of my favorite ships in the entire mcu and they barely exist 😭😭😭
ok so in terms of like canon stuff i feel like riley and sam had the closest thing u could to a meet cute in the literal army and i see their relationship as like very similar to daveklaus??? i think it definitely like in precatws i see them as meeting on base, maybe even not knowing each other before they got assigned to the project and got their wings etc
there’s a lot of potential for a slow burn there even as just a platonic relationship and tbh given the popularity of media like 1917, dunkirk, top gun, and that rn (which….. the modern stuff is more HMMMM but i mean the interest is there???) n marvels propaganda deal with the us military i don’t know WHY they HAVENT greenlit some sort of d+ mini series giving us a samriley prequel ??? at least a short 😭 but idk maybe they’ll actually give us some sams past crumbs in cap 4?????
in aus though i like to hc riley and sam as having the same hometown, i love the idea of riley being a quintessential southern boy with the drawl and the slang, i also heavily borrow from just say you do’s version of riley in which he has a dry sense of humor and takes no shit just like sam!! i picture him as “sassy” and over the top in the same way as like JVN lol
also i think he and sam have the best fashion sense out of anyone in the group except maybe nat when she’s not dressing super comfy casual (we all know steve and bucky are dead last on that one LMAOOO) bc riley comes from a working class family/started working himself at a really young age and so now he likes to be super deliberate about his sense of style/presentation instead of just whatever he got handed down from neighbors or church donations etc and that was a HUGE part of accepting his sexuality + gender identity (he/they riley u will always be famous)
i also borrow some elements of like adam parrish’s backstory 🤡 in that i see riley’s parents as negligent at best and ab*sive at worst, making the wilsons his sort of pseudo-family/safe space even before he and sam get together whether that’s bc they’re childhood besties in aus or bc they accept sam’s closest comrade into their fold (i cant remember if sam lost his parents before he went into the service so don’t come for me anyone) but yeah like in non canon universes i see their story as highly similar to stevebuckys bc they’re foils duh except ig riley would be closer to comics bucky than mcu bucky w his parents
it’s weird bc i used to exclusively ship stevebucky and then samriley completely separate. since i became open to the idea of multi shipping, i now ship in a different order/way??
like for au’s i still follow the two distinctive ships, meaning if i’m writing stevebucky i’ll usually have established samriley or single sam. however if i’m writing sambucky it’s probably going to be past!samsteve and/or stevebucky as well if not just samstevebucky (the most superior of all ships) 😌 like i might mention riley being sam’s ex before he got together with steve (if i’m including him and steve as a couple and not just friends) or just gets w bucky but the focus is way less on riley’s impact on sam’s dating history than like steve if that makes sense which is just interesting to me?? it’s also a roulette wheel of whether or not i decide to throw in sammisty (my beloved) bc sometimes i like to write bi sam and other times i like to write gay sam
sidenote i see peggy and steve and nat absolutely bi, always, angie as 100% a lesbian, misty and sam as bi4bi, but for sam and bucky i could see them as either bi or gay (although i typically tend to write bucky as either just gay or at most bi-curious but always in relationships with mlm)
i feel like i write more samriley in complete au’s than in canon compliant fics which is odd haha
maybe bc in canon compliant fics, if samriley exists i see them as a monogamous partnership, but if sam is with someone else/poly i typically see it like riley d*ed bc personally i just don’t see them breaking up?? they’re like either that couple u know that’s been together since they were 14 and you never see them without each other OR they’re exactly the same but they actually got married in their early 20s. i say, having explicitly written their divorce before
also idk why but i feel like in my head w poly!sam steve and/or bucky (or misty) are cool w him having paramours and metamours and everything even if they aren’t poly themselves but riley is strictly a one man guy and has no interest in anything outside a monogamous mlm relationship. he’s also demi and a hopeless romantic!
when i write samriley + steve and bucky i see riley as being able to relate to bucky better bc i follow the general fandom hc that riley is also disabled, but he’s somewhat closer w steve bc of sam and bucky’s initial “feud” when riley was still distrustful of bucky and 100% in sam’s corner, meaning he and bucky have a similar dynamic to sam and bucky where they like to banter and antagonize one another but he and steve are more chill and friendly when they talk like he and sam are (although they aren’t above ribbing at each other and referencing embarrassing inside jokes)
hngngngngnh h OH also he and sarah are like best friends bc they LOVE to gang up on sam and 100% would die for sam but like given the choice they would unionize to embarrass him at the drop of a hat
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ghostjelliess · 1 month
One time, I was chatting with an old friend and prom got brought up, we were nearly a decade out of school at the time. Anyway, she said "yeah, it was weird that you just started dancing with those random boys that crashed it with those [our closest thing to popular girls], but we knew you liked to dance, it was just weird." and I absolutely lost it as I realized that I'd never paused to explain anything to my friends at the time.
Imagine, 2009, the awkward girls who are so unimpressed by boys their age, dedicated to angsty boy bands, GPAs, and future dreams, and among them is the overworked poor girl who usually cares for her siblings, finally getting a night off after changing into her prom dress in a van. She's either quiet or obnoxious, zero scale for in-betweens, and her beloved friends she's trying to make dance with her shoo her off jokingly, only to see her crash into her jock soccer teammates (we didn't really have bad cliques, tbh, but pretend), who brought their cool dates from another school because they go to parties and meet peers outside their bubble, so cool. And to their shock, surprise, and maybe horror, their over-active dance-y friend has roped these mysterious dates into her circle. They've lost control of her, what can they do but watch her make a fool in front of the cool girls and boys they never aspired to be—but disliked on the principle of being unfamiliar and having no common ground.
And then, finally, a slow song played. Their weirdo friend returned, and they exhaled a collective sigh of relief and dragged her to the other prom activities, determined not to let her near the dance floor again.
And I had to sit our late-20-something-year-old asses down as she reminisced, absolutely cackling, and explain to her that I knew them. They weren't strangers to me.
I'd gone to school with those dumb boys since we were seven and they were neither suave nor cool, and in fact one of them had worn the same hat for so long, and refused to wash it, that he gave the whole 4th grade class lice, and the other lived down the street from my house and we had matching knee scars from biffing the same dumb skateboard jump that someone's dad never should have built us. They'd kicked me out of their treehouse when it was too crowded, but also lifted me onto the roof of the abandoned building across the street in Sandlot style feats to retrieve the soccer ball/ football/ baseball, and we'd been to so many school-sponsored events that I could pick out their lunchboxes and overnight camp pjs if i had to. Lol, I knew their moms. Their families still live by my parents back home like a frickin' Hallmark movie.
I had to remind her how I transferred high schools sophomore year and draw up a whole timeline of moving schools, and she was just like "ohhhhhh. Wow, honestly, you did just appear at school one day. At prom, we thought you were drunk. Except Ashley. Ashley thought you were secretly cool."
I was still laughing, but also shook at how deviating reality can be. Like bro, they were that concerned but never asked??? It is so strange to think how much you can peripherally know about a person, like how I know everything about the kid versions of those guys, but I have no idea who they are today. Like, I could pass them in the street when I go back home and maybe recognize them, but probably not. But my friend who I still talk to has no concept of my life before I met her at our shared school or beyond our shared experiences. It's wild.
No wonder making adult friends is hard. It's weird to get to know new people when old people remember shoving you into a broken window to get a Frisbee and ripping your back open, when you don't have to explain yourself because they were there for it all. But it's also kinda sad cus those are usually the best stories to retell. I'm not someone who will track those guys down just to say "hey remember when..." But it's strange to hear the juxtaposition of reality from a close friend who maybe isn't that close. In that moment I realized how much more effort I put into understanding her and communicating with her. Now, I'm seen as strange and outgoing and secretly crazy, but really I just remember the details they forgot, the parts of myself the assumed or dismissed or didn't care enough about to clarify their judgements.
It was so funny at the time, looking back on our prom nearly a decade out, but now, five years later, I'm a little haunted by it. I was the only one seeking connection, interested in their lives, curious about who they were becoming as they grew, and they were only interested in having a weird, crazy friend who danced with strangers and got drunk at prom.
There's no moral of the story here, I'm just working out how to make friends now that I'm in my 30s and moved so far from what was home. Why are adults so scared of connecting, they say it takes so much energy and effort, but when I meet them as strangers, they share all their secrets, from California to Washington, to Michigan, to Rhode Island. It's cross cultural. It's weird. Open up, tell your stories, be interesting. Let people friend you. New people help us evolve and listen to the newest version of our best stories. I want to hear about your matching scars and old friends who broke your heart more than any first love ever could. I don't know why empathy becomes so scary to us as adults, I just know that I want to connect with people, but whether it's a product of moving so much in my 20s or where I'm living now, or my generation group, I'm finding a lot of people are extremely attached to the people who know them as they are, with no room for new people who might learn them as they want to become. I think we need both... maybe I'm wrong. I dunno. Adult friends are hard.
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shycoconutt · 3 years
I Found My Light (Kakashi x Reader)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
A/n: Sound the alarms! It’s my first ever writing post! I’ve had this written for a while tbh, and I feel like I’m ready to start getting into this.
Summary: A late-night walk turns into a rekindled friendship.
Word Count: 2300
Warnings: fem!reader, SFW (but might not be later lol)
You opened your eyes for what seemed like the thousandth time tonight. Staring at the white ceiling, you sighed. Sleep seemed to evade you recently, a side effect of the recent dreariness of your life. You found yourself living the same days over and over again. Because of this, the line between day and night started to fade.
The moon was full tonight, you noticed as it shined brightly through your open window. It was the perfect temperature out, warm but chilly enough to feel comfortable wrapped in your blankets. You love listening to the occasional sounds that occurred outside, the noise of leaves rustling in the wind being your favorite.
Your gaze left the moon and landed back on your ceiling. Why is something as simple as sleeping so hard? Gods, all you wanted was an escape. With a huff, you pushed the covers off of you and sat up from your lying position. Trying to force yourself to sleep would do more harm than good right now.
You make your way to your dresser and pull out your favorite pair of black joggers. You love them because they are tight on your ankles, loose on your legs, and have a cinched band at the waist. They are perfect for any lazy day. You slip them on over your underwear, you never go to bed with pants on, and exchange your sleep shirt for a cropped black hoodie made from the same soft, elastic material as your pants.
You turn to face your large standing mirror in the corner of the room to assess your appearance. The all-black look was your favorite, especially since it will help you blend into the night. Your hair was a mess, so you decided to put it up in a loose bun on the top of your head and pull out some strands to frame your face. It felt good to not look so polished and put together. Your jonin uniform was not the most comfortable piece of clothing, especially with the way it hit your figure.
You walked out of your bedroom and across the kitchen to the front door of your apartment. One foot after the other, you slide into your sandals and grab the key to your apartment hanging on the hook next to you. With that, you leave your apartment and head out into the night.
You walked the streets of Konoha at a gingerly pace. It was probably around 3 a.m. at this point, and there wasn’t a single soul on the street with you. You make your way past the line of shops on the main street, including your favorite bakery where you'd treat yourself to a lemon square after coming back from a long mission. You thought about that lemon square a lot when you were out risking your life, embarrassingly enough.
A couple of turns later and you found yourself heading towards your favorite place in all of Konoha, a little area of woods towards the perimeter that contained this amazing koi pond. Although it was nighttime and the fish wouldn’t be as active, you still want to check to see if you can watch any. To your surprise, your favorite koi, who you nicknamed “Nishi'', was out and swimming around by himself. You sit criss-cross in the grass and watch as he glides through the calm water, almost putting you in trance. Nishi didn’t look or act like the others; He was black with white, almost silver-looking spots and he was less frantic in nature. You sway from side to side as you watch him, thinking to yourself about how you would like to be more like Nishi.
“You look cute watching the koi.” You heard a soft, yet unwavering voice declare behind you.
“Holy sh-” You almost jump out of your pants at the unexpected presence. Surprised, you quickly turn your head around to see who’s voice that could possibly be. To your disbelief, there lies a figure perched up by a tree a couple yards away from you. Their feet were crossed, legs extended, one hand in the pocket of their pants, the other holding up what looks like a copy of Icha-Icha, head turned towards you, and wild hair moving with each passing breeze. How did I not notice him?
“Oh I’m sorry (y/n), I didn’t mean to startle you. I figured you knew I was here because you walked right past me.” He brought his hand up to scratch the back of his head and let out a small chuckle. “Guess I should have made my presence known right away.”
Still in disbelief, you get up and slowly make your way towards the figure, stepping into the shadow of the tree to see him more clearly. As you approached you immediately recognized the silver-haired jonin.
“Kakashi?” You say confused. “What are you doing out here? It’s late.”
“I could ask you the same thing.” He states, closing his book and setting it down next to him on the grass. He looked different. He looked… quite hot actually. The jonin uniform you usually saw him in was traded for a pair of comfortable-looking grey sweatpants and a tight, black tank top that connected to his mask. He wasn’t wearing his headband either, just keeping his left sharingan eye shut in a permanent wink. As you observed him, you couldn’t help but notice that he was doing the same to you.
“I suppose you're right.” You smirk and let out a small chuckle. “I couldn’t sleep so I figured that if I was up I should take a walk around the village to clear my head. This is my favorite spot, so I guess I just naturally ended up here.” You exclaimed, still standing in front of him.
“It looks like you and I are having the same issue,” he states plainly, “I came out here a little while ago after tossing in my bed for an hour. I hate trying to force myself to sleep; It’s a battle I never seem to win.” His eyes averted your gaze and moved to his now empty hands in his lap. You couldn’t help but notice a hint of pain in his voice and it tugged at your heartstrings.
You know about the things Kakashi has been through, as it was pretty common knowledge to all jonin in your mutual age group. You were pretty close with his friends, Gai, Kurenai, and Asuma, but Kakashi always seemed to keep everyone at an arm’s length. He also was an Anbu for ten years, which didn’t help the disconnect either. Fortunately, he was relieved from his Anbu position a couple weeks ago, and gradually you have been seeing him a bit more here and there. Though, this is the first time you are able to have a conversation with him in what seems like forever.
“Well,” you sighed, “I guess we have lost the battle together. We must be pretty shitty jonin.” You stated flatly.
Kakashi squinted his eyes and you both laughed. You couldn’t help but take a mental picture of his face at this moment. You really enjoy seeing him happy, as it makes you happy too.
You can’t kid yourself, having a chance to talk with Kakashi alone feels like such a treat. Little genin (y/n) would be ecstatic right now. Of course you had a crush on him back then, who didn’t?
“You’ve always had a natural talent for connecting with people,” Kakashi mused, “I haven’t talked to you since we were teenagers, and here I am laughing with you like we’re long-time friends.”
You could feel your eyebrows furrow at that statement. Yeah sure, you weren’t at his apartment every week for Sunday brunch, but you did have a history.
“Kakashi,” you started, “You are my long-time friend. Just because we drifted apart doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. To be honest, I was relieved when I found out you were no longer going to be a member of the Anbu. It wasn’t good for you.” You stepped closer and sat down next to him, leaning back on the tree stump. The grass felt cool under you, sending a small shiver up your body.
“I suppose you’re right,” Kakashi stated, quoting your words from earlier. “It amazes me that none of you gave up on me. I feel like I am undeserving of everyone’s effort.” You were baffled by his honesty; Kakashi wasn’t known to be much of an open book. It upsets you so much that he feels this way as you couldn’t imagine not caring about him or any of your other comrades in the village. The faces of your closest friends flashed through your mind and you grimaced at the thought of losing them.
Not knowing if you should, you felt compelled to reach over and hold Kakashi’s hand in yours. It's cold compared to the warmth spreading from your fingertips. Hmm, I wonder how long he has been out here. Giving his hand a small squeeze, you look at him in his onyx eye. “Trust me, Kakashi. You are deserving. You are deserving of a great life and people who care about you. I know the world may seem dark, but I promise that a light is always glowing. No matter how small or dim, it’s there.”
You stare at each other in silence for a moment before he changes the position of his hand and intertwines his fingers in yours. The change was small, but it ignites a feeling in your stomach you couldn’t describe. Slowly, you felt your cheeks flush and you turned your face to look towards the sky in hopes he wouldn’t notice. You knew this action was him telling you that he accepts your words, and thanks you for them.
You spent the next hour sitting under the tree together, you looking up at the stars and him looking at you. Your intertwined hands fell between your bodies, resting on the cool grass. You felt him start to graze the back of your hand with his thumb, sending a tingling sensation up your arm. It felt so good to be touched by him, even in such an innocent manner.
A strong breeze ran through the air and hit you suddenly. You began to shiver at the quick change in temperature, realizing that you should have dressed warmer if you were going to be out this long. Yet, you couldn’t have anticipated the situation you are currently in.
“Are you cold?” Kakashi questioned with a hint of concern.
“Yeah a little bit,” you answered honestly, “but I don’t want to go back home. I’m not really tired yet.” Truthfully, you didn’t want this little moment of shared bliss to end. You started to feel like you found your escape, and you refused to be torn away from it so soon.
“Neither do I,” he confessed, “Come here.” He released his hand from yours and slid his position higher up on the side of the tree. He then spread his legs and patted the ground in between, inviting you to sit.
You felt your face get hot again, as the position he was offering you was a very intimate gesture. There was absolutely no way you could refuse his offer. One, because you were freezing and, two, young (y/n) would never forgive you.
You got up and sat down carefully between his thighs, leaning until your back met his chest. He then wrapped both of his arms around you, one around your shoulders and the other around your waist with his hand resting on your stomach. The outsides of your legs met the insides of his and you felt an immediate warmth there. Lastly, your head tilted back and rested upon his left shoulder, with his face nuzzled against your temple. You both fit together like two pieces of a puzzle, no part of you feeling any discomfort against his strong body. Engulfed in his smell and warmth, for the first time in a while you felt completely relaxed.
“Thank you, Kakashi.” You looked up at him with a warm smile.
“Anytime.” He breathed, voice muffled by your hair. You wondered if he truly meant that. I mean, after all, this is the first time you have interacted in a while. Yet, the connection you felt towards him was unquestionable.
Does he feel the way I feel?
“Hey,” you began, “are you tired at all?”
He flexed his arms and held you closer to his chest. “Not really,” he answered, “I’m enjoying this moment too much to be tired.” You smiled, and there was a pause.
“Isn’t this odd?” you questioned again.
“What? You and I snuggled under a tree in a random corner of the village alone at 4 a.m. after we haven’t interacted with each other in years?” he questioned sarcastically, “Not at all.”
“Kakashi!,” you laughed, gently nudging your elbow into his ribs as he laughed along with you.
“Yeah it’s a little odd,” he answered honestly, “but I’m not going to question it. I found my light, and now I’m enjoying it.” He nuzzled his face into your hair and breathed deeply.
Completely and utterly relaxed, you let yourself succumb to the heaviness of your eyelids. Truthfully, this has felt like the longest day in the world and you are happy to end it this way. The sound of Kakashi’s breathing and the rise and fall of his chest acted as your personal sleep machine. It’s priceless.
Before you completely drift off, you swear you could feel the soft, pillowiness of Kakashi’s lips graze the skin of your temple, a soft hum escaping from them.
“Goodnight, (y/n)”
Queue Hilary Duff’s “What Dreams Are Made Of”. This kind of feels like the beginning of something. Should I continue? Idk if my writing is even good. If you read this, PLEASE let me know if you have any feedback. Again, this is my first story and I would greatly appreciate any feedback, advice, suggestions, etc.! I can’t believe I’m uploading, ah! - Klara
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
How about super tomboyish reader who is almost like a brother to the members so doing anything to them just feels weird? And imagine how whipped they'd be to finally see you wear a toght fitting dress that shows off your beautiful curves 🥴✌🏼
OK you didnt specify with format i should write but imma just write it as a headcanon,,, because it seems fitting! SO LEGO
warnings; fem!reader, swearing, non-idol!au, highschool!au
so your closest friend group consisted of 8 guys
you've known them since kindergarden pretty much and you never felt different because you were a girl
quite the contrary, you were comfortable! and so you naturally grew into what your family described as a "tomboy"
but something was around the corner
p r o m
you hated the thought of even going
it was going to be filled with people you never wanted to see ever again after graduation, bad club music and too sweet punch
but you couldnt hate it either since the rest of the boys were so excited, wanting to confess to some girls and get them to be their prom date
[Jisungie] guys, dark blue or burgundy tux?
[mongmong] burgundy? are you fucking 5? dark blue all the way
[Jisungie] i think you should bro
[chan-wolf] but real talk guys, what flowers do girls like
[Jisungie] AYE y/n!!! TELL US
[y/n] i dont know? roses?
[hyunjinnie] roses seems too,,, funeral,,,
[foxdude] but real talk,,, what is y/n gonna wear
[binniebinnie] I WANNA KNOW THIS ONE
[lixie] ayo changbin i thought you were sleeping, get on the game in 5
[binniebinnie] i was sleeping before my mom started beating me with the vacuum BUT SURE
[mongmong] you probably deserved it, have you seen your room? those monster cans have centuries of dust on them
[foxdude] shut the fuck up everyone, wanna know what y/n gonna wear
[y/n] tbh i dont have a flying fucking clue, my mom wants me to wear a dress
[hyunjinnie] at least she looks better than you
[chan-wolf] when was the last time you wore a dress? wasnt it like kindergarden? lmao
[y/n] ,,, oh shit you're right,,,
[Jisungie] what if y/n is hot in a dress?
[foxdude] get out the groupchat you fucking perv
[mongmong] another mf that deserves it, can changbins mom beat jisung with the vacuum as well?
[lixie] i would pay to see that lmfao
[chan-wolf] well,,, you have to wear something cause you're coming to prom with us!
[Jisungie] well obviously she has to wear something ;))
[hyunjinnie] OUT!! NOW!!!
[User 'Jisungie' has been removed from '9 dudes']
[mongmong] finally some peace
[chan-wolf] you'll look good in whatever you wear y/n! the important part is that you feel good about yourself!
[y/n] thank you chan, really!
you put your phone away, sighing as you looked out the window
what the fuck should you do?
days later your mom knocks on your door as you're playing games with felix
she's holding a long red dress and you just stare at her in disgust before saying something quick to felix and turning off the game
"y/n, it will look great on you! just try it on, for your mom!"
you sighed, taking the dress from her and shutting the door behind you and starting to undress, you could at least try it you thought.
when you put it on it felt,,, odd,,,, but not,,, horrible?
your walking and posture could use some work since you didnt really know how to sit in such a dress
but it looked alright!! NOT HORRIBLE!! YAY!!
your mom was awed >:((
immedietly grabbing her phone and snapping a pic in typical mom fashion from some odd angle
the day of prom you couldn't sit still, shaking your leg as you scrolled mindlessly through your phone
all the boys were coming to pick you up since you lived closest to the prom venue
they were all so cute greeting your parents with the utmost respect and standing all dapper and trying to be cool like 8 douchy highschoolers but failing miserably
you heard some bustling of noises and small talk, deciding that it was time to head down to the living room but barely breathing from how tight the dress was
how you were gonna dance in it still remained a mystery.
you looked down the stairs and started walking down slowly, startling jisung that was walking by the staircase
"who the f- y/n?!"
the other boys came rushing as they heard jisungs uproar, their jaws dropping to the floor
they barely recognised you
"why the fuck are you guys staring like that?"
you say, convincing them that it is indeed y/n that was standing before them
you had a body-ody-ody that was usually covered by boxy hoodies and oversized pants
but this dress displayed it all, ass and tits
not like,,, too much but just enough,,,
some of them didnt know where to look, not wanting to weird you out
whilst some were openly staring (cough jisung and changbin cough)
which felt FUCKING WEIRD you obviously had to punch some sense into them
all and all,,, it ended up being a really memorable night! it wasnt as highschool cringe as you thought it would be, espescially since you got to spend it together with your best friends in the entire world.
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep6: Joey Wheeler is on Fire, Yet Again
Came down with a little sickness-not the biggie, just a little sly guy. But I took some meds, I’m a little floaty, I’ve only been listening to baroque music all morning for some reason? And I hate baroque music usually? But I’ll leave it to bro to tell me if this is fluid enough.
Just so you know, these caps were kind of a hot mess for a while and some of them read like that Garfield in of hot eat the food comic until...today. So pls don’t judge me, Judge my damn DMV where no one was following Covid regulations because I’m pretty sure that’s where I got this damn cold.
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We start off with Roland getting more attention than he ever has in his entire life. Like honestly, I don’t know what Roland’s job really is...but he’s got a very diverse set of very useless skills. One of which, is knowing how to announce sports games that aren’t really a sport, while those games he’s announcing slowly fall into chaos.
Anyway, Roland’s taking so long cherishing his sweet time before everything goes to hell, that he’s boring Joey, who’s kinda turned into a ball of stress in the waiting room.
A lot of this episode is us watching them watching Joey having a break down moment by moment, TBH.
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(read more under the cut)
Yugi telling Joey to study his cards and straight up--what?
Like at this point they know what’s on the cards, right? Like there comes a point where even Yugioh cards have a finite amount of words and I’m just going to assume that like...Joey probably knows them all in his own deck, right?
(bro note: they have no limit on what they will put on a card)
Then again, maybe Yugi doesn’t know what “study” means?
Also, appreciate how some artist crosshatched the hell on Joey’s nose there and I zoomed out and ruined it.
Now for some reason every duelist is hanging out in the duel lodge, including our current arch-villain guy who’s brought a book. I want to know what book this guy even reads so no one could suspect he’s actually a hacker who uses computers. He’s reading romance, right? And I don’t think he’d even be into Twilight, I think he’s straight up into hard core Mom romance like a lame ass Nicholas Sparks over there reading “Dear John” for the millionth time because he is completely un-phased by anything else happening in this room.
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Joey, our hero, just out there being an asshole for no reason.
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After Tea is pushed into a locker or something screaming about her need for female friends (which she screamed in earshot of Rebecca again, who I figured was on friends terms with her after last episode...but I guess not) Leon hops up to remind us that we should be caring about the fact that his character exists.
And like, I love Leon’s hair color--that’s a good choice, and legit that is the color I tried to dye my hair at the beginning of the epidemic (it didn’t work PS, my hair cannot take dye for the life of it) but also like...he just kinda feels like a weak Rebecca as far as characters go. He’s young, he’s good at cards...I think he goes to a private school? That’s all I can think of about Leon.
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He mostly just reminds us that the big prize of this tourney is to duel Yugi, who anyone could have dueled at any point even without the tournament.
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On the way out of the...duel room? lounge? Area? Joey decides to like...make peace with Zigfried, and I gotta tell you, I kinda have to side with Zigfried, because Joey spent the last ten minutes being a freak in the dressing room/lounge/bathroom and at one point looked like he was going to hold the entire locker room in a stranglehold.
I would also want some space from Joey Wheeler, is what I’m saying.
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After insulting Joey’s style (which honestly, Joey...has a style? He pops his collar, that’s his entire style.) Zigfried assures us that Joey’s gonna lose and like...
...probably, right? Just looking at the plausible direction this season will go.
Anyway, Joey is such a mess (which is the theme of the episode, that Joey needs to learn to chill in order to win at card games) that Rebecca is like “I understand if all of you leave me to go help our poor baby Joey.” And no one felt bad for her.
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Mokuba comes over to tell everyone all of the Kaiba family secrets because Mokuba has no filter.
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Seto has devoted himself to staring at a computer screen for the rest of this episode. I guess he’ll put their names into Google, realize that social media hasn’t been invented yet, and then just lie his head down on the desk and take a power nap until the tournament is over. Much like I did after taking Dayquil this afternoon.
I like how Seto dressed for success and then locked himself in the server room for most of this arc so far. Maybe he’s just...really tired, I dunno. I don’t really blame the guy, he’s had a hard time.
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And we had a weird scene where Yugi just started talking to the ghost and it was while he was talking to everyone else, and the show didn’t treat it like that’s a weird thing to do...but it was a weird thing to do.
This show does that sometimes, where I guess they imply that Yugi’s Pharaoh conversations are split second conversations but...they’re not, right?
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Also this chick ain’t gone yet, and Mokuba is just failing at his entire job for not zeroing in on vibes coming off this chick like stinky cheeseman.
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So listen.
Did the Kaibas make like 3 types of Blue Eyes Caboose to one up Noah? Because Noah made one choo choo dragon, and then Mokuba and Seto were like “how dare” and then made sure that everyone ride every single version of the blue eyes caboose just to see how proud of them they were.
How many months of troubleshooting was the train? Like how long in development did Seto and Mokuba spend on these? A lot right? Like most of the time?
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I did not check the subs to see if Roland said Jumping or Champion but I like to believe that Roland thought it was a cool new name he gave him.
Then these guys all showed up.
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Hey so...can we talk seating arrangements?
Tea decided not to sit next to Yugi after complaining about not spending time with him for like how many episodes? Or was it too awkward to sit on top of what was probably Pharaoh?
Or did Mokuba go like “please, Tea, I cannot sit next to the others because I’m pretty sure one is a mole that is about to go cray” and was Tea like “Good, I need female friends, these ones are driving me crazy!” and then was Mokuba like peering desperately over the edge of his self made dragon train prison realizing he has to listen to Tea complain about boys for the rest of his ride across molten lava?
Headcanons abound about this weird seating arrangement that the animators drew for the reasons they did...but reasons I cannot fully understand. That and the Dayquil is making me overfixate on random stuff.
And also, Tea is kind of the Kaiba’s security’s understudy. Just there to always protect Mokuba with her ass because she’s the strongest woman alive.
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PS I missed the tumblr wars because at the time I was trying to like...run a proper business on blogger. When Blogger died and I jumped over here it was like a weird ruin where everyone was like “tumblr is the most toxic place alive” and...I’ve had a really nice time here, actually. Completely missed that civil war period and I have no regrets.
Now I was there for the Petz wars (warz, I guess) where people were very militant about Petz abuse (abuze?) where apparently people were using the spray bottle on their catz too much and people were very, very upset about it to the point that they were like campaigning about it on their angelfire websites with the most bizarre grassroots campaigns that I still recall, to this day because they were like...well they looked like this:
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PLAPA. Not only am I 100% positive that only this one guy ever called this movement PLAPA, but I’m 100% positive that not only are Catz not real people, but also this wasn’t actually happening and we never had any proof that it was. Either way, if people knew or suspected that you hadn’t deleted the spray bottle from your game (which at the time I had no idea how to do because I was a wee child) they would basically assume you were on a one way road to being a mass murderer in real life.
In real life we were 7 years old so like...thanks?
But that’s the closest I got to toxicity and at the time I was too young to make an email account and actually converse with these people. I was just there to download their Petz hexes, and I already made a post about how wonderful and incredible Petz Hexing was.
And y’all, I heard, just now after a little deep dive into the Petz Abuse debacle (which yes, is on the wiki), that apparently, like gardening, Petz Hexing came back in a big way during the epidemic--and I have found an active Petz forum in this the year 2021. The only problem is that I no longer remember how to use old timey forums...and I think I’m locked out of seeing most of these threads (and like this forum is so old I think I have to send them a letter in the physical mail to apply). But, I’m pretty sure they’re hosting a picture contest for who’s dogz poses the best. And I’m pretty sure someone created a hexxed Pickle Rick. Or it’s a photoshop that was made to look like a hexxed Pickle Rick.
Dammit why did it have to be Pickle Rick? That’s not worth re-installing Petz and getting it to run on Windows 10...
Guys is this the Dayquil? Is this really happening? I feel like I’m losing my mind for so many reasons...
Anyway, speaking about useless hexing it’s about time that our villain did something that was actually dangerous, so Zigfried decided to install a new virus that does more than turn off the lights. (it still turns off lights)
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the Spreadsheet Virus!
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Confounded by the spreadsheet software, it...um...it does this:
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Straight up how does Excel make a volcano erupt? Is that why I have to pay for Microsoft office now?
All this because Joey made fun of Zigfried’s naturally pink hair? Which is the most normal hair on this series outside of like...Tristan?
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Hey guys...Joey’s fine, right? Like how many times has Joey been on fire? And once in an iron cage next to like...a Fire Golem?
Joey’s fine.
MAN I miss Fire Golem. He had a good mug.
And then we just kinda watch chaos go across the park, chaos that includes: Too many ghosts in the haunted mansion (which honestly--you’ll get your money’s worth, sounds great!), the Ferris wheel goes kinda fast and thus might accidentally be fun, the lights turn off at some concert stage that only had 2 people on it (so it might just be motion detector lights and not even a virus), and um...literal fire and magma are going to set Joey Wheeler on fire.
Just...one of these events does not seem like the others. In fact most of these things sound like good improvements to the park and they should just hire Zigfried at this point.
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Roland puts down his microphone and jogs across the stage, about a mile through the audience bleachers, and into the staff lounge, to go and bother Seto Kaiba, who is in a room that has a hi-def classical painting copy-pasted on the wall and I can’t look away from it.
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I almost did a Google search on this painting but then thought better about it. There’s like...a billion classical paintings that look exactly like this, and they wouldn’t use like a Monet, they would have to do something that’s harder to catch to avoid copyright issues (because yes, even old ass paintings have copyright issues, but no one tell NFT’s which are going to be so freakin screwed and was such a bad idea, that I can’t even start).
Anyway, I have no idea who it is and it is legitimately driving me up a wall, but I’m on too much meds to do the effort of putting it in a reverse google image search.
Plus, a reverse google image search would only pull up Seto Kaiba.
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So Kaiba takes us on a little flashback to his weird ass past, a weird ass past that just...doesn’t follow any of the established timelines, but I assume was shortly after adoption but before Seto got into a phase where he wore his school outfit everywhere and tried to shove his MMO off onto his Dad as a business model.
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Seto is like 8 for some reason. I don’t know why, they kinda drew him younger this season anyway, like maybe they got a lot of fan mail and realized “Hey I think we made the 16 yo boy too sexy?” And they just toned Seto the hell down. That, and it’s a different animation team, and maybe they looked at Seto’s character design and were like “we don’t get paid enough to draw this well.” So...since Seto actually looks like a teen again, I guess his 12 year old self has to look like he’s in Elementary school.
Also, I only recognized this, because at some point in S3 as I was roasting Noah Kaiba’s weird fashion:
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I remember distinctly roasting that little bow tie. I don’t remember when I wrote it, I think there was a version of this outfit that was in color...but I don’t remember where.
Anyway, it’s not the same jacket...but man that’s kind of awkward, ya? Like the maid who dressed Mokuba deffo got fired?
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He um.
Turned the lights off a little bit.
Guys this villain is like...
...why does he think lights are scary? Like look at little Seto here. The boy is already bored. Seto duels on the edges of cliffs...he doesn’t care about the freakin dark.
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We had a guy who killed everyone on the planet last season, and this season we have a little fashion gremlin standing in the corner and flicking the light switch going  “wooooo you never catch me!” and it’s like...
...I’m starting to think this guy isn’t a witch.
Like we’re at Episode 6, there’s still time for this guy to be a witch...but I really am starting to think this guy is just...straight up not a witch. It’s everything Seto wanted, a rival who isn’t a freakin magic person...and sets Joey only fake on fire instead literally on fire like last time...
and Seto is just completely unhinged by it.
Anyway, I’m off to go drink a bowl of soup and pass out. If you’re new here, this is a link to read these in chrono order.
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what do you think about the aang is possessive comment? about EIP ruining kataang? also about there being an implied (and nonexistent) love triangle thrown in nearing the end of the series as a tease?
I think fandom just likes to complain, lmao, but I’ll address each of these one at a time!
1) “aang is possessive”
This argument is honestly the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard because it’s just so obviously false?? Possessive is literally defined as “demanding someone’s total attention and love,” which Aang never does? Aang always respects Katara’s position in their relationship, especially after the EIP kiss, which everyone knows was entirely inappropriate and wrong of him. Aang recognizes her hesitation and makes no more romantic attempts towards her after that moment. Not one! Katara is the one who initiates them getting together in the finale because the war is finally over and she is no longer afraid of losing him. I beg people, do point to the “possessiveness” you’re referring to, because the closest we get to any character being possessive is Zuko in “The Beach”:
Zuko: [Side-view of Zuko and Mai walking.] He thinks he’s so great. [To Mai.] Well, what do you think of him?
Mai: I don’t have any opinion about him. I hardly know him.
Zuko: You like him, don’t you? [Mai sighs and walks away.]
Ruon-Jian: What are you doing?
Zuko: [Close-up. Angrily.] Stop talking to my girlfriend!
Ruon-Jian: [Side-view. Walks up to Zuko.] Relax. It’s just a party.
Frontal view of Ruon-Jian. Zuko knocks him across the room into a vase, which breaks from the force.
Yeah, Aang never acts like that. 🤷
Now, this isn’t to say Aang doesn’t get jealous. Jealousy is a perfectly normal and natural emotion, and honestly I’d go so far as to say that everyone has been jealous at least once in their life. What’s key about Aang is he doesn’t act on his jealousy. He doesn’t throw anybody across a room, for one. Sure, he doesn’t want Katara to kiss Jet, so he makes a little quiet comment about it. Pretty normal, and it ends there. Not dissimilar to Katara’s bit of snark about On Ji! Even the EIP comment, which everyone uses to argue that Aang is “possessive” (which again, blatantly untrue, because he does not demand or expect a relationship with Katara as a result of that scene; also all he does is nod lmao and tbh that’s such a healthy reaction to jealousy I mean he doesn’t grab Zuko and chuck him onto the stage like his name is Ruon-Jian, does he?) - Aang literally just gets upset about the implication from an imperialist play that Katara doesn’t reciprocate his feelings. Why?
Let’s be frank: Aang knows, or is fairly certain, that Katara does like him by this point in the series. That’s why he doesn’t ask her “do you like me”. Instead, he asks:
Aang: But it’s true, isn’t it? We kissed at the Invasion, and I thought we were gonna be together. But we’re not.
By this point the show, the viewers know their feelings are mutual. Katara knows how Aang feels about her, and Aang knows Katara likes him, too - he just isn’t sure about how ready she is for a relationship. So him getting upset about the propagandist, pro-imperialism play implying Katara isn’t interested in him, when he essentially knows she does like him, is honestly kind of understandable? Imagine if you were watching a really rude movie about your life and it included a scene of your best friend who you’re already kind of in a relationship with saying that they’re in love with the dude who used to bully you and only think of you as their sibling. Like, that’s kinda wack? I’d be a little upset - and definitely weirded out - too.
(I’ve also seen people argue Aang leaving Guru Pathik to save Katara also somehow demonstrates his so-called possessiveness, as if his love for her and her love for him wasn’t established mere minutes earlier to be the love of the Air Nomads reborn. I don’t think the show could have been any clearer about how mutual, powerful, and honest their love is through that scene. Also, he proceeds to let her go to enter the Avatar state at the end of what? The next episode? So again, any arguments that he was “possessive” and “didn’t let her go” are thus moot and entirely inapplicable points.)
Basically, Aang isn’t “possessive” and people who think he is are just looking for an excuse to hate on him, lmao.
2) “eip ruined kataang”
The only way EIP could have ruined Kataang would be if all the previous Kataang buildup was either terrible or near-nonexistent. And great news! Kataang was built up very well throughout the series, growing from a close, deep friendship to cute, blushy crushes to a true, lasting romance (pretty iconic of them). Even if someone doesn’t ship them, they can acknowledge that within canon, Kataang had a very strong foundation (it’s one of the core relationships of the show, the other being Zuko and Aang as narrative foils). The implication that one poorly written episode somehow cancels out the previous 56 episodes and the following four is embarrassing.
Now, I certainly wouldn’t have minded if there had been a scene dedicated to Aang and Katara discussing his poorly-timed kiss. I ship Kataang, so there is absolutely no reason for me to be opposed to more Kataang content! But A:TLA has a very clear trend of not showing such discussions on screen - example: Zuko never sits down with Katara and apologizes for using her mother’s necklace to manipulate her; Katara never apologizes to Sokka for her callous comment about their mother - so the fact that Katara is the one to initiate their relationship at the end of the serious clearly demonstrates that she has forgiven Aang for his inappropriate kiss and is ready to be with him. (And I’ve said it before - if she can forgive Zuko for all the shit he put them through, she can forgive Aang, her best friend and the guy she loves, for one poorly-timed kiss.) Narratively speaking, ’twas resolved.
Also, it’s incredibly important to consider EIP within the context of the series as a whole. If someone really feels entirely devastated by that one episode, then… their loss? I’m sorry to hear it? 56 episodes of near-flawless buildup - a slight dip + a healthy, logical finale where Katara chooses to be with Aang because she is at last no longer afraid of losing him = more than good enough for me. People can argue her decision doesn’t make sense all they want, but it actually makes perfect sense when you consider what has been built through every previous episode: she was in love with him! You can’t isolate a single episode and expect it to speak for the series as a whole, after all.
Basically, EIP gets blown out of proportion because some people like to pretend it was the only Kataang episode ever written, lmao.
3) love triangle
I always laugh when I see this because where?? The only love triangle in A:TLA was the one fandom invented. Within the canon narrative, Katara and Zuko were never romantically interested in each other. I don’t care about “shipping-goggle interpretations” or AUs or post-canon or early planning that didn’t make it into the final drafts. If you look at A:TLA, if you look at the creators’ intentions, it’s plain as day that Kataang and Maiko were the only romantic pairings planned for Katara and Zuko. And that’s okay! That’s why fanon exists. But people have got to stop whining about a love triangle and ship teases that just… didn’t occur. If they read Zuko and Katara’s interactions as romantic, well, that’s great and all, but it’s also on them, lol. That sounds so mean oml I’m sorry y’all 💀. I just mean that Kataang was very clearly written into the show from episode 1 and Maiko from Book 2 (or Book 3 if you really, really don’t like the flashback), so expecting Zuko and Katara to get together doesn’t make any sense (to me) when they never had any romantically-coded interactions.
Yes, of course I’ll admit there were a few Zvtara gags, but that’s exactly what they were - gags. There’s three primary instances:
- June calling the owner of the Water Tribe necklace (whom we know is Katara) Zuko’s girlfriend in Book 1. This moment is mainly hilarious because Zuko promptly redirects the conversation to Aang, lmao, but thinking about the context of A:TLA itself? The assumption of the Fire Nation crown prince being in a relationship with someone from the Water Tribe is honestly pretty concerning given how the Fire Nation is an imperialist conqueror and has all but destroyed the Water Tribes (and has certainly worked to sever the connection between the North and South). So, not exactly a great conclusion on June’s part.
- The EIP gag. I ALWAYS laugh at this one because their reactions are so funny? I love the little disgusted nose wrinkles and scooting away. That’s hysterical to me. But again, thinking about the show itself, EIP is an imperialist play full of Fire Nation propaganda. With that in mind, again, the implication that their crown prince was with someone from the SWT, a nation they brought to its knees by killing all of the waterbenders (but one) and thus eradicating so much of the SWT’s culture? Major red flags! People need to consider the implications of EIP as imperialist propaganda, basically, because that’s what it is. Ignoring that aspect means missing the entire point of the play.
- June part 2. What I said above still applies. Also, they both get embarrassed and hotly deny it, which is kind of the opposite of a ship tease to me? They don’t exchange like an “oh, but what if” glance or anything, lol. And June backs off immediately, so... 🤷
People who interpret that as serious ship teases are, bless their hearts, a little misguided. Those are just funny moments! It’s like Katara and Sokka dressing up as Aang’s parents in “The Headband”. It’s funny! It’s contextual! Sokka and Katara are not romantically interested in each other just because they dressed up as husband and wife (ew), just as Katara and Zuko aren’t romantically interested in each other because there were three jokes about it. I really don’t know what else to say lmao.
Now, I don’t know all about what Bryke did outside of A:TLA in regards to Zuko and Katara’s relationship and fans of it. I wasn’t here for that lol. But I do know that A:TLA built a beautiful, platonic bond akin to surrogate siblings between Zuko and Katara (highlighted by the final Agni Kai with Katara and Azula as foils). Not a love triangle. “The Southern Raiders” was an episode about Katara and Kya, not Zuko and Katara. “The Crossroads of Destiny” paints an aching, gorgeous parallel between Oma and Shu and Katara and Aang, not Katara and Zuko. “The Boiling Rock: Part 2” was an episode involving the loyalty and love of Mai and Zuko, not Katara and Zuko. Katara and Aang had romantic parallels, Mai and Zuko had romantic parallels, while Katara and Zuko - within canon - had strictly platonic development. And honestly, fandom should appreciate that more! How often do we get such an iconic relationship between a guy and a gal that isn’t shadowed by romance? (The answer: not often enough.)
Now, this doesn’t mean don’t ship Katara and Zuko. I don’t care what people ship lmao, and there are some interpretations of Zvtara that I really enjoy (post-canon Zvtara has so much potential,, I die a thousand deaths oml)! But insisting there was some love triangle thrown at the end of the series is a discredit to how well Aang and Katara’s and Zuko and Katara’s relationships were written in A:TLA, and I’m honestly tired of hearing such tomfoolery. A romantic relationship between Zuko and Katara within canon would have completely undermined his entire redemption arc, which further emphasizes that their canon bond was meant to be solely platonic, because why would the writers want to undo what most consider the best redemption arc in animated history? (Simply put, I don’t think they would.)
Also, A:TLA had a very clear history of staying away from love triangles. There’s no Aang x Katara x Jet love triangle. No Yue x Sokka x Suki love triangle. So why would there be an Aang x Katara x Zuko love triangle?
Case in point: there isn’t. Fandom invented it.
So that’s my thoughts, anon! It can be summarized as this: fandom makes up a lot of nonsense that simply rewatching the show can dispute, so maybe we should just start providing episode timestamps to people, lol.
A general note - people are free to disagree with this post, but I ain’t looking to argue, so… make your own post if you want to develop a “counterargument”, I guess? I’m just chillin™ lol I don’t want to fight with people. I can give you my PayPal if you’d really like to engage in a proper academic debate? Anyways. Much love! 💕
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psychewithwings · 4 years
I just read your party HCs and omg the Chrollo one 😍 anyway I was wondering if you could maybe do a one shot elaborating on that? Or just anything with Chrollo tbh I love the way you write him!
Baby you’re so sweeeeeet! Ah made my day! I would gladly elaborate....
The Fox and The Rabbit : NSFW 
(duh its Chrollo)
WARNING: D/s dynamic, dirrrrrty talk, collars, public sexual acts
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The party was elaborate to say the least... The crystal chandeliers illuminated the glass mansion where the party was being held.
 The marble floors sparkled. You had never seen somewhere more beautiful and you felt a bit out of place. You stood in the ball room with your boyfriend, in a f/c dress. The lace rabbit mask that covered your face was tied around your head with a black satin ribbon. Chrollo Lucifer, had his arm wrapped protectively around your waist. You looked up at him, laughing softly at his fox mask, “I’m sorry,” you said giggling, “it’s just that I wouldn’t have thought you would pick woodland creatures.” Chrollo’s eyes were hidden behind his mask but you watched his lips quirk up into a playful smile. “Oh? And what’s so funny about that?” he asked the grip on your waist tightening. “I-it’s just that, I figured you’d have chosen something a bit more ferocious than a fox...” He moved you in front of him as a caterer passed carrying a tray of champagne. Chrollo’s fingers dug into your hips and he breathed his words against your neck. “The fox is ferocious, to the rabbit,” he said and nipped softly at the skin of your neck. Your breath hitched in your throat. Why was he always teasing you like this? His fingers found their way to the leather band that was wrapped around your neck. “And you’re wearing your collar, such a good girl you are...” he kissed your cheek carefully, letting his lips linger. Your knees were weak, and you could feel your panties getting wet already. You wished he’d given you more time before introducing you to the very well known “art traders” and “personal assistants” and such. 
You knew virtually nothing about this party, except that it was an annual masquerade ball and that Chrollo was a... colleague, of the host. But you were discovering that this was a party for the most elite criminals, in the world. You sipped nervously at the champagne you had snagged off of a tray. You looked around to see all  of the faces gazing back. It was both dazzling and unsettling to be watched through the eye holes of different faces, devils, dogs, cats, spider web like designs, and birds. You brushed your hand over your collar wondering if it was so obvious to the others. A rabbit, collared by a fox. The thought itself had you squeezing your thighs together. You downed your glass of champagne and grabbed another from a glinting silver tray. 
“Pardon me, it’s just that you are so incredibly beautiful, it would have been wrong for me to not say anything.” You turned to see Chrollo eyeing you through his fox. “May I?” he asked as he reached for your hand.You nodded slowly, the lace rabbit ears bobbing. He took your hand and lead you to the dance floor. You swigged the rest of that champagne and placed the glass on the closest surface to you, before making it to the dance floor. He clasped your lace gloved hand in his. “Closer,” he said tugging you into him. He held onto you tight and slowly began to dance you around the room. “I feel like everyone is watching us,” you said noticing the wandering eyes of the different creature faces. “They probably are, you’re a beautiful dancer,” he said. As you danced around, the bubbles began to go to your head and you giggled softly in delight. Chrollo held you close against his chest and you placed your head against his breast pocket. You drew little circles on his tuxedo with your fingers. “Hey,” you said looking up at him. He glanced down at you, waiting for you to state your desire. But you didn't say anything, just bit your lip and trailed your wandering hand lower. “Be careful, are you sure you want to start this game, bunny?” You laughed deviously and then said with your most sincere tone, “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You couldn’t see him do it, but you were sure he raised an eyebrow at you. “Is that so?” You nodded assuredly then asked if you could take a break from dancing. Chrollo pulled out his pocket watch. It was 7:52pm, “dinner will be serves in 8 minutes but we can rest here.” He gestured to the chairs along the wall of the ball room. 
Chrollo was about to take his seat but before, he bowed to you and took your hand. “Thank you, for the dance,” he said and he pushed down the lace of your glove and planted a soft kiss to your wrist. He then sat in the chair and pulled you onto his lap. You straddled his legs with your own. “Move,” he commanded. “Move?” you asked softly worrying that even with the music someone might over hear your conversation. He situated you on his lap to where you could easily rub against his thigh. “Don't make me say it again,” he said and placed his hands on your hips. You began to slowly grind yourself against his thigh. “That’s my good girl, I want you nice and wet for me.” You let a soft sigh escape your lips before you could hold it back. “Please Chrollo, no more, you’re embarrassing me,” you begged. But he wasn't having it, he urged your hips to keep moving. You were positive that you had soaked your panties at this point and you were annoyed that he wasn’t playing fair. But you didn't expect him to, he never did... so you wouldn’t either. You pushed back against him so now with every movement of your hips, your ass would grind against his dick, which was getting harder with every movement you made. “I love what i can do to you,” you whispered to him. He was smiling, but it was the kind of smile that warned you were in trouble. You had pushed him too far. 
A tinkling of a small silver bell interrupted your game with Chrollo. Dinner was served. The guests filed out into the garden and sat at the appropriate tables with their name cards at each place setting. Chrollo moves to a seat where his current name is written, Samael. Your name card read, Lilith. He’s funny that Chrollo Lucifer and his little calling cards. You were surprised it had been so long and he hadn’t been figured out yet. 
Your seats were closer to the head of the table, which meant closer to the host. He pulled out your chair and you sat down, next to a woman who had on a badger’s mask. She nodded at you politely and you gave her a quick smile. The first course was brought out, a soup with a red broth and a single bone resting in the porcelain dish. You were about to ask Chrollo if it was safe to eat, seeing as it looked like watered down blood, when he whispered in your ear. “Give me your panties.” You looked at him, wide eyed, through your rabbit face. “Go on,” he encouraged, “I thought rabbit’s liked to fuck.” You looked back to the badger woman, who looked back at you... How were you going to manage this? “Do you read?” you heard someone ask Chrollo. You knew then you would be ignored if you didn’t do as he asked. You checked again and no one seemed to be paying much attention to you. You took a spoonful of soup and then somehow managed to pull your thong below your ass without anyone seeing. It was when you were pulling them down your thighs you were caught. The woman with the badger mask cleared her throat. You were glad your dress was long enough that she couldn't see your thong around your knees and you were lucky the table itself was large enough that she couldn't see your lap. But she was still wondering what you were fiddling with and why. “My garter slipped,” you said and then spooned more broth into your mouth. You would have to wait for the right moment... It came when the wine was being poured. and you were able to slip them off and hand them over without anymore mistakes. “They’re so wet... pathetic really, I’ve barely touched you,”he whispered against your cheek. Goosebumps broke out across your skin as his hand trailed up your thigh. “Samael, I’ve not met your rabbit before have I?” said the host. His mask was green, iridescent, reminiscent of a scarabs wings. “You haven’t, but she is very special to me and I thank you for letting me bring her,” Chrollo said his reply as one of his fingers slipped inside you. “Ah-And I thank you f-for allowing me to attend this wonderful p-party,” you said trying to cover your gasp. “You will have to pardon my sweet bunny girl, I’m afraid she is terribly shy...” His fingers curled inside you expertly.
 You reached for your wine glass and sipped with shaking hands. He added a second finger and the glass almost slipped from your hands.”Oh my!” you exclaimed trying your best to hold back your moan. “The wine is d-delicious,” you told the host. Trying again to best cover up your sounds of ecstasy. “My darling bunny, she’s trying her best to overcome her shyness,” Chrollo said, his fingers working faster against your walls. The waiters came to collect the first course dishes and you could feel yourself getting close. The waiter retrieved your dish, Chrollo’s finger pumping in and out of you going unnoticed. Anyone who saw would assume he was just comforting his shy girlfriend by caressing her leg. “Thank him for taking your dish,” he commanded. “Oh t-thank you!” you gasped. Although you were saying it more so to Chrollo than the waiter. Your breath hitched in your throat as a small crystal dish of sorbet was set in front of you, a pallet cleanser. You were so close, just on the edge of coming undone completely, at a dinner party, in front of all these people. “I think that Motzart’s Symphony no. 40 : Molto Allegro, is absolutely brilliant and symbolizes-” how was he having a conversation so in depth while simultaneously making you writhe around in your chair? You grabbed the sides of the chair, you couldn’t take it anymore, you were going to cum. As you tightened around his fingers that were furiously pressing into your G spot, you squealed in delight. Your orgasm washed over you like the ocean’s tide, and it pulled from your mouth words you wouldn’t be able to take back. “Holy shit, it’s so fucking good!” You said it louder than you had wanted to but you quickly picked up a spoon and shoved some sorbet into your mouth. “The sorbet! The sorbet, is so fucking good,” you added. Chrollo chuckled as he watched embarrassment take over your aura. “Look at yourself, playing the fool just so you can cum all over my fingers hmm?” he whispered to you and even though you had just cum, your thighs squeezed against his hand. “Why are you trying to close your legs? You know I’m no where near done with you yet...” You had only had soup, there were 3 more courses. How were you going to make it through dinner?
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ravs6709 · 3 years
i'm not sure if you're still accepting requests, but if you are, could you do a Biana and Sophie friendship fic? Maybe where they're baking together? I love your writing! <3
At the time of this ask, yes, I am accepting requests (though not anymore)! And thank you, I'm glad you enjoy it!
Tbh, this was a challenge, esp since I've already made a Sophiana one-shot with baking (except romantic), so this is a little different?
This one's a human au, and while it has baking, it's not really too big of a focus. Hope you don't mind that! This oneshot, their relationship is less defined, because its just them.
So woo, request 3 of 4 is down, now I just gotta finish that platonic Marellinhiana one.
Labels (Or The Lack Of Them)- Platonic Sophiana
It was in high school when Sophie had been asked the question for the first time.
"Are you and Biana dating?"
It'd been Fitz who'd first asked the question.
"No, why?"
He shrugged. "Just wondering."
It actually did get Sophie thinking. She'd always considered Biana to be absolutely gorgeous, but that was it, she was pleasing to the eye, she didn't want to date her though.
She wondered why other people thought that they were dating.
"Hey Soph, you there?" Biana called out.
"Bi, where do you think that I would have gone?"
She laughed. "True. Okay, I'm coming out now."
"You already did?" Sophie knew she was talking about the dressing room, but couldn't help but make the joke anyway.
Biana opened the door. "I can do it again." She walked out, and spun around. "Sophie I'm lesbian. Now tell me if I look good."
Biana was wearing a light purple dress that suited her.
"Absolutely stunning."
"Great! I'll buy it, and now you won't have to suffer anymore."
"Good. Hurry up then."
A few minutes later, the dress had been paid for, and they left the store. They linked arms and walked over to the food court.
"I thought you didn't like this place?" Sophie asked.
"Last time we came here you said you liked their tea, so I'm buying it for you."
"Ooh, you remembered?"
She rolled her eyes, using her non-dominant hand to pull out her purse so their arms could stay linked. "Vanilla caramel, two sugar, one cream."
"Bi, you're spoiling me. You even remembered my tea order."
"Who do you think I am, if not your best friend?"
There was a sleepover at Biana's, and all of them were there. While the couches there were gigantic, it was barely enough for all of them to cram. Tired of being squished, Sophie got up and went to Biana.
"Is your lap available?"
Biana smiled, then pat her legs. "Yeah, sit down."
She sat down, and it was a lot more comfortable than her previous position. They sat there and watched the remainder of whatever movie had been chosen- she couldn't remember what it was called.
"This might be a bit personal, but are the two of you dating?" This time, it was Marella who had asked it.
The two of them looked at each other. "We aren't," they replied in unison.
"This is the second time that I've been asked that," Sophie remarked.
"Oh, really?" Biana asked. "That's weird, I thought you all would have realized that we're not like that."
"To be honest, I can kind of see why they asked," Linh said. "I mean, we're all really affectionate with each other, but you two are just the closest. But if that's not the case, then it's fine."
"I'm just more comfortable with Biana, I guess?" Sophie shrugged. "I wouldn't be able to explain it or anything like that."
"That's fair."
"Bi, you're picking at your nails, what's wrong?"
Biana looked at her fingers, and the movement stopped abruptly. "I didn't even realize I was doing that. Nothing's wrong."
"You usually do it when you're nervous about something. It's summer break, so it's not about school or anything. Uni?"
"I'm nervous, I guess, but it's not really a bad thing. But it's not really related to uni. You're going to the same one as me anyway, so I'm not worried about that."
Sophie smiled, leaning over to put an arm on her shoulder. "Well, you don't have to tell me now or anything."
Biana froze, and Sophie nearly fell over, but she was caught. "I was thinking..."
The brunette was usually able to articulate her words easily, so it was odd seeing her hesitate. It almost made her nervous.
"I was thinking... my parents are buying me a little apartment near the uni, and I wanted to know if you would like to move in with me."
Whatever negative feeling Sophie had started to feel dissipated, and was replaced with euphoria. "Absolutely! I definitely want to move in with you!"
Biana smiled. "That's what I thought, but just wanted to make sure."
To be honest, the idea of going to university did scare Sophie, but once the first day came, it didn't feel too bad. She was still nervous, yeah, but she woke up to Biana making good food, and that was always a nice way to start the day.
"You have another class nearly right after, right?" Biana asked, after they'd both gotten ready.
"I made lunch for you, so you don't have to buy lunch." She held up a paper bag that had a container and spoon.
"Bi, I love you. Thank you." She took the bag, and used her other hand to pull Biana towards her. She stood on her tiptoes, then planted a light kiss on Biana's forehead.
She turned to leave, only to be spun back around.
"Hey, my turn." Biana kissed her forehead. "Good luck!"
As Sophie walked out of the apartment door, all she could feel was lucky.
"Bi, you're late," Sophie greeted with a pout.
"Trains, y'know? Had delays."
"Ugh, hate when that happens," she groaned. "The waiter asked if I was waiting for my boyfriend, and when I said no, asked about a girlfriend."
"At least they were inclusive?"
"Guess you're right about that."
The waiter came to take their order, but Sophie ordered for both of them. They sat down and waited.
"Y'know Soph, what exactly are we? We aren't just normal best friends, are we?"
Sophie shrugged. "I guess you're right about that. But does it really matter what exactly we are? You're just... you, someone I want to spend my life with."
"I blame the trashy romance movies."
"I can't really see a life without you," Biana admitted. "I get exactly what you mean. I guess the labels don't really matter, do they?"
She laughed. "Fair."
They were in the kitchen, trying to bake some desserts. Trying was the key word.
"Soph please, stop stealing all the chocolate chips!"
"N'ver," she said, chewing on a handful of them.
"Soph, I will throw flour at you."
"That's wasting the ingredients tho-" she yelped as she dodged the flour.
"Put down the bowl Soph, and maybe I'll give you some more."
An offer like that made her conflicted, but she relented and gave the bowl back to Biana. After mixing some more of the ingredients together, Biana turned to her, some more chocolate chips in her hand.
"Take them."
Sophie walked over to her, then carefully took her hand and brought it to her face. "Feed me."
"Really?" But she ended up feeding her anyway.
"It was either that, or I eat straight from your hand. I think you picked the better option."
Biana laughed. "Whatever option I picked that let you in my life was the better option."
"Oh my god Biana that was so cheesy."
But Sophie felt the exact same way, and instead of giving a reply, she just gave her a forehead kiss. Besides, she knew that Biana understood what she had meant.
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lucreziasoares · 3 years
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Hi, sweethearts !! My name is June ( he / him, 27 ) and while I know I’m late to the party, I can’t tell you how excited I am to be here. ♡ Enough about me, though. I’d love to present to you 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐙𝐈𝐀 𝐒𝐎𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒, otherwise known as 𝑳𝒖 to her closest friends, family, and lovers. Hailing from TX, she comes from a wealthy background and has recently relocated to Phoenix to start a new life with her husband... which she’s not exactly happy about, honestly. While she's glad for the change, she’s stuck in a loveless marriage that she ( spoiler alert ! ) steps out on whenever she can. Sooo, maybe she’s not the most faithful companion —— she definitely has her flaws, but she tries to make up for them in various other ways.
You’ll find a few links below that’ll guide you to the important pages on her blog, and beneath the cut, you’ll find some TL;DR information about her. As per usual, if you’re interested in plotting, like this post and I’ll reach out via IM! Discord available upon request from you if that’s where you prefer to plot and chat. Thank you !! ♡
Born to an old money, old tycoon heiress mother and real estate agent father.
Mom inherited the wealth of her father, dad’s a self-made multi-millionaire.
Lucrezia’s purpose in her family is to keep appearances; to be a trophy of sorts.
Mom and dad weren’t great about raising her to be independent and strong.
As her older brother is the heir to her dad’s business, she was treated like a doll.
Dressed up to the nines, sent to cotillions, taught to be submissive and meek.
Despite having the world at her fingertips, she really hates how she was raised.
In school, she was prom queen, head cheerleader, and notoriously rebellious.
Never going to college, she married at 20 years old to a man she doesn’t love.
Only reason she got married was due to a merger in the oil business in Texas.
It’s a super ❝ old school ❞ set-up and she hates that she was pushed into it.
Falling into a depression, she felt like a prisoner in her own home and family.
So, when her husband found work in Phoenix, she reluctantly moved with him.
Over time, she began to realize that she can sort of reinvent herself in Phoenix.
Now, she lives completely how she wants to; raising a middle finger high up.
She’s great at keeping up appearances still, but does whatever she wants now.
She grew up sheltered with a helicopter mother constantly over her shoulder.
That said, she remained extremely buttoned up and anxious during childhood.
She was never allowed to do anything that’d get her clothing dirty, for example.
There was a feeling of resentment for her parents and jealousy of her brother.
As she aged, she treated those closest to her with charisma, charm, and wit.
No matter how unhappy she was, she’d fake a smile if she had to; still does tbh.
In school, she was either adored or despised; many considered her snobbish.
They weren’t exactly lying back then; she expects the best of everything.
Think of the typical head cheerleader type in shows: beautiful and addictive.
But also vengeful, mysterious, competitive, wild-spirited, superficial, and vain.
Today, she’s kept her adolescent personality intact with added sophistication.
For the first 7-to-8 years of her marriage, she tried being the perfect wife.
Now that she’s no longer in TX, she’s transformed into a real, true hedonist.
She loves a good time, staying out all night, flirting with strangers and danger.
She doesn’t let people in too close to her, she loves remaining an enigma.
In her opinion, an air of mystery keeps her even sexier to men and women.
Her official plot page is still very much a work-in-progress, but here are some small ideas below. I’m also happy to brainstorm, too, of course !!
As she’s known to step out on her husband, I’d love for her to have numerous FWB’s —— gender doesn’t matter to her, really, but she does have a romantic preference for the opposite sex. Your muse can know about her marital status or they can be in the dark, whatever your comfort level is. I know this is a triggering subject, so please ask about these ideas at your own risk. I wouldn’t ever want you to be uncomfortable while writing and plotting with us. ♡
I would also KILL for her to have a really close best friend she made after moving to Arizona. In my mind, she’d definitely be the more ❝ chaotic ❞ of the two. For this, gender wouldn’t matter much either, but someone near her age is preferred.
Possibly someone who knows what she’s doing and knows a little about her past. They’re not impressed with how she’s decided to handle her life and try to steer her towards the morally right direction, but she often just shrugs off their advice.
Maybe your muse is the partner of a person she slept with, Lucrezia essentially becoming ❝ the other woman ❞ in that situation. This could help her slowly realize just how much damage she causes people, particularly her husband.
I’d love for her to have some bad blood with people, too, and I’m open to discuss these types of connections in detail with typists. Do you find her annoying and entitled? Do you think she just reeks of privilege and snobbery? Great! Let’s do something with it! Really, I’m incredibly into Real Housewives messiness for her!
I’d also be open to discussing the possibility of bringing her husband into the group if you’re interested in filling that role. He’s completely up to your creation as long as he’s from a similar part of Dallas, TX like Lucrezia is. Extensive plotting is needed here, so if you’re interested, please IM me at your convenience!
Honestly, I’m up for anything! Once I get her plot page created, I’ll let you know!
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purplesurveys · 3 years
o1. With which one of your friends do you spend the most time? With which friend do you spend the least amount of time? Would you like to change this in any way? I don’t really get to...spend time with my friends, in that sense. For very obvious reasons. But I talk to Angela and Reena the most. Andi and I talk a lot too, but not everyday. 
Among my friends, I probably talk to my college group the least these days, but that’s mostly because 2/3 of them are pursuing law school, and the 1/3 have jobs and are as busy as I am. We’re still as tight as ever and our group chat becomes active at least once a week.
o2. What four states in the USA would you most like to visit? Which four countries would you most like to visit? States: Illinois, Louisiana, New York, Utah. Countries: Malta, Switzerland, Thailand, South Korea.
o3. If you have one, how often do you watch your favorite television show? How long has this show been your favorite? I’m not a big TV person, tbh. The closest thing to my favorite would be Friends, which I rewatch at least one episode of once a month though I used to watch it FAR more often than that, hahaha. I think I first hooked to it...I wanna say 2018?Or 2019. Sometime in between those years. o4. Would it bother you if your boyfriend hugged other females (think hypothetically if you don’t have one)? Why or why not? No. He’s allowed to have girl friends. The only reason it bothered me when it was Gabie was because we were both aware that her guy friends were genuinely into her. I never channeled my annoyance towards her though; I was definitely more pissed off at those guys for not learning how to back off when needed.
o5. If you had snow-days as a kid, how did you spend them? Do you like the snow, in general? We don’t have snow, but our equivalent would be days off school because of a typhoon. Anyway, I just spent them lounging around and mostly watching stuff on YouTube. In college I was a bit more diligent and would use the extra time to catch up on readings.
o6. Do you know anyone who does hard drugs? Would you ever befriend someone that did? Not that I am aware of. I probably wouldn’t befriend someone who did if we weren’t already close, because there’s no telling what kind of influence they would be on me.
o7. When was the last time that you were afraid for your life? Did this incident change you in any way? When I was really sick back in May. Not really, I just wanted to recover as quickly as possible.
o8. Do you enjoy taking pictures? Is it just for fun, or do you make an attempt at actual photography? I didn’t then, but it’s something I’m trying to do more often now. I’ve realized I have very few souvenirs from the last few years because I barely took photos then, so it sucks not being able to revisit memories and ending up forgetting others completely. I definitely don’t plan to take it so far as taking photography lessons; taking pictures from my own perspective and in my own style suffices.
o9. Have you ever had low self-esteem? How is your self-esteem now? Yeah, sure. I had a recent phase of it because of the breakup, but I’ve recovered from it. My self-esteem is a lot healthier and more stable these days.
o1o. When you see someone sickly-thin, what is your first thought? Nothing for the most part, but I would obviously be concerned if that person was starting to show worrying signs of malnutrition. Idrk what you mean by sickly-thin.
o11. Do hospitals make you nervous? Why or why not? Do you have any bad hospital experiences? Not really, only because I’ve rarely had to go there.
o12. What did you dress up as the last time you went Trick-or-Treating? Who went with you? I went as Sofie, my old best friend from high school.
o13. What is one thing you miss most from your childhood? What do you miss the least? The part about having less responsibilities and more time to just have fun and do whatever I want. But I didn’t really have a picture-perfect childhood either, so my list of things I don’t miss for sure trumps the list of stuff I do miss.
o14. What would be the biggest challenge involved in raising a child at your age? How to send them to a good school because I don’t make nearly enough to afford tuition for another person.
o15. If you happened to get pregnant before you were ready for children, how would you cope? Do you think your parents would support you and help you out? I don’t know, honestly; and the thought kind of scares me. I know my parents wouldn’t provide support whatsoever, so I’d have to claw my way to find it from other people who would be willing. I’d probably need to take an extra job to earn enough money to support us both.
o16. Have you ever had unprotected sex? What would you tell a young teen thinking about having unprotected sex? Yeah, but I was also with a girl, so...idk. I don’t have a lot of sexual experience either so I dunno what sort of advice to tell a teen other than ‘don’t do it,’ lmao.
o17. What are some gender double-standards anger you? All of them. < Yes.
o18. Other than the usual qualities (honesty, respect, etc), what are some attributes you want your BF/GF to possess? Patience in the sense that I tend to be sensitive, so if they crack a joke that I ended up getting hurt or offended by, or if I get triggered by something minor that would otherwise be normal for anyone else, I hope they are patient enough to ride the wave out with me. I didn’t experience that with my past partner, and was often told to just stop being sensitive.
o19. Do you still talk to the first person you ever dated? If not, would you want to? Why or why not? No, because doing so is detrimental to my well-being.
o2o. Five years ago, what was the most important thing in your life? How about the most important person? My relationship, barf. Gabie, another barf.
21. How would you describe your sexuality? Have you ever wondered whether or not you might be homo/bisexual? I’ve stopped caring about it. I say asexual to people just so I have an answer to say.
o22. Do you think that homosexual couples should be able to raise or adopt children? Why or why not? Yeah...because I don’t see why they can’t be granted that right?
o23. Think of your worst fear. What would you do if you were confronted with it right now? Hyperventilate.
o24. If you were to become a vegetarian, what meat-product would you miss the most? Have you ever been or wanted to be a vegetarian? Chicken wings or sandwiches. I’ve thought about it before, yes. It’s too expensive a lifestyle where I live, though.
o25. Do you think that someone’s sexuality is something that they can control? No.
o26. What do you like most about your favorite animal? They’re very friendly and always down to play. :)
o27. What is your favorite way to eat your favorite food? How often do you eat your favorite food item? Eating burgers by hand is always the best. I have one maybe once a month.
o28. What is something you are craving? Will this craving be satisfied? KFC’S DOUBLE DOWN. I’ll get one next week, when I get my next pay lol. The rest of my budget this week is already allotted for my mom’s birthday/JK’s belated birthday dinner tomorrow.
o29. What is the largest number of texts you have sent in a day? Do you often text this much? Ooooh, I dunno. Maybe around 200-300 in a day? My ex and I primarily communicated through text whenever we weren’t physically together, which was often as we were both students in different schools.
o3o. Do you like the holiday season? Why or why not? What could be better about it? Some parts of it I like, some parts of it I don’t. The latter mostly stems from insecurities I will feel from seeing other families on social media, who always seem to be having a better and fancier time than I am. It’s why I usually deactivate during Christmas so I don’t get to see posts that can affect my disposition.
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/OFFICIALRAHIMJARVIS | 130k followers | pro🏌🏿, & yes i was on that dating show...don’t obsess over other people, obsess over water, stay hydrated friends!
22 (23) years old
From Birmingham, England
Pisces sun? + Virgo moon + Cancer rising
Parents are both Afro-Antiguan and Barbudans + migrated to The UK once they were pregnant with their first child
They’ve been married for over 20 years
He gets his height from both of his parents
His mother keeps her hair buzzed short, cooks the best Antiguan food + loves creole seasoning, she’s 5’11, & works as a bank teller
His father is 6’5, works as a substance a*use counselor & does not believe in tough love as a way of showing you care about your children. He learned that the hard way growing up
Ibrahim is a pro golfer & dislikes tiger woods, “he’s a proper arsehole, typical American yeah?”
Got into the craft thanks to his maternal grandfather who was also into golf along with other sports & taught him all he needed to know. At first Ibrahim didn’t like it, found it rather boring & would rather stick to video gaming but his grandfather wanted to break his grandchildren out of staying in the house all the time
It kept him fit and also relieved any anxiety Ibrahim had in life and he had a good amount
He’s got an incredible swing, thanks to his long arms
He’s 6’3
Has three older brothers: Jesse (27) , Keithroy (25), and Reuben (24)
He loves working out and spotting other people, feels likes it’s a team effort & he’s a team player
Drinks gallons of water on a daily and nothing else, it’s even better if he puts fruit in it
Always eating fruit, for breakfast/with or after his dinner. Rather eat fruits than vegetables...yes he’s an adult but he can’t stand broccoli or radishes
Canon: hates seeing other people test their fruit to see if it’s ripe or not. But it’s fine when he does it himself, he just thinks about all the germs that are on other peoples hands when they’re doing so; it physically makes him sick & irritated if he ends up touching the fruit that’s mushy/lumpy
He’s a big fan of comics. Always has been since he’s a kid and has a huge collection of them, his oldest ones are packed away in a couple of crates (in his loft room that he uses as a extra storage room) since he no longer has space in his room. Yes he has no shame (and shouldn’t) of having them on display even tho his oldest brothers clown him for it
Massive fan of black panther & was hyped when it first came to theaters. Saw it three times in one day
Was heartbroken when Chadwick Boseman p*ssed
He’s awkward at expressing himself & sometimes it makes him feel misunderstood & it’s frustrating
Hates people that come up with these ideas of him instead of allowing him to collect his thoughts and speak them the right way
Yet he can be the type of person that wants to ignore issues and hope they go away
He wishes people had enough patience like he did with others in the world
He seeks advice from his dad, since he’s a counselor & everything yet it’s slightly different?
Can be a sweetie & very romantic in relationships
Will do the most (he won’t see it that way) & drop $ on you if he wants to...buying things, trying & failing to DIY, doing wealthy ppl shit, expensive trips— canon: taking his girl to Spain? Was it? Or Italy? I don’t remember... the whole 9
Had 1 gf before the villa. He broke up with her for being too flashy with his things & found that she wouldn’t have liked him if he didn’t have a bit of money
His parents live with him. “They’re basically my roommates until or if they find a house they like.” He didn’t go overboard once he got his first paycheck, he didn’t need a mansion but he did go big enough, industrial style but homey with some minor modern touches for his dream home—he didn’t want it to feel cold or penthouse-like
Isn’t too flashy on the socials but will post something every now & then if he feels the need to show it
Doesn’t post much of his face, mostly what he’s doing in the moment...lots of golfing pics!
Dresses like a dad but it works for him. Loves a good snug polo & plaid trousers/regular that are cut above the ankle, “those are highwaters innit?!” “No mum, it’s the style.” Rolled up jeans, tall white socks & some patterned, baggy sweaters, fancy hats, picks oxfords over sneakers, etc...
Definitely takes the time to iron/steam/press his underwear & socks
Enjoys getting his hair braided, isn’t tender-headed at all (must be nice)
Only grows his hair out during the fall/winter seasons or cuts/gets a shape up
When he posts about his tournaments or time at the golf course, he can always count on Bobby to comment the usual... @/returnofdamckenzie: do you ever have moments where you Reenact troy bolton on the lovely green grass? @/officialrahimjarvis: Idk whether to block u or have a laugh mate, yes i had to look him up!
Dated Jo for about 5 months after the villa until she broke up with him, finding that their lifestyles were too hectic for them to continue, at least that was her public statement to the fans but they really grew apart & the “love” was no longer there
Ibrahim seemed to be more upset about it than Jo in the beginning resulting in snappy replies for awhile, which again stems from him not knowing how to express himself
She checked up on him A LOT, almost as if they never broke up but Ibrahim felt like he needed his space now. They talked it out the best they could over dinner and got closure but that didn’t mean it didn’t sting. He just didn’t think it was needed to be calling each other everyday to see how they were both holding up. If they were done, then that’s what they should be
Jo didn’t see it that way. She still cared for Ibrahim, that didn’t mean that they had to stop talking in her view. She wanted to know how he was coping, and was known for “sticking her foot in her mouth” so that was also a flaw in their relationship
She would say certain things that touched on how she was feeling but didn’t express them at the right times & then there was Ibrahim who didn’t know HOW to say the things he felt which left jo to assume things
Ibrahim was back to the single life and he hated it. He wanted someone he could come back home to, someone that wanted to be with him for the long run. A part of him feels like Jo wasn’t planning to be with him for the long run in the first place and in a way that was okay? Sometimes you don’t know where you’re going in relationships but there should be some sort of goal? Maybe? At least that’s what he thought. Yeah they had fun but he wanted more someday
He was still young he didn’t need to be hung up about it right? Sike. He didn’t know how to take things lightly. That wasn’t how he was built. And to get comments about his ex relationship and have fans dragging him about his choices in the villa A YEAR later!!! Was disheartening
Shannon seemed to be doing well. He thought they would still be friends, at least that’s what she showed before she left the villa. Before he got her dumped. They talked a couple of times since then, jo personally wasn’t a fan of that—Shannon didn’t care but it was clear there was some tension still there
Until he contacted her just to realize she probably had his number blocked but her IG was public and she had a new man & was traveling about
His dad and Reuben were the only ones rooting for them
He had no choice but to be happy for her. Who was he to come in between that? Not that he wanted to but it’s a natural reaction to wonder after a fresh breakup, “what if?”
Talks to Priya every so often now. He seems to find comfort in her, it’s the same for her on her end
His mother has a feeling Priya is the one her son will end up with. Even if she is older...Keithroy also liked her the best
While Jesse seemed to be the only one who supported his relationship with jo
I honestly thought he would have liked Hannah in the beginning but idk if it was him or Gary that said she was too unrealistic when it came to love? I think they both said something along those lines which is odd since it seems Ibrahim has no problem treating his girl like a princess
Probably only has one special dish that he can cook the best & it’s gumbo. otherwise hes out of the kitchen or having his personal chef cook for the family
Goes live on twitch—when he has time, playing many games with the boys from the villa, which pleases the fans
Talks to them all as much as he can
Noah seems to be the first to always text back since Bobby is the one who’ll start off responding in minutes then forget to text back cause he’s off doing handstands or booping people on the nose or some shit, Gary always ends up busy doing something with his nan or for Lottie—but Noah’s always around
They seem to be the closest outside the villa, they mesh well & hang out the most when they can
he likes having his sound on & LOUD when he texts! There’s something so satisfying about hearing the clicking of texting to him
Watches a lot of sports on the Telly, it doesn’t have to be just golf. Usually watching that sport sends him right to sleep while the others keep him active/vocal...yes he’s a tv yeller
Holds sports parties at his home & invites all of his family & mates, he HATES having to clean up afterwards. If it wasn’t for his mum he would save the cleaning until the next day yet he doesn’t mind cleaning his car twice a week
Continues to make his violet man drink & wouldn’t be opposed to someone giving him a endorsement deal for it
Is the “I love everybody!” Drunk
Enjoys yard work over cleaning the house
Has his own customized golf cart that he keeps in his garage
He likes driving that more than his Buick suv tbh
Wants kids some day, not too many, not too little just right— he’ll probably have two but for rn his Doberman pinscher is his bby
Either ends up with Priya with slight insecurities that she’s too good for him or he falls in love with a tennis player, either way I’m fine with both
Crushes/his type? : Jojo Levesque, SERENA WILLIAMS, China McClain, Brie Larson, Victoria Pedretti, Nathalie Emmanuel, & Keke Palmer
Listens to: Aminé, Big Sean, Frank Ocean, Brent Faiyaz, Pink $weats, B Young, Ali Gatie, Russ, Raveena, Jessie Reyez, Rayana Jay, Cosima, TianaMajor9 etc...
Anthem = Lucky Daye, “Buying Time”
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redisriding · 4 years
Tell us about yourself!
Yikes! So I didn't really know where to begin with this one, Well I was born on the banks of the river... Nah! So I googled “fun get to know me questions” and the resulting questionnaire had 371 questions. I decided to answer the first 100!
Strap yourself in, because HERE WE GO! 
1. What is your full name?
Red is Riding ;)
2. What does your name mean?
Funny story, so I actually created this alias to partake in some underground hedonistic activities. When I went to start my Tumblr I just decided to use the same one because I’m not very creative and didn’t want to make up a new one. I never thought that this blog would become as popular as it has, and now I couldn’t be bothered changing the name. It does make me laugh though, if only you people knew what I used to get up to under this alias. 
3. Are you named after anyone?
Little Red Riding Hood?
4. Does your name make any interesting anagrams?
I don’t think so, but maybe someone smarter than me could figure it out. 
5. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?
I would probably change my real first name if I could as unfortunately I share it with a reasonably well known facist.
6. Where are you from?
A small European country. 
7. Where were you born?
In the capital city of that small European country. 
8. Where did you grow up?
In the suburbs of the capital of that small European country. 
9. Who did you look like growing up?
A member of the band Hanson, if they had red hair and wore those terrible 2000’s wire rimmed glasses. 
10.What are your best characteristics?
Oh gosh, isn’t it embarrassing to talk about your good traits? Especially when the way you see yourself is often so different from the way others see you. 
11.What are your favorite things about yourself?
Honestly, I’ve great boobs.
12.Which of your parents are you closest to?
Depends on my mood.
13.Which of your parents are you more like?
I think physically I’m more like my mother, but my character is closer to my father. 
14.Are your grandparents still married?
Yep, on one side. On the other side my grandad is dead and has been for a very long time. 
15.What relative was important to you growing up & why?
I guess my grandparents, they are the only members of the extended family I ever really saw growing up. I was never close to my uncles, and my aunts and cousins all live in different countries. 
16.What is one thing that you’ve never revealed to your parents?
Anything about my love life, we just don’t talk about it. Ever!
17.What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
I’m actually not sure. I know they had lots of other traditionally female names picked out, but I don’t know any male names they had for me. I’m not sure if they knew early on if I was going to be a girl, would make sense though.
18.What do you call your grandparents?
I call one of my grandmother’s by her first name, and my grandad, grandad. 
19.What is your best physical feature?
My boobs!…I have pretty eyes too.
20.What is your biggest accomplishment?
Probably getting into University and graduating top of my class.
21.What is your biggest fear?
Having all my joints simultaneously dislocate. 
22.What is your biggest regret?
The way I’ve treated certain people over the years.
23.What is your eye colour?
24.What inspires you?
Hope that tomorrow can be better.
25.What is the most important thing in your life?
My family, and my future. 
26.What has required the most courage of you in your life so far?
Hummm, I’m really not sure about this one. 
27.Who is your favourite actor?
I truly could not name a single actor.
28.Who is your favourite actress?
As above. 
29.Who is your favourite celebrity?
I genuinely have no idea.
30.Who is your favourite musician?
Lorde has been getting me through this quarantine, but my favourite singer/band is/are Florence + the Machine. Maybe that dates me. 
31.Who’s your favourite person in the world?
I can’t choose just one! 
32.What is your favourite childhood memory?
I’m very lucky, I had a really marvellous childhood. I guess I have some great memories of playing with my brother as a child, but I’m not sure I have a favourite memory. 
33.What is your favourite colour?
34.What is your favourite cultural activity?
I love going to the theatre.
35.What is your favourite drink?
Water is the thing I drink most often. I don’t like tea or coffee, and I only drink alcohol in social settings not alone of an evening.
36.What is your favourite fairytale?
I’m actually not sure. I know it’s not quite the same but I was never allowed to watch the Disney princess films growing up (a lot of which are based on fairytales) so I can’t say I am particularly attached on any. Although, in answering this question I have remembered by blog name so I probably should say Little Red Riding Hood. 
37.What is your favourite food?
Potatoes, they are so wonderfully versatile, I will never get bored eating them.
38.What is your favourite holiday destination?
There is so much of the world I have not yet seen and I cannot wait until we’re allowed to travel again. The last big trip I was on was to Canada, Vancouver, and it was amazing. 
39.What is your favourite ice-cream flavour?
Ice cream does not agree with me at all, I always thought I was lactose intolerant because of it (I’m not), but I did love a pistachio ice cream as a kid. 
40.What is your favourite music genre?
According to Spotify my most listened to genre is “alternative” whatever that means.
41.What is your favourite physical activity?
42.What is your favourite quote?
I don’t believe I have one. I do know someone who has “live laugh love” tattooed on their foot. Take from that what you will.
43.What is your favourite snack?
Tbh I don't really snack (am I coming across as awfully boring in these questions?) I love three big meals a day. I will eat an apple or something if I need something pre dinner. 
44.What is your favourite song?
Either Fascination by Alphabeat, Prayer in C by Lily Wood and the Prick, and Robin Schulz, or Brimful of Asha by Cornershop, the Fat Boy Slim Remix. Those songs never fail to put me in a good mood when I need it. 
45.What is your favourite sport?
To watch? Rugby. But I am OBSESSED with the Olympics, especially the winter olympics.
46.What is your favourite time of the day?
Early evening. 
47.What is your favourite type of clothing?
Dresses…with pockets! Or jumpers, I love a big wooly jumper. 
48.What is your favourite way to pass time?
49.What is the name of your favourite restaurant?
My favourite restaurant is called Dishoom, but unfortunately it has yet to make it to my little European country, so it’s a real treat if I get to eat there. 
50.What is your all-time favourite town or city? Why?
I don’t have one.
51.What is your favourite candle scent?
Probably a classic vanilla, but not an overpowering one. The vanilla candle from IKEA is the NICEST. 
52.What is your favourite social media channel?
Probably Twitter, although Tumblr is my place for escape. 
53.Where’s your favourite place to take an out-of-town guest?
Ugh I hate being the one to choose where we go. I think it’s because I’m a Libra. 
54.What was your favourite subject in High School?
Okay now this is a fun fact, I didn’t actually go to school. I was “Home Educated” which is ideologically different form being Home Schooled. There was no curriculum for me to follow so I could basically dick about doing whatever I wanted during the day. I did study Law which I really enjoyed, and I went onto study it at University. 
55.What was your least favourite subject in High School?
Again see above. Although I do remember crying every time my father tried to teach me maths. To this day, I’m still not sure how to work out a percentage, let alone anything more advanced than that. 
56.What was your favourite TV show when you were a child?
Sabrina the Teenage Witch (the Melissa Joan Heart version) or anything with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen in it (have I dated myself again?)
57.What do you love about your favourite TV Show?
They were fun. I wanted to be them!
58.Are you scared of heights?
Nope, but I’m scared of falling and shattering all the bones in my legs.
59.Are you high maintenance?
Definitely not.
60.Are you more inclined to “build your own empire” or unleash the potential of others?
I don’t know what this means, but fuck imperialism. 
61.Are you more likely to avoid conflict or engage it head-on?
Ugh, I hate conflict, like I go all trembly, but if there is something amiss I can’t not confront it.
62.Are you a dog person or cat person?
I really adore animals, I had hoped to get a cat during this long and lonely lockdown but my landlord wasn’t keen. If I had more time and space I would love to get a dog, it’s just not feasible in my life at the moment. 
63.Are you a fan of any sports team?
Just my national team no matter what the sport.
64.Are you a good cook?
I like to think so.
65.Are you an early adopter or late-adopter?
Depends. I don’t always love change.
66.If you had more courage what would you do differently in your life now?
I don’t think having more courage would change anything in my life right now. 
67.What is good about how you are living your life right now?
Oh gosh, I’m so incredibly lucky to have the like that I am living right now. Truly blessed, but at the same time, I have got here because of all my hard work and determination. 
68.If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be?
I’m not sure if this strictly answers the question, but I wish I could be kinder and more sympathetic to people. I can be harsh on people I care about because I want to see them do well in life and get frustrated when they are doing things that so obviously curtails their ability. I’ve lost friends because of it. 
69.Who has left the most impact on your life?
I don’t think I can name just one person.
70.What aspect of your life needs tremendous improvement?
My love life. It’s not existent. Truly. I don’t even have a far away crush on anyone at the moment. I desperately want to experience romantic love, but it’s scary and you have to allow yourself to be soft and vulnerable which is not something that I am very good at. I also have a lot of negative thoughts/self doubts about whether I am good enough to be in a relationship, or worthy enough for love. It’s stupid, obviously, everyone, flaws and all is worthy of love, but because of things that have happened/been said to me I do kind of have this negative chatter of “who could ever love me” or fear people thinking “god love the poor guy who ends up with her.” All that said, I have never actually met anyone who I’ve really liked, let alone anyone who has liked me back. The closest I’ve got, is I’ve been in lust twice in my life with guys, who objectively speaking, I would never think I would be attracted to.
71.What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen in your life?
I’ve see a lot of weird things tbh, but the first one that springs to mind is that every year we used to go to these big gatherings of families who home educate their children. Now, there are two groups of people that tend to home educate their children 1) EXTREMELY religious families who don’t want their children going to secular schools, and 2) new age hippies who don’t want their children to have to conform to the rigours of school. When these two groups meet…it is interesting. The religious families usually have a lot of children (10+ in many cases), while the hippy families wander around semi-nude and breast feed their children until their grown (7+ years in many cases). So at these home education conferences, the hippy parents would be wandering around, leaky boobs out, and the religious babies would be wandering around because their parents have too many children to keep track of. Whenever one of these babies wandered within range of the hippy parents, they’d take them, and latch them onto their breasts. Absolutely bizarre stuff.
72.Who is the best teacher you’ve ever had?
73.Who is the biggest pack rat you know?
I don’t know what this means. 
74.Who is the first person you call when something exciting happens?
If it’s a big enough deal to call someone, I’ll call my parents, but usually if something exciting happens I’ll just message my friend group.
75.Who is the first person you call when something horrible happens?
Same as above. 
76.Who is the worst boss you’ve ever had?
I had to sue her to get her and her husband to pay me for the work I did. 
77.Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows?
Yep? Can you not?
78.Can you do a split?
No, but I want to learn! I have really tight hamstrings so that would be good to stretch them.
79.Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
No. Can you?
80.Can you whistle?
81.Can you dance?
Everyone can dance, the question is whether you can dance well or not! I have no rhythm or style, but get me on a dance floor and I’ll bop my socks off.
82.Do you remember your dreams?
83.Do you save old greeting cards and letters? Throw them away?
I save them for a while, but I’m not overly sentimental. 
84.Do you sing in the shower?
85.Do you sleep with the lights on or off?
86.Do you spell the colour as grey or gray?
Grey you weirdo! 
87.Do you take any pills or medication daily?
88.Do you prefer kissing or cuddling?
I like kissing because it’s hot and fiery and I think I’m reasonably good at it. Cuddling is the best but it’s something I struggle with as I find it far too intimate. See my answer to Q70.
89.Do you prefer that people shoot straight with you or temper their words? Why?
Hit me between the eyeballs with the truth, please! I just like people who are clear and direct about their intentions, it means everyone knows where they stand. 
90.Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
I saw a black and white documentary about the Titanic when I was a very small child (maybe about 5 or 6) and for a long time I thought that was the movie Titanic! I have seen neither the real film Titanic nor the Notebook, although from what I know of the latter I don’t think it would be my thing.
91.Do you have a catchphrase?
I don’t think so, but maybe people in my life would be better at answering this question. What is it that I say a lot?
92.Do you have a garden?
I wish!
93.Do you have a hidden dream that you’ve never shared with anyone?
I’m taking this to mean a goal or aspiration, and not something that I have subconsciously dreamed and been too embarrassed to share? I would love to write a book one day. I’m work on something periodically but I’m not sure if anything will ever come from it, a gal can dream though!
94.Do you have a tattoo?
None! I’m kind of a commitment-phobe, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed?
95.Do you have a whole lot of acquaintances or just a few very close friends? Why?
Both! I know lots of people in passing, but the people I consider actual friends, who know what is going on in my life at any given time, I could count on my fingers.
96.Do you have any allergies?
Not that I’m aware of…
97.Do you have any birthmarks? If so, where?
I used to have one on my back, but it’s faded as I’ve aged.
98.Do you have pets?
Not at the moment.
99.Do you hold any convictions that you would be willing to die for?
That is a big question. I think however, if there was a guarantee, that sacrificing my life would make the lives of others immeasurably better, I would be scarified. I have plenty of convictions that I’m willing to protest/riot/go to prison for.
100.Do you carry a donor card?
Bit ominous after Q99 but yes I do, and my driver’s licence states that I’m a donor.
I’m not sure if this is at all what you were hoping for in asking this, but I honestly had the best fun answering these questions! :)
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