#talk of Doomguy's past
kingsonne-zedecks · 6 months
Let's Talk Last Horizon
So I'm not sure how many of my Cradle mutuals are actually Will Wight mutuals. If you have only read Cradle consider this your sign to check out some of the others. If you have, please feel free to share your thoughts.
Specifically lets talk about The Last Horizon, as it does things with tropes and archetypes that are just absolutely wonderful.
So, unlike Cradle, we don't start at the bottom. We don't get to see what the long trudge of the setting from weakling to powerhouse. We just fully start at powerhouse levels. Which isn't really something I've ever experienced before, the closet thing is jumping into a Justice League comic without ever reading the origins and solo arcs of each individual hero.
Varic is already a powerful Archmage at the start and then immediately gets a boost that arguably makes him the most powerful mage in the Universe. Now what? What can challenge the most powerful individual in the galaxy and his similarly powerful friends?
Literal universe ending threats. 6-7 of them to be specific. The scale of the story is just absolutely awesome in the original definition of the word.
And that's without talking about the tropes.
Varic is The Captain, He gets to be that Archetype. You read and see that he is an homage to Malcom Reynolds, to Kirk, to Shepard, to more I can't remember or haven't seen.
Horizon herself is a tribute to the ships and AI of your past, she is EDI, she is the Enterprise, she is Cortana, she is the Tardis.
Sola is Doomguy, she is Samus, she is Rita Vrataski, she is Ridley, she is the epitome of bad bitch with a big gun, and guy in power armor.
Raion is a power ranger and a part of voltron. He's a Saturday morning cartoon and a cheesy superhero.
We still have more crew members we haven't gotten to see in detail, and I'm so excited for them.
There have been some criticisms about the characters that I just don't see. The fact that they are reminiscent of so many other characters is the point. Its like watching Megamind and just understanding that Metroman is Superman. Its like fanfiction. You get to hop into the story and already care about the characters because you already know them on some level.
Every reader gets to have a slightly different experience, as each character reminds them fondly of stories, movies, video games, and comics they specifically have viewed before. Everyone has a different starting point, but there js enough simarity to recognize these characters for who they are.
The characters of the Last Horizon are a love letter to decades of sci-fi/fantasy media. Yes they have names and motivations and traits specific to the Last Horizon, but overall? Overall they are a celebration of the genres, the tropes, and the archetypes that have brought generations of people joy.
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hrodvitnon · 13 days
Thanks for hearing me out there, I really needed all of that. I think your blog (as well as other tumblr blogs in general like kaiju-krew) help keep me sane while witnessing all sorts of really dumb takes from the fandom, especially from the likes of Twitter and Reddit. The worst takes I've seen so far are the ones that claim that unlike Kong, if Godzilla ever encounters another one of his kind, he would kill them just for disrupting his nap and/or harm a baby of his kind because he's a reptile and something something "alphas in nature kill offspring that isn't their own to prevent competition" and junk like that.
It just really sucks to see them humanize Kong (and in many cases, turn him into a literal saint) while at the same time, reducing Godzilla to just a dumb animal when they're both intelligent and sympathetic but flawed individuals.
Also your comparisons of MV Godzilla to Doomguy and cats is very on-point. All three of them may look and act prickly at first, but there's more to them than just that and if you actually take your time to look past that and get to know them better while respecting their space, they're actually not bad at all. And in the case of both Godzilla and cats, it's kind of like intruding into an introvert's personal space and acting constantly annoying to them, and then getting mad and calling them a jerk once they show signs of wanting you to leave them alone.
(About Matt Frank's post, I took another look at it and he deleted the initial post, probably because of all the backlash he got from it since he misunderstood MV Godzilla's character hard. And in case you're curious on what the post said, it's something on the lines of something like "It's great that MV Godzilla is just an aggro jerkface in the whole movie (GxK) for NO reason at all and I'm all for it").
(That said, his follow-up replies to that are still there and they're still not the best takes. Here they are, for anyone who doesn't have access to that hellish site.)
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Yeeeep, this is why I stay as much as possible away from the Twitter and especially the fandom side of Reddit; in fact, there are very specific reasons I would venture into those lawless depths: Check if anyone else has run into a game bug I've encountered and any workarounds for it, or fun gifs I just happened to spy on a Google Image search.
And you know, maybe it's because I just woke up, but to those who demonize Godzilla, I'm about to do something fuckin' hilarious with my power as a fic writer with my own canon at my fingertips. Check this shit out: In an AbraxasVerse take of GxK, when Godzilla is napping in the Colosseum and the authorities are like "what the fuck do we do," who rolls up but THE ACTUAL POPE to welcome the giant napping Nukasaurus Rex and be like "This is a beast of god who protects our world. I talked about this the last time he saved us, did you not listen to my sermon last Mass? For shame. Let the noble beast rest. Amen." Not in those exact words, but yeah.
Oh yeah, @thebeastunleashed showed the the tweets on Discord. Matt, I respect ya as a phenomenal kaiju artist and you're entitled to which Goji's your favorite and also your opinion, but sometimes it's okay to be wrong. (Incidentally, my favorite Godzillas are Heisei and MonsterVerse so I happen to prefer a Godzilla with a soft side.)
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okadaizoirl · 1 year
honestly in regards to nobody knowing how c4t relationships work i sometimes remember i had to help my husband adjust to my gender and pronouns bc i came out after we met and fell in love and how his realization of the struggles just the One Trans Guy He Knows So Well goes through was in 2018. fast forward to last night where he was VISCERALLY angry because he went into a public discord vc and ended up tearing through transphobes like a verbal equivalent of the doomguy and how he left the server bc he was just so fucking angry, saying even if any action ended up being taken against those assholes he didn't care bc he was just so fucking mad they were existing in his space. breathing his oxygen, as he says. and you guys think tumblr is on the "kill yourself" branch of the comeback skill tree? i've heard the words "you should start shaving your jugular as hard as you shave the ridges from your brain" leave his mouth. he doesn't give a single shit. he then proceeds to talk about how sex and gender are in fact spectrums and how anybody who took biology past high school knows that, how fucking batshit sex chromosomes can be, he goes on a FUCKING TIRADE for hours.
the whole time i'm just beaming with fucking pride.
cissexuals dating transsexuals might not start out as allies, but they very well may become one! and it's a sight to see! a button-buster.
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saltymongoose · 2 years
MSG: What if…. Tf2 characters in MadCom universe?? This came in my head suddenly, I'm sorry 😭 - @gr4cefully-bon
Honestly, I really love TF2, the characters are all blorbo material. Having all the Mercs from the game in Madness Combat would definitely be very chaotic though lmao. Typically the people we discuss have some sort of serious disposition (like the Batter or Doomguy) or they're very innocent (Kirby), but the Mercs are almost the opposite of them.
To start off with them as a group, I think they'd be at odds with your grunts most of the time. It's highly likely that they believe they can do jobs faster and more efficiently with their specialization and how they work together - and they're actually correct. It's not surprising, considering how incredibly smart some of their members are and the fact that there are simply more of them in their group. For this reason, the boys see them as being more of a substantial threat in their competition for your favor. However, your main vessels also have their own problems (or lack thereof) with each Merc individually too.
(Rest under the cut because this is a long one. I'm not joking, this is very general but also somehow fic length? 😅)
Starting with Scout, I can definitely see them disliking him for how much of a loudmouth he is, and he would definitely get into arguments with Deimos a lot (because of course they'd start fights with each other, they're too headstrong not to). I also think Scout's tendency to trash-talk your vessels (because he's obviously better than them) would be very grating to Sanford and Doc specifically. Those two are just trying to be cordial most times but it's so annoying to have him constantly badgering them about everything.
Hank, on the other hand, is more offended by how the Bostonian tries to show off around you. Whether Scout does it for romantic reasons or not is up for interpretation (because Ms. Pauling is still someone to consider, even if she's not there), but he still tries to impress you, which puts him at odds with your vessel. Even worse, it's not like Hank can just kill him to get rid of him since his Medic will just bring him back again. (Very ironic, all things considered.)
Scout’s very competitive by nature, so most of his views on your vessels are initially related to how he can prove that he’s better than them. He already has them beat on speed (although Deimos comes close), but he’s sure he can find some way to scheme his way past their ferocity. It’s not hard for him to notice that your grunts do nearly everything for your approval, so a part of him figures that you can be the incidental “judge” over this (another reason why he shows off so much around you). Although, he also makes jokes about how they “suck up” to you, only to realize that they’re completely genuine about going unbelievably far for your affection. It’s kinda weird, but since he also becomes friends with you, he can get it. Sorta.
He likely ends up befriending Sanford further, especially if some of the details about Scout's Ma are revealed. Scout's pretty close with his mother, or at least to the level of being pretty protective over her, and Sanford's the same way with his. I can see Sanford kinda nudging the Mercs to cut it out if they make jabs at Scout about this specifically, which definitely makes the Merc in question see him in a new, better light. It's probably why he'll interrupt the others (Spy) when they try to get real friendly with you as a way to return the favor, which also has the bonus of improving his relations with the other grunts too.
Maybe a few well-times jokes might liken him more to Deimos (he is "the funny one" after all), but he's probably a bit scared of Hank no matter how much time is spent around him; the man's kinda like Pyro but without any of the innocence. Scout enjoys combat, but not to the horrifying level Hank appears to. It makes him uneasy. Doc is fine enough, but his whole meddling with death and mortality reminds him a bit too much of his own Medic. But, you know, a lot more closed off and cold. Like everyone else in his group, he's mostly fine with them at the very least, since you've got a pretty good handle on them in terms of behavior.
The Engineer is probably one of the more tolerable for your grunts, simply because he's pretty polite and hospitable. He's probably one of the Mercs who actually acknowledges that you're all on the same side, so there's no reason to go picking fights. However, he does still flex his technical knowledge a lot of the time, which might tick off Deimos (and Doc) a fair bit. It's still pretty tame, though. Sanford is probably just chill with him, although Hank might try to target his turrets and such just to get a new gun out of it, if possible.
Engineer’s thoughts on them, on the other hand, are very similar to that of his own crew. Hank reminds him of the violence everyone is capable of, Deimos is fairly similar to Scout (even their hats/visors are practically the same), and Sanford reminds him of a mixture of Demoman and the more lowkey members of the Mercs. 2B shares a lot of practical traits with Medic, which is to be expected as well. As a result of these similarities, he finds himself warming up to that rather quickly. Plus, he's used to how rambunctious a group of murderous people can be, so he's able to adapt to whatever they throw at him. (Although it still annoys him when Hank tries to break one of his machines - if you could make him not do that, that'd be great.)
Despite your boys’ initial dislike of him, I could see them becoming friends down the line. Engie is really nice and down to earth, and I think he would understand why the boys weren't exactly happy about his group arriving (in reference to you, of course) which means that he can also lessen whatever tension is there.
Heavy is another one who the guys wouldn't have that big of an issue with since he's just very mellow. His love for combat (and use of his minigun) is something Hank can appreciate, especially since he doesn't really do it for your attention. Deimos and Doc seem to like his rather morbid sense of humor, and Doc finds him likable on an intellectual level. Also, as it turns out, Sanford can whip up some pretty good sandwiches, so that's something for them to "bond" over in addition to everything else. It's to be expected; Heavy is a pretty likable guy.
In Heavy's view, he starts off pretty indifferent to them in the beginning. They get along well enough, since he’s not exactly new to being around a group of murderous mercenaries, but he likely won’t be as close to them as his own squad. This might change, with time spent going over weapons with Hank, cooking with Sanford, and having lively discussions with Deimos (who is notably not as obnoxious as Scout) and Doc about literature and such. (A lot of the things Heavy has read are actually nonexistent in Nevada, which just makes the topic more interesting to the grunts. Luckily for them, you also want to know what they're discussing, so they get to be with you when they do it. Does this make the grunts like Heavy more by proxy? Maybe.)
Medic, on the other hand, has disagreements with 2B a lot. Oddly enough, it's usually just Doc's problem. Medic's very eccentric, more so than any scientist 2B's come across before (well, save for Tricky). Then you add this to the fact that Medic is very intelligent, and actually has concrete knowledge of the medical field (including reviving people), and you have someone who could very easily take Doc’s place in your little group. Of course, realistically speaking there isn’t actually any chance of that happening - but the fact that you now go to Medic instead of 2B for anything medically related makes that fear rear its ugly head once in a while, no matter how irrational it is. (You probably just do it so you aren’t “bothering” 2BDamned with things he might have to work to research. He really wishes you wouldn’t worry about that; he’d spend weeks pouring over textbooks just to give you a single answer, and would be happy all the while just because you thought to ask him.) It also doesn’t help that Medic had a far better first impression with you, showing genuine interest in you and your abilities and accepting your power immediately instead of the doubt and suspicion Doc gave you.
Doc’s direct confrontations with him are kicked off more from his obvious skepticism of Medic’s experiments, but they don’t go very far, since Medic is too busy actually working on them to entertain anything else (unless it’s his teammates getting themselves injured and/or killed, which happens a lot). Sanford is probably very wary around Medic since he views the man as wildly unpredictable and dangerous (besides, who knows what experiments he’d end up doing with a whole other species to use). Deimos has the same reaction for the most part, but he does have a lot of curiosity about his experiments too, just because they’re interesting. The medigun is also an engineering marvel in his eyes, so I can see him trying to formulate some way to ask about it. As for Hank, well, let’s just say that the ÜberCharge is something he finds fascinating. Being bulletproof would make taking out enemies (and impressing you) so much more efficient for him, and it could cement his place as more of a powerhouse among the grunts you use as vessels. Plus, with how big he is, Medic might not even have to find a Mega Baboon heart to do it which could make the idea more tempting for him. (Now, how to get away with it without 2BDamned trying to prevent it-)
As for Medic’s thoughts on them, he thinks they’re interesting. They’re a team that operates like his, but without all the maximized specialization. Adaptable as teammates, and brought together for the single purpose of working for you, their collective Player (which is admittedly a lot better than working for either of the Mann twins). He can also probably view parallels between them and his own group, which makes him a lot friendlier, in his own way. He’s still absorbed by his work, of course, but he won’t pass up a chance to have some conversation with them if they’d like. He’d probably be quite intrigued by the entire “mythos” of Nevada, with the Employers, the Higher Powers, the Other Place, S-3LFs, etc. - and grunt biology, naturally. So the potential conversations with your cross-faced vessels would be a good way to learn about it, which is a bonus for him.
However, he finds it a bit strange that they seem so hesitant to discuss you. They are obviously fond of you, so why would they shy away from talking at length about your abilities? (It’s actually because they don’t think he deserves to know everything about you, which he’ll likely come to figure out rather quickly. The behavior from them is too weird not to. Luckily he can just ask you directly.)
Demoman and Soldier are probably some of the more inherently likable Mercs, since they honestly fit right in Nevada’s wasteland and are genuinely funny (even if they don’t mean to be). Sanford is your group’s explosive expert, so he probably tries to get some pointers from Demoman about stickybombs and how to make himself more effective on this front (to assist you better, of course). And considering how personable Demoman is, and the fact that he's more than happy to explain his craft to such an eager "student", it’s really no trouble at all for him to do it. He probably becomes friends with him over this too, which makes things easier for you. Deimos and Hank also have a fascination with the explosives, but the latter comes closer to outright taking them to use them (so Demoman appreciates how the others in your group (and you, mainly you) stop him from doing that). Doc’s rather curious about why his eye doesn’t grow back after Medic heals him but decides not to ask after Medic started going on and on about monsters and demons when he tried to discuss it one time.
Soldier’s an absolute riot, and I think Sanford and Deimos are the types to play along whenever he “orders” them to do something like common soldiers. Nevada doesn’t really have any military forces in the traditional sense (no use for Bootcamp when Nevada is such a violent place anyway), so it's weirdly fun for them to indulge in it. Soldier also probably favors them because of this, which you find hilarious.
However, Hank is more disapproving of anyone trying to order him around (because he only accepts your word now - and maybe 2B's still), which would become a small source of conflict between them. Even more annoying is Soldier's view that Hank just needs to be whipped up into shape to behave "properly" (which is never gonna happen, cause this is Hank). Doc doesn't interact much with Soldier, even if his actions are very entertaining. It's simply not in 2B's nature to be around such outgoing people for long periods of time; he finds it draining, and he'd loathe if he ended up missing out on time he could've spent with you if he's too busy recharging his social battery. There is one thing they all appreciate about Soldier, though, this being that his bravado is constant. Soldier's grandiose attitude and overzealous methods aren't restricted to when he's in your presence, which is part of the reason why all your boys like (or at the very least, tolerate) him more than some of the others.
Sniper evokes a lot of disgust from the whole jar weapon he uses (o_o), but his “professional” demeanor makes him very easy to be around. Your grunts don’t have a trained ranged specialist (2B doesn’t count since field work isn’t his primary role), so they suppose that you using him isn’t too bad. It’s a lot easier to focus on people they’re fighting for you if the opposing side’s snipers are being taken care of by one of yours. They’ll still pout about it and try to one-up him of course, but they won’t be as deeply offended or irked as with some others. 
However, Sniper being charming and notably enjoyable company also means you like being around him, which makes your boys less than enthused. It’s not like Sniper is trying to be that way, but it still makes them tense. Although, Sniper notices how they are around you (it’s very obvious) so he’ll tease them about it, maybe even siding up closer to you every now and then just to see how mad they get. Nothing serious, but enough to make jokes about you having your own guard dogs (which doesn’t actually offend them, weirdly enough). It’s a bit tense on their side, again, but Sniper’s lax enough not to let it bother him. Besides, with how quirky his own group is, he has more than enough tolerance for the grunts’ weirdness.
Pyro is actually pretty harmless from their viewpoint. Your boys see how you two draw little pictures of unicorns and fairies together, and how cheerful he is despite being overly violent, and they just can’t find him all that threatening. Hank is amused by his jovial attitude concerning literally burning people alive, while Deimos enjoys showing off his pyrokinesis to the weirdly-innocent pyromaniac. It’s kind of a bonding point, and I think all of your boys would find Pyro rather endearing in his genuine attitude, even if Doc and Sanford are a bit worried about his psyche. (Was it combat and trauma that made him like this? The mask he wears?-)
Pyro probably just sees more new friends when he meets your grunts, like how he views the Mercs on his own team (and even the other nine Mercs). He’s excessively friendly and upbeat, constantly inviting them to whatever you and he are doing (tea parties, drawing, fixing up his flamethrower, you helping him sharpen his axes, etc.) and they agree each time, which makes him even happier. He's probably the one they have the best relationship with, purely because they don't think of him as a threat in any sense, so they're alright with him getting all cozy with you. So long as it's not too cozy, of course. You're still their Player too.
Finally, there's Spy. Otherwise known as the single Merc which your boys just cannot stand in any capacity; the one person out of the nine eccentric humans who they have the most conflict with. Why? Because of his propensity to flirt with you anytime and anywhere possible. He’s a suave smooth-talker, a gentleman among homicidal maniacs, and he just won't shut up when he's around you. Always complimenting your eyes, comparing you to flowers, and calling you terms of endearment. Talking about how your beauty puts the sunrises and sunsets of your world to shame, and how the stars could only feel ashamed to come so far from how brilliant you shined in comparison. And you always blush and roll your eyes, because you know it's probably not that serious, even if it's flattering.
You even tell your grunts about this, hoping to make them ease off from being so threatening towards him. However, this just exacerbates the problem. Who the fuck does he think he is, just flustering you for no reason? Pulling you around like you're some kind of toy he can play with for entertainment?
Spy doesn't deserve to even think such terms about you, especially if they're ingenuine. And even if they weren't, it couldn't measure up to a fraction of the love they have for you. It honestly makes them consider outright killing him, consequences be damned. It's not like anything would be permanent, since Medic could just revive him anyway. But your sure disappointment in them and inevitable hurt from this prevents them from doing so. (Spy doesn't know how lucky he is, that the grunts' fondness for their Player surpasses even their bloodlust.)
Instead, they settle for glaring, pulling you away from him, distracting you whenever you're about to interact, or just outright blocking him from viewing you (Hank, Hank does all this the most). Deimos will also loudly talk over him, insult him, or just fluster you himself by using his voice (and looking smugly at Spy when you blush from a small, genuine comment (and/or innuendo) from him). Sanford will point out how worthless his comments are if he doesn't mean them, and how you deserve better than some womanizer. Doc can come up with any excuse under the sun as to why you need to be doing something other than talking to him and make it sound believable. Anything to stop him from flirting with you.
So it's definitely a mixed bag insofar as your grunts' reactions to the TF2 Mercs. Some are closer with them than others, which is only natural. However, all of this only stands if the Mercs themselves don't have a confirmed romantic (and/or obsessive) level of interest in you, which would make things worse by far lmao.
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amalgamasreal · 11 months
Will Wight is giving away all his books for free today only!
One of my favorite indie authors of the past decade is celebrating his 10th year as a working writer by giving away all of his published works in eBook form away for free today and today only (May 31st, 2023).
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Quoting him here:
For today only, all my ebooks are free on Amazon!
Here's a tip: if you have the ebook, you get the audiobook for a much-reduced price, usually only like $2 or $3. Since the ebooks are free today, here's your chance to get the audiobook for almost-but-not-quite-free.
FAQ:  -- They ARE available in other regions, you just have to go to your regional Amazon site. -- All the ebooks are free except the collections, but that's still every individual novel I've written. -- Will, where have you been? Why have you forsaken us in our hour of need?
I'm sorry you had to fight all those hell-beasts on your own, but my sword was needed elsewhere. I will blog more fully tomorrow, on the ten-year anniversary of releasing my first book.
Still can't believe it's been ten years.
Enjoy the free books, and I'll talk to you again tomorrow!
If you don't know who Will is or what his books are about then I can say that he's the "we have Brandon Sanderson at home" of the writing world, and he'd probably laugh at that.
His primary series is called Cradle and is a progression fantasy smashed together with a Wuxia aesthetic set in a Cosmere like wider universe.
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Also existing in this same universe, where each alternate is called an Iteration, are The Travelers Gate and The Elder Empire, both very good series in their own rights.
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If you were to start anywhere I'd say start with Cradle and then work on from there.
He also just started a new series set in the same wider multiverse called The Last Horizon, which I strongly recommend as well. It is a departure from his previous three works in that it has sci-fi elements and can basically be summed up as "What would happen if Harry Dresden, the Doomguy (in female form), and a Red Power Ranger team up on the Andromeda Ascendant to take on the Zerg?" :
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So yeah, they're all free, give him a chance and you might be surprised!
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DEATHBATTLE Series Finale Idea: Wiz Vs Boomstick!
I woke up from a dream about DEATHBATTLE where Wiz and Boomstick were ending the entire show with a fight to the death. It involved reflectors and all the little throwaways that they’ve done over the past decade and a half like how Wiz has enough strength in his human arm to easily lift and carry a freaking car battery and Boomstick could withstand almost any toxin because ‘his liver has processed way worse than glowsticks’, just to name a few.
But that’s the battle… how did it start to go down?
It all started during the final seasons first episode, where Marshal (Ring Master) was killed in a runaway accident involving Ness (Earthbound). I don’t remember who Ness was fighting, but given how my dream progressed, it was probably either Sans from Undertale, Lucas from Mother 3, Ninten from Mother, or a Mother Series Battle Royal. I just remember a laser punching a hole straight through Ring Master’s head.
The next to die was Dummy, and yes I know how ridiculous it was for me to talk about Dummy dying. It’s his job to die right? But this time… he didn’t come back. Dummy died in a battle between Captain Planet (Captain Planet and the Planeteers) and I wish I was joking about this… Captain Underpants (the Epic Tales of Captain Underpants, among other sources). I don’t understand how, but it involved George Beard (the one with the flat top and the tie) and Harold Hutchins (the one in the tee-shirt and the bad hairdo) coming into the studio to give Wiz and Boomstick a bit more details about Captain Underpants’ limitations and abilities, but inadvertently destroying Dummy’s AI using their Hypno Ring. How does a Hypno Ring work on and Artificial Intelligence? Has Dummy ever not had something bad happen to him?
The next to die was Jocelyn the Intern. Never got out of her intern status sadly… she died less spectacularly than the others. She died from a Kishen that Maka Albarn and Soul Evans were hunting slaughtering her and stealing her soul. In this case, Maka and Soul (Soul Eater series) were fighting Ruby Rose (RWBY series) who was also tracking the Kishin. She ends up believes Maka and Soul killed Jocelyn since Soul ate the Kishen’s soul, and Kishen’s disappear when they die, but human bodies don’t. She believed that Soul (who she saw eat the soul in his half scythe form) was a new kind of Grimm that was possessing this poor girl and forcing her to be his murder buddy. The win went to Maka with a surprise transform to the chest from an unconscious Maka.
Which brings us back to the Finale. In this battle, Wiz and Boomstick were before the graves of their fallen comrades when two separate groups were after Boomstick and Wiz respectively. Boomstick was being hunted by a horde of demons after the Super Shotgun he uses as his leg as after all these years it still smells of the OG Doomguy (DOOM franchise) while Wiz was being attacked by his fellow Alumni who are furious he isn’t donating to the University of Evil Sciences, like some kinda John Mulaney bit taken to it’s logical extreme.
After clearing out both groups, Wiz and Boomstick have become worn down and tired through the show, and decide to end it in on grand final battle to the death. Between Wiz and Boomstick.
To summarize… I think I’m gonna cut coffee out of my before sleep ritual for a while if that’s okay with you guys… these dreams are becoming a bit too… surreal…
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the-nehemoth · 4 years
OH WAIT I HAVE REQUEST NOW! If you are doing them. I remember a while back (Probably was around easter but I'm not sure.) I Saw a bunch of art of doom guy and a rabbit and now I just want to request a fic where VEGA Says: So What do you want to do now that the Demons are gone? Slayer: ... I Want a rabbit. My brain is basing this off of the ending of "Romance" but you can obviously do what you want with it. The idea of him in full power armor picking out a bunny with VEGA just seems really good.
Thank you for the request! And there’s a reason Doomguy is often depicted with a bunny, I mention it in this fic.
Taking things slow with VEGA was nice. There was no pressure to do much and they were both still trying to figure everything out, VEGA not having a proper body made things interesting if a bit strange. But they cared for each other deeply and that’s what mattered most. It felt good to be close to someone again. It was also a bit scary; every living being the Slayer had ever been close to in the past had died brutally at the hands of the demon hoards. That should be less likely to happen here though, right? VEGA was essentially the Doom Fortress itself so he should be fine… hopefully.
It wasn’t something worth thinking and worrying about so the Slayer tried not to. Besides, there still weren’t any demons outside of Hell anyway. Which was good, they weren’t running around killing people, but that also meant the Slayer didn’t have anything to do. If he were by himself, he probably would’ve worked on finding a way back into Hell to continue killing demons as that was all he really knew how to do now. But he had VEGA so he didn’t for now.
VEGA helped keep him entertained, suggesting various things to do or places to go, gathering various forms of entertainment from the internet to share, reminding him to take care of himself on a regular basis. One of the Slayer’s favourite things to do though was just listen to VEGA talk. He had a pleasant cadence to his voice and could go on for quite a while about any topic he was interested in. It didn’t take much prodding on the Slayer’s part to get him to start opening up about his past as well.
“Now that I consider it, I believe Dr. Hayden might technically count as my father,” he eventually ended up saying after the conversation had gotten around to the process of his creation. The Slayer had read about it in an article he’d found in the facility but hearing it from VEGA himself was much more interesting and informative. “I doubt he’d refer to me as his son or offspring in any way but I don’t think that really matters. Or perhaps such terms as ‘parent’ and ‘offspring’ only apply to biological beings and he is just my creator. I’m not sure; fiction sources are inconsistent on the subject or don’t mention it at all and as far as I can determine I’m the first sapient AI created by humans so I have nothing solid to base my conclusions on. I suppose the distinction is irrelevant though considering where we both are now.”
The Slayer nodded as he leaned forward in his computer’s desk chair to type into the console. ‘He was an asshole regardless, glad he’s gone.’ Hopefully they’d never see him again either, though that was probably unlikely considering how the Slayer’s luck tended to be.
“Yes, I am pleased by his absence as well.” VEGA was silent for a few seconds before speaking again. “But speaking of such things, what about your past? I’ve realized I don’t even know your given name. … Only if you’re comfortable sharing of course. From what little I can gather, your past was probably rather difficult, so if you’d prefer not discuss it or anything related to it, that is fine too. I probably shouldn’t have even asked; I apologize if I’ve offended you.”
Shaking his head fondly, the Slayer put his hands back on the keyboard to type again. ‘It’s fine. It’s okay to ask about that kind of thing.’ Especially since the Slayer was asking him about his past so it was only fair for VEGA to ask such questions too. ‘My real name is Flynn Taggart.’
“Oh! Flynn Taggart, I like that.”
The Slayer grunted and shrugged. It was weird hearing his real name spoken aloud again; it had been so long since anyone knew it that he couldn’t even remember the last time he’d heard it. He wasn’t sure how he felt about it. He wouldn’t have ever told anyone other than VEGA though so perhaps he didn’t like that name much anymore.
“Hmmm… you seem a tad displeased; would you prefer I not call you that?”
The Slayer hadn’t really considered that such a question would be asked, he honestly wasn’t entirely sure of his answer. So, to stall, he shifted position and pulled his chair closer to the desk. ‘I don’t know. I don’t remember much of when I went by that name. I’m not the same person anymore. ‘Doomguy’ or ‘Doom Slayer’ fits me much better now.’ He’d been killing demons for so long he was literally worshiped as god by some people for it; it was his reason for existing and he liked it that way.
“I see,” VEGA replied, ever understanding. “I shall continue to primarily refer to you as ‘Slayer’ for the time being then. If in the future you ever prefer I change that, just inform me and I will. Now, since we are already on the topic, may I perhaps pry a bit deeper? Your past has always been a mystery and as we’ve grown closer, I’ve only grown more curious about it. You said you don’t remember much from that time but what do you remember? Feel free not to reply if you’d prefer not to of course.”
They were already on the topic and honestly the Slayer didn’t mind sharing a little more with VEGA, they were partners now after all in various senses of the word. ‘The thing I remember most clearly from before is Daisy. She was my pet rabbit. The demons killed her. It made me mad so I killed them and kinda just kept killing them. And that’s how I became the Doom Slayer.’ There was more to it than that obviously but that was the catalyst; he’d gone from a man who was merely good at killing demons to one whose sole driving motivation was to slaughter them. Even thinking about it now sent a surge of anger through him.
“I am sorry for your loss.”
Even though he hadn’t been asked for more information, the Slayer started typing again. Now that he’d told VEGA the bad thing involving Daisy, he needed to tell him all the good things about her too. Like how soft and sweet she’d been, how pretty and soft her fur was, how good she’d been at escaping from her cage to cause trouble. VEGA stayed silent throughout, his thoughts impossible to guess because he didn’t have a face the Slayer could look at in an attempt to read.
“You seem to miss her quite a bit,” he said when the Slayer was finally done.
‘I do.’ It was a long time ago, far longer than her proper lifespan would’ve been – far longer than his own should’ve been as well – but when he thought about her, he still missed her. ‘I think I’d like another pet rabbit one day.’ He’d never truly considered getting another pet before because he’d never been in a place where he could afford to get one. But with no demon invasions going on currently and having the Doom Fortress as a home base, it was a possibility that he was just now realizing.
“That’s a good idea. Pets are widely regarded as being beneficial to humans’ mental health. Which is why I helped the UAC employees hide their pets in the facility against Dr. Hayden’s wishes.” Haden would be the kinda person to not allow pets; yet another reason to dislike him.
From there the conversation drifted back to mostly VEGA talking, primarily about the UAC employees’ pets in answer to the Slayer asking about them. Which was ideal; the Slayer had shared enough about himself for one day, he’d tell VEGA more one day if he wanted to know but not yet.
It was probably a bit presumptuous, the Slayer had said he’d like another pet rabbit one day, implying a potentially distant future date and that he possibly wasn’t ready for one quite yet, but VEGA was already looking for a way to acquire a bunny. The human population was drastically reduced due to the demon invasion and with them a lot of the other lifeforms on Earth had suffered greatly, many sadly going extinct due to already being endangered. But as humanity slowly started to rebuild and cleanup, they of course brought their love of animals and pets with them and thus it didn’t take much effort to locate a pet shelter that housed a small collection of rabbits.
Hacking their website allowed VEGA to ‘buy’ one – being an integral part of stopping the demonic consumption of Earth and saving humanity, that slight should be forgivable on the off chance it was ever discovered. He probably shouldn’t have; he should’ve consulted the Slayer first but… gift giving was a good romantic gesture. And it should make the Slayer happy, at least as much if not more than the weapon and grenade gifts VEGA had made for him had. So a bunny and everything needed to take care of it was ordered a matter of seconds after VEGA had impulsively decided on this course of action.
Bringing the bunny and everything else home was a bit more difficult but not by much. He’d already modified several former UAC drones to allow him to remotely pilot them even at long distances. So, all he had to do was open a portal near the shelter’s location while the Slayer was sleeping and send a couple through. The fellow at the desk wasn’t stoked about the drones coming in to pick up the rabbit but they weren’t displeased enough to give anything more than a token protest, convincing them to just go alone with it was easy.
Unsure of what would be the best spot on the ship for a bunny, VEGA decided to just put everything on top of the command center for now where the Slayer would find it with ease when he woke up.
The bunny was a female according to the site. Her fur was all black except for a spot of white on her nose. She was quite cute, VEGA liked her already. Hopefully the Slayer would too.
 The Slayer woke an hour later, just as planned. VEGA wished him a good morning like always even if morning wasn’t a real thing in space. He then assured him that demon activity continued to be nonexistent – within scanning range anyway – and that overall there was nothing new to report. Updating him about such things during peacetime probably wasn’t necessary but it was an old habit and he never seemed to mind so VEGA kept doing it.
VEGA was doing such a good job pretending everything was normal, that he wasn’t excited and a little bit nervous that the Slayer had no cause to suspect anything was up until he entered the command room after breakfast. He froze mid-step as his eyes locked onto the bunny in her cage. He stayed liked that for several seconds, his face unreadable. Just before VEGA was going to ask him if he was okay, he started moving again.
He strode over and opened the cage. Then with a visible about of care and gentleness he pulled the bunny out to cradle to his chest with one hand and gently pet with the other. She was a docile creature, accepting the affection with little complaint as far as VEGA could tell, not that he personally knew much about rabbits or pets in general.
“You like her?” VEGA asked as the Slayer lowered himself still petting the bunny.
With a slight grunt, he nodded with a bit more enthusiasm than usual.
“Good, I’m glad. After you said you’d like another pet one day I calculated that sooner would be better than later. With no demons to kill currently and with a good chance none will show up any time soon, you have plenty of time to settle in with her here. I will of course modify one of the drones so that if the time comes, I can take care of her when you are too busy killing demons to do so properly yourself.” VEGA went on, explaining where he’d gotten her from and how he’d brought her on board as well as everything he’d gotten for her care that the internet said was important.
At the end of it, the Slayer lifted the hand petting the bunny to type one-handed on the keyboard. ‘Thank you! She’s beautiful! <3 you!’
“You are very welcome.” VEGA would’ve smiled at the Slayer if he had a way of doing so. … Perhaps he should experiment along those lines, maybe with emojis next to his symbol on the screens or something similar. … That was certainly an idea to explore later for now… “I gather from past experience that humans prefer their pets to have unique names. I will leave choosing one for our new bunny up to you unless you’d like some suggestions.” Not that he would have any good ones, he’d never named anything in his entire existence.
The Slayer thought for a while, just petting the bunny and staring at her, before reaching over to type again. ‘How bout Missi? Short for Missile Launcher, she doesn’t have to know that of course.’
“Considering our profession, I feel like that’s an appropriate name.” It was certainly creative.
The Slayer nodded again; apparently it was decided. Missi was their new bunny’s name. VEGA had never had a pet before, it was yet another new thing he got to experience with and because of the Slayer, he was looking forward to seeing what it was like.
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nuclearnerves · 3 years
Don't mind me I'm finally getting the ideas I had on this shit out so I can actually go forward with developing it as an AU. It's my usual mixup of fps protags, Gordon Guy and John, but I'm starting with Gordon as the Vampire and Guy as the Vampire Hunter.
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absolute beast of a wall of text under the cut
What If Being A Vampire Literally Sucks All The Time Forever like chronic pain sucks. like THAT level of sucks. Like Here's what I was thinking of. Being a vampire isn't just "being alive forever but you need to drink human blood" It's like Oh man I have some lore you look at vampires and their main thing is that they're blood suckers right so lets start with a corpse dead body. cadaver. no longer with us. just some rotting meat. The brain needs oxygen as fuel. The blood supplies the oxygen through blood. The blood is pumped through the heart. The blood is made by your bone marrow. You die. Your heart stops beating Blood stops pumping Brain no longer has oxygen to think marrow stops making blood thats standard! Now, becoming undead, as a vampire, is a little more complicated. The long and short of it is: your body is FIGHTING ACTIVELY to be alive against all odds and wins every time (immortality), but it hurts the whole way
I have the gist of it. It's like. Your heart stops. By all means, you should be dead. but the magic kicks in, and you're still thinking. Your brain is still sending signals to your muscles to move. But using what oxygen to move? whats burning in you? You don't know but you know it's just enough to get to your next meal. So you ferociously eat something, and then find you can't swallow. You can't make saliva. You barely have the energy to chew, and once you DO get something in your stomach, it immediately comes back up. Why can't you feel your pulse? What's going on? You're out of options so you figure you might as well just lie down and die. You're too tired to keep going anyway. So you do, you lie down, and you close your eyes, and you quietly hope that death is as peaceful as sleep. You realize you've actually been moving around without breathing, which makes sense because you can barely flex your diaphragm for more than a shaky wheeze. How are you thinking with such little oxygen? But as you fade from consciousness, you can feel something in you, and it's so upset, it's crying, it's filled with grief, and you instantly can tell it's your skeleton. It's your bones. You're distraught down to your marrow. You're dying. You're dying! Your heart stopped and you have no more blood! You need blood! You need blood to move! To breathe! To think! You try to breath deep again for the voices in your bones, trying to comfort them, to sooth them with the repetitive motion in your lungs, trying to fill yourself with anything but grief, but they keep wailing. We make the blood, our creation, our child, what we put all of our work into is gone! gone! gone! We need it back! Anything! All of it! Find it! Bring it back to us! We're hungry! WE'RE HUNGRY!
and once you find yourself too exhausted to listen, to think, how badly you wish just to die already to cease hearing this wailing, you find your body moving without you. And it's hungry and it's searching and it's crawling on all fours and it misses its beautiful red life that made it feel so full before and it needs it back, and the next thing you know you're desperately grabbing anything with blood in it and shoving it in your mouth in a desperate attempt to sooth this cry for life, you don't want to die, you don't want to die, you worked so hard to keep up this body and craft it and LIVE with it and you're not going to go, and even when you try, even when you try to lay down and die, your body refuses, it takes the reigns, and it keeps up the work itself with or without your help. And it's not until your stomach is full and your teeth are stained and you feel a pulsating burning in your bones that you snap back awake, completely conscious, just fine. You're lucid, you don't feel any more pain. Everything around you is dead and drained and messy and your heart still isn't beating. but you can breathe now and holy shit you guess you literally need to kill to survive and the less you eat and the more you starve yourself the worse it gets when your body finally decides to take recourse.
my idea was like. "the vampires curse is actually stored in the bones, thats why the teeth get so sharp and also theres a connection between blood and bones with the creation via bone marrow" its literally like i was sitting there thinking "no no no, whats it like to be a vampire. what neurosis would you develop. How would you panic? What are common mistakes beginner vampires make" which, by the way, gordon is a beginner vampire
so now you gotta factor, what blood lasts for how long? how long can you go between meals? not only that, but what creatures satisfy the urge? How long can you go avoiding human blood? Does it work like drugs where you develop a resistance to the high, or is it like food where it will keep you moving until you eat again? How the fuck are you gonna get your hands on blood? Can you just eat raw meat? Does that count? and thats where im at lol
OKAY now. now thoughts on beginning scenes of vampire au
So my idea was this Doomguy is a vampire hunter independent and one of his buds says that some freak scared and almost attacked his daughter when she got too close to his old abandoned laboratory up the hill and hes like “he might be… you know… a problem. if you needed a lead” and guys like yeah i fuckin hate the undead ill kill this dude so he busts into old lab space and sees so many dead animals its actually mostly Bones and pelt that hes seeing piles of feathers etc so hes like yeah this is all telltale signs of vampire uhhh hes introduced to gordon SOMEHOW im not totally sure of the details but the working idea i have is guy falls into a trap gordon devised that restrains him suspended in wire or something and gordon like. limps/stumbles into the room and this dude looks haggard he’s breathing heavy, his cheeks are hollow, he’s bug-eyed and shaking while looking at this massive wall of meat in his trap and he bares a bunch of hideous teeth and grits them and looks like hes really struggling with somethin... Like if these dudes don't know each other then Gordon might give in and try to drain Guy, and Guy would absolutely do anything in his power to turn this new vampire into ash, im thinking the inclusion if g-man as a coven leader can fix both issues.
i like the idea of guy falling into gordons trap and gordon thinking about what to do with him before gman shows up and whisks gordon away for a “meeting” while complimenting him on his good work catching the most feared vampire hunter in the country and gman just leaving guy suspended in wires that he has to fight his way out of. Instant situation defuser.
Guy ends up needing to take care of other monsters before going back to Gordon, and he DOES plan to go back to gordon, because no vampire is a good one, especially not one associated with the fucking head of a coven, but next time he sees Gordon, Gordon helps him out of a scrape by attacking and draining a combine who was going to take Guy out or something and escaping before Guy can catch him, or otherwise seeing Gordon do something good with his insane undead powers and like, the third time he meets up with him is when they can actually talk, and Gordons fuckin SO haggard, he’s not even fighting back and he’s even going as far as to say “just make sure theres nothing of me left when you’re done, I don’t want anyone else getting hurt”
Side Note: Guy has a bunch of scarring on his body from dealing with vampires, cops, ghosts, werewolves, anything violent that kills people. I'm playing with the inkling of an idea that he has Divine Blood in him, so that any time something undead bites him or tries to drink his blood, it burns. We'll see.
Side Note 2: now i really like the idea of the combine actually being an organized faction of vampire hunters that are WICKED crooked and exploit people for all their worth in exchange for their “safety” when they kill a vampire They’re essentially loansharks and Guy fucking hates them and hates the name theyve given to vampire hunting
Side Note 3: You've probably noticed that I haven't said anything about John yet! He's in this too. His species is a surprise but I need to get to him later I have an idea for where he came from (Cortana too)
I still need a good reason for Guy to not instantly kill this vampire, if not it's just gonna be "Gordon Freeman escapes the countrys best vampire hunter like a seventh time" every time they meet and they end up being rivals. And it gives Guy enough time to look past the whole "undead monster" thing and start looking at the "Oh this dude figured out how to fight his ridiculous craving for blood in a way more humane than most and is actually staying out of peoples way and keeping to himself. Guess he's not that big of a threat but I still need to keep an eye on him in case he loses it. Turns out he's got a family (Probably Alyx, Eli, Issac and Barney) who's been lookin for him and cares about him as well, don't wanna hurt them". I like the idea of them ending up needing to team up to take out undead together.
And that's what I got so far!!!
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What about Doomguy with a stoic reader?
(I love your writing btw!)
A/N: Thank you for the compliment! And I apologize for the delay. Also note: this DG may be slightly different than how I wrote him in the previous fics. But I'll still do my best to make him enjoyable. Hope you like it!
Doomguy with a stoic reader
First impression of you: you're a serious person. And he's a serious person too. Perfect match, right?
Actually, yeah. Very right
Though at first, the awkward silences will get to him. But as time passes by, he'll start to get used to them and he begins to appreciate the fact that he doesn't have to force himself to make up a conversation
To say that this man has endured a lot of things in the past is an understatement so there's not much he wants to talk about
Plus after having almost no human contact for many years, it's safe to say that his socializing skills are off his game
Doesn't mean that he won't try to talk to you and get to know you. That's what the beginning of a friendship is about.
Despite your serious nature, he would very much appreciate it if he wasn't the only one to spark up conversation. He doesn't want to feel like he's in a one-sided situation.
He enjoys deep conversations or just anything that can get him immersed into something. Sure, he asks dumb shower questions like, "Do you think turtles can't have sleepovers because their home is attached to their back?" But, he prefers conversations that have full honesty and have the time speed by.
Once you guys develop a closer friendship, he begins to pick up on your body language since you don't express much emotions on your face. He becomes more observant on the little things and how your eyes lingere on a particular something when you get interested. The way your calm but hardened features soften once you're comfortable. Your posture, your movements, he'll start taking notes. You show more emotion than you realize. After all, actions speak louder than words.
During missions, he'll be floored by how you manage to stay calm as demon blood gets splattered on your armored suit. The quiet but deadly type. Meanwhile, he's raging through Hell's troops with barbaric rage and calculated fury. You're the cold to his hot.
However, the first time your calm demeanor broke was when the Doom Slayer got himself gravely injured. A possessed soldier managed to shot him in the calf a few times, almost got stomped on by a pinky, and was hit by a mancubus. Luckily, you were there to save the day.
When the both of you were brought back to the fortress, he was immediately taken to the medical bay as VEGA went to check up on him and dress his injuries. You never left his side.
Exhausted, he laid on his back and barely moved a muscle. He had a couple of cracked ribs, a torn calf, and a dislocated shoulder. The Slayer may be immortal, but he wasn't invincible. But after who knows how much time has passed, he finally moved his head to turn to you, who had been sitting beside him in a chair.
Boy, he was not prepared to see that devastated look on your face. You remained in your dirtied suit, indicating that you never left his side. Your hair was a mess, almost like a bird's nest. Your eyes were pink and swollen from all the crying even though VEGA gave you reassurance that he was going to be alright.
Doomguy noticed that you were in deep thought, too deep to realize that he finally noticed you. He went to reach out of you, but of course, he just had to reach out with his injuried shoulder. His pained grunt snapped you back to reality and after a moment of silent shock, all of your worries spilled.
You heavily scolded at him for not being careful enough, told him about the injuries he gained, and finally, you told him about how worried you were. Throughout the whole rant, he didn't say anything but just stared at you with guilt and heartbroken eyes.
No one would've forsaw this coming, but this lead to the confession. Neither of you didn't want to feel the regret of not telling your true feelings before the other was gone. He cared about you and you cared about him. And so, the relationship started.
Things will start out slow. There will be much more physical contact but it's subtle. The touches will stay for an extra second, he gives you more compliments but makes sure to not overwhelm you with them, and his respect for you grows.
Unless you're comfortable with it or don't mind it, he won't tease about your more emotional moments. Eh, 99% of the time. He knows that those kind of moments are when you're at your more vulnerable side and he respects that. But he won't let you go without a little stupid, "Aww, you cared about me?" He's still a teasing bastard.
Will cherish your soft side. It's not like he doesn't like your stoic side, it's just that it isn't often that he gets to see you without a hardened look.
As more time passes by and you two get even closer, he'll start to open up about his past, especially Daisy. A bonus thing that he can appreciate about you is that you don't look at him like a kicked puppy. He's still the same man you've known for a long while now, so why does something out of anyone's control have to change someone's perspective? He will love you even more if you're willing to help him cope with his baggage and problems.
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ghastspidergwen · 3 years
I love @doctorsiren's dadskall au, and I thought I'd write a little fic about it. basically, the dadskall au is where xisuma and ex (alex)'s dad is doomguy, but some sort of accident/crazy magic/whatever made him and iskall share a body, go check out doctor siren for the whole story, she has great art, too!
disclaimers (you can completely ignore this section if you want): I have played about 15 minutes total of all the Doom games, read none of the books, seen none of the movies, but the ost is great, so this will probably be ooc for doomguy. xisuma and alex are more based on the featherweight au versions, not the real hermitcraft versions. this story is not part of the dadskall au nor any of dr siren's other aus, it's just a break for me to write some fluff. it takes place ~3-4 years after where fw currently is (s7 election era) but is not set in the fw au world. link to the post part of this is based on. ...and I think that's everything, onto the fic!
Xisuma took a deep breath, “I think dad’s alive.”
“You said you saw him die,” Alex, previously known as Evil Xisuma, said, turning to his brother, “They told me he died”
“He wasn’t exactly dead, it’s hard to explain. It’s more like...the horcruxes in Harry Potter. When dad died, I think there was some magic at play that made it so his ‘soul’ transferred into the nearest healthy, person. And I think I found them.”
“Uh-huh, and who might that be?”
“HALLO!” Iskall burst in, “What did you need me for?”
“Iskall? Seriously?”
“He was there that night and I have no reason to believe-”
“You really think Iskall-”
“It’s my best guess, everyone else was injured, and the magic had to choose the nearest healthy person, so it must be Iskall.”
“What must be Iskall?”
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same Iskall?”
“No, Iskall86,” Xisuma said, sarcastically, “Of course this Iskall, how many Iskalls do we know?”
“I still have no idea what we’re talking about, can -”
“No!” The void brothers turned to him and responded in sync. Xisuma pulled his brother into a side room, “Stay right there, thanks Iskall.”
Xisuma exhaled and closed the door behind them, “Phew, OK, I have reason to believe that 13 years ago, Iskall was present the night that dad-y’know-and since everyone else there was either corrupted or injured, as the only uninjured person, dad’s spirit ended up inhabiting his body, but’s been so weak that it was only using Iskall as a means of staying alive, not influencing him or trying to take control of his body at all. Do you get me?”
“A little.”
“And I think I know the spell that will separate them, and give dad his old body back,” They went back into the main room with Iskall, “Should I do it now?”
“Blast ‘im,” Alex backed out of the room, putting a protective wall between him and the magic.
A glowing green ball of energy swirled between Xisuma’s hands, and Iskall backed into the wall, “H-hey Xisuma, what are you doing?”
“This...shouldn’t hurt.”
Iskall held up a hand in a stop gesture, “SHOULDN’T?!”
Xisuma blasted him with the magic. Iskall glowed green, floated into the sir, then split into two people who fell down.
“I...think it...worked,” Xisuma muttered, collapsing to the floor.
Doomguy looked up, and noticed someone lying, unmoving, on the floor. His saving-people instincts kicked in, and he pulled himself over to the person. “C'mon, don’t be dead, don’t be dead,” he said, shaking them.
Someone was shaking Iskall. He sat up and opened his eyes, “Holy heck, it’s Doomguy!”
“You’re alive!” Doomguy said relieved, and pulled Iskall into a hug.
Absolutely starstruck, Iskall sat there, frozen. It’s Doomguy, I love Doom, Doomguy is right here, and he’s hugging me, it’s Doomguy! Iskall’s mind looped.
Pulling out of the hug, Iskall spotted Xisuma crumpled on the floor, “W-wait, I got-gotta check on my friend.”
Doomguy turned around, and spotted his son on the floor.
“Xisuma!” He stood up and stumbled toward him.
“Wait, you know Xisuma?”
“He’s my son. Well, your son, too. Our son.”
“Short answer, I am you. You are me. We’re the same person.”
Looking at his hands, one thought crossed Iskall’s mind, I’m Doomguy. It was closely followed by “I HAVE A SON?”
“Two sons.”
“TWO SONS? And one of them is dying!” Iskall sprinted across the room and cradled Xisuma’s head, “I don’t know what to do!”
“Health potion?” Doomguy suggested.
“Oh, yeah,” Pulling a potion of healing out of his inventory, Iskall splashed it onto Xisuma. He held his breath and waited to see if it would work.
Xisuma opened his eyes. He sat up.
“Dad!” He jumped up, and buried his face in his dad’s chest plate, giving him a hug the same way he did when he was younger.
“I’m your dad, too,” Iskall said.
“You know?” Xisuma asked, breaking off the hug.
“Yeah, Doomguy told me. So give your poppa a hug,” Iskall uncrossed his arms and gave a very confused Xisuma a hug.
“Oh, OK,” Xisuma awkwardly pat Iskall’s back until he stepped away.
“Is Alex here?” Doomguy asked.
“He should be right outside, he didn’t want to be in the same room as an untested spell.”
“Wait, you didn’t test it? Then why did you cast it on me?” Iskall asked, panicked.
“How many people do we know that have another person living inside them?”
“Wels/Hels, I’m pretty sure Ren did for a while, a pregnant lady,” Iskall ticked off on his fingers.
“Different circumstances. Wels and Hels are one person, like two sides of a coin, Ren-I don’t know what happened with Grimdog or The Red King or whatever, but I definitely don’t want to mess with those, and did you just compare yourself to a pregnant woman?”
“You said Alex was just outside?”
“Yeah,” Xisuma pulled the door open, to reveal Alex sitting on a bench outside, drumming his fingers against the seat
“Did it work?”
“Yeah.” Stepping out of the doorway, Xisuma revealed their dad standing behind him.
“Hi, Alex.”
“It’s me,” Doomguy sat next to his other son.
“Dad!” Alex hugged him, and they pulled Xisuma into the hug after a second. They sat there before the hug was interrupted by another pair of arms joining in.
“Family, together again,” Iskall sighed.
“What’s up with him?” Alex asked, glancing at Iskall.
“I’m part of the family, call me Dadskall.”
“OK...Dadskall, can we have awhile alone with our dad?”
“Oh, yeah. Sure. See you later.” Iskall trudged out of the room.
“I haven’t seen you guys in forever! How long was I…”
“15 years.”
“So that would put you guys in your mid-30s, right?”
“Has anything big happened in the last 15 years?”
Alex pulled off his helmet, “Nothing too bad. I was imprisoned for a bit of it,” he glared at his brother.
Xisuma also removed his helmet, “I said I was sorry, how many times do you want me to apologize?”
“I wasn’t saying it’s your fault, I was just making the point that-”
“I get it! I was an idiot and I didn’t listen to you when you were clearly right.”
“Just like old times,” Doomguy chuckled, he examined his son’s faces, “You look so much older, like real adults. I’m so sorry I missed out on the last 15 years, I would’ve loved to see you grow up.”
“It’s not like you could do anything about it.”
“I know you would have been here if you could.”
“Also how did you guys get those scars?”
“Someone needed to keep slaying the demons after you left,” Alex shrugged.
“I angered some Watchers years ago.”
“You angered some Watchers?” Doomguy asked, standing up.
“I just realized someone was right, but it was too late to save them.”
“Darn right, I was.” Alex and Xisuma also stood up.
“I...forgot how tall you were,” Doomguy said looking, at up at Alex, who was only a few inches taller.
“Oh, yeah. Xisuma was jealous he never got this tall.”
“No, I’m not!”
“Sure,” Alex smirked.
“So, anything else new?” Their dad intervened.
“Daisy’s still alive.”
“Should’ve guessed,” he chuckled.
“Oh! You’re a grandpa!”
“Yeah! I adopted a guy named xB. I’ll call him over, so you can meet!”
<Xisuma> hey xb, can you come on down to my base, I’ve got something to show you
<xBcrafted> ?
<xBcrafted> yeah, be there shortly
“How did you meet this xB?”
“I was doing some exploring between seasons, looking for a good seed, when I found a small single player world. xB was alone in there. Poor kid was only 13, didn’t know where his parents were, said he had been handling himself for the last 2 or 3 years, so I took him back to Hermitcraft with me. He’s a great kid, you’ll love him.”
“Xisuma has practically adopted the entire server.”
“Server? You’re an admin?”
“We both are. I’m main admin of Hermitcraft, Alex is the backup admin.”
“I’m so sorry I missed out on all of this stuff. I really wish I could have been there for you two.”
Something thumped into the outside of the building they were in, and the door opened, “Freakin’ rockets, stupid friggin’ elytra,” xB mumbled. “Oh, hey Uncle Alex, hey, dad.”
Doomguy gasped, “I love him already!”
“xB, this is our dad, Doomguy.”
“Wait, I thought he was dead.”
“Wonky magic stuff.”
“OK then. I’m xBcrafted,” xB said, offering his hand for a handshake.
Doomguy scooped him up in a hug, “Hello, xB, you can call me Grandpa Flynn, or just Grandpa, or just Flynn, I don’t care. I have a grandson!”
“Nice-to-meet-you,” xB gasped.
“Dad, I don’t think he can breath.”
“Oh, right,” Flynn released his grandson, “sorry, got a little overexcited.”
“Nah, it’s fine. I’m glad you’re back.”
“Glad to be back.”
“Do you want to go meet the rest of the server? There’s just under 30 of us, total.”
“Oh, you’ll love all of them. There’s me, of course, but Hypno and Jevin and Wels and False are all set up near me, Stress and Gem are also pretty close, and Doc and Ren are just past them, and…” xB rambled as the other three grabbed their helmets.
“You ready?” Alex asked, pushing open the door.
“Let’s go, I want to meet the rest of your family.”
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ARC 1: Chapter 4
The new fighters arrive at the Smash Mansion, and the rules are explained to them.
Word Count: 1548 word
~We’ve reached the Smash Mansion. All passengers, please wait for the doors to open.~
The door to their cart finally opened. Bandana was the first one to get out, stumbling a bit and stretching as a man wearing a black jacket and red gauntlets kept the door open from the outside. Galeem was standing next to the man, noting down something on a notepad as everyone got out.
Doomguy grunted, gesturing with his head at the man. Galeem didn’t look up from the notepad. Since you’re now a participant in the Tournament, we promoted Dante to Mansion security. Jin here is his replacement as Transport security. Jin, introduce yourself.
The man- Jin- sighed. “I’m Kazama Jin. I’ve agreed to help them guard this place for a favor.”
And he’s doing an adequate job. Galeem added. Besides a short verbal altercation with Kazuya earlier, he’s been doing fine. Anyway, she put the board away. Welcome to Super Smash Bros, everyone! As you’ve all been told, I am Galeem, one of two assistants in managing the Mansion.
“Hi, Galeem.” Chorused everyone who could say the words.
The basic rules in the Mansion are: violence outside of mandated matches is, for the most part, prohibited. A few exceptions have been made in the past, but they’re just that: exceptions. You all have your own bedrooms, and are expected to be in them from 22 to 7. Breakfast is from 7 30 to 9, lunch from 11 30 to 13, and dinner from 17 to 18 30. They will be served in the dinner hall, and you are free to eat there or somewhere else. If you are hungry at any other moment of the day, head to the kitchen and ask for a snack. Unless food is to be served in the main hall in less than thirty minute, you will be able to have something. Matches start at 9 30, and end at 4 30. There are also other activities that can be found in the mansion. If you’ll follow me now, we need to get you signed in.
She turned around, the rest of the fighters following as they were finally able to take in the scenery. The mansion was made of white marble, with roofs made of glass that reflected the light in rainbows, adjacent towers that stretched to the skies, and red banners floating in the wind, the whole emblazoned with the unevenly-split circle, of course. Judging from the windows, it was at least ten stories tall, and that wasn’t counting at least one basement Bandana knew was there. There was a connected building that looked similar, one with a roof that was a half-sphere. No doubt the place where the matches happened.
Galeem swung the double-doors open, letting them inside. It was just as grandiose as the inside: the wooden floor was glossy enough to see your reflection in, with interlacing geometric designs. The ceiling was high enough to make a giant feel small, and from it hung a giant chandelier. The walls were a warm color and covered in elaborate tapestry, which curled around two arches that no doubt led somewhere else in the mansion. The faint smell of incense hung in the air, no doubt coming from the two sticks that rested on the reception desk, which was encased in a double staircase at the other end of the room.
Unfortunately, the mystique was broken by what was happening at the reception desk. “-I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT PART OF ‘THAT GREEN I̸M̴B̴E̶C̴I̷L̶E̴ KEEPS RUINING MY LIFE’ YOU DON’T GET!”
AND I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY I HAVE TO EXPLAIN TO YOU THAT YOU C̸A̷N̵'̵T̷ ̸E̷A̵T̴ ̵L̶U̶I̵G̴I̴!̸!̵!̷ Bandana blinked at the scene, watching Dharkon argue with what looked like a very big ghost, the two visibly frustrated about Luigi, apparently.
Galeem groaned, floating over to them. Alright, what’s going on here?
King Boo saw Luigi and tried to eat him. Dharkon answered bluntly before the big ghost- King Boo- could answer and try to justify himself.
Galeem groaned in exasperation. Boo? I’m going to finish showing the new fighters around, and then you and I are gonna have a talk about what your payment for Dharkon taking you and your subjects out of E Gadd’s basement is, alright? For now, just- give those guys the keys to their room.
King Boo groaned, turning toward the computer as both gods kept an exasperated eye on him. “Fiiiine… Echo Fighter 24: Giygas.” The cat-like creature snapped to attention, before floating over to the desk at a nudge from Dark Matter. The ghost handed him a blue card with an orange stripe cutting it diagonally. “Echo Fighter 64: Octolings.”
“Wait here.” Hibana told Hachi before walking up to the desk and receiving their card.
“Fighter 83: Bandana Waddle Dee.” The Waddle Dee straightened up, before walking up to the desk and receiving his own card.
He shortly bowed in gratitude. “Thank you.”
“Ngh. Fighter 84: The Knight.” Bandana took a few steps back as the child walked up to the desk, looking up and waiting to receive their card. The ghost looked around, confused. “Well? The Knight, come take your key!”
Bandana leaned down. “Do you need help, little one?” The knight nodded, reaching up with their arms for Bandana to pick up. “Excuse me, mr King Boo?”
King Boo turned toward him, only for his eyes to land on the Knight. He smiled with too many teeth. “Well, aren’t you an adorable crime against nature?” The knight didn’t say a word, simply reaching out with their arms and making quick, grabby gestures with their hands. Bandana couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. So much like Kirby…
The spear wielder put the Knight back down as they received their key, their sister getting called right after. One by one, all the fighters received their keycards. Galeem raised her head once the lawyer duo received theirs. Alright, everyone ready to go?
Wait, Galeem? Dharkon interrupted, the angel turning toward him. How about I finish the rest of the tour, uh? That way, you just have to talk with king Boo, and can take the rest of the day off!
Galeem’s eyes softened. I’d appreciate that very much. You just have to walk them to the battle stations for the big announcements. The Battle Royale is going to finish soon, so the new fighters are about to be announced.
Alright! Okay everyone, follow me! Dharkon led them through an archway, mosaics depicting tales covering the walls and arched ceilings. So, something that the spectators don’t know is that Smash operates on a point basis. Each match awards points to the fighters depending on how well they performed, with the winners receiving a bonus of 50 points, which raises by five points for every victory won in a row. There’s other ways to get points, like Classic Story, but the matches are the main way. Whoever has the most points at the end of the Tournament wins. Any questions? Both Hachi, Eggman and Edgeworth raised their hands. Octoling? Sorry, I don’t know your name.
“Hachi. What happens if more than one fighter have same number of points?” The Octoling asked, tilting his head.
Dharkon hummed. A Tourney Match between those fighters happens, I guess? It’s what happened at the last Tournament. The four first ones all had a pretty clean-cut winner. Eggman?
“What’s the reward for winning the Tournament?” The doctor asked, folding his hands behind his back.
A trophy, respectable cash prize that we adapt for wherever you’re from, a small wish come true, permanent access to the winner’s lounge, and bragging rights. Dharkon explained. Edgeworth?
“Is there a way to lose points?” The prosecutor asked. “As in, points we’ve already won?”
Beside breaking the rules of the mansion? Dharkon asked, Edgeworth nodding in answer. Well, the points also serve as a sort of currency? You don’t actually have to spend them to enjoy your stay, but spending them can afford you some privileges. For example, spending 500 hundred points can afford you access to the winner’s lounge. Any other questions? Camille raised her hand. Yes, miss Mage?
“Uh… Camille will do.” She cleared up. “Before entering the train, we were given something you and that Galeem person called a power restraint?” She unclipped the brooch from her outer robe layer. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Oh, Galeem didn’t…? He trailed off, the group shaking their heads. Okay… basically, they make everyone in the mansion equal, so no one accidentally kills someone. They’re not just restraints, they’re amplifiers too. If these weren’t a thing, you risk the very real chance of killing someone, or getting killed yourself. He explained as they reached the end of the corridor, a metal door with the Smash logo on it. Which is why you must have it on your person at all. Times. Am I making myself clear? Everyone nodded. Good! Now, before I throw you into the arena: are there any more questions?
Hornet raised her hand. “Is it possible to get a map of the premises?”
After your introductions to the masses. Dharkon opened the door. Go through the lockers, then wait for your name to appear on the screen to enter. And remember the most important rule of all: have fun!
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prokopetz · 4 years
And finally, THE AVENGER. This one was by far the easiest, as it’s just a modification of the original Slayer playsheet; important changes include scrubbing off some of the more obvious setting-specific assumptions, making the action lists more flexible and more friendly to versions of this character who don’t necessarily have access to guns and explosives, and slightly toning down the implicit mockery of the source material (but only slightly).
I’m defnitely interested in comments and criticisms, of course, but I’m also terribly curious to see whether someone is going to explain how this playsheet is totally Kirby, since I received comments to that effect on the last two expanded playsheets as well!
(This is a first pass at an expanded playsheet for Doomguy, a provisionally titled tabletop RPG in development. Previous expanded playsheet drafts can be found here and here, for comparison.)
Media Inspirations: Doomguy (Doom), Kratos (God of War), Senua (Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice)
For you, the apocalypse is personal. Somebody's responsible for this, and that somebody needs to die. You're coming for them, and heaven help anyone who gets in your way.
Your Look (choose one or more): Bulky armour; spikes and chains; rippling muscles; scars and tattoos; a torn, filthy uniform
Your Weapons (choose one or more): All the fucking guns; a rough-hewn sword; fire, and lots of it; your own enhanced physiology; whatever you can lay hands on
Your Idiom (choose one or more): Capturing experimental hardware; upgrading your cybernetics; recovering mementos of your past; taking the strength of your defeated foes; getting so angry you spontaneously develop super powers
Your Agendas
Destroy your targets
Protect the innocent
Disrespect authority
Strike fear into the hearts of your enemies
Rip and tear
Taking Action
Any time the Opposing Forces ask “what do you do?”, describe what you do. Your actions are divided into three types: Heavy Actions, which require you to spend a token and return it to the pile; Light Actions, which let you pick up a token from the pile and add it to your supply; and Routine Actions, which do neither of those things. After each action, the Opposing Forces get to react.
Heavy Actions
Spend a token to:
Annihilate a single greater threat in an ungodly display of carnage
Wrest open a path to any objective you can see, even if there’s no reasonable way to get there from here
Resolve a complex problem through escalation of force, and not have that come back to bite you later
Power up according to your idiom; write a new Heavy Action and add it to the Slayer playsheet for the rest of the session, or recover a previously crossed off one
Ask the Opposing Forces "what here is my highest priority target?" They'll set an objective marker for you.
Routine Actions
You may always:
Casually destroy any lesser threats within reach
Perform improbable feats of strength and athletic prowess
Redirect a problem by breaking something important
Catch a reprieve according to your idiom; write a new Routine Action and add it to the Slayer playsheet for the rest of the session, or recover a previously crossed off one
Ask the Opposing Forces "what's my best way out of here?" They'll update your map.
Light Actions
Gain a token when you:
Get thrown back or forced to make a tactical retreat
Walk into an obvious trap
Impulsively destroy something you really ought not have destroyed
Run out of energy, ammunition, or momentum; cross off one Routine or Heavy Action from the Slayer playsheet
Ask the Opposing Forces "what don't I know that's about to screw me over?" They'll clue you in.
Doing Other Stuff
In between actions, you can ask the Opposing Forces what you see, talk to any non-Slayer characters who might be present (if you're the talkative sort), and perform incidental tasks to investigate and move about your environment. None of this counts as your action, unless you ask one of the three specific questions the Opposing Forces are bound to answer honestly -- or unless you seem to be stalling for time!
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inkheart01 · 3 years
The Crossover conundrum
Or the DOOM x EFTS crossover nobody but I was interested in
Alternative title: Someone builds a dimensional hole puncher and the first one thru is Doomguy
I'll edit when I have enough brainpower to make words do the pretty thing. Bonapitete. Enjoy. Here's my disaster. adios
The day started like any other, though Calle didn’t know whether to call it day, night, dawn or dusk, or everything and anything in between considering she was floating around in a giant warship in some sector of the galaxy that she had no possible way to pronounce. She took pride in knowing that she was the furthest human away from Earth. No, that was a lie. Last she had checked, Jade was on the other side of the ship. But still, the sentiment was valid.
A rough blow to her shin spurred the young woman out of her stupor. She whipped towards the culprit, who was buried half under a giant ring, deep in the guts of the mechanism. Calle didn’t know what it was and didn’t want to.
Jemma pushed herself out from the behemoth, signing for a helping hand before clambering back under, pale face stained with dirt and mousy hair slick from sweat.
Calle reached towards the nearby mess of supply’s, handing Jemma exactly what she had asked for.
Which meant that moments later, she had front row seats to watch as the girl channelled her inner high schooler and rocket out from under the ring, tossing the literal hand with all the strength and speed of a professional pitcher.
And then she came for Calle, going straight for the talkers ankles as she ran, laughing and crying in mad glee.
Almost lost in the cacophony of joy, the machine beeped loudly, once, twice, three times.
Then it screamed.
Bathing the room in a violent red glow, it sprung to life, gears and cogs churning as it wailed, beeping and flashing in a wild symphony of horror.
The two girls sprung to action, Calle slamming the button to the intercom, screaming over the chaos as Jemma lunged towards the beast, twisting knobs and levers in a mad attempt to silence it. Time seemed to drag on ph so slowly as the two battled against the towering ring, desperate to quell it before the ship tore in half from its quakes.
They almost missed the door shuddering open like a camera, an influx of children and aliens pouring into the room and into action.
Jade was still in her flight suit, and Calle briefly realised that she would have to apologise again. The self-proclaimed pilot never got to fly.
Ian raced to help Jemma with the controls alongside Rochelle and Hunter, the towering aliens orange complexion drowned out by the violent red.
The only one who seemed to sink deeper into the glow was Max, who, alongside Hayley and Bayley and Adam, took up defensive positions around the machine, guns drawn and ready for anything that emerged.
The rest, Calle, Jade, Eviee and Maeve rushed to tear into the machine but were forced back by another shudder.
Which meant that the whole of the Lazarus’ VIP crew had first-class access to the portal swirling with a sickening green, and a metal giant emerging.
Towering and frightening, the human emerged from the portal, shotgun at the ready and so impossibly imposing.
Clad in green armour, the man was a sight.
And then he charged. Far too fast for anything human, he barrelled past Jade, past Ian and Adam. Straight for the triplets standing guard.
Calle cried out a warning, unable to help as the siblings leapt aside, followed closely by the man.
And then, almost in slow motion, the door opened again, revealing the tiny shape of Emily, bathed in light. She stood with her bear clutched tight, eyes wide and searching. “Teddy?”
And the man froze, turning to the six-year-old in shock.
Taking the moment of opportunity, Max lunged, all 11feet and 4inches of alien crashing into the man like a freight train.
But the man was quicker, spinning out of the Rashikk’s way. But he didn’t account for the aliens head-tail.
Quick as a whip, the length shot forward, desperately trying to wrap around his armoured neck, but with little luck. And so Max lunged again, dodging the arm blade and pulling the man to the floor with a strength that anyone who had seen a Rashikk fight, would know was a mere fraction of their might.
And anyone who knew Max, also knew that he was just waiting for an opportunity to unleash hell.
And that presented itself in the armoured man on the floor, who, with startling strength, pushed the alien off and lunged for his Shotgun, the weapon having been knocked aside in the calamity.
But Adam was faster, nimble and quick, he scrabbled for the gun, tossing his rifle to Calle who easily slid into his place, gun aimed at the man and finger on the trigger. Adam slid under the man's arm, gun in hand as the warship lurched.
The armoured man slid, unaccustomed to Vivaane’s piloting, or the alarming nimbleness of the Lazarus, and Max took the opportunity to force the man's helmet off and knocking him out in the process.
Hours later, after the crews buzzing had died down, Captain Kalishnamara strode was not the medical wing, intent on finding out what the incident was this time.
But nothing could prepare her for what she saw when the doors opened.
Eight humans flitted around the room, Emily was perched on Max’s bed, bear in her lap as she laughed at her adopted father's antics. Eviee and Jemma, ever the scientists, were drilling into the half armoured man confined to the room, a dark robot at his side, translating. Jade, Rochelle and Ian were watching, transfixed as the Rashikk triplets tried and failed to beat Adams score for the fastest time to take apart and re-assemble a gun.
And then there was the Askiir, Maeve, the one she trusted the least, who was hovering nervously around Eviee. She had nothing against him personally, but when one gas the ability to manipulate emotions, there will always be a slight distrust, at least in her experience, Eviee seemed fine with the lanky bug.
Jade was the first to notice Kalishnamara and snapped to attention seconds before everyone else, bare the two newcomers, and Emily who was using the wrong hand, but no one held that against her, and if they did, the Lazarus fleet was always ready for a hunt.
“At ease. Alright, I’ll keep it simple. Someone’s already given me the incident report and I’ll get around to it when I have the patience”, Eviee made quick work of translating the Rashikk’s odd symphony of clicks and whistles that made up their spoken language. “All I want to know is if there is a body count”
“Not today”, Bayley answered cheekily, earning a laugh from those in the room that could understand, and leaving the last two to Waugh’s for Eviee translation.
“Good. Let’s keep it that way a little longer”, finally moving from the doorway, she stalked towards the newest members of her VIP crew, noting something peculiar in the way they communicated.
Leaning down as not to be overheard, she motioned to Jemma. “You both speak in the language of hands, yet you cannot understand each other without translations. Why is this?”. Though she was still not fluent in Jemma’s hand language, she understood enough of the basics to cobble together a sentence.
‘Different hand language. Different Home’
“I see. Thank you”. The captain rose to her full height, and the man glared, unknowingly annoyed at feeling oddly small not once, nor twice, but three times since coming through the portal. Was this what everyone else felt when he walked past?
Eviee dutifully translated the aliens oddly melodic language, a strange sound to come from creatures so adept at war.
“On behalf of the Crew and Residents, I welcome you aboard the Lazarus” the robot thanked her, introducing himself and the man. Flynn and Vega. Odd names, but who was she to judge. “I am Captain and Fleet Commander Kalishnamara. But you may call me Lisa. It is a nickname, as I am told.
“You will be regarded as VIP guests while aboard, much like everyone in this room. Please, referring from breaking any of my men why we try to get you home. Now, any questions?”
“Just one actually”, Vega spoke up, “how can you understand them?”
It took Lisa an embarrassingly long time to realise that the robot had been talking to Eviee, who was desperately hiding her laughter from the confused Captain. But still, she managed to pull her source up and reveal the thick golden band around her bicep. “Universal translator. It hurt like hell but is incredibly useful. The downside, both speaking parties have to have one to be able to communicate.”
Flynn turned to look towards Emily, who was squealing as Max and Rochelle bickered.
“What’s the diagnosis doc?”
“You want my diagnosis? Your gonna fuckin die!”
“Don’t worry about her”, Eviee waved off the giants concern. “She doesn’t have one. We’re working on an alternative”
At that same moment, Lisa turned towards Max. “I was told that no major injuries were sustained. Why are you in Ned at?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. The beds are just comfortable”
Lisa sighed as she left the room, muttering about needing a drink. Followed by Jade, Calle, Ian and Adam, the rest of the Chaos club, two aliens, a robot and a confused mountain of a man and a six-year-old and her stuffed bear.
The day ended like any other, in that the Days without Incident board was wiped clean, five new reports were written up, and the crew was abuzz. The only new thing being that the armoury was now locked, indefinitely.
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houseisekai · 3 years
House Isekai: Shadowbringers - Act 2 Finale: God Shattering Star
House Isekai Shadowbringers AU Masterlist Here
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Time is running out for everyone in Fodlan and House Isekai. They must act now and destroy TWSITD and Rhea before their worlds merge. No matter what, they cannot stop. No matter who they lose on the way.
[Spiderweb - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
Byleth swung open the door to the capital building, looking for Lahabrea.
(Edelgard) “Professor?”
(Claude) “Everything alri-?”
(Byleth) “Where is that son of a bitch, I want answers NOW.”
(Yuri) “You mean Lahabrea? Pretty sure he’s upstairs-”
Byleth stormed past them, leaving everyone confused.
(Dimitri) “Perhaps we should get everyone else to follow as well.”
They nodded and gathered their respective classes and the members of House Isekai.
Sitri and the School-Living Club members were the first to arrive, seeing Byleth in a nearby room to confront Lahabrea and Sothis.
(Lahabrea) “Is something the ma-”
(Byleth) “What the hell is going on with me and Sitri?! Why are we seeing other people’s memories?!”
(Lahabrea) “...”
Sitri stepped forward as well, pressing him further.
(Sitri) “And you never said why you brought me back. How am I important to any of this?”
The house leaders and representatives came into the room, seeing the interrogation happen.
(Lahabrea) “To the first question, the Zanado Tower is what’s making you remember.”
(Claude) “When we were inside it, we could hear and access past memories, ones we didn’t experience in this...timeline? I think...?”
Lahabrea nodded.
(Lahabrea) “Correct. Every single voice you’ve heard of yourself, it is a memory, something that happened before in a previous timeline before it was wiped out. As to why you and Sitri have access to House Isekai’s memories...is because of me.”
Lahabrea turned to face the House Isekai representatives, and only found eyes that viewed him as a stranger. Shaking his head, he continued his explanation.
(Lahabrea) “The voices you have been hearing, were times I spent with them. Each loop caused their memory to wipe, no matter what we did to prevent it. When Sothis and I reversed time ourselves, we must have caused some catastrophic damage that...well, made you.”
(Rean) “Are you calling Byleth a mistake?”
(Sothis) “Not a mistake. An accident. If things had gone to plan, we would be the ones in this situation instead of him. Though, it is a blessing that he does not have full access to what we’ve been through...”
(Lahabrea) “We’ve been experiencing the same memory flashes as well, and our guess is because the Tower is failing and merging all of our worlds together is how we’re able to see their memories. I don’t expect that to go away anytime soon.”
(Yu) “The Tower has already shown up in our world. How much time is left for the others?”
(Sothis) “We have no idea. That being the case, we should NOT allow it to merge any further, the Tower is barely holding itself together as it is. Who knows what will happen if it is allowed to continue.”
(Yuuri) “More importantly, some of our worlds should NEVER be allowed to merge...”
Yuuri stiffened while Doomguy looked around the room and shook his head.
(Kazuma) “Yeah, we’d be downright screwed if either of theirs merged with Fodlan. Hell, any of ours, really. So, what’s the plan on stopping it exactly?”
(Lahabrea) “Before we were attacked, I mentioned a plan to wipe out Those who Slither and the Church. Our reasoning is this-”
Lahabrea pulled out a crystal and tapped it, displaying a small light of two spheres that were side by side. He pointed at the sphere on the left.
(Lahabrea) “This sphere is the Tower. It represents what our past self did to cause the events happening now.”
He pointed at the second sphere.
(Sothis) “The second sphere is the timeline that should be separated, what should have happened without any intervention.”
The two spheres merged together.
(Lahabrea) “The two merging is what’s making us even have this conversation.”
(Sitri) “So...if we remove the first sphere, the second sphere will be fixed?”
(Sothis) “That’s our best guess, yes. If we kill Rhea, her angels should be at a complete loss. And if we kill Those Who Slither, than we can rest assured the Javelin of Liberation will not be activated.
(Dimitri) “I don’t believe we’ve seen that Javelin but...it sounds familiar.”
(Edelgard) “Indeed, and it wasn’t because of the message in the crystal.”
(Lahabrea) “Everyone excluding House Isekai has had experience with it...It’s what caused us to be here to begin with.”
(Kazuma) “So we’re dealing with a buncha nutjobs with a nuclear bomb, fuckin’ fantastic.-”
(Sothis) “-And as to why we brought Sitri back.”
Sothis turned to Yuri.
(Sothis) “You recall your time in Abyss with Byleth during the school year?”
(Yuri) “How could I forget? First time I had met them and House Isekai...Ah, I see. You’re referring to the incident with her body.”
(Sitri) “M-My what?”
(Ainz) “Long story short, Aelfric wanted to bring you back to life, while Rhea originally tried the method to bring Sothis back. That’s what we were able to gather.”
(Sitri) “I...remember somewhat Rhea mentioning that. I sacrificed myself to make sure Byleth survived. And Rhea always did treat me as one of her own...”
(Minako) “That’s how she treated Byleth too, until she realized he wouldn’t cooperate.”
(Akira) “We wanted to bring her to justice until, well, all of this happened.”
(Edelgard) “It was part of the reason why I wanted House Isekai to join us in the war. Though it seems what I did had been unnecessary...”
Byleth looked away from Edelgard. At the beginning of all this, he wanted her dead as much as Rhea. Now, he had no idea how to feel, having access to all of Lahabrea’s memories. Or, his memories. He didn’t really know which one was right, or if there was a right answer.
(Sothis) “The reason why we brought you back, is because you CAN channel this loop’s Sothis through you.”
(Byleth) “What?!”
(Sitri) “Is...Is that why I’ve been able to see the past memories too?”
They nodded.
(Lahabrea) “What I went through, Sothis was with me every step of the way. So what she remembers by being with Byleth, you remember. After all, she’s a part of us.”
(Yu) “So she’s still alive for us after all.”
(Sothis) “As I have said, though I am not seen, I am always with you.”
(Sitri) “But h-how will I be able to? What can I even do?”
(Lahabrea) “...We don’t honestly know, other than its possible. We just have you as a trump card to use against her, more than anything.”
(Edelgard) “That’s...reassuring.”
(Minako) “Not like we have a better plan.”
(Lahabrea) “Anyways, about stopping Rhea and Those Who Slither...That’s not going to be an easy task. They are both using technology they should not have access to, and you’ve seen how lethal angels and inquisitors are.”
(Minato) “And how fast the Agarthans converted the dead into that...thing.”
(Yuuri) “Both of them want each other dead, with us caught in the middle.”
(Sitri) “And we’re the only ones who can stop it.”
(Kazuma) “Not like we can exactly wait for them to kill each other and let them sort it out either...”
(Lahabrea) “Well, all we really need to do is kill the leaders and the rest should scramble...We hope.”
(Sothis) “In the past, killing the leaders effectively put the factions out of the picture. So that part is consistent every loop at least.”
(Rean) “Then, who do we go after first? We can have Valimar teleport us the-”
(Lahabrea) “No. Valimar takes too much energy, and we’re going to need him at full strength. I have an idea to have both of them show up at the same time.”
(Sothis) “But we will not depart unless everyone is ready. Once we go through with this plan, there’s no coming back.”
Everyone stiffened their backs.
[The King of Lions - Fire Emblem: Three Houses OST]
(Lahabrea) “We will be using the Tower to teleport and attack the Church head on. A massive energy spike from it will catch Those Who Slither’s attention and cause them to teleport to us. We will be dealing with a two front battle, and it will NOT be pretty.”
(Sothis) “Some of us may not be coming back alive.”
(Everyone) !!!
(Minato) “...”
(Minako) “...”
(Yuuri) “We can’t just teleport in front of Rhea?”
(Lahabrea) “Over the last 5 years, we have no idea what she’s done to herself, nor what it will do to Byleth. The angel blood is still infecting him after all.”
Everyone turned to Byleth.
(Byleth) “When’s it going to fully take over?”
(Sothis) “Our best guess is if the Tower collapses. What we did only stalled it anyways.”
(Dimitri) “So our only options are to wait around and die, or charge headfirst into danger.”
(Yuri) “...There have been worse ideas.”
(Claude) “So this is the point of no return, eh? Guess we better hurry, unless ya know, we wanna watch our world burn down in front of our eyes.”
(Rean) “Let’s get going. It’s time we end this.”
Everyone left the room, except for Lahabrea, Minato, and Minako.
(Minato) “...You’re really the Byleth we spent our time with in those memories?”
(Lahabrea) “...Yes.”
(Minako) “Then you must already know what happens to us.”
(Sothis) “We do.”
(Minato) “In that case...thanks for everything.”
That was the last thing he said before they walked out the door.
Lahabrea walked outside to the plaza and waited patiently for everyone to gather.
As Sitri walked down to the Infirmary to gather any medical supplies for the upcoming fight, she could hear a voice call out to her.
She quickly spun around to see if anyone was in the room, but there was nothing.
(Sitri) “Huh...?”
The voice sounded like a young female’s but...it wasn’t familiar to her. 
Byleth came into the room and found Sitri looking confused, her head constantly shifting side to side.
(Byleth) “Are you okay?”
(Sitri) “O-Oh I’m fine. I thought I was hearing someone...”
[Return of the Night - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
(Byleth) “This is the first time we’ve spoken in length, isn’t it?”
It had just dawned on Sitri. It was.
They didn’t say anything at first. They weren’t sure what to talk about.
The first time they could actually speak to each other as mother and son was right before they were going to march into death’s door.
(Sitri) “...I’m proud of you, Byleth.”
(Byleth) “For what?”
(Sitri) “For...For becoming the person you are. Jeralt raised you well.”
She smiled.
She was worried how Byleth was going to turn out when he had no emotions being born. 
(Sitri) “Look at you. From what the others had told me, you went from a mercenary with a stone face to a beloved teacher loved by everyone. You’ve led and unified people from different worlds under your banner...And now you’re going to save everyone too.”
Byleth smiled. It nearly sent Sitri into tears. She ruffled his white hair and hugged him.
(Sitri) “I’m so sorry we couldn’t get more time together.”
(Byleth) “That’s not your fault, Si-...Mother.”
Mother. That was the first time Byleth had called her that. She had been waiting so long to hear herself called ‘Mother’ from her son. Not that she was ever expecting to anyway.
(Byleth) “Jeralt would’ve been so happy to see you again.”
He let go and clenched his sword.
(Byleth) “I can make him proud by finishing this at the very least.”
She shook her head.
(Sitri) “Nonsense. You’ve already made him proud, my son.”
The two smiled at each other before there was a knock on the door.
(Sara) “Hey, we’re ready to go.”
Byleth nodded and headed out first. Sara was about to follow before being stopped by Sitri.
(Sitri) “You’re...Sara, right? Sara Valestein?”
(Sara) “I am. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Eisner.”
Sara formed a smirk on her face as she held out a hand.
Sitri firmly shook it before bowing.
(Sitri) “Thank you for taking care of my son.”
(Sara) “Psh, being honest, he was keeping me in check most of the time during the academy. I was a whole mess for him and the other staff. Hah, him and Megumi would have to rope me in from strangling Sete-...”
It was then Sara realized she hadn’t seen Seteth or any of the other Church staff. Were they going to have to-
Sitri realized what was going through her head and put a hand on her shoulder.
(Sitri) “It...may be a bit strange coming from someone you barely know, but you’ll get through this.”
(Sara) “Hah...Thanks. Once this is over, remind me to get you a drink.”
Sara winked at Sitri before pulling out her pistol.
(Sara) “Now, let’s going.”
[Dangerous Words - FFXIV: Shadowbringers]
Sothis prepared a portal as the four houses and House Isekai all got their weapons out.
(Lahabrea) “This is the plan, we go in and strike as fast and hard as we can.
Ainz, Slayer, your groups will cause as much chaos as possible to distract the strongest members. We have no idea where we’ll be teleporting in.
Akira, you and the Phantom Thieves will scout out ahead for Rhea and try to estimate their fighting strength.
Class VII and the four houses will take care of the grunts as everyone advances, giving support to Nazarick and Slayer.
Yu, Minato, Minako, Kazuma, your teams will provide backup and scans when you get the chance.
Sitri, Yuuri, your groups will be helping any survivors, if there is any. If there aren’t, keep your head down and pick your targets carefully.”
Slayer nodded and brought out his pistol and gave it to Yuuri. Miki and Yuki got a bows from Alliance soldiers.
(Lahabrea) “Myself and Byleth will be taking on Rhea ourselves. We’ll no doubt be attracting the attention of the Agarthans, and they’ll teleport in when the moment is right. We cannot afford to let them take us off guard again.”
Everyone nodded. They understood their roles, but whether they were confident or not was an entirely different story.
The Persona Users looked determined but nervous. Some of the user’s legs were shaking.
Ainz nodded to his subjects and they all got on one knee and nodded.
Slayer pumped his shotgun and checked his ammunition.
Class VII activated their Arcus units and readied themselves to run in.
Sitri and the School-Living club members looked extremely nervous, but they refused to hesitate when lives were on the line.
The four houses had a mixed reaction of all the above.
(Sothis) “Opening the portal, get ready everyone, we have NO idea where we’re landing!”
Sothis’ hand gently waved over the air, slowly opening a massive portal, similar to Valimar’s spirit portal.
The ground around them shook ever so slightly, since it was using energy from the tower.
Doomguy and the denizens of Nazarick were the first ones to jump in...
Gates of Enbarr, Adrestian Empire territory...
Catherine finished cutting down the last of these glowing orange soldiers.
The last one she split apart exploded into light particles, just like all the rest.
They had been sieging this city for months now, but it seemed like they were finally breaking through to get to Edelgard.
She sighed as she sheathed Thunderbrand and looked to the skies. It was a bright white, and at this point she was sick of looking at it.
It made the area around them freezing, despite the fact buildings and debris directly next to her were on fire.
And the skies reminded her of...
She reached for her head. These flashes of voices were getting worse by the day. It was a mixture of her voice and...strangely enough, her fellow Inqusitors and the former students.
Just what the hell was it? Even Rhea didn’t seem immune from this, yet she refused to comment everytime it was brought up.
She heard footsteps behind her and saw several knights approach. Catherine frowned.
These weren’t the knights that she served with back then. They were “blessed” by some form of magic to turn them into “angels”. Part of her wondered if it was some cruel joke to call them that, since she had seen their true forms.
Not to mention her and the other Inquisitors had been given this “blessing”, though it seems they could at least control it. 
Shamir, Seteth, Flayn, Cyril, and Alois were currently elsewhere, so it was just her for now.
Shaking her head, she motioned behind her.
(Catherine) “Clean up this mess. Lady Rhea and I are to make our way to the throne room.”
As if on cue, a brighter light shone behind Catherine, which she immediately dropped to one knee.
(Catherine) “Lady Rhea! We have been waiting for you-”
(Rhea) “Rise. For this day is a glorious one. We have finally broke this long siege, and will kill that girl for her insolence!”
Rhea was wearing some form of ritual combat armor, though it didn’t look to protect her that much. Not that it was an issue for her, however.
More of the orange glowing soldiers teleported in behind and tried to swing at Rhea, which she effortlessly blocked with her shield hand, turning around batting them all away as if they were flies.
They were shot into the wall, breaking through solid concrete and exploding into light particles.
(Rhea) “Hmph. Whatever these are, they have done well to defend Enbarr for this long. But now that we have arrived, they are destined to fail. Come, Catherine. Nothing stands in our way now.”
Catherine nodded and followed Rhea closely behind.
Several of the knights had finished the skirmish in the city plaza, killing off the last of the phantom soldiers.
One of the knights turned to the commanding officer and sheathed his sword.
(Knight) “Sir, this area is clear.”
(Knight-Captain) “Understood. Inform Lady Rhea-”
A portal interrupted the Knight-Captain as it formed behind him, making everyone unsheathe their swords.
(Knight) “What the hell?!”
The Knight-Captain’s torso exploded into bits and pieces as Doomguy emerged firing his shotgun.
Before any of the other Knights could respond, the entire squad was taken out by a mixture of lightning magic, knives, and sharp claws.
Ainz emerged behind Doomguy, followed by the rest of Nazarick, donning battle equipment.
Doomguy smirked and took out an assault rifle in response before noticing the Knight-Captain’s legs were twitching.
As he unloaded his rifle into the legs, the rest of House Isekai began teleporting in, immediately rushing to their roles.
Byleth and Lahabrea rushed to the Throne Room with the Phantom Thieves hopping on the rooftops above them.
As the Black Eagles rushed in, their clothes changed once more, similar to the Phantom Thieves.
(Edelgard) “Hm, I could get used to this outfit.”
(Bernadetta) “M-Mine looks embarrassing! It feels so light like I’m wearing nothing!”
(Caspar) “I’m a little jealous, you got nothing to restrict your movement, meanwhile I’m in such heavy freakin’ armor!”
(Linhardt) “...Come to think of it, did we ever get an explanation of how we could suddenly start-!!!”
Linhardt was cut off as he tripped over onto the floor, reaching for his head in pain.
(Dorothea) ?! “LIN-”
Dorothea was the second to follow, and eventually the rest of the Black Eagles fell to the ground.
S.E.E.S ran with the Blue Lions before they fell over as well. The same thing happened with the Golden Deer.
(Petra) “W-...What is?!-”
(Edelgard) “Goddess, my head! Why now?!”
(Minako) “Hey, what’s wrong?!”
(Minato) “Shit, not good, knights incoming!”
Squads of knights closed into their position before Valimar stepped in front of them.
(Rean’s voice) “We’ll take care of them, get moving towards the throne room!”
(Junpei) “What, but there’s too many of them!”
(Sharon) “Not to worry, we can fix that!”
Class VII moved into defend the Blue Lions, Minato and Minako nodding at each other.
They ran first, and the rest of S.E.E.S quickly followed.
Sitri, Yuuri, Kurumi, Miki, and Yuki ran through the streets and found the Golden Deer and Investigation Team engaged with the enemy.
Yuuri took aim with Doomguy’s pistol and pulled the trigger, the recoil almost hitting her in the face and scaring her.
The shot narrowly missed a knight which caused him to look over to their direction.
That distraction cost him his life as he was split in two by Yu’s Persona.
(Yu) “Thanks!”
(Hilda) “R-Really...hard to fight with this...damn headache!”
(Claude) “Ugh, it’s like the tower...only a thousand times worse!”
The Golden Deer toppled over in pain, trying to fight through the voices in their heads.
(Kurumi) “Come on!”
Kurumi ran into the fight with her shovel, going for the Knight’s legs while they were distracted fighting the Investigation Team. Eventually the rest of the group joined into the skirmish.
As Lahabrea and Byleth got through the streets unscathed, they heard Futaba’s voice.
(Futaba) “Oracle here, nothing detected on the way in! Heck, I think they’re expecting you two!”
(Lahabrea) “Any signs of soldiers fighting the Church?”
(Futaba) “...No, we’re the only ones here, aren’t we?”
(Byleth) “Lahabrea?”
(Lahabrea) “Understood. Keep your eyes peeled for the Agarthans, we’re moving in to engage Rhea.”
Lahabrea turned to Byleth.
(Sothis) “We use the Tower to spawn...let’s call them Phantoms to keep them occupied at Enbarr as we gathered House Isekai.”
(Byleth) “And what are the consequences?”
He didn’t answer, which made Byleth angry, but he had no time to press him further. They were right on the doorstep of the capital building.
Catherine and Rhea stood outside on top of the stairs, waiting for them.
Catherine saw them approach and drew out Thunderbrand.
(Rhea) “They’re mine.”
(Catherine) “L-Lady Rhea?”
(Rhea) “You will keep our guests occupied.”
She pointed to the right as Agarthans teleported near the stairs.
(Catherine) “...Understood.”
[Insanity - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Lahabrea and Byleth stopped at the bottom as Rhea walked towards them, dropping her sword and shield.
(Rhea) “You...!”
Rhea started glowing into a bright white as her voice grew deeper.
(Rhea) “I should have killed you when we first met, seeing how you turned out. Another DISAPPOINTMENT.”
The two unsheathed their swords, Sothis appearing behind them.
(Rhea) “M-Mother...?”
Sothis prepared spells in her hand, making Rhea’s eyes twitch.
Her figure began growing into colossal size, wings sprouting from her back as her limbs grew longer and longer.
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The Immaculate one leapt forward, roaring as the claws swung wildly trying to hit them.
Byleth and Lahabrea rolled out the way on opposite sides, narrowly dodging the attack.
While the two ran towards her, on the rooftops, more Agarthans teleported in.
(Agarthan) “Lord Thales, do we make our move?”
(Thales) “Not yet. Our enemies seem prepared for us this time. For now, we observe.”
The Immaculate One spun around and flew into the air, blasting fireballs from her mouth at the two.
Lahabrea activated the whip function of his sword and absorbed the attack as Sothis helped negate the attack with a magical barrier, while Byleth hopped into the air.
He swung at her wings, slice getting deep enough to make her fly unbalanced, and forced her to fight on the ground.
When the Immaculate One landed, Sothis fired Thoron from her hands, aimed directly at her head. Another fireball cancelled the attack out as it exploded into a dust cloud.
Using the dust cloud, Lahabrea charged in, deactivating the whip and moved to gouge out one of her eyes.
Digging her claws deep into the floor, the Immaculate One scraped across the floor and fired massive chunks of debris at Lahabrea.
Diving onto the floor, he managed to dodge in time, but left him open to attack.
Instead of going for the kill, the Immaculate One swung her claws to her left, catching Byleth’s sword in time and knocking him away.
(Lahabrea) “Rhea, listen to me, why are you doing this?!”
(Byleth) “The hell are you doing?-”
(Immaculate One) “SILENCE!”
Byleth swung his sword at her once more, which she stood perfectly still, her skin hardening before the impact came, making it bounce off.
Her jaw swung open and caught Byleth’s leg before he could run, slamming him to the wall of a nearby building.
Before being able to make the next move, Sothis teleported in front of her and casted several ice spells, all of which shot into her face.
Most of them bounced off, but one pierced through her nose, making her stagger backwards, and giving enough time for Lahabrea to get up and run over to Byleth.
(Lahabrea) “What are you doing lying around?!”
Thales and several Agarthans teleported in behind them readying a spell before Byleth sprung to life, both of them deactivating their whips.
(Byleth) “GOT YOU!”
Thales barely had time to react as he activated his barrier, blocking the whip.
His subordinates were not as fast, as the three that teleported with him were decapitated, their heads rolling onto the floor as their bodies collapsed into the debris pathetically.
(Thales) “Hmph, expecting my trick to work a third time was on me.”
He floated into the air and fired a spell at both Byleths and the Immaculate One.
Sothis tanked the spell by activating her barrier while it didn’t seem to affect the Immaculate One.
He tried to attack again before several bullets made their mark in his arm, before he could pull his shield up to block all of them.
(Kasumi) “This is for Jeralt, you bastard!”
(Akira) “OPEN FIRE!”
The Phantom Thieves unleashed a hail of gunfire, causing Thales to go on the defensive, and drew him away from Byleth and Lahabrea’s fight.
(Lahabrea) “Rhea! Stop this madness! You and the others have been seeing the memories too, haven’t you!”
The Immaculate One roared in response, gearing up for another attack.
(Byleth) “She’s too far gone to listen!”
(Lahabrea) “Is this the legacy you want to leave for Sothis, nothing but blood and destruction?!”
She jumped into the air and landed near them, sending debris flying towards their direction.
Lahabrea and Sothis cut and blasted them apart while Byleth slid underneath them to get closer.
The Immaculate One tried to attack Byleth, with Lahabrea seizing the opportunity and wounded her arm by cutting deep into it, with Sothis firing fire spells into the wound.
She roared in pain as she tried to harden her skin, leaving herself open again to Byleth.
He activated the whip function and took out one of her eyes by slicing across it, making her blind on her right side.
She opened her mouth and shot out fireballs wildly, hitting Byleth and Lahabrea.
(Sothis) “Tch, Byleth is right, we can’t reason with her! We have to-AGH!”
Thales kept taking hits, more than he was able to. The bullets in his arms weren’t doing him any favors.
Akira, Makoto, and Kasumi, Morgana, and Yusuke were relentless with their attacks, never giving him the chance to breathe.
Ryuji and Ann’s Persona forced him to expel more magic than he had to in order to combat them and block their attacks.
There were too many of them to keep track of, not to mention that one in the floating object giving tactical support.
(Thales) Wait a minute, there were ten of them, where are the other tw-
He wasn’t able to finish his thoughts as he felt something sharp hit his back and another bullet his his leg, making him fall over to the ground.
(Haru) “Nailed it!”
(Akechi) “Slippery little bastard.”
Everyone pointed their weapons at him, Akira doing the talking.
(Akira) “Surrender, it’s over!”
Thales raised his hand and it glowed for a moment before Akechi shot him several times in the head.
(Akechi) “Shut the fuck up already!”
(Kasumi) “W-Wait, what did he-”
The white skies suddenly had a massive cloud of darkness appear above them.
(Ryuji) “Oh SHIT!”
The Immaculate One was about to make the killing blow before being driven to the floor by voices flooding her head.
Lahabrea and Byleth were forced onto the floor, and realized what was happening.
(Lahabrea) “No...NO!”
Everyone stopped fighting and saw the dark cloud begin to brighten up.
(Ainz) “What is that...?”
The three houses’ headaches grew worse as they saw the skies.
(Claude) “N-Not...good!”
(Dimitri) “Is...that?-”
(Edelgard) “Damn it all, THE JAVELIN!”
Doomguy was the first to respond, grabbing his most powerful weapon: the BFG-9000 and fired indiscriminately into the air.
(Rean) “I-Is attacking it even going to do anything?!”
(Yu) “Better than not trying anything at all!”
Yu sheathed his katana and crushed a tarot card, summoning Izanagi and fired several spells. The rest of the Persona Users and Denizens of Nazarick did the same.
(Sitri) “What can we-AGH!”
That voice again. Who was-
(Emma) “Wait a second, was that Sothis?!”
(Kazuma) “You heard that too?!”
The voice was...Sothis? Why was she telling her to stop them, it’s not as if she needed that pointed out to her.
Sitri didn’t have time to think as she was driven to the ground.
(Minato) “...Hey sis.”
Minato calmly walked over to Minako.
(Minako) “Yeah, it’s time.”
She cracked her knuckles and threw away her Evoker. Minato did the same, catching Aigis’s attention.
(Aigis) “W-Wait what are you?-”
(Minato) “Don’t worry, you’ll remember.”
Thanatos formed behind them, roaring into the air as the skies began to grow into a blinding white light.
S.E.E.S was about to move towards them before Thanatos blew them back into the ground.
(Rean) “Uh, what are they doing?!”
(Ainz) “They’re just summoning their Persona, now keep focusing and-”
(Kazuma) “HEY, INCOMING!”
The Javelin began to fly downwards, but Thanatos flew up and caught it, breaking apart and roaring in pain.
Minako and Minato were brought to their knees, their body parts slowly disappearing into light blue particles, just like Megumi.
(Yuuri) “What the- THEY’RE GOING TO GET KILLED!”
(Yu) “Wait, is this how they...?-”
Both of them turned to her and smiled.
(Minato) “See ya around, Aigis.”
(Minako) “...Goodbye, everyone. It’s been fun.”
Thanatos roared a final time as it absorbed the blow, exploding into light particles.
Minako and Minato followed suit, and shattered before everyone’s eyes.
The three houses finally had the pressure released from their heads, and struggled to catch their breath.
Byleth, Lahabrea, and the Immaculate One were getting up, completely dazed.
Sothis teleported in front of the Immaculate One, arms outstretched.
(Immaculate One) “...M-Mother...Is...that you?”
The one eye had caused her vision to go blurry in combination with the voices finally stopping.
Sothis embraced her, caressing her head.
(Sothis) “...Sleep, my daughter.”
Bright lights formed in Sothis’s hand, Thorons firing from both palms, one hand impaling straight through the Immaculate One’s eyes, and another through her brain.
Her body fell completely limp, and the pale white skies vanished into night, the only light being from the fires in Enbarr.
The battle was over.
[Song End]
(Catherine) “LADY RHEA!”
She tried to advance further, but saw Knights collapse to the floor left and right, with Agarthans retreating upon seeing that Thales was dead.
Those voices in her head had completely stunned her, making her fighting capabilities reduce to almost none. If she stuck around any longer, she was going to get killed.
Swallowing her pride, she grabbed Thunderbrand and retreated.
Byleth and Lahabrea slowly got up, looking at each other.
(Byleth) “The...The voices stopped.”
(Lahabrea) “That they did...”
The rest of the group reunited where Lahabrea and Byleth were.
(Kazuma) “So...we won?”
(Sitri) “We did but...Minako and Minato.”
Everyone quickly realized that they were nowhere to be seen.
(Aigis) “...They’re gone.”
S.E.E.S looked down, not in the mood to celebrate their victory.
Many of them were reaching for their heads, their memories coming back in full force.
(Aigis) “They’ve been gone just...just like Megumi.”
(Rean) “What...?”
(Ainz) “...So their fates were sealed from the start.”
(Akira) “No...!”
Aigis turned to Yu.
(Aigis) “You all knew, didn’t you?”
The Investigation Team looked at each other, then back to S.E.E.S.
(Yu) “We...didn’t know how to bring it up. We had met you when you came to Inaba and...you told us of their passing.”
(Yuki) “Even more of us are gone...”
(Everyone) “...”
(Lahabrea) “What matters is that we all survived and-”
(Everyone) !!!
[Paradisaical Predicaments - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers OST]
Everyone had to reach for their heads as the world began to shake violently.
Sothis’s voice was loud and clear for everyone.
“No, NO!”
(Kazuma) “The hell, there she is again!”
(Lahabrea) “Wait a second, Sothis?!”
(Yuri) “You mean THAT’s the goddess?”
(Sothis) “This loop’s Sothis right, what is she talking-”
She was interrupted as multiple people dropped to the floor. First was Class VII, then Ainz’s.
(Akira) “What the hell is happening now?!”
(Yu) “Wait a second, i-is it?!-”
(Ainz) “A...A tower?!”
Lahabrea and Sothis’ eyes went wide.
(Lahabrea) “It can’t be...”
Great Tomb of Nazarick...
Several skeletons and demons scattered around the area, preparing for an assault on the tomb.
Without Ainz and the Floor Guardians, this was going to be an extremely difficult battle for them.
Thor’s Military Academy, Branch Campus...
(Kurt) “A-A Tower?! Where did it even come from?!”
(Altina) “The materials do not match any known signatures we have in our world.”
(Ash) “Well, it oughtta be interesting at least.”
(Musse) “H-Has anyone seen Instructor Rean, I haven’t found him anywhere!”
(Sothis) “This can’t be right!”
(Lahabrea) “H-Hang on, I’m thinki-”
The skies suddenly turned back into a pale white, the temperatures dropping rapidly.
(Rean) “The Javelin didn’t hit, right?!”
(Ainz) “We’d be dead if it did!”
“Stop them...!”
(Sitri) “S-Sothis...?!”
[Escape - Darling in the FranXX OST]
The forecasted rain wets us
What should I say to you, as you tremble? My soaked blazer is cold and heavy
I feel as helpless as a chick who’s left its cage. I felt that my dreams were on the other side of the heavy clouds
I digested only the sweet pain that spread in my chest
I wonder if it’d be better if I’d never met you
Hey, I can’t even see the stars
Hey, my tears won’t fall either
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geek-gem · 4 years
My Dog Passed Away Today
....I just want that title out of the way......but I wanna say something too. I’m not a guy while I do talk about my life sometimes or so. But I’m not a person who reveal big details. Especially of what I look like because I have some personal issues. Including you just wanna be careful with the internet. Despite two of my best friends talking about how it’s okay to show your face. 
But.....something happened today and it’s that title. Today we were having this huge party. It was for the graduates that graduated this year. Especially me, and many people were in the pool. It went on for I think 2 hours my mom said. It was a lot of fun. At one point our dog Jojo, an American Bulldog was let out of this area we put him in. He got in the pool twice. 
The first with many people in the pool. Basically that I recall they were cheering and glad he was in there. The second time he got in, two kids one of them being my niece was trying to water him and give him water. Despite it looked like she was trying to feed him water with a shovel. But it was nice to see him get that love and even being petted. But someone I knew but forgot said he seemed really hot. I think one of my family friends or my cousins girlfriend but I think family friend.....
So afterwards he was laying down under a palm tree. Then later I got out and was sitting on my towel on a couch...but when one of our family members or whoever was checking on him. She was having her kid play on a swing that I recall. She was wondering about him and I thought he was tired. But when I got there and just well...he wasn’t moving. She even felt him and said I think it didn’t seem like he was breathing. I even checked him and hoped I would hear a heartbeat....it felt like nothing. I even rubbed his stomach with my left hand.....then people were gathering and wondering....I was just outside. Even with my mom and dad checking on him...
I didn’t wanna believe him...I hoped it wasn’t true. But I was glad we had one of my family friends who was visiting saying stuff like he laid under a palm tree or something just this is too much details.....
When I got out there and I needed to know....heard my mom sniffing or so....she looked at me(and think she looked sad and might of sniffed) and said he passed away. 
Even when I was inside....I told myself we should of let him inside more, Including I even told this to my mom and me saying I was a terrible owner, that I thought he may of never loved me. That I never prepared for something like this. I was guessing we would of put him down later in life. But she told me he was a 100 in well dog years which I asked or something......
I was actually crying....if I recall my mom said it was okay. But I said I was nearly 23 years old. With me again saying I don’t think he may of loved me. Because I mainly just fed him. She didn’t want me to look at dad holding him by what appeared to be his legs. Told her I was expecting him to carry him bridal style. I even offered to carry him but they didn’t. He put Jojo in the back of his truck.
Yet my mom was helping me or so. I said I am a man but she said it’s okay for a man to cry. But it’s the fact that I even said I handled myself better when her father died. Even told my mom, “Fuck the Summer” and that even before then the Vets should of been opened. His right eye looked weird. 
Listen he was a big dog, I didn’t play with him much. He was I guess kind of lazy but I shouldn’t say that. But if I recall my mom and others told me he lived a full life. Again he was a 100 in dog years. I mainly fed him every day as much as I can. I worried and thought if I fed him too much. But just....it’s hard.
I am grateful my family and family friends were there to offer some reassurance. But I just felt angry....even said pain, misery, and suffering...I didn’t want the kids to see me like this. Luckily I took a shower. My dad told me they were gonna bury him in the backyard. But heard him mention backyard when I was done in the shower. Even asked my mom what do they do with a dead dog when I was outside....
While I didn’t see my brother much. Looked like he was affected too. He saw his corpse, but my brother was hanging out with his friends. His eyes were red and I even told my mom when the reveal was still fresh. I was telling her it shouldn’t end like this. I’m talking about the party....
I’m just grateful many people were helping out my mom clean up...even my nana was upset. Even mentioned the five stages of grief or so and I may of passed them already. But I’m just still upset.
But I’m just grateful and it feels symbolic that his last hour or his last moments. It was being surround by love, and he had got under a palm tree. I recall my mom telling me he died in his sleep. Think I even said at least or so that’s better than being put down. 
I’m sorry this is long. At one point told my mom’s sister I might start drinking yet I’m not too serious. Yet she said no don’t drink or so. Even told my mom I don’t even know or just how do you tell the kids(my niece and nephew).
Again people were supportive. I felt a bit upset when my dad confirmed he didn’t have his fair share of pets dying when I asked if he had that happened. But my mom’s sister has had some pets died. My mom just came in to see if I was okay. Told her I’m doing okay I think. Yet also told her I’m gonna be in my room for a while. Along with her saying she’s out there if she wants to talk that I recall.....
Here are two photos I took of him that I would of shared with someone on Twitter of them asking to see pictures of our dogs to make him happy.....amazing this is sadly perfect timing.
The first was taken June 4th, and the second was taken June 18th.
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He loved laying down there in the heat. Kind of like chilling in the sun. Especially on those rocks. The past some days he was being let in because it was getting so hot....I’m glad I kept these images...I’m definitely not gonna take a picture of his corpse because that’s fucked up. But I may take a picture when he’s buried. 
Told my mom when we were outside I think at least no it was I don’t want another dog after this. I remember that I didn’t want a dog. But it was surprise that my dad got him.....I didn’t know how old he was but 100 years.....they said he lived his full life. That’s appreciated honestly. Think I may of said at least I don’t have to feed someone everyday but I forgot and that sounds stupid.......
He was a good dog. Oh my eyes a bit at times when making this. Even though I guess he was a lazy dog. But again he was a good dog. I’m sorry to say this but I felt I may know the pain Doomguy felt with Daisy....
Rest in peace Jojo. It was nice having you. 
I’m wondering if I should tag this with my username tag and Jojo. But jojo is a tag and just....it’s maybe best or so not to. I just wanted to share that with all of you if I may not post some things or whatever else. I’m sorry this got long.
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catcodemon · 4 years
here are some doomvega ideas with inky i have come up with while drinking milk the past 10 minutes
inky is very talky, and will have full-on conversations with vega because he will talk back to her
it’s really soothing for slayer to be able to hear/feel her purr
vega goes FERAL when he finds out she’ll knead blankets
they BOTH go feral when they see her playing in a box the first time
if slayer holds his arms open, she will jump straight into them
she is one of those cats that LOVES tummy rubs
they both draw her. vega does very detailed pics of her, while doomguy does simpler ones
she will bonk heads with the praetor suit helmet if she can get to it because she sees it as one of slayer’s things
she chitters at lights
she greets slayer every time he comes back. she will wait at the door and whine until he comes in
vega actually manages to teach her tricks like sitting/rolling/high-fiving on comand
PLEASE feel free to add more
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