#swiss tanks
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Panzer 68 fitted with a RUAG 140mm gun at a museum in Burgdorf, Switzerland.
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theswisstimes · 1 year
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In a surprising turn of events, Switzerland has made a historic decision to permit the sale of decommissioned tanks to Germany, which will then be sent to Ukraine. This decision comes after Switzerland's military recently decided to phase out its aging fleet of tanks, leading to the availability of these tanks for sale. The move has been met with mixed reactions, with some questioning the ethics of selling military equipment to conflict zones, while others view it as a positive step towards supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression. The decision also marks a significant shift in Switzerland's traditionally neutral stance in international conflicts.
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roguetelemetry · 2 years
fuck Meta, at the Swiss Military Museum you can drive a 1970s analog tank simulator, that is a hydraulic cockpit controlling a miniature camera over a practical map.
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werbitssft · 10 days
I rewatched the episode of season 19 many times "The beast of Sodor", and decided to redraw 2 passages from there, which I remember very well, like the whole series in general.
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a reference:
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them-bo-dacious · 2 months
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I think one of the sexiest things about biotics is the way it potentially turns your very body into a tool. I just think that's a fun thing to consider with Shepard.
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futurefind · 28 days
//funniest think abt sa being a doormat (lh)/tank is that. oh you think shes a full pacifist and/or doesnt know how to fight for shit and at worst her build is just for show.
no shes just being nice and she could absolutely TPK everyone and their mothers if she didnt think you werent worth her time/getting struck down :')
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Sale Explore $16 tees & more - likirahub99
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swiss-and-vintage · 1 year
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topwatchclub · 1 year
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Cartier Tank 
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Swiss Panzer 68. It had some minor issues where the radio could rotate the turret and turning on the heater could fire the gun.
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outsideratheart · 9 months
Bees land on the prettiest flowers (Lia Wälti x reader)
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A/N: A Lia fic? You’re just a surprised as I am. Also, 10 points to the first person that can tell what tv show a scene in the fic is from.
After the rush of the summer that was the World Cup and the devastation that came with crashing out the champions league before it even began, you found the air around Adidas' HQ in Germany quite refreshing. It would be your home for the next couple of weeks as you and the rest of the team focus on preparing for the upcoming season.
You had a plan this year, one which you was determined to follow if you stayed healthy. Something that wasn't part of this plan was Lia Walti. 
The swiss woman caught your eye the moment she step foot in Colney yet despite the encouragement you got from your team mates and the urge to ask her out, you couldn't, in fact you would go so far as to say you bailed at every opportunity. By the time you were ready it was too late because she started dating Caitlin and you knew you couldn't let your selfishness get in the way of her happiness. It’s why you put Lia in the what if box in your head and sealed it shut. Only now the light started to shine through the box and the reason for that was because Lia and Caitlin had broken up.
It seemed that the higher powers had given you another chance but a lot had changed over the past couple of years. You and your heart wasn't the same and you weren't sure if you were ready to care about someone on a deep level.
A knock on the door brought you out of your daydreaming and as you opened it you saw Lia stood on the other side with a nervous expression on her face.
"Hello you, come in" you step aside allowing enough space for the Swiss to enter.
"Actually I was hoping you'd come out"
You both knew what she meant but the way she phrased it causes you both to burst into laughter. Once you both catch you breath Lia rephrases her sentence.
"Would you like to go for a walk with me?" Lia asks still standing on the threshold.
Her intentions wasn’t clear but you couldn’t turn down one on one time with her. The feelings that you once felt were still there, they were simply buried down deep. 
“Sure, let me grab a hoodie and we’ll go”
“There’s no need for a hoodie. I haven’t got one” 
That she hadn’t. Lia was dress is a pair of sweatshorts and a tank top. If her attire was anything to go by then it was a nice evening outside. 
The weather was perfect. Not too warm but not too hot. The sky was pink but turning into a burnt orange and here you were with one of the most beautiful girls you have ever met. It made you wonder what you did in your past life that allowed to have a moment like this. 
You walked past the pool saying hi the players that were watching a movie. Those on the loungers knew better than to tease you so they left you be but made a mental note to ask you about it later. 
You knew Lia well almost too well because as you walked you saw her chest rise and fall but it would hitch before it falls, she was hesitating. Another tell of this was the way she opened and closed her mouth unaware that you could see the action out the corner of your eye. 
It is when you walked through the perfectly maintained garden area that you decide to confront her about it. You could smell the fresh roses and you got distracted by the bright colours of each flower but it only lasted a second then your attention returns to Lia. 
“What going on that head of yours?” You ask as you both stand admiring the lilies.  
Lia is about to respond but the buzzing of a bee causes you to freeze. Your heartbeat doubles in pace as you watch the yellow and black insect land on her exposed chest. 
“Don’t move. Stand still” you beg her. 
“Y/N, what are you doing?” 
Lia follows your eyes which are fixed on her chest. There she sees the reason for you concern yet she doesn’t have the same response. This alone lets her swat away the bee with no hesitation. 
“No! Don’t do that” the desperation in your voice and the panic in your eyes scares Lia more than the possibility of a bee sting. 
“It’s only a bee” 
Lia’s actions had clearly agitated the insect and you hear a buzz at a high volume before it flew away. 
“Ow” Lia says calmly.
“Are you ok? Can you breathe?” You asked her but it was your shortness of breathe that was an issue. 
“It’s only a sting”
“Are you sure?”
Fear consumes you as memories of the past flood your mind. Your chest feels like it’s on fire and you try and fail to bring your breathing back to a steady pace. 
Lia can tell immediately that something is very wrong. In hopes of calming you down she takes your hand and holds it over the sting on her chest. She then takes her own hand holds it over your chest. It forms a connection between the two of you. 
“I’m ok Y/N. It’s just a bee”
“Don’t say that!” Your concern was replaced with anger because Lia refused to see the severity of the situation “go get checked out by the doctor. Now” 
You felt helpless and you knew you were no longer in control of your emotions. You needed to leave even if your heart wanted to stay with Lia. 
The Swiss had no option other than to watch you walk away. She wanted to go after you but your words are loud in her head. She knew it was best for her to go see the team doctor.  
As she walked back into the facility, Lia tried to make sense of your reaction. Never had she seen you react like that and even though she saw it first hand she could believe it herself. 
“Did you enjoy your date?” Beth teases. 
“It wasn’t a date. I just wanted some alone time with Y/N” Lia corrects the blonde forward. 
“Isn’t that the definition of a date?” Jen adds. 
“It doesn’t matter now. She ran off and left me by the flower beds” 
This made no sense to anyone at the table especially the two blondes who you play with on the national team with. 
“What happened?” Leah asks. 
“We went for a walk and ended up in the gardens. I was nervous, she picked up on it and I thought she was going to ask me about it but then there was a bee and she freaked out. I think she was having a panic attack and it only got worse when it stung me” 
“You got stung by a bee while Y/N was next to you?” Beth asked. She made eye contact with Leah who nodded her head, the defender would go check on you whilst Beth made sure the Lia was ok. 
Leah stood in front of your door taking a couple of seconds to figure out how to handle the situation. She remembers the moment you showed up on her doorstep and went on to tell her that you had just experienced the worst day of your life. 
She used her room key given that you were sharing for the trip and the sight she is met with isn’t one she could prepare for. You are laid on your bed in a fetus position. Your eyes are dry but the puffiness in your face told Leah that you had been crying. 
“Y/N” she speaks in a hushed tone. 
“Lia’s going to die, isn’t she?” 
To anyone outside your immediate family that which included a handful of your England team mates, they would have called you dramatic. Leah was one of the select few which understand why your mind went to worse case scenario. 
“She’s fine”
“I thought my dad was fine next thing I know I had these two fingers on his neck trying to find a pulse” you hold up middle and index finger. 
“Y/N what happened to your dad was devastating. Nobody knew he was allergic”
“And you don’t know that Lia isn’t. I was the reason my dad died and now I’m going to be the reason she dies”
“It’s wasn’t your fault” Leah sit nexts to you on the bed “As for Lia, she is ok. She came back in to us and was going to see the doctor. Something that I’m guessing was your idea” 
You nod your head. Your worrying stopped for a mere second knowing that Lia had listened to you and was hopefully getting the help she needed. 
“Y/N you like Lia and have done for a while. You told her to go see the doctor but didn’t go with her, why?” 
“I didn’t want to see her in pain” 
“She isn’t in pain. Come with me and I’ll show you. We don’t have to talk to anyone but you need to see with your own eyes that she is ok”
Reluctantly, you agree and follow Leah through the halls of the HQ. Each step you take feels heavier than the last because in your mind you have seen how this story ends and you don’t want to see it, not again. So you took your time, you pretended to check in every room that you passed even though the blonde beside you knew exactly where the Swiss was.
Turns out Lia was in the exact same position as when Leah left her only now she has a white patch where the bee had stung her and she had some company. Out of the players one stood out to you; Caitlin.
You and Leah stood at the entry way. Just as Leah was about to walk towards the table you pulled her back.
“What? She’s fine, look” Leah tried to pull you towards your team mates despite her prior statement about not talking to anyone.
“She’s fine — with Caitlin” you could see Lia was ok but you couldn’t bring your self to watch her interact with the Aussie even if they were no longer together.
Knowing that Lia wasn’t going to face the same fate as your father lifted the crushing weight off your chest. You walked with no destination in mind. You didn’t want to go back to your room so you settle on a sun lounger by the pool. A staff member asking if you want to play the next movie the team had lined up and you saw no reason not to; a movie by the pool didn’t sound too bad.
Pitch perfect played but whilst your eyes were glued to the project screen, your mind felt like it was a million miles away. That is until you see a shadow cast over the lounger you were sitting on.
“Do you mind if I sit?” Lia asks.
You had chose a double lounger so you didn’t have an excuse not let her. 
“Ok” your voice is quiet and although you don’t turn to face her, you do pat the side next to you.
The two of you watch the movie. The only sound to be heard is when you both laugh at the same part.
“Are you really ok?” You ask, still with your eyes on the screen.
“I am. Thank you for making me getting checked out, I wish you would have come with me”
When you turn you see that Lia is already looking in your direction.
“I — I”
“You were mad at me” Lia thinks she is finishing your sentence and but you been mad at her wasn’t the issue.
“I was scared” you take a pause because you know the only way for Lia to understand your reaction is for you to explain why seeing her get stung by a bee worried you so much “My dad was stung by a bee”
“And he was ok” Lia said, always the optimist.
“He went into anaphylactic shock. I didn’t know what to do and by the time I did it was too late. He died in the botanical gardens near my house”
“Y/N I didn’t know. Is that why you panicked? Because you thought the same thing that happened to your dad was going to happen to me?”
You can only nod. The admission itself brings back the worry that you had only just managed to settle. 
In a similar way to how she did in the gardens, Lia reaches for your hand and places it over the patch. She pulls it a little so that you weight shift and your head in now resting on her shoulder.
“I’m ok. I went to the doctor, he asked me a couple of questions, cleaned the sting and gave me the all clear”
Silence yet again becomes the third wheel to the movie night you are Lia are accidentally having.
“I don’t want to lose you. It’s already happened once and now I’m just getting you back” you admit.
“Y/N I’m not going anywhere. There’s a reason why I wanted to take a walk with you, why I wanted to spend time with you and only you”
“Because you want us to be friends, like we were before”
“I never wanted us to be friends. Life got in the way and I spent too much time loving the wrong person when I knew she wasn’t the one I wanted to be with”
You knew what she was insinuating, the context wasn’t hard to decrypt. 
“Am I that one?” You needed to hear her say it so that you knew this moment wasn’t a dream.
“You are but I know now more than ever that your heart is still healing so we’ll go at your pace”
How do you reply to that without opening an emotional can of worms? After thinking for a few seconds you decide not to say anything at all. Instead you turn deeper into her so that your head is resting on her chest, close enough so that you can hear her heart beat, her healthy heart beat. 
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matan4il · 1 month
IDK where the following image is from originally, I know I've seen it before Oct 7, so it's not recent, but there's no link to the source of the figures, so while I trust the percentages are right, IDK which date the image is referring to when it says "now."
It IS an important image, because THIS is what genocide and ethnic cleansing looks like, even decades later. However, I wanted to add a few comments regarding the green on the map. Because the green countries make the image look more optimistic than the state of Jews in Europe today is. Just please note that this post is not meant to vilify any country. No nation is a monolith, and in every country in the world, there were people who helped to save Jews, and people who persecuted Jews. This post is about general effects, not demonizing entire nations.
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Sweden: Denmark and Norway's Jewish communities were partly destroyed in the Holocaust, but for those who survived, it was thanks to being smuggled to Sweden by the undergrounds in those two countries. The "green" in Sweden is therefore still a direct result of the genocide and ethnic cleansing employed against Jews in Denmark and Norway.
Denmark: Maybe the only truly bright spot on the map, as the increase in the Jewish population is solely thanks to the Danish underground having made a mark by saving most of their Jewish community during the Holocaust.
Switzerland: Despite the Swiss government closing its borders to Jews under a policy known as "the ship is full" (in fact, it was the Swiss who asked the Nazis in 1938 to stamp the passports of Jews with a "J" to make Jews officially identifiable), despite the theft of Jewish money from the bank accounts of Jews murdered in the Holocaust, and despite the Swiss government unofficially aiding the Nazis (for example, by allowing Wermacht tanks to pass through the country), Switzerland was never occupied by the Nazis, and therefore Jews who managed to make it there illegally were saved (sometimes with the help of unique Swiss individuals, like Paul Grueninger, a border police commander who saved Jews by allowing them in against orders and falsifying their registration. He was caught and put on trial and punished by his own government for his actions, but also honored by Yad Vashem as a Righteous Among the Nations). So again, the increase in the Swiss Jewish population is a result of genocide and ethnic cleansing of Jews, and this rise in the Swiss Jewish demographic happened despite the Swiss government's attempts to prevent it.
France: Most of the increase there is a result of France pulling out of Morocco and Algeria. Local Jews, who saw local Arabs accusing the Jews for French colonialism, and experienced a rise in anti-Jewish Arab violence in these countries even before the French retreated, feared for their safety and lives, and chose to leave for France as well. Since at least the kidnapping and murder of Ilan Halimi in 2006, there has been a constant surge of antisemitism in France, and a following decrease in the size of its Jewish population. The increase in Jewish demographic that the above image shows is therefore a combination of anti-Jewish violence and ethnic cleansing in northern Africa, and the fact that so many Jews fled that persecution, that even the murder of roughly 22% of France's Jews in the Holocaust coupled with a current decrease, leaves the country appearing "green" in that map in comparison with 1938. France is currently one of the leading countries in Europe in terms of antisemitic incidents.
Spain: This country had already begun its ethnic cleansing of Jews in 1492. The great expulsion of Jews refusing to convert to Christianity was followed by the Spanish Inquisition, which hunted down any converts from Judaism suspected of secretly still practicing the Jewish faith. This campaign included inhumane torture and murders. In 1938, the Jewish population in Spain was still so low (4,000 people, who made up 0.02% of the Spanish population), that any increase in the numbers, no matter how small, would appear substantial in terms of percents. During WWII, Spain was ruled by the tyrant Franco, who officially remained neutral, but did consider becoming aligned with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy after the fall of Spain. He was also an antisemite. He did nothing to protect Spanish Jews, prohibited Jewish religious services, and even initiated his own marking of Jews in their passports. Despite that, he allowed fleeing French Jews to pass through Spain (meaning as long as they were headed elsewhere), but some ended up staying there, a fact he would use after the war to cultivate a myth that Spain protected Jews from the Nazis, which he believed would help him with the victorious Allies. This accounts for a part of the increase in the Spanish Jewish population. Another part is a 2015 law allowing Jews descendant from the families expelled from Spain in 1492 to re-claim a Spanish citizenship. The process cost a lot of money, there was a deadline for how long applications could be submitted, and only a small number of the Jews who should have been, were actually recognized thanks to it. Still, this also contributed to the "green" that you can see for Spain in the image. In conclusion, this is another increase that's mostly caused by the ethnic cleansing and persecution of Jews. Spain is one of the current leading countries in Europe in terms of antisemitic incidents.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 months
Hi! I have been reading you for a long time and would like to ask you something for the first time… The last message flow to the Lethal Company from the Nutcracker was WILDLY SWEET, however, it hurt me from the bracken that was shot through the lytic…. May I ask the bracken and the reader where the bracken constantly goes behind the reader's back…. JUST TO HUG! Someone from the team warns about the danger and the bracken gently takes the reader in his arms to his lair for even bigger hugs!
Bruh you have no idea how soft i am for brackens hfghhs (when I first started playing LC, they were ALWAYS killing me...but now they just like to pop out and scurry away when I look at them, so I consider us to be pretty chill)
Anyways woe Bracken fluff be upon ye <3
Of all the creatures you've encountered during your time with the Company, Brackens were certainly the most complicated.
Even though there's been countless documents and reports of employees scanning, studying, and dying to these aliens...they were still seldom understood. The data on the terminal said so.
There was one in particular who had such a unique behavior pattern that remained a mystery to you.
And he lived on Experimentation, which was supposedly the "safest" moon to land on and gather scrap from.
Most of the time, however, that was a load of bullshit...as you and your crew had many encounters with aggressive lifeforms such as hoarding bugs, Thumpers, spiders, and turrets that were placed in the most inconvenient spots...
Hell, even an Earth Leviathan showed up and nearly consumed your entire ship.
As of right now, though, you were on-track to making the third profit quota's deadline. So a trip to Experimentation was an order, as you could grab minimal loot and still gain enough leftover money to buy some much-needed ship upgrades and tools.
Or maybe new suits or jack o'lanterns.
None of you were good at managing your budget.
But during this trip, you were less focused on getting loot and more eager to see....a certain someone.
Hopefully, he hasn't forgotten about you or mistook you for another random employee.
While two of your coworkers headed into the facility's main entrance and one stayed behind on the ship, you ascended the stairs leading up to the fire exit--armed with nothing but a flashlight and a walkie-talkie.
[Nearby activity detected!]
"Oh come on...can you be anymore vague?" You huffed, slightly annoyed that your scanner displayed the message before you could even touch the damn door.
"Activity" was awfully broad and could mean literally anything was waiting for you on the other side..
It could be a bunker spider or snare flea waiting to drop down on you and catch you by surprise.
It could be a Hygrodere spreading itself all over the floor, anticipating you setting one foot into it before drowning in its slimy body.
It could even be a simple turret ready to turn you into swiss cheese.
However, there's the possibility that it could also be the one entity here who didn't wanna give you a painful death, and you hoped to god you were right.
So you took a leap of faith and entered.
Surprisingly no danger was immediately present, although you did find a lot of good loot inside the room and smiled. "Oh sweet!" You grabbed the rubber ducky and Rubik's cube in the nearest corner, pocketing them. "This should set us way above-"
"Something's behind you!"
All of the sudden, a pair of large arms wrapped around you from behind, pulling you back and causing your oxygen tanks to be pressed against the creature's chest-
You only knew one Bracken that did that, and you couldn't help but laugh. "Oh my gosh, you scared me! You know you can't keep doing that!"
"Krrrrrr.." The entity purred softly, nuzzling his face against your neck as its leaves rustled with happiness.
With a chuckle, you patted his arm affectionately. "I've missed you, too, buddy. I told you I'd be back."
Knowing it was this Bracken, you felt safer than ever. He had a habit of greeting you this way: by sneaking up behind you like the rest of his species typically did, and attacking you.....not by snapping your neck like a twig, but by embracing and nuzzling you.
Of course, nobody in your crew believed that you've got a dangerous alien predator on Experimentation who always waited for you. Who loved you like a dog and would kill a Thumper for you.
If only they could meet him...but then again, he was shy.
"Don't tell me it's that damn Bracken again...did you tame it or something?"
The staticky voice of your coworker over the walkie-talkie startled the poor Bracken out of the hug, as it dropped you and flared its leaves out, wondering where they were.
"Relax, we're cool." You huffed, annoyed that they spooked your friend. "I gotta conserve my battery so...signal me when it gets close to midnight."
"....fine. Just don't die. Over and out."
After switching off the device, you turned back to him and smiled apologetically. "Don't worry. They're far away, so they won't bother us." You removed your helmet for the moment.
He nodded in understanding, crouching down to get a better look at your human features.
For some reason he never minded prolonged eye contact with you--and that was a good thing....otherwise, you would've been dead a long time ago.
You smiled and patted the top of his head, before he suddenly sprung up and scooped you up into his arms, lifting you completely off the ground. "Woah! Hey! Where are we going?" You asked as he carried you out of the room, taking you somewhere further within the facility.
Considering the Bracken knew his way around, you weren't too concerned with getting lost.
On your way to this unknown destination, you spotted a hoarding bug skittering down the hallway, eyeing the brass bell attached to your belt.....only to freeze as the leafy entity glared at it.
Luckily it understood the appropriate time to make eye contact with a Bracken, as it eventually looked away from him and decided to leave for another part of the facility.
It seems most of the creatures were knew who was the alpha.
'Man, whoever's tracking me must be so confused right now..' You thought to yourself as he continued walking.
Eventually you both arrived at a place many employees dubbed the "Bracken Room": a large open illuminated space with yellowish walls that looked out of place in the facility.
After setting you down on the floor, you looked at the Bracken with confusion, wondering why he decided to bring you here....until he brought you into another hug, wanting to sit down and have you in his lap.
You just smiled and wrapped your arms around him, giggling as he tucked his head underneath your chin, wanting to listen to the sound of a human's heartbeat.
Now you understood.
All he wanted was to take you to a quiet, safe place away from all the other monsters and employees. A place where he could have you to himself...at least for a couple more hours, anyways.
You knew the ship wasn't leaving anytime soon, so you didn't mind keeping him company.
While other Brackens are among the top three reasons employees hated their job...this one made you love it.
You feel so lucky, you'll consider buying a lottery ticket if you ever returned to Earth.
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obsessedwithstarwars · 5 months
Still Alive (But Barely Breathing)
If someone had told Red Hood that he was going to climb through the wrong window at one of his many safe houses, he’d have laughed and flipped them off. Not just because it probably would have been the Demon Brat saying it and disregarding the little fucker would certainly get under his skin. And piss off Bruce. No. Jason was definitely too careful to make a mistake like that.
Well, until tonight.
To be fair, he had been shot. Twice. A through and through in his side, hopefully not damaging anything important, and once in the arm. But that might’ve been a graze. Going by pain, it hurt less than his side. Somewhere between “I need a bandaid” and “stepping on an infinite number of Legos with sharp teeth” on the pain scale. Honestly, he didn’t even want to look until he was safe. It’s not a problem if I can’t see it. And he was currently not safe judging by the sword the resident of this apartment held at his throat.
The first thing he noted was that she wasn’t afraid. In fact, she seemed hella pissed. Her beautiful blue eyes flashed in the moonlight. Most people, when they saw the helmet, along with his stature (Dickface said he was built like a tank) and intimidating presence, well, they got a little scared. This woman stood resolute, calm and determined in the face of danger. She had the presence of an Amazonian warrior. Now, Jason wasn’t much of a betting man, but he’d have put money down on her winning this fight.
Too many voices were vying for dominance in his mind. A part of him thought that if he could get the sword away from his throat, he stood a fighting chance of getting away. Another part considered his injuries. He was lightheaded already which was not a good sign. He needed to get out of here and get help fast. Another part geeked out over the sword. It was exquisite. This woman really had taste. The ornate filigree handle looked like a Swiss rapier, circa late 1600s. But the blade was not fragile like a rapier. In fact, it looked more like a sturdy longsword. Like she had taken pieces of history and meshed them together to create a sword that was beautiful but deadly. Another very small voice thought she was beautiful. He tried to ignore the last one it definitely wouldn’t help him here and hatch a plan to escape. She stepped further into the moonlight and all thoughts flew out of his head. He could have sworn her eyes were ice blue. Now they were a familiar bright green; practically glowing. Where had he seen that color before?
Trying to think made his head all fuzzy. Oh well. Time for some introductions. He felt like a seasoned warrior out to meet a new friend or foe. Attempting to speak felt like an impossible task.
“Hi.” He choked out, his voice gravelly and menacing with the helmet on.
“Hi Mister Red Hood!” A boy’s voice rang out from behind the woman. Oh shit. There was a kid. How did he not see a kid? Why was there a kid here?! He glanced around and noticed the sparse furniture along with a few moving boxes stacked in the corner. He… did he have the wrong apartment? This was his safe house in the Narrows. As far as he knew, no one lived on his floor or in the apartments above or below his. That’s what made this safe house perfect. It was convenient. It was safe.
The woman whispered something to the boy. He couldn’t tell if the words she spoke in a foreign yet all too familiar language were what made his blood run cold. Or the rapid blood loss was getting to him. Right. He needed help. Now. That forced him back into focus. He could feel his thoughts slowly slipping away. He grabbed onto the edge of the windowsill he’d just climbed through, grunting in pain at the sudden gush of blood coming from his side.
The woman tentatively lowered her sword, concern etched on her face. Good. This was good. He was… what was he doing? A wave of dizziness washed over him and he fell backward onto the floor. Black started forming around the edges of his vision. The woman rushed to his side and leaned over him. Her touch was light as she quickly assessed his wounds. Her hair enveloped his vision, so all he could see was her beautiful face. She was talking to him, face to face, er well, helmet, but he couldn’t hear her. Her voice distorted and muffled.
His last thought was, “Damn she’s pretty.” Before succumbing to sleep.
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divine-misfortune · 3 months
Swiss going up behind Rain, shoving his hands under his shirt and groping his cute tits and pinching his nipples.
Little warning for some gillplay at the end btw
Perky was the first word that came to mind when Rain found his way into the kitchen. The first place his brain went upon laying eyes on him.
Still endearingly disheveled from rolling out of bed, wild curls and all. Swiss tipped his head as he caught a glimpse of the sunflower pattern on the boxers sitting far too low on his hips even with the elastic band folded over itself twice. It seemed it was Mountain's bed he'd stumbled out of. Judging from the plum colored splotches on his collar to the vivid imprint of teeth, Swiss could only assume he'd had a very long and exhausting night with the big guy. Summer brought about a lot of those, earth ghoul heats were really no joke during the hotter months. 
But what truly caught his attention was the tight, and not to mention thin tank top stretched over the little swell of Rain's chest. It had made Swiss set down his morning crossword, abandoning it the second something more interesting crossed his path. Those sweet little buds peeking against the fabric seemed to demand his attention, and Swiss wished he could call himself a better man but he was helpless to absolutely oggle over his tits. If anyone asked he'd blame it on Rain's natural draw, his undeniable siren nature, and definitely not his own weakness to every inch of the water ghoul. 
He tapped the tip of his pencil against paper and sat back in his chair, licking over the back of his teeth as he watched a bleary eyed Rain move around the kitchen without ever moving the hair from his face. For a ghoul who couldn’t help but trip over himself at every opportunity, he somehow managed to move with an odd amount of grace in the most unremarkable of situations. Swiss was almost impressed. 
Chair scraping against the tile Swiss got to his feet, using the excuse of returning an empty mug to the sink to simply exist in Rain's proximity. 
He watched from the doorway as Rain leaned against the countertop, seemingly staring through the toaster as he leaned on his elbows with his tail waving lazily behind him. Swiss bit his lip as he ran his eyes over the back of him, the curve of his spine down to the swell of his ass - somehow still impressively plush despite the oversized boxers. He didn't make it as far as the sink, mug abandoned on an empty section of the counter in order to submit to the magnetic pull he felt towards him. It satiated a part of him to slip his arms around his waist.
Rain chirped curiously, startled slightly from his sleepy trance, but settled into him the second he registered the multi ghoul. Swiss kissed the bare skin of his shoulder with a tuneless hum, nose brushing against a particularly dark bruise. 
He wondered just how long Mountain had spent with his mouth mapping out the well defined planes of Rain's body. He wondered if he'd gotten to taste every inch of him - Mountain was always overzealous with his teeth when he was in a rut, that much was obvious from the few dozen bite marks Swiss could see, he knew there were more hidden beneath the fabric. He wondered if Mountain had bitten for pain or pleasure, or even ownership. 
Swiss took his hips in hand, thumbs wriggling underneath the hem of his shirt to rub against cool skin. He could almost imagine the way Mountain's big hands would have practically enveloped his waist, bet Mountain could've felt his own cock every time he bottomed out. Something knotted in his stomach, nearly groaning out loud at the thought alone. 
He wondered...
The sound that choked itself from the water ghoul was uneven and breathy when he unceremoniously shoved both hands up under his tank top. Gills flaring in surprise as Swiss chuckled, hooking his chin over his shoulder to watch the ribbed fabric stretch over the shape of his fingers kneading into his tits. They were small, mosquito bites in comparison to someone like Cumulus. Not enough fat to even fill his palms but he took them like a proper handful anyways. 
"Pretty thing," he chuffed and thumbed over his pert little nipples. Rain tried not to whimper but a light pinch was enough to draw it out, the noise was more than reward for his bad behavior. "Prettiest fucking water lily." 
"Fuck" Rain squirmed, hands floating awkwardly like he might just grab Swiss to stop him but made no real move to. "Fuck, fuck not so hard - !" 
"They sensitive baby?" His voice lilted and Rain shook his head quickly, dark curls brushing over Swiss' cheek. He tugged lightly at the silver bars threaded through his nipples and felt Rain's knees wobble as he moaned high and feminine. Swiss was grinning. "Oh they are...Mountain was a bit too rough on you huh? Big boy always gets a little heavy handed when he's like this, but we all know you're not as fragile as you pretend to be." 
"Swiss-" he breathed, head hitting his shoulder as it fell back. 
"That's okay sweetheart, just tell me to be gentle." Swiss kissed the hinge of his jaw, still idly fiddling with his piercings. Sighing too close to his gills to have Rain thinking clearly. 
"Please..." his swallow was audible, gulping down his pride. "Please be gentle with me."
“There we go, good boy” he cooed and rucked his tanktop up over his chest. Exposing him to the cool air and anyone who might just happen to waltz into the kitchen, exposing Mountain's handiwork. 
The little pink buds were awfully puffy, the outline of the earth ghoul's maw encircling either one. Swiss traced the divots in his skin and tsked, opting to slowly roll both nipples between his thumb and forefinger as he kissed a line up the side of his neck. 
“Look at them, look how cute they are.” 
Rain's breath hitched, a faint and whispered string of pleas tumbling past his lips when the multi ghoul grazed his gills. 
“See ‘em?” 
“So little in my hands.” 
“Not little…” 
“Oh they're nice and little, perfect.” A little kiss to the delicate membrane on his neck, tongue darting out to tease them open. He was surprised Rain didn't go boneless right there. “Your tits are perfect darling, just like the rest of you.” 
“Fuck - put your tongue in it.” Rain reached back to rest his hand on the back of Swiss’ neck. Less than subtle encouragement. 
Swiss laughed and drew him perfectly flush to his front, molded himself against his back as he latched onto the sensitive slits. He kissed them just as deeply, just as sloppily as he would if he were kissing Rain properly. Warm saliva and a warmer tongue pushed into his gills, likely a white hot sensation if Rain's moan was anything to go off of. 
Another, less harsh tug at his nipples and Rain was really keening, ass pushing back against where Swiss was starting to chub up.  He pulled off of his gills, panting and admiring the sheen of spit left on his neck. 
“Seven hells…You look wrecked already.” 
“Feels good,” Rain’s words were starting to slur. Whether that be from exhaustion or that sweet fuzzy feeling starting to settle into place. 
“Course it does, I always make you feel good.” He nosed into his scent gland, groaning as the smell of moss and salt water flooded over him. He never wanted to leave the comfortable place he found in Rain, his body felt like home. “Satanas below, you're the closest thing to divine to ever waltz its way out of the pits.” 
Rain whined, nearly groaned in embarrassment, flush creeping to the tips of his ears. He always got so shy when Swiss rolled out this particularly cavity inducing brand of praise. 
“Can’t help it…Just love my pretty boy and his pretty tits.”
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