vegehana-food · 9 months
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✿ どら焼き | Dorayaki ・やや膨らんだ円盤状のカステラ風生地2枚に、小豆餡を挟み込んだ膨化食品・和菓子。蜂蜜を入れて焼き上げることでしっとりとしたカステラ生地にしたもの。 ・蜂蜜やみりん等で保湿や香りづけの工夫をしたものが多いが、他にも、醤油、塩、麹、日本酒、抹茶、黒糖等、加える配合のバリエーションは広く、現代和菓子の定義的には「三同割(さんどうわり)(小麦粉、卵、砂糖が同量の配合の総称)」をどら焼きの基本配合としているのが一般的である。 ・諸説ありますが、打楽器の「銅鑼」に似ている事から、「どら焼き」という名前がついた。という説が有力なようです。他にも、平安時代の人物「武蔵坊弁慶」が、銅羅でお菓子を焼いた事により、「どら焼き」が生まれた。という説がありました。
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yoooko-o · 1 year
20/05/2023 part2
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iwillbemother · 3 months
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『三國屋善五郎』さんの【スイーツほうじ茶 ゆず】(*甘味料の類いは入っていない)
🍵頂き物の栗ようかんと再購入の抹茶どら焼きと共に、アマプラで映画(Death on the Nile)を観ながらホッと一息つく休日🍡
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mipoyupo · 1 year
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あんバター エスプレッソ 桜あん 栗餡
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noritama0301 · 2 years
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和菓子処 餅萬 西口本店@東村山 
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nashie-sakuhin · 20 days
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OOEDO TOKYO「大江戸の塩バタどら」のパッケージイラストを担当させていただきました。
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maisonnushiattic · 3 months
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Eating Dorachoco in the Park😋
Dorachoco is a Japanese cheap sweets. It is a small dorayaki with a chocolate filling 🍫
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bananaakakoura · 11 months
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gotouya · 1 year
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明日31日(土)は【焼きいも大福】今シーズン最後の販売となります🥰 まだ食べれていなかったもこの機会にぜひ✨ 生クリーム、芋餡を柔らかなお餅で包み込み江刺、焼き芋よこぜさんのこだわり焼き芋をのせました🥰 ※10:00頃からの販売 ※なるべく当日中にお召し上がりください。 ※31日は17時頃までの営業となります。 ご予約がおすすめです。 お得情報、最新情報、ご予約、お問合せはLINEから🔽 ■公式LINE https://lin.ee/l5rMLY0 LINEでご注文の際には下記についてお伝えくださいませ。 ◽️お名前 ◽️お電話番号 ◽️ご来店店舗(大町本店or駅前店) ◽️ご来店日時 ◽️商品、個数 ◽️お土産用orご自宅用 よろしくお願い致します。 ■ホームページ、SNS🔽 https://lit.link/gotouya ■オンラインストア http://gotouya.stores.jp/ #和菓子 #Wagashi #わがし #Japan #あんこ #Sweets #焼き芋大福 #どらやき #和菓子職人 #おやつ #麦つき節 #お土産 #奥州市 #一関市 #北上市 #盛岡市 #花巻市 #金ヶ崎町 #後藤屋 #菓子処後藤屋 #遠野市 #中尊寺 #岩手銘菓 #岩手県 (菓子処後藤屋) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmx_guMvZlh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moblogue · 2 years
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今日は #代休 。 / #dailybeverage #dailycoffee #coffee #coffeetime #coffeebreak #コーヒー #どら焼き #あんバターどら焼き #和菓子 #スイーツ #sweets #ボルミオリロッコ #bormiolirocco #seletti #selettihybrid #rhonnadesigns https://www.instagram.com/p/CgwEh3CJ2p8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tomoryoshka · 2 years
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尾張のほうへ戻ろう。。 名鉄の車内でこっそりミニどら焼き食べました😋 甘かった。。 #寅蔵 #どら焼き #豊橋駅 #nofilter #とよかわ参歩 #sweets #おやつ (at 豊橋駅) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cee6pgiPYNj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tokidokitokyo · 3 months
Japanese Prefectures: Kantō - Gunma
都道府県 (とどうふけん) - Prefectures of Japan
Learning the kanji and a little bit about each of Japan’s 47 prefectures!
群 む(れる)、むら、グン flock, group, crowd, herd, swarm, cluster
馬 うま、ま、バ horse
県 ケン prefecture
関東 かんとう Kanto, region consisting of Tokyo and surrounding prefectures
Prefectural Capital (県庁所在地) : Maebashi (前橋市)
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The ancient province of Gunma was a center of horse breeding and trading activities, and thus the character for horse is one of the kanji in the prefecture's name. The horse came to Japan along with the arrival of a large migration of people from the mainland of Asia, and from then on the horse became a vital part of the Japanese military and displaced the older Yayoi tradition of fighting on foot.
One of only eight land-locked prefectures in Japan, Gunma is also very mountainous. Snowy mountains that are prime for winter sports give way to excellent hiking trails in the summer. Gunma has some of the nation's best hot springs and is famous for its daruma dolls, which are good luck charms. Other sports to do in Gunma include canyoning, waterfall sliding, rafting, and bungee jumping.
Recommended Tourist Spot・おすすめ観光スポット Sainokawara Park - 西の河原公園
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Sainokawara Park at night
Sainokawara Park is in a valley just outside of the hot spring and ski resort town center of Kusatsu, where several hot spring sources and a large outdoor bath are located. There are walking trails around the upper part of the park that lead through the magnificent natural landscapes. This is the most active hot spring area in Japan, with an output of hot spring water of 1,070 litres per minute. Hot spring water can be seen bubbling to the surface in certain places, where they collect into hot water pools and run down the valley in warm streams before joining the central mountain stream. There is also a hot water waterfall with a free foot bath at the base. The park area is accessible free of charge.
Due to the high temperature of the hot spring waters that flow here, very little can grow in the areas where it collects. It was believed that the spirits of children who died before their parents would be sent to these barren pools. You may come across small stone statues called jizo, that are made in the image of the guardian deity of children and travelers, Jizo Bosatsu. These statues often are wearing red hats and bibs, and are meant to protect the spirits of the children from demons.
The natural pools in the park are not for bathing, but the park also houses the Sainokawara Rotenburo, a large open-air public bath with two gender-separated outdoor hot springs, with a capacity of 100 bathers each. The outdoor bath also offers an evening of mixed bathing every Friday, when the bath is open to everyone, including couples and families.
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Yubatake, or Hot Water Field, in Kusatsu
A 10-minute walk from Sainokawara Park is the Yubatake (or "Hot Water Field"). Here in the center of Kusatsu is a field of pumps that removes 32,300 litres of hot water every minute, cools it a few degrees, then sends it off to various local hot springs. The healing waters of the Kusatsu Onsen (hot springs) vary from milky to clear, and sulfurous to acidic, and are said to soothe most of your troubles, except a broken heart.
Regional Cuisine - 郷土料理 Yakimanju - 焼きまんじゅう
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Yakimanju (source)
Yakimanju is a popular snack in Gunma Prefecture, but is not well known outside of the prefecture. Yakimanju is a grilled sweet bun. Manju are sweet buns made of rice or wheat flour and commonly are steamed. Yakimanju is grilled after being steamed, giving the outside a crunchy texture rather than the usual fluffy texture. The outside is coated with a sweet mixture of brown sugar, syrup, and miso paste. Unlike manju, which usually has a filling of red bean or other sweet paste, yakimanju typically has no filling.
Yakimanju was invented at the end of the Edo period, about 150 years ago. Wheat was commonly grown in agricultural Gunma, and thus wheat flour was originally used to make the predecessor of yakimanju, called sakamanju. Sakamanju hardened quickly after being made, and so to make it easier to eat, people would grill it and season it with miso paste. And thus yakimanju was developed.
Gunma Dialect・Gunma-ben・群馬弁
1. あーね aa-ne oh really?, I see, etc. (aizuchi*)
「あーね」 (aa-ne)
Standard Japanese: 「そうなんだ」 (sou nan da)
English: "Oh, really?"
Note: If you use it too much, the other person will get irritated
*aizuchi (相槌): backchanneling, interjections during conversations that show you are paying attention
2. ~がね、~がん ~ga ne, ~gan isn't it, don't you think, right (ends a sentence)
「宿題やるって言ったがね!」 (shukudai yaru tte itta ga ne!)
Standard Japanese: 「宿題やるって言ったじゃん!」 (shukudai yaru tte itta jan!)
English: "I said do you do your homework didn't I!"
3. じゅーく juu-ku impertinent
「じゅーくこくな!」 (juu-ku koku na!)
Standard Japanese: 「生意気なことを言うな!」 (namaiki na koto o iu na!)
English: "Don't be cheeky!"
4. 世話ねえ sewa nee "no problem" or "too much of a bother"
「世話ねえ」 (sewa nee)
Standard Japanese: 「問題ない」 (mondai nai) OR 「手に負えない」 (te ni oenai)
English: "No problem" OR "That's too much of a bother"
5. ~だんべえ ~danbee right, isn't it, etc. (sentence ending)
A: 「焼きまんじゅうって美味しいね。」 (yakimanju tte oishii ne) B: 「そうだんべえ。」 (sou danbee)
Standard Japanese: A: 「焼きまんじゅうって美味しいね。」  (yakimanju tte oishii ne) B: 「そうだろ。」  (sou daro)
English: A: "Yakimanju is delicious, isn't it?" B: "That's right"
6. てんで tende very
うちの孫は、てんでかわいいよ~ (uchi no mago wa, tende kawaii yo~)
Standard Japanese: うちの孫、とてもかわいいよ~ (uchi no mago, totemo kawaii yo~)
English: Our grandson is so cute!
More Gunma dialect here (Japanese page)
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (12)
O for Onn (Golden Gorse) - March 21st Spring Equinox
“The Signs of Hope - March equinox of the Celtic tree calendar (Ref)”
Colour: yellow; Star: sun; Gemstone: topaz; Gender: female; Patron: Lugh (Lug), Lleu Llaw Gyffes; Symbol: hope + optimism, unity of power
Golden gorse is an evergreen shrub that takes root almost anywhere in grassy meadows in Britain and western Europe, growing in clumps, with sharp spines on its twigs and smaller spines on its leaves. Strong enough to survive in harsh, cold lands even when strong winds blow, golden gorse bushes provide excellent wind shelter and valuable shelter in bare wastelands.
The thorny leaves prevent the evaporation of water, and the golden flowers bloom at any time, whether sizzling in the sun or covered by sea water. On a calm day with no wind, the flowers have a sweet scent similar to that of coconut or vanilla, and in brilliant sunshine, the pods of the golden gorse burst into tiny seeds that scatter all around, interrupting the buzzing of the bees. The bright golden colour of the flowers uplifts the spirits and beckons the bees in search of sweet nectar.
The ancient Celts would have been looking forward to the arrival of spring, when the golden gorse would be in full bloom and the golden waves would cover the whole area. The yellow flowers of the golden gorse represent the energy of the sun and are symbolic of Lugh, the Celtic sun god of light and talent. The bees also symbolise the wisdom that bees have acquired through their dedicated work. With its evergreen foliage that never ceases to flower all year round, the tree is vital in its radiance and its energy is uninterrupted even during the darkest days of midwinter.
The golden gorse is a sign of courage and a promise of the coming of spring. It is a feast for the eyes and a renewed spark of hope in the midst of disappointment. For the Celts, the golden gorse was a symbol of optimism and trust.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (12)
OはOnn (ハリエニシダ) - 3月21日・春分の日
『希望のしるし 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)の春分』
色: 黄色; 星: 太陽; 宝石: トパーズ; 性: 女性; 守護神: 太陽神ルグ、スェウ・スァウ、ゲフェス;シンボル: 希望+楽観、力の結束
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iwillbemother · 1 year
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Cr. @ochabiyori
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marumeri · 4 months
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magnifico go to travel
so at the hotel king drinks green tea and eats dirayaki (どら焼き)
👑“that not bad” king likes tea and sweets
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kkimura · 2 years
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[チャンネル登録はこちらから!] [SUBSCRIBE]
Hi everyone!
I made a delicious Turkey burger for dinner with healthy oven baked sweet potato fries.
This burger is high protein low fat yet very juicy and flavorful. You will get to see what I put in my turkey burger to make it extra juicy and tasty! Enjoy!
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