#surprisingly this took only an hour
t4t-dazai · 11 months
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as I roam this never-ending today, i wait impatiently for the dawn that exists somewhere.
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zecoritheweirdone · 1 month
wanna preface this by saying that i am. So normal. anyway i just spent the last week redrawing scenes from mystery skulls animated but as that hermitcraft au i posted about a couple times. you guys should watch msa it is. so so good.
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arielluva · 10 months
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if only things had been different for you
id under cut
[ID] a digital painting of dahlia hawthorne and iris from ace attorney. their backs are facing each other, with dahlia on the far left of the picture, and iris on the far right. their hair is blowing towards each other, and connecting in the middle. dahlia is looking over her shoulder, with a neutral, but cold, expression. a single tear is falling from her eye, and her loose hair is blowing into her face. her right eye is not visible. white glowing butterflies are flying around her, and she has a noose around her neck. iris is facing sister bikini, who is off screen. iris is also crying, but bikini is wiping away her tears. iris's loose hair is blowing behind her, and out of her face. above dahlia and iris are two drawings of dusky bridge. above dahlia, the bridge shows the silhouettes of valerie hawthorne pointing a gun at terry fawles, who was holding a young dahlia hostage. no details can be seen on the figures. above iris, dusky bridge is on fire. underneath dahlia, there are red dahlias that are dripping blood, and under iris there are some irises. in the center of the picture, dahlia and iris as children are standing side by side. their hair is black and medium length. they have bangs and both twins have a braid going down the side of their head, dahlia's on the right side of her head, and iris' on the left. they are both wearing white dresses, white knee-high socks, and black mary jane shoes. both of their dresses are dirty, with dahlia's being slightly dirtier. [end ID]
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staygoldralph · 3 months
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Ben Hargreeves
The only Umbrella to live in death And the only Sparrow left alive
Alligator Blood by Nicole Dollanganger Listen @ Spotify from the playlist Ghost Boy
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kotopeachii · 21 days
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if you don't have a heart, then i'll share mine
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oldmisfortune · 3 months
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Lil Maeve illustration to try my hand at backgrounds and immersive lighting!
I really like how it turned out :)))
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sleepypuffincentral · 10 months
Fanfic-Fanart Saga: #1
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LEOOOOOOOOOO 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
This comes from a fic I read on ao3 called Donny's Friend by Ammo_Writes!
When two of my favorite characters become the main characters of a story, you should know I'd be all over it >:)
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ramunemaruu · 1 month
I definitely didn’t use random brushes and prayed that it’d turn into something 😻
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I based her outfit on the morute aesthetic because it fits her well idk
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cinnamonsly · 9 months
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finally finished up this hugemassive banner comm. it was a lot of fun, i miss drawing destiny art sometimes
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lienwyn · 11 months
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Dum Dum
I wanted to do a quick light and colour study and this MV just has SUCH gorgeous colour schemes. So here we are!
I'm still trying to figure out how to add my own flair to my more realistic drawings and I might be getting somewhere?
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randomnameless · 2 months
Hi, i have seen you and some other posters talking about how Edelgard father was a puppet or working for the Agarthans and i was wondering do you have links or pictures that shows thos as i dont really have access to my game to check and im not sure where to het that kind of information from.
Sorry for any inconvenience or of i got the worng person.
No pbs anon !
Hubert explains it here :
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So per Hubert, Ionius was used as a puppet by Thales'n'pals and Thales'n'pals were the ones who experimented on her siblings!
I believe Her Majesty may have told you some of this herself.
Interestingly, while she told some stuff to Billy, she told them that it wasn't Uncle'n'pals who did the experiments... but Aegir who is canonically (per Ferdie's paralogue) Thales' prefered scapegoat.
Who also blames Aegir for what happened to her? Ionius himself!
When you were stolen away to the Kingdom... When the prime minister did those horrible things... I could only watch in horror.
So, on the one hand, we have Ionius and Supreme Leader blaming Aegir for the experiments and eluding the Agarthans -
On the other hand, we have Hubert blaming the Agarthans for the experiments as he reveals Ionius was their puppet, something Supreme Leader already knows (and apparently should have told Billy!)...
Between those two sources and facts, which one is the most trustworthy?
I'd say Hubert in a heartbeat - given how he has no reason to lie here, Aegir was already put under house arrest, so why "not blaming" him and instead pinning everything on the Agarthans ?
Unless... Aegir had no part in the experiments, only in the Insurrection, and when Arundel was slithere'd upon returning from Faerghus - after Solon got "acceptable results" in Ordelia - and started the experiments on the Hresvelg kids.
What was Ionius doing meanwhile? We don't know.
FE Fodlan refuses to give us more details about the Insurrection and the experiments on the Hresvelg children, we can only suppose things.
Ionius being a puppet of Arun-Thales and foddering children to get a "peerless emperor" is nothing but headcanon, and yet, it somehow fits with Vestra Sr, Hubert's own dad, rebelling against Ionius to protect - it's heavily implied - kid!Hubert himself. Volkhard (the real one!) hid his niece in Faerghus... for reasons? Why hiding her there - if she wasn't at risk in Enbarr? And who would have been targeting her ? The experiments didn't start, and given how the members of the Insurrection were happy to let Ionius alive (albeit as a figurehead), they would have had no interest in killing the Imperial children.
Again, it's all hc created from Hubert's support with Hanneman and this very own line, coming from Hubert himself : the games gives us two different narratives and leave it at that.
Per the Hresvelgs : Aegir led the experiments.
Per Hubert - backed up by Lysithea's background : Agarthans did it, and manipulated Ionius.
Who's right ? Canon says "dunno".
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homosexualmother · 4 months
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whoever calls first gets free sandwiches (lie)
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cabbagestrand · 11 months
Hello, can you make an Akko showing its fangs?
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life-of-a-rat · 8 months
My favorite part of today was when I said it’s applin’ time, and then I applin’d all over the place
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I definitely didn’t do this just to make this joke
I also found a shiny jangmo-o today and named it kelly
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sirbasil · 2 years
New month new post
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