#supenatural day
incesthemes · 20 days
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My father told me about my mother when I was very little, and he didn't spare me. He told me a number of times as I was growing. Of course it wasn't the same, but it was pretty dreadful. I'm glad he told me though. I wouldn't like not to know.
The Winchesters + East of Eden, John Steinbeck
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talesmaniac89 · 1 year
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March 8th | International Women's Day
Happy women's day to all my Wayward sisters out there! 💕💕💕
I couldn't fit every woman in, but I tried to get as many of the multi-episode women as I could!
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Tweets of Mine that Would've done Much Better on Tumblr (Part 1)
Some of my most recent tweets and replies since no one pays attention to me on Twitter unles they attack me with their friends.
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Hope you enjoy. Please don't attack me, okay? Thanks.
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crubdraws · 1 year
┗⁠(⁠•⁠ˇ⁠_⁠ˇ⁠•⁠)⁠―⁠→ get one
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sapphyreopal5 · 7 months
"A Walk on the Dark Side" J2 Interview
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The following are snippets from the "A Walk on the Dark Side" interview from the Supernatural Magazine, Issue 11 (pages 10 to 17).[x]
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"You never know what to expect when you’re on the Supenatural set with Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. In some cases you'll find yourself empathetically mouthing “ouch,” while in others you'll be crinkling your nose and reaching for a gas mask. Either way, you’ll soon be laughing.
During the filming of Lucifer Rising, Ackles had to run at full tilt and ram into some church doors that Genevieve Cortese’s Ruby had slammed shut upon seeing him. Over and over again he threw his shoulder into the doors, but he always held his ground. Then, on the last take, he bounced off the doors and the impact knocked him to the floor. Ouch, If that had been an accident, it sure would have been painful - but the grin on Ackles' face belies the truth; it was just one of his premeditated goofs. “Yeah, sometimes I just do it for fun," he admits later in his trailer. “Nobody knew I was gonna do it, but I knew we had it in the take before, so I figured I'd just throw something funny in there.”
“There’s a lot of flatulence, especially in the Impala. Ill look over and Jared's just smiling at me. I'm like, 'What? You didn't!' And then I’ll have to get out of the car…” It's no wonder Ackles has taken up golfing - to get some fresh air! “I’m doing a lot of golfing these days," he says. “I've always kind of played golf, fiddled with it every now and again, but for some reason this year I’m getting more into it. One of the things I love about golf is that you can get out there for four or five hours and not think about anything else. There’s a course up in North Vancouver where you’re sitting on the tee box and you’re looking out over the city from the top of a mountain. There are deer running across the fairways and stuff! It’s just gorgeous. When you’re out there, you’re not thinking about, ‘Oh, what do I have to do tomorrow?’ Or, ’Where am I going this weekend?’ Or anything like that.
You just set up the ball and try to hit your next shot."
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"Some people refer to walking out in nature as being in God’s Country, and golfing might be the closest Ackles gets to being near God on Earth, because he doesn’t expect the Lord to make an appearance on Supernatural anytime soon. “I don’t think so, but that's just my prediction," he said. “I think it’s kind of like God's the president and he’s sent his generals to Earth to take care of the mess. I don’t think he’s going to come over here and be like, 'Hey, what seems to be the problem?’" Maybe Dean will have to talk to a burning bush? “Ah, no, I don’t think so.”
Killing Lilith Jared Padalecki always puts great effort into the heavy emotional scenes on Supernatural, and perhaps his most intense scene yet happened in "Lucifer Rising" when Sam battled Lilith. First he had to choose between listening to his brother (who was trying to stop him), and listening to Ruby, who was pushing him to kill Lilith- Then he had to deal with the implications of Ruby’s deceit, which led to Sam inadvertently freeing Lucifer. “That was such a hard day for me," Padalecki shared. “I felt like I had a hangover for days from going where I had to go emotionally when I found out I'd started the end of the world and brought on the Apocalypse. It's not like you read the script and go, 'Oh, cool! Well, let's chase butterflies! Everything is all happy and good…' You really have to commit, and you have to go deep. That’s also where the excitement of being an actor comes in; it's committing and finding new things, and creating. It's discovering those kind of things that you didn't think would happen, where you go, 'Wow, I didn’t know I'd feel like that.' That's just so cool."
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"The presence of the angels has already shaken up the Supernatural universe pretty thoroughly. “It's really upped the ante," concurs Ackles. “We've gotten into some real big epic storylines, and it’s cool because it introduced some really unique characters, like Castiel and Anna, and obviously it got Ruby and Lilith more involved, which was great. We're dealing with things on a much larger level, and it takes the guys to an interesting spot, because now they're feeling like this is all way bigger than them and they don’t know how to handle it It’s a situation that they’re not used to dealing with. They’re usually killing vampires and taking out ghosts and shapeshifters and stuff like that. To deal with something on a biblical level added a nice twist to the storyline. Hey, go big or go home, right?"
You can't get much bigger than Lucifer! Which begs the question; 'Where do we go now? How soon will the boys come face -to-face with Lucifer? Can they ever even go back to chasing ghosts and Chupacabras when The Prince of Darkness is loose on Earth? That’s a great question, and I have no idea," Padalecki admits. “I don't know what to expect from Eric Kripke and the other writers, so I just roll with the punches. I'm really anxious, as a fan, to see what happens. I'm really excited about season five, and I cant wait to see where the writers take it.”
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Ever since we learned that Sam had demon-given powers, fans have been wondering Just how far the writers will take his journey to the dark side. Not that long ago, many people - including Padaleckl himself - assumed that Sam and Ruby would never hook up. He said he didn't think that storyline would pan out. Of course, the writers did go there. "I thought it was interesting," Padalecki reflects. “Supemalural is not, and never has been - and hopefully never will be - a show about sex and lust and all of that kind of stuff that you expect on teen melodramas.
I think the most important thing about the relationship is that Sam is needy and he’s searching for something, and It’s out of this weakness that he starts going down that path with Ruby. Obviously we know now that he wasn’t hooking up with her just for sex; she was also providing him with demon blood and he's become addicted to her. It shows Sam's strength in keeping on the [hunting) path he set out on years ago.
While it's true that Sam hasn't truly gone dark side (yet), after drinking copious amounts of demon blood, he told Ruby in the season finale that he’s changed for good. Will he continue to change into something less than human? “I hope Sam has changed for good," Padalecki insisted. "I think it'll be more interesting to see him struggle with that than if it's: ‘Oh, well, I haven’t drunk demon blood in a while and I'm okay now!’ That kind of loses where we are in the story, so I hope Sam has turned that corner. It's a much stronger storyline, a much stronger character arc to say, ‘No, it has changed me and now I have to fight that battle.’ It makes it more complicated, and it'll be interesting to see him fight that."
And Sam versus Dean… "I think the fans don't like it when Sam and Dean light,” Padalecki notes, "but it's part of the story. It’s necessary to tell the story of redemption, the story of destiny, and the story of good versus evil, so we really had to flesh it out. You have to hit rock bottom to climb back up to the top. I think Eric has a game plan. Eric is the king of Supernatural, and where he decides the show goes, the show has got to go there."
Of course, the question is; What is rock bottom? Drinking demon blood from your demon lover’s arm? “No,” Padalecki asserts. That’s just a step along the way. “I knew for Sam to change, it had to be something more than just, ‘Hey, hold the demon’s hand and all of a sudden you have demon powers!’ I never wanted it to be a montage of me exorcising demons and doing push-ups and standing on my hands and stuff like that, because that would’ve been a bit cheesy. It was nice that it was something a little more risque, a little bit more sexual and dark and dirty and seedy. There's a whole mythology that goes into drinking blood, and what happens when you drink somebody’s blood is that you take on that person’s attributes. I think it was a nice touch." A nice, dark touch."
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So how far is Sam from hitting rock bottom? How dark is too dark for the fans to accept? “I think he’s getting there," says Ackles. “I think he's going to go to a place where he can't get back from entirely.
I think it's going to change the dynamic of the characters, which is cool. To have a show with characters and a storyline that are ever-evolving is always much more interesting than having the same thing week after week after week. Jared's character is taking a dramatic turn that could change the facade of the whole character, and the way he’s written and the way he thinks and talks and acts and walks, so I'm interested in seeing how far they'll take that in season five. Obviously there’s gotta be that brother connection, though.
It's the true [backbone] of the show. I don't think they're going to take it so far as to sever that connection. I think that there’s gonna be this long journey of re-strengthening that brother bond. Td like to see Sam try to get back to a common ground where they can be brothers again."
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"Did the writers jump the shark by introducing a third Winchester brother? "No," said Padalecki, “because I think when the Fonz Jumped the shark on an otherwise realistic show [Happy Days], it really ruined it, but Supenatural is so wacky anyway, I think throwing in something like that probably didn’t surprise people.”
So what would surprise people? Having the series finale be a final confrontation between the brothers where good Dean has to kill evil Sam? ‘Tb be honest, I don’t know," said Ackles. “They just might take it that far!"
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kitkatwinchester · 3 years
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I'm a little late on this post, but it's still the 13th, so I'm counting it.
As many of our amazing cast members are sharing on Twitter, it is absolutely insane that Supernatural has officially reached the age where it can drive Baby...
The fact that it barely got its permit before it had to come to a close still hurts to this day, but I am so grateful for the fact that it has never truly died.
With all of the drama, news, realizations, discoveries, interviews, tweets, and everything good and bad in between, Supernatural has been kept alive in a lot of ways, and everybody has had their own way of contributing to that life.
I'm proud to be a part of something that can go sixteen years without being forgotten.
I'm proud to be a part of something that can go sixteen years without giving up.
I'm proud to be a part of something that can, in many ways, go sixteen years, period.
Happy Supernatural Day to the cast, crew, fans, and everyone in between.
Who's ready to start again at Season 1? ;)
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bardass · 2 years
oh no you guys…
jonathan went out on a solicitor’s trip…and he hasn’t been home in a few days…
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dizzyizzystiddies · 3 years
so many spn actors have musical talent. why was there never a musical ep?
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tar-frogs · 3 years
It is my personal headcanon that one time while Claire and Kaia came by the bunker they got Dean to join in on a little “girls night” and they all did face masks and painted each other’s nails and Dean enjoyed it so much that he started a skin care routine and he had them swear not to say anything to anyone
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sharkselfies · 3 years
good evening to stacey abrams as she finishes the last 3 episodes of supernatural tonight, the destiel shipper who obama unfollowed on twitter, and all the swifties already making “cowboy like me” edits for dean winchester before the album has even dropped
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talesmaniac89 · 2 years
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March 8th | International Women's Day
Happy women's day to all my Wayward sisters out there! 💕💕💕
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breakdawn-avenue · 6 years
ZarcRayWeek, Day 4: Immortality
Day 1: Everything I know will change || Day 2: Let’s fall in love again || Day 3: To know your name || Day 4: Can’t stay away (Part 1 | Part 2) || Day 5: Put on your war paint || Day 6: Baby, anyhow I’ll get another toy || Day 7: Your own worst enemy || Day 8: This love will never end Summary: Two lives collide, one similar torment. The quest begins. Time’s running. Just one chance. How far are you willing to fall? Word count (Part 1): 3.458 Note: special thanks to @pendulumprince who was so kind to me to borrow a wording! besides, I never intended it to get... this dark. and looooonnnngg. I overdid it with this prompt omg I’m sorry
There was a new boy in town. To simply say he was mysterious was both an understatement and more than true. Maiami City was a metropolis, and it was common for all kind of people to come and leave again. But in comparison to all of them, he was still different. And that was already telling a lot. Ray never paid much attention to it but in hindsight, it felt like an early omen to her that she drew strange pictures since August. Although she never had been much of an artist, she seemingly started out of nowhere to draw a person from behind, laying on the ground with a strange but visible big scar on his back. The shape was always an unconnected ‘V’. She also drew a bleeding white feather and a frozen red rose. The strange dream. She never remembered much about it, only a barely noticeable tingle in her chest and a grand cornfield with sunflowers as tall as a man. They surrounded a big and sturdy tree – probably a European oak. She wore a white and form-fitting dress, strapless. No shadows were seen even though curves and creases were visible. The sky drew the fascinating and enchanting coexistence of day and night. Just a heartbeat after that, she found herself on a beach with a white lighthouse. She felt safe and content. The last thing she always saw were golden irides. Which were looking at her, full of sincere love, that smothered her and made her week in the knees. Quiet yet familiar sounds which she depicted as voices were telling her, over and over, that she didn’t have to be scared. And she believed them. He himself showed up on a rainy October day in her class. Their teacher introduced him as Sakaki Zarc. He denied right away having any relation to headmaster Sakaki. But it wasn’t his appearance what captivated Ray at first. The atmosphere changed for whatever reason, however not the temperature. She felt silly for not being able to describe it any other way than feeling some electric pulses. Not enough to make her jump like getting an electric shock. It was more like shy tingling under her skin. The ominous and most prominent feeling, though, was danger. That was already crazy enough but she didn’t have the time to dwell on this weird feeling because she then noticed him standing next to the teacher’s desk. His overall appearance wasn’t special, either. His posture made it clear that he was bored stiff to be in school. She also noticed that he seemed to care about his clothes because his shirt wasn’t visible under his school jacket. He had silver white and wild hair with green wisps. The outline of his jaw and cheekbones were visible. But the most capturing feature of him were his eyes. Ray had a striking feeling that they were golden but he had used so much eyeliner that they almost even seemed black. They didn’t seem naive, insecure or immature but all the opposite. As if they’d already seen much. They didn’t belong to a teenager who was slowly growing up to a young man. In this moment, she hated herself for having a certain type for a love interest, and he was a first class candidate. Then, for a fleeting nanosecond, she believed to see both a dark aura and a white, highlighted shimmer around him. Which maybe was the indicator of danger for her. Which was absolutely crazy and she feared to lose her mind. But she was seemingly the only one to have this reaction because everyone else, mostly the other girls and some boys, were rather enchanted by him and would have loved to question him rather than to start the lesson. Ray didn’t want to play school either but would have rather bolted out of class. And if this wasn’t already enough to scare her to the bone, he chose the free seat to her right. Even though there were more than enough free places in that forsaken class. In this moment, Ray could feel the classmates’ hatred all too well. If she would have had the power, she would have switched places right away. She was already afraid enough but the sounds in her head were forming a voice again that whispered soothingly into her ear. She didn’t have to be scared. But she was. The the most shocking moment, however, was just about to happen. Since she tried to engage him into a conversation – solely for the purpose to gain information about him so she could avoid him in the future, and not because she was curious who this creepy guy was! – it backfired badly. The look in his eyes was taunting. The whole time. He radiated a superior, mighty feeling that she loathed instantly. But for whatever reason, she found herself unable to lie to him, even if she wanted to. And she admitted things not even her best friend Shun knew about her. Too bad that she felt challenged by his attitude, and not enough terrified to give up the war he just had started. Once the school bell rang, Ray was the first one to be out of class for the first time. She fled to her best friend who she found in the schoolyard near the gym. He immediately saw the conflicted emotions battling each other in her eyes. But he – who otherwise always had a wise and helpful answer to her questions – couldn’t explain the mystery that Sakaki guy already was. She did, however, noticed that he barely narrowed his eyes at the mere mentioning. She was certain that he knew something. Shun never did anything without a reason behind it. She wanted to question him, find out more about that Sakaki guy and what connection he had to Shun but the school bell interrupted her. And he pretended the opposite. She didn’t find any other opportunity to continue her interrogation because several classmates wanted her to tell them what connection she had with that Sakaki guy. She barely survived the day. At first, nothing notable happened. Her inner voice was quiet the whole time. Only her weird dreams about that cornfield and the lighthouse as well as her strange drawings continued. She had expected it but she never saw Shun with that Sakaki guy. As the days went by, it got more and more visible they avoided each other as much as possible. They never interacted, more so if she was around. And she hadn’t made any progress at all since his first day at school. Luckily, that Sakaki guy didn’t gain any more information about her, either. It wasn’t thanks to her resilience but more the fact that he didn’t talk to her at all. As if he already got bored with her. All the better. The desire to reveal his big secret was still there, though. She was still determined to succeed. She never thought that her patience would get rewarded in the form of Dennis Macfield. He viewed himself as a magician, and always tried to impress her with sweet little gifts like flowers, sweets or even handkerchiefs. The stunts he was trying to pull were mindless and dangerous for both himself and spectators. But overall, he was a nice guy who knew how to treat her right. He was more of a friend to Shun, however, and she never knew they worked since Shun and Macfield were foils of each other. She might knew the answer by now if she ever would have actually cared to ask them. But she would have never guessed that even Macfield and Zarc were connected to each other. The first was at home during the last week because he had been sick so he didn’t know beforehand that the school had a new student. He had to learn it the hard way when he was simply doing one of his silly stunts and wanted to hand her a lotus with his mouth while hanging down from a class door. She didn’t know why even Shun was gasping quietly as he saw the flower. But before she could take the flower, Zarc seemingly stepped out of nowhere into the scene – and she did notice the mortally terrified expression on Macfield’s face – just to insult him with a threatening “Bastard!” and to pull him down from the door. Ray wanted to step in. Her inner voice tried to stop her. But she didn’t get the chance to hold Zarc back because it was Shun who dragged her into the school building. Ray tried to reason with him, going back or report Zarc to one of the teachers. But Shun waved her off, told her that Macfield could handle this quarrel alone. Ray wasn’t sure if she should believe him. To ease her mind, she visited Macfield after school just to check on him. But even if she tried to interrogate him with her charming side, she didn’t get any new information about Zarc whatsoever. Another dead end. But no one could convince her otherwise that these three boys weren’t connected with each other. Her determination to find out the truth was stronger than ever. And Ray did get new clues just after another week. She was leaving the school and about to look for her best friend. That was when she saw Zarc next to the gym. The same spot she found Shun standing in the first break on Zarc’s first day. For whatever reason, he didn’t wear his school jacket. She made up her mind in a split second. She had to stop this nonsense before it got more out of hand. Like right now. “Stop this.” Leisurely, Zarc looked up from his book as she approached him. She saw that he was reading the classical drama “Maria Stuart” from the German poet Friedrich Schiller. This caught her off-guard. He had already advanced to Mr. Know-it-all on his very first day at school. While every other student and almost all teachers were thrilled and enchanted by this, Ray was impatient and irritated. She couldn’t grasp her head around it that someone like Zarc would actually read classical literature. Voluntarily. He didn’t even look like one of these typical nerds who never really wanted to leave a library. Not even close. “What do you want?” Ray looked up dumbfounded. She did register that he was talking to her but she couldn’t hear him. She was more distracted with the returning tingling under her skin she thought had disappeared. And her inner voice. She saw that he was about to open his mouth to say something but was interrupted by an unannounced visitor. Shun and Macfield, in his usual cheerful manner, walked up to them. Ray noticed right away that the expression on Zarc’s face darkened in an instant. “Hello!,” Macfield greeted them nonchalantly. “Am I interrupting?” Zarc confirmed while Ray stuttered a negative answer to that question. She knew that Zarc was looking at her impatiently but didn’t say anything. “Oh, really? I thought that you two were holding a staring contest! And that our precious Ray was winning- ” Macfield didn’t even finish his sentence when Zarc already thrust his book into Ray’s hand. But she wasn’t fast enough to see when Zarc leaped forward and pressed his right forearm at Macfield’s throat. The ominous aura Ray felt on his first day returned. Shun tried to reason with him but Zarc ignored him. “Care to finish your sentence?,” he prompted Macfield with a very deep voice. Ray cursed herself that his voice now sounded so attractive. But somehow, Macfield remained cheerful. Ray didn’t see it again but the next second, both of them were lying on the floor and literally tussled. As if they were childhood friends. Ray was staring at them, disbelieving. She was even more stunned that Shun didn’t try to stop them. “Immature children!” This was all he did. Barking at them. Ray was disappointed. By all of them. Fists were flying non-stop, someone laughed in a provoking manner, and suddenly, the sound of ripping cloth could be heard. Eventually, Zarc was fighting with a bare back. Casually, Ray noticed that she was seeing his back for the first time. She liked what she saw. But then she saw something else. The most capturing feature about his back weren’t his defined muscles but the two bizarre flesh coloured scars. Starting from the middle of his shoulder blades, they were running diagonally down up until the place the kidneys were placed. They formed a tore apart ‘V’. The scars were so odd that she wasn’t able to look away from them on her own. But she knew instantly that it wasn’t the first time she saw such a picture. “Get off of me!,” Zarc finally said and pushed Macfield down from him. The latter was still laughing while the first one got up in one smooth movement. It was only then that he noticed his shirt was torn. He took it off and threw it away before extending a hand towards Shun. Without looking at him but to keep a wary eye at Macfield. “Jacket.” Ray couldn’t believe her best friend obeyed him. Macfield laughed at him as Zarc closed Shun’s jacket. It was only covering down from his sternum. Not even his tie could foul anyone that he wasn’t wearing a shirt at all. For a moment, she wondered why there wasn’t panic around them since all the other students – both boys and girls – seemingly loved him to death. No one else was in the schoolyard. Not even a teacher. Her drawing. She remembered instantly her drawing about the tortured person. Her mind started to race as she was fleeing the situation. She knew that she would be extremely embarrassed after she calmed down but right now, she couldn’t care less about her irrational behaviour. All she knew was that she ended up in front of the headmaster’s office door. She knew that she needed someone to help her clear her mind. That someone needed to tell her how great her creativity was but that it was nothing else than this – fantasy. She wasn’t sure if asking the headmaster was a good idea even though she was one of her father’s friends. And teaching religion since last year. She never knew that this was a subject in Japanese schools. Sakaki Yoko was a cool teacher, and she was always chatting with her when the adults met. She wasn’t sure how much embarrassment she could handle for a single day. At one point, she even wished that the headmaster wasn’t in her office at all. With that in mind, she raised her hand but couldn’t bring herself to knock. Her heart missed a beat. How should she even begin? Simply show her or telling her about her drawing? But the headmaster knew that she wasn’t much of an artist. What if her picture didn’t have anything to do with philosophy or religion at all? Then she would waste her time without any reason. And probably leaving a bad opinion about her. “Hello, Ray! Nice to see – oh, sorry!” The recipient could hear that the headmaster was grinning slightly as she jumped to the side like a scaredy cat. She hadn’t noticed her arrival. “I didn’t want to startle you- ” “N- no! I – it was- ” “You were looking for me, right? Just- ” “N- no! I – it was- ” Sakaki just laughed before she stepped forward and opened the office door. “Just give me a second. I’ll be right back,” she said with a genuine smile. Ray could only stutter quietly before quickly entering the office. And the headmaster didn’t keep her waiting for too long as she was already closing the door behind her when Ray sat down on the chair before the desk. Sakaki tried to engage the student into a lighthearted conversation to calm her down but it didn’t help much. To downplay her nervousness, Ray then started to talk about a personal project, and that she would have trouble understanding some facts. She already went through the school’s library and the Internet but not a single result left her satisfied. Which was why she wanted to seek advice from someone who had a professional understanding of the topic. The headmaster was more cooperative than asking justified and concerned questions about her mental health. She listened until Ray finished her questions and gave her answers she understood right away. Once the halfhearted interrogation was done, Ray moved to her drawing of the wounded person lying on the ground. At that point, she was immediately thinking about Zarc. She had no idea why. “Who drew this?” Sakaki’s voice was only barely audible now. Ray could also see that she slightly narrowed her eyes. At first, she wanted to lie. Because she didn’t saw any benefit in telling her. But she cursed herself. “I did.” Ray cursed herself again. It had nothing to do with the headmaster. She wondered why she had lost the ability to lie. But Sakaki answered her anyway. Ray drew a fallen angel. And she could feel their pain in every stroke she did. They were called like this because they were tempted to fall for the Seven Deadly Sins – pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy and sloth – and defected. Other angels, mostly archangels, tore out their wings as a punishment. Wings, as Sakaki explained, were the most precious possession angels had. After that, the defected angels were exiled from heaven. Lucifer – even once a heavenly angel – was the first one who fell. He refused to kneel down before mankind, highly valued by God themselves, but which were build with less valuable materials then angels in Lucifer’s point of view. Through this War in Heaven, fallen angels lost most of their power but developed new ones due to the new situation. One of them would be the control over a human body. Not solely through mind manipulation but taking literally possession of. With that, the fallen angel was able to communicate through telepathy with their vessels. At that moment, Ray became cold and hot. Sakaki explained everything so clearly and vividly that she almost could see the images with closed eyes the headmaster was describing. As if everything she just told her was consistent with reality. That God really existed. Since years, Ray held on to science because there was no other entity next to mankind in her opinion. Because if God really existed, why did they let happen all the catastrophes, big and small, all around the world? Why did they let humanity rot into these greedy, careless and mindless creatures? Ray noticed that she went silent for quite a while. Now, the headmaster’s look was concerned. She was about to ask her if she was okay when Ray abruptly stood up, thanked her for the answers and left as fast as she could the office. Sakai didn’t call after her. But Ray was still caught in a daze. She still couldn’t forget her words and images. Even though she had established for herself that an almighty, omniscient and caring entity never would let happen such disasters. Her inner voice tried to soothe her, like always. But it failed. While closing her eyes, she saw a faceless angel who refused to kneel down before the very first humans. The pained and tortured angel, lying in a great pool of blood. White hair darkened, almost completely black because of all the blood. Oddly pale skin. Ray forced herself to calm down. She interpreted too much into nonsense. It shouldn’t either bother her, nor throw her off the course so much. She still didn’t know the reason why Zarc was so secretive yet but it was definitely not because he would be a fallen angel. She was absolutely sure it was a humane reason. Because of that, she let that week pass by and refused to talk to the boys. She wasn’t ready for them without a proper plan. All of them understood right away and left her alone. Her inner voice tried to reach out to her again but Ray willed it down again. Before leaving the school on the last day, she saw the headmaster with Zarc at the gym. She was seemingly giving him a lecture about the fight with Macfield. But as she walked closer, trying to innocently pass them, she heard the headmaster say “Remember, dear – you can’t hide forever.” And Zarc, for the first time, looked with genuine worry to the side. She pondered long about that. Ray couldn’t believe that even the headmaster seemed to be connected to him.
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waywardfacegarden · 3 years
todobaku modern au!! inspired by a halloween-ish theme ft. some supenatural elements, with tdbk as roommates!
this is long and it’s just a bunch of all the ideas about this au that won’t leave me alone!! i’ve been meaning to write it since so long. for you @staqua !!!!!! because you’re lovely and crazily talented and an amazing friend, i’m so happy we talk!!!! i love you. thank you for kindness and your support. i hope some day i can write you a proper fic.
so! here it goes:
back in april, when the sakura flowers were starting to blossom and the wind swirling around the loose scarf on his neck was idly chill, and the mornings were still a warm mix of orange and gold and smelled like the coffee sold in the bakery around the corner of his college, todoroki moved out from his brother’s apartment.
it’s not that living with touya was uncomfortable—even if he liked to tease him sometimes, and listened to his music way too loud, and only ate pizza and fast food for dinner, and loved to make shouto do chores around the house—and takami (his boyfriend) was cool when he stayed a few days, all charming smiles and merry, charismatic attitude. 
but touya’s apartment was a long way to his college and waking up early to take the train was not shouto’s favorite thing in the world. he’d been late to most of his morning classes, and falling asleep in some of them when he did manage to get on time was not exactly helping
so he finds this nice apartment two blocks away from his campus and it’s an awesome choice. it’s very simple but spacious and the neighbors are nice, too: a friendly freckled boy around his age (later on, he finds he’s studying in the same college as him) and a kind old-lady who works as a doctor
the apartment is furnished and it’s in the top floor of the building and it has a lovely view and it’s perfect for shouto to get up around an hour later than he used to
conclusion: it’s perfect
the rent is surprisingly low as well
so, the first day he moves in, he’s warming up his instant ramen after unpacking his stuff (bc he’s tired and he’s gonna do the groceries until the weekend, thank you very much) and sitting down to eat at the small dining table when
“what the fuck. do you eat that as your dinner?”
shouto blinks
“talking about unhealthy. you’re gonna die at 30 if you keep eating that shit, pretty boy”
shouto blinks again. 
there’s a guy. sitting in his sofa. staring and scowling at shouto’s ramen cup like it personally offended him
“uh,” shouto stares. “...who are you...?”
blonde guy looks up at him with the prettiest, piercing-crimson eyes he’s ever seen. he smirks, smugly, and leans back on the sofa, crossing his legs over the small table at the center of the living room, “i’m your roommate, halfie”
shouto tilts his head, confused. “...the rent lady didn’t say anything about a roommate...?” is that why the rent was so low, it was split between them? shouldn’t she have told him about a roommate, though? did she think he would be alright with it?
blonde pretty guy just smirks wider. “yeah, she usually doesn’t talk about me with her customers.”
shouto blinks. huh. well, then...
“...aren’t you going to eat something?”
eyes focused on his ramen (that’s sure gone cold by now): “no, thank you, candy cane”
“wait,” shouto frowns, “where are you going to sleep? ...did i take your room?”
there was only one room. and one bed. was there a futon around...?
“hm. i’ll take the sofa”
shouto quirks an eyebrow. “do you usually sleep on the sofa?”
blonde guy makes a vague gesture with his hand. “yeah, don’t worry about it, halfie”
“you know,” the guy hums as shouto gets up to put the ramen in the microwave again, “you don’t seem all that bothered that i’m here”
shouto shrugs. “i don’t mind a roommate, i guess”
he really doesn’t. he just thinks the rent lady should have tell him in advance. but oh well. she probably didn’t mean any harm, he’ll talk about it with her later
“ah, that’s kacchan” his neighbor says when shouto mentions it the next morning as he’s going out and sees him at the entrance of the building, and doesn’t add anything else or elaborates on that besides a “he’s not dangerous or anything, don’t worry”
later on, a few couple of days later, kaminari denki, his bubbly friend and classmate, looks at him like he’s lost his mind when he tells him the big news
“... but you suggested me to move out,” he retorts
“well, yes.” kaminari stares, still looking like shouto grew out two heads out of nowhere, “but not to a haunted apartment, dude!”
shouto blinks. “...what?”
“yeah, there’s supposed to be a hideous and super scary ghost there! that’s why no one ever rents that apartment! everyone says he’s terrifying!”
shouto blinks. once, twice. 
“... are you talking about kacchan?”
“kacchan?!?!?!?” denki echoes, wide eyes, “are you childhood friends or something?? do you have a pet name for him already???”
“well, that’s what my neighbor calls him”
“have you seen him?????? did he talk to you????”
shouto tilts his head, “hmm. he criticized my dinner. and told me he’s my roommate”
that’s how he discovers why the rent is so low
apparently, his apartment is haunted
“so...” he says when he gets back to his new apartment that evening, and the guy sitting in the sofa looks up at him, “are you a ghost?”
blonde guy cackles, elated. “hah! so, did the old hag tell you already?”
shouto shakes his head. “no, a friend did,” he tilts his head and stares at the guy. he looks... normal, actually. is he really a ghost? “you’re famous, apparently”
he grins, cocky. “of course i am.” 
shouto feels the weird urge to smile, strangely amused
then, ghost guy leans forward and wiggles his fingers, “so, did i creep you out already?”
shouto stares, dumbly. “not really.” 
the ghost scowls, like shouto just told him he failed as a ghost
the corner of his mouth tugs up. “should i be freaking out or something?”
blonde guy grunts. “well, everyone else does as soon as they find out”
shouto shrugs. “it’s fine. i don’t care. why would i be scared? you look normal”
the guy squints at him. “... you’re really weird, halfie.”
“am i?”
“abso-fucking-lutely,” he says, giving him a weird look, like shouto is equally confusing, weird and strangely compelling to him
the thing is, shouto has always been a bit enthusiastic about conspiracy theories and supernatural stuff, so, if he’s being being honest, he’s actually pretty interested in this kacchan guy
“so, kacchan,” shouto calls the next morning at breakfast, “do you not eat anything?”
“call me that again and i’m gonna pluck your fucking eyes out,” he answers
“hm,” shouto hums, “that’s what my neighbor calls you, though”
“yeah, shitty deku loves pissing me off”
hm. deku and kacchan
“so you two like pet names...?”
“it’s NOT a fucking pet name,” he seethes, “my name is bakugou katsuki, dipshit. call me that.”
“hmm, bakugou, then,” shouto says, unperturbed, “do you not eat anything?” he asks again
he scowls. “no.”
shouto frowns, “never?”
he crosses his arms over his chest. “no. i can’t eat. everything just goes through me. and even if it didn’t, i can’t taste shit”
shouto’s frown deepens. “that’s so sad.”
he can’t imagine what it would be like not ever eating again. not ever tasting soba again! that would be the greatest tragedy on earth
“well, apparently you don’t eat either,” bakugou grunts, “what is it with your unhealthy shit? that’s sugary as hell”
shouto sips on his strawberry milkshake very loudly on purpose, “have you been there already?”
“ha-ha.” he deadpans, and shouto finds himself smiling around his straw, “shut up, unhealthy dumbass. you’re not funny”
“i differ, but go off, i guess.”
bakugou quirks an eyebrow
“and what was your favorite food? don’t you miss it?” shouto asks, somewhat sadly, “i can’t imagine not eating zaru soba again”
bakugou quirks both eyebrows. “your favorite food is soba? it’s so fucking bland”
well. that’s it
“i see,” shouto says, getting up to leave, “so you were tasteless even before becoming a ghost”
“how sad, bakugou”
“HAH?!” he glares, “i’ll fucking show you what a great-A delicious meal is, dumbfuck”
“go on, you can try” shouto accepts, “i don’t think you’ll top soba, though”
“you’ll see, pretty boy”
(a couple of days later, bakugou actually gives him a list with stuff he has to buy before going to the supermarket and then guides him on how to make his favorite dish: some kind of [super] spicy ramen that absolutely kills shouto’s taste buds once he tries it
bakugou doesn’t stop cackling at shouto fanning his mouth after
“what the hell, your tongue is so weak, halfie”
“you have TERRIBLE taste,” shouto arguments, tongue burning)
shouto gets used to bakugou’s presence. though, if he’s honest, he’s never felt weirded out by him anyway
he asks a lot of questions
“can you read minds?”
bakugou gives him a look that tells shouto he’s thinking todoroki is the stupidest human he’s ever met. “no, idiot.”
“can you go through stuff? like, can you walk through the walls or furniture?”
bakugou answers coming through shouto’s room wall
instead of getting scared because a head just popped out of his wall, he perks up, “wow, that’s so cool!”
bakugou gives him a weird look (he does most of the time, though, every time shouto gets excited at him).
“... how long have you been dead?” shouto doesn’t know if he can ask this, but bakugou doesn’t look bothered by the question in the slightlest. “do you remember?”
he shrugs. “dunno. ten years, maybe.”
shouto’s eyes widen. “oh.”
he smirks, “yeah, i’m your senpai, pretty boy.”
shouto blinks. “so that’s why you act like an old man.”
“sorry, i should respect my elders, i won’t tease you again.”
shouto laughs.
he still asks things.
most of the time, bakugou answers, unbothered.
sometimes, he seems pretty annoyed.
“stop trying to invent me a tragic backstory already, moron,” he says, irritated, as shouto tells him one of his multiple theories (that started popping up as soon as bakugou told him that no, he didn’t remember how he died, and no, he didn’t want to know at this point) of how bakugou could have died.
“but ghosts are supposed to be chained to earth because of their sins or past regrets or something like that, aren’t they? maybe you just want revenge on your killer and you don’t know.”
bakugou gives him a look. “stop being so fucking dramatic, dumbass. you watch too much anime.”
“...but you really don’t want to know?”
bakugou is silent for a long time, and then he just looks at todoroki, calmer than he’s ever been. “no. i don’t want to dig up the past.”
something about the way he says that tells shouto that he actually remembers, at least something, but given he clearly doesn’t want to talk about it, shouto doesn’t push.
so he asks another things.
“can all the people see you? i mean, i can. and midoriya can, too.”
bakugou shrugs. “not everyone. people can only see me inside the apartment.”
oh. “but you can go out?”
“technically, yes.”
“have you?”
“... sometimes.”
shouto hums. “we should go out later, then.”
bakugou snorts. “what?” he smirks, mocking, “like on a date, or something? are you asking me out, pretty boy?”
“well, i don’t go out that often,” shouto admits. and that’s true. after all, he’s not that much of an outgoing person. kaminari is the one that’s always been dragging him around with the group (sero, kirishima, ashido, jirou and shinsou) to hang out, and he’s lately going out with midoriya and his friends as well. and it’s fun, even if he doesn’t do much of the talking.
and for some reason, he really wants to go out to some place with bakugou, too. 
“i don’t go out that often, but. i’m sure we can have fun, if we’re together.”
bakugou stares at him, like he can’t believe shouto is real.
“do you remember i’m a ghost, right?”
“yes,” shouto says, “but i’m sure we can find some place to go we can both have fun.”
bakugou doesn’t answer.
(he accompanies shouto to the grocery store a couple of times later, though, and they stop in the way so bakugou can look outside at the city. they stop and sit on a bench so he can look at a lake or a park. they walk over a bridge and stop so he can look at pretty gardens. they sit on the grass in the park in a sunny day. shouto laughs while they walk under the rain one evening and smiles when bakugou scowls because shouto ‘will get sick and they need to go back’.
they walk a lot. in silence. or with shouto asking questions.
he hopes bakugou is having as much fun as shouto is.
he hopes bakugou can feel as warm as shouto does every time they go out.)
he asks and asks and asks stuff.
“so you can touch stuff?” he asks after that Tragic Dinner where his taste buds died a Tragic Death, “you made that what-to-buy list for me”
“yeah. at first it was difficult, but i’ve practiced enough by now. it takes a lot of energy, though”
“so you get tired?”
“and do you sleep?”
“not really,” he side-eyes him, “i charge myself by eating people”
shouto actually snickers at that
bakugou gives him a weird look again, and says, “you’re honestly really weird, halfie. why don’t i creep you out?”
“well, you obviously don’t eat people, that was a bad lie,” he snorts
bakugou arches an eyebrow. “how would you know?”
“you hadn’t eaten me,” he shrugs
bakugou scoffs, “well, you don’t look tasty, so.”
“if what you call tasty is that mortal spicy stuff, i’m glad i don’t look like that.”
bakugou cackles
(later on, shouto discovers bakugou does sleep. he finds him taking a nap in the sofa, after coming late from college one afternoon.
he also finds that he does, surprisingly, show up in photos, as he snatches one of him calmly sleeping with his phone.)
he keeps asking questions, and the more he asks, the more bakugou peaks his interest.
“and can you touch anything?” shouto asks another night, “i mean... can you touch people, for example? can i touch you?”
bakugou stares for a long moment at him, and then, “no.”
for some reason, he feels ridiculously sad at that new knowledge. “really? never?”
bakugou shifts and averts eye contact. “yeah,” he replies, curtly.
shouto hums.
“why do you look like a kicked puppy, idiot?” bakugou glares, scowling at todoroki’s sad face
“i’m just disappointed,” he sighs, “i wanted to touch you.”
bakugou blinks at him, flabbergasted, and his mouth does something wobbly, and
so ghosts can blush
“wh-what the fuck?!”
“ah,” he utters, in awe, like he just made a big discovery (and he did), “you’re cute.”
shouto smiles, and that seems to make bakugou angrier or more embarrassed, because he throws one of their sofa cushions at todoroki’s face
shouto laughs
after a couple of weeks, they actually start talking a lot, too. though it’s not like they’ve been quiet around each other, but bakugou actually starts talking without shouto asking first.
he mostly talks about what he remembers from when he was alive
“i used to walk around here” he says one time when they turn around the coffee shop near shouto’s campus in one of their walks.
“did you study here, too?” (shouto gets to know, in one of his many past conversations and multiple questions, that bakugou died around when he was 24--which means three years older than shouto’s actual age--he also knows bakugou can make himself look older, but he chooses not to actively, because making yourself ‘grow’ as a ghost takes too much energy, apparently.)
shouto blinks. “what was your major?”
he smiles, softly, small, and heartbreakingly nostalgic, and shouto feels the urge to hug him. “arts. music, specifically.”
“that’s impressive,” shouto says, mesmerized, “what did you play? did you sing?”
“i didn’t sing. i played the drums, though.”
shouto gets to know a lot about him. he knows bakugou’s parents moved out from tokio after bakugou’s death. he knows bakugou went to look for them after he ‘woke up’ as a ghost, but they couldn’t see him. he knows he misses them.
bakugou walks him to his old house. he points out to where he used to play as a kid, in a park near there, with a beautiful lake behind. he smiles at everything, not quite sadly but nostalgic, maybe somewhat yearning, longing.
shouto wants to touch him those times. he wants to hold bakugou’s hand when he looks sad. he wants to cup his face between his fingers. he wants to smooth that frown between his eyebrows with his thumb.
he doesn’t, though.
he’s almost certain he can touch him, given how weird bakugou looked when shouto asked him about touching people. but he’s always wary about being too close to shouto, almost as if he didn’t want to being touched, so shouto doesn’t push. he bites his want to comfort him through physical touch and instead smiles at him. warm. he teases him and banters with him to distract him from his sadness, and his chest gets warm every time bakugou looks brighter after their playful banter.
shouto buys drums for bakugou as a christmas gift (previously asking the old lady and izuku if they were okay with it. midoriya just smiles, happily: “really? for kacchan? of course, it’s okay! i’m so glad you’re getting along! he seems a lot more relaxed now. we’ve talked sometimes and i can see how much he cares about you.” <- that makes shouto feel really light all day. kaminari even comments how ‘smiley’ he is lately.) and bakugou plays some of his old songs for him. he’s impressive.
he starts asking shouto some stuff in return, too. he’s attentive and listens closely to shouto’s answers. and he always remembers the smallest details.
it’s actually cute how much he remembers. and it’s even cuter how flustered he gets when shouto points it out.
at some point, kaminari gives him a tentative (but still as big and beaming as kaminari’s trademark grins are) smile, “so, how are things going with your... roommate? are you okay?”
“yeah, he’s fun to be around. though a bit picky on what i eat and how i clean,” kaminari blinks at his statement, looking lost, “he says i don’t know how to cut vegetables. and that i eat way too much unhealthy stuff. and that i can’t clean ‘for shit’,“ he explains.
kaminari opens his mouth, clueless, “...what?”
“ah, yes, he’s foul-mouthed. but it’s funny, actually.”
kaminari blinks again. it reminds todoroki of a big question mark. “... so you’re, like... friends?”
“yes, we are friends.”
“what?” a voice sounds just behind him. “don’t go spitting bullshit, dumbass.”
“ah,” shouto blinks, looking over his shoulder, surprised, “bakugou, what are you doing here?”
“HE’S HERE?!?” kaminari shrieks, and some of their classmates turn around to give him weird looks.
“i got bored,” he smirks, and leans very close in todoroki’s personal space, making shouto a bit too self-conscious, “did you miss me, pretty boy?”
“PLEASE DON’T EAT ME!” kaminari says, looking a bit pale.
both of them turn to look at the scared boy.
“he’s not going to eat you,” shouto reassures, while bakugou quirks an eyebrow, unamused,
“i see morons get along.”
“he’s just a bit of an asshole, but he doesn’t eat people,” shouto continues.
“oi. i heard that.”
“i did miss you, though.” shouto says, turning around and smiling, “i’m happy you’re here.”
bakugou’s cheeks dusk a soft pink. it’s so weird, but in those moments, he looks so young and so real, that it’s so hard to believe he’s not actually... there. that he’s not... alive.
he always look so alive.
“what, you’re trying to sweet-talk me into taking your notes for you, idiot?” he grunts, looking embarrassed behind the controled annoyed expression.
“well, that’s what friends do, don’t they?”
“i told you, we’re not friends, stupid.”
shouto quirks an eyebrow. “then why did you come and visit me?”
“i didn’t come to visit you, i came to annoy the fuck out of you because i was bored.”
shouto hums. “sounds like you missed me.”
“sounds like you’re an idiot. quit the cocky expression, smug bastard.”
“but i’m right, you missed me,” shouto says, delighted and bubbly inside.
“i did NOT--”
“dude...” kaminari says, breathless, “you’re bickering like an old married couple with a ghost?!”
shouto tilts his head. “are we bickering...?”
“ah,” shouto utters, when aizawa enters the classroom, “the class is starting. bakugou, please write for me.”
“tch.” bakugou says, and then grabs shouto’s notebook. “just because i’m bored, idiot.”
kaminari looks like he’s about to pass out when the pen starts “floating”, but after he process this, he actually looks impressed.
“dude, that’s so cool?!” he amazed-whispers.
“yeah, bakugou is really cool,” shouto smiles.
kaminari grins, looking at him, and then chuckles, merrily. “man, you’re so smitten. i can’t believe i thought you two weren’t close.”
the pen starts writing more agressively at his side. both of them look at it.
“oh,” kaminari says, and then shit-eating grins, “he got embarrassed.”
bakugou almost breaks the pen in half with his fist.
“i’m gonna eat him.”
shouto snickers. “don’t, he’s my best friend.”
“dude, honestly?” kaminari asks, looking teary-eyed, and gives him a bear-hug, “i’m your best friend? what an honor, i love you!”
“he’s way too handsy,” bakugou deadpans.
shouto snickers, and then smirks at him. “are you jealous?”
“you little shit.”
“oh, is he jealous?” kaminari says, and then steps back, “i’m sorry, ghost-san. ghost-sama?”
shouto laughs. oh how much he loves these two.
later on, when they’re back in their apartment (and after a long day of bakugou being amusingly annoyed at kaminari attempts to communicate with him), bakugou states he’s never coming back to that hell again
“i’m sure you liked kaminari, he’s great”
“he’s as annoying as you, i can’t believe it. all alive people are irritating”
shouto laughs, and bakugou starts looking at shouto’s notebook and,
“what the hell?! THESE are your notes?!”
shouto looks at bakugou’s neat notes instead of answering. “wow, you’re pretty organized, these look pretty. your handwriting is so clean.”
“hah. of course. i’m that great.”
shouto smiles
the thing is, the more time he gets to spend with bakugou, the more shouto sees how wrong all the ‘stories’ kaminari told him back then that people said about him are.
bakugou is not scary. at all. sure, he is a lot of things--grumpy, smug, cocky, teasing, hygiene-obsessed, crazy-spicy food lover. he doesn’t know how to appreciate the great miracle that zaru soba is, and he likes to scold shouto a lot. but he isn’t scary. nor hideous either. he is far from that, actually. in fact, he is one of the prettiest people(?) shouto’s ever met.
the more time shouto spends with him, the more shouto likes him.
he’s actually really caring. he listens shouto when he’s rambling about the things he’s upset about or the things he likes. he gives good advice. he’s fun. he’s organized. he’s smart. he loves the color orange way too much. he’s childish, sometimes. his eyes are pretty. and his smirks make shouto’s stomach go weird, as much as his fond looks do. he checks up on shouto when he thinks shouto is not looking. he tucks shouto in bed when he falls asleep studying. he leaves post-its around so shouto would remember important things. he watches movies and anime with shouto. he listens when shouto reads his mangas out loud.
he’s insanely kind. and he’s fun to tease. and he’s cute.
the more shouto’s liking grows, the more he starts thinking how he wouldn’t have it any other way. how he likes having bakugou by his side. how happy he is just because he’s around.
after a year they started living together, shouto gets to discover a lot of things in the way.
these small habits katsuki has. he scrunches up his nose when he’s about to burst out laughing. he laughs loudly, doubling over himself and holding his stomach, and he looks so pretty while laughing. he always has the weirdest positions while he sleeps. he doesn’t taste food, but he can smell it. he likes how coffee smells. he likes to bake. he doesn’t like socks. he hates hot weather, but he hates cold weather even more. he gets cold easily. he likes cats. he likes action series. he likes when shouto reads out loud. he actually likes kaminari (and they get to know each other after some time when kaminari goes to his apartment--half scared and half excited--after they ‘meet’ for the first time. “wow, he’s actually hot,” he says as soon as he sees him, and shouto laughs at bakugou’s flabbergasted expression. “he is,” shouto confirms, and bakugou blushes to the tip of his ears. kaminari stares, dumbly, and then says, “no way, he’s cute as well,”; shouto grins, “yeah”. and then katsuki throws cushions at both of them. shouto can’t stop grinning at his embarrassment, but he’s happy they actually get along well. though katsuki won’t admit it). he adores fuyumi (he has talked to her, through phone call, after shouto slipped out and said something like ‘oh, it’s my roommate,’ when she asked about some noise  in his apartment when they were video-chatting). he likes baking. he’d kill for soba (their cat, that they get after months of living together), though he won’t admit either. he likes to tease shouto about his bedhead after waking up. he recognizes when shouto is feeling down without shouto telling him before.
and the thing is, after some time, when kaminari points out shouto is “head over heels”, it hits him. 
shouto is complaining about being exhausted because of their exam period and that stupid project and how his breakfast fell to the floor this morning. so he’s tired and hungry and sad and he starts saying how he really wants to come home and see katsuki and taste his cooking and watch a movie with him and
“i miss him.”
“you haven’t seen him in a few hours,” kaminari laughs
“it’s just... i’ve been busy studying, we haven’t really talked. and today was a bad day. i just want to see his face. i’m sure i’ll feel better just like that.”
kaminari gives him a look, and then smiles, softly, “dude, you two are so married,” he chuckles, and his eyes are gentle and warm, “i swear you are head over heels, it’s insane”, he says, half-jokingly and half-very-much-not-joking, and then it just... hits shouto.
it just.
it hits him.
he’s in love.
he hasn’t been in love ever in his life, but he knows that what he feels for katsuki is stronger and more intense than any kind of purely platonic feelings. at least, it’s weird trying to put it into words. but when he thinks about being in love, it just makes sense.
so after kaminari says it, shouto blinks
“i have to go”
kaminari blinks back, and then grins, seemingly connecting the dots. he pats his shoulder and gives him a thumbs up. “tell him i say hi.”
shouto nods and starts running to his apartment. he climbs up the stairs in strides, and when he opens the door, panting and hair messy, and an absolute disaster, katsuki is scowling at their cat
“you fucking brat, move! i need to clean there.”
he half-grunts, half-grumbles, and hums lowly in his throat, lips pouty. and their cat just stares at him back, almost mockingly
“you little shit,” he hisses, “why do i even love you, lazy idiot.”
shouto looks at him, and the affection that swells his chest almost knocks him out of breath.
“katsuki,” he says, breatheless. “tadaima.”
“ah”, he says, noticing shouto just got there, “okae--” he frowns, “you look like shit.”
shouto half-laughs, “yes, that happens when you have a shitty day.”
he looks at their cat and smiles, “soba seems comfortable, though. I’m glad.”
“yeah,” katsuki says, crossing his arms over his chest, “the lazy brat just stayed there all day. he’s ridiculously spoiled, he just eats and sleeps. kinda like you sometimes, i guess.”
shouto chuckles. and then sighs.
katsuki’s frown deepens when he glances at him. “are you okay? you seem tired. are finals really that bad? you look worn out.”
“well, i’m hungry. long story short, i didn’t get to eat breakfast...”
“what? you haven’t eaten all day?”
“well, i ate a kitkat”
katsuki looks horrified. “i’m heating up the leftovers from yesterday, then. go take a quick shower.”
“i’m tired.”
katsuki rolls his eyes, “i can see it, dumbass. you can sleep after.”
“i’m really tired.”
“yes, but...”
“and i’m hungry.”
“yes, i know, that’s why i’m...”
“and i’m in love with you.”
katsuki almost chokes.
“oh,” shouto says when he starts wheezing, “sorry, are you dying?”
katsuki flips him off. “ha-ha, very funny. what did you just say?”
“i’m in love with you.”
katsuki stares.
“i’d like if we start dating,” shouto adds.
katsuki stares, dumbly. “...why?”
“because i’m in love with you and i want to date you?”
katsuki frowns. “that’s stupid.”
shouto tilts his head. “i think it’s a fair reason to date.”
katsuki’s frown deepens. “don’t play dumb. being in love with me is stupid.”
shouto smiles. “that’s okay. if being stupid means being in love with you, then i can be stupid. for you.”
katsuki looks visibly affected. “you--” he swallows. todoroki looks at the adam’s apple bob in his neck, “i--” his hands clench in fists at his sides. “you can’t be in love with me.”
shouto stares. “why?”
katsuki huffs, though it sounds like a bitter laugh. “are you dumb? i’m not alive, shouto.”
shouto stares back. “i’m very aware.”
“but you’re alive for me.”
“that doesn’t count, i can’t--” katsuki looks down, his shoulders tremble, “fuck, i can’t give you... what other people can, you know?”
“i don’t know need anything else,” shouto says, serious and firm but gentle and soft, “i just need you.”
katsuki looks up, and there’re tears in his eyes. “but--”
“you make me happy. happier than anyone else. isn’t that enough?”
“but--” katsuki’s voice cracks. “i--”
he rubs his face, but the tears keep falling out for some minutes. then, when he finally calms down, he looks up. his cheeks are wet and soft red and shouto wants to touch his face. he wants to trace it with his fingers and make katsuki feel loved to the very end, because that’s what shouto feels (so much love that it’s almost impossible to contain), and that’s what katsuki deserves
“i lied to you,” he says, quietly.
shouto blinks. he didn’t expect that.“... about what?”
katsuki takes a shaky breath. “i... can touch people. they can touch me.” he shakes his head, “it’s weird, it’s not like... they kind of touch my soul, or some shit like that. but they need to want it. really want it.”
shouto stares
“if you don’t honestly want to touch me, if it’s just out of curiosity or something, you won’t be able to. you need to desire it, deeply. you need strong feelings.”
he stares right into shouto’s eyes, as if he wanted to communicate with his eyes alone. “so i didn’t tell you, because... if you couldn’t... then...” he trails off, and then just shuts up.
shouto gets it, though. he was scared. that shouto wouldn’t feel for him. that shouto just talked to him out of curiosity or mild interest and nothing else.
shouto smiles, softly, and then takes a step closer to him. 
“can i touch you, now?” shouto says, in a soft voice, and katsuki looks quietly at him. “would you let me to try?”
katsuki breathes. “...if you want.”
“i want to.” shouto confirms, and looks down at katsuki’s hand. “can i hold your hand? are you okay with that? that’d be more than enough for me.”
katsuki nods. “okay...”
shouto smiles, and takes a step closer, so they’re almost touching. he wonders if katsuki can feel how warm he is. he wonders if he can hear shouto’s crazy heartbeat.
he breathes.
then, he touches katsuki’s wrist with his fingertips. the touch is light, but it connects, and there’s something electric that run downs through his entire being.
katsuki’s skin is cold. but shouto doesn’t care. he looks down at their hands, and slowly starts moving his fingers up the palm of katsuki’s hand until they reach katsuki’s own fingertips. then, unhurriedly, he links their hands together and intertwines their fingers.
katsuki breathes, slowly
shouto brings their hands up and looks at katsuki’s face
“can you feel it?” shouto whispers, “can you feel me?”
katsuki shudders, as if shouto’s affection and love was coming through him in waves. “... yes.”
“me too.” shouto says, again in a soft voice, and then leans so his forehead is pressed against katsuki’s. his hair is so soft. and his eyes are even more beautiful up close. “me too, i can feel you.”
it’s weird. for some reason, it’s different to most touches. maybe because they hadn’t touched before. but it feels like it’s vibrating to the core of shouto’s being. he can feel katsuki everywhere.
he breathes.
“it’s weird, i want to cry.”
“stupid.” katsuki says, but it sounds ridiculously soft, and his smile is genuine and so, so pretty. it almost makes shouto cry. 
“i love you,” he says, and katsuki breathes, as if he was feeling the words inside of his soul.
“i love you, too,” he whispers.
shouto blinks. “you do?”
“yeah, i’m in love with you, too,” he says. then, “are you sure you want to try this with me?”
shouto smiles. “yes. i have a thing for short, explosive, kind blondes.”
katsuki frowns and shouto laughs.
“besides, kaminari said we’re ‘so married already’, and i think it might be true. maybe i’m dating you already.”
“dumbass,” katsuki says.
“it’s okay,” shouto squeezes katsuki’s hand, “you are already an amazing boyfriend, because only you make me this happy.”
“you are such a sappy moron,” katsuki chuckles. “yeah, i’m the fucking best. and i only date the best of the best.”
shouto laughs.
ah, yes.
he’s happy.
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atc74 · 5 years
Our Love is Infinite
Square(s) Filled: “Two heads are better than one.” / Tattoos 
Warnings: Fluff, established poly relationship, dp, frottage, mentions of pregnancy
Summary: The show has wrapped and for the stars of Supenatural, one chapter is closing, but another is beginning. 
Pairing: Jared x Reader x Jensen
Word Count: 3589
Written for: @as-the-saying-goes-bingo and BTZ Bingo
Beta’d by: @amanda-teaches, thank you for all your love!
A/N: Here is the next chapter! This originally started as most definitely not a request from @supernatural-jackles, who told me she would love to see me write a J2 x Reader. It has exceeded my expectations and I hope yours too!
A/N2: Italics indicate flashback
To New Beginnings - catch up now!
Like Jared or Jensen’s scent? Buy it here from @scentsfromthebunker!
As a reminder, this is a work of fiction and should be regarded as such. No harm is intended toward the actor(s) or their families
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Fifteen years. One hundred thirty-five months. Five hundred forty weeks. Three hundred thirty-seven episodes. Fourteen thousand one hundred fifty-four minutes. Two hundred thirty-six hours. That was Jared and Jensen’s life broken down since the start of Supernatural. Now it was the end. For Y/N, it wasn’t quite as long, but it was still the end of a chapter, well, a very long series, for her as well. 
But for Y/N, Jared, and Jensen, a new series was just beginning. Tonight was the wrap party. The final wrap party. The three of you had lounged around the house all day. It wasn’t bad, it wasn’t good. It just was. The final episode had been filmed almost eight weeks ago and, now, they had to say goodbye to the cast and crew, their family, all over again. Y/N refused to see it as the end, but as a new beginning, and she tried to lift Jared and Jensen’s spirits as well. 
“You boys better be ready to go in thirty!” Y/N called from the master suite, where she had been getting ready for the past hour. She had kicked both of them out to the guest rooms to shower and get dressed. She wanted her dress, her final look, to be a surprise to her lovers. 
Y/N had taken her time, making sure her make-up was just right, using some of the techniques she had picked up from the show’s artists. She had ordered her dress weeks ago, and it was perfect. She stepped into the dress gingerly so as not to snag her heels in the delicate tulle. Y/N pulled the dress over her hips, slipping her arms through the straps and over her shoulders, letting the flowing skirt fall into place at her feet. 
Y/N grabbed her clutch, checking the contents, and walked out of the master suite and down the long hallway. She made her way down the stairs, spotting both Jared and Jensen at the foot of the staircase. Both of them looked so damn handsome in their tuxes, she gasped. It wasn’t the first time she had seen them dressed formally, but it took her breath away every time, and she counted her lucky stars that she was so blessed because they were hers. 
“Our queen has arrived,” Jensen bowed as she reached the bottom step. 
“You look stunning, babe,” Jared whispered. 
“That dress...man,” Jensen let out a low whistle. “You’re exquisite.” 
“Thank you both. Help me with my bracelet?” Y/N smiled at them, holding up the jewelry. 
Jensen lifted the custom made piece from her hand and slipped it around her wrist, fastening it quickly. He placed a gentle kiss to the underside of her wrist before stepping back and extending his elbow. “Ready?” 
“As I’ll ever be,” she agreed and slipped her hand through his arm. 
Jared followed, locking the door behind them as they made their way to the waiting car. Comfortably settled in the backseat, he turned to her, kissing her softly. “We’re the luckiest guys in the world.” 
“I second that,” Jensen nodded, kissing her as well. 
The ride to the party was mostly silent as Clif veered through the city. They had already discussed conversation topics all of them wished to avoid about their relationship. The cast and crew, and families, knew, but none of them were ready to announce it to the world, let alone the fans. They could be fickle and, with the finale episode airing the following week, they had all agreed to let the shock wear off before giving them more fuel. 
Clif pulled up in front of the venue, Jensen exiting the car and walking over to the other side just as Jared stepped out. They both held their hands out for Y/N to take as she slid down from the black leather seats. As the three main stars of the show, it wouldn’t be questioned, three of them, walking into the party hand in hand, posing for pictures for the fans, then answering questions on the red carpet. 
Just inside the doors, Samantha Highfill stopped the trio. “Jared, Jensen! Hi, Y/N!” She hugged them excitedly. Sam was a favorite and the preferred journalist amongst the cast and crew. She had become a trusted source over the years and Jensen had mentioned giving her the interview when they were ready to go public. 
“Sam, hey!” Y/N greeted the journalist. 
“It’s been a long time,” Samantha commented. 
“Not long enough!” Jensen joked, not missing the pretend scowl on the reporter’s face. “I kid! I kid!” 
“Can I get a sit down with the three of you this week before the final episode? I want your take on it for my new article Friday morning.” Samantha looked to each of them as they shared looks with each other. 
“I’ll call Monday and we’ll set something up,” Y/N finally spoke, putting all of them at ease. 
“Sounds good,” she agreed. The interviews were quick as they walked the red carpet, flashes going off every few feet as the photographers snapped pictures of everyone attending the soiree. 
Jared and Jensen headed to the bar for refreshments when Y/N was ambushed by Kim and Briana, gushing over her blush and gold dress. She spotted her men at the bar just as they walked toward her with two whiskeys and what appeared to be a margarita. Jensen handed it over to her and she took her first sip, sighing audibly at the refreshment, and licking some salt from the rim. 
“Oh margarita!” Briana yelped, trying to steal Y/N’s drink. 
“Bri, no!” she shouted at her longtime friend. “Sorry, I’ve got a cold and don’t want you bringing the crud home to your little girl.” 
“Aww that’s sweet of you to think of her,” Briana commented. “Kim. Bar.” 
Jared, Jensen, and Y/N watched their friends walk away. “Whoa, that was close.” 
“Can’t have anyone drinking my girl’s drink now, can we?” Jensen slinked his arm around her, leading them away from the bar. 
The party was a great success. There was so much love throughout the room. Everyone in attendance had shared stories from the past fifteen years, some of which Y/N had never heard before. After a couple hours, speeches were given by Bob Singer, Andrew Dabb, Jeremy Carver and Eric Kripke. Jensen, Jared, and Misha had all had their turn as well. As Y/N took the microphone from Jensen, he kissed her lightly on the cheek, whispering something in her ear to which she only nodded. 
“I don’t know exactly what to say that hasn’t already been said. The past five years have been beyond amazing. I have met so many wonderful people, people I consider my friends. My family. I’ve met the two most amazing men I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing,” she paused as Jensen returned to the stage with Jared in tow. They flanked her on either side as she continued. 
“My life changed for the better the day I auditioned, and I wouldn’t change a single thing. Thank you, all of you, for each and every one of you has had an impact on my life, even if you don’t realize it,” she sniffed, the emotions beginning to take hold. “Thank you for an amazing ride.” 
“You did great, darlin’,” Jensen drawled against her ear, hugging her once more. 
“You’re so strong, babe,” Jared whispered on her other side, both of them fighting back tears of their own. They made their way off stage, but Y/N excused herself to the ladies room. Her men nodded and headed back to the bar for another round. 
“Aye, you look ravishing, Y/N! That dress is spectacular,” Ruth chirped as she entered the restroom. 
“Oh, thank you, Ruthie. I just love it!” Y/N gushed, running her slender fingers along the roses adorning the skirt. 
“I’d never look good in something that feminine, but you, girlie, you can pull that off!” Kim exclaimed, stepping out of a stall.
“Y’all are so sweet,” Y/N blushed under the extra attention. 
“You look diff’rent, Y/N,” Ruth commented, eyeing her quizzically. 
“W-what are you talking about Ruth?” Y/N stammered, her face heating up. 
“Can’t quite put my wee finger on it…” Ruth trailed off. 
Kim dried her hands and looked suspiciously around the restroom, even checking under the stalls. “Are you..you know...knocked up?”
“What? Whatever gave you that idea?” Y/N squeaked in surprise. 
“You are! I knew it!” Kim threw her hands up in victory. “With the vomiting on set and your elegantly high-waisted three dimensional dress…” 
“Seriously, you can’t tell anyone. We haven’t even told our parents yet!” Y/N pleaded, looking from Kim to Ruth and back again. “Please.”
“Hey, your secrets are safe with me. All of ‘em,” Kim assured her, giving Y/N a tight hug before walking out of the restroom with Ruth. Y/N was speechless as she conducted her business and rejoined Jensen and Jared. 
“Um, Kim and Ruth know,” Y/N blurted out the minute she reached the table, slightly out of breath. 
“What? How? Why?” Jensen threw the questions rapid fire. 
“I don’t know! I didn’t say anything!” Y/N protested. “Kim said she heard me vomiting on set. And, does this dress not hide the bump like I thought it did? Do I look pregnant?” 
“You look amazing, baby,” Jared acknowledged. 
“That is not what I asked you, Padalecki! I said, Do. I. Look. Pregnant?” Y/N glared at him, her arms crossed over her chest. 
“Well, I- I’m just- crap. I love you,” Jared stuttered. “Your boobs are a bit fuller, but the dress hides the bump perfectly. You look beautiful.” 
“Stupid pregnancy boobs,” Y/N slumped forward in her chair, pouting. 
“Hey, darlin’, look at me please,” Jensen lifted her chin with one finger. “Kim’s got our backs, okay? When we’re ready, she’d have them then, too. And no, you do not look like you are sixteen weeks along. You are a goddess in and out of that dress and, when we get home, we are going to worship you like you deserve.” 
Y/N’s body flushed from the inside under the intensity of his gaze and the implications of his words. “Take me home.” 
They quickly said their goodnights, using Y/N’s ‘cold’ as an early out, which normally would have been a faux pas at their own party, but mostly people wished her well. Clif was ready when they exited the venue and steered for home. 
“I can’t stop thinking about that night,” Jared murmured, one large hand snaking a path up her leg. 
“Me neither,” Jensen breathed heavily in her ear, one hand caressing the barely there baby bump she so painstakingly disguised with the dress she had chosen. 
“It’s all I can think about. I’m so horny all the time and I keep replaying it in my head,” Y/N admitted, sandwiched between them in the backseat. 
Y/N returned from the set later than the boys for once and was exhausted as she dropped her things by the front door. The house smelled amazing and she wanted nothing more than a hot shower and a meal, then to sleep for a week. She forgot how strenuous fight scenes were, and her muscles ached everywhere. “Honeys, I’m home!” she called, following her nose through the house to see Jared and Jensen in matching ‘Kiss The Cook’ aprons she had gotten them for Christmas. 
“Don’t you do look like you’re up to something,” she smirked, kissing each of them thoroughly. 
“Well, we know you had a long day. Your bath is ready, then come down for dinner,” Jared instructed, shooing her from the kitchen. 
After a hot, relaxing soak in the bubble tub, as Jared called it, she dressed in her favorite yoga pants and one of Jensen’s flannels and made her way back down to the kitchen. Expecting a home cooked meal, you can imagine the look of surprise on her face when she found the table not covered in dishes, but plastic wrap. “Um, what’s going on?” 
“We have a surprise for you,” Jensen said. 
“How many times do I have to tell you guys, I do not like surprises,” she scolded, turning to both of her boyfriends. 
Jared held his hands up and smiled. “We know. But we did okay with the last one, so we think you’ll be on board with this one, too.”
“We decided late last summer that we were in this for the long haul, right? Well, we can’t exactly get married as a show of our love to the world, ‘cause I’m pretty sure that is illegal, like everywhere. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have something that bonds us together for life, right?” Jensen explained as he urged her to take a seat at the table. 
“Hi, Y/N,” another voice rang out. 
“Jason!” Y/N exclaimed, jumping up from her seat to hug their friend. “What are you doing here? Wait...is this what I think it is?”
“Yeah, probably. See the boys said they wanted to do this thing and asked me if I would be open to doing it here, so here I am,” Jason shrugged. Jason was a good friend of Clif’s and had inked more people on the Supernatural set than he could count. 
“Are we getting tattoos?” Y/N asked excitedly, looking to Jared and Jensen.
“Yes, babe. We’re getting tattoos, but only if you want to do this,” Jared said. 
“Go on, man. Give it to her,” Jensen rubbed his hands together.
Jared pulled out a small box from behind his back and passed it to Y/N. “We got you a little something for our anniversary. I know we said no gifts, but Jen and I couldn’t say no when we saw it and, well, you’ll see why.” 
Y/N opened the box slowly to reveal a sterling silver necklace and bracelet set with three infinity symbols linked together. Her hand flew to her mouth as tears filled her eyes. “Guys, this is- I’m- Wow. This is beautiful and powerful and I love it so much.” 
“You are beautiful and powerful and we love you so much,” Jared echoed her words. 
“Can I show her now?” Jason piped up from the table. Three heads nodded in unison as he pulled out the transfer paper carefully from his folder and placed it on the table. “It’s brilliant,” Y/N murmured as she inspected the drawing. 
“You said it already, but this represents all of us. It’s beauty, power and love,” Jensen explained. “You ready?” 
“Yes!” Y/N took her turn first and, within forty-five minutes, Jason had inked all three of them on the inside of their left wrists, bonding them together. After wrapping them and giving final care instructions, Jared ushered Jason out the door. He returned to the kitchen to find Jensen and Y/N with their arms wrapped tightly around each other, and he joined them. 
“Our love is infinite,” Jared whispered. 
“Take me to bed and show me,” she mewled. 
Jared’s house had soon become where they all called home, and she led her lovers to the master suite they shared. They wasted no time shedding their clothing and climbing into the oversized bed. Y/N reached out her hands, wrapping her slender digits around their lengths, stroking them to hardness.
“Can I have both of you?” she asked. 
“Whatever you want,” Jensen moaned. 
“Whatever you need,” Jared panted. 
“Together, I want you both. Let’s try tonight.”
The promise of finally starting a family was all the motivation they needed. Jensen made himself comfortable between her legs, hanging off the end of the bed, licking wide stripes up her slit. He plunged two fingers inside her pussy, prepping her for what was to come. Hurting her was the last thing they wanted to do and Jensen took his time, adding a third finger, massaging her g-spot and sucking on her clit, bringing her to her first orgasm of the night. She panted heavily as he worked her through her high. 
Jared retrieved the lube from the side table and slicked himself up before getting comfortable on the bed next to her and pulling her on top of him. He slid home easily, aided by the lube and her own wetness. “God you feel so good babe.” He grabbed her hips and pulled her down for a searing kiss. 
“Jen,” she whined, grinding down on Jared’s dick. 
“I’m right here, darling. Come one more time for us, darlin’. Come on Jared’s cock and I’ll be right here, waiting,” he drawled, stroking himself as he watched her ride. 
“Fuck!” Jared reached down, rubbing her already swollen clit, pulling another climax from her. She bore down, her walls closing in on him. “I’m not gonna last if you do that again, babe.” 
“Sorry, it just feels so good,” she mumbled, her face buried in Jared’s neck. 
“It’s about to get better, just hold on,” Jensen declared, stepping between Jared’s legs. He watched as Y/N relaxed around Jared. Jensen slipped a lubed finger alongside Jared’s length, continuing to open her up even further. Her moans and Jared’s groans filled the room when Jensen added a second finger. He growled deep in his chest. 
His own cock was lubed, and he withdrew his fingers from her hole, both Y/N and Jared letting out a deep breath. “I’m coming in. Just keep breathing.” Jensen eased the head of his dick to her opening, pushing in along Jared’s length slowly. It only took about a minute, but it seemed like an eternity before they were both fully seated inside of her. 
“Oh my fucking god!” she cried out between them. “Somebody please fucking move!” 
Jared pulled back, his hips pushing into the mattress, before thrusting back in. Both men groaned at the friction as Jensen pulled out and drove back in. Y/N had a steel grip on Jensen’s hand on her hip and Jared’s shoulder, her nails digging in as she held on. The men established a rhythm and accelerated their thrusting. 
The screams from Y/N mixed with Jared’s grunting and Jensen’s growls. The view he had of both his and Jared’s cock stretching her open propelled him to his finish faster than he wished, but the pressure, the friction, it was all too much. 
“I need to come,” Jensen blurted out as he thrust his hips against her ass. 
“Me too,” Jared panted. 
“I’m almost th-here a-again,” Y/N faltered. 
Both men could feel her walls clenching down around them as they slid in and out. With a flutter, her body seized between them, her cries echoing off the neutral walls. “Fuck! Jen! Jare! Oh Christ!” 
“Uh!” Jensen grunted and Jared followed closely behind with a primal growl, as they simultaneously emptied themselves inside her waiting womb. Jensen lowered himself over Y/N’s back, pressing soft, open mouthed kisses to her sweat slicked skin, while Jared buried his face in her hair, breathing her in deeply. 
Y/N whimpered slightly, shifting her weight. “Jen.”
“Sorry,” he groaned, leaning back and feeling his softening cock slide from her pussy, leaking with his and Jared’s combined spendings. He slipped his arms around her waist, lifting her off Jared. He carried her to the head of the bed and laid her down gently. 
When Jensen turned, he found Jared there with a warm washcloth. He took the cloth and gingerly cleaned between Y/N’s legs, allowing her to roll over to the middle of the bed. Jensen cleaned himself up as well, before discarding the soiled cloth. He and Jared slipped under the covers with her, holding her close between them. 
“Thank you,” she murmured, snuggling closer to both of them. 
“I love you. Thank you for letting us love you like that,” Jared whispered. 
“We’d do anything for you, darlin’,” Jensen affirmed. “I love you.” 
“I love you both, too. Do you think it worked?” she asked, looking up at both of them with hopeful eyes. 
“Only time will tell. Now let’s get some rest,” Jared reasoned. 
“It really did work,” she giggled, a hand over her mouth. 
“Two heads are better than one,” Jared quipped. “Hmph!”
“Dude!” Jensen scolded him with a not-so-subtle back hand to the chest. 
“Well, I just call ‘em like I see ‘em,” Jared argued. 
“Have some tact. This is the love of our life you’re talking about,” Jensen reminded him. 
“Jen, he’s not wrong. We may have had sex dozens of times that weekend, but I still think that was the one that drove it home,” Y/N defended Jared. 
“People are going to think we’re nuts, not wanting to know which of us is the father,” Jensen commented. 
“It doesn’t matter. This baby will serve as definitive proof of nature versus nurture. Neither of you will love this child more just because it shares your DNA,” she argued. 
“You’re absolutely right, babe. Our love is infinite. For each other and little Tex,” Jared agreed, placing his hand on her bump. 
Over breakfast the next morning, the three of them made an important phone call.
“Hi Sam! It’s Y/N.” 
“And Jared!” 
“Hi Sam, it’s Jensen.” 
“Hey guys! To what do I owe the pleasure?” Samantha inquired, her heart beating out of her chest.
“How do you feel about exclusives?” 
The Whole Enchilada: @iwantthedean @dolphincliffs @mrswhozeewhatsis @meganwinchester1999 @cherrycokegirls1 @closetspngirl  @roxyspearing @flamencodiva @blacktithe7 @sis-tafics @just-another-busyfangirl @evansrogerskitten @amanda-teaches @hannahindie @wotinspntarnation @winchesterprincessbride @winecatsandpizza @kickingitwithkirk  @wi-deangirl77 @hobby27 @mogaruke @gh0stgurl @alleiradayne @idreamofplaid @seenashwrite @crashdevlin @thoughtslikeaminefield @emoryhemsworth
Jensen’s Jamboree: @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @dean-winchesters-bacon @maddiepants  @adoptdontshoppets @mtngirlforever @supernatural-jackles
Jared’s Menagerie: @mtngirlforever​ @supernatural-jackles
Additional BTZ Crew tags: @katymacsupernatural @chelsea072498 @pinknerdpanda​ @bees0are0awesome​ 
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