#sun coded characters my beloved <3
lyssq · 27 days
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solarisgod · 5 months
Canons x OCs really is good for the soul
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tsarinatorment · 5 months
okay so-
on the discord i was scrolling through past convos in a desperate search for a link that i've seen before, and i came across another one of your and fsinger's aus starring Michael👀
It was like a Kronos Wins/Time-Travels AU where Michael, Thalia, Bianca, Nico, and Hazel are the MCs and I was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and then when the first main plotpoint was basically Michael going "SAVE MY DAD" my FIRST thought was that one Puss In Boots: The Last Wish scene;
Michael, about Apollo: I will save you!
Every other god, suffering in Tartarus: Save us too!
Michael: ...if it's convenient!
like. gnawing on this au rn. i gnaw on all of your aus. this one and the Lee Lives/Apollo Becomes Mortal/BotL Au are officially my favs (Eclipse at this point is basically canon to me lol)
but yeah. I know this au has a BUNCH of beloved characters die, which would have admittedly upset me like, three years ago, but now?
now i merely eagerly rub my hands as my brain imagines how this scenario goes down eheheehhe
Ah yes, this AU! Not one I've thought about in a while, but still a fun one!
Fun fact, for you if you missed the origin of it, and also for anyone else who might be reading this and hearing about this AU for the first time - this is an AU spinoff of my AU fic Tears Will Not Wash Away Your Crimes, where defeated!Kronos from canon timetravels back to the start of TLT to take Michael out before he could become the threat that saves Olympus (see: my long rants on how by being the one to realise Williamsburg Bridge needed to break, Michael stopped Kronos winning on the first day of the siege). In that fic, he succeeds in making Luke kill Michael, and while the fic never goes on to state it, it does become an alternate timeline where Kronos does, in fact, win (due to various factors such as Luke's betrayal not being discovered because Percy wasn't there to survive being poisoned and reveal that he was the traitor, etc. and also Kronos knowing how the demigods/gods operated and basically having the cheat code of being able to squash anything they try before they try it).
But also I am a perpetual Michael!lives fan, so with the enabling of @fearlessinger, as you mentioned, another AU spawned off of this, whereby when Luke carelessly mentioned Apollo by name, he caught Apollo's attention and the god himself turned up to whisk Michael away to safety. In the end, though, it doesn't stop Kronos from winning, because no-one knows enough to trump what Kronos knows. Hence, Kronos wins!AU.
But then!
There are some key changes that go down because of Kronos' prior knowledge... Change #1: Thalia is not restored by the Golden Fleece. Kronos did this because he wanted her as his host, but he tried that last time and it failed - he won't try again. Change #2: The di Angelos do not leave the Lotus Casino. No Thalia in the running suggests that Hades may not have bothered to pull his own children back into the prophecy race - if he really wanted them to be feasible as prophecy children, he'd have brought them out when Percy was claimed, as that would make Bianca a similar age to Percy and therefore viable as an alternative. Bringing them out a year or two later makes his kids younger than both Thalia and Percy and doesn't actually make sense, unless it was a response to being the only Big Three god with no kids involved... Change #3: Daedalus doesn't die, because Nico isn't around Change #4: All our Greek Hero demigods (and the Hunters) are dead, barring the above, and Michael, who was kept safe on Delos the whole time.
And these changes all line up quite neatly into a ridiculously large plot, based on the following consequences:
Consequence #1: the gods are thrown down into Tartarus Consequence #2: the triumvirate's deal with Kronos for their support involved getting Apollo as their prize so Caligula can still claim the sun god spot and Commodus gets his revenge. Apollo is passed to them, instead of Tartarus Consequence #3: Michael is rather pissed off about all of this
What happens after that, well. Imagine Michael, no longer trapped on Delos because the twins aren't there, making his way to Delphi. Imagine Phoebe initially reclaiming Delphi, before Kronos realises she was never on her side and instead release Python to reclaim it; Michael has enough time to speak with his grandmother, but only very little before he's forced to flee into the Labyrinth to hide.
Imagine Daedalus trying to atone for all the deaths he's caused by keeping this one demigod still alive, hidden in the Labyrinth while Michael tries to work out how the fuck he's supposed to save the gods, but never even considering not doing it ("the gods", of course, meaning "Apollo, mostly").
Imagine Apollo weakened, but still able to make dream contact. Apollo not being able to dissuade Michael from trying to save him. Apollo with nothing left to lose except his one son he can't protect himself, so he gives Michael knowledge, things to help him stay alive.
Knowledge, like how the daughter of Zeus is a tree but isn't dead, can be healed by that golden fleece (Percy, Annabeth and Grover retrieved it still, but the tree was not sick and so it was never hung upon it). Knowledge, like how there are two more Big Three kids trapped in a place where time doesn't move.
(Imagine Apollo chained up and forced to be his own oracle as his divinity is drained away. Imagine a little girl with sickle-rings on her fingers being drawn to him anyway, this captive god of the Beast. Imagine the god that still wants to save a child, if only he had the chance)
Imagine Michael healing Thalia with the fleece, the pair of them fleeing from the remains of camp (the remains of Michael's home) as Kronos realises he's there. Imagine Michael and Thalia edging into a casino that's too bright, too jovial compared to their broken world, and pulling two younger demigods back into the timestream. Imagine lurking in the Labyrinth, in the Underworld and discovering a dead girl who still remembers when she shouldn't.
Imagine these demigods plotting, scheming, desperate, and the power of three children of the Underworld combined, pooling their powers together until they can go anywhere the shadows touch.
Imagine them rescuing a god, and the little girl coaxed along with them.
And when they've got one god back... it's only a matter of time before they get the rest.
(And when Kronos discovers it's Michael, again, that foiled him in the end... Well. Some Fates can't be denied)
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rizs-briefcase · 5 months
Here’s all my thoughts and whatever from watching episode one.
— THEY ALL LOOK SO GOOD (looking mostly at you, murph and Lou)
— no the new layout of their character sheets is so cute
— New dome background <3
— riz being really into science now, he’s so adhd coded
— riz is so decked out in jewellery I love him
— just everything about riz driving this massive van
— Lou literally only needing to roll a 2 or higher to pass and rolling a fucking Nat 1 😭
— what a great first round guys 😃😃
— Ally and Lou rolling a nat 20 and a Nat 1 respectively as their first rolls of the season is so on brand
— the try guys stop
— this entire episode feels like a fever dream
— Fabian basically flirting with his own reflection is the most Fabian thing ever
— Fig throwing her phone away AGAIN
— Balthazar’s shadow sprinting into the desert please I’m crying
Another note; I’ve already got two squares off my bingo card
Nat 1 count; 1 (Lou)
Nat 20 count; 3 (Emily, Ally x2) - honesty I may have missed one?? I got distracted
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wardenwyrd · 9 months
Writeblr Introduction
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Dotted in secret stars and whispered moons lies The Warden O' Wyrd; too bright smiles and sharp eyes linger on her skin, miasma orbiting their visage. When dusk's hands sweep fluttering eyes closed her shackles, in turn, loosen.
Greetings and welcome all, I am Wardenwyrd - connoisseur of messy queers, the freaky & occult, and all things speculative fiction! I am freshly new to Writeblr and am keen to dig my claws so fellow denizens of Writeblr interact if you enjoy my vibes < 3
Open to ask and tag games !
◈What I write ◈
Anything and absolutely everything speculative, weird horror, all shapes and forms of queerness, and a metric ton of worldbuilding.
Genres: Fantasy (Low, high, dark, fairy tale-esque, etc), Sci-Fi, Paranormal, Romance, Horror, Mystery
Fantastical, often ethereal and treacherous worlds flavoured with flowery prose
Queer, neurodivergent, and disabled characters and themes. All kinds of diversity really. Always looking to broaden and grow my noggin' with wisdom
Gender queer characters. An UNBELIEVABLE amount of dyed hair and pronounces.
Body horror: elegant body horror; gross, grimy body horror; wonderfully queer body horror 'til I burst at the seams; all sorts. Twisting of the body into something other than human as a form of beauty my beloved < 3 < 3
Characters who desperately need therapy (That would be my fault)
Rich settings and worlds. Give me intricate magic systems !!! give me ecology that could be shown in a nature documentary !!!
🌔About Me 🌒
Goblin in my (late) teens. I've been writing for a whiiiile but started really getting into it about half a decade ago. I will ravenously consume all forms of creative media.
⭐Likes ⭐
Favourite colour: Purple my beloved Favourite band: Mili (I'm so normal about them) Favourite genre/s: Gothic lit, Fantasy, Horror romance, whimsical fairies Fav insect: Moths/Butterflies
Creative writing college student
Panromantic Ace | Queering my gender to the max
English (Regrettably)
Autism kreachure
Revolving door of hyperfixations on science-y stuff
Purple hair (Not beating the stereotype allegations)
[Note: I am very bad at deciding on WIP names]
My surreal fantasy WIP comprised of a collection of different stories linked by a unifying setting.
Colour-Coded to the max. Each central story focuses on a character assigned a colour, differing in tone, POV, and focus. Main three are purple, blue, and red.
Literal becomes figurative, and figurative literal
Charms and incantations of old swirl in from afar, weaving our hands together with something much deeper than flesh – a curious sentiment oozing from the recesses of Damsel’s cloak as the feeling of moss and stone wove through my veins; cold and refreshing.
‘What absurdity’, The Arbiter would think to himself. After all, those carmine red eyes of his delve into the primaeval madness: in their muddy depths lies the shivering madness - Fear. From fear is the knowledge wrenched from uncertainty and bloodshot eyes. Dread is the light; tugging on world-weary watchers. 
Sort of portal fantasy, sort of not. The stories in this WIP span across many eras and places, yet often find themselves connecting and mingling. Incredibly queer.
Main characters:
MC of Red, Jack Pronouns: He/Him Bnuuy ass trans Victorian boy. Pasty and WILL combust in the sun. Autism creature. He gets a himbo bf and sick asf t-surgery scars as a treat &lt; 3 Character Playlist
MC of Blue, Hel Pronouns: Any/All seemingly innocent girl but remove the innocent and girl part. Kind of an eldritch horror after a character arc but like, that's the good ending. So old surnames weren't a thing in the era they're from. Character Playlist
MC of Purple, Dorothea Pronouns: She/They Gatekeep, Gaslight, Girlboss. Autistic adhd precocious mess who WILL make it your problem. Genuinely manipulative but has great hair so it's fine. Character Playlist
Other notable mentions
[Note: I will elaborate on all of these later]
Witch WIP
My beloved blorbos < 3 Once I figure out how to frame and present it in a more refined way I like I shall be posting about this.
Personal & Cultural struggle within a fantasy context | Disability & Identity as a main theme | Aroace protagonist and Queerplatonic relationship | Magic inspired by folklore and myth | Found family
Low Fantasy setting in a somewhat alternate earth
Sprawling magic system
Conventional fantasy groups but with a spin: revamping those vibes
Witches aren't just funny flying women but genuinely inhuman creatures with spicy shit going on
Demons and angels but: demon is the colloquial term for a class of magical beasts characterised by dense essence, not like hell demons. Angels are living algorithms born from patterns and don't have an actual association to any gods.
MC Playlists:
Branwen | Ingram
Five Steps From Hell
Biblically Accurate Angelic-Flavoured paranormal apocalypse
Autistic MC
More horror oriented than action
Lots of vibes.
MC becoming something not very human, but they're more worried that they aren't worried too much about it
I've got some dastardly plans for this one. Vibes and atmosphere whilst the world falls apart and neurodivergence is a great combo.
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ninadove · 3 months
Opening line patterns 📝
List the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern.
Thank you for the tag, @bittersweetresilience!
Let’s proceed by order of updates (skipping Shadow Strike because my beloved @paracosmicat wrote the incipit)!
God Games ⚡️
If anyone could fend off an akuma, then surely, it had to be Felix.
So proud of this one. The entire premise is here: Felix just doesn’t get akumatised, so what’s the deal?
It’s also a testament to how strong he is in his cousin’s eyes. Fitting, as this entire fic is about Adrien learning how much Felix actually needs him.
Blueberry passion fruit 🫐🍪
Felix prayed this was not another false lead.
He loves his cousin! He’s been searching for him for so long!! He double-checks even the most improbable hints because Adrien’s absence is a gaping wound in his chest!!! I’m so normal about them.
True to Your Heart ⚔️
The wall had been Fu’s idea.
(So you know it’s a terrible one right away.)
I think there's a flaw in my code (Gasoline/Spy AU) 🔥
“You duped me.”
With this one, we begin in medias res! (That’s actually the title of the first chapter.) This entire first part focuses on the confrontation between Argos and Ryuko, and how we got to that point. Emotions are boiling over, as you can see.
Here’s to Never Growing Up 🧸
“Your niece was uncharacteristically excited tonight.”
You can immediately tell this one is going to be pure fluff! You can also infer Felix and Kagami don’t have children of their own, and they’re perfectly happy with it. Emilie could never.
All the shine of a thousand spotlights 🎼
“Did you know waltzing was once considered indecent?”
It’s about the hypocrisy of ever-changing social expectations. It’s about defiance as a form of love. It’s about holding each other tight and gently all at once. It’s about Felix infodumping, because I do it too!
Turntable 💍
“So, you like to be onstage.”
This one… The torture of your abuser holding and using your very nature against you. This first chapter is one of the darkest things I’ve ever written, but it’s always darkest before the dawn.
Escape from the city and follow the sun 🌅
Kagami only wanted one thing from that evening: to not get akumatised.
This poor sweetheart is heartbroken but trying to put up a brave face… She’s convinced her emotions are inherently monstrous… If only someone swooped in to sweep her off her feet… 🥺
Change targets 💐
“No one can know.”
This one is best explained in context:
“No one can know.”
That ship had sailed already. Knuckles white against the pedestal table, careful not to crease the napkin as another coughing fit broke her, Kagami cursed her own lack of discretion.
What she really meant was:
“My mother cannot know.”
Brave, Truthful, and Unselfish 🧸
“… And they lived happily ever after. The end.”
My favourite of the bunch! 💚💜 Fitting that it would be saved for the end.
Storyteller Felix is so dear to me, because we get to see him breaking narrative rules in his quest for freedom, love and happiness. Here, this is manifested by his starting at the end of the tale, ergo flipping the structure entirely. Iconic.
And of course, it’s foreshadowing for Emotion… All he’s ever wanted was to live happily ever after with Adrien. He’s just a child…
OK now let’s talk ✨ statistics ✨
6 of these fics start with dialogue
5+ begin in medias res (it really depends on your definition of the term)
POVs: 5 for Kagami, 3 for Felix, 1 for Adrien and 1 for Fu randomly
All of these tell us something about the characters’ psychology and emotional state. Yes even the stupid Fu one. He’s so proud of himself and does not imagine for a second this world’s Shan Yu is about to breach through his beloved wall. Pathetic.
No false modesty here: I’m really happy with all of these. I used to struggle so badly with incipits, yet here we are! 💜📝
@paracosmicat @jay--hawk @yardikins @capricious-lily @piromina you should do this too!
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pixelchills · 2 years
So... Organic Apocalypse AU?
As you saw me hint towards it yesterday, I have a new AU in the works. It seems like my artblock ended up being the cause of this, as instead of drawing I've been playing some games instead.
I've been playing a lot Left 4 Dead 2 lately, with the FNAF workshop models. So basically running around killing zombies with Sun and Moon :>
This, then apparently wanted to reach to my dreams too, and I had a dream about a zombie apocalypse... in the pizza plex. I let the idea mature inside my ADHD brain, and here's what we got so far:
So, instead of animatronics, they are Animutants (species named by my lovely @petitefrancis ), organic creatures made in laboratories by scientists. They're made for labour, basically computer-coded and DNA-manipulated to serve a certain purpose. Multibillionaire Companies use them to save money in the long run; they're workers that don't get sick with human illnesses, don't need to be paid, don't get vacations, and are basically treated like property.
Fazbear corporation uses them to do most of the work, humans are mostly just supervisors in their locations. Animutants come in three different sentient levels:
Basic level: Technically a moving plant with very few needs and tasks to perform. Not sentient. S.T.A.F.F. -'bots' are an example of this level.
Second level: Somewhat sentient. About an animal level of understanding and the possibility of simple feelings and personality. Usually understand most of the spoken language but do not speak themselves. DJMM is one of these.
Third level: Fully sentient. The main gang and our Daycare Attendants are at this level. They're capable of being just as complex as adult humans with their personalities, skills, and understanding of the world.
Despite being on the same level of understanding as humans, Level 3 Animutants are still considered to be less than a human in the economic system. They have no rights and are controlled by electric shocks with a microchip installed on the back of their heads. These chips are made to keep them fully obedient to the company or household rules. (For example, a Glamrock animutant tries to exit the Pizza Plex? Zap, they get a shock.)
Despite this, our beloved characters are living a comfortable life. Well, that is, until a dangerous virus breaks free, and turns 99% of humanity into zombies in a very short amount of time. Animutants are immune to the virus. But now they need to survive in a falling world full of zombie monsters, trying to rescue the few humans and other animutants they run into and build their resources to survive in the new, apocalyptic world.
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Unfortunately, our boys got some trauma and this AU is almost the complete opposite of the Dolldrops. Scary, gruesome, loads of hard feelings and fearful moments. Ofc peppered with some sweetness here and there.
Sun is called Sunrise and Moon is called Moondrop. But they use a lot of nicknames for each other. They're not related, they were created in separate labs and worked in different locations for 12 years before meeting again. (They did meet when they were first created because they went through the same education since both were Daycare Attendants in different locations.)
Later on, the locations merged together and they became best friends, and eventually a couple. (hush it's my comfort ship, ofc I'll have it in every AU I create)
The whole AU is mostly Sun-centric. He is not the "main character" but I feel like I want to share most of the story from his point of view. Also, there are no y/n or self-inserts in this one! At least not yet :>
Hope you enjoyed reading this, I'll post more doodles and drabbles soon!
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poorlittleyaoyao · 10 months
If you have other thoughts about other mdzs's charac (or again jgy!) in other role, I would love to read them!
Thank you for your patience, anon! I meant to answer this yesterday along with the one about JGY and Edmund. Each of these involves characters from the Henriad--Richard II, the two Henry IV plays, and Henry V.
-Hotspur, my beloved and cherished son who appears briefly in Richard II and is the antagonist (in the "opposes the protagonist" sense, not the "is a villain" sense) of 1 Henry IV, is the midpoint between Jiang Cheng and Nie Mingjue. Hotspur is essentially a child soldier; his descriptors suggest that he's a young teen when he joins his father in deposing Richard II in favor of Richard's cousin Henry IV. When we see him as a young adult in 1 Henry IV, he's fully immersed in warfare as a way of life, and while he's won great renown, he's... not really doing so great. Some of his lines are alarmingly visceral (ex: "they come like sacrifices in their trim/ and to the fire-eyed maid of smoky war/ all hot and bleeding we will offer them."), and his wife's concerned speech describing his behavior in II.3 reads like a checklist of PTSD symptoms. Hotspur also wholeheartedly believes in his personal code of honor and is clinically incapable of guile in a way that comes off to me as almost childlike. If a cause is just, then it will prevail no matter the odds (spoiler: it does not)! He loves his family and trusts that they have his and the kingdom's best interests in mind (spoiler: they do not)! Basically every line Hotspur speaks in Acts IV and V of the play could be given to Mingjue and you'd only need to replace all the proper nouns.
(Hotspur is also canonically SUCH a horse girl and so is Mingjue in my heart.)
Meanwhile, on the Jiang Cheng side of things, Hotspur also wants SO badly to do a good job. He is so so SO determined to fulfill his roles as a knight and as a son to their fullest extent, and has nothing but contempt for Hal because Hal, despite being heir to the throne, does jack shit and spends all his time drinking and pickpocketing for funsies. For all his impetuousness and general lack of an inside voice (which is NOT a Jiang Cheng problem), he shows flashes of being a strong leader--particularly in his speech outlining his grievances against Henry IV in IV.3. Personality-wise, Hotspur is filled with BIG FEELINGS and most of them manifest as cantankerousness. He is prickly and argumentative by default, which makes him lowkey one of the funniest characters in the play (see: his soliloquy arguing with a letter at the top of II.3, his entire exchange with Owen Glendower in III.1), and also make his moments of genuine vulnerability hit hard (ex: "come, wilt thou see me ride?" in II.3 and his death speech in V.4).
-On the flip side, Huaisang reminds me of Prince Hal. Remember how I said Hal doesn't do jack shit? Hal's flop era is deliberate. He knows he can't run from his responsibilities forever, so he's slacking off to lower people's expectations for him. The first soliloquy we get from him in I.2 is an EXTREME Huaisang mood and I'll try to trim it to the most relevant bits:
I know you all, and will awhile uphold The unyoked humour of your idleness: Yet herein will I imitate the sun, Who doth permit the base contagious clouds To smother up his beauty from the world, That, when he please again to be himself, Being wanted, he may be more wonder'd at... I'll so offend, to make offence a skill; Redeeming time when men think least I will.
His flop era does NOT endear him to his father, who wishes he were an accomplished warrior like Hotspur, and their relationship is rocky. When Hal becomes king upon Henry IV's death, Hal decides to jettison his past friendships, quash the joyful aspects of his identity, and go do war crimes in France. I describe Hal's actions in the play Henry V as "Hal doing his best Hotspur impression," except that whereas Hotspur honest-to-god believed he was fighting for justice, Hal is more calculating. Sure, he gives us the "once more unto the breach, dear friends" and "we few, we happy few, we band of brothers" speeches, but he also cheerfully threatens mass slaughter in response to an insult in I.2 (and ratchets up the threats in gruesome detail III.3).
-Huaisang is also Hamlet, of course, but I don't personally subscribe to the "Huaisang was always sooooo scared of JGY" interpretation of the timeskip. Fear makes you act with urgency, as Hamlet very much does post-Mousetrap and post-return to Denmark. Readers give Hamlet a lot of shit for dithering on killing Claudius, but he does get the job done in just a couple months (much of which he spends offstage with pirates) because all he wants is Claudius to be dead. Huaisang takes his sweet time because he wants JGY utterly destroyed, which is more a Hal vibe.
-Lan Xichen is NOT Richard II at all. I'm not even going to explain why he's not because he's not. However, Richard's big soliloquy when he's imprisoned alone in the penultimate scene of the play is VERY MUCH Lan Xichen in conclusion. It's long--66 lines!--but I will excerpt the relevant portion.
Music do I hear? Ha, ha! keep time: how sour sweet music is, When time is broke and no proportion kept! So is it in the music of men's lives. And here have I the daintiness of ear To cheque time broke in a disorder'd string; But for the concord of my state and time Had not an ear to hear my true time broke. I wasted time, and now doth time waste me; For now hath time made me his numbering clock: My thoughts are minutes; and with sighs they jar Their watches on unto mine eyes, the outward watch, Whereto my finger, like a dial's point, Is pointing still, in cleansing them from tears.... This music mads me; let it sound no more! For though it have holp madmen to their wits, In me it seems it will make wise men mad. Yet blessing on his heart that gives it me! For 'tis a sign of love; and love to Richard Is a strange brooch in this all-hating world.
I JUST!!!!
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
Besides the code names, do the TTB characters have any other nicknames or terms of endearment for each other?
I can’t do a detailed list but off the top of my head;
Bumblebee/Benjamin: Baby Boy/Leprotto (Sunstreaker, ie. ‘little bunny’), Ahrairah (Jazz/Prowl), Benjie/Benjie Elliot (HotRod ie. his name + Billy Elliot)
Ratchet/Ronan: Ratch, Doc, Blackjack (Windblade, who introduces him to the show), Patch (Dinobots ie. skin graft on his face), Assclepius (Sunstreaker)
Prowl/Preston: Baobei (Jazz, ie. 'babe), Prick (Basically anyone not on good terms with him), Capn’ (Hotrod, respectfully after Prowl loses an eye and saves him from the Functionist Universe)
Jazz/Jace: Jayzee (Hotrod, from his initials 'Jace Zayden'), Jinwu (Prowl ie. ‘Golden Crow’ East Asian myth, meant to represent the sun)
Springer/Spencer: Hu Zi (Prowl/Jazz, ie. 'little tiger'), Spence, Mametaro (Windblade ie. 'bean boy' referring to his cuteness as a kid, bight green hair + unique origin), Cabbage Patch (HotRod ie. green hair + little fella + unique origin)
Mirage/Meirion: Merry (Hound), Casper (HotRod)
OP/Omar: Aul Man (HotRod), Glowstick Prime (Whirl), Al-Khattab (Shockwave)
First Aid/Fatima: Nightingale (Streetwise, referring to Florence Nightingale due to her bedside manner compared with Ratchet)
Alpha Trion/Aillard: Gandalf (Hotrod), Pagemaster
Arcee/Ai Xia: Aikira (HotRod/Windblade because GRANNY DOIN BIKE SLIDES BABY), Pohpoh (Younger folks, 'granny')
Sideswipe/Sergio: Fratellino (Sunstreaker), Tweedledee (Ratchet), Saif (First Aid, ie. 'Sword', as he's a frontliner), Enjy (HotRod ie. his 'Enjolras' coat), Barricade Boy (Mirage)
Sunstreaker/Serafino: Fratellone (Sideswipe), Tweedledum (Ratchet), Shamsir (First Aid ie. 'Sword', but also 'Sham' ie. 'Sun'), Lucifer/Lucy (StrongArm ie. his name, 'Angel' and his terrible demeanor)
StrongArm/Stella: White Dwarf (Sunny ie. her name--'Star'--her white hair and her short height), Evenstar (Sideswipe)
Kup/Kopisha: Bajyai (Springer, 'Grandma'), Harisa (Shockwave, ie. 'lioness')
Windblade/Wariko: Riko, Cara Mia (Starscream)
Chromia/Carina: Rina, Dora Milaje, Grace Jones
Drift/Dai: Deadman (Sunstreaker, his body count + ghost-seeing ability)
Starscream/Stefan: Red Baron, Pretty Bird (Shockwave), Uguisu (Windblade, 'Bush Warbler'), Pet (Windblade, not the way Tarn uses it but the way folks in Northeast England use it)
Ravage/Ramiro: Rami, Elskede (Laserbeak, ‘Beloved one’), Lapcat (Tarn), Bagheera (HotRod)
Laserbeak/Lara: Hot Topic (Hotrod), Mi Sol (Ravage, ‘My Sun’),
This is not comprehensive at all! I do have a cast of 40+ and the tangled relationship lines they weave between each other after all :'3 If you'd like to know about a specific person not named here, feel free to ask for that person specifically!
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madamescarlette · 1 year
Yet again, another media I enjoyed this past month of March list because I can and you will suffer me >:D
Blue Nights by Joan Didion (surprisingly stunningly lovely and very much something I needed this past month)
The Werewolf of Whitechapel by Suzannah Rowntree (a delightful romp my only qualm is it feels like it ends so soon! but truly that is a me problem because I gulped it down too fast. Truly I love when I can tell the author cares for the time period dearly and also all the female characters made my heart swell!!)
The Other Bennet Sister by Janice Hadlow (I was very surprised by how much this book touched me even as it frustrated me because it's inherently about someone perpetually made to be distrustful of other people and me who is always trying to believe in people is sobbing on the other side of the line begging her to look up! but by far the most loving and polished Austen-like that I've ever read and much, much more gentle to me than I ever could've anticipated. I've kept the library copy on my nightstand for the past week so I can gently touch its cover every now and then and take strength from it which is a dear honor in my life teehee!)
Deathmark by Kate Stradling (the second act is WONDERFUL and actually it surprised me so much that I had to stop reading for a little while because I was crying too much. The ending wraps up a little at a breakneck speed but I will simply read anything she writes so I don't mind, plus anything that spawns a Blue Castle reread for me is well worth it in my mind <3)
Code Girls by Liza Mundy (reading this involved a lot more of the cogs of my brain having to whirl about than I realized going in but quite engrossing indeed)
The Collected Poems of Wendell Berry by Wendell Berry (I just think his poems are about joy and that means a great deal to me)
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin (I need to write up a full review for this at least for my GR account but this was my first read since I was a child and yet all of it was so tinged with an ache of familiarity to me that I know I've carried it with me my entire life and it has never stopped reverberating with me. Vetch my beloved always!!)
Media (to steal from Songbird)
Lockwood and Co. (there's a reason why there's a mass hysteria going on over it rn)
Touch Your Heart (truly it touched me (ha) so much more deeply than I ever would have thought even though it's still fluffy and light and yet I'm so grateful)
Belle (2021) (okay this film is BONKERS but I love the quiet and stillness of the real life sections and also the scene of the three kids in the train station made me CRY LAUGH alone in my room plus I love the vividness of the virtual world and the flashback of her mom made me have to walk away from it for a few days because I sobbed too much so!!! Take from that what you will.)
Castle in the Sky (much more abruptly beautiful and somehow perfectly bittersweet than I recalled and I still adore the sky pirates)
Easy - Daisy the Great (the simplicity and seriousness of it very much to me)
Past Love - Kimbra
Bye Bye Baby - Taylor Swift (I don't truly know why I come back to this song every year but it matters deeply to me and says something that I can't quite comprehend myself)
Let's Get Married - Bleachers (the bridge-est of bridges I'll never be the same)
The Neighborhood - Grave Enger (there's something about how she sings "I'm gonna miss the sun rising in your eyes" that makes me melt into a puddle on the floor)
Apt. 4 - Vacation Manor
All I Wanted - Paramore
Fake Out - Fall Out Boy (listen to Lu y'all it is sooo much)
Sweet Time - Porter Robinson (a song that makes me glad to be alive what can I say!)
Tighinn Air A'mhuir Am Fear A Phosas Mi - Capercaillie (an extreme throwback because I was listening to them again on a lark but I looove the softness of it so much)
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gidaryeong · 1 year
2022 roundup
Watched less tv this year than probably any other year in my life because I was mostly pregnant and queasy beyond belief, but here’s a roundup of the stuff I did manage to cram. Not only kdramas, though mostly that. (I’m probably forgetting some but these are all that come to mind rn.)
The Red Sleeve: Didn’t actually finish this because of the pain, but it was so well-made. Ambitious cinematography, great storytelling and acting. Lee Se-young really gave us the range; having only seen her poised and regal in The Crowned Clown before, I loved watching her goof off in between the angsty bits. A serve.
Hyena: I normally dislike law dramas, but the leads are so mesmerizing (and so attractive) that you root for them even when they do objectively evil work. Have never seen such palpable yearning between two characters. Jung Geum-ja is the Most.
Into the Ring: Goo Se-ra my beloved! I want more romances like this: haggard social worker and the social justice gremlin whose daily complaints he has to resolve. Enjoyed every second.
Rewatch of Kingdom and Ashin of the North: Just as brilliant as the first time around. Come on Netflix, now that HBO Max is collapsing in on itself, get with that blood and gore and get to work on season 3 already. I want to see Ashin go apeshit!!
Jodhaa Akbar: Seven months later and I still get tingly thinking about this romance. Akbar dueling Jodhaa to win her back, and showering her with jasmine petals mid-fight. Hrithik Roshan and Aishwarya Rai both looking so hot it should be illegal. A soundtrack to make the sun rise even in the bleak midwinter. This was my first visit to Mughal India but not my last! (Thank you @rain-hat for the recs, you are a gift to tumblrkind!)
My Liberation Notes: Okay I was so into the first half that I cannot even tell you. It burrowed into the darkest, weariest part of me and lit a match. But I did not care for Mr. Gu’s backstory and the ensuing foray into the criminal underworld, and somewhere around there it lost its heart.
Love Between Fairy and Devil: Jam packed with tropes. A surprisingly touching and very entertaining fantasy for the Hades/Persephone girlies. Great visuals, too!
Alchemy of Souls: Speaking of great visuals! I will admit that I hop skipped my way through much of part 1. The world-building is claustrophobically boring, which is a shame because it is so charmingly costumed. I adore the premise of a villain body-swapping into a nobody. There is some good acting in this and there is also some very bad acting. I am upset with part 2 for filing the fangs off my darling Naksu, but I do admit that the dark fairytale vibe has got me hooked. (Evil mothers sewing golden thread into the bare skin of their daughters! Our hero tormented by the furies of hell! A marriage of convenience to the resident goth! I am eating it up by the spoonful.)
Stranger Things: I feel like I am in the minority here so this is probably on me, but I thought this was the least scary and also least emotionally engaging season. I think the problem horror-wise was Vecna and that they showed him too soon and too often in his campy monster makeup. All the Russia stuff was boring af, and I didn’t like that the kids were separated all season. Eddie was however a most delightful addition to the gang. Rest in power, babygirl.
First Love/Hatsukoi: I hate amnesia plots, and I don’t understand why the characters deal with it the way they do here, or why it is never resolved or even treated as something in need of resolving. However, the leads are delightful together and their chemistry is out of this world. Would happily have watched many, many more episodes of this. (I ragged on the color-coded families to my husband, before we realized we both wore the exact same shade of burgundy. So now I’ve decided that it’s cute and not weird at all.)
Things I didn’t finish, but might pick back up some day:
Business Proposal: Chaebol heirs are such a turn off that I couldn’t even finish it for my girls.
Bloody Heart: I only saw a few episodes of this because it was so difficult to find a good stream anywhere online. Goddamn Mouse gatekeeping Jang Hyuk from me!!
Under The Queen’s Umbrella: Too many princes.
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Is Sarada the reincarnation of Obito?
And hello again!
As some of you should recognize, that Sarada is one of my favorite characters of the new gen and it's really sad, what the writers are doing to her in the actual arc.
But if they 're planing something , which I assume, then she will become an incredibly character .
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Next to the older gen: I mentioned once, that one of my beloved characters is Obito.
( He's the first one, second one is Naruto. Sorry Naruto! 😘)
I enjoyed his very dark side, his sad past and at last his incredible redemption.
So I think, that the writers are inspired of Obito's character design and rewrite him, but this time everything will end in a good way for this character to reach its target and to get its beloved lifetime partner.
Here are the points, which I see as a hint.
1. They have the same dream.
Okay, this one is easy. Both want or wanted to become the next Hokage in their generation.
2. Both have in their childhood the same characters designs.
Sarada and Obito were / are as children very kind beings.
Sarada, as an example protected little children against Kawaki, when they were in the village together for the first time.
Obito came often too late and it would explained in one case.
He came too late, because he wanted to help an old lady to escort across the street.
Also it exists two speaches, which shows, that they stand/stood up for weaker ones and friends.
Like these images are showing us:
In Sarada's case, she speaks about Kagura. In Obito's case, he spoke about Rin.
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Both are also very emotional and sensitive beeings in their childhood.
Obito told sometimes, that he had something in his eyes after he cried .
3. Both are explained as weak Uchiha's in their childhood
Both wear / wore glasses. For characters with one of the mightiest Dojutsu's in their world, this is a big negativ point.
Obito was considered untalented and that he developed his first Tomoe very late in his childhood. He had to take eyedrops.
Sarada has issues with her chakra controll and looses her consciousness after overusing it.
4. Both have the same signs in their eyes in one scene or opening:
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I explained these sign in my "Sarada's development part 2".
I explain now the signs in their eyes and it might be a foreshadowing for Sarada's development and really mighty boost for her power.
We know all Uchiha's are Yin chakra control users, but Obito got also the control of the Yang chakra nature, which is very rare in the Naruto verse. I assume, that it happened, because Madara healed him with Hashirama cells.
Only Naruto, Obito, Madara and the Otsuki's can / could do that.
Why do i speak of Yin and Yang chakra control?
It's the sign in their eyes.
The crescent moon is the sign for Yin.
The circle is the sun and the sign for Yang.
These signs were shown in the Kaguya sealing fights. One side was the Yin side shown as a crescent moon, the other one was the Yang side, shown as the sun.
5. Something, that might happen with Sarada in the near future:
It exists a scene, what could happen with Sarada in the end of the Code arc.
It shows , how she will be attack by Delta in opening 7.
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It's the same side, which was also the injured body side of Obito. I also believe, that she might get healed with Hashirama cells, like it happened with Obito and developing a Rinnegan.
And with the newest leaks of the actual episode, we get another hint, that I could be right with my assumption:
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Do you see the little scretch on her right side? I don't think, that it is a coinsedence.
Poor girl.
So for the next episode, i doubt, that Sarada will develop her 3rd Tomoe. It is shown in the opening 10, that she might skip her 3rd Tomoe into the MS like Obito did.
6. One thing, which she hasn't in common with Obito:
She isn't in love with someone, who has rejected her until now like it happened with Obito.
He had such a tragic backstory. 😢
So these are some points, which I have found out.
Please, share your opinions with me. I like to read them.
I will update my theory from time to time.
Editing after some month's:
I'm surprised. That my thoughts, that Sarada has Ootsutsuki blood has in herself by her lineage, are right. I had written this in one of my theories.
And the probability are definitiv possible. It would explain, why Sarada is safe against Aida's abbility.
Now to my new objection: I said in this theory, that Sarada is a Obito like character and I got a new clue for it:
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Remember how Kakashi lost his eye?
He lost it by a cut after an attack by an opponent.
I wouldn't wonder if Sarada also lost an eye or more she will injured heavyly like it happened to Obito.
This would be a similaritiy again that the relationship between Boruto and Sarada is a silbing ship. Like Kakashi and Obito and one of them will turn to the dark side. And I wouldn't wonder, if this person is Boruto.
So I will update my theories from time.
Stay safe and see ya!
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lesbunnian · 2 years
Since Twitter might be dying, I'm gonna post my Blue Reflection Sun rambles here. This is a more in-depth discussion about the Blue Reflection Sun "Controversy" here that I have already made a shorter statement on my Twitter: here
TLDR: I still feel the same way but with more looking into it and taking in more opinions. I'm even MORE cautious.
But here we go.
For those of you who aren't aware cause it is a niche franchise, Blue Reflection is a Magical Girl RPG developed by Gust (the same developers of the beloved Atelier series) and published by Koei Tecmo in early 2017 that eventually had gotten an anime called Blue Reflection Ray and a sequel game called Blue Reflection Second light that came out in 2021.
It's a small franchise but it is a beloved one for many, many reasons. As a game series that prides itself on all female casts with in-depth emotional storytelling that explores the nuanced of a young girls life in ways most games and hell even anime ignore. It caught the eye of A LOT of women. Plus the magical girl market isn't even touched really in the gaming sphere unless you play a game based on an already living magical girl IP. But Blue Reflection was new and it handled it's emotional storytelling gracefully as well as having very heavy lesbian or at least bi coded things. (You can take the girls on dates in Second Light). So, of course, this attracted the girls and the gays (mostly there are of course cis male het fans of Blue Reflection) to the series and to love it. And the fact this niche franchise got not only 2 games but an anime is very impressive. After the release and subsequent great positive reception of Second Light alot of Blue Reflection fans (which I will now abbreviate to BR) we're looking forward to the future of the series. Including me.
My relationship with BR is a very positive one. I played and genuinely loved the first game and still have yet to watch Ray or even play second Light due to financial troubles and time management. Though I plan to. But ive beaten the first game 3 times over and nearly 100% it. So I'm a very loyal fan to BR. It was the first RPG I played to explore such themes in life and honestly it is one of my favorite games of all time. So you can imagine my excitement when I heard about Sun. A new game under the BR franchise. Of course, it diminished a bit when I heard it was a mobile game, as alot of niche mobile games never get sold to the west, but I was still interested and optimistic. Until, I saw an article mention the infamous thing-
'there is a male protag'
Now, again for the uninformed this isn't a big deal. Alot of jrpgs is male protag led. But for BR it is a BIG DEAL. as BR 1, Ray, and Second Light were entirely female lead casts. Cause the main theme of BR is female growth and development. It explores the nuances, day to day happenings, traumas, and more of a teenage girls life. Which, isn't new for the magical girl genre but it was new for the video game market. It was this that made BR so unique and beloved. That earned it it's audience that allowed BR to get not only a sequel but an anime. Besides Sun is not being developed by it's original maker Gust, it's being developed by DMM. Which I know little about so I shall not speak on them.
This sounds like the perfect pipeline to suddenly through in a harem whiteboard protagonist that every girl can use as a bouncing pad to grow from while being in love with him. Which, as you can expect from a series that original have well rounded female characters playing off of each other and learning to grow organically from their bonds, caused a large uproar from the fans. JP and western alike. Which surprised me, it's rare to see worldwide fanbases agree like this.
Now, I did mention that I have a bit of hope, cause it's not out yet and we can only tell how this male protag is handled. And many people outside of the BR community are calling the current fans 'stupid', 'overreacting', or even 'bigotted' for their freaking out. Which I also think is wrong. Cause we have a reason to be cautious. BR was a safe haven franchise for some. For WLW to see themselves and see their struggles either current or when they were younger being somewhat explored in a game. To see characters like them or hell, even be like me and see a game that encourages your femininity and tells you not to shy away from it. And any gender can really get attached to those themes. But of course, it really hits a chord with those fans. So of course they will be upset, of course they will feel alienated because after 2 games and an anime, Gust has built this IP that means so much to such a large marginalized group of people and seeing it suddenly fall into the norms of anime jrpg, or even worse MOBILE anime jrpg silliness hurts.
Now, I have hope. Why? Because Gust owns BR. and Gust writes men really really well. I feel like we all forget that half of the Atelier games also have male leads. Logy, Vayne, Felt, Razelux, and more. Those characters are good. And it's not like there are no men in BR at all. There are of course mentions of boyfriends, fathers, brothers, male teachers, etc. Also, there may be a twist with the protag that makes him more up to the girls level of characterization that makes up for it. Maybe he's trans? Maybe he's also just coming into a time to explore his feminine side? Who knows? Cause the game isn't out yet.
Of course, like I said, DMM is heading this project which still leaves me room for being worried. I love BR so,.so dearly and I wouldn't want to see this mobile title make it burst into flames. But I've already seen some fans who already have decided to not get the game, and even someone go as far to destroy their copies of BR 1 and Second Light. Which is NOT what you should do.
Personally, my move is this. Wait until Sun comes out, look out for the story and see how the protag is and if you think it's worth trying. Try the game (especially if it is free to play) but DO NOT use your money on it yet. Only use money when you can confirm that you like the protag and how they characterize and use him. If they do well, fall into it. If they fail, quit the game. Especially if the fabled "harem" route becomes a reality. You vote with your dollar people.
Now, remember everyone, we all love Blue Reflection, and we want more of the magic gust have us on 2017 and 2021. So we need to be willing to give them a chance to explore where to take BR but be critical when it is a way that takes away the magic we all loved. After all, BR reminded me that being a girl doesn't make me lesser or just a commodity for someone else's dreams.
Go on Reflectors!
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cero-sleep · 1 year
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I posted 4,449 times in 2022
That's 4,449 more posts than 2021!
510 posts created (11%)
3,939 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,782 of my posts in 2022
Only 15% of my posts had no tags
#other people's art - 1,008 posts
#fnaf sb - 690 posts
#fnaf - 685 posts
#sun and moon fnaf - 577 posts
#mood - 292 posts
#beloved mutuals &lt;3 - 212 posts
#ask cero - 204 posts
#lol - 196 posts
#cero rambles - 183 posts
#my art i guess vdkshdk - 131 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#where you explain the code to a rubber duck bc in theory it's easier to catch your mistakes when explaining it to somebody else
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
220 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
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Ended up drawing the geese as a break from other stuff + duck y/n!
Hope you're still up for some waterfowl DA content @oobbbear vsjdvsndvsj
342 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
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What possessed me while drawing this hand? lmao
419 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Alright! Here's the official post for the DCA Secret Santa 2022 aka DCASS2022 LMAO
To confirm you're participating reply to this saying "I'm in", but please be as sure as possible bc no one should stay giftless
Both drawings and writings are valid gifts!
For it to be fair tho, an art piece should at least be lined + flat colored and writings should have a minimum of 5k words aprox (it's completely fine to go over this, but not required)
A server will be made for the event with a channel where y'all can write a little description of what you like so the person that got you can refer to that to get ideas (including your aus and/or fnaf characters if you have 'em, aus you like, your favorite DCA character, even tropes or dynamics, etc.)
People can join until the end of November (limit of 110 ppl)
You will be sent a link with who you are sending the gift to on the 1st of December
Gifts should be posted through the 26 to 31 of December, with the person you got @ and using the event tag #DCASS2022
Please refrain from using the tag until then to keep it from getting flooded
1 reblog = 1 free cero cereal crumb (sigh)
Feel free to reblog to spread the word!
524 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Here lol
Y/Ns by:
RB&FR @jack-o-phantom
Detective au @starlightcloudbaby + Sleuth Jesters @naffeclipse
Gang au @oobbbear
Library mob au @daunsun
2,364 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ro-sso · 2 years
conclusion to the most recent storyline quests: NICE STORY BUT I WANT MORE LORE
I always want more lore. Give me more books sso,,, more pls.
I reached level 22 as well, which is quite funky! Spoilers/picutres below the read more
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I loved the library. I love it, so pretty!! That lock combination confused me, but I saw 2 of the scrolls and from there it was easier (Stars, Sun Lighting, Moon.)
Vala my eldritch beloved <3 Also I wish that our character could be as funky (queer coded) as the dark riders but anyway.
The horse reminds me of Loretta also, but yeah. Overall I enjoyed it, I got around 12/9 papers, I think you could've gotten up to 14-16 if you had really tried to, but I wasn't too concerned about it.
Anyway, my SSO glitched and showed a bunch of trading quests on my map when i opened it after completing the quest - at first I thought it was to do with what Mrs. Holdsworth said about planning and prep but I think it's just a glitch
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bedlund · 3 years
Rank these dta characters: The Fuck Cabin, The Fuck Couch, The Homewrecking Laptop, The Entire Town of Ichabod, Adderall
5. the fuck cabin - good for showing up at to interrupt your militia leaders making out like teenagers 4/10
4. adderall (homecooked with love<3) - thank you for keeping dean awake so we could have thee porch conversation 6.5/10
3. the entire town of ichabod - cas was right to be jealous, what if the sun was spreading beams all over the place 7/10
2. chitaqua fuck couch - truly the most important character in dta, the only reason mx fuck couch gets second place is because thinking about cas sleeping on the couch makes me sad 9.5/10
1. homewrecking laptop my beloved - the color-coded jump drives and THOSE SLUTTY SLUTTY SPREADSHEETS 10/10
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