#sugar sisters
trashmuth · 1 year
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the burial at thebes: a version of sophocles' antigone / succession / the bear
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damn-stark · 11 months
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Geto Suguru x Gojo!fem-reader & Choso x Gojo!fem-reader
Summary- Love is a fickle thing isn’t it? Life isn’t so sweet. People are meant to love, lose, and love again; sorcerers like you more than most. You endure pains that non-sorcerers will never experience a speck of in their lifetimes. So much is expected of you not only because you’re a Gojo; a sorcerer from one of the prestigious sorcerer families, but because you were lucky or unlucky to be born special grade as well. All your life you were taught to be one way and follow a path, but remember that pain you get to experience in order to protect the lives of non-sorcerers? Well, that pain gets to you and deviates you down a dark path with Suguru Geto, a man you love, your hope, and the one who stays. Yet that path is dark and twisty, full of surprises that bring life, and loss most of all. When will enough be enough, and will you be able to find that light in a lifetime of darkness you so crave? Will you change your ways after years of defection and thinking you’re right? Do you believe in second chances after what you’ve done?
Moodboard, fighting outfits concepts
Suguru geto x y/n Gojo moodboard, Satoru Gojo x y/n Gojo moodboard, Kento Nanami x y/n Gojo, Choso x Y/N
Chapter 1 Angelfish
Chapter 2 Just a girl
Chapter 3 The first one
Chapter 4 Live for the hope of it all
Chapter 5 Appeasing
Season 2 (Hidden inventory arc)
Chapter 6 Where you are
Chapter 7 The Ballad of a Jujutsu sorcerer
Chapter 8 The world’s a little blurry
Chapter 9 Hearing damage
Chapter 10 I’ll know, I’ll know
Jjk 0 Movie
Chapter 11 It almost worked
Chapter 12 Fallen Angel
Chapter 13 It’s over isn’t it?
Chapter 14 Lost in the darkness
Season 2 (Shibuya Arc)
Chapter 15 The start of something new
Chapter 16 The last supper
Chapter 17 Kill of the night
Chapter 18 Happy birthday, by the way
Chapter 19 I’m sorry for your loss
Chapter 20 Intergalactic
Itadori Execution Arc
Chapter 21 But then I found you
Chapter 22 What never was
Tengen arc
Chapter 23 You’re an angel, I’m a dog
Chapter 24 By saying something stupid like…
Chapter 25 Blood, dragons, curses and black holes
Sukuna v Satoru
Chapter 26 Sweet Gojo
Chapter 27 The sun will shine on us again
Chapter 28 A song for us
Chapter 29 Birthday surprises
Chapter 30 Two can be as bad as one
Chapter 31 All through the night
Chapter 32 Our last goodbye
Chapter 33 Haven’t I given enough?
Chapter 34 Two birds on a wire…
Chapter 35 …One says c’mon and the other says I’m tired
Chapter 36 Be the One Fallen from Grace, be Death
Chapter 37 Strong heart
Chapter 38 Les
Chapter 39 Heart on fire
Chapter 40 once there was a way to get back home
Chapter 41 Thus with a kiss I die
Chapter 42 IFHY
Final chapter The Last ballad of the fallen
Side stories
Wedding bells (takes place in between chapter 10) takes place in 2008 & 2009
Colors of the wind (takes place in between chapter 10) takes place in 2012
Fun trend not so great (before season 2 starts)
The soul (takes place in ch.17)
Satori info page
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fandom-drake · 1 month
My favorite version of fanon Stephanie's relationship with the batfam is where she's just, not a sibling but still a batkid? If that makes sense???
She is totally member of the batfam but she dated Tim so she can't call Tim her brother and thus calling the other batkids siblings or Bruce dad will be weird. She's usually best friends with Tim and Cass tho. Plus both her parents are alive.
As a vigilant, her direct superior in fics tends to be Oracle who also falls under the dated a batkid dynamic but more importantly Oracle does not work under batman. So she tends to run parallel to the others in the vigilant family tree.
But Bruce pays her tution/pocket money. She spends alot of her time at the Manor. Her favorite food is included in the meal plan by Alfred. She gets to pick a movie during movie night. She can walk upto Bruce and just ask for stuff and get them. Bruce has the same trust fund for her as he has for the other batkids.
She still isn't his daughter and she won't ever call him dad. She is still a member of the family.
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hoofpeet · 2 years
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Shadow kinnies but in different flavors <3
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secret-spirit · 5 months
My Headcanons on the relationships between the Beasts: (mainly on Shadow Milk because i am biased)
Shadow Milk and Eternal Sugar: They are besties, Eternal would definitely contrast their Calm energy to Shadow Milk's chaoticness, Sugar definitely supervises Shadow Milk because they can keep up with them than the others, but sometimes Eternal Sugar will be like: "I woke up and chose chaos" and joins Shadow Milk in their shenanigans.
Mystic flour and Shadow Milk: Older Sister and Annoying little brother dynamic, Shadow Milk absolutely loves to taunt and annoy Mystic Flour because their reactions are priceless to them. Mystic flour just keeps up with Shadow Milks taunts and pranks and tries alot of effort in making sure it doesn't get to them (it failed, Eternal Sugar had to hold Mystic Flour back from crumbling Shadow Milk).
Eternal Sugar and Mystic Flour: the tired responsible older sisters of the group, they keep questioning why the Witches made them work with the others.
Shadow Milk and Silent Salt: Secret Crush, mainly on Shadow Milk's side. (Look they are purelily counterparts i couldn't help it they'd be so cute Energetic chaotic lover and quiet chill lover i will die for this)
Burning Spice and Shadow Milk: two idiots that share a braincell, whenever they are together you bet they are that audio: "Wanna do something foolish?" "Do you even have to ask?"
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fbfh · 10 months
pleaseeee elaborate more on dilf logan huntzberger being obsessed with reader- bc quite frankly i’m obsessed with him. also thank you so much and i absolutely adore your writing and wish you the best! p.s. please don’t feel like you have to write this and feel free to ignore it!
god you really are just everything Logan wants. you're so kind and sweet and sexy and full of life, you're intelligent and well spoken without being pretentious or fake, you're authentic, and you have all this figured out in your 20s for god's sake. most of his peers don't have a fraction of your good traits, and they don't seem to care to pick them up. and the craziest part is that it doesn't even feel like much of an age gap to him. you connect on so many intellectual and emotional levels, you just get each other, you like being around each other so much that you don't even notice. you're not a 40 year old and a 20 year old, you're just Logan and you. he's never felt that... at home with someone before. in all fairness though, one benefit to the whole age gap thing is how differently early millenials like Logan and mid gen z like you view stuff like work and adulthood. Logan was lucky to break through into his carreer (among his many other privelages) when working hard actually did pay off, when labor wasn't exploited nearly as much. so when you open up to him about how you don't want to work, you don't want to kill yourself over a shitty job just to make ends meet, you want to go to farmer's markets, and watch clouds and read books, you want to be able to enjoy life slowly, it really hits him what a perfect match you are. you make Logan feel so excited, so understood, so safe, and Logan gets to give you everything he knows you deserve, and knows more than he's known anything that you'll be in the 5% of successful age gap relationships. because it's not a statistic, it's you and Logan.
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avatrice4l · 3 months
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pro-royalty · 8 months
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Kendall & Kylie Jenner (Halloween 2023)
as Sugar & Spice from Batman Forever (1995)
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appletvdaily · 2 months
Discord Server
Join us to talk about all your favourite shows on Apple TV.
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thedisasterracers · 2 months
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Just an idea
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damn-stark · 9 months
Chapter 6 Where you are
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Chapter 6 of Sugar
A/N- I hope you guys are enjoying the series so far!!
Warning- Swearing, FLUFF!!, talks of blood and self inflicting wounds, long chapter.
Pairing- Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader
Episode- Half of 2x01- 2x03
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
The most dangerous thing about the good times is that you may grow too comfortable with them.
Ever since the incident with the mundane non-sorcerer capturing you, life wasn’t easy, you couldn’t be as naive. Yet when you began to date Suguru, he basked you in a beaming light, he’s helped you heal from that pain, that trauma. It’s true you’ll always have to live with those memories, but being with him has brought this good comfort to your life that was lost. You aren’t naive again, but you’ve never felt more alive.
So now that you are comfortable with life again all you want is this, you want to keep your friends, Suguru, and Satoru by your side. You want to continue living where you are now, in this happiness.
“Hey guys, I’m back—” You quickly cut yourself off after you open the gym door and walk into Suguru glaring at your brother, and your brother blabbing about something you can see is annoying Suguru.
“Quit making yourself feel better by sprouting bullshit.” Satoru raises his hand and pretends to act disgusted. “Blegh.”
What a pain in the ass. Why do they have to be like this?
Shoko spots you and quickly chooses to take her chance to run to you still by the door.
“Actually,” you announce loudly as you let the doors go and back up. “Forget I’m here.”
There’s one thing you’ve grown to really, truly hate since being here at school, and that is Suguru and Satoru arguing. They don’t get into physical fights, or stop talking to one another for periods of days—actually the day after you told Satoru you were dating Suguru, Suguru said he acted normal. So their arguments don’t escalate to nothing bad, but they are super fucking annoying!
Satoru and Suguru both have different ideals. Suguru always tries to have your brother see things his way. Suguru tries to humble your brother, but Satoru is hard headed so he doesn’t listen, he argues back and just makes things a petty mess. Which is why when they get like that you just stay out of it and or leave them alone until things cool off again.
And like now for example, and like many times before, Shoko leaves with you.
“How was today?” You ask her as you walk away from the gym.
Shoko shrugs nonchalantly. “Easy, but that’s why I got sent. It did feel nice going out with them though.”
You shoot her a small smile and interject. “You kill any curses?”
Shoko shakes her head. “Nah, Satoru and Suguru did most of the work. I was the support, and I was there for the experience.
You laugh softly. “I’d love to have you as my support,” you tease her. “I know I’d get my work done quicker.”
Shoko pushes your shoulder slightly. “Don’t tease me like that or I’ll gladly take you away from Geto.”
You both laugh and proceed to hook your arms around each others. Once you both calm down you cut in. “Are you free while Suguru finishes arguing with my brother? I want to practice my reverse cursed technique.”
Shoko looks at you with her eyebrows knitted together. “And you need me for what?” She asks. “To explain how it works?” She sighs and tilts her head away. “Because I really suck at that.”
You shake your head. “No, I know how it works, but I’m still learning though, so I need you to be my lookout, and to guide me,” you explain.
Shoko’s gaze drifts to you and she offers you a small smile. “Okay, I can do that.”
Like with Suguru, you take Shoko to your favorite spot up the hill and by the pond.
“So you know the basics, right?” Shoko inquires as she lets your hand go to sit on the bench whilst you sit on a large flat rock in front of the pond.
“Yes,” you agree. “Negative cursed energy times negative cursed energy equals positive cursed energy. It’s easy to grasp!”
Shoko folds her arms over her chests and shrugs. “You’d think, but only a selected few actually grasp the concept.”
You hum softly in agreement, and proceed to put your hand out and point your palm to the sky to quickly get into it before Suguru can find you.
“I learned it when I was a little girl,” you let Shoko know as you pick up a sharp enough looking stone from the ground around you. “I’ve just never actually developed it since I focused on bettering my cursed technique instead. But now that I’m here and actually have time. And now that you’re my friend and have such a special skill,” you flatter her. “I can finally focus on actually mastering RCT.”
You push the sharp stone towards your palm, but hesitate to actually cut it.
Albeit you know there’s no other way to actually practice without having to heal something. But, fuck! You are scared of the fucking pain.
You’re been through worse, but this is voluntary—But there’s no other way to get better. At least for you anyway.
Fuck! Fuck…okay here goes nothing.
You press the sharp end of the stone deep in your flesh and slice your palm, causing blood to quickly rush out and drop onto the rock you sit on.
It hurts like hell, but you try your best to drift your focus on healing your wound. After all, when it comes down to it, on a mission you’ll need to use RCT to heal your body, or worse, pull you from the nasty grasps of death. Which is why you inhale deeply and try to drift that positive cursed energy from your chest to your wounded palm. However, it’s as your chest rises that Shoko quickly leaves her spot on the bench and crouches down in front of you.
“No,” she cuts in and grabs your wrist, not caring if she could get stained by blood. “Unlike our cursed energy which flows from our stomach,” she says as she swiftly moves her hand over to touch your stomach. “RCT is directed from the brain,” she says and now moves her hand to point at your head.
RCT is something you barely grasped, but never dived too deep into. So what she says is really surprising and informative.
“Alright,” you mutter and let your breath go to now drive your focus to your head, to focus on the negative cursed energy you produce to positive.
And it’s funny, or great in a sense. You can actually feel your mind producing that positive cursed energy, it feels…tingly but soothing. As you focus on driving it to your bleeding wound you can actually feel that positive cursed energy flowing to your hand. It’s amazing.
Yet nothing beats how awe-striking it is to watch RCT stitch your flesh back together. If it weren’t for the blood staining your hand, it’d be like nothing ever happened. There’s not even a scar.
Then again, the cut was small and done without cursed energy hurting you. Scars can still form on severe cases.
“I need you to promise me something, Y/N Gojo,” Shoko interjects, causing your attention to snap to her standing up—“with RCT directed from your brain it means that if you face an opponent and they figure out you can heal yourself, they’ll go for your head so you can’t heal. So,” she says softly. “Always protect your head. You are more skilled in long range combat after all.”
You blink in surprise to her expression of affection. She’s not someone who actually acts cool and distant like Nanami, she shows her affection in her own ways, but it’s rare hearing her express it verbally and with such vulnerability.
“Well,” you sigh. “That’s true,” you agree. “But Satoru and Suguru are both helping me train in close combat, so down the line I’ll be comfortable using both.”
Shoko averts her gaze and hums softly as she nods. “Okay,” she says before sliding her eyes back to you. “Well that doesn’t change anything. Promise me you’ll protect your head…life around here would be pretty boring without you.”
You push yourself up and approach her with an assuring smile. “Well if that’s the case,” you say. “Then I promise I’ll always try to be careful, Ieiri. I swear.”
Said girls lips pull to a soft smile before she chuckles and nods. “Good,” she mumbles. “Now,” she sighs and sits on the bench again. “Heal a cut made by the stone I’ll imbue with my cursed energy because—”
“They’re harder to heal,” you finish for her as you step back and sit back down on your spot.
Shoko scoffs. “No—well sometimes, but actually, they’re slower to heal.”
You hum in comprehension and pick up a different stone to throw over to her waiting hand. And just like she mentioned, when you cut your palm with the stone imbued by cursed energy, you feel the RCT heal your wound slower than before. This time rather than it feeling soothing, when your hand begins to heal, it feels…irritating for the first few seconds until you don’t feel anything.
Is it going to feel like this all the time then? That’s annoying.
“See, now you’ve mastered it,” Shoko deadpans. “Easy. Just remember that it comes from your brain, not your stomach, so please don’t fry your brain either.”
You lean back on the rock by putting your arms back, and then counter her. “It might be easy, but I need to perfect it.”
Shoko shrugs sluggishly. “I guess.”
Now that you’ve got that over with, you wonder where Suguru is. It’s been a while now and you did agree to train together today.
Did they really get in a fight?
You to Sugar: Did you and my brother kill each other or? Where are you?
“Can you help me later?” Shoko interjects. “My lab rats only get me so far, I need to test out on a person.”
Your face twists in horror. She wants you to be her labrat?
The last time that happened you ended up with a broken nail and a twisted wrist. It hurt! Seeing your nail break hurt your soul.
“Well…” You roll out hesitantly and avert your gaze.
However, before you can answer your phone goes off as a message arrives. When you check you instantly smile.
Sugar: Here
Your smile fades and you feel confused now. Nevertheless just as you were typing your probing question, multiple footsteps can be heard approaching the area. When you look over to the path you catch sight of Suguru coming up the hill first. You shoot each other a smile before suddenly Satoru runs past him and runs over to you to push you down before he runs past you.
“Hey!” You shout before you get up and chase after him.
Satoru doesn’t run away fast, so you catch up to him quickly and push him back.
Satoru laughs and lets himself fall beside Shoko on the bench. You don’t get carried away and leave him be, instead you just glare at him whilst Suguru falls beside you.
“What were you guys fighting about earlier?” You express your curiosity since you walked in while it was already tense.
“Nothing,” Satoru answers bluntly, whilst Suguru proceeds to answer at the same time with an actual response.
“Difference in morals, Yaga cut us off before anything could develop though.”
You roll your eyes in annoyance. You should’ve known, it was almost always the same thing.
“Anyway, onto actually interesting news,” Shoko cuts in and pushes your knee with her shoe. “Y/N here mastered RCT.”
You shake your head and quickly rebuttal her. “Not mastered. I still need to get better, but yes I've understood the concept a lot better now. Which will help me better.” You tried not to but you can’t help it. You get excited to show it off, especially to your brother. “Watch!”
You proceed to pick up the stones you had been using, and while Shoko imbues one stone with her cursed energy you use the other normal stone to cut your palm again.
“That doesn’t seem sanitary whatsoever,” Satoru mutters as he watches you lean over to let Shoko cut your other palm with the imbued stone.
“It doesn’t matter,” you brush Satoru off and lift your hands to show off your palms to the three spectators. “Now watch!”
Suguru leans to the side to take a better look at your palms, while you focus on your brain and multiply the negative cursed energy to create positive cursed energy. Once again that weird sensation hits you, but that quickly gets drowned out by your excitement as your wounds begin to heal.
“You seeing it?!” You ask your brother with a grin.
Satoru nods softly. “Yeah I’m watching. Good job, sis,” he says genuinely.
You can’t contain your excitement and let it out by embracing Suguru’s arm.
“I’m glad you finally got around to finish learning that,” Suguru says as he tilts his head down to rest his chin on your head. He would’ve kissed your head, he likes doing that all the time, it’s his favorite thing to do when you aren’t kissing each others lips, but of course he doesn’t now because he says he doesn’t want to make Satoru uncomfortable by actually kissing you, even if it is just your head. So instead he likes to remedy that by small acts when you’re around your brother; like wrapping his arm around your shoulders, hooking his pinky with yours, sitting behind you and wrapping his legs around you, or like now, holding your hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.
“I’ve pushed it off for far too long,” you say and hold onto him tighter.
“Now she’s better at something else than you,” Shoko directs at Satoru.
It’s not like you tried to do it for that reason, actually you learned RCT to try and impress your parents when you were young. Let’s just say they didn’t really care though.
“What’s the other thing may I ask?” Your brother asks as he you see him look at your friend with an unamused look.
Shoko smirks. “Looks,” she doesn’t hold back from saying.
You beam at her and hear Suguru laugh, whilst Suguru rolls his eyes and shakes his head in disagreement.
“Now let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves,” he says, making you groan. “Let’s instead focus on the reason why we stopped here.”
You raise a questioning brow and press him. “What do you mean?”
Satoru shoots you a smirk. “Suguru and I are going on a three-day mission starting today. We should be on our way, but,” he pauses and groans. “Suguru wanted to stop by to talk to y/n.”
Your eyes widen slightly before you let Suguru’s arm go to step back and look between him and your brother with curiosity. “Mission?” You probe. “Since when?”
Suguru passes Satoru an annoyed look before he meets your gaze and answers. “Since today, that’s why Yaga interrupted us. We’re being sent to protect Tengen’s Star Plasma vessel from two groups that are trying to stop her from joining Tengen and merging.”
“One is the Curse User Group Q,” Satoru continues for Suguru. “Which is looking to upend Jujutsu society with Tengens rampage.”
“Okay,” Shoko says in comprehension, whilst your mind dwindles between the information and the fact that it’s a girl they’re protecting.
You shouldn’t be jealous, it’s a job, and from what you’ve learned on Tengen, he needs a vessel to stop himself from evolving to some higher being. So the girl is going to die and what is it…become one with Tengen? Or become him? It? They? Well whatever, the girl is going to die—but you are still feeling inklings of jealousy.
“And the other group,” Satoru continues. “Is the Star Religious group, also known as the Time Vessel Association, which worships Tengen as a god or something.”
Why do they want to stop Tengen from assimilating then if he’s their god?
Yet before you can ask that something else spills out of your mouth. “How old is this girl?”
Shoko chuckles, and Satoru scoffs before Suguru answers, “middle school age.”
Oh, what a relief.
“So you’ll be away from school why? Isn’t it safer bringing her here?” You ask. “Have her spend the rest of her time here where it’s protected?”
Satoru shrugs. “You’d think, but we’re supposed to stay away until the last day. I’ll see if I can change that though,” he comments with obvious annoyance. “I’m not entertaining no brat.”
Suguru sighs in disagreement but doesn’t comment, instead he grabs your arm and begins to pull you to him. “Satoru why don’t you meet me down the hill? We need to go now, we’ve wasted enough time as it is. I just want to talk to y/n first.”
Your brother narrows his gaze and slouches with the intention not to move.
“Satoru,” you call out so he can listen.
Shoko gets the memo and when she gets up she grabs Satoru’s arm to drag him with her. Luckily he doesn’t make this harder than it needs to be and follows her.
“Two minutes,” Satoru warns Suguru nevertheless. “Or I will come and drag you out.”
You roll your eyes, but Suguru just nods without bothering to counter back with something sassy or filled with annoyance. You then proceed to watch your brother walk away until he’s no longer visible.
“Three days?” You question as Suguru turns to face you now.
Suguru nods softly. “Yeah, but we might end up coming back here after we pick her up. I don’t know, I'll let you know.”
You scoff and shoot him a smile as you lean over and press your hands on the sides of his neck. “No, don’t distract yourself, you don’t have to text me. Focus on the mission and keeping yourself safe. Please.”
A small smile tugs on his lips and he carefully begins to caress your hand that you have on his neck. “I will, but I do have your brother so I’ll be okay.”
You nod in agreement. “Yeah I know. But still,” you say. “I don’t want to distract you. If you’re not here by tonight I’ll send you something. And if you miss me throughout the day, watch your homescreen or look through your camera roll full of pictures of me.” You laugh softly. “Or look at your messages…I might surprise you and send you a picture.”
Suguru grins and raises his hands to cup your cheeks and pull you in for a deep kiss. You cherish it and revel in it as if you won’t see each other again, as if you’re afraid to forget the taste of each other's lips. You proceed to tease him to keep him with you longer, but just as you swipe your tongue on his bottom lip he pulls back and presses a kiss on the top of your head instead.
“You know I can’t stay long,” he mutters against you. “Be wary of your phone, okay? You’re strong—”
You scoff in protest, but he pulls his head back to meet your gaze and reassure you. “You are, and we might need you, so just be wary. Regardless I’ll call you later.”
He didn’t listen to you whatsoever.
“Fine,” you say and don’t bother arguing. “Be careful…” you pause as you want to say those three meaningful words again, but you stop short before you can even utter them. You’re still too scared to do it.
You don’t want him to reject you, nor do you want to force him to repeat it if he doesn’t mean it yet.
“Look out for each other,” you add instead. “I do want to see you again, you know?”
Suguru laughs softly before pressing one last kiss on your lips. “I’ll be careful, Firefly.”
You groan in protest and push him back, causing him to snicker before he takes your hand and walks with you down the hill.
And just like he was told, Satoru is waiting for Suguru down the hill. Except he’s being annoying about it and tapping his foot on the floor while he has his arms crossed.
Since you’ve said your goodbyes with your boyfriend though you walk to your brother. “Be careful, Satoru, okay?”
“I don't need to be careful,” he responds all smugly, making you roll your eyes but continue to try and be sweet and caring.
“Just don’t die, look out for each other and…come back.”
Satoru tilts his head down to look at you with his eyes before he responds in the same smugness. “Don’t worry, sis.” He shoots you a half grin. “I’ll be fine.” He turns on his heels and grabs Suguru’s arm to pull him along, most likely because he thought Suguru would want to take one more minute with you.
You still follow them though, all the way to the exit. They both wave at you when they’re walking out, and you wave back with a small smile on your face. When they give you their backs as they keep retreating, you just stand there and watch their figures turn smaller until you can no longer see them.
You have nothing to worry about, you tell yourself so as to not worry about the two most important people in your life. Theye the strongest after all.
“What about after graduation?” You ask your group of friends. “Do you guys have any specific plans or are you planning on staying here?”
It had been only a couple hours since Satoru and Suguru left, and you’ve kept yourself busy at home since then since you didn’t get sent out on a mission after the one you went to in the morning; you’ve trained with your cursed technique, mediatated, and read. Now you’re helping Shoko just like promised, except Haibara and Nanami are with you too.
Well Nanami ended up helping Shoko, you are…supporting her from across the small table, and talking to her and your friends with your legs on Nanami’s lap, and your body leaned against Haibara as you give yourself a nice manicure.
“Well I already have a cozy job offer here,” Shoko shares nonchalantly. “So unless I get offered something better, then I’m staying here.”
You hum in comprehension and tilt your head back to peek at Haibara as he answers your question next. “Well I actually would like to be a teacher, so if they gave me a job here I would totally stay.” He says with enthusiasm before looking at you from the corner of his eyes. “What about you?”
You roll your head down and watch as you file the nail on your left pointer finger. “I’m leaving after school. I’ll accept jobs, but I won’t stay here.” You sigh. “I have goals I want to accomplish that don't involve staying here. Maybe I’ll be like Miss Yuki Tsukumo.” You smile proudly. “She’s so cool! I want to be like her when I grow up.”
Nanami scoffs before retorting. “She’s a slack off, she doesn’t pick up missions so that leaves us to do more work. She’s an adult but acts like a rebellious teen. You have the potential to be a lot better.”
You shrug him off and defend a woman you’ve never met before but have only heard about. “Well I think she’s cool. And the higher ups dislike her so she’s even cooler in my book.”
You move onto your last nail and only remember that you’re helping Shoko when he asks her a question from her notes.
“How many pairs of chromosomes does a human being typically have?”
You’ve always wondered why it is that Shoko wants to actually study to be an actual doctor when she has her special RCT ability that does all the work. And she put it simply, she wants the title and it’ll help her understand medical situations better. If it were you, you wouldn't do all that, but now that she’s doing it, good for her. You support her, and are proud of her.
“23 pairs,” she answers nonchalantly.
Nanami nods in agreement and pulls out the next notecard.
“So what about a family?” Shoko asks a different question to drift away from her study. “Would you guys want a family of your own? I don’t know if I would, I’ll go with the flow. All I do know is that I’m going to become a doctor.”
You smile at her with pride whilst you also give her your hand so she can help you paint your nails.
“Well,” you sigh and answer what comes to mind. “I don’t know, I’ve never given it any thought. It’d be nice I think, but…” you pause for a second and look up at the ceiling. “I really don’t know.”
The world isn’t perfect, it never will be, but you know all the ugly that it contains. It’s why you’ve never actually let yourself actually think too deeply about that. It’s why you’re okay if you don’t have a family of your own, plus you’re happy with the family you already have; your brother, Shoko, Nanami, Haibara and Suguru. As long as you have them in your life you’ll always be satisfied.
“Now you, Haibara,” you direct back at your friend. “What are your thoughts?”
“Hm, well,” he hums quietly before he shares what he knows. “I think it would be nice when I meet the right person.”
You smile softly and nod. “That’s good.” You look at the blond guy across you and give him the option to answer since he was mostly quiet while you all talked. “And you Nanamin?”
“No,” he answers bluntly. “I don’t think so, at least not while I continue doing this.”
“Now, next question,” he drifts the attention away. “What part of the body produces insulin?”
Shoko props her elbows on the table and rests her chin on her hands as she thinks.
“Liver?” She answers hesitantly.
Nanami shakes his head and presses the notecard on the table so she can see the real answer; the pancreas.
“Oh,” she laughs it off. “I was going to answer with that. It’s a good thing I still have some time to go before I begin to study for my doctor's license.”
Nanami shakes his head in disapproval, and Haibara and you laugh. Shoko smirks before she lets your hand go so the paint can dry. You’re about to give her your other hand but then your phone rings, so you quickly slide your legs off Nanami’s lap and sit up. When you pick your phone you see that it’s Suguru calling you.
You told him not to, but you’re happy that he is, so you answer right away. “Hello!” You smile wider. “Are you okay?”
“Yes,” he relieves you of that worry. “I’m fine. We’re all fine. We just uh, fought some curse users here…”
That doesn’t sound fine.
Your smile falls and you press him with worry and annoyance that was he brushing off the real danger of it all just to assure you. “That doesn’t sound fine. Where are you guys?”
“We’re fine,” he repeats himself. “We are now, that's why I’m calling you.” He laughs softly, but you find no amusement or reassurance in that laugh.
“You also said you’d call if you were in danger—are you being held captive? Cough if you need help.”
“Is everything okay?” Haibara interjects as they all listen in.
“Y/N,” Suguru calls out firmly. “I’m okay, Satoru is okay. We are okay. I just…wanted to hear from you.”
Regardless of how annoyed you currently feel, your face burns and a smile twitches on your face. “Well in that case,” you play along. “I am glad you’re calling. I know it must be hard work, so thank you for taking time out of your day to call. But are you sure it’s okay? I’ve been holding back from texting you out of fear that I’ll distract you.”
Suguru shares a breathless laugh. “It’s fine, darling.”
He’s never called you that before. Your mother used to call you that, but she never actually meant it affectionately, and it was always while she was being manipulative about something.
But Suguru, his voice is soft when he says it, it’s not dry or emotionless. You like the way he says it.
“Well, okay then,” you whisper. “What do you want to hear? How proud I am of you? I’m not there but I know you’re doing a good job.” You smirk.
“Please,” Nanami cuts in. “Take that call somewhere else.”
You wave him off and once again swing your legs over to rest them on his lap.
“No,” Suguru mumbles. “You don’t need to do that, especially because I’m not done yet. Just tell me about your day, what are you doing now?”
“Now?” You repeat and look around at your group of friends. “I’m helping Shoko by being her laprat.”
Suguru scoffs. “Labrat? Again? Well please tell her to keep you whole, I do look forward to seeing you again.”
You grin and can’t help but giggle like a lovestruck dork.
“I will relay the message, but don’t worry I’m helping her study.”
“You are?” Nanami mutters.
You laugh. “I am!” You counter. “I'm her emotional and mental support. So is Haibara.”
“I like the sound of that,” said guy agrees.
You throw your hand out and give him a thumbs up before you focus back on Suguru.
“Are you coming back here?” You ask him full of hope.
Suguru sighs and stays quiet for a moment, making you begin to worry. Before you can ask he answers. “No, not yet. We’re actually on our way to Naha.”
“You’re going to Okinawa?” You cut in with disbelief, making your friends pay closer attention. “What for?”
There’s another second of silence before he answers. “Uh, the vessel, Riko Amanai, her caregiver got captured by the Time Vessel association, so we’re going to go rescue her.”
The mundane non-sorcerer cult took the caregiver?
Here you thought they’d be weak.
“So you lied?” You remark.
“No,” Suguru quickly rebuttals. “No, we’re fine, we’ll get her back with no trouble I’m sure of it.”
“How long do you think you’ll stay there then?” You ask quieter.
“We’re flying over tonight and getting the caregiver back in the morning, so just a day…that’s actually another reason why I’m calling you too.”
You sigh. “Here I thought you actually wanted to talk to me. Pft.”
“I did want to hear your voice, that's why I delayed on telling you this now,” he argues back. “Yaga is probably going to tell you soon, but we need you, Nanami and Haibara to fly in tomorrow morning. The guys will be guarding the airport and you’ll meet up with us.”
At least you’ll see him again, that’s the good thing. But he did avoid telling you about the trouble they’re facing though, so that’s irritating.
“We’ll be at an Island,” he continues to add. “So you’ll have an advantage with your cursed technique just in case something does happen while we’re here.”
You hum in agreement, and that’s when he notices that you aren’t excited as you should be.
“I didn’t hide the truth on purpose, you know?” He argues.
This time you listen to what Nanami complained about and sit up. “Just hold on,” you tell Suguru, and then get up and step out of the room to talk to him now that your conversation has drifted to something more private and serious.
“Okay, I’m back now, and I’ll just say,” you interject right away. “I could have handled it. You don’t need to protect me. One it’s not you or my brother in danger so it would be easier to understand. Two, if this is going to continue working we need to communicate. You can’t decide for me what you think is okay or not, I decide that. And I know I can be a little sensitive, but you can’t shield me from the ugly you know?”
A deep breath comes from the other end and silence follows. You can’t see his face but you wish you could so you can read his expression. You don’t regret what you just said, you don’t even feel bad, it’s your truth, and a truth he needs to know if you're going to continue dating. But you don’t like the silence. It makes you nervous.
It’s not until a few seconds later that Suguru interjects softly. “I understand, I’m sorry. I should have not avoided the subject from the beginning, you’re right you can handle it. I just did want to hear from you first, it’s been a…long day.”
You smile bashfully down at the floor beneath your feet. “I guess the news would’ve spoiled the mood,” you admit.
“Yeah,” he agrees. “But you are also right. I shouldn’t have shielded you from the truth. Not at a time like this.”
You nod. “Exactly.” You smile softly and just before either of you could say anything, the voice of your brother is heard in the background.
“Hey, you’re still talking to y/n?”
“Yes?” Suguru answers.
You narrow your gaze slightly in confusion, but you then understand why he bothered to ask.
“Okay, just pass her to me, I need to talk to her,” Satoru mutters quickly before you hear commotion and then his voice through the phone. “Sis before you leave, while you pack, go to my room and bring me some casual clothes. Something comfortable. Understand?”
You sigh and don’t even think of your answer. “All right. I understand.”
“Good! Thank you—oh and bring yourself something comfortable too! Beachwear. So bring me something for that too actually.”
You look down at the floor confused before you probe. “Why? What are you planning?”
You can practically hear your brother grin before he answers evasively. “Just do what I ask.”
You roll your eyes. “Fine,” you breathe out, but drop your annoyance quickly as you fill with worry again. “Are you okay, Satoru? Have you eaten? Slept?”
“Hey,” he blurts. “Don’t you worry about me. I’m strong, and I’m the oldest sibling here. Just worry about getting here, and…Suguru. I’m fine.”
Yeah you won’t do that but you don’t want to argue so you just mumble back. “I understand.”
Footsteps begin to echo nearby so you look off the ground and see Yaga approaching. Most likely with the news Suguru just shared with you.
“I have to go,” you let Satoru know. “But! You’re on your way to the airport right?”
You smile excitedly. “Okay, do me a huge favor, go to that shop we like to go to, the one next to—”
“Mochi?” He finishes saying for you. “I’m so ahead of you, sis. I got us some!”
You grin. “Yay. Okay, okay I really have to go now. Bye.”
“I’ll pass you back to Suguru.” Satoru says, and you hear rustling as he does just that.
Yet just before your boyfriend can actually give you a proper goodbye, Satoru hangs up for him. “Goodbye—“
He’s still hesitant about Suguru and you. It’s not as bad as before, but he still hasn’t fully come to terms with the fact.
Then again can you blame him? You’re his little sister, someone he’s protected and looked after all his life. And Suguru is his best friend. The only one you’ve ever seen him have, so you’re both important to him. He has every right to be protective over the both of you. However he does need to trust the both of you too.
“Gojo,” Yaga greets as he approaches the porch.
You put your phone away and offer him a tiny smile as you return his greeting. “Yaga.”
Said man sighs and points his chin to your phone. “Was that your brother?”
You nod. “It was, Suguru called me and Satoru butt in.”
Yaga hums before he continues. “Then I assume you know about what you’re going to do?” He says. “Geto said he’d call you to catch you up.”
You nod and turn around to open the door to the room you were just in. “Yeah, I know everything.”
“I normally wouldn't have chosen to send you or the others yet,” Yaga explains as he trails after you “But Geto and your brother asked for the three of you. So I’m going to trust you, all of you, to do your jobs and make it back.”
You look back and shoot him a prideful smirk. “Don’t worry,” you assure the man. “We can handle what may come our way. We’re strong together.”
Ever since coming to school, getting out of your school uniform is growing to be pretty uncommon, sure you find the smallest excuses to wear all the clothes you have and buy, but it’s hardly enough.
Coming to actual fun places for missions is rare. Sure nothing about hiding out from bounty hunters is fun, but every mission you’ve gone to has dark corners, sketchy streets, dark to dim lighting, it’s all truly ugly.
It’s why you don’t even think twice about going all out right now at the beach! You wear a bathing suit under your bright colored tight corset and black mini skirt. You wear cute and expensive shades, you can even carry a cute bag that matches the color of your platform sandals. Plus it helps you not stand out, you blend right in with the rest of the beachgoers!
Albeit you do wonder why you’re at the beach exactly. The guys said to meet them at the beach right as you got off the plane instead of letting you help like you were sent here to do. Howbeit! You’re not complaining, you love the beach, you love the sun kissing your skin, the sound of the crashing waves, the salty air, the calmness of the environment—
Actually! There is one thing you are complaining about, they’re late. They were supposed to meet up with you thirty minutes ago. So it’s a good thing you’re at the beach and not anywhere haunted, you would’ve flipped if it was the latter.
And now you would message them, but you’d rather not bother and leave them worrying instead.
And it’s a good thing you do because they leave you waiting for another fifteen minutes before Satoru and Suguru get off a cab with a young black haired girl, and an older woman dressed like a maid.
“I could’ve been dead already,” you cut Suguru off and cross your arms over your chest as you glare at the both of them.
Satoru skips over to close the gap between him and you. “You’re too annoying to kill,” he blurts teasingly. “Did you bring my things?”
You sigh and drop your arms to your side to pick up a totebag off the ground and hand it to your brother. “Don’t mess it up, I have stuff in there too.”
Satoru flashes you a grin. “Thanks, and…” he trails off and gives you a gift bag from the sweet shop with the good mochi.
You can’t stay upset anymore so you smile at him before he walks off to change out of his uniform.
“You land all right?” You hear Suguru ask as you’re focused on taking out the mochi your brother gave you.
“Yeah,” you answer with your attention wavered. “You okay?” You finally look up at him as you pull out the package, and smile when you see that he’s not hurt. “You look good, are you?”
Suguru’s smile deepens as he nods. “Yeah. The work was simple. The interrogation did take longer than expected though. Sorry about that.”
You open the box and shake your head. “Don’t worry about it, I like being here,” you assure him. “Albeit why are we here? At the beach I mean? Won’t it be easier protecting…” you trail off and glance at the young girl past his shoulder, and catch her eyes already on you. “…the girl at school?”
Suguru sighs and nods. “It would, but Tengen ordered us to let her enjoy her time before the merge. So we’re here.”
You hum in comprehension and take a bite from your snack. “Well, I can’t say I'm complaining,” you say with your mouth full. “This is the best mission location I’ve been to so far.”
Suguru smiles softly before he checks that Satoru isn’t coming.
When the ghost is clear he leans over and presses a kiss on your cheek. “You look good by the way.”
You gulp and feel your heart flutter, and your smile turn bashful. “You should wait and see me in my bathing suit,” you manage to tease him.
Suguru swallows thickly. “I can’t wait,” he counters softly.
You laugh softly before you offer him your bitten mochi. “Want some? I can’t guarantee there will be some left when you come back from changing—You are changing out of your uniform right?”
Suguru laughs and nods. “Yes. I’ll do that now,” he says as he takes the bitten mochi from your hand and walks off, leaving you with the other two that you have yet to introduce yourself to.
“Forgive me,” you tell them after you wipe your mouth. “I got carried away,” you tell them as you step towards them. “I am Y/N Gojo.” You smile sweetly and bow your head. “First year at Jujutsu High.”
The young girl swallows thickly before she bows her head. “I’m…Riko Amanai,” she introduces herself. “Nice to meet you.” She then looks at your shades and continues. “I really like your clothes. You’re dressed really nice.”
Your smile grows to a grin and feel your heart skip a beat. That’s the best commitment you could ever recieve. It means you did well on picking your outfit. You love it.
“Thank you, Amanai. Really.” You then proceed to look at the woman beside her. “Hello, you must be her caregiver?”
The lady nods and offers you a tiny smile. “Yes, I’m Misato Kuroi.”
“Are you okay? I heard what happened,” you interject with concern.
Miss Kuroi nods quickly. “Yes, I’m fine. I didn’t get hurt, and Geto and Gojo saved me in time as well.”
You offer her a kind smile and nod. “That’s very good.”
“Thank you,” she cuts in and grabs Amanai’s shoulder. “You had to fly all the way here for us even if it isn’t your mission.”
You shake your head. “Well,” you sigh. “It kind of is now that I am involved, but don’t worry. We’re sorcerers, we have to look out for one another. We’re few as it is.” You smile and catch your brother coming out so you focus on him while the girls go and change now too.
“Do you have more?” He asks as rushes over to you with the tote bag in hand.
You nod and extend the box to him after you take another one. Once your brother reaches you he takes a mochi, and you take a bite of yours before you ask what’s been on your mind. “So what’s the plan for today?”
Satoru takes big bite and then holds the snack in between his teeth to dig in his back pocket, and pull out a folded paper he gives to you.
You take another bite and then finish it before you open the paper to read the schedule for today and tomorrow.
‘Day 2…13:00 meet with Gojo 2 at the beach and then swim…”
You groan and blink to look at your brother with annoyance. “Gojo 2?” You quote back at him.
Satoru snickers. “Yeah it’d be confusing otherwise.”
You roll your eyes and look back at the sheet.
‘15:00...Day 3, 11:00 Amanai’s Bounty Taken Down. Assimilate with Tengen after sunset!’
“Well,” you comment and fold the paper back. “That’s quite a day. It’s too bad we’re leaving here so soon. We should come back,” you suggest and give him back the schedule. “With all the others too. It'd be so fun.”
Satoru nods as he takes one more mochi from your box. “Yeah, that would be fun. Perhaps in the summer.”
You smile giddly and nod in agreement. Silence then follows and you take the time to study him for any visible wounds. He can’t do RCT yet, nor is Shoko here so if he got hurt it’d be visible since he has a lot of body exposed.
Yet it doesn’t look like he did. Good.
“When we go back home,” Satoru adds quieter and in a more serious tone. “You’ll go back to school to grab what you need, and then go on a mission with the other first years.”
You blink in surprise and pull your shades up before you shake your head. “No, but I should stay in school,” you argue. “The bounty won’t be down until tomorrow morning. What if something happens? We could help, I could.”
Satoru shakes his head and finally meets your eyes and narrows his gaze. “I said you’re going,” he deadpans. “Listen for once in your life.”
You part your lips to argue, but nothing comes out. You can’t form a word sentence to argue back with. There’s no point either, there’s no winning him, when he’s dead set on something and serious like he is now, there’s no changing his mind. There’s no point in having Suguru talk with him either, he probably already knows about the plan and agrees to it. Plus…you don’t want to argue now. The sun is bright, the sky is so beautifully blue, the waves look calm, and the air is soft.
Instead when you catch Suguru walking away from the changing station you shoot him a bright smile, and feel butterflies flutter in your stomach as you see that he’s not wearing anything under his blue short-sleeve button up. You’ve seen him shirtless before, but his body, his tight muscles hiding under his shirts never fail to amaze you.
Oh! And when he has his hair down and he doesn’t have a shirt on! Now that is truly the best sight to see.
If only you could kiss him. But Satoru is here. Tsk.
The best thing you can do is run over to meet him halfway with a soft awe-struck grin. “You look great,” you compliment him without shame, not notcing he keeps a hand hidden behind his back.
Suguru smiles. “You too.” He redirects.
“You surely took forever,” you point out. “I get the girls, but you?”
Suguru drops his gaze and smiles wider before he pulls his hand out from behind him and shows off a red hibiscus flower.
“Wow,” you mouth joyfully. “Cute,” you mumble.
Suguru lifts his hand to tuck the flower over your ear. “I saw a bush of them when I went to change so I thought I’d steal one for you,” he says.
You sigh softly and whisper your gratitude without letting go of each other's gaze, you’re all each other saw. It’s why you miss the way your brother is watching your interaction. He’d usually feel weird about seeing you and Suguru gushing over each other, but right now he saw your smile and he saw Suguru’s, he notices the way you two look at each other like nothing exists around you and all he can think about is how nice it is that you can make each other happy. Yet he still doesn’t understand how you two came to be, he doesn’t understand why either. No matter how many explanations you give him he won’t understand why Suguru and you love each other.
He probably will one day, or he probably won’t. Who knows, all he knows is this for now; his mission, and this moment in time.
It’s why when Amanai and Kuroi come out of the changing room he turns off his infinity for a moment to let you jump on his back. He then runs alongside Amanai, and with you on his back towards the water. He wants to throw you in the water for the fun of it, but he doesn’t want to make you mad so he lets your feet hit the ground.
However, it’s once you take off your clothes and remain in your bikini that Satoru grabs you and throws you in the water. You resurface with a sneer, and use your technique to manipulate the water surrounding you, and splash him, but he has his infinity on now so the water doesn’t hit him whatsoever.
“Ass,” you spat and pick up your flower off the water to tuck back over your ear.
“Hey! That’s so cool!” Amanai exclaims. “What’s your cursed technique?!”
You look to her and lose your annoyance before responding. “I have an Elemental Manipulation Cursed Technique. I can bend the elementals to my will, and fire is the only one I can manipulate and make.”
Amanai’s eyes widen slightly with awe. “That’s so cool!”
You shoot her a smirk. “Thanks,” you utter before you turn to walk over to Suguru sitting on a blanket in the distance with Kuroi.
However, before you do walk away, you stop and just peer back. Amanai is distracted picking up some shell from the sand, Suguru did say that Tengen wants her to at least enjoy what she has left of life, so you’ll show her just that, a good time.
Thus before she can look you use your technique and push the water in front of Amanai forward, creating an empty space. Amanai sees the water moving and looks up. When she notices the empty space her lips twitch to a smile, she then lifts her gaze further up and sees the water standing up around it and her smile widens.
She wants to look back at you since she knows you’re the one doing it, but the way you begin to make a path in front of her steals her attention. She is hesitant to follow the path, but you turn around to fall beside her.
“It’s okay,” you assure her. “Nothings going to happen.”
Amanai peers back at you and keeps her eyes on you for a moment as she debates between trusting you or not. But she then catches sight of a school of little orange fish swimming around the path you created and doesn’t hesitate to slowly follow them. You slowly trail after her and stop until the water walls tower over the both of you.
Unlike before, now you can see everything that lives inside the water, the different colored coral, the rocks; tall and small. You can see the little creatures burrowing themselves inside the sand. You see different fishes swimming in the distance, you see it all through the clear water. Albeit nothing is better than seeing Amanai smile with awe.
You don’t know the girl, she’s just a mission that your brother and Suguru need to accomplish for the sake of your world, but if you think deeply about it, this girl is going to lose her life to become one with this being that stays trapped in some void forever. And that makes you feel bad for her, it makes you sad that she’ll basically lose her life before she can even live it, before she can even decide if merging is what she actually wants.
It’s why while you’re here, you want to make it your mission to show her some ounce of happiness.
“Tell me Amanai,” you interject softly as you watch a cute silver fish swimming past you. “What’s your favorite animal?”
Amanai’s eyes snap to you and she parts her lips to answer, but she then closes her mouth and looks at the water again.
She remains quiet for a moment before she gives you her answer. “A whale shark.”
You hum in comprehension and draw in a deep breath of the salty air, you tap further into your cursed energy and let your mind overcome with the weight and strength of the water. You feel its gentleness, and its power running through your limbs as you control it.
You proceed to exhale and slowly begin to lift your hands as you raise the water that surrounds you. You proceed to gently slide your leg back like if you’re about to start a dance, and sway your arms to the side as you move the water over your heads. You then twist your wrists as you make the water circle around you.
Amanai spins around to watch as you move the water to completely surround you both, leaving you trapped in a bubble. “This is beautiful,” she whispers.
You smile softly, and then use the water past your walls to create a whale shark. Amanai runs to the edge to watch as you make the water create the big creature. Once it’s complete you don’t pull back from having it swim ever so gently like a real whale does. And it may not be real, but it looks like it; down to the white belly and up to the spots. It’s also very heavy to keep formed while lifting and pushing the water.
But you keep it up and let Amanai reach in the water to touch it. When she touches the water-made creature with her fingertips she laughs quietly, making you smile. After she pulls her hand out of the water you begin to let the water over you fall back to the sides. The water that you had blocking your back falls and you move it to the side to recreate the path back to shore.
Amanai watches the water-made whale shark for a few more minutes before you have it disappear. After that she follows you back to shore whilst she watches as you let the water fall back to place, like small waterfalls joining its body of water below. When you do reach shore and before you can walk away she interjects in a soft voice.
“Thank you for that….I really enjoyed it. It was very beautiful.”
You peer back and flash her a smile. “You welcome.” You hold her gaze for a second longer until it hits you.
How can this happen? Her life after merging will cease to exist, she hasn’t even lived it, she doesn’t even have a choice between doing it or not. Even if she wants to do it, she only says that because it was drilled in her; that desire and responsibility, but is it really her choice?
But…It’s for the greater good of the Jujutsu world. Of your world, and everyone else’s. So she has to do it. She does…
This world is so fucked.
You continue to walk towards Suguru, and as you pass your brother he pats your shoulder. “That was cool,” he says.
You smirk and nod. “I know.”
Now when you’re closer to your boyfriend you run over and lay back on the space between his legs.
“We’re supposed to be discreet,” he reminds you.
You shrug him off. “It was cool.”
“I know, but we can’t be showing off,” he remarks.
You pull your shades down and close your eyes before you answer honestly. “She needs to enjoy what remains of her life. I was just showing her a good time.”
He sighs in defeat. He knows you’re right so let’s it be, instead he tilts his head down to look at you as you bask in the stillness of the moment, as you let the sun kiss your skin. He watches your chest move up and down, and the way you rest your hands on your chest. He finds himself smiling at you and the little things you do.
“May I ask?” Kuroi interjects, catching Suguru and you off guard. “Miss Gojo. How did you get that scar across your torso?”
You nervously swallow thickly, but keep your eyes closed. Instinctively you move one of your hands to trace the long scarred gash across your torso with your fingers.
It’s not hard anymore to recall that specific moment that took place so long ago in your life, but it still is hard to put into words. It’s why only one person besides Satoru knows what happened, and that’s Suguru.
“It happened when I was young,” you answer stiffly and clench your other fist over your chest. Suguru notices the way your breath changes to deep and hard breaths, he sees the way you stiffen, the way your lips are twitching to form a frown, so he does what he can right now and reaches down to cup your hand.
At the feeling of his soft and warm touch you open your eyes and tilt your head back. You catch his gaze and he offers you an assuring smile.
It doesn’t take away the bad that comes with the memory, but it helps ease you, it helps your breath, your racing heart, and brings light to the shadows that already threatened to take over at the mere thought of that day.
“It was a…mistake,” you share. “No amount of RCT has been able to heal it…” you trail off and simply leave it at that. Even if that’s not a clear answer, just a lead to more questions. Questions Kuroi luckily doesn’t ask.
“Hey,” Suguru interjects quieter. “Did you put on sunscreen?”
You look up at him and think for a moment before you remember you didn’t because Satoru threw you in the water. “No…could you help put some on?”
Suguru smiles as he pulls out your sunscreen from your bag. “Way ahead of you.”
You grin and sit up to let him put some on his fingers before he passes it to you, so you can put some on your fingertips and apply some on your arms while he gets your back.
“I have a question,” you finally remember to ask. “If the Star Religious group worships Tengen why do they want Amanai dead? Wouldn’t they want her to assimilate?”
Suguru sighs softly before he responds. “Well their object of worship is the pure form of Tengen. So allowing the Star Plasma vessel to assimilate is unforgivable because in their mind they think the vessel is impure.”
You scoff. “Ah,” you mumble. “I get it now.” You huff. “Non-sorcerers are so weird.”
“They just have different beliefs,” Suguru tries to correct you.
You huff, “yeah I suppose.” You proceed to grab more sunscreen to move onto your other arm. “Anway, I kind of feel bad. Haibara and Nanami are at the airport while I’m here at the beach, getting a tan.” You smile softly. “I’ll buy them souvenirs. As well as Shoko.”
“That’d be nice,” Suguru agrees as he slides his hands to your shoulders to rub in sunscreen.
Your breath shudders at the feeling, and your heart skips a beat, whislt your lips form to a mischievous smile. If only you were here alone, you’d totally be all over him. For now you’ll just have to imagine kissing him and taking off his shirt he didn’t bother to button.
“What?” Suguru interjects as if he knows you’re lost in thought about him.
You shrug. “Nothing,” you say in a sweet tone. “Just you.”
“What about me?”
You put more sunscreen on your hands and lean forward to begin rubbing some on your legs, causing him to slide his hands down to your lower back.
“You just look good in your beach outfit,” you let him know.
Suguru scoffs softly and stays quiet, letting you know you just made him all flustered. Which is easy to do.
“Anway,” you continue. “Have you guys eaten?”
“Not yet,” Suguru says, making you sigh with discontent.
“What about slept?” You ask. “Has Satoru slept? Have you?”
“I slept a bit on the plane, and at night,” he says. “But I don’t think Satoru has.”
You lift your eyes to watch your brother goof off with Amanai, and sigh. There’s no way to tell if he has eyebags with those dark shades on his face, but knowing him he hasn’t slept. And he won’t until his mission is over.
That’s why it would be better if you could help after you leave here, you could keep watch while he sleeps for at least a couple hours. But no, he’s protecting you and keeping you far away from the school.
You appreciate it, but he needs to understand you aren’t a little girl anymore. He doesn’t have to protect you all the time.
“Well,” you interject sternly and move onto your other leg. “We’ll go eat after this. You can’t be strong if you don’t eat.”
Suguru laughs softly, causing you to straighten up and look at him over your shoulder. “What?” You snap.
Suguru smiles at you and shakes his head. “Just you,” he mocks you playfully.
You roll your eyes and finish applying sunscreen on your leg to then rub some on the rest of your body that’s exposed to the sun. After that’s done Suguru pulls his phone out and takes a picture of the both of you; one with his chin on your shoulder and a smile on his face, and you happily grinning at the camera.
When that’s done you lay on your stomach, and just rest your eyes some more. There is a gnawing worry in the back of your head, but Suguru and your brother are here so you don’t let the worry consume you.
“I really can’t believe I got captured by the Star Religious Group,” Kuroi interjects, piquing your attention, but not enough to make you open your eyes. “And by a non-sorcerer at that. I’m ashamed of myself.”
“You couldn’t help it if they caught you off-guard,” Suguru quickly tries to assure the lady. “Part of the blames lies with me, too.”
“Was I really caught off guard?” Kuroi questions quietly. “I thought I was on high alert after the incident with Q. I still don’t have much recollection of being attacked…And you came here by plane?” She then asks. “Were you okay? You weren’t attacked?”
“Satoru has good eyes,” Suguru says. “Before we took off, he checked over all the passengers and staff, as well as the inside and outside of the plane. And while we were in the air, I had my cursed spirit keep watch outside. It was safer than using a land route.” He then proceeds to take a paper out he had in his pocket, and comments on it.
“I’m more curious as to why they designated Okinawa for the exchange,” Suguru shares his curiosity.
You thought of that too, but haven’t come up with any convincing explanation.
“Probably to buy time, right?” Kuroi shares. “Even if they fail to kill Riko, they could keep her from making tomorrow's full moon deadline.”
“If that were the goal,” you interject with your thought. “They would have chosen a rural area with poor transit infrastructure. Instead we’re here, on an island that’s often busy.”
“You two don’t think they’re planning to take over the airport, do you?” Kuroi worries.
“Maybe so,” Suguru doesn’t lie. “But we’ll be fine,” he assures her and puts the paper down. “We’re not the only ones who came here.”
Yes, you and your other two first year companions came too! Haibara and you were excited, but Nanami, well he’s reluctant. And he has every right to be, they usually don’t assign you first years to missions like these—but it’s just like you told him, there’s no need to worry with Suguru and Satoru here with you too.
“Should we really be sightseeing like this?” Kuroi adds.
“Satoru’s the one who suggested it,” Suguru says. “He’s probably showing consideration for Riko, in his own way. Though it is getting close…” he trials off and you then hear him stand up. “Satoru! It’s time.”
“Oh, it's that time already?” You hear Satoru query.
You sigh with discontent and push yourself to your knees before you stand up too.
“Suguru, let’s head back tomorrow morning instead,” Satoru suggests, making you spin around to face all of them with a hidden smile.
You can’t get excited yet, not until Suguru agrees. So while he walks to your brother you follow him. However when they do reach each other you stand a bit behind to listen in.
“But,” Suguru tries to argue, but Satoru cuts in with an argument.
“The weathers holding steady, yeah? Besides, there are fewer curse users in Okinawa than there are in Tokyo.”
That’s true, but does it really matter at the end of the day? They can still come here too, it would be safer back home. Even if you do enjoy being here.
“Let’s keep it a little more serious, Satoru,” Suguru rebuttals.
“It’s better if the time limit on the bounty runs out while we’re mid-flight right?” Satoru asks, making Suguru walk closer to your brother to talk quieter so the others won’t worry, or just listen in. Luckily you can still hear from where you stand.
“Satoru,” Suguru says. “You haven't released your technique since yesterday, have you? You haven’t slept either. And you don’t plan to sleep tonight, do you?”
You look at your brother with worry and step closer.
“Are you sure we don’t need to go back to Jujutsu High?” Suguru presses.
Satoru raises his head and meets your gaze behind his shades. You can feel his stare on you for a moment before he raises his fist and gently taps Suguru’s chest.
“It’s not a problem,” Satoru assures him as he begins to walk away. “Playing through 99 years of MomoTetsu was far more draining. Besides…you’re here too.”
You smile softly at his compliment to Suguru, and let him throw his arm around you as he reaches you.
“Why don’t we get some snacks, yeah?” Satoru suggests as he turns you around to walk with you.
“We could eat,” you correct him sternly. “Proper food.”
Satoru huffs out. “I ate food on the plane, and then when we were going to the exchange location.”
You scoff and counter. “Yeah, that was hours ago. You need to eat.”
“You’re beginning to sound like Belinda.” He teases you and lets you go as you reach where your blanket is splayed on the ground.
“Yeah and I have every right to,” you argue to the stubborn man. “There’s still a day left, Satoru.”
Satoru stops walking and keeps his back turned to you. “I’ll be alright, sis. Don’t you worry about me, I’ll be fine.”
You watch him with worry, you want to keep arguing for his own sake, but just as you open your mouth, you choose to trust him and let it go.
“Could you text one of the guys though? Let them know of the change in plans,” he says as he continues to walk off towards a man in the distance hauling a white cart.
You sigh in defeat and nod. He doesn’t see it, but you do before you take your phone from your bag and text Haibara. You would text Nanami, but he didn’t want to come as it is, so his reaction scares you.
You: Plans changed. We’re extending our stay to another day.
Suguru reaches you and puts his hand on your lower back and slides it up slowly to hook his arm over your shoulders.
“Worried?” You ask him.
“About Satoru? No, but, if we’re staying here we can’t let our guard down.”
You hum softly. “Well at night, we can patrol wherever we stay at,” you suggest. “If someone were to attack it’d be then, when our guard is supposed to be down more.”
“Yeah,” Suguru agrees and nods. “That’s true. We can patrol while Satoru stays with Amanai.”
Your lips tug to a teasing smile, yet before you can answer you can text message from Haibara.
Haibara: Understood! Thanks for letting us know. Is everything all right?
You: Yes, Satoru just changed his mind so don’t worry. Is everything okay over there?
You close your phone and finally tease Suguru. “I think you just want to get me alone, Sugar.” You snicker.
Suguru laughs. “It was your plan.”
You smirk and turn your head to look at him. “Yeah, it was so I wont deny my intentions. But,” you feign a pout. “We are meant to be on patrol, so.”
“I know that. Why? What did you have in mind?” He teases you back.
You shrug innocently and leave him wondering as you open your phone to read your new message.
Haibara: Clear waters over here, haha…
You snort at the message
Haibara: Nanami is just annoyed.
You: Love that haha, tell him not to lose his head, we’ll leave early in the morning and then head to a mission after!
“I have ice cream!” Satoru cuts in loudly and excitedly.
You turn back and see his grin as he runs over. You beam and leave your spot to meet him halfway along with Amanai, who’s just as happy.
“Sis, here’s your strawberry,” he says and hands you a cone with strawberry ice cream. “Amanai, you and Kuroi have vanilla. Suguru, you’ll get chocolate, and I’ll keep the last vanilla.”
“Thank you,” Amanai says before she takes her cones and walks back to her caretaker.
“So,” you blurt excitedly and step back to face both guys. “I was thinking—”
“Were you?” Satoru cuts you off with a playful smirk. “You don’t look like much of a thinker.”
Your face falls and a glower replaces the joy.
“Satoru,” Suguru warns him quietly.
Without asking you hand Suguru your phone and ice cream cone. Satoru does the same and begins to step back as he begins to snicker.
“Take it back,” you sneer at him and step forward. You then swing at him but he slides back, triggering you and causing you to lunge at him.
Satoru swerves you though, and begins to run away, making you run after him back towards the water, not catching Amanai’s concern.
“Are they okay?”
Suguru sighs and begins to slowly follow after the both of you. “Yes, it’s normal for them.”
When you make it into the water you manage to push your brother back, making him chuckle as he tries to capture your wrists.
You step back and since he seems to have his infinity off for this moment, you use your technique to grow a tall wave behind him. You then pretend to try and punch him so he gets distracted. And when he swerves you, you hurl the wave at his back, causing him to fall in the water face down.
You laugh at him evilly, and hear Amanai laugh along too from shore. Albeit just then unexpectedly hands wrap around your ankles and you get yanked down in the water, making you yelp out.
Satoru resurfaces and redirects his laugh back at you when you go quiet and look at him annoyed. However, that look only lasts for a few seconds because you can’t hold back and begin to laugh too.
The rest of the day is spent just like that moment, lighthearted and fun. Even if there was this shadow casted over everyone that didn’t bring anyone down, especially not Riko.
You went Kayaking to a river nearby, per your suggestion, since it is something you’d do with Satoru and your own caretaker when you were children. And Riko loved it, she especially loved watching the flying fish that you made out of water using your technique, and made to follow your boats. After that Kurio suggested an arcade and Amanai and you beat Satoru and Suguru multiple times. You followed by going on a walk where Amanai enjoyed the soft salty air, the colorful flower gardens, and that sense of freedom without having to worry about her responsibility.
You’ve known her for such a small amount of time but you were happy for her, you were happy to see her smile and not worry at that moment.
Now it might not be your day, you were here with everyone for a mission after all, but you can’t hide what you feel. You can’t push back your joy that you found in that moment too; with your brother, with your boyfriend, with the strangers that quickly became friends. Where you are.
“So,” you interject as you push your plate away and pull out the schedule. “We have room for something else before it’s someone’s bedtime…” you trail off and look at Riko across the table to point your eyes at her. She notices your implication and her jaw drops.
“I don’t have a bedtime,” she retorts, making Satoru and you snicker.
“Anyway,” you brush her off and let the paper go to rub the back of your neck as you feel this odd sensation you can’t put into words. All you know is that you feel it and it doesn’t last. It goes away just as fast as it came.
Thus you don’t pay mind to the feeling, instead you proceed to lean towards Suguru and lazily lay your head on his shoulder. “You should pick where you want to go next.” You lift your hand and gently begin to caress the back of Suguru’s neck.
“Well,” Riko mumbles before she averts her gaze and thinks hard.
After all your day activities, finally you were able to come and sit down to eat. It was such a relief after all the walking and sightseeing you did. Plus, seeing Satoru eat makes you feel reassured too, he’s been working hard and keeping up his cursed technique which takes a lot more from him than Suguru’s does.
“Can we go to the Aquarium?” Riko finally suggests, making your smile falter.
Yes Aquariums are impressive things, but Aquariums are something you hate. Its just, seeing all those innocent creatures stuck inside four walls for the rest of their lives is inhumane. Sure, when you pass by a small tank with fish you stop to admire them, but Aquariums? You hate them.
Yet you don’t say anything outloud or protest, you simply smile and nod to assure her. “Of course. That sounds like fun.” You pull your head off Suguru’s shoulder, and feel it again, that weird feeling on the back of your neck. This time though you don’t shrug it off, you feel the need to peer back, and that’s when you see a middle aged man at the other side of the patio sitting alone and with a newspaper in hand.
You manage to catch his green eyes already on you, but as soon as you do look at him he looks down at his newspaper.
Weird. Could he be after Riko?
Doubtful, he would’ve done something by now. He’s sitting calmly, and he wasn’t looking at her. He was looking at you. Plus as you focus on him you can tell that his cursed energy is low, he’s probably a mere non-sorcerer, so he shouldn’t be a problem, he’s probably just a curious man.
However, you get a…icky feeling in your gut at the mere sight of him. And it is the non-sorcerer cult that are after Riko, so maybe you should tell Satoru, have him use his six eyes to examine him from where you are.
Thus you look ahead again and lean over towards your brother, but when you do, from the corner of your eyes you catch that same mystery man getting off his chair and walking away. You try to watch him leave the restaurant, but a server walking out of the kitchen gets in your way.
Hm, perhaps it’s just your paranoia. You’re just finding enemies in strangers out of worry. So you let it go and instead watch the server walk to your table with a plate of larb. When he reaches your table he directs his smile at Satoru.
“Larb, on the house,” he shares and sets the plate down before he walks away with no other kind of information.
“Free food, how come?” Riko asks with disbelief.
You peer back and catch the young lady that had been your actual server, giggling with the cashier, letting you know what this was about.
“I think,” you interject teasingly as you look ahead and reach for the plate. “Those girls back there Larb you, Satoru.” You snicker and watch him with a grin.
Kurio giggles at your joke, but she's the only one. Riko looks at you annoyed, and Satoru looks back at the girls first before he looks at you with a disapproving frown that only makes you burst out laughing.
You feel Suguru’s stare so you face him and laugh harder. You’d explain the joke, but it wouldn't be funny that way so you leave it be and pick up your silverware to take in a small amount.
“You’re a dork,” Suguru tells you.
You shoot him a sweet smile as you chew your food. He shakes his head and playfully turns your head away with his hand. You snicker and when you swallow you grab more food and push the silverware towards him. “Want some?” You ask. “It’s very good.”
Suguru doesn’t say anything, he just leans forward and takes a bite. You giggle with glee and miss Satoru’s disgust upon seeing your interaction.
“What’s wrong with your face?” You hear Riko ask, making you look over with curiosity and put the silverware down.
“Nothing,” Satoru deadpans. “I’m. Fine.”
You look at your brother and notice his glare behind his shades, letting you know exactly what was wrong with him. He’s annoyed by your affection with Suguru. Like always.
You don’t let that bother you though. Instead, you scoop up more food and make sure he’s watching as you feed Suguru more.
Before you could even think of grabbing more Satoru takes the plate from in front of you and begins to eat it himself, making Suguru and you laugh softly to yourselves.
Sure Suguru and you have your boundaries when you’re with your brother, but there’s times where it’s fun to mess with him, he’s so quick to annoy.
“Are you okay?” You tease Satoru as you slowly pull your phone out.
Satoru slowly turns his head and looks at you with a feigned nonchalant expression you see right through—“fine,” he deadpans.
You open your phone and quickly snap a picture of him and you with his face all scrunched in annoyance.
“Erase that!” He exclaims and tries to take your phone, but you lean away and quickly press send.
“Ah yeah no,” you laugh. “I'm saving it, plus I already sent it to Shoko.” You shut your phone and beam at him.
Satoru glares at you and grumbles back, “you annoy me.”
You laugh at him and happily leave it at that.
Since you don’t like aquariums, there’s nothing you can say about your trip there. Riko enjoyed it and that’s all that matters about that.
What happened outside of that though is not something you can comment on a lot either. Since the day had been filled with so much to do, after dinner everyone was calmer and more worn out. Conversations once filled with laughter grew quieter and shorter. That’s especially the case after you left the aquarium.
Everyone was tired, ready to have the day end, but only Riko and Kurio could rest in the hotel room you rented. Satoru, Suguru and you fought your sleep and exhaustion to keep working. You were more fortunate to have joined in late so your exhaustion wasn’t as heavy’s as your brothers or Suguru’s.
Which is why you argued with Satoru especially.
“Look, I can stay here and watch over her, you should rest at least for a few hours. She needs you to be strong.”
Satoru sighs and carefully tucks his hands in his pockets. “I'm feeling fine,” he dares to rebuttal with his eyebags under his eyes. “Go out, patrol with Suguru. I will stay here. You have any trouble or find anything suspious call me.”
You step towards him and narrow your gaze on him so he can know you’re not playing around. “Satoru, listen to me. You haven’t slept, just sleep for three hours at most. Please,” you beg softly.
Rather than taking your advice, your brother offers you a charming smile. It’s one you know well and see often when he’s trying to assure you. “What have I told you?” He says. “I’m the older brother, you don’t need to worry about me. I worry about you.”
“Then keep me here,” you snap back, hoping he’ll listen so you can help him here. Maybe force him to sleep.
However, Satoru grabs your shoulder and turns you towards the hall door. “I trust you,” he says and takes Suguru’s shoulder too when he reaches him by the door. “And I trust Suguru to keep you safe,” he adds and lets Suguru go to open the room door and push you both out. “Now go, do your jobs. I’m sure you’re both dying to have some alone time.”
You part your lips to argue but your brother just shuts the door on you instead.
“Fucker,” you grumble and just shift around to just give up and walk down the hall to go to the stairs. “I swear I’m just going to…” you trial off and sigh in defeat. “He never listens to me.”
“Yeah,” Suguru agrees softly. “He’s stubborn, but you don’t need to worry about him. He’ll be fine.”
You rub your eyes and groan.
“He’ll be fine,” Suguru insists. “He’s strong.”
You nod and drop your hand to your side. “Yeah,” you sigh. “He’s strong, I know. He’s powerful, I know that too. But that doesn’t mean I should stop worrying about him. Strip that all away and he’s still my brother...” You trial off and exhale deeply. “I just…I know he doesn’t need me looking out for him, but…” you pause and sniffle as tears form in your eyes. “…if something happens to him I don’t know what I would do.”
If he were to be gone from your life you know from the depths of your heart that it would be like everything good of this world would cease to exist at that exact moment. That’s why you worry.
“Nothing is going to happen to him, I won’t let it,” Suguru says in a soft tone he uses when it's just the two of you. When you’re wrapped in his arms after a long day for the both of you. It’s the most assuring thing in the world. Nothing else beats it, nothing else has the power to actually calm you down the way he does.
Whereas Satoru is the good of this world, Suguru is the world itself, without either of them there’d be nothing. An empty, meaningless and cold void.
“I’m sorry,” you cut in unexpectedly. “I must sound childish.”
Suguru stops walking just as you reach the top of the stairs, making you stop and face him with slight confusion.
“No,” he says. “It’s not childish at all. You’re just a sister worried about her brother. It’s normal, no matter how old you are.” He offers you a kind smile that eases your worried heart. “I even admire it. So no, it’s not childish.”
You sigh with relief and let him cup your cheeks to lean in and steal a gentle kiss from your lips. You deepen the sweet gesture, but don’t rush it, you’re slow and gentle. You let yourself taste the minty taste of his mouth, you drown in the smell of his soft smelling cologne that clung onto him.
You take in this moment, like all the other times you’ve kissed as if afraid one of them would be your last. You linger in the moment without pulling back to breathe. But you don’t last in it or develop it any further because you know where that would lead to, so you pull back and just stay close to the point his breaths unfurl over the tip of your nose.
“I've been waiting to do that all day,” he whispers against your lips.
You flash him a soft grin and press one last kiss on his lips before you meet his gaze with pity. “I hate to do this,” you whisper. “I really do, but we should get back to work.”
Suguru laughs softly. “What? Are you sure that’s my girlfriend there?”
You playfully roll your eyes and turn swiftly to walk down the flight of stairs. “Oh, I want to, I really do,” you say over your shouder. “But you’ve been on my mind all day, so I have to stop myself before it leads to something else.”
Suguru snickers as he tows after you down the stairs. Once you reach the first floor you walk out of the closest door to get outside and begin your patrol.
“Anyway,” you change the subject. “I actually do want to give you something.”
Suguru falls beside you and presses curiously. “Do you?”
You smile wider and then dig in your sweater pocket to take out a wooden beaded bracelet that all connects with a single red thread.
“This is for you,” you tell him and stop walking when you’re past the hotel building and under the glimmering stars that are somewhat visible here. You proceed to grab his hand and bring it towards you.
“You gave me my red string bracelet,” you say and show it off as it sits on your wrist. “So now I will give you your own.”
Suguru’s lips pull to a sweet smile, and he stays quiet as he watches you instead of watching you put the bracelet on his wrist.
It’s only once you've secured the bracelet on his wrist that you notice his dark eyes on you; soft and glimmering with awe. You don’t ask him what’s wrong, you know that look, you see it all the time when he’s with you. Sometimes you wonder why he even looks at you like that, you wonder what you did to deserve being looked at the way he looks at you.
Yet even through your wonder you know you never want that look to disappear from his pretty face. You want to feel safe, loved and appreciated all the time. You never want another pair of eyes to look at you the same way he does. You just want him until there’s nothing making your heart beat, until you’re breathing your last breath.
And he should know that. He should know what you feel, he should know you ache for him in the best way possible. He should know that your heart always skips a beat when you see him, that when he looks at you the way he’s doing now all you feel is joy, hope and desire. He should know now as you stand under the starry sky, as you smell the salty air of the ocean, as you hear the distant waves crashing on the shore, as you feel each other's warmth since you stand so close. You may be on an important life threatening mission, but you need him to know.
It’s just three words.
A/N- Yall not ready for what’s to come 🥹
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lolliepops-rox · 1 year
I'm literally losing my mind over Morgan going back to Glenn. Particularly cos Anthony was so insistent about Glenn and Jodie being brothers. SO SORRY JODIE YOUR WIFE LEFT YOU FOR UR BROTHER. THEN WHEN U FINALLY MOVED ON, YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND ABSCONDED WITH UR NEW CHILD. Given that we know Nickie spends most of his time in hell, I think he's the only person who hasnt abandoned Jodie. Like damm jodie what a rough break oof.
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hoofpeet · 1 year
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Noticeable increase in wild zoruas in the Nimbasa area; Ingo and Emmet assume Spice is fucking around when in reality . Spice is surprisingly focused on work and Sugar is getting bitches all over town
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brownsugar4hersoul · 5 months
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diormarmont · 5 months
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dim20-stims · 6 months
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Princess Ruby of House Rocks and the Ending of The Sugarplum Fairy.
x x x - x 🌌 x - x x x
a lot of tags about my feelings about this scene below the usual tags!
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