#styxs wip
fatesosour · 9 months
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uh oh, im doing it again. new site working on haha.
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tench · 4 months
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It's french goblin time again!
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styxnstars · 5 days
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Wip, me when when when you when when when Papy,,,
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cinnamon2tyx · 2 months
WIP hi..... probably shouldnt have picked a 3 minute project for my first attempt at an animatic.... so in case it takes 5 years to finish this, here proof that i started sjkdasjkfsajfn
i have a script written out for the whole song and i will not settle for less... Also ignoring the fact that nobodies arent supposed to feel... Roxas is a crybaby in my heart.
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traumxrei-archive · 2 months
ooh what a nice surprise to see you back on dash, i hope you’re doing well and that you’ll get lots of fun commissions when you open them ^^
also you’re so real for the continuous twst brain rot, once it gets to you it’s not letting go, no matter if you post about it or not jsjsh (actually i’m pretty sure 90% of my brainrot goes unheard normally)
hello hellooo, it’s good to be back ^^
i’m doing good nowww (better than two days ago where i was fighting for my life writing my dissertation proposal *insert clawing at the walls jpg* BUT IT’S OK IT’S DONE NOWWW YIPEEE)
and i hope so too ! i’m looking forward to the commissions that people bring to the table as well >:DD
no,,,, oh my god my brainrotting gets SO bad, bc like i would end up making 28938943 wips and never finishing them bc in the middle i’d get an idea for another scenario, or au, and then i would just irresponsibly just go start writing it HHAHAHAHA— (at least when i write series to post. i know i need to stick to it. bc like. i need to update consistently,,,,but when i’m brainrotting alone i throw logic out the window.)
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styxpenz · 1 month
fun reminder i am Always still open for ask games....... even the one i reblogged like a month ago shddb
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styxjuice · 9 months
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Obey Me WIP. Recently got back into the game. Gonna finish the main story and then I’ll pick up Nightbringer.
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cyber-streak-2 · 8 months
WIP word ask game: worried
“The boy could only stare up at the ceiling. He didn’t know how long it had been since it had first happened—he’d lost track of time pretty quickly.
Are they worried? He thought, before sighing. He stared down at himself. They don’t know that I’m gone—that it’s not me.”
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lotusquil · 1 year
Unplaced Scene, per request of @descendantsteen , for Styx Sworn.
Kore's Ascension day, titled to Persephone; Goddess of Spring and budding life.
“Drinks? Drinks?” A series of cherubs flicked back and forth amongst the crowd of Gods, offering drinks and hors d’oeuvres before the celebratory dinner.
“Just a nectar with a brulee’d grapefruit for me,” said Persephone. The cherub turned towards Hades, expectantly.
“My usual.”
“Of course, Lord Hades, Lady Kore—Eep!” As the cherub made to move away, Hades reached out and yanked them by a wing.
“L-lord Hades, what are you—?”
“I believe today was the Ascension Day of Lady Persephone,” the King of the Underworld fiercely glared, ignoring the shock of the newly ascended Goddess.
“Apologize.” “Oh, i-it’s not a big dea—” “S-s-s-sorry, Lady Persephone!” meeped the cherub, who seemed to fly faster than Atalanta’s footwork the moment Hades’ fingers released their hold.
“L-Lord Hades, was that really necessary?” Persephone blushed. She had already begun to resign herself to still be called Kore by the other Gods, her mother leading by example in hardly ever using her given name. It was nice, she decided, to hear her stronger name come from the lips of someone with a powerful station.
“Respect is a very necessary thing, little Goddess.”
She wasn’t sure she was capable of blushing any brighter. Persephone nodded her thanks as a definitely different cherub brought over a tray of their ordered drink and food.
She blinked at the triangular glass of a glowing mixture with a living worm worming about. Hades, on the other hand, ecstatically picked it up, a grin on his face as he slurped the worm right down, chewing unfazed.
“Well…thank you?” She offered to the God as she took her own glass with charred grapefruit slices floating in a healthy helping of nectar.
“It’s just a bunch of the usual postering,” Hades rolled his eyes, though his smirk stayed. Persephone watched in morbid curiosity as the God swallowed the invertebrate. “Happy to help.”
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marialagidyne · 1 year
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i got a new car and i needed to make a sticker to add to it KSJDHGSLKDJF
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pepsiwriteswords · 7 months
whoo successful brainstorming! 🎉
did I need to answer the question(s) I just answered right now? no, not really. but they're questions that have been distracting me for a Minute & I'm glad to have an answer.
maybe now my brain will actually focus on writing the story. xP
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dangergggg · 7 months
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WIP- Persephone
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lostplanetvoltia · 10 months
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I forgot what I was doing, so here's 1/3rd of an unfinished mini comic. Will be done once I find/redo sketches of the next 2 pics.
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styxnstars · 2 months
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Wip, drifting into space 🌌
(Click for better quality)
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melanielocke · 1 year
I've not got the chance to send a proper ask until now, but congratulations for 150 followers, Nina!!!
I'm very glad you're on this hellsite and in the tsc/tlh fandom, with all you've done and in the general special sense of being mutuals <3
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So I thought, perhaps:
💭 for Edwin and Robin (I checked A Marvelous Light after I saw your recommendation btw, and generally enjoyed it!)
📃 whatever fic/story you worked on last, tell me how's it going and how do you feel about it? :3
And lastly, ✨ if I wish to send you a cute little gif of your favorite animal, what animal would that be?
I hope it's not much, and I wish you have a great week ahead of you! Congrats! 🥳
💭 I love them! I relate to Edwin especially (and am pretty sure he's autistic), but generally they're a very sweet and at times awkward couple which really stands in contrast with what will come in the later books (Hawthorn especially, since his romance story will essentially be asshole x asshole).
📃 I am currently working on an as of yet untitled m/m fantasy romance set in a world inspired by ancient Greece and the Roman empire.
The main character is Marius, the autistic husband of the Vallerican emperor. He is Kristeian originally, and his homeland was conquered by Vallerica not long after he was born. It was Marius' father who made this all possible by betraying his country, which is why they're close enough to the imperial royal family that Marius got to marry into that family.
When unrest and rebel activity in Kristeia becomes impossible to ignore, Marius volunteers to go back home and see if he calm down his people. While he understands their anger, and believes Kristeia should be free, he does not think that is realistic and worries that rebellion will only get a lot of people killed.
Lysander is a gladiator, fighting for people's entertainment rather than for the empire. But he's also a rebel, and wants nothing more than free his homeland and restore it to the way it used to be, something he's only heard in his parents' stories. When Marius comes to Kristeia, Lysander and his sister kidnap Marius with the idea of ransoming him back to the emperor in exchange for Kristeia's freedom.
Marius will have to choose between his husband, and what is right for his people, and in the cave system where he's held captive he discovers signs of an ancient weapon, something that might give Kristeia a fighting chance against the empire.
I am currently editing my first draft (nearly finished) and am really loving it. Marius is a very sweet and soft character, but at the same time he's lived in a position of immense privilege and has to figure out how to do what's right. Emperor Ambrosius was an interesting villain to develop because he's also Marius' husband and Marius loves him at the start of the story, so I had to develop him properly to show why Marius loved him, even if that love is misguided and the relationship is very unhealthy and unequal.
There's magic too! Essentially, in Kristeia everyone has magic (In Vallerica it's a bit more restricted) and it's given to people through a ritual when they're babies. Powers are typically small and limited. Marius' power is related to time. Specifically, he can reverse time a limited amount of times for up to five minutes, which is very helpful because he's autistic and in an environment with little room for error, so when he messes up, he can reverse time and try again. He can also slow down time and speed it up. Lysander's power is that he's immune to magic (unless he allows it in, for example to be healed), so when Marius reverses time he remembers everything and when Marius slows down or speeds up and Lysander is in his proximity, he'll join Marius at his speed. And Ambrosius (the emperor) can read a person's desire by touching them, and his biggest limitation is that he only reads one desire at the time and it's a little random what it is.
My biggest struggle is the title. For some books, it's easy. For example the Witch in the Woods is an obvious title since it's pretty much about a witch in the woods (and it refers to both the wicked witch and Gretel). Whereas with this book? There's a lot going on, there's magic, but that's not the main plot, there's romance, rebellion, what should the title even refer to? If someone has any title ideas pleas send them my way
✨ This is a difficult question but lately I did work on the Stars Collide a little and introduced Rostam being obsessed with penguins so I'm going to go with penguins
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fvfvxcvxcv · 11 months
I updated my blog for the first time in ages, and I've changed the colours for the first time ever since making it back in 2012! I'm just making this post so I can easily find those colours again if I ever want them back
#0B004D - Background
#FC4347 - Text
#60CAE0 - Highlight
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