linastudyblrsblog · 5 days
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Exam prep this week
A lot of things to review before the exam , using my flash cards to keep all the treatments in mind ( that’s one of the hardest task in my opinion)
Dermatology is fun until you have to memorise all the details ✨
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vee057 · 1 year
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"Without music, life would be a mistake." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche Tags #march #headphones #music #studentdiary #studentlifestyle #studentaesthetics #studentlife #studentenleben #diary #studyjournal #studybloggers #studyaesthetics #studyblog #studyspo #studyinspiration #studyaccount #studylife #studymotivation #studydiary #studyblr #studynotes #uni #college #legaleducation #lawschool #law #lawstudent #aestheticposts #studygram #veestudygram https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp75_itIj2C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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studieswithcoffeee · 1 year
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A choradeira desse semestre vai para…. Farmacologia clínica 🏆 #farmacologia #diabetes #medicação #enfermagem #nursemotivation #studygram #studyaesthetics #studygrambr #studies #university https://www.instagram.com/p/ClKRT4gvMOc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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globexconsultant · 10 months
Study Abroad Canada
Studying abroad in Canada offers an enriching and transformative experience for international students seeking top-notch education and cultural immersion. Canada has become a preferred destination for global scholars by boasting world-renowned universities and colleges. Study abroad Canada programs encompass a diverse range of disciplines, from engineering and medicine to arts and humanities.
One of the prime reasons students choose to study abroad in Canada is the country's commitment to academic excellence. Canadian institutions emphasize cutting-edge research and innovative teaching methodologies, ensuring students receive a top-tier education. Additionally, Canadian society's welcoming and inclusive nature fosters a conducive environment for international students to thrive.
Apart from academic merits, study abroad Canada programs also offer an opportunity to explore the country's breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cities, and multicultural communities. Whether hiking in the Rocky Mountains or experiencing the bustling urban life of Toronto, students can immerse themselves in Canada's diverse culture and create memories that last a lifetime.
Furthermore, study abroad Canada initiatives often include comprehensive support services for international students, including assistance with visas, accommodation, and cultural integration. This holistic approach ensures a smooth transition and enhances the study abroad experience.
In conclusion, study abroad Canada opens doors to a world-class education, cultural enrichment, and personal growth. With its exceptional academic offerings, welcoming environment, and awe-inspiring landscapes, Canada remains an attractive destination for students seeking a transformative international education experience.
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emili-a-a · 1 year
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Happy new year! Can't believe 2022 is already up omg. Such a weird year for me too because I've only got around 5 more months of school before exams and then I'll be going to university in September! It's gonna be a pretty big year for me so I'm ready for it to be a good one
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burned-out-baddie · 3 months
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100 Days of Productivity: Day 2/100
I swear by the end of the days where I work 11 hour shifts it I'm so exhausted all I want to do is stare at a wall.
Read through Pre Calculus modules (9 modules)
Completed 2 quizzes for Pre Calculus
Did a Pre Calculus homework assignment
Worked through 2 practice set questions for Chemistry
Read Chemistry textbook (10 pages)
Self Care:
Stocked up on my favorite Bath and Body Works scent because they finally brought it back
Had some Panera Bread iced tea
Bought a new journal
song of the day: She - dodie
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writergallery · 5 months
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melancholicxoxo · 1 year
tiktok wastes so much time aka why i deleted it.
this all started a few days ago when i happened to look through my screen time on my phone. i saw that i spent an average of 3 hours everyday on tiktok. one of those days i spent 6 HOURS on tiktok. those hours are hours i will never get back. i could have studied, or worked out, or read a book, or spent time with my family. or at least anything other than tiktok. i felt completely disgusted.
so, i decided to make a change. i got my dad to set a screentime passcode on my phone. i set a 20 minute limit to tiktok everyday. i assumed that i would use up that 20 minutes completely. but to my surprise, on my first day, i ended up only using it for 7 seconds. i didn't get an urge to look at it at all. and today, i've completely deleted the app.
i know that social media is a big distraction and i know that we all have goals that we want to achieve and don't get me wrong, social media can be a great thing, but its necessary to focus on what's most important -- studying.
it might be daunting to delete the app at first, so here are some steps that you can take.
set a limit and have someone hold you accountable
this is basically what i did. before that, i set myself a limit but i found myself just pressing the ignore button every time. so, i got my dad to set a code so i couldn't bypass it at all. this way, you can limit yourself to only using it for a certain period of time.
sign out of your accounts
this is actually something i saw in a thomas frank video, but its just signing out of your account. drafts are still saved in tiktok even if you sign out btw. and if you need to use it, you'll think twice since you have to sign in again. its just an extra barrier between you and the app.
replace the app with something else.
whenever you get the urge to use tiktok or whatever other social media app, place it next to another app that actually increases your learning/productivity. for example, duolingo, quizlet, clozemaster, or something else that you consider to be less time wasting.
hope these tips are actually somewhat useful and remember summer is coming
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i had 2 tests this week and 5 more in the next month, so stressed rn!!!
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sweetchotimochi · 2 years
how to do well in classes you don’t like ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
We all have classes that we don’t like, and usually we don’t do the best in them. Here are some ways I combatted that to make sure I did well.
Read the syllabus or marking scheme: imo, this is the best way to get acquainted with what you have to do for the class overall. It's easier knowing how much you have to do to get a certain grade. Finding out the criteria for something makes it easier to handle those tasks especially for things you don’t like. Systemically handling such tasks makes sure that you don’t stress for that paper or project in the longer run.
Try to get interested or find something connected that you like to get more immersed in: I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again. Studying is boring but learning is fun. I had to take a required art class last year which really annoyed me, and the teacher wasn’t the best. But this was overruled over the fact that I really loved art and history. The world is full of interesting things; you can definitely find something you like in any subject you are learning, even math! This method serves as a motivator; for example, if you really like learning about black holes, studying for relativity in your physics class would help you understand more about them.
Always revise over what you are doing wrong: Another way to understand how to get the best grade in a class you don’t like is to look at how well you do on tests and grades. Most people don’t do well in these classes. You can look over what you have done wrong, and go back and see what the teacher is looking for in classes. Don’t overthink about how bad you did; instead, find what your teacher was looking for in your answer. This way, you know exactly how to answer next time. It’s another way to find out the criteria for how much effort you need to put in.
Ask for help: Another great way to do the best is ask help from someone you know is well-versed in a specific subject. If you really don’t understand what is going on in class, asking for help eases that stress. You’ll be surprised as to how well this method works.
Celebrate your successes: This is a great motivator. Finished that long paper? Take a break, watch a movie, have some fun. You’ve done a lot for something that has been causing you stress. You deserve it.
Consider dropping: If you really are feeling stressed, look for other options. Sometimes a class feeling like a burden has an immense impact on your grades. Think about how much this class is worth. Talk to your counselor. Are there other options? Other classes? Do you need to take this? It’s okay to drop something you don’t like if its really impacting your grades and your health.
I wish you guys all the best. It is really a big feat to do well in a class that you don’t like. Have fun and don’t take to much stress. Good luck!
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itsmedaithi · 1 year
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it’s the new year, which means new ways to be productive! 🏷️ #studygram #studymotivation #studywithme #studyblr #study #studying #stationery #student #studyinspiration #studyspo #desksetup #studyaesthetic #deskdecor #studynotes #studyhard #pinterest #pinterestaesthetic https://www.instagram.com/p/CnnQYmpIhGq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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strbrymlk · 1 year
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hello! ive been mia lol, but it's been really busy! my recital is this saturday and im a little nervous, im not going to lie. I WILL SAY though, that i feel way more prepared then i did last semester, and so i'm very thankful for that.
i had a productive weekend!
finished music history research paper (2000/2000 words HAHA)
finished jazz research paper too! that one was a lot easier
rehearsal with pianist, feeling good!
bought my dress for my recital!
had a REALLY good flute lesson, hoping i can keep up the momentum!
i got so much done this weekend that i've lowkey been chilling in classes, though i do have some stuff i need to get done this weekend too!
linguistics homework #4
catch up on pedagogy assignments
anyway, yeah that's basically it :)
ive been playing switch more as de-stresser and ALSO as a way to prepare for tears of the kingdom (IM SO EXCITED)
i went home for spring break and took this photo, i thought it was neat!
i go to starbucks in the mornings i dont have class to take notes and catch up on busy work mainly, so this is what my set up always looks like
went out with my other flutists in the wind ensemble for a social sectional, and had this gorgeous chai. my friend got a pretty latte :)
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vee057 · 1 year
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Tick tock ⏳ Quote from Tumblr Tags #studentdiary #studentlifestyle #studentaesthetics #studentlife #studentenleben #diary #studyjournal #studybloggers #studyaesthetics #studyblog #studyspo #studyinspiration #studyaccount #studylife #studymotivation #studydiary #studyblr #studynotes #uni #college #lawschool #law #lawstudent #aestheticposts #studygram #veestudygram #quote #studyquote #dailymotivation #university (at Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2kCj9I82y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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socstudies · 9 months
july, 2023.
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if birth is something that is given to me, why don't i have it?
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princetofbone · 11 months
Summer Studying Tips
As it around the time schools get out for summer, I wanted to share some tips I’ve learned over my many years of doing summer math homework and writing essays for various purposes. I’ve done this enough to know that there are really fucking painful ways to do it and ways that don’t suck nearly as much. Lets get cracklakin!
- Ideally you should start early. This post is happening at the start of summer because you should start your studying at the beginning of summer. I like to organize my workload in a bell curve for maximum rest and least amount of cramming at the end. This means that you are starting the summer with a smallish amount of work (to rest and do fun things to reset from the schoolyear), and doing more and more every day as the summer progresses (helps stave off boredom and gets things done), and then start doing less to re-rest yourself so you can be fresh and ready for the next year. All of this while still being finished with no need to cram a bunch of work in at the end of the summer.
- While this is a different aspect of “timing” it is, in my opinion, more important.  Have a set time (or many set times you rotate between) to do your summer work. Make sure this time is not when other people are going to be inviting you to things or when you can hear or see people outside doing fun things. For me, this means at four or five in the morning. I wake up and get as much done as I can before six, then have the rest of the day to relax without worrying about  having to do anything. This method was practically beaten into me, so I kinda hate it, but I can tell my father to go fuck himself and still use tools he forced upon me. I know many people who only work at noon because they like sitting outside in the morning sun and they hang out with friends in the evening. Overall for this one, just make sure that the time you pick isn’t a time where you typically do something because the worst feeling in the world is fomo while studying- it kills nay and all motivation.
I feel like every study tips post known to man says something or rather about how important location is- and it is super important! Like super super important! but no-one talks about why it is so important. And that good locations for studying depend on who you are and how you do work. I personally struggle to work in cafes because I can hear people talking and I’m nosey as hell. I have friends who can’t work in libraries because the quiet + book noises freaks her out. I can’t work in my kitchen because its nearly impossible for me to focus there. the main things I think about before I try working in a new space are 
1) how loud will it be
2) what kind of noise will it be
3)have I spent time there before doing something else (that my mind will want to do more than study)
4) is it somewhere I have the space to study + internet
5) will I run into someone I know
6) can I be there a decently long amount of time without paying/not paying very much?
7) what is the temperature like
8) what is the likelihood of a kids club showing up
obviously these criteria are different for each person, but they might be a good jumping off place- because it is summer and most kids are getting out of school, avoiding places that will be overrun with them is probably a good idea. In addition, make sure to settle down in a place that is a comfortable temperature and a place where the temp wont fluctuate too much.
I think overall this is the most important thing to keep in mind. It doesn't matter how well you plan out when and where you will be doing your work, it is hell to do if you don’t want to do it. 
I’m not going to tell you to love your subject, but if it is something that you don't like, that feels pointless, and you think it has absolutely no impact on your future, it’s going to be a nightmare to get done. I have no tips for you if you are in this situation.
If you don’t want to do it because it is annoying, but it’s a necessary class that you need to take, that works great! put on some fun music and force yourself to do it. It will suck but if it is part of your major or in any way connected to something you like or are passionate about, follow those connections. For example, I was in this awful writing class last semester. The teacher was bad and there was nothing really to be learned. it was a class i had to take solely for the credits. I decided that I was going to be obnoxious and write every damn essay about corsetry and the patriarchy. I swear to got I have 80 pages of writing about the damn subject. I should be publishing a book at this point. (I was one of my favorite classes that semester bc I had so much fun with the topic)
If you don’t want to do it because it’s hard, buckle up and open khan academy and YouTube. nearly every subject known to man is covered in some level on those two sites, and if that fails, find an alternate textbook to the one you have and see if having two perspectives makes it make sense. 
If it’s something you want to do but just cant force yourself to do and you’ve been scrolling for hours, go brush your teeth, change clothes or take a shower and start trying to do your work somewhere new.
I hope one of these helped, and if you have more ideas/tips pls let me know bc I’m writing this to procrastinate on my own summer work.
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emili-a-a · 7 months
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Super old photos just because I don't have anything to post! I did edit photos but I've got absolutely no clue where I saved them oops
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