#straight boy watches tgcf
biboomerangboi · 8 months
Update on making my straight boy roommate watch TGCF with me. We’ve made a name chart:
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I’ll add as the season goes on but so far I’m trying to keep him as spoiler free as possible so these are what he’s come up with.
Post episode 10 updates:
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frog-the-author · 13 days
Before the story began: The Beginning.(fixed! I just fix the grammar and spelling errors and mistakes.)
This is original posted on my Wattpad account and I’m just posting it here.
This is just me explaining some things that is in the description of the book/story.
Let me get you guys straight. This a basically Hercules x tgcf au and the owner of the au is @purplew who let me write about this story and it very happy that I'm making this and I have been looking forward for this story and some of the characters will out of character to fit or some of the characters won't have to be out of character but some will...I think.
I watched the movie for the idea and what I think it will be good for it and whole bunch of things and I'm writing this at night on my phone! So that's even more great!
Thanks again for @purplew for letting me write this! Plus this my first time wring a fanfic for someone/somebody! You can find them on Tumblr some got check them out if you want!
I'm really excited about this! It been over a month that I got permission to do this but I never a have an idea for it until now! I'm happy that I'm finally able to type it for you guys so you can all read it! I'm very grateful for this!
But anyways let begin our story!
A story about Lang Qiu qian as Hercules!
And his adventures and how he save his home and the people he loves from Jun wu! Let's the story begin!
"Long ago in the land of Ancient China there was a golden age of powerful gods and extraordinary hero's across the lands of China. The greatest and strongest of them all was Lang Qiu Qian! But what is the measure of a true hero?  That's what our story is—." The narrator was stopped mid sentence by a muse."Will you listen to him?" Said a man with long beautiful hair that is up in the tight bun with some bangs on the side of his face and will have an annoyed face with his arms crossed over his chest. The person next to him has long hair just like him but with a high ponytail but some of his hair is out of the ponytail and has bangs across his face. There is another person as well. He has long hair that is up in a bun and the rest of it loose and he has his fan in his hand with a hand on his hip. Last but not least is another guy who has the most beautiful black hair , a very high ponytail and one long bang on the right side of his face.
"His making the story sound like some tragedy!" Said Shi Qingxuan while putting one of his hands on his hip and the other one on his forehead and let out a dramatic sigh. "Light up dude." Mu Qing said then uncrossed his arms. "We take it from here darling~." Shi Qingxuan said smiling softly and now he has his hands on his hips. "You go boys." The narrator said with his deep and monologue voice in existence. (A/N: just imagine groovy music playing in the background.) "We are the Muses." Mu Qing said while the rest of them posed next to him and while he raised his arms in a pose. "Gods of the arts and proclaimers of heroes." Feng Xin continued from Mu Qing words.
"Hero's like Lang Qiu Qian." Xuan said while removing his arms across from his chest and walked next to the rest of them. "You mean Lang-QiuQian!" Shi Qingxuan said dramatically while fanning his fan back in and forth with his left hand. Then he walked towards a painting of Lang Qiu Qian and stood next to it. "Oooo~ I would like to make some sweet music with~." He says with a smile coming from his lips. Then Feng Xin glances at him while saying. "Our story actually began long before Lang Qiu Qian." "Many eons ago.." He Xuan continued off from Feng Xin. "Ooh!" Shi Qingxuan sang in a high tone. "Back when the world was new." Mu Qing sang and went towards others and formed a line. "The plant earth was down on its luck." He Xuan sang and Shi Qingxuan followed them in the line and began to walk with them in a line and while they walked in the line there were paintings of gods and goddesses.
"And everywhere gigantic brutes called titans ran up!" Shi Qingxuan sang and the rest of them walked towards a painting of the titans and they were moving and they were throwing stones and rocks and ruining the earth. "It was a nasty place." He Xzan explained in a singing voice. "There was a mess whatever you stepped!" He Xuan continued to explain while singing. "Where chaos reigned." Mu Qing sang after He Xuan while continuing the story. "And the earthquakes and volcanoes never slept." Feng Xin continued after him while still singing. "Woo! Say it girlfriend!" Shi Qingxuan explained.
Then they were not by the painting any more; they were in a different area of the room. There is a painting of Tai Yong'an.(A/N: Not his office name because we don't know his real name yet and same thing with his wife.) "Then along came Tai Yong'an!" They all sang in unison while pointing up at a painting of Tai Yong'an who is Lang Qiu Qian's father. Then the painting begins to move and it shows him aiming at the titans with his arrows and using his spirit energy with it together. "He hurled his arrows!" They continued to sing together. "He shot! Locked those suckers in a vault! They're trapped! And on his own stopped chaos on its tracks!" And now they are lined up next to each other with spaces between them and behind them is white wall.
"And that's gospel truth!" They sang with excitement. (A/N: Imagine upbeat music in the background.) "The guy was too type a to just relax!" They continue while they dance to the music while they sing. "And that's the world's first dish." He Xuan sang. (A/N: image the upbeat is now calm and more relaxed but have some upbeat to it but not that much.)  "Yeah baby!" Shi Qingxuan sang after him. "Tai Yong'an tamed the globe while still in his youth." Feng Cin sang but more calmly. "All though, honey it may seem impossible!" They all sang together again. (A/N: Upbeat music in the background again.) "That's the gospel truth!" They sang together while putting their left hand on their chest while the other one was raised in the air. Then they put their hands and arms down, then they pointed at a painting of Heaven and they sang. "On the Heavens life was neat!" They continued to sing.
"And smooth and sweet vermouth!" They ran in circles in the same area "Although honey, it may seem impossible!"  Then they spin and continue singing. "That's the gospel truth!" (A/N: Imagine upbeat and humming in the background.) Now if the sky is clear as day there are farms with animals eating grass or hay that their owners give them to eat and small towns and a house on a hill that have a lot of grass on it then there is the Heavens where gods and goddesses and officials work and live.
This is where our hero Lang Qiu Qian story begins! This is just the beginning of our hero! He will face many things in his life but will face them like a true hero his!
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fallloverfic · 5 months
TGCF donghua Season 2, Episode 9 thoughts
This episode T-T Very good ep. Spoilers for the show and the book below.
Qi Rong looks really pretty aldkjaldja I mean yes, he looks like Xie Lian, duh, but also alkdjal he just looks pretty <.< I really like his braided hair :3 I think they did a good job making the two of them similar enough without being identical. It's the little things like his hair style and mouth movements that sell it.
The gentle Xie Lian hand touch on Hua Cheng's back T-T
Hua Cheng like no I am not stopping because there is an injustice here that is hurting you and I refuse to let it slide even if I have to hurt you to do it.
They really got across Hua Cheng's rage at Qi Rong really well. Like obviously he spent last episode beating Qi Rong up and he's doing that again here, duh, but it's just... there's a lot of stuff they do with Hua Cheng's other movements and expressions that's just really excellent.
Okay the angry budaoweng Lang Qianqiu crawling out of Xie Lian's robes and jumping on the ground next to writhing Qi Rong just... the animation is so good. It's a really good-looking scene.
Distracted by Qi Rong bein pretty.
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Xie Lian insisting on keeping up the partial lie because it's better than the whole truth T-T
Qi Rong looks so happy to discover it's Xie Lian! His cousin! And of course it's really because he's making the connection between Fangxin and Xie Lian, but like... for a moment you can think about the little boy who loved his cousin who came to his rescue, and idolized him.
Qi Rong's laughter is animated really well. I just love all the details when the characters are all standing together.
Another gentle Xie Lian on Hua Cheng hand touch T-T He really doesn't want Hua Cheng to dirty his hands dealing with Qi Rong. Am I thinking about Qi Rong being used to bullies and scorn and unsurprised this last family member turned their back on him, it's just normal, nope, not at all.
I do like the way Qi Rong's hair pillows over his jacket collar.
aslkdjaldj Qi Rong rolling over in laughter is just alkjdalj
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I love this terrible man your honor. Love him.
Xie Lian fightin his own fights against Qi Rong. Love him. I love Hua Cheng always going to Xie Lian's defense and honestly nothing that Xie Lian doesn't typically defend himself (for various reasons), but really, Xie Lian just keeps himself in reserve a lot. He can dish it out as he pleases. The first thing to know about any weapon is when not to use it. And Xie Lian does love his weapons.
Hua Cheng watching Xie Lian slap Qi Rong: -new kink unlocked-
(I mean he's always been into Xie Lian hitting people but the way they framed Hua Cheng's awed expression while the dramatic theme plays made me lol)
Xie Lian... not... stoppin Hua Cheng slowly step towards Qi Rong this time... >:3 (this entire episode is so fun with movement, just love it so much)
I truly love that Xie Lian, who is generally viewed as weak by just about everyone, does not even remotely view Lang Qianqiu as a martial rival. Like he is not even remotely intimidated by this guy. He knows Lang Qianqiu's abilities, that he's a full on god with a lot of power (unlike Xie Lian, who's wearing two cursed shackles). But Xie Lian can and will still take him on. Not using power doesn't make you weak. Knowing when and how to properly use it is what matters, and that's a theme throughout the story, but this episode/arc in particular.
roflmao what did Hua Cheng do to Qi Rong before stepping off of him. Qi Rong's Chinese VA is doing a great job.
Aww the Hualian animal masks. With matching red pearl earrings. Cute.
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Xie Lian catching the plates just alkjdlaj That straight left leg. Love him.
I also still really love how much of Fangxin's outfit is butterflies.
Qi Rong comin in to spoil everything :/ Terrible man. Love him tho.
Also I didn't realize but a couple episodes ago the ending credits animation changed a little, and it's very pretty!
A wonderful episode! Had some more bad English sub moments, but it wasn't the worst. The beautiful animation, character movements, little character moments and interactions, everything happening just... It was really good. Loved it.
Also wanna boost this really good post-coffin scene Hualian fic I read ages ago.
Other episode thoughts for season 2 (didn't start till episode 3):
S02E09 (you are here)
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frostwork · 5 months
I always end up giving nicknames to characters/media im focused on like i had plenty when i watched the untamed and tgcf is no different like no im not calling it the full name in either language or the acronym i described it as “it makes me heeheehaha” to the person i was selling it to for watching with and it stuck
Its heeheehaha in quick conversation our messages are deranged.
Hua Cheng is the only character thats escaped he gets respect because im very gay you see
If I dont feel like saying Xie Lian’s name its precious angel, darling, special princess, gods favorite hes been getting a new one every week
Black Water - wet devil
Shi Qingxuan and Ming Yi -the lgbt
Qi Rong - that cunt or the f word tbh
Jun Wu - god / daddy
General Pei - that bitch / the straight one / chad god
Mu Qing and Feng Xin - hate sex
Fu Yao and Nan Feng - the college boys
Lang Qianqiu- baby boy
Ling Wen - god siri / alexa (the english dub honestly brilliant choice there guys she didnt have a fun nickname from me before)
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ultracaramela · 3 years
Top 10 favorite characters in tgcf
also can you believe it, it wasnt too long ago that you shared the tgcf carrd to me and now i’m in this too deep???? Thank you for that again btw (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
It’s 6am from where I am but every time is a perfect time to talk about TGCF. Here we go!
1. Xie Lian
I could write a sonata with how much I love this boy. He’s not perfect and that’s what amazing about him, all the misfortunes, torture and disasters that happened to him should’ve turned him into a calamity but he’s just that GOOD and his character now is a perfect mix of all the goodness of the world and a little dash of attitude, enough for him not to take bullshit from anyone (like he gonna risk his life for you but also not shy to smack qi rong around you know?) GAAHHH I LOVE HIM
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2. Hua Cheng
HAVE YOU SEEN THE DUDE? Nah jk because even if he looks like rags, his complete devotion to XL (i’m in love with mxtx because of how she wrote HC), is an absolute fairytale. Despite his overprotectiveness he doesnt lose his absolute respect for XL’s decisions, he just cold sweats as he watches him make the most dangerous decisions humanly possible (SWALLOW A SWORD? REALLY???), its pure love, he is pure love
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3. Yushi Huang
SHE’S JUST A POWER CHARACTER!!! She was introduced the latter part of the book but the moment she appeared and everything clicked together, like how she helped XL with Yong ‘an and how she keeps saving the whole circus that is the upper court and the princess who slit her throat???? PURE BADASSERY. I love how she’s so subtle yet so essential especially how even Jun Wu wasn’t able to do anything to her
4. Mu Qing
he’s got that attitude that would make you hate him but he’s just emotionally constipated, it can be seen in the novel how he truly cares for both FX and XL and that’s endearing for me (i wanna be your f-f-friend! 😞 ) also I’m a sucker for pretty boys??? Mu Qing's design in the manhua is *chef’s kiss*
5. Feng Xin
Because he’s the perfect sidekick, he’s loyal and he’s gonna laugh at your stupid jokes and most importantly, he’s got his principles straight, when he promises he come through and he knows his duties and i love that about him
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6. Quan Yizhen
this fluffy child deserves all the love!!! he’s been misunderstood before he even ascended and he didn’t even do anything wrong!!! It’s way he seeks out his shixiong despite rejection and the subtle admiration he has for XL (yes everything abt my fave characters is how they are to XL) He’s just a pure child I wanna protecc
7. He Xuan
yeah he killed Shi Wudu but meh kinda deserved? If one goes through the things he did, isnt it understandable, besides its not as if he’s like White Clothed Calamity, killing off and traumatizing centuries of people, he was just getting his revenge, plus I’m loving that he seems to be the closest thing HC has to a friend (HE PUNCHED HIM TO THE GROUND I CANT WITH THEM T_T)
8. Pei Ming
I talked about him in my previous post, about him ending the novel with the most improved image and how he is a misogynistic son of a btch BUT he is honest and genuine and even HC acknowledges that he isn’t a shady man. Also one of Hualian’s earliest supporters
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9. Shi Qingxuan
i mean duh??? purest boy ever, I feel like he’s the one that made XL experience true friendship yk? like FengQing are more like retainers, HC is a devoted believer, SQX is a mutual friendship like, he does things for XL (who can forget how he defended XL’s purity infront of the whole upper court?? he failed but still!) XL does things for him and them together is just the best friendship ever???
10. Ruoye/ E-Ming
they’re characters right?? Idk why I picked them over other characters but I find them adorable when they show emotions to their owners, like ruoye nuzzling XL or with e-ming rebelling against HC, trembling with excitement at the sight of XL, they’re amazing little weapons uwu
*look at lil ruoye dancing like a snake 😭
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There you have it! I wasnt asked for the reason but I went ahead and rambled because that’s me as a person also because I’m in LOVE with MXTX for creating an amazing set of characters, making them all out to have flaws and grave mistakes yet incredibly loveable at the same time. IT WAS SO HARD TO CHOOSE!! 😭
Anyway, I enjoyed answering this ask so thank youuu ❤️
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veliseraptor · 4 years
Thoughts on heaven's official blessing?
asldkjsdfl so I’ve talked about TGCF probably being my favorite of the three MXTX novels (though as I’m rereading SVSSS I’m loving it a lot more than I did the first time around) and it really is, though I feel like...I struggle to articulate exactly why? but I guess a few things that come to mind:
One of the things I really love about TGCF is how dense it is. There’s just so much going on, which is why I’ve found it so rewarding to reread - obviously on first read there’s all the little bits of foreshadowing/irony that become clearer once you know everything, but also there’s just so much going on sort of half in the background that feels just as rich as the foregrounded story. 
It rewards rereading because, especially given the sprawl of the thing (which is, I’d say, its weakness but not something that I totally mind, if I like a story and its characters enough I can deal with a lot of sprawl, Wheel of Time was my first fandom), you can kind of focus in on different things every time and get something fresh out of it. Or at least something more.
Also just! Xie Lian as a protagonist! Hits my buttons of “person who has been through hell and still come out trying very, very hard to be a decent person.” He’s...just a delight. He knows how bad the world can be, he knows how bad he himself can be, he has so much guilt and self-loathing going on but in this very quiet muffled easy-to-miss sort of way because he’s so unfailingly pleasant. And he just wants people to be happy. He wants to do the right thing, as much as he can, and expects very little for himself.
Hua Cheng might also be my favorite ~love interest~ of the three MXTX novels? I mean, obviously, he hits a lot of my buttons straight on the head repeatedly even if I am like. Someone please give this boy friends and a sense of independent self-worth, please, I’m begging you. 
Black Water Arc gave me a lot of good and I’m really looking forward to reading it a third time, yes I am. He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan both have climbed into the ranks of Faves for me, very rapidly, I love them both very much and their mess of an everything. and last reread Quan Yizhen and Yin Yu came up and punched me in the feelings too?? so that happened. and Mu Qing??? Mu Qing and Xie Lian’s relationship and everything about it??????
but like. all the ways this work, like all of MXTX’s, plays with specifically thematic things that I love: identity, the question of how identity is shaped by or created by external pressure, ALL THE FUCKING MIRRORING AND PARALLELS, power and abuse of power, cycles of revenge (and breaking those cycles)...the constructed nature of villainy! 
anyway I feel like MXTX and I actually vibe a lot on Specific Themes We Find Interesting and apparently TGCF just hit a really sweet spot for that.
(or maybe I just like the translation best.)
anyway tl;dr version is that while TGCF is very long and the plot sort of meanders I love it very much and watching the donghua is forcing me to experience it slowly as opposed to just devouring it in four large gulps a la He Xuan which is probably “good” or whatever but also very hard.
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elencelebrindal · 3 years
If I'm not mistaken you've now read/watched the three mxtx works and WoH. How would you rank them following personal preference? Which main couple did you like the most? Favorite plot twists in all four?
Yep, I did. I still have to read Faraway Wanderers though. Can't wait to.
This came out to be quite a long post, so I'll put it under the read more thingy.
Now, how would I rank them?
I'll have Tian Guan Ci Fu at the top, no doubts. It's my absolute favorite among all these four, and will probably remain my favorite even after I finally get to read the huge thing that's 2ha. It's the perfect balance of a story with no characters left unexplained (except for the minor ones and RIP Hua Cheng's backstory, why did mxtx rob us so much), of characters being unique all in different ways, and of a romance that, while being absolutely the main focus of the novel, is not overwhelming. For me, an aro/ace person, the romance written in TGCF is so good that it made even me stupidly happy. I don't get such big smiles on my face while reading my own romantic content.
This is the ONLY novel I've ever read that doesn't have a single character I hate in it. Only one, maybe two at most, that I dislike. That's it. Everyone's good. Everyone.
Then I'll definitely have Word of Honor. Just like TGCF, it's a really good balance between an interesting story (I was literally squirming in my seat while impatiently waiting for things to be revealed, enjoying every second of it) and a subtle romance that was still obvious enough to make me wonder what the hell happened with censorship in this drama. Not that I'm complaining though.
Almost all the characters are incredibly good. They have depth to them, all the main ones have either a satisfying backstory or a beautifully crafted development.
And this is it for the ranking. I wrote way more than I should have, but oh well.
After that, it's a tie between Mo Dao Zu Shi and Scum Villain. I don't want to favor one over the other, because I genuinely like them the same. Scum Villain is really underrated, and while I understand it somewhat, it's really unfair.
MDZS (and The Untamed) has a story that draws you to it, especially if you (like me) have an obsession with all things dark and spooky and terrifying like the demonic cultivation in this, like the whole mystery they have to solve with body parts leading them to the solution. The drama, as good as it was, really didn't do justice to the spook factor of using dismembered parts of a corpse to move around.
SVSSS is straight up weird, literally an isekai but make it Chinese. I think the best part of it is Shen Yuan panicking and cussing everyone out every time something happens around him, though... I really loved the story and the way it played out. I especially liked how the novel kept mentioning Proud Immortal Demon Way and compared the events of that book to the events that were happening in that book's world.
But why do I prefer Word of Honor to them? Well, it's simple. There's some aspects of the romance that don't resonate well with me.
WangXian is a beautiful couple, and they deserve all the happiness in the world (they have a canonic son!!!!!!!!), but Wei WuXian's initial obliviousness made me really uncomfortable at times. Not because he didn't know Lan WangJi was in love with him (the fool! thank goodness for Guanyin Temple), but because he kept teasing Lan WangJi about it while the latter was drunk. I mean, I get it. If you don't know, you don't realize what you're doing. But as a person that easily suffers from people making fun of me behind my back... it kinds struck a nerve. I still love them to pieces, though, they're so good together.
BingQiu, well... this is a rollercoaster of a couple. Again, I absolutely love them together, but some parts come off almost as scenes where consent is thrown to the wind. As a reader you know Shen QingQiu is willing and in love (gods, they married each other, I'd be a fool to say the opposite), but there should be a limit to how many times a willing person should say "No" in such a novel. This is mostly me being my aro/ace self, though. I don't really understand what goes on in the world of intimacy between people because I (literally) don't give a fuck, so I'm probably reading too much where there's too little. Don't take this as me not liking BingQiu, I'm in love with them and I desperately need more content.
Favorite plot twists, eh? Okay, big SPOILER ALERT from here onwards. And I mean it. BIG. SPOILER. ALERT.
Now, which main couple did I like the most?
Hualian. I don't even need to think about it. Bonus point because they're both out of their minds and the extras show it.
I said it before, and I'll say it again. I never have smiles so big and goofy in front of anything else, not even my own stuff. Hualian genuinely makes me happy.
Stop reading if you haven't finished all four of these, please.
Okay, here I go.
Wen KeXing faking his death and telling basically everyone but Zhou ZiShu.
The villain being Zhao Jing; I was actually fooled and thought the main bastard of the series was Gao Chong.
Episode 35, and I'm not saying anything else. Although, as soon as that son of a bitch put his hands on Cao Weining's face like that, I genuinely knew what was going to happen.
The hairpin being the key for the armory. That was so stunning I had to pause the episode for a second and take a walk around the house.
Jin GuangYao being the villain. And being an amazing villain, on top of that.
Nie Huaisang. Fuck's sake, that man fooled the entire fandom just like that. I don't think many people realized he was the one behind everything.
The golden core transplant reveal. I'm sure that more experienced readers and viewers (aka people that had read/watched a ton more cultivation world stuff) had hints of it, but when I watched The Untamed I never read/watched anything remotely close to this genre. It hit me like a brick and I sat in front of the screen in shock.
Shang QingHua being Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky. It's such a silly thing, but it made me pause for a good five minutes. I wasn't expecting it in the slightest.
The whole thing with the Old Palace Master. The man belongs to the dumpster he never got thrown into.
Tianlang-Jun not actually being the villain. Poor demon, he just wanted to continue with the questionable hobby of reading porn and daydreaming about Shen QingQiu's relationships.
I think I had another one, but it's late and I'm probably forgetting it.
Oh boy, where do I belong? Ah yes, the entirety of book 4. Took me out on the spot.
Jun Wu being Bai WuXiang completely blew me away. That was probably the biggest plot twist in the history of plot twists.
Also, Ling Wen knowing, and her being the creator of the Brocade Immortal.
Fu Yao and Nan Feng being Feng Xin and Mu Qing. For some reason, even if it's kinda obvious when you take a good look at them, it never clicked before being revealed.
On the same note, Ming Yi being He Xuan, and the Earth Master being actually dead. What a ride that arc has been for me.
One of the most important details, however... I got it myself. The ring Hua Cheng gives to Xie Lian. I see so many people saying that they didn't expect the ring to be his ashes, but I did something I generally can't stop myself from doing. I guessed something tremendously important by accident, something I do with many many books so I can ruin the experience for myself. I was literally sitting down, taking a break from reading (I devoured TGCF in 3 days, I needed that break lol), and all of a sudden this goddamn revelation descend upon me like the holy spirit, completely out of the blue. I just sat up, looked at the screen, and went "the ring is is fucking ashes, isn't it?", and completely ruined the surprise for myself.
And this is it.
If there's more I forgot (probably) I don't know. For now, this is my answer. Way too long, as always.
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spockandawe · 4 years
I’m not a... huge fan of the pov character being like ‘i’m not gay, tho! i’m not!’ even though I do think it gets resolved in a fairly timely way. And it fits with Shen Qingqiu’s oblivious personality, haha. But in this case, how do I put this. It played not-great with the book’s pacing (uneven, but I don’t really mind) and a central conceit that I like a lot, which is that our main character spends quite some time convinced that his love interest wants him dead.
I don’t necessarily need the book to linger, directly over relationship development for me to be into it, and I absolutely LOVE a dynamic where one person is like ‘hah, you want me dead’ and has to realize they have things very backwards. But in this case, by the time Shen Qingqiu is coming around to ‘oh, you don’t want me dead!’ he slides right into the ‘but i’m straight!’ side track, and by the time he becomes willing to consider that maybe he’s less straight than previously assumed, we’re practically at the fuck or die climax of the novel.
Which isn’t terrible, I honestly adore this relationship. And I do think that binghe’s breakdown over seeing that he fucked shen qingqiu hits much harder if he still feels 100% insecure that his shizun wants him around, period. But I do sometimes wish that we’d gotten a little more opportunity for them to be... platonically-close-with-background-slow-mo-queer-awakening, if you know what I mean.
Oh lord, it’s hard to know what to say here, because the accurate response is Everything. Let’s see. Well, to start with, I adore the emotional high of reading a relationship that starts on such unstable footing (maigu ridge) and works itself out in the end (that marriage extra tho). Reading about Binghe being so unhappy and lonely and insecure and then being loved will never stop doing it for me.
Usually, a teacher/student dynamic would be not my favorite, but something about the shizunfucker genre clicks well with me for some reason. Especially for a student like Luo Binghe, where we’re told about how much he suffered as a child, and how alone he was, and all the ways that original flavor Shen Qingqiu mistreated him, because then, it opens the door to such an intense adoration of a teacher that treats him well and takes care of him. I haven’t read a shixiong/shidi book that plays with quite same themes, but I don’t think it would hit me in quite the same way (yuwu goes there a little, but even though the ship is great, it's not THIS kind of adoration). There’s something about ships with this sort of intense codependence that really work for me, and this book absolutely nails that.
But also, the power dynamics in here are FASCINATING to me. Erha is the main point of shizunfucker comparison that I have, which really is too small of a sample size to judge from. But I don’t think I’d like either of these as much if the teacher was also the driving force behind the relationship. I don’t just mean that in a top/bottom way, but more pursuer vs pursuee. And to go with that, I do also like how hard Binghe has to pursue to get anywhere with Shen Qingqiu. I like... suffering XD As long as it ends happily. And this book really delivers. Tgcf is romantic and all, but I can’t personally conceptualize eight hundred years. I have trouble visualizing 13/16 years. But three years, then five years? I can picture that, and it hurts. The dream flashback where Binghe is telling Shen Qingqiu that he can’t go on....... that hit me right in the stomach.
Also too, not canon-based, because even if it’s a standard genre feature, I don’t have much patience for strict gong/shou roles, but... For a character as needy as Binghe, this is a situation where I absolutely have no trouble setting aside what the book says and substituting a different reality. And I do love me a pair of switches. And I also love me a boy who is very enthusiastic about sex, and very, very bad at it, which is canon, which delights me. The neediness in this relationship, and binghe’s CLEAR room for growth make me much more interested in exploring a post-canon relationship than I tend to be for the other relationships (caveat: i am still prodding at new depths of hua cheng’s issues, and am much more interested than i used to be, but binghe still fascinates me more)
And this may sound weird, but..... I love me a manipulative, needy love interest. It’s real easy for it to play badly, and it’s real easy for it to leave a bad taste in my mouth, but bingqiu works really well for me. It adds tasty tension before the relationship is established, and once the relationship is established and Shen Qingqiu is well aware that Binghe will cry at the drop of a hat, I still love love love to see him folding like a damp paper towel anyways. It’s a flaw, but it’s a flaw that adds depth and flavor to their relationship that I really, really adore.
Okay, I’m losing coherence here. But I just have to copy one excerpt, I just. I love them so, so much.
Shen Qingqiu said, “The way you called ‘shishu’ was too insincere. From now on, don’t call him that.”
Resentfully, Luo Binghe said, “When he calls me a little brute or a thankless wretch, he’s sincere enough.”
Shen Qingqiu couldn’t resist laughing at that. His folding fan was sitting beside the couch, and he picked it up to give Luo Binghe a few taps on the head. “Was he wrong? You dare lay your wolf claws on this teacher’s body? If you’re not a little brute, then what are you?”
The words came too smoothly, and he himself hadn’t realized that this was pushing the bounds of propriety. The tail end of his words lifted the corner of his mouth, in a way that was frivolous yet heavy, a bit coquettish, and extremely undignified.
Luo Binghe looked down at him from above. Watching Shen Qingqiu beneath him, he felt some sort of fire beginning to burn wildly in his heart and stomach. He subconsciously moved to place a leg between Shen Qingqiu’s knees, but suddenly afraid he’d be kicked off the bamboo couch, he quickly dropped his head down to let Shen Qingqiu swat him with his fan to his heart’s content. “Even if I am a little brute, then I’m only Shizun’s little brute. Other people can’t call me that.”
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razberryyum · 4 years
TGCF donghua Ep 3 Thoughts (SPOILERS!)
Oh my God the hell I went through to just watch this episode. Waited all night for Bilibili to load it on their Youtube channel, only to have it buffer nonstop, then had to figure out how to register and join the VIP membership on the Bilibili website, only to end up accidentally buying a shit ton of B coins that I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do with since I only needed like 68 out of the hundreds I have to buy a long enough subscription for the rest of the season. If anyone has any idea what I can do with all these extra coins, please do tell me. Even if I kept them around for the next season of TGCF or Tianbao Fuyao Lu, I’d still have too many left. AARRGGGHHHH.
And you’re probably wondering, why go through all the trouble, it’s gonna be on Funimation the next morning. Tbh even though Funi said it’s in HD, the quality of the stream didn’t seem up to par, and plus...I just couldn’t wait. I’m like already that committed to this show even though I haven’t even read the book (I started again tonight though!). 
Was it worth all this trouble? Of course, yes. Look at this cutie. He’s worth every bit of my hard earned money and brain cells and energy.
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We got to meet a few more new characters which I’m sure we’ll see again in the future. I just have to say, good looks definitely run in the Pei family.
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I hope Pei Su’s not as much of a bastard as his ancestral predecessor (current boss?) Pei Ming. I don’t know if we’re supposed to think of Pei Ming in a negative light, maybe it’s all a misunderstanding, but right now I do think he wronged Xuan Ji just a little. Sure, it was her fault for getting too serious with the relationship when he already clearly told her he wasn’t into commitment, and it’s also her choice to betray her country for him AND destroy her own legs. HOWEVER, he could have handled that a bit better I guess? Unless I read the scene wrong, I take it he didn’t use the information she gave him to defeat her army, that he did it on his own strength and merit? But his coldness, the way he rejected her, when he knew she was in love with him...I just couldn’t help but feel bad for her. Although, then again, she did kill a lot of people in her wrath form so...I guess I shouldn’t pity her too much. Her victims were probably all innocent people...all those poor brides, life taken away on what was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives.  So sad.
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I have to say, seeing Pei Ming and Xuan Ji kiss on screen also made me feel a bit sad but for a different reason: because I know we will never get to see HuaLian have intimate physical contact like that on screen. I always feel that for danmei-based adaptations, if the main couple can’t physically express their love, then no other couple should be allowed to do anything more either. Just doesn’t seem fair otherwise, even if it’s something straight from the source material and it’s a completely valid relationship. 
But considering the curse Xuan Ji was trying to put on Pei Ming, now I’m dying to know if he does eventually fall in love. Feels like an obvious set up to future tragedy so I can’t wait to read to find out...unless the show actually gets to it first (but I somehow feel that’s doubtful).
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I had a feeling things wouldn’t end well for her and the boy, and I guess I was a little relieved that I was only half right, but still, I got teary-eyed when this moment happened. I loved that the donghua team had her pass away with her eyes open so that Xie Lian had to close them. Made the scene seem more real somehow. 
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I can’t wait to find out what his disease is all about since it’s related to Dianxia’s history. I remember seeing the name of the disease floating about once in a while, but I don’t even know if it’s a spoiler at this point to know that. Is it too much to hope that he survives and is cured of the disease? I’m already attached to the poor boy. (should I be?? God I can’t wait to read so I have more context for everything and I can be prepared to either get attached or not get attached to certain characters!)
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fu-yao · 3 years
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tagged by @leonzhng​ thanks for making me dig through my most embarrassing crushes 😭✋
i’ll tag @highwarlockkareena​ @yibobibo​ @lan-xichens​ @purplexedhuman​ @aheartfullofjolllly​ @lanzhansmiles​ @nyx4​ i feel like i tag you guys in everything i am so sorry please ignore this if u don’t wanna do it !!
putting this under a read more for reasons
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MEN 2010 – 2016
literally nothing more embarrassing than falling on the same type of white man over and over again (with the exception of minho from shinee bless his heart)
tommy joe ratliff → he was the bass player for adam lambert during his glamnation era (think of songs like for your entertainment and if i had you) idk why exactly i liked him so much but i just did.... however i searched him up again quite recently and found out he’s one of those republicans that says the dumbest shit on twitter so Big Yikes
harry styles → “baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, and when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell...” and BOOM 13-year-old me was sold for well over two years
louis tomlinson → basically i liked harry most until around 2013 when for some reason i started to like him a little less, and i got more focused on louis tomlinson, and although i didn’t like one direction anymore louis tomlinson always had a special place in my heart
ashton irwin → so ashton is 5sos’ drummer, i discovered 5sos through one direction & i stanned them until late 2014
harries twins → the harries twins (jack & finn) are basically the reason i started spending a lot of time on youtube, they were funny and pretty and they just had good videos in general, so for almost two years i’d watch their content regularly
choi minho → my first steps into kpop happened bc i was watching videos on youtube (most probably the harries twins) and suddenly i saw the sherlock mv in my recommended videos so i clicked on it and then 14-year-old me proceeded to fall for minho like an idiot
brooks twins → still youtubers, the brooks twins were 3/5 of the janoskians (jai & luke brooks, beau brooks, daniel sahyounie, & james yammouni), an australian youtube comedy group that was active from 2011-2018 though i was only around from 2012-2014 (when jai brooks was dating ariana grande)
jc caylen → surprise! another youtuber! jc caylen was part of o2l (our2ndlife) a youtube collaboration channel on which each of the 6 members posted videos on a certain day in the week (mondays with connor, tuesdays with ricky, wednesdays with sam, thursdays with jc, fridays with trevi (my 2nd favorite member bc she participated on the x factor), saturdays with ricardo, and then they had surprise sundays every week) and i remember how much joy jc & the others always brought me with their silly videos
misha collins → up next, you might know him as the gay angel that was sent to superhell after confessing his love to the homophobic hunter on supernatural, it’s misha collins! basically misha was a huge source of comfort for me, and i even went around calling myself emmisha for almost two full years (cringe)
henrik holm → he played even bech naesheim in skam and my crush on him reached that level of ridiculousness where i actually tried my hand at learning norwegian (i can only remember how to introduce myself and some curse words i would make a great first impression on him)
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MEN 2016 – 2021
min yoongi → okay so my baby steps into kpop happened through shinee’s sherlock, but i only got really invested when yoongi dropped agust d 1 because Holy Fuck y’know??
kim namjoon → oh man i remember thinking namjoon was cute and a very good leader and then BAM he dressed like THAT at the 2016 mma’s and i fell in love. hard
park seojoon → i started liking park seojoon whilst i was watching hwarang (you guessed it, i watched it bc of taehyung), although he wasn’t my favorite character by far, but he was very silly off camera & i liked that (i’m not that into him anymore tho </3)
kim seokjin → OH BOY LET ME TELL U i liked seokjin from the very beginning (i got to know bts in late 2014) and i always liked seeing him perform and be himself and god once i realized i had a crush on him it just hit me like a mf truck, and he’s still one of my favorite people to this day
jung hoseok → god fake love era hoseok really hits different.... also yes i know i have all of bts’ hyung line on my list BUT bts was a really big part of my life for almost 6 years soooo honestly they deserve it i still think they’re great guys
choi san → when ateez made their debut in 2018 i immediately fell in love with san, he was such an amazing dancer and he captivated me right from the very beginning, to this day he’s still my bias in ateez uwu
xiao zhan → AND THEN, OCTOBER OF 2019 HAPPENS AND I WATCH CQL AND... i fall in love with xiao zhan, something i’d never expected would happen bc when i watched cql for the first time i wasn’t as invested in the story, but i really really really liked xiao zhan and one thing led to another and now here i am as a xfx
wang yibo → the thing is, i’ve known yibo since eoeo except i didn’t know cql yibo was uniq yibo (bc i’d forgotten his name) and when i looked it up i can tell you my jaw dropped to the floor bc holy shit????? also he is very silly and i love him loads ok
lee minho → ah, the man who has been my skz bias since 2018, not only is minho my bias i also kin him (there’s a lot of aspects of myself that i see in minho and vice versa) and he’s very comforting to me
bang chan → honestly, it was only a matter of time before i’d fall for bang chan, i knew the moment i got into skz again that i’d start biasing him and, well, here i am, double biasing chan & minho
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this list is shorter bc i’ve in general always had less crushes on women than on men??? blame society forcing me into thinking i was straight for a LONG time
ariana grande → remember the 2011 layout of twitter?? where u could not only have an icon and a header, but also a background and ur twitter page was smack in the center of ur screen with the big ugly menu bar at the top??? yeah ariana grande was always my background for my l*rr* st*l*n*s*n layouts
perrie edwards → this was right around the time she was dating zayn & little mix was breaking out into the spotlight, yeah i just really loved her
andrea russett → okay so remember o2l?? andrea russett was kian’s girlfriend for a pretty long time and they always did videos together and i always thought she was super pretty
lily collins → maybe i don’t like clary in tmi all that much but i sure liked the way lily collins looked
alona tal → MY BISEXUAL AWAKENING, it’s only when i saw alona tal in spn that i realized, fuck i might be gay
park jihyo → i discovered twice (my 2nd jype group after day6) through the like ooh-ahh mv and red-haired jihyo really did something to my heart (i just rewatched it and god zombie bang chan is so mf cute)
kim jisoo → when bp made their square two comeback i was immediately smitten for red-haired jisoo in playing with fire, it’s also when i realized she was my bias out of the four members
shin ryujin → the reason that i have blue hair is partially bc of ryujin and her amazing intro in wannabe :D
xuan lu → her portrayal of jiang yanli was SO ON POINT and she’s just such a kindhearted wonderful person wow i want her hand in marriage
lee yoobin → god i’ve known dreamcatcher from back when they were still called minx and ever since i’ve always looked at dami that bit more than the rest, i was also able to see dreamcatcher live in october of 2019 and the whole experience was just so amazing !!
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there’s a whole lot more than just these 10 but i wanted to fit the evolution into one (1) slide as best as i could lmao
peter pan → this movie came out in 2003 (?) and he’s honestly the first fictional character i remember ever having a crush on
legolas → i was really doubting between placing haldir or legolas here but i only really got a vague haldir obsession when i was like 14
will turner → man was annoying sometimes but i really liked him and his relationship with elizabeth was cute
jo harvelle → gosh i can’t believe she’s the only female character in here???? yeah she was one of my two spn faves and i’ll never forgive the screenwriters for the way they killed her off
castiel → does your fave ever get sent to super hell for being gay? no? well. mine did
kili → fili and kili’s storyline tore my heart out, spit on it, and then laughed straight in my face, KILI WAS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE DWARF
howl → i only watched this movie for the first time in 2020 so i kinda fucked up the tl cause i watched cql in 2019 but shh, anyways howl with his blonde hair was good looking but howl with his black hair just hits differently. i want a howl
lan jingyi → MY BABY BOY, TINIE LITTLE BABIE WHOMST I MUST PROTECT ok no but seriously this kid. i love him a lot
mu qing → BARK BARK. that’s all (that’s not all i love him a whole lot and it hurts me to see so many people misunderstand his character and only see the bad parts of him when they can forgive others for fucking up (eg. xie lian himself & feng xin) but bc mu qing doesn’t deal well with emotions suddenly he’s the bad guy??? i s2g if ppl are gonna do to him what they did to jiang cheng in the tgcf la i will RIOT)
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biboomerangboi · 3 months
Can never forget my roomie being very excited for Qi Rong to appear only for me to immediately burst out giggling because Qi Rong is the silliest character ever, and he was like no, but he’s a cannibal. He’s like he’s disturbing, right, right? He’s like disturbing and dangerous, He hangs people.
Meanwhile I was like sure, sure. Knowing the whole time that we were about to watch Qi Rong get beat up by his big cousin and his boyfriend like the joy of sitting there, knowing that he was about to get curb stomped while my roomie was prepared for this dark, mysterious villain will truly be the highlight of my watching season two experience.
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youareunbearable · 3 years
Catch me not having a clue who any of these gods(?) and people are, but still sitting here like, "I ship that pretty one with the gruff one, and that brown haired one with the other(?) gruff one?" without knowing names or what this is except the fanart I see you reblog, because this fandom apparently has lots of nice art
Fam i have no idea what ur talking about or when u sent this im so sorry asfkjhfkjhf but i thiiiinnnkkkk??????? it’s “Heavens Official Blessing” or  Tiān Guān Cì Fú (TGCF for tagging stuff) its originally a chinese gay novel that is soooooooo long by the author  Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (MXTX) who wrote 2 (two?????) other novels that I know of that are also gay historical fantasy but i personally havent actually read TGCF???? im just watching the anime and looking at the wiki and reading fanfics so i have a vague idea whats going on but not really???? so i cant really give a good review BUT i LOVE THE CHARACTERS MXTX WRITES SO MUCH AFHAFKFHKFAKF IM SO SORRY IM SHIT WITH TAGGING SO U HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM HYPER FIXATING ON BUT
Pretty one and the gruff one im THINKING is He Xuan (or Ming Yi/ Ming-Xiong/Ming Bro) for the grumpy one and Shi Qingxuan for the pretty one and both are kinda gender fluid?? (more Shi Qingxuan but they both change their forms to be both women and men which is Iconic and the anime put her in the TRANS FLAG COLOUR instead of her canon white and green which is ICONIC) AND THHEYRE SO TRAGIC AND HOT AND I CRY JUST THINKING ABOUT THEIR STORY LIKE AFHDFKJAFDSGS like i want to kinda read the book just for them, the two super minor characters, but i also read somewhere that their story doesn’t really have a clean ending so im also holding back from just getting Emotionally Hurt because im a cancer and i know it’ll wreck me
I think The Two Gruff Idiots are Feng Xin (dark haired gruff boy) and Mu Qing (brown haired gruff boy) and theyre both martial gods and both knew each other for over 800 years and both tried to take care of Actual Human And Heavenly Disaster Xie Lian, failed, and tried to do it again 800 years later but with stupid glasses with moustaches in hopes that Xie Lian cant figure out that they care about him but OOPS Xie Lian does in fact have the braincell of the three of them fajfafjajf 
Heres the link to watch the anime, there are 11 eps rn but it updates every weekend (I dont actually know when but i watch it on sundays) Make sure u have ur ad block on tho lol there is a manga too and the art style is TO DIE FOR like its GORGEOUS but its roughly at the same pace as the anime so eh
Heres where to read the whole thing online, just a warning its BIG AS FUCK like 244? plus extras I think?? 
I’d also recommend MXTX’s other books!
Mo Dao Zu Shi (or Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation/ The Untamed/MDZS) is both a Book as well as an Anime (the whole thing is on youtube) , a Live Action which you can watch on Netflix (look up Untamed, also a warning, the plot is a little different from the book and anime cause of uhhh censorship?? also i guess to make it more live drama friendly, my friends an i binged it and really liked it, but some of the fandom doesn’t), a manga which is not finished I think???? idk im not caught up, and a fucking chinese AUDIO DRAMA LIKE BITCH ITS SO WELL DONE but i have to stop listening sometimes cause like there is a difference between watching/reading characters kiss, and then like just hearing them, i get so embarrassed i have to skip the kissing scenes and god forbid i accidentally click on the smutty extras alfjajlfjalfjaljf u can find it on youtube, i linked the one i listen to but i havent finished it and i don’t think it’s all of it, but you can find other episodes/chapters easily
Its about 1 Dumb Yet So Smart gay/bi man (Wei Wuxian) who honestly tries his fucking best, fucks up everything, dies for over a decade, and then is forcefully brought back to life to solve a murder mystery with the guy who has been in Super Gay Love with him since they were teens (Lan Zhan), a bunch of teens Who Are Just Honestly Here For A Good Time And Yet (Lan Juniors, Jin Ling, and Best Boy Ouyang Zizhen ) while badly hiding his real identity from all the people he knows, including his foster brother (Jiang Cheng) who is out for blood and hunting his ass down with a whip and also Lan Zhan who is travelling with him. Also the Killer. There is a killer on the loose and is willing to murder whoever to keep their secrets. Also Nie Huaisang. I adore him and his brother Nie Mingjue, if there is one bitch u gotta remember from this summary it’s this little twink (he and his brother also have a fucking spin off movie from the live action drama THAT I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO FIND A ENGLISH SUB VERSION AND ITS BEEN KILLING ME SINCE I STARTED WATCHING THIS SHOW LAST YEAR. GOOGLE GIVE ME MY FAVOURITE TWINK AND HIS BEAR OF A BROTHER HAVING A FUN FAMILY ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!)
My Personal Current Favourite is Scum Villain’s Self Saving System (SVSSS) which is SOOOOOOO FUNNY Like it’s not as popular cause the comic was discontinued, and the anime looks like its from 2005 with the weird 3D animation but its my current comfort media!!! 
Its basically about a spite reading millennial (Shen Yuan) who died after reading a REALLY awful popular cheesy smut harem novel (think like 50 shade series but worse cause the protag had 600 wives) and was forced into the body of a minor but important villain (the protagonist’s teacher, Shen Qingqiu) from the novel who was fated to die with all his limbs cut off and his eyes and tongue plucked out and is told he has to fix the story so its not trash, he reasonably freaks the fuck out and hugs the protagonists (Luo Binghe) thigh so hard he turns him gay without realizing. Sadly, he does have to make sure certain plot points happen, which fucks him over a lot,  and he thinks Luo Binghe still wants to kill him instead of love him cause he has the Emotional Intelligence of a Rock, but its so funny reading about him handling all the awful tropey stuff, like imagine u have to be a character in My Immortal But With Porn?????? without breaking out of character too much?? I wouldn’t be able to handle it ajhakfkfhjfj He also finds out that he’s not the only transmigrator in the novel either, but it doesn’t matter cause theyre both So Fucking Stupid Collectively but everyone would honestly die for the both of them
warning for this story though, the main relationship is a teacher/student relationship, but nothing happens until the student is in his 20s and also kinda not his student anymore cause he’s running hell??? but if that squicks u out i totally understand and offer you to PLEASE still enjoy some of this media, and instead of the BingQiu ship, I offer you the LiuQiu one, where both me and the main character cry over how a beautiful man/fellow immortal lord loves the main character so much that he literally fought every day for 5 years to be by his side and I Think Thats Beautiful and I kinda like this ship more than the main one tbh PLEASE just look at the art for Liu Qingge because i love him so much, he’s like if you took Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng from MDZS and mashed them into one beautiful man the author is trying to tell me is straight but u take one look at him And Tell Me Otherwise
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crowning-art · 4 years
Okie so just more info on the past has been revealed so far. Some thoughts:
HUA CHEUNG WASNT LYING SBSJSKDKSM When he met Xie Lian as San Lang, he said he got kicked out and he acc was as a kid dhejkeke I bet it's cuz he was a kid of misfortune
The translation notes say that he was a star of solitude. The only way to cancel his misfortune is by meeting his saviour. Imma take a WILD guess as to who that is 😏. But like did he end up stealing all of Xie Lian's luck then?? Is that how he's so lucky now?? Tbh I wasn't expecting him to be so unfortunate considering his good luck now. But I guess he changed it
I liked how Xie Lian kept emphasizing that the gods are human and that's why he didn't want anyone to prostrate there
Oh yes, Important question (unless it reveals a spoiler): Did Mu Qing and Feng Xen ascend with Xie Lian? How can they see him and help him? Or like are they his assistants cuz they also seem to have lots of power too
Lol Qi Rong and Feng Xin's interactions thoo, I was laughing when he came in all mature and good after Xie Lian's ascension and both him and Feng Xin thought he became good and it took like 2 seconds for him to go back to cussing lol
His first ascension wasn't as CRAZY as I thought it would be. Unless there's more?
This line
Xie Lian smiled. "Then, just you watch." He pointed to the sky. "If one day I ascend, I will for sure do all that I said today, and become a power to behold!"
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It looks like that didn't really happen, did it?
And this line:
The Goushi stared at him. "I've seen your future, and it's pitch black."
Xie Lian looked him straight in the eye and said, "You must've seen wrong. I only like to wear white."
"I worry that, not only will you be unable to save your people, they will turn around and drag you down from the divine alter," the Goushi said.
"My people arent like that; they can clearly recognize whats right and wrong(...)"
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Poor baby boi, you are too pure for this world 😭😭😭😭 They don't deserve you and your kindness 😭😭😣
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
tgcf lb the fourth chapter 23 - 33
“hmmm looks like theres people in the fertilizer. i shan’t say a word” ok king of minding your business i guess
oh looks like it has a long tongue. oh i dont care for that at all
The build of their bodies were similar, and atop their shoulders, all of them carried cudgels that were densely covered in sharp wolf teeth. It created an illusion that a pack of wolves had transformed into people. attack of the furries? okay.
It was easy to comprehend after thinking about it. This person had been buried in the desert sand for fifty to sixty years. The flesh of his body had long been transformed into nutrients for those Kindred Moon Herbs. He had been entirely consumed until the only thing remaining was a mere skeleton. when this book isnt being very funny its being very grim!!! yikes!! also this was an episode of hannibal 
Ke Mo definitely had never heard someone ask to go first in this place. His eyes widened and looked like bells as he asked in astonishment, “You want to go first? For what reason??” Xie Lian naturally couldn’t reply and say it was because he wasn’t scared. Thus, he chose an answer that conformed with the norms of society. “General, these are merely innocent merchants just passing through. They even have a child amongst them.” - love watching the immortals trying to act like humans. would have been funny if xie lian had just hit em with “well i cant die so its chill”
That young man had crossed his arms. With an indifferent gaze, he thoughtfully sized up the deep Sinners’ Pit.   A bad premonition sprung up unbidden in Xie Lian’s heart. “San Lang?”   When he heard Xie Lian call him, San Lang turned his head. He smiled faintly and said, “Everything’s fine.” - edgy bastard lets go
What Ke Mo had been cursing was, “It’s this slut again!” - me when a corpse gets up and knocks all my soldiers into the sinner’s pit what a relatable reaction
oh now im switching translations here we go
does hua cheng just straight up transform in the darkness? edgy bastard. also  hualian having their little discussion while ke mo keeps trying to attack im still amused by these kinds of shenanigans
banyue guoshi ma’am your backstory.... rough. im on your side im sure you had your reasons
why do the soldiers keep her up near the top of the pit of death if she keeps getting up and knocking them all in? am i missing something? or are they just that dumb/dead fjdf;adjsf
fu yao: y’all alive? lmk. if not ill guess ill go back to the the merchants who totally promised to stay put in the circle. in case its not clear i do not care what happens to said merchants.
hua xie... of course thats the fucking name he picked. also looks like that wasnt so much a parallel being drawn between xie lian and the general as it was the same exact line
fasdlkfjsldfdsf god xie lian really has a hard time. you help some orphans, you try to keep people from dying, you try to save an orphan and you trip and get trampled but you cant die so you wake up in a river full of corpses and just float away. actually tbh i really appreciate him as an immortal character this is the shit i like to see. love xie lian ready to defend himself from the slander of being completely flattened. he was only mostly flattened
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cunty vibes so strong all the wildlife in a 10 foot radius just chuck up the deuces and split
ITS RAINING SCORPION SNAKES. THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO PUSH A REVEAL. love that the umbrella is just always on hand
okay i guess fucking. everyone is here now why not. we’re all in a hole covered in scorpions and everyone knows each other but not everyone is admitting it but we know. we know. still not 100% sure what is going wrt pei su/pei ming/general pei/pei junior im a bit confused idk
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okay i cant explain it but im attached to him now.
i like banyue. i feel like theres going to be a few background female characters i really like but im not so sure theyll get a lot of development. wind master come back you and your lady friend i would like to know more of you. anyway fuck this pei guy(s?). also they just put banyue in a jar? fair enough
is xie lian another mc who cant cook? so much so that everyone who knows him just leaves if he offers? love that for him
okay we’ve got ONE identity admitted. i liked how casual it was. i wonder if hc was waiting for this bc yeah he was not subtle i feel like he definitely wanted xie lian to know. if he didnt then bruh. get lessons in how to act human please
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screaming. no words. cant wait to meet him. and hua cheng please keep up the good work. i love that now we’re just. sitting. chatting. chilling. okay.
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yeah it makes sense that hes an immortal i think you would have to take this attitude after 800 years
this authors note about not writing ugly characters.... fjkdalfdjfa obviously i dont think holding beauty as such high standard is good it warps our views and values etc etc but also i would expect nothing less from a story like this. yes we know everyone is going to be beautiful theyre immortal and beautiful and young forever
lmao at exile being a temporary banishment for crimes.... yeah that sounds about right tbh. rich elite fuckers
oh good we haven’t forgotten about human face disease boy. im wondering when we’re going to find out how important he will be bc he clearly matters otherwise he’d have been resolved already also yeah how tf does he have that disease that sure sounds like an issue
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i dont like him. pei ming i also wish you to die of syphilis. also of fucking COURSE xie lian’s cultivation method doesnt let him read dirty books
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im just saving this because its funny
okay lang qianqiu i see you falling asleep at the meeting. i like you already but you are not above suspicion. actually you know what i suspect you already. crown prince of the kingdom that conquered xianle? idk if youre good or bad but you know something i learned this lesson from beloved morally grey huaisang
okay last comment for this post. mxtx’s little authors note about everyone being straight except for hualian but you can make up headcanons as long as you dont split hualian up fjdlfakdj. i just find it silly to write a story thats so clearly for an audience that understands shipping and ships often and say not to split a specific couple up but i mean to be fair i kind of get it that sentiment as an author and not wanting people to do certain things with your work, although again i think its silly
i guess the point of this note is just to be clear that no one else is going to get together so no one argues about it and i dont actually know much about how this was published but it seems like it was serialized so i can see why that would be an issue. personally i dont really care for knowing stuff like that ahead of time but i know a lot of people do and it seems to be thing in other cnovels ive seen to know whos going to get together as far as major characters are concerned i guess thats part of the draw and i guess i kind of get it
not sure how much other romance will be in this but also i think its kind of ridiculous to be like “these are the only two gay characters” in a cast that just keeps growing but whatever shes really leaving that work up to the readers to make it happen which they’ll do anyways so whatever. also there had to be at least one of the 33 officials who fought hua cheng who thought he was hot. theres no way that didnt happen
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ge · 5 years
people who never read the novel are gonna watch tgcf and think hua cheng is the main villain and is gonna betray xie lian, straight boy watching cql style
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biboomerangboi · 6 months
Roommates only thoughts after the episode.
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