#steph rewatches the 100
blodreina-noumou · 7 months
look, I love Lexa. she's the reason I started watching in the first place.
but the story where it's Anya in Lexa's place, leading the Grounders (this would eliminate the Heda/flame/nightblood storyline imo) and it's Clarke and Anya that fall in love instead - that's a tempting story. that'd be a real interesting way to have handled all that.
they already have so much history by season 2, and Clarke finding Anya in her cage and freeing her would parallel so nicely with Becho
did anyone ship Clarke and Anya back in the day? I joined the fandom after Lexa, so that's all I ever really saw.
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kiyooriu · 7 months
NPMD headcanons based on nothing but what my 100% Real Psychic Powers tell me
- richie hates eating peanuts. not because he’s allergic, not because he dislikes the taste but a Secret Third Thing
- after exactly 2 hrs, 35 mins, and 16 secs pete will always ALWAYS stretch back and let out the loudest scream known to man to get his extra energy out
- ruth wrote an entire 1 hr 30 min musical based on star wars one night and it’s on soundcloud somewhere but she won’t tell anyone how to find it (pete found it on accident but won’t tell her because he knows she’d probably freak out about it, he still listens to it occasionally)
- steph can play the bass nd her go-to song is hey barbara (IV of Spades)
- in line with this ^^ pete has rudimentary guitar skills and wanted to write a few songs with ruth’s help but she refused
- grace wanted to learn how to play the flute but was never allowed to bc her parents thought it would “give her ideas”
- richie’s trans awakening was in elementary when he and two other friends wanted to dress as the kids from dinosaur king nd the other girl was really insistent on being zoe so he dressed up as rex and it Felt Nice
- richie’s BI awakening was the sasunaru kiss and he thought he was homophobic bc he “felt weird after seeing it”
- RUTH’S bi awakening was watching lotr fellowship of the ring when arwen said “if you want him, come and claim him” (she rewatched it multiple times and didn’t sleep)
- one time in elementary grace really wanted candy but her parents were Very against it so she paid a friend to get her one (1) gumball and dhe felt so bad she cried about it and wanted to lock herself up in church
- richie is Mildly into kpop (bc a lot of anime enjoyers i know also like kpop) and he tried to get ruth into it too (mostly the choreography bc he wants ruth to get into dancing again)
- everyone in grace’s elementary was reading harry potter nd she wanted to know what the hype was about but didn’t want the Devil Magic to get her so she borrowed a copy from the library under another student’s name and then burned it after reading to “show god she condemned the devil worshipping” (i think she’s unhinged enough for that)
- pete’s favorite scooby-doo character is shaggy ahaha
- steph used to roleplay teen titans with some childhood friends and would always ask the boy she liked at the time to be beast boy so she could be raven and pretend they were a couple
brain juice wore off pls enjoy the hcs 👾
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flowerslut · 1 month
I'm almost sure you (or maybe it was volturialice) already talked about this but I've been rewatching twilight and I noticed that even though Jalice is described as a not-very-touchy couple in the books, in the movies, absolutely every scene in which Alice and Jasper are present together, they are touching. Like all of them. And I love that. Fuck the deep emotional connection shit, that man needs fucking cuddles!!! And I also love how you put this in your fics, it's just beautiful
as the queen of jalice meta of course g has tackled this topic in depth! for what it’s worth I 100% agree (shocker there) and think it’s super duper dumb that, because of smeyer’s weirdness, she thinks that jalice having a mythical, psychic, we-don’t-touch-each-other-after-near-death-experiences relationship makes sense for them. you’re trying to tell me that alice “no boundaries” cullen and jasper “there would be no limit to who or what he would destroy for alice” hale would just… stare at each other post new moon volturi debacle? like, sure steph. whatever you say
we also touch on it briefly in a recent episode of @threebooksoneplot so don’t worry, it (jalice) is always on our minds 🤪
but yeah the movies are SO funny in that the whole team at lionsgate seemed to collectively go “nah” and put these two all up in each other’s business. like g, I also imagine that, given what we know about their individual characters, they’d land somewhere in the middle between movie and book canon! they can have a deep emotional connection AND get those cuddles, yknow? which is what I like to portray in my fic versions of them!!!!! so i’m very happy that you enjoy that 🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Hello dear Steph, after re-watching the series again I stumbled over something I never understood: In the Battersea end sequence after Irene and John hear the moan text alert go off Irene looks at John and says 'I don't think so. Do you?'
What the fuck does she mean??? 🤔 It's been 84 years and at this point I am just afraid to ask. That's why I am on anon 😅 Please explain it to me like I am 8 years old.
Hey Nonny!
Ah, it's all good! It took me a long time to understand what was meant by it, and even then, I'm not 100, but yeah, ASiB turned out to be a very revealing episode into the psyches of John and Sherlock.
So the simple explanation: John finds out that Sherlock heard him. He's panicking, worried about how it will affect his friendship. Irene, being a Sherlock mirror, reminds John that going after Sherlock RIGHT then is not a good idea. Sherlock needs time to process his epiphany, and Irene knows John would fuck it up somehow if he chased after Sherlock. She was VERY aware of how much these idiots liked each other, and believed herself to know John better than John knew himself.
Basically, "if you go after him right now, you will only embarass yourself into fake denials and a rocky friendship. She is a Sherlock Mirror, and is essentially speaking as Sherlock in this scene. When you rewatch the scene REALIZING that she is essentially "Sherlock's Sexuality" it makes a lot more sense (throughout the rest of the series, she's ALWAYS present when Sherlock is thinking about John in a Special Way™, so with that lense in mind for THIS scene, it make a LOT more sense). The entire series (yes, even the horrid S4) is told in subtext, and when we realize characters often stand in for each other, more often for John and Sherlock (like Anderson as the John mirror in TEH, Lestrade and Molly for Sherlock and John in S3, or Molly as a John mirror in TFP), then the series itself makes a lot more sense for odd random scenes like the Battersea scene.
Meh, not the best analysis, I know, but I do believe that she does inevitably want them together, like her and Kate. She understands why John likes Sherlock, and vice versa. Check out that link above for more Irene Meta I and others wrote. She is an intriguing character, for sure.
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jedusaur · 1 year
good things this week:
had a decent executive function and mood day today after a few really tough days, so it's really good to be out of the tar pit for now. I recently upped some meds and was starting to think that the side effects were too much, but fingers crossed that the initial rough patch is over and it'll keep getting better
cooked things! potato-chickpea curry, shortcut quiche (with premade crust), Greek pasta salad, a REALLY killer stir-fry with peanut sauce, marinated/baked tofu for sammiches, and a hummus/feta/tomato/olive thing that was gonna be a dip for pita wedges, but the pitas went bad so I ended up spreading it on toast and that worked great
@1000-directions tried making my mom's peanut sauce recipe, which has been go-to comfort food for me since I was a kid, and she really liked it :D love sharing food things with my people
the grocery store employee who brought out my pickup order this week was queer <3
I threw a tumblr room party to brainstorm ideas for a diner fic and a bunch of people got into it and had fun! I've been really missing hosting fannish events and this kinda scratched that itch a little :)
tried discord (again) and determined that it is not my bag (again), but in the process I connected with a few fandom folks I've been messaging a bit, nice to find new people!
finally rigged up a system to make my ankle PT easier
Steph has been really excited about watching the Kraken play and happy about wins and asking lots of questions and she wore a Kraken shirt to work :D I love hockey and I love explaining hockey and I love my Steph
started a whatsapp group for productivity sprints and had one really good productive afternoon, looking forward to engaging with that more
people keep telling me the scented candles I make are good enough to sell, so I finally buckled down and made a task list for giving that hustle a shot
there are a few bulbs coming up outside my door :) they're either daffodils or jonquils, never did figure out which last spring
I 100% accidentally took a cutting from one of rocket bae's plants XD a bit of plant came off while I was moving it and I stuck it in water thinking it would be a nice decoration for a few days and then wilt, but it grew roots in the water!
started drawing a thing today, I am not generally a person who draws things but I like how it's going so far
still losing my entire shit over the Elliott Page/Julia Garner/A$AP Rocky threesome
rewatched The Princess Diaries today, which was my favorite movie when I was like 11. I was expecting it to be terrible because I remember rewatching it in my late teens and scoffing at the plot holes, but no actually it's a GREAT fuckin movie, in part because it does not care about its plot holes. it had so many excellent one-liners and little characterization moments for bit parts, and also lol I fully did not realize at age 11 that I was totally crushing on Julie Andrews in the ball scene. she was 64 lmao but LOOK at her in this dress she was HOT okay
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theoryandahalf · 24 days
still the same anon! honey emoji because winnie the pooh the evil icon, according to film theory lmao. anyway I remember Ash’s channel! It was mentioned before and I briefly checked it out, I didn’t know it’s gone.
I’ve been watching gtlive since launch, yes i’m a grandpa-pat too. so I’m a little attached to the channel, but specifically to casual matpat. I’ll probably still watch because I love the whole staff a looot I haven’t dropped a single channel, but I’ll be less religious in keeping up with gtlive and probably rewatch pre-matpat leaving vods mainly. I remember rewatching vods with Steph in them and going *SIGH* I miss mom lmao
Also Dan??? Hollywood?? Pls explain that one
- 🍯
LMAO the deadly honey episode! (edit: Unless you mean "Disney's worst fear" one?) Either way, classic. You are so tagged, 🍯 anon!
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Head Editor Dan recently stopped making vids on That Cybert Channel, and on his retirement video (posted a month before Matt's btw) he said he's written a tv show treatment and a pilot with his cowriter Bridget. He starts talking about it at 12:38. "I want to make something more tangible and permanent than a Youtube video". But the good news is he also said he wants to stay with Theorist as long as possible and do projects with them. So fingers crossed he stays!
Simultaneously, Matt has mentioned on GTLive that Theorist has a pilot for an animation show that they are shopping (I assume this mean looking for an animation studio). This could be Dan's show...but I didn't really get that sense from Dan's farewell video. I'm not 100% sure. I don't listen to Dan's podcast, so if there's any Dan fans in the audience who know more, please hit me up.
I take all this to mean Dan, like Matt, wants to move into the creator side, so they may eventually part ways. Ideally, Dan would stay and produce under Theorist, but its really hard to know how much money LunarX is willing to put to all these projects. I really hope they do because an animation show run by Dan and Matt would be amazing! Especially if they partnered up with a pre-existing animation studio like Glitch (if they're free of controversy, I honestly gave up following all that).
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fingertipsmp3 · 3 years
Why is Twilight of all things ending my reading slump. I absolutely fucking hate it here
#rewatched the films. plunged headlong back into my obsession. had to buy all the books again and try to get it out of my system#bitch tell me why i’ve already read twilight; 250 pages of midnight sun and 100 pages of new moon in 4 days#I DIDN’T READ THIS MUCH ALL OF LAST MONTH. 4 FUCKING DAYS#(oh i’m alternating between midnight sun and new moon because christ on a bike edward is boring. i mean dear lord. it doesn’t help that#steph really did just write the exact same scenes but from edward’s point of view. there’s barely any extras. i was hoping for extra lore#and backstory but instead i get pages upon pages of eddie whining; plotting murders or just being hangry. and in between that it’s just the#same lines of dull conversation that i’ve already read. like. why#i’m hoping it picks up when we get to the climax (such as it is) but knowing steph she’ll probably just fade to black between bella leaving#for phoenix & edward rocking up to the dance studio. like i would not put it past her at all to do that)#idk man i’m just mad that i’ve been in the world’s worst reading slump since fucking july i think and THESE are the books that are getting#me out. THEEEEEEEESE#the way i see it there are three possibilities. either the pandemic broke something in my brain and i have now gone mad enough to think#twilight is good. or my twelve year old self was right. or i just needed to read something trashy right now to reset my brain#i have been doing too much with my brain i think. it’s time to stop. stop reading books that’ll make me look intellectual and start reading#fun trash again. and the best part is Anything looks good next to twilight lmao#i think i’ve cracked it. back to bella doing ridiculous shit#personal#rant
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
6.10 Matryoshka rewatch
Okay, i find it hard not to write things when they occur to me as I watch,  because I don’t want to forget.
But as I’m watching the primes, eating dinner in their grand table with only four left, and the Null comes in and kills Simone because they lied and he sacrificed his baby for who he thought were gods, what occurs to me is that the Primes themselves are stuck in the horror of what happened at the first eclipse.
Russell has been reliving his massacre of his own people for 236 years. And they have all been reexperiencing it. They have really never moved on. Instead, they created this society like a snowglobe, where a calcified dozen people set everything up to be a make believe fairy tale so they can continue to live life forever.
This can’t be why they were sent there. They must have been sent there to colonize and create a new home for humanity. They carried embryos for fertilization and population. And all the did was use them experimentation, and livestock, and slaves. 
If we’re talking about cycles of violence, they are stuck in one cycle, murder, horror, oppression, tyranny, inhumanity. The Ark was also stuck one. MW was stuck in one. And the grounders were stuck in one, and this is why they all died, devouring themselves. Snake devouring their own tail. Ouroborous. Wonkru wasn’t alive long enough to set up that cycle, they were the end of the previous, I think.
So Kane, Monty, Clarke, Bellamy, Raven now, are trying to break the cycle and start a new cycle without the violence. 
Russell, of course, is not. So he blames our heroes for everything, all the prime deaths, although... that was the COG, Josephine, the Null, and ok, Madi. She did kill one. But he was keeping her as a nightblood.  Echo is about to kill Russell when Ryker knocks her out, ‘for his family.’ Russell has them up on pyres, but Murphy remembers about the bone marrow, i guess we can forgive the twice grieving Abby for not being in the best place. But Raven backs him up, gets our heroes free and then he lights the null on fire. They purify sanctum through fire.
That just brings me back to what Cadogan did to Becca in Madi’s vision. It seems similar. Also when Josephine wakes up the first time and sees Russell old she says he looks like grandpa. Could cadogan be grandpa or was he too young? idk. But anyway, Primes, fires, praimfaya, eligius, religious imagery, the eternity symbol, the two suns... I still think there are too many links to second dawn to be coincidental. I don’t know what the link is, but i think there is one. 
Oh one other thing I noticed, during their imprisonment, Sheidheda told Madi to tell RAVEN nothing. Specifically. I think he knows it’s because of the tech. If he understands tech, then he knows Raven can figure it out. If he understands tech that means he must have been some part of the pre apocalypse, no? Although Indra did say she remembered him. If she’s, like 50, and the apocalypse was 100 something years ago, could he have been an old man when he became a heda? He doesn’t look it. Ok, well maybe he’s not cadogan. But I still think there’s a connection. 
Ok. To Clarke and Josephine. Josephine is SUCH a villain. Playing all sweet and harmless with Clarke to get her sympathy, making “friends” with her, sharing her love story with Gabriel with her. Working with her so they can BOTH live, and then planning on murdering her. 
I have a theory about her. All her bodies have been blonde. That’s why Clarke is perfect. Good age. Blonde. Beautiful. Jo II wasn’t a blonde. I’m certain of it. Her eyebrows and part are very dark. I’m certain they dyed her hair blonde to be acceptable to Josephine, because she only wants blonde hosts. She’s so freaking vain. Oh I also have a theory that the primes stopped their emotional development at the age they were first killed. So Josephine never got older than early 20s narcissist. Ryker is an adolescent-- the way he collects cool things and comics. Leelee is a kid, impulsive, likes sweet things. Simone is a bitter hag. (She always has that sour face on. Maybe she didn’t really WANT to go on the ship. When she took Abby’s body, Abby had that sour face.) While Russell is a megalomaniac. HE didn’t die, but he didn’t change. Gabriel was like 45 or so. They are UNABLE to grow and change. Maybe that’s why they’re stuck in that snowglobe of artificiality. They aren’t really real people. They’re AI facsimiles of real people. Hmm. They have the consciousness, but they’re frozen. 
The scene where Jade is taking Josephine back and getting ready to kill Octavia and Bellamy swoops in and saves the day is a stunning masterpiece of giving us what we want.
The height of Bellamy’s heroism in s2, now witnessed by Octavia and Clarke’s body, i mean she heard it right? COme on. Anyway. Such a great way to save them, to spin the story, and to bring it back to a supremely satisfying moment from another season. Gorgeous. 
Then we get to the famous saving Clarke from death scene. That scene is amazing. Josephine is pulling out her most manipulative, sweet little girl, don’t you love me? crap and it works. It works on me too. She COULD come back. She COULD be reborn again. BUT SHE REFUSES TO GO. 
Why would she do that? Because she wants what she wants and she’s a god, I guess. Even without her memories. With a chance to start over with a clean slate, and she STILL does that. When she told Clarke she wasn’t always like that, I doubt this is true. It wasn’t her experiences that made her like that or when her experiences were erased she wouldn’t have done it again. How did she remember her murder move? Ugh. She sucks. But she was a great, charming villain. 
And then Bellamy so desperate. So stubborn. Would not let her go. You know that scene wasn’t very long at all, and it was still so freaking epically romantic. Not in your candle light and fancy dresses and pretty views and music kind of romantic way. But in one soul in two bodies kind of way. Her heart stopped working so he told it to beat. 
And she did. 
i need someone to come tell my heart to beat because it has stopped. I am dead. that scene killed me. I’ve been dead for months. wake me up when season 7 happens. 
@linzzmorgan100 @wolfheartgirl  @braindeadkat @kattitudereads @beholdmysparkle @elspethelfgordie @theatre-steph @franklyineedcoffee  @iishallbelieve
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travllingbunny · 4 years
Quarantine tag game
Thanks for tagging me, @sometimesrosy!
ARE YOU STAYING HOME FROM WORK/SCHOOL? I am staying home but not from work, because I work at home. Not just now, I always work at home, so there hasn’t been any change in that respect. The volume of work was the same as always during the last few weeks, too. I haven’t had any new work since Friday, so I’m enjoying a few days of rest, but I don’t know if this has anything to do with Corona. A few days of rest and no work has happened before. It will give me more time to clean my apartment.
IF YOU’RE STAYING HOME, WHO IS THERE WITH YOU? My two dogs and two cats. They are probably happy that they get even more time with me than usual. I think that some people don’t consider pets real company - probably people who don’t have pets - which I find funny. They are amazing company and I never feel lonely or bored. It’s never boring with them. Taking the dogs out two times a day, having to feed the cats 6-7 times a day or however often they start mewing and asking for food (especially the kitten - the young one is just 9 months old), having to stand guard to make sure dogs don’t steal cat food :D and all the petting and displays of affection.
ARE YOU A HOMEBODY? Not really? But I’m also not not a homebody? LOL Normally, I enjoy going out and meeting people; I have salsa classes two times a week, which are really fun; I go clubbing on weekends; and my favorites are the Language Cafe type events, which used to be up to 3 times a week before the Coronavirus situation started (these are events for people to meet and practice languages, where you can just come, choose the table with the language you want to practice, introduce yourself and join the conversation). I go to concerts, film festivals, public lectures/debates etc. 
But at the same time, I don’t mind staying at home, and I’ve had experience in having to stay for a week or two when I had a ton of work and tight deadlines. I talk to people a lot via phone, Viber, Whatsupp and social media, exchange memes and satirical articles about the current situation, etc. I’m online a lot, and I’m trying to finally catch up/check out some of the many TV shows, movies and books I have on my watchlist/readlist and do other stuff I never had enough time for.
AN EVENT THAT YOU WERE LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT GOT CANCELLED? I don’t think it’s been officially cancelled yet (?), but I doubt that the Tindersticks concert in early May is gonna be happening. I had already bought the ticket so I hope it gets postponed. I’ve also bought a ticket for a Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds concert in early June (it’s probably too optimistic to hope that will happen?) and a Pixies concert in early September (I don’t have to worry about that one, do I?)
WHAT MOVIES HAVE YOU WATCHED RECENTLY? Since the curfew started, I’ve watched just a few movies that happened to be on TV  - which were all very different, but I wasn’t impressed by any of them (Divergent, Ironclad, and Francis Ha). 
The last time I was in cinema was for the FEST film festival, which ended on 8 March, and I watched Jojo Rabbit on the closing night. I really loved it. Before that, at the same festival, I watched Apocalypse Now: The Final Cut, Blood Quantum (pretty good Canadian horror that’s a different take on the zombie epidemic genre, as it takes place in a First Nation reserve, most characters/actors are First Nation and it deals with social issues), Spanish period drama by Alejandro Amenabar  Mientras dure la guerra (During the War) about the Spanish Civil War and Miguel de Inamuno’s role in the events, The Lighthouse (really good, really dark psychological horror drama that can have a bunch of interpretations) and Dead Don’t Die (Jim Jarmush’s zombie comedy with some very on-the-nose social commentary).
WHAT SHOWS ARE YOU WATCHING? The list is pretty long! Some shows I’ve been watching on TV include: Peaky Blinders (really good!), Babylon Berlin (still in season 1), Penny Dreadful (I’m almost finished - I didn’t like season 1 that much but it got much better in seasons 2 and 3), Wynonna Earp (not great but it’s just a fun show with some cool actors/characters). I'm about to finish S1 of The Witcher and I want to rewatch it immediately to figure out the timelines. I’m finishing my rewatch of The 100 and I’m going to resume my rewatch of Agents of SHIELD (hopefully I can finish it by its premiere date, 27 May). Also watching Outlander season 5, Harley Quinn, Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, need to catch up on Roswell: New Mexico, Prodigal Son and Stumptown and finish The Outsider, and have recently started The Plot Against America and Mindhunter (the latter because my best friend has recommended it). I’ve even checked out the pilot of Lucifer, which I may or may not continue soon, and I’m continuing with 12 Monkeys season 1. And I intend to check out Kingdom. Quite a mix of genres there.
WHAT MUSIC ARE YOU LISTENING TO? I haven’t listened to that much music lately as I used to, but my routine for putting myself to sleep is to turn on MTV Rocks (or the Rock Alternative radio channel) on my TV, in low volume, program the sleep function for 2 hours, and go to bed. It works like a charm. I always have trouble falling asleep in silence. 
Other than that, I’ve been listening to a lot of Haelos since I first discovered them when I heard their song “Alone” in season 6 of The 100, and I’ve listened to othe songs from The 100 and Tree Adams’ soundtrack for season 3.
WHAT ARE YOU READING? Before all this, I borrowed 3 books from the American Corner library: Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and Beloved and Tea Obrecht’s The Tiger’s Wife.  I’m reading The Bluest Eye at the moment, but I’m also going to finally start reading GRRM’s Fire and Blood, which I had never found time for.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR SELF-CARE? The usual stuff I do - a bit of exercise, nurturing bath once a week, regular skin care. But last week, I also had to make an effort to relax and try to lower my level of stress and blood pressure, thanks to something that happened last Sunday. 
Rant incoming....If you don’t want to read about my bad experience with the police and idiotic government measures, stop now.
Namely, the idiotic government of my country has imposed “measures” which are supposed to be against the spread of Coronavirus but mostly don’t make any sense - they are constantly extending curfew and changing the time of it, and have changed the times when dog owners are allowed to walk their dogs. At one point, it seemed like there was no allowed time for that in the evening or afternoon. You had to listen to the news all the time (and listening to news and the President’s speeches is one of the things that annoys me the most) to figure these things out. And the weekend before last was their first experiment in an extra-long 3 day curfew, which I wasn’t even aware of, when they actually had the police patrol and arrest people for just walking on their own (or, in one case, a young farmer in his tractor - two days after the minister of agriculture said on TV that farmers would be exempt from the curfew - they changed it). So I got manhandled, put in handcuffs and taken to the station for walking my dogs all on my own, with no one else around (which is endangering people and helping the spread of Corona - how exactly??!) where i had to sit for 2 hours while a cop was writing stuff down from the records, and about 60 other cops walked right by me, 10 of whom didn’t have masks, while 3 had but pulled them up/down, then in a police car with 3 other people they picked up - who can’t sit any further than half a meter from you as there’s not enough room, then about 1.5 hours more at the court, with a bunch of other people (and everyone was sitting right next to each other - I was the only one who was like “Nope” and stood a couple of meters away from the others), where they passed the judgment that I have to pay a fine of almost 450 EUR - the amount that’s prescribed for everyone. (And in Serbia, that’s about 1.5 of the minimum wage. I can pay my bills for 3 months from that amount.) Turns out, they arrested some 700-800 people that weekend, so I guess they’re gonna extort a lot of money from the people - if all of them are able to pay it within 15 days (which I doubt. I can withdraw the money from the bank, but I don’t think everyone can). My temperature, pulse and probably blood pressure went up immediately and took an entire week to come down - due to stress, a lot of anger and fear - I had my mask and gloves, but that was still the most close contact and exposure to a lot of other people, much more than I’ve had in weeks. I yelled and ranted and told them that they’re the ones putting others and themselves in danger of contracting Corona, and they probably knew I was right, but it makes no difference -  President Vučić is either an idiot who actually thinks the virus is lurking outside in the air to jump at people, but only during the hours he decides, or, more likely, he doesn’t care, but is a wannabe dictator who likes to act self-important and playact at imposing “strict but necessary measures”.
/end rant. Sorry about that. But that’s why I bought a temperature meter and blood pressure meter, because I was having high temperature, heart palpitations and pressure in my chest, which hasn’t happened to me in a long time (I was also starting to feel PMS, which added to it and didn’t help, but is normally nowhere near as bad when I’m not stressed out) so I needed a lot of self-care last week - which included tranquilizers, but mostly trying my best to relax and feel better. And I’m finally well now and close to how I was before the whole arrest idiocy.
Tagging @jeanie205 @kizo2703 @weareagentsofnothing @turtle-paced @wolfheartgirl @theatre-steph @selflessbellamy @mytly4 @katersann @linzzmorgan100 @immortalpramheda @iishallbelieve @misskittyspuffy @marshmallow-the-vampire-slayer @justbecauseyoubelievesomething @angearia @ladyofthefrostfangs - I know some of you have already been tagged, I’m sorry if you’ve already done it but I haven’t seen it, in which case I’look for it on your blog. Sorry to everyone I didn’t tag, too. 
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crazychicke · 6 years
LOL just watched clips from Grease 2 and LOL, I’m so glad I didn’t buy the dvd, some of those scenes are just bad! Grease 1 definitely wins hands down, but it’s nice to see some of the OG cast cameo, and I otp Steph/Michael (he’s so HOT) Dolores/Davey and Paulette/Johnny (even though he’s a total dick, she actually deserves 100% better). Didn’t like any of the T-birds, where tf was Frenchie for half the movie, and I wish we saw the OG gang in College or something. Now I just wanna rewatch Grease to erase some of those horrible songs/scenes ROFL
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blodreina-noumou · 7 months
*Raven screaming through spine surgery she's completely awake through, with no painkillers, after getting shot*
Murphy, who shot her: Time to make this about me.
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blodreina-noumou · 8 months
#Stacked100 - Day 1
Today we're watching 2x01: "The 48"
+ The title alone! In a show called "The 100," coming back to season two with an episode called "The 48" immediately reminds us of the massacre at the end of the first season, and of just how many of the kids sent to the ground have already been lost. And this was still early on, when there wasn't a new group of hundreds of people either dying or coming very close to dying every other episode. I do remember how effective that number reduction was when I first watched this episode, though, and I think that reminder pairs nicely with Clarke's desperation when she wakes up in the white room.
+ The first scene is an intense way to start the season - and this rewatch! Maya in her hazmat suit + Clarke immediately losing her shit and injuring herself + taking Maya hostage... all ending with that shockingly peaceful, community breakfast scene. If there was one thing the early seasons were especially good at, it was raising the stakes and changing the status quo in a surprising way. This scene is a great example of that.
+ This season in particular is one that I think Clarke's single-minded intensity towards a specific goal works really well for her character. She immediately distrusts everyone at Mt Weather and wants only to get out of the shelter and back to her people. And since she ends up being absolutely right, her determination and drive to protect people is at its most noble and justified.
+ TRIGEDASLENG TRIGEDASLENG TRIGEDASLENG!! This is the first time we ever hear it and it comes straight from Octavia's mouth and I love that. In later seasons, she's one of the people who speaks it the most and keeps it alive, long after it probably should have died out, so it's very fitting that she's the first person to speak it on screen.
+ Raven and Murphy on the dropship floor, (nearly) dying together. The beginning of a beautiful friendship and they don't even know it yet. Raven literally would've killed him if she wasn't out of bullets. He shot her like, only a few hours before this. But they talk and they come to a sort of uneasy truce. She saves his life at the end, by telling the adults that she "got shot" instead of saying "Murphy shot me." Another thing this show was very, very good at was putting adversaries in the same situation and that letting them find the beginning of a positive relationship there. This wasn't the first time and won't be the last, but it is one of the best.
+ Monroe and that other kid trying to psych themselves up to go save Bellamy and Finn by going "we're warriors. we're warriors!!!"- that kind of made me tear up! They were just kiiiiids!
+ Lincoln carrying Octavia on his shoulders and supporting her tiny head with one huge hand while she's sick from the poison. Lincoln making Octavia repeat that same Trigedasleng phrase over and over again so her pronunciation sounds natural and his people might accept her without him. Lincoln going back to his village and risking a very painful death for treason to get Octavia the antidote. And that doesn't even touch what Octavia is going to do for him in next week's episode. Linctavia really was THAT ship.
+ The late episode pop/rock/indie/alternative/vaguely mid-2010s song montage! Another CW classic. Especially common on The 100 in the first three seasons. I had a playlist of all of them during the peak of my obsession of this show. I genuinely love how on the nose they are, it cracks me up. Clarke settling into Mt Weather (to the extent that her paranoid ass can,) interposed with Skaikru making their way to the Ark to settle there, all while the lyrics "we are coming home" play in the background. So specific. Gotta love it.
+ Monty and his magic tricks! Jasper and Monty play-fighting over chocolate cake! Jasper meeting Maya for the first time! Jasper and Monty well-fed and wearing clean clothes!! I really miss Monty and Jasper. They brought so much heart to this show. And as much hardship as they're going to face later on in this season, it's so nice to see scenes of them relatively happy and carefree in this episode.
- Lincoln says "our warriors speak English," implying non-warrior Grounders don't. They gave up on that one really really quick, didn't they?? I don't think we ever met a grounder that didn't actually speak English.
- The Mountain Men probably would've discovered nightbloods and it should've been a thing, but of course nightblood wasn't a thing at all in the written story at this point, because it clearly wasn't thought of until the writing for s3 began. Just a fun little plothole, classic CW writing.
- "I saw a man. No, it was a - it was a monster!" and then it cuts to an actual deformed human who *doesn't* look anything like the Reapers we'll meet later in the season. I might be wrong - someone please correct me if I am, this has bothered me for years - but I don't think this ever gets addressed. I guess it could just be an especially irradiated Reaper but we never see anyone else deformed to that level. Most people who get radiation poisoning in this show die quickly. I hate this scene.
- "I know she's intense but Clarke's the only reason we survived." One, it's just not true, and totally dismisses everything Raven, Bellamy, Finn, Octavia, Jasper, Monty, and even the nameless kids in the background doing basic (and hard) labor did. Two, Clarke is gonna use that mentality to continue a series-long downward spiral into that "intensity," making some truly awful decisions, many of which will not be for the good of her people, despite what she says. Despite what so many of them say, unfortunately.
- "When you pulled that lever, you saved lives. Don't throw that away by pulling this one." THE GODDAMN LEVERS. IT BEGINS.
- Occasionally this show could be subtle. The heavy-handed comparison between Clarke and Dante Wallace was not one of those occasions.
~ I fully forgot how brutal this show is??? The Grounder just executing that kid that couldn't keep up?? Woof. And they don't really hold back on the violence/gore, at least for a YA/teen show on The CW.
~ The Mtn Men put together a whole welcome packet and orientation for these kids with surprising efficiency. But I don't think anything like this has happened before?? Like they've never had unexpected new arrivals that they didn't just immediately turn into Reapers or blood bags??? How did they know to do that in such an organized way??? The mysteries of Mt Weather continue to baffle me.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, I think this is a good episode. It clearly sets up the stakes and positions of everyone for the season. It gives us our first hints at some later plot points in season two, like with mentions of The Commander and Finn's first darkly uttered "The Grounders took them." It's a great season premiere, and a good place for us to begin - it reminded me a lot of what I liked about this show.
I'm not gonna lie, I had a hard time stopping! Season two has always been one of my favorites, and it's so tempting to just binge the rest of it, like I always have. But I'm also excited to stretch it out a little, and slowly reintroduce this beautiful, corny, well-written, horribly written, funny, sad, charming, heart-breaking, annoying, confusingly enjoyable show back into my life. It was one of my absolute favorites once. It'll be nice to keep rediscovering why!
Next week we have 2x02, "Inclement Weather" - see you then!
Tagging some mutuals: @laufire @bombshellsandbluebells @lucerants @murphystartedthefire (and anyone else who's doing this rewatch! please let me know if you want to be tagged in these posts going forward!)
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blodreina-noumou · 7 months
"your life can be more than just impossible decisions and a tragic end. you can choose to live."
I know it takes them five more seasons to figure this out - and that's if we even accept that they DO figure it out, which I find questionable tbh - but I do love that Wells gets one of the first big quotes, a sentiment that will be echoed by a major league players later, like Lexa and Monty.
It's just a nice little anchor to season one that persists throughout the show, arguably the show's biggest theme, and having it come from Wells' mouth first roots the story in that youthfulness of the original Hundred that got sent down and set this whole story off in the first place.
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blodreina-noumou · 7 months
Indra 😍😍
It's even better watching this scene, knowing how close Octavia and Indra will become. Their first meeting is so antagonistic. But even though she's (reasonably) pissed off, you can see just a glint of respect in Indra's eyes.
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blodreina-noumou · 7 months
ah fuck, I forgot how close Octavia and Lincoln get to reuniting and how far they still have to go :(
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blodreina-noumou · 7 months
"well [Raven] survived the surgery, don't ask me how"
because she's the baddest bitch this universe has ever seen!! that's how
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