cameoappearance · 9 months
time for crab
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I have saved this time for crab until the expiry of yesterday's
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akatsukitrash · 2 years
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
When characters who are close to each other (like Tsunade and the twins or Akemi and Kakuzu) just relax and start joking with each other. It's like wow, these hardened, traumatized shinobis still can experience joy through their love for each other
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Not really!
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
“Shizune, won’t you say hi?” Tsunade asks, eyebrows furrowed. Shizune usually didn’t need a reminder to be polite. Dan had taught her good manners, and not even Tsunade’s potty mouth affected them.
Shizune pouts, arms crossed on her chest and black eyes seizing up and down Kiyomi. She’s clearly related to this little menace that shook the chaotic routine of her life with Tsunade, and so she decides she doesn’t like her.
“Don’t you have a house to go back to?” Shizune snaps.
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stelera · 11 months
I'm curious if anyone's asked this question, but what made you ship them?
I know cross shipping is a thing, but what made you ship them.
Once upon a time in 2009, in the darkness of the wings backstage of a school play, two highschool best friends wrote a very silly crack fic together in a spiral notebook.
No but for real back in highschool I met my best friend when we were both extras in a school musical (and we are still best friends now 14 years later). We were both part of the weeb crowd and while we had seen each other around the same social group we hadn't really talked or interacted much. We knew we both liked anime though, and turned out we both liked RP too, so we got a spiral notebook and started to RP together at rehearsals when we had downtime (and as chorus members there was lots of down time). The problem with this was that we didn't actually watch the same anime. I was rabidly into Naruto Shippuden and my bestie was very into Inuyasha.
I will admit I tried to watch Inuyasha to the best of my abilities at the time, but I didn't have a TV in my bedroom so I had to try and sneak out into the family room and turn the volume down super low and watch it on Toonami at 4am (wretched time), but I only managed to catch a few episodes this way before I gave up.
To solve this conundrum, we just... RPed with our favorite characters from our favorite animes and called it a crossover! My bestie figured out most of the initial time travel stuff and we just had a really fun time with it! Honestly it was a tough call between Inuyasha and Koga for my bestie's favorite character so our ship was almost Koga/Deidara but it's good it turned out the way it did.
Later in college after writing two sequels to the original fic, we re-wrote the original, but we really didn't have the skills to do it justice. I re-read that re-write back in maybe late 2021 early 2022 and just got bitten real hard by the nostalgia bug and started re-writing it. I've also revisited all of the source material (re-watched Shippuden and finally got around to watching Inuyasha twice now!) and really fleshed out a lot of the lore that was left bare-bones at best in our first couple passes. In doing so though, I really only made myself love the ship more.
I know it's just this obscure little crossover with strange and humble beginnings but honestly? To me at least... they're kind of accidentally great for each other. To Inuyasha, Deidara is someone who can keep up with him physically, who he doesn't have to worry about (usually) in a fight, who rolls with his temper and his banter without taking it too personally, who can be genuine with him and doesn't play mind-games with him, who doesn't see him as in any way lesser and doesn't treat his demonic heritage as an obstacle, who even admires him all the more for who he is without the desire to change him. To Deidara, Inuyasha is someone who makes him want to be better, who doesn't judge him for the darkness of his own past, who even shares in some of that darkness without letting it define him, who can roll with his off-color sense of humor while still being serious when necessary, who can care for him deeply and openly without strings attached, who can be someone he can heal with, who gives him the affection he's been starving for his whole life.
There are just... so many ways they mesh together well, if I sat here and kept waxing poetic about them, I'd have to open a candle barn.
idk if there's even a way to TL;DR this... they're good FeralXFeral energy. Rough, rowdy bros who fight hard, banter sharp, and love fierce, and whose jagged edges fit together surprisingly well.
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kapukoki · 8 months
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Commission for @stelera ^^
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geda-art · 2 years
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Commission for @Stelera in tumblr
#Inuyasha #commissions #deidara #InuyashaYaoicrossover #InuyasjaCrossover #NarutoCrossover #YaoiFanart #DeidaraFanart
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eeyc · 1 year
Pfizer coloca a su vacuna del Covid-19 como el fármaco con más ingresos del mundo
El fabricante estadounidense cuela también su antiviral Paxlovid en el ranking de medicamentos con más ventas
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La vacuna del Covid-19 fabricada por Pfizer reina como medicamento más vendido del mundo en 2022, al ingresar el pasado año más de 35.400 millones de euros. Se trata de una cifra estratosférica dentro de la industria farmacéutica, muy superior a los ingresos generados por cualquier otra terapia en la historia. Gracias a la comercialización de este producto, además, Pfizer ha conseguido convertirse en el primer laboratorio que supera la barrera de los 100.000 millones de dólares en facturación el pasado año y a obtener un beneficio neto anual de 31.300 millones.
Esta vacuna, llamada Comirnaty, encabeza el ranking de los fármacos con más ventas del mundo del pasado año, según los datos proporcionados por la consultora británica Airfinity a CincoDías (ver gráfico).
Comirnaty ha generado 70.000 millones en ventas en los dos últimos años a Pfizer. Esta vacuna fue la primera en administrarse en casi todo el mundo –también la primera vez que se usó un producto de ARN mensajero– para frenar la pandemia y la más utilizada en el mundo frente a las versiones de Moderna, Janssen o AstraZeneca. En cualquier caso, se prevé que en 2023 comienza el declive de este producto –desarrollado conjuntamente con la firma alemana BioNTech– por el control de la pandemia y, provoque que los ingresos del laboratorio estadounidense caigan entre un 33% y un 29%, según sus propias previsiones publicadas el 31 de enero.
Más de 90.000 millones
Hasta la llegada de Comirnaty, el medicamento con más ingresos en el mundo era Humira, indicado para tratar diversas patologías como artritis, psoriasis, enfermedad de Crohn o colitis ulcerosa. De hecho, en los últimos cinco años ha aportado más de 93.240 millones de euros a su fabricante estadounidense Abbvie, según Airfinity. El pasado año, fue el segundo fármaco más vendido, generando casi 20.000 millones en ingresos.
El tercer producto que más ingresos generó en el mundo es Keytruda, un antitumoral de Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD), por el que el fabricante estadounidense se embolsó más de 19.600 millones. Es, además, el medicamento económicamente de más éxito de la nueva clase de productos de inmunoterapia frente al cáncer. Este tipo de tratamientos, de elevado coste, es una quimioterapia muy selectiva, de mejores resultados y con menos efectos secundarios que la tradicional. En el caso de este anticuerpo monoclonal, se aprobó para melanoma y, posteriormente, se ha utilizado para otras indicaciones como el cáncer de pulmón y otra decena de tumores.
Pfizer, además, colocó el pasado año otra terapia entre las más vendidas del mundo. En este caso, el antiviral Paxlovid contra el Covid-19, gracias a unas ventas de 17.731 millones, ya que en 2021 había lanzado ese producto, pero prácticamente no llegó a tiempo para comercializarse (76 millones). Se trata del primer tratamiento oral para los afectados por este coronavirus.
El fabricante estadounidense llega a colar otro producto en el ranking, en este caso Eliquis (un anticoagulante), en este caso producido junto a la compañía también estadounidense Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS).
También en el área terapéutica del Covid, la biotecnológica Moderna logró el pasado año llevar a entre los más vendidos a su vacuna (llamada Spikevax), que generó 17.230 millones para una compañía que apenas tenía ingresos antes de la pandemia.
Un ranking monopolizado por EE UU
Las empresas estadounidenses prácticamente copan el listado de blockbusters (superventas, en el argot del sector). Junto a Pfizer, Abbvie, Moderna y MSD, en el ranking repite con tres productos BMS (el anticoagulante Eliquis, el antitumoral Revlimid y la inmunoterapia frente al cáncer Opdivo). También destaca Janssen (farmacéutica de Johnson & Johnson) con el tratamiento Stelera de inmunología y con Imbruvica (antitumoral en colaboración con Abbvie).
Las empresas europeas han perdido presencia entre los tratamientos con más facturación. Es destacable la desaparición en el ranking de Roche, que hasta hace unos años tenía fuerte implantación con sus antitumorales (y que han ido perdiendo la patente). Solo se cuelan Bayer (con Eylea) y Sanofi (con Dupixent).
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mixanji · 5 years
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More art dump! In this expanded set, we have Ezeifalna and Peony—a drow + moon elf (respectively) wlw couple—and the trio of cutest drow boi Astarin, Doing His Best moon elf Etalei and Mr Floppy Ear sun elf Corgil!
Last but not least! @stelera’s good boye Denavir in a happy AU where everything is fine and dandy, and he is a royal herbalist in charge of taking care of babby prince Astarin T w T
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viktormaru · 6 years
stelera replied to your photo: I doubt anyone will EVER bingo this good luck
this is blatant Hanzo erasure
i didnt want to put another ovw character, i  honestly only put mccree cause i remembered i once dreamed i was hugging mccree and woke up and started crying cause i wanted to get back to hugging him
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hiphipfrey · 6 years
stelera replied to your post: “save a horse girl your wife” -jordan 2018
I read this as “save a girl, horse your wife”
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cameoappearance · 10 months
I tried to message this to you but we're not mutuals so here XD you came across my dash in screenshot form and I was excited to see one of the little guys from my phone.
Oh hey it's a cam sighting!
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akatsukitrash · 2 years
Because you know I am a gremlin, for the ship bingo: Inuyasha/Deidara
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stelera · 8 months
good morning! i found one of your InuDei comms in the wild, and it was SUCH a blast from the past i had to drop into your askbox. your InuDei fics left an incredible impression on me, such that i still think about them a whole actual decade later. crackships get left by the wayside a lot, since they aren't "serious", but they are the truest definition of Playing With Barbies and i love them. i love yours!
(my Playing With Barbies ship is Xigbar/Deidara [XigDei], which i write with my sister as a means of keeping in touch and makin' stuff together.)
anyways! your InuDei comm made me light up like the sun, so i wanted to share how much it meant and still means to me. thank you for your time and for sharing InuDei, and i hope you have a really wonderful day! take care!
Bro, you're gonna make me cry. Waking up to this is so wonderful. Like I am so genuinely touched that there are still people out there who remember InuDei from way back in the Deviantart and FFN days. The fact that you even still think about it a decade later is just so mindblowingly sweet to me. InuDei was a crossover ship I started in high school with my best friend, and we wrote it for years before finally falling off with it in favor of other interests. I re-read our first fic back in 2021 I think and got bitten hard by the nostalgia bug and rewrote the first fic and have been working on rewriting the second (I've gotten myself kinda stuck on chapter 10 but I will persevere).
Crossover ships are such a special thing, I think. They really are the purest form of indulgence of the blorbos, and the more I learn about and see other people's crossover ships, the more they really grow on me. What you and your sister have with XigDei is something so special, and you'll treasure it for a lifetime, even if it gets dusty in a box somewhere for a little while.
I will absolutely have a wonderful day now, because this ask has really and truly made it wonderful. 💞 💞 💞
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mccoysstuff · 4 years
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calls/Text +1)512-766-9658 #legalsteroids #humira #colitis #calprotectin #mg #crohnsdiet #stelera #budesonide #crp #crohnsdiease #crohnsdisease #insomnia #crohns #ibd #cilais #anavaronlycycle #formulasecrets #gearcycles #trt #lowt #reduce #nattyverified #fighterandthekid #testosteronebooster #trenbolon #winstrol #anabol #testosteronenation #fitnessjourney #gymmotivation https://www.instagram.com/p/CHMaa63Bxad/?igshid=13clqemmxgeuy
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toashesfanzine · 6 years
Got my zines early last week and I love them! Thank goodness you packaged them so well because the ding dong postal carrier bent the whole package to cram it into my mail box! It took me like five minutes of pulling to get it out! I don't know how they even got it in there in the first place, they shoulda left it on my porch 😱 My gf is gonna love her Christmas gift too 😉 y'all are the best! Thanks for putting together such a wonderful zine!!!
Ahhh padded envelopes are the hero of the day, it seems.
For those who may be thinking of doing their own zine, if you want to do flat-rate shipping you have to use certain envelopes, but if you mark the envelopes “Do not bend” you have to pay a huge extra fee because the post office won’t send them through their machines. That’s why it was either double down on reinforcing the envelope, or make the shipping prices unbearable. We’re so glad the envelopes are being a good shield!
We hope your gf enjoys her gift, and thank you so much for your support!
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howliteart · 7 years
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Commission for @stelera! :D (Maybe a D: would me more appropriate, for mood? ;p)
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mixanji · 5 years
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Outfit design commission for @stelera ♪( ´▽`)
Sad gentle boi Denavir is so nice to dress and pretty up TwT Thanks so much for commissioning me ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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