#steinbeck x lovecraft
degenerateshinji · 1 year
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dang i cant believe they put this in the bungou stray dogs manga
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emomarktwain · 1 month
John, walks into Lovecraft's room: glad to see you deciding to-
Lovecraft: No.
Lovecraft proceeds to cover himself in the entire blanket:
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kijimha · 2 months
Reference and another lovecraft drawing below :3
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Aand yet another drawing of lovecraft with shadows
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Thanks :33
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greendy2l · 2 years
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aaaaaa I wanted to do this drawing for a long time, and Roland and Olivier from vanitas look very similar to John and Lovecraft from bungou, or at least that's what I thought the first time I saw them jsakjsaks in any case roland i love you
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lavandulawrites · 4 months
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I am curious about who’s most popular. I of course have an inkling suspicion;)
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suckingsugu · 10 months
Airys The Guild Masterlist
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* ✧・゚:Francis Fitzgerald
* ✧・゚:Louisa
* ✧・゚:Poe
poe headcanons (casual, in a relationship, nsfw)
* ✧・゚:Lovecraft
lovecraft headcanons (casual, in a relationship, nsfw)
* ✧・゚:John Steinbeck
* ✧・゚:Lucy
* ✧・゚:Margaret
* ✧・゚:Mark Twain
bsd masterlist
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Dropping questions about BSD x SAGAU :))) You said that the BSD cast would bring those who assisted Reader to their world and get revenge for Reader. Yet what if they miss Teyvat, or love their people? Nahida thrives to be a worthy Archon for Sumeru, Furina sacrificed 500 years to protect Fontaine and the Spina di Rosula's goal is to assist those in need, the Adepti are loyal to Rex Lapis, etc. How will they react to the punishment? Will they do anything to convince the BSD cast to spare Teyvat?
Before answering your question, I need to clarify something about Punishment Plan.
It can be put in three phases.
Phase I - Taking a look, do some (mild) damage.
Character didn't do anything drastic (almost), they simply look for more information.
Currently, there are:
* Lovecraft (sinking ships, made Dottore mad)
* Jouno (stealing books from Creator's churches, after learning, that Kaeya gouged out Reader's eye, snapped. Killed everyone in Creator's Cathedral of Mondstadt, blinded and muted Kaeya. After that, he is lying low, stealing books from Creator's Cathedral of Liyue)
* Tetchou, Verlaine, Tachihara, and Tanizaki (attacking trade caravans. Not killing anyone, but they do take away everything.) 
* Fitzgerald and Atsushi (scamming Ningguang and Pantalone into loosing money. And Atsushi in tiger form are Fitzgerald's mount)
* Mark and Steinbeck (Rob Northland Bank)
* Dazai and Ango (scamming people)
* Fyodor and Sigma (established a casino)
All goods and mora (except from the ships) are currently being kept in real world on the attic.
And, Capitano is still captured in a basement.
Phase II - To the rescue
BSD Cast saving everyone, who helped Reader.
Phase III - It's Showtime.
BSD Cast release all their powers on Teyvat.
So, Teyvat Helpers will be saved, before situation get too serious and out of control.
And to the question.
Teyvat helpers have the right to be included in a discussion about Teyvat's future. And they have a right to vote.
Teyvat Helpers, on one hand, understand BSD Cast's pain and anger. What happened to Reader were terrible and cruel. They understand, why BSD Cast want blood.
But, Teyvat still remains Helpers' home. Their people live here. And not everyone wanted to hurt Reader. Someone were too afraid of going against Fake Creator's orders.
So, the heated discussion took place.
Helpers are trying to minimize the damage.
BSD Cast are trying to "get permission" to punish as many people, as they can.
Some punishments are set in stone.
Mori insists on fighting Zhongli.
Fyodor insists on punishing Neuvillette.
Goncharov wants to do some damage to Tsaritsa.
Everyone wants to kill Fake Creator. (This one isn't up to debate, they will do it).
Reader will be the one, who will have the final word.  
If they said, that they forgive/don't care about Teyvat, BSD Cast will listen.
If they said, that they want some kind of revenge (without killing and mutilating), BSD Cast will listen.
If they said, that they want destruction... You get the point.
Helpers will talk to Reader, trying to explain their point and why BSD Cast should go easy on Teyvat. 
They have good chances to succeed.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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chuuyahatlicker-pro · 8 months
I took my time to think about it and now i think i have them all , so today b!tches and bros and non-binary h0es i present to you bsd ships in the colors i think would fit them ( this is @imtiredmandontquestionit 's idea go check their colors –i think mine are better but don't tell them i said that– ) :
Soukoku : Ginger ( i swear i was looking for the name of the color i was thinking of and by pure coincidence it ended up being that )
Shin Soukoku : Gray
Ranpoe : Brown ( Clay to be more exact )
Suegiku : Red ( 49Ers red )
Fyolai : Lavender
Kunizai : Olive
Sigzai : pastel pink
Kousano : Rose ( a shade of pink )
Lovecraft x Steinbeck : Peacock ( I swear it's a color 😭 )
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writing-blocked-me · 1 year
Glued to Your Side
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CW: Spoilers for everything past season 1, clingy Dazai, little bit of angst, brief mention of Oda, Dazai is so so smart but so so dumb, maybe OOC?, hurt/comfort, bad writing - I can’t write dialogue sorry!
Pairings: Dazai x Reader
Author’s Note: I need to stop writing angst so have a fluff piece!  Or at least what was supposed to be a fluff piece.  It turned more into hurt/comfort tbh.  Also I attempted dialogue for this fic but I am BAD at writing any form of speech so sorry for that.  Not proofread also I was very hungover when I finsihed this lmao.
Also! I have a Masterlist now! It only has like 4 works so far but hopefully that’ll change aha.
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Ever since you started working at the ADA, your world had been turned on its head.  There was always some sort of strange job to take, or fight to have with the mafia or some other organisation.  However, there was one fact that remained constant since you had become a detective: Dazai Osamu was a flirt.
You were fine with it, even sometimes enjoying some back and forth banter with the living mummy. It was completely harmless, you knew it wasn't going anywhere so it wouldn't get in the way of your professional career. Plus, you knew you weren't the only one subject to Dazai's affectionate teasing, so you knew there would never be anything romantic between you too, meaning you were free to pursue real romance if you wanted to.
At least that's what you thought.
In the weeks following the batte against the Guild, Dazai had been clingier than usual. He made a point of always keeping some sort physical contact with you, whether it was leaning on you while you were sat on the agency's couch (after he dragged you to sit and do work there instead of your desk), or having you walk shoulder to shoulder when you went on jobs.
You guessed the close eye he had been keeping on you had something to do with meeting Q. You had been the agency member tasked with escorting Haruno and Naomi to safety. While the three of you were on the train, after escaping Lovecraft and Steinbeck, you met the small child named Yumeno. They had seemed like a perfectly normal, sweet little kid. The four of you got along and chatted as you waited to reach your stop. Getting off the train, however, was a different story. When Q bumped into Atsushi and activated his ability, your memories got a little fuzzy. It was like a flip switched in Atsushi as he suddenly became violent, lashing out towards Haruno, Naomi and yourself. You quickly jumped in to protect them, bearing the brunt of the attack and being thrown into the walls of the train station. You'd hit your head pretty badly, so you could not fully register the rest of what happened. You vaguely recalled Dazai rushing in and stopping Q's ability and watching the child wave goodbye as the train carried him off. You passed out shortly afterwards.
According to the others, Atsushi had taken Haruno and Naomi to safety, while Dazai took you straight to Yosano.
After the Guild used Q to attack Yokohama, Dazai had been stuck to you like glue. You hadn't minded, you were used to his antics and affectionate behaviour. But a week passed. Then two weeks and still Dazai was fixed at your side. You had begun to get suspicious. While he was clearly putting effort into appearing as his usual self, it was clear there was something going on. He had started flirting less and less with others, even ceasing his witty back and forths with the waitress at the cafe below the agency offices. He had gradually gotten clingier and clingier too, seeking you out even on days off, to the point where soemtimes you felt as if you were being suffocated.
Everything came to a head when your friends from home were visiting the city. You had planned to meet up with your friends in the shopping district. You had not planned on bumping into Dazai. Wandering through the shopping district, arms linked and laughing at old memories, you didn't even see the bandaged man until you walked straight into him.
“Belladonna! Fancy seeing you here!" Your coworker greeted you, eyes glinting with mischief.
You were sure he was up to something, but you couldn't quite figure it out. One thing you knew though, it was no surprise that he saw you there. You had made it known to the agency how you would be spending the day off.
"Yes, well you did know I was going to be here. I mentioned it yesterday Osamu," you remarked.
Truth be told, you'd been attempting to have a Dazai-free day. He hadn't left your side in a while and you were really in desperate need of some time to collect your thoughts. Due to his attentiveness over the past few weeks, your friendship with Dazai was slowly turning into something more, at least on your end. You were sure it was all in your head though so you needed some time away from him until you could collect yourself and sort your feelings out. His recent actions confused you.
Dazai's smile faltered at the mention of your plans. "Oh, I must have forgotten," he said, his tone uncharacteristically subdued.
You raised an eyebrow at his unusual behavior, but before you could say anything, your friends interrupted.
"Hey, who's your friend?" one of them asked, eyeing Dazai curiously.
"This is my coworker, Dazai Osamu," you introduced him, not noticing the way Dazai's jaw clenched at the mention of "coworker."
Your friends chatted with Dazai for a few minutes before you realised the time and had to rush to your lunch reservations.  Quickly saying goodbye to Dazai, you grabbed your friends and rushed off.
During lunch, your friends regaled you with stories from home, and you laughed and joked with them.  However, your mind was elsewhere, thinking of the strange actions of your fellow detective.  Dazai never forgot anything, you knew that you had mentioned coming out with your friends multiple times too, so what was he doing showing up? It was messing with your head.  At least you’d managed to escape him during lunch.
After saying goodbye to your friends, you decided you needed rest and you went home.  Shutting the door behind you, you dragged yourself over to your coush and toppled onto it, exhausted.  You had barely shut your eyes when you heard a knock at the door.  Opening the door, you came to see a familiar sight.
"Dazai? What are you doing here?" you asked, confused.
"Dropping by to say hello, of course," Dazai replied, strolling past you into the house and settling down on your couch.  “Bella you would not believe the day I’ve had.  First, Kunikida would not stop bugging me about th-”
“Stop.” You cut him off before he could finish his story.  “Osamu, what are you doing here? I mean what are you really doing here?”
His eyes softened at the use of his first name.  “I wanted to see you,” he spoke softly, barely above a whisper, as if he were afraid to let anyone else hear it.
“You see me all the time!” Your frustration started to get to you as you raised your voice.  “You literally saw me just a few hours ago, which, by the way, I know wasn’t a coincidence beacuse I definitely told you I was going out with my friends.”
“Y/N I-” he started, but you quickly shut him down.
“No.  Listen to what I have to say first. I don’t understand Dazai.  What do you want from me? You’ve been glued to my side ever since the battle with the Guild and you’ve been acting weird and I, I don’t know what’s going on but you’re messing with my head.  I was fine before, talking and joking with you, but now you’re just making me so confused and I don’t know what to think anymore.” You ranted and rambled on and on, letting all your thoughts out.  “What’s going on? Please tell me.”
“I’m sorry,” he started, as he watched you fall onto the couch beside him. He knew he had been acting different lately and he knew exactly why.  He couldn’t help himself, after all, he’d come to find he cared for you.  A lot.  Much more than he wanted to for everything that was ever worth wanting was lost the moment he obtained it.  But by God did he want you.  
When Higuchi and Gin lured him away from the station to talk, he had been suspicious.  But as he realised that Q had been unleashed, he felt his stomach drop.  He had never feared for another person so much, not since Oda.  He couldn’t lose you.  But he had been to late to protect you from Q.  So, while he knew he could not have you all to himself, he also decided he would always stay by you to ensure your safety.  You had become his top priority. 
Still, when you confronted him about his change in behaviour, he didn’t know how to respond.  He didn’t want to suffocate you, but he knew he had to protect you.  He couldn’t be with you, but he knew how crushed he would be if you were with someone else and it would no longer be his place to stay by your side.  He did not want to lose you and everything he ever managed to grasp was lost to him.  Hearing your words, he knew you had romantic feelings for him.  And now, as he gazed into your eyes, he was torn between his head and his heart.  
Noticing his silence, you began to speak again.  “This isn’t fair to me you know.  You have to be honset with me.  Just tell me the truth and from there, we’ll figure it out.”  You smiled, gently placing a hand on his shoulder.  He seemed so fragile, so delicate in a way you’d never seen him before.
The reassuring gesture prompted Dazai to once again look to the floor.  He know what you’d probably say, if he was honest with you.  You’d probably tell him it didn’t matter and that you could be together anyway.  Then you would get hurt and he couldn’t have that.  But he didn’t think he could lie to you either, not anymore.  You wouldn’t believe him.  So he chose his words carefully as he turned to you and began explaining.
“I know I've been...clingy, lately. And I'm sorry for that.” He snuck a glance at you, seeing you staring back, listening intently.  “You have to understand that what happened with Q, I just- I just need to make sure you’re safe.”
“I can handle myself.”
“I know, belladonna, I’ve seen you in the field.  But this is something different.  I have to make sure i don’t lose you.  I need to make sure you’re safe because I-” He takes a pause again to collect himself, bracing for what comes next.  “I care about you a lot.  But I can’t be with you.  Everything I ever want, I ever love, is always lost and I can’t have that happen to you.  I tried to stop it, I flirted with others, told myself that it’s no different with you, but it was.  And the thing is, I’ve come to realise, I can’t help the way I feel about you.”
“Dazai-” You spoke, but this time he cut you off.
“Please just let me get this out.” He looked at you once more and you could see the raw emotion in his eyes.  Never had he been so open, so vulnerable. “I can’t help how I feel about you, and I can’t be with you.  Not in the way I want.  But I can protect you.  If I just stay close enough, I can protect you and you won’t have to be hurt.  I know it’s selfish, but it’s the only reason to stay close to you, without ever having to lose you, because you wouldn’t be mine.”
“Osamu-” He noticed you beginning to speak, but continued on, eyes now fixed to the floor.
“I knew what you’d say if I told you this.  I know what you’d probably tell me now if I let you speak.  That it’s not true, right? I can have you and you won’t be lost to me.  Except that it is true.  Everyone I’ve ever held close has been taken from me.  I will not let that happen again.” His tone was filled with conviction as his gaze grew more determined. “I’ve been to lenient, allowing myself to flirt and joke about with you.  It’s selfish of me, to do that to you when we have no future together, but I can never seem to help it when it comes to you.  I’m going to step back now though, let you live your life, find someone who deserves yo-”
“Don’t.” Dazai’s eyes widen as he takes you in.  Your eyes are glazed over, as if tears are about to spill at any moment, lip quivering, but your determination is written all over your face.  “You told me how much you care for me and want to keep me safe, right? Well, I feel the same way about you.” You were in complete disbelief.  How could he be so dumb as to believe you would ever love anyone else?  “You haven’t lost me yet, even though you said you wanted me.  There are some things in this life that we just can’t control, like when it’s time to depart from it.  You may lose some whom you love but that doesn’t mean that everyone else we love will follow the same pattern.” You reached out and grabbed his hands.  “Osamu, have you ever considered that, given that it’s my life, I should be able to decide how to spend it and who I spend it with?”
“Of course I have and you should, but that person can’t-”
“It can be you.  I don’t want to hear anymore of this ‘selfish’ crap about how you want to protect me and love me but can only do it from a safe distance.  I feel safest and happiest when I’m around you.  I feel protected because you’re there.  You’re a fool if you think anyone else is capable of making me feel that way.  Osamu I-” You took a breath, choosing how to word your next sentence carefully.  “Osamu. You are the most intelligent person I know, so I honestly don’t understand why you’re being so stupid right now.”
Dazai let out a shocked laugh at that.  He guessed he deserved the insult.  He guessed he probably deserved a lot worse than a single insult as he remained quiet, head down.
“You’re not being selfish by wanting to be close to me, especially when I want that too.  You are being selfish by keeping me at a distance and I won’t be letting that happen anymore.” At that Dazai lifted his head, turning to you wide eyed. “These feelings go both ways.  The idea of losing you is terrifying to me, just as losing me terrifies you, but we can’t stop loving others just because we’re afraid of loss.  We have to go on.  Maybe one day we might lose each other, but that’s not either of our faults, that is life.  We have to make the best of it by staying together and protecting each other.  The most fulfilling life for me is the one I get to spend with the person I love.” 
Dazai’s hands retracted from yours in one swift motion.  Startled, you jumped back slightly.  Had you said something wrong? Touched a nerve? Had you gone too far when you called him stupid?
“You... love me?” Wait what? Did he hear you right? You loved him? He had assumed you’d had romantic feelings for him, yes, but love?  He hadn’t realised you felt that strongly for him.  He’d assumed you’d easily be able to get over him as long as he distanced himself and he was dead set on keeping that distnce after starting this conversation.  Now, he didn’t think he could.  You loved him.  Him.  After that confession, Dazai lost any resolve he had left. His body moved of its own accord as his hands cupped your face, pulling you towards him.  
His lips met yours in a soft, tender kiss, not at all what you’d imagined your first kiss with him to be like.  It was delicate and gentle, as if he was afraid of breaking you, yet still firm enough that you couldn’t escape his grasp, like he thought you may leave.  You assured him that wasn’t the case by raising your arms to rest around his neck, keeping him close.  As you broke apart for breath, Dazai rested his forehead against yours, keeping you as close as possible.
You stayed like that for while, holding each other, exchanging soft kisses, small reassurances that shared how much you cared for one another.  After that conversation, Dazai could not deny himself of you any longer, he couldn’t push you away, not after feeling your love.  You still had a lot to talk about, but for now, Osamu Dazai was happy to just hold you until you fell asleep in his arms and he could whisper his reply to your confession.
“I love you too.”
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maxwritesalot · 2 months
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A little disclaimer, lol!!! This has a com/darkship(Shibusawa x Atsushi), and I think SteinCraft(Steinbeck x Lovecraft) might be a little bit of a proship due to the age-gap…so if you’re uncomfortable or do not like, respectfully LEAVE!!
Ships: SteinCraft (John Steinbeck x H.P. Lovecraft), ShibuAtsu (Shibusawa x Atsushi)
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[ Shibusawa, an ability user, also a depressive asshole, only interested in the “one that make every user envious of his(Atsushi) ability”, said to have the “most powerful” ability. Henceforce, Shibusawa was immediately interested when he heard that. ]
• Shibusawa follows Atsushi all around Yokohama, taking pictures of Atsushi at every angle possible, trying to go un-noticed.
• Quite like the last head-canon, Shibusawa takes pictures of Atsushi everywhere. When Atsushi goes to Café Uzumaki, Shibusawa watches from afar, because of course, why the hell would he just walk into the A.D.A’s agency? Only reason: Atsushi! Yet, he doesn’t. He goes and watches Atsushi through the window of his apartment, only when Kyoka isn’t there; He takes pictures. Shibusawa puts the pictures on his walls, in his room, etc.
• Atsushi is uncomfortable and dislikes Shibusawa, but he gets closer to Shibusawa. Shibusawa makes Atsushi be with him in Arahabaki, not letting him leave; so that Atsushi feels like the only person he has is Shibusawa.🩷
• Sometimes, Shibusawa makes clothes for Atsushi to wear!!! Atsushi doesn’t mind the clothes, he enjoys them.
(Shibusawa is abusive in a lot of ways to Atsushi💕)
[ John Steinbeck, a member of the Guild, met Lovecraft, a 200+ year old sea-creature/monster, once while fishing after the Guild got stuck on a little island while trying to go to Yokohama, Japan. John was quite shocked, yet thought that the creature he was looking at was … cool??? ]
• John would teach Lovecraft how to act like a human-being, so that they could go on dates in public. But Lovecraft says things like “You’re my favorite human.” In public…which draws attention and weird-looks to them, but John thinks it’s funny.
• Whenever they go get snacks, mostly Chocolate or Ice-Cream, Lovecraft always finishes first. He always asks John if he could have his after. John either gives him the said snack, or buys him another one!
• Lovecraft usually uses his tentacles to grab/hug John, John thinks it’s cute, while the other Guild members think it’s funny.
• (just a head-canon of the Guild.) Once, Nathaniel tried to crucify Lovecraft because he thought he was a spawn of satan😭. John told Nathaniel to never do that again and said “He might not be human, but gosh, he’s still a member of the Guild…” Which, made Mark laugh. Louisa was writing what just happened, with a little smile. Lucy giggled a little. Francis and Herman just sighed. Margaret told Nathaniel to leave Lovecraft alone, and giggled. :3
• Lovecraft often goes to sleep in the ocean, and John doesn’t mind yet he feels alone. So, John sits by the ocean, watching the sunset thinking of Lovecraft. <3
{I might make a fanfic soon😼)
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unhappytimeleaper · 10 months
Character list of show/manga I write for
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Bungo Stray Dog 
Fukuzawa, Yosano, Atsushi, Doppo, Dazai, Ranpo, Junichiro, Kenji, Mori, Chuya, Paul, Kyoka, Rando, Ichiyo, Ryonosuke, Gin, Tachihara, Q, Edgar, Lovecraft, Steinbeck, Lucy, Mark, Nathaniel, Fyodor, Ivan, Nikolai, Bram, Sigma, Jono, Tetcho
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Hunter x Hunter
Kurapika, Leorio, Illumi, Pokkle, Shalnark, Chrollo, Machi, Shizuku, Pakunoda, Feitan, Shalnark, Kortopi, Neferpitou, Shaiapouf
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 1: Dio
Part 2: Kars, Caesar, Straizo
Part 3: Jotaro, Kakyoin, Telence, N’Doul, Mariah
Part 4: Jotaro, Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu, Rohan, Mikitaka, Akira, Toshikazu, Terunosuke, Kira
Part 5: Giorno, Bucciarati, Abbacchio, Mista, Narancia, Fugo, Trish, Doppio/Diavolo, Tizzano + Squalo [one unit], Risotto, Prosciutto, Melone, Ghiaccio
Part 6: Jolyne, Ermes, F.F., Weather Report [pre and post memories], Anasui, Dio, Emporio [platonic only]
Part 7: Johnny, Gyro, Deigo, ‘Sandman’, Funny Valentine
Part 8: currently none; will update once finished reading
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Tokyo Revengers 
Takemichi, Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu, Seishu, Takashi, Nahoya, Souya, Hakkai, Ryohei, Senju, Atsushi, Kazushi, Takuya, Makoto, Kazutora, Baji, Izana, Kisaki, Sanzu, Kakucho, Ran, Rindo, Wakasa, Shuji, Hajime, Naoto, Ryusei 
Also, I like the idea of Emma or Hinata but only paired with Takemichi/Draken in the concept of yandere
all characters; toman era, 2008 timeline, 12th timeline, 14th timeline, 18th timeline; also au where no one died but Toman continued
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Vanitas no Karte
Vantas, Noe, Mikhail, Johann, Nox, Manet, Antione, Louis, Dominique, Ruthven, Loki, Roland, Charles, Olivier, Astolfo, Maria, Chloe, Jean-Jacque, Luna [Vanitas of the Blue Moon] 
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emomarktwain · 2 months
Silly little thing.
Day 1: first meeting
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casinoownersigma · 4 months
This post is to tell people what ships I am/am not okay with!
Sigma x Dazai - okay with it!
Sigma x Nikolai - okay with it!
Sigma x Fyodor - ...no, sorry (it feels horribly weird n toxic)
Sigma x Chuuya - no thanks!
Sigma x Atsushi - hm, sounds sweet, but I ship Atsushi with Aku, so I'd rather not rp this, even if it's okay!
Sigma x Shibusawa - I haven't watched Dead Apple...
Sigma x Ivan - no thanks!
Sigma x Anyone from the ADA/PM - no thanks! They can interact as friends though
Sigma x anyone else - not sure if there's anyone else, but feel free to suggest anything
Lovecraft x Steinbeck - okay with it!
Lovecraft x Poe - okay with it, but i ship poe n ranpo more, so id rather not rp this
Lovecraft x Bram - silly idea but no thanks!
Lovecraft x anyone else from the guild - hm, i dont know, since i forgot most of the guild, ill have to rewatch a few eps
Lovecraft x anyone from the ADA/PM - I'd rather not, sorry!
Ivan x Fyodor - this may be ironic, but no. Its one sided and i portray it as toxic, sorry!
Ivan x Nikolai - no thanks!
Ivan x Shibusawa - I haven't watched Dead Apple yet...
Ivan x anyone else - theres other ivan ships out there?? Someone will have to give me suggestions on this one...
I'm very sorry if i dont like a ship you like, im trying to be respectful about it uxoajffios
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stellarisstars · 5 months
I’ve been brainstorming my genshin x bsd au for a while and I’ve finally come up with a list of what visions I think each character might have! Lemme know ur thoughts!!
Armed Detective Agency
Atsushi : cryo
Dazai : anemo
Kunikida : geo
Yosano : electro
Kyouka : cryo
Kenji : dendro
Ranpo : anemo
Tanizaki : no vision
Naomi : no vision
Fukuzawa : hydro
Katai : dendro
Port Mafia
Akutagawa : cryo
Gin : hydro
Hirotsu : no vision (geo delusion)
Tachihara : electro
Kaiji : pyro
Higuchi : anemo
Chuuya : geo (but has other fucked up lore, I’ll get into it)
Kouyou : electro
Mori : has no vision (hydro delusion)
Verlaine : complicated! (Oceanid creature)
Arthur : formerly, a hydro user
Oda : pyro
Ango : geo
The Guild
Fitzgerald : geo
Herman : hydro
Louisa : dendro
Margaret : anemo
Hawthorne : hydro
Steinbeck : dendro
Lovecraft : no vision (dendro delusion)
Mark Twain : pyro
Poe : pyro
Lucy : anemo
The Hunting Dogs
Fukuchi : electro
Teruko: pyro
Jouno : hydro
Tetchou : pyro
Others I’m too lazy to fit in one list
Fyodor : cryo
Nikolai : anemo
Sigma : no vision (electro delusion)
Agatha : electro
Shibusawa : electro (cryo delusion)
Tsujimura : hydro
Ayatsuji : electro
Shirase : no vision
Yuan : no vision
(More to be added later)
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teddymochi · 2 months
OCs or Characters either way yea
Well alright! I’m a multi-shipper so I don’t really have a preference..
But some of the Ships that I actively ship only together, are
Fukuzawa x Fukuchi
Oda x Ango
Verlaine x Rimbaud
Poe x Ranpo
Steinbeck x Lovecraft 
Nathaniel x Margaret
That’s about it— sorry it’s short
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rebeccadumaurier · 1 year
my notes on bungo stray dogs season 4
alright now that i've finally watched s4, i can be insane about this show for a bit. spoilers abound below obviously, and also i only watch the show and don't follow the manga (not something i intend to change anytime soon, so pls don't spoil haha <3)
my thoughts
crazy how reading meta on the character and relationship foils in BSD actually significantly improved my media literacy, not to mention increased my respect for asagiri a lot. but speaking of foils i went insane watching this season. the way it BUILDS on so much of the previous seasons is wild
everything about mushitari and yokomizo's relationship is SOOOOO much and we barely know them. the theme of trying to be remembered forever through your writing. the foils to the murakami arc, the way ango is dazai's translator despite their own strained relationship, do i even need to explain how it parallels poe and ranpo's relationship.
not to mention the way the manuscript / evidence destroyer arc is constructed reminds me a lot of how they foiled dazai x chuuya with steinbeck x lovecraft in the double black episode.
speaking of which, ranpo fans (and ranpo/poe fans) really had their time this season! yes i'm getting queerbaited no i don't care i love this this is awesome. i havent been queerbaited like this since i watched double black and it permanently rewired my brain (affectionate)
the book as metacommentary on storytelling and what it means to construct and alter reality and the evils of trying to play God as written by a real-life writer, an inherent role of playing God. im shaking asagiri like a ragdoll for answers
unsure how i feel about the continuous upping of stakes but do respect the overall lack of power creep for our main characters. dazai, yosano etc are exactly as powerful as they were when they first started, and i enjoy that.
the obvious contrast in ranpo as silly emotionally volatile 14-year-old vs grown-up ranpo in present time and how he's developed so much as a character and grown to care for others. the relationship between him and fukuzawa. im going to be sick. i need him to be safe and protected so bad...i just want him to be happy.
the empathetic and thoughtful way BSD approaches the treatment of children really gets to me. the attempt to preserve innocence and the way it is so often destroyed. but also it's worrying how with each flashback going further back in time, the characters depicted are progressively younger - dazai at 18 -> dazai and chuuya at 15 -> ranpo at 14 -> yosano at 11. if we continue in this direction, i think we will probably see akutagawa's childhood and him joining the PM, which i can't imagine will exactly be a happy fun time.
speaking of which, the contrast in this season between the patience and compassion with which fukuzawa treats teenage ranpo vs the cruelty with which mori treats child yosano and then the fact fukuzawa and mori's friendship ended over that treatment. oh my goddd. and i'm sure there will be further examination of the trickledown-effect of how mori's teachings impacted dazai which then impacted akutagawa which then impacted kyouka. the intergenerational trauma of it all
-> the parallel between mori shooting yosano's friend to force her to heal him with her ability vs dazai shooting akutagawa to force him to protect himself with his ability. oh my god!!!!
on the decay of the angels: really confused by how nikolai's character ties in to the real-life gogol (who i don't know super well, but i've read a few of his stories and like his writing). waiting for a mishima character to show up, since well, the decay of the angel is a real-life mishima book. excited for that since real-life mishima was also....quite a character, to say the least
my questions (and further thoughts)
so far, the state of several ADA members remain unknown. we currently only know the whereabouts of dazai, atsushi, kyouka, and fukuzawa, and that's because uh, 2/4 are in prison.
(also the parallel of fukuchi helping fukuzawa find oda in prison vs fukuchi's conversation with fukuzawa in prison. hm.)
speaking of which — i'm curious where mersault really is. it's obviously not a normal prison — there's most likely at least one ability user at work in making it function. (plus i need an albert camus character so bad PLEASE.) the way it's depicted, with the yellow confined spheres, reminds me a lot of the ability of camus's countryman, arthur rimbaud (from the the fifteen arc). hm! anyway, to go over the remaining ADA members:
so, where's yosano? tachihara spared her (unsurprising imo, though there's no doubt a degree of poetry for him in forcing her to heal herself over and over like she did his brother, but he's clearly not the sadistic torturer type).
ranpo is...somewhere. he was able to contact kyouka at some point about the manuscript, and he's obviously not dead. the question i have, although this applies to pretty much all of them, is what is he doing??? presumably he has...plans, of some sort.
tanizaki and kenji - i'll be a little surprised if tanizaki doesn't try to get in touch w/ naomi. the fact we still know very little about kenji, and he remains a fairly static character, makes me nervous considering how fleshed-out the other ADA members are. i dunno, i really feel like he's hiding something. my theory is that he's a spy the way tachihara / ango were spies but i have no good evidence here besides "does not pass vibe check."
kunikida's fate also unknown, besides "alive"
the margaret / hawthorne subplot seems unresolved - both character fates are like, extremely ambiguous. will say though obsessed with lucy casually throwing hawthorne into the void and atsushi just expresses no concern whatsoever.
(obsessed with everything about lucy tbh she was a member of an incredibly powerful gifted organization and then decided to just become a waitress at a cafe, where she bullies atsushi all the time and uses her pocket dimension to store her boss's coffee, and then she quits her job to go on an incredibly risky mission for the ADA. lucy i would do anything for you)
so confused as to what happened w nikolai 😭😭 maybe i should just accept that if you're a major character in this series who exists in the present, there's no such thing as permanent death.
the most notable exclusion from this season to me: where the hell is akutagawa? dude, you can't tell me asagiri just didn't have room for him. i don't believe that. i am nervous for him!!
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