#startup advice
nimixo · 3 months
Unlock the Secret: Simple Communication Tips for Landing Investors
We learned many things while building FourSquare. One of the most important lessons is to be clear to investors about what the company will and will not do. And be open about the priorities of the things that have to be done. -Dennis Crowley, Co-founder of Foursquare
#Startup #startupadvice #EntrepreneurLife #FundraisingTips #investors #Nimixo #motivationalquotes #MotivationBlowByBlow #motivationwednesday
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area23labs0 · 5 months
Startup advice | Area23labs.com
Unlock your startup's potential with Area23 Labs in the United States. Explore our entrepreneurial cohort program, pitchathon, hackathon, and AI-focused AIMAX Summit
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beforeustartup · 6 months
If you are a new entrepreneur, gearing up to get into the game, this blog on running a team in a start-up has been crafted solely for you. It contains all the ideations and tips to help you in the mastery of team management. Let's dig in!!!
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vanishasview · 8 months
100+ Ideas for Entrepreneurial Startups
Choose a startup idea that aligns with your interests, skills, and market demand. Conduct thorough market research, validate your concept, and create a comprehensive business plan to bring your entrepreneurial vision to life. Remember to to thoroughly research your chosen startup idea, identify your target market, and craft a comprehensive business plan to set yourself up for success in your…
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aetx10 · 9 months
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fairmaiden8 · 9 months
Small Business Coaching 101: Everything You Need to Know About Taking Your Company to New Heights
Are you a small business owner who is feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to take your company to the next level? If so, then it may be time for you to consider working with a small business coach. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about small business coaching, including what it is, why it’s beneficial, and how to find and hire a reputable coach. Introduction to…
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backboneamerica · 9 months
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deorwineinfotech · 11 months
Factors affecting startup failure and companies that started from failures but later succeeded
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breakoutbanglore · 1 year
Now, these are the top eight pieces of startup advice you will ever come across. Whether you build your company of escape room games online or start your clothing line, this article will enhance your knowledge as you build your startup and help it grow!
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bootleg-nessie · 13 days
Looking for investors for my new startup company, PigeonJuice. We will be making juice out of pigeons. Serious inquiries only
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amalgamezz · 5 months
is there aplatonic label for being repulsed with irl friendship
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nimixo · 4 months
Startup Success Secrets: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Hype
Ignore the hype of the startups that you see in the press. Mostly, it’s a pack of lies. Half of these startups will be dead in a year. So, focus on building your business so you can be the one left standing. -Jules Pieri, Cofounder and CEO of The Grommet
#StartupReality #businessbuilding #EntrepreneurInsights #sustainablesuccess #startuptruths #Nimixo #motivationalquotes #MotivationBlowByBlow #motivationthursday
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multipassionat · 3 months
great things take time, it’s worth it to keep working on your projects & goals — even if you aren’t seeing external validation yet
be okay without instant gratification, fast growth, thousands of followers/views/customers from the jump - make an effort, do the work, and you’ll make progress toward your goals.
i’ve been working on several projects lately and i’m really proud of how far i’ve come. one of them is a website, blog, shop, and social media presence entitled “hopeful narratives.” it’s a place where i feel like i’m contributing to the world and could potentially positively impact peoples lives. part of my purpose, i feel like, is to show people that you can take shit you’ve been through and turn it into something positive for yourself and others for years to come. it’s to create beautiful from the depths of my darkness — whether that’s in the form of blog posts, designs, art, poetry, music, whatever.
i have so many dreams that i’ve set out to follow and i believe in myself enough to pursue them and my personal development. and that’s what hopeful narratives is all about. i have some posts about self care, productivity, life, etc and it’s written from my neurodivergent, healing/recovery lens. i hope it helps at least one person to have hope and get motivated to go after their dreams too!
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beforeustartup · 6 months
The start-up ecosystem in India is experiencing a positive turn and so are the start-up companies in India. Though some reliable resources report that there has been a drop in funding lately, other factors seem to be doing well. Here is a blog on Top 4 Indian Start-Ups you must know about. Let's dig in and here about their ideas!!!
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Where and how to find a Shopify Expert?
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Finding a Shopify Expert: Your Guide to E-Commerce Success
As the e-commerce landscape continues to grow, finding a Shopify Expert has become increasingly essential for businesses looking to thrive in the digital marketplace. A Shopify Expert possesses specialized knowledge and skills that can enhance your online store's performance, design, and functionality. This guide will walk you through where and how to find a Shopify Expert to help you make the most of your e-commerce journey.
Where to Find a Shopify Expert:
Shopify Experts Marketplace:
The most direct and official way to find a Shopify Expert is through the Shopify Experts Marketplace. Shopify maintains a directory of experienced professionals with various specialties, such as design, development, marketing, and strategy. You can browse through profiles, view past work, and directly contact experts who match your needs. Shopify vets these experts to ensure their qualifications.
Freelance Marketplaces:
Popular freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr also host a multitude of Shopify Experts. These platforms offer a broad range of expertise and price points. You can post your project, receive proposals, and choose the expert whose skills align with your requirements. Keep in mind that due diligence is crucial when selecting freelancers to ensure their credibility and capabilities.
Agencies and Web Development Firms:
Many web development agencies and firms specialize in Shopify services. They employ teams of experts who can manage your project from start to finish. While this option may be more expensive than hiring an individual expert, it often guarantees a comprehensive and professional approach.
Shopify Meetups and Events:
Shopify holds various events and meetups where experts, developers, and businesses come together. Attending these events can be an excellent way to connect with Shopify professionals. These experts are often up to date with the latest trends and best practices.
Referrals and Recommendations:
Inquire within your professional network, colleagues, or friends who run e-commerce businesses. They may have worked with or know of experienced Shopify Experts and can provide valuable recommendations.
How to Find the Right Shopify Expert:
Clearly Define Your Needs:
Before starting your search, identify what you need from a Shopify Expert. Are you looking for web design, technical development, marketing, or a combination of these services? Understanding your specific requirements will help you find an expert with the right skills.
Review Portfolios and Case Studies:
When evaluating Shopify Experts, review their portfolios and case studies. This will give your insight into their past work, style, and expertise. Pay attention to projects like yours.
Check Reviews and Ratings:
If you're considering using freelance platforms, check the reviews and ratings of Shopify Experts. This feedback can provide valuable insights into their work quality and professionalism.
Interview and Assess Expertise:
Before finalizing your decision, interview potential Shopify Experts to assess their expertise, communication skills, and compatibility with your project. Ask about their approach, timelines, and pricing.
Get References:
Don't hesitate to ask for references from previous clients. Speaking with those who have worked with the expert can provide a clearer picture of what to expect.
Set Clear Expectations:
Once you've chosen an expert, ensure that you set clear expectations and objectives for your project. Clearly outline deliverables, timelines, and any other specifics to prevent misunderstandings.
Finding the right Shopify Expert is a pivotal step in your e-commerce journey. Whether you need technical development, design, marketing, or a combination of these services, the right expert can make a significant difference in your online store's success. Don't hesitate to explore the Shopify Experts Marketplace, freelance platforms, or web development agencies to discover professionals who can help you achieve your e-commerce goals. By making an informed choice and collaborating effectively, you can harness the expertise of a Shopify Expert to drive your business forward.
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nissaanimist · 8 months
Trying to open my own LGS
Quick clarification, what kind of LGS I'm talking about trading cards (Magic: the Gathering, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh), table top RPGs (Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu), board games (not your father's board games, stuff that gets a start on Kickstarter), and Miniatures (stuff like Warhammer 40,000)
So ever since I picked up card games in my teens and set foot in a Game Store. I knew that I wanted to do something like it. But for me it's not about making money (though being my own boss and such is a plus) what I want to do is create a space for people of all ages to gather and bond and have a great time. Because I never had that growing up. I had two or three friends that we sometimes had a sleepover and stayed up playing video games. Never did I go out and make friends, it was hard for me.
I wanna change the fact that there isn't a place for people like me and kids growing up like I did. I want a place for a community of people to be able to buy what they want exactly, and then play with their friends or make new ones. I know me personally I hate giving my money to places like Walmart for these kinds of products cause it almost feels a little hollow. Cause I'm just getting product with no interaction with a store owner or other customers saying "Oh hey you like that game too!"
I am at square zero, I've just been digging around online like a dog trying to find that bone he buried last spring. I'm taking notes on what I can and trying to figure out what I need to do and the steps to get there. I have read many posts all over the place, but I figured it was time to go in and ask myself to get the specific answers I've been looking for.
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