#spn rant
Missed opportunity to have Castiel try to communicate with Dean again using his Trueform except this time, it actually works because 1) Cas has healed Dean enough times for his Grace to recognize Dean, and 2) with Cas' Grace depleting as it is, it wouldn't do as much damage as, say, make Dean's ears bleed, like the last time it happened.
And then Sam walks into the room, that's still shaking and breaking from the power of Cas' voice, and he's fucking decimated he's on the floor yelling what the fuck is happening while Dean's sitting on the bed, mid-laugh because Cas just said the funniest shit ever or something idk he's whipped.
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adeptune01 · 1 year
alright sorry to go on a supernatural rant in 2023 but...
it makes me feel insane.
Not to beat a dead horse or anything but like destiel will be it for me. Nothing else will ever compare to it. Like a man is raised by an absent father- a father who demands to be obeyed without question. A father who praises guilt, who tells the man that he is his brother's keeper. That he is responsible for all of his actions and those actions affects on others. The weight of the world is on his shoulders and he must bear it alone.
This man, the one that is single-handedly trying to save himself along with everyone he's ever crossed paths with, fails. He sacrifices himself to save his brother and he dies. He's sent to hell, a land of eternal punishment. 'No less than I deserve' he probably thinks.
But then he is saved. Not because of anything he's done. Not because of a deal he or his brother or his father has made. He is saved by a cosmic being of unfathomable power because of his nature which has been deemed by THEE Abrahamic God as being fundamentally good. The man who has hated himself his whole life for not being enough, not doing enough, is declared to be good.
And he feels guilty as hell. He didn't deserve this. Of those hundreds of people he's helped over the years...one of them...ANY of them is better than him. If he's God's strongest soldier then God is going to lose. He is going to fail God just like he failed his own father.
The man spirals while the heavenly power that saved him watches from afar. The power understands the man. He understands what it's like to hold Father to the highest esteem. He understands what it's like to blindly follow orders, hoping for the best. He also understands that the man has the brightest hope-filled soul he has ever seen.
So the power decides to help, and to do so he breaks away from the rest of heaven's contingency. He grows into his name- Castiel. The shield of God (I am not joking that is what Castiel means), created to protect humanity. AND become a pair with the Michael Sword- the man who believes he is unworthy- DEAN.
Through the years- DECADES- there's ups and downs. Divots and cracks in the Almighty's plans. But nothing they can't handle. They grow close and become more than allies in the fight against ghastly horrors beyond comprehension, they become best friends.
They have wild west movie marathons in the basement room designated as Dean's own "Fortress of Deanitude". They hang out late at night at crappy diners eating crappy pie. They go out cruising the town. They listen to the same music. They play pranks on each other. They learn about and remember each other's interests.
Their relationship grows deeper.
They fight. They lie. They attempt to kill each other. They raise a son together. They try to mentor a daughter. They leave. They come back. They mourn. They celebrate.
Two beings- one human, one angel- who were alone- whose defining characteristic was who their fathers were- prove that it's possible to break free from predestination, from circumstance. Their love, first as friends, then as something more, is as strong as the force that binds the universe- stronger, even.
And then they die.
Separately. Both convinced that the one thing they've wanted, the unnamed thing they've been fighting for, is the one thing they can't have. Because their fathers said so.
Despite everything, in the end, their fathers won. Dean died on the job he couldn't quit from an accident he couldn't help. Cas died obeying the first and most important commandment his Father gave him- to love and protect humanity.
THAT story is what I will never be able to get over. Not mentioning the gothic Americana aesthetic, the clear Protestant 'for by faith' message, the criticism of hyper-masculinity, the exploration of the 'American Dream'.....
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runwhileyoucan · 6 months
Iv been watching spn s12 and castiels experience is so painful and so relatable as an autistic person. He never feels like he belongs and when he tries to investigate in ep9 when Sam and dean are locked up he says
"I tried to work the case. I tried. But... I don't know what I did wrong. I... I asked questions, but maybe they were the wrong people or the wrong questions, and I just never found it. Never found the monster."
This was honestly one of the most painful things to hear as an autistic person. He always blames him self, why he does stuff "wrong" and why he fails on a seemingly easy task for others like Sam and dean.
The autistic subtext distant end here, even his investigation method is an masking based on how Sam and dean do it, with there aliases and the FBI badges. And he fails and he blames himself.
And even him sitting in a dark room obviously destressed, that's so me. When I'm stressed out light is a no-go, and him, with his face in his hands... It makes me want to cry.
Honestly, being autistic feels like this sm. Wai is them? Did I say something wrong? Or... Am I just... Not good enough.
Obviously this is not true, autistic, allistic y'all are amazing regardless. And castiels is great too.
But these struggles that castiels shows is just... so painfully personal.
I know autistic castie isn't everyone's cup of tea... But I can't stop thinking about how painful it must of been to feel like that. Like your failing in every single way.
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smollkittykat · 24 days
okay maybe i am the last person to understand that but to Dean, Cas had always been this perfect, in-check and allmighty being until he betrayed him in Season 6. But then, when Cas took power of the souls in purgatory, Dean was scared of Cas. He was scared that someone as powerful and as just as Cas would loose all that morality that made Dean like him so much after finding out he lied to him.
When Cas opened Purgatory and became God, Dean was hopeless. He told Sam that he had no idea how they could possibly stop him until they figured out his vessle was falling apart. And then Cas walked into the river and was gone. When he came back he needed Penance and that's why he took Sam's pain. As an act of self-destruction and I think thats why Dean treats Cas so poorly when they meet at the mental asylum. He's furious that Cas did this to himself, that all of that could have been avoided if Cas had trusted him like Dean had trusted Cas after Season 5.
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opheliasam · 10 months
the way dean saves sam in every which way except that which he needs most—he’ll bring him back from the dead and tend to his wounds and threaten everyone who dares to even look at him wrong and that’s wonderful it is but he won’t trust him in a way that sam desires, won’t tell him that he’s not a monster, that he’s enough, that he can and does make good choices and that he’s good. He is good, regardless of whatever he may have been led to believe.
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soullessjack · 7 months
something else about the soulless jack arc that rlly … peeved? me is that it gives us both Jack’s and the Winchesters/hunters’ perspectives, but fully plays out as if we the audience are unaware of what happened between jack and mary. it’s still very heartbreaking and gutting nonetheless, but it’s also very inconsistent with how it intertwines the two. following jack, we see him and mary argue and we see him melt down and kill her and we see him feel guilt and grief and fear for it. we know it was an accident and we know that he’s been driven to a point of instability by his own guilt and we know he wants to fix it and we even see jack make an effort to do so.
however, following TFW and Bobby and company, we see them argue about what could’ve happened. Cas suggests that Jack didn’t realize it was wrong (which also implies that everybody automatically assumed jack killed her purposefully, literally giving him no leeway here). Bobby declares that theres nothing left in jack but Lucifer with his human soul gone—that he’s an unstoppable monster who has to be put down just like any other MOTW. Sam and dean argue if Jack is even still Jack and how they should approach it from there. seeing Jack’s own family discuss if and how to stop him does give some tension, but there is zero suspense because —
1) sam and dean knew from Rowena that Jack was trying to resurrect mary; they saw him bring her body back and they saw the anguished look on his face when she didn’t wake up and they heard him say “it didn’t work,” —so that’s already a huge chunk missing, and —
2) we already know the answer to every question they’re posing. instead of suspense at wondering if Jack finally tipped over the edge, we’re dreading the eventual confrontation because we know what they don’t know, and what they do know concerning Rowena and Jack’s failed spell was left out of the entire conversation after it happened.
when jack is on tv and making headlines as a doomsday bringer and dropping bodies for sam and dean to trail, we can’t be in shock that he’s doing something so out of character because we saw Duma manipulate him, saw what she promised him, and we know he’s well-intentioned despite his horrific actions (also, having jack torture/murder ppl for the sake of his family is something he’s already done before, it’s just taken to a new level without his soul to hold him back). everyone is following the narrative that jack has finally gone awol or succumbed to his true nature or whatever, and that is very much played intentionally as the teetering “will he, won’t he” question hanging around jacks entire character. but again, we don’t feel any of the suspense that question typically carries in a story because it’s already answered for us.
you cannot reasonably expect the audience to be in awe and suspense and believe jack is full blown big bad now while repeatedly showing us that jack still has good intentions. Hell, even the scene where they confront jack to trick him into the Ma’lak box is frustrating, because while Jack’s dismissive blame-shifting demeanor about Mary’s death is a reasonable tipping point for sam and dean’s anger and subsequent actions, there’s also the fact that jack very bluntly says things like “I didn’t think I’d see you again / I really missed you guys / I just want everything to be back the way it was,” that purifying the world is “like hunting,” and further more he even agrees to be locked up because, soul or not, he genuinely doesn’t want to hurt anyone anymore; all which very glaringly points to him not being as far gone as we’re supposed to think and worry about.
again, it’s all still very painful and upsetting to watch, but most of the pain comes from the fact that we know the missing details that are creating the conflict and are helpless to do anything with it, rather than the conflict itself.
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takemetobogman · 3 months
re-watching supernatural and realising how I loved Dean not just because he was hot or funny or the most selfless ever but because he made the 13 year old men feel so safe and comforted. he made the 13 year old me believe that if I just keep swinging, it'd be okay, and that the choice of keep fighting will set me free one day and that family don't end in blood but it doesn't start there either and then after years of self loathing, there'd come a time when I'll be okay with who I am (I am still getting there) because HE DID has made me fall all over in love with him and jensen (i never stopped) but seeing it now as a 25 year old who is now living on her own and have the space to heal from a shitty childhood and years of trauma and realising that a 13 year old shouldn't have felt the need to relate to someone who hates himself sm has made me want to protect that kid so badly. Dean deserved a childhood and I did too and it's only now that I'm re-watching it and realising just how and why I loved him (because I wanted someone to look out for me the way he looked out for Sam and i wanted someone to care as much as he cares about literally everything) and that it was all because there was a huge void in my life that he filled and he'd never know it because he's not even real. Thank you, Dean Winchester.
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aceing-on-the-cake · 3 months
I read someone talking once about how the ending to supernatural was happy because it showed Sam and dean would spend eternity together, and that yeah it was sad Sam grew up and old without Dean but that between hell both ways Sam and dean had already spent more of their lives apart rather than together so at least now they finally get to spend it together and it took me forever to realize why that felt so, wrong, to me.
And it's because there's a difference between an eternity in hell and a life lived. Hell is terrible, would be terrible, and would age you, but at the end of the day it's not living.
It's one pain day after day after day until it feels like it's been merely hours and that nothing was ever real before the pain. It's such a large frame of time that it becomes meaningless no matter how many different ways you get tortured. It doesn't have ups and downs it's just hitting one bottom of the floor after another for eternity.
And like yeah, I think both Sam and Dean when they both remembered hell, probably did go through a period of knowing their brother in their soul and having no clue who he was either because it'd been decades before they were seen last.
But again, thats not living an entire lifetime without them.
Sam grew old, in a way Dean is never gonna see and know. Dean is never gonna know what his nephew was like as a baby. Dean is never gonna know what his nephew was like as a toddler, the teenager he would've helped sneak out the window, the young adult he would've taken on impromptu road trips in baby. Because Sam has to live an entire life without Dean, and by the time younger Dean gets to heaven with them, he's gonna be an adult, and that's all Dean's gonna get.
Sam didn't get to watch Dean grow old. Sam will never get to watch Dean grow into the old man who's always cracking jokes no one but him gets. He'll never get to see Dean finally goddamn rest for once in his life. He'll never know what it was to share an entire life with someone who knew him from birth and who knew him in and out all the way until final death. Because Dean died young.
Its tragic is what it is and was. It's tragic that they gave us the suggestion that the brothers were finally gonna settle down, and decided that it's just not in character for Dean to be at rest. That Dean's character arc was always going to end tragically. That the brothers were always going to have to live apart despite them spending an entire 15 seasons doing everything within and beyond their power to do the exact opposite.
Supernatural ended at best bittersweet. It ended by telling us that happiness was never in the world for these two brothers. It ended by telling us that the end of the day, someone is always gonna die young, and someone is always gonna live till they're older than them.
And that has some truth to it, and it's fine to write stories like that, but you have to call it what it is. When it's inevitable, when it's horrible, and when no one and nothing the characters can do can truly fight it,
It's a tragedy.
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I literally don’t get how people say Sam isn’t the main character?? Like if you remove Sam you literally don’t have a plot…at all…not a single season could happen if you removed Sam from the equation
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blacknidstang · 9 months
I am actually very very curious to know what ppl who care about Sam's character (and wincest shippers, anyone who saw Sam&Dean as center of the show and not those who were dying to see Sam married with some girl out of the picture) think about Robbi Thompson as a writer. I have NEVER been this conflicted bc he simultaneously has written some of my favorite episodes WHILE inserting some of worst lines in existence & adding so much inconsistency to the character. I may very much be sensitive and have my own read of the show, especially Sam's character, which is why I'm so wanna see how others think. Because every time there's a line about how Sam wants a normal life and hates hunting, this comes from this writer, even if in literally previous episode Sam has said he has never been THIS happy. I keep feeling this guy has a complete different view on Sam and it's infuriating.
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angelwolf985 · 2 months
finished watching supernatural s1-15 in 3 months! here are my opinions on the finale!
(warning: probably unintelligible, and very ranty) (+ obvious spoiler warning)
episode 18 was fuckin emaculate. genuinly. it was amazing. the one thing i didnt like about it was how it jumped about, same with 19.( i dont blame them for it tho, it makes sense with the story, i just didnt really love it.) 19 was good for the most part and served as a decent ending but was missing castiel and eileen (mention + presence) which sucked but what can you expect yk,,
episode 20. i have. so many issues with episode 20. WHY DID THEY EVEN????? LIKE TWO MENTIONS OF CAS, NO MENTION OF EILEEN, DEAN FUCKING DIEING, SAMS WIG, ???HEAVEN BEING LACKLUSTER???? it was so. just disappointing. cuz it could've been great. the end part of 20 was the only good part (jared and jensen signing off of the show). the show should've ended on 19 tbh. thats how im seeing it anyway. in my mind thats where it ended, but like, with cas and eileen back.
what i really disliked:
deans death. im pretty sure everyone hated that. and the whole like thing of him dying was really,, sorta,, weird? like; why did it go on so long?? did it happen bc he doesnt have god given plot armor anymore or was it just cuz?did jack see it? how did he feel about it? did he care or did he be all omniscient because he became god?? how did he survive that long? logistically? there was a fucking rusty rebar thing IN HIS SPINE (or like RIGHT NEXT TO IT??). WOULD THAT NOT?? PARALYZE?? OR WORSE???. and, im sorry, but i hated the forehead touch. it felt weird man. i get that they were close but,, not that close? even when they were more unhealthily codependent they wouldn't have done that. i think so anyway. i dunno. also. DEAN HAS SHOWN MULTIPLE TIMES AND IM SURE THE WRITERS WERE OVERTLY AWARE THAT DEAN DID NOT WANT TO DIE ON THE JOB. HE WANTED TO RETIRE WITH SAM AND CAS. ALWAYS WANTED THAT. he often said shit like "we're gonna die on the job, draw the short stick, thats just how it is, how its gonna end for us." (mixing quotes from the top of my head so, not exact) which he clearly thought would happen because pessimism but he NEVER wanted that. for HIMSELF or SAM. dean dying in this episode IS A CRITICAL DISSERVICE TO HIS CHARACTER.
sams mystery wife and (non mystery) child. BLURRY FACE WIFE. WHY IS SHE. WHY. also- how did he recover (seemingly) so quickly? i mean- if he really believed dean was gone FOREVER. when death hasnt meant forever in forever, how would he be so okay? idk. also, idk why, but sam having a kid seems very bizzare. could just be me. also. where tf is eileen. is she the blurry face wife? why would they do that if yes? (could be a load or reasons, either way they couldve like, said it was eileen, if it was supposed to,, idk,,,)
one or two mentions of castiel. did the writers just forget his CHARACTER IMPORTANCE?!?!? HES SO IMPORTANT TO THE STORY??? HE GRIPPED DEAN TIGHT AND RAISED HIM FROM PERDITION. HE LOVED DEAN. DEAN (INARGUABLY) LOVED HIM BACK. he (castiel) deserved SO. much better. my friend who has watched spn since she was a baby AGREES WITH ME. i GRRR I GRR I GRRR!!!! cas not being in this episode is such an aggravating disservice to his character. he deserved more. the fans deserved more.
alright im done ranting now. may add more on later. im gonna go rewatch the show and read fix it fics.
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SUPERNATURAL SEASON 5 EPISODE 4: THE END. My beloved Supernatural Season 5 Episode 4: The End. You and your sexual tension and your, "woah, you're not you, not now you," and your, "me and him? It's a pretty messed up situation we got going," and your, "what? I like past you," and your, "you're gonna send your friends through the meat grinder? Cas too?" and your, "never change, Cas."
YOU and your two Deans who pissed off one another and fought. Your 2009 Dean who brought up Cas dying and it's the only thing that made 2014 Dean look away like maybe he couldn't keep up appearances for too long lest he cracked. Your destiel and your proof of Dean's growing love for Castiel. I love you Supernatural Season 5 Episode 4: The End!!!!!
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witchy-aunt · 4 months
my favorite spn side characters (not in order and not all of them obviously)
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included weird Sam, interrupted hospital girl bc I thought it would be hehehaha inducing, ALSO when I say I like Mary Winchester I mean I like YOUNG Mary Winchester and there is a difference. Also love Paris Hilton and Snooki's guest appearances I am an early 2000's reality tv whore, and I just love Paris dearly<3 (she follows me on TikTok and has had multiple interactions w me on tt and I have never been able to get over that.) also if u r upset I didnt add Cas its bc he is above your average side character in my heart<3 ... I also just forgot to add him and a bunch more of my very obvious favs like Rowena!!
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runwhileyoucan · 4 months
I find comfort in Crowley being in eternal sleep after all he has gone through on earth.
He never liked Hell and he didn't have a place on earth where he was nit constantly ridiculed.
I never will support killing off him like that, but knowing he's not in pain makes me feel a lot better.
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lailawinchesterr · 1 month
i just finished 8x10 and oh my god
these boys are so co dependent calling it unhealthy is a compliment. benny has helped dean over and over and dean loves him and just trusts him sm + deans never had friends outside the hunting life, sure benny doesn’t count as outside but still it’s like there’s no favors or anything they just like each other— and sam leaving amelia when he LOVES HER he loves her like he’s loved jess and god knows when he’ll ever find something like that love again and i know they tried to downplay it with him thinking ‘he’s holding on to something’ but he’s never wanted the hunting life anyways so if he chose to leave it it wasn’t cause he’s ’holding on to amelia’ yk? like don’t use it as an excuse, bro never wanted to do it anyways. AND YET they both left behind the lives that made the other unhappy.
sam: i’m jealous of benny
[dean calls benny to tell him to fuck off]
dean: i’m jealous of amelia
[ sam leaves her stranded in a motel]
THESE MENNNNN i’m so in love with their dynamic and relationship like how do you even get to this point of putting the other first so much that you forget why you’re even alive anymore like dean has no reason to live, he’s always hated and always said he’s tried but bro doesn’t let anyone touch a hair on his head because he needs sam, needs to know he’s okay 24/7 and unless sam is in danger or his request to dean will put him in harms way, dean is always gonna keep fighting to do what sam wants, always gonna wanna be close to him & with him no matter the consequences or tutors he has to endure afterwards. i physically cant with them i love them sm
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opheliasam · 10 months
i actually do think destiel is embedded in canon and there’s substantial evidence for it but the thing i really can’t be bothered about it bc the heart and horror of the show truly lies in the twisted codependency between the brothers and the consequences of it and that really is how i would like to consume spn
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