#specifically around events like birthdays and christmas
yuichi-ro · 2 years
Its meeeeeeeeeeee 😁 Here with a ? that I don't think I've asked yet lol
Ahem- How does Baji and Hanma go about Lucas's first bday party where friends are invited. It's not just family anymore. But an actual bday party with other people and other kids. Are they stressed? Going with the flow? Hoping it all just kind of comes together? Totally on top of it?
And are they crying at their child's first friend bday party? Are you crying?
Haajee ♡
I was writing Wakasa smut and you interrupted me with actual thinking 😐
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Though it's a full household, it's not like a big family? If that makes sense. Like we don't associate with a lot of extended family. It's basically always my mom and grandma and then Baji's mom. Hanma is severely low contact to no contact with his family. And he certainly really doesn't let them get to indulge in grandkids (if his parents are even in the picture tbh) So the birthday party thing once we have kids is pretty intimate for the most part.
First birthday for Lucas it's only family. As is Ren's first birthday. And probably the following second birthday for them too doesn't involve friends either bc the boys are just that close knit that they wouldn't really notice or care if other kids were there. So we make it to Lucas's third birthday before having to throw an actual official kid's party where other's are invited.
I am stressed. I am the stress monkey. I'm the one trying to make everything perfect. Look perfect. Taste perfect. No meltdowns. No tantrums. I'm the one pulling my hair out dreading and freaking and running on fumes until it's over.
Baji or Hanma aren't as stress driven as I am. They aren't useless though they at least let me be as neurotic as I am while doing what they can to pick up the slack. Baji really likes decorating whatever the theme is. Hanma puts the gift bags/party favors together for the other kids and his own. Baji is aloud to cut wrapping paper but Hanma is the only one allowed to wrap and tape things. I am the only one cooking and baking though. We do successfully get a fairly presentable party together. It's very obvious low budget but it's still enough to wow a three yr old
The day of the actual party I am too wound up making things go on time to be emotional. And to be fair I'm not an overly emotional person (I cry later that week or six months when I see pictures again at random) Baji is pretty much on kid duty. As a giant child he speaks their language and avoids adult duties by being on kid watch. Fair trade I'll give him that I don't wanna entertain toddlers. Hanma on the other hand is the outlier. He doesn't exactly have a "job" on birthday day besides appease the other adults and make sure they get what they need (he's charming, illegally so, so I put him to work) and picking up slack with the kids or with me cooking/hosting. He's honestly the one that gets emotional. When Baji's squatted down next to Lucas showing his kid how to blow out his total of three candles and keeping Ren from doing it. Seeing his son excited before I can even light the candles. And even if it's only like two other kids his age plus Ren, Hanma is getting teary eyed bc he just didn't have this. Any of it. And is never certain he deserves it when he steps outside the hectic bubble to be an outsider again. Hanma's friends are pretty much just me and Baji only. He's acquainted with people we're friends with but his friend group is really only his partners. And he didn't have this kind of just puking cute domestic kind of lifestyle growing up that he knows he missed something as a kid. He just never understood what it was he missed out on until he's getting to see his kids enjoy so much of it.
The kids and the family make Hanma teary eyed. He'll deny that he isn't but that bitch is wiping the corners of his eyes in his tshirt acting like no one's watching. But we know he's a giant softie on his kiddos and them growing up both excites and scares him to no end.
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virgobingo · 11 months
more insight on miles’ puerto rican heritage for your fics or fanart
- traditional quinceañeras (or as they are often called by puerto ricans quinceañeros) are really not that common anymore, most girls nowadays have pool parties or go on a cruise. if miles were to go to one of his cousins’ 15 birthday party, chances are it would be casual— no big poofy dress (his mom probably had one like that though)
edit: some people disagree on this. depends on how traditional your family and friend group is I guess, as well as which part of the island you’re from. on average, it seems to be a far bigger deal amongst some other latines. in my class in pr only 3 out of approx 30 girls had a big event like that. not a single one of my cousins had a traditional quince either so you could say I’m partly biased bc of my own experiences. i personally just had a big pool party
- plantains are a big part of our diet. also, pr being an island in the caribbean, coconut is in a lot of our desserts. if miles had to pick a favorite fruit I hc he’d pick either one of the two lol also please google our food, our food isn’t actually spicy so much as savory
- we “celebrate” thanksgiving like other americans. it’s about the only time we eat oven roasted turkey. for winter holidays (christmas eve/day, new years eve/day, three kings day/eve) oven roasted pork. chicken might be offered as a second option for people who don’t consume pork for whatever reason
- you’re pretty much taught how to dance as soon as you can walk. most of us have basic rhythms down. chances of miles dancing with his mom or friends at parties? astronomically high.
- the reason why our flag is everywhere, besides pride, is ‘cause it was illegal to own it. look up the gag law that prohibited us from even displaying it at our homes. so it’s actually an awesome detail in these movies
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- this is my opinion/a fun fact but I feel like miles is basically an homage to black and puerto rican (specifically nuyorican) solidarity around the 70s-80s during the creation of hip-hop and rise of graffiti as a form of expression (you can easily read up on this or watch shows like the get down to learn more about this if you’re curious)
- whether you’re “nuyorican” or “from the island” spanglish is common so miles’ mixing english and spanish isn’t odd bc even rio does this as miles points out in the party scene. he isn’t a “no sabo” kid so much as someone with a strong accent. he understands his mom perfectly
- race ≠ ethnicity. there are plenty of black people in and from Puerto Rico, and miles’ pr family in the spiderverse films are designed to be for the most part afro-latine. so I wouldn’t really call him biracial
- the puerto rican day parade wouldn’t be a thing he skips, he’s gifted a special suit for it in a comic run. his puerto rican heritage is important to him!
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oncomingnight · 11 months
Yandere! Barbie Girl ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
poc reader ᧔𐓪᧓˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
Unfortunately, I haven't gotten the chance to watch the most recent Barbie movie but I will be seeing Oppenheimer tonight :) very excited. This post was inspired by Margot Robbie as the original Barbie but I didn't make the setting of this piece the Barbie movie, keep that in mind :)! Please feel free to talk to me and request works in my ask box, I love speaking with all of you.
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She was absolutely beautiful, always making sure she was properly groomed. $79 glittery pink glass on her plump lips, french tip acrylic nails, gorgeous locs of honey blonde hair falling down her back.
Barbara was a self-made woman. She earned a diploma in international business before becoming the chief executive officer of her own company. Thanks to not only her job but knowledge, she earns enough to set you both for life. Because of the morals her father raised her with, she knows how to treat a wornan, and takes full advantage of this to take care of you.
She is the personification of the quote Dolly Parton made about being an entrepreneur. "You know, I look like a woman but I think like a man And in this world of business, that has helped me a lot. Because by the time they think that I don't know what's goin' on, I then got my money, and gone."
Barbara spends her hard-earned money mindfully. She' donate to her choice of charities, gift inventory to soup kitchens, give away basic needs to shelters, she particularly enjoys fostering animals with you.
Another thing she enjoys using her money for is to show you the beauties of the world. Flying to Istanbul to taste the delicious flavors of a Turkish breakfast, taking you shopping in New York, London, Paris, Dubai and having a hot springs spa day with you.
You're outrageously spoiled and doted on by her. It's HER job to show you exactly how thankful she is for you, it fills her with undetainable rage to think about someone else trying to make you happy and take you away from her. Of course, you'd never leave her for anybody else, she just can't help but overthink.
Because of her severely accomplished corporation, she's expected to attend specific events. Does she have the money to hire a top tier tearn to help ready the two of you? Yes, but she can help you herself. She will zip your dress up. She will apply makeup to your soft and beautifully crafted face, she will be the one to kneel and apply the shoes she carefully selected to your feet.
She will be the one to take your hand in her perfectly manicured one in front of all the cameras.
Soon, your hand will have a ring with a pink sapphire settled on one of your fingers. She'll make sure the proposal goes absolutely perfectly.
She takes you on the loveliest dates and some of them are stay-in nights. She'll take out your matching silk pajamas out of her walk-in closet, place bunches of pillows and plushies onto her couch, prepare your favorite snacks + beverages and get your most favored movie/shows onto the TV.
Every time the two of you go for a day out, you find at least one of her arms wrapped around your waist. Barbara will hug you from the back while settling her face onto your shoulder, either standing in silence or talking to you mindlessly.
"whatcha doin' :)?" "I had a plan for what we could do tonight." "While I was at work today, I was thinking about where we could go for our honeymoon."
She'd admit (without shame) that she's a clingy wife. You could be preparing dough for some baked goods and she'll be hugging you tightly from behind, being shoulder to shoulder with you, holding your hand no matter what you're doing, asking to bathe and shower with you (in a sweet way) so she can help wash you but she just enjoys being near you.
She goes all out during Christmas, anniversaries, holidays, etc. On the morning of your birthday, she'll wake you up with dozens of kisses on your face, presents wrapped in pastel colored paper, your favorite foods that she cooked herself, homemade baked treats she learned to make from her parents, she'll also quickly mention that she booked a cabin and how your flight is set for that exact day.
Better hurry and get ready, babe! :)
Christmas is her absolute favorite holiday as it is for millions of people but no one celebrates like her. The whole house is decked out in decoration, inside and out. A white tree accompanied with ornaments, each painted with individually unique designs by the two of you. She doesn't set out some of the more special presents under the tree because she wants to keep you guessing in the best way. Each present meant for you will have a tag on them that has writing about how much she adores you.
Winter is the best season to cuddle with the one you love. She takes that to her advantage as well! Barbara will set you down onto her pink satin couch that has multiple blankets on it to cuddle in front of the fireplace with you, old timey Christmas music on the record player.
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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading this, it was supposed to come out earlier today but Tumblr was being a bit difficult so I had to make some changes but , hopefully, it still pleased some of you. I'll post some more tomorrow and I will let you know how I liked the Oppenheimer movie :).
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yukina-otome · 1 year
Things Chevalier did for his mc
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-Bought her her own bookshelf in HIS library which is like his safe haven. It’s like giving her her own spot in his intimacy. 
-Stopped killing if not necessary. Chevalier has been killing since he was young. He does not enjoy killing and does not have any bloodlust but that was his way of dealing with problems yet he completely changed just for her.
-Agonised over her christmas present for days and even asked Sariel for help because he wanted to give her the BEST PRESENT EVER.
-Goes on date in the city and outside the castle. Knowing that Cheva dislikes going outside because he is that much of an introvert.
-Bought her an expensive painting because she said she liked it.
-Every night, when she sleeps, he whispers how much he loves her and how much she changed his world for the better.
-Many times he pretends to be still asleep in the mornings so that MC kisses him more.
-Eats her sweets no matter how good or bad they are.
-Try to be nicer, cook breakfast for her, visit her during her work hour, pat her head in encouragement, go on a walk with her in the garden while holding hands, because Clavis said he was not treating her well enough and she might get sick of him.
-Organized a Christmas ball for her even though he hates balls.
-Took her to meet his grandpa during valentine days and asked him to put good words for her with the other nobles, to make her job easier.
-Whenever they are together he keeps watching her instead of reading or doing his work.
-Did her hair for her, twice.
-Bought her an expensive hair ornament because she stared at it for too long.
-Read books to her.
-Let her sit on his laps A LOT.
-Carry her around A LOT. He always throw her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes before he remembers that she dislikes that and switches to a princess carry. This is like a running gag that happens every now and then during many events and even in his romantic ending.
-Bandaged her injured hand while she was asleep, during his route.
-Becomes moody and when she is not with him.
-Could listen to her talking for hours with a humanlike smile on his face.
-Try to be nicer to her in bed only for MC to tell him she likes it rough.
-Worry about her but still let her stand her ground alone. He does observe her from afar to make sure she is okay and hugs her to comfort her if she has a hard time.
Not yet released in the eng version: Beware spoilers
-In the jp version for MC’s birthdays, he bought her a room full of presents.
-Babysit MC’s friend’s kid.
-Makes a special ring for MC. He made it specifically for her long before he proposed.
-Got on his knee when proposing.
-Let MC sit on the throne even though she's not queen yet.
-Took her to a lake during summer even though he dislikes playing in the water.
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Here's a wholesome idea for Reincarnation. You've already established that Reincarnated Mirabel never had a symbol of her own in real life, the butterfly thing was made up by Disney and was actually just the symbol for the family in general, so what if for her birthday or Christmas, any event where they'd give presents really, they give her a dress decorated with a unique symbol that represents her, perhaps a needle and thread or a book, something unique that highlights her natural gifts and what makes Mirabel Mirabel
None of the Madrigals wears their individualised symbols now, or at least not to the extent of their first lives. It would look weird in the modern era. (That’s not to say they won’t wear something that relates to them, but it would be more of a coincidence than something done intentionally). And it’s enough of a struggle getting Mirabel clothes, let alone something so specific.
And circling back to how weird it would be.
But I don’t want to leave you with nothing, so fuck it, let’s just talk about the girls fashion senses (in the modern era) and shopping.
First off, there’s the obvious change in fashion. They lived in a rural Colombian town stuck in the 1890s, the idea of an accidentally exposed knee would have been scandalous. Never mind some of the outfits seen daily today.
Isabela and Luisa need little convincing to embrace the modern style of dress. Partially because they are both a lot more confident in their own skin than Dolores and Mirabel, and are more than happy to show it off. They didn’t hesitated to ditch the long dresses, skirts and blouses. In fact, you’d probably have to pay them to dress like that again.
Isabela is quite punk rock/biker in her style, which can change. It’s Isa. Leather jacket, metal studs/spikes (because they replicate cacti spines), cool boots, etc. Think Rosa Diaz. She gets very into the idea of dyeing and painting over her purchases, because she likes to have a splatter of colour or several. Very modern and trendy in her style, she’s the most likely to be stopped and complimented in the street. She knows how to dress her body (came with the perfectionism) and is obnoxiously good at it - she usually gets invited by the others to help them with shopping.
Luisa, same with her last life, prioritises comfort. She is a lot more casual in her wardrobe - she can be chic but still comfortable, okay? Ironically, think Jessica Darrow. I’m telling you right now, if she and Jess were the same size, she’d have stolen her entire wardrobe years ago. At the same time, she’s probably the one you could convince to wear some of the most ridiculous pieces of clothing. She’s the theatre kid of the four, always happy to dress up and entertain.
Dolores was a lot more hesitant, but has slowly come around to modern clothing. Very romantic in her style - though she still wears a lot of skirts and dress, never as long as Mirabel - but also on a similar casual line as Luisa. Outfits should be practical, then again that is a sentiment they all share. She’s also more vintage than the previous two but not quite Mirabel’s level of historical (accuracy), she’ll happily mix and match things from several periods and have to deal with Mira complaining for the rest of the day.
Mirabel won’t wear something later than 1950s. Most of her wardrobe is vintage pieces or things made to look vintage. Heels, blouse, full skirt, scarf, etc. Think Sandy in Grease, but she never ditches her original for style a man and does embroidery. Honestly, if she had it her way, she would be dressed in full medieval garb with a veil and headdress, but she knows that she’d get a lot of weird looks for that, so this is the most modern you’re getting. As the years go on, however, she does change her style slightly with her increased comfort and better mental health, embracing a more relaxed feel.
In addition, these girls lived in a time where everything was still tailor made to fit for each person, subsequently getting a new piece of clothing was a bigger deal than it is now. So, the idea of sizes and everything being pre-made, and then also online shopping, was probably a shock to the system.
Isabela greatly enjoys going out shopping. She has zero patience and likes that she can just try on/buy as much as she pleases. Dolores also likes it, more for the independence it gives them. Whereas before the tailor would essentially be the one dressing and styling you, now you are pretty much doing it yourself.
Luisa and Mirabel don’t but that’s because of the bad experiences they have with sizing. Some shops are really good with having things in shop that fit Luisa’s height and muscles in women’s clothes, some are pretty shit with it. Inclusive sizes are only just becoming something of importance to most brands.
Mirabel’s issue is actually with the sizing system, which she has written many an essay on to complain. She is too small for women’s clothing, so she is pretty much stuck in the kids section. However, girls clothes obviously don’t account for fully grown breasts. She can get bottoms, skirts and shoes perfectly fine, but anything else? She’s screwed.
Shopping for swimsuits/bikinis is a nightmare for the pair. Which is a shame because Luisa loves beach/swimwear and gets really excited for it, only to be repeatedly disappointed. Mirabel always feels really uncomfortable at showing more skin and after not finding something that fits, ends up very upset with herself.
So yeah, it’s fun.
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megumifushigurooo · 5 months
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happy birthday megumi!! ^ recommended audio
megumi x reader (for christmas and his bday) yes its fluff i dont do angst often! also this isnt proofread
i also won't do nsfw, like, ever
Once Bitten, now Twice as Shy!
Megumi wasn't the type to do anything special for Christmas, or his birthday, as a matter of fact. He just stayed inside. Well, that changed once he began dating you. Although he never cared for social events, he tried enjoying them. For you.
Megumi went shopping with his friends, and you. His pinky intertwined with yours as you all waked to different stores around Tokyo. What he didn't know, though, was that all of you were planning to surprise him for his birthday!
The plan was that Yuji and Gojo were going to distract him while You and Nobara were going to set everything up. Satoru bothered Megumi about helping him carry the kikufuku he had bought earlier, and about how cute Megumi was as a child.
Yuji pestered Megumi by bombarding him with questions, like "What do you do for Christmas?" "What do you mean Santa isn't real?!".
It's obvious to see he was slightly annoyed by those two bothering him so much. All he wanted was to go home, cuddle with you, and then sleep. That's how he wanted his birthday to be like.
You and Nobara absolutely gave his dorm a glow up. Hanged up decorations, Cake (Specifically coffee cake with icing not too sweet, like a black coffee taste.), balloons, and confetti poppers.
Yuji, Gojo, You, and Nobara hid in the dark, Waiting for Maki to bring him inside.
Megumi's shoes clanked against the planks leading to his dorm. He followed Maki, who called him to hurry up, as she was already at the door. "Hurry up, Megumi!" She cooed. "Yeah." Megumi responded nonchalantly.
He unlocked his door to his dorm, twisting it as it opens the door to his dorm
"What the- Why's it so dark?"
He groaned and turned on the lights, to be met with the loud noises of the popping, and confetti flying out.
"Happy Birthday, Megumi!"
All of you called out as he entered the room. His eyes had a dim light, that grew brighter as he looked at the four of you.
"... Huh..?"
His lips played a slight smile as he glanced at his dorm room.
"You idiots really went out of your way to do this for me.."
"Let me guess, You planned this out, didn't you?"
He points at you.
You all giggle, his eyes pan over to you and your bright smile. He walks over to you and practically jumps onto you, cuddling you right there as he buried his face into the crook of your neck.
".. Thank you.."
Everybody else jumps onto you guys, Group hug!
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filmofhybe · 6 months
Sold Out Christmas Gift
🗯️ pairing : Sim Jake x oc 💌 Genre : fluff 630 wc
; AUTHORS NOTE : Is hoon’s birthday and soon will be Niki’s!! Brought a cake to celebrate on Saturday, look forward to the pictures :)
Masterlist to my other works
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I wandered through the bustling toy store aisles, determined to find the perfect car toy set for my nephews. Christmas were just around the corner, and I wanted to surprise them with something they'd cherish and been begging me to get them. I scanned the shelves, hoping to spot the specific set they had been raving about.
As I navigated the store, frustration started to set in. It seemed like the coveted toy was sold out everywhere. I checked every section, asked the staff, but to no avail. Feeling defeated, I sighed and decided to make one last attempt at the checkout area.
That's when I noticed a guy holding onto the set ive been dying to get my hands on for my nephew. He was tall and with an easygoing smile, he seemed oddly fixated on the same car toy set I was desperately seeking. I couldn't help but approach him.
"Excuse me, do you happen to see any of these around?" I asked, holding up a picture of the elusive car set.
Jake's eyes widened in recognition, and he chuckled, "You're looking for that too? I've been searching all over, but it's sold out everywhere."
A sense of camaraderie blossomed between us. We shared a laugh over the absurdity of the situation, both on a quest for the same elusive toy. “Yeah im looking for it, it’s for my nephew. He’s been dying for it.” As we chatted, I couldn't help but appreciate his genuine enthusiasm and friendly demeanor.
Just as the conversation deepened, Jake paused and glanced at the last remaining car toy set in his hands. It was the one I had been desperately seeking for my nephew.
"Well, look at that," he said with a mischievous grin. "Looks like we've got a bit of a predicament here."
My eyes widened in surprise, realizing that he had it in his arms the whole time, meaning there was only one set left. Jake, sensing my dilemma, extended the box toward me.
"I'll tell you what," he said, a playful glint in his eyes. "I'll give you this one, but on one condition." Curiosity and confusion lingered in the air as I awaited his condition. “Alright than,”
"You've got to give me your number," he declared with a teasing smile. I blinked, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. Jake, however, seemed genuinely amused by the whole situation. "You see," he continued, "I've been eyeing this toy for a while, and I'd be happy to let you have it for your nephew this Christmas. But in return, I'd love the chance to take you out sometime. What do you say?"
A mixture of surprise and amusement crossed my face. It was undoubtedly an unconventional way to exchange numbers, but there was something refreshing about Jake's boldness and spontaneity. I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the situation.
"Deal," I replied, a grin spreading across my face. I handed him my phone, and as he entered his number, we shared a lighthearted moment, brought together by the quest for a simple toy. As he handed the coveted car set to me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the unexpected encounter. I typed my contact in his phone as well as leaving the contact name as “y/n🩷”, giving him back his phone as we walked towards the check out.
“So y/n huh? This maybe better than that Christmas gift.”
“oh be quiet. I’m just grateful you let me have this set of toy for my nephew.”
“Tell him you got the last set from his future uncle.”
“Moving quick now. I like it..”
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© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
labels : @kflixnet @/k-labels @k-films @k-neighborhood
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sag-dab-sar · 5 months
The Need to Recognize Christmas' Preferential Treatment 🎄
Christmas is seen as "stolen" from pre-Christian traditions or described as "not really Christian". Some of it is legitimate (e.g with specific local or national folk traditions), a lot of it is pseudo-history (e.g Mithras birthday, an entire Christmas tree, lights) but frankly neither actually matter. Because, in our modern world, Christmas holds a prestigious place due to Christianity.
Here are examples that showcase Christmas' ubiquitous, unquestioned place in many Culturally Christian nations and why we need to recognized its ubiquity:
Appropriation of Judaism, re-imagined for Christmas exists like this. @/koshercosplay has basically an infinite amount of examples to use for these posts and even gets sent asks of more examples.
There is no Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu or other religions' holidays reserved as an official federal holiday in the US. So all non-Christian religious holidays are labeled as "accommodations" while Christmas is a given.
While my post targets the US because thats were I am from, this isn't US only. Christmas is a public holiday in a large protion of countries around the world (see map).
Hallmark Christmas movies, that are made by the dozens at this point and are a US Christmas staple, are propaganda longing for a better ""family friendly"" white washed Christian version of America that never existed.
Hallmark has added anti-semitism into it's Christmas movies.
A Hanukkah presentation was banned in a Florida school meanwhile the same school was celebrating Christmas activities and decorations. Justified by Florida's Parental Rights Bill ("Don't say gay" bill) "obligating us to follow the 5th grade standards [...] At this time, a Chanukah presentation is not in our standards." It was only reversed to to social media outcry.
Something similar also happened in a Vancouver school where Christmas decorations were allowed because they "aren't religious" while Hanukkah ones were explicitly denied.
Fasting and breaking for prayer during Ramadan is seen as an inconvenience to employers, who need "guidance" on how to "accommodate" their Muslim employees. And has led to Muslims being straight up fired. Whereas Christmas decorations, events, or music in a work setting is fine.
Universities won't hold classes on Christmas but will reverse their practice of not holding classes on Yom Kippur & Rosh Hashanah because not holding classes on those holidays is "intended to insure greater continuity in the academic schedule and minimize course disruption for students." Those two holidays are a debate at the university— Christmas is never a debate.
Not holding classes on Eid al-Adha is also controversial! This also included reversing the decision to not have classes. The decisions to not hold classes on the holiday is a debate at the school board— Christmas is never a debate.
To make it all worse in the US: Christian Nationalism is dramaticlly increasing x x x
No matter what pagan-ness or secular aspects can be found in Christmas it has a privileged special place in our culture— that is afforded to no other religion— specifically because it is Christian. There are a few examples where this isn't the case (e.g Japan) but those are very few and far between
In my strong opinion: if you choose to celebrate the holiday, as a Christian or non-Christian, you should recognize the special spot & privilege it has.
You shouldn't dismiss that fact and the above examples because "pagan origins" or "celebrating it in a secular way"
Maybe next time when your classmate, your child's classmates, or you sibling's friend want to put up Hanukkah decorations in school next to the Christmas ones you can speak against the school administration that bans it, or against the teacher who gets upset at the idea.
Or perhaps you can be the person at the school board meeting who points out that Christmas isn't any more special than Yom Kippur or Eid al-Adha so why are those debatable when Christmas isn't.
Recognizing these things is not raining on Christmas' parade nor does it mean you should feel guilty for celebrating, its simply a matter of expanding you view of the world and learning the obstacles other people face.
Recognizing its preferential spot is paramount imo but if you'd also like to touch on the history of the matter:
Here is some info on the "Christmas is stolen" argument, as well as tracing secular and religious history of the holiday.
The origins of Christmas and its traditions are marred with psudeo-history plastered all over news websites, blogs, and supposedly reputable sources. But many of this comes down to secondary sources citing each other in a loop without primary sourcing. Here is an example of how that can happen (not xmas related).
-Dyslexic, not audio proof read- | -repost-
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ohplagg · 6 months
Keeping Track of Time in I Love Yoo
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I am back again with another timeline because I guess this is my life now. This timeline, though, is specifically about the events for December 21st 20XX and forward since I've noticed that Quimchee is adding clocks ever since Nol got stabbed, and everything feels like a race against the clock for some reason.
I'm not going to add any screenshots since this is just, as the title says, keeping track of time. Nothing more, nothing less.
Just in case someone is not paying attention to what they are about to read, this contains spoilers up to I Love Yoo's Episode 244.
If more clocks appear in future episodes I might update this.
As always, I love hearing what you guys think so feel free to reach out!
Italic means that it's not known when exactly in the timeline that specific event took place. I still placed the event where it makes most sense.
(Ep. XYZ) means the episode where the time is mentioned/seen.
Saturday December 21st
9:42pm Nol falls from the second floor to a glass table. (Ep. 210)
Before 11pm Nol is rushed to the hospital (Ep. 215)
Kousuke went to Hirahara's hostpital to look for Nol after being spaced out for around 30 minutes. (Ep.213)
Kousuke get's knocked out by a wall.
11:55pm YuJing leaves Rand alone. (Ep. 215)
Sunday December 22nd
12:00am Kousuke wakes up to hear Hansuke arguing with Yui (Ep. 220)
12:19am Meg find's Rand's present for Kousuke in the trash (Ep. 220)
12:22am Hansuke steals the blood samples (Ep. 221)
4:28am Rand leaves to visit Kousuke. Kousuke has been knocked out by the tea. (Ep. 221)
4:21am Nol wakes up. Shin-Ae texts Dieter and Soushi who are out of the hospital (Ep. 215)
4:47am Dieter and Soushi leave WacDonalds (Ep. 225)
5:06am Dieter and Soushi arrive to the hospital (Ep. 225)
5:09am Shinae goes to get Dieter and Soushi/Birthday party starts. (Ep. 225)
5:26am Stalkyoo dance to christmas music at sunrise. Geez, not even 20 minutes? no wonder Dieter was still awake to witness it all. (Ep. 220)
Hansuke visits YuJing and stores the blood samples.
Nana arrives to the hospital and Nol's jail time is pushed for 3 days counting today (so December 24th is his last day of freedom)
Hansuke takes the blood samples to get tested
7:52am Shin-Ae texts Dieter "Is everything okay?" after he and Soushi left the hospital (Ep. 225)
8:21am Shin-Ae and Nana meet (Ep. 225)
Kousuke wakes up, goes with Yui for breakfast, Hansuke and YuJing pick him up afterwards
8:40am-ish Yui arrives to church right after mass ended (Ep. 230)
"Convince me"
Shin-Ae gets picked up from the hospital by her family
Maya and Shin-Ae talk
Kousuke get's medically checked
11:30am Dieter texts Shin-Ae about going to the hospital together during the afternoon. Shin-Ae takes a nap (Ep. 235)
1:30pm Kousuke drops off his phone at his apartment before heading to Nol's hospital (Ep. 244)
3:30pm Dieter texts a sleeping Shin-Ae (Ep. 240)
Dieter comes to pick up Shin-Ae
Dieter talks with Nol
Kousuke arrives at the hospital with Hansuke and YuJing
Kousuke has a panic attack
5:51pm Shin-Ae wakes up from her nap (Ep. 240)
5:55pm Shin-Ae texts Nol "I know I'm blocked but just in case..." (Ep. 243)
The AA 101 Group to which Shin-Ae and her dad go to is at 7:00pm
7:41pm Hansuke and YuJing are hanging out with college friends. Kousuke isn't picking up his phone. Gregory M tells Hansuke that he can get his stuff done by the end of the week (Friday is the 26th) (Ep. 241)
8:35pm Nana, Dieter and Soushi leave the hospital for the day. (Ep. 242)
8:45pm Shin-Ae is at the AA 101 Group and receives a text apology from Dieter (Ep. 242)
Alyssa tells Nol she "really needs to see him"
Monday December 23rd
10:10am Kousuke's secretary looks at his watch and notices Kousuke missed work (Ep. 243)
10:30am Yui get's a text message from Alyssa saying she's going to visit Nol (Ep. 244)
11:05am Meg mentions how she is heading to the library soon (Ep. 243)
A bit before 11:45am Alyssa arrives to Nol's hospital to talk (Ep. 243)
Between 11:45am and 12:25pm Nol and Alyssa stay quiet (Ep. 243)
12:25pm Alyssa and Nol finally start talking and Yui arrives. (Ep. 243)
Shin-Ae will arrive to the hospital around 2pm (Ep.244)
Nana mentions she'll arrive around 3pm. (Ep. 243)
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7grandmel · 4 months
Todays rip: 03/02/2024
Take You To The Desert
Season 3 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips Volume A
Ripped by Chaze the Chat
Hi, so, uh, full disclaimer - I HAD a post almost done and ready to go for today (or TONIGHT, rather), but then I got very distracted by watching the amazing YouTube premiere of the MAGFest Rave, had the fucking time of my life screaming my head off in the SiIvaGunner Discord, and now I've suddenly been informed that I've almost missed Sean Kingston's birthday! Sean Kingston! You know the guy - from Crazy Noisy Beautiful Girls, from Beautiful! ~ Curveball of Sean Kingston, from the 11th episode of the SiIvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis? Yet for all that I've talked about him in those two posts, it still kind of feels like I've only barely scratched the surface - and with the scoops I only just got from SiIvaCord, I felt basically forced to properly honor Kingston's legacy today.
Before his unfortunate and absolutely-real-no-kidding Jetski accident, Sean Kingston made waves in the late 2000s with his breakout single Beautiful Girls - the kind of song that you only SOMEWHAT become annoyed by from its overexposure on the radio. After team member turdl3 of Hoopache fame singled it out as his number-one most disliked pop song of the 2000s, the SiIvaGunner team did what they did best and decided to turn that distaste into a running joke, posting more and more Kingston as part of the bit - before it reached Chaze the Chat's ears.
I can't help but assume that there was some sort of neural overlap across ´his prior obsession with Maroon 5 and Sean Kingston, but Chaze the Chat reportedly wound becoming absolutely obsessed with posting about the song and its various follow-ups. Did you know he made three separate mashup albums dedicated to shitposting about the guy?
Its something I've talked about in many Maroon 5-themed posts on here such as Sunday Morning, but even when I'm not able to be in on the joke there's just something so endearing about seeing rips be made out of such strangely specific yet evidently passionate interests - which, in turn, brings us to Season 3's Sean Kingston Day, and Take You To The Desert. Turdl3 was reportedly not alone in disliking Beautiful Girls, and the song had effectively no presence on SiIvaGunner whatsoever in its first two years of running - yet somehow, Sean Kingston Day got to occur, and the sheer shock of it all has stuck with me since even back when. It wasn't something absurdly random like Chain of Memories II Day back with Simple and Clean (Psi Mix), nor was it seemingly part of any ongoing lore developments, nor did it feel like a long-running joke on the channel that I'd simply failed to be invited to - everyone else in the YouTube comments were just as befuddled as I was as to what led to the sudden takeover. Hell, I hadn't even *heard* Beautiful Girls until that day!
And yet, I fucking loved it.
From an honest point of view, Take You To The Desert is a pretty simple mashup between two already-good songs. Yet with all that context of Sean Kingston's presence on the channel, his development as a borderline forced inside joke and sudden takeover for a day, and most importantly Chaze the Chat's bizarre affection for the guy, it turns into something more. Just the simple fact alone that the rip uses Take You There rather than his prior discussed debut single kind of speaks volume to how deep in the trenches Chaze the Chat was in regards to this event - an event that, really, he was the main driving force behind even getting done to begin with. And though it caught us all of guard, I do believe there were many viewers just like me back then - who through the repeated exposure of the day became unironic Sean Kingston enjoyers. And hey - Beautiful! ~ Curveball of Sean Kingston is only one of the many dozens of rips made since Sean Kingston day to continue upholding the Kingston legacy, even as the hype around the in-joke as completely passed
Bizarre, catchy, ironic, unironic, Jetski driver or pop sensation - Sean Kingston is many things, yet for the six years I've known of his existence I've never been able to see him as anything but a SiIvaGunner joke. But when its one that Chaze the Chat believed in so fucking hard, one that gave us absolute bangers like Take You To The Desert, I can't find it in me to see that as a bad thing. Because with or without prior knowledge, the passion of those who ripped his music showed me why it was worth caring about.
Happy Birthday, Sean Kingston.
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ell0ra-br3kk3r · 1 year
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600 followers!! it's insane that y'all have stuck around this long bahaha i love you tons and tons!
since christmas is over and i'm not a fan of new years this will be birthday themed 'cause my birthday is close enough so here you go!
fandoms for this event are the grishaverse and the wizarding world both golden and marauders era (please specify if you want marauders or golden). please let me know if you have a prefrence for pronouns, otherwise i'll default to she/her !!!
anyone and everyone can participate! please keep it to one event per ask. thank you!
this will be open for 10 days (closes on jan. 5th)
navi. | masterlist | character list
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thank you cards ~ tell me your favorite character (off my character list) and a small description of yourself along and i'll write a short personal blurb for you (close moots only)
cupcakes ~ tell me some of your favorite/funny birthday memories and i'll share some of mine (moots only)
playlists ~ blurb requests! y'all know how this works, send me a prompt or song along with a character and i'll write you a small blurb (please please please be patient with me!)
birthday wishes ~ send me any advice/well wishes is this me fishing for complements and kind words? yes. yes it is
polaroids ~ mood boards! send me this with an activity or senario along with a character or ship and i'll make a mood board for you
spin the bottle ~ ships! send me your ideal new year date and i'll ship you with a character (specify fandom and gender prefrence)
books ~ send me the link to a fic you've written and i'll share with you my favorite things about it! (it's really more like me annotating your fic like i would my own book haha)
gossip corner ~ send me this along with very specific thoughts you have about different characters, like moments you'd think would happen, and i'll build off of that!
party favors ~ random asks! cym, kmk, or any other random questions or games!
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@romanticvampire @i-live-you-die-i-tell-your-story @princess-paramour @juneberrie @jahayla-parker @jackys-stuff-blog @sw34terw34ther @puppy-coded @cauliflowertree @writingwitch007 @starconfettii @starstruckwillows @maliciousbrekker @cremexcoffee @innerloverpainter @sp1rit-realm @masivechaos @robynlilyblack
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balshumetsbaragouin · 4 months
Chapter Twenty-One is live! We're heading towards the inevitable confrontation between Danny, Valerie, and the cursed tech, so things are really tense this chapter.
Next chapter will have the art by @emotigonecreative that inspired this whole piece. You all should give go over to that blog and TOUCH everything! She deserves it! (She also has commissions open. If you're looking to get badass art, you should go pay her!)
They'll be another double feature Wednesdays with Hybrid this coming week, so look forward to that.
Want a preview of this chapter before you click through? Look no further than below the cut!:
The rush of holiday shoppers pressed the group of teens closer together as they passed. The store had just set up a new display, promising a better deal on the newest Funstation 3 shipment, with a package of games to go with it. Greedy parents, eyes on the prize of finishing gift buying well before Christmas, lunged at the display to grab up the pre-made packages and make use of the coupon. The trio rolled their eyes and their own line barely budged. They were waiting for the kiosk to open up, everyone there waiting for the newest shipment of GameSwitches. A whole shipment had been smashed during the techpocalypse, but with everything settled, the electronics store bustled with the mass of human bodies hungry to replace destroyed technology or upgrade to the newest version. He and Tucker had saved all year, knowing the newest batch releasing around Christmas came with internet capabilities. Sam was here in solidarity. She’d pre-ordered, like she’d warned them to do, months ago. Her GameSwitch sat safely in a box in her room, waiting to be booted up with the newest installment of Mini-Monsters. Mini-Monster Purple had released in Japan and, with a quick swipe of her card on an all Kanji website, she’d snatched up a copy. It was also at her house, having arrived before Thanksgiving. The boys were not so inclined to either preparation or braving foreign websites. “As soon as we get these things, we’ll have to connect them together to go monster hunting.”
“I hear with the online functionality, they’re doing a bunch of timed events with open dungeons. They’re supposed to be specific to your local area, so you can raid them with friends. I can’t wait to transfer my Brontomasher into the newest version.”
“Oooohhh, you can’t do that.”
“What?!” Tucker looked horrified, looking around him to gap at Sam. “Why not? You’re supposed to be able to take your Mini-Monsters with you on all of your future adventures. I worked so hard to train him, how are other people supposed to witness Toxifrog’s wrath without him joining internet dungeons?”
“They changed how the system stores data, so it’ll be more efficient in future games, but that means you can’t transfer them forward. They had to update, or else the internet stuff wouldn’t work.”
“This is an outrage! I demand to speak to the head of the company. They have to fix this.” Tucker pulled out his PDA, already tapping out an anger message, before his fingers slowed down. “Or...I could code a patch.”
“It’s a hardware issue.”
“I’ll just modify my GameSwitch then, upload my code, and transfer my best friend into the new game.”
“You’re gonna corrupt the newest version before you can even play it.”
“That’s what backups are for Sam. Trust me, I’m an expert.”
“That’s what you said right before you bricked your computer trying to get past DRM on Doom 2. ”
“I was but a padawan then, unskilled and uninitiated. Now, I am a Technomage.”
“Are you ever going to let that go? Danny, tell Tucker it’s a stupid idea to brick his new GameSwitch and waste all his birthday cash.” She poked him between his ribs, looking around him to frown at their other friend’s antics. He brushed her hand away, and continued looking at his phone. “Uh, Danny?” Another poke, and this time he pushed her back to continue looking at his new Razor. “Come on, Danny, your new cell is not that cool.”
“Why hasn’t she texted back yet?”
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Having an adoptive son like Alfred and him finding out that she's an awesome swordswoman, he would probably gift her a toy- maybe even real lightsaber for Christmas or for her b day.
And since swords became old fashioned, she's probably ecstatic about it and start doing tricks with it.
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england x reader || married au || bonus, water park fights
this made me think about that skin in league of legends with a really good dualist. I will mention it later.
🤍 It started at the water park, you were with Alfred, Arthur and Matthew. 
You hid your face from the sun, your hand over your skin and roots of your hair still damp from the pool.
Walking with Alfred towards the main entrance, you two went to walk around in need of the warmth.
Being in water for hours, swimming around  and often sleeping on the fake plastic grass where you found a spot in the shade this morning occasionally made you cold.
The warm water from the special pool wasn’t warm enough anymore and neither Arthur’s body and his embrace could warm you up.
Even with a beautiful blue sky and a mid day sun, the wind occasionally gave you chills, only your towel as coverage.
So now you’re walking around with the American around the water park. You carefully walk bare foot over the designed path so the travertine tiles being exposed all day to the sun would bring heat to your feet and bodies.
As your feet take every step it burned, but rapidly the heat became comfortable.
The same heat earlier absolutely burning your skin now feels incredible against it.
You notice the main pool facing the entrance, few life guards standing around the fake rocks and high chairs surrounding the different areas, all connected to the same pool. However only random lines separated the areas, many people just walking over them to jump in another pool.
The lifeguards, mostly students on their summer jobs have been the same ones over a week now. They were really nice to you  and Arthur. They occasionally talk to families or say hello to the kids asking them random questions. 
“Is there an event today ?” 
You stopped, making the blue eyed American next to you also stop, few steps after. 
Alfred looks up at the main pool and takes a step closer to the fake orange-pink rocks. Many people were sitting down in the pool, with aqua bikes below them.
“Aqua bike event— I think”
Alfred’s head turns to you.
“I didn’t know, I thought it was only around 11 in the morning.” You said.
“Maybe they changed, happens” Alfred added.
You two put your forearms over the rocks, the heat radiating from their fake materials making the most uncomfortable place in the park suddenly the best spot to lay on. 
You two leaned, watching curiously the group, it just looked interesting to watch people do aquabiking, specifically when you were facing-laid against this warm rock.
“Your birthday is tomorrow Alfred— do you want me to sign you up to the aqua bike morning session ?” You joked, still looking over the kids, older people and many randoms trying to follow the instruction of their “coach”.
The woman keeps screaming, instructions from her bike, out of the water and blasting electro, dubstep songs for people to get into the activity.
You were amazed by how the instructor skin was glowing under the sun, her job being, biking under no shade, almost in a full gym outfit, only sunglasses covering her eyes, screaming over the blasting electronic music and doing the same amount of exercise as the people in water, but outside from the pool. However, when the music became a bit less louder from a minute ago, your heard clicking sounds.
The clicking sounds could be anything. You didn’t turn around at first, thinking that it could just be someone fighting with their beach umbrella and the wind, or trying to hold their whole’s family umbrella and bags in one trip. Casual family water park problems you experienced in your life already, specifically with all the colonies, and still with Alfred and Matthews sometimes. 
The clacking sound sounding like plastic kept going, you didn’t notice Alfred leaving your side silently as you were fully staring at the people biking in water to the music beat.
It’s only when you noticed his silhouette missing from your side that you turned around, looking for his familiar figure. 
Quickly you did notice him, arms crossed over his chest looking at kids, fighting with plastic light sabers, known from their design in the movie Stars wars. 
Kids aged around 6 to 12 were in pairs, fighting for fun. 
You approached the American, three steps away from you, now concentrated by the kids activity.
Yoh kept your towel tightly around your body, noticing the families around the kids laid on their towels sleeping, tanning or just sitting there watching over nothing. 
Alfred sees the woman giving the light sabers to kids coming up to her, she walks over to the him and you.
“What’s happening there ?" Alfred asks, pointing to the light sabers and kids,
“We just got these for people who wanna play around, we can teach you quickly how to fight with those, obviously it’s all for fun,” the woman says, looking behind her to the pairs fighting around, nothing serious.
“Do we have to pay or something?” The American asked,
“ Absolutely not, it’s all fun and games, just don’t run and hit the people laying around—“ she laughed, earning from you and Alfred childish smiles.
“Can we try?” You blurted out, the woman nodding, handing you light sabers.
“Don’t hit your eyes or the head of course— you should be fine!” She warns, but her vibe becoming more friendly as she looks at a dad playing with his daughter behind.
“Thank you,” you and Alfred thanked the woman before walking in an empty spot, near all the pairs but not too far away from the people laying around. 
“It’s just like fighting with our pool fries—“
Alfred teased, starting to make moves with the green lightsaber in his hands.
“I did beat you with those, lightsabers are no different—“ you commented,
“You have more experience and did fought with real swords— it’s not fair—“ Alfred fake cried, still hitting your lightsaber lightly. 
You two were barely fighting, keeping it playful, to not go overboard and hurt a someone.
Alfred was smiling, really happy to be able to share this moment with the woman he saw as his mother figure. 
He was happier then, he was a child, but he is happy and grateful now. 
This smile over his face gives him a glimpse of memories he has with you. When you would fight for fun with Arthur in the living room or telling pirate stories before bed to him and Matthew playing the fights described in the stories. 
He remembers the costumes Arthur would take out from his special closet, how he would love with amazement your fake duels. Furthermore, your feet work and how each of you would dodge the others swords. 
When you thought it was time to go back to Arthur and Matthew, probably either sleeping on the plastic grass with two towels on top of their heads, laid over their stomachs. Alfred told you he’ll join you in a few minutes. Saying he wants to check out something.
“I’ll be back with them then, at the towels.” 
You announced to the blonde, earning a nod from him as he walked away.
You walked back to your husband and the Canadian next to him, chuckling over their tans forming on their skin, when you could clearly see from their swim trunks their original skin color. 
“Alfred says he is coming soon,” you announced, now sure that they knew about your presence next to them. The towels over their heads did block their views, plus they couldn’t really know from the sound of your steps if it was you or any other stranger walking around instead of taking the right walking path.
Later on, Alfred came back, hurriedly walking to you. By then, Matthew sat back up, his back against the wall behind him, phone in hands looking at pictures you took of them.
You noticed the plastic grey package in Alfred’s hands immediately,
“What did you bought again ? We already have pool fries and water guns—“
“Happy early birthday—“ he cut you, shoving the object in your hands.
“Oh well, thank you but what is it— ? A lightsaber— why ?”
You smiled as you asked and looked up to Alfred, his talking figure in front of your sitting on, hiding the sun perfectly.
“You’re the most amazing swordswoman I met, plus the old man right there,” he points to Arthur, still head fully under his towel and mumbling insults to his own “son”,
“Said you didn’t have any lightsaber from Star Wars— so I got you one!"
Alfred finished,
“No need to Alfie, oh but thank you— I’ll try it now if you want—“ you thanked and opened the plastic package, trying the lightsaber in your hands. This one being bigger and heavier than the ones the woman gave you earlier, obviously for kids. 
You felt the lightsaber in your hands, the sounds coming from it and vibrations, faking the movie effects. When done doing pretty tricks with it and turning it back off, you hugged your older son. Thanking him again for the lovely gift, it wasn’t much, but the thoughts and memories associated with this plastic toy meant more than a real sword and meant more duels with your boys.
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spaghettiddy · 2 years
♡ Eddie Munson random headcanons ♡
Random headcanons - in some of them the reader is mentioned and it can be read as gender neutral, romantic or platonic. (No use of Y/N)
Contents and warnings: nothing really :) maybe a little bity if fluff. (664 words)
A/N: i’ve been collecting these in my journal in the past few days, beacuse yes, sometimes i write by hand about a man in my journal like an infatuated 19th century woman! Some are quite long, more like short drabbles. (English is not my first language so be kind :))
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Eddie loves when his friends and partner give him drawings or little notes. He acts cool when he gets them, because they're often for the d&d campaign or they’re simple christmas cards, but then reads them when he’s alone in his room, smiling to himself. He keeps them in a shoebox and hangs up on his walls the drawings he likes most. (OMG if he ever met Will! !! Aaaahhh)
THRIFT KING. He spends the money he makes by dealing on music gear, so he has a limited budget for stuff like clothes. He's been doing it for a while now so he has a precise itinerary of thrift stores around Hawkins, fidelity cards, and all. He even once did that thing of hiding a jacket he wanted between other clothes and came back the next day with enough money to buy it. When he comes back, he puts on a little fashion show for you and explains in detail how he’s going to modify the clothes to match his style. (We’ve all seen those pictures of Joseph Quinn trying the different versions of the costume. That's the vibe. Chaos basically. )
Every Christmas and birthday he gets his uncle a new hat and has been since he was in elementary school. It turned into a tradition and now uncle Wayne proudly displays his collection in the trailer living room (you can actually see them in the show in the background and in that backstage tour of the van)
When he’s having a tough day, he goes to skull rock with his walkman and/or a book. He likes the walk from and to his house the most, it’s an opportunity to clear his mind and spend some time alone. He's been doing it for a few years and more than once he had to go back home because the spot was already taken by a couple. He didn’t know him personally yet, but at least twice the rock was occupied by Steve and the girl he was going out with at that time.
He read in a magazine that some metal band members use women’s perfume as an act of rebellion and provocation. So, he bought one and wears it, hoping that if anyone smells it they think it rubbed off a girl he was with, instead of making fun of him.
Asks you to help him collect bottle caps, can tabs and safety pins to make diy pins. He always makes an extra few to give you as a thank you.
Kind of an arsonist, out of curiosity though. He just has to set fire to different small objects and materials. He knows they will just burn but what if this time something else happens, doesn’t even think about how the something else might be something dangerous, like a small explosion or toxic fumes.
He has an ever-changing, but very detailed list of tattoos and piercings to get in the future. Yes, it includes at least one nipple piercing and a tramp stamp. He says it's not a tramp stamp, but the position and design say otherwise.
His weirdly specific childhood interest was Norse mythology. He still remembers some very specific events and details and adapts them to put in the D&D campaigns. Just imagine the joy of little Eddie learning there was a god of mischief!? It took him a while to spell mischief correctly but he got there.
When you spend the night at his and have breakfast together, he insists on doing stupid stuff, and you have to go along even if you’re still waking up. You have to throw him cheerios, because it’s fundamental to know how many he can catch with his mouth at 9 in the morning on a Friday. And you have to pour him maple syrup on the pancakes, and also directly in his mouth still full of cereals, because he doesn’t want to get his fingers sticky.
Eddie hates the feeling of stepping on anything like sand, grass or rocks barefoot, so when you go to Lovers' lake, he jumps on strangers' towels on his way to and from the water.
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edenexxe · 4 months
does anyone else struggle with gift ideas (for what people should give you, not vice-versa)?
whenever someone asks me "what do you want for your birthday/christmas?" i always say "idk" because i just. don't know?
i also feel bad about asking for stuff if christmas/my birthday/whatever is far enough away because it would probably be related to whatever my hyperfixation was when i asked and i don't want it to change before the event comes around
the way i "give gift ideas" is by making whatever my current hyperfixation was obvious so people know that's what i'm interested in
i can't say "oh i want [this specific thing]" for whatever reason. which is why i love gift cards for gifts bc i can pick stuff out myself
i also get confused on what counts as "gifts". they'll ask "what do you want?" and i'll say something like "socks/hair ties/underclothes/stuff like that" and they'll say "if you need socks you don't have to wait until christmas/your birthday bc socks are things you need" and i go "oh"
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brightgnosis · 1 year
Hagging Out 🌟 Anything But That
Once again I don't do Solstices, or Yule, or any of the other Winter Holidays, or, or, or, or; I have my own calendar that's not like anything else, so I'm always the odd duck out ... The Goose that doesn't fit in; always kinda makes participating in the specific holiday Hagging Out events of @msgraveyarddirt / @graveyarddirt's a little awkward for me (though I always love them regardless).
But the Secular New Year is technically a Winter thing™, right? And it's a very underrated Winter thing that- as my ex Jacklyn (yes, we still talk) said this year- "gets lumped in with Christmas, and everyone generally treats the time between Christmas and New Years as just vibing" ... So fuck it, it counts. Or, at least, I'm making it count for Hagging Out because I have nothing else to write about because I didn't do anything else.
Quack Quack.
I don't know when I started making a big deal out of the Secular New Year, honestly. It just .... Happened; one year I decided to start cleaning the house on New Year's Eve, and it became a thing™ for me- something I did every year before Midnight.
Eventually I added spiritual cleansing to the mix; sometimes it was the house. Sometimes it was myself. Sometimes it was both. There's no rhyme or reason to it, really. It's intuition, I think. Or laziness- being whatever I have the most desire and energy for after all of the physical cleaning was said and done.
I sat down and thought about it one day and decided it was "dumb", and that New Years' resolutions were "dumb", and that I wasn't going to do it anymore. But then in 2020 or 2021 (I can't remember at this point), I listened to The Happiness Lab's bonus episode titled "A New Hope"- which talked about how we're inclined to find impactful moments in our lives that can serve as significant psychological triggers to allow us to make "fresh starts" ... Like Birthdays. The first day of new Months ... And New Years.
This isn't a bad thing. When harnessed right, it can lead to solid, significant life changes that can propel us forward into healthy life growth. And I decided then that maybe it wasn't actually so "dumb" after all. Maybe I just needed to rethink it- and turn it into a real ritual.
I don't want to carry old energy into a new year with me ... Not on my Birthday (the Self New Year)- nor on my Ancestral New Year (Rosh Hashanah / Yom Kippur). Not even on the Spiritual New Year (my Liturgical New Year) ... And now, maybe not even on the Secular New Year, either- which is arguably the largest of them all.
And yeah, technically we can pick any day, any time, to change the course of our lives or decide the energy around us isn't great; to take the leap ... But time isn't linear, it's a cycle; the entire Universe is made up of repeating cycles, and patterns that are neverending. And The Happiness Lab was right: Psychologically, and even traditionally, certain points in that cycle just feel primed for change naturally. So why not New Years?
But at some point the after-effects of Covid finally caught up to me and kicked my Fibro into high gear. I wound up bedbound for months- then in Therapy for extreme suicidal ideation. Tack in a permanently revolving door of Doctor's appointments, and all that nonsense; nevermind I had to spend over a year re-learning how to be a semi-functional Human Being again (and I'm still not sure if I'm there). I never got the chance.
This year was the first year I was really able to put it into practice- and it's also the first year that my Husband has ever had New Years' Eve off with me while I did it. Which wound up being sorely needed, actually.
With three cold fronts prior, my body had finally hit its limit and I'd been neglecting the housework for a month- especially the vacuuming, since the vacuum had broke around Thanksgiving. Between the two of us, we had to spend the entire day cleaning in order to catch up. But we managed to finish it, still- with a break in between to jet to Walmart and pick up the ingredients for a traditional Alsatian New Years' meal; he even got my vacuum working again somehow, so I wouldn't have to sweep the floor.
After all of the physical cleaning was done between the two of us, I smoke cleansed the basement apartment with a stick of my "Garden of Eden" incense that I bought from Black.Moth when my old Covenmate and I went to the Curiosities & Oddities expo in November; usually I'd do a much deeper cleansing, but I'd just done one after December's Full Moon Message and I also didn't want to have the windows open for 5 hours in the freezing night air.
I put up the Ancestor Altar in the laundry on top of the Washer after that- putting my Gargoyle Candle on top of a yellow towel; my Husband offered Tobacco and Black Coffee to his Grandfather for the first time- and I gave a cup of Ivan-Chai sweetened with Linden Honey, and a Lemon Muffin, to my Maternal Ancestors. And that was it for the night.
Well, for him, anyways. I still had one more tradition that I've been doing since I was a child: My Year Ahead Reading; the results this year weren't great 😩 But with the news we got about my Husband's company just before the end of last year ... Well, we kind of expected that, I guess.
Finally with that done we counted down to midnight and drank a bottle of Alcohol Free Peach Cider together before crawling exhausted into bed.
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In years past I used to do huge, multi-tiered lists of Goals across multiple areas of my life. And I genuinely loved that system. It was fun. It challenged me. But I know I can't carry that out here- and it's probably too much for me while I'm still trying to re-learn how to be human anyways.
So this year my only goal is to try and get myself back on a routine in general, because I know I function much better when I'm on one ... But I'm also more than aware of the fact that this environment- living with my In Laws- is both hostile and counterproductive to a solid routine. So I also want to try and be more gentle with myself whenever I fall off of it.
Maybe I just want to try and be more gentle with myself in general.
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