#soukoku imagine
eightscribbles · 4 months
don't forget me (i beg)
cut: he takes it too far during a misunderstanding.
copy: soukoku
paste: arguments, emotional manipulation (?), swearing
undo: "Have YOU ever been beaten and left behind?!" "I hope you're happy with yourself." "Oh, that's easy for you to say. Someone who's had EVERYTHING they've ever wanted!" "Shut up! Just- just Shut up!"
redo: hello :> i decided to start reposting works from my ao3 (unknown_borealis) because this blog was lookin a little too ded.
divider from @cafekitsune's tufted 002 post! thank you sm
title from "someone like you" by adele
please reblog and like if you enjoyed :D
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The door clicks open and Dazai slips in. 
“Where have you been?” Chuuya sits at the table, a book open in his hands. Dazai shrugs indifferently. 
“Doesn’t make a difference to you, does it?” He sets down his bag and puts his coat up. 
“Oh, it doesn’t? And that’s why I’m sitting here, waiting for you even though you didn’t give me a single word of warning that you’d be late back?” Chuuya scoffs. 
“What a kind dog, waiting for his master.” The joke’s getting old. Chuuya lets out an aggrieved huff and turns away. 
“No one asked you to wait for me, you know.” Chuuya whips his head back around. 
“...What did you just say?” Chuuya slams his book shut and leaves it on the table. He stands up and stalks towards Dazai. 
“No one asked you to wait for me. You could have just gone to sleep.” Dazai picks up his bag and steps towards the bedroom, but Chuuya grabs his arm.
“No, hold on. I waited half the fucking night for you. I sat here, waiting for you to come back, hoping you weren’t dead, and this is the thanks I get? Are you fucking serious?” 
Dazai rips his arm out of Chuuya’s grasp like it burns him. “Leave it, Chibi.”
“No, I’m not going to fucking leave it! I’m waiting for you because I want to, and you haven’t heard a single thank you out of your mouth!” 
“Have you considered the fact that I don’t want you to wait for me? It’s not that big of a deal.” Chuuya’s seething now. Each word out of Dazai’s mouth boils his blood more and more. Of course this stupid prick with all his mafia executive friends wouldn’t care about one person. 
“Easy for you to say! Someone who’s had everything they could ever want, mister “youngest underboss”. I bet you have people everywhere waiting on you hand and foot.” Dazai stops, still facing away. Chuuya ignores him and continues to rant. 
“Born with a silver spoon shoved up your ass, weren’t you? Became the youngest, best underboss, everyone listened to you, followed you like lost ducklings, have you ever been beaten and left behind? Do you even know what it’s like to watch someone die in front of you?”
“I-” Chuuya doesn't let him finish. Dazai doesn’t get to say a word if he’s going to continue being an asshole.
“No, just shut up. You don’t get to say anything. I know you were the best in the mafia or whatever, but here, you aren’t any better than me or anyone else. If anything, you’re the biggest asshole of us all. So I hope you enjoyed that little trip, because I am not going to wait for you ever fucking again. Hope you’re real fuckin’ pleased with yourself, bitch.” Chuuya storms straight past him and goes to the front door. “I’m not coming back.” He slams the door shut and pulls out his phone, asking Tachihara to meet him at the bar for a night out. He’s had enough of Dazai’s bullshit. 
In the red haze, he doesn’t notice anything about Dazai. He doesn’t notice Dazai’s hands beginning to shake, doesn’t see the memories of a beloved friend flash through his eyes. He doesn’t see Dazai slump against the wall, holding his bag to his chest as tears start to fall.
He doesn’t notice when an hour later, Dazai stumbles to his feet and takes out something from his bag before exiting the house in a daze, beginning to wander the streets wherever his feet take him. He doesn’t notice when a group of bloodthirsty, opportunistic bandits spot the mafia executive and take their chance. 
He doesn’t notice the small, red box, hidden in a pocket of Dazai’s bag. 
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sableeira · 4 months
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And Dazai is like: omg how did he figure it out?!?!?!?
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evilkaeya · 11 months
Thinking about teen Dazai asking teen Chuuya to help him with this new tactic he's learning (controlling his heartbeat). An hour later Kouyou walks into Dazai lying flat on the ground and Chuuya with his ear pressed against Dazai’s chest as he yells "NO you're supposed to do dot dot dash not- dude you lost the rhythm again it's too fast CALM DOWN"
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juriyuki · 8 months
SKK au where they still have their abilities but Dazai accidentally kissed Chuuya when they first met, knocking Chuuya out of gravity manipulation...
Since then Dazai has lied that his ability is activated by kissing and not by touching and Chuuya has never doubted cause Dazai always go in for the kiss as soon as he grabs Chuuya to nullify his ability.
And Dazai threatened the rest of the PM to not to expose him and they had to suffer skk making out during battle in their mafia era.
Then Dazai left PM and they met again as ADA member and PM executive on battle field and Dazai on instinct grabbed Chuuya for a kiss to nullify corruption.
The rest of the ADA be like: why is Dazai kissing the enemy executive?
PM members: Not this shit again!
And Atsushi would later ask Chuuya shyly why does Dazai kiss him to pull him out of his ability and Chuuya in ultra confusion be like 'Cause that's how his ability works?'
Only to find out that Dazai has been lying to his face the whole damn time...
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ok but bsd chapter 114 revealing the flipside of the soukoku dynamic in all its glory like *chef's kiss*
turns out that when the mission's (almost) done and you put skk in a room with no witnesses they just become each other
dazai is the one unable to stay still, agitated and wearing his emotions openly and very much stressing about a plan he can't understand (how the tables do turn), literally YELLING and RUNNING of his own violation and doing actual labor of pulling out "fyodor" from beneath a whole ass helicopter while injured without asking for help because the brawns of the team is actually secretly a black cat character
insane how chuuya makes dazai look like the overactive dog archetype here like Mister Gravity Control and I Crack Walls & Chains With One Kick is just sitting full-on cheek on fist poker face watching his beanpole of a partner struggle. his health bar is like full too besides the brief drowning stint meanwhile he himself shot dazai like three times after he crawled out of a crashed elevator
(chuuya is actually such a little shit it's amazing like it was kinda shown in him just letting kunikida blow himself up without even trying to take on tecchou or as if he couldn't just fly the helicopter away with his ability? the pm's trump card, stronger half of soukoku? mans said "boss told me come get you" and by god that is the only job he will do, overtime means nothing to him because he can't read, what a king)
chuuya is literally only willing to do the BARE minimum it's hilarious like he's done his part, he's given the Oscar-winning vampire performance of a lifetime, now he's pulling a dazai-at-the-ADA and simply refusing to work like. chilling in the back while dazai monologues and fyodor dies. bouncing sigma like a tennis ball. chilling a corner while dazai brainstorms. leisurely following dazai's running. chilling in the back while dazai huffs and puffs to pull out the body.
the biggest bsd plot twist is that soukoku on and off the battle field just switch roles for who's lounging like a bored princess while the other toils and actually does the work. if they both ever actually work on something at the same time yokohama would probably explode.
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originalartblog · 8 months
Question, is there tiny soukoku corruption??????
With big Chuuya around I don't think Tiny would ever need to use Corruption. His tiny gravity manipulation isn't as strong.
But you got it in my head so let's picture it: there is this 3cm-tall dude that faintly glows red and throws deadly baseballs around. He's fast, dangerous, and, again, 3cm tall. Good luck catching, or even spotting him.
It's Chuuya who ends up having to catch him and throw him at Dazai like a ping pong ball so Dazai can nullify him. Or maybe throw Tinyzai at him. Your pick.
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and then Tiny rolls over and starts snoring the hurt away because he's Chuuya and he's just built different.
tiny snore
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svetlovasart · 2 months
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quote by @work-after-work
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carrotkicks · 1 year
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thinking abt the "dazai and chuuya elope and join the ada together" au again..
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vinyldiskk · 1 year
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caelanglang · 1 year
injury recovery…
*break an arm or two out there kids!*
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nyxi-pixie · 25 days
why do chuuya and dazais dub voices always sound like theyre one second away from fucking on screen
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chrxnicdaydream · 1 month
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so glad Chuuya’s there to ask the questions we’re all wondering 🙏🏻
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evilkaeya · 3 months
Do you guys ever think about how Dazai physically can't stop himself from caressing Chuuya's cheeks post corruption. How he takes time to hold Chuuya's face in his hands every damn time like he can't bear to walk away without inspecting Chuuya up close at least once. Even after the Lovecraft fight he wiped blood off Chuuya's cheeks like bro is nothing if not down bad. He's addicted to holding Chuuya's face and I respect him for it.
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nureon · 5 months
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More fanart for chapter 3 of my friends sskk fanfic! Atsushi is so awkward it's endearing tbh. Idk if Aku is that impressed tho.
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fukuzawa: is it true that you are maintaining some relationship with various mafia members
ada: *guilty silence*
ranpo, grinning: well, atsushi here has stayed quite a few nights over at akutagawa's apartment. if that means anything
atsushi: you-
dazai: atsushi~ how could you~
atsushi: stop picking on me! dazai's dating chuuya!!
dazai: i am not-
junichiro: wow you too dazai-san who's next
yosano: speaking of chuuya... kunikida youre awfully quiet.
kunikida: i just have nothing to say
ranpo: he doesn't want to admit his guilt at also being w/ chuuya
kenji: wow mr. chuuya has a lot of friends !!
kyouka: no-
naomi: yosano-sensei, aren't you and kouyou quite... close?
yosano: now what gives you that idea
junichiro: im still surprised that atsushi is with akutagawa
atsushi: ahaha.....
kunikida: yes! atsushi is with the rabid dog of the mafia! surely that is a point of concern
dazai: yeah atsushi's all small and-
atsushi: if you call me stupid
dazai: why id never
ranpo: is it more weighty than whatever the hell dazai's got going on with chuuya and kuniki-
fukuzawa: all of you.
fukuzawa: quiet.
ada: *guilty silence*
fukuzawa: i was merely asking to know which mafia members i should add to our christmas card mailing list
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originalartblog · 10 months
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I brought all of you with me so I went all out on waterfowl Chuuya
Dazai Goosamu and... Grebahara Chuuya...?
(with a thank you to @wiltedrosethorn who wanted some skk bird snuggling ("or just sitting next to each other") and @doves-fandomstuff who requested skk bird interaction)
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