#sorry those songs are all over the place <//3 also my medication wore off again so i’m too tired to link all of these songs
chryzure-archive · 1 year
HI MEM!! here’s a pass to go on a book rant (because i love when you’re a hater hehe… esp if we’re hating together >:)) AND AS FOR TRYSI ASKS… gimme some songs for them pre-breakup and post-breakup 😳😳 i expect ANGST!!
re: evangeline being a shitty character. hoh boy. yikes. like, she was pumped straight out of “generic ya protagonist” factory with all the default settings and stephanie went “yes, this is good character building”. …. i’d be more interested in a shallow character. i said it in my previous tags, but there could at least be a somewhat interesting dynamic there. maybe it would be hilarious to stick jacks with a character boring as bricks!!!! ((this is why simeon and jacks make a very funny friendship dynamic)). maybe it would be cool to explore a character that’s shallow developing depth??? maybe we could have a character with, like, a legit backstory? but a) evangeline’s boring, and b) she’s just a poorly-written reader-insert, since stephanie wanted to appease the fangirls in love with this bitchy fate. sorry, but jacks wants a bitch <3 he needs a spitfire girl to keep him in his place <333 evangeline needs to go to her pre-calc class, she’s failing rn.
((related: still thinking of that one post i saw where somebody was like “stop saying evangeline is stupid and make bad decisions! she’s just feminine! say you hate women next time!” …… so naturally feminine women make bad decisions??? they’re stupid?????? is that what you’re saying??? also, like??? the original protagonists were highly feminine characters??? i’m so confused with how femininity MUST mean trad-wife, LIKE WHAT??? ? anyway, evangeline is a bad character, but not bc she’s feminine. it’s because she’s poorly written.)
OH YEAH, WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU A) ADMIT TO NOT KNOWING HOW YOU WANT TO END THE SERIES, AND B) ADMIT THAT YOU PLOTTED THE SECOND NOVEL FROM JACKS’S POV AND DECIDED TO LEAVE EVANGELINE WAITING AROUND FOR HIM TO COME BACK WITH PLOT-RELAVENT DETAILS???shitty, boring writing, couldn’t figure out what to do, so we leave the protagonist in her perfect little cage because she’s a boring doll for jacks to toss around when he’s around. no, sorry—because even if evangeline were a doll, she would be a more interesting character. i mean it.
((side note: you can have a traditionally feminine character with pink hair actually do shit btw…. like luna rune is right there, getting shit done, and then she’s happy to settle down with simeon and have three kids. like, it makes sense for her character arc to be badass and travel through time, and then end up with a happy life at the end of it all…… it’s possible to write something where that’s fulfilling. god, it’s like stephanie wrote a random character and decided to slap jacks’s name on him so he could be attractive as a “villain”. he’s a sopping wet cat with the remains of his failed schemes scattered around him. ALSO, HE’S NOT MUSCULAR, HE CAN’T FIGHT, THERE’S NO WAY HE CAN SHOOT A FUCKING BOW AND ARROW.))
i’m DONE.
anyway.. trysi pre-breakup:
every little thing she does is magic by the police ((…PEAK HIGH SCHOOL TRYSI, I CRY))
only the good die young by billy joel ((i like thinking of chrysi pulling tris from his shell to this song… tris’s mom does NOT like chrysi, because chrysi gets him in a lot of trouble, so that’s what this song makes me think of :)) that said, tris’s dad LOVES chrysi for that exact reason LMAO))
kiss me you animal by burn the ballroom ((he sings this and then goes on a date with chrysi and is like “;;;;;;;;;;; hi…… can we… what if we… uhhh kiss?” “……..you remember those cleaning closets. why are you acting like this?” UMM…))
trysi post-breakup:
superstar by carpenters ….. IT’S FINE, THIS SONG DOESN’T KILL ME EVERY TIME.
always something there to remind me by naked eyes ((lyrically… it’s a bit upbeat for their breakup, but the lyrics are soooo tris going around and being reminded of their relationship. he loved her so much…))
more than a feeling by boston (again, lyrically, it fits?? but it’s a bit more upbeat than i think tris would listen to. THAT SAID, I LOVE THIS SONG TOO MUCH. YOU’RE STUCK WITH IT.)
i hope ur doing well (feat. colliding with mars) by savage ga$p, colliding with mars ((juno and i love to say that tris would make songs abt chrysi like this allll the time if his bandmates didn’t stop him. it’s so whiny <33 i think it’s hilarious))
the killing kind by marianas trench ((particularly the way it sounds, but lyrics fit somewhat??? i loooove this song though hehe))
unrelated songs that make me think of tris:
night life by hello atlantic ((tris accidentally turned into a murderous vampire on one of his concert nights??? oh???? and chrysi now has to help him??? what a shame!))
sad (clap your hands) by young rising sons ((he’s my pathetic little babygirl, you must understand…))
rot by dbmk ((idk, it makes me think of him… the idea that he’s rotten to the core appeals to me, like—i think he views himself that way!!! esp when he can’t control his magic and he hurts ppl because he gets easily distressed—but also, that he wants so much more, and it makes him feel like he’s rotten??? AAUGH.))
dream on by aerosmith ((mostly, i think he’d like this song in general. and he’d sound soooo pretty while singing it <33))
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elvendara · 3 years
Sugar and Spice Day 3
July 14th
Rock concert (Rockstar/Fan)
“Five minutes till curtains up!” the man ran backstage shouting over the din. Saeran expected a knock on his door shortly and sure enough, it came. Without waiting for an answer, the man opened the door to let him know the time limit. Saeran locked eyes with him through the mirror and nodded.
Once the door was again closed, he stared at himself. He’d long ago bleached his hair white to differentiate himself from his twin. Saeyoung worked in the shadows, it wouldn’t do to have a famous brother who looked exactly like him. He also utilized colored lenses. It served two purposes, he didn’t need to wear glasses, in fact, his fans didn’t even know he needed them, and the mint green was a stark contrast to his regular, amber-colored eyes. The pink tips were a more recent addition, but he liked them.
Black eyeliner was expertly applied, years of practice making it almost effortless. He took a sponge and smudged it, giving himself that perfect edgy look. The earrings were already in, silver crosses dangling on each side of his face. Ironic really, considering he didn’t believe in God. The thick black silver studded collar was snuggly around his neck as was the matching cuff around his right wrist. He stood and grabbed his leather jacket, sliding it on and glancing into the full-length mirror he had been given in his dressing room. He was comfortable in this persona. The music had been a way for him to deal with his life. Writing down his anger, confusion, and loneliness was a way to get it out of him. It became bigger than him pretty quickly and he found that hiding behind rock stardom meant he didn’t have to answer any real questions about his true self. It worked. Except it kept him lonely and alone. He’d come to terms with spending the rest of his life that way. It was easier than imagining being real with someone. Who could ever love the real him anyway?
He smirked at his reflection as he laced up his biker boots. Time to bring the house down!
He was soaked in sweat but didn’t feel tired. In fact, he felt invigorated, like every time he finished a concert. Feeding off the audience was one of the biggest perks to his career. Someone handed him a towel and he wiped his face with it.
“Great show Saeran!” one of the concert coordinators told him. She held a tablet to her chest and had a handful of fans behind her. Five doe eyed girls and one shy looking boy. Well, now that he looked closer, he was definitely a man, close to his own age. He looked sheepish being with the teenaged groupies. “These are the VIP’s for tonight’s afterparty. Thought I’d introduce you before you change.”
“Nice! Great to meet you, I’m glad we’ll be hanging out tonight. Hope you have a good time. Congrats on winning the backstage passes.” He regurgitated. There wasn’t always an afterparty but there were some special guests, rich, who had paid for the whole thing, so he’d been pressed to oblige them with an appearance. He hated the politics of being famous, but he did love his fans. It was because of them that he could enjoy what he did. If it was up to him, he’d fill the party with fans and not rich entitled groupies. He knew he would spend the night fending off offers to ‘get to know each other better’ all night.
“Oh my GOD! It’s really you!”
“Wow! You’re so HOT!”
“Ahhh, my friends are never gonna believe this!”
The girls were just cookie cutter versions of every other girl he’d seen. He couldn’t blame them; it’s how they sold his image. The man looked embarrassed; he wouldn’t even look him in the eye. He took the chance to check him out. He appeared to be a tad shorter than himself, with blond hair and pink clips holding back his bangs. He wore one of his concert shirts and tight-fitting skinny jeans. His nails were painted alternating pink and black with the black ones having his band’s logo on it, a mint green eye. So he really was a fan. Cute too.
“Uh, well, like the lady said, I have to go get changed for the party, I’ll see you all there. And be sure to grab your swag bags before you leave, don’t let them rip you off there! There’s a CD with a snippet of some of our new songs.” He winked and walked off. There was a lot of oohing and ahhing as he left.
He took a quick shower and dressed in a ripped black T-shirt, black jeans and his biker boots, putting all his accessories back on and reapplying his eyeliner. Taking a deep breath, he turned and walked out to the convention center next to the arena. Of course he wasn’t alone, he had security that surrounded him and paparazzi snapping pics as he made his way to the party. They screamed questions at him that he didn’t answer, he smirked, the signature look the media had come to know him by. Surrounded by so many yet feeling so alone. Making it next door took longer than it should have because of the circus around him, but make it he did.
Once he was inside he was taken by the arm by the coordinator who had introduced him to the fans, he couldn’t remember her name but she seemed nice enough. At least she didn’t flirt with him like other women did and took her job seriously.
“You’re here, great, first you should go say hi to the Han family, they’re the ones footing the bill for this afterparty, then you can have a few minutes with the fans before talking to some reporters…”
“Whoah.” He stopped in his tracks and could swear she left skid marks with her heels she’d been going so fast. “I want more than just a few minutes with those fans, and who are all these people anyway?” He saw his bandmates and some of the roadies, but everyone else was a stranger.
“Nobody you need to worry about, uh, I’ll see what I can do with the schedule.” She seemed frazzled but clicked away on her tablet while heading off again. He assumed he should follow, so he did.
“Mr. Han, I appreciate you taking the time and effort for this function.” Saeran greeted the elderly man.
“Ah, of course of course, anything for my new bride!” he had his arm around a young woman who was clearly less than half his age. The rumors about C&R’s head were obviously true. Standing on his other side was a tall and elegant man who appeared to wish he was anywhere but here. He’d seen that face plastered on magazines of all sorts. The heir apparent, Director of C&R, Jumin Han. They nodded respectfully at each other, Saeran feeling sorry for the man and having to deal with his father’s escapades, but the old man seemed like a descent sort. After a few minutes of his ‘wife’ fawning all over him, making him feel uncomfortable, the coordinator pulled him away. He was thankful to her for saving him.
She escorted him towards a section in the back, past all the dancing and the loud music, that was closed off. The music was still loud but at least he could hear himself think. In the section the fans sat, eating and drinking snacks on the coffee table. They all stood up and rushed him. Well, the girls did, touching him and giggling. Where were their parents? They didn’t look old enough to be out. They sat him down and pressed against him. The blond man sat to the side in a chair and continued to sip his cola and eat the snacks, sneaking a look now and then. He wished he could just be alone with him and have a conversation. At least he wouldn’t try to crawl on his lap like these girls seemed to want to do. Well, maybe he wouldn’t mind if the blond tried that.
After about 30 minutes, which felt like a lifetime, the coordinator gathered up the girls and took them out. It was past midnight and he guessed he had been right about their age, couldn’t have minors out at all hours of the night. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. It felt like they had leached some of his life force out and he was drained.
“I guess that happens all the time to you huh?”
Saeran sat up abruptly, how could he have forgotten about the blond?
“Sorry, I’ll go if you want to be alone.” He stood and Saeran panicked.
“NO!” he stood, banging his knee on the coffee table, sending him on his ass back on the sofa. He grabbed at the knee, eyes scrunched, “Ow ow ow…”
“Let me see.” Suddenly there was a presence by him as the blond sat beside him, his fingers touching his knee. Because of the ripped jeans, it was easy to see his skin in that area. “Doesn’t look so bad, at least you didn’t break the skin. You’ll have a hell of a bruise though.” The blond raised his gaze to Saeran and he finally got to see the full view. Wow, those eyes knocked him out, was that color even natural? Maybe he was wearing amethyst-colored lenses like what he himself wore. His face was kind, a soft pink flush growing across his cheeks and bridge of his nose. It was adorable.
“Ah, that was really stupid of me. But…I’m glad you didn’t leave. We didn’t even get a chance to chat.” Saeran tried to regain his coolness but found he couldn’t seem to be bothered to try and act in front of this man. “Uh, what’s your name?”
“Yoosung. Don’t have to ask yours I guess.” He smiled, lighting up the entire room.
“Yoosung…I like it.”
“Thanks. I…uh…like you. I mean…I…your music…I…I…like your music…and…uh…I”
Saeran laughed and waved off Yoosung’s explanation.
“So you’re a fan huh? And what…a doctor?” he asked, placing his foot on the ground gently, still rubbing his knee.
“Not quite. But I am going to medical school. And yes, a BIG fan!” his eyes got large, as did his smile. “Your songs spoke to me when I was at a really low point. I don’t know, it felt like you knew what I was going through and understood my pain.” The smile faltered as his thoughts went back to those days. Saeran reached out and placed his hand on Yoosung’s, yes, he knew what it was like to be in pain, he could see it in his eyes.
Their eyes met, an understanding passing between them.
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poptod · 3 years
The Breeding Kings, pt. 3 (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
Tumblr media
Description: The blacksmith.
Notes: I Love this story but i know yall arent that interested in it which is kinda yikes for me but theres no way im not finishing this fic whether its now or two years from now WC: 7.8k (again im so sorry)
By the time you and Ahkmen actually made it out of the pyramid, most of the stars had vanished, and the dawning light of the sun sparked a panic in the Prince's heart. He hurried you back to the shore, picking you up and setting you in the boat before pushing the boat far into the water. Constant glances over your head let him keep an eye on the shore, on the rotating guards at the gates, and where was best to tie the canoe back up.
In the end, he found a spot as far away from the gates as possible, securing the boat before helping you out of the rickety contraption.
"Have you school?"
"Unfortunately," he muttered beneath his breath, adjusting his belt.
With that he took your hand, jogging down the wooden docks until you came to the entrance. He ran through that as well, terrified of anyone recognizing him, and didn't leave enough time for you to think on it long. Ever respectful, he saw you home before sprinting back to the palace by himself, wind burning his eyes all the way up.
For the next couple days he took extra care in his physical health. Learning to calculate the time of day and its' relation to the curvature of the earth, while in the blazing heat of the sun, had not fared well on his sleep-deprived mind. When he returned home that evening, he slept over 12 hours in a dead faceplant on his bed. Upon waking he found Piye looming above him with a knowing expression.
"How much time have you been spending with that Yogi?" They asked in a clearer, less clogged voice than Ahkmen had been able to manage through the amount of beer he'd had recently, paired with how little sleep he had.
"Didn't come home one evening," he grumbled, raising his hand to wipe away the tiredness from his eyes. "Got a lot of sleep last night, though."
"I can see that. Get up. We've got some time yet before the weekend," Piye said with a clap that roused the young Prince.
"Good morning, my Prince," said Naguib, who slipped in through the door. "The Pharaoh's dinner with the emissaries from Ebla is tonight. He wants you there."
"I have other places to be," Ahkmen whined, his shoulders drooping as he looked up.
"So does he," Piye said flatly.
School passed by without him ever seeing you, a fact that disappointed him more than it saddened him. His mood got him into a small verbal bout with one of his teachers, and though Piye tried to hold him back, the school day ended with him in one of the study rooms watching Yafeu argue with his father.
Ahkmen huffed, resting the weight of his head on his open palm balanced on the table in front of him. Yafeu couldn't tell him that he wasn't allowed in the school anymore, but the Priest would do his best to make sure Ahk got the second best punishment.
"I expect more from you, Ahkmen," his father said quietly as they walked side by side back to the palace. "None of your brothers have the skills or the wherewithal to lead a country. That responsibility may fall to you."
"Kamun is the oldest, isn't he?" Ahkmen grumbled. "He's the one who's going to be Pharaoh."
"Nothing is set in certainty, my son. Now then, in a few hours the Eblans will arrive, and a dinner will follow."
"Does that mean I have some free time, then?" Ahk asked with a sudden, bright change in tone.
"I want you to get ready," Merenkahre said, frowning. "Not play around with your friends."
"I'll only be there an hour at most," he said, playing off his own innocence.
The Pharaoh paused in the street to look down at Ahkmen, before letting out a long sigh.
"Very well. One hour."
Ahkmen didn't wait to return to his room––he turned and immediately set back off down the road, dashing and twisting through the crowds that formed the closer he got to the temple of Osiris. He barely looked to see where his hands and feet were as he climbed over the familiar crates, landing back in your alley and ducking back into your home.
To his surprise, Piye was already sitting in your waiting room, their feet set on a high shelf with their butt in a pile of blankets.
"Oh, hello Ah–"
You entered the room with massive goggles on.
"-hhh whhhat's up?" Piye corrected with wide eyes.
"... not much," Ahkmen said slowly. "I have a dinner with my parents in an hour, so I can't stay for long."
"I do need one help," you said as you pulled your goggles off, examining the material in your glove-clad hands. "I need a.. a..."
You snapped your fingers, attempting to recall the name of something. Ahk and Piye waited patiently.
"A kaentam," you muttered before a curse. "It is the rocks that kiss."
Piye stared at you dumbfounded, their mouth half open.
"You mean a magnet?"
"I think, yes," you said, though you didn't look sure. "Panya and her rock are still not... I do not know the type of her rock. I need your 'magnet' for to find the – the name."
"Well it's not exactly easy to find magnets," Ahkmen said slowly, picking at his chin as he thought.
"No, yeah," Piye agreed in the same contemplating tone. "I know they're used in medicine, but it's a... an unconventional treatment. Kind of expensive."
Ahk stared at the ground, continuing to play with the skin of his jaw.
"I think I know where we might find some," Ahk said after a moment.
"What is it?" You asked, stepping nearer.
"Osiris' temple. Priests have areas for medicine, and we already know the layout of the place."
"It's late, though. We're not allowed to enter after sunset," Piye pointed out.
"That's why it's good we know the layout!" Ahk said as he stood. "Now let's go."
"Don't you have a formal dinner in an hour?" Piye asked, watching Ahkmen leave out the door with a quirked brow.
"Let's gooo!" Ahkmen sang from outside.
Anything to distract from the coming responsibilities––anything to earn your favor, to win you over in some fashion he was convinced he hadn't already won you over in. You followed him out with a smile, murmuring a small greeting and thanks before Piye also appeared from behind you.
"And onwards we go, to Osiris, to Osiris," Ahk sung as he scaled the crates, followed by you and Piye in order.
"We have obtained," Piye continued the song with a grunt, "forever and ever, what your Grace will gift us."
"You talk like your heads have nothing in their side," you said, to Ahkmen's great amusement.
As Ahkmen originally suspected, most of the temple's inhabitants were too preoccupied with the evening adulations to notice three children, however strange looking, entering the complex. Ahk entered first, donned in his usual golden fabrics, followed by Piye, who by themselves always looked out of place no matter where they were or what they wore, and then you, a child at Piye's side, dressed in an unfamiliar but royal fashion.
Murmurings and voices could be heard from the tall roof of Osiris' temple, where many of the hour priests gathered to scan the heavens. Already the brightest stars shone through the light of sunset, a fact Ahkmen was quite glad about, since it would keep attention off him.
"Yafeu's room here has many, many supplies," Ahkmen whispered as the three of you crept down the open hallway.
"How do you know that?" Piye asked.
"I was sent there so he could yell at me and he's got bookcases and chests worth of things in there. What a monetary bastard," Ahk said with a tut, chuckling from his own humor.
When he reached the door to Yafeu's office, he slowly turned the lock, letting the wood door swing open with a creak. He motioned Piye in, then you, before following in himself, locking the door behind him.
Although Ahkmen might've been privy to the private belongings of the high priest, you and Piye shared no such knowledge. Piye, who had to bow down slightly due to the height of the ceiling, slowly scanned the room, from the pots to the jars and tapestries hanging from the walls. A reed mat had been set on the floor, keeping away the dirt and sand anyone might drag in.
"Where does he keep his medical supplies?" Piye asked quietly, taking a ginger step forward as they scanned the shelves with their eyes. When they spotted nothing useful, they began to rifle through them with their hands.
"No clue. Let's start, shall we?"
The three of you set to searching the room, categorically searching the different shelves––Piye for the tallest two, Ahk for the middle, and you for the lowest. You tried your best to keep quiet, wary of those who passed by outside the door.
"Why do you need a magnet again?" Ahkmen asked after several minutes of silent searching.
"Panya's rock seems iron in a... clean.. way? It is.. not how you see it in earth, and I don't know it. But your magnet will," you made a motion with your hands of them colliding together, "if I am right."
"You must know quite a lot about metals," Piye said, not bothering to tear away from the work at hand. You and Ahkmen, however, had stopped to look at each other when he spoke.
"My family is... kaghruppakal, moving.. metal, to make into things," you said as you reluctantly returned to the baskets on the bottom shelves.
"Blacksmiths," Piye said.
"Thank you," you said. "My father father's had it learned by the Kings in my home. They give us a good home for years, but they give no... money. So when new King comes, we had no home after."
"What do you mean, new King?" Ahk asked with a confused furrow in his brow.
"It is long and I do not know the how to say in Egyptian, but a man killed the King and stole his name," you said quietly.
"Is that why you left your home?" Ahkmen asked. "There was a revolution?"
"More of a usurping," Piye muttered.
"A little, yes," you said with a nod, before falling quiet.
Ahkmen waited a moment to see if you would say anything else, and a moment to wonder if he would say anything else, but ultimately returned to scavenging through Yafeu's belongings.
More gold bracelets.
Ancient scripture.
"You have to leave for that dinner pretty soon," Piye said in a dull voice.
"I don't need to leave for anything or anyone."
"Ureka!" you suddenly cried, a toothy smile coming to you as you forgot yourself.
Ahkmen and Piye both shushed you, to which you quickly apologized in a much quieter voice.
"I saw them," you said, extending in your hand a pair of magnets stuck to one another.
"Oh thank Gods," Piye said in a rush of breath, their hands immediately falling from the tall shelves. "Let's get back and see if it reacts to your stone."
"No, no, I bring it here," you mumbled distractedly as you dug into your large pockets, pulling out the shiny metal.
He watched in bated breath as you raised the magnets to Panya's stone. The whole of the process meant little to him, but it was part of your job, and he enjoyed partaking in little bits of your life.
This handicapped understanding of your work left him rather confused at your excitement when the magnets stuck to Panya's rock. You gasped, marveling at the reaction. As you moved to your feet, you never looked away, holding it close to your chest.
"Irumpu," you said through your smile. "Iron."
"I'm quite glad you've figured this out, but for the time being, we need to get out of here without being spotted," Ahkmen said, putting his hands on your shoulders before gently moving you aside, and opening the door a crack.
Piye spoke in a mumble with you as he stuck his head outside, the cool air of night filling his lungs, distinct from the stuffy walls of Yafeu's office. There were few people in the courtyard, as most of the priests and workers were still preoccupied with their finishing tasks for the night.
He motioned the two of you over, leading you silently outside. You crept along the wall with quick feet, skipping out of the temple, and running back into your home in a smiling rush.
The rush of adrenaline in his blood soon dissipated, comforted by the familiar shades of red and gold always resting upon your crown. Still staring at the metal, you collapsed down in your cushion pile, moving to hold the ball above your head as you stared. Ahkmen chuckled at your behavior, taking a seat beside you as Piye fell in a similar manner as you did across the room.
"Happy?" Ahk asked teasingly.
"Very," you said. "I must to find who had made it. The old King shows my father father's how to make it, but I never ask. And," you snapped your fingers, "then it is gone. When they go."
"Your grandfather knew how to purify and mold iron?" Piye asked in a low but loud voice, sitting quickly up.
"Yes, and it is good for..." you made a stabbing motion, "things that make people dead."
"Weapons," said Ahkmen.
"Etuvaka. Not many know how it makes, and that is how – why we come here. Makes better money, more than a city. Our city, people know how to," you mimicked squishing and molding things in your empty hands, "do with iron, so it is all every shop. Here, it was my family, only my family."
"That must've been quite the business at the time," Piye said in a softer voice, still low as they contemplated your words.
"We make good money," you said with a nod. "But I know this not. I want... to see.. find the maker. Hear his words."
"You'll probably want to see Panya, then," Ahk said. "It was her who found it, right?"
"I think yes."
"Wonderful. You'll go find her, and I will take him home," Piye said as they stood, gesturing to Ahk with their chin. "Dinner, remember?"
"Has anyone told you how irritating you are?" Ahkmen said, but nonetheless obeyed and stood.
"Your father reminds me every day," Piye responded flatly as the two returned to the palace.
Ahkmen drummed his fingers against the table below him, leaning the weight of his head on his raised knee. His mother had forced him into his royal clothes––the actual royal clothes, not just the expensive ones––and the crown his parents had made him gave him headaches with its' weight. Pure gold was heavy.
Ebla was a trading nation from the north who supplied a small but important type of material rarely found in the desert; wood. That was what Merenkahre and the Eblaite queen spent two hours talking about. Wood. They brought other goods such as rarely-found textiles and handcrafted artifacts as well, but they focused on the wood. It made sense, since that was what Egypt required the most, but it still bored him terribly.
Piye was much luckier by his reckoning. They didn't have to attend duties such as these. All the things they had to do were fun, things like gathering ingredients from the markets or the side of the Nile, going off on quests to defeat mythical beasts.
The young prince huffed, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from tapping his fingers too loudly. Walls of grandeur surrounded him, a good enough difference from your home that he was nearly shocked when he entered his own home, staring up at the towering ceiling. His style was slowly changing, as it usually did, to accommodate new aspects of his life; this had happened before on many occasions, as he suspected it did with many other teenagers his age.
A dream to look at. He would reckon your smile would match against any angelic beauty––anything holy was a common miracle in comparison to the subtle, entrancing magic of your laughter, his hand holding yours as he dragged you, pretending not to notice the racing of his heartbeat. A dream.
He wanted nothing more than to scoop you up and drown you in kisses. In order to avoid his own disappointment at his fantasy not currently being reality, he bit deeper into the inside of his cheek, pressing down harder on his open palm.
Hours later, he stared up at the canopy of his bed, the sheets tossed around his body till most of them hung half of the bed. His breathing was the only noise in the still room.
Until his breathing irritated him so fiercely he sat straight up in a huff, a frown on his forced expression.
"Fucking... thoughts," he muttered to himself, halfheartedly punching one of his pillows.
He could not manage to tear his mind from you. Every time he closed his eyes, he thought of you, and adrenaline built in him as he unwillingly imagined your face. Would you mind if he came to see you? It must've been past midnight. You worked during the day. He shouldn't bother you.
Ten minutes later he was fully dressed and sneaking out of the palace, a shroud of cloth concealing his identity as he moved along the shadows. He reckoned Piye, who also slept inside the palace, did not want to see you at this hour, and he left them to sleep.
Ahkmen wasn't sure what he was looking for in returning to you, but as per usual, fantasies spared no expense in the luxurious self-indulgence department, scenes playing behind his eyes of the two of you 'naturally' finding yourselves in intimate situations. Most of it consisted of him finally getting some sleep, this time with you in his arms or wrapped around his waist.
Despite his embarrassment concerning previously mentioned fantasies, they did inspire him to move faster, and before he knew it he found himself standing in front of your tent, hesitating for the first time.
Again his doubts plagued him. He comforted himself with the fact that he had come all this way, and it seemed a rather foolish idea to give it up now.
With that he entered, his eyes immediately falling to the one candle lit in the shadowed room. The usual rushlights set about the entrance room––where he and his friends usually sat about and did nothing––had disappeared, leaving much of the folds of cloths in shadows that casted stark against the single flame.
"Yogi?" Ahk said in a much quieter voice than required.
The sound of rustling blankets had his heart sinking in his chest. He had hoped, at least, that he wouldn't bother you from your sleep––most of him believed you would be up all night working.
"Aganu?" You murmured softly, high and quiet with the sleep pulling at your lips.
"Uh, yes," he said, trying to peek behind the curtain separating your bedroom front your shop. "I'm sorry to disturb you so late. I thought you'd be up, I – I can leave."
"No, no," you mumbled. "Is good. Come here."
He gulped, gingerly stepping forward and pulling away the cloth door. Behind it, you lay in a pocket of space built into your fabric wall, drowning you in luxurious blankets of red and gold. All that remained visible was your eyes, an adoring sight in his mind.
"Why've you got that light in the other room?" Ahk asked quietly, kneeling down in front of you.
"More not strong. It is very red," you said, poking your finger out to gesture to the room as a whole. "Good for night sleeping. Why are you coming here?"
"You mean your house or your bed?" Ahk said, stepping away as he became aware of his closeness to you.
"My house."
"Couldn't sleep," he said with a shrug. "Thought you might be able to help."
"Why?" You asked, before backtracking. "Wait, that is not the word I mean. Um... how do you want help?"
"I don't know. Maybe you have a potion, or just a better bed than I do," he said, chuckling.
"I have both."
"Hey, you haven't even felt my bed," he said in a teasing manner. "How do you already know your bed's better?"
"Because it is not hard."
Fair enough point––Egyptian beds were essentially a table built for the purpose of sleeping. Good for the hot weather, bad for the joints.
"I don't want to disturb you, though," he said quietly as you began to rise, sheets and thick blankets falling from your shoulders to reveal the naked expanse of your chest and stomach. He gulped, though fortunately not audible, as you stretched your hands up.
"It is no problem," you said, sighing deeply as your arms fell.
Rooting around in your bed, you found a large but thin blanket, wrapping it around your body before you left your comforts. You yawned as you stood, but faithfully wandered to your potion storage. Ahkmen had never seen any of your potions, as he didn't believe a hangover cure counted as one, and thus he looked eagerly over your shoulder when you knelt down. Glass and pottery clinked together as you searched.
"What kind of potions do you make?" Ahk asked, stepping back when you once more rose to your feet.
"To help bodies," you said, gesturing to your own body, "and soul." You tapped your heart.
He frowned. Obviously.
"Do you have like, a love potion?"
"Why you ask that?"
"Just curious," he said quickly.
"I have... khamam potion. You make a man drink it and they will.. have..." you trailed off, unable to explain fully. "Love to you? When they make the children."
"Sure. They do the sex. Man or woman," you said with a dismissive wave of your hand.
"How do you make a potion like that?"
"You think I give it with no paying? I must make money, Aganu," you chuckled softly, bopping his nose with your finger, before sobering to speak. "This is a potion that will make you calm. Ready for sleep, yes."
"Oh, thank you," Ahkmen said, taking the small, clay bottle. "How much do I owe you?"
"Speak more about the sky."
He quirked a brow.
"That's your price?"
"I want to know more. I go to school to clean, not hear, but I want to," you said, taking his hands in your cloth-covered hands, and staring upwards. "I am alive to see and hear and I want to hear you."
You couldn't be aware of the effect of your words. Not with eyes that innocent. But, as usual, his heart raced painfully in his chest, overflown with an affection he had no choice but to hold back.
"... very well," he murmured, and led you back to your bed. You crawled in, surrounding yourself in blankets once more as Ahk sat on the floor, carefully watching your sleepy, fluttering eyes.
"The sky––well, more specifically the night sky, is a woman. Her name is Nuit. At sunset, her head in the west consumes Ra, and in the morning, she births him again. Her eyes are the sun and moon. Her lover, Geb, is the earth, but they are forever forced apart by Ra, who placed their father to separate them," Ahk said, reciting information he had long known. "His name is Shu. He is the air that lets us breathe."
"Why did Ra want them apart?" You asked quietly, muffled behind your blankets.
"Nuit became pregnant by Geb. Ra found it an abomination, cursed her to never give birth on any day of the year. But Thoth helped her––won a few games of Senet against Khonsu, god of time, and earned her five days in which she gave birth to five children."
"Osiris on the first day. That's his temple you work at. Then I believe it was.. Horus.. Seth, Isis, and her sister, Nephthys." He paused to yawn. "Those are the epagomenal days, at the end of the year. Pretty big celebration."
"I like to see this," you mumbled.
"I'll take you this next year," he said. "There's plenty of food and beer for everyone."
Your breathing was beginning to slow, and when Ahk noticed that, he fell into silence. Instead he stared at your closed eyes, your cheek squished into your pillow. Too much to look at. The better half of him yearned to reach out and touch you, but the remaining bits of his conscious reminded him that that was, beyond anything, an incredibly strange thing to do.
He was even more grateful for his decision to remain still when your eyes opened on an inhale, blinking slowly as you met his gaze.
"Tired?" You asked. "Potion does not takes long."
He chuckled, "yeah. I'm pretty tired now."
"What time does it take to walk to your house?"
"I'm not sure. Maybe thirty minutes."
"You are.. you will fall by then," you murmured.
"Yes. It is a strong potion."
You paused, scanning his body and its' position near you.
"Remain here," you said, soft as the silk you drowned yourself in. "For the night."
The rope around his heart tightened at your request. His imagination, somehow, had come to fruition.
"Where will I sleep?" He asked, fighting back another yawn.
"All places. Do what you want," you sighed. "Or you fall sleep in the street."
"Very funny. Scoot over."
You glared up at him, but eventually gave in, scooting closer to the wall to make room for him. He pulled his jewelry off him before sidling in, hoping to avoid hurting you accidentally.
When he turned to face you, he found his forehead crowning you, his nose just barely brushing against yours.
"Thanks," he murmured. "You didn't have to."
"I know," you whispered in a breath, closing your eyes.
Only a few hours later he was awakened by something prodding at his face. His eyes fluttered open, blearily finding Piye above him, poking his cheek with a fireplace fork. Ahkmen groaned, turning over on his side.
"Don't you ignore me, you royal pain," Piye said, prodding him harder yet. "Do you know how many lies I had to tell to your father?"
"Piye, it's way too early in the morning for this," he said groggily, throwing his arm over his eyes.
"It's midday!"
"I got here late," Ahkmen said as he slowly fell out of the bed, sliding onto the floor.
Piye grasped the top of Ahk's head by his hair, lifting his face and kneeling to meet him.
"I swear to the Gods if you had sex with a ci–"
"I did not," Ahk hissed, wriggling till Piye's grip loosened.
Reluctantly, Ahkmen rose to his feet, brushing the wrinkles out of his clothes and pulling your blankets off the floor, placing them back on the bed. The lumps in the cloth suggested your presence, but as he pulled them away he found the rest of the bed empty. He stepped back in surprise.
Piye looked over his shoulder, frowning as they, too, saw your absence.
"Isn't this Yogi's bed?"
"It was last night," Ahk said.
"I am here," you said from behind. Ahk whirled around, coming face to face with you struggling to pull on a large, ornate coat.
"Oh. What are you doing?" Ahk asked with a frown.
"I am placing my coat."
"We can see that," Piye said flatly. "It's hot outside. Why do you need it."
"Pockets," you said, opening your jacket to reveal a plethora of pockets sewn into the inner seams. "I do go to market now. I will see for the man that had made this."
You reached into one of your pockets, pulling out the block of pure iron some blacksmith had thrown away.
"Will I go to Panya? If she wants to?" You asked, pocketing the metal once more.
"Probably should," Ahk said with a yawn, stretching his hands high enough that they raised the cloth ceiling. Piye nodded in agreement.
"She likes to stay in control," Piye added.
"I can help you get there," Ahk offered expectantly.
"Oh! Thanks many," you said, grinning wide. "I do not know to find her."
"I better come too," said Piye, who crossed their arms. "He always seems to get into trouble without me there."
"You say that as though I don't get into trouble when you're with me, too," Ahk chuckled.
"I'm not in the mood today, Ahk," Piye whispered, gripping Ahk's upper arm tight enough to leave temporary marks.
"Then don't come along," Ahk whispered back. "You don't have to if you don't want to."
Piye glared at him but said nothing, walking swiftly out the door and closing the flap behind them. It left Ahkmen once more alone with you, awkwardly shuffling his feet as you prepared yourself, carefuly to remember all your tools.
"Thank you, again," Ahkmen said after a moment of silence. "For letting me sleep here."
"Yes, yes. Go now."
You pushed him out the door, following as you fixed the tassels of your pants. Thin ropes flipped every which way till you knotted them, tightening around your waist, before you set off towards the common streets. Ahkmen followed, though he couldn't see where Piye had gone.
Murmuring conversations surrounded him, circled by flocks of people heading towards Osiris' temple. Shoulders and feet pushed on him, shoving him about as he headed in the opposite direction, always searching for your scarlet red robes. They set you quite wide apart from the usual crowd, and thus the Prince used them as an identifier.
People cast looks in his direction as he continued to shove and push, a constant stream of shaky apologies tumbling from his mouth. He considered himself adept at moving through crowds, but he had clearly not gotten as much practice as you did, which combined with your smaller size, led you to stop far ahead to wait for him.
He panted as he reached you, pausing with a heavy chest.
"Feel you good?" You asked, quirking a brow.
"I don't do well when I haven't eaten in the morning," he said, his voice cracking as he bent over slightly, his hands on his knees.
"Funny Egyptian man," you laughed, reaching up to ruffle his already messy hair. "You are... too full of money."
"I wouldn't doubt that," he muttered, recalling the many luxuries his father had given him throughout his life.
"I buy your food, we will go," you said as you returned to walking, slow to allow him time to catch up.
"Oh, don't worry about that," he said, waving his hand dismissively as he rose to follow you. "I can pay for it. Don't waste your money."
"... yes," he said, after having given up on trying to decode what exactly you'd meant.
As the two of you entered the main streets of the city, the conversations of strangers grew louder, more densely packed between houses and stalls full of goods. Through the street you now walked down, there must've been at least five different spice carts. Careful mountains of cumin and ginger were placed in the corner of nearly every stop.
Near the end, he found a small stall of a woman selling beer. He reached for you, pausing your step as he dug into his own pocket, pulling out a silver ring.
"One cup, please," he asked, to which the lady politely acquiesced. He set the ring down on her counter. "Will this do?"
"... one more than that," she said, her gaze flickering from the ring to Ahk's eyes.
He pulled out another ring, and with that she handed him the cup, taking the rings simultaneously.
"Have a good day!" She said as the two of you left.
Ahkmen sipped at his drink with a satisfied sigh, relaxing into the sweet, familiar taste. Your drinks were good, but far too alcoholic to be worth any sustenance.
"I want a little," you said, moving on your toes so as to see inside his cup.
"Sure," he said, and handed it to you. You returned it after a couple swallows.
"We look for Panya, yes?" You asked.
"Oh, right. I'll take you to her house."
Panya didn't live far away from the center of town, so in a matter of minutes you were already knocking on her door. What you didn't expect, however, was for the High Priest of Osiris' temple to answer it.
He eyed you up and down, your odd way of dress, the dot on your forehead, before his gaze fell to Ahkmen. It was then his eyes narrowed, coldly recognizing the prince.
"What do you want," he said, leering down at you.
"Your daughter," said Ahk, who was leant against one of the pillars outside Panya's mansion of a house.
"You may not have her."
"I –"
Before Ahk could finish, something tugged on the inside of his arm, pulling him away from the doorstep. You didn't seem to notice, busy conversing with Yafeu. He turned round, stumbling with broken balance before he looked up, meeting Piye's eye.
"What are you doing?" He whispered, glancing back to you and the priest.
"I've been thinking," Piye murmured, leaning down to lessen the space between them, "I don't think we should go around the markets just talking about a purified iron. I think it might land you in trouble."
"Why?" He scoffed.
"I’ve been at all my father’s meetings with the Pharaoh and his generals and they’re talking about iron. How to get it, how to use it, how to control it, everything,” they said.
“Well why’s that a problem? They did the same thing with wood.”
"Not like this! Iron, it – it's incredibly strong. If we had armor made of that, shields made of it, weapons made of it, it'd give us an enormous amount of military power, and with your father in rule, I don't think that's a good idea," they said in a growing volume before they remembered Yafeu was there, and quieted down again.
"What's wrong with my father?!" Ahk gasped.
"Nothing!" Piye hissed, eyes darting back up to Yafeu to see if he had noticed. "He just has a habit of oppressing people!"
Ahkmen snorted. His hand shot up to cover his mouth, quiet giggles wracking his body.
"I'm sorry," he wheezed, "that shouldn't be funny. Sorry."
"It's fine," Piye said with a long sigh. "You know what I mean. If word gets to him that this little immigrant over here has a key to finding how to shape iron, he isn't going to take a visit and credit them with the discovery. He's going to deport them, cover it up, and claim he learned it from the Gods. You know everything’s a game to him."
Ahkmen's breath caught in his throat as Piye laid out the consequences in plain, simple terms he could understand. That would be the end of your friendship, but more importantly, it was also the end of your livelihood. You were still young––around his age––and you didn't know much else except living in Egypt. If he were to take your word, your home to the east was far, far away, and ruled by an unjust dictator. You would not make the journey there alone, let alone when you actually reached your city.
"What do you suppose we do?" Ahkmen said after a minute or two of deep thought.
"I think –"
"We can go here," you said, passing by them with Panya and, unsurprisingly, Unas bringing up the rear.
"Wait –"
He went to stop you, but Piye stopped him first.
"Best you don't tell them. We're not from the palace, remember?" Piye muttered, before promptly following you off the steps of Panya's house. Ahkmen, however disgruntled as he was, followed as well.
"I wish I was poor," he grumbled, walking alongside Piye, who kept a fair enough distance from you and your customers.
Piye struck him with a flat palm against the back of his head. The weight in his neck rolled forward, kinking it awkwardly, to which he let out a yelp of pain.
"Don't say that. Others in your country, in this city, starve. They would give anything to be you."
His frown drew tighter, irritant clogging his thoughts. Every inconvenience angering. He breathed deeply, willing the feeling away, and sped his pace to catch up to you. Panya might've been up there, but her presence would be a small price for yours.
The markets approached faster than he realized, and soon he was once more surrounded by strangers bartering and advertising. Thin tarps of orange and dusty yellow spread from one side of the thin street to the other, sheltering merchants from the hot sun, and allowing them to hang different products on the lines. He ducked under rings of cloth and over piles of incense, shakily following your wavy trail through the walkway.
Heat began to redden his cheeks, and it was then he realized that you'd made it to the blacksmith area of market, near to the kitchens. Fire stoking bread and metal filled the open air, made much clearer by the absence of the shading tarps.
"Uh, Yogi," he said, grabbing your shoulder to stop you before you could enter. "I think we should keep on the down-low, this purified iron, people might start talking."
You looked him up and down.
"Okay," you said, turning back round to enter the shop.
It took until evening before you made any progress. Most everyone you met was skeptical of you, which wasn't surprising considering the size and age of your group. But the last man you came to was still working, even as everyone around him ate dinner, readying to leave for home or staying for music.
He had long hair––longer than Piye's, trailing down to his mid-thigh. Unlike theirs, his was black, and much stringier in comparison. The knotted rope used to hold his hair back as he worked was crude at best, and one he had to constantly fix. Ahkmen didn't see it, but you noticed he was much skinnier than most of the other blacksmiths, who had grown muscles over the years of their work.
You approached him much like you approached everyone; a bright, commercial cheerfulness that came across as dangerously fake. To those who had spent good time in the markets, it was easy to see through. Those who hadn't, however, couldn't quite decode why you were unsettling, other than you being foreign.
"What did you say this was for again?" The man asked, his voice a quiet, low rasp. He had seated himself amongst your menagerie, matching the height of Piye, who was of course the tallest member.
"We are trying to find the owner of an amulet," Panya lied smoothly, pulling off one of her many necklaces and handing it to the man. "Or rather, the maker."
He took the necklace with skinny fingers, twisting it round in them as he surveyed the whole of it.
"Gold, ruby.. copper," he muttered, pointing to each of the different beads as though you could understand him mumbling. "Silver?"
Panya gestured for the amulet back, which he gave, and she strung it back around her neck.
"Iron. It's the purest we've ever seen and we're looking for the source," she said, pointing to the rest of the group.
"The durability is incredible. I would love to have access to that kind of things in my buildings and such," Unas added.
"I know," the blacksmith said, his hair still drooping long in front of his face. "I have been searching for a way to purify the ore, but I cannot get my fires hot enough. I keep getting... what might be iron, but it never looks right. Then again, I – I don't know what the correct product would look like."
Well then, Ahk thought, that explains why it was in the junkyard.
You leant over to Ahk, moving to your knees so your lips met his ear as you whispered.
"Can I show him what we found now?"
"Um.." his eyes darted over to Piye, who was listening intently to the man's woes, "sure."
Tapping on the blacksmith's shoulder, you brought his attention to you and the heavy malformed metal in your hand. His eyes widened, near imperceptive behind all his hair, but certainly filled with shock.
"Is that my...?"
"It is iron," you said with a grin. "I live in a city where lots of iron everywhere. Here, not so much, but that is iron."
"Unas found it in the junkyard in the southern part of Memphis," Panya said, pointing a thumb to her friend.
"Shit," the man breathed out, combing a hand through his hair. "I don't know which one that was."
"Which what?" Ahkmen asked.
"Which heat level," Unas answered for him. "It takes a specific amount to actually purify different ores. Otherwise you might burn it into a charcoal."
"And the all other rocks and," you motioned grinding your fist into the palm of your other hand, "the rocks you smash until they are sand."
"Powder," Ahk said.
"Yes. I see, when I was 5, my father has powder in his furnace, in the iron," you said with a variety of questionable hand motions. "Red, and... a bright black. Shiny."
Ahkmen listened intently for the next hour and a half as you, Unas, and the blacksmith conversed about smelting techniques. Apparently, all of you had, at one point, attempted to smelt iron out of the ore, a fact that was made appalling because Egypt didn't have any iron. Most of the iron within the country was either imported or from the meteor, which was confined to only serving the royal family.
Even Piye eventually tired of the conversation that never seemed to stray from smelting, though you did for a short time discuss techniques for copper. Piye had an incredible sense of patience, so when they tapped Ahk to tell him they were leaving, Ahk realized he usually would've left ten minutes into the conversation.
It clicked quite quickly that he wasn't really listening––he was watching you, and that had somehow occupied him for a full hour and a half. A creeping sense of embarrassment had him hunching his shoulders.
"Unas, we should go, we have that thing in the morning," Panya murmured into Unas' ear, though Ahkmen still caught it.
"Oh, right," he said in a deflated tone. He stood, brushing off his skirt before facing the blacksmith. "Thank you for your time. Is it alright if I come back sometime? Might be better to have more than one person working on this."
"How old are you?" The blacksmith asked in his usual mumble.
"... okay," he said after a moment. "You're old enough."
"Oh, good. Well thank you, anyway," Unas said, before motioning to Panya to leave. He bowed his head slightly as he left the circle of conversation, following his friend back into the markets.
As she left, Panya turned to walk backwards, holding her hands out to you. You quickly caught her drift, and threw the ball to her. She thanked you from a distance.
"We should leave soon as well," Ahk whispered to you.
A few minutes later, the two of you were once more walking side by side, wandering down the now-vacant streets. Ahkmen had no idea where you were going, but was along for the ride no matter where you ended up. As you hastened your step, you took Ahk's hand, forcing him to match your pace with a giddy laugh.
"The night is clear," you said, walking backwards to face him without halting your step. "You will show me the star shapes, yes?"
"The constellations," he said with a soft chuckle, his body filling with a warm, lighthearted haze. "Of course."
You led him back towards your home but ignored the alleyway entrance, instead reaching the doors of Osiris' temple. The tall walls marked themselves steep against your small stature, casting long shadows in the moonlight, that tonight shone like a shell of the sun. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words died stillborn as you tugged him into you. His chest met yours as he stumbled clumsily.
"Be safe, funny man," you giggled, looking down at him as his head's weight rested awkwardly in the crook of your neck.
What little citylights remained in the dead of night faded away as you scaled the tower, your neck craned upwards to the heavens. No matter how tall the roof of the temple was, no matter how high you climbed, the stars never seemed to move any closer. Their distance must've been incomprehensible, but inconsequential when grasping Ahk's hand to help him onto the roof.
He panted softly as he stood on his feet once more, brushing off the dust that came from the temple walls. You left him to wander to the center of the stone plateau. His breathing slowed, attention centering on you as your eyes still stared up into empty space.
You turned, noticing the heat of his gaze.
"Speak to me," you said in a voice that moved like music. "You tell on Sopdet, yes? And.. Sah. Nuit and Geb."
"Lie down with me," he said.
You dutifully obeyed, sliding down next to him, your clothes and hair splayed out.
For a good hour he pointed up, tracing the outlines of constellations he had studied all his life. Since you didn't know their shapes on paper, he drew the images in the dirt and sand collected on the roof, showing you how random collections of dots made up women and beautiful creatures, the everlasting Gods in the sky.
"I want to be... something beautiful," he murmured, looking down at his own shoddy illustrations. "Like the stars."
"You had say that when you will die, you will go to the stars, right?" You asked softly.
"In death," he said with a small nod. "I will not be able to see this earth. I will be one amongst millions. It's strange, but... I wish I could stay here forever. A star close to home."
"You are scared of being nothing," you said. "But we are nothing. We are nothing to birds, or to other cities. We are already nothing and everything. It is what you choose to make of you––make more of your everything, or sleep in your nothing. There is happy things in both."
"No time wasted in happiness is truly time wasted?" He said, remembering a familiar anecdote from school.
"Yes," you said with a smile.
Silence filled the space for a few minutes, stilled by the slow breathing of Ahk's chest. He closed his eyes, exhaustion tugging at him, all of which he ignored.
"Aganu?" You said, nearly whispered.
"I like my hours with you," you murmured, wide, warm eyes staring bashfully at him.
"I do too."
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saveyourblood · 5 years
Stolen Dance | S.R.
Summary: 15 months. 3 bodies. 1 river.
It was only a matter of time before the FBI showed up.
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Notes: Thought I was done writing fanfiction? Sweetie, I’ll never be done 😉 (unfortunately)
Word Count: 5.5K 
Warnings: Mentions of dead bodies, blood(? I don’t remember tbh), violence, the usual Criminal Minds themes. 
Song: Stolen Dance - Milky Chance
“This girl is no different from the rest: her throat was slashed, and she was found naked. I’m sure once we get her to the pathologist, they’ll find signs of sexual assault.” 
“Was the clothing found?” 
The investigator nodded. “Folded and placed on the ground close to the body, just like the last two.” 
You sat on the edge of the ambulance, listening to their conversation. 
Amiee Rogers was the fourth girl to show up dead in the last 15 months, and the third to follow a distinct pattern. She was almost identical to other victims, physically and otherwise — young,  average height, dark hair and eyes, and athletic. This sicko had a type, that much was obvious. 
You still weren’t used to looking at the bodies, which ultimately, was a good thing; f your stomach didn’t turn and throat close at the sight of those poor girls dumped in a river, maybe it was time to quit your job as a paramedic and move to the mountains. That day had yet to come, though, so instead of becoming a hermit, you waited patiently and avoided looking at Aimee’s lifeless body. 
“It’s just horrible, isn’t it?” Michael Alphon, your work partner asked. “The way they’re just tossed aside like trash.” 
A gust of wind swept through the air. You pulled your jacket tight around you, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“It is,” you agreed. 
“Alphon, Y/L/N!” The sheriff shouted, catching yours and Michael’s attention. He gestured to the crime scene. “We’re ready for you.”
“I’m tired of pulling bodies out of the Colorado,” Michael muttered.
“Me too,” you said, “but something tells me this won’t be the last time we have to.”
After a long night on 3rd shift, you were exhausted. While the left side of your lane was full of people trying to get to work, your lane was basically empty besides your beat up Jeep. Your dog tags swayed back and forth as they hung on the rearview mirror.
You served in the Army for five years, so you should probably be more used to death. Granted, as both a medic and a paramedic, you were always composed and calm while doing your job. But in some ways, the recent murders stuck with you more than serving in war did. 
Your work in the Army gave you PTSD, and the killings weren’t doing anything to help it. All the victims were young, less than 25 years old. They were so full of potential, and it was all stolen by a sick man with an unknown vendetta. At least when you were in warzone, you managed to disconnect and hone in on your skills. Now that you were back in Grand Junction, Colorado — the city you were born and raised in — it was almost impossible to zone out your surroundings. You knew these people: the families, the victims. You weren’t just pulling bullets out of men in camouflage anymore. This was real.
Everytime you closed your eyes, all you saw was Aimee Rogers, Felicity Garb, and Stella Lee. You saw their glazed over, lifeless eyes. You saw their blue skin and purple lips caused by the cold water. You saw their clothes sitting on the riverside, neatly folded in a pile. And sometimes, right before falling asleep, you thought you heard their screams. 
You tossed your bag in your locker with a sigh. Once again, you decided to pick up a night shift, and you hardly got any sleep beforehand. You knew the only reason the night crew wanted to trade shifts was because they didn’t want to find another body, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You couldn’t sleep these days anyways, and working graveyards made you a few more bucks an hour, so really, what did it matter?
“Y/N Y/L/N?” A handsome black man asked. He wore dark clothing, but he didn’t give you an EMT/paramedic vibe.
“That’s me,” you confirmed, closing your locker. “What can I help you with?”
“We heard you were one of the paramedics on-scene the night Aimee Rogers’ body was found,” a younger, taller man asked. 
You didn’t notice him at first, but once you did, it was hard to look away. He had shaggy hair, big eyes, and a sharp jawline. He had to be at least six feet tall, but something about his voice and even his presence was… comforting. You couldn’t really explain it. 
“I was,” you said cautiously. “Who are you, exactly?”
The first man was quick to respond; he pulled out a badge and showed it to you. “We’re FBI agents, ma’am.” 
You heard through the grapevine that the FBI was in town. Though it made perfect logical sense, it didn’t seem real to you. Everyone always said it, but it was true: things like this don’t happen here. Grand Junction wasn’t even 1/6th of Denver’s population, yet somehow, there was a serial killer running around? It felt more like a novel or movie than real life.
“I guess it was only a matter of time before you guys showed up,” you ceded. 
“I’m Agent Derek Morgan, and this is Dr. Spencer Reid,” Derek continued. “We were hoping we could speak to you?”
“Dr. Reid?” you asked in disbelief. You took a seat on the bench behind you. “You used the logarithmic spiral and a Fibonacci sequence to find out where Henry Grace was holding his hostages.”
Derek looked at Spencer in a way only the two of them understood. 
“H-How did you know that?” Spencer asked.
“I read,” you said simply. “I learned about the BAU when I was in Basic Training. I’ve always had an interest in the study of human behavior. My mother said I had a knack for it, that I was good at spotting liars.”
“You served?” Derek asked with raised eyebrows. He took a seat next to you.
“For half a decade,” you said. “After my first year, I trained to be a medic, a few years after that, I got deployed for 18 months.” 
Derek nodded in approval. “Show us.”
You laughed in surprise. “Show you?”
“Prove your mother right. Profile us.”
You looked between the two men. Derek looked insistent; Spencer, on the other hand, seemed completely indifferent. 
“The two of you have been working together for awhile; years, probably,” you started. “When I mentioned Dr. Reid’s work, you looked at him,” you said, speaking to Derek. “The two of you are professional, so you didn’t say anything. However, Agent Morgan, you raised your eyebrows and held back a smile. This leads me to believe the relationship has become interpersonal.”
“It doesn’t take a profiler to notice changes in body language and facial expressions,” Spencer said plainly. “Really, those are things your subconscious picks up on. You simply analyzed our interaction and took an educated guess.”
“I’m not finished,” you said with a half smile. 
Spencer merely looked at you.
You took a breath. It felt like you would be intruding, saying too much about something you knew nothing about. Your father was a good and kind man, but on more than one occasion did he lecture you for your lack of filter. Since then, you learned observe people in silence. 
“Had the two of you not been here on work, Derek would have made a comment,” you spoke. You turned your attention to the agent next to you. “You assumed I took a liking to Dr. Reid, most likely in a romantic or even sexual way. However, you also would have found a way to demean Dr. Reid.”
“Demean him?” Derek inquired. He managed to keep his expression blank, but he subconsciously sat up straighter — a defensive position. 
“You respect Dr. Reid,” you observed. “In some ways, you probably see him as a brother. But in other ways, you see him as competition. You grew up as an alpha male, a protector. You became a profiler by going through the classes and training. Dr. Reid on the other hand, he just showed up one day out of the blue.”
Spencer crossed his arms. “What are you trying to say, Y/N?”
You hesitated. “I’m saying that, while Agent Morgan respects you, there’s a small part of him that thinks you’re only good at profiling because you taught yourself how to be good at it.”
“Of course he taught himself. That’s how people learn,” Derek argued.
“Spencer doesn’t learn, though,” you said softly. “He reads, and he remembers. He profiles using patterns and statistics, while you profile by getting inside a person’s head. Neither method is wrong, of course, but sometimes, a part of you thinks that your way shows more talent. That’s why you wanted to make a remark: mostly because you wanted to lightheartedly tease, but also because you wanted to show your dominance. You wanted to prove that, sometimes, you can be smarter than the genius you work with.” 
Once again, the two of them shared a look. Eventually, though, Derek began to chuckle.
“She’s good,” Spencer noticed.
“Very good,” Derek agreed. 
After a moment of silence, Spencer spoke up. “Sheriff Longman said you began to pick up on the Unsub’s habits.”
You bit your lip. “I have a few theories, but I’m no expert.”
“What’re you thinking, Y/N?” Derek persuaded.
“Bea Vallette was the first,” you said. “They thought it was an accident or suicide — he hadn’t developed his signature by then.”
“What’s his signature?” Spencer asked.
“Rogers, Garb, and Lee were all found with the same injuries; their throats were slit, they were discovered naked, face-down, and they all had signs of sexual assault. But unlike Vallette, these girls had something in common: the clothes they went missing in were found washed and folded next to their bodies.”
“Most likely, that’s a sign of -” Spencer began. Derek cut him off. 
“What could the clothing be a sign of?” Derek asked you.
“It could be remorse. He rapes and kills them, but he feels sorry for them, so he washes the blood out of their clothes and leaves them behind.”
“If he’d go through the trouble of washing the clothes, why not put them back on the victim?” Spencer thought aloud. 
“Putting them back on is a higher risk of leaving DNA behind,” you pointed out.
“Maybe he’s trying to make a statement,” Derek suggested. “Maybe it’s his way of showing power over his victims, even after killing them.”
“Well, as much as I’d love to sit here and theorize with you gentlemen,” you said, standing up, “I have a job to do.”
“Absolutely,” Derek said in understanding. He reached into his pocket. “If you think of anything, give us a call.”
You smiled, pocketing the card. “Will do.”
You couldn’t help but steal one last look at Spencer before he and Derek left.
You ended your shift by putting another girl in the back of the ambulance.
This time, the BAU team was there to respond. Spencer was the first to approach you.
“Same signature, same MO,” you said without looking up.
“The length between this kill and his last is significantly shorter than the gap between Rogers and Garb,” Spencer continued. “After killing Lee, it took him 4 months to kill Garb. The gap between Vallette and Lee is even longer - 6 months. Why would kill twice in the span of 2 weeks?”
“Something triggered him,” you said. “That, or he’s devolving, becoming more desperate.” You then chuckled nervously to yourself. “Sorry, I’m supposed to be doing my job, not yours.”
“No, it’s fine, I…” Spencer paused, then looked to you. “I want to hear what you have to say.”
You made an involuntary face. “Why?” You asked. 
“Locals are essential to every investigation we conduct, just like we - the profilers - are.” Spencer explained. “I’ve never worked a case where someone was both.” 
“I’m one of a kind,” you joked.
“You are,” Spencer agreed. His expression was serious. It made your heart skip a beat. 
“Look, Dr. Reid, I -”
“It’s Spencer,” he interrupted, then cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, I, um… you can call me Spencer.” 
“Spencer,” you corrected yourself, “I’d like to help. Really, I would. But I haven’t been back in town for that long, and I’m not really friends with anyone. I don’t think I have the insight you’re looking for.” 
“You’re more important than you think.” 
You were almost grateful the two of you were interrupted; you didn’t trust whatever answer you may have come up with.
“This has to be our guy,” a dark haired woman appeared beside Spencer. “The only difference between this victim and the others is the position of the body.”
“The other girls were found face-down, but this time, he left her face-up,” Spencer noted aloud.
“He’s angrier,” you said. “Leaving the girls face-down with their waists in the water gave them some sort of dignity. This time, he left her completely exposed.”
“...I’m sorry, who are you?” The woman asked.
“This is Y/N,” Spencer introduced. “She’s helped recover every victim so far. Also, she has a knack for profiling. Y/N, meet SSA Emily Prentiss.”
“You’re the girl that called Morgan an alpha male,” Emily responded, a grin on her face.
“Only because I said she could,” a voice from behind you spoke. You turned around to see the one and only Derek Morgan.
“Hey, Derek,” you said, almost bashfully. His closed mouth smile told you he had no hard feelings, which you were grateful for. 
You caught Spencer adjusting his posture in your peripheral vision. 
Three days passed. After your 4th 12 hour shift in a row, most of them being at night, the department decided it was time for you to have a break. If it were up to you, you’d live in an ambulance. Unfortunately, though, that choice wasn’t yours to make. 
Instead of savoring your time off, you took up a different job: trying to discover the unsub. You eventually came to the conclusion that Spencer may be right, that you might know something they didn’t. You tried your hardest to take advantage of that opportunity. 
You visited your mom, who now lived 45 minutes away from Grand Junction. She only moved recently, so for the most part, she kept in contact with her friends that still lived in the city. The BAU released the  assumed age of the Unsub — 30 - 45 years old — and your mother fell in that same demographic. The profile also said he knew the area well; he lived in the area for at least a decade. There was a chance he went to school with your mother.
“That prom was one of my proudest accomplishments,” your mom grinned as she reminisced. “I was so happy with how it turned out.”
“It looks great, mom,” you praised. Her Senior prom’s theme was ‘Under the Sea’, sort of like the dance in Back to The Future. By modern standards, it was tacky, but everyone in the photo looked over the moon happy. You weren’t about to dock that. 
You turned the page to reveal a big, black and white photo full of teenage football players. A few were smiling, most of them had a blank expression. A boy in the second row with shaggy brown hair looked familiar. You pointed to him.
“Do I know him?” You asked.
“Caleb Chasing?” Your mom said. “Maybe. Him and his wife never moved; they raised their kids in Grand Junction. Poor guy, his wife took the kids when they got divorced.” 
“That sucks,” you said, running your fingers over the picture absentmindedly. “Who did he marry?” 
“Stephanie Young,” your mom answered. “He was the quarterback, she was the star of the swim team. They were high school sweethearts, the perfect couple. It’s a shame they didn’t last.” 
“Swim team?” you murmured to yourself.
“Turn a few pages, you’ll find a picture of her,” she insisted.
4 pages later, you found the swim team of that year. You read the text on the side, found Stephanie’s location in the photo, and spotted her. Your heart dropped into your stomach.
Aimee Rogers. Felicity Garb. Stella Lee. 
They all looked exactly like Stephanie Young did as a teenager: same dark hair, big eyes, athletic build. 
You felt sick to your stomach.
“I need to speak to Dr. Reid,” you told the Sheriff.
You stood in the middle of the  bustling police station. A few officers gave you looks as they walked by, but none of them dared to say something. 
“The FBI Agent?” He asked in disbelief.
“No, the medical doctor,” you sassed. “Yes, the agent. Look, he gave me a number to call if I needed anything. I can call him, if you want, but it would save all of us some time if you just let me talk to him.”
“Remember who you’re talking to, miss,” the sheriff warned. “I take no orders from you.”
“I’m talking to the man who watched me pull three bodies out of the Colorado River.” 
He averted his gaze.
“I’m sorry if you felt disrespected, but nothing I said was out of malice. I care about these girls just as much as you do. I don’t want to boss you around - I want to help.” 
“Y/N?” You turned your head to see Spencer standing behind the Sheriff.
“What are you doing here?” He asked.
“I think I found the unsub.”
The room fell silent when you walked in.
“Everyone, this is Y/N,” Spencer introduced. He turned to you. “That’s Agent Hotchner, Agent Rossi, and Jennifer Jureau.”
“You’re missing two, Spence,” JJ pointed out.
“I already met Agents Prentiss and Morgan,” you assured.
“Y/N’s a paramedic,” Emily explained. “She recovered Mandy Koplin’s body.” 
“And Lee, and Garb, and Rogers,” you added. You took in a breath. “I have a theory.”
“We appreciate your efforts, but -” Hotchner started. Surprisingly, Spencer cut him off.
“We talked it over, and I think she might be right,” Spencer said. “Hear her out. Please.”
You opened your file and pulled out the first photo, holding it up.
“Meet Caleb Chasing,” you said. “He was the quarterback of the Lakeland Warriors for 3 years, until he graduated high school in 1999.” You threw down the picture of Chasing and picked another one up. “One year later, his high school sweetheart, Stephanie Young, graduated. A year after that, they got married.”
“All of the victims look like Stephanie,” JJ said in disbelief. “It’s uncanny.” 
“Were you able to find a stressor?” Derek asked.
You set your papers down on the table in front of you, rifling through them. You must have looked crazy, but you couldn’t feel more composed. They were actually listening to you.
“Caleb and Stephanie had two children together over the 7 years of their marriage. The got divorced last year, and Stephanie won sole custody of both kids.” 
“Garcia,” Hotch spoke to the phone sitting in the middle of the table. “Are you double-checking this?”
“Oh, you know I am,” a woman through the line assured. “Our new friend Y/N hit bullseye — In August 2007, Caleb Chasing filed for divorce, and by November of that year, a judge granted Stephanie parental rights.”
“We’ve got a stressor and an MO,” Emily said, “but that doesn’t explain why he leaves the bodies by the river.” 
You smirked to yourself, ready with a response. You showed them the photo from your mother’s yearbook. “Stephanie was on the swim team in high school. He could be using the water as a symbol, a power move.” 
“If Chasing wants to get back at his wife, why not go for older victims?” Derek proposed.
“If Caleb feels resentment only towards Stephanie, it’s possible he targets younger victims in order to protect his children,” Spencer answered. “He loves his children, but he blames Stephanie for their failed marriage. To cope with the conflict, he kills women resembling Stephanie when they first fell in love.”
“That way, he purges Stephanie from his life without involving their children,” Rossi said.
The agents shared looks with one another. All you could hear was the sound of your heart beating in your chest.
“So?” you asked, sounding breathless. “What do you think?”
“I think it’s time we give Caleb Chasing a visit,” Hotch said.
Caleb was complacent in coming to the police station in order to be interviewed. You thought he would lawyer up right off the bat, but he simply sat there, staring at his hands. 
Derek and Rossi entered the interrogation room, and the man sat straight up. His face was expressionless, but his eyes had a fire burning behind them.
“You met your ex-wife in high school,” Derek stated. He tossed a photo of Stephanie onto the table in front of Caleb.
Caleb  frowned in confusion. “What does Steph have to do with any of this?” 
“She’s pretty. Brown eyes, dark hair, athletic build… every man’s dream,” Rossi said, looking at a photograph of his own. “Kind of like these girls, don’t you think?” 
David showed Caleb ‘normal’ photos of each victim; they were dressed nice, smiling into a camera lense. They couldn’t look more pure in white.
“These are those missing girls,” Caleb stated. “Why are you showing me this?”
“The missing girls who turned up dead,” Derek corrected.
Finally, it began to click for Caleb. “You think I did this?!”
You sighed in resignation as you watched behind the two-way mirror.
“This isn’t him,” you said. “He didn’t do it.” 
“What makes you so sure?” Spencer asked from beside you. His arms were folded over his chest as he observed the conversation.
“Well, for one, he let us search the house without a warrant,” you said. “Plus, he didn’t react when Derek brought up Stephanie. If he was killing those women out of anger towards Stephanie, his rage would be consuming, so consuming that it’s impossible to control. Mentioning her name should be enough to set him off, right?”
“In many cases, yes,” Spencer said. “He could be manipulating the situation, though. If he is trying to protect his children, like we theorized, he may have found a way to keep his emotions under control.”
“Yeah, maybe,” you said. “Or maybe he’s just a normal guy who cares about his kids and doesn’t hate his ex-wife.”
Spencer’s phone rang in his pocket. He answered without hesitation. 
“Hello?” He asked. His facial expression quickly changed. “Wait, Emily, slow down. What happened?”
Your heart rate began to pick up.
“Are you sure?” he asked, then sighed. “Alright, just hang tight. I’ll talk to Morgan and Rossi.”
Spencer hung up and dialed a different number.
“What’s going on?” You asked.
Spencer ignored you, the phone pressed to his ear. You heard a ringing noise come from the interrogation room.
“What’s up?” Derek asked.
“Stephanie is missing,” Spencer responded.
Despite the mirror, Derek managed to look directly at him. “You’re sure?”
“Hotch, Emily, and the Sheriff went to her house in Loma. There’s no trace of her or the kids.” 
“Why would the unsub change MOs?” you asked frantically. “He’s never shown an interest in kids. Why now?” 
“He snapped, went after what he’s wanted this entire time,” Spencer said. “The kids probably got caught in the crossfire.” 
Derek hung up the phone and leaned over the table. “Stephanie and your kids are missing,” he said bluntly. “If you had something to do with it, you’re gonna tell us where they are. If you didn’t, you’re going to tell us who could have.”
Caleb ran his hands over his head. “Oh my god,” he breathed out. “D-did someone take them?” 
“It appears that way, yes.”
“I always tell her to lock the door,” Caleb murmured. “She never does. Even when we were married, she forgot.”
“Caleb,” Derek said, this time, more gently. “Can you think of anyone that would want to hurt Stephanie?”
He shook his head violently. “She’s perfect… she loves everyone she meets. God, why would someone do this?”
Suddenly, it clicked in your brain.
You grabbed the yearbook and rushed out of the room, despite Spencer’s protests. You barged into the interrogation room, and it was clear that David and Derek were less than thrilled to see you.
“What the hell are you doing?” Derek asked. Rossi rose to his feet, but he didn’t say anything.
You flipped through the yearbook, eventually finding the class pictures from that year. You set the book down in front of Caleb. 
“The man we’re looking for chooses victims that remind him of Stephanie when she was in high school,” you explained. “Did either of you have a classmate that was… weird? Kept to himself, didn’t know how to talk to girls, maybe had a short temper?”
Caleb looked through the yearbook. “I… I don’t know.”
“Think,” Rossi encouraged. “He might have made a few comments about Stephanie and her appearance.”
Caleb discovered the page showing the football team. After a moment, he pointed to someone in the bottom row. Austin. Austin Beck.”
“What about him?” Derek prompted.
“He mentioned how attracted he was to Stephanie, almost every chance he got,” Caleb said. “Sometimes the other boys would join in, saying she was hot, asking if she had a sister, that sort of thing. Once Steph and I started dating, they stopped.”
“But Austin didn’t,” Rossi said.
Caleb nodded, swallowing nervously. “He didn’t bring it up as often, but he would say that if I ever broke up with her, he wouldn’t hesitate. I snapped at him one day, and that was the last I heard of it.”
“Does he still live in town?” Derek asked.
“Maybe? I heard he works at the mechanic’s shop on West Geranium, but that was a while ago.” 
Suddenly, Spencer entered. He held his phone outwards — it was on speaker.
“Garcia, what can you find on Austin Beck?” Spencer asked into the phone.
“He lived in an apartment on the westside of Grand Junction until a year and a half ago,” Garcia said. “After that, he managed to mostly cover his tracks.”
“Fits the timeline,” Derek said. “Bea Vallette was found dead about 15 months ago; a little less than a year and a half ago.” 
“What else can you find on him?” Rossi inquired.
 “His father bought a cabin in 1987. It sits on the eastern border of the city.” 
“That’s right next to the Colorado,” you said. 
“Garcia, send everyone the address. Tell Prentiss and Hotch to meet us there,” Derek said.
In a matter of seconds, it was only you and Caleb left in the room. 
You sat alone at the bar, sipping your drink. 
Everything went as well as could be expected — they managed to apprehend Beck without too much trouble. He hid the kids in the basement, most likely to finish them off after he was done with their mother. He never got that far.
“Have you been here this whole time?” Someone asked from behind you. 
You smirked and down the rest of your drink. You spun around in your stool to see Spencer.
“Ever since your team came back to the station,” you confirmed.
“You didn’t stick around to hear the story,” Spencer observed.
“Stephanie and her kids are okay. That’s all I need to know,” you responded. 
Spencer studied you for a moment. “Can I sit down?”
“Sure, why not,” you allowed. When you caught the bartender’s attention, you pointed to your drink, then held up two fingers. He got the memo.
“You didn’t profile me.” 
You chuckled. “Was I supposed to?”
“You could have profiled both of us,” Spencer said. “You chose Derek.”
“Are you jealous?” You teased.
The bartender came over with two more drinks. You thanked him.
“Confused, mostly,” Spencer replied.
You took a sip, nudging the other glass towards Spencer. “I didn’t want to make things awkward,” you admitted. 
You didn’t reply right away; it took you some time to gather your thoughts.
“You and I have a lot in common,” you eventually said. “Most people look at us and think we wear our hearts on our sleeves. Really, though, we’re secretive. You hide behind your intellect, I hide behind my job. We’re good at talking to people, but we’re better at shutting them out, because the last time we let someone in, they burned us. For me, it was my father.”
Silence fell between the two of you for a moment. In the corner of your eye, you watched Spencer bring his drink to his lips and take a steady sip. He set it back down on the bar before speaking. 
“Me too.”
The two of you clinked your glasses together.
“Derek was right, you know,” you said.
“Right about what?”
“I am attracted to you,” you said plainly. “Bringing up the idea that he’s an alpha male distracted from that, at least for awhile.”
“I’m attracted to you as well.”
You looked up in surprise. Never in your life have you been so honest with someone, and if you were honest, you thought said honesty would send him running for the hills.
Spencer cleared his throat and suddenly had trouble finding your eyes. “Derek and I have worked together for a long time, so he knows that I appreciate it when people take an interest in me. But you… You’re beautiful, and smart, and amazing at profiling without having to try. A woman like you, interested in someone like me? It’s flattering.”
Hearing Spencer Reid, one of the brightest minds of his generation, say that he was flattered by you, a nobody from nowhere… it made you want to kiss him.
And so, you did.
His lips were chapped — you caught him licking them absentmindedly on a few occasions earlier. Despite that, though, his touch was warm and inviting. Your hand moved to his cheek instinctually. Meanwhile, you felt his fingers against the bottom of your chin. When you felt his other hand land on your waist, you gasped softly, pulling away to take a proper breath.
“Did I do something wrong?” Spencer asked. The concern in his voice warmed your heart. His hand slowly drifted away from your waist.
“No,” you whispered, returning his hand to where it was. “That was perfect.” 
You started kissing him again, and it felt like you couldn’t stop. His grip on you was tight, yet comforting. Your hands trailed down his chest and to his back, pulling him closer. The two of you only parted to take desperate breaths before reentering bliss. Eventually, however, you remembered the two of you weren’t the only people existing, and the bliss was over. 
It didn’t have to be over over, though.
“We’re probably not gonna see each other ever again after tonight,” you said breathlessly. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t want our goodbye to be us sharing our daddy issues.” 
“How would you like me to say goodbye to you, Y/N?” Spencer asked, voice gravelly. 
You smiled, leaning into his ear. “The apartment complex on the corner, 3rd floor, room 17.” 
Your hand was still on his back, so you felt the chill that ran down his spine. You only moved your hand so you could take money out of your wallet. 
You set a few bills on the bar and adjusted the bag on your shoulder. “Goodbye, Dr. Reid,” you said, then gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
The minute you stepped into your apartment, you began to panic. You were normally a reserved, almost shy person. You weren’t a girl who tells people when you’re attracted to them, you don’t initiate kisses, you don’t invite men from bars home. You didn’t do this. This wasn’t your normal.
But then again… neither was Spencer. 
He was handsome, and smart, and you could listen to him talk for hours. You’ve never met someone you connected with so well within mere minutes of knowing them. It seemed almost unfair that the two of you had only one night to spend together, but you were determined to make the most of it.
You paced for a bit. You sat down. You went back to pacing. You took off your jacket and threw it on the couch. You checked the time. 15 minutes had passed since you left the bar. If he wanted to see you, he should have been only a few minutes behind you.
You threw in the towel.
You let out a sigh, running a hand through your hair. You felt silly. In some respects, you wanted to cry. Of course it was too good to be true. Of course someone as good-looking and charming as Dr. Spencer Reid didn’t want you. It made sense. It made perfect sense.
You turned your back to the door, pinching the bridge of your nose.  Then, you heard a knock.
You spun around, and it took all the self-control you possessed to walk to the door rather than sprint. Normally, you’d look through the peephole before opening the door, but not this time. In this and many other ways, this man was an exception.
You opened the door, and it felt like the wind was knocked out of you.
“Hello, Y/N,” Spencer said. The corner of his lip curved up.
“Hello, Dr. Reid.”
Part 2
Notes: For the record, I am aware of how grossly unrealistic this is lol. But if you look into it, you’ll see how inaccurate the show is, so I don’t feel too bad. After all, this is fiction, as is the show. 
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alitaimagines · 4 years
“could you give me more reiner braun??” 
reiner braun x fem! reader
fandom: shingeki no kyojin / attack on titan
song recommendation: never be like you by flume ft kai 
Some students at the Scouting Academy weren't happy. Word had gone around that a few Marley students were transferring into the academy as a part of a student exchange program. Marley sent eight of their students to the Scouts and the Scouts sent eight students to Marley and that didn't fall right with anyone.
You didn't feel the way your friends felt. You didn't mind the new kids but because of the rivalry between Marley and the Scouts, you played on the feelings that everyone felt. Eren and Jean were the ones with the biggest problem. They seethed at the thought of the few new kids arriving.
You woke up and lazily got dressed for school. You knew today was the day that the Marley kids were transferring over and considering you were one of the few school commanders, Vice Principal Hanji had informed you that you were going to be showing some of the kids around.
Your cup of coffee wasn't big enough for the day you were about to endure. You didn't tell any of your friends that you were helping the students through the rest of the week but when you did tell them, you knew you were going to hear it from Eren and Jean.
Once you got to school, you passed the Admin's office and seen no more than eight students at the front. The eight of them wore the distinct Marley High School red armbands. You had to admit, you were a bit happy that your class was getting new students. You had no idea if you were able to handle the same faces everyday.
"Yo! ( your name )! Come here!" Eren screamed as he grabbed your wrist and ran inside of the field house. "Armin managed to hack into the field house stereo system and Connie wanted to know if you'd be willing to race down the stares of the bleachers with him using one of those floor scooters."
You thought for a bit. Being one of the schools commanders, you knew it would look bad if you were doing stupid shenanigans for no reason but the other half of you wanted to race Connie down the bleachers real bad.
"Sure!" You said as you chucked your backpack to Sasha and grabbed the purple floor scooter from her. "Connie, tell me when you're ready to go!"
The two of you looked at each other as you immediately heard a very familiar theme song playing through the stereo. "I swear, if you guys were watching Jackass last night and that's the reason why the theme song is playing and also be the reason why I'm potentially about to die, I'm going to kill you."
Connie and Eren laughed as you seen Eren holding his phone out to record the whole thing. Jean screamed to the count of three as you and Connie pushed yourselves down the flight of stairs. You managed to keep yourself from actually falling off the scooter but that didn't stop you from hitting yourself with the actual bleachers.
As Connie and you reached the bottom of the bleachers, you looked at him and started to laugh. The laugh didn't last too long as you seen Vice Principal Levi and Hanji along with Principal Erwin standing and staring down at you.
"That was amazing!" Hanji screamed as she got a shove from Levi. "I meant, that was inappropriate and not the kind of behavior a student commander should be showing."
You instantly seen three of the new students standing with the three of them. You got off the floor and dusted off any dirt you got from the scooter and the bleachers.
"I'm so sorry Mrs.Zoe, I apologize for any less than appropriate behavior." You apologized as you noticed Eren and the rest of your friends flocking you.
"( your name ), these are the student's you're going to be showing around for the next few weeks." Hanji said as you immediately tensed at the thought. "These are Marley students Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, and Annie Leonhardt. The rest of the five are being shown around by a few of our other commanders."
"Reiner, Annie, Bertholdt, this is one of our most astounding students here at the Scouting Academy." Mr.Smith finally said as he pushed you to the front. "Although what she just did might not show that, we promise you that you are in one of the best hands."
Eren scoffed as the faculty finally left the field house. You knew this wasn't the way you wanted to tell everyone that you were in charge of showing the Marley students around but considering Erwin didn't exactly let you tell them in your own way, they all looked at you with betrayal written on their face.
"So should we get started?" You asked as you looked at the three of them with a nervous smile. They nodded as you turned around to look at your friends. "Eren, say one word and I'll grab you by the hair and drag you across the field house that even Mikasa won't be able to save you."
You turned around and instructed the students to follow you out. You knew a part of your head wanted to resent them but you couldn't find it in your heart to actually go out of your way to actually hate them. Not like how Eren and Jean hated them.
"This is the Scouting Academy. We specialize in military training as well as hands on medical experience." You said as you started the speech the academy made you learn. "Our classes go on from 7:35 to 3:00 pm. There are three lunches. One at eleven, the second at eleven forty, and the last at twelve twenty. Clubs look great on transcripts if you're looking to go to college after here and the military training has been ranked first place in all of the city for the last six years."
You heard one of the Marley boys passing by scoff and before you could even comprehend your own actions, you had one of the boys by the neck up against the wall.
"Listen kid, you aren't at Marley anymore. I could swiftly kick your ass whenever I'd like and the entire school would be right behind me." You said as you tightened the grip on his neck. "So unless you want to actually die of asphyxiation, I suggest you follow your commander before you fall behind."
You dropped the boy as he started to breathe heavily. One of the other school commanders gave you a surprised expression. "( your name ), you can't go around choking people again. You know Mr.Ackerman will suspend your club activities again if he finds out." You shrugged as you told your group to follow you again.
"That was pretty badass, even for a Scouting student." You heard Annie said as you gave her a small smile.
"Like I was saying, club activities are usually after our lunch hours so I won't be able to show you to your class considering I run a club here." You mentioned as you arrived to the first period classroom. "This is our first class. I would go to our professor and get any of the materials you need."
They nodded as you went to find your seat with Sasha and Connie. They immediately asked you a hundred and one questions about how the Marley students were. In reality, it was just Eren and Jean who had problems with the Marley students. By default, Marco, Mikasa and Armin were dragged into their bullshit considering they were the only ones who could calm either of them down.
The day continued with you showing them around. You had to admit, you found Bertholdt cute but the one who stood out was Reiner. There was something about the way he was built and the way he talked to you that made your heart race faster than normal.
Weeks came and went. You noticed all the Marley students flocked together. You couldn't help but to eavesdrop on their conversation and noticed the way one of the students was talking too Reiner. He had reddish hair with fierce eyes that looked at Reiner like he hated his mere being. You sighed knowing there wasn't anything you were able to do about it. You had already threatened a kid earlier and you weren't exactly trying to do it again.
"Hey, are you listening?" You heard Jean ask you. You zoned back in and finally realized he was talking to you. "We were saying if you'd like to come out with us later? Jaeger actually passed an exam for once and wants to celebrate."
You nodded, "Yeah, I'll go. What time?"
"Maybe around six. We want to catch dinner before curfew hours hit." You nodded and looked back at your phone to see a notification pop up.
"Reiner Braun has requested to follow you."
You smiled to yourself and immediately accepted the request before following him back. His Instagram was filled up with photos of himself at the gym, with his friend Bertholdt, or random fitness quotes. Your account wasn't exactly a Instagram Model type. You just had random selfies of yourself, pictures with your family, and any vacations you had gone on. Reiner put yours to shame.
"I gotta go, I need to pick up a book from the library for class and I can't do it last minute so I'll see all of you later." You told your friends as they all nodded and waived you off."
The library was on the farther end of the academy and while you did have to get a book, you didn't have class. You had a release period after lunch and you usually went to the library to finish off any homework you had.
You walked into the seemingly lonely library as everyone scattered off to class. You had to get a book for science and you weren't really in the mood to be grabbing it at the last minute. Once the library director told you where you'd find the book, you realized it was far too high for your reach.
"I wonder if they have those ladders?" You asked yourself as you felt someone grab your shoulder. You quickly whipped your head around and noticed it was Reiner. "Jesus, Braun! You scared the hell out of me."
Reiner laughed as he grabbed the book you were reaching for, "Is this what you wanted?"
You nodded and grabbed the book from him, "I'm surprised you're here. Aren't you supposed to be in class with your friends."
"I got a release period after lunch and all my friends got stuck in Algebra together so I'm on my own for the next hour." You smiled at Reiner. "If you'd like, we can book a study room and finish any homework we have. I can make sure we get a room to where no one can see us. I wouldn't want either of our friends finding out."
Reiner nodded as you went to the front of the library and rented the room farthest to the back. It was a room usually booked for larger study groups but they had paint on the windows and it made it hard to see in or out.
After the director gave you the key to the room, you quietly snuck into the room with Reiner. He slapped his backpack on the table and took everything out for class.
"Have you started any homework for Ms.Ral? She's been giving us homework everyday this week and I don't know how much of it I can take before I lose it." Reiner joked as he took a sip out of his energy drink.
"Mrs.Ral has always been that way. Since our first year, she's always been demanding on us getting homework done but I have to admit, she's one of the few professors who I actually learn from." You mentioned as you got out the copious amounts of sheets from her class. "They're basically review from the day so it isn't too hard."
Reiner sighed, "I don't get sheet 5, it's confusing me and if I'm being honest, I feel like an idiot."
You went over to Reiner's side and seen the eraser marks scribbled away on his sheet. You started to explain the worksheet to him and it was like everything clicked in his head.
"See, you aren't dumb! You just needed someone to reword it for you." You said with a warm smile on your face. It was a smile that made Reiner melt inside. "Now, I know you're far ahead of me in Mr.Zacharias class so it's an even trade."
Reiner laughed as the two of you continued to help each other on the worksheets.
Months passed with the two of you sneaking away after lunch and meeting up after classes ended. Eren and a few of your friends started to get suspicious on where you went everyday after class. You didn't want to tell your friends and neither did Reiner so it was a struggle to make up lies everyday.
On Reiner's part, Bertholdt already knew. He knew his best friend like the back of his hand and he knew how Reiner got when he was started to fall in love with someone. Reiner would talk about you to him without realizing it and only realized it when he called it out. Bertholdt didn't mind that Reiner liked you but he felt kind of wary of the relationship being exposed to the rest of the Marley students.
What you both didn't realize was that the secret was out. Eren found out about your secret meeting place with Reiner and blurted it out to everyone while Porco heard Bertholdt mentioning it to Annie and told all of the Marley kids.
You quickly left lunch to hurry to the room with Reiner. He was waiting for you in the back and grabbed your backpack as he held your hand. The two of you chatted about what either of you did overnight until you opened the door to the room.
"Reiner, oh my god." You whispered upon seeing Eren and Porco standing in the room. "Reiner, they found out."
Reiner sighed, "What are you guys doing here?"
"The question is what are you guys doing in here?" Porco said as Eren interjected. "Don't think we weren't going to find out. Lying gets you no where and did you guys not think that your lies weren't going to catch up to you?"
You gripped Reiner's hand harder as you felt your heart racing, "What do we have to do for either of you not to mention it to any of else."
"Oh, we've told everyone. You knew the consequences of the two of you seeing each other so now you have to deal with them." Porco said as Eren grabbed your wrist. "Now, you're not seeing her anymore and if we see you two together again, it won't be pretty for either of you."
You wanted to release yourself from Eren but he held onto you with an iron grip as he dragged you out of the room. Porco on the other hand started reprimanding Reiner for even thinking of dating you. Marley and Scouting students should never interact with each other nevertheless date each other and they all knew that.
Your days were turning more and more miserable. Whenever you tried to see Reiner on an off day, they made sure they kept you occupied. They would take you out to dinner or get food for their dorms just so you wouldn't sneak out to see him.
Reiner was just as miserable. Porco and the rest of the Marley student constantly gave him shit for it. Both you and Reiner were starting to get annoyed with the situation. All of your friends weren't even trying to be your friends anymore, all they were doing was keeping you away from the boy you liked.
The Military Police Brigade had came into contact with you. They heard about your commanding skills with the Scouts and sent an invitation to you. They wanted you to join the brigade as one of the commanding officers after you graduated. You had made a promise to the Scouts that you would intern for them but considering you would have to deal with Eren after high school, you took them up on the offer to at least see it.
You went to visit the brigade after faking sick to everyone. You got away with it for the most part but Reiner managed to hear it about. He knew a few students who went to school at the Brigade and they mentioned the Scouting student who was visiting for the day.
"The Military Brigade, are you serious?" Reiner exclaimed as he stood outside of your door. "You're going to work for the Military Brigade after high school?"
You shrugged, "Why do you care? You're friends hate me and even my own friends hate me so why should anyone care what I do after I graduated high school."
"Because I care! We swore we would join the military together and you're now thinking of joining the Brigade!" Reiner said with fury raging in his eyes. Not at you but at your so called friends.
"Who cares! I'm just joining a different section of the Military." You tried to say as Reiner injected again. "You know the Military Brigade is for losers who don't want to do anything except wait on their hands and knees to serve the King. You're better than that."
"Reiner, I don't care. I really don't." You said as you pushed the door shut.
Reiner was able to tell you were over it. Days passed with you ignoring your own friends as well as ignoring Reiner's messages. He didn't want to see you fight for the fucking King when he knew what your combat skills actually held.
Reiner went up to the dorms where the third year students lived on. He knew your friends were always together so he didn't find it surprising when to see Eren, Jean, Marco, Connie, Sasha, and Mikasa all together.
"What the hell are you doing here, Braun?" Eren asked as he immediately stood up. Reiner cut him off before looking at the rest of them. "You know, your best friend is planning on joining the Military Brigade after graduation, right?"
They all looked at each other with confusion. "How do you know?" Mikasa asked as she looked at him with suspicion.
"Because she went to visit them already and when I asked her about it, she was wearing the Military Brigade sweater!" Reiner said. "So unless you guys want to lose your so called best friend to the Brigade, I suggest you do something soon."
They sighed as Eren stood up, "Why the Brigade!"
All of them trudged up to your dorm as Jean banged on the door. You flinched at the sudden noise as you tugged the Brigade sweater for warmth. You opened the door to only see the last people you were expecting.
"Are you seriously joining the Military Brigade!" Eren asked as you slowly nodded. "Why the Brigade! Why not join the Garrison? You of all people know how bad the Brigade is!"
You shrugged, "Because I don't want to be with a bunch of hypocrites. Outside of Reiner, I can't stand any of you. All of you ruined my relationship with him because you couldn't swallow your pride."
They all looked down at their feet as Sasha spoke up, "We're sorry. We know we shouldn't have messed with your relationship. You were actually being the mature one here and we should have actually listened to you instead of listening to what Eren said but please don't join the Brigade, we would hate to see you working for those idiots."
"Don't you think?" You said sarcastically. "Now we can start being friends as long as you guys don't butt into our relationship and I promise I won't join the Brigade."
They all nodded as Reiner grabbed your hand and held you close, "The only opinion I care about is Bertholdt and he never cared from the beginning so in reality, it was all of you who had the problem."
"We promise we won't butt into your relationship as long as we can start being friends again." Eren said sheepishly. You nodded as you punched him on the arm. "That's what you get for spreading my business."
Eren rubbed his hand as you laughed at his reaction. Reiner bent down and gave you a kiss but not without everyone gagging at the PDA.
"You better get used to it because this piece of meat is now my boyfriend." You said as you gave him a kiss again. Reiner nodded as they all started leave the two of you alone. "Now we get to make up for anytime we lost."
Reiner chuckled as you dragged him into your dorm.
ALITA (retrieved from my wattpad) 
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shining-red-diamond · 4 years
Ch. 2: London
Cast of Characters//Ch. 1//Ch. 2//Ch. 3//Ch. 4//Ch. 5//Ch. 6//Ch. 7//Ch. 8//Ch. 9//Ch. 10//Ch. 11//Ch. 12//Ch. 13//Ch. 14//Ch. 15//Ch. 16//Ch. 17//Ch. 18//Ch. 19//Ch. 20//Ch. 21//Ch. 22//Ch. 23//Ch. 24//Ch. 25//Ch. 26//Ch. 27//Ch. 28 (coming soon)
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Words: 1173
Pairing: OT8 x OCs (Hongjoong x Dahae)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of vomiting and illness
A/N: Italics mean they’re speaking in Korean.
A loud buzzing pounded in Dahae’s ears. She reached to her nightstand and pressed the button on her clock to shut it off. Slowly she sat up and stretched while letting out a silent yawn. Her eyes wandered over to the small window that was allowing the early morning sun to seep through.
This is going to be a good day, she thought.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Hongjoong greeted her while carrying a tray of food and setting it on the small coffee table in the middle of the bedroom. “I had Grace-Anne prepare you a meal that’ll help you with your strength today.”
Dahae had fallen ill with food poisoning two days prior. The crew had visited a dig site in the outskirts of Guatemala City, and she was the only one whose dinner had been wrongly prepared. Her fellow medic Yeosang was quick to diagnose her and make a list of what she needed to eat and take. Thankfully, she was recovering quickly but still felt a little weak. Hongjoong had forbidden her from finishing any of her work until she was completely well.
Hongjoong was a pretty flexible guy, but he also had a particular way of keeping things in order around the ship. If a crewmember was ill, they were quickly limited to what they could and couldn’t do after being checked and diagnosed by either Yeosang or Dahae. On cleaning days, everyone had to take part to clean their bedrooms, do laundry, mop the deck, whatever. He made sure everyone was working together by putting their skills to good use.
“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty,” Hongjoong sing-songed as he stroked his fiancée’s head. Dahae hadn’t realized she dozed off again.
“I’m up,” she claimed as she opened her eyes. Hongjoong’s smiling face was the first thing she saw.
“Stand up and come eat your breakfast, and I’ll believe you,” he chuckled before pecking her forehead.
“Yes, mom,” Dahae teased as she crawled out of bed.
Making her way over to her chair by the coffee, she could still feel her legs feeling as if they were a mix of lead and jelly, but at least her stomach didn’t feel like fire. Her breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, a banana, and orange juice.
“I noticed the weather looked nice today,” she said as she began peeling the banana.
Hongjoong sat in his chair next to Dahae’s and began to study his maps on his computer. “Dinah predicts it’ll be sunny until we get to London.”
“What’s in London?”
“A friend of my dad’s is an archeologist and explorer there,” he explained. “He just returned from an expedition in the Conga and found something he wants us all to see.”
“What did he find?” Dahae sipped her orange juice before starting on her eggs.
“He didn’t exactly say. He just messaged me about it last night, and I told Mingi to set a course for London.”
“I see.”
“Speaking of London,” Hongjoong said as he shut his laptop and turned towards Dahae and took her left hand into his, “I was hoping we could go to a jewelry place and pick out your engagement ring while we’re there.”
Dahae’s eyes lit up. Hongjoong had proposed but didn’t have a diamond to put on her finger, only the white rubber ring she currently wore. She didn’t mind, but Hongjoong had always noticed how much she admired Celestia’s wedding ring and Grace-Anne’s engagement ring. All he wanted was for the woman he loved to be happy.
“I’d love to, Joong,” she smiled. “But will we have time?”
He kissed her cheek. “I plan on having us stay there for at least two nights.”
“Two nights? We usually stay only one night.”
“I’ve been doing some thinking lately, and I know that our explorations are becoming more tiring with each new challenge; so I decided to treat everyone with an extra day in London.”
“So, basically, a vacation day?” Dahae asked, a grin slowly blooming on her face.
Hongjoong nodded.
The crew had been getting more and more tired in the past few months, and Hongjoong had taken note. He had always put others first to a point he sometimes wears himself out doing so. Dahae admired how much he cared for everyone else around him, and she loved that about her fiancé; but the dark circles under his eyes worried her. He was a hard worker, but Dahae didn’t want him to work until his death. When he said they would all take a rest day, her heart was put at ease.
“Seonghwa, Yeosang, and I have been discussing a rest day for a while, but we could never agree on a proper time.”
“When did you decide now was a good time?” Dahae asked as she finished her meal, Hongjoong taking the tray.
“This morning just before I got your breakfast,” he replied as he headed towards the bedroom door. “We’ll be landing in about three hours. Do you feel okay to walk around?”
“Joong, I stopped vomiting yesterday morning.” She stood from her chair and began walking towards the bathroom. “I think I’m more than capable to explore.”
“Alright, but if you still feel bad later, please tell me.”
“Aye, aye, Captain,” Dahae saluted just before shutting the bathroom door.
Hongjoong chuckled at her remark as he strolled out of the room with the tray of empty dishware in his hands.
The captain made his way around the corner, past the dining hall, and into the kitchen where Yunho was busy with a boiling pot. The island counter was covered in utensils, vegetables and herbs. Yunho was dressed in his pajamas still, but his hair was combed.
“Good morning, Yunho,” Hongjoong greeted.
“Good morning, Captain,” his crewmate replied with a bow.
“Dude, it’s just us. You don’t have to call me ‘Captain.’”
“Sorry. Just a habit.”
Hongjoong placed the tray by the sink, and looked around the kitchen. “Where’d Grace-Anne go?”
“She went to go wake Seonghwa and get ready for the day,” Yunho replied. “How’s Dahae feeling?”
“A lot better.” Hongjoong leaned against the counter. “The color is back in her face.”
“I’m happy to hear that, but I’m preparing this soup just in case we have another emergency like that again.”
As much as he was the repairman and engineer for The HALA, Yunho was also a cook alongside Grace-Anne. He always had a recipe book with dishes made for those who were sick or had certain food allergies, and Yunho had been using it the past two and half days to help with Dahae’s illness. Grace-Anne had one similar but mainly used it to prepare Celestia’s meals, as she couldn’t eat certain foods while pregnant.
Yunho pulled the wooden spoon out of the metal pot, placed the lid on it, and turned down the stove. “So where are we going?” he asked as he untied his apron and hung it on the wall hook.
“London,” Hongjoong replied. “We’re arriving there in about three hours, so be ready by then.”
24 notes · View notes
commonshawn · 5 years
Don’t Fight it
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Warnings: None?? BUT this is a work in progress! Comments are needed because I will be writing an actual book with different characters!! Testing the water with the idea! Good luck with the barely edited version!
Word Count: 3.1K
Inspired by: Fight for me by GAWVI, Lacrea from @rulerofnocountry writing challenge! This is a small portion of a book I’m working on and wanted to test the concept! So it was also inspired by Roses by Shawn Mendes and Trampled Roses by Robert Plant and Allison Kraus (Give those last two songs a listen in!)
I’ve got way too many thoughts. Fighting these expectations has me feeling stuck. I don’t know how to cope when I’m low. But I know that you’re close... I need you to fight for me. The folded note read in her hands as the white parchment became spotted with water and Trampled Rose played in her headphones. This was part of her playlist she listened to every time she would grab her what was once a medicine and now is an everyday medication. The world around her was the mortal world filled with hidden immortal beings. So as she looked around, she quickly folded up the note that would never reach him. “I heard she gave away her rose,” one person said behind her and another commented, “doesn’t she know we only get one?” their conversation kept going on as they passed her and she pulled up the hood of an eggshell white hoodie. The hood encompassed her head and the neck acted like an overly large turtle neck to help break any cold chill coming to her. When she wore it, it felt like something you would see in star wars. 
it was a long way to the church to get her medication and the sky above her was the autumn grey as a storm approached so she pulled the hoodie closer to her to keep the chill-out and tried to pull her cloak over her shoulders but forgot that she no longer wore the clothes of her family’s crest. Before she would reach the old church were she visited every month, she walked down a lonely street to listen to an old man play the piano and sing as loudly as he could, at all times of the night and she could swear that he was an old-time jazz singer. He always played in his big picture window that jutted out into the ill-lit alleyway of his New York City apartment. This man was old and had deep gray hair from what she saw down on the streets as she looked up 3 flights of floors to enjoy his playing. He wouldn’t normally keep his windows fully open but tonight? They were as open as they could ever be, except for that picture window in between them, they would never open. Before moving on, she leaned against the building adjacent to his to listen but she noticed how much more she could hear him and then noticed that the voice was different as well. Furrowing her eyebrows, she got a little closer and looks to see a boy, about her age or maybe a bit younger, sitting at the piano allow his messy curls to bounce as he moved along with the notes coming from his throat. He was a powerful singer but this made her wonder where the old man was. Did I really miss my prime? was a lyric that came up in her head. Another thought comes up instantly after that thinking, Crap! Is he dead?! Mortals don’t last too long, and I should know... I am one now. She walked on and out through the alley, stepping on a wet, trampled rose underneath her, not realizing she caught the eye of the boy on the 3rd floor. 
What she didn’t know, until she did it, was that her rose was the only one she ever got in her lifetime. Just one, and it was supposed to go to her soulmate and usually they had the same exact rose. So, she dated someone who she thought she was in love with her too and who had a rose that matched until she gave it away. Once she gave it away, the powers that be in her immortal realm came together and took away her immortality for that was not her true soulmate she gave her rose too. The boy she gave her rose too was known to be a Cloaker, especially one that could hide the true look of his rose so he stole many roses in his lifetime. So, she was out a life partner because of him, out a rose, and now taking medication to help slow down the effects of her giving it away. Because she is mortal now, she now ages whereas, in her old world, they choose what age they wanted to look like forever. She did choose 25, about 10 years ago, so now she developing aging signs, but the medicine is helping. 
So as she walked down the road, pulling up her hood, she could hear footsteps splashing into the water behind her just about running behind her. “Excuse me” was all he said in his sultry voice that was just singing over the sound of the piano. “You dropped this” he was now in front of her, stopping her from going forward, holding out a half damn note in front of her face. She looked down at the note, cheeks burning read so she coughed and looks somewhere else. First, it was his arm that had a guitar/lake tattoo needled into his forearm, and then to a small stick figure on his write and as she took the note quickly she saw a swallow on his hand as he placed his hand in his black jean pocket. The last place she looked was his face, taking in his warm brown hazel eyes, and his curly hair, then his piercing smile. “Sorry if I startled you I just saw you outside, which was weird but saw you dropped that note.” 
She coughed again, “Thank you for that. That note really isn’t going to make it to its destination anymore, but thank you, piano man” she made her exit after that, walking past him, pulling her hood over her head again until she felt a strong hand on her arm and thunder filling her ears. The sky had opened and started downpouring on both of them so she looked at the boy holding her arm and passed him was a group of Dark Escorts who went after anyone and anything that could see them and some not. “We gotta go,” she told the boy as she pulled him along with her, running down the street and dipping into a very tight alley, really only big enough for two people when chest to chest, which is exactly what was happening. 
“Why are we-” she quickly covered his mouth as she pulled them down further into the alley. 
Then gestured with her other hand starting with the top of his head and tapping it and then down to her said as she spoke softly, “nascondere” and they both had disappeared. The iridescent sheet that appeared over the both of them was noticeable to her and to him, both mortals. She uncovered his mouth, “We can speak freely now.” His eyes were surprised and yet mesmerized by the site around him. The sheet of iridescent air also stopped the water from soaking them and muddled any sound round them as a group of people ran by the alley. “Damn, we lost them. Let's find another. Probably by the church”, she heard one of them say to the rest of the group as they ran back down the street and away from them. 
He broke her concentration of them not getting killed, “who the heck-how the heck. Are you a wizard? Am I a muggle? What-” she covered his mouth again to stop him from blabbing on. She could feel his chest rise and fall because it would touch her chin and her chest as she was a foot shorter than him. 
“I love Harry Potter too but no, I am not a wizard, I am a mage or maybe you mortals want to call it an enchanter.” 
“So Wizard.” 
“I don’t like that term.” 
“Okay okay. So what else can you do?” 
“I use to be able to do a lot but not much anymore and I just wasted some of that protecting you.” 
“Hey, I was just giving you back your note. Which, by the way, who is supposed to be fighting for you? Looks like people want to fight you. Also, where did they come from? I did not see them when we ran to this alley and-” 
“What's your name” she interrupted him and starred right in his eyes. 
“Well Shawn, if you must know” she gestured again to clear the concealing sheet and slowly slipped out of Shawn's personal space. Both of them were cold once they split but she grabbed his hand and he interlaced their fingers as she peered out of the alleyway and walked slowly onto the street. Whispering, she answered his questions, being careful to stay under rood ledges until they got back to his apartment. “In my world, well was my world, we heavily believe in soulmates and I, unfortunately-” 
“had one that didn’t work out?” 
“Yeah, how did you?” 
“the word need is kind of explanatory. but can’t you just find someone else? People could have more than one soulmate.” 
“Not in our world. There is only one and since I’ve chosen wrong-” 
“You have to live with the consequences.” 
“correct - Ow-” stopping under a canopy, she removed her hood revealing her iridescent brown wavey hair that was in a loose french braid that she pushed aside and scratched the side of her neck. “Shawn, can you-” she didn’t have to finish for him to pull her closer to allow the warm yellow from above to cascade over her neck. He noticed a worn tattoo that has receding lines, leaving her neck and continue onto her shoulder, from what he could see. “what is happening?” 
“Nothing much, just your tattoo but I think its receding? Unless you had it done that-” 
“Shit. We need to get to the church. and quickly.” she started to cover up her neck to ignore the itchy feeling of her tattoo being rejected from her body which happens to those who are no longer mortal. Once the tattoo is gone, she won’t be able to use any magic again. She started to move but he grabbed her arm again and the rain had slowed down to a trickle. “Stop doing that” she tried pulling his hand off her. 
“No, let's go back to my place and get dry clothes. Then we can go to the church and you can fill me in on everything else.” 
“I can’t do that-” 
“Why? Because you will be expelled from your world? You already are so there is no harm.” 
“Shawn, this isn’t Harry-” 
“don’t care. it seems similar and that's why I am not freaking out yet. Let's go so we can figure this out-” We, she thought in her head. That wasn’t something she heard in a long time and didn't think she would ever hear again. “What?” he noticed a change in her features and held her hands as she paused and stared at him. There was a warm around him that she hadn’t seen before and she couldn’t take her mind off of it. He moved his hands and electricity emitted from them and sparks like stars fell from them. “Hey, what's wrong?” 
She shook her head “nothing, Let’s go.” He nodded but she pulled them into the opposite direction of his place and towards the church, 
“Hey, this isn’t-” 
“I know but we need to go. We are running out of time!” she shouted back towards him and held her hood over her tightly, so her iridescent hair wouldn’t give her away. They came to the entrance of the church and silently thanking the powers that be that the group of dark escorts weren’t around so she slipped through its small entrance with Shawn in tow. His hand squeezed harder which she assumed was from fear and nerves. Leaning down to her right here as he stood behind her, he looks up at the people in the benches as a sermon happened. 
“Should we even be here? We are interrupting-” 
“Shhhhh. Yes, just follow me and keep your head down.” Walking along the outside of the main room of the church, she spotted a cloak hanging off a hook and took it to hand to Shawn. “Put this on, we need to conceal you.” She places her hands on his chest as he wrapped the cloak around himself and pushed him to a dark corner as she whispered, “Profumo finto” and they both noticed a different scent radiating off of Shawn which she liked his other scent better but she winced as her tattoo receding more from using magic. “
Stop using magic. I’ll be fine. Why did you do that anyway?” 
“Because, if they smell your mortal scent, they will come after you and I can’t have that. You are my responsibility now.” He smiled and felt a warmth grow in his chest knowing it was only from her hands still on his pecs and when she moved them to lace up the ties by his neck and snap the buttons in place, he was saddened by the cold and heavy leather cloak replacing her hands. As they slowly walked down a side corridor, ignoring stares from the people in the pews, they turned and entered a side door that led downstairs. 
The people in the pews have seen her before and hated her kind especially as they kept coming back for medicine. “I don’t even know your name,” he whispered from behind. 
“Its (y/n)” she whispered as she placed a hand on Shawn's chest to stop him. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.” He nodded and did what she was told as she walked through a curtain and to a small room. 
“Oh Miss (y/n)’ an older lady, one of the healers, spoke out as she sat on her bench, grinding up herbs, 
“yes, Miss Jackie?” (y/n) walked over to her before grabbing her medicine from Penny, who was already waiting on someone else. 
“How much do you trust me?” 
“100%. You’ve helped me with everything, even before the loss of my rose.” She knew she could speak freely since everyone that came to this small room had lost their rose. “why do you ask?” 
“Because-” Miss Jackie wasn’t always a healer but a Seaer. Someone who could see into the future which caused her to lose her actual sight but made it easier for her to distinguish the present to the future. “you have royalty following you.” Her eyebrows furrowed then and she pulled the hood off her head. 
Leaning in, she put her hands on the desk to whisper to Miss Jackie, “I have no one following me. I’m here by-” 
It was Miss Jackie's turn to whisper, “he wears a fake facade, even under the one, you covered. Be careful, his brown eyes and curls can fool just about anyone.” (y/n) snapped her head back to the curtain with anger swelling in her eyes. She visited Penny and thanked her for her medicine before covering her head with her hood and leaving the room to find Shawn against the wall. He looked up from fumbling with his cloak and could see the anger in her eyes and his eyes went wide. 
“Hands please” she held out her hands in front of her, palms up and he grabbed hers. She ignored the sparks and stars coming from their hands being connected as she said “Mossa” and they both vanished into thin air. They relocated to his apartment, in the center of his living room. 
“Wow, that was-”
“A test and you didn’t pass. You were supposed to die and you didn’t”
“How did you find out?” Shawn said as he took his cloak off and laid it onto a nearby chair. 
“For one thing, a mortal would die if I transported them to a new location. Even when it was 5 feet away. The next thing was Miss Jackie, a Seaer told me about the one following me. I wasn’t magic on you and now I am gonna-”
“Hey wow, stop. You are not gonna die. You will be fine and back to normal” his hands were now resting on her upper arms, stopping her from freaking out. She could feel her tattoo receding to the middle of her back as it use to run from the side of her neck all the way down her back and the back of her right leg. She got this tattoo when she turned mortal, almost like a meter for her magic. 
“Do you have some magical potion that's gonna make me immortal again because that would be s’well.”
“Sort off, I have this-” he let go of her arms and held out his left hand, palm facing up. He rubbed his other palm to his outstretched hand and slowly swirled it up with golden streams of ribbon and liquid, swirling between his hands, slowly evaporating and revealing his rose. She knew everyone received a rose but for him to be able to protect it like he did and in such high fashion definitely ave him away as royalty. 
“Why are you showing me this? I can’t have that” She looked up at him with sad eyes, wanting ever so badly to accept his rose.
“Look again” He moved closer to her and brought the rose into full sight and revealed its true form. Her eyes widened and she gasped, causing her to cover her mouth.
“Is that- my rose? That’s my rose, just alive.”
“Actually, this is mine. I think we were meant to find each other. I first saw your rose in the street, where it still lays. Then I noticed how often you came down this street so I pretended to be the old man just so you had a reason to stay a little longer.” She could feel herself blushing again and then tears fell down her cheeks, knowing they could do nothing about it. “Hey, hey” he shut his hands together to conceal his rose and grabbed her face to force her to look at him. He used his thumbs to wipe away her tears. “I know this sucks but I may be able to get your rose back”
“w-what?! How?!”
“This time, I can’t tell you anything, you just have to trust me.” She knew she was going to die sooner than him and her heart ached knowing that fact so she said yes to the adventure knowing whatever she had to do was better than dying if it meant getting her rose back. 
“You’re not tricking me, right? Like-
“No, besides, I don’t think our hands would do this if we weren’t meant to be-” he grabbed a hold of her hand and raised the clasped hands up as stars and sparks flew from the connection and contact of their skin. Then he whispered, “I would like to fight for you.”
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What have been some creepy encounters you've experienced? Story please?
ive waited quite some time to respond to this message, like literally a long ass time lol, probably more than a year, sorry. i feel like i have several encounters to tell you about, but what im going to relay to whomever might be reading this right now is a thing that went on over the course of an entire year.
quick backstory: during the better part of 2017 i lived with my then boyfriend (who now is just my best friend since we broke up in october this year) in the old parts of the city center. all buildings in that area are from around 1870, and the building where we lived is one of the first ones to have been erected. his aparment was on ground level and it has all the features of turn of the century housing with the fireplace, original floors, weird nooks and crannies etc, and looks as if it was meant to be lived in by service people/kitchen personnel. it also had its original door (i suppose) with the kind of springy locking mechanism where you have to turn the key and pull down the handle real hard simultaneously to open from the outside, the knob is very tough to turn from the inside, and it locks itself instantly once you close it (so if you forget your keys youre basically screwed). it makes a loud brassy springy clicking noise when the lock shuts or opens. takes a lot of effort to open this old door and its loud, is what im saying. the entire apartment is all original details, the flooring in the corridor has its original wood planks, original ventilation, weird but beautiful glass panels on the door etc.
the key and the door unlocking from inside
first off, when he moved in, the landlord was missing a key in the set of four. my then boyfriend, lets call him C, didnt really think about it. he moved in, gave his dad one of the extra keys. the first weird thing that happened was when C got back from work in the afternoon maybe two weeks after moving in. in the middle of the corridor, on the floor, he sees the missing key. like smack dab in the middle of the narrow corridor leading from hallway to the bathroom, next to his boots. its too far in to have been thrown in by someone through the letter slot in the door, and could not have been dropped there by neither him nor his father since they had all of their keys. so he’s like, weird, but doesnt really think about it. he also told me that around that time he heard coughing from the corridor when inside his bedroom (it opens up to the right from the corridor once you step inside the apartment), but also waved it off since it might as well have been neighbours just outside in the hall.
next weird thing that happens is after we had started dating and i pretty much lived there with him, and this time i experienced it. i started work around noon whereas C left around 6 in the morning. so im in bed and its maybe 10 o’clock, and i wake up to that loud, springy clicking noise of the locking mechanism in the door. and im like, what is he doing home at this time? so i get up, but no one is there. the door is also juuust a little bit askew, as if someone was going outside but then decided not to, like its just shoved open enough for the lock to click open, but the door isnt opened, its still within the width of the doorframe if you get what i mean. so i look outside and the hall is empty. i should have been able to hear steps in the very echo-y stairwell (which is also old and the acoustics are fantastic because we hear everytime a neighbour passes by, and subsequently opens the building entrance door which is also a loud, heavy door), but heard neither steps, up or down the stairs in the hall, nor anyone opening the heavy entrance door, or any evidence of human activity. all is quiet. i get a bit freaked out, because that means that unless someone else had a key, our door was unlocked from inside.
i tell C when he gets back, and after this is where shit starts to ACTUALLY go down.
im going to try to remember all of this in the correct order, but i know it started in january 2017, and went on until he moved out in december.
the song in the hallway
C talks a lot in his sleep. sometimes he even sings, he speaks in english (we’re swedish) and  he has been known to get up and take a shower at one in the morning while still asleep thinking hes late for work. for those who are on heavy sleeping medication, u get it. its not weird, mostly its funny, and its just because of the medication. these things go on literally every night and it was a bit hard to fall asleep to loud talking and incoherent words sometimes because he used to go to bed three-four hours earlier than me, but i managed just fine. one night we were in bed, it wasnt that late but C was asleep, i was on my phone next to him. i hear this weird melody being hummed, thinking its coming from C i take out my earplugs and check, but its coming from the fucking hallway. again, no one outside in the stairs, just someone or something humming a melody in the hallway. i remember my hair standing up all over my body and i was glad i slept closest to the wall, C shielding me from being viewed directly from the hallway. somehow i manage to fall asleep. and this part is going to sound weird and like its made up, im very aware, but having been through this crap i dont really care because i know it happened: the morning after C was off from work, and i for once woke up before he did. if i wake him up and his medication hasnt ‘wore off’ yet i guess (dont really know how that works) he’ll be disoriented and it takes a few minutes for his brain to register that hes awake and he can speak coherently. i did not poke him, i did not try to wake him up, but all of a sudden i hear him humming that same melody, very much deep asleep. that freaked me out.
the mimicking begins
another night around that time, i was up at around 2-3 am to go to the bathroom. i wiggle out of bed, out into the corridor, at the end of the corridor is the bathroom. when im done, i scurry back into the bedroom, information of value here i guess is i always sleep with my socks on so im wearing socks, aka i dont make a lot of noise when i get up. when im back in bed, looking at my phone, i hear footsteps - from the corridor. the freakiest thing is its like they are imitating the way i walked back from the bathroom, i can so CLEARLY hear sockless, BARE feet on the creaky floor of the hallway, literally stepping at the same pace i did. that was my first thought; someone is imitating my footsteps. i can hear them from behind the wall in the hallway, coming to a stop at the opening into the bedroom. like someone is standing there, watching. i get so scared i hide under the covers and press myself close to C and cant stop feeling icy shivers down my spine. i also cant stop thinking that someone or something waited for me in the kitchen, then walked behind me, mimicking me, and is now standing at the beedroom threshold, watching me. somehow i fall asleep, or i dont, i cant remember.at this point, im thinking somethings up with that hallway.
the poorly covered hole
this part isnt anything scary/supernatural really, just uncomfortable and kinda sets the tone for living in this apartment at the time: in the bedroom, C had placed a clothing rack next to the old 1900s floor-to-ceiling ventilation pipe that is plastered into the wall in the corner. literally just a wide ass pipe in the corner of the room that isnt in use anymore. behind the rack, leaning against the pipe, he had put a rarely used pink neon tube light and i decided it would look cool to try it out, but it was dusty in that little nook thing where it was so i had to clean it up a bit. while moving the clothing rack to vacuum, i realize there is a hole at least as big as my hand in the side of the pipe. i was like ??the frick is this? and i poke into it and there is just this thin paper membrane covering it. you could almost fit an entire head through there, and i can literally feel wafts of cold wind moving through it. there probably used to be an attached pipe of some sort to allow smoke from the kitchen to go up into the ventilation like a hundred years ago, but the thought that this at least 1 meter wide pipe, wide enough to fit a person, goes up through probably all apartments above us, up through the attic, ending as an open chimney in the roof, has this big hole in it is just… unsettling to me. obviously the pipe is not in use anymore, but that kind of only made it scarier. ive seen enough scary movies for that to make me feel a bit paranoid lol. i was almost expecting a hand to push through that paper when i touched it. but i covered it back up with the clothing rack and nothing really happened with that.
the mirror incident
one night, me and C were getting ready to go out. im getting ready in the hallway, because thats where the big wall-sized full figure mirrors are (of course). C comes out of the bathroom, runs past me infront of me, veering off to the left into the bedroom, wearing only underwear. i look after him in the mirror, i can see him in the bedroom, in front of his clothing rack. im fixing my hair at the time, both hands on my head. to my direct left is the front door and the space with our shoes and jackets. right in front of the door, for a split moment while im turning back to keep looking at myself in the mirror, i see what looks exactly like C but paler, wearing only underwear, standing in the same position as me, turned away from me as if the thing is also looking in a mirror. heads on its head like its fixing its hair, just like me. imitating me. i get shivers just typing this down. i tell C what i just saw, i literally went: ”uh C? i just saw a man infront of the door”, dumbfounded, and we both got a bit freaked out, and got out of there pretty quickly.
learning about demons
a few weeks later, C invites his friend to comes to visit. im not there at that time so i never met her, but she apparently had a knack for sensing ghosts and picking up on energies etc. he told me that when he got up to get them more wine from the kitchen and left her alone in the couch in the bedroom, she said she really felt very uncomfortable sitting with her back to the hallway corridor. she also told him that ghosts and spirits are usually not malevolent and you can get by fine living in a ‘haunted’ house. but when he told her what we had experienced so far, she told him that ghosts usually dont behave that way, and that a rule is that if something is imitating or mimicking you, its probably not a ghost, but might be signs of fucking DEMONIC ACTIVITY. apparently demons like to mock and impersonate people. friendly caspers dont do that. fun.
realizing the triangle/cursed ground
so, yeah. weird things kept happening. but we had jobs, sometimes you just gotta ignore that shit and try not to live your life terrified of demons. which we still were for the record; i dont think we ever left each other alone in that apartment for any longer than necessary after that, i remember C actually staying at his dads during the time i went away to see my family.
anyway, when we had started dating C had introduced this podcast to me. its a swedish one where a guy called jack reads creepypastas, analyzes spooky stuff, old folklore, all that stuff, and also reads original content and real stories written by listeners. its really good and really creepy. so that podcast had been going for maybe two years by then so i had a LOT to catch up with, wich wasnt a bad thing at all. i remember by this time is was summer and i was out on the street smoking a cigarette after doing dishes, and the episode i was listening to was about the last of the execution spots/gallow hills (?? i guess is the correct term? not sure) in sweden. remember, we lived in the old part of the city center, in the northern part of the city. very old buildings, very old everything. so jack commences to talk about the famous last gallow hill in [our city] and where it was located, when the final execution took place and for what, how many people had been killed there and its entire bloody history. i almost drop my cigarette, because he says it was located on zenithgatan (”zenith street”), and where the gallows used to be there is now a kindergarten. so im on our street, just outside our kitchen windows, looking right at that specific kindergarten. just across the main road. i will provide a screenshot of a map and a street view of what i was looking at to let you know i am not making this up:
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so the street we lived on is called döbelnsgatan (”döbeln street”, döbeln is apparently a city in germany, i just googled that), at the very end of the street, our citys main old cemetary is juuust beyond our line of sight to the right from the kitchen windows and where i was standing. however, across from us: zenithgatan, with all of its bloody history. i couldnt help but to wonder how far the blood could had flown from there and where the bodies had been thrown, if this entire part of town is built on bloody ground etc. it really gave me massive creeps.
a few years later (which would be a few months ago, when i moved in to the room where i live presently) i happened to land a conversation about ghosts with my new flatmate. turns out she also used to live in those neighbourhoods, in an apartment on the third floor literally overlooking the cemetary, but on celciusgatan, which would be the next street over from döbelnsgatan (see map). and she told me, without me having said anything at all about all of this, that that part of town including her apartment has always been haunted. she used to see a shadow of a man through frosted glass doors, moving around in rooms that were closed when both she and her son and her sister were in the kitchen. she didnt experience any malice however, and also had someone come check it out for her, but apparently she just had nice ghosts. but we agreed that yeah, these buildings are literallty inbetween a cemetary and the gallows; there are probably bound to be a lot of lost souls wandering around.
this could also be over-analyzing it, but if you draw lines from the cemetary to the site of the executions to döbelnsgatan/celciusgatan, it makes a perfect triangle. while googling the translation of ‘döbeln’ just now it says right in the wikipedia description that it is located ‘somewhat in the middle of a triangle, made up by three cities’. coincidence, perhaps. probably. but still. by now im pretty conviced of anything that could hold any significance about all of this.
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the painting
later on, maybe by a few months, and C tells me when i get home from work that he had woken up that day, after i went to work, from the painting atop of his big secretaire/chiffonier/bookcase (its really a big piece of heavy furtinure, but lets call it bookcase just to be simple) coming crashing down behind it. that painting had stood there since january, at least 9-10 months, and had not fallen down ONCE. it was leaning against the wall, perched safely and steady on the bookcase, with at least a centimeter bookcase until the gap between wall and furniture. i remember thinking last time i looked it was covered in dust because no one even as much as dusted that thing off, and there had been no weird vibrations in the walls that would have shook it either. by this point we’re both very, very uncomfortable in this apartment.
the painting and the hollow in the wall
and here comes the final thing that happened before he moved out, the part that we have on film. ill have to ask my ex for the footage if anyones interested in it, which is fine.
C was doing a collaboration with some people on instagram, an educational account about depression, self-harm, anxiety and such. they gave him the assignment to film himself talking about personal experiences, i think they wanted maybe 13 videos or something like that, the theme being ‘death’ (those videos are still up, im unsure if they posted this one as it kind of strayed from the mental health stuff a bit, but i know C has it still). so at this time - maybe september or october? i really dont know exactly when this was, i could probably scroll on their instagram account but im too lazy - he was filming himself a lot. so, he brought up the painting crashing, and filmed us both while demonstrating how it physically could not have moved and crashed down behind the bookcase because of the way it stood on top of it. it would have been one thing if it fell forward, but then it would have landed on its front and fallen in front of the bookcase, probably shattered the glass. but it fell BEHIND it. on camera, you can see my hands pushing on it to demonstrate the way it went down into that snug space inbetween. you would have had to physically push on it, at least a centimeter back, from the front. so for some reason, i get the very random idea to knock on the wall behind it. which means, i stand in the corridor and knock on the corridor wall that divides the bedroom from the hallway. and i swear to god, this is ON FILM. i knock all over the wall and its all concrete - except for THE SPOT EXACTLY BEHIND THE FUCKING PAINTING. the wall is hollow. right behind the painting. where it stood leaned against on the other side. i cant explain why i all of a sudden tried knocking all over the wall, or why the actual fuck there is a hollow square in the middle of the corridor wall, but that really fucked us up. there were just too many weird coincidences, you know.
like, all of this happened, or seemed to be centered around, the corridor. as if our hallway was some nexus for supernatural activity. and with that hollow thing, it was like it was starting to make its way into the bedroom, you know? unsettling.
thankfully, C moved out of there in december and we didnt have to stay there anymore, but i sometimes pass by and think about asking the current tenant or the neighbours if they experienced anything strange. its just so eerie. the mimicking parts were the scariest to me, and i get chills thinking about them and reading it even now.
so, thats my long, long overdue creepy encounter. i am VERY aware i sound insane but, hey. what can i do. i am not one for lying and i know that so thats all that matters tbh. i have other encounters as well, but living in that apartment takes the fucking cake.
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Is Grey a Color [Biadore] Part 3 - Falling Snowflake
“I’m fainting.”
As soon as the words left Adore’s mouth, Bianca knew that they were both in trouble. She hastily grabbed the queen next to her, telling them to get anyone of the crew or judges. Too worried about what would happen, she didn’t even notice who she grabbed, only that Michelle suddenly stood before them.
Bianca looked at Adore, seeing the girl growing paler, and had difficulties standing up. Out of instinct, she wrapped her arms around her, but her knees were too weak and they were both just standing there about to hit the ground.
“Why doesn’t touching help?” Bianca could hear Adore whine, her words slurred. The older queen tried to respond, but her head was spinning. She honestly had no idea, she thought things would be fine. Fuck. They would have to go home now, didn’t they?
In a rush of things, suddenly Adore and Bianca found themselves alone in the untucked lounge except for a medic and a couple of the crew members. The medic checked on both of them, doing blood tests to check their bond status.
“Your bond is uneven,” he said. “Probably the most uneven I’ve seen yet. If I didn’t know better, I wouldn’t have thought you were bonded at all.”
Bianca frowned at him, unable to understand was he was saying. He started going on and on about how their bonds had developed at different speeds, and that there was a possibility Adore might had a really rare bond-condition that made bonding a whole lot more complicated.
“Wha’?” Adore looked in confusion over at the medic, who glanced over at Bianca.
“Your bond has such trouble developing that it can be outright dangerous for you, and even more dangerous for your soulmate. If your bond doesn’t develop fully, but your soulmate’s does, it will feel like you are dead. For the rest of their life. In a worst case scenario, you could kill your soulmate.”
Bianca and Adore looked at each other, mouths agape. What the fuck? They just held each other’s gaze for a while, until Adore broke down in heavy sobs. Bianca glared at everyone in the room and hugged her tight.
“I think I’d consider removing the bond, if I were you,” the medic admitted, although it obviously pained him.
“Leave,” Bianca snapped at all of them, as Adore’s sobs got even heavier. None of them could think clearly, and none of them really wanted to think or speak about what the future would hold for them now.
Although it had went unsaid, both of them had pictured their future together as a normal bonded relationship. Now they apparently had to decide if they were going to be bonded at all, or if Bianca was going to die from bondbreak. Great.
RuPaul walked into the room, no one following for once. She told them that she had spoken to the medics about what had happened. If they wanted they could take a two-day break from filming, or they could go home.
“But,” she looked at them. “This is your last chance. More complications, and I’m afraid I have to send you home. It would break my heart to do so, but it would break my heart more if one of you – or both – got seriously injured because of this.”
They both nodded in understanding, though they didn’t really want to comprehend what Ru was saying.
“Yes please, the break would be great,” Bianca said, still holding Adore. As they managed to gather themselves a bit, they had to join the other girls in filming the ‘after the non-elimination’ segment. Bianca tried to be her usual self, but she really couldn’t. This was too much.
As all the filming stopped, and everyone were out of drag, Courtney spoke up.
“Michelle and Ru was going to send you guys home today,” he said to Danny and Roy, who just stared blankly at him. “We all protested. They couldn’t do that. Even Leah, Santino and the crew members backed you up.”
“More importantly, though,” Darienne looked at them. “What the fuck happened? You both looked okay, then the next second no one managed to get to you. Do you even remember grabbing Trinity and asking her for help?”
Roy just shook his head, continuing to pack his stuff slowly. As the others kept on asking him and Danny, Danny snapped at them.
“Okay, it’s none of your fucking business, okay?! A bond is very personal, and right now, what we’re going through?” Danny pointed between himself and Roy. “That is fucking hell! We got a message no newly bonded want to hear, and yet we had to hear it! Fuck it, we’re going to our room. If you have any questions, try RuPaul.”
Danny stormed off, dragging Roy with him without hesitating. Roy did follow him wordlessly, and both were miserable as they walked to their room once again. Maybe even for the last time, if they couldn’t figure things out.
Once they got into their room, they just sat there doing nothing. Not touching, not talking, not reading. Nothing. After 20 minutes, Danny broke the silence.
“I don’t want to kill you,” he whispered, looking at Roy. It was obvious that the boy was terrified, but honestly, Roy was too. “Should we break the bond?”
Silence filled the room again, and the two queens looked at each other. They had to make the right decision for both themselves and each other. Roy nodded wordlessly.
They let out a simultaneous sob as they hugged each other. Roy, not being one to cry, clutched him harder than he thought possible. He didn’t want to let Danny go, but he couldn’t put his life on the line here. They could still be friends, right?
No one wanted to let go of one each other, but when they did, their lips met in a passionate kiss. “I-I’m so sorry,” Danny managed to get out through the sobs, only resulting in more crying on either side.
Roy swallowed and nodded. “It’s not your fault, we’ll be friends. Maybe more later on?”
There were no more words shared that night, no more touches, and no sleep. Only tears and heavy thoughts about what the next day would bring. The day when they would both go back from colors, and the world would be just that little bit duller.
As the alarm clock went off the next day, they got out of bed wordlessly and got ready to head over to the medics. They needed to break the bond as soon as possible, because if Roy’s got stronger, removing the bond could be almost just as dangerous as keeping it.
Ultimately, the process was quick and painless. They were handed colorcontacts, as to not give it away to the viewers. Roy nodded gratefully and went back to the hotel. He asked one of the crew members if he was back in his old room, and they nodded. No more sleeping Danny, he realized with a sad smile.
It was weird, he thought to himself. The world was so boring in black and white. His chest felt so empty without the constantly pull from the bond. His mind felt so emotionless with Danny’s feelings gone.
“Fuck,” Roy sighed and ran a hand across his forehead. “I can’t let this get to me.”
The two days went by slowly, and Roy had done literally nothing but sketching and writing and reading. Anything to get his mind off of Danny.
When his alarm went off, and when he woke up to a world in greys once again, he felt endlessly disappointed. He put in his colorlenses, grimacing at how dull all the colors were. Fuck, he missed those green eyes and pink lips. He missed the soft pale skin under his fingers, and he missed his grumpy morning face.
Shaking his head, Roy went to find some clothes. Today they were going back to the werk room, and he would have to see Danny again. Because he was both nervous and annoyed, he didn’t really care much about what he wore. He just found something and put it on, looking at himself in the mirror. It both felt, and looked, as if something were missing.
He supposed it wouldn’t get much better, so he started walking to the werk room. He noticed that he was the first to arrive at their meeting place, so he waited. Then Shane showed up, looking curiously at him then pointing next to him with a frown. Ray shook his head with a sad smile, and Shane hugged him tight.
“It will be okay, you know,” Shane said. “You’ll find your way back together. You’re soulmates for a reason. Maybe you can’t be together right now, but so what? Maybe it will work even better when you’re out of here?”
“I certainly hope so,” Roy said, shrugging and accepting the hug. They didn’t get to talk much more than that, as Danny showed up. It was obvious that he was even more affected than Roy by this whole thing. He looked visibly depressed, and he didn’t even glance at Roy. Roy felt like hugging him and holding him tight, whispering words of encouragement into his ears, and telling him how perfect he was.
His train of thoughts were stopped as Shane started talking to Danny, and Roy blocked them both out. It was awkward, so he started talking with Ben as soon as he showed up. Once everyone was there and they were cleared to go, Roy let everyone else walk in before him. He didn’t want any cameras to zoom in on him and his sad ass.
Even though Danny looked more affected than him when only he and Shane had been there, Danny now looked completely unaffected, even joking along with Ben and laughing at jokes. Somehow, that made Roy even more irritable, and he was afraid that his mood would get the best of him.
And it didn’t take long before it did. One ‘okaaaaay’ from Laganja, and he was rolling his eyes, and when Laganja called him ‘mama’, he snapped at her, telling her that his name was Bianca. Luckily, the fight didn’t escalate as they were saved by the bell.
“Thank you Jesus,” Roy said, noticing how Danny’s laugh filled both the room and his ears. He wanted to hear more, so he just kept going. “Let’s roll, Mama!”
The mini-challenge was not really one to please Roy. Not only did he have to show off his lipsyncing abilities while lying on his back, upside down, he also had to watch Danny’s lips move through a whole song. He gritted his teeth, wanting to kill every single one of those bitches in the room. First of all, they were staring at his Danny’s lips, and second of all, he couldn’t kiss Danny’s lips. The whole thing made him even more grumpy, and he was scared for the main challenge.
Joslyn was announced the winner, and when the main-challenge was announced, Roy grinned. It was stand-up. He could do that. Perhaps it would even get his mind off of Danny for a little while too. It was a bit unsettling that the challenge came at his worst, but he supposed it might be good too. The more annoyed he was, the better his insults and comebacks were.
Roy tried writing down some jokes, but he knew that he was terrible at it. It just wasn’t his style. He couldn’t observe the audience as he wrote the jokes, so he found it extremely difficult. Suddenly he didn’t feel so confident anymore. What if this went horribly? What if he was one of the worst? What if they didn’t get his humor?
“All right, ‘Courtney is an asshole’,” he said, trying to lighten the mood slightly, but most of all to get a reaction from Danny. “Oh my god, that’s a guaranteed laugh.” Shane laughed and Danny smiled, so he was pretty satisfied.
After this, Roy started bickering a bit with Courtney and Joslyn, actually enjoying himself a little bit. Even the small distractions were small distractions. Especially when it was shady shade.
No one said anything for a while, but when Roy noticed Ben talking to himself and making gestures, he couldn’t help himself. He asked what he was doing, just to start a small conversation out of curiosity. After a bit of a passive aggressive fight between Darienne and Ben, the room was once again filled with tense silence.
Looking over at Danny, seeing how cute he was, Roy decided to at least try saying something to him.
“Adore,” he said, almost feeling nervous. “Are you gonna write material or are you just gonna write a card for guidelines saying ‘cool, awesome, chola, my mom, Libra’?” Joslyn added ‘Party’, so Roy added that as well with a laugh. Danny smiled at him and Roy felt happier immediately, but at the same time his heart was breaking even more.
“Fuck off,” Danny responded. “Fuck all the way off.”
Even though Roy knew that Danny didn’t mean it like that, both his smile and happiness dabbed down. He wanted Danny to sit on his lap and ask him what to do, and if this joke was funny enough, or if he had mentioned that he was a Libra enough times.
Roy wanted that more than he could describe, but he knew that it wouldn’t happen. Mostly because it was still too sore and too real for them, but also because you were advised not to touch your soulmate within the first week of removing your bond. This to make sure that you did not disturb the process, but it sort of made Roy even angrier about the whole thing.
Shane offered him with a pretty good distraction, though, by letting it known that Laganja was nowhere to be seen. And where was the bitch? Under a fucking table! Probably pretending to be a girl scout in a tent with a bonfire, topped off with that stupid no-smoking sign on her head. Because obviously, the attention whore needed more attention.
“I love it,” Roy said, probably sounding and looking as if he had seen it all and given up on life. “She’s under the table.”
Apparently, Roy wasn’t too far off about the girl scout-comment. Laganja was supposedly channeling her inner child by pretending to be in a tent and writing by herself. Great. He looked over at Danny, seeing utter shock on the boy’s face. Roy made a grimace as Laganja kept making these phrases, and turned back to his material.
Thankfully, RuPaul interrupted them all by walking into the room. They all greeted him as he went around the room to talk to everybody. Unfortunately, Roy was number two to be asked, and he smiled at Ru when he came over.
“Well, hello, miss Bianca!” Ru said, and Roy grinned at him, pretending to be a lot happier than he actually felt.
“Everyone’s looking to you to be the standout in this challenge. Does that make you nervous?”
Roy pulled a face, thinking about what to reply. Of course he was a bit nervous when everything he could think of was Danny Noriega, and how he couldn’t even touch him in the slightest.
“Concerned, yeah,” is what he ended up saying, deciding that he should probably not keep it dark and depressing and cheesy, and also spoiling the whole secret. They talked a bit of how Bianca’s insulting humor worked, but also about how he had helped others.
Only thinking about it made his heart shatter a tiny bit more, thinking about Adore’s – well his – cincher, so when RuPaul asked him who had helped him, he answered with humor. As usually.
“Well, they’re all helping me out by being horrible and making me look better. And I’m not just a nasty cunt, I will help them pack to go home. I mean, you don’t even got to fold some of the shit they’re wearing. You just ball it up. ‘Put that in bag number 5, bitch. Get to steppin’.’”
RuPaul left him, and Roy could see that Danny was staring at him. He smiled slightly out him, and the other boy turned around. Roy did get it, he really did. It hurt him too. On top of it all, Danny was probably feeling very guilty about the whole thing too.
He sat there, looking at Danny the entire time until RuPaul called them over to the middle of the room, dropping the bomb that they were going to perform for an elderly audience. Roy was a bit concerned, he hoped they liked a good ol’ rude bitch. Danny looked terrified though, and Roy smiled in amusement. Danny’s vocabulary wasn’t very wide aside from ‘fuck’ and ‘party’.
However, this was not the time to worry about Danny. He needed to worry about himself first. With a sigh, he went back to his place next to Shane and kept thinking about what to do.
As he was fixing his wig, Joslyn decided to tell all the queens the order they were going to perform in. He was going last, which was great, he would definitely leave in impression. He just had to make sure that it was a good impression.
The day of the stand-up show had arrived, and as they were doing their makeup, Darienne decided to ask Roy if he was worried, to which he replied that he didn’t know. Then when Darienne asked him what his worst nightmare was, Roy told him that it was sitting next to him, like they were doing right then.
“You’re like evil nice, like what’s with that?” Danny started saying, and Roy didn’t know whether he should be happy or sad. “Like you can’t help you ‘cause you’re helpful and you’re sweet, but you’re truthful, but you’re a dick.”
Anyway, Roy was pretty happy that Danny was talking to him at all, so he replied in a light-hearted manner. “Now, if you had said that on day one, I would have been your friend. It’s amazing we get this close and you’re leaving today!”
He realized he did let the anger shine through a bit, but he hoped Danny understood that he didn’t actually mean it. Danny let out a confused ‘what’ before Roy started laughing, and Danny told him that he hated him. It was all goodhearted, but only Roy and Danny knew how much pain that conversation caused them both on the inside.
With that, the conversation ended, leaving a really empty space in Roy’s chest where the usual pull from the bond should be tight and prominent. Now it just wasn’t there, and that was even worse. The rest of the queens, except for Shane, probably thought they were just bickering as soulmates.
The actual stand-up show went alright, according to Bianca. Darienne did better than expected, Adore didn’t do well, but she didn’t do horribly, and the same for Courtney. Trinity actually did really good, and Bianca was almost a bit proud. However, Joslyn was horrible. At least the audience wouldn’t be expecting too much from her after that performance.
Bianca had even had time to observe the audience a bit, so she felt like she did have a slight upper-hand as she went on stage. She went with her guts, and by a miracle, they all laughed. Somehow, maybe a cranky, rude, annoyed bitch was exactly what these people needed. Someone brutally honest.
At the end of the judges’ critiques, she felt good about herself. She felt beautiful in this classic Bianca look, and they told her that she did great and that she was the real thing. There was a huge possibility she could win this. They went to the untucked lounge, and had a pretty good time. They watched a video from Joslyn’s fiancé, and talked a bit amongst themselves.
Bianca, however, still had a lot of unresolved anger. That’s why she decided that she needed to talk to Laganja about the bullshit they had gone through when Laganja got a message from her parents. It didn’t really go that well, and Bianca should probably have felt bad, but she didn’t. Not in that moment.
Laganja went on and on about feeling attacked, and when Adore told Laganja that she wasn’t herself, she freaked out. She started talking about wanting to go home, and at that point, Bianca was ready to pack her suitcases and escort her away herself. Fuck that bitch.
They were called back to the main stage, where it was revealed that Bianca was the winner. Bianca felt a ton of relief, but she still felt a little bad that she hadn’t helped Adore anything at all. She could at least have given her some pointers.
Laganja and Joslyn ended up lipsyncing, and when Laganja had to leave, Bianca felt like smirking. Out of respect, and because she was a professional, she didn’t, but she wanted to. God only knows how much she wanted to. She danced a bit with Trinity before going back to the werk room with the others.
As soon as she saw the ‘xoxo Ganja’ on the mirror, she felt like jumping up and down in circles. Almost like Raja that time she won that challenge in season 3. Bianca didn’t actually hate Laganja, not really, but she was fucking annoying, and now there was one bitch less. One less bitch to beat before she could get her crown.
The other queens, mostly Adore, Courtney and Trinity, talked about how it ended, and Bianca was totally fine with it. That was until Trinity hinted to it being Bianca’s fault. God, why couldn’t people see that she was in a bad mood?
It did seem like Joslyn noticed though, as she congratulated her for winning the challenge. That made Bianca go through an array of emotions at once, and everything came out at the same time. It was probably confusing as shit, but she hoped she just seemed happy about winning with a sarcastic voice.
She shrugged it off and started getting out of drag, totally ready for their next challenge. Once he was done, he walked off without a word, going to him room. Roy needed some time alone, and preferably without Danny nearby.
It was as if lightning suddenly struck him, because Roy couldn’t breathe or think. He was lonely, he was heartbroken, he was confused, and he was upset. Unable to sleep, he laid awake and stared at the ceiling most of the night, only falling asleep an hour or two before he had to get up again.
As he got up the next day, he didn’t feel any better. This was painfully obvious the whole fucking day, even though he did do pretty alright in the hungman-challenge. The main-challenge however, just, no. It was a good concept, he was excited, but he somehow missed the mark completely on time management and didn’t have any time left to interview Georgia. Great job, Bianca. Real good!
Trying to forget about the whole thing, Roy put all of his thoughts and efforts into his animal kingdom outfit, trying to make it as detailed and beautiful as possible. He was pretty sure he did it quite well, but you can never know what Michelle Visage is going to say.
While they were in the untucked lounge, Adore was completely sure she was in the bottom two, and Bianca just wanted to hug her. She couldn’t, though, so she just stared from afar, hoping that she wasn’t right.
Adore had been right, though, and Bianca was probably feeling almost just as sad as Adore when they announced it. Especially since she was going up against Trinity, who had become a friend of Bianca.
The lipsync was fierce, sexy, and just incredibly fucking hot. Everybody’s pussies were on fire, especially Ru’s, and Adore got to stay. Bianca was truly happy for her, hoping and longing for her to come back to her again.
Adore stared back at her and shook her head before going back to the werk room, leaving Bianca to stand there in silence. A single tear fell down her cheek.
- Falling Snowflake
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atpeacewithme-blog1 · 7 years
*November 28th, 2016
Hey. It’s been a while. Give me a minute to catch up and read what I told you last. Okay wow. Well where to start. lets see…… Well Beauty and the Beast went… well. it was odd. Two nights before opening night a mom/co-director yelled at the director in from of the whole cast and took her children out of the show. one of them was a lead role. we has to switch around role but we made it work. opening night was great but then Frank (The Beast) got horribly sick and couldn’t come in for the next show so our Gaston (Justin) stepped in as Beast, our feather duster (Pearl) stepped in as Gaston, and a tech girl stepped in as feather duster. It was rough but we made it work, that was closing night. I was in a small ensamble concert with a couple friends June 9th 2016. We sang a choral piece we did last year called can’t think of a fake song name so I am putting nothing lol. It is such a beautiful piece. I went to a shrink for the first time and got medication for my Bipolar Depression. I joined band CLASS for senior year playing Mellophone and that is exciting. I started practicing in May during my lunch and then went to all the summer lessons even though I didn’t really need to because they were doing music I wouldn’t have to do but I eventually to tested on that so I am glad I went to those. I got my senior pictures taken July 11th 2016 and most of them turned out horrible but I really wish we can still order them because come on they are my senior pictures. John took me to a fair July 13th for my birthday and I did some stuff for the first time. JULY 15TH 2016!!!! I took my drivers test and passed, went home to make sure we had everything for the dmv, went to the dmv, didn’t have everything we needed, went home to get my social #, went to dmv, went home because we didn’t have the little blue card, went to dmv, FINALLY got my license. I wore a really cute outfit that day with a cute skirt. a guy commented on my skirt as i was coming out of my car going to the fun group I am in bus for a weekend thing. It was fun, scary because one of the 2 girls (Cerena/Kirsten) were there, but fun. GOT MY CAR JULY 21ST 2016!!!! Here I said what kind of car I have. HER NAME IS GEM!!!I went to a week long trip with that same group and that was also VERY scary because both of those girls were there. some stuff did happen towards the end with them but it didn’t really matter because I did have a fun time. Sport I am in camp was too hot. we had people passing out left and right. the last day we had to take our water breaks inside because it was so bad. I could really feel a difference in myself because of the medicine that I was taking for my depression and that is great. I got out of bed more and hung out with friends and my boyfriend!!! the rest of the summer was pretty fun :) *Rrrrrriiiiiinnnngggg* now time to talk about the beginning of SENIOR YEAR. pf course my schedule was messed up it always is so lets forget about the first few days. I started off perfectly. doing ALL of my work and having an A+ in every class. on September 10th my school had there first football game and my dad let me go out with John afterwards. we parked across from the new pier in my town because the water was nice and I didn’t get home until sometime after 12 because…..well…. lets just say I did something else I never did before. ooh Marie invited me over for Rosh Hashanah and I felt so honored haha. I tell Marie every single little detail that goes on between me and John and she did the same thing to me about her and her boyfriend.Sep. 24th the sport I am in went to their first competition of the season and we won 1st place :) Since I am captain I accept the award with the “co- captains” (they are not really co-captains but idk what else to call them without giving it away. oh well.) and do the salute with them and that was so cool and fun. here lets see if I can write the salute down, this will be difficult. (1-2-3-4-1-2-step-forward-fist and arm point to sky- fist and arm point forward- armdown-look up-arm up and point like pointing to stars and drop it to the right for 5-6-7- look straight ahead- arms sharp low V- right hand salute left hand on hip, 1-2-3-4-right hand fist- arms in fists by my sides) Oct. 8th was our second competition and we got second BUT we went up 4 points, which is a huge jump!! Oct. 14th was Senior night and I felt beautiful out on that field, and yes I did ALMOST cry. Homecoming was nice, I went with Marie’s little brother and I felt beautiful again. The sport rally thing was soo much fun!!!! Oct. 23 was our next compitition because the one on the 22nd got rained out and we got i think it was 5th. we went up maybe half a point. Oct. 29th was John’s 20th birthday. I got him a picture frame with a collage of 3 photos of us. when he opened it he hid behind my shoulder and started to cry. I didn’t know what to do. I asked if he liked it and he said yes thank you so much I love it. I thought that he couldn’t be crying just because of my gift what was going on and all he said was “sorry, it;s just, my birthday is always very stressful.” I still don’t know what happened that day. but I had a great time with him and I hope he also had a great birthday. Oct. 30th was trick or treat and this was the first year i WASNT going door to door. instead I was at my friend Hunter’s house doing his haunted trail. I was the first person the the people walking through would see, I was in the asylum. sadly an hour in it started to thunderstorm. my friends were next in line to walkthrough.I was so upset because I was having an awesome time. Oct. 31st I dressed up as a Disney villain for school and that night was the halloween Parade and since I am the only sport captain I get to walk in the front all by myself!!!. I messed up a couple of times but that is because I was so nervous that I would mess up and the girls behind me would make fun of me.. which I think they did. anyway that night was still fun. My school’s first time going to a big sport’s competition was Nov. 5th and it was a long bus ride and we had to be there at like 4am.  sadly we took 6th out of 8th but we moved up a little more than a point which is the good thing. I was behind on a lot of history work because everytime I had a college visit or a guidance appointment it was during third period. luckily I have a teacher who is still letting me make up all the work im missing. Nov 5-13th we had off for a teachers convention (this is including the weekends btw) and this whole week we were in PA and I looked and my 2 top colleges Seton Hill <3 and West Chester. they were both so beautiful. both so very different. but both so beautiful. Seton Hill is still my top school. Nothing else really has happened since then. I finished my first draft of my college essay today, yesterday I applied for the community college near me, and started on the applications to the other schools I want to apply to. hopefully Ill apply soon. Tomorrow (later today(it is 3am)) starts a few new clubs I joined so I am excited for that, and I believe this year’s musical’s info is coming out either tomorrow (later today) or tuesday (tomrrow). being sport captain is so so so so much fun but very stressful because I know the 4 years do not like having a 3 year tell them what to do. I hear the whispers I am not dumb. but i am putting on my brave face and ignoring it because that is what I have to do. oh and one last thing. Justin is like in love with me and keeps flirting with me. I told him to stop many times and then he does, but then starts up again, the last time he did it was very recent and John said he is getting real tired of it so I hope Justin really does stop this time because I want to be FRIENDS with him because he is a nice kid, but that is all i can and WANT to be, friends. okay now I think you are all caught up. Till next time. Peace.
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