#sorry reading smthn a long time after you WROTE it
fanmoose12 · 3 years
I am not over it. I am SO not over IT. I read the SNK manga YEARS ago when it was only chapter 100 and one day I had the dumb idea to continue that shit. I am not PLEASED and Hanji's death UTTERLY WRECKED ME, someone who wasn't even a Hanji Stan!! reading the manga made me fall in love with her quiet determination, leadership skills, and sense of duty when before I was more of an Armin type of girl? She just. won me over. and her death was NOT OKAY. I CRIED while saying no no nO NOOO OH MY GOD -
and it TORE ME APART and she was the only person in my mind ever since and I couldn't read the manga in the same nonchalant way ever again. i'm sorry i promise im getting somewhere! it legit ruined my moods and made me so sad all the time IT WAS THAT BAD and i started hating eren with absolute passion. Idek where to start? How her death was pointless & nobody gave a fuck?? and Levi thought of FRICKING ERWIN instead of Hans & I wasnt even a Levihan shipper it doesnt make SENSE! He just LOST HANS
-- and all he can think about is FUCKING ERWIN. come on MAN, and she parented the 104th even REINER had more emotions than these mfers. Everyone is alive EXCEPT HER, like onyakapon and even yelena, minor characters, it just feels so UNFAIR, i'm not mad abt death, i breathe angst like it was chocolate it was just so pointless and meaningless and no one even grieves, especially Levi who was closest to her. there was just no room for her in the plot anymore and thats what makes me pissed -
- not bc it was her time, but bc she ran out of uses to the plot and like in GOT where the character is smarter than the author. not only that, she was made so powerless and pathetic and she felt so useless and she died like that. where's the justice? the character arc? right she was there Just to Save Levi :// it's like that quote from gone girl - "the world will know that [man] threw his beloved wife like garbage, and she floated past down all the other abused, unwanted, INCONVENIENT, women"
(sorry for the fem pronouns, i'm all abt anime hange here). and its not like she wasnt a fan favorite, she's top 3 of the last character poll. just bc shes not levi and eren and armin. and cmon. yams had to nerf and minus 100 out of her iq for the INSANE plan of fucking zeke and the yeagerists, can you BELIEVE she trusted and was OUTSMARTED by ZEKE, who legit massacred the survey corps, even though SHE HAD THE SAME LEVEL OF IQ?? but noooo, plot reasons!! shes not eRwIn, what you expect 🙃
im upset, not bc my fav character died but bc it was meaningless (if falco can fly, why tf didnt he do that in the first place) and hollow in logic and in emotion. maybe snk's lesson to us is life is unfair and we should suck it up. it wasn't well earned & yams wrote hanji in a corner, like (again) in GOT where no matter what daenerys chose she was wrong. sorry i dumped all this to you!! if you're still here, thank you for listening to my month long pent up emotions, im still really sad about it
- and idk how to let go? but your writings have definitely made me feel better, it just comforts me like Levi to a bottle of bleach. thank you for still writing!!! about an anime girl in a fictional world and still delivering more emotion than the original author. my heart definitely feels better these days, though it still aches bc she deserves so much better & didnt deserve whatever the fuck she was given, thank you for championing hanji zoe rights! im 99% sure she wont be revived -
but she lives on in your writings and other fanfiction authors and artworks and i'm just so grateful we have a community like this, honestly im just glad you're here :) keep doing what you do and i hope you're safe and warm & healthy!! also to every hanji stans out there one fucking day when we love a character the author wont rip our hearts and throw it to the garbage, im so so sorry for my long long ask but if i could request maybe eren apologizing to hanji inpaths or when she got captured or
or when she died or you choose!! i saw this art by @siroyuki 2015 in twitter where he's hugging her and shit, you should check it out it gave me feels!! i just want her to be loved and appreciated :((( again thank you so much if you made it this far! im sorry if you're annoyed or smthn HHAHAHA i promise this is the last! thank you for your service to humanity we stan 💪😩👌💕💞 
ah don’t you let canon frustrate you, it doesn’t matter anyway :D like you saud, we still have fics and fanarts
however, yeah, i do kinda feel you :/ like the way yams keeps glossing over hange's death is actually a bit weird? like i know they're at war and i know that they have no time for grieving etc but the kids were literally bawling their eyes when hange died but no mention of her sacrifice at all after that? like in 136, gabi said that they should stop the rumbling to repay azumabito's kindness and that's ummmmmmm.... a little bit weird. sure, gabi is a little girl with no connection to hange but reiner, jean and connie were there, when gabi said that and they saw hange’s sacrifice, so why not say something like “yeah, we can’t let commander hange’s sacrifice go to waste?” like come on. what did azumabito do? let falco transform on the board of her ship, so now she travels on a boat? i don't think that can compare to hange's acts though. she literally brought these mfs who were ready to jump at each other's throat together and then she sacrificed her own life to give them yet another chance at success. a sacrifice that was proved to be utterly meaningless in the very next chapter? why did falco learn about his ability to fly only after hange died? why didn't he discover it upon first transformation? :/
oh, and speaking of hange's character arc? like i get it, she was depressed, she struggled with her role as a commander (even though she did everything she could and she did a damn good job at it). and i guess that this plotline was kinda resolved when she heard that erwin approved of her actions? and that's cool, if what we've seen was actually an afterlife and not hange's hallucination. because if it was indeed a product of her mind then that's, um, kinda depressing bro. hange was so desperate for someone's approval that she dreamed about it while literally dying. i just don't understand why yams didn't include a scene where kids tell her how much they respect her and what an honor it was to serve under her command or SOMETHING. but as it is, hange died, thinking she was weak and useless and, um, yeah, certainly not the end you want for your favorite character :)
so yeah, hange's death was kinda meaningless and pointless - it didn't serve the plot whatsoever + it could have been very easily avoided 
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vsullivan · 5 years
Lucky 7 | Steve Harrington x Reader - pt. 1
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Okay, so I wrote smthn for stranger things?? I haven’t written in a while pls forgive badness pls and thank. Idk if i’ll do more parts ihfoiqsdhfei I just fell in love with this show and Steve. 
She remembers looking into his eyes, searching for the tendril to connect her mind to his own. When she did, she grasped it tightly, for not a second later she was harshly sucked into another world entirely. Before her stood he, stiff as a board. His eyes were vacant, non-searching despite the wave of light that began to stream into this realm of darkness.
                                            Chapter 1: The Experiment
 She remembers looking into his eyes, searching for the tendril to connect her mind to his own. When she did, she grasped it tightly, for not a second later she was harshly sucked into another world entirely. Before her stood he, stiff as a board. His eyes were vacant, non-searching despite the wave of light that began to stream into this realm of darkness.
This light took the form of memories, all of his own. From birth till’ present, everything his eyes have seen are now on display for viewing. She’s done this before, so she knows full well how long it could take to find one particular moment amongst a grown man’s entire lifetime. As it would be, all she had in both worlds was time.
  The process allows her to learn more about the person than that they, or anyone close to them, have ever known. She sees firsthand how this man passed his fifth-grade math test by side eying the paper of a young girl who sat beside him. She witnessed the moment he became a father. She also felt this excitement; experienced the pure joy he felt after receiving that C+, and the sense of ultimate adoration upon viewing his son’s face for the first time. She was also filled to the brim with a mixture of dread and ultimate shame as his wife burst into their shared room to find him in bed with the vice principle of their son’s elementary school.
Eventually, she came across the scene she’d been searching for. She watched as one of the men in long white coats handed this same man a sheet of paper. It listed a series of random words, alongside one sentence that read: When you wake up, list these words in the same order they are written.
And then, she opened her eyes. The blood dripping from her left nostril went unattended as she stared ahead, through a glass pane, into the eyes of the same man she’d seen cheat on his math test and on his wife. “Unrequited.” She began slowly, “Wilderness.” Her leg began to shake, “Representative.” She remained careful to announce every syllable, “Kettle.” Then, she inhaled sharply, “Infidelity.”
She then exhaled, blinking for the first time since she’d awakened from her journey through the stranger’s mind. On the other side of the glass, the man in the white coat nodded his head as he recorded the time it took for her to find that moment in the man’s memories. She noticed that the stranger was wearing a different outfit, alongside having a cleanshaven face from what she’d seen in his mind, while he now adorned a thick beard and clothes that seemed to have come right out of the 60’s.
She jumped as a voice sounded from above, it got her every time. “Your timing has improved since the last experiment.” It said. “Continue this progress.” She resisted rolling her eyes – a facial movement she’d picked up from an elderly woman who as a teenager, would use it to symbolize annoyance when her younger siblings would complain about her to their parents. What she wouldn’t give to have parents to complain to about these experiments she was forced to partake in.
“Now, reapply your eye mask.” She did as she was told, for no one could enter a space with her until she put the mask on, and she was all too eager to be escorted back to her room - the only place she was somewhat able to be alone.
As she placed the fabric over her closed eyelids, the sleeves of her long shirt rode up to reveal the lettering on her wrist;
She then settled both arms down her sides. And with that, the door to the room opened before she felt two strong hands on her shoulders begin to push and guide her towards the next destination.
“Seven!” The loud call of her name startled the young woman out of her flashback-induced trance. For that she was grateful - she hated reliving the years she spent as an experiment for the twisted wackjob she used to call “father.”
The door to her room swung open, revealing the owner of said voice from before. “Please come talk some sense into El, I beg of you.” Now the only twisted wackjob she had to listen to was the lovely Jim Hopper, who’s current facial expression was a hilarious cocktail of desperation and exasperation as he stood in the doorway. Seven bit her lip to stop a smile from forming at the sight.
“Come on kid, it’s not funny.” He huffed before turning his head to look across the small hallway, aka the location of El’s room, before turning it back to Seven who was currently sitting cross-legged on her bed with a book in her hands and small grin plastered on her face. “Those two are seriously way too close, she needs an older sister to snap her out of this puppy love.”
Seven shook her head lightly as she closed the book she held and placed it on the space beside her. “Now, you know I can’t do that.” She spoke as she stood up from her seat and headed towards her adoptive father. “But I can try to prevent teen pregnancy.” Hopper grimaced at the sentiment but still nodded in agreement as he stepped out of her way.
“It’s something, I guess.” He sighed and rubbed his forehead with the palm of his hand. “God forbid the chance of another screaming child around here.”  Seven snickered at the thought, turning her head to look at him before she twisted the doorknob to El’s room. “You know you can’t live without us.” He signed again before saying “Yeah, well sometimes I feel I won’t live much longer because of you two.” This caused her to chuckle before she opened the door and stepped into what could only be two teens up to no good.
Seven heard two gasps as she looked down to find El and Mike scrambling away from each other. She couldn’t help but grin in amusement while watching the two settled down at opposite ends of the mattress, both of their faces flushed red from both the kissing and someone other than Hopper walking in on them.
The room was silent for a few moments, Seven not uttering a word as she crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow at them. Finding the silence unbearable, Mike decided to speak first. “Uh, um, we weren’t doing anything bad, bad.” Eleven quietly nodded as the boy continued his nervous explanation. “And-and, we would never do a-anything that crossed the line.”
Seven looked between the two of them, that eyebrow of hers not wavering as she continued to give them an expectant look – for this is not the first time Hops has begged her to intervene in a teen makeout party in El’s room. “We’re sorry.” The younger girl then spoke up, her brown eyes filled with worry and slight embarrassment – Hops’ scolding has never really phased her, but Seven’s really get to her. Whenever she’s reprimanded by her older sister, which isn’t often, El’s mood hits rock bottom and won’t get better until she and Seven have made up.
“It’s okay, we just really don’t want you two to get carried away.” Seven replied, uncrossing her arms as she moved to sit next to Mike at the end of the bed. “Do you know how hard it is to take care of a baby?” El and Mike both grimaced and made the typical ‘ewie’ sound. “Gross.” Mike stated, “You don’t have to worry about that.”
Seven smiled and patted his shoulder before standing up. “I better not.” With that, she told the two to keep the door relatively ajar and waved them adieu. As she faced the door to her own room, an idea suddenly popped into that big brain of hers – the same one that rears its head every day. That idea being she wanted some Scoops Ahoy ice cream, or really to have Steve Harrington serve her the ice cream, or actually just see Steve in general.
At the beginning of summer, she’d gone to see Steve at his new job in the mall. The two had become relatively, kinda, but still not really good friends since saving Will Byers from the flayer? Hops had absentmindedly pointed out that she was going to the mall an awful lot. He was joking, but she perceived that to be a sign that she should slow down her visits, not wanting to make herself look creepy. Mostly because prior to summer break, the only time she and Steve spent together always consisted of the six kids, Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers, alongside Hops and Joyce Byers or anyone in on the supernatural shit they were all dealing with. It was also spent with a lot of Steve, as Dustin had put it, making “goo-goo” eyes and flirting with her and her not realizing it in the moment so she accidentally makes situations awkward. A perfect example would be when she was cleaning Steve’s wounds after his fight with Billy and he looked up at her with a pained, yet grateful expression. His eyes were twinkling, filled with an emotion she’d couldn’t place as he said, “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” And you know what she said to him? She said, “I fell over Billy, but I landed on you, so it didn’t hurt too badly. I’m sorry about that.” Somehow, he found it in himself to slightly laugh at her response. Choosing to keep quiet as she continued her work.
It was later when Nancy told her that it was a pickup line, which Seven quite literally wanted to kick herself for not realizing that in the moment. In her defense, she was worried about the boy and all of the new friends she’d made, she wasn’t in the headspace to recognize any form of flirtation. Actually, let’s just be real. She doesn’t know how to date. She doesn’t know how to take compliments. She doesn’t know how to flirt. When Steve smiles at her or tells her she’s pretty that poor heart of hers just melts while her brain self-destructs. He’s asked her to go places with him, which she assumes would be considered “dates.” And she really, really wants to go, but there’s always something preventing that “yes” to leave her lips. Something always stopping her from verbally reciprocating his advances.
She knows what that something is. She pretends like she doesn’t, but she knows. She knows she feels like he deserves someone “normal.” Someone who can’t look into your mind, can’t talk to you without even opening their mouth, can’t ‘mind control’ (as Dustin put it) people into doing what she wants. She doesn’t want to acknowledge it because if word ever got to El that she thought this way, she knew it could very well effect how Eleven looks at herself, not that Seven thinks she should. Because she doesn’t, her adoptive sister deserves the world – period. However, everybody is a hypocrite in some sense, and this is where Seven is the definition of. Despite Steve already knowing of her powers, she just can’t bring herself to let him insert her weirdness into his life. She would prefer him never seeing her use her powers at all, thank you.
Shaking herself of these thoughts, she decides it wouldn’t hurt to go see him. She wouldn’t even need to go in and get an ice cream. She would be perfectly fine just glancing at him as she passes the store.
Guess she completely forgot her goal was to not look creepy.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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do-kyngsoo · 4 years
i feel the same way about kolo (ksoo solo). at the beginning of the year there were rumors hed be in a subunit called sky w chanyeol and jongin or smthn but no. idk if it's him who doesnt want it bc hes busy w acting, but ik a lot of ppl are waiting for an r&b album from him. ive been waiting for a chansoo unit since like growl era but since chanyeol is in sc now, i dont see that happening
I don't think it's that he doesn't want it, there are a lot of accounts of him saying he wants to do a solo, one time where at a fansign where a fan asked if he was doing an ost for his movie and he said sm was heavily against it, he's said a few times that he wishes he could be a part of cbx too, not to mention all the times that he's with chanyeol in the studio composing songs and writing lyrics. So i highly doubt that he doesn't want to or that he wants to just focus on acting, tbh i think most of that are words coming from non ksoo stans who would prefer him to stay away from singing so their bias could have more opportunities which is sad but fans are like that i guess 😔
All the times chanyeol or jongin said they wanted to be in a unit with ksoo definitely got my hopes up too (ive basically been waiting for a chansoo unit since i became a fan lool) but exo sc did a great job and im glad it happened because until obsession dropped what a life was my favourite album for the year
And another thing i've seen a lot is people (again non ksoo stans) saying that sm probably doesn't think his album would do well which honestly is laughable. Ksoo is arguably the most popular exo member in korea through his acting, I mention this case every time but the fact that during exolympics ksoo was one of the top trending on his own in korea (and japan) because people didn't know that private won from along with the gods was actually an idol singer, ksoo has brough exo a lot of male and older female fans through his acting too just because they were curious to know more about him.
If you combine that with the stats for that's okay, this unpromoted station song topped the charts when it was released, it stayed in the top 100 for a long time (i think months) and then if you compare it to other sm solo releases
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2 of the songs above it were released months before it and were part of full promoted albums (with music shows and interviews etc) and the last song was released a few weeks after and was an ost for an extremely popular drama for the year (plus taeyeon is a digital beast so its to be expected lool). I'm not saying this to put others down because they fully deserve the figures they have but my point of it is to show that if ksoo can get these kind of figures on the other artists levels for a single unpromoted song with an mv that doesn't even have him in it then imagine what he could have done with a full album and a bit of promotion 🤷🏽‍♀️ plus so many idols and other korean celebrities have all recommended his song, said that ksoo is the idol they would want to collab with and when describing the song mentions the lyrics (that ksoo wrote) and ksoos voice as the main reasons they like the song so the boys got talent but we knew that 😂
i always go on a super long rant with these and i'm sorry to my followers for this but i feel like ksoos solo is LONG overdue, he is a MAIN vocalist yet has hardly ever been treated that way by sm (don't even ask me about the list of how many solo, collab and unit songs ksoo has released compared to the other members...it makes for extremely depressing reading and i wish i never looked)
but also i'm mad at a lot of other member stans disregarding ksoo as a main vocalist too and trying to use the excuse of him acting as a reason for why he shouldn't sing and especially knowing that their reasons for saying this are really selfish, they should support every member instead of trying to push one to the side
bottom line: sm better give ksoo his solo album when he returns or i will personally find lee soo man to yell at him
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birdybirdnerd · 5 years
on a serious note this is entirely unedited word vomit that im gonna clean up like. tomorrow or smthn and post to ao3 bc im proud of it in some way and alos my ao3 has been dead for MONTHS and its killing me
enjoy!!! now i die
EDIT now cleaned up and posted to ao3! gonna make a separate post about Specifically That but thought id throw it here too for posteritys sake
Jon was still staring at Martin’s phone, the cryptic message from Jane Prentiss shining up at him, when movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He looked up in time to see Martin sway dangerously on his feet. 
“I think I’m-” 
Martin’s eyes rolled back in his head and Jon was on his feet in an instant, phone falling to the floor so he could catch the other man before he fell too. Jon stumbled, almost toppling as well, but he managed to catch Martin under his arms before he hit the ground. 
“Martin, what the-” he started, grunting from the effort. “Martin?” 
But he was out cold. Jon huffed; seems like the adrenaline fueling him finally wore off, letting the week of stress and no sleep take its toll. It could have happened in a more… convenient place, but Jon admitted he was at least glad Martin had made it back to the Institute before it happened. Wouldn’t want him passing out in the middle of the street. Or back at his apartment, where Prentiss could return at any moment. 
Jon grimaced and braced himself, hauling Martin up and looping one of his arms around his shoulders. It was awkward and took a few minutes of adjusting his grip and nudging doors open with his foot, but he managed to haul Martin through the Archives to the spare room. Thankfully, no one intercepted them on the short trip. It would have been awkward, to say the least, to explain the situation, and Jon was feeling the beginnings of a headache settling at the back of his brain from all the questions that kept cropping up. 
He debated just dumping Martin on the cot and leaving, but sighed and shook his head. The poor boy had been through a lot. The least he deserved was a modicum of comfort. Jon laid him down as carefully as he could, pulling off his shoes and tugging at the thin sheet underneath him to free it. 
He settled it on top, tucking the edges in, mind still whirring as the events of the day and Martin’s words played on loop in his mind. There was so much they still didn’t know, and every statement he read only added more questions to the list, only complicated things further. And Martin, having gotten so caught up in things directly, now weighed down on his mind as well. 
Smoothing Martin’s hair out of his face, Jon sighed again. Evidence of his harrowing two weeks was evident in the lines on his face, the darkness under his eyes visible even in the dim light filtering in through the doorway. But he looked somewhat peaceful like this- sleeping, REM not quite started. That would no doubt bring nightmares - it always did - but for a few minutes, at least, Martin had oblivion. 
Jon didn’t realize for a few moments that he’d kept stroking Martin’s hair, watching him breathe steadily and absolutely lost in thought. When he did, he frowned, removing his hand and clearing his throat. That was enough of that, he decided. His own lack of sleep was affecting him. Well, the cot was taken, so Jon would have to find somewhere else to stay for the night. Returning to his own flat, after hearing Martin’s statement, made him feel uneasy. The break room couch, then. 
That decided, Jon turned towards the door to leave. 
And slammed his knee into the desk. 
“Fuck!” he shouted, momentarily forgetting himself. 
A gasp from behind him, and Martin was shooting up in the cot, breathing heavy. “Who- who’s there?” he called, voice cracking. “Where am I? Is Prentiss-”
“It’s- it’s just me, Martin,” Jon bit out, clutching his throbbing knee. “Hurt myself on this bloody desk, that’s all. You’re at the Institute. Go back to sleep, everything’s fine.” He cursed again, this time under his breath, as he rubbed at the sore spot. 
“O-Oh. Okay.” Martin’s voice was still shaky, but smaller now. Jon could hear him swallow thickly in the darkness. “H-How did I, how did I get in here?” 
“You passed out in my office,” Jon explained patiently. “I carried you in here. End of story.” 
“Ah.” There was silence for a moment. “Thanks.” Barely a whisper. 
“Don’t mention it.” Jon straightened up, sending the dark shape of the desk one last glare, and headed towards the door again. 
“Do you-” Martin started, before cutting himself off with an audible snap of teeth. 
“Do you think- no, it’s stupid. Never mind.”
Jon stopped in the doorway. “What, Martin?” he asked again tiredly. 
Martin seemed to chew on his words a moment, avoiding Jon’s eye, before the question came out in a rush. “Doyouthinkyoucouldstay?” 
Jon blinked. Blinked again. “Sorry, repeat that.” 
Martin chuckled nervously. “No, it’s fine, I said it was st-” 
“I said do you think you could stay?” Martin asked again, voice high and panicky, looking anywhere but at Jon. “‘Cause I’ve been alone for thirteen days now and I really don’t wanna stay alone and I’m really tired and don’t like the Archives when it’s late at night but-” 
Jon cut him off. “Yes, fine Martin, I’ll stay.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose, the headache now residing behind his eyes. He left the door open a crack, just enough to let the faint moonlight that streamed through the windows outside cast the room in a dim blue light. Just enough to see where he was going, now that his eyes had adjusted better.
“You don’t, I mean, you don’t have to stay the whole night,” Martin babbled, twisting the sheet between his hands as he spoke. “Just, just stay ‘till I fall asleep again, I guess. I won’t make you stay the night, can’t really, you know, just- just need someone nearby until I’m out, I guess.” 
“Of course,” Jon said, dragging the desk chair to the edge of the bed and collapsing into it. It was far less comfortable than his own desk chair, but it would fulfill its brief purpose just fine. “Go to sleep, Martin.” 
“Okay, yes, doing that.” There was the sound of shuffling as Martin got comfortable again, then silence. Then, “Thanks again.” 
“Don’t mention it.” 
Martin hummed in response. 
He was out in seconds. Jon watched him sleep, telling himself he’d wait just a few moments longer to make absolute certain he wouldn’t wake again at the first slight noise before leaving. And really, he was giving his legs a rest after hauling Martin here in the first place. And his knee still ached a little bit. And it was so late… 
Jon really didn’t mean to fall asleep in the chair, watching Martin sleep peacefully. And so long as he woke up before Martin did, and before anyone got to work that morning, then no one would know. 
Well, his back would. But that was his own fault. 
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yeont4n · 7 years
Hunter the koreaboo djdjdjdjjd tell us more
In my middle school there is this dance called an 8th grade formal which is exactly what it sounds like (a formal dance… in the 8th grade…) and just for the record, school dances are not and have never been my thing; went to the ones in previous years of middle school and didn’t really dig it (hence why I skipped junior prom this year..but that’s a sidenote.)
So I’m sitting in lunch w my friends eating a plain hot dog roll (I would just throw out the hot dog lol👐 who’s to blame me) and all of a sudden there’s this kid on his knee to my left who MIND YOU I HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE, I DON’T RECOGNIZE HIM IN THE SLIGHTEST!!!!! HE PULLS OUT A LIVE FISH (in a water thing it wasn’t just flopping around) AND A BOX OF HELLO PANDA COOKIES (????idek if that’s a Korean brand I know they sell them at target though) AND HE GOES (word for word) “ou t of all the fish ijn the sea will u go to formal with me?????”
I’m just absolutely speechless. I.. literally don’t know what to say because 1. I’ve never been asked out before EVER 2. I don’t know who the hell this boy is? Deadass no clue? and 3. I /hate/ being the center of attention. ////hate//// it. (I know ikm a Leo, I know.)
So the entire lunch wave (most if not all of my grade) crowds around us and starts to chant SAY YES SAY YES SAY YES you know, as kids do… and I just kind of stammer around the question.. he won’t make eye contact with me and all my friends are bandwagoning so I’m on my own… I filibuster until the vp breaks up the circle and brings me and h*nter out into the hall alone. Just to clarify, at this point I had no opinion of him , I thought it was kinda cute and ballsy of him to do this and I felt bad for not wanting to say yes… but I really…really… did not want tok say yes. He gave me a bunch of generic compliments and I basically said “sorry I’m not planning on going to the dance anyway” and he sort of hugs me awkwardly and t hats that.
Now the next week, I’m not even in school, I’m on a fucking Disney cruise to the Caribbean. So I don’t even think about him and the fish incident until I come back the week after and… everyone’s buzzing aboiut him planning something else… it was around this time that I start realizing who he is and I find his social media stuff and….. oh ….. .. .. u guessed it….. … all kpop … he loved it, lived it, breathed it. He would do idol makeup every day, watched dramas religiously, this was around the time gangnam style took off too so he was riding that trend straight into the ground. (Also important tok remember that I didn’t even like Korean pop culture until a few moknths ago…. he has a small part in that haha) Well just listening to kpop/watching dramas obviously doesn’t make u a koreaboo but he’s had an Obsession with me (and I can really call it that, just wait) for 3+ years without having ever spoken to me… and I’m coincidentally the only south Korean girl in the school??? The ONLY one??? He knew nothing about my personality or even that I was adopted and had 0.00 connection to my cultural roots . Anyway.
I’ll wrap this up seeing as I’ve spent like 15 minjutes typing this out. -he asks me a second time to formal, now with a bouquet of roses ??? I basically had a panic attack of sorts and hid in the library the rest of the day bc half my school thought I was s mega bitch for not pity dating him -i have a piano recital that same night but I already told my teacher I had formal so I ended up skipping both and staying home watching tv hahaha -but hunter was sobbijng (kSOBBINGND) in the corner the entire night and the most p*pular girl at my school was like roasting me basically and giving me shit for not going 👀-things die down after school ends until I find out he’s in my homeroom and I spend the first 3 months of freshmen year avoiding him bc he would literally reroute just to rujn into me and try to strike up conversations (about! Kpop! Always about fucking kpop!!!!) -he wrote me like SEVERAL DOZEN poems on Instagram (really sappy but unsettling stuff too) and apparently he was reported for being suicidal or smthn it was messy…. Things are ok now I never see him … but that’s the story of h*nter and the fish … I’m a legend at my middle school now lol
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