#sooo goddamn proud of this
ditterdoob · 11 months
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cried just as much as i did last playthrough
i am never playing low honour again it kinda felt like micah won in a way which i did NOT like
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tealfruit · 9 months
my fingers are soooo rough and calloused
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stylezxsilvermoon · 1 year
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PLSSS these two images were next to each other on pintrest and I... yeah i just had to share, I'm violently crying at this very moment
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francisforever2014 · 7 months
BIG WEEK GUYS . my birthdayyyyyy on thursday and i’m treating myself to dinner at my fav mexican restaurant and then on friday i’m getting on a plane to visit my bestie the loml and also next week i’m going to get to see my sister FINALLY these last weeks have been hell but i can finally see the light at the end omg
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
Happy Grace/Pan Vibes For The Soul
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"How can I, with you in the way?"/"(Laughs) The floor is yours!"
First of all I'm honestly just so charmed by how genuinely delighted Pan seems to be at watching Grace finding her voice and learning to enjoy using her power, I think that's where I started to take a shine to him. (also seems quite central to his character/romance in general because it's a thing that recurs through their relationship -- he tells her "I'm enjoying it if you're enjoying it" straight out at one point and that's definitely always there in the subtext). He buys a music studio for her just in case she ever wants to return to making music again even when she's not the muse anymore just because he loves her singing and has seen it make her happy before, how is that not the sweetest goddamn thing in the world??? Pan and Oracle in shared first place as stans for Grace musically
For real though, 'I Can Teach You' is sooo... even when you don't join forces with him Pan teaches Grace so many things in that song, it's a thematic tutorial as well as a gameplay one in many ways. For me I think the most impactful subtexts are 'This is a tricky situation, change is here and it's difficult, but you have more control and agency here than you think' ("You're in control!" "It's your song!"), and this sense that, y'know... there can be joy and playfulness and discovery in setting out into the unknown, not just fear and uncertainty.
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dude... I wanna be in cahoots with & sing playful duets with you for the rest of my life bro (amorous intent)
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Pros: Hell yeah look at her go! 🥰
Cons: Uh-oh look at her go! 😬
I love that Grace can bring Pan's motif into 'Challenging A Queen' and be called the fuck out by Persephone btw. why u keepin' your guard up girl uwu
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'you gave up the only thing worth having -- for your little mortal friend' he says, giving up everything for his little once-again-mortal friend literally the next day fhsdkjfhsad who are you fooling buddy? not even yourself at this point surely??? (dialogue for if you save Freddie by giving up the eidolon)
my observations on the grace/pan dynamic across the different personality traits (yes I've done a run of each romancing him I am normal about it):
Clever!Grace: Pan seems to set out to be a trickster mentor of sorts, and Clever!Grace flips the uno reverse card on him and goes ‘Not if I trickster mentor you first bitch be honest about your feelings or perish challenge engage’. Probably the most birds of a feather combination (and indeed it’s the Blue version of the soundtrack that shows off his romance — also his tie and glasses are on the cover for that one :) ). 
Charming!Grace: Performative puppy dog eyes-off whenever either of them wants to get their way. 🥺4🥺. Pan is provably a soft touch from the Charming option to find Persephone before Challenging A Queen so I feel he probably tends to buckle faster but it’s a close thing. Local trickster god completely disarmed by someone being nice to him.
Kickass!Grace: “Be real with me or Imma kick your ass”/”Promise? ;)”/"...>:)"
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I am always thinking about the way he steps up in The Trial when romanced (and the way it's the only one where Athena is genuinely shocked and appalled fhskadj). there is something about him that's like... he keeps protesting against 'innocent' and he's probably right haha, but there is certainly an almost fundamental lack of any active malice there that he doesn't fully admit to himself or to grace until this moment. he is doing this for grace, but it is also a confession about something really deep in himself that seems to be very vulnerable for him in its sincerity -- that he really doesn't mean to or more importantly want to cause harm (I don't wanna dance/with blood on my hands). admitting to his own basically good heart finally seems to be the bigger, scarier thing for him, more than facing the prospect of dying. he's experiencing the mortifying ordeal of being known and I for one am so proud of him
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"I'm just here for the dance"
the way he sings that just to her and completely changes the meaning of it from what he said with it before, from using it to keep her out to inviting her in...
also can you imagine how badly the kill bill sirens must be going off in Grace's head in all variations of this scene no matter who steps up, considering what happened to Freddie just days before....... oof!
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*incensed whisper* are you fucking kidding me with this what am I supposed to do with myself here
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love these too
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I really like the visual repeats of crossing the pond to the tree and back as a metaphor for them getting closer (or rather, him letting her closer, it is very much His Space). he retreats back there towards the end of 'Share This Dance', and that's the point where Grace puts her foot down and essentially says 'no. you come meet me honestly in the middle this time or this isn't happening'. and in 'The Trial' he does and then some!
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I meant what I sang. I'm not a good man. If Athena had taken me up on my offer, the Idols would have been better off But I can try to be better. You make me want to try.
fun fact: if you break up with him after The Trial (YEAH you can still break off the romances at that point! it's wild honestly fsjadk), Grace tells him he should try to be better ‘for himself’ not for her... and he calls that (i.e. himself) ‘not much of an incentive’. My guy don’t make me break out the ‘Have you tried therapy’ prompt again. He takes it very calmly and gracefully under the circumstances but he's also like. quietly resigned and subdued. I tried it once for Science and never will again but there you go I bring my knowledge to this altar of sadness lol
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you see the thing is I would forgive him for just about anything too I understand why so many of the characters in-game can't stay mad at him for any length of time
he starts the game by asking her to take his hand and he ends it on asking her to take his hand (and she does)...
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:') let's share this dance
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im--never--happy · 10 months
I really fundamentally cannot understand how and why the avatar fandom has been sleeping on Mako. Especially with all the Zuko love. People love an angsty sad boi who just wants to do the right thing. And by god if that is not Mako I don’t know what is. Like. Mako as a character is soooo fucking angstable. So much angst potential right there. But fandom just collectively ignores him (or else hates on him for no fucking reason). Is he perfect? Of course not, but Zuko is so insanely far from perfect and all of Zuko’s wrongdoings so far surpass any of Mako’s. Yet fandom easily forgives Zuko, resident sad boi, for his actual fucking crimes (kyoshi village didn’t burn itself down, Song’s ostrich horse didn’t steal itself, Sparky Sparky Boom—I mean Combustion Man didn’t hire himself—lmao) in favor of focusing on his trauma and angst (don’t get me wrong I am an absolute slut for angst and complex nuanced discussions of trauma in fictional characters, and Zuko is such an amazing vessel for my insatiable thirst for angst. But. SO!! IS!!! MAKO!!!!!). But Mako doesn’t get that treatment. He’s vilified for his significantly less bad mistakes. And it makes no actual fucking sense. Because he is so primed for angst and he has insane amounts of trauma. And he’s so sweet. He just loves the people in his circle so fucking much, he just wants to do right by them, he just wants to protect them and keep them safe, and also fucking save the goddamn world. Jfc. He’s sooo GOOD. And the crazy thing is that he’d actually be a better fit for a lot of the specific angst and character traits people want to project onto Zuko that actually aren’t in line with Zuko’s character. Like when people write how Zuko is so humble and doesn’t think he deserves anything and is so intrinsically kind and patient and gentle. And that’s just… not canon Zuko at all. Canon Zuko is impatient and loud and shouts and so insanely fucking proud. He was raised a prince thinking he deserved everything because he was royalty. And yes yes so much abuse and lack of self worth and trauma. Yes obviously. But Zuko expects (or at least expected) people to give him things or do things for him because he was royalty. At least at one point. He doesn’t know how to cook or take care of himself or other people, because he’s always had people doing that for him, at least to a certain degree (I’m not saying the ship banishment was luxury but he still absolutely had a crew that did a lot of shit, like cooking and day to day grunt work for him). Whereas Mako IS humble and soft spoken and quiet and gentle. He never raises his voice with bolin and never lashes out in anger. Bolin and Korra say hurtful unfair and unkind shit to him, and he just fucking takes it. He doesn’t shout or throw insults back. He just accepts their anger and criticims and still fights to help and protect them. He is self reliant and raised his younger brother alone since they were both homeless orphans. He can cook. He also doesn’t think he deserves better when people treat him like shit, because he’s always been treated like shit. (Hello self worth self-loathing angst potential galore!!) Mako is everything that a lot of fandom want Zuko to be and he has endless potential for sad boi trauma angsting. But he gets hated for no fucking reason while Zuko gets idolized. And it makes no fucking sense and drives me absolutely fucking nuts
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apomaro-mellow · 2 years
Walking in on Your Parents
Steve was looking directly at Dustin while Dustin was doing everything in his power to NOT look at Steve.
“We gotta talk about it.”
“What’s there to talk about!?”
“Dustin, what you saw-”
“I didn’t SEE. ANYTHING!!”
“Sooo, are we not just here to get slushies? Cause I feel like I’ve been misled”, Robin piped up.
Dustin had adamantly argued that he hadn’t seen anything. But the truth was he had seen. It was impossible for him to unsee it. Every time he closed his eyes he saw it.
Steve and Eddie. Eddie and Steve. And they had been-
Slushies. They were here to get slushies with Robin and that had been the only reason Dustin agreed to go because he knew if he was alone with Steve he’d try and talk about it.
Graciously, Eddie never tried to get them alone to talk about it but maybe that’s because he was just as embarrassed as Dustin. Meanwhile Steve thought they needed to ‘sit down and discuss what he’d seen’ like he was a goddamn health teacher! Dustin shuddered. He already had ‘The Talk’ with his mom and it had been too much for the both of them.
They got their slushies and Steve let the subject drop. Dustin felt some relief, at least for the moment. But he never imagined how devious Steve could be. He never considered that Steve would bring Eddie as an accomplice. Dustin never expected that when Eddie called to show him a new model, that Steve would be right there in his trailer.
Dustin almost backed out immediately but Eddie was right there behind him, pushing him towards the couch.
“I for one don’t think we need to have an entire discussion about this but Steve-”
“Hey, no, don’t make me the bad guy here. I’m not going to be the bad guy”, Steve stood with his arms crossed.
Eddie was next to him, hands on his hips and both stood before Dustin who was on the couch. The framing had him wondering if this is how kids in two-parent households felt and that made the whole situation even weirder. 
“Okay, I’ll start”, Steve began. “So, you saw us making out-”
“You need to knock”, Eddie interjected.
“Since when have I ever knocked on your door?”, Dustin argued. “And you call that making out?”
Both Steve and Eddie looked scandalized.
“And what exactly would the virgin call it?”, Steve asked.
“I saw where those hands were going.” Dustin’s gaze shot to the floor, unable to look at them in the eyes while talking about it. “You were doing a lot more than making out. Making out wouldn’t have traumatized me that much.”
“Henderson, don’t be a baby”, Eddie said.
“And just how long has this been going on? Why don’t you tell me that since we need to talk so bad?”
The couple in question turned silent at that, looking at each other and then looking away but Dustin was already starting to piece it together.
“Oh my god. Oh my GOD! That time we all thought that Nancy was cheating on Jonathan with you!”
“Robin said you hadn’t been with any girls but you had that super huge hickey and-eeeewwwww!” Dustin did a full body shiver and looked at Eddie accusingly. “You did that?”
Eddie didn’t look ashamed. If anything he looked proud as he played with his hair and looked at Steve’s now pristine neck. Dustin stuck out his tongue.
“Is this how it’s going to be now? You two making goo-goo eyes and...stuff?”
Steve huffed. “We don’t make-” Then he saw the way Eddie was looking at him and shoved his shoulder. “Cut it out.”
“I’m seriously going to need you guys to stop. I’m about the vomit.”
“You’re gonna have to grow up one day”, Eddie said.
Then Steve and Dustin gave him a look that said ‘how many years did it take you to graduate?’
“Low blow you two. Low blow.”
“So are you guys actually official?”, Dustin asked.
The loving gaze they gave each other said everything their stunted vocabulary didn’t.
“Okay, well, Steve, if you hurt Eddie, I’ll kill you. And Eddie if you hurt Steve, I know a girl who can kill you from a hundred miles away.”
With that said, Dustin stood up. “Next time, leave a sock on the door for a guy or something, huh?”
“Knock”, Eddie and Steve said in unison.
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2n2n · 4 months
ch. 111
the plot thickens and I am thrown all around the room as if in a hurricane... I really cannot predict Iro-sensei's plots!!!!!!
oh Amane, all of your efforts, your gestures.... what a desperate, helpless feeling
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its the most predictable response Tsukasa would have, but it still hurts very very much.
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he's reaaaally strange isn't he... he's like that....
oh Amane.... you're so reactive to perceived rejection and failure. You'll say the worst things, you'll think the worst things... you're sooo unstable, Amane!
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What, you simply don't accept that your otouto would 'try to leave you'? I bet it's something like that. You "know he's fake" now because he "wouldn't do something like this to you"... that's my guess at your dumb little brain. Don't take him too seriously, okay, Tsutsu? Your brother just can't handle the sense of rejection of you choosing to die & leave him behind, or he can't handle that all his gestures and attempts to show his love fell so flat that you have no idea at all of his desperate love of you. Nooooo you have to be fake~~~ my real otouto would understand and he'd never leave me~~!!! I don't think you, Amane, understand how suicidal your real otouto was, and is, to this day! Would you believe it has less to do with disregarding you, and more to do with not believing in his own life's worth? No, you won't believe that, right... it's about you, instead! hahaha....
I'm glad I played AidaIro's Snow White game because... Estelio is THIS HURTFUL to Rasphard, and it's just out of a sense of being rejected!!! Estelio would kick his twin's goddamn corpse on the ground, let him wriggle and DIE in pain and AGONY if Estelio has the impression Rasphard wants nothing to do with him or isn't considering him ... LOL. Iro likes this kind of ... troubled, insecure, desperate, spiteful, needy person... you want the perfect brother, who loves you. You have that, but you can't understand the idea of someone choosing to leave you through death....
I wonder if Tsukasa started grabbing your jacket to move you to protect you.... meanwhile, Amane impulsively moved to protect his ~~~fake otouto, haha!
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I wonder ... if Nene-chan has her memories because, she is magical etc, or if Akane actively made Teru do something to her to enable her to... stay as an aware asset, since he isn't completely sided with the Clockkeepers... maybe Akane is waiting to see what 'new future' comes to be, and seeding a few tricks to utilize if he doesn't agree or wishes to pull out? (I mean, if the Severance never happened, Aoi definitely would not be his girlfriend haha)...
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The clockeeper's circumstance is interesting enough. Its very Aidairo-core. But not enough for me to talk about haha.
swag, I have been right the whole time! cool. yep!! of course. logical haha!! I can't be too proud of myself, it's been spelled out ...
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that same old God~~ our Tsutsu!
the year before the murder, when the boys were 12... fuckin scary place to go to. What on Earth are you changing... the circumstances of the shinjuu?
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if we're 'fixing' the 'problem', I wonder if that means we'll be going into the original timeline, where Amane would likely still be alive-- he'd just be an old man, and Nene-chan's teacher at Kamome. Wouldn't that be so funny and interesting? Lol. What would we all do if Amane was "Yugi-sensei" and like, old! It would be very AidaIro core AHAHAH ahhh the agegap fetish--! It's not enough to have Sumire x Hakubo and Yako x Misaki and Kako x Mirai and the entire Monstery Nursery AUs LOL you know, we need more ahahahaah (HanaNene is already technically biiig agegap! I would laugh if actually making Amane like 60 woke some people up flfjdklfdjk)
I'm just not sure... Amane could just be dead, I guess, and Tsukasa. Or he could be alive, and old. I have a vague theory that he must be a kaii because of, whatever he or Tsukasa had done together during the shinjuu... (maybe Amane was impulsed to eat some part of Tsukasa, maybe the God blessed Amane at the last second, etc etc)... it's hard to imagine Amane would be a school mystery-- Tsukasa is his yorishiro after all... and we don't quite know what circumstances make Sumire and Tsukasa into objects, if being sacrificed to the God had something essential to do with that...
Well, so interesting, I wonder if Nene-chan will have to go even further than she did in Picture Perfect-- in that arc, she had to choose to reject a seemingly perfect, but ultimately fabricated, world; even if it was 'nicer' than the 'real world'. Now, she might be shown a world fixed of its cracks-- it could even possibly be a world Amane never had to murder his brother, like she wanted before. Nene-chan is so often getting "what she asked for" in the wrong way, at the wrong time. She fell in love with "Hanako". Is the boy she fell in love with "here"? Is he in a form she can confess to?
Furthermore, she just bonded with Tsukasa, and has knowledge of the Red House... must be essential, to write that happening before this-- just before, even. Tsukasa even inspired her to need to free herself, even if Amane isn't there to save her.
Poor Nene-chan though-- so scary!!! What an awful situation to be in HAHAHA, flung around...
I have no idea what Mitsuba's situation will be, but Tsukasa is responsible for our "Mitsuba" to even be around. He wouldn't have even managed to become the ghost about the entryway without Tsukasa kaii-ifying him through his first, vague wish.
Well, it would be funny if these things were all true now:
-Amane is alive, but he's old lol -Aoi is not Akane's gf, and maybe that other timeline was the only goddamn way you could ever get her within reach lol -No Mitsuba To Speak Of lol
MUCH POSSIBLE, MUCH TO THINK ABOUT-- MAYBE I'M WRONG ABOUT IT ALL!!! Iro-sensei writes such interesting plot twists WOO ahahaha! I WONDER IF WE WILL INTERACT WITH 12 YEAR OLD TSUKASA AGAAAIN~~ pleaaase ~~
feeling more certain than ever that Tsukasa is The single most tragic member of this cast hahaha
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pinkpicket · 2 years
What's beautiful about you?
Okay uglies i hope u like this reading 🥰🥰🥰
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And i know my aesthetic is ugly 💀💀💀 but I can't worry about aesthetic when i dont even know how to use this goddamn app 😩 like why is it so fuvking complicated😭😔
Also why tf is everyone in my readings so hot??? Im actually kinda offended rn 😩
1. I see you as someone very open, like you know how there’s people that are open about their opinions and thoughts without being afraid of being judged? Yes that’s what’s so beautiful about you. Like the type to not be silent about the mistreatment of someone only bc everyone else is or bc it’s not in ur advantage, almost like a truth speaker. The defender of the truth. Veryyy fair, i genuinly love this so much bc it reminds me of the type of people that stand up for the underdogs( id like to mention not just underdogs but anyone that’s the victim in the said situation even if the person in general is not a good person). And you absolutely have very good judgement, u dont get fooled easily u can see through liars and deceivers which explains why u stand up for the innocent bc u can detect honesty just as easily as u can detect deceive.
2. Your duality. Someone that can fall to the lowest of lows just to stand up again and try all over till u reach the highest of highs. But the saddest thing about this is other people cannot see this, they dont see the hardships u go through just to get to that (king) position. After all u r the “hot stuff” the successful almost too careless person to them, but baby they never see what u go through deep down, and all of this makes a very big portion of ur beauty. The beauty of a person standing so tall and proud only on inside to find a very vulnerable hardworking person.
3. A person with sooo many good qualities. Honestly idk if u know jungkook from bts, but that’s how u r. Like u have so many good qualities that i dont even what to mention, almost like someone that is just good with whatever they set their mind on ( personally to me this is the hottest thing in the whole world im not even kidding 😫🥵) u know how some just pick up something one day and boom they’re good at it? Lmao that’s u ( tbh very virgo energy). altho lmaoooo u can be just a bit insensitive but tbh that also makes u so hot, like damn mf can anything truly effect u negatively??? Or do u just keep winning no matter what? Lol biggg winner vibes. *** now whoever u r, hit me up bc 😈😈😈😈😫 damn baby***
4. Pfffff we got a playboy\girl 😂😂 ok u mf u kinda manipulative, ok maybe a lot. Like u can woo anyone if u really want to ( tbh u not the most dependable person if we being honest 😶 like u just wanna play after all ). This careless act( yes it’s an act i knowww🫢) of urs really makes u attractive to others. U really are one hot toxic mf? Aren’t u?
5. Ooofff. Strength that’s ur beauty. Have u ever met people that are just so strong but low-key? Yup yup that’s u. Like u know u strong and u dont need to prove it to no one. ur so gentle and patient but so strong, im actually amazed by how someone can maintain such balance 🥰 but im not surprised considering u have reasons to be like this. U went through a lot and people were not the nicest to you about it, there was no one u could’ve relied on so now u have become that person others can rely on. And not only they can be dependent on u when they’re not strong enough but u also do it so selflessly and lovingly. Im actually in love with u 🥹
6. Damn this is the big group huh? Okay probably some from group 5 will read this too bc i exactly got group 5 cards plus two extra( so remember how i group 5 are lowkey? This group is anything but lowkey 😂😂) cards. The only difference between the two groups is this group is not as gentle as the other one. This one is rougher, almost sharper ( i get snake vibes, you know like someone that was forced into so many bad situations that they finally were like fuvk it imma do something about this myself this time, and ever since they haven’t stopped. So snake vibes like a transformation that roughened your edges).
Ohhhh also I'll do a Whats ugly about u later on, so check that too soooo u know follow me so u find it later on 😈
Ok bye that's it yall hot but not as hot as me tho 🥰🥰🥰
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hazelnut-u-out · 2 years
(contains spoilers for “analyze piss”)
sooo…. goddamn….
that was dark, and lighthearted, and inspiring all at once.
i was stoked to see rick seeking out therapy, adapting to it, and being open to growth and change.
i think because of the serious nature of this episode, i’m going to divide my specific initial thoughts into two categories- “light” and “heavy.”
i have to give this ep a 9/10 on first-watch. it feels like a crime to not appreciate this for what it is.
light thoughts:
-NIMBUS CAMEO NIMBUS CAMEO. i didn’t realize how much i love and miss this character until we got to see him again. i am so interested in his dynamic with rick and how much potential he has to be explored.
-YEEEUPPPP. this moment still holds up-
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- lmao for once i found myself rooting for jerry in a fight. i’m astounded at how much that showed for his character development, too. he was defending his daughter. his actions later on in the ep are questionable, but no more petty than what we’ve seen from rick.
- it was also cute to see morty and summer be proud of their parents for once. super nice contrast from previous moments that showed they are usually not too thrilled with being associated with them (like in “childrick of mort,” etc.)
- i loved how everyone was celebrating rick for accepting therapy. jerry having his back was really sweet- and beth kissing him on the cheek. it’s nice to see this family unit show some support for each other.
- it was so sweet to see rick genuinely happy for his family. just :) while they were climbing on board. (idk if that was him being facetious towards himself, considering he was pulling from his flask, but i thought it was cute)
-shoutout to wong for tricking rick sanchez into doing therapy homework. woman works wonders.
okay… time for the heavy stuff:
- they handled the topic of suicide beautifully and respectfully, which i assume would be a difficult move for a “comedy” to make.
i cried a lot during this episode. a lot.
- wow. just… wow. that was a lot to take in. i found it interesting that rick sought out piss master because he related to him. he knew he was probably complex and misunderstood.
it’s reminiscent of “the old man and the seat” to me, but it seems like rick found it easier to accept another “piece of shit” as his friend than he did tony, who was generally a decent person.
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the fact that piss master had a daughter also reminded me of rick’s relationship with tony. rick related to tony because of his dead wife, which drove his decision to forfeit his toilet. rick related to piss master because of his relationship with his daughter, which drove him to make his death something she could be proud of (and wouldn’t blame herself for).
- building off of my last thought, it seems like every time rick decides to open up and accept friendship, they end up dying (with an exception of BP, squanchy, etc.). he’s growing, but he’s still not allowed to let new people in yet.
- that scene of him trying to save piss master was gut wrenching. just… all of it. he really didn’t want him to die. he really cared. he’s really a person- wholly and fully. piss master wasn’t just some guy to rick in that moment.
- that scene where he has a conversation with piss master’s daughter (literally SPEAKING AS piss master) hit me hard.
i really think, in his mind, he was talking to beth there.
piss master is someone rick can relate to, not only for his daughter, but the fact that he wanted to take his own life. the show isn’t shy about the fact that rick has attempted suicide before.
here’s the scenes this scene reminded me of:
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rick has literally tried to kill himself in his daughter’s house. i wonder if that made him think of how that would have made beth feel- to have found him there. if she would have blamed herself…
he wouldn’t ever want his little girl to think that.
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piss master is a lot like him: a piece of shit whose daughter loves the fuck out of him for some reason.
i also don’t think it’s a coincidence that piss master’s daughter looks a lot like beth. that look through the peephole at her? damn… how do you think that felt?
(can’t find a screen grab of her yet, but when i do i’ll update this.)
we know he’s a sap for men with dead wives/daughters. this one hit home.
-in the end, morty is his best friend. he couldn’t bear to hurt alone.
i don’t think that he confided in morty to be a dick, or to regress at all. i think he was trying to healthily share his feelings, but that wasn’t fair to morty. he could’ve called wong, or told her earlier. that’s what therapists are for.
- it shows a lot that morty retaliated immediately.
“i can’t sit with that!”
“and you expect me to?!”
great moment that shows his growth.
(i really don’t feel like i’m giving this episode justice, so i’m going to rewatch soon and make a full analysis).
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mdverse · 5 months
md's fun silly little top 10(ish) arts of the 2023!*
*pretend there's a fun cute doodled banner here (i was going to make one earlier and then i forgor)
doing a lil recap of my top 10 15 (it was supposed to be 10 and i could not narrow it down oops) best(? this is subjective as fuck i guess it's more like my personal faves) drawings of the year! *the crowd cheers* (it’s me I’m the crowd)
15: paradise by the dashboard light! i hate to rank her so low bc i spent ages on her but it seems i don't love the result that much anymore so :/ a for effort for me tho this was ambitious
14: cheer girl loml <33 not my best art technically by far but i went way out of my comfort zone for the background and the art style (for no good reason really) (i just wanted to do a comic book thing bc superhero vibes or whatever) (it did not come out the way i was hoping it would bc i think i got too frustrated) and we simply must acknowledge that. atog did things to me that i cannot explain
13: barbie meme brittana! not my best britt but truly sooo fun to work on. there's nothing quite like finding a fun rendering process and then never using it again (i don't even remember how i coloured this but i like it)
12: cowboy barbie brittana <3 they look good, they're about to kiss, cute outfits, pretty sunset, probably went overboard with the rim lighting, what's not to love? a banger, i think
11: i say a little prayer! i think the background is. questionable at best. but this is still really fun! i think i got possessed when i got to the uniforms bc goddamn they look good
10: klaine?? on this blog???? almost unheard of lmao i truly did not think i would like this one as much as i did. i'd consider ranking it higher if i wasn't constantly Unwell over brittana but again, i'm biased, and no one here should be surprised about that
9: pre-wedding kiss my beloved! with how insane i've been over this kiss it could perhaps be higher. i am gnawing on my desk as we speak i'm not even sitting at a desk rn
8: rutherchang x black swan!! ohhh u guys i don't talk about this one enough i think it's so pretty i don't even remember how i did the colours for it but rhgfdkngd?? love her, love pushing the glee x bts agenda, if any of u gifmakers are interested in making a mike chang x black swan lyric gifset i will love u forever
7: colour wheel challenge! busted my whole tiddies and ass for this one fellas. labour of love etc etc i think staring at the bright colours for so long made my eyesight worse and i'm ok with that
6: mistletoe brittana <33 easily the best instalment of this series by a long shot! recency bias (and also just. regular bias) made me rank her much higher originally but technically she is not the most intricate piece so she must sit down here
5: prom queen kurt! dare i say a girlslay on my behalf? i think i dare. every time i see it i think i should do more glosters (glee posters) and then i don't. i could tho they would be really cool (source: dude trust me)
4: churro kiss redraw!!! genuinely Not Sane over this! never have been, never will be! redraws are like crack to me and so is this kiss
3: furtana!! i neglected them for far too long this year but if neglecting them results in art like this i may have to do it again
2: heart kiss <3 if we're being really honest and vulnerable in the chat tonight i think this is technically my best of the brittana kiss screencap redraw things i've done this year? which i did not see coming but i guess practice means refining the process etc etc so. it makes sense ig. mwah to them <3
1: black or white gcv animation <3 it's not what i would call my best drawing (bc it's, yknow, not just one drawing) but it is what i would call the product of a very obsessive thought and some frantic art sessions. objectively it's the coolest thing i've done this year so it deserves the top spot. i'm proud of it i hope to glanimate more next year. also this isn't art but it's a relevant post that i still stand by months later
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crulixto · 1 year
note: im allergic to cats too (and dogs aswell, a luci chapt on this w dog shall be awaited) and im a big satan(and lucifer) stan sooo i thought it’d be fun to write this :•
edit: this was kinda lame ngl HAHHAHA hope u enjoy
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this man, at first he’d be so shocked offended when he found out (before u guys were dating)
he would have probably tried to avoid you at some point
But when during his character arc (lesson 10-11 ish?) he started to empathize with your situation and that it isn’t your fault
Hanging out could get difficult
“i see… then we’ll have to change plans..”
“W-wait no it’s fine really!”
“ I insist”
you’re sneezing all over the place. Every goddamn time he came from a cat cafe.
Walking home from RAD together, he comes across a BOX OF KITTENS.
“Are those kittens? In a box? Who’d leave such precious creatures behind? And in such a small and worn out box too.”
He goes up to the box and literally scoops them all up to carry them all
While he was playing with all those kitties u were just standing there like ‘bitch i cant play with the cats with you are fkin fr rn’
Satan notices this and apologizes then tries to come close to hug you
The key word was tried, your eyes started watering and you started to sneeze and try to sneeze (that struggle to sneeze but you cant do it last minute, ugh my eyes start to bring out a pool worth of tears
He always. ALWAYS. Bring tissues and some medicine with him at all times.
There was one time too Satan made his trained cats scratch Lucifer and his study, you were surprised when you enter Lucifer’s study to pass your tasks to be welcomed by that fuzzy, itchy feeling in your nose and your eyes felt like swelling
Lucifer was deep cleaning his study because he knew you had tasks due that day😭
“My apologies MC, it seems that Satan had brought cats in here earlier today to scratch me. Just leave the papers there.”
Poor guy and you
one of the hardest parts of dating him, he’d come home after playing or tending cats in the streets. And you? Pass the tissues you dont even feel safe from sneezing in his room.
He genuinely tries to hold back from even coming close to a cat now, since he would be probably taking u out on a date, want to cuddle, or anything when it came to bonding with you really. But cats. Cats!
Its the only thing keeping you both apartt~
Honestly at some point he’d get upset and conflicted then just gets a book and tries to find a spell for u allergies to go bye bye
Wrong move, it got kinda worse
So now you’re both sad and miserable
Once your allergies got so bad ur face swelled after he came from a animal shelter
You guys stayed in your rooms but texted/called
“Satan, what are you doing right now?”
“Im reading a book of spells about allergies, dont worry MC once i can put out your allergy we wont have this problem anymore—“
“Hey! Remember the last time you did that?!”
In weekdays, you guys hang out as muuuuch as possible and you secretly hope from within that you both dont pass by a cat so he does not get you sneezin all over the place again
He once passed u a sticky note in class, you opened it and saw cute doodles of cats, just to play with him you draw yourself in a chibi version, sneezing and suffering from allergies
Once you gave the sticky note back to him, he smiled abit at your drawing and realized what it meant
He glares at you, and pulls you by your chair and side hugs you
“Would you look at that MC, no sneezing or such?”
He is smug and proud
“Haha then after recess you go tend to that box of kittens you found at the west tower of the office”
“…” “…okay..” “wait mc—“
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umhuhwellthen · 8 months
Sooo I was making outfit/color refs and look how they turned out~
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I am so fucking proud of this Yuichi you have no idea, like I love how Kitsune turned out but the only problem I had with her was the pattern and muzzle, Yuichi was a goddamn struggle, hijo de su puta madre
I love how he looks, no thoughts between those eyes and if in a miraculous moment he did it would only be kind ones
My scrunkly<3
Stretch him out like mochi and HIT HIM WITH A HAMMER
Throw him out a window
*blows him up with mind*
He's a stuffed toy I am giving to my dogs to tear apart😊
Little pretty boy, has done nothing wrong in his life, has done many crimes but gets out of it cuz look at his face, you're gonna arrest that face? Another reason why Kogane sucks
I want nothing bad to ever happen to him, I need him to suffer
On one hand I hate how much the fandom tag is taken up by shipping but on the other hand I look at him and feel like an old lady wanting to set the nice neighborhood boy up with a good match, maybe instead of Yuichi being head over heels for the turtle, the turtle should be head over heels for him? Hm?
Like yes he's a bit reckless and overconfident, but age and experience will sort that out and he'll be just the most lovely partner, i swear!
Putting Chizu and Gen under a readmore because 😭 the difference between a good art day with motivation and a bad art day with little to no motivation is insane
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I swear I like them but their designs were just not computing those days to me
These drawings are exclusively for refs augh
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asstrofem · 2 months
idk. i think getting peed on would be sooo fucking cute if i really like the person. like "yes relieve yourself on me my darling. ooo goddamn babe you drank so much water today. im so proud of youuuuuuuuu 😘😊" and all that jazz lol
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kinnbig · 1 year
"#embarrassing confession: i have an entire doc that is just a collection of my headcanons for established relationship ramking" BESTIE YOU CAN'T SAY THIS AND THEN NOT ELABORATE
eee thank u for this omg! I will never turn down the opportunity to ramble about ramking 🫣 I have browsed the google doc and now I can present a collection of established relationship ramking headcanons (quick warning that some (ok lots) of these are nsfw) -
King still calls Ram "ai'Ning" a lot of the time - but he does switch to just "Ram" when he's being sweet/affectionate and when they're in bed lmao. Ram continues to use Phi for King, including in bed - which King fucking loves.
as Ram gets more and more comfortable around King, he becomes more able to talk to him and express himself verbally - but it's never something that comes easily to him. he still struggles with it, especially when he's particularly tired or emotional or overwhelmed. he'll always choose actions over words where he can, and is never going to be someone that's talkative or that like... monologues about his feelings.
but King doesn't mind! Ram is very good at showing affection physically and King is very very happy to receive this physical affection
this of course makes the words Ram does say that bit more impactful for King... whether that's making him feel particularly adored when Ram compliments him or tells him he loves him out loud... or whether it's making him lose his goddamn mind with just a few words when they're in bed. the power of a simple "please" or "P'King" or "don't stop" or "harder"......... 😳🫣
they're vers - and usually they're on the same page, but sometimes there's some fun and mostly silent communication/debating about which way round they're gonna do things. they're both very good at goading the other one into doing what they want lol
King tops a bunch of times in a row and then is like "it's sooo sad that I'm so pretty and my ass is sooo nice and I'm sooo flexible and no one is taking advantage of those things because I'm a vers forced to live as a top…." dkjdfhjsjkd
Ram has a praise kink.
King has a thing for fucking in slightly weird locations - he loves the idea that he made Ram want him so much he couldn't wait. so he's very into fucking like... against the kitchen counters or over the table or on the living room floor. Ram is more practical, but he's also very easily convinced lmao
King is also very very forward and a really silly obvious flirt. he'll drape himself really dramatically over furniture or 'accidentally' press right up against Ram's back to reach over him. he also puts his hands in Ram's back pockets a lot.
they're both pretty possessive of each other but in different ways. Ram is "if you hurt him I'm throwing hands" possessive, whereas with King it's more that he wants everyone to know that Ram is his.
it's a bit of a "look what I have and you don't" thing - Ram is famously difficult to get close to, and King got Ram to fall in love with him. he's very smug proud about this and wants everyone to know about it.
similarly - King is the worst influence when it comes to Ram ignoring/being rude to other people because he loves it. he's like "yesss be rude to all these strangers yesssss" "yesss Ram is so hard to get close to but look at how close he is to me" "yessss act all mysterious and tough in public and then blush when I call you 'nong' and tell you you're pretty yessss…"
they watch a lot of nature documentaries together in the evenings
also King introduces Ram to Animal Crossing 🥺 King is very into decorating everything beautifully, but Ram exclusively plays to try and complete the museum. he will catch every single bug and every single fish even if it kills him. he also does not care about any of the villagers, much to King's dismay.
it's not all perfect obviously. Ram both desperately craves and yet is terrified of emotional intimacy. he expects a level of emotional vulnerability and reassurance from King that he's not always comfortable reciprocating, and he has a tendency to use physical intimacy as a substitute for emotional intimacy - eg he'll occasionally initiate sex to avoid having to talk about his feelings.
he also forgets that although King is good at understanding him and picking up on his non-verbal cues, he isn't a mind reader. Ram can get unfairly frustrated when King doesn't respond to wants/needs/feelings that he hasn't actually expressed.
King is not good with boundaries. Ram is quite private and likes to spend time alone, and King has a tendency to not understand and to feel hurt that 'alone' means 'without King' lol.
he's also quite impulsive and will make big decisions without thinking it through or consulting Ram, which frustrates Ram (who likes things to be planned in advance).
but in general they're incredibly compatible and where they do occasionally fall out it's never for long - and they're very good at making up again because they are incapable of being angry at each other for more than 5 minutes
they're that couple who get together and are basically just married from the word go. when they eventually do get engaged (King proposes after a few years) all their friends are like "huh. tbh we thought you guys had eloped years ago"
(which to be fair is a reasonable thing for their friends to assume, because they get drunk and seriously consider it all the time)
finally: matching. tattoos.
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idrisofficial · 15 days
i did this for one of my ocs and realized it's really good for character development SO
what's five things they have no trouble telling you, five things they'd tell their friends, and five things they'd rather die than tell anyone who hasn't seriously gained their trust?
for any oc(s) of your choice <3
i was originally gonna do this with evander but considering the fact that i got stuck and it’s been like 3 weeks since you sent this, i’m gonna switch things up and do kori instead :) sooo…..
five things kori would love to tell anyone:
he knows calligraphy. this fact should probably be instead that he knows how to read and write in high idrisian script (this is extremely rare, only idris’s elite are taught), but he forgets that not everybody knows how, so he doesn’t see it as anything special. so he’ll probably tell you that he knows how to craft swirly letters in both low and high idrisian script and he’s damn proud of it.
he prefers swordsmanship over sparring in terms of dueling. again, this is totally out of touch eliteass stuff, but also probably a go-to fun fact for him.
he’s so fucking balls to the wall excited to marry the monarch.
getting his photo taken is his favorite thing in the world. in another life he’s probably a photographer.
he loves the sunrise, but hates the sunset.
five things kori would tell his friends:
he’s been getting homesick in the castle. it just doesn’t feel the same as home, and everyone else seems to be bound together by something he can’t quite grasp.
the more time he spends away from his family, the less he’s sure he’s worth everything they said he was.
he officially knows what it’s like to be drunk now, and it is not as fun as he hoped.
goddamn, he wishes he knew how to kiss.
even though he has two older siblings, he’s always imagined himself as the oldest in his own way. he feels like he embodies the responsibility of the eldest child better than either nova or xanthia.
five things kori would never tell anyone he doesn’t fully trust:
he’s seriously afraid that he’s a colossal fuck-up at nobility. he’s only ever been the son of a wealthy press executive; he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing and deep down he knows that it shows.
he really wishes he had gotten a public education. he’s extraordinarily grateful for his tutors and being able to grow up feeling like the goldenest girl in the world, but he never got the opportunity to make friends on his own and it’s painful now.
he knows nova hates him, although he doesn’t know why. this stings.
every time brinne manages to tell him exactly what she thinks of him with only her eyes, he thinks he might legitimately jump from the roof of the castle.
he has no idea what halcyonism is about. he goes to church and says the right words, reads from all of the scriptures, but he’s baffled at what any of it actually means or is supposed to signify. he feels like he’s missing out on the most important thing there is.
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