#oc: koriandarius twyvek
idrisofficial · 4 days
what gets kori angry
ohh, it's hard to make kori angry. most of the time if he feels anger he'll withdraw so much that you won't even know he's feeling it. sometimes he yells, though. it takes a lot of buildup.
you've gotta insult him or the people he loves to make him genuinely angry. there's not much else. he has a lot of love and pride for his family and what they do, and he can't stand to see them brought down. he dislikes violence too, and overt cruelty certainly makes him angry, but the necessity of conflict has been culturally engrained in him, so he accepts that there are fights bigger than him which he has to support. ...he's not a very good politician.
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idrisofficial · 14 days
i did this for one of my ocs and realized it's really good for character development SO
what's five things they have no trouble telling you, five things they'd tell their friends, and five things they'd rather die than tell anyone who hasn't seriously gained their trust?
for any oc(s) of your choice <3
i was originally gonna do this with evander but considering the fact that i got stuck and it’s been like 3 weeks since you sent this, i’m gonna switch things up and do kori instead :) sooo…..
five things kori would love to tell anyone:
he knows calligraphy. this fact should probably be instead that he knows how to read and write in high idrisian script (this is extremely rare, only idris’s elite are taught), but he forgets that not everybody knows how, so he doesn’t see it as anything special. so he’ll probably tell you that he knows how to craft swirly letters in both low and high idrisian script and he’s damn proud of it.
he prefers swordsmanship over sparring in terms of dueling. again, this is totally out of touch eliteass stuff, but also probably a go-to fun fact for him.
he’s so fucking balls to the wall excited to marry the monarch.
getting his photo taken is his favorite thing in the world. in another life he’s probably a photographer.
he loves the sunrise, but hates the sunset.
five things kori would tell his friends:
he’s been getting homesick in the castle. it just doesn’t feel the same as home, and everyone else seems to be bound together by something he can’t quite grasp.
the more time he spends away from his family, the less he’s sure he’s worth everything they said he was.
he officially knows what it’s like to be drunk now, and it is not as fun as he hoped.
goddamn, he wishes he knew how to kiss.
even though he has two older siblings, he’s always imagined himself as the oldest in his own way. he feels like he embodies the responsibility of the eldest child better than either nova or xanthia.
five things kori would never tell anyone he doesn’t fully trust:
he’s seriously afraid that he’s a colossal fuck-up at nobility. he’s only ever been the son of a wealthy press executive; he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing and deep down he knows that it shows.
he really wishes he had gotten a public education. he’s extraordinarily grateful for his tutors and being able to grow up feeling like the goldenest girl in the world, but he never got the opportunity to make friends on his own and it’s painful now.
he knows nova hates him, although he doesn’t know why. this stings.
every time brinne manages to tell him exactly what she thinks of him with only her eyes, he thinks he might legitimately jump from the roof of the castle.
he has no idea what halcyonism is about. he goes to church and says the right words, reads from all of the scriptures, but he’s baffled at what any of it actually means or is supposed to signify. he feels like he’s missing out on the most important thing there is.
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idrisofficial · 11 days
kori- 7 and 10 :0
What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
idris is about as quiet as it is cold. although there is definitely chatter in public spaces, the culture from the time you are very young is to speak in hushed tones. even kori--who's likely the most outgoing character in the entire cast--would be utterly humiliated were someone he knew to call for him in the middle of a crowd. but if we're talking like for meme's sake? i'd definitely go with "hey pretty boy" and someone who knows him well might use his full name just to make him blush in the crowd. it's a wholeass mouthful and also he's a public figure, so.
What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
he's gonna marry the monarch :)
people should probably be annoyed by the frequency with which he brings this up, but he's just so delighted about it that it's hard to be mean. ...unless you're a noble and you have no tolerance for his bullshit. but even some of them find his enthusiasm infectious despite themselves. he's been like this since he was a little kid and he can hardly believe that it's going to come to pass so soon.
you can imagine how brinne feels about this.
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idrisofficial · 6 months
the entire ludus section for kori
1. Does your OC have any particular favourite chat up lines? If not for themselves then perhaps ones they have suggested to a friend? How effective do these tend to be?
kori is such a girlboss he doesn't even need practiced lines to chat someone up- they just come to him on the spot. amazing. he can just rattle them off whenever he wants. aren't we all so envious. they'd be super effective if only he wasn't firing them at brinne who hates his guts just because he's him.
2. Is your OC particularly skilled at flirting? Have they had to practice this or does it just happen naturally?
he doesn't really flirt- he tries to be friendly and somewhat romantic with brinne, but i wouldn't say that's the same thing. he wants to be a cute and attractive person to her, which he definitely objectively is, but brinne has no interest, so he's kind of out of luck. the objectively cute and romantic behavior is very natural to him, though.
3. How does your OC feel about one night stands? Have they ever enjoyed a night of passionate romance with a stranger? Is this something they are quite keen on recreationally? Or only something they might engage in under specific circumstances (such as the eve of a battle or after a difficult breakup)?
he's super loyal to brinne (he's never had a partner before), so he's not really into the whole scene. idris is a more sexually open society, so he's certainly aware of those kinds of cultures and definitely has friends who have hookups, but he's glad to be on the sidelines of it.
4. Who was your OC's first crush? How do they feel about it now?
he had quite a few elementary school crushes but always kept it to himself because he knew he wasn't supposed to be involved with anyone until his marriage to the crown heir. sad :(
5. What seduction techniques are most likely to be effective when it comes to your OC? Are there some things guaranteed to get them going? Or are they immune to such things?
he's a 17 year old virgin what do you think
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idrisofficial · 9 months
i don’t think you’ve posted enough about the fucked up love square between adrian brinne kori and zuri. also kori and zuri deserve to hold hands and blush
ohh this is true. i will now begin to explain it to my audience of probably one (1) who already knows everything about it.
heartbreaking: mentally ill star crossed noble lovers are betrothed to absolute cinnamon rolls who don’t understand why their fiancés don’t love them.
in all seriousness it is pretty messed up. brinne and adrian went through an abundance of childhood trauma together and latched onto each other like the codependent traumabonded almost-gays that they are. despite being the children of the most respected people in the entire country, all of the other nobles hated them during childhood, and honestly still do, so they’re all each other has ever had. after brinne started distancing herself from adrian following artemis’s massacre, she practically lost her mind from the sheer isolation without him. even when she warms up to adrian again, it takes time for her to be able to genuinely open up to him like she did as a teenager. they both just kind of vaguely angst and then fuck nasty about it in the castle’s chapel.
and then right in the middle of her healing kori enters. and it gets So Much Worse. brinne adopted naturally hostile responses to most people even before the trauma of the massacre, so you can imagine that her reactions to new people are not so welcoming. yes she was somewhat prepared to meet the person she’s been betrothed to since childhood, but she was not expecting him to be seventeen. she was not expecting him to be a golden retriever boy who everyone fawns over. she was not expecting him to fall head over heels in love with her two seconds after seeing her. he’s the perfect guy, and she’s pissed. she has no trouble making sure kori knows that the sight of him repulses her. kori isn’t entirely oblivious (brinne is blunt as hell), but he stays optimistic through all of this. he’s definitely upset that his fiancée doesn’t love him, but wants to do his best to make her at least like him, so he keeps shooting his shot. he does not have the mind for politics, and while most of the nobles love him, none of them care about him enough to really get to know him. he’s extremely lonely and misses home. he just kind of wanders around confused most of the time, making it look like he’s happy and well-adjusted. kori also knows nothing about brinne’s affair with adrian, even though the entire noble court knows. none of them have the heart to tell him.
zuri is adrian’s fiancée. she’s a little different. she’s reserved and sweet and disciplined, and has tried to foster a good relationship with adrian for years. they just…don’t click. they’re too similar in too many ways for their relationship to truly be comfortable. zuri was also extremely shy as a child, and adrian was usually busy, so the two never developed a relationship early on. she knows about brinne and adrian’s affair, and has been aware of it since only a little while after it started. brinne and adrian were by no means subtle, and the nobles’ whispers about it became much louder over time. everyone pities her deeply, but no one wants to actually say anything about it. zuri tries to ignore it. she seeks adrian out and does nice things for him and tries to make herself attractive to him in all different ways. girl has tried everything at this point. it’s not working, and adrian feels awful about it. unlike brinne, he has a real connection to his obligations, and he also just values zuri deeply as a person. he can see how hard she’s trying and he wants to like her so, so bad. his demisexuality gets in the way of a lot of it, too (not that he knows what that is). zuri has no comfort, no real friends, and no support. she is putting everything into a relationship she knows is doomed to fail. adrian and zuri are a tragic couple and if they were given time and a little more anger inside, they would probably end up something like the alpha couple from tmg’s tallahassee album.
see, brinne and adrian are deeply in love and ultimately have no romantic interest in their fiancés. and kori and zuri are both the sweetest people ever and are distraught that their fiancés don’t love them back. in addition to this, kori and zuri’s personalities would match completely and they would likely give way to a relationship that helps them grow as people. the age gap between them is also smaller (still not great but it’s a fantasy story what do you want from me) and their life ideals match so much better together. i should just pair them up and let them be happy together, right? right? that would solve all the problems? or at least a lot of them? right?
well. i refuse to let anyone be happy. hope this helps :)
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idrisofficial · 5 months
1 for evander, alya
2 for lennox, kori, zuri
3 for lennox
4 for kori
5 for lennox, brinne
1. Does your OC feel comfortable expressing feelings of joy - do they laugh or smile easily? Or do they have a constantly stern or dour countenance? If so is this entirely genuine? Or something they feel they need to maintain for the sake of appearances?
evander: evander tries to let himself be happy and show it as much as possible. he knows he lives in a bleak world and is putting himself in constant danger, so cherishing the moments of levity are really important to him. he'd rather not be exhausted from trying to stay tough all the time for the sake of the revolution, although he understands that that's often part of the job.
alya: alya has a harder time visibly showing her joy. vibrant reactions and facial expressions have never been natural to her, and she has a tendency to remain stone-faced regardless of the situation. she'll smile, or more commonly, express gratitude towards others when she's feeling joyful, but the occasion has to be significant for her to go further than that. zephyr is good at finding ways to make her laugh, though :)
2. How hopeful is your OC about the future? Do they see things as becoming better in general - either for them personally or the world at large? Or do they feel as if decline and disaster are inevitable and all that can be done is to delay the final end for as long as possible?
lennox: he's pretty depressed about this, actually! he doesn't let it show for obvious reasons, but he sees no positive or stimulating future for himself or for idris under brinne's rule. his future is essentially sealed to continue the cycle of abuse in his family and run the country within the oppressive atmosphere of the nation and the castle. there are various ways he tries to distract himself from this (alcohol, overworking, being a whore, etc), but there's no getting around it. nesrin shares a similar sentiment so at least they can commiserate about it together.
kori: kori is absolutely clueless about nearly everything, but it's in his nature to be optimistic, so he definitely has hope. at least he's aware that he knows nothing about politics, and his plan is to learn more so that eventually he can be of some help making things better. it's sweet. and so terribly, terribly misguided.
zuri: zuri is nervous about the future. she works with a lot of the cold numbers and realities of idris's population as part of her political domain, and she knows it's not doing great. and she also knows that with brinne holed up in her room or spending days in the chapel or drinking herself into oblivion, it's not looking up. she can't really find a reason to be optimistic, but she tries not to let it bother her and just do her duties like she's supposed to, hoping that following the status quo will work out for the better.
3. What makes your OC laugh (if they laugh at all)? Do they have an intellectual or ironic sense of humour? Or do they prefer ribald jokes or slapstick routines?
dear god if you can make this man laugh out of humor you have done the impossible. most of the time it's just sarcastic. he appreciates some good irony, though.
natal made him laugh
4. Does your OC believe in the importance of fidelity in romantic relationships? Or does it not worry them so long as a lover or spouse never discovers their peccadillos in this regard? Conversely do they worry or obsess over the loyalty of their partner or partners?
kori definitely does value loyalty in his relationships, evidenced by the fact that he's never even entertained a crush or relationship before brinne. for good reason, he's definitely a little concerned about brinne's relationship with adrian, but because the two of them are so on and off, he's never actually seen anything between the two of them, he's only been subtly tipped off by other nobles who feel bad for him. most of them who feel bad for him won't say anything anyway.
5. If your OC could be granted one wish for the future, but could only wish on behalf of another person, who would they choose? And for what would they wish?
lennox: i'm just gonna say it he would wish for the guaranteed wellbeing of his siblings and that's it.
brinne: any wish means you can make a negative wish. which means rowen is getting brutally executed and made an example of for the rest of the country. brinne might actually be able to finally rest.
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