randombook4idk · 6 months
"Your ship isn't canon!!"
And? That's the point. You think I don't look at their non-canon status and don't see a goldmine for angst potential thanks to this? You think I'm weeping, but I'm rubbing my hands like a greedy little man, thinking up scenarios to make others cry.
"They don't get together." Maybe that's the point, Jerry. The tragedy of the "what if" - not knowing what road their love story could have taken, but knowing the chance of it blooming in the first place is forever lost. Or maybe it isn't and it takes many years to see the chance once again and this time not losing it. Or maybe losing again-
Creating a story where they do get together is understandable and isn't this awful thing that should be forbiden, but sometimes embracing the non-canon status isn't that bad. Sometimes I want to create a story where instead of getting together, I explore the love and how it affects the characters.
Unrequited love, one sided love, falling in love after it's too late, denial of feelings etc. You name it and I want to explore it.
Canon ships can't provide me that. Them being non-canon isn't well...canon. It can exist in one fanfic but they're still canon.
Not all love stories between characters, who were or weren't canonically in love, not ending up are automatically bad. Non canon ships can also tell a story. And I'm not just talking about well known, popular non-canon ships btw. This includes lesser know ships and crackships as well.
Sometimes I like a ship and them not being canon is the point.
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adam-writes-stuff · 3 months
You Gonna Wish You Never Had Met Me
Pairing: Song x Zuko
Characters: Song, Zuko
Synopsis: She didn't know what to think when she saw his face once again. (Songko reunion)
Word count: 304
She didn't know what to think when she saw his face once again.
The first things Song noticed about him were his eyes. They were no longer filled with bitterness at the world, like they were on their first meeting. Instead, they were now filled with hope and love - what the girl had wished for him to find even after what he had done.
She didn't feel angry, rather a disappointment.
Seeing those eyes had found peace, Song could feel happiness rise in her. A bright smile had practically grown in her face just from seeing that the hurt boy had found healing, but the joy in her brown eyes vanished the second her gaze landed on the crown.
A crown that only the ruler of the Fire Nation would wear.
The same nation that pulled the world into the war. The same nation that took her father away.
The same nation that left scars on numerous people. The same nation that brought pain to others for 100 years.
Song swallowed down the anger and sadness that was now forming inside her.
The person she thought she understood. The person she opened up to. The one who looked at her like he genuinely felt bad for her.
Why did he had to be one of them?
As Zuko stepped forward, preparing to speak to the kind girl he once knew, the only he was met with was the door getting closed right by his nose.
Zuko had noticed the hurt in Song's eyes. The feeling of betrayal, knowing she had been welcoming and kind, opened an old wound to sympathize to a person who in reality was part of a nation that brought on the wounds that'll take years at best and never at worst to heal.
"I'm sorry." he said before leaving.
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allgremlinart · 9 months
I moan about how jetko is kind of a rarepair now but like... if I'm being honest no one has it harder than those zuko/earth kingdom girls shippers... they've suffered more than jesus havent they...
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starmoonsunearth · 2 years
Me/you: go in to this horror house
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The ghost:
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Fun fact: "Rumah Songko" is a horror house that Will test your fear..
But it's okay, they won't hurt you
Rumah : house
Songko : ghost (in Indonesia, they called "hantu". But in Manado they called "Songko")
May spoil onec again
One of them almost die inside
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It's hard for me to take the "Zutara is a colonizer x colonized ship" argument seriously when:
1) People often forget that many Zutara shippers are from/descended from colonized countries
2) It isn't comparable to Pocahontas and John Smith or Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemingway since Zuko learned about the errors of his nation and tried to redeem himself after being an agent of colonization. Little to no colonizers in history did that
3) The same people who make these arguments either ship or are neutral to Zukka, Jinko, Songko, Zuki, etc.
4) Never analyze how surface-level the show and its spin-offs' critique of colonialism is. I never hear people who make this talk about how problematic the concept of Republic City since it was based on centering the feelings of Fire Nation settlers who were put in the Fire Nation colonies to displace indigenous Earth Kingdom citizens and the only person to critique this concept post-ATLA is a literal fascist. Or how it demonizes armed struggle and feeds into this idea that oppressed can only liberate themselves if they kindly ask their oppressors to stop oppressing them through the episode "Jet". Or how Hama, a victim of ethnocide, is villainized for wanting to get revenge on her oppressors; not saying her actions were justified but the show's could've been more sympathetic.
And I say all this as someone of West African heritage and isn't a hardcore Zutara shipper. It's gross to use real-life events to "win" a ship war, especially when the characters are from a show that has a bare bone critique of these events.
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prying-pandora666 · 1 year
Me: I’m not much of a shipper myself, but I respect all ships and everyone has a right to enjoy them! 💖
Me: Zutara, Toko, Zuki, Jinko, Songko, Jetko, Zukka, Zukaang … all valid!
Me: MaiLee, Maizula, MaiLo, MaiSuki, Maang, MaiOC… also all valid!
Me, after the comics: I don’t care for Maiko…
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yasmijn · 8 months
Ternyata tidak seperti pulang
Bulan lalu aku terbang ke Belanda, ceritanya untuk bulan madu, setelah terakhir kali aku meninggalkan negara itu untuk kembali ke Indonesia di akhir September tahun 2020. Pesawat kami sampai di Schiphol jam 7 pagi. Berjalan menyusuri koridor di bandara yang cukup padat, menunggu koper keluar dari bagasi, dan lanjut berjalan ke tempat kereta.
Hal pertama yang dilakukan adalah top-up OV Chipkaart - kali ini biru dan tak bernama, bukan lagi kartu kuning dengan foto dan nama yang tercetak di sisi satunya. 20 euro dulu karena masih bisa apply joint journey discount ke kartunya Gio - 40%, lumayan. Lalu turun ke peron 5/6 dan menunggu kereta yang akan berhenti di Delft.
Karena kami bawa 2 koper besar, 1 koper kabin, dan 2 personal bag, jadilah kami memilih untuk duduk di kursi lipat persis di sebelah pintu kereta. Perjalanan tak sampai 40 menit. Sepanjang jalan, kiri-kanan rel terhampar padang rumput hijau, langit biru bersih tak berpolusi, satu-dua-tiga turbin angin dan rumah kaca. Silih berganti.
Aku memandangi semuanya, mencoba mencari-cari perasaan di hati ini. Ketika akhirnya kembali lagi ke negara yang penting untuk proses pendewasaanku - dua tahun yang menyenangkan. Aku kira bisa saja aku menangis tersedu, tapi ternyata di luar dugaan, rasanya..... biasa saja. Ternyata, tidak seperti pulang.
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Rute tram yang dulu masih dibangun
Ternyata bagiku Belanda hanyalah sebuah negara, dan Delft hanyalah sebuah kota. Mungkin aku sudah melewati fase meromantisasi hal-hal? Tentu saja hanya bukan sekadar hanya - cuma ya ternyata aku tidak serindu itu. Padahal sudah lewat tiga tahun. Rasanya seperti sedang pulang ke Jogja - cuma ya jauh sekali, baru bisa dicapai dengan minimal empat belas jam naik pesawat dan persiapan finansial yang kuat. Haha.
Tapi ya memang aku tahu bahwa yang aku rindukan itu bukan Delft dan Belanda yang berdiri sendiri - tapi Delft periode tahun 2018-2020 yang berisikan teman-teman baikku, orang-orang yang beradaptasi, belajar, saling mengenal, dan juga saling bantu. Fase penting kehidupanku yang sudah berakhir dan sudah lewat. Yang penting bagiku adalah ya, orang-orang itu, teman-temanku itu - tak perlu jumpa di Eropa juga.
Oleh karena itu, sebenarnya salah satu highlight dari perjalanan lintas Eropa 15 hari kemarin itu adalah waktu aku main ke rumahnya Bang Songko dan Kak Bella - ngobrol dan makan malam sama Goban, Iqbal, Puti, Adrian, dan akhirnya ketemu lagi sama Sakhiy juga pertama kali ketemu sama Senna. Tentunya sekalian memperkenalkan Gio juga dong sama mereka.
Orang-orang ini yang penting, bukan dimananya :-)
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Foto sebelum Sakhiy tidur dan Adrian datang
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com – Museum Asi Mbojo merupakan bangunan Istana Kesultanan Bima yang sudah berusia ratusan tahun. Meski begitu, hingga saat ini Sobat Turisian bisa melihatnya berdiri megah dan masih tampak anggun di Kota Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Bangunan bersejarah ini bukan hanya sebagai pusat pemerintahan di masa lalu, tapi sekaligus merupakan lambang identitas sebuah bangsa. Menurut sumber sejarah, dari istana inilah, bendera merah putih pertama kali berkibar di Bima. Istana atau Asi dalam Bahasa Bima ini mulai masyarakat Bima kenali sekitar abad ke 11 Masehi. Bangunan Museum Asi Mbojo bergaya Eropa yang terlihat eksotik. Pembangunannya mulai tahun 1927, dengan arsitek kelahiran Kota Ambon bernama Rahatta yang mendapat undangan dari pemerintah kolonial Belanda kala itu. Dalam menyelesaikan pembangunan istana ini, Rehatta mendapat bantuan dari Bumi Jero Istana hingga dapat merampungkan pada tahun 1929. Pembangunan Istana ini dapat selesai dalam waktu tiga tahun dan langsung diresmikan. Museum Asi Mbojo memiliki bangunan permanen berlantai dua yang merupakan perpaduan arsitektur asli Bima dan Belanda. Pembangunannya berlangsung secara gotong royong oleh masyarakat dengan tambahan pembiayaan dari anggaran belanja kesultanan. Baca juga: Yuk Tamasya Bersama Keluarga ke Pantai Lawata Bima! Hasilnya, istana ini menjadi bangunan yang paling indah dan megah pada masa kesultanan saat itu. Luas halamannya 500 meter persegi. Waktu itu seputar istana tumbuh pohon-pohon rindang dan taman bunga yang indah. Ada dua pintu gerbang yang mengapit istana ini, yakni Pintu Timur dan Barat yang selalu ada penjaga dari anggota pasukan pengawal Kesultanan Bima. Tata Letak Bangunan Museum Asi Mbojo Konsep tata letak bangunan museum ini tidak jauh berbeda dengan istana lain di tanah air. Posisinya menghadap ke Barat. Di depannya tampak tanah lapang atau alun-alun dengan nama Serasuba.  Di sinilah Raja tampil secara terbuka di depan rakyat pada momen-momen tertentu. Semisal waktu kesultanan menyelenggarakan upacara-upacara penting atau perayaan hari besar keagamaan. Serasuba juga menjadi arena latihan pasukan kesultanan. Di sebelah alun-alun, Sobat Turisian bisa menemukan sebuah bangunan mesjid sebagai sarana kegiatan ritual keagamaan Islam. Kini mesjid itu bernama Masjid Sultan. Tanah lapang istana tersebut berbentuk segi empat, mendekati bentuk bujur sangkar. Satu sisi bersebelahan dengan bangunan masjid dan sisi lain menyatu dengan halaman istana. Ada pula Istana Kayu yang terletak di samping timur museum dengan nama Asi Bou. Kemudian ada Masjid Sultan Muhammad Salahuddin yang berada di Kampung Sigi atau di sebelah Selatan lapangan Serasuba. Pembangunannya oleh Sultan Abdul Kadim Muhammad Syah dengan Wajir Ismail pada tahun 1337. Koleksi di Museum Asi Mbojo Bima Ketika Sobat Turisian berkunjung ke museum Bima ini, bisa melihat beragam jenis koleksi dalam jumlah yang banyak. Mayoritas merupakan benda pusaka peninggalan Kesultanan Bima. Semua benda pusaka tersebut sudah terdaftar sebagai Benda Cagar Budaya. Baca juga: Refreshing Dulu ke Pulau Kelapa Bima dengan Alam yang Menakjubkan Jenis-jenis benda pusaka sebagai koleksi Museum Asi Mbojo, di antaranya Keris Samparaja buatan sekitar abad 16 pada masa pemerintahan Indera Zamrud. Lalu ada 5 tombak dan 8 Sondi atau pedang khas Bima berlapis emas, serta Parang Sakti “la Nggunti Rante”. Berikutnya ada perangkat kebesaran Sultan Bima, yaitu beberapa jenis barang yang akan Sultan terima dan pakai sesuai “Tuha Ro Lanti” (pelantikan dan penobatan) menjadi Sultan. Terdiri dari mahkota atau Songko Masa (Songko Emas), Samparaja, yaitu keris pusaka, dan Paju Ro’o Ta’a (Payung Daun Lontar). Koleksi Museum Asi Mbojo lainnya, ada Tatarapa yang berarti keris untuk para pejabat Kesultanan. Buja (tombak) dengan hiasan emas serta perak pada sarung dan hulunya. Lalu koleksi benda-benda perhiasan dari emas dan perak dengan hiasan berlian dan permata yang mahal. Tambah lagi perabot
rumah tangga, seperti cerek, teko, kendi dan kobokan, pada umumnya terbuat dari emas dan perak. Semua barang pusaka penbinggalan Kesultanan, ada yang menjadi milik pribadi keluarga Sultan dan ada pula yang menjadi pengawasan pemerintah. Baca juga: Mengenal Uma Lengge, Rumah Adat Kabupaten Bima NTB Benda-benda pusaka yang berada di tangan pemerintah, sejak tahun 1996 tersimpan di ruangan tetap Museum Asi Mbojo Bima.*       Sumber & Foto: Dispar Kota Bima
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aminmuhtar · 2 years
🇹 🇦 🇼 🇦 🇳 🇬  🇲 🇦 🇳 🇬 🇬 🇺 
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𝚃𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚐𝚞 /𝚐r𝚘𝚓𝚘𝚔𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚎𝚠𝚞
𝙱𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚊𝚔 𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚊 𝚍𝚒 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚒 01-10-2014
𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚊 𝚔𝚊𝚖𝚒 𝚕𝚒𝚋𝚞𝚛𝚊𝚗 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚒 𝚔𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚗 𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚊𝚑
niat untuk liburan pernikahan
songko 𝙺𝙰𝙻𝚃𝙴𝙽𝙶 menuju wonogiri, nengkono mbah ku due anak kembar sedangkan kami berharap iso due keturunan kembar
posisi usia pernikahan kami 9 bulan belum (punya anak)
bar songko wonogiri kami lanjut ke sragen masaran
lagi sedino neng sragen langsung di ajak
mbah ku kakong , neng tawang manggu
lagi teko tangga naik pertama ndelalah enek ibuj ibuk jualan buah strowberry
bojo ku kepingiin tuku 2 bungkus
urung tau maem strowbery kok ndelalah urung sampe tekan neng gtojokan neng tangga akeh monyet
ternyata monyet e
ngamok kalo ngak di kasih buah
pas arah tutun bojoku koyok wong 𝙽𝙶𝙸𝙳𝙰𝙼
ngolek i bakol strowbery
seng mau.
malah wes gak enek bakul e
trus kamivarah mantok
ke solo lanjut neng sragen muter muter golek buah strowbery
kok delalah gak oleh.
sampek jam 21:30
ndelalah mbah ku kakonh oleh buah strowbery
ditukokne 100.000 isi 10 bungkus
trus aku punya firasat aneh.
kok sifat e bojoku. ngak kayak biasanya lho.
trus jam 11:00
aku tuku 𝚃𝙴𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙲
𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚔 𝚗𝚎𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚑 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚘𝚓𝚘ku tak𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚞𝚑 tesPEC
alhamdulilah hasilnya
🇵 🇴 🇸 🇮 🇹 🇮 🇫  🇭 🇦 🇲 🇮 🇱
ijek penasaran aku
soal e aku cuman beli 𝚃𝙴𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙲 1
aku balek neng apotic beli 3 tespec
saat kui juga hasil tespec 𝙿𝙾𝚂𝙸𝚃𝙸𝙵
seneng bangget aku lho....... mbak.....😁😁😁😁
akhir setelah menunggu sekitar 9 bulan wws menghasilkan yesssss😁😁
buah strowbery seng sisa mau
tak gowo mantok neng kalimantan
sory banyak coretan di vidio ini,
iki hanya cerita tentang kehamilan anak pertama kami mbak
siapa tau bermanfaat
sekali lagi minta
aku gor pengen cerito 😁😁
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theotherace · 2 years
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wip. two steambabies and one iroh.
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
Honestly, Jin is such an underrated character. She's empathetic, patient, sweet and overall funny - you can SEE how well Zuko works with a character like that. On the other hand I remember Song and that was a really adorable character too. Both girls somewhat brought the best in Zuko, too.
They're both somewhat like Katara rather than what Mai is - and yet they give Zuko a partner whom his relationship just doesn't seem to work. They have no needed depth for such a deep character like Zuko is.
Song was a great character, too. I just think she was a little too precious for Zuko. Jin's personality matches Zuko better, I think. But Song absolutely would have been better for Zuko than Mai. By a lot. Like not even close.
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randombook4idk · 9 months
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pls i need more songko in my life ;-;
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crashingmeteorz · 4 years
post-war ba sing se bimbo headcanons
so zuko becomes the firelord, and jin and jet think it’s hilarious. he’s so good at it. he’s so charismatic. they’re like “who the hell is this guy? when did he get mature and responsible???” and song’s like “when zuko wasn’t doing stupid shit, he was stopping you two from doing stupid shit, i saw this coming a mile away.”
jin joins the kyoshi warriors, and is overwhelmed by all the pretty girls she’s working with, but for the most part it becomes a sisterhood. she will forever and always have a severe crush on suki, however, and really, can you blame her? so when suki reciprocates, jin writes song a four-page essay about it.
anyway, when zuko asks the warriors to come to the capital, obviously jin’s there, too. jet and song show up almost immediately after jin does.
“what, you two are hanging out without us now?” song asks them accusatorily. “it’s not fair that only you get to see jin, zuko.”
“yeah,” jet says. “and i used to see zuko shirtless a few times a week. and i thought i was lucky! now jin’s a kyoshi warrior and she gets to see it every day?”
“she does not!” says zuko. “yeah,” says jin, while shaking her head the opposite.
attempts on zuko’s life are about as common as rain showers, so song starts testing basically everything he eats with some of her chemicals. every time she finds something insidious, she tracks down every link in the chain that got the food to him, and finds a way to rectify the situation. she doesn’t trouble zuko with this, because he’s got enough going on. also, he probably maybe wouldn’t approve of her methods.
(song is not inherently violent, but when it comes to her family, she’s downright vicious).
jet wants to get in on the action, but between song’s disarming sweetness and the kyoshi warrior’s intimidation, zuko’s basically protected. what he isn’t, is good with people.
zuko can make grand dramatic speeches all day long, but when it comes to the council, or local government officials, or merchants, or literally even jet, he’s the same awkward kid jet met on the boat to ba sing se.
“you are never going to make it as firelord.” jet tells him from the couch he’s lounging on while he watches zuko practice a very basic interaction in the mirror.
“okay, fuck you, too.” zuko says miserably.
“sorry, i wasn’t clear,” jet says, standing beside zuko. “you are never going to make it as firelord without me.”
jet tries in vain to get zuko to lie better, to present himself differently, to deceive just a little bit, but it just isn’t happening. zuko doesn’t even want to lie, he doesn’t want to be like his father and azula, so they take a different approach.
instead, jet teaches him how to spot liars, and how to play the game. it’s basic stuff, like let silence linger because they’ll want to fill it if they’re afraid you don’t believe them. ask them bizarre questions so they overcorrect. if they’re complimenting you too much, they’re trying to deceive you.
to jet, it’s survival. to zuko, it’s like a whole world has opened up he never knew about. he hangs on to jet’s every word, and at the end, he asks that jet join him in council meetings, naming him an ambassador from the earth kingdom.
this is how jet discovers that he’s AMAZING at politics. he can’t believe how easy it is. he considers taking it up as a hobby when he gets back to the earth kingdom.
“you can’t do politics as a hobby,” zuko says.
“why not?” jet says. “it’s just fun. it’s not what i’m meant to be doing forever though.”
“do you have a mysterious job back in the earth kingdom none of us know about?” asks jin.
“yes,” says song, irritable from today’s batch of poison discoveries, “he’s working full-time as a little bitch.”
the more meetings jet attends, the more he wonders if politics really is for what he’s meant. arguing and debating delights him and, unlike the exhausted zuko, he leaves the debates feeling energized. but it just feels so bureaucratic, so useless compared to what he did during the war.
he’s so torn about it that he finally asks song for advice.
“i don’t know anything about politics,” she says tiredly. he’s playing idly with her hair after she’s had a long day of Keeping Zuko Alive. “why are you asking me?”
“because you don’t hold back,” jet tells her. “because you let me know when i’ve gone too far.”
song’s glad it’s dark in the lounge, because she can’t believe she’s blushing.
“well,” she says finally. “what would you be in it for?”
“what do you mean?” he says. “i just like it.”
“do you like the attention?” song asks. “are you just interested in the drama of it all? or do you want to make a difference?”
“i want to make a difference,” he says confidently. “i want to help the earth kingdom.”
“well, then, there’s your answer,” song says.
“yeah,” jet agrees. “no politics for me.”
“wait, what?” song asks him, because how did he reach that conclusion?
“it’s just smooth talking and paperwork. it’s not gonna help the earth kingdom,” jet tells her. “i’m not selling out.”
“is that what you think zuko’s doing?” she asks.
“of course not,” jet says, rolling his eyes. “but he’s also the firelord. that’s different.”
“and he’s your best friend,” she reminds him. “and you also happen to be on good terms with the avatar and the leaders of the southern water tribe, so you know you have influential people who will hear you out. if you want to make a difference, this is probably the best way.”
he’s quiet for a while. he almost looks disappointed.
“not every battle is on the battlefield, jet,” song says gently. “it’s not as glamorous, or as dangerous. it’s tedious and difficult and boring. but it’s what’s left, after the war.”
“i guess that’s the thing,” jet says sadly. “i don’t know who i am without the war.”
“i do,” song says with so much sincerity jet almost blushes. almost. he’s still, like, cool.
if they fall into a routine where song fixes his hair into something presentable for council meetings and jet forces her to take a break and enjoy the sunshine once in a while, zuko and jin don’t feel it’s necessary to comment.
for like three days.
“you stole my boyfriend,” zuko accuses song after catching her and jet kissing. the fact that sokka’s napping with his head in zuko’s lap as he says so doesn’t seem to faze him.
“you stole my ostrich horse,” she says, for the last time ever, “so now we’re even.”
“what’s with you and guys with weird facial hair?” jin asks as she stuffs her face with fire flakes, her new favorite treat. “first haru and now jet?”
“haru?” jet squeaks.
“i liked haru’s moustache,” song says thoughtfully. “i thought it made him look mature.”
“at least if jet grew a moustache i’d understand what everyone sees in him,” sokka says sleepily. “no offense.”
“you’re just mad i kissed zuko first,” huffs jet.
jet stops shaving that week. everyone notices.
when song and jet finally prepare to go back to the earth kingdom, jet privately asks zuko if it’s true that he and aang are considering founding a city that unites the nations. zuko tells him it is.
“well, i want in. whenever that is,” he says, and jet and zuko hug.
song and her mother open up a hospital and sanctuary that specifically caters to displaced families. jet reunites with longshot and smellerbee, and they drift around but tend to come back to the sanctuary. they often go out on missions to try and reunite families. it’s not quite fighting, and it’s not quite peace, so it’s a good transition for jet and his freedom fighters.
eventually, things slow down and so does jet. he starts walking around the village they’re located in without his weapons. a child asks song where she got the scars on her leg, and when she explains it was a firebender, the child says “oh, did he get in trouble?” song laughs and laughs, because for the first time in years, there are children who don’t know war.
jin doesn’t stay as a kyoshi warrior forever, but she does decide to settle down on kyoshi. she never really wanted the dangerous life, she just wanted some adventure and sort of stumbled into the chaos of jet and song and zuko. the quiet island is perfect for her. she still stirs up trouble once in a while though.
“COME GET YOUR IDIOT SHE TRIED TO RIDE THE UNAGI.” suki writes in two identical letters, one to jet and song and one to zuko.
“okay, whatever suki tells you, i want you to know she’s lying. i DID ride the unagi and it was SICK. sokka was here recently and said someone invented an image-capture thing is that true? because if it is i want you to bring one and come here ASAP so i can do it AGAIN.” says the fervent letter from jin that arrived three days after suki’s.
jet and song arrive promptly, song laden with medical supplies and a sternly-worded letter from her mother to jin. jet brings a camera.
zuko shows up a few days later with the latest in camera technology and a photographer, as well as his one-year-old daughter. he goes all-out because this is his and izumi’s first trip together. jet grumbles about being one-upped.
“you’re the firelord, you’re gonna encourage this?” song asks him, eyes furious but voice sweet as she plays with izumi. “excuse me, song, but the war is over, i have no jurisdiction here. if an earth kingdom citizen wants to exercise her right to be a dumbass she’s more than welcome to,” says zuko in his most diplomatic voice.
“and,” he adds more gently, “i missed you guys.” song still thinks he’s being ridiculous, but she gives him a big hug anyway.
zuko has to firebend at the unagi to stop it from eating jin and song is left to mend jin’s broken arm. jet takes pictures throughout the entire thing, from her climbing onto the creature, to getting thrown, to being bandaged up and laughs the whole time. song produces a second letter written by her mother which she was instructed only to give to jin in the event she rode the unagi.
all it says in neat hand-writing is, “i told you so. now come home so i can feed you, you ridiculous child.”
“i’m 24,” pouts jin, but since she’s the youngest, the group agrees heartily with song’s mother.
the five of them go to the sanctuary, where iroh is drinking tea with song’s mother and trading stories about their new respective lives.
zuko has to return to the capital in three days, iroh’s got his tea shop to run, and jin isn’t planning on staying long because her “super hot girlfriend is doing something extremely sexy” and she has to get back soon.
“jin, please, just talk normal for once in your life,” zuko begs her, bouncing izumi on his lap. “fine,” she says, “she’s being voted in as the leader of the island and i want to be there for the ceremony.”
jet realizes it’s not often he’ll have all the people he loves in one place, and quietly asks song something important.
they get married the night before zuko and jin leave, in front of jet’s freedom fighters and song’s mother and iroh. jin and zuko stand as their maid of honor and best man. zuko cries.
for the first time in almost two decades, all of them start to feel at peace.
ty so much for this au @azenkii writing about it is one of the most enjoyable experiences haha. is this update softer than usual? yes, of course, it’s what they deserve.
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stitch1830 · 3 years
For an Anonymous prompt ask. Original ask is here!
Songko - #19 - “Liar”
She was just cutting up some vegetables for dinner when she heard him shuffle into the house.
But this time it was different… Zuko was being quiet. Too quiet. “Hey Zuko! Where are you?” she called out.
He paused in his escape and peeped his head into the kitchen. “Hi honey. I was just… um. I was just going upstairs to wash up. I’ll be back in just a moment okay?”
Before he could disappear, Song called out again, “Hold on, Zuko. Come here.”
Zuko hesitated for a moment, but he approached her with his hands behind his back.
He was hiding something.
Song playfully raised an eyebrow at Zuko. “What’s behind your back?”
“Nothing,” he replied quickly.
“Liar,” she teased. “Come on, Zuko. What is it?”
“Umm, it’s just something I found, okay?”
“Well, can I see it??”
Zuko sighed, but he held his hands out to Song to reveal the tiny creature sitting in the palm of his hand.
A turtleduck.
“It was lost and alone, so I just wanted to make sure it was safe! I know how to take care of one and it’s important that during these early stages that—”
“—Zuko,” she interrupted, smiling. “It’s okay, honey! I don’t mind if we keep him.”
His eyes grew bright like a little kid. “Really?”
Song let out a small laugh and kissed his cheek. “Really. We should probably name it if he’s gonna stay with us for a while.”
Zuko grinned at her and replied, “I’ll leave the naming up to you, okay?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
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birbyonce · 5 years
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no one:
me: SONGKO.....!!!!!!!!!
anyway.. drew this bc of this tag from my previous post and ngl i'd cry too
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metellastella · 3 years
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Storgic Irko Discord
Picture for: Irko Week
Nov 1 - Protect
Nov 2 - Care
Nov 3 - Warm
Nov 4 - Grief
Nov 5 - Fear
Nov 6 - Disguise
Nov 7 - Father
Incorrect Quotes from my Toko friendship fic.
You do not want to mistreat or threaten Zuko while Toph is around. Truuuust me.
And also lots of Iroh worrying over Toph :3
If you’d just like to read the Toko chapters, they are as follows: #6, #11, #17, #20, and I have some Google Doc chapters I haven’t published yet if you want more >:)
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