#sometimes i get really 'i will distract myself with drawing or working' and sometimes i just can't do anything
maniculum · 8 months
Medieval Scorpions Effortpost
So yesterday I reblogged this post featuring an 11th-century depiction of the Apocalypse Locusts from Revelations, noting the following incongruity as another medieval scorpion issue:
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The artist, as you can see, has interpreted "tails like scorpions" as meaning "glue cheerful-looking snakes to their butts".
Anyway, it occurred to me that the medieval scorpion thing might not be as widely known as I think it is, and that Tumblr would probably enjoy knowing about it if it isn't known already. So, finding myself unable to focus on the research I'm supposed to be doing, I decided to write about this instead. I'll just go ahead and put a cut here.
As we can see in the image above, at least one artist out there thought a "scorpion" was a type of snake. Which makes it difficult to draw "tails like scorpions", because a snake's tail is not that distinctive or menacing (maybe rattlesnakes, but they don't have those outside the Americas). So they interpreted "tails like scorpions" as "the tail looks like a whole snake complete with head".
Let me tell you. This is not a problem unique to this illustration.
See, people throughout medieval Europe were aware of scorpions. As just alluded to, they are mentioned in the Bible, and if the people producing manuscripts in medieval Europe knew one thing, it was Stuff In Bible. They're also in the Zodiac, which medieval Europe had inherited through classical sources. However, let's take a look at this map:
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That's Wikipedia's map of the native range of the Scorpiones order, i.e., all scorpion species. You may notice something -- the range just stops at a certain northern latitude. Pretty much all of northern Europe is scorpion-free. If you lived in the north half of Europe, odds were good you had never seen a scorpion in your life. But if you were literate or educated at all, or you knew they were a thing, because you'd almost certainly run across them being mentioned in texts from farther south. And those texts wouldn't bother to explain what a scorpion was, of course -- everyone knows scorpions, right? When was the last time you stopped to explain What Is Spiders?
So medieval writers and artists in northern Europe were kind of stuck. There was all this scorpion imagery and metaphor in the texts they liked to work from, but they didn't really know what a scorpion was. Writers could kind of work around it (there's a lot of "oh, it's a venomous creature, moving on"), but sometimes they felt the need to break it down better. For this, of course, they'd have to refer to a bestiary -- but due to Bestiary Telephone and the persistent need of bestiary authors to turn animals into allegories, one of the only visual details you got on scorpions was that they... had a beautiful face, which they used to distract people in order to sting them.
And look. I'm not here to yuck anyone's yum, but I would say that a scorpion's face has significant aesthetic appeal only for a fairly small segment of the population. I'm sure you could get an entomologist to rhapsodize about it a bit, but your average person on the street will not be entranced by the face of a scorpion. So this did not help the medieval Europeans in figuring out how to depict scorpions. There was also some semantic confusion -- see, in some languages (such as Old and Middle English), "worm" could be a general term for very small animals of any kind. But it also could mean "serpent".* So there were some, like our artist at the top of the post, who were pretty sure a scorpion was a snake. This was probably helped along by the fact that "venomous" was one of the only things everyone knew about them, and hey, snakes are venomous. Also, Pliny the Elder had floated the idea that there were scorpions in Africa that could fly, and at least one author (13th-century monk Bartholomaeus Anglicus) therefore suggested that they had feathers. I don't see that last one coming up much, I just share it because it's funny to me.
*English eventually resolved this by borrowing the Latin vermin for very small animals, using the specialized spelling wyrm for big impressive mythical-type serpents, and sticking with the more specific snake for normal serpents.
Some authors, like the anonymous author of the Ancrene Wisse, therefore suggested that a scorpion was a snake with a woman's face and a stinging tail. (Everyone seemed to be on the same page with regards to the fact that the sting was in the tail, which is in fact probably the most recognizable aspect of scorpions, so good job there.) However, while authors could avoid this problem, visual artists could not. And if you were illustrating a bestiary or a calendar, including a scorpion was not optional. So they had to take a shot at what this thing looked like.
And so, after this way-too-long explanation, the thing you're probably here for: inaccurate medieval drawings of scorpions. (There are of course accurate medieval drawings of scorpions, from artists who lived in the southern part of Europe and/or visited places where scorpions lived; I'm just not showing you those.) And if you find yourself wondering, "how sure are you that that's meant to be a scorpion?" -- all of these are either from bestiaries or from calendars that include zodiac illustrations.
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11th-century England, MS Arundel 60. (Be honest, without the rest of this post, if I had asked you to guess what animal this was supposed to be, would you have ever guessed “scorpion”?)
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12th-century Germany, "Psalter of Henry the Lion". (Looks a bit undercooked. Kind of fetal.)
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12th-century France, Peter Lombard's Sententiae. (Very colorful, itsy bitsy claws, what is happening with that tail?)
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12th-century England, "The Shaftesbury Psalter". (So a scorpion is some sort of wyvern with a face like a duck, correct?)
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13th-century France, Thomas de Cantimpré's Liber de natura rerum. (I’d give them credit for the silhouette not being that far off, but there’s a certain bestiary style where all the animals kind of look like that. Also note how few of these have claws.)
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13th-century England, "The Bodley Bestiary". (Mischievous flying squirrel impales local man’s hand, local man fails to notice.)
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13th-century England, Harley MS 3244. (A scorpion is definitely either a mouse or a fish. Either way it has six legs.)
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13th-century England, Harley MS 3244. (Wait, no, it’s a baby theropod, and it has two legs. (Yes, this is the same manuscript, that’s not an error, this artist did four scorpions and no two are the same.))
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13th-century England, Harley MS 3244. (Actually it’s a lizard with tiny ears and it has four legs.)
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13th-century England, Harley MS 3244. (Now that we’re at the big fancy illustration, I think I’ve got it — it’s like that last one, but two legs, longer ears, and a less goofy face. Also I’ve decided it’s not pink anymore, I think that was the main problem.)
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13th-century England, MS Kk.4.25. (A scorpion is a flat crocodile with a bear’s head.)
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13th-century England, "The Huth Psalter". (Wyvern but baby! Does not seem to be enjoying biting its own tail.)
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13th-century England, MS Royal 1 D X. (This triangular-headed gentlecreature gets the award for “closest guess at correct limb configuration”. If two of those were claws, I might actually believe this artist had seen a scorpion before, or at least a picture of one.)
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13th-century England, "The Westminster Psalter". (A scorpion is the offspring of a wyvern and a fawn.)
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13th-century England, "The Rutland Psalter". (Too many legs! Pull back! Pull back!)
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13th or 14th-century France, Bestiaire d'amour rimé. (This is very similar to the fawn-wyvern, but putting it in an actual Scene makes it even more obvious that you’re just guessing.)
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14th-century Netherlands, Jacob van Maerlant's Der Naturen Bloeme. (More top-down six-legged guys that look too furry to be arthropods.)
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14th-century Germany, MS Additional 22413. (That is clearly a turtle.)
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14th-century France, Matfres Eymengau de Beziers's Breviari d'amor. (Who came up with that head shape and what was their deal?)
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15th-century England, "Bestiary of Ann Walsh". (Screw it, a scorpion is a big lizard that glares at you for trying to make me draw things I don’t know about.)
I've spent way too much time on this now. End of post, thank you to anyone who got all the way down here.
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cameronspecial · 8 months
Let Me Study, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Semi-Public Oral Sex
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
Summary: Rafe needs to pass this exam and he thought Y/N would be the perfect study buddy, but she is actually a bad influence.
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Rafe doesn’t normally care for studying, but with the threat of not passing this class, he really needs to get at least a 90% on his final exam. This is about 50% higher than what he usually gets in his assignments for this class. He thought having Y/N with him would encourage him to be more productive. However, Y/N’s exam season has ended and this meant that she is not the help he thought she would be. Her pen clicks against the desk impatiently and Rafe’s eyes won’t leave his laptop. “Angel, can you stop please?” he begs as the sound keeps drawing attention to her. “I need to focus. Could you maybe test me please?” She whispers an apology and takes his laptop to start asking him questions. 
Once they figure out what he still needs to review, Y/N goes back to impatiently waiting for him to finish, so she opens up her book to distract her. The more she reads, the spicier the book gets and she feels herself in need of Rafe’s attention. She gets up from her seat, leaning across the table to capture her lips in his. He is a little shocked at first but reciprocates after a few seconds. She expects him to get up and take her back to his house because she needs him, yet, all he can do is pull away. “Angel, I’m sorry. I have to study.” His mantra for the evening is really getting on her nerves. She sits back with a pout when an idea pops into her mind. The section of the library they are in is private and empty at the moment. She knows there are no cameras back here because she worked here freshman year. 
Her body slowly starts sliding down the chair, so she is underneath the table, which goes unnoticed by Rafe who is reading about the best marketing techniques. Her fingertip leaves a ghost trail all the way up his inner thigh to his waiting penis. His whole body freezes at her touch and he looks down at her. “What are you doing?” he grits through closed teeth. She gives him an innocent smile, “Don’t mind me, just keeping myself busy.” She unbuckles his belt and pulls his briefs down just enough to take out his dick. “Let me study, Angel,” he warns with a tone that goes directly to her core. She ignores his words and takes him into her mouth. Her head starts to bob while her hands pump whatever doesn’t fit in her mouth. He has now abandoned studying in favour of seeing how far she is willing to go at the library. 
He tries to quiet his moans by biting on her pen, but it is proving to be difficult so his hands find the back of her head. The force he applies to push her down is not one she is unused to and it is certainly one that she craves sometimes. He starts bucking his hips like crazy to make this go faster before they get caught. Her hands no longer need to pump the rest of his shaft, so she brings them to the growing wetness between her thighs. Her fingers coat themselves in her juices before she uses one to puncture her closed lips. Her moans are muffled by the cock in her mouth. The movement of her fingers speeds up to match his pace and she slips another finger into herself. 
They both go over the edge in a sea of quiet pants as he brings her up to straddle his lap. She rearranges her underwear and helps him tuck himself back into his pants. His forehead finds her. He gives her a kiss on the lips before shutting his laptop, “Come on, let's finish this in my room.” “What about studying?” she lets out a giggle.
“Fuck studying.”  
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senanatheskenana · 1 year
Genshin Characters’ Voice line About you
"Oh (y/n)? They're wonderful! They just work so hard, and they're so compassionate... It almost makes me want to work even harder with how much they do to help me!... What?? Of course, I wouldn't have a crush- feelings for them! It-It would be completely unprofessional to feel something like that for a fellow knight!"
"So you've heard of them too... I'm not surprised, they're just so cool that I'm surprised they dont have as big a fan club as Barbara. I guess if they had a fan club, you could say that I'm the founder of it!"
"Such a cutie- we've known each other since our days in the Akademiya. They were just as formidable then. Hm?  If you're insinuating that I liked them back then- or now- well, that's, unfortunately for you, none of your business, traveller."
"I've asked them countless times to the tavern but every time they refuse- say, I dont suppose you could perhaps convince them to meet me somewhere? Every time I do it they play hard to get- they call me a flirt. Oh? You think that I should ask them to go somewhere more romantic? Hmm, I'll think about it, but while I'm doing that you ask them first. There might be a reward in it for you~"
"W-What? No, I dont really know all that much about them. I hardly ever talk to them, so of course, I wouldn't know that. I'm not being defensive, that's ridiculous- the idea- no! I... Is this- Has Kaeya been telling you that I like them? N-No? Oh. You didn't even ask about that... I have something I must do- Goodbye, traveller."
"Ah yes, (y/n). The single most perfect thing in Mondstadt- if not Teyvat... And perhaps the only thing I can't write a song about. It's just not possible to write something that lives up to them in person. It's like drawing air, you just can't do it"
"When I first met them, it took me by surprise. I hadn't seen it. Perhaps it was better that way because I could experience it all like fate wanted me to."
"I sometimes find myself drawing them without realising. I dont know why but even during experiments I sometimes get distracted by thoughts of them. I've made plans to see them, to try and pinpoint why these things are occurring."
"They're just as irritating as you- not leaving me be, following me around like a puppy... Well yes, I suppose it would be strange not having them around. And it is sort of sweet that they keep trying. Dont get any ideas, it's just that"
"Proper procedure would dictate that I begin our courtship with perhaps a bouquet or an offer of attending a social function together. Do you think that they'd prefer red or yellow roses? "
"Why are you asking me about... them. I-I don't know much about them, I wouldn't put them in danger like that. The closest I could ever hope to get to them is always too far for them to see me. Don't be stupid, an Adeptus and a mortal could never hope to live together happily, it will always end in regret and grief."
"When we get ready to dock, I climb into the crows' nest and can you guess what the first thing I look for is? Bingo! I could spot them from a mile away even in the fog because my heart recognises them before my eyes and tells me every time"
"I have a  certain Qixing member I dine at Wanmin Restaurant with- all professional of course... Most of the time. You can't expect me to be a businesswoman all the time can you?"
"Back in Snezhnaya, I have a childhood best friend. I also have a lover. I'm fortunate enough that they happen to be the same person. Why are you so curious about this? Are you surprised that someone can love a war machine like me? Or is it the other way around? Trust me, if you met them you'd understand how easy it is to fall in love"
"I haven't felt like this in hundreds of years. Every time I see them, I feel the memories crashing back and I see the future through their eyes. I sometimes feel terrified of getting close because I know they will one day pass on too. But I also remember that if I dont the only thing that changes is my happiness. "
"Am I really that obvious? Do... Do they know that I feel this way? Oh, so it's only you that realised- whew, that saves me a little embarrassment "
Hu Tao
"Every attempt I make to ask them out, it always ends in them backing away. Should I start asking them to go somewhere instead of coffin picking?"
"Of the people I've met, only one other do I remember as much as you. (Y/N) would pick herbs on the mountains and I would watch from the bottom to catch them if they fell. Sometimes I wish they would be a little more clumsy"
"I guess you could say I know them. Pretty... Intimately if I do say so. I didn't imply anything, you're just inferring things, traveller haha~"
"We first met at a clan function and we hit it off right away! We would sit around the teapot and pour each other tea and pretend to be an old married couple. I suppose we still do now, but we dont have to pretend anymore"
"The thing I regret most about leaving my home behind is... (Y/N). There hasn't been a day where I haven't whispered 'i love you' into the wind in hopes it might one day reach them. I haven't forgotten them and I only hope they haven't forgotten me. No- it's selfish to hope that they wouldn't move on after so long."
"My favourite part of fireworks shows is when (Y/N) runs over to tell me how beautiful they were. I'd throw a show every night if they were watching it each time!"
"I... I seldom find comfort in the company of mortals. I dont often find comfort in anyone's company. But I suppose if I had to look back, the one thing that really does bring me peace and happiness is (Y/N). Perhaps, this is a story best left untold for now, Traveller"
Kujo Sara
"My strict schedule hardly permits my free time. What little time I do find I usually spend escorting the shrine attendant (Y/N) around the island. 'Below my salary' you say? It's not that. I just quite enjoy being around them. Please keep this confidential... "
"Ah, speaking of (Y/N) could you please deliver this letter to them? I'd love to do it in person but I'm extremely busy. Thank you so much! Just dont read its contents, they are strictly for their eyes only. Strategies? Wha- oh yes! That's it. Off you go now"
"Nervous? I-I look nervous. I... I guess I'm a little nervous to see (Y/N) again. It seems that every time I see them I get a little more schoolboyish, and I feel my face flare up. Oh, they're coming! Does my shirt have creases in it? Good!"
"How does my hair look? And my horns? What about my- What do you mean I'm panicking? Nah, I'm just trying to make sure that I impress them. An oni's got to look his best when they meet someone like (Y/N) after all"
"Have-Have you seen (Y/N) recently? No! You dont need to go and find them, I was just wondering. I think I might have upset them... I didn't mean to but I panicked. They got a new outfit and I got really nervous because they looked so... I could feel my tail wagging and I didn't want to embarrass myself- so I ran. God, I'm such a coward. "
Yae Miko
"They're quite cute to tease, hehe~ It's so easy to make them blush and I just can't help myself when I get the chance to fluster them."
"When Ayaka first introduced us, I was worried that they might be intimidated... But I'd trust that's not the case considering that we now share a bedroom. I have a feeling that Ayaka knew what she was doing, haha"
"I know I tend to ramble on and on about plants- but they said that they like it. (Y/N) says that out of anyone, they would want to listen to me do it... What? N-no, I dont think that they like me- well yes they like me- what I mean is love- I mean that would be quite nice but- oh, I'm doing it again."
"I dont tend to get along with Scholars, more often than not I end up frustrated with their pride and arrogance. Of course, there are exceptions. Tighnari and (Y/N) are amongst the only people associated with the Akademiya that I could call...Lo... F-Friends."
"I protect Auru Village so of course, that means (Y/N). They are probably the one I keep an eye on most. I just like to make sure they are always safe. When someone encounters a rarity in the desert, they protect it with all their heart."
"I'll never forget our first dance... it was wonderful. I was so caught up in the movement that when I stopped spinning my head kept going and I got dizzy- but the first thing I saw clearly was them. For the first time, I tripped over my feet, oh I was so embarrassed! When the crowds finally dispersed, they remained and we ended up waltzing into the night."
"Dont be stupid. I dont have any sort of emotion for that mortal. They're just another annoying human. They're tenacious I'll give them that, always trying to talk to me. It's like they're asking me to hurt them... What do you mean you think I'm scared? Of what? Why... No, i dont get scared of feelings- I-I just dont have them for them!"
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please1mistress · 1 year
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Does the spiral draw you in? Are you sitting comfortably? Yes? Good. Now, I want you to relax... That's it; deeper and deeper. Rest your hands in your lap... Feel your shoulders loosen as your troubles melt away... If you're reading this at work, tune out your noisy co-workers... Now, while staring at the picture below, speak out loud in calm, resolute, and preferably ethereal voice: "I will read this blog post. I will click the "like" button below when I'm finished. I will read this blog post...I will click the "like" button below when I'm finished."
Is it really that simple to hypnotize you? Whether or not you believe in hypnosis, neuroscientists are now showing that the practice does indeed produce measurable effects in the brain. Hypnosis is more of a “natural” state than people imagine. You are experiencing it several times throughout your day and it doesn’t need a swinging watch to put you into a hypnotic sleep! Some people are more receptive to hypnosis than others and can expect to experience rapid changes in a course of hypnotherapy
Answer the following twelve questions in this hypnosis test to see if you and hypnosis are well-suited.
1. When the television is on, can you “switch off” and lose track of what you are watching?
 A. Frequently; “What was the name of that program?”  B. Sometimes  C. Rarely
2. When reading a good book, can you “close off” to any external distractions?
 A. Regularly; “noise, what noise?”  B. Occasionally  C. Never
3. When you go to the cinema or theatre, can you feel emotional when you see something sad?
 A. Frequently; “I’m tearful now!”  B. Sometimes  C. Hardly ever
4. When you close your eyes, how quickly can you fall asleep?
 A. Within 10 minutes (ZZZ…)  B. Within 30 minutes  C. When the alarm goes off!
5. When chatting to a close friend, do you lose track of time?
 A. Nearly always  B. On occasions  C. Can’t stop looking at my watch!
6. When you see someone else yawn, does it become contagious?
 A. Repeatedly, I’m yawning right now!  B. Now and again  C. Rarely
7. Do you salivate when thinking about sucking on or sinking your teeth into a sour, juicy lemon?
 A. Most of the time, “Get me a napkin!”  B. Sometimes  C. Hardly ever
8. When you like a new song, does it keep going round and round in your mind at the most inconvenient moments?
 A. Regularly, “La-la-la…”  B. Occasionally  C. Not very often
9. If you close your eyes, can you visualise a journey from your house to the nearest shop?
 A. Images are clear & detailed  B. Can visualise some details of the journey  C. Vague details; “Is there a shop near me?”
10. Would you (or others) consider you to be a creative person?
 A. Yes, I use my creative skills nearly every day  B. Sometimes  C. Rarely
11. When you drive to a familiar place e.g. work, does your mind switch to auto-pilot?
 A. Nearly every day  B. Sometimes  C. Hardly ever
12. If you see a crowd of people looking at something, do you tend to look in the same direction out of curiosity?
 A. Most of the time  B. Some of the time  C. Rarely
if you answer mostly A or B to most of these questions, then chances are, you are a very good hypnotic subject. Hypnotic subjects tend to have: creativity, focus, curiosity, imagination, suggestibility. The fact you are reading this tells me that deep down you want to be hypnotized. You desire that feeling of dropping and sinking for a strong and powerful hypnotist like myself. It can be as easy as me telling you that you've been hypnotized from the start of this blog, and your minds open to my words deeper each time you read my blog. Now, be sure to re-post this and draw others to me. Good boy or girl.
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How come I managed to get an outline done for once for the sole purpose of getting me to finish a chapter but I just can't get myself to finish that chapter?
Chapter Outlined, Can't Write Chapter
It happens. Outlines go only so far... you still have to flesh out the scenes as you write them... figure out the dialogue and the blocking. It's sort of like you can plot your trip route on Google Maps, but you still have to actually drive from one point to the other.
So... when you have an outline but are still struggling to actually write:
Problem #1 - You Don't Have a Way In
Having a chapter outline usually just means you know what generally (and importantly) needs to happen in the scene, the general order those things need to happen in, and some things like the scene's purpose, your character's goal, etc. But this is sort of like having a set of instructions that say, "Go to building. Go inside." Okay, great... but how are you specifically getting inside? Are you going through the front door? The back door? Climbing through a window? Landing on the roof in a helicopter? Tunneling in through a basement wall? So, before you can actually start writing, you need to figure out the specific way you're getting your character into the scene. A good way to do this is to go to the first important thing that has to happen in the scene, then rewind from there. What is your character doing in the moments before that? What has to happen in order to put them into that place in that moment? Is there anything unique about the circumstances or location you can focus on? Try opening up some of the books on your shelves and look at the ways different chapters begin. It will start to give you ideas for how you can open your chapter.
Problem #2 - Not Inspired/Excited
Having your chapter outlined doesn’t mean is a good first step, but if you're not feeling motivated to actually write the chapter, it will harder to write it. Try doing some fun exercises to get yourself excited about the chapter. Do a mood board or playlist for the chapter. Save some character and setting inspiration photos on Pinterest. Do an interview with your character that takes place after the scene/chapter to get their take on what happened and what they feel about it.
Problem #3 - Something Isn’t Working
Stories are like a house of cards in that one misplaced “card” can bring the whole thing crashing down. Sometimes you lose interest because an earlier element or event didn’t quite work. You can feel in your gut that something’s not right, so your brain interprets that as losing motivation. It’s not really that you’ve lost interest in the story… it’s that you’ve lost interest in the dead end path it’s on. Go back to the previous chapter or two and look for something that’s not pulling its weight. It could be an unnecessary character dragging the story down, a subplot that is cluttering up the story or drawing attention away from the main plot, or a scene/scenes that don’t add to the story. It could even be a combination of these things. If you can find it and fix it, your motivation may return.
Problem #4 - You’re Distracted by Other Things
If you sit down to write and you’re busy scrolling through facebook, texting with friends, and singing to the radio, you’re probably not going to get much done. Try blocking out thirty minutes (or whatever amount of time you can afford) and dedicate it entirely to writing. Shut down social media and other tempting apps/sites. Turn off the TV. Put your phone on silent. Tell housemates not to bother you. Put on soft music without lyrics, and focus solely on writing. If you find your mind starting to wander toward other things, yank it back and focus on your story.
Problem #5 - You’re Lacking the Physical/Mental Energy to Write
Whether you’re sick, not getting enough sleep, super busy, depressed, or in a bad mood, not having physical or mental energy can make it hard to write. Do what you can to bring your energy up as much as possible, both physically and mentally, and you may have an easier time writing that chapter.
I hope something here will work for you!
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
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Beel pamper his fem! s/o after a long day
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The second part of @yarnnerdally 's request!! Hope you will enjoy it, honey…! <3
femreader, massage, oral (receiving);;
Sometimes you wonder if Lord Diavolo's program with exchange students actually works and Devildom actually starts changing, getting closer to understanding humans..
Because you were absolutely drained after your work, when all your co-workers tell you it was absolutely a normal shift here. Well, maybe for some kind of succubus or just demons, yes, but definitely not for you.
As you get inside House of Lamentations, you almost immediately feel a luring, delicious smell coming from the kitchen. Yet it was pretty late, everyone was already finished with their dinner, weren't they..?
'It's probably Beel…' - this thought makes you smile a little, as the face of your boyfriend always cheers you up and you hurry up to meet your precious glutton.
And when you get inside the kitchen , feeling a light wave of goosebumps from such a warm temperature inside, you actually see him, standing near the stove with furrowed brows and a really concentrated face. Did he try to not just give up and eat everything?
"Honey, I'm home.." - your small giggle distracts him from cooking the dish and Beel turns to you with slightly widened eyes.
"Oh, s/o..! Welcome.." - such an adorable smile plays on his lips when he gets closer, embracing you in a tight hug as he always loves to do. And, as you always love to do, you nuzzle to his big chest, slowly melting in his warmth.
"No, stop it, Beel.." - you smile softly, pulling away. - "I'm too tired today, if you continue to hug me like that I will fall asleep right here in your arms.."
".. Was it so bad?" - his raised brows quickly drop, furrowing, as he looks down at you with a more worried expression.
"Well, I'm just not used to such intensive work, I think.." - with a small sigh you sit down, looking with interest at a bunch of pans and pots. - "Is this all for me?"
"Oh, of course..!" - Beel suddenly remembered about his cooking and laughed happily. - "Everything is almost ready, so hurry up and eat.. Or I will not be able to control myself.."
And despite your boyfriend actually worrying about you, making all these dishes for you to enjoy, there's no way you actually can fit so much food in your stomach. Oh, so of course he's ready to show not only his caring side of himself, but also lend a helping mouth…!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
"Mm.. I literally eat one tenth of all this things eat I'm so full.." - you yawn, laying in his bed in your comfy pajamas and watching as Beel changes his casual t-shirt to a more oversized one. In the orange light of the bedside lamp, the relief of his muscles was even more distinct, drawing all your attention..
"I'm happy you enjoy it.." - Yet then he turns to you and your eyes get back to his happy face.
Belphie fall asleep at couch in living room again, and when his twin tries to bring him back to room, he ask to not disturb him. Which means you both have a full night just with each other, and that's why your boyfriend was so excited - cause he absolutely adores sleepovers with you, treating you like some sort of teddy bear and fetters you in his arms till the morning.
But this time, when he sat on the edge of the bed, ready to just lay down and enjoy his private time with his dear girlfriend, he noticed as you scrunched up your face slightly when turning to him.
"S/o, are you alright?" - Beel can't help but always get a little bit too sensitive over you, worrying about every small detail. It even surprises you sometimes, how attentive he gets for someone who looks so simple.
"Nothing.. Just my back hurting so much after this goddamn shift.." - you mumble under your nose, rubbing your shoulder.
For a moment he gets silent, thinking about something, before looking again in your eyes with a slight blush:
"Maybe I can give you a massage then?"
oh. What an interesting offer you have here.. Just how can you say no, especially when your gaze keeps getting back to his body, admiring this large hand? You totally wouldn't mind to feel their strong grasp.
"Well, of course you can.." - with a playful smile you lay down on your stomach, embarrassing your poor boyfriend with such a devilish expression.
Cause he's actually meaning some light pleasant massage, wishing to help you relax, yet when you look at him like that and arch your back slightly, luring him to touch you, even in his pretty pure head start creeping some kind of dirty thoughts. Now a little bit shy, he leaned closer, thinking how to start.
At first, he just ran his hands over your body, once again surprised how petite you look compared to him. All touches are so gentle and careful, as Beel's really afraid to crush your bones under his arms.
"Tell me if it would be uncomfortable.." - he mumbled, tickling your waist with light strokes before squeezing your shoulders.
"Of course, dear.. But don't worry too much, I can take it.." - you can't help but chuckle, noticing that his fingers are actually trembling a little. Just how softie this big boy can be..
Slowly, Beel gets more bold, leading by your gasps and small commentaries where you like it better, now grabbing and rubbing your skin in much more rough way yet it's so pleasant. Soft murmur escaped your lip as another wave of tingles washes over your body, from shoulders where his hands were, and over all your muscles, making you melt more and more. You didn't even notice when your boyfriend leans so close to you, tickling smooth skin not only with his massage yet with his hot breath too. It was just so relaxing that you didn't notice, too carried away with a pleasing feeling, waking up only when he placed a soft yet long kiss on your neck.
Corners of your lips immediately lifted up as you thought how cute your adorable demon is, yet when after a few moments another kiss titillates your shoulder, and then another one.. With each time his kisses get more needy, and then with a small groan Beel pressed his lips to your neck again, making you whine from a sudden feel of his hot tongue.
"S/o.. I'm hungry.." - his casual phrase makes your stomach ache, cause you totally can hear the tone of another type of appetite here..
Wanted to turn over and face him, you quickly were stopped by heavy hands as he held you in place, relishing the sweet taste of your skin on his tongue. Getting lower and lower, Beel leaves a whole wet line of messy kisses on your back, before cupping your hips.
"I.. can i?" - his breath is already so shallow as his thumb plays with the waistband of your silk shorts, so impatiently yet he just can't go further without your permission.
But instead of answering you just lift your hips with a small mewl, glance over your shoulder at him with such eyes, such furrowed brows.. It was enough for your boyfriend to understand everything as he literally tore apart your pajamas along with your panties, quickly pressing his face between your thighs.
Beel always gets a little bit carried away whenever he gets a chance to eat you out, licking so passionately and savoring every small drop of your cum. Well, he's an avatar of Gluttony, after all, and your trembling clenching pussy always would be his most favorite dish.
And today it seemed he was even more wild, almost immediately starting with long licks, his hot tongue quickly wet your folds. As your boyfriend, he knew by his heart where all your sensitive spots are and now was abusing this information, wishing to get more delicious juices from you, along with these little sounds you start to make.
Arching your back, you bury your head into pillows, trying to muffle yourself yet it was so good, you can't help but start moving your hips forward his face to get even more friction. His chin was pressed to your throbbing clit, rubbing a small bundle of nerves every time his jaw started to move. And the way his hands grasp your thighs in such a greedy manner as Beel starts losing more and more of his self-control, just makes your pussy tingle more and your mind wondering about feeling such a firm grip on your waist when he would pound in your body with all his strength..
Such fantasies heat you even more and you moan, calling his name and asking for more, begging for speed up. Oh, and of course Beel, as a very obedient and generous boyfriend, will do anything you ask, pushing his tongue deeper inside you, rubbing your clenching walls at some rapid pace. This strong bulge in his pants was aching so bad as his head was filled with no less sinful thoughts than yours. Just how much he wants to feel this sticky burning pressure of your pussy around his dick, it's almost unbearable..
Deep groans from his throat vibrate on your folds, make you squeeze your thighs together, and you start feeling how your body is shaking even more, all heat concentrated in your hips. Every thrust of his tongue just pushes you closer and your last whimper increases, turning into a loud moan as this burn overflows your insides and you freeze, all tensed up. A delightful emptiness in your head and absolute chaos of pleasure in your cunt as you cum in Beel's mouth while his tongue keeps working, enjoying your bliss with you.
If not for his strong grip on your legs, you probably would just fall still on bed, yet your boyfriend holds you tightly, still pressing his face to your trembling folds. Only after you calm down completely, Beel slowly pulls away, looking at your wet throbbing pussy with even more deep hunger.
"S/o..? Are you alright?" - his voice is so husky now as he tries to catch his breath before carefully turning your powerless body and looking at your red sweaty face, such a pleased expression makes his dick twitch more.
"Mm.. I think I am.." - you mumble under your nose, touching his shoulders in a weak attempt to push him closer to you.
He immediately leaned closer, and you notice as lust darkened his violet eyes, the very desperate eyes of an absolutely charmed man.
"Then can we continue..?" - yet still his voice is so soft and even slight shyness can be noticed in undertones. With a small chuckle you nod and his hand quickly leaves your body just to take off his pants, finally letting his hard cock out.
Low groan burst out of Beel's chest from the contrast of cold air and his hot skin, and he grabbed your hips again, rubbing his glans against your folds and shivering from warm wetness. Your skin is so soft and your arms around his neck so gentle, he can't help but whimper, pressing his face on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry.. I don't think I can control myself anymore.."
"That's exactly what I want.." - Truly, your devilish whisper is worse than a siren's call, and there's no way Beel ever would be able to resist anything you say. Well, but he doesn't want to resist anyway, ready to satisfy your and his hunger for hours tonight..
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doumadono · 25 days
Hello, can i please put in an emergency request for either hawks or shoto (or even both, if it’s not too much trouble for you, it’s completely ok if it’s just one of them) comforting a fem reader through a breakup? I just got broken up with in the middle of exam season and it’s really taking a toll on me. The stress of it all is starting to make me question my self worth, and I don’t feel like I can even be mad at my ex, since he broke up in order to take care of his own mental health, citing that he didn’t feel like he was in a good place for a relationship right now. All of that plus the general melancholy and I can practically feel myself sliding back into bad habits and mental health issues when I thought I was making some progress. Sorry if this isn’t emergency request material. Thank you!
Hawks & Shoto with a friend after breakup
A/N: I'm truly sorry to hear that you're going through such a tough time, especially during exam season. It's completely understandable to feel overwhelmed and question your self-worth in the midst of all this. Taking care of your own mental health is crucial, and it's okay to prioritize yourself during this challenging period. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. You're stronger than you think, and you'll get through this ♥
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You find yourself feeling lost and vulnerable after the breakup, struggling to cope with the sudden change in your life.
Hawks arrives at your doorstep after his shift, carrying the book you asked to borrow. Upon opening the door to greet him, he notices the somber look on your face, and the way your shoulders slump with exhaustion. "Hey there," Hawks greets you softly, his eyes filled with concern as he takes in your appearance. "I brought the book you wanted. Mind if I come in?"
You invite him inside, and Hawks settles down beside you on the couch, his wings folding neatly against his back. "You don't seem like yourself," he observes, reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair from your face. "Is everything okay, dove?"
Tears well up in your eyes as you recount the breakup, the weight of it all crashing down on you. "My boyfriend… He broke up with me… I just don't understand why this had to happen now, of all times," you admit, your voice trembling with emotion. "I felt everything was going well!"
Hawks wraps an arm around you, pulling you close as he offers a comforting embrace. "Oh, you poor, little birdie! I know it hurts right now," he claims, his voice a soothing presence in the midst of your turmoil. "But sometimes, you have to release those who don't value your feelings. It doesn't mean you're any less deserving of love or happiness."
Hawks, with his bird-like nature, wraps his wings around you, drawing you close as he massages your shoulders and shares stories about his day of hero work to distract you.
Yet whenever your mind wanders to negative thoughts about the painful event and tears start to fill your eyes, he quickly changes the subject. "Come on, dove, you're too beautiful to have tears on your face. Hush now, birdie. It hurts, but I promise it will get better."
Knowing your apartment almost as well as his own, Keigo heads to the kitchen to whip up something tasty for you, using ingredients from your fridge. Spotting some chicken, he opts to make rice with fried chicken and veggies, convinced that nothing lifts the spirits quite like a tasty piece of chicken.
After the meal, as your emotions begin to waver, you yawn, feeling sleepy.
Hawks lets you rest your head against his shoulder.
As you drift off to sleep in the arms of your friend, you find solace in the warmth of his presence, knowing that even in your darkest moments, you are never truly alone.
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The breakup hits you like a tidal wave, leaving you feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty and despair.
During a patrol together, Shoto notices the tension in your body and the way your movements seem strained. He senses the heaviness in your heart, even though you try to hide it behind a forced smile. "Is everything alright?" Shoto asks quietly, his gaze gentle yet penetrating as he studies your expression. "You seem… off."
You hesitate at first, unsure whether to confide in him, but the concern in Shoto's eyes is enough to break down your walls. "I just went through a breakup," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper.
Instantly, Shoto's hand finds yours, his touch warm and reassuring as he squeezes it gently. "I'm sorry to hear that," he murmurs, his voice filled with empathy. "Breakups are never easy, I guess. I'm truly sorry to hear you're facing such difficulties," Shoto expresses, his eyes conveying empathy. "While I may not fully grasp the weight of the stress and sadness accompanying a breakup, having never experienced a relationship myself, I want you to remember that after every storm, there's a rainbow," he states, his gaze drifting to some distant point on the horizon.
You nod, unable to find the words to express the depth of your pain.
"It's okay to feel sad," he assures you, his hand reaching out to gently brush away your tears. "But don't let this breakup define you. You're stronger than you realize."
"I just don't know what to do," you admit, your voice trembling with emotion.
Shoto wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close in a protective embrace. "You don't have to have all the answers right now," he claims. "I'll be here for you every step of the way, don't forget that," Todoroki reminds and gently ruffles your hair.
As the patrol continues, Shoto doesn't push you to talk about it further, knowing that sometimes, the comfort of a familiar presence is all you need.
As time passes, you notice the tension starting to ease away.
With Shoto by your side, you begin to feel a sense of peace settle over you, knowing that even in your darkest moments, you're not alone.
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ventique18 · 29 days
- Personal, really just me talking to myself and writing it out -
Uni is finally slowing down for me... Just a few more activities and I'm done. 🥹 I'm still burned out from too much work on my plate, but I hope I can slowly ease back to drawing because honestly my life feels dead without art.
I've been trying to cope by writing out my random thoughts through little scenario drabbles, but tbh I miss drawing little comics and making full illustrations. Sometimes I try to sit down and pick up my pen, but I find myself too worn out to actually see myself enjoying it. So I end up just mindlessly playing video games instead.
I don't think I'll get another higher education after this graduate degree. Juggling this and work and managing the house really fucked up my mental state lol. I can't imagine how it would've been if I didn't have my twst hyperfixation to keep me distracted from the stress. I love you Malleus. Maybe I'll give in and finally schedule a vacation trip to Japan and hoard all the cheap secondhand Malleus merch I can get my hands on to reward myself.
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thesparklingwriter · 9 months
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misplaced jealousy
“You should have asked how I felt about this ‘tiny Childe’ before you let him take my place in your arms.”
word count: 1.2k
original ask
tags: gn reader, fluff
taglist | masterlist
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When you told Childe that you planned to use your annual leave from work to get back to some crafting, he’d thought that it was a great idea. He’d asked around to find the best supplies possible, had them delivered to you in a neat little package, and waited patiently to hear whether you liked it or not. He knew he’d be at the bank when the delivery came, so he half expected you to come by and tell him about all the plans you had for each item.
But you’d been really quiet about it, and he worried that maybe the package had never made it to you, so he drops by to check it got delivered to the house. He opens the front door, expecting you to notice almost immediately, like you always did, but you don’t. In fact, for a few minutes, he’s convinced you’re not even home, until he decides to check your office.
���You know, if your inhumane ability to know when the door is opened is broken, you might have to look at locking the front door more often.” He says, as soon as he spots you hunched over your desk. You jump as soon as you hear him, but turning your attention away from your sketch seems to be a hard task.
“Jeez, Ajax, you scared the life out of me,” you say, as he reaches down to hug you. “What are you doing here?”
“I was concerned the craft supplies I ordered for you never made it,” He says. “So i thought i'd come by and check”
“You just wanted to slack off,” You laugh, putting your pencil down. “Anyway, it’s a good thing you came. I planned to come down to the bank to thank you myself, but I got totally distracted with ideas.”
“And those ideas are?” Childe asks, trying to get a glance at your paper, but you flip the paper over, glaring at him half heartedly.
“For me to know, and you to find out later.” You pull him into a hug, laughing as he tries to pull away from you and the kisses you plant on his face. “Thank you. Really.”
“Anytime,” he responds. He sits with you a little longer, trying his best to observe quietly, but failing miserably as he descends into peals of laughter at your attempt to draw a bunny. Or was it supposed to be a dog? He doesn’t know, and he never gets to find out, because you throw him out of your office and he finds himself forced to return to work.
He very quickly begins to regret his laughter at your sketch, because now he’s not allowed in the same room as you if you're making your plushies, and it just so happens that every minute of your day is consumed by your crafting activities. When he got home, you used to at least acknowledge his presence, but now, it's as if he comes home to an empty house.
To make matters worse, the only way he knows if you’re alive or not is if something goes wrong. And you seem to be so good at what you’re doing that he only ever hears you curse frustratedly once a day if he’s lucky. Sometimes you come out to eat dinner with him, and other times you fuel yourself on snacks and don’t leave your office until night when you tiredly crawl into bed next to him without a single word.
As much as he wants to march into your office and burn every single thing he bought so that you’d look at him again, he knows you deserve your own space, so he tries to find a hobby of his own. (It doesn’t work, and it only makes him miss you more.) 
After a week of feeling like he doesn't exist, he returns home, expecting to once again be met with a silent house.
“Oh, you’re back, great,” You say, getting up to hug him when you feel the sudden gust of air from the front door opening. “I need your opinion on something 'cause I think that Liyue has the spiciest food, but for some reason, my friend thinks Mondstadt does. Like has she even eaten Mondstadt’s food before?”
“So you’ve remembered I’m alive?” Childe mutters into your hair. You look up at him skeptically.
“I wasn’t that bad,” you scoff. “Was I?”
“You were horrendous.” he laughs. “But at least it’s over now.” He doesn’t dare ask you to see the finished product, in case it suddenly makes you decide to revisit the project. 
You apologise lightly, laughing at the face he makes when he’s forced to relive the past week in his mind. The rest of the night seems normal–you eat dinner together and spend the rest of the evening relaxing in each other’s company. You go to bed nestled up in Childe’s arms, the same way you usually do. 
Everything goes wrong in the morning, when he notices that you rolled away in the middle of the night, and is horrified to discover that you did so to cuddle the stupid plushie that’s been taking you away from him for the past week. He considers excusing it since the plushie is in his likeness, but in the end, he decides that it’s too much of an insult, and the minute your grip on it loosens, he grabs it and hides it in a wardrobe he knows you rarely go into.
Since it's a weekend, he busies himself with making breakfast to try and forget the ridiculous situation he finds himself in because it makes no sense to him. How is he literally getting replaced? And by a stuffed toy?
“Morning, Ajax,” You mutter sleepily, as you come down the stairs. “You’ve not seen tiny Childe, have you? He must have fallen off the bed at some point last night but he’s not underneathh it, so I have no clue where he’s gone.”
“I slept well, thanks, you?” He replies, focusing on the eggs he’s frying.
“Ajax.” You suddenly don’t sound sleepy at all, and Childe keeps himself firmly facing the stove. He quietly turns it off, just in case you decide that taking your plush is a crime punishable by death by flames.
“What did you do?”
“You’re the worst liar ever. What did you do to tiny Childe?”
“You should have asked how I felt about this ‘tiny Childe’ before you let him take my place in your arms.”
“You are not jealous of a plush right now.”
“Maybe I am.” he scoffs. “Maybe it’s silly. But I maintain that until you atone for your misdemeanours, ‘Tiny Childe’ will never see the light of day again.”
“You’re joking,” Your attempts to hide how hard you're trying not to laugh fail miserably, and you can see Childe trying his best not to laugh either. But in the face of a completely ridiculous situation, what are either of you supposed to do?
“Fine,” you sigh, pulling him into a hug. “I apologise for giving my attention to something else, and I will never, ever do it again.”
“Much better.” Childe grins.
“You lasted way longer than I thought you would. I half expected you to break down my office door.”
“What do you mean?”
“You really thought it took me a whole week to make that?”
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author's note: once again, another guy i haven't written for in a while lol
childe nation how does it feel to love a character that's favoured by the literal game devs
taglist: @tartigglez @aixaingela @thelonelyarchon
(crossed out @s couldn't be tagged)
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lciesdepravity · 7 months
TTT Series: Tzuyu Tops Twice
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Chapter: 1-5 Mina Arc; Crossing the Red Line... tags/ genres/ warnings (This work of fiction contains the ff: Cheating (NTR), g!p dom Tzuyu… Enjoy!)
"Eh? What do you mean you're not going?" Sana's loud shriek echoed across the dining room.
"Exactly that. My parents said they have some business to finish up, so I don't have any other reason to go."
Mina avoided everyone's curious gaze and just played with her food, waiting for a response. She couldn't possibly look Sana in the eye now, not when she's just making an excuse to get fucked by her best friend's wife.
Breaking the silence, Jihyo speaks up. "Well... if that's her decision, then just leave her be. Besides, it's not like she'll be alone here. We'll be back in a day or two after visiting our own families, and Tzuyu will be with her. Right Tzu?"
A distracted Tzuyu looks up at Jihyo, managing a small nod and a strained smile. Beside her, Nayeon chimes in.
"You could use this chance to get closer together! Y'know? Since you two are the most introverted among us, you barely speak to each other alone, much less hang out."
Underneath the table, Mina's foot rubs sensually against Tzuyu's legs, trailing up her thighs to rest on her now growing bulge. To her credit, Tzuyu manages to act casually, clearing her throat to pass off the groan that threatens to escape her lips. She tries her hardest to follow the conversation as Mina plays with her cock, teasingly rubbing it with her foot, sometimes trying to stroke it between her toes.
"Ahh! That's true! Mitaaaan~ Take care of my Tzu Tzu for me okay?"
With that, Mina couldn't resist. She flashed a wicked smile as she says, "Oh, don't worry Sana. I'll take good care of your wife."
When the others finally moved on to other topics, her foot pressed harder on Tzuyu's cock, catching her attention.
With her sultry gaze on Tzuyu's own, Mina took a strawberry between her teeth, savoring it's taste as she sensually rolled it over her tongue before taking a bite. Her smile widens as she feels Tzuyu's cock twitch against her sole, urging her to tease the maknae even more. A warm sensation fills her stomach as Tzuyu's innocent doe eyes darken, staring at her in hunger...
"You sure you don't want to come with me babe? I'm sure mom and the others would be happy to see you." Chaeyoung asks as she zips up her bags.
"I'm sure. Go have fun."
Mina's icy demeanor draws a frown from Chae. "Hey... Are you still mad? I said I was sorry. I really was too tired yesterday."
And the day before that. Even last week. That's always your excuse. With a sigh, Mina faced her wife.
"It's fine. I just... need time for myself. Don't worry about me." She flashes Chae with what she hopes is a reassuring smile.
Chae nods along, taking Mina's hands in her own. "I'll be back before you know it. Take care okay? I Love You."
The tenderness in her voice made Mina's stomach twist with guilt. "I... love you too." Halfheartedly she waves, watching as Chaeyoung leaves.
I do love you... but... I need this.
Just one weekend... I'll come back to you when I'm satisfied, I promise. But for now...
Gomen ne.
"Take care you two!"
"We'll be back soon!"
"Bye bye!"
As soon as the vans were out of sight, Mina found herself pinned against the front door, her lips claimed ardently by Tzuyu's own.
"*Tsup* Mhhhm~" Small moans escape Mina's lips in between Tzuyu's kisses, each kiss filled with so much passion, so much hunger it made her head spin.
She can feel Tzuyu's body heat up against hers as she gets pinned harder against the door, eliminating any semblance of space in between them.
"Uhhh... Tzu~" Another moan. This time, Tzuyu catches her lower lip in between her teeth and tugs playfully, making Mina's breath hitch in anticipation.
"Mmmph~ *Tsup* uhh~ You've been such a fucking tease all day... Time for your punishment... Unnie~"
She sucks quite harshly on Mina's pulse point, making her knees buckle. In an effort to stay upright, she clings tightly around the younger woman's neck, hands grasping Tzuyu's hair as she draws her even closer. "*Gasp* Uhh~ Tzu... R-right there baby... I- mmm~"
When Tzuyu's tongue swipes against her bottom lip, she lets her in. Sparks fly the very moment their tongues meet, and all the blood drains from Mina's head, pooling down to the growing heat in her lower stomach.
Fuck... She tastes so... Good. It was all so dizzying, so overwhelming. Her intoxicating scent... Her soft lips... Her searing touch.
It took all that Mina had to kiss back and stay upright, but when she feels Tzuyu's hands explore her body, from the mounds of her breasts, to the curves of her hips, all the way down her exposed thighs... When she feels Tzuyu grind her hips slowly against hers... She had the vague thought that maybe, she might actually pass out, right here in front of their doorstep.
Thankfully, Tzuyu tucks Mina's legs up to her waist and lifts her up, bringing her across the hall and into a room without breaking the kiss. When Tzuyu shoves her down onto the bed, it registers in Mina's mind where exactly her younger lover had taken her.
It was her and Chaeyoung's room, she was on top of their bed. N-no... please not here.
As if she could read Mina's mind, Tzuyu smirks. She quickly takes off all her clothes and throws them away somewhere before eagerly diving back in.
"Like what you see, unnie?~"
All manner of protests died within seconds as Tzuyu trailed open mouthed kisses along the length of Mina's jaw, down to her porcelain smooth neck and collarbone. "Uhh... T-tzu~ uhhhmmm..."
Her hands rake along the toned expanse of the younger woman's back, marveling at how each curve and muscle ripples beneath her fingertips.
Her mind was in utter disarray. Every kiss, every breath, makes her mind draw blank. The feeling of their bodies pressed firmly against each other makes Mina want more...
No... It makes her need more... and so she wantonly bucks her hips, seeking some sort of friction.
Ever so attentive, Tzuyu takes note of Mina's body language, shifting to slide a leg between the older girl's. Experimentally, she rocks forward into the girl beneath her, and the resulting jolt of pleasure makes Mina dizzy with arousal.
Wanting to feel even more, Mina needily whimpers. She bucks her hips up again, harder this time, and with a desperate moan, starts to grind against Tzuyu's thighs.
But Tzuyu is not having it.
Grasping Mina's wrists, she pinned the desperate wife's arms down onto the bed, smirking as she shakes her head. "Mmm~ bad girl..."
Tzuyu's husky voice made Mina's pussy gush. She grinds her thigh hard against Mina's clothed center, causing the older girl to freeze and let out a needy whine, startled and very much turned on by the younger's display of dominance.
She feels Tzuyu's smirk widen against her neck before sucking on her pulse point once more, this time hungrier that the last. She sucks hard enough to leave a mark, making Mina hiss and moan as she digs her nails into Tzuyu's back. Then, Tzuyu whispers, into Mina's ear, each breath sending shivers from Mina's spine down to her very core.
"Mmm... I'm in charge here unnie. I'm going to take you right here... on your bed with Chae. I'm gonna make you think of me everytime you're with her, and by the end of this day, I'll make you forget her name."
H-how cruel...
And yet, Mina's legs open a tad bit wider, her arms draw Tzuyu even closer, and her panties get so much wetter. What should have been "Please, not here, not like this..." became,
"Mmm~ Make love to me Tzu..."
Tzuyu smiles, knowing full well she has Mina under her control. Smoothly she removes Mina's nightgown, leaving her only in her black laced bra and panties.
She gulps as the moonlight strikes Mina's fair skin, exposing her in all her ethereal beauty. Her face was flushed a bright ruby red. Her eyes, while half lidded was just as enticing. Her chest heaves heavily up and down, matching the rhythm of her breathless gasps.
Unable to resist, Tzuyu lunges forward once again, sucking along Mina's neck, the scent of Jasmine filling her senses. Mmm~ she smells so good.  She makes her way lower, down to Mina's bra clad breasts, her heart pounding in anticipation.
Savoring the moment, she slowly runs her lengthy fingers across Mina's heated skin, quickly followed by gentle nips that make the Japanese girl gasp and close her eyes. When she arrives at Mina's clothed breasts, she glances up, a silent question in her eyes.
Mina simply nods once, wantonly arching her chest up. With her consent, Tzuyu then lowers her head, tongue darting out to lick at the valley between Mina's breasts as she reaches around to unclasp the older girl's bra. She smoothly undoes the hooks and throws it away, revealing Mina's perky breasts in all its glory.
Mina covered her breasts and looked away, her cheeks blushing a shy crimson. She was a little bit self conscious of her figure, her inner thoughts comparing herself to Sana. However, those thoughts soon became meaningless.
"You're beautiful Mina-yah. Never think otherwise." The tenderness in Tzuyu's voice made Mina's heart skip a beat. Tzuyu then cups her cheeks and kisses her tenderly. "Show me... Please~?"
Mina bites her lips shyly as she removes her hands and bares everything to her lover.
Without preamble, Tzuyu dives down and takes a soft pink nipple into her mouth. Her mouth forms a seal as her tongue twirls cravenly around the sensitive bud, relishing in the sinful sounds that escape Mina's sweet sweet mouth.
"Uhh god~ yes Tzuyu-ah~"
With a mischievous smirk, Tzuyu takes the glistening nipple between her teeth and pulls, making Mina gasp and curse. She arches her back as she grips the sheets hard, one hand tangling against the younger's raven locks.
Smiling widely, Tzuyu plants tender kisses along the valley between Mina's breasts, each kiss searing every contact. She runs her tongue across before latching onto the other, now erect nipple.
Sucking lightly, her other hand reaches up and gropes Mina's other breast, flicking the sensitive nipples with her fingers. She twists the pink nip in tandem while her tongue works the other bud.
"Hyanh~ S-shit! Tzuyu-ah!" Mina could do nothing but throw her head back in pleasure as Tzuyu expertly worked her breasts. She feels the wetness pool down continuously, effectively ruining her panties. Christ, fuck I think she can make me cum from just this alone...
She bucks her hips in need as she cups Tzuyu's face, wordlessly directing (pleading) her to go lower
"Mmm~ Impatient are we? Fine with me..."
It sends Mina's mind reeling when Tzuyu obliges, trailing her kisses down Mina's naked chest, down her quivering toned abs, and lower.
And lower.
Sitting back on her knees, Tzuyu drags Mina's panties off, teasingly taking a sniff. "Mmm~ you smell so needy unnie. Did you want me that much?" She smirks as Mina lets out a needy whine, hiding her flushed face behind her hands. "D-don't just sniff it like that, I-Its embarrassing..."
Heh~ cute... Gently, she takes Mina by the feet, lovingly caressing them, kissing the curves and soles softly before playfully nipping at her ankles, eliciting a giggle from the older girl. "Y-yah~ I-I'm a bit ticklish there."
Are you now? Tzuyu just snickers, filing her new discovery for later on. She gives it one last nip as she then trails kisses along Mina's calves, all the while maintaining eye contact with the older girl. She smiles, seeing Mina shake slightly with every little kiss.
Tzuyu continues until she reaches the older girl's inner thighs. After giving it a squeeze and a lick, she sharply takes a bite on the supple tender flesh, eliciting a breathless gasp, a mix of searing pain and delicious pleasure, driving Mina insane with need. She mewls helplessly, hips bucking, grasping for something... anything...
"T-tzu~ ahnn~ p-please..." The younger woman's hot breath ghosting across her dripping core makes Mina shiver in anticipation, and yet she does nothing but kiss Mina's outer pussy mounds. She watches as Mina's pussy pulsate needily with each kiss, with each breath... each teasing flick.
Her eyes widen as she sees just how wet Mina's become, white hot precum practically trickling down to the bed. Fuck... she's dripping so wet for me.
"P-please... Tzuyu-ah~ don't tease me any longer, please make this needy wife cum."
Once again, Tzuyu makes the mistake of looking at Mina's expression. One look at Mina's beady eyes, her desperate gaze that screams 'please fuck me' and she relents. Her hunger for Mina devouring her reason. She plants one last kiss right on Mina's sweltering core before using her thumbs to spread Mina's pussy lips apart.
One final cheeky grin and she says Mina-chan... Itadakimasu~
She licks a long broad strip right on Mina's slit, grinning at how the Japanese girl shudders when Tzuyu's tongue flicks against her throbbing clit.
"Uhhhh~ f-fuuuuckkk~" Mina can't help the long drawn out moan that tumbles from her lips, nor the way her grip tightens in Tzuyu's hair.
Pleased with the response, Tzuyu cranes her neck as she presses her tongue deeper, burying her face till her nose brushes against the elder's clit.
Her tongue curls and darts and swirls inside Mina's hot walls, stirring up the hot precum inside. Mmm~ fuck. She tastes so sweet I swear I could eat her out all day.
"God Tzuyu fuuck! Yes! Right there baby uhhh~"
She could feel Mina's heels dig against her back, urging her closer. All the while Mina closes her soft supple thighs around her head; if Tzuyu didn't know any better, she'd think the older was trying to suffocate her. This is turning me on... Strangely enough. Heh.
With Mina's moans growing in volume, Tzuyu intensifies her efforts. She closes her lips around Mina's clit and sucks gently, making Mina throw her head back and fully submit to the younger's ministrations, head drunk with lust.
"*Lick* *Lick* *Slurp* Uhhh~ Mina unnie... you taste so good. Mmm~"
Embarrassingly, Mina found herself close to the edge already, feeling her body tense up against Tzuyu's ministrations. Fuck... already? Mmm~ god I can't help it. She's eating me so good... uhh~
Tzuyu smirks, seeing Mina squirm and tense up. She's close already? Heh. Vigorously, she flicks her tongue repeatedly against Mina's swollen clit, watching her squirm and claw and grasp and moan. Finally, she hears the words she was waiting earnestly to hear.
"T-Tzuyu, I-I'm near. Mmmh~ I'm c-cumming, c-cumming... f-fuuuck!"
In one swift move, Tzuyu breaks away from Mina's heavenly thighs (she almost didn't want to) and sits up, stopping all stimulations. She watches as a frustrated Mina whimpers, hips bucking needily against the air. "F-fuck, why?" Dripping with impatience, she reaches down to finish the job herself. That is, until Tzuyu grips her wrists tight, pinning them above her head.
Before Mina could protest, Tzuyu surprises her by rubbing her hot throbbing cock against Mina's slick entrance, coating the head with Mina's juices. "It's a bit unfair if you're the only one getting off. Ne unnie~?" Mina's excitement grew as she sees the younger girl lining up her cock, preparing to invade her hot sweltering core.
Tzuyu's eyes silently asks for permission once more, and Mina just closes her eyes and nods. She feels a little guilty as Mina hisses in pain the moment she slides her slick coated cock in, but she keeps going. She drives inside deeper and deeper, inch by inch until finally, her cock bottoms out.
F-fuucckk shes so tight... And wet. She closes her eyes, savoring the sensation. She could feel Mina's walls pulsing around her cock while the Japanese woman's legs wraps around her waist.
When she opens her eyes, she sees Mina's eyes flutter open as she exhales breathlessly, chest heaving as she wantonly throws her head back.
"You okay there unnie?" Tzuyu asks, her tone a mix of concern and teasing.
"Y-yeah... Mian, it's been awhile for me... Mmm~ Fuck I think I actually came a little bit." Mina cups Tzuyu's cheeks and draws her in for a kiss, partly to hide her flushed cheeks, but mostly to give her time to adjust to Tzuyu's size.
Holy shit she's so big... Fuck. I've never felt this full before. A few moments pass and she breaks their kiss. "Y-you can move now." She says shyly.
Shit... she's so fucking cute, I might not be able to control myself. With a grunt, Tzuyu rocks her hips, slowly getting used to Mina's tightness. In and out... In and out. She watches closely as Mina's face contorts in a myriad of expressions. She watches how Mina's brows furrow in mild discomfort, how her mouth hangs open in pleasure, how her body shudders in ecstacy.
She watches... And realizes, she's addicted. She's consumed by the burning desire to mess Mina up, to claim her as her own, to make Mina scream her name all night long.
Fuck it...
Tzuyu finally ups her pace, her once shallow thrusts now becoming deeper... faster... rougher... Her cock parts Mina's sweltering walls with ease, as if it's sucking her in with every thrust she makes.
*Plok* *plok* *plok* *plok*
"F-fuck yes! Mmm~ just like that! Uhh! Harder tzu!"
The young idol grunts as she happily obliges. She drives deeper into Mina's pussy, feeling her wet hot walls constrict around her throbbing cock. Spontsaneously, she pins both of Mina's hands above her head once more and proceeds to run her tongue flat on the japanese girl's cleanly shaven armpits.
"W-wha? N-not there Tzu! T-that place is dirty!" Mina exclaims, her face beet red in embarrassment.
With a cocky grin, Tzuyu smirks. "Liar... You're loving this aren't ya? I can feel your pussy clench and cream all over my cock you know."
Mina vehemently shakes her head in denial, that is, until Tzuyu angles her thrusts and hits her g-spot. Her breath hitches as she throws her head back, and a loud involuntary moan escapes her lips.
Tzuyu's grin widened further. "Oh? Looks like I've found your spot unnie~"
With that evil grin, Mina knew she was completely and utterly fucked... And she absolutely loved it.
One thrust became two. Then three until eventually, every thrust Tzuyu made was deliberately hitting her in that sensitive spot.
"You like that unnie? Huh?"
*Plok* *plok* *plok* *plok*
"Oh f-fuck! Shit! Tzuyu! Hnyah~ You're hitting my spot! You're hitting my spot baby uhhh! Fuuuckk~"
The Taiwanese beauty just smiles as she watched her unnie throw her head back and lose herself in pleasure. More... I want to make her lose herself more.
With a mischievous smile, Tzuyu takes her thumb and takes it between her teeth, sucking and wetting it with her tongue. Then, she reached down into Mina's core and rapidly flicked on her clit while she pounded her pussy into oblivion.
The resulting reaction was exactly what she was hoping for.
"Holy shit! Fuuuckkk!" In an instant, Mina's pussy clamped on her cock like a vise. Her back arched beautifully off the bed as her body squirms and spasms with every thrust. Her head was thrown so far back and yet Tzuyu was so sure her eyes were rolled up, mouth open in a silent scream.
Even still, Tzuyu didn't stop. She continued to pound Mina through her orgasm, her thumb vibrating over Mina's swollen clit all the while.
"Fuck unnie. Fucking take it! Cum on my cock like a good girl."
*Plok* *plok* *plok* *plok*
"Ahhhh~ Shiiit! Haah~   tried to scoot away but Tzuyu held her down tight. Fuck... I- I can't even think straight anymore... I-I'm cumming again! Fuck!
Whether she came two more times, or she just came continuously for a very very long time, Mina didn't know anymore. Her mind was damn near blank as Tzuyu's merciless pounding echoed across the entire room. It wasn't until Mina's pussy finally pushed her cock out that Tzuyu finally stopped. Spurt after spurt she came, squirting all over the sheets, even drenching Tzuyu herself.
Tzuyu bit her lip as she watched Mina ride out her orgasm, mesmerized by the sinful sight. Mina's body twitched  with every spurt of cum she sprayed until finally, her taut body collapses in a heap.
All the while the maknae securely wrapped her arms around the ballerina's back, trailing a kiss or two here and there while whispering sweet things like "I got you... Mmm~ let it all out unnie... You're so beautiful like this... *Tsup*"
It took a moment for Mina to gather herself, enough to register her young lover's sweet words and light kisses. With ragged breaths, she cups her young lover's cheeks and brings her in for a torrid kiss. Their tongues danced and explored until it became too much and air was a necessity once more.
They broke apart, foreheads resting on each other. "*Huff* I almost passed out back there... You're too good at this." Mina pouted.
With a cheeky smile, Tzuyu replied, "What can I say? I aim to please princess."
Mina fights the urge to roll her eyes as she collapses onto the bed, trying her best to catch her breath. "I... *huff* I don't think I ever came that hard before. Chae couldn't even make me squirt. I'm a bit surprised that I came that much."
A few minutes pass in silence, and Mina wonders why. She looked over to Tzuyu and was surprised to see her eyes darken, her expression stern and hard. "D-did I... Say something wrong?"
In one swift move, she feels herself getting flipped over. "T-tzuyu? Wha-"
The dull sound echoed across the room. A sharp sting spread across Mina's ass cheeks as she registers exactly what just happened. Tzuyu... spanked her?
Another one. This time harder. The sting has spread even more. She was about to ask why when Tzuyu spoke, voice low enough to be a growl.
"Mmm~ I make you cum and squirt, and even then you're still thinking of her?"
"Bad girl..."
Mina barely stops a moan from spilling out as Tzuyu spanks her again. Is she... Jealous? Mina smirks.
"Ahn!~" This time, Mina was unable to keep quiet. She lets out a small moan as she shudders, feeling her pussy get drenched from getting spanked.
"You're enjoying this aren't you?"
"Bad girls like you should get punished."
Mina bites her lips and looks back at Tzuyu, back arched and ass out, a small smile playing on her lips. With a sultry voice and hazy eyes, she says,
"Mmm~ I'm sorry... Daddy~ Punish me?"
Tzuyu's control shattered like glass.
With a firm grip, she held Mina's hips down and thrusted her throbbing cock in one go, making Mina cum instantly.
"Ahhhn~! Daddyyy~"
This time, the tall goddess didn't wait. She thrusted into Mina's pussy with reckless abandon. Her pace violent... rough... delicious...
"Hahn~ fuck yes! mmm~ just like that... Uhhh~ fuck me deeper daddy!" Mina could feel her mind melting as Tzuyu pounded into her. Fuck she's hitting me so deep.
*Plok* *plok* *plok* *plok*
"Oohhh fuuuck daddyyyy~ uhh! Yesyesyes! You're fucking me soooo deep."
She could feel Tzuyu's cock hit her in places she hasn't been hit before. It wasn't long before the pulsing cockhead was knocking on the entrance of her womb.
"Fuuckkk... mmmm~ more~ more daddy~ more!" Her pussy creamed as Tzuyu spanked her once again. The sloppy sound of flesh meeting flesh filled the room, mixing in with Mina's mewls and erotic moans.
"*Growl* Tell me baby... *Spank!*Who's better huh? Who do you belong to?" Mina didn't answer. T'was as if she forgot to speak as she thoroughly enjoyed the rough pounding.
"Answer me or I'll stop and just leave you here." With those words, Mina panicked.
"Hah~ No! Don't stop! Uhhh~ You're way better daddy. I'm yours~ Don't stop fucking meee~"
"... Good girl~" With a satisfied grin, Tzuyu's thrusts intensified, hitting Mina in her weak spots once again
*Plok* *plok* *plok* *plok*
"Fuck yes daddy! Don't stop! Fuckfuckfuck uhhh~ your cock feels so goood... So fucking gooood~"
Tzuyu had no such intention. She watched as Mina's ass rippled with every thrust, her back arching beautifully as she neared her peak. She watched as Mina's arms give out and just laid her head on the bed, hands now gripping the sheets as she fucked herself back on Tzuyu's cock, matching the rhythm of her thrusts.
*Plok* *plok* *Spank!* *plok* *plok*
"Uhh~ Daddy fuuuckk! You're fucking me up so good!" Mina's needy voice grew hoarse from all the moaning and screaming, yet she didn't care. Tzuyu's grip on her hips was slipping due to their mixed sweat, so she fashioned Mina's hair into a rough ponytail, using it to pull her up as she pounded even harder into her.
"Uhhh~ Fuck yes! Use me! Pound me! Do whatever you want to me daddy~" Tzuyu pulled on her hair a bit harder as she wrapped one hand around Mina's neck. She took advantage of the Japanese woman's flexibility, bending her backwards as she angled her head for a deep kiss.
"Ahm~ *Tsup* mmm~ mmm~ mmm~ keep fucking me daddy... I'm yours... I'm fucking yours." Tzuyu stared deep into Mina's half lidded eyes, her lover's need radiating off her quivering body in waves. Her brows were furrowed, her stare screaming More please... More... Give me more~
*Plok* *plok* *plok* *plok*
Mina's body tensed, her body taut as a bowstring. Noticing this, one of Tzuyu's hands reached around and furiously rubbed her clit, adding to the pleasure even more. The Japanese girl shook as the familiar knot in her stomach came undone. "Hnyah~ Shit! c-cumming daddy... cumming cumming cumming ahhh~"
Mina's body twitched as Tzuyu continued to fuck her through her climax. At this point, Mina's mind has stopped working. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as Tzuyu plundered her insides. The whites in her eyes rolled in and out as her mouth hung open. Her arms hung limply to her sides, her body solely dependent on Tzuyu's hold.
*Plok* *plok* *plok* *plok*
"Fucking take it babygirl. Cum all over daddy's cock!" Tzuyu's thrusts were relentless. She could feel Mina cum and cream all over her cock and still she wasn't stopping.
"Uhhh~ F-fuck I-I can't... Mm'm so sensitive. Mercy~ daddy please..." Mina squeaked in between her orgasms.
"What mercy, huh? You should look at yourself and see your own face babygirl..." Tzuyu angled her head so she can see herself in the mirror.
Mina was smiling. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were hazy and beady, her body shaking against Tzuyu's hard thrusts. She was wearing that utterly fucked out expression but... She was smiling.
Hah~ This is... me... I love it... I don't ever want it to end.
*Plok* *plok* *plok* *plok*
That day, in that position, Mina came more times than she bothered to count. More than Chae ever made me cum... It was only until Tzuyu's arms burned from holding up Mina's body weight that she let go, gently letting Mina fall forward into the bed, twitching from the overload of cumming too much.
"*Huff* *huff* S-sho good... Daddy~... *Huff*"
Tzuyu leaned over, pinning Mina's body against the bed with her weight. "Check again babygirl... Daddy hasn't cum yet."
Mina's eyes widen in horror as realization set in. Fuck.Her gasp turns into a soft moan as the taller woman's cock, slick with Mina's cum, presses between the cheeks of her ass.
"I'm going to fuck you like this," Tzuyu snarls, her cock energized by the prospect of ravaging the helpless, prone Japanese woman beneath her. "I'm going to fuck you till I cum again and again. And baby girl is going to like it."
"Mmmm~ D-daddy~" Mina purrs in turn, she turns her head to keep her mouth above the now-rustled bed sheets.
With one hand, Tzuyu shakily reaches for her cock, slipping it between her lover's legs. Mina spreads her thighs as best she can - allowing Tzuyu entrance to her sloppy pussy. The head pushes between her lips, and with one hard thrust, Tzuyu's cock fills her to the hilt.
"Oh fuck daddy! Daddy~! Uhh~" Mina gasps breathlessly. This position has Tzuyu hitting her deep. So deep that she feels her womb getting knocked up. Every thrust knocks the breath out of her lungs, and she could feel her brain turning into mush once more. Fuck... She's really intent on fucking me stupid. Uhh~ I can barely think of anything anymore.
*Plok* *plok* *plok* *plok*
Tzuyu plows into her mercilessly, fucking her into the mattress, her body bouncing against the bed with each thrust. Her ass ripples with every impact of Tzuyu's hip. She drove her cock into Mina's tight hot pussy with feral intensity, making her pussy squelch and cream endlessly.
"Fuck daddy~ you're so big and deep inside me. Ahh~ Ahh~ you're stretching my tight little pussy out~" She mewls, her words nearly getting drowned out by the wet sound of Tzuyu's hips clapping Mina's ass and the violent creaks of the bed frame.
"That's right baby. I'm gonna fuck your pussy so hard I'll mold your insides perfect for my cock. *Tsup* Chae won't even fit inside you when I'm done." Tzuyu grunts.
"Uhh~... Fuck me harder daddy Mmm~ Ooh~ ... As hard as you want~ You own me~ my body is yours! All yours~ fuck me- stretch my tight little pussy open ~ fuck right there fuuuuuckk~"
Tzuyu grins at Mina's words. She'd finally broken her, claimed her body in it's entirety. Spurred by this sinful fact, the young woman raises her hips, angling to hit the very depths of Mina's core. She grasps the back of her lover's head, pushing Mina's face roughly against the mattress.
"Fucking take it, baby. Take my fucking cock!"
*Plok* *plok* *plok* *plok*
"Mmmm~ ohh~ fuck, fuck, fuck!" Mina's moans were muffled, yet still so fucking needy. Her head is barely afloat above the sheets. Her hands clutch and claw, grasping for anything on the bed as her breaths become ragged and shallow. She calls on Tzuyu's name like an obscene mantra, and every call is answered with a fine thrust into her wet warm cunt. Subconsciously, Mina crosses her legs, making it all the more tighter for Tzuyu's cock.
"Fuck, I can feel you getting tighter baby... Mmm~ so tight for daddy. Like you're milking my cum dry. Is that what you want, huh? For daddy to cum inside you?" 
"Yes daddy~ C-cum inside me! Fill my fucking pussy up. Knock me up daddy~ Please!~ ooohh~ Breed me! Breed me daddyyy~" The hand on Mina's scalp grasps a fistful of her hair and pulls her upwards. As the Japanese woman gasps for air desperately, her insides squelches at the mere prospect of getting creampied. The consequences never even crossed her mind as she let out a long hoarse groan.
"D-Daddy~ s-so goood... I-I'm about to cum...  D-daddy~ uhh~ I-I'm cumming! cummingcummingcumming shit Ahhhhh~" With a silent scream, Mina came. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her back arching elegantly like a ballerina. Her legs quivered violently and uncontrollably whilst her toes curled deliciously from the pleasure. 
"Fuck!" With one final thrust, Tzuyu buries her cock as deep as she could, and finally the knot became undone. Spurt after spurt she came, filling Mina's womb and painting her walls white with thick ropes of her hot spunk. Her cock twitches and spasms as Mina's pussy pulsates, intent of milking every drop she had.
The next few moments felt like an eternity as Tzuyu unloads everything she has to an utterly fucked out, twitching Mina. Minutes felt like seconds until finally, the Taiwanese beauty withdraws her flaccid cock, utterly spent and drained. Her cum dripped freely from the thoroughly used cunt, the amount proving too much. She then collapses by Mina's side, cuddling her as their breaths synced with each other.
C-cum.. ~ S-So much cum... So... so good~
The last thing Mina sees before she passes out is a picture of her and Chae on top of their nightstand.
Mian... I... Don't think I'll be able to come back to you after all. She's just... too good.
Gomen ne... Next Chapter: 1-6 Mina Arc; More, More, More... (TBC)
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d1xonss · 6 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 3 ~ Opening up
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 1
✧ Word Count : 3.6k
In this chapter ~ When spending some much needed time alone after the fight she was just involved in, Rose sets off toward the woods for the peace and quiet. Though she was unaware of the person that seemed to follow her, only innocently wanting to know more about her as he only seemed to want a friend. Meanwhile, the planned search for Merle was now set in stone.
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I was completely unaware of the amount of time I had spent in the forest drawing, but I really didn't mind how long it had been as the cool breeze passed by me every now and then. I found myself constantly losing track of time when I sketched even before the dead started walking around. Just living in the moment as for once my mind wasn't constantly running. Currently I was working on drawing some trees and flowers that sat perfectly right in front of me, taking them all in the sunlight just appearing from my right.
Creating things was what always kept me sane in this life that only seemed to more intense every second we were alive. It was cheesy for sure, but it couldn't be more true. In a way it was somewhat of a distraction whenever I felt shitty about myself or shitty about things that were going on around me. It brought me a form of comfort that other people's words could never quite do. And that's why I loved it. So, now it kind of made sense why I needed to come out here to decompress, the argument and fight still replaying a few times in my mind.
In all honesty I didn't know for sure what was going to happen next, not only with Rick leaving again to go after Merle, but just in general. It had been a few months since this whole apocalypse happened and I still couldn't seem to get over how insane it's all been. A part of me thought I would never get used to it, the dead slowly picking off the remainder of the population. But another part of me knew that I would, adjusting to what the world has come to now was something I would have to get over. Though I didn't know if I fully wanted to, not wanting to let go of just everything I once knew. But sometimes that's just how life worked, and you had to swallow it down and move on.
A sudden snap of a branch coming from right behind me is what made me stop my movements completely, slowly putting my pencil down as I listened. Now that walkers have started to make their way up here I found myself a little more on edge as they could truly come out of nowhere now that they were making their way out of Atlanta. When I didn't hear another sound, I slowly lowered my hand and pulled out a knife that was placed near my hip, before turning around swiftly, ready to throw at the threat. But I stopped instantly once I saw it was just that kid Glenn, looking completely taken back that I almost threw a knife in between his eyes.
"Woah, woah, not dead." he said with raised arms, eyeing the sharp weapon in my hands.
I sighed and rolled my eyes, putting my knife back in place before turning my attention back to my notebook and picking up the pencil I had once discarded to the ground. My eyes stayed down on the page as I tried to ignore his sudden presence, even though he seemed to only be moving closer to me at the speed of a sloth. Not even a minute later I felt him planted right next to me, looking over my shoulder at what I was doing in curiosity. And clearly not knowing or understanding the definition of personal space.
Growing annoyed, I stopped drawing and slowly looked up at the man with a pointed glare to get him off my back. But I guess he didn't quite realize how close he had gotten to me, because when I fully turned to look at him our faces were inches apart and he immediately got flustered, turning his head away fast with slightly wide eyes.
Now as much as I didn't want to, I couldn't help but let out a light laugh noticing how red his cheeks and the tips of his ears got from the smallest contact. He quickly noticed that I had chuckled quietly to myself, a smile making its way onto his face as he saw my reaction to the embarrassing exchange. He then moved to sit down a few inches away from me, letting out a breath of air now that some of the tension was gone.
"So, what you did back there was...pretty badass." he stated out of the blue.
I scoffed quietly to myself, "Well, I had to step in... I knew Shane couldn't handle it."
My comment caused him to laugh a little and nod his head like I had a point, "Y'know you're right, I think Dixon would've knocked him clean on his ass."
My lips twitch up slightly in amusement as I looked up at him for a moment, before turning my attention back to right in front of me. We sat still like that in a comfortable silence for a few minutes as I stayed focused, glancing up at the different colorful petals every once and a while to make sure I knew what I was doing. But silently, I knew the quiet wouldn't last very long as he seemed to talk more than any of the rest combined, his mouth clearly having a mind of its own.
"So, I was thinking and uh...I realized I didn't really get the chance to get to know you. You know, with all the chaos and stuff." he pointed out.
I let out a hum, "You're right." I muttered as I didn't take my eyes off the page.
I could practically feel his smile drop after I said that, the thought alone almost causing me to laugh again at how I practically shut him down. But I never claimed I was the easiest person to get along with.
He sighed quietly, "Well, can I get to know you? It would be nice to befriend the badass of the group so someone has my back." he said with a sweet smile.
Looking at this kid, I could tell that he was very nice and just wanted a friend. In the back of my mind I couldn't help but want one too, but the truth was I was uneasy about it. Mostly because I didn't want anyone to get too close. I had never really been a good friend to anyone, or at least that's what the friends I had in the past brutally told me. I didn't want him to get hurt because of me, especially since I didn't even know if I would be staying with them like they all assumed.
But regardless I hesitantly agreed, "I suppose you can get to know me," I replied with a ghost of a smile, "What do you want to know?"
His excitement was almost too much to handle as he began asking me question after question about myself, but I quickly stopped his role. I went on to ask about him first, getting to know him a bit better so he had the chance to talk about himself. We then quickly began to swap stories of the past, talking quietly amongst ourselves in the grass. I learned that he was a pizza delivery boy before all of this. His favorite color is green, he loves to fish; especially with some friends, and he really likes baseball.
Now with me, I didn't really feel totally comfortable telling him too much, not that I had anything to hide, but it was just hard for me to open up to people. It was rare for someone to ask me something and actually care to know the answer. But regardless, I told him that I worked as an undercover cop previously, which really intrigued him and led me to telling him some of my most interesting stories. Then I told him my favorite hobbies were drawing and singing, and my dream job was to be a vet when I was a bit younger, though that obviously didn't work out. Right off the bat, that was all I could really think of, and he understood completely as he continued to fill the silence.
I almost felt stupid opening up to him as much as I did, but in the back of my mind I knew I could trust him. He was showing me a kindness that I hadn't seen in a very long time. And plus listening to him was something I was much better at than actually talking about myself, and something I actually found myself enjoying. Though I wouldn't admit it to him out loud, a part of me was actually glad he tracked me down.
Towards the end of our conversation, I looked at him and turned my notebook so he could see, "Well, what do you think?"
He eyes about popped out of his head, his mouth falling open a little as he took the picture all in, "Wow, this is really good! Rose, you're super talented."
I ducked my head a little in slight embarrassment, "Thanks." I muttered.
After that we managed to make our way back to the campsite once we realized how much time had truly passed. Though just merely hearing the argument that was going down a few feet away from where we passed through the trees only made me want to turn and head back into the forest for a little longer. Rick and Shane were at each other's throats for whatever reason that was unknown to me, yet I knew it was probably something stupid.
I quickly glanced around to everyone before attempting to turn back but Glenn, as if reading my mind, grabbed onto my shirt sleeve to keep me from leaving. I sent him an annoyed glare, but he just merely smiled at me and still hung onto my sleeve so I couldn't get away. Bastard.
Rick continued to argue back and forth with Shane and Lori, saying something about going back to Atlanta with Daryl to go get Merle and how he needed to do this as if he made some kind of promise to himself. Lori briefly mentioned something about her not being comfortable with him nearly doing this all by himself. And that's what seemed to make a lightbulb appear on top of the man's head, instantly looking towards Glenn and I.
"Oh, come on." Glenn groaned from beside me.
I took this as my opportunity and ripped my sleeve out of his hold, "Good luck with that." I muttered just loud enough for him to hear before slipping away from the next argument.
I moved back over towards the RV, leaning down to place my notebook back in my bag that still sat against the vehicle, cringing slightly when I heard how bad the conversation was going from a distance. But I faltered for a moment as I felt someone's eyes on me as I moved, turning back around subtly to see that it was Daryl who stood tall by what I could only assume to be his tent. Out of the corner of my eye I just watched him, sensing that he was just trying to figure me out even though what happened earlier between the two of us was far from a proper conversation.
But I didn't give in and look back, my focus staying on Rick as he continued to stress about his big plan that he had all thought out in his mind, while Daryl's eyes never strayed away from my frame. I nearly squirmed at the feeling after having it gone on for so long, but I still ignored it. If he had a problem with me he could confront me himself.
But the thought didn't fail to cross my mind at how hard he was to figure out. Most of the time I was pretty good at reading people, but for some reason that wasn't the case with him. It was like he put up a protective wall to hide behind and to keep people away, which was something that I surprisingly understood as I tried to do the same. Maybe I understood him better than I originally thought.
"And we could take Rose too." Glenn's voice suddenly suggested, causing me to quickly tune back into the conversation as my mouth nearly fell on the floor at his suggestion.
I could've strangled him right then and there for bringing me back into this when I didn't need to be, and I knew he caught that vibe when he visibly recoiled at the glare I sent him. I absolutely did not feel like risking my life for anyone around here let alone that asshole, but yet this man was throwing me up for grabs. Rolling my eyes, I trucked back over to officially join the conversation to make myself clear that I wasn't going with.
"Yeah, I don't think so, and don't speak for me." I snapped, "I barely made it out of that shit hole with you people last time, and you want me to go back?" I asked.
"I actually don't think you should go either, in fact I don't think anyone should go!" Shane snapped, "Why risk your life for a douchebag like Merle Dixon?"
Daryl's ears seemed to have perked up at that comment, trailing over as he lingered near the small circle we created, "You better choose your words more carefully." he warned lowly.
"No douchebag is what I meant." Shane replied, "You're really going to risk three men?" he asked Rick in disbelief.
"Four." T-Dog stepped in.
"My day just keeps gettin better don't it." Daryl muttered with a roll of his eyes.
Glenn then tried again for the second time, "Five, we're taking Rose with us."
My mouth parted as I was prepared to rip him a new one in order to make myself clear, but Rick beat me to the punch, "No she's staying here, I can't have too many people out there at once."
At that moment I felt like I could kiss him... no not really but I definitely was thanking my lucky stars that I didn't have to go along for the second time. For some reason I just had a bad feeling about this whole thing in fear that something would go terribly wrong, and I couldn't push myself to jump back into the walker infested streets. Although I think Rick easily saw the relief in my face because he slightly nodded at me with a smile as if to silently say, "you're welcome. "
I slightly nodded back at the man before turning towards Glenn, hesitating for a moment before placing my hand on his shoulder to get his attention. I gave him a small smile, trying to silently apologize and he nodded in return, I could tell he understood. And just like that, I made my way towards the RV once more to try and get as far away from that conversation as possible, only this time I didn't stop until I fully made it inside. It looked like it was going to be messy to try and convince Shane that this would be a good idea and it was something I didn't want to be a part of.
To my surprise the vehicle was completely empty when I walked in, and I could actually have some peace and quiet for a little bit longer like I wanted. I sat myself down at the table as I faced away from the entrance, placing my forehead on the coolness of the table. But my excitement was cut short after what only felt like a few short minutes, my ears perking up as I heard the door being opened from behind me again.
I silently groaned as I almost didn't want to look at who it was, but as I turned around I saw it was just Rick coming in to tell me something.
"Hey," he started, "I'm gonna need you to look after things around here while we're gone, can I count on you for that?"
I simply nodded my head.
"You still...weary about staying?" he asked.
"Yeah, kind of..." I trailed before sighing heavily with a shake of my head, "The truth is Rick, I don't want to not be here. I think this group is filled with some really great people. But...it's just the matter of getting adjusted after...everything."
"I absolutely get where you're coming from, I really do. But this group needs someone like you, and if you still want to go, you can, no pressure. But I think you'll grow to like it here...it's nice having people watching your back in a shit storm like this." he tried to joke.
I understood what he was saying but I don't think he realized the extent of what my words really meant. But I brushed it off, "I'll keep an eye out while you're gone, I won't go running off before you get back." I said.
He chuckled before nodding his head and turning back outside.
After Rick left I just sat in the RV, twiddling my fucking thumbs because I didn't know what else to do, the utter boredom slowly taking over. But it was better than risking my life back in Atlanta so I think I would take this any day.
Though I found myself glancing outside after a while to see the four men packing up their things to head out, a part of me starting to feel guilty at just the sight. I really didn't want to go back, and I wasn't going to, but I felt like I should at least say something to Daryl instead of hiding away from everyone. Something assuring seeing as he wouldn't get that from anyone else here. This was probably a dumb idea considering the last time I actually talked to him I locked him in a chokehold just moments before. But I had to say...something.
I was taking the risk of getting snapped at, and was going way out of my comfort zone, but I would feel less guilty if I actually approached him with some kind of assurance he needed. He nearly lost his brother today after all and I couldn't even imagine what that felt like.
I sighed to myself before stepping back out of the RV and looked around for him. Shane and Lori were still lightly arguing with Rick about departing even though the decision had been made, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Yes, Merle was an asshole, but he was still a person. I knew Rick wasn't going to stoop that low to just leave him there for the walkers like everyone else seemed to want to do.
My eyes then managed to pull away from the scene and off to the side to where Daryl was standing close to his tent, gathering up his weapons one by one to leave. I was starting to have second thoughts the more I let myself think about it, but my legs were moving towards him before my brain could even process it.
Once I was finally close enough, I cleared my throat awkwardly to get his attention. His head snapped towards me, and he looked a little surprised for a second at my presence, but quickly fixed me with a glare.
"What?" he asked sharply.
In a split second I seemed to regret walking over almost immediately and it took everything in me not to roll my eyes at the man, but I didn't. "I just wanted to...apologize I guess."
He stared at me for a second before speaking sharply again, "For what? Leavin my brother behind with the rest of them assholes? Or puttin me in a chokehold?"
"About your brother." I said with no hesitation, "You deserved the chokehold."
He took a step closer to me, "Is that right?" he asked, trying to intimidate me, but I still stood my ground.
"Yeah, that's right. You pulled out a knife, don't try and convince me that I'm the bad guy here." I said, my tone coming out harsher than I thought it would.
He kept staring at me with a reddened face, so I kept talking before he would snap, "I'm not going to stand here and defend your brother because let's face it, you and I both know he's an asshole. But I wanted to apologize for leaving him up there. He's still a human being and I don't think he should have to go through that fear. So, I'm sorry, and I... I hope you find him."
Without another word, or even giving him a chance to respond, I turned on my heel to head in the opposite direction. Though I could've sworn the minute my back was facing him, I heard him mutter a small "thanks." as I continued to walk away, but then again that could've been my mind playing tricks on me.
I moved quickly back into the RV and sat down to the spot I was placed in before, looking out the window to the people outside. The ones cooking something over the small fire, the kids playing around constantly with each other, and the ones putting everything on the line to save a man that didn't deserve it.
I hated to even think about it, let alone say it out loud, but I couldn't help but think that maybe I could use a group like this. My trust issues have gotten worse over the years, but there was something about this place that made me feel safe. At first I thought it was because it was so far away from the city and the dead, but I slowly was realizing that it was actually because of the people. There was something about the group that drew me in, perhaps the same strong ass magnet that drew me back in the first place. Maybe a group wouldn't be so bad after all.
~ Thanks for reading!
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donnerpartyofone · 25 days
This morning I went over to the church to see my favorite guy, who is so often surprising and challenging. He seemed a little out of sorts today, stammering and losing his place; I sometimes worry about this old guy, and I was paying attention. Then at the end of the mass he said that they're having air quality problems in the rectory and the EPA is involved. I hope he's not getting brain damage!
It was sort of funny, though, because the homily was about having trouble focusing--not being able to concentrate, and having anxiety about the future. That was pretty relevant to me, medically and otherwise. I'm writing this on the morning of the new moon, just to be extra flaky, about how much trouble I have forming goals.
Pursuing goals is also hard, but step one should be having a vision, and that's the really impossible part. When I was a little kid I had two ambitions: to be a writer, and to be dead. The latter thing represents one of the main motivating forces in my life, which is pain avoidance. I think this is the chief motivator of many people without them even realizing it; comfort-seeking itself can be a form of pain avoidance. Pain avoidance is not a legitimate goal, it's more of a reflex, and it can become a preoccupying distraction from any kind of actual ambition (especially as fulfilling ambitions often involves some amount of discomfort). Focusing on what you do not want is not equivalent to focusing on what you do want.
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I never had a very good idea of what I want. I found this out when I went into therapy as an adult; I couldn't formulate any notion of what I wanted out of life. I couldn't even come up with any masturbatory, pie in the sky fantasies. I might vaguely be able to say something like "a bigger, nicer apartment", but I can't come up with any compelling ideas about what that would even look like. I try, but I know I'm faking it. Certainly part of my interest in religion and occultism is the idea that I could train myself to really clearly conceptualize any kind of goals or desires. In the case of occultism specifically (and, let's be honest, many forms of self-help), visualization is always a key element. In recent years I learned that I am abnormally incapable of forming mental images, and I have come to believe that this is intimately connected to my inability to figure out what I want or how to get it.
Nearly all of my thinking is verbal. I found out what aphantasia was while talking to my dad, who is extremely visual with an excellent grasp of spacial relations (something I have almost no concept of). He was shocked when I said I can't really picture anything, asking me "Then how do you do anything?" He said when he decides to make a sandwich, for instance, he automatically sees himself performing the actions of sandwich-making, and sees the aspirational sandwich in his mind's eye. Visualizing is essential to his entire executive process. It so happens that I am aphantasic and I have a lot of executive dysfunction. I no longer think this is coincidental.
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(I'm also very faceblind, and I think this is connected; something to do with the ability to reconstitute a visual memory and relate it to something that is presently in front of me. But anyway...)
Perhaps oddly, I am an artist, or at least I have been. But I've never been able to draw from my imagination, like at all. The best work I've ever done is all swipes; I am a great believer in swipes, it can reveal a lot about your personal style and obsessions and when you re-draw someone else's art. But I can't just sit and think up something fun to draw, even when I try to just doodle I'm usually responding more to the lines I see emerging on the paper than anything I'm thinking or feeling. I think this is related to the fact that I'm an obsessive scopophile; I take in a lot of detail from my environment, and I watch movies with the same attitude and frequency with which most people listen to music. Recently I started to joke that I have an image deficiency and that's why I have to consume huge amounts of visual media, I need the external infusion. But like, it's not that much of a joke, maybe.
In my 30s I randomly developed this condition where scar tissue grows over your corneas, and I had to have a series of freaky eye surgeries. My doctors always asked if I grew up somewhere warm and sunny and windy, if I do a lot of outdoor sports (sometimes this condition is called "surfer's eye"); I thought this was pretty funny since I couldn't be more of an indoor kid, although maybe cycling is somewhat at fault. Still, my preferred diagnosis is that I watch so much trashy and violent crap that it literally scars my eyes. It's as good an explanation as any! And it does have this weird synergy with my other visual problems.
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Anyway, it's not as if I've done absolutely nothing with my life. Quite a few personal achievements piled up in just the last couple of years; certainly I've benefited a lot from luck and the good will of others, but nothing would have happened without my own creativity and commitment. I just wish I had more, you know. Vision. I spend too much of my life "taking one day at a time" and waiting for things to happen to me, assuming I don't have much control over my experiences. I'd rather be able to imagine something that I want to happen and act on it; regardless of whether the thing is going to happen, I'd like to be able to formulate a goal other than paying the rent, or like, not waking up and going to sleep in a state of stark terror. I'm not sure how to get myself to that place, but maybe saying that that's what I want can count for something.
Anyway here are some photos of the thoughtfully planted shrubbery from the church. I missed the full bloom of the weeping cherries, but as soon as they die off the shrubs below turn bright red, pink, yellow, and white. It's pretty inviting I must say.
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archandshri · 4 months
9th feb '24 - [arch] characters, interactions and emotion - making a mini webcomic
Gahhhh Shri this has been an absolutely crazy couple of weeks!!!! Hope you are doing well :)) First of all, WOW! You have a lot of goals, and I’m sure you’ll get them done! I’ve worked a lot on my graphic design during the process of making Winter Wellbeing. If you wanna see a blog post dedicated just to that, I can do so! It would be cool to compare notes on the approaches we take for graphic layouts. If you wanna share your knowledge of camera skills when you build that up that would be awesome 😭😭
It’s been a tough few weeks, art wise. I have been reflecting on my process, motivations to create, the ego and all the baggage that’s lumped into the creative process for me. It turns out there’s a lot. I took some space from my illustration practise (literally for a weekend!) and began to realise how dysfunctional it is. I’ve been writing a lot about that so there may be a larger piece of writing coming about that at some point (no promises!!)
But for now, let's talk about little successes!
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I’ve been playing with some characters for a while but I’d hit a bit of a block with the plot. I realised the expectation of having a finished project of high quality soon is unrealistic, and an unhealthy expectation to put on myself. I rarely give myself time to play with concepts for a long time and let the characters, plot and interactions evolve naturally. Maybe this in part came from sticking to the short university module turnaround. I noticed that that short turnaround was causing a lot of block, so I have decided to bench it as a comic for now and focus on using it as a playground - falling in love with the characters, creating stories and drawing them for fun. Maybe years down the line I’ll make them into a comic - we shall see! 
I *tried* to do hourly comics day this year and it didn’t quite work for me. I think I made 3 comics? And then got distracted with a bigger project that ended up taking a week or so to complete. Let’s have a look at it, shall we?
[you can find the full version here]
First of all, it’s based on an unfinished fanfiction I started a couple of months ago, which was mostly bad, but there was one nice scene that I liked and wanted to expand on. I started by having a look at the script I wrote and thumbnailing on the iPad. I’m away from home at the mo and usually would prefer to do most of my artwork traditionally, but because I don’t have access to a scanner, the whole process was digital this time. A lot of the pages got scrapped because the dialogue wasn’t necessary, and I’m not drawing pages that aren’t necessary.
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some more development screenshots
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I thought a lot about posing during the process, acting the scenes out in my mind and sometimes physically, really understanding the emotions of the characters, why they’re saying what they’re saying, their tone and how to convey that though their body language and expression (i find grian really annoying normally [affectionate] but I want this grian to step on me).
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Pearl was hard with this because she’s quite erratic and unpredictable in this series, so I wanted her to switch from raw explodey anger to playful jabs at Grian. I’m hoping this comes across as somewhat insane, rather than tonally off and inconsistent. I did super enjoy drawing her and her explosive nature though, especially in comparison to Grian’s coldness.
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I played with levels and monotone colour too - I’m not working with multiple colours much at the moment so I’m able to focus on things like values composition, characters and backgrounds. My skills limit the kind of stories I can tell currently, so I’m working to improve those foundations. Maybe when I’m back in the riso studio I can play with colours a little more.
Colours - despite the simple pallete it gets a bit nerdy here.I stuck to specific flat percentages for most of it - Pearl’s hair and Grians jumper are 60%, Grian’s hair and Pearl’s cloak are 20%. Then I added a 14% layer for shadows, using a ahrd blend eraser tool for highlights, making the images quite dark. I fill a layer with texture from Forystr’s riso brush for procreate, and turn it into a 40% opacity colour dodge layer. This gives it some much needed texture and makes the lighting feel low and nighttimecore. It also pushes the values to look really nice - I tend to be too scared to push them by myself.
I tried a few different colour layers to get a *vibe* but settled on a low percentage riso blue in a colour layer. All layers besides the riso blue are in a riso black, colour picked from a riso colour pallete. I learnt these tools - using percentages to get good values - from working with risograph. I really recommend having a look at these techniques and doing some monotone work. It's really improved by character designs, page layouts and compositions.
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That's all from me today, though I have had MANY other thoughts over the past two weeks about creating, but perhaps we'll dive into them another time. If you (or anyone else) has any questions, hit me up with a reblog or an ask and I will get right to it. Lovely to hear from you! Hope your art is going great too :)) Arch :)
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x-reader-things · 9 months
I also just finished watching arcane again!! The series is phenomenal-and I was once again reminded I would love to hold hands with Viktor-
Can I request some headcanons for how Viktor would comfort his partner who experiences anxiety? Gn!reader please!!
Thank you for requesting! :DDD
This is my first time writing specifically for Arcane and this character so I hope it’s on character - did my best with the little I skimmed from his fandom wiki for Arcane and from what I remember from the show-
Personally Vi and Ekko are my favorites- <33
Anyways, I hope you enjoy!!
“It’ll pass soon”
Viktor x reader [romantic]
Summary ; In which you’re anxious, and Viktor always knows how to help you out.
Requested? ; Yes
Warnings ; none, besides small descriptions of physical anxiety - kinda based it on what I deal with myself, but everyone reacts to anxiety differently.
Definitions ; счастье моё (stchastye moyo) - gender-neutral, meaning “my happiness”
Word count ; 554
Viktor is, first and foremost, a scientist.
He notices things through keen observation, studies them to no end to understand them, and draws conclusions that should be able to help others like himself.
And with those skills, comes observing you.
How you act. What you like and dislike. What makes you comfortable and uncomfortable.
And definitely what makes you anxious.
He knows hextech can’t truly fix that.
He should know, he deals with anxiety himself.
So as a partner and a scientist, he recognizes the signs.
The nervous glances.
The subtle deep breaths you take to calm yourself down. Or at least try to.
Never works. Maybe sometimes on the rare occasion, but not completely.
Then there’s the nervous jitters - maybe bouncing your leg, or running a hand through your hair constantly (if you have the hair type to do it) or running a hand over your face, or shaking your hands out to try and get the shakiness away.
Whatever it is, Viktor recognizes it.
He waits and checks in every so often, just to see if you’re able to calm yourself down first, instead of prying you to tell him what was going on.
When you don’t calm down though, he decides a distraction is probably better to try first.
He shows you the inventions he and Jayce are working on, discusses them with you, tries to see what you think about it. Half of the time that helps you calm down, primarily because you focus on his voice, and also because you love hearing and experiencing his work.
Anxiety is a fickle thing.
So when it doesn’t work out, that’s when he asks you what’s wrong.
“You don’t have to tell me just yet, but I’d like to know whenever you’re ready.”
If it’s really bad, he has you both sit down, and you just lay your head on his shoulder. He rests his cheek against your head and wraps an arm around you, one of his hands coming up to run against your upper arm to ground you there. Breathes slowly until you do it too.
And he waits until you’re ready to talk.
If it’s a sudden panic you just grab onto his shoulder or hand and squeeze it, and he already knows.
Viktor either excuses himself from his work or if he’s talking to someone (normally it’s just Jayce - he understands immediately and spares you a quick sympathetic nod), and lets you lead him to a secluded area nearby and lets you spew your worries and panic to him.
He tells you you’re safe with him.
Reminds you that things would be ok and that with anxiety this is normal.
“It’ll pass soon. I know it doesn’t feel like it but it will, alright? How about this, tell me five things you can see right now.”
“Um - the ground. The tile.”
“Good, good. What else?”
“Your shoes. They’re uh - they’re kind of scuffed, you should get them cleaned.”
He laughs quietly. “What else, счастье моё?”
“The window.” Another encouraging hum for you to continue. “The hexgate outside. It’s glowing, some airship just came through.” Your eyes settle on the person in front of you. “You.”
Viktor smiles at you. “A little on the nose, huh?”
You smile back at him.
He helps you breathe again.
He always does.
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 1 month
bury's tips to ACTUALLY combat writer's block
a lot of the time when you hear writers talk about writers block and what you can do to fight it, the advice that you hear is 'just write'
i took this to be true for a long time, and it's not the worst advice or whatever. at the end of the day anything you want to get done w writing does need to be solved by simply writing. but it took me until i was writing much more regularly to realize that actually thats nonsense
there are totally things you can do to help w writers block! ive been experiencing a bout of it recently, so i thought id share some tips partially to help out those who might read this, and partially to help myself out of that same slump
FEEDING THE MACHINE. in my experience, a lot of the time writers block is less of a blockage getting in the way of a flow of creativity and more like a machine running out of fuel. thoughts, ideas, and emotions CAN come from nowhere, but... usually they are coming from somewhere! i get my worst writers block when i am bored, under-stimulated, or stuck in my real life. try getting out into the world and doing something you don't usually do. this can be wild and exciting, or small and plain. take a different route home than usual, go for a drive somewhere cool, take yourself to a garden, bookstore, museum. if you're stuck at home try a new hobby; draw a weird picture, bake something, bird watch. this is really my top advice for myself at least, and something i have to remind myself when im despairing my own worth and dedication as a writer. you cant pour from an empty cup! you cant make something out of nothing! theres no point scraping yourself dry without trying to fill yourself back up.
FEEDING THE MACHINE... DIFFERENTLY. same principal applies here, but with what stories you are consuming. what actually got me to start writing and posting fic regularly was starting work in publishing that meant i was reading 1-2 books/manuscripts every day. they were often outside my usual reading genres, and sometimes i genuinely hated them... but they were food for the machine. the brain doesn't care if you like books about cows, the brain cares about variety and expanding its horizons. read something new and interesting! try a classic. try getting into queer classics you've never heard of if you're tired of old white men. read a murder mystery or a biography of a cool person or the history of the romance novel or frued's melancholia. try that new fantasy novel youve heard good things about. even if you only end up reading three chapters, thats still something new youre giving your brain. documentaries are also great for this if you're not feeling a new book; sit back and learn something.
CLEAN UP YOUR ENCLOSURE. humans feel yucky when we're in a yucky environment. cleaning is often exhausting and annoying and it sucks, but so is sitting in an environment that makes you feel bad. try clearing off your desk or table. set something nice you like nearby! choose a sunny spot to work in.
TALK YOUR IDEAS OUT. i really struggle with this one, because i dont like bothering people and im really embarrassed about my ideas, especially in the planning stage. it can really help though! try talking to yourself in the shower like you're being interviewed about your work. try going on some chat site, find a stranger to talk to, and infodump until they leave (or stay and you've made a new friend!). ask around for someone who wants to chat ideas; you can share yours, they can share theirs. if you have a loved one who would listen, ask if they would sit down for 45 minutes and let you talk.
LIMIT DISTRACTIONS. this one also sucks but yknow. turn on forest: stay focused. close discord. ask your dog politely to stop barking. get off tumblr and stop writing advice posts about writers block. turn on some ambient music and rain noises or chappell roan's red wine supernova on loop.
may add to this later as i think of others, but the point here is that writer's block isn't laziness and, even if you do in the end just need to write, there are ways to uplift yourself and make doing so more pleasant. these also dont fully apply to what i think the actual cause is of what we often call 'writer's block,' which is just exhaustion and lack of free time; i wouldn't consider that in itself writer's block. these tips are more for when you have that time, or you're making it, but you just cant seem to make it happen.
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hanginwithhkatie · 1 month
Hey everyone! I got another update this one’s a bit longer and more personal. It’s a bit heavy too just so you know.
I’m starting to feel a bit better. I’m getting really close to 100 followers now so I’d really like to thank you all SO much. Sometimes I literally can’t believe the support I’ve been getting lately, it feels like one long dream.
Lately I’ve had a real rough go at it, my self confidence has been not great. A lot of the time I suffer from feeling like I’m not good enough to have made all the wonderful friends and followers I have made here. Many of them are creators who inspired me long before I started posting here and it feels almost surreal. I know that’s totally crazy but rationalization has been something I’ve had difficulty with lately
The stress was definitely effecting my art negatively. I found myself getting super frustrated and unable to draw for more than a couple minutes at a time. After making such huge breakthroughs in march I felt like my skill was degrading again, and I lost a bit of my confidence to even try for a bit.
Most days have been going to work, barely struggling through my anxiety and then going home. I would either immediately go to sleep or heavily distract myself to try and take my mind off things.
A lot of things have been contributing to my stress, my feelings of inadequacy in where I’m at in my transition, the fact I’m trying to find a house to rent, a few events going on with my family (and the general uneasiness that is my transition with my parents), and trying to make enough money to make the move go well.
A few days ago it got so bad at work that my stress bubble just popped and I came close to breaking down. Strangely that event has seemed to wrap me back around to a more neutral state of mind, I’ve been calling it an “stress overflow”.
Currently like I mentioned I’m doing a little bit better, I’ve been dog sitting for my family for the past few days which was also helpful.
It’s been really hard lately, and I don’t like to bother people with stuff like this so I’ve been trying to contain it all myself, which has not been working super great.
I wanted to put this out there to give more context to what’s been going on with me lately as my last post wasn’t too descriptive. I genuinely care about everyone here so much, I don’t think I’d be able to function without you. I want to try and be more open about what’s going on in my life especially here. I think it would help me a lot.
I know this is. Kind of a ramble almost but thank you for listening. I can’t thank this community enough for accepting me and making me feel like I genuinely matter.
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