#socks 5 proxies
faceless001 · 2 years
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im-not-batman · 7 months
For the ask WIP game
Spideypool falling please 😊
Oh I LOVE this one!
It's a 5+1 of spideypool falling for eachother and then Falling For Eachother. Featuring Dadpool because I'm a big fan of his work (Ellie).
"It really creeps me out when you do that, Webs." Wade said, sinking deeper into Peter's beat-up couch and kicking his fluffy-sock-clad feet up onto the other half of it that Peter was perched above. "I like sitting up here, sends all the blood to my brain so that I can beat you quicker," Peter reasoned and as if on queue the tinny TV speaker announced yet another victory. "You're such an asshole, Baby Boy," Wade smirked up at him, sounding more proud than annoyed. He threw a couple of M&Ms up for Peter to catch in his mouth, "do the other heros know how much of an asshole their comrade is?" Around his mouthful of chocolate and peanuts, he grinned, "I save all my worst bits for you, Wade." It was true too. He always felt like he needed to pose and posture around his fellow superheroes. Even though he'd come into his own as Spider-man over the last ten years, he still yearned for their approval and strived for their respect. Around Wade though, there was no need to pretend he was any better than he actually was. He didnt feel the need to constantly be on his best behaviour. Peter let his sass and sarcasm, disdain and irritation, good moods, bad moods and everything inbetween run rampant around Deadpool. And he never felt like he was being judged or evaluated. Just admired. Ecouraged even. "I'm touched," he said, throwing up another handful of M&Ms. This time Peter didn't react quick enough, lost in thought, and missed them.
Instead Wade caught the chocolates in his own mouth. Which shouldn't have been a thing but Peter's brain was making it a thing. He couldn't figure out if it was the ease with which he caught them – Peter's attraction to competency rearing it's ugly head – or the fact that the M&Ms were intended for his mouth and were now in Deadpool's. Either way, Peter's brain was doing some sort of horny gymnastics to rationalise it as tonsil tennis by-proxy. He watched Wade's throat bob as he swallowed. Peter's concentration was decidedly broken. He slipped. Usually that wouldn't be an issue; usually he'd have fallen from a much greater height and thus had more time to catch himself. But he was hanging from the ceiling this time. Granted, it was a relatively high ceiling, but not high enough. He let out an indecipherable jumble of a scream/shout/warning and Wade managed to dive out of the crash zone in time to not be knocked out by a 170 pound moron. When Peter didn't feel the heavy, throbbing pain of head trauma, he managed to gather his wits enough to realise that his head hadn't made contact with anything.
After another moment, he realised that Wade had seemingly managed to get his hand between Peter's skull and the floor. He still found himself uncomfortably contorted - half on the couch, half off, in a sort of human pretzel situation - but Wade had reacted in enough time to keep his head from cracking against the ground. And he was still holding him that way.
Peter's brain stopped working again. "Sorry," Wade said, trying to right the hero so that he was no longer lying at a downward 45 degree angle with legs akimbo, "Dad reflexes."
Peter wanted to scream. "You're apologising for saving me from a concussion?" Peter attempted to tease but it fell flat when he saw Wade's face, "Are you okay?" He let out a choked laugh, "Am I okay?" He asked incredulously, "you just fell eight feet." "And yet you're the one looking a bit loopy," Peter half laughed but wasn't able to keep the worry from seeping into his tone. "You scared the shit outta me, thought you were gonna go splat!" Deadpool justified. "From that height? Child's play. If I'd splatted, I'd have deserved it." It was a joke but Wade didn't seem to find it funny. "You should look after yourself better, Petey," he looked like he realised he was being too serious then, and his demeanor visibly shifted, "you don't regenerate, so you gotta look after that sinfully gorgeous meat suit of yours."
Ty ty for the ask! I really wanna get back into writing these two, I love them so much 🥲
Send me an ask with which of my WIPs from This Post you wanna hear about!
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lawleon · 3 months
Complete FuniFuni Collection!
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After many years of hunting I was finally able to complete my FuniFuni collection! I almost never see these plushies discussed in comparison to Fumos so I thought I'd talk about what I understand about them since the Circle that made them, Phantasm Screen, seems to be completely defunct. The initial run of Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae first showed up in July 2009 and the most "recent" additions, Satori, Orin, Remilia, and Flandre first showed up in August 2010. The only record of legitimate online sales of these plushies I can find is an old entry on Melonbooks for the hanging strap version of Orin from 2010. Some evidence suggests they were sold on Toranoana and at IRL events as well. They were most likely distributed at a few more events and probably at IRL bookstore/doujin shops after the final set was made before the Circle closed up shop. I would reasonably expect that all of these plushies are roughly a decade old, and no more new ones have been made since then. As time has passed it has obviously become more difficult to find online auctions for some of these, you can still find auctions for Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae somewhat often, but the plushies released later don't show up as often since there were fewer distributions of them. The full sized version of Satori was particularly difficult for me to locate, I think I won the only auction for the full sized Satori plush I had seen in 5 years? (For the absurd price of $12 plus shipping.)
These plushies are smaller in comparison to Fumos.
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In my opinion the Funis are generally a bit more detailed than Fumos. More fabric types are used, with a lot of the frills Touhou outfits are known for are made of lace on the Funis versus the satin ribbons that Fumos use.
Additionally, if you'll forgive me for talking about plushie tooshie, Fumos generally stick with the exact same basic design for the area where the plushie sits, but Funis are willing to go into detail even down to the footwear. The bloomers are modeled like actual clothing, and look at Satori's socks and house slippers!
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Let's talk about tags. In a world with bootleg Fumos, the presence or absence of a visible tag was probably the first thing people attempting to obtain one were taught to look for. Scalpers are not trying to duplicate Funis for fat stacks of cash so whether or not a Funi has a tag is more of a personal preference, or for a feeling of reassurance. I was able to obtain 12/13 of my Funis with tags, pictured below. (Did you think I was going to let the absence of a tag prevent me from buying the only Satori I had seen in like 7 years?)
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Anyways, I've been hunting these for a long time and I'm very happy to have completed my collection. If you also enjoy Touhou plushies and are annoyed/infuriated with the resale market Fumo prices, and a character you enjoy is available in the limited selection, consider a FuniFuni instead. They are a highly detailed alternative plushie that generally sell for a fraction of the price of a Fumo. If you're interested in picking up any of these cuties you'll have to hunt on auction sites, but with the existence of Buyee now making proxy services easily accessible to most people, it's easier to get Funis for decent prices from JP Yahoo Auction. If anyone else out there is hunting for these I do wish you luck. Anyways, I need to get back to being mad about the fact that there aren't any Shinmyoumaru plushies, or goods in general. See'ya around!
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I cannot stress enough, from the bottom of my fucking heart, that life is too goddamned short to be out here buying shitty potato peelers that hurt your hands and don’t really work that great for $5 when $10 will get you a sturdy, comfortable, very effective one.
Just in general, if there is something you’re out here using on a very regular basis, especially if it’s for a chore or task you already don’t like that much, it’s 100% worth it to get the “nice” version.  If you’re broke, it’s something you can ask for as a birthday/holiday/just-because gift from loved ones who aren’t broke.
Like, you know how Disney parks have what they call “touch points,” where if it’s something guests are interacting with in a big way, they want it to be as nice as possible to give guests a really good impression?  That is in fact a thing that works.  It can in fact make your life better, or worse.
I know sometimes it can feel dumb to spend the extra money, effort, or time to get the good version because no version of this tool exists that’s going to make it fun or awesome to peel potatoes or clean the litter box or mop the living room.  Unfortunately, it is not dumb and will in fact improve your life.
I know most people don’t think of it in terms of “Oh, ha ha, it’s not worth spending the extra $5 to get a good kitty litter scoop.  I’d rather use that five bucks on a single fancy cup of coffee on the way to work and spend every day for the foreseeable future fighting with this flimsy piece of garbage that can barely stand up to the job and that I have to handle just so or it will snap in half on me.” Unfortunately, that’s about what it boils down to in actual practice. 
Also unfortunately, it’s unbelievable how much mental energy is sapped by being surrounded by stuff you hate using because it’s the cheapest version of the thing that wouldn’t spontaneously combust when you touched it, or it’s busted but not completely busted yet, or it doesn’t work great but it hasn’t absolutely fallen the fuck apart on you.
Plus I think we’ve all got that socks-and-underwear-giving relative who’d be like “Finally, my time has come!” if you asked them for a sensible gift like non-scratchy towels or nice sheets, so you’re making your life materially better and also letting them fulfill some weird primal nesting instinct by proxy.
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fossette-promenade · 3 months
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a story of my stuggle to buy socks...!
i buy most of my clothes through mercari japan with a shopping service.
yesterday, someone listed a few sets of iw socks for a good price! i knew i had to grab them quick, because they are sought after.
i wanted to try out a new shopping service, because they seemed to have less fees than the one i usually use.
i placed an order for the socks, plus a pair of iw shoes! (hard to find LL size, even though they're a bit damaged, i think i can repair them visually) in total, it was $69 for 4 pairs of socks and the shoes.
but I didn't realize... it was 3 o'clock in the morning for Japan! and the company doesn't start work till 9.
i was nervous someone else may grab them before the proxy made the order, but I did a prayer and waited for 6 hours, hoping no one else would buy them.
but it wasn't ordered by 10 am JPT... and one set of the socks had sold already!
i panicked and bought the socks again through my usual proxy server, which instantly bought the socks. (maybe they use bots?)
its the next day now, and my original order is still processing... once they realize it's out of stock, I'll get refunded.
so, i didn't get one set of socks. but luckily, I did get the set I wanted more! I think the fees resulted in maybe about $5 extra? (im incredibly frugal, okay?! >_<)
but the lesson learned today was: it's okay to spend a little extra money for your peace of mind ♡
have you ever missed a sale you were very excited for?
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zumpietoo · 9 months
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imagine it's the year 2020 (sooooo long ago, we have to pretend, already?)
you are going thru the exact same pandemic everybody else is, except you're a millionaire, your job is shutting down temporarily like EVERY job....except, again, you're a millionaire. You're being dumped because your eternally too good for you BF has decided he's done, once and for all and would rather house sit in an empty home he was going to buy (and considered living in with you) than spend quaranteen with your crazy ass. Because he's done with YOUR cheating ass. And, per Silly/janASS, you aren't an adult with an extensive resources, entirely and easily capable (in fact, you do) of crossing the friendliest land border in the world to next sulk in LA. ---just as you'd routinely done for nearly 5 years. And you're still with your castmate, for the moment (she'll run screaming away from your crazy ass in short order). I have no idea WTF is about the suitcase, but I'd think Silly/janASS, being so wealthy and all, wouldn't GAF....
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your castmates run screaming away from your crazy ass and chose to help others with him and were also fully aware YOU were the one fucking anything with a pulse (male or female). A dude you'd spent 5 seconds with here and there, cuz also famous, recognized your ex was the infinitely better person, to say nothing of actor....and cast him in his film. So you munchausen by proxy your poor new rescue dog, flip out repeatedly on IG stories (including a cringe weepfest), throw multiple temper tantrums, indirect your ex to sell you "poetry", join a cult and start a vanity project, knowing you'll actually have to return to the job that made you a millionaire/famous...and you make a point of whining about that, too. And use your family YOU ignore as your excuse for it, when all you GAF about is lying by your mcmansion pool in LA. you also share houses to quaranteen, multiple times, with "those bitches", while you're trying to fuck anything with a pulse. THEN you refriend "those bitches" when you realice you're gonna be truly alone in "prison". Cole continues to be the biggest star and your "poetry book" is a flop lol. i can't imagine WTF silly/janASS is even talking about, because, actually "the public" did....
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No way could Silly/janASS have done being on a show, writing a flop book and making a shitty vanity project? While having a nervous breakdown, joining a cult and getting wasted? Honestly? I hope not....I'm pretty sure that's PP's future, too, Silly.
You were already a bad person. And REALLY upset about Cole's bday posts for Ari
Thanks for reading this batshit.
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Her sock agrees!
It makes me super happy she's doing a limited one and done cult series (after saying she'd never do a series again, 5 seconds earlier), "dating" a cheap Cole imitation whose only claim to fame is he bagged on Cole, right after he bagged on her, whose friends hate her and she seems to see only for the cameras to "power couple" once a month and, per usual, has confirmed Plaiderdale "friendships" were the Pee ARR I always said they were
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qocsuing · 2 months
Guide to Setting Up a SOCKS5 Proxy
Guide to Setting Up a SOCKS5 Proxy for Secure Browsing Introduction In the digital age, online security is of paramount importance. One way to enhance your online security is by setting up a SOCKS5 (Socket Secure 5) proxy for secure browsing. This article will guide you through the process of setting up a SOCKS5 proxy.To get more news about residential proxy, you can visit pyproxy.com official website.
What is a SOCKS5 Proxy? A SOCKS5 proxy is a powerful tool that allows you to route your internet traffic through an intermediary server. The term “SOCKS” is derived from the term “Socket Secure,” which refers to the protocol used to establish a connection between a client device and a server.
Why Use a SOCKS5 Proxy? There are several advantages to using a SOCKS5 proxy. It enhances privacy by masking your IP address and encrypting your internet traffic. It allows you to bypass geographic restrictions by connecting through a server in a different country. It also provides faster connection speeds and improved security by filtering out malicious websites and blocking potentially harmful content.
Setting Up a SOCKS5 Proxy Setting up a SOCKS5 proxy involves several steps. First, you need to choose a server provider. Then, you need to configure the server settings on your device. Finally, you need to test the server to ensure it is working correctly.
Configuring the Proxy Settings To configure the proxy settings, you need to go to the network settings on your device. For Windows users, you can find these settings in the General tab. Scroll down to Network Settings, click Settings, select Manual proxy configuration, set SOCKS5 Host and Port to the server address and port of the SOCKS5 proxy, select SOCKS5 v5, and click OK.
Testing the Proxy Server After setting up the proxy server, it’s important to test it to ensure it’s working correctly. You can do this by visiting a website that shows your IP address. If the proxy server is working correctly, you should see a different IP address than your original one4.
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JellyBeans Leo: Nico hasn't given me enough attention today so I'm airing his dirty laundry (aka; saying true things about the Nico in out system that if he saw me typing up he'd punch me in the face)
E-Bois Binny: I'm taking notes
Leo: 1) he can't handle being in contact with bodily fluids. He has gagged more than once when he was fronting while we were sweating
Binny: lmaoo oh noo
Leo: 2) he thinks idiots are sexy
Binny: gay
Leo: 3) he once fell down the stairs, made sure no one saw, then called the stairs a bitch
Leo: he always falls for the "Do it or you're straight" thing
Binny: me too tho it's okay
Leo: 5) he once, as a joke, took one of those buzzfeed "how gay are you" quizzes and called it homophobic when he got 97% gay
Binny: lmaoooo why is this so funny?
Leo: he still hasn't noticed me so I'm gonna keep going
Leo: 6) he has, on more than one occasion, proxied (on discord) as Percy
Binny: I've proxied as other people before
Leo: it was entirely on purpose and when asked about it, he said "it's just couples goals"
Leo: 7) he wants to wear socks at all times, but if he steps in a puddle, he has the same visceral reaction that he has to sweating, and he has to take the socks off and can't wear any for the rest of the day
Binny: that one's a bit more reasonable, I'd cry if I had wet socks
Leo: 8) speaking of socks and water, he can not walk through that area of the bathroom where the tub is due to that
Binny: wet socks are so bad
Leo: bro, I just heard Nico gag in the immer world, and now my stomach actually hurts in real life
Binny: lmaooooo I'm so sorry bro
Leo: I had more but Nico is standing over me now so I have to stop if I want to stay alive
Binny: Nico plz I beg, share more facts or you're straight
Nico (angrily yanking front): Real True Fact #1
Nico: I am gay
Nico: that's the best you're getting rn
Binny: but I already knew that fact :((
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yadown · 6 months
[Out of date as of 2023-12-25]
Mamba (Personality, Subsystem)
Alter count: 6 (5 M; 1 F) Emblem: snake Role: time; cunning manipulator Inner world: wire meshes, numbers Verbal accent: confident, insightful, foreknowing Colours: leaf and lime with onyx highlights Fragrance: alluring, slightly off, confusing Abilities: “terrorsight” (adrenaline state, visual projection / imagined visual overlay / HUD). Can play games having fixed rules, from memory.
Mamba's Prayer
Show me the measure of things; the strength and the weakness; the strike, the lunge, the parry. Remind me the mortality of all. That all things are governed by numerical law, confined by shape and boundary. Endow me with speed and dexterity. May I see where things came from and where they are heading. Show me future, present, and past, stood together, overlapping. By my opponent’s ghost, betray him; see, his leaking spirit has confessed! By the duplicity of my hands, he will not expect the blow. Entropy’s shroud conceals us; his every intent will be found rigid and evadable; a sunken stone in the waters of possibility.
First name: Cobra; Last name: Mamba; Emblem: game piece [Alter, Personality Aspect] Personality role: Private Appraiser Subordinate to: Morgan Morganite, Providence Mamba, Terminus Intero Typical weekly activation duration: 1 hr+ Worth: Soft Age: 18 Sex: Male; Gender: Agendered; Sexuality: Bisexual; Romantic orientation: Biromantic Appearance: long white football socks to half-shin height, grey lounge trousers or navy blue tracksuit bottoms, an oversized t-shirt, cheap deodorant, carries a sports bag, white or black trainers with red or blue highlights. Idly stims himself with a football, basketball, ping pong ball etc. Music: drum and bass Other info: loves video games; fast reflexes; strategy & tactics; sports observer
First name: Dice; Last name: Mamba; Emblem: a dice [Alter, Personality Aspect] Personality role: Private Worker Subordinate to: Terminus Intero Typical weekly activation duration: 10 minutes Worth: Soft Age: 27 Sex: Male; Gender: queer; Sexuality: Homosexual; Romantic orientation: Homoromantic Appearance: Dice only ever converses with us internally as Dice; externally, he acts by proxy of Gharial. Dice has the demeanor, facial expressions, and posture, of a casino card dealer. Music: suspenseful, prepared piano Appearance: It doesn't matter what, as long as there's something off about it. It might be mismatched, clashing, asymmetrical, nonsensical etc. Other info: luck & randomness, behaving unexpectedly; Informal level of formality. He is like Equa in that acts as a neutral arbiter, but Dice is an arbiter of randomness, whereas Equa is an arbiter of finding common ground between all alters in the system. Dice's role is to shake things up, and suggest when we might shake stuff up. He encourages us to explore and try things we never otherwise would have.
First name: Mongoose; Last name: Mamba; Emblem: Megaphone [Alter, Personality Aspect] Personality role: Private Worker Superordinate to: Paternus Charon, Unity Charon Subordinate to: Execa Shaarga, Terminus Intero Typical weekly activation duration: 10 minutes Worth: Soft Age: 30 Sex: Male; Gender: Agendered; Sexuality: Asexual; Romantic orientation: Heteroromantic Appearance: light blue shirt, grey suit jacket with white hatching, grey trousers; gelled hair; big cheeks; always following a business executive around as part of their entourage. He's never sure enough of himself to provide a strategy of his own; he feeds in to somebody else's strategy based on his research findings. Music: opera Other info: snake eater; sociology, politics & foreign policy
First name: Quail; Last name: Mamba; Emblem: spy [Alter, Personality Aspect] Personality role: Private Worker Subordinate to: Gideon Shaarga, Terminus Intero Typical weekly activation duration: Ad-hoc Worth: Soft Age: 20 Sex: Male; Gender: Masculine; Sexuality: Heterosexual; Romantic orientation: Heteroromantic Appearance: Were Quail a singlet, he'd wear a trenchcoat and other stereotypical spy's clothes, but as he already has a multitude of alters to occupy observers, he intentionally doesn't want to break cover. Music: wind instruments Other info: satiation (the Israelites kept complaining there was no quail to eat, so god rained quail on the them until they were buried in it); spying, feigning obedience; seemingly weak. The image of a quail looking over its back, is an omen and warning that we can "giveth, and taketh away". It can be used to mark something as booby trapped; Quail likes to set traps in case we're betrayed, allowing us to account for both the best and worst case possibilities. The quail shaking its crest means the trap is about to be sprung.
First name: Providence; Last name: Mamba; Emblem: statistics chart [Alter, Personality Aspect] Personality role: Private Executive & Internal Interface Superordinate to: Execa Shaarga, Cobra Mamba, Unity Charon Subordinate to: Exo Shaarga, Isaiah Charon, Terminus Intero Typical weekly activation duration: 1 hr+ Worth: Hard Age: 35 Sex: Female; Gender: Feminine; Sexuality: Heterosexual; Romantic orientation: Aromantic Appearance: Sophisticated businesswoman; formal attire; likes the finer things in life; very thorough, high self-esteem, high confidence; white blouse, black trousers, black blazer, black tights, black heels with a slight platform, wears her hair in a bun with a conspicuous plastic black glossy clamp hair clip. Music: classical Other info: business & economics; finances; logistics; maths
First name: Gharial; Last name: Mamba; Emblem: Crocodile [Alter, Personality Aspect] Personality role: Public Actor Subordinate to: Cobra Mamba, Providence Mamba, Quail Mamba Typical weekly activation duration: Ad-hoc Worth: Soft Age: 40 Sex: Male; Gender: Masculine; Sexuality: Heterosexual; Romantic orientation: Aromantic Appearance: formal or informal level of formality (cocktail party), dark green shirt, green belt, brown or ruddy orange tie, brown or ruddy orange shoes. Gharial wears a trilby with a green or ruddy orange ribbon around it. Gharial likes to sit in the corner of a room and scope out the floor, to decide who to snap up; keeping his hands busy with a cigar and sipping whisky. His snout is precise. He has thick skin, swimming up to anyone, brave, no matter his chances. His job is to break the ice and get a conversation started, before we make ourselves vulnerable, and he hands over to Fandango, taking off the trilby as a sign he has swam back in to the water, leaving Fandango with the quarry. Music: electro, slow smooth jazz, smoke bar, saloon, slow-er ragtime Other info: External ambassador of the Mamba subsystem. Anthem: Bugzy Malone - Street Life
- Notar
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911proxy08 · 7 months
911Proxy’s 911 Socks Proxy: Elevating Your Proxy Game Globally
In today’s digitally driven world, where access to the internet plays a pivotal role in our lives, the need for efficient, reliable, and secure proxy services has never been greater. 911Proxy’s 911 Socks Proxy is making waves in the proxy industry, offering a comprehensive solution that takes your online experience to new heights.
The Essence of Proxy Services
Proxy servers serve as intermediaries between your device and the internet, allowing you to access online resources, bypass geographical restrictions, and enhance privacy and security. Whether you’re a business professional, a digital marketer, a cybersecurity enthusiast, or just someone who values online anonymity, the right proxy can be a game-changer.
Meet 911Proxy’s 911 Socks Proxy
911 Socks Proxy is 911Proxy’s flagship service, designed to meet the diverse and evolving needs of users. It offers a range of features that distinguish it from other proxy solutions, allowing users to elevate their proxy game on a global scale.
1. Unrestricted Global Access: 911 Socks Proxy opens doors to a world of content and services by rerouting your internet connection through a network of residential IP addresses. This enables you to effortlessly bypass geo-restrictions and access location-specific content from anywhere on the globe.
2. Enhanced Privacy and Security: The service provides an extra layer of anonymity by utilizing residential IP addresses, ensuring your online activities remain private and secure. This makes it the perfect choice for individuals who prioritize online privacy.
3. Lightning-Fast Speed and Reliability: Slow and unreliable proxies can be a nightmare. 911 Socks Proxy is renowned for its high-speed performance, low latency, and unlimited bandwidth, ensuring a seamless and efficient online experience, even when dealing with data-intensive tasks.
4. A Global Network of Servers: 911 Socks Proxy has strategically located servers in various countries, giving users the freedom to choose a server location that aligns with their specific requirements, whether it’s for web scraping, market research, or accessing content from different regions.
5. Round-the-Clock Customer Support: 911Proxy takes pride in offering 24/7 customer support, ensuring that users have assistance available whenever they need it.
6. User-Friendly Setup: Setting up 911 Socks Proxy is a breeze, thanks to the user-friendly documentation and guides available, making it accessible even for those new to proxy services.
911 proxy 911 Socks Proxy is the ultimate solution for anyone looking to elevate their online experience globally. With its unrestricted global access, enhanced privacy, speed, customer support, and user-friendly setup, it empowers users to break free from geographical limitations, protect their online privacy, and take their online activities to new heights. Whether you’re a professional or an individual seeking a comprehensive proxy solution, 911 Socks Proxy is your ticket to an enhanced and secure online journey.
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jeroldloree · 8 months
VPN vs. SOCKS 5 Proxy: Choosing the Right Tool for Your Internet Needs - TechBullion
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What are the differences between a Socks5 proxy IP and an HTTP proxy IP?
1. Different protocols
Socks proxy IP Indicates the proxy server that uses socks. It is a versatile proxy that supports multIPle protocols, including http, ftp, and other types of requests. socks 4 and socks 5 are available. socks 4 supports only TCP and socks 5 supports TCP/UDP and various authentication mechanisms. Its standard port is 1080.
HTTP proxy IP is a protocol proxy IP server. It is mainly used for accessing web pages by browser and sending HTTP requests. It is often used for web crawler, Internet voting, website registration and other work. On the basis of the http protocol to add a layer of SSL protocol is https proxy IP, can be used as a proxy access to encrypted websites. Encrypted websites are those that start with https//, and the standard port for ssl is 443.
2. Different working paths
The Socks5 proxy works at the session layer and does not require the application to follow a specific operating system platform, while the HTTP proxy IP only allows users to carry out activities on external websites through the http protocol and works at the application layer. The Socks5 proxysimply passes packets regardless of the application protocol (such as FTP, HTTP, and NNTP requests). Therefore, the Socks proxy IP is faster than the http proxy IP in proxy speed.
922s5 is the most useful proxysoftware I have found so far. It is suitable for socks5 proxyprotocol, with wide coverage, fast speed and high purity.
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10 Best Security Testing Tools For QA In 2023 
Following are the 10 best security testing tools for QA in 2023: 
1. Vega: It is a Java based security testing tool. Vulnerabilities are identified in an application by finding and validating cross-site scripting etc.  
2. Sonatype: Secure software supply chain management is offered by this tool through its suite of products. Products include repository management, auditing solutions, application lifecycle management, firewalls and security tools. 
3. Nogotofail: It is a network traffic security testing tool through which HTTPS connections are monitored by development and security testing teams for known bugs and common misconfigurations.  
4. Invicti: It is an enterprise black-box security scanner for identifying vulnerabilities in web services, websites and web applications. 
5. Wapiti: It is a free security scanner through which users can audit applications and websites for vulnerabilities. The source code of a web page cannot be studied as this tool performs black-box scans. Various vulnerabilities such as sub domain takeovers and open redirects are detected by the scanner. 
6. SQLMap: It is a python-based penetration testing tool that automates the exploitation and detection of database takeovers. The system supports IBM DB2, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL and other database management systems.  
7. Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP): It is an open-source penetration testing tool used for testing web applications. The tool is accessible and easy-to-use and can be used by developers, security experts etc. ZAP can be utilized by testers as a stand-alone application.  
8. Acunetix: This tool can secure your APIs, web applications and website. It can scan all websites automatically and provides in-depth crawl and analysis. Threats can be prioritized and controlled with its integrated vulnerability management. It can be  easily integrated with defect trackers such as Mantis, Bugzilla and JIRA.  
9. Wfuzz: This tool works on command line interface and is designed for bruteforcing web applications. It provides multithreading, SOCK support, Proxy support and Cookies fuzzing. 
10. SonarQube: It is an automatic code review tool that can detect vulnerabilities and bugs in the code. It provides multi-language support and can detect tricky issues.   
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proxifier-crack-9m · 1 year
Proxifier Pro Crack Download - 10 (Ten) Crack Software Collection
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⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Proxifier crack License key Bit torrent seems to be a sophisticated tool that allows internet providers to run virtual networks throughout a Hypertext transfer. Proxifier Crack is a system which permit network apps. Proxifier Crack is a great program. It's easy to manage. Proxifier Crack is the most effective and advanced lightweight client that most legion people use. In the past, everyone wanted online. Proxifier Crack allows network apps and proxy servers to work together to run a SOCKS proxy. This tool allows you to operate without. Proxifier Crack Full Version. Proxifier Crack. Proxies continue to play an important role in Internet connectivity and filtering. Proxifier Crack is the most used lightweight effective & advanced proxy client used by millions of peoples. In these days. Proxifier Crack is wonderful software. It is easy to manage. What's New? Proxifier 5 Registration Key Proxifier Serial key: System Requirements: How To Download Proxifier Full Crack? Proxifier Crack is wonderful software. It is easy to manage. Proxifier Crack is an application that will help you use any internet browsing because many networking applications do not support proxy. Proxifier Crack is a powerful and reliable Secure Shell (SSH) tool that is widely used to bypass firewalls through ISP bugs. Proxifier Crack Free Download is a powerful, well-known Secure Shell (SSH) tool that is used by ISPs to circumvent firewalls by exploiting. Proxifier Pro Crack is the most used lightweight effective & advanced proxy client used by millions of peoples. In these days. Proxifier Crack Free Download the Most Excellent Proxy Client. Proxifier allows network applications that do not support working through. Proxifier Crack Latest Version is most used lightweight weight effective and advanced proxy shopper employed by legion peoples. Is this a paid topic or do you change it yourself? However, stopping by with great quality writing, it's hard to see any good blog today. Proxifier Crack is the most advanced and effective proxy client software. Allows network applications that do not support.
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⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD LINK 🔥🔥🔥 Proxifier crack License key Bit torrent seems to be a sophisticated tool that allows internet providers to run virtual networks throughout a Hypertext transfer. Proxifier Crack is a system which permit network apps. Proxifier Crack is a great program. It's easy to manage. Proxifier Crack is the most effective and advanced lightweight client that most legion people use. In the past, everyone wanted online. Proxifier Crack allows network apps and proxy servers to work together to run a SOCKS proxy. This tool allows you to operate without. Proxifier Crack Full Version. Proxifier Crack. Proxies continue to play an important role in Internet connectivity and filtering. Proxifier Crack is the most used lightweight effective & advanced proxy client used by millions of peoples. In these days. Proxifier Crack is wonderful software. It is easy to manage. What's New? Proxifier 5 Registration Key Proxifier Serial key: System Requirements: How To Download Proxifier Full Crack? Proxifier Crack is wonderful software. It is easy to manage. Proxifier Crack is an application that will help you use any internet browsing because many networking applications do not support proxy. Proxifier Crack is a powerful and reliable Secure Shell (SSH) tool that is widely used to bypass firewalls through ISP bugs. Proxifier Crack Free Download is a powerful, well-known Secure Shell (SSH) tool that is used by ISPs to circumvent firewalls by exploiting. Proxifier Pro Crack is the most used lightweight effective & advanced proxy client used by millions of peoples. In these days. Proxifier Crack Free Download the Most Excellent Proxy Client. Proxifier allows network applications that do not support working through. Proxifier Crack Latest Version is most used lightweight weight effective and advanced proxy shopper employed by legion peoples. Is this a paid topic or do you change it yourself? However, stopping by with great quality writing, it's hard to see any good blog today. Proxifier Crack is the most advanced and effective proxy client software. Allows network applications that do not support.
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