#soc funny
multifandomconfusion · 11 months
Jesper: Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?
Wylan: Oh no sir, today is my first day out of doors and father forbade mirrors in the house lest we fall victim to vanity.
Jesper: I cant tell if you're joking or not.
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mizuharaannie · 8 months
Teacher: All right, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when I say 'his heart stopped' ?
Student 1: When one anticipates the arrival of a fearful moment.
Student 2: It could also be caused by excitement.
Student 3: Something that happens to me when I get my test results.
Student 3: Nick and Charlie!
Student 4: Nina Zenik
Others: .....
Teacher: .....
Teacher: I was just just gonna say death but ok
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asoiaf-stuff-0101 · 2 years
Jesper: see, kaz, this is why no one likes you
Kaz: I thought no one liked me because I said blini was too sweet
Matthias: now look what you’ve done. You’ve angered the hungry Ravkan
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cherries-and-knives · 5 months
Matthias: *has one Unholy™️ thought about nina*
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kanej-is-superior · 3 months
Kaz: so get this Kaz: You make 5 meals, you're not a cook Kaz: You make 5 paintings, you're not an artist Kaz: BUT YOU MURDER ONE PERSO-
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bitchthefuck1 · 10 months
I feel like we never acknowledge the sheer comedy of the fact that when Wylan and Jesper help Inej take down merchers involved in the slave trade they're literally ratting out their shitty coworkers.
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tenaciousgeckos · 11 months
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Meanwhile, in Ketterdam…
Inej: Kaz! Did you kill that stadwatch guard!?
Kaz: when?
Inej: …this week
Kaz: Wednesday?
Inej: no, it was on Tuesday
Kaz: then no, I didn’t
Inej: so. What were you doing on Wednesday?
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shaykappa · 2 years
Favourite/Funniest Line's from Crooked Kingdom
"Let's go." "Me?" "No the idiot behind you."
"How is-" "Nina is fine. Jesper is fine. Everyone is fine except for me because I am stuck with a gang of hand-wringing nursemaids."
"Now why can't people be this easily trained?" Kaz murmured as he crouched to oblige the dog with a belly rub.
"Did you know I am next in line for the Fjerdan throne? They call me Princess Ilse of Engelsberg." "There is no princess of Engelsberg. It's a fishing town."
"Has anyone noticed this whole city is looking for us, mad at us, or wants to kill us?" "So?" "Well, usually it's just half the city."
"Big, blond and blind. The Fjerdan way."
"If I live I'll buy you waffles." "You don't have enough money to buy her waffles."
"Do you know what Van Eck's problem is?" "No honor?" "Rotten parenting skills?" "Receding hairline?"
"Isn't that how things are done around here? We all tell Kaz we are fine and the do something stupid?" "Are we that predictable?" "Yes."
"It seems everyone is forming alliances." "They're called friendships Kaz."
"You are very welcome Nina Zenik. You may repay me in the costumary way." "Waffles?" "Lots of them."
"I need to do this. I've never been to my mother's grave. I am not leaving Kerch without saying goodbye." "Trust me, you care more than she does."
"You are stupid about a lot of things Wylan, but you are not stupid. And if I ever hear you call yourself a moron again, I am going to tell Matthias you tried to kiss Nina. With tongue." "He' ll never believe it." "Then I 'll tell Nina you tried to kiss Matthias. With tongue."
"Come on, let's do steal all my dad's money. "Isn't it your money?" "Okay, let's go steal it back."
"I think you 'd flirt with a date palm if it would pay you any attention." "If I flirted with a plant, you can bet it would stand up and take notice."
"Yes, yes, Nina Zenik is hungry. Now, will someone feed me before I am forced to cook one of you?" "Don't be ridiculous. You don't know how to cook."
"On a dare I ate a literal through full of waffles and nearly went back for seconds."
"Pick up the pace." "If I spill a single drop of this it will burn straight through the floor onto my father's dinner guests." "Take your time."
"I am Dunyasha, the White Blade, trained by the Sages of Ahmrat Jen, the greatest assassin of this age." "Doesn't ring a bell."
"Fate brought me here." "And does fate pay your wages?"
"My parents thought I would drown because I crawled into the sea as a baby, laughing." "Perhaps they were worried you would talk yourself to death."
"Kaz. You may not be glad we are alive, but we are glad you are alive."
"You are better than waffles, Matthias Helvar." "Let's not say things we don't mean, my love."
"Are you mad?" "I'd probably be happier if I was."
"You have to be the craziest bastard I ever met." "I'll take that as a compliment."
"My leg! My leg!" "I recommend a cane."
"What is wrong with him?" "Same thing that's always wrong with him. He's Kaz Brekker."
Jesper followed Wylan down the hall. "Hey." Wylan kept going.
"Jes, I 've thought about this-" "Thought of me? Late at night? What was I wearing?"
Wylan ran his tongue over his lips and spat in his father's face.
He was pale, with tufty orange brows and a hunched posture that gave him the look of a giant shrimp.
He felt bad for the guy. Not bad enough to wake him up and untie him, but still.
"I 've been shot!" He had not been shot.
"How about I push you in the canal and we see if you know how to swim?"
"Tell you what. When the day comes, mark it on your calendars. I can think of a lot of people who 'll want to throw a party.
"Wait. Is my tie straight?"
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jpg-of-dorian-slay · 10 months
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Jesper: Bro, I had a dream we fucked.
Wylan: Bro, relax it was just a dream.
Jesper: Yah, i’m not gay, I wouldn’t fuck you.
Wylan: You wouldn’t?
Jesper: I mean, unless you want to-
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funnyao3 · 2 months
“I had such a funny dream,” Wylan says, keeping his voice hushed. 
Jesper’s spine stiffens, ever-so slightly. Wylan having a funny dream could either mean he’s about to share a harmless and sweet anecdote, or a harrowing and traumatic memory.
-pendulum swing passengers by MaudeAlise
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sharksliveontrains · 17 days
sooo funny to me when inej is like "kaz can always tell when I;m there. after the first time he told me not to sneak up on him again I kept trying but never could." and then kaz is just like "i always know when inej is there because i always want her to be there❤️"
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I never fail to find it funny when Matthias tells the Crows not to eat snow (Soc chapter 19) because it’s just so completely unprompted and I know it’s because he’s trying to just keep talking and not think about Nina but it just comes out of nowhere and every time I just imagine all of them glancing at each other to try and figure out who was eating the goddamn snow when they’re all freezing and if you’re thirsty then a) that’s not gonna help and b) you have a perfectly good water flask (they were probably all ready to suspect Jesper, except Jesper who was probably prepared to suspect either Nina or Wylan) but then it’s also such a stark horrifying juxtaposition that they find the pyre within the next two seconds and now that I’m writing this maybe that’s partially the point because that is exactly how it feels for them and the distinct horror of one moment thinking about eating snow and the next seeing that and Jesper having to shoot one of the victims and oh now I’m sad
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barrel-crow-n · 6 months
Kaz's petnames for his crows:
Inej: Darling Inej treasure of my heart
Jesper: Jes
Nina: Dear/Love/Darling etc.
Wylan: Merchling
Matthias: Big Fjerdan
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flavoredmagpie · 1 year
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Ben and Freddy interactions are adorable but its so cursed when u put it into the darkling and kaz context: someone stop them
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