#so like. i *do* think that the decision on s15 being the ending would explain the shift in s14 and very sudden reappearance of chuck
mybrainproblems · 1 year
so like. watching 11x23 after having watched the rest of the show and taking time to chew on what the fuck dabbnatural is all about is so interesting bc there's a certain framing of chuck dying in 11x23 that... i'm not sure if it was intentional by dabb or just the way the editing shook out (either option is insane) but at first chuck seems to imply that his death and the death of the world isn't the result of imbalance, but it's that amara killed him and is now destroying the world. but then we learn from amara that no, the sun is dying bc she hurt chuck to the point where he is dying and that without creation there is only the nothingness that is her nature. the sun dying is the result of her actions but it's not a direct choice, just a consequence that she didn't really foresee. she has come to love chuck's creations, why would she choose to destroy that?
and it just fascinates me. bc watching 14x20 immediately after it's kinda like... was this intentional? there's a certain element of 11x23 that feels like as much as chuck says he doesn't want to hurt amara, he doesn't necessarily feel regret about what he's done, only how it turned out.
which again, could just be that the takes used in editing biased towards a less remorseful vibe from chuck. we don't know if there were other takes where rob played chuck as more remorseful but that's what we end up with. dean asking if chuck wants amara dead and him saying that even after all this, no. but still lying by omission that the sun dying is something amara is choosing to do.
like idk there's just a certain framing of that reveal and the fact that it initially comes from amara that is like. yes, chuck is dying but he's putting on his best meow meow act. if he's gonna die it may as well be as he's comforted by the characters from his favorite show. he may as well snuggle in close and send dean out to one more act of violence; to kill his sister. but this time he doesn't hold the trump card, he can't force dean to act out the violence that he wants from him. he chooses the reprieve he's been given and when amara get sick of his shit, he goes right back to playing with his favorite characters.
after all, they gave him such a good show last time.
and then i just have to wonder... would chuck have died if amara was destroyed by the soul bomb? if chuck dies, then amara lives (presumably bc she's uninjured) but if amara dies... even if he's injured, does chuck die? we only have his word that he would and in light of 14x20 and everything in s15 we have to recontextualize everything chuck has ever said in light of one thing --
writers lie.
#i'm now convinced that 14x20 was written with the expectation that they were gonna get fucked on s15 in some capacity#i need to get back to my timeline spreadsheet bc while the announcement that s15 happened in march 2019#they would probably have known months before if the cw was gonna try to tee up something new with some of the spn actors (eg walker)#it think it was something that was a decision that was made partly among ppl working on the show and not network edict iirc?#so like. i *do* think that the decision on s15 being the ending would explain the shift in s14 and very sudden reappearance of chuck#what if we gave writers *all* the credit? what if y'all stopped acting like they were monkeys with typewriters occasionally nailing it?#you wouldn't continue to obsess over spn if it were universally bad and poorly written. it certainly has its bad moments but tbh?#to me at least the worst moments aren't necessarily the writing per se but where the show is at its most racist and sexist#i can forgive the occasional 'wait what?' about the plot or some moments where characters are ooc but the episodes that stick out#like sore thumbs to me as being bad and poorly written are the ones like man's best friend with benefits or the bad place#so what if we started giving writers credit for being competent storytellers and started criticizing the bullshit they wrote that#was actually harmful. criticize there will be blood and not carry on. acknowledge the bad place along with despair.#hennyways that's just my two cents. most of the writers were at least competent and many of them had at least one moment of brilliance#let's give them some credit#spn#feathersforcas
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damnhotmsimmons · 3 years
Assuming the cm revival is still happening, here's a list of what I want in the revival and what would make it better:
Tara, Luke and Matt getting more screentime and decent characterization
No more Reid angst and unnecessary drama(*cough*15x06 & 15x10*cough*cough*)
Garcia being in the revival, whether she returns to the BAU or not, it would be nice to see what she’s up to whether it’s about her new job or date and relationship with Luke
Garvez, seeing the development of their relationship since the end of 15x10
Resolving the Garcia stalker storyline from 15x04, maybe Alexei Stanovich resurfaces and Garcia needs the BAU’s help to stop him. Maybe it’s also coincidental that he resurfaces the moment Garcia starts a relationship with Luke
Letting Paget go gray when playing Emily again. The crappy wig has got to go
Have the team struggle to adjust to Garcia’s departure, maybe a callback to 11x20 or 6x03 when Garcia walks past JJ and Morgan’s empty office. Maybe Emily, JJ or Reid walk past Garcia’s empty office, which was once filled with light and colors
Emily struggling to find a convenient replacement for Garcia, which is tough as Garcia is irreplaceable but the team are not able to complete cases without a technical analyst
Have a realistic timeskip, maybe a few years have passed since 15x10 and we see how much has changed since Garcia left and so much has changed
More friendship moments with the ladies(and yes, this also includes Tara)
More Luke and Tara friendship moments
Give Tara more to do, I mean she was the only one who didn’t have an episode in the final season and I felt that Aisha was underutilized in that season especially when she’s been on the show since season 11
Same thing also applies to Matt, sure he has gotten some focus in three episodes in the last season but he was still underutilized and characterization from cmbb was ignored. Kinda jarring especially when some of those writers came from cmbb
Assuming that the revival will continue and knowing that Daniel has commitments to another show, maybe give Matt a proper send-off, just don’t pull an NCIS. Leave it open ended incase he’s able to return
If they want to revisit past cases, maybe resolve the escaped prisoners storyline, the one with the Romani family in 4x13 or bring back the unsubs from Lo-Fi/Mayhem since we didn’t know much about them and their motives. The latter could also be beneficial for Tara, Luke and Matt since Tara can use her forensic psychology skills when it comes to profiling the unsubs, Luke being from the Bronx indicates that he has some familiarity with the streets in NY and Matt utilizing his tracking skills and connections
Since the revival will be on Paramount+, I’m hoping that means the revivial gets a decent budget. I’ve never seen any original series from Paramount+(CBS All Access then) but I notice from gifs and commercials that the quality of those shows look good and I’m hoping the same applies to the revival, which means better lighting and no more of that ugly yellow filter
I’m also hoping that means better quality in the writing, maybe get new writers that understand the characters and show well. Fire the writers who suggested Jeid
Better wardrobe, it seemed that the quality for the wardrobe aside from Garcia’s went downhill
Be more consistent and acknowledge the character’s ptsd. I hate how they have the characters act like things are suddenly alright after one episode
no more gross and creepy unsub like the guy seeing the goat man or cutting off faces like wtf?!
give the revival a tone similar to the early seasons. Use the early seasons as a reference
another episode like 15x04. Since the revival will focus on one case as opposed to the usual “case of the week” type, maybe there’s room for a breather episode, and we see the characters on their day off, a little break from whatever serious storyline 
Let Rossi retire, honestly, he’s way out of his prime and it’s getting obvious that he’s too old to be going on the field especially when he got ambushed by Everett Lynch who is much younger than him. Honestly, the finale should have ended with Rossi retiring, especially as he’s been in the BAU since the beginning and it make sense that it ends with him leaving and moving on while the rest of the team move on without him
unpopular opinion, I think the show can last without Rossi/Joe
More Willifer moments and Katt moments. I’d also like to see Matt and Kristy taking care of baby Rose. I’d also suggest JJ and Matt bonding with their kids but that seems uncertain since depending on when the revival will be greenlit for production, there’s a chance that the kids grow out of their roles(JJ’s kids might not be that affected but Matt’s kids definitely will). Unless they either recast the kids(which isn’t uncommon for some shows) or have a timeskip which explains the kids being a bit older than in s15
Fix JJ’s character, I hate how the writers ruined her by making Jeid happen. AJ is a great actress and she cares about the character. Maybe have her interact with the newer team members, build up more of her friendship with Tara and Matt. I’m not sure how the writers can fix her characterization but I wished they push the whole Jeid storyline out and focus on her as a character
I’d love Hotch and Morgan to be mentioned or acknowledged, making it clear that the team still keeps in touch with them even though they’re no longer working for the BAU. Cameos would be nice but that depends on Shemar’s availability due to commitments to SWAT and the whole situation with Thomas during filming of s12
Guest appearances from other former characters would be nice but also unlikely since Gideon and Stephen are dead, Kate is mostly forgotten(plus Jennifer is on 9-1-1), and while Elle returning as an unsub would make an interesting storyline, it’s clear that Lola has no intentions on returning to CM(based on her IG stories)
seems like Blake, Jordan and possibly Seaver are the only likely candidates that have a better chance of returning as a guest but that depends on the actresses decisions and if the story allows it
Maybe learn from 15x05 since it was the highest rated episode, and has more ratings than the finale. Maybe the writers can learn from this and realized maybe they shouldn’t focus too much on Reid and Reid angst. There’s seven other characters, make the revival focus on all of them 
An update of Reid’s personal life, if he and Max are still together, and no angst
Getting to see the new BAU Jet
More BAU family bonding moments, whether it’s them having drinks, eating dinner together or celebrating something like a Garvez engagement, Rossi’s retirement or Matt’s first book being published
Retaining the opening title sequence. It’s not CM without it
 I know I might get my hopes up for this and be all disappointed if this post was all for nothing. Still, a girl can dream
Tagging: @illegalcerebral, @dreatine, @marvelfanlife, @jaqren, @yeoldespacebuns, @ropoto. Feel free to add anything incase I missed something
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diminuel · 3 years
you’re right about the cas-leaving-dean thing.
As a dean-kinnie, I think a lot of it comes down to how they interpret cas leaving. For Cas, it’s mostly “this sucks” and “I need space”.
For Dean, though, it’s the end of the world. It’s all of his fears and insecurities comes true. It’s a punishment.
I get upset when it’s the reverse (particularly when it’s either not Dean’s fault or not solely deans fault) tbh: when Cas leaves and Dean has to chase after him, and Cas is treated as 100% in the right. In these fics, Dean is never told what he was doing wrong to start with, it’s just assumed he should know. Even in the fics where dean is treated as right, he’s still usually not told why cas was acting that way.
It’s a miscommunication issue, tragically, as pretty much all deancas issues are :/
“I’m not leaving forever, but you hurt me and so I need space” would fix a major part of the issue
“When you leave, it feels like you’re punishing me for something I don’t understand” would probably do a lot too
Maybe those two sentences go the other way round, as cas is walking out the door, you know?
As would therapy. Gd deans so dumb. I love him. Poor Cas, learning to communicate emotions from Dean. Poor dean, learning to communicate from John fucking Winchester.
I need more fics where they go to therapy to learn how to talk to each other and listen… I’ve yet to read a bad therapy fic.
I always say that miscommunication is Dean and Cas' biggest enemy. Both don't know how to properly communicate and Cas is of course not human and he had Dean and Sam as his "teachers" on how to be human or how to do things the human way. And Sam and Dean are not well-adjusted human beings. (Sorry Sam for throwing you under the bus like that, but it's true.)
I think the Purgatory talk they had was pretty monumental for them because it illustrated the issue that's been going on with them for a long time: Dean hates when Cas leaves, Dean didn't stop Cas from leaving (or telling him to stay). Dean was able to explain and apologize and it melted Cas' anger away so easily. (But there were quite a few fans who said Dean shouldn’t have had to apologize because Cas was the one in the wrong and Dean’s anger was justified. Meh.)
I found it unfair that Dean was angry at Cas for leaving, when Dean was the reason Cas left. Cas didn’t want to leave Dean but found that Dean gave him no other choice (and didn’t want him around. The “you’re dead to me”, the blame and the statement that the one thing that always goes wrong is Cas definitely didn’t sound very welcoming.......)
I'm not even sure Dean interpreted Cas leaving back in S15 as this big fear of everyone leaving him coming true once again. I think Dean was too angry to feel sorry for himself in this situation. It might have been more of a "Cas has to stick it out now, he has to be in the same boat as us." (I’m now reminded of the S9 thing where Dean says he’s poison and is the one who gets people hurt or killed and Sam tells him that this is NOT the reason why Sam needs time apart. But as you said, people don’t explain what is really wrong. In this case Dean made a decision that hurt Sam and the consequence is that Sam needs time. It’s not because Dean is “poison” that can’t help but hurt others.)
I guess the ideal situation for Dean in the S15 break up would have been for Cas to stay around and take Dean’s anger or the silent treatment until Dean's anger was burnt out and he could move past it. But that wouldn't have been fair for Cas. I don't know if Dean realized that. (I mean... Cas was dealing with his own grief and neither Sam nor Dean gave that grief any space. They had just tried to lock up and then kill Jack, so......)
Emotions get all tangled up inside of Dean and the easiest (and safest) emotion to express is anger. And Cas is an idiot who tries to do things on his own in order not to burden Sam and Dean and that usually blows up in his face. *sighs*
I agree. Let them go to therapy!
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dotthings · 4 years
So here’s my thoughts on an alternate ending plan for S15. While the remade heaven was something that fit, very little else did, and if they were aiming for self-actualizations being fulfilled the ending didn’t convey that. It feels incomplete to me (I have posted enough analyzing why and that’s all I’ll say here). This is a more earth-bound take. An ending where all of TFW 2.0 defeat Chuck and are together and figuring out life free of Chuck’s maze. This also incorporates some of my previous meta spec that didn’t get addressed at all in the finale but things are left so ambiguous, I have no reason to think my spec can’t be canon now. Also I think if canon can screw things up this royally, then I’m allowed to state that my version is not only kinder, but makes more sense. I’m sure there is some loose end I’ve missed, and I’d want to have all the Wayward Sisters appear too. Gosh, endings are hard!
Envisioning this as one extra long episode. To be extra subversive I’m still using the start of ep 19, but mostly this diverges after the end of ep 18.
-the phone call from Cas in ep 19 isn’t a troll from Lucifer (Lucifer can stay trapped in The Empty for all eternity). It’s actually Cas.
Here’s what happened: The Empty took him, fulfilling Cas Jungian arc about confronting his shadow and instead of fighting it, accepting it as part of himself. Inside Cas, a soul has been growing for many seasons now. Spontaneous soul combustion. It started small and kept growing. The act of confessing his love to Dean was the final spark to complete the growth. As The Empty drags Cas away, Cas’s grace merges with his soul and the grace is the power jolt it needs to make his soul blaze to full life. His grace is effectively gone, burned out in the act of bring his soul into being. The Empty cannot hold him, his soul is pure, and he’s not filled with self-loathing. The Empty spits Cas out in Lawrence, KS because that’s where Cas’s soul home beaconed to. Effectively human, this process was fairly traumatizing to his body, so he’s weakened. He staggers across town to outside the bunker, calls Dean, and collapses. Dean (as we saw in ep 19) races up the stairs and reaches Cas first, but Sam isn’t far behind, and both boys help Cas down into the bunker. Dean, being Dean, can’t stop touching Cas. There’s some awkwardness after Cas’s confession but they aren’t going to talk about it yet. Dean’s just relieved to have Cas back
-Jack’s also overjoyed Cas is back. Cas explains to the fam what happened and that he has a soul now. This will change the dynamics of TFW interact, changes Cas’s demeanor slightly, and how Dean and Cas interact, but Cas’s personality is basically the same
-Michael sides with TFW. His decision to stand up to his father is sincere. There are Cas and Michael scenes where they start reaching some kind of understanding of each other’s pov
-There is a further scene showing Sam mourning the snapped Eileen, as he finds something that belongs to her in his room
-They hatch a plan to confront Chuck. Cas assumes he’ll be joining them but Dean balks because Cas is freshly human and not battle-ready. “You and Sam are human, and you’re going into battle” Cas argues. Dean’s not really being logical about this, so Dean and Cas bicker while Sam, Jack and Michael have to go guys? Guys? Evil god to stop? World to save? “Get a room,” Sam snaps.
-Dean wins the argument, mostly because Cas has to give in just so they don’t stay derailed. They proceed with Cas holding down the fort at the bunker in case they need a further spell or information from the MoL archives
-They confront Chuck at the beach. Following some parts of ep 19, Chuck starts pettily beating up Sam and Dean, who refuse to give up. Sam and Dean shoulder to shoulder, laughing at their enemy through their bloodied faces. (That was a good moment, I’ll keep that) Michael intervenes, Chuck tries to destroy him but Jack steps in. Chuck is fending both of them off for the moment. Kind of looks like Chuck might overpower all of them. He raises his fingers to snap them all away
and a familiar voice yells HEY ASSBUT. Cas hurls a magical molotov cocktail at Chuck. Because Cas he found a spell, and while the thing certainly won’t kill God, it certainly makes for a great distraction. Chuck’s body burns for a moment, and then the flames go out with Chuck unharmed. The distraction allows Michael to get the upper hand enough for Jack to grab Chuck and absorb his powers and render Chuck powerless. They all leave Chuck on the beach.
-Michael looks deeply amused by the cocktail. “At least you didn’t hurl it at me this time”
-unsnapped Adam switches in.
-Sam and Dean look beat to hell. Cas says something sad about how at one point he could have healed them with a touch but he can’t now and Sam and Dean reassure him it’s fine. Cas asks Jack to heal them and Jack says he’s going non-intervention God and yeets. Sam, Dean, and Cas seem taken aback by this move and their son vanishing into thin air
-Michael switches back in and offers to heal them but Sam and Dean refuse again. Cas rolls his eyes. Typical Winchesters.
-Sam calls Eileen. “Eileen, are you okay?” All is well. Dean checks on Jody and the girls. They’re fine. Everyone unsnapped.
-Adam switches in again to say goodbye but maybe see you soon, shakes hands with Sam and Dean. A promise of maybe someday they could figure out how to be family. “Where you headed to now?” Dean asks. “Around, I guess,” says Adam, and then Michael switches back in and says “the french fries on earth are worth hanging around for a bit” and Michael yeets out.
-They won. They’re free. Chuck’s defeated, Jack is going to be a new, uncorrupted God. But wait, there’s still half an hour left, what’s left to resolve? What else could there be?
-We get a montage. Sam and Dean continue to hunt, the bruises and cuts on their faces from the battle with Chuck fading. A scene of Dean giving Cas shooting pointers and Cas is a pretty decent shot but maybe he should hold the shotgun a bit higher. Dean sure does keep touching Cas a lot when it’s not necessary. They still haven’t talked. Sam doing laundry. Dean studying a job application at the desk in his room. The bruises and cuts from their fight with Chuck are almost gone. Eileen hanging out in the bunker, she and Sam doing research at the library table, laughing as Sam makes a joke.
-Sam, Dean, and Cas get wind of ghoul activity and set out on a hunt together. Dean and Cas are waiting together, leaning against the Impala, while Sam is inside a gas station getting them all snacks.
Dean: Are you okay with this? Human...forever?
Cas: I’m adjusting. Rather enjoy being able to taste the pb&j again.
*Awkward silence*
Dean: Cas—what you said—I—
Cas: It’s all right Dean. You don’t have to say anything. I told you, it’s not about the having, it’s—
Cas doesn’t get to finish the sentence because suddenly Dean’s holding his face in his hands and then leans in and kisses him.
Dean pulls back, staring right at Cas’s stunned pikachu face.
Dean: What makes you think you didn’t already have me?
They hold each other. Sometimes it’s not in the saying it’s in the actions.
Sam, who just emerged from the gas’n sip station, stands there holding packets of junk food and yells “FINALLY!” and Dean and Cas jump apart. Dean is beet-red but both Dean and Cas look happier, more peaceful than we’ve seen them look in a very long while.
-Standard hunt. They kill some ghouls, badass Team Free Will action scene. Cas gets taken off guard, but Sam has his back.
-Back at the bunker. Sam answers a text from Eileen—they’re meeting up next week.
-Sam, Dean, Cas are in the bunker having dinner when Jack randomly appears. Raises his hand. “Hello!” They’re all startled, but tell Jack they miss him. “You don’t write, you don’t call,” Dean complains. “Well,” Jack says. “I figured just because I’m non-interventionist doesn’t mean I can’t stop by for dinner once in a while.” “Darn right,” says Dean.
-TFW 2.0 have dinner together. Jack mentions he remade heaven, no more barriers. Released trapped souls like Kevin’s to heaven. New set of rules. Mentions he met with Rowena. They’re working out a better system. Reform.
“I would have gotten rid of the monsters,” Jack explains, “but can’t do it without upsetting the natural order of things—what’s done is done. The alternative is to reset everything. I won’t do that. Too much would be undone, too much good lost.” The implication is also: while he won’t intervene and be the God perching on Team Free Will’s shoulder, he also can’t bring himself to do anything that will undo them. “Sometimes it’s all worth putting up with a few monsters,” Sam says.
Jack vanishes again. “Guess we’ll get used to that eventually” says Dean.
-very last shot. It’s dusk, outside the bunker. Sam and Dean leaning on the Impala, watching fireflies, drinking beers. Not talking, just being.
Dean: We did it.
Sam: We did it.
Dean: Well, here’s to freedom.
They toast their beer bottles. Both look more peaceful than we have seem them look in a very long time.
Overhead shot of Sam and Dean, the Impala, the bunker.
*Kansas version of Carry On, Wayward Son plays*
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
Hello. Is there a chance that you know when the decision about Chuck beeing the villain of the entire show was made? And more specifically was season 9 written with this point of view?
Hi there! I’m sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for a few days, but I’ve been turning it over and over in my head trying to figure out how to actually answer. Because I don’t think this is something that was like the writers just suddenly decided, and began plotting everything else in the story around that fact, you know? And while it might be interesting to puzzle over, it doesn’t affect how I personally engage with the show.
I’ve written many times about the difference between a Watsonian Reading of a text versus a Doylist Reading of a text, and why sometimes understanding the Doylist might inform the watsonian read you’re willing to accept, so I can understand the interest in wondering if there was a moment in the writing room where it was declared that Chuck Was Not A Good Guy, and that the entire story should be told with that underlying assumption. For me, personally, it’s been clear since 4.18 that Chuck was not really a good guy, long before it was revealed that he was really God.
Was this always the intent of the writers? We just don’t know. I don’t think it matters. He always came across to me (ESPECIALLY in 5.22) as a self-important dick... but I know a lot of people really love his monologue on everything, and have always had rather warm feelings about it. So was their intent to make him seem smugly self-satisfied from the start, or is that an angle that later showrunners and writers seized upon and played up? Does it even matter when the story has made it clear now that Chuck has been the villain of the entire show from the start?
I understand how my personal opinion from the start here has probably made it easier for me to roll with the more recent canon revelations about Chuck than it would be for folks who have always believed that Chuck was a Good Guy from the start, that God would ultimately be on their side, or that if God wasn’t actively helping them, it was only because he was testing them or having them prove themselves to themselves or whatever. I understand people have clung to the notion that he was essentially still a good guy, even through all the shadiness. I just... could never see him that way.
ESPECIALLY after s11. I don’t think Chuck’s characterization has really changed since then. It’s just been... unmasked for what it really is. I think everything Chuck The Prophet was saying back in 4.18 about being a cruel and capricious god was... pretty on the nose. Then again, I’m fairly sure that Andrew Dabb took over the showrunning duties in mid-s11, and began setting up what he knew would eventually become the series endgame run, with Chuck as the final big bad. So that run up to the end of s11... was Dabb’s doing...
I don’t really know how much Chuck’s character (his fictional being, in addition to just... his personality, like how we’d talk about the character of real people, the quality of his essential being or whatever) played a part in the writing from 5.22 when he “vanished” through 10.05 when he appeared to tell Marie “not bad” at the end of her musical, and then again from that point until he dragged Metatron to the bar at the end of the universe in 11.20. I’m fairly certain that as soon as they began writing s11 and determined that Amara would be “God’s sister” that they knew that Chuck would have to make an appearance eventually. And the entire storyline of the MoC having been derailed and repurposed in mid s10 likely facilitated the escalation of the story. But again... I’ve written heckloads of stuff about s10, the accordion plot, how Carver had been writing toward a series finale in 10 until they got word they’d be renewed and wanted to keep going, and jerked the whole story onto a completely different narrative track in the back half of s10. As a seasonal arc, s10 will forever be my least favorite, because it’s just... a mess. Yes, even s6 comes across more coherent than s10, just looking at the overarching narrative structure. Episode wise, s10 probably wins for a few stellar entries, but yeeeeeesh, it’s a structural disaster overall.
But I have a tag for that, and lots and lots of posts, and Carver himself saying that this was exactly what happened there, so... I think it’s probably valid to say that the writers really hadn’t even thought much about Chuck until the MoC became about the Darkness in 10.23, and then they had to invent a whole mythology to bring in this super-powerful God-level power to the story, and “God’s sister!” sounded like a solid plan...
So I’d say that Chuck was being set up at that point to have to answer for his “original crime” of locking up the Darkness, you know? Though I don’t know how much of how it played out by the end of s11 was Carver’s doing, or Dabb’s. I am fairly certain that from the moment Dabb took over (quietly mid-s11, and possibly knowing he’d be tapped to take over before then and beginning to lay down tracks toward his eventual story plan, and then completely by 11.23) that what we’re seeing play out in s15 was always his intent.
But in s9? I don’t think Chuck was really even on any of the writers’ radar, at all. Even if they all were working from the perspective that he was God in the Supernatural universe. I just don’t think it affected what they were writing, you know?
Well, I mean, there’s earlier episodes where God was referenced... I mean 5.16 Dark Side of the Moon (hey, written by Dabb!) where we learned that God knew all about their problems, but he didn’t think it was HIS problem... I mean from that moment on, it’s really difficult to think of God as a charcacter who’s on their side, you know? And the end of the story he’d been content with was Sam in Hell for eternity, and Dean miserable in suburbia for eternity, and Cas probably being subjugated by Heaven and the Apocalypse starting again anyway... I mean... ew...
Or in 6.20, when Cas prayed to God, begging for a sign, begging for help, to do the right thing, he got NOTHING in return, zip, zilch. He did the only thing he could, and in retrospect, wasn’t releasing the leviathans something Chuck was probably deliriously happy about? More monsters and mayhem! A beloved hero character becoming the villain in the process! I mean, in s9 when Metatron was “Playing God” and trying to write his own story of the universe, isn’t this exactly the story he wanted to create too? Kinda on the nose there, even if they weren’t actively portraying Chuck himself as the bad guy here. They were explicitly telling us that Metatron was literally rewriting God’s playbook as self-insert fanfic.
So even if they weren’t actively writing Chuck as the big bad, they used Metatron-- the scribe of God-- to fulfill that function. In 11.20, when Chuck talks with Metatron about his turn playing God:
CHUCK: You know, you really are a terrific editor, Metatron.METATRON: (Chuckles.) Well, I was a terrible writer. A worse god. It's good I've got something going for me.CHUCK: (Takes off his glasses and stops typing.) Yeah, you know, I have to say, I didn't see the whole evil-turn thing coming.METATRON: Mm-hmm.
CHUCK: (Chuckling.) Why did you try to be me?METATRON: That was just a sad, pathetic cry for attention.CHUCK: (Chuckling.) Who's attention were you trying to get?METATRON: Yours.
He takes all of this and tries to turn it around, to deflect blame from himself as if he hadn’t literally done everything Metatron did, and more.
METATRON: It wasn't just the saps who were praying to you. The angels prayed, too. And so did I – every day.CHUCK: I know.METATRON: You want to sell the best-selling autobiography of all time? You explain to me – Tell me why you abandoned me. Us.CHUCK: Because you disappointed me. You all disappointed me.METATRON: (Stands up and looks at CHUCK with wet eyes.) No, look. I know I'm a disappointment, but you're wrong about humanity. They are your greatest creation because they're better than you are.(CHUCK starts to look more guilty as he looks at METATRON.)METATRON: Yeah, sure, they're weak and they cheat and steal and... destroy and disappoint. But they also give and create and they sing and dance and love. And above all, they never give up! But, you do!
But even after Metatron’s sacrifice, even after everything nearly falls apart, Chuck STILL tries to weasel out of responsibility for anything, still tries to deflect and minimize, even blames Amara for why he had to lock her away in the first place. And that hasn’t changed about him one whit, from the start right through the present. It’s always been an essential part of his character, and he’s been called out on it repeatedly in s15 by Becky, by Amara, by Sam, by Dean... probably by Michael, too. Like... this is how he’s always been, it’s how he’s always been written, even if the intent had never been to explicitly unmask him as the ultimate big bad of the entire series until the end of s11.
Like Amara accused him in 11.22:
Chuck: I'm sorry. For this, for everything.Amara: An apology at last. What's sorry to me? I spent millions of years crammed in that cage... alone... and afraid, wishing -- begging for death, because of you! And what was my crime, brother?!Chuck: The world needed to be born! And you wouldn't let me! Amara, you give me no choice.Amara: That's your story. Not mine. The real reason you banished me, why I couldn't be allowed to exist... you couldn't stand it. No, we were equals. We weren't great or powerful, because we stood only in relation to each other. You think you made the archangels to bring light? No. You made them to create lesser beings, to make you large, to make you Lord. It was ego! You wanted to be big!
and he admitted to Becky in 15.04:
CHUCK: Things were said. Uh… Now I’ve found msyself low on, um… resources. I went to ask my sister for help, and she rejected me. ‘Cause she sucks. And now I’m just… stuck. So, I thought I’d come see you, my number-one fan. And, I don’t know, see if you can help make me feel big again.BECKY: So, you want me to… fluff you?CHUCK: I mean, no.BECKY: You do. You thought you could just come back to me, your pathetic ex, your number-one fan, and get what you’ve always gotten from me… a nice big crank on your ego.
Meanwhile, in 11.22, Amara had asked him if he wouldn’t change, why should she? Yet... she DID change, beginning in 11.23 when she reconciled with Chuck. Only... he never did change at all.
So... to finally circle back to your question again... I don’t know if it’s relevant what the writers were thinking about Chuck and any random potential for him to return to the story in any capacity, let alone as God, let alone as the eventual Ultimate Series Big Bad back when they were writing s9. I don’t even think God/Chuck was on their radar at all, because I don’t think the entire MoC storyline was crafted with the end result that it would be the key to the Darkness’s prison. At least not way back in s9 when the MoC was dreamed up. It only ever evolved into that because of the narrative disaster of the s10 plot accordion. Which is why, while I fucking HATE s10 for it, I can’t be all that mad about what it unwittingly brought about, either.
Heck I hope any of this makes any sense whatsoever. This is one of those subjects that’s just like “insert key, wind mittens up, watch her go” :’D
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neven-ebrez · 5 years
1/2 Hello, always thank you for the reasonable posts! I just wanted to ask though if you also think that Dean and Cas are 'both' at faults and they 'both' need to be better? Cause I personally don't see what Cas has done wrong. Dean and Sam both knew about Jack's states, Sam stated that to Dean himself. And I also see opinions about how Cas is going behind the brothers back by not telling them about the empty deal he made and I feel like I missed something
½ cause it’s cas’s choice and has nothing to do with the brothers. Could you share your thoughts?
Hi there! Fair warning but this is long. Because apparently I’m just frustrated and angry enough about the comprehension fail of some fans here and I love Cas enough to go on this rant. With Dean and Cas I’m not talking about doing wrong necessarily in the moral sense but more in the narrative (drama creating) sense. It’s about an interesting story, yeah? 
In that one previous post with Dean and Cas’ issues I was not talking specifically about 14B til now. I’m talking about the history of how they interact with one another going all the way back to Cas refusing to tell Dean about everything with Raphael in S6 (the show revisits the Leviathan mistake in 15x03 with Belphegor trying to take in Hell souls to transform into God so this isn’t something the show has forgotten either since Chuck is still mentioning Leviathan as recently as two episodes ago) and recently emphasized by Dean not explaining to Cas in S13 what Cas’ death did to him. These two keep secrets from one another, perpetually. The biggest of which are heart secrets. The moment where Dean was raking leaves (fuck my whole life), Cas was right there, he could have figured things out with Dean, but instead Cas turned and went the other way in an effort to give Dean peace.
Cas serves Dean, from the moment he rebelled Cas started treated Dean like his new God. As an angel he’s quite literally built to serve “God”, both as a warrior and guardian, so much of that is in his “programming”. And angels aren’t meant to focus that devotion on one human, to filter that devotion in a human way while staying on Earth. As Dean laments in S6, it breaks them (and Dean’s ultimately wrong here, but his mindset here is important, even as S12 sees it start to change). 12x10 touches on this extensively as well with Ishim when we see his obsession with Lily and how it destroyed both of their lives. It’s learning to love PROPERLY without children suffering for it but I’M GETTING THERE! We see this issue displayed predominantly in Jack, product of a human and angel, as we are meant to question whether such a union is possible and, in fact, best. All this is more Destiel-ish but I don’t think you can talk about this subject without Destiel at this point. So here we are: Cas’ “MISTAKES”.
Back in 6x20 we see the root of the relationship’s communication problem. We see it develop and stagnate as the show faces infinite renewal. And it all boils down to Cas wanting to stay with Dean (“Most of the time I’d rather be here” and all), but feeling like if he does then he’ll be bringing all of Heaven’s/God’s problems with him to Dean. He sees Dean’s fated involvement (past and present) as unfair and so he tries to bring Dean peace and to keep all that stuff away from him as much as possible. But back then Cas didn’t know Dean as well as he does now. Cas liked an idea of Dean. That’s why he got so angry in 5x18 and beat the shit out of him in that alleyway. Cas does know Dean now tho. Things are very different, but somewhat the same as far as devotion goes. It’s faith and it’s love. Cas has always acted with Dean’s best interests at heart rather than maybe a situation’s best interest. Even solving Heaven’s problems later in S9 just became, for Cas, simply a way to make up for his actions in S6 and to STILL get angels in a place where he could again try and stay with Dean. If Cas is alive he’ll always try to both stay with Dean and to make up for the situation he feels he caused trying to do this the first time in S6.
That’s what all this has been about. Cas finding a way to stay beside Dean, but not at the expense it caused in S6. Somewhere along the way in S8 in Purgatory the guilt over how he burned everything he’s ever known for this slowly began to eat away at him, make him depressed to the point where he’s instead just happy now to die making Dean happy. Cas decided to sentence himself to his own personal Hell when he let go of Dean’s hand at the purgatory portal. How could he be allowed to be happy with Dean when so many of his kind, so many others, had to die for it? And the solution eluded Cas until… Jack. Cas’ “mistakes” against others (the biggest being the slaughter of most of his kind by his own hand) are rooted in his frustrations over being unable to simply stay with Dean (helping Dean vs helping others). And now we speed up to Jack era and S14/S15. Cas now sees Jack as his new God. He’s sees Jack as the way to make him staying with Dean happen without the cost Cas has previously paid. Cas thinks Jack will lead the Winchesters and humanity to a better world. Jack is literally the solution to all Cas’ problems in Cas’ mind. He sees the path with Jack as a union of the two things that have systematically driven his depression: choosing Dean’s happiness/life or the happiness/lives of others. Because given the choice Cas will choose Dean’s happiness over the world but with Jack Cas feels he doesn’t have to choose anymore. So Cas no longer sees Dean as his God to serve. Dean no longer creates the “problem” as well as functions as the “solution”. That gets to be Jack. But Cas still wants to be with him, wants Dean happy. This is plain when Cas puts himself between Dean and Jack in 14x20.
I think there’s a lesson here, in how you are not suppose to treat your children as something for yourself. John didn’t learn that. Chuck hasn’t learned that. Neither have Dean and Cas. Just look at the parents of Billy in 15x04. You can’t use your kids like that. It’s a hard lesson. It’s one of S15’s ultimate lesson tho I believe. It’s how Chuck will let go of the Winchesters (his children), in time. So yes. This is Cas’ biggest mistake with Jack. It’s what he’s ultimately “done wrong”. I’m off topic tho. I know. You’ve asked me about Dean and Cas’ recent issues and how they need to communicate better essentially. I can’t not talk about one without talking about the history here tho.
The Dean stans mad at Cas over what he’s done in the name of Dean’s own happiness just don’t care about seeing any of this, none of their complicated history together, as 4x22 and Cas’ decision to rebel for Dean specifically literally led to all this, everything that follows. This is what Sam’s S15 visions reveal (the importance of Cas reveling, being with them both), though not yet clearly defined in so many words (likely eventually by Sam). It’s like Dean stans and Cas haters see Dean and Cas in competition for a narrative arc or Sam’s place or something. This is the problem when you can’t value what the show values: found family. Family don’t end in blood. Maybe it needs to be put on some more merchandise or something because FUCKING HELL.
*takes a calming breath*
Dean and Cas are essentially the same damn person. They were raised under the same crappy absent father and fight their respective “programming” in order to find who they both are underneath when given a choice. And who they both are is in conflict against what God has decided they should both be (though God’s focus is more on Dean rather than Cas, with God having written off all the angels awhile ago). And so S15 brings us exactly here, to the nature of how Dean and Cas function to one another, want one another in the other’s lives and how they both need to explain this to one another clearly without bringing in anyone else (Sam or Jack) into their words to one another. And moreso, how it’s not just Dean and Cas together that produces a new world, but how Sam is also essential to this. 5x04 showed us what happens if Sam doesn’t stay. Remove Sam, Dean or Cas from one another and it all (a happy ending) falls apart. Jack is different because of Cas’ mistake in how he views him as glue to Dean (which isn’t Cas’ whole view but irrelevant). Removing Jack, and pulling Sam into a place of understanding concerning Dean and Cas, the shows forces Dean and Cas to ask themselves what they want from one another without the both of them there. Not that they have to live in a world like that necessarily, obviously, but it’s asking them to consider what their little world together would be like. Cas doesn’t see how he can stay under the baggage of his mistakes without the future Jack promises. Like in S8, he leaves Dean. This is where they will be forced to “do better” and express this desire to stay with each other without dragging poor Jack (or Sam) into the mix, without dragging anything else into the mix.
Dean and Cas refusing to admit why they want to stay with each other has lead to so many conflicts with other things, namely Heaven with Cas and what Dean did in 9x01 with Sam. In Carver era this is how the show begins to craft itself, showing how these three lives are forever connected, producing great misery when communication completely fails. Dean does drastic things to Sam to keep him with him whenever Cas leaves him. It used to be Dean only needed Sam and did drastic things to keep Sam with him because of John’s conditioning. Carver era changed that, structurally. Now, in Cas, it’s framed so that Dean has found a kindred spirit, one which would theoretically allow him to let Sam go if only Cas stayed with him. Because that was the ending Carver era was seemingly going for, or at least seriously considered. The child must be let go. Instead of Sam now, it feels like it is Jack (because Sam’s “call to action” in S15 is being framed more as he is an essential part of Dean and Cas reconciling). Both Jack and Sam have been in the child role to both Dean and Cas respectively at different points. And SPN has churned out 9 more seasons of drama based on these dynamics, this goal (sacrificing Sam) and lack of clear communication since S6. Having ran through as much as they feasibly could before Jack, Jack was created, essentially, to sustain these problems until we reached the end with the ultimate lesson that open communication literally solves everything. And also… he creates a situation where Sam doesn’t need to be sacrificed (but still could).
Not discussing the show structurally, and instead in a more character based psychological way, concerning Jack specifically TFW all knew his power and how living with him was always a risk. They each claimed Jack and undertook the risk, because they all saw themselves in Jack in some way and so decided since they all turned out okay then so would Jack. Because choices matter, the desire to be better, to fight for better, matters. Jack came into their lives and they rolled with it. All of TFW made that “mistake” taking in Jack. It’s not just on Cas and Sam spells that out to Dean and the audience quite clearly. Comprehension fails such as hating Cas on other fan’s part is something I feel S15 is trying very hard to point out. S15 discusses the narrative’s literal elements. It forces comprehension in a way that puts these fans that hate whatever character out of TFW in the wrong. You like Dean and Cas but want Sam gone? You’re in the wrong according to the show. Same thing for fans that want Sam and Dean together and for Cas to stay dead. With S15 the show is telling you to GET FUCKED but like… politely and for now, only visually, lol.
As far as the Empty deal goes (are Dean stans seriously mad Cas hasn’t told Dean?), the show IMO couldn’t outline Cas’ depression even harder if it fucking tried. But apparently for them they need to try harder? I just can’t with this. What an insult to writers which have handled this particular storyline with the utmost care. OH BOY. Part of outlining the EXACT problem here is that part of the solution is with it so instead they’ve just gone as far as they can instead. 13x04 was as far as they could fucking go with TIPTOEING around (the tulips with) this thing between Dean and Cas that is keeping Cas miserable and wishing for death in service of some other happiness for Dean (as if it ACTUALLY exists without Cas, it doesn’t). Cas has made peace with never telling Dean he’s in love with him. Before he was given a choice Cas was happy to simply remove himself from the equation (14x08) and leave Jack to bring Dean happiness without him. Because AGAIN! Communication! Cas getting taken by the Empty isn’t going to cause anything horrible to happen to the world (on a global scale). He’s just gonna be gone. Are Dean stans really saying, essentially, “How dare Cas not try to stay as tool for Dean”?? Like… what??? I honestly stopped reading people with this level of reading comprehension fail a long time ago and just started ignoring them for the lost causes they are. Telling Dean about the Empty deal would force Dean to reveal himself one way or another. And as I’ve just said, in perpetuity this is the storyline conflict that has kept SPN going for many years now. It’s something Cas wants to avoid as long as possible because he’s so in love that he’ll keep himself miserable and in suspense because being miserable with Dean is still him physically with Dean. Once Dean knows they’d have to face the truth together, whatever that is. That’s the only thing not telling Dean about the deal prevents. Some people just see it as Cas keeping more secrets but it’s not like what secrets were like in S6. The only one Cas would be effecting (to HIM, in HIS MIND) is himself. And what he can do for Dean versus what Cas sees Jack being able to accomplish for Dean? Well to Cas that’s no contest. Because he’s long made peace with being Dean’s tool because he doesn’t think he could ever be someone Dean chooses to love and keep for no reason other than Dean wants him with him. Cas being able to stop seeing him and Jack as tools is essential to whatever comes next. It’s an explanation, a comprehension problem left to Dean then later, concerning how Cas sees Jack, to Cas.
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riathedreamer · 5 years
Hello 👋 I’m relatively new to Red vs Blue. Maybe a few months all together. I found your AO3, really enjoying your stories by the way, and just started to look through tumblr. I’ve found a few posts from back when season 15 was just released saying things like ‘if anybody other than Dylan has gone to talk to Grif he probably would have gone with’ because he wanted his friends to talk to him instead of a stranger or other convincing arguments. Such as Grif has probably passed the denial... 1/2
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Hi! Thank you for all your questions - it really gave me a lot to think about (for all its flaws, season 15 remains one of my fave seasons).
Question 1) I admit, that depends entirely on how the talk would have played out. It would probably also depend a lot on who came to Grif - for example, I imagine Simmons having an easier time understanding Grif rather than, for example, Wash. But the thing is that s15 also shows us exactly how the talk *should* have gone. Grif illustrates this himself when he goes to talk with Tucker. Tucker is ready to quit (and I need to point out that Tucker is still being a dick to Grif at this point) and Grif goes to him; he lets him talk about his worries and doubts. Tucker admits he isn’t sure he can do this - Grif insist that they need him, he acknowledges his self-doubt but he makes it clear that the team needs him. The support that Grif later gave Tucker is exactly the support that Grif would have needed back in that cave. While it’s clear that a big reason why Grif won’t go is because of his distaste for fighting and effort, I believe self-doubt plays a big role. Grif doesn’t see himself important to the team (not until he realizes his role as hate-glue, which is just sad), he isn’t sure he can do this. He wants to be needed, too. If someone would have gone to Grif, if they had listened to him, acknowledged his fears and feelings and doubts, but had made it clear that he is needed on the team, I believe he would go. Grif is, despite it all, a team player. His insistence on the role as hate-glue proves as much. Dylan didn’t know the damage she was doing, but she pushed all the wrong buttons by going to Grif as a stranger and claiming to know him when Grif was still struggling figuring out who he wants to be, what role he has. Plus, it gotta sting that it was the reporter who realized he was missing and tried to find him. Not Simmons, not anyone from the team. It was the stranger who came to find him. And when Grif made his decision to stay behind, it really doesn’t help that he’s met with anger, the sense of obligation (he’s not *allowed* to quit) and finally the accusation of him being selfish.
Question 2: Well, first of all Grif would have to suffer through Simmons’ zombie joke, lmao. I don’t think he would have spotted the Blues and Reds since they haven’t come to face their bullshit yet. However, by letting the Blues and Reds see Grif, they would probably have told Temple, and so Temple would be prepared to face an orange soldier, unlike canon where he whispers ‘Biff’ in his shock.
Which leads us to question 3: I think Temple really, really wants Grif on his team. Heck, I even think in canon there has to be a missing scene where Temple offers him a spot on the team, Grif declines, and then he’s led to the cells (That would also explain how freaking angry and bitter Temple seems in that scene. His first words to Grif is ‘Shut up, please’, very very strained, as if having been forced to listen to Grif’s ramblings for some time by that point). Considering the fact that Temple did offer the others to join his side, I believe he’d want to ‘spare’ Grif especially. Either that, or he’s totally bitter and want the wannabe-Biff gone, but I don’t personally think we saw that side of him in canon. Only the obsessed with orange side. Depending on how emotional the talk with Grif on Iris had gone, maybe Temple would try to get on Grif’s good side, pointing out how Grif’s friends tend to treat him like trash, maybe offering a team where he’s appreciated. I could see him try to butter up to Grif, but I can also see Grif refusing because of his bullshit meter.
Which leads us to question 4: Back when s15 aired, there was a talk in the fandom that Grif had to be separated from the others, otherwise he’d have called bullshit on Temple’s lies from the beginning. Grif is good at spotting bullshit. He’s good at looking at shit and judging whether the effort is worth it (most often, it’s not). I think he would have listened to Temple for like three minutes, called him creepy and warn the others that something ain’t right with that guy (especially when Temple began to sweet-talk Tucker, lmao. Grif would know something wasn’t right when that happened). Of course that leads to the question if Temple would realize Grif was onto him, what would he do about the fear of his lies being uncovered. But there’s enough material in that question to make a whole AU fic (one that I’m tempted to write but I can’t ‘cause have you seen my wip count, lmao).
So yeah, those would be my answers. This is all my opinion, of course, and it’s all speculation. I really saw a lot of potential in s15, and I wish that Joe would have stretched the plot over more seasons so it wouldn’t have felt so rushed in the end and we could have explored so many more plot points in depth. (for example Temple’s obsession with orange soldiers, because, yes, I’m obsessed with that obsession).
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Right now some of you are probably wondering why the fuck you're seeing a post about SDCC when it's September and the answer to that is that I did not have a computer when SDCC happened back in July so I couldn't make this post then, trust me I would have preferred it if I could have, and why am I even bothering to make it when so long a time has passed? Cause I said I was going to and as I've  stated in the past I was going to watch the panel and some interviews anyways and share my opinion so I might as well make it into a proper post. Or at least try to, this turned out a little over the place. Now, originally, back in July, I was thinking of doing something like I had done last year meaning a massive post full of spoilers and info available but as you can guess from the title of this post that did not happen this is because of two reasons: 1) I feel like there was less info than there was for s14, to be fair like I said I didn't have a computer during the time and I wasn't on SM a lot so it's entirely possible that there was a bunch of info and spoilers that never made their way into my very limited radar. 2) September is ending, the s15 premiere is literally around the corner, I don't have the time necessary to go through any and all news and info and spoilers about s15, and to be very honest I don't have the patience either. So this post is going to be just my opinion on the panel and on some of the things that were said in SDCC interviews, there are still timestamps and some transcripts and all the interviews I talk about plus the panel are linked at the end in their entirety.  I watched 4 interviews for each person on the panel with the exception of two people, I did not watch any of M. Collins interviews, I also didn't watch any of Berner's interviews I was going to but Dabb, Singer and BuckLemming test my patience enough as it is. Also I want to keep this post brief so I'm only talking about things that really stood out to me. Standard disclamer applies that these are all just my opinions and you might not agree with them.... SDCC 2019 Panel I don't have much to say about this panel, most of it was everybody talking a bit about the legacy of the show, there wasn't really any info given about s15  and in that regard, I am a bit disappointed, I wish they had used the panel more and found a balance between talking about the legacy of the show while also incorporating info about the final season. But I can understand why they would do something more subdued. The only things that stood out to me was Dabb trying to make what I hope is a joke about the ending of the show pleasing only 30% of people and bringing up GOT,  regular which I'm not gonna comment on cause I want to keep this post general but those who know know 😉, should go without saying that my heart broke all over again seeing j2 cry over the show ending 💔 And I cannot go without mentioning Dabb's intro to the panel cause it fucking killed me, he must have written it himself 😂 "our next guest very first job on tv was writing for supernatural, after eight seasons in the trenches he ascended to the coveted position of showrunner. Armed with genius talent and deep respect for the characters and stories he's beautifully shouldered the shows vision for the past 3 seasons and now leads us bravely forward on the shows final chapter" [TIMESTAMP] Interviews
Let's talk about Chuck, everybody seemed to be on the same page about this, they all gave similar answers when asked about it which is a nice change of pace usually they all give different answers but to me it seems like they, once again, dug themselves into a hole they don't know how to get out of and are trying to back out of it, like in one of the interviews Lemming says at one point Castiel will point out to Sam and Dean that whether or not it was god playing tricks on them they would have come across the same crossroads and they are the ones who made the decision about which direction to go not someone else ("cas will point out to them weather it was god playing tricks on us or us doing it ourselves out in the world we would have met the same crossroads or they would have been different crossroads but whatever crossroads we would have come across we made a decision whether  to go right or left no one else did that to us" [TIMESTAMP] ) which to me sounds a hell of a lot like free will. And look, everybody has a different interpretation or views on what free will is, I, personally, think free will has nothing to do with whether or not someone/something puts an obstacle in front of us it has to do with whether or not we're the ones who decide how to deal with it meaning that someone/something doesn't make the choice for us. So to me what Lemming is talking about is free will which is what supposedly Sam and Dean never actually had, to be fair it's possible that scene won't happen or that explanation won't be given or it'll be something different but at this point I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that it was all a test by Chuck and when Sam and Dean go to kill him or something he'll be all 'surprise! you passed your mission is done now you can have peace'; I also wouldn't be surprised if Dabb&co do what they usually do and ignore things after the first three episodes until the mid-season finale and the finale. But hey, maybe they'll prove me wrong, and do something really interesting and complex...not gonna hold my breathe for it though. Since I already mentioned Lemming there was something she said that irked me, she was asked about the shows influence/impact on sci-fi shows and stuff, I'll leave a link so you can see the whole thing point is she was talking about early seasons and said: "....we really worked on the physical nature of horror and the psychological results of that, but that takes you just so far as a writer then you sort of realize we have to write about personalities and psychologies of the people living in that horrible universe, so you end up once again revisiting what drama is..." This irks me. Look I'm not a horror buff, so perhaps it's not my place to talk and to be fair maybe this is not the way she meant to come across and I'm probably alone in this but the way she talks about horror at least in this particular answer comes across to me as somebody who doesn't understand or respect horror. I don't really know how to properly explain myself but her going "but that takes you just so far as a writer then you sort of realize we have to write about personalities and psychologies of the people living in that horrible universe, so you end up once again revisiting what drama is"  to me this come across as somebody who doesn't know or understand that you can write personalities and the psychology of people and still be horror. Still stay in that genre, without going into drama territory like horror is so much more than just jump scares. I don't know maybe it's that I'm so tired of everything being put in what I consider outdated boxes of either comedy or drama. Or that I'm tired of horror being shoved into drama's box. Or horror being shoved into a box where it's just gore and jump scares and if it's more than that it's a drama or artsy horror or classy horror or some other bs  people say when they don't wanna admit they like horror. Or maybe it's the fact that Eugenie Lemming of all people is the last one that should be saying this when with the exception of ONE episode she and her writing partner don't actually explore personalities or peoples psychology. Or maybe it's the fact that the early seasons where this show was more horror it explored personalities and the psychology of the people in that world way better than the later seasons, even though the later seasons have moved into drama territory and have moved away from its horror roots! Anyways I'm gonna leave a full transcript here plus the timestamp so you can go and get full context, this was just something that like I said irked me: "when the show started the mission was to do an hour horror film every week, and really pay attention to the elements of what made horror horror and really put a lot of money into production and make it look good i think we didn't really break ground- yes there were some scary things and special effects in prior shows but we really approached this and build up a post production community, we really worked on the physical nature of horror and the psychological results of that, but that takes you just so far as a writer then you sort of realize we have to write about personalities and psychologies of the people living in that horrible universe, so you end up once again revisiting what drama is love between brothers betrayal between family members, hope dreams promises honor deceit and you do all that- so that can be in every genre it's just packaged as a very classy horror genre..." [TIMESTAMP]
Let's move on to Buckner, he, unsurprisingly, said a lot of things that made me roll my eyes, like he said romance might make an appearance which why??? that's not the point of this show, and: "that's one of the more exciting aspects of this season is that it's actually covering new turf instead of just doing the things that ave worked for us and just going out on a high note actually it's going to be quite experimental"  [TIMESTAMP] 
Do I even need to point out why this is a dumb ass approach to handle a shows last season? Speaking of dumb asses...Dabb. He got asked if Sam was still psychic he answered: "No, since Sam decided to stop drinking demon blood his powers have gone away, unless he picks it [demon blood] up again" [TIMESTAMP] 
Sam had his powers before he got addicted to demon blood, he got his powers when he was a baby because of Azazel, ffs we saw him use his powers in an episode! In season 2! Before the demon blood addiction! He drank demon blood to enhance the powers he already had; it would have made more sense if he had said something like Sam burned his powers after what happened in s5. Sucks that we might never see Sam with powers again but with Dabb behind the wheel it might be for the best. 
Now you’ve probably noticed that so far I’ve made no mention of Jared, Jensen or Alex and that’s because with the exception of Jared and Jensen talking about the ending nothing stood out that much to me and as for why I don’t talk about the ending it’s cause I don’t have much to say, Jensen said it took some time but he’s ok with the ending now, Jared that he was ok with the ending they had planned but that it might change and I am both comforted and concerned by their words; even though I didn’t talk about them I am going to link to the Jared and Jensen’s interviews I watched, I personally really enjoyed Jared’s (I love the way he answers questions ❤), sadly I forgot to save the links to Alex’s interviews but if I might try to find them and add them. 
So there it is my edited down opinions on this year’s SDCC, if you read this whole thing, thank you. If you read it and didn’t agree with any of it that’s ok, this is as I said just my opinion. 
SDCC Panel
Lemming Interview 1
Lemming Interview 2
Buckner Interview 
Dabb Interview
Jensen’s Interviews:
Interview 1
Interview 2
Interview 3
Interview 4
Jared’s Interviews:
Interview 1
Interview 2
Interview 3
Interview 4
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angeltiddies · 5 years
2, 9, and 14 for them sweet sweet Destiel asks!!
Ooooo yeah love them okay okay
Also disclaimer mobile is spacing this answer SO weird so just ignore that lmao
Doing this !
Fave destiel moment
Okay SOOOO many but like..I dunno I just really love S8 destiel, like the whole “where’s the angel” “i’m not leaving here without you” “i think i’m seeing him” story line. Like idk if that counts as a moment, but I just really think that all made it so clear to me that Destiel is being Written Romantically. Like idc if people deny it at that point, you can’t just logically omit the destiel story line from your memory at that point. I shipped destiel earlier on, but yeah, s8 is what got me so convinced and hooked that OH MY GOD, its actually ROMANTIC like fULLY, like INTEGRAL TO THEIR CHARACTERS
I think i answered that one once w a diff answer long ago, but thats how im feelin tn lmao
Most heartbreaking
Jesus okay...so I would say 12x23-13x05 bc I just could feel for dean, his grieving process, his pain his hurt and Cas trying so hard to get back to his human, BUT the ones where they make a CHOICE that separates them hurt me more.
So like 9x03-06, seeing cas as the most beautoful pure human struggling to survive without the one attachment he has to humanity?? And dean telling him he can’t stay?? My heart BROKE at that, and I know that in the end, Dean didnt have a choice at the time BUT Cas thought there was a decision made there. And that rejection, the way Cas must have felt looking into deans eyes and seeing him asking him to leave...pleading with him??? Ugh.
Also just gonna add in the “we are” “i think its time for me to move on” s15 sequence because those scenes were SO powerful and seeing dean feel so hopeless and cas feel so worthless ??????? Yeah, I still cant even process it tbh, I’m just waiting for the floodgates to open at this point
s15 DeanCas predictions
I thought I had this down pat until i watched the jaxcon panels which have me equally so optimistic for endgame destiel and ALSO so terrified bc its looking so positive...so I’m gonna ignore endgame for now and just comment on some little pieces.
Cas is gonna die, or get taken by the empty. Will it be mid season finale? Mid season premiere? Idk but i think itll be around then...and i think his death will cause some major confusion/miscommunication stuff
I think Cas (along w team free empty (i forget who coined that phrase but shout out if they see this) are gonna undermine Chuck
I think Dean is gonna finally tell Cas how he feels, or at least admit it to Sam
I think that Dean is going to explain what happened and his logic around everything but that things still wont be perfect, y’know? Like itll be a step, but i think the burn will continue to be slow and developing throughout the next many episodes. I think it’ll be this air of...okay something is going to happen...but when? And how?
So yeah idk, i have more probably but my thumbs hurt now lol
Thanks for asking !!!
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missjackil · 5 years
14x12 & 14x13
During my re-watch of S14 and sobbing once again through the Brofest Trifecta, I no longer think the decision to end the show next season was made spur of the moment. Im convinced the decision was made a while ago, possibly at the same time they decided to do shorter seasons. Maybe even as far back as before S13, and that's why there was so much push for a spin-off, that ended up being very poorly written. Im not entirely sure, but at least Im confident that there was no drastic recent event that made them want to close up shop. I think they wanted to get to the 300 milestone, and why not take it through the 15 season milestone too, then hang up the flannels. 
They had a lot to celebrate over the past couple seasons, the spin-off (yuck) Scoobynatural, the honor of being given The Supernatural Studios, the 300th Episode, JDM coming back and early sign on for S15, I'm sure no one wanted to bum anyone out with announcing an ending, and take the spotlight from the other things, but now as I rewatched this season, (and even some of last) I can see a set up, most specifically in the episodes Prophet and Loss, and Lebanon.
In s13, they decided to bring back Michael. That doesn't necessarily mean they’d already scheduled an end, but I think they pulled that arc off the shelf for when an end was in sight. Because seriously, as much as I may hear you all moan and groan about how the Michael Lucifer thing is so old and boring, its THE biggest storyline in the whole series, and never should have been shelved. I mean Sam and Dean being the literal vessels of the 2 biggest Archangels is HUGE. It doesnt have to be the main story all the time, but they should never let the viewers forget, and that arc should get a proper closure, which it hasnt yet. 
Now this season has been setting us up for where we are now. (as any season would) but early on, there were hints to an end in sight. Small ones though, just enough to send a little chill up my spine, that yes, the show will eventually end. like in Mint Condition, Dean suggesting next Halloween they dress like Thelma and Louise and get in the car and just go. We all flash back to how Thelma and Louise drove off a cliff. Meanwhile throughout the season, we see Sam slowly unravelling. Dean began unravelling last season, and now the brothers are coming undone. Which brings me to the two episodes that I believe were setting us up for the later anouncement. 
Prophet and Loss was not only the most emotional scene we’ve seen from Sam since S8, and probably even more emotional than that, and Jared has to deliver his most emotional scene to date. As most of us know, Jared had an emotional reaction to the scene that made him not be able to say the words and fit them with the actions. It affected him so strongly that Jensen thought he may be having a stroke, because as long as he’s known Jared, and everything he’s been through, he’s never seen him unable to do the job, and at that moment, he couldnt do it. Jared said its the only time in his whole career he ever went home and cried, feeling like he disappointed everyone. That made me so sad when I heard it, and wanted him to know he didnt disapooint anyone, he did an AMAZING job!
Now, after the annoucement of the end, that scene takes on a whole new meaning. I think (and I stress that its a thought, and Im not assuming I know how Jared thinks)  that if Jared knew the show was ending, saying those lines would be hard as hell. Saying them and knowing we didnt know yet, could be very upsetting. Perhaps he wondered in his own heart that they made the wrong decision (as anyone put in their position would wonder at least 1000 times) and yelling at Dean about quitting, felt too much like yelling at Jensen? “We’re the guys that save the world, we dont just check out of it!”  Go watch that scene again, and try to imagine Jared saying it with what we know now. 
Maybe he even thought of it from the POV of the fans? That maybe thats how many of us would feel once we heard? Could it be even that maybe when he got home, he cried worried he would disappoint us all with their pending news, and the lines in that scene were just too close to home?
Even after the, now iconic, punch/hug “Why dont you believe in us too” Dean’s response was ironic too, almost like they dont need to tell us at all, but respectfully they will, and when the time comes, we do then what we cant do now, put them in the box and let them go.  (watch where you step... my heart is laying around here somewhere)
This brings us to Lebanon. Such a tearfest in itself. My favorite episode yet! But if they all knew the end was in the cards, this episode also takes on new meaning. I dont think it was any accident that they chose to not show a live episode the weerk after the announcement, but to re-air Lebanon instead. It was as though they re-aired it so we could collectively see it in another way, and mourn together a little. 
It’s no secret that JDM loves J2 and vise versa, J2 have said a million times theyd love to have him back, and he has said he’d love that too and how proud he is of them, and will always consider them “his boy. Him coming back was alone a sign the end was coming. How badly we, as well as Jared wanted so bad for Sam to have closure with his father. and we were given a heart wrenching and tearful scene between Sam and John.  Both confronted each other with their issues, chose not to dwell on it, acknowledge they each hurt the other, and theyre sorry. 
Sam said the argument they had was a lifetime ago, it may have taken half that lifetime for Sam to believe and understand, even though he did some messed up things, that yes, Dad loved him. And now, theres closure. 
We soon go then to, what I now believe was a message to us, that the time to part is coming soon. Everyone sad and speechless at the table, and John says “Now as I see it, we have 2 choices, we can either dwell on whats coming, or be grateful for this time we have together. And me, I choose graqteful. So to whatever power brought us together....we owe you one” then each give an individual “amen” That killed me then, and now it kills me in a new way, and its always going to stick in my head now as a message to us fans. 
We move on now to John’s farewell. J2 have said they didnt need to fake any emotions, the emotions where all really there. I now see not just John, but JDM telling J2 “I am so proud of you boys” hugging them both “I love you both so much” Jared so emotional he cant talk, and Jensen mustering enough strength for the both of them to say “I love you too” (I think I heard my heart shattering in a corner somewhere) I will never get over that episode in this lifetime... ever.
After these episodes, we got a break (mercifully) then we got 3 episodes before we got the announcement. In those episodes, we have Cas explaining to Jack that even though Sam and Dean are wonderful, amazing, and special human beings, they are humans and humans shine for just a short time. Someday Sam and Dean will die, and it will hurt, but that pain will remind us of how much we love them. And Jack  thinks like me... “That sounds.... awful”... those words are not a comfort Cas.... nice try though 💔😭
We also have Sam still unravelling, he got a dose of phony happiness, (as did Dean in Nihlism ... as neither place of happiness included each other) yet, it was each other who pulled them out. Sam pulled Dean out of his dream world, the mention of Dean pulled Sam out. Sam knows he wont be happy without Dean, so he presses on.  We still have 4 episodes left of this season. Lucifer is on his way back. AU Michael might be dead, but cage Michael has been mentioned a lot the past few seasons so I think we’re gonna get some kind of real showdown to put that arc to rest.
So now I will always see Prophet and Loss and Lebanon in a new way... a painful way, but Ill throw in an honorary mention of some irony in  Damaged Goods.... regarding the from behind, sneak attack hug, “If it feels like something is up, it probably is” and regarding Sam’s anger when Dean told him his plan, it would have really been messed up and wrong if they didnt tell us, they knew this, so they did.... they didnt have to. 
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calliecat93 · 5 years
RvB17 Episode 8 Review: Finally
Well guys, after so many years, Donut finally gave the Reds and Blues a piece of his mind. While I felt that last week had the weakest episode so far, I can forgive it because it gave us Donut telling everyone off. It’s a week later and I still get so much satisfaction from that scene alone. With Wash sending everyone to apologize, and Huggins in Season 1 with Caboose, what’s going to happen now? Well, lets lake a looksie shall we?
The Reds and Blues have caught up to Donut and apologize, but he's not willing to accept it since... well saying your sorry and showing it are two different things. Considering that Donut went through all of time and space to fix what he did and make it right... yeah, point. Carolina asks if they can prove it by fixing the timeline, which he agrees with. So... that was resolved quickly. Everyone naturally has questions about the time travel, Doc's being about what's going on with Caboose right now. Donut explains that while their Caboose is somewhere else, the one with them is a different timeline Caboose, aka Season 5 Caboose. When Simmons questions how reliving their history is going to correct anything, Donut decides to jump them all ahead ten minutes. Since they'll lose Wash and Carolina, he instructs them to meet up and for Wash to give Carolina the explanation.
Donut jumps them all back ten minutes, where he's still crushed by Sister's ship and Tucker is recovering from childbirth. Church is understandably confused, but at this point, Caboose has returned and he sends Church to take a nap. But Caboose did not come alone. Huggins arrives, much to Grif's glee. Like... he sounds happier than I think he ever has. He's so happy and missed Huggins so much that her still being angry at him, to the point that she goes red, doesn't even phase him. Donut proceeds to explain about how they have to stop Genkins from creating paradoxes... but since they don't know where he's going to be, they have to relive their lives and make sure it goes exactly as it happens.
Huggins, however, points out that there's another way... just as Lopez has already jumped. Whoops. Anyways, since Huggins is made of light, she can go forward on her own, find alternate timelines, report back, and the guys can jump ahead to that point and make the event go as it's meant to. Sarge things that's too convoluted and will take too long... but Huggins proves it by going to and from the moon in a blink, plus she already did it with meeting with Caboose and it sounds like they already did it once. Grif is outright tearful that this means less bullshit before apologizing to her for fucking time up. Huggins... doesn't forgive him, but she can't stay mad at him right now due to time being fucked up. She therefore just tells him to fix reality before going off to get her scouting underway. Ouch.
Simmons repeats his question about exactly why they need to relive their lives to begin with. Caboose, therefore, proposes this analogy to explain it. You know how you can sometimes get a gap in your zipper? Apparently, it happened to Simmons in 6th Grade during Debate Class, but to the point. To fix the gap, the zipper has to go all the way down and then zipped back up to fix it. So that's what they have to do, go back through their lives to undo the gap and fix it again. Even Donut admits that the analogy makes things clearer. Yeah, the two former rookies are the ones figuring out how to fix shit. Who knew? Tucker is questioning if this will even work, to which Donut replies that the only way that they'll be able to find out all depends on them.
From there, we get a montage of the guys going back to events where Genkins is trying to strike. Sarge ends up at the day that they deleted the Blues, aka the best day of his life. When Genkins tries to interfere by hacking the computer, Simmons simply reboots it to get rid of him. Which keep in mind that isn't present!Simmons, that's Season Six Simmons doing it nonchalantly. Anyways, Sarge proceeds to relive the moment several times to make sure that ti worked... aka to relive the moment cause he can. We also get to see the end of Season 5, where Andy blows up the ship, which is where Grif ends up. Genkins tries to prevent the explosion and reveal the truth to Church, so Grif simply goes off, gets a rocket launcher, and does the job himself. He also makes it clear that this is him getting payback on Tex for the beatdown his balls got in Season 8. Hopefully, he jumped out after, since Church is understandably angry and ready to give Grif a beatdown.  
Our episode ends at one more moment. Tucker arrives at Crash Site Bravo in Season 11, the day where they lost and half their forces were captured... and when Felix was still faking being an ally. Well, shit.
This was better than last week, but still not the best. Not to say I didn't like it though. As I kinda said in the overview, it felt like Donut... kinda forgave them all far too easily. I mean I guess something can come up later, but after how much last week's moment was built up and the payoff being amazing, this kinda felt like we were sweeping it back under the rug. Though to their credit, they listen to him... kinda hard when he's under a Pelican, but hey they're listening. And to his credit, Donut's not letting the emotions control his decision making, which really displays a lot of emotional maturity on his part. I really like that about him. I feel it's always been there, but now we can actually let it be on display. Bless Jason Weight for making Donut a character. Bless him so much.
So... let's do something a little different. We're gonna talk about Grif, and consequently how he's... kinda gotten the shaft, sadly. So last season and even S15, Grif got a lot of character development and focus. He realized he needed his friends, began to commit himself more, confronted his issues with the constant adventures, started to focus more to the point that he confronted Genkins and gave up on wanting the pizza he wanted the whole time to try and prevent the paradox. He failed, but the fact that he tried and that he became a more focused, more mature person was great... and that has been ignored so far. Mind you he spent half the season with his memory wiped and so far not a lot of time to show that development and I'll give them credit when I get to the positive side, but it still really feels like all the build-up and development that Grif got last time is just... gone. I mean you'd think he'd be more angry about Genkins considering, especially since Genkins outright told him everything right to his face just because he could, and that hasn't come up at all. It's just frustrating to a huge Grif fan like me. Is this how Tucker fans felt last season?
But with that said... I'm gonna be fair here. I think the reason why we can't do a lot with Grif, and probably others who could use development, is the 12 episode count. While the count is good for advancing the plot at a good pace and has a main focus to work on (in this case Donut, Wash, and the time travel) it sadly means a LOT of character opportunities get wasted or shafted as a result. Since those things need the focus for this story, those have to gain the focus and everything else falls by the wayside. Kinda like how in S12, Tucker got the majority of focus while others aside from the Freelancers and Church didn't get much. And that season had the standard 19 episodes, but the plot needed to advance so there just wasn't really time to do other things that I myself would have liked, like more focus on Grif, Simmons, and Caboose as Captains and not just Tucker. But that's a discussion for another day, but the point is the plot, as it is now, sadly means that Grif doesn't get the focus that I feel he should be getting. Which Simmons, Tucker, and even kinda Carolina are getting the short end of the stick too. Lopez is getting it really bad in comparison so... yeah. Production can suck sometimes.
Even with me feeling that Grif's focus is lacking after the build-up, I don't at all feel like his development is being outright forgotten though. Sure he's confused about what's going on and the time travel... but honestly I am too because GDI I don't understand time travel. So I can't get mad at something I don't get either and have kinda just resigned myself to. His reaction to seeing Huggins again was really, really cute. I don't think he's ever sounded that happy at any other point in the show. Sure Huggins is still angry at him, and it's not hard to fault her, but the fact that Grif was so happy that he wasn't even phased by it until near the end... it was really sweet especially compared to how volatile he was to her at first last season. And then once Grif understood, he committed to it, figured out rather quickly how to take Genkins down in S5, and blew them up with a rocket launcher with zero hesitation. The fact that after nine seasons he finally got payback on Tex for the brutal beat down was also satisfying as Hell. Sorry Tex, but Grif earned this moment. And even during the mindwipe, he was the only one who even considered believing DOnut and was weirdly motivated, even in places he normally wouldn't have been like during S13. So yeah, I wish that more was done after all the build-up prior, and I hope the next story arc will allow it, but I'm still enjoying Grif. I just wish we had more.
I'm not sure what else I can say really. Some funny moments, like Sarge's utter glee at reliving deleting the Blues. Part of me feels like he should be past this by now... but hey, it was still funny. Also, the link that appears on the Delete Blues screen? Type it in. Trust me, you will NOT regret it... or you will and cry, but do it anyways. The fact that Donut could give a coherent explanation while being crushed under a ship is impressive... although shouldn't he have landed in the cavers by then? Meh, maybe he's just really good at throwing his voice. Simmons just rebooting the computer to get rid of Genkins, which again it wasn't present!Simmons who did it was an underrated badass moment imo. And of course, the ending. Tucker is with Felix again, back when he was still pretending to be an ally. And Tucker has to let the event go as it's supposed to, so not only does he have to deal with Genkins... but he's got to keep his own feelings in check. Because if he can't and tries to kill Felix here... that may very well be the kick that Chrovos needs to be set free.
Final Thoughts
Good episode. Nothing major happened, and I'm starting to see some cracks in the structure, but I still enjoyed it. We have a clear directive for now and we have a pretty damn promising lead-in for next week. With four episodes left, there's a lot to still do and not a lot of time left. How will it play out? Not sure, but it's gonna leave one Hell of an impression. In that, I have little doubt.
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RvB16 Episode 14 Review: Lights Out
(Old Post Review)
Well guys, two episodes to go. To say that last week was heavy would be putting it lightly. So then with all that’s happened so far… what next? Well… it’s no kinder than it was last week, I can tell you that!
We start with Tucker on the same balcony that Atlas was in Episode 11, clearly thinking to himself. Sister comes in to check on him, commenting on how he left the door open and Tucker commenting on how thoughtless he is. He then proceeds to apologize to Sister for calling her frigid. Sister accepts this, even explaining about how when a teenager she was chubby… and still is but she was insecure about it back then, especially with everyone around her banging around. She feels better about herself now (which chubby Kai is canon baby!) but the word brought her back to that place. Also she mentions that she went to Wailuku High, which Wailuku is in Hawaii so we now have canon conformation in-show that Grif and Sister are from Hawaii! Whoo!
Tucker proceeds to apologize for how he acted in general, knowing that he acted on his feelings in the wrong way. Sister forgive shim, even apologizing for how she snapped (but not about what she said, which is good) but makes it clear that any feelings that she had for Tucler are snuffed. Tucker just accepts that as another hting that he fucked up. He fucked over Sister, he fucked over England, and worst he fucked over Wash. He describes how it felt when he watched Wash get shot and how he blames himself for it and now the resulting consequences. Sister points out that it wans’t his job to babysit Wash, but does remind him that he’s got two option. He can either do nothing and keep the pity party going, or he can try to save Wash by… going back in time… no… no no nooooo.
Yeah, Tucker takes the latter option. To be fair, he does have some reasoning behind it. Donut took the Hammer, so they can’t reinforce the prison and Chrovos is likely gonna be freed anyways. So sine they can’t stop it and have the guns still why not use them and take the risk for Wash Carolina agrees, even pointing out that both no consequences have presented themselves and since Loco was able to make a time machine, someone else probably can and it’ll happen all over anyways. Wash got hurt. They have a way to prevent it and save him. So why not take the risk?
Everyone agrees, but Grif is silent. He earlier commented on having deja vu about the current conversation, but whether he means that it feels like they just talked about time travel or something else iDK. But ultimately he agrees as Wash would d the same for them. Unfortunately, Huggins heard hima nd she’s angry that they’re going to allow the universe to topple over. Grif apologizes and legitimately feels bad, but he says that it’s for their friend. He even accepts that Huggins has no choice but to tell Atlus and that he’s going to be pissed. Huggins leaves and the Reds and Blues go as well, Grif just staring at the spot one more time before saying bye. BTW, Geoff’s delivery here is the most serious I think he’s ever been with Grif… aND IT MADE ME CRY! THANKS A LOT GEOFF YOU ASSHOLE!
Before Huggins can get to Atlus, she’s stopped by Genkins, who gets after her for speeding in the halls. She explains what happened, but Genkins tells her to not inform Atlus. Why? IDK, but as Huggins is confused, the bastard pulls out what I guess is a black hole generator. He fires it at Huggins and sucks her into it. Well… Atlus DID mention in Episode 5 about the possibility of a traitor. Guess that we can confirm that Genkins told the truth and it was indeed him. He goes back to the other Gods, whoa re making final preparations for armor and such for the Reds and Blues for when they agree to the task.
Unfortunately, Muggins comes in and confirms that not only are the Reds and Blues gone, but Huggins is seemingly dead as he can no longer sense her. Atlus is NOT happy as Kalirama tells Muggins that she’s sorry for his loss. Muggins proceeds to give a monologue about how often, we realize how much we care about our friends when it’s already too late and how often, they’re the ones we hurt the most. It’s a very well written and well delivered piece, I liked it. As Muggins talks, we see that Wash seemingly went back to Chorus (I think) and is simply walking the streets alone. The others appear to be back on Iris, preparing to go back to the gunfight in S15 Episode 17 to prevent Wash from getting shot.
Atlus has claimed down, saying that all that can really be done is hope that by some miracle, the Reds and Blues succeed. But at that moment, the Fates mentioned in Epsiode 5 appear. They don’t have good news. Also I love the way that the Fates are presented. Destiny, the leader, speaks in cryptic riddles in an almost emotionless tone as the other two sing/echo her. It is eerie as Hell and I LOVE it. To put it simply, the have seen the future and it looks like the end. If the Reds and Blues succeed, then the universe is as good as dead.
I knew ever since this seasons tarted that by the time we got near the end, it was going to go from silly time traveling hijinks to something far mroe serious. It’s kind of a pattern since Season 7 acted the same way for the second half of Recollection, and Season 11 started that way for The Chorus Trilogy. I can safely say that it looks like that is indeed the direction that Joe is heading for, and it hurts. Don’t get me wrong, this was a very well done episode. The intense atmosphere was spot on, especially with the ending and it looks like we are heading into one Hell of a finale. It’s also a complicated dilemma, either risk a Time God being free or use what you have to save your friend. Clearly the wrong decision was made, but you can understand why. Still, man it… it hurt. A lot.
Lets talk Tucker and Sister. I really liked their scene. It’s the first time we’ve seen them actually been civil since Episode 4. I’m glad that Tucker admitted that how he acted was wrong and calling Sister frigid was wrong. I know a lot feel that he regressed, but I think that he simply got carried away with everything and lost sight of what was important until Sister’s verbal beatdown and when the news about Wash hit. Regardless of how you feel about it, it is good that he admitted that he was wrong and I’m glad that Sister ultimately forgave him. I also like that she still isn’t interested in him because she has every right to and that she didn’t apologize for what she said. She apologized for getting heated, but not about her argument, which is good because she was absolutely justified. Still, it’s good to see them talk like actual adults and even get some backstory drop about Sister’s time in high school. This is very much a character driven season, not a plot driven one, and I really like that.
I also really feel for Tucker. We all know that what happened to Wash was not his fault. Tucker was even trying to get him away from the crossfire, but it just happened. Tucker feels like a screw up and like no matter how hard he tries to be better or not act that way, he ultimately does act like a jerk and something bad happens due to it. He can recognize his fault and accept it, but it feels like he doesn’t know how to change it and due to it, just repeats the same mistakes. Which is how it is for a lot of people, many of us know our fault and we try to fix them, but it takes time and we do repeat the same mistakes. Now I don’t think that them going back to save Wash is going to end well. At all. Honestly, I worry that all they’re gonna do is cause it to being with. I also don’t think that present Wash is going to be happy about it, but we’ll just have to see.
Then lets talk about Grif because OMG IT HURTS. First, there’s his comments about deja vu. I really don’t know if it’s anything to worry about, but I saw someone’s theory about Grif being stuck in a timeloop. I think that wouldn’t make sense unless his memory got wiped before all of this and now it’s coming back, which raises the question on how he got in a loop to begin with. It would be interesting and at this point, I could see Joe do it. But… IDK, it seems too complicated right now. But we’ll see what happens cause I do think that Grif is more or less the main protagonist of this arc, so chances are whatever happens, he’s gonna be the one tasked with fixing it. I could be wrong though.
Everything with him and Huggins though, OMG. I’ve made it no secret that Grif and Huggins’ friendship is probably my favorite thing to come out of this season. It was cute, it made sense, and it was nice to see Grif have someone to confide in. It legitimately seemed to help him improve himself as up to now, he was much happier, was taking things seriously, and actually focusing on the problem. Huggins has a very positive influence on him, and you can tell just form his tone that he feels horrible for turning his back on her. Seriously, Geoff’s delivery was absolutely flawless. I don’t think I’ve heard him be that solemn when performing Grif, not even last season. but you can feel how bad Grif feels, but he also wants to help his other friends, including Wash. Again, it is such an emotional dilemma. We know that going back i time isn’t going to end well, but what other choices do they have? They’re screwed anyways and Wash doesn’t deserve this. They can risk it just to help their friend, right?
But yeah, that entire moment hurt. Like Grif’s little ‘bye’ legit made me tear up. I feel horrible for Huggins too because from her point of view, Grif just lied to her the whole time and nothing that she said, as well as the friendship that they formed, ultimately meant nothing. We know that isn’t true, but I can’t blame Huggins at all for being upset. Also… there is no way that she is dead. For one, now she knows that Genkins is the traitor and likely this is just setup for her to call him out eventually. But whenever a ‘death’ is made so sudden like that and it isn’t a villain/someone random, is is almost always a fake-out. IDK what exactly happened to her, maybe she’s on the other end of the universe or something, but I expect her to come back and for her and Grif to hopefully make-up eventually. I hope so at least…
So this was our penultimate episode, and has setup the finale well. The Reds and Blues are going to attempt to go back to the gunfight in S15 and try to save Wash. I think they’re either going to fail or even worst, cause it since we never saw who hit Wash and therefore Joe can easily make one of the guy misfire and hit him themselves. I’d say maybe it’s gonna be Tucker and the reveal that he shot Flowers was foreshadowing, but IDK. I do wonder what present Wash is going to do or what the Cosmic Powers are gonna do since Destiny made it pretty clear that this si going to end badly.
What I am speculating about hat’s going to happen happen is that, however it happens, Wash still gets shot. But the Reds and Blues going back and trying to interfere removes the final brick to the jenga tower so to speak. The reason no one’s seen any consequences is because all that’s happened is time has been pulled apart brick by brick. The tower is unstable, but it hasn’t toppled over yet, so the universe is still okay. This is going to remove the crucial brick that kept everything standing, allowing Chrovos to break free and sparking the end of the universe and creating a paradox. Then next season, the Reds and Blues (or what’s left of them) have a buffer period and they are going to have to fix it while dealing with Chrovos and potentially some angry Cosmic Powers. Either way, I think it’s safe to say that this season is going to end with a bang.
Final Thoughts
This episode did everything that I was hoping for. Tucker admitted that he was wrong and he and Sister have an actual civil chat about everything. The decision to go back in time again isn’t a good one, but is understandable form the guys POV. It was feelsy as Hell and provides a perfect setup for the finale. Speaking of, well guys… one episode to go. Joe said that this one was going to be ‘the double stuffed Oreo’s’ a couple of weeks ago, so it’s gonna be something big. IDK if I’m ready, but… well I’ve made it this far. I’m gonna see how this all ends, and I couldn’t be more terrified if I tried.
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renaroo · 7 years
The Search (15/16)
Disclaimer: Red vs Blue and related characters are the property of Rooster Teeth. Warnings: Language, Canon-typical violence, Psychological manipulation and trauma Rating: T Synopsis: [Canon Divergence - Alternate S15] The Reds and Blues saved Chorus, but it has been a year and they are still missing. A motley crew has been gathered with the common goal of finding the war heroes, though the road is more troubled than anyone seems to realize.
A/N: Oh my gosh. We only have one chapter left to this installment! I have had such a good time writing this series, even if it’s way past the ending of the actual season, it’s been such a grand relief to get to put a vision of where the series could have gone down for myself. And, if it weren’t obvious before, I plan on continuing the grand tradition with Season 16, following this particular storyline. Though that’s long in the future where I’m concerned. 
Special thanks to @secretlystephaniebrown, @analiarvb, DisneyFreak-Lover, Mayhem21, and Yin for the comments and feedback!
No one could carry a ridiculous number of floral arrangements and Get Well balloons by splitting a hospital’s hallways like the Red Sea unless they were Private Kaikaina Grif.
That was some biblical shit she was closing on her way to her first but far from last stop on her morning trip. And she really didn’t have any intention of stopping before that first destination, but fuck if she was lucky enough to be stopped by any voice calling her name.
In that case the voice belonged to Doctor Grey and not the security guards who got all pissy when she used frisky as a well placed pun and a valid threat to report directly to the Presigeneral.
And despite herself, Kai still felt some kind of way for everyone who helped her find her brother. Even Grey.
“Private Grif! I am so glad you came in this morning!” Grey said gleefully as she caught up with Kai. She slowed as she grew near. “And… oh my! I can… Well, you certainly have a colorful arrangement here.”
Pursing her lips in a pout, Kaikaina squinted at Grey. “Dude. Are you insulting someone who’s colorblind?” she demanded with a huff.
Grey seemed genuinely surprised by Kai’s defensiveness. “Oh… Why no! Of course not,” she answered quickly. After a thoughtful pause, however, Grey raised an eyebrow to Kai. “But surely colorblindness would not explain why one of those balloons has Happy Birthday and another Congratulations.”
“Dude, do you know how hard it is to get the same thing over ten times! Every time I started to walk out of the store I remembered there was another Red or Blue I hadn’t gotten things for,” Kaikaina huffed. “I don’t see you getting floral arrangements!”
“You’re right, I have been rather busy… saving their lives and keeping them healthy by overseeing my hospital staff,” Grey answered in a voice that was almost saccharine.
“Dude, Doctor Grey Medicine Woman, you’re gettin’ saucy on me. I kinda like it,” Kai joked before reshuffling the arrangements. “Ugh. Sorry. I’ve got, like, a lot of shit to hand out, and I don’t know if you noticed yet, but these assholes are so whiny about not getting attention every second. I bet you Caboose and Tucker are going to bitch about how I betrayed Blue Team by visiting my brother first and all that shit. And then messing with the gross old man? There’s so much bad blood there. And I don’t mean like the screechy blondie’s kind of bad blood. I mean the real kind of bad blood. Like in high school. Where we’d cut holes in our nails to scalp each other during lunchroom fights.”
“Yes, you’ve illustrated with that example before,” Grey assured her. “I found it just as concerning when you last mentioned it as I find it now.”
“Okay, cool. I’ll spare you the details of what I did to this fucker Amber in the ninth grade then, later,” Kai quipped rather abruptly, turning to make her way down the halls.
Again, however, she was stalled, as Doctor Grey grabbed a hold of her shoulder and forced Kai to look at her. Kaikaina did so, but only with the world’s most undeniable groan of contempt.
“You do have a lot of things, Private Grif… Kaikaina. Please, let me help you,” Grey requested. “I would like to visit my friends as… well, their friend and not their physician, too. Especially when things got so close and… well, could have turned out so much worse.”
Nose curling a bit, Kai puffed out her lip. “Yeah. Ya mighta actually, y’know, given them up and betrayed them behind their backs and all that shit. Hate for you to have to go through with that little plan of yours and the Presigeneral’s.”
A tired look came to Grey’s eyes almost immediately, but somehow her smile maintained. If anything, it seemed even more honest. A bit more pained. “You’re right. That would have been among the worst outcomes that could have happened. It was one I dreaded more… well, sometimes I dreaded it even more than perhaps being too late to save any of them.”
“Dude, having some bullshit guilt woulda been worse to you than my brother dying? For fucking real?” Kai scoffed. “For the record, I thought about it since our little ship talk. And yeah. I was totally there to save Dex… but I was also there because I knew it was more than Dex. Could you imagine what it’d be like for us to lose anyone? Could you imagine what it’d be like for the ones we saved when they learned that we couldn’t save the others? Saving Dex was the start for me. But it wasn’t ever gonna be enough. Not for me. And I kinda was hoping at the end of the day it wouldn’t be enough for anybody else, too.” She couldn’t help but let her annoyed, angered expression fold into the real disappointment and betrayal she was feeling instead. “Guess I was hoping a li’l too hard that we were all a bit more Re and Blue than we ended up being. Fucking story of my life.”
“Kaikaina, it’s just as I said to you before. There’s no defense for the indefensible. And I won’t waste either of our time by even so much as trying to do so,” Grey assured her. “And my guilt would have not been enough to amend for actions I was fully willing to take for the good of my planet. But those types of sacrifices are simply the ones we all have to be willing to make. Personally. Which… Well, which is why the part of the plan I didn’t confide with you on was what would happen once Chorus disavowed its relationship with the Reds and Blues,” she continued.
Raising an eyebrow, Kai looked the doctor over. “What’d’ya mean?”
“I mean, I didn’t tell you that… I was never going to stop being with the search team. I was never going to personally turn on the Reds and Blues. That was the backup plan for Kimball and Chorus,” Grey explained. “I was staying with you — all of you. And consider myself, well, one of the Reds and Blues. It meant I was forfeiting my ability to come home to Chorus for any foreseeable future but, darn it, it was worth it. And hopefully if I stood by you all long enough and paid my penance by making it up to you all as the best friend and doctor I could be, then I could redeem such a decision. Either way. I was going to stay with the only people who had ever truly made me, someone who has always been quite the outcast, feel like I had somewhere to belong.”
Despite herself, Kaikaina looked at the doctor with some amazement. “Wow, Doc. That’s almost kinda cool. Except. You can’t be a Red and Blue you have to be a Red or a Blue. It’s how it works. We have, like, different bases and everything.”
“I couldn’t be a neutral medical officer?” Grey teased.
“I guess, but the last one turned out to be kind of a perv and also, like, the main bad dude for a little while? So it’s got some baggage,” she admitted. “But, considering the circumstances, I guess you could play the part if you want.”
Some light returned to Grey’s eyes at the passing approval. “Thank you, Kaikaina.”
“Yeah, dude, whatever, you said you were gonna help me hand out these stupid plants and balloons, right?” she asked, already pouring half of them over into Grey’s arms.
“Oh! Well, yes — I, uh. Yes. I’ll carry all of these,” Grey responded, rather flustered.
“Sweet,” Kai snickered. “By the way, Doc, I was just giving you a hard time. You’ve been off the rap since you saved the reporter lady. To be honest, I just like watching you sweat. No one else worries about my opinion so much. Maybe Wash. But that’s just ‘cuz of my ability to sniff out a sting before the undercover cop gets his johnnies satisfied. I call it the Grif Tease. You can see it sometimes when my brother’s making bedroom eyes with Lanky Shortstop Dude.”
“Agent Washington isn’t actually a police officer,” Grey attempted to correct her.
“Dude’s totes a cop. You see how much he wants to cop a feel, heyoooo, no really though, I have him wrapped around my finger and he doesn’t even know it yet,” Kai snorted. “It’s awesome.”
“If you say so,” Grey hummed in response just as they reached the first stop.
“BIG BRO!” Kai screamed out happily the moment they were through the door.
Being Space Jesus didn’t get Junior as much mileage with humans as it had with his own species, but a few growls and snaps of his jowls had been more than enough to make sure the staff didn’t impede on his self-declared right to stay by his father’s side in the hospital room.
For his part, Junior’s father had been uncharacteristically quiet, even when the attractive nurse had earned a Bow Chicka Honk Honk from Junior, his father had missed out. And in that way, it was the first time since they saved his father that Junior was genuinely concerned that things were not okay.
Sitting in the uncomfortable plastic chair at his father’s bedside, chins laying against the bedsheets while he looked up woefully toward his father’s distant gaze, Junior began to think about all that they had seen before. He thought about the horrors of prison world, the visceral reaction which Washington had had at the notion that Junior’s father and the rest of his family were being made subject to some kind of sick modifications.
All of it seemed to add up to a darkness and hurt that Junior was not old or experienced enough to understand yet for himself. He was, after all, a fifth grader, and outside of knowing that his father was hurting, he felt completely useless to do anything really about it.
His dad was exhausted — all of the Reds and Blues were — on IVs and getting extra rations spread out through the day to regain muscle mass and lots of bedrest and sleep to make up for what their brains had missed while they were with Hargrove. But there was something sadder to Junior’s father’s silence. A stewing anger that reminded Junior of the burst of aggression he had shown right before killing Hargrove and saving both Junior and Miss Andrews.
Really, it made Junior’s dad the hero he always knew his dad to be.
But in another sense, it seemed to be causing the kind of frightening deep reflection on himself that Junior was unaccustomed to seeing.
And it only became more apparent when the door opened to President Kimball herself, a security detail by her side.
“Oh!!! Captain Tucker! Captain Tucker! I’m glad you’re awake!” the one Junior was beginning to recognize as Palomo called out gleefully. Which was something he did rather frequently when coming around them, Junior learned.
Finally, an expression other than brooding crossed his father’s face and he looked to Kimball almost pleadingly. “Palomo? Really?”
“You trained a good soldier,” Kimball responded before waving to the guards behind her. “Lieutenants, please stay outside and guard the door, I need to get counsel from my friend.”
With a bit of fluster, the guards did so, and Kimball approached Tucker’s bed.
“My, they really meant it when they said you wouldn’t leave your father’s side,” Kimball said, looking Junior’s way as he raised his head. “That sort of loyalty is a fine feature, young man. I hope you maintain it for all your years. It is a very, very valued trait.”
Junior clicked his mandibles together and sat back in his chair, but made it clear he was not leaving.
“Hey, don’t be rude,” his father said, sounding the closest to normal that he had since they arrived on Chorus. It was enough to warm Junior’s cold blooded heart. Then his father looked seriously toward Kimball. “How’s everyone doing?”
“Feeling more like themselves as far as I can tell,” Kimball assured him. “Fortunately none of you were in critical conditions save for the reporter. It’s strange. Your bodies seemed to be suffering from exposure rather than anything else. Agent Washington seems to believe that it comes from something else controlling a nervous system and interrupting the direct line of control from your consciousness to your own muscles. In fact, he seemed rather insistent on that being the cause.”
“Sounds like whatever was happening to the Meta,” Tucker Senior huffed. “Y’know, except none of us are gorilla body builders. So it sucked more.” He trailed off before glancing back to Kimball. “Where is Wash, anyway? Still visiting Caboose? He usually is bothering me again by now.”
“I believe he is actually getting lunch with Agent Carolina,” Kimball answered. “There… are many things we all need to be discussing. Serious matters.”
“Almost dying felt pretty serious at the time,” his father joked flatly.
Not happy with that brand of humor, Junior turned his head toward his father and clicked his jaws angrily at him, bearing his teeth in frustration. He would gladly travel the whole universe on their little ship again to find his father and family again, but he wasn’t so keen on reliving the moments where everyone was getting shot and stabbed. That seemed unnecessary.
“Calm down,” his father attempted to soothe. When Junior slumped down in the chair, his father gave his full attention to Kimball again. “So that reporter lady is going to be okay?”
“More than that, she’s going against resting orders and trying to write an entire exposé on all of you, on Chorus, and on Chairman Hargrove. In all honesty, her intensity is… concerning on some levels. I’ve rarely had someone so adamant on interrogating me from a hospital bed. Not since you and I first met, in any case.”
“Sounds like someone I’d like,” Tucker admitted.
Kimball let out a sigh and crossed her arms. “It’s the other additional patient and the complications he adds to all of this mess that has me truly concerned. Even if he is who he says he is and can provide us with the connections to the UNSC that he claims that he can,” she explained.
“The mercenary?” Tucker asked. “I don’t trust him. Or like him. Or hate him. Honestly I’m fuzzy on him, but Wash and Carolina said he knew Felix so… Piece of shit in my book.”
“But if he truly is an undercover agent for the UNSC and he can straighten things out for Chorus and for all of you, it would be to our advantage to keep him alive… for now,” Kimball admitted.
“And if he’s lying?” Tucker raised his eyebrow.
“Then you will be the most wanted man in space,” Kimball declared. “You did murder the most powerful man in the UNSC and the arms trade underworld with a weapon that only you can wield.”
“Blargh,” Junior chastised his father.
“Well, fucking great,” his father groaned, sinking back against his pillow. “Do we have good news?”
“You have a friend in Chorus no matter the outcome, I am willing to give all of you asylum here,” she assured him. “Of course, such a brave stance to make is much easier when you’re contacted by friends in high places.” She finally turned her gaze on Junior, much to his surprise. “Which is where you come in my young friend.”
Junior blinked and pointed at his chest. “Blargh?”
“If Santa properly translated the message we received through all of the newly opened tower portals on Chorus… then yes, little one. Chorus’ new alliance with Sangheilios is all in thanks to you and your people’s decision to stand by their religion and their chosen one. It is the first of hopefully many independent bodies who would be willing to put their support behind Chorus against the UNSC’s overreach.”
To that, Junior could only blink again, still pointing at his chest. “Blargh?”
“Yes, you,” his father laughed affectionately, reaching forward and rubbing Junior’s head with his hand. “Of course my kid’s special enough that entire planets would fight for him. That’s just the logical thing for planets to do!” His smile became a little wobbly for a moment. “Next to lewd comments, fighting for son’s the only thing I can do that’s strong enough to get me out of a trance.”
Junior’s eyes grew blurry with tears and he cooed lovingly despite his father’s depreciating comments. Then he lunged forward to hug his dad as tight as he could.
Kimball kept a respectable distance, but she laid a gentle hand on Tucker Senior’s shoulder, as if to prove her solidarity.
“All of you, the Reds and Blues, are easily the strongest men and women I know,” Kimball assured him softly.
Junior didn’t need to hear that from Kimball to know it, but he was glad she said it for his dad to hear all the same. There was a lot behind his brooding and silence that Junior was afraid had only just begun.
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galaxy-koi · 5 years
1-100 do it I dare you
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HERE WE GO. Long post ahead!
and I mean long post
1.    If your character wasn’t an adventurer, what livelihood would theylead?
It’shard to imagine Cynthia as anything but an adventurer, if I had to be honest. Ifthere wasn’t a Living Plague to deal with, she may have simply joined her dwarfuncle in arena fights. Alternatively, maybe she would have joined Jinri intravelling to places that needed healers, aiding the sick in poorer villages.
2.    Who in the party would your character trust the most with theirlife?
Shetrusts Sune with her life and soul, but of the Player Characters? Paddy is youranswer.
3.    What is your character’s core moral beliefs?
- TheLiving Plague is a bitch- Roland is also a bitch- Follow Sune, even if it means a horrible death.
- Lawscan be wrong, but Sune is never wrong.
- Protectyour crew to your dying breath. Never back out of a fight if it brings yourcrew into danger.From a previous ask: “Yes! She’s a paladin, so she does have to strictly follow amoral code. She takes it really seriously too because she loves her goddess.However, despite this, her alignment is more Neutral/Chaotic good because shewill take whatever means are necessary to accomplish her goal. She follows anoath, sure, but she won’t hesitate to break city laws and illegally purchase anairship.She will do everything she can to protect those she loves, and she shows loveto those she does not know.”
4.    What relationship does your character have with their parents andsiblings?
Herrelationship with her biological family is mixed at best, as she knows theyabandoned her, possibly leaving her to die. However, she had a beneficialfamilial relationship with Mordecai (before he died), and her relationship withJinri and Daergron has certainly been great.
5.    Does your character have any biases for or against certain races?
Shedoes her best to not display any traits of racism, as Sune teaches herfollowers to love everyone equally. (However, she does seem to have an aesthetictaste for gnolls.)
6.    What is your character’s opinion on nobility? On authority?
Cynthiadoesn’t mind nobles as long as they put their money towards a good cause.However, she is uneasy around authority, especially after what happened inEkrund. She does her best to coexist with authority, but she has done illegalthings to get what she wants.
7.    Describe your character’s current appearance: clothes, armor,scars they’ve picked up along the journey, etc.
((I realizedtoo late that this says “current appearance” whoops))
- Face-Amber, wavy hair falls to a bit above her shoulders, ending in a dramatic curl.Her bronze skin is covered in brown freckles around her cheeks and the bridgeof her nose. The facial structure is only slightly feminine in nature, with apronounced chin, normal cheeks, and rounded jawline. Her eyes are white withgolden irises and seemingly no pupils, which is the most distinctive Aasimartrait she has. There’s a healing burn scar [from S21] that’s faint and surroundsher eyes and upper nose. Additionally, purple rings are common under Cynthia’seyes, as she is a known insomniac. Her nose is somewhat large and is rounded.
- Body-Bronze skin with freckles around the shoulders. She is quite muscular innature, especially in the abs and arms. There are plenty of scars from her adventuresand from her past. Three claw marks are along her right shoulder [15 years agofrom a swamp beast], multiple separate scars along her sides due to the armorbeing weak there, and [AAF AU Only] grey scars along her left side frommultiple near-death incidents. It’s common for her to have a couple of bruiseshere and there from fighting recklessly. Her torso and thighs are large butonly slightly muscular for balance. On her right arm is her holy symbol, whichis a simplified, maroon depiction of Sune.- Clothes [Captain {Post-S18}]- A long, leather trench coat with elbow-lengthsleeves. The cuffs at the end of the sleeves have a golden trim. A golden sashis wrapped around the waist with the Featherstone crest sewn into it in blackthread. She wears a black cami and leggings underneath the trench coat, and shehas leather boots that go up to her knees.
-Clothes [Formal]- A cream dress of a thin, rough material. The dress falls downto her feet in length, and she has white flats and stockings to match. A goldensash is wrapped around the waist, and there is also a golden line below her chestthat wraps around the body. Two golden bands of fabric drape and reconnect onthe line, each with three feathers that hang from it with metal loops. Thesleeves are short and somewhat puffed. Finally, there’s a section that lookslike the shoulders of Belle’s dress from Beautyand the Beast, golden in color. I don’t know what it’s called.
-Armor- Her armor is full plate, and it is rather simple. I wish I knew how todescribe armor; it’s been something I’ve been meaning to do! On the breastplate,there is a very small line where the pieces of the breastplate were weldedtogether, and it almost divides it into fourths. Her left arm is fully platedand has a metal gauntlet, but the right arm is only plated to her elbow. Thebelt has a quartz piece in the middle of the front side that has theFeatherstone crest carved into it and painted black. Three plates cover the tophalf of her thighs on the sides. The boots are also metal, but areappropriately sectioned to allow for mobility.
- AdventuringGear- A small backpack filled with maps, miscellaneous items from the Explorer’sPack, 3 poison vials, and a leather doll that Roth’s fiend likes to possess.She has a bronze/copper kite shield, and a unique longsword [no bonuses to hit,but does 1d12+1/1d14+1 damage, which means she has a +5 to hit and 1d12+5/1d14+3damage]. The sheath for the longsword allows it to be drawn from the back withsome ease.
8.    What location encountered in the campaign has your character feltthe most “at home” in, or just generally liked the most?
She’srarely felt at home, mainly because she misses Kelemvor’s Snout so much.Hundelstone was fine until it got destroyed, Ekrund was incredibly sketchy toher, Vunedar was fun until Paddy nearly died twice, and then there’s themountains. She doesn’t know how to explain it, but that isolation and wildernessthat most of the mountain travel had felt peaceful to her, and was probably theclosest to feeling like home. The ice castle, if it weren’t for the eighty children,probably would have reminded her of Mordecai’s mansion a bit.
9.    What deity, if any, does your character worship? What’s theiropinion on other people’s worship?
Sheworships Sune, goddess of love. She doesn’t mind other people’s faiths, especiallywith the crew having such a wild diversity in the pantheon.
10.  If your character had time to pick up any artisan’s tools, gameset, instrument, etc., what would it be?
She wouldhave plenty of time if she wasn’t unconscious so much, but she would probablygive one of the game sets a shot.
11.  Describe your character’s current relationship with the playercharacter sitting to your right.
Well,the person to my right currently is my DM, but I assume this infers that I’msitting with the group. I usually have ArkVeil [Wall’s player] on my right, sohere’s Cynthia’s opinion of Wall.She feels bad for manipulating him to believe in lies, but she knows Wall wouldtry to apprehend every single one of them if she told him that they werepirates. She knows she can trust Wall, as his intelligence and wisdom farexceeds hers. However, it appears Wall is a bit more critical of the captainthan she is to him, and he has every reason to be critical of her decisions. Cynthiais naturally self-sacrificial, which has led into some very questionabledecisions made by the captain in an attempt to protect her crew, one of which(at least in canon, the AU has many more) inspired Wall (and Roth) to actagainst the captain and knock her unconscious before she could enforce herdecision. Of course, Cynthia does not remember this, so she has not questionedWall for it… yet.
12.  What is your character’s current goal, summed up in one sentence?
Shewishes to rid the Living Plague from Iotath, whatever it takes.
13.  Does your character ever want to “settle down” with a spouse,children, house, etc.?
Despitebeing the oldest member of the party (?? Unless Wall is older), Cynthia has notreally had a serious time to wonder about things like that. She never got thechance to settle down except when she was dealing with serious grief, and shenever liked the idea of staying put anywhere. Her mind has been constantly seton the ridding the Living Plague, and she doesn’t want to do anything else untilit’s over.
14.  Has your character ever been in love?
Yes;she has had some previous crushes and small relationships. This is includingbut not excluded to: Parisa Lajani (S0-S7), Bruno (S5-S7), Korst (S13-current?),Sylsys (S14). However, her main relationship is currently with Paddy McLoughlin,a human artificer who is also her quartermaster/first mate/lieutenant/co-captain.She’s had a crush on him since a little before the fall of Hundelstone, but thetwo did not go into a relationship until S15. She’s polyamorous and panromantic.
15.  What battle in the campaign has been most memorable to yourcharacter?
TheFall of Hundelstone (S6-S7) is probably the most memorable in the campaign toher. (I, however, think S15 had the most memorable fight because oH BOI)
16.  If your character wasn’t whatever class they are, what would theybe instead?
Iwould say Cleric, but considering her WIS score is 10, probably Fighter or Barbarian.
17.  What is your character’s favorite season?
I’msure I’ve answered this once before and I’m now changing that answer to fall.
18.  What would your character’s Zodiac sign be, followingstereotypical astrology?
19.  Where in the world does your character most want to visit?
20.  What is the biggest mistake your character has ever made?
Inthe campaign, that award goes to everything she did in S20. She did nothing rightin that session. In the AAF AU, the answer changes to S24A.
21.  Does your character have any noticeable scars? If so, what aretheir stories?
Answeredin #8.
22.  What animal best represents your character?
Cynthia’sfursona is a cat. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules
23.  If your character could go back in time and change one thing abouttheir life, what would it be?
Shewould have found a way for Mordecai to be saved instead of her during the fallof Kelemvor’s Snout.
24.  Which other player character does your character find themselveshaving the most in common with?
RothPhilious, for sure.
25.  Does your character regret any particular choice the party hasmade?
Doyou mean: that she’s made? Yes. She’s the captain, after all, so the finaldecision often lands on her. She kind of regrets heading into the mountains forthis long, especially since the Plague has spread quickly since the fall ofHundelstone. However, she got a sword out of it, and she’s now had time to mostlyrecover from the Plague’s infection. She wishes Paddy had not approached thegnome man in S20, mainly because he nearly instantly died from the poisonblade. She occasionally regrets picking up Wall as well, as she’s actually hadto be clever with her lies around him. She does not regret picking up Poth atall, though.
26.  What would your character say their best trait would be?
Shevalues her ambition and determination.
27.  What is your character’s greatest fear? Deep, irrational?
Shefears losing the crew, and she also fears the Living Plague.
28.  What is currently motivating your character to stay with theparty?
Hercrew are all valuable members to have, and she knows she needs others if shewants to rid the Plague.
29.  What are your character’s hobbies and interests outside of theirclass?
Sheenjoys writing in her journal and is quite skilled in calligraphy. Additionally,she knows how to play the flute, but this rarelycomes up in the campaign.
30.  What would most people think when they first see your character?
A lotof the NPCs have commented initially on Cynthia’s natural charm and charisma,some even disliking her for it. Some have noticed her age and compared it tohaving good experience in adventuring (which is false). These have givenCynthia an upper hand with being on good terms with some of the NPCs (exception:Jeeves).
31.  What stereotypical group role does your character play in theparty? (The Mom, the Mess, the Comic Relief, etc. Optionally: What role wouldyour character play in the “Five Man Band” structure?)
Sheis simultaneously “The Mom” and “The Mess” of the party.
32.  What is your character the most insecure about?
Shecan be insecure about if Sune actually likes her or not, as she does almosteverything to try to sway Sune to like her. Sune is her last connection toMordecai that she will have, and she definitely does not want to lose it.
33.  What person does your character admire most?
Sheadmires Mordecai Featherstone the most, as she was his squire.
34.  What does your character admire and dislike the most about theplayer character sitting to your left?
RiahkHaladin(Paddy’s player) usually sits to my left, so this will be about PaddyMcLoughlin.She admires his charming looks and aesthetic the most, but in close second ishis innovation in many scenarios. Paddy has come up with a lot of strangesolutions that Cynthia barely understood how he came up with, but they mostlyended up working. Those two things are why Cynthia picked him to be hersecond-in-command.
35.  Why is your character’s lowest stat their lowest (the in-characterreason, not “because there’s no reason for a wizard to have 16 strength, duh”)?
Due toher optimization, she has three dump stats, with INT and DEX both tied forlowest score as an 8 (-1). In-character, however, there is some explanation.Mordecai trained her to be similar to him in mind and body. Mordecai never trainedher to be quick or agile, just strong and able to land a powerful hit.Additionally, Mordecai didn’t really educate her on book smarts since his partyusually took care of that and because Cynthia rarely paid attention to him whilehe tried.
36.  What would be your character’s theme song/favorite band/favoritegenre of music?
Thishas separate answers… It’s been currently established that her theme song is “Rubik’sCube” by Athlete. Her favorite artistwould probably be Hozier, and herfavorite genre would probably be indie or gospel.
37.  What stereotypical role would your character play in a high schoolAU/if they attended a normal high school? (Nerd, jock, bully, goth, etc.)
38.  What treasure/item/artifact that your character has collectedduring the adventure is the most important to them?
It’sa tie between her diary and her new longsword!
39.  Is there any particular weapon, item, etc. that your characterlongs to find?
Shekind of wants to know if Mordecai had a diary, and if so, if she can find it.However, she also jokes to herself that it may just look like chicken scratch, asshe gained her calligraphy skills from Jinri.
40.  Where does your character feel the most at home?
Kelemvor’s Snout
41.  Does your character care about how they’re perceived by others?How do they change themselves to fit in with other people?
Yes!She did attempt to act more formal around Paddy’s family, and as I statedbefore, she does everything for Sune. She manipulates people to like her onrare occasion as well, but she hates resorting to that.
42.  What does your character think is the true meaning of life?
(offucking course this is question 42)She believes it as finding some goal and then accomplishing that goal, nomatter how big or small that is.
43.  What is your character’s scent? (Bonus points for a descriptionthat sounds like it could be from a bad [or awesome] fanfic.)
I’mgonna be honest, I don’t like this question, but I’ll do my best to answer itfor you. She does have basic hygiene. Sometimes, the “smell of metal” (funfact! Metal doesn’t have a smell, and the smell is from a reaction from theoils on our skin and the metal!) stays on her after a long adventure, or shecarries the smell of blood from being seriously injured so many times. However,in non-canon examples like “An Angel’s Fall” where she’s in a formal situation,she carries the smell of roses with her.
44.  Does your character think more with their heart or their brain?
Youthink Cynthia, with 8 INT/10 WIS/18 CHA, would think with her brain? No. Shethinks with her heart.
45.  What is your character’s most recent or frequent nightmare?
Shefrequently has nightmares of the more traumatic sections of Cynthia’s past, buther most recent nightmare would have been the night before S24 ended, which wasmost likely about losing her crew to the potential upcoming fight with a lich.
46.  What opinion does your character have on [CERTAIN ESTABLISHEDGROUPS/AUTHORITIES IN THE GAME WORLD]? (Dragonmarked Houses, royal crown, etc.)
Shedoesn’t like any of them, mainly because she believes none of them are doinganything about the Living Plague. However, the Council of Vunedar is prettylikable because they’re actually trying to do something. She hates the cultiststhey met in Ekrund, as they managed to corrupt the city government.
47.  How did your character spend their childhood? Where did they growup/who were their childhood friends?
Shehad a few childhood friends in her early childhood; a couple of older Aasimarboys were her friends that led her into occasional mischief. As a squire, she metquite a few people of her age, but only for a few days or weeks.
48.  What aspect of your character’s future are they most curiousabout? (If they could know one thing about the future, what would it be?)
Doesshe get to go back home?
49.  What colors are associated with your character?
I’vedone my best to associate each party member with a color. Cynthia’s colors areorange and gold.
50.  Who in the party would your character prioritize rescuing, in direcircumstances?
I’mso sorry Party 4, but she wouldn’t hesitate to save Paddy.
51.  Is your character the most swayed by ethos, pathos, or logos?
52.  If your character was granted a single use of Wish, what wouldthey use it for?
OH IWAS GOING TO WRITE SOMETHING RELATED TO THIS QUESTION! She would attempt tobring back Mordecai. Why not rid the Living Plague? Because there’s no good wayto wish it away.
53.  What is your character’s favorite spell? If they don’t use spells:what is their favorite personal weapon/combat maneuver/skill/etc.?
Whileit’s not a spell, she tends to use Divine Smite and Lay On Hands a lot. Herfavorite, however, is Find Steed because of Nur! :D
54.  How does your character feel about keeping secrets from the restof the party?
55.  What type of creature in the world is your character the mostintrigued by?
She’svery intrigued by dragons; Mordecai told her a tale of him conquering a dragon,and ever since that, she’s wanted to find one herself.
56.  When they were a child, what did your character want to be, orthink they were going to be, when they grew up?
She wantedto be a paladin, so everything worked out for her in that regard!
57.  The player character to your left admits that they’re passionatelyin love with your character. How would your character respond?
Thishappened, and that’s called the Pathia ship. It’s great, and I definitely recommendit.
58.  If somebody (an NPC, someone from their backstory, etc.) yourcharacter trusts/loves asked your character to do something against the party’sbest interest, who would they side with?
If it’sSune, then she would turn against the party. Otherwise she’s ride or die withthe party.
59.  Does your character value their own best interest more than theparty’s?
Yesand no? The only thing that stands above her party’s interests is taking downthe Living Plague.
60.  What decision would the party have to make in order for yourcharacter to consider splitting off from the group?
Anypossible decision that could fill this answer’s criteria would be wildly out ofcharacter, so we’re safe for now! :D
61.  How does your character imagine the way they will die?
Sheoften thinks about how she may die to the abominations of the Living Plague,and she feels it will be in combat. She doubts there will be a natural deathfor her, especially with her being immune to natural diseases.
62.  What is your character’s greatest achievement?
Therewas a similar question in an earlier ask meme, so I’ll shorten it: taking herOath and being cured of the Living Plague are tied.
63.  Is your character willing to risk the well-being of others inorder to achieve their goal?
She’swilling to risk the well-being of herself to achieve her goal, but she’shesitant when it comes to others.
64.  What is your character’s opinion on killing others?
As longas there’s a good reason to kill them, it’s fine.
65.  What is your character’s favorite food? Beverage?
She’skind of like me in this sense where she just likes food.
66.  How generous is your character? Especially to those they don’tknow?
She’ssort of generous.
67.  What is your character the most envious about, regarding anyone inthe party?
She’senvious of Poth for still having childhood innocence.
68.  The player character to your left and the player character to yourright are both telling your character two different versions of the truth. Whodoes your character believe?
She’dtrust Wall over Paddy, mainly because she doubts Wall is capable of lying.
69.  What is your character’s sexuality/relationship with sex?
70.  What is your character’s biggest pet peeve?
71.  Describe how your character feels about the party’s currentsituation/objective/etc.
She’sexcited to try to explore the dungeon, but she’s worried that she’s about tomake a mistake entrusting her only hope of living to Uther.
72.  Who in the party would your character trust the most to keep animportant secret?
73.  If your character knew that they were going to die in a month, howwould they spend the rest of their life?
She’dabsolutely make sure Iotath was taking action against the Plague before shedies. When she’s getting close, she’ll go hunt for Roland and try to kill him.
74.  What makes your character feel safe?
Whenshe’s being held by someone she can trust
75.  If your character had the chance to rename the party/give theparty a name, no questions asked, what would it be?
Shesimply calls herself and the others the members of the Grey Rat, and she’s honestly contempt with that name.
76.  What memory does your character want to forget the most?
Shewishes she could forget every single moment leading up to the fall of Kelemvor’sSnout.
77.  If your character had to multiclass into a class they currentlyaren’t the next time they level up, what would it be and what reason would theyhave for doing so?
If shehad to multiclass, she would probably go for Fighter since it’s the closest toPaladin that doesn’t involve her horrible stats.
78.  What television/book/video game/etc. character would yourcharacter be best friends with? (Or: what media character is your character themost influenced by/similar to?
a) I’d want her to be friends with Magnus Burnsides from The Adventure Zone!
b) She was originally influenced by Moxxi from Borderlands 2, and I would eventuallyhave other characters influence Cynthia as well, including other OCs.
79.  What unusual talents does your character possess?
The abilityto have impressive saving throws and yet somehow still fuck up horribly
80.  How does your character feel about receiving/giving orders? Arethey more of a leader, or a follower?
She’sdefinitely a leader in nature, but she prefers to hear opinions from the crewbefore she makes a final decision.
81.  What does your character’s name represent to them? (Or: why as aplayer did you choose your character’s name?)
Cynthia’sfirst name doesn’t speak much, but her inherited last name, Featherstone, meanseverything. It’s a reminder that she has a legacy of adventurers to follow withher heart, and it’s a name that she keeps close to her. It’s incredibly unlikelythat she’ll change it, even if she ends up marrying someone.
82.  Is your character more of an introvert, or an extrovert?
83.  How far is your character willing to go to pursue the “greatergood”? Do they believe in a greater good at all?
No matter what.
84.  What does your character want to be remembered by?
Shewants to be the one remembered for ridding the Living Plague.
85.  What would be your character’s major in college?
Ahfuck I know I had a domestic AU somewhere but I don’t remember my answer umuI might have said a Humanities major or some Religion major but idk :(
86.  Does your character consider themselves a hero, villain, orsomething else?
She’sthe only hero the world has.
87.  What major arcana tarot card best represents your character?
88.  Where does your character see themselves in 20 years?
Hopefullydone with the Plague shit and adventuring around
89.  What is your character’s relationship with magic? Are they scaredof it, wish to know more about it, indifferent to it?
Hermagic is divine, and so her relationship with it is pretty spiritual.
90.  Who is your character’s biggest rival?
Roland,but she mainly just wants to kill him.
91.  What is your character’s guiltiest pleasure?
She may enjoy getting hurt a lot
92.  What does your character hope for the afterlife?
Shewants to be reunited with Mordecai in the afterlife.
93.  Who in the party does your character trust the least?
Noone should ever trust Poth
94.  What is your character’s biggest flaw?
Hertwo big flaws is her dumbass energy and being way too self-sacrificial.
95.  How did your character learn the languages that they speak?
Hernative language was Celestial from her biological family, and Mordecai slowlytaught her Common.
96.  What is your character’s favorite school of magic/type ofweaponry?
Evocation/Enchantmentand longswords!
97.  What is most important to your character: health, wealth, orhappiness?
98.  What advice would your character give to a younger version ofthemselves?
“Goodluck because everything’s going to go to shit and you’re going to get blamedfor it”
99.  Are there any social or political issues your character feelsstrongly about?
Yeahand it’s called why the fuck is no one doing shit about the Living Plague?
100.   What, currently, is your character the mostcurious about?
She’scurrently curious about the mystery surrounding the Braveheart’s. Why are theretwo of them? Who is responsible for it? Why did she meet both of them? Arethere more?
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
do you think cas' deal with the empty was a red herring in some way?
Hmm… well… not in the way I think you’re thinking of it? That’s a terrible explanation. Let me explain…
I think a lot of things were being set up in early s14, with the knowledge that there was a potential for J2M to decide that s15 would be the end. We’ve been reminded numerous times today that the decision to end the series has really been an ongoing process for the last several YEARS. But that it was decided for sure to end with s15 at some point mid-season 14. You can literally see the brakes screech on several big narrative trains that just… *poof* went up in flames (literally!) as the season progressed past the winter hellatus. The change seems SUPER obvious in retrospect from 14.14, and the destruction of Michael, and the resulting dominoes that fell regarding Jack. But pieces of the eventual endgame have been there all along. (I’d venture to guess they already knew, had already made the decision, when they were filming 14.13… I wouldn’t stake cash money on it, but I will quietly wager with myself on that one.)
But… I will also say that until they DID have official word, and a final decision to end it at 15, they were introducing plot points that would’ve driven the story forward toward a possible s16, you know? Things that could go either way, narratively. Like Cas’s deal with the empty. Like Dean’s supposed “only way to save the world” being to toss himself in the Drama Coffin. Sam’s struggle to become a leader of the hunters. But honestly 14.20 is a game changer, in every way.
I mean, when you have Billie (Death, who has a history of bending rules for Winchesters and is honestly the one character in the last few years I feel is really cosmically interested in balancing the universe and restoring order, despite the mountains of disruptions we can now lay firmly at Chuck’s feet), the Shadow (who had been a pure antagonist to this point as far as we knew), and Jack (who has untold cosmic power, possibly even greater than Chuck does in some ways, like his power to reach into the empty in the first place… thanks 13.03!), ready to have a chat about things in the one place Chuck can’t overhear… you HAVE to kind of reassess everything we’ve ever knew before, you know?
Including Cas’s “deal” with the Empty… because honestly, DO WE REALLY STILL THINK THAT WHAT WE SAW IN 14.08 WAS ACTUALLY WHAT WAS HAPPENING THERE? I mean, Cas insisted that the empty really wanted him, but now after everything else that unfolded from Jack destroying his own soul and using that power to kill Michael (theoretically tossing all of Billie’s books about destiny out the window with it), and literally becoming such a cosmic disruption that Chuck was compelled out of wherever he’s been sitting back probably watching Sam, Dean, and Cas playing out his personalized story… do we really think the empty wasn’t actually interested in claiming Jack for THIS purpose? But instead saw some advantage in letting things play out differently for a bit?
Like, what do we actually know about the Empty?
I mean, it might still be an issue down the line, but even if it was, I still think there would have to be some sort of shift in what that deal actually means now in the face of whatever role the Empty will have in the events of 15.01… So I’m not willing to totally write it off as something that could become important, but I’m writing it off as a threat for a long-term arc for Cas, because with only 20 episodes left now, and the Empty having been revealed to be a Larger Player in these events than we’ve ever understood before, I think things have shifted. And that’s due in part (at least) to the fact that they began writing the narrative shift into endgame.
So it wasn’t technically a red herring in a HAHA! We’ll taunt them with this for a while!, but that the fundamental import or nature of that deal must be different in a post-14.20 world…
But that’s just my speculation…
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Supernatural 14.20 (Season Finale)
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After watching this episode, and if I’m being honest for the last couple of episodes, I can fully understand why j2 decided to end this show and while it’s still painful and I’m still not ready to let Sam and Dean go, sometimes letting go of the things we love is for the best and I think this is one of those cases. The love and thought and quality is not there anymore from the EPs/writers, so I’m thankful j2 decided to end Supernatural. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy decision because I have no doubt in my my mind that they love this show but it was the right thing to do. It’s time to say goodbye to this show, I’m just sorry we have to say goodbye to it with Dabb at the helm. 
I don’t know where to begin and I have a lot to say so this isn’t going to be very linear, in fact, it’s going to be the opposite and I apologize in advance for that but hopefully, I will be able to express what I feel and my points in a way that is understandable. 
I’m going to start this opinion post off talking about Chuck being turned into a villain and what I feel is a very unpopular opinion cause I didn’t like that, I know for a lot of y’all Chuck has always been the villain of this story that’s fine and dandy, I’ve never subscribed to that, and I can understand why some would be excited or find it interesting that God is the last big bad, go big or go home and all that, but I take issue with it cause to me this character has never been a villain and making him one is changing who he is, now I’ve never hidden that I like this character just as I’ve never hidden the fact that my views of this character are slightly influenced by my own personal beliefs nonetheless I am going to try my best to explain why I’d never seen him as a villain without getting into those beliefs. 
There are two ways I see this character: as a character and as a representation of Kripke/the showrunner. In neither of these views have I ever seen Chuck as anything other than flawed but loving his creation. 
Looking at him as a character only, I completely understand the argument some might make that Chuck has played Sam and Dean like puppets, but I’ve never seen it that way, to me he’s never been this master puppeteer who has controlled every aspect of Sam and Dean. I’ve always viewed him as a flawed but complex character that regardless of whether or not he put things in the boys path or how many those things were, which is not an argument I’m going to get into in this post, he’s rooted for them, he wants them to make the right choices and win - cause he’s always given them free will, even in this episode when they don’t play along and do what he wants he still didn’t take away their free will even though he easily could have, and in Swan Song the whole point of it the beautiful aspect about it is that the boys chose each other, that Sam and Dean’s life was theirs, that they playing or not playing along with heaven and hell’s plan was up to them and they chose not to play along-, and in a way he loves them like to put it in the most basic of terms before this episode where he’s turned into a villain I would have said Sam and Dean were his favorite creation. 
So, I’m not just not ok with the implication that this whole time Chuck has been controlling everything, that everything that has happened has been because Chuck wanted it that way, or that Sam and Dean never actually had free will, I’m just not ok with any of those things. I don’t like it.
If I look at him as the representation of Kripke and stop looking at him as a character, I can understand even more why he is the way he is and be more...forgiving I guess; he was an accurate representation cause Kripke did write Sam and Dean to be in those situations but at the same time he loved his creation. 
I feel like I made no sense so to put in hopefully more understandable terms: 
As a character: I have put you in or let you to some of these situations but I have given you the free will to choose how you handle them and I’m rooting for you to make the right ones and win.
As the representation of a writer talking to their creation: I have put you in these situations but I did it because I love you and I needed you to grow and take a life of your own. 
Not sure that’s any more understandable, my thoughts on this character are very difficult to explain but the gist of it is, I’ve never seen Chuck as the bad guy. 
[And, as to the argument of why hasn’t he stepped up more to help the boys, if he did there’d be no show. He’s an all knowing all powerful character if he appeared to help every time the boys had a problem there would be no show cause he could solve the problem with a snap of his fingers so I can understand and forgive the writers for not...using him?]
Anyways, to me, his personality in this episode doesn’t make any sense and Dabb changed him to make him into a villain [Note: I do not believe for even one second that he was always intended to be a villain, Chuck was introduced by Kripke back in s4, Kripke had no plans for this show to go past s5 and nobody expected it to reach s14 so saying him being a villain was always the plan makes no goddamm sense to me so save your breath]. I will say however it’s fitting that Dabb would turn Chuck, a representation of the show creator/showrunner, from flawed but loving, into a villain who throws a temper tantrum and undoes all of Sam and Dean’s hard work, I didn’t know Dabb was so self-aware!  
I don’t know, maybe if this character had never been introduced, or if he had been written differently or if I didn’t see him as a representation of the show creator/showrunner, maybe then I could get behind the idea of him being a villain but as it is I got issues with it. 
From a story POV I’m also not the biggest fan of God being the last big bad, I actually don’t find it that creative. I think it would have been a lot more interesting and creative if they had actually killed him and they either had to deal with the repercussions of that or even more fun if Sam had been the one to kill him and turned into God. Which I actually thought was going to happen for like 3mins after Sam shot Chuck (I watched this epi live and there was a commercial break in between I can be given some leeway for this), well to be honest, I thought he was either going to become God or King of Hell or return of his powers, either way, any one of those three would have been 100% more fun than what we actually got, but I guess I should have known better than to expect Dabb to ever give Sam a storyline, it was probably torture for him to write Sam doing something as badass as shooting God in the first place. 
Now, to be fair, we might still get Sam with powers or King of Hell!Sam, the shows not over yet but I’m not going to hold my breath for it. And maybe something cool will be done and I’ll warm up to the idea of Chuck being the villain but as of right now that’s not the case and I don’t see my view changing anytime soon. 
That being said, it was great to see Rob Benedict again! He’s looking good! 
Moving on from all that, this episode could have been so much more. It should have been so much more, this is the last season finale ffs! But this didn’t even feel like a season finale, the only time it did was at the very end during the last, I’d say, 5mins. the rest felt more fitting for a pre-season finale; take the last couple of minutes away and this would have been more fitting as 14.19. Or even as a standalone episode it would have been better, cause there’s a concept used at the beginning of this episode, that imo would have been good for a standalone, and it’s that Jack made it so people can’t lie, I think that could’ve made for a fun standalone and it’s a pity that instead it was thrown in here cause it didn’t contribute to the plot if anything it actually played a large part in making this feel like less of a season finale. 
I’m not gonna lie to you guys the ending with all the monsters and the zombies appearing did make my jaw-drop and for a minute I felt something akin to excitement for s15, but as the scene continued that excitement started dying down and something about it started bugging me. It wasn’t until the episode finished and I started thinking about it and what that ending could possibly mean that I realized why that was and it’s because that little spark of excitement I felt when the woman in white appeared was because of nostalgia. 
It’s because I saw her and the creepy af clown and bloody Mary and I didn’t imagine current Sam and Dean fighting them, my mind saw them and immediately went to s1 and s2, that little spark was because I was reminded of the show I love so much, the show that is now coming to an official end and never coming back, and again I won’t lie, for that minute my mind considered the possibility that s15 would be a throwback an homage to the beginning but as the scene continued on I realized that while s15 does have that potential to be something beautiful that pays tribute to the early seasons there’s a way bigger opportunity for it to be a destruction of the legacy j2 have built. And now that the opportunity is there, there’s a big chance that s15 will be a revolving door of secondary characters instead of being about Sam and Dean. 
I’m worried that instead of Dabb doing something beautiful that pays tribute to the early seasons it’s just going to be a lazy retelling full of retconning. And it frustrates me that he undid everything Sam and Dean have done, that instead of original new stories we’re bound to get a retelling of the ones that we know and love and are already perfect. 
Also, I fucking hate that feathers is gonna be around for the last season especially if the last season is meant to be an homage to s1-s2 cause that useless prick wasn’t introduced till s4...maybe they can start with s4, work their way backward and kill him off. 
I won’t deny that there were good moments cause there were! When Dean was about to shoot Jack that was legitimately tense, Sam shooting Chuck was badass, I loved Sam standing up to Dean and telling him that he couldn’t lose him and Jack, I liked the conversation between Sam and Chuck in the Bunker, I loved Dean making weapons for him and Sam at the end, so there were legitimate good moments scattered throughout but for me in the overall scheme of things those moments, as much as I enjoyed/loved them, are not enough for me to consider this a good episode and sure as hell, not enough for me to consider this a good season finale. Especially considering this is the last season finale and even more, if I compare it some past season finales like my beloved AHBL. 
If you liked this episode, that’s wonderful I’m happy for you, but...I don’t like the way it left me feeling. It left me feeling hollow, and frustrated, and angry and conflicted and worried about s15. 
I wish j2 the best of luck in making s15 a good one, they have an uphill battle ahead of them. 
As for me, I’m happy this season is finally fucking over and I’m looking forward to the break before the last season begins. 
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