#so just trying out a bunch of different format haha
alexxuun · 8 months
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TerraMyriad is basically a world I’ve been creating throughout the courses of this year. This is my boy, Triffid :)
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impactedfates · 4 months
hello! jing yuan meeting his kid he had from a previous relationship?
so jing yuan had a previous lover, he didnt visit her until he learned that she was in a bad situation/ struggling with poverty
so he goes to visit and sees a kid that looked like him that he never knew of, they were neglected by their mother while he was gone all these years
reader is the kid, thankss
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★ A/N: I decided to mash these 2 into one as I feel like the reader would've gotten trust issues if their mother neglected them, not to mention what if the mother lied to their kid painting JY (their father) as a bad guy :0 Anyways, I hope the anons don't mind I merged the requests into one
☆ Genre/Trope: Platonic + Familial + Hurt/Comfort?
★ Format: Bullet Pointed Scenarios
☆ Warnings: Readers mother is neglectful/a toxic mother (+ alcoholic)
★ Extra: Reader is young (11-12) // Jing Yuan trying his best to heal whatever his ex partner did // Also 2 posts in one day haha, had a bunch of free time during the storm
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I feel like for Jing Yuan to not visit his past lover nor have her contacts, she'd have to already be a bad partner. What I mean is, Jing Yuan seems like the type to even after a break up, not want it to affect his relationship with the other person UNLESS said other person was toxic. If that makes sense???
But anyways, I don't know if that mattered. Let's assume that a friend of said ex partner went to Jing Yuan for help. Explaining her situation in hopes Jing Yuan would be willing to help.
He is, much to the delight of the friend. However he underestimated just how bad the situation is, as when he went to check. The house is in shambles.
Dirty dishes building up in the sink, trash on the ground it's hard to move around in, there's a kid and aeons it smells like such dog sh-
Wait a kid!?
Jing Yuan stares at you, you stare at him. It's just...silence. Despite everything and how long it may be. He knows that you're his kid. And after getting over the initial shock. He gently calls you over, but you refuse. Shaking your head and even creating a bigger distance.
He lets out a small sigh, unsure on what to do but just decides to look for your mother again. Telling you to please stay put, and once he does find the mother. Passed out on the couch with alcohol bottles around, he gets an even better view on what you seem to have went through.
Things have been dealt with, the mother is gone and in jail for child negligence which leaves you with your biological father who is more than happy to look after you.
At the same time though, your mother had both neglected your needs. Giving just the bare minimum to keep you alive and had fed you lies. The man in front of you may be your father but you can't help but believe the harsh words your mother told you.
But to your surprise, he's nothing like how she described. He's...gentle...patient...and never raises his voice at you. Even when you make a mistake and start tearing up ready to apologise, he's already brushing it off. Saying it's fine, not to worry.
Jing Yuan isn't bothered by your behaviour at all. He understands and knows. He takes a few days off work, to just ensure you're all better. You get new clothes, a big meal prepared for you and a new room. It's such a...new feeling.
Jing Yuan doesn't force you to do anything, doesn't force you to hug him or be near him. All he asks is that you stay safe in the house. He doesn't outright ask for you to trust him just because he's your father, he gains your trust. No matter how long it'll take for you to be comfortable around him.
Even when he needs to go back to work, he asks you if you're more comfortable to come with him to work and he can set up a place where you can relax and do whatever you wish. Or if you'd rather be at home. If you choose to just stay at home, he'll order some guards to ensure your safety and if Yanqing has gained your trust in this time. He'll ask the young boy to be your babysitter even if your age difference isn't that large.
Overall, Jing Yuan is definitely surprised to find out he has a child but that surprise turns into unhappiness when he finds out how you've been treated. He ensures your mother gets put in jail for her negligence then takes you in. He doesn't force you at all to trust him, he slowly earns it and whether or not you do end up trusting him eventually. He doesn't mind either outcome.
Because in the end, he doesn't care if you actually trust him or not. What he cares about is if you're healthy and happy. That's his main priority at this moment and time.
If/When you are finally ready, he's there with open arms. Happy to have you see him as a father figure and happy he can heal whatever damage his ex partner ever did to you.
He's happy because you're happy.
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I started basing this slightly off a book I read for school as I thought it fitted haha. I'm unsure what to think of this but hopefully it's okay...
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📥👖🧠✨️ for the fic asks!
Thank you Liz! More centered on my ffxiv stuff since this is the blog for that haha. Anyway! Let's get right to it starting with the last question!
FanFic ASk Game
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
Emotional, tongue-in-cheek, free-spirited or at least so I hope!
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
Is it cheating to say any of them? Because I love seeing what people have to say on what I write and put out there! Among my ffxiv stuff I always love seeing comments on things that involve Stasia and Carly (which is mostly wips i know) as they are the ones that stray from the general story and aren't always likable so I like being able to see how they come across and make sure that its the way I intend to and think I'm doing when writing. A more specific piece it would have to be this piece with Anthea and the final days. I feel its one of my best works posted in completion and I like seeing how an event like that comes across to others especially given that much of that time period is up to interpretation of an individual.
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
No planning we die like men! jk jk I am more of a plantser in that I go into a wip with a general idea in my head on what I want the main focus of a piece to be, the intention of it, and any specific lines or actions that inspired it. After that I just write it out and see what happens! A lot of times I get to where I was planning and in ways I didn't expect, other times I end up somewhere different but it felt so natural writing it that I had to leave it. There are the rare occasions I don't do any planning and just get the urge to write and so I do just that and will come back to it if I get stuck, this happened recently with a piece where I had very little in mind other than knowing Phobos is reading various letters Deimos got, but who they were from and what they said and going back home were all things that I came up with on the spot.
One thing I really let free and hardly put any thought into ahead of time is the formatting of my writing though. I like to at times be a bit of a visual writer in that I will use breaks, bolds, italics, lack of spaces, etc. to convey something that I probably would take too long to write out in any other fashion. Besides how else can I best describe racing thoughts and anxiety than putting a bunch of words together without any space between them haha.
Also will mention that much of my stuff looks like panster writing because I was writing it as I was actively playing the story so I had no idea how it was all going to end and what I wanted to do with my kids as Sib and Demos started in two different universes.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
This would depend more on what you would call a wip. I tend to count anything that's at least a few paragraphs or dialogue long, which there's quite a bit of that. If we're talking just straight ideas then there's plenty of moments that I would love to write but I don't have a way to write them quite yet. Things like the last conversation Carly and Zenos have, the conversation Demos has with his mentor after the Vault, lighter moments like Sib trying to tackle Emet in ShB or the montages of the gang waking up at first light to get moving with a frantic Sib trying to catch up anime style getting ready. Hell the time that Deimos believed he could randomly tame a unicorn resulting in him, Emet, and Hyth being chased by a herd of them. Or the start of Etheirys' Worst Girls Trip with Sib and Stasia landing on their guide. I just have a lot of little things or big moments that I'd love to write because I can see them in my brain and how they play out but it can be so hard to translate that. I feel this is also why gposing has become a way for me to tackle these ideas as I plan as if I'm watching a show or movie so I can better get the angles and descriptions without having to actually describe anything haha.
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yuriswitch · 4 months
Thoughts on the intersection of sexuality and romance?
This topic is honestly far too big for a single post, but I'll try to come up with something good anyway. In terms of feelings there's a lot of overlap, but also variety in how people conceive of or differentiate between platonic, romantic and sexual attraction that often spills over into fiction in a bit odd way. One way of thinking is simply in terms of intensity, where romance is what happens when friendship crosses certain threshold of intensity, which is honestly quite often a huge part of it for us too. It's also just as commonly distinguished by intimacy/sexual attraction too, with which for a lot of people romance is deeply intertwined.
This is where some people on tumblr will go like "no, thing must be always and only one thing" and insist that the existence of purely sexual desires and multiple different interpretations of what makes something romance, all of which rely on signs that don't always indicate romance, means that it actually doesn't exist and all romantic feelings are just made up lies by the amatonormative cabal or something. I get why the multitude of ways of differentiating would make some aros go "see everything is made up out of nowhere your feelings are fake, but I'm saying it's fine so I feel good about what I just said and now you can't discourse me about it haha I defeated you" but I personally think that romance and sexuality are one of those things that highlight the lack of this, awareness of what context is and why it's always present and a necessary precondition for all existence.
Basically, sexuality and romance can't be considered outside of specific people in specific situations, and as such can be a whole lot of different things to a lot of different people. The first major reason why is that it's one of the many ways in which people relate to one another, like gender and nationality/ethnicity and the social control imposed by the dominant justifying ideology of capitalism (and earlier slavery and feudalism too) often ends up biting people in a way that makes them want to erase the concept thinking that that will make the painful thing go extinct and everything will be good. But gender expectations and roles formed under the specific context of Things That The Machine Called Economy Needs To Function, and thus are only what one group needed it to be in order to benefit from whatever status quo they were in.
That doesn't, however, mean that erasing the concept of gender and gendered spaces and relations altogether is the solution, or even possible considering that "structure-less" feminist formations in the past tended to have unofficial structure that couldn't be challenged due to a lack of recognition of that structure and formal challenge of power. So to close off the tangent, I think it'd just conceal gender in the sense of leaving people without a way to determine how they relate to each other, but still not being able to prevent them from relating to each other (is the person a fellow or a someone different kind of deal, people would still have feelings like that).
Going back to romance and sexuality, this means that it's tied up in a whole bunch of things, all of which will exist in some form as experiences, feelings of being the same or the other, feelings of wanting to be involved with someone in a way that never happens with friends and so on. It's one of those things that exist in between people much more than purely inside of them, because it's yet another type of relation determined/influenced by a whole lot of other relations and factors. This could be explored in detail in fiction, but I feel like most of the time all we get is the normal's assumptions and then the story ends the second the relationship is established. It's a complex topic, one that is much more enforced from above rather than discovered or decided, which is why abolitionist approach irks me a lot, because taking the tool away won't make everyone non-distinct gender soup, it will just take their words away and spare them some idiotic expectations at most.
I think it'd be for the best if we just tried to keep in mind the way concepts allow us to understand and act upon things that we'd otherwise only feel. Romance and sexuality can be the means of forcing the new generation into the mold, but it can also be liberatory too, it just means that we have to figure out how to get rid of the coercion without taking away the reference models that we need to figure out how to construct ourselves as people and understand what we want and how we feel about and relate to people. It's as crucial as bodily autonomy, obviously since it usually involves some amount of physicality, but also because it's one of those things that have to be responded to and as such need a certain environment in order for that response to be genuine and not forced.
The world we live in was shaped in a multitude of harmful ways, a lot of which involve socially demanded forms of romance and sexuality, but the thing to remember here is that nothing can just pop into existence out of nowhere, it always utilizes something there and reproduces with a fictional story attached about how no power was exercised at all and it just spontaneously happened this way. For romance and sexuality there's a lot to unpack and do, but at the same time I honestly think the sheer amount of different thoughts and feelings and understandings is a good thing that should be celebrated, because it proves there's a whole lot more to life than the narrow line we were all told to walk in our respective childhoods. And that's honestly great, it makes me wish making art was easier, because it's a great vessel for exploring these kinds of topics and shouldn't be strangled by the capitalist economy requiring an end product to get exchanged for money. I could probably keep going on, brain neurodivergent in many ways and so on, but this is getting really long
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p5x-theories · 9 months
Since you talked about the phantom thieves already, what do you think of their personas and their designs and aesthetic and who well do you think they match up visually to their respective phantom thief?
(In reference to this post)
I'm flattered you actually want to hear more of my design opinions, hehe! Sure, I can talk about the Personas too.
TLDR here is that once again I do just think they're all neat overall! There's fun stuff going on with all of them, and I enjoy the details put into them, even if sometimes maybe there's a few details I'd change slightly to make the designs that extra bit more coherent.
Also, I'm probably not going to really get into how well I think they fit the historical/mythological figure they represent, because I feel that's less the point of Personas (as opposed to sort of... representing that figure through the Persona user's vibe/aesthetic/will of rebellion, if that makes sense, haha?), and also because I'm unfamiliar with nearly all of these figures so I'd have to do a bunch of extra research to even try to get into that aspect, to be honest.
Let's see if Tumblr actually keeps my formatting this time...
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Starting with Janosik!
Overall, I kinda like him! He has an extremely distinct design, even besides his predominantly white palette that's uncommon in P5, haha. His head... hat... thing? Is a little weird, but it's weird in a way that I kind of like, because it makes his head stand out from the Personas with more human faces. He feels humanoid, but not human, which is a good middle ground for Personas to be in, I think? I also really like the jacket off his shoulders, and the way the red inner lining of it makes his white legs stand out even more. And his little braids are a fun detail.
His torso and upper legs are... okay, I'll admit, not quite completely sure what's supposed to be going on with all those details. But it at least feels like a "not quite sure what's going on here" that's familiar to the Persona series, if that makes sense? So it's fine, I guess. He feels like he belongs in this series.
As for how he matches up with Wonder... honestly, he feels like the Persona, across all the Phantom Thieves in the various P5 games, that matches up with his respective Phantom Thief the least, to me. He and Wonder really only share the red- Janosik has whites and golds while Wonder has blacks and silvers- and I guess maybe you could argue their weird foot/shoe shapes, haha. While Cendrillon (Violet) and Pandora (Sophie) also don't directly resemble their thieves much, in both their cases I feel like they differ in ways that say something about the thief in question, whereas I'm sort of hard-pressed to figure out what the visual difference between Janosik and Wonder says about Wonder. Maybe that'll be more obvious once we know more of P5X's plot, and then I'll feel differently?
All that to say, I like their designs independently of each other, and at least they (somehow) don't feel like they actively clash when they're next to each other, but they don't really feel like a matched pair at all, which is a shame.
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I actually really like Awilda's design- she may be one of my favorites in P5X! The sharklike hood/cloak thing is so distinct both as a clothing article and for Awilda's silhouette, and it's easily my favorite part, but I also like that the rest of her outfit feels loosely piratey without going so far as to seem like it's encroaching on Captain Kidd's territory in my mind.
I'm not entirely sold on the hat... thing? And ponytail? That she has going on, but I don't think they actively detract from her design as a whole, and that one might just be personal taste.
As for how she fits with Closer, I think Awilda's a good example of a Persona that doesn't feel quite identical in vibe to her thief, but doesn't look out of place with her, either. Awilda seems a bit less athletic and a bit more refined (or professional?) than Closer does, but her color scheme feels like it was expanded from Closer's (the blue coming from Closer's eyes, and the white from her hood's drawstrings), so there's a sort of unity between them anyway. They could maybe be a bit closer (hehe), but it does work as-is, I think.
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Rob Roy!
Mechs aren't really my thing, but I do like how Rob Roy feels relatively unified even for all the individual parts. I like his weird talon feet, because they sort of tie him back into being a bird's Persona even if nothing else about him really registers as "bird" for me. I guess the black part on the top of his head maybe is intended to be reminiscent of Cattle's feather tuft things, as well?
I do get a vague samurai sort of vibe to him, with the head shape loosely reminding me of a samurai helmet, and the pattern on his upper legs reminding me a bit of that style of armor? But I also think that kind of helps me process what's going on with his design overall (makes it a bit easier to pick out the broader strokes of what's going on, rather than getting caught up in the details), so I don't think that's strictly an issue.
His color palette does a nice job tying him to Cattle without feeling like a complete mirror of how the colors are balanced in Cattle's design, which really helps in immediately identifying him as Cattle's Persona. The white face, with the red piece kind of mimicking the point of Cattle's beak in between his eyes, adds to that. Aesthetically, I'm not sure he directly connects to Cattle? But the fact that he's a mech, and Cattle's a little guy, sort of makes my brain fill him in as resembling a big toy to Cattle's little kid vibe, as much as I don't think Cattle would appreciate that description, haha, so I think they work together all the same.
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Mandrin! (Switching to game screenshots now because the datamined Persona transparents have weird lighting and are rarely full body, haha)
Mandrin's a little funny to me because the single pop of blue is such a thief color design thing for them to do, and yet he's a Persona. But that aside, I like the hat + coat + glove combination he has going on! Those, with the noose, make him feel like a dangerous outlaw, which is befitting of a Phantom Thief's Persona. The sharp teeth pattern, which feels sort of like a mask he's wearing but also sort of like it's just his face, also helps him from feeling completely human, so that's a nice touch.
The spiked cuff on his right hand (which isn't super visible in either image I have here, hah) does feel just a little out of place to me, especially because his design (minus the weapon, hat brim, and a few little details) is very symmetrical otherwise, but it's also not something you really notice unless you're looking for it, so I think it gets a pass. The lightness of his upper legs, though, is a little weird- he's wearing some kind of pants or extremely tall boots, and the tops of those being lighter than most of the rest of his design brings a weird sort of focus to them? It's, again, not disastrous, and at least it doesn't feel like the color itself is out of place on him, it's just a bit odd because if you squint your eyes to see what stands out the most, the impression is that his teeth, noose, and upper legs are being framed by the darker jacket.
Alongside Soy, his shirtlessness at least seems to sort of "explain" the strange thing going on with Soy's top a bit (as I mentioned in the other post, haha). They go together quite well, with similar but not completely identical vibes and color schemes, though because they're so similar it could be argued that it draws more attention to some of the parts of Soy's design that don't match Mandrin (ex. the icy blue gloves that stand out more than Mandrin's black glove, the blue chest that stands out more than Mandrin's dark grey chest, etc.) and therefore could be a bit detrimental to the impression the two of them give off together. But they do go together, and you'd immediately be able to guess that Mandrin goes with Soy if you saw a lineup of all the Personas, so I think they really fulfill that aspect at least.
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Prosymna's design is another one I really like. The weird, slightly alien arms and hands immediately make you think Psi, and there's a sort of fishy aspect to the pattern on her headdress, scales on some of the silver metal, and flowy lower dress that really appeals to me. The harp strings also feel really well-integrated in her design, adding to the strange/alienness of it while still being recognizable as a harp.
It could be said that there's a little too much going on with her, especially around her head and lower torso, but I think overall her body underneath is readable enough that you don't get totally lost on what's going on with her. You can still pick up the sort of alien harp fish lady thing that's going on, and process her pose without too much trouble.
Her and Kotomo's color schemes go together, so she has that. I'll admit, I'm not sure why Prosymna has the alien/fish/harp thing going on when none of those seem to really be reflected by Kotomo? I assume some of it must tie into Prosymna's mythology, but it does make them feel a little aesthetically mismatched, even if the color scheme saves it in the end. They look like they go together until you start inspecting what's going on with Prosymna a bit more closely, so she can sort of sneak by, even if that could have been tied together a little better.
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I like the very regal, kind of "queen bee" vibe that Cleodora has going on. I also think it's funny that the massive base she has reminds me a bit of those spinning fairy toys (if you're not familiar, google that phrase and you should see what I mean, haha), but is probably more intended to be Okyann's dance stage. She coveys a royalty vibe very clearly, and I don't really have any notes on anything about her that I actually dislike!
At least, in and of herself. Admittedly, the fluffy collar, and face, do remind me just a little of Terpsichore, but they're so visually distinct otherwise that I'm not sure it's really that much of an issue, and honestly may just be me haha.
Persona-wise, I do have to admit that her vibe doesn't really go with Okyann's outfit or demeanor? I guess there's almost loosely a connection that my brain wants to make between a sort of "queen bee"/popular girl and a gyaru, but I'm not sure that really exists or that I can actually articulate it really, so it feels more like a disconnect than anything. Her colors work fine, even with the added touches of blue, but Okyann feels more like a late 90s/early 2000s pop star, befitting of her gyaru theme, whereas Cleodora... does not. I guess maybe it could tie into some aspect of Kayo's personality we haven't really seen as much yet, but at least from the surface level, it is a little dissonant. If she were still regal, but toned down a bit/otherwise reflected Okyann's outfit a bit more, I think that'd solve it?
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I'll admit, hands down my favorite thing about him is that he has a book like we see Kii with in his AOA (and also as a confidant). Not the exact same book, but it doesn't need to be- it's just cute to me that that's reflected so directly by his Persona. Anyway, that aside, the flaming tree situation Syke has going on is honestly pretty fun. He sort of feels like if a tree's leaves were consumed by flames, and then that tree, still on fire, got turned into a guy? It's a silly way to describe him, but that's kind of the impression I get from him, even as he looks like sort of a serious guy, haha. I really like the orange cloth trailing off his shoulders, because it kind of contributes to the "flame" impression without literally adding more fire (which would start to get excessive, if they had added more fire).
I'm not sure I really have any notes on him? Maybe that the boots being white sort of pulls attention away from his upper half a bit, but that feels like it reflects Kii's outfit enough that I'm willing to excuse it.
As for how well he goes with Kii- even aside from the book thing, he's an interesting one, because he's actually a lot more colorful than Kii himself, with the kind of stained glass look he has going on, but it works, because it supports the exorcist/priest thing that Kii has going on in the first place. It feels like it adds more context to Kii's outfit when Syke stands behind him, which is what Personas are doing about 95% of the time, so it honestly really works even if their aesthetics aren't quite identical. Syke feels like his aesthetic complements Kii's, rather than strictly reflecting it, which I think is part of why I like him so much!
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Erytheia! (Or Ekedena in the files- still not 100% sure what's the right translation, but that's neither here nor there right now haha)
I like what he has going on! To the point where, if I'm being completely honest... I actually think he pulls off the vibe Leo's supposed to be going for better than Leo's outfit itself does, haha? It's very asymmetrical, but it doesn't feel too complicated or unbalanced, and honestly even the green belt kind of works because it feels like it's more a combination of the blues and yellows (rather than just a random chunk of green in a sea of dark colors) because of the patterns that Erytheia has.
Of course, I don't think literally recreating Erytheia's outfit would be the right call for Leo's outfit, haha. It's a bit more gladiator/Greek mythology than I think would be suited for Leo himself, but I think it really conveys the concepts and vibe overall in a more effective manner.
Which is to say- I think Erytheia actually goes very well with Leo! Similar color schemes and patterns, but a level of distinction between them, makes them feel very much like a pair that goes together without being literal twins. If Leo's outfit were a bit more cohesive, I think Erytheia would fit in perfectly as a slightly more historical hero, while Leo would look like a modern hero. As it is, like I said earlier, I think Erytheia currently conveys the goal of Leo's outfit better than Leo does, haha.
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Meng Po!
I think my favorite parts of her design are the huge shoulder armor things, how those woven-looking strips wrap around her, and of course, the way her skirt attaches (?) to her torso, because it sort of makes it look like her skirt's another bowl of soup that she's sitting in, just a little. Admittedly it's a little silly to describe it like that, but that's honestly what I enjoy about it.
I do think there's a little too much going on in the way of colors with her. Just blue or just green would've been enough (maybe combine them into a single teal instead, even?), but as it is there's sort of a weird conflict of attention between the various blue and green bits that feels just a little disorganized, and a little too much when set alongside all the red on her design. The blue in her bowl, of the tassels, and in the lantern (?) pulls my attention around like competing magnets, and away from her face, while the green bits are all roughly the same shape and kind of in a line going from her face to her mid-torso to the end of her skirt, so my eyes kind of zigzag across her rather than processing what's actually going on.
These two aspects may just be my personal preference, but the way the woven strips attach to her head, and the lack of anything else immediately around or above the top of her head, do also make her look a bit bald, and I'm not a huge fan of those red things around her eyes and the way they curl at the ends, either.
As far as fittingness for Rin, I think the overall red-white-black-gold works, and even (if adjusted) the blue/green could work, because it gives a somewhat more embellished/ethereal look to Meng Po which works for her as a Persona and goddess. As it is, the blues and green are a little much to have both of behind Rin, but I think if those were adjusted like I was talking about above then it'd solve that.
While (that aside) her look works with Rin's, though, I think her demeanor seems just a bit too peaceful for how energetic Rin is? Personas do tend to look a bit more serious/detached/etc. compared to their users, throughout the series, but Meng Po looks very happily poised and calm in a way that even knowing that does still strike me as a bit odd in comparison to Rin. Or, in other words, Meng Po's design fits Rin, but her attitude sort of makes me start to wonder what it is about Meng Po that actually makes her represent Rin, as opposed to seeing Meng Po is Rin's Persona and going "Oh, okay, the fact that they're a little different expands my understanding of Rin as a character!" Though, again, maybe I'll understand that better once we get to know Rin as a confidant?
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I feel like I like aspects of Terpsichore more than the overall look. The dark hat and mask make her golden eyes pop very nicely, and make her feel just slightly menacing and otherworldly (which is always a good vibe for a Persona design, if you ask me, haha). I also like the icy cloak/cape and tutu-like thing going on around her waist, because they really sell the winter vibe she has, befitting of an Ice Persona belonging to an ice skater. And the ice skates she has, themselves, are a nice touch.
I do, however, feel like there's a bit of a disconnect between the head + hat and the rest of the outfit? The extremely top-heavy hat, which I love on its own, doesn't seem suited to the more delicate, literally ice crystal skater that her frilly skirt and lower body seems to convey. This might actually be as easy a fix as making her cloak also a dark color like her hat, and possibly the ice skate boots as well? Spreading that around would put less of that heavy emphasis on her head alone, though if they wanted her to look like a light, delicate ice skater, then it probably would've been better to forego the hat entirely (which would be a shame, because I love it). She also has, like, a lot going on on her lower legs out of nowhere? There's some blue lines that trail down from her tutu, and a white fuzzy thing at the top of what appears to be fishnet over that, and then a dark blue... something past that, which ends in a different white fuzzy cuff at the top of her ankle boot ice skates. I think maybe simplifying that area a bit- probably cutting out the fishnets and the first fuzzy things at least?- would go a long way.
She does feel suited to Mont, though, in terms of vibe. It's a little bit of an easy win, I think, since going for a refined ice skater kind of vibe is of course going to mesh well with Mont, but it does work. It just... sort of makes me wish Mont has some of those fuzzy bits and/or the dark hat and mask as well, haha... But the fact that I like Terpsichore's design a little more than Mont's aside, I think it gets the job done, and they fit together without feeling identical.
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Styx is cool. She sort of feels like some kind of clockwork soldier? Or, you know, an Anti-Shadow Weapon, which is sort of the same thing on a base level, hehe. She feels a bit like an intricate doll, but not quite so fragile as the words would imply, and there's a variety of things going on with her design but I think they go well together. The asymmetry of the white is nice without being too attention-grabbing.
Probably my biggest question is why there's that blue part on her hammer? Why isn't it that dark purple like literally everything else that isn't black, white, or that dull gold on Styx? Her hair also sort of strikes me as a bit odd, but hair color not matching the outfit is a little more normal for human characters, and it's at least still a muted color that sort of helps draw some attention to her face without drastically standing out. Why is there a random blue bit on her hammer?? Why not at least make it a brighter shade of purple than the rest of the design?? I just feel like I'm missing something??
Her connection to Yuki's aesthetic is also a little loose to me. There is a sort of dignified air and general shared color scheme (though Yuki lacks the dull gold), but I guess the clockwork/machine aspect doesn't quite mesh with Yuki's sort of twist on the Phantom of the Opera look in my mind? Admittedly I'm not super familiar with the Phantom of the Opera, and maybe it would click better for me if I was, but as much as I like Styx she's another one that feels like a bit of a disconnect from her thief to me.
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And last but certainly not least, Leucothea!
I love Leucothea. Leucothea feels silly and over the top, but not to the point where I can't take him (I know the mythological figure's female, but since Seiji's a guy and it's the series standard for the teammate and Persona's genders to match, I'm going to use he/him here?) seriously as a Persona design. This may have become obvious over the course of this post but I love giant hats. I love that Leucothea's has that birdcage built into it. I LOVE the floofy feather tails. I love the gigantic white flower. It's all over the top without being too much or feeling unbalanced.
I think if I had any complaint, it'd be the tufts on the side of the shoes? The shoes in general are fine, and I think the white color works, but something about the shape just feels a bit off to me relative to the rest of the design. Maybe that it looks more like smooth wisps rather than the feathery shape of similar details on his outfit? Not sure exactly, but I guess that'd be my nitpick if anything.
As for fitting with Seiji- it feels like they got so close. Admittedly Leucothea feels more like an aristocrat while Seiji feels more like a revolutionary, but I think as stated above that that sort of distinction does work to an extent given the nature of Personas as mythological figures that come from the Sea of Souls to represent a human's true self? As much as Leucothea's a bit over the top, it's not in such a way that it feels disconnected from Seiji aesthetically.
It's really... really... just the color scheme. I don't understand why Seiji's gloves are bright blue! It could work as a nice contrast against Leucothea, but that solid, saturated blue is not the right shade to do that if that's what they were going for, and Leucothea has so much more gold/yellow/red going on, compared to Seiji's almost complete monochrome, that his gloves just jump out at you for how they don't match. If Leucothea was blue (and maybe green?) instead of the yellow + red, or if Seiji's gloves were gold, or red, or maybe even just a less saturated yellow-green, I think they'd go together much better immediately. Even straight up Wind element green gloves would make more sense at least for the element match. It seems like such an odd decision to me, for a pair that otherwise works very well, to have the colors in their otherwise monochrome outfits be so different.
I hope that's what you wanted! It was fun to think about how the Persona designs go with their thieves, especially since that's something you don't really get to do with the Persona games before P5 as they didn't get special outfits with them. Besides character design, I also love character analysis, though I tried not to go too deep into that here when we've only seen the first two Palaces of the game and barely know most of the teammates outside of how they function in combat, haha.
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if u dont mind asking, how do you identify streaming websites to use? there's this one show where a few episodes r practically unfindable to me. how do u find what you once thought was nearly unfindable? (like the josh series haha)
Funny you should ask that right now, as I have just tried stepping away from that and fucking hell I hate it. Listening to Mark Watson on a podcast recently made me decide I want to hear his radio stuff, and I downloaded his Address to the Nation and Mark Watson Talks a Bit About Life shows easily, but while looking for the first of those, Mark Watson Makes the World Substantially Better, I saw it was available as an audiobook on Audible. And figured I do try to pay for things when paying for them directly is an option, so I should do that here. So I bought it on Audible on my laptop, download it there, but I want to hear it from my phone. Sign in on my phone, find that my account on my phone doesn't have it. Sign out and sign back in using the same email address and password that I used when I bought the thing on my computer, it still gives me different library that doesn't have it. Try to manually take the file on my computer, transfer it to my phone with a cable, and open it with the Audible app. Doesn't work. Look up options for turning the aax file into an mp3 so I could play it with my normal music player, and they're all either more expensive than just buying the book again from my phone, or they're incredibly complicated. Everything I try just leads to something telling me to sign up for an Audible membership for a bunch of money per week or linking me back to Amazon. Every moment of it is not just frustrating but also depressing, looking at how Amazon is connected to everything and our world is nothing but pushing people into signing up for regularly payments to big corporations to get media curated by those corporations, making me have trouble remembering why I thought paying money to Amazon was the more ethical option and this is dealing me more psychic damage the more I try to figure it out. Jesus Christ I hate it.
Okay. Anyway. Sorry about that, I realize you were not looking for that rant with your question; your message just happened to come in after I'd spent 90 minutes losing my mind over this to no avail and remembering why I just download things directly. Finding things that are hard to find is often just a matter of persistence, having a list of streaming sites and going through them. You can find a lot of others by just searching the first name. Like if one version of [streaming site] doesn't have it, search the name of the site and you'll get a page full of results with slightly different versions of it, that all have slightly different collections. Options tend to get sketchier as you go down the page. That's mainly the strategy I use - I start from a few main sites, and if it's not there I start looking for their other versions.
I'll avoid mentioning the sites by name, but this is a really good place to start if anyone doesn't know how to find them. There's lots of useful stuff in that link, and from all of those options you can find similar ones. You can also Google "alternatives to [site]" and you'll get long lists and can try all the options on those lists. That's how I finally found the show Josh - it was about the 15th version of one site that had it.
As a general rule, adblockers are pretty much mandatory for this sort of thing, and a VPN is a generally good idea for added security. Some of the sites can be sketchy, but none are as soul-destroying as trying to navigate a system in which Amazon will not let you have access to a file you've paid for, and even if I do figure it out I'll only have the file in a special format that can only be played in their special app that's full of ads pushing a monthly membership on me, and I hate the state of the world. I just want to listen to Mark Watson and his friends say nice things in 2008.
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purplesurveys · 10 months
What’s your current favorite song at the moment? I'm still on a Seven high. I can't believe how stably it's been performing on both Spotify and YouTube. Makes me feel very proud!
Have you ever read any self-help books? I don't buy into those. Most of them talk about situations irrelevant to me anyway, or otherwise come from an entirely different cultural perspective.
What was the last book you read? Man this new Tumblr format SUCKS. Typing out answers is a mega bitch compared to before...anyway, I last read BTS' memoir. The funny thing is I breezed through the first 400/500 pages within 24 hours of getting the book, but now I'm struggling to finish the rest of it haha. It's not at all because it's bad as it's a lovely read...maybe a part of me just never wants to finish the book yet.
Do you thank the bus driver? Not quite the bus, but when I get off a Grab I always make sure to tell the drivers 'thank you' and 'drive safe' like 7 times as I get off the car. I'm mostly a quiet passenger so I try to compensate by verbalizing how grateful I am that they got me to my destination in one piece lol.
How many tabs are open right now? Just two Tumblr tabs and one for YouTube as I have something playing in the background as I take this.
Have you ever had your heart broken? Of course.
Do you wear makeup much? I'll wear foundation pretty much every time I go out just so that I don't look so obviously dead and jaded lol, so in terms of frequency, yes I have it often. It's a different story if we're talking about types of makeup because I couldn't care less for it.
When was the last time you flirted? I never flirt; not my thing.
What should you be doing right now? NOTHING. It's 1 AM on a Saturday and I'm right to be doing nothing. I just spent the last 16 hours outside and all I wanna do is sit back and take a bunch of these in the dark. I also can't wait to get the best sleep ever. 
Do you usually get good grades at school? They weren't consistently outstanding, but I think I did good enough for my classmates to like, rely on me and ask me questions or let me lead group work and stuff like that. So many people way smarter than me though, and more often than not these are the classmates who are now either in med or law school.
My performance was also dictated by how much I care for the class, so I always got good grades in my favorites, like history.
How did you and your first best-friend meet? We were seatmates and I accidentally pushed a pencil into her palm, making it bleed and having some of the lead still stuck in her hand to this day.
Do you like short hair on girls? It's not my preference, but of course girls can rock the short hair.
How about long hair on guys? ^ Pretty much the same.
When was the last time someone told you they loved you? Last night, I think.
Are you a righty or a lefty? Right.
Do you think someone’s thinking about you? Not at this moment, I don't think.
What is your favorite month? April and June.
What is your favorite color? Purple.
Who was your last phone call from? Someone from work, but I genuinely missed the call because I keep my phone on silent.
Have you ever trusted someone you wish you wouldn’t have? Sure.
What color are your eyes? Dark brown.
If you could go back in time and change things, would you? Nah. I've made embarrassing or just overall horrible mistakes, but it seems like an easy way out to be able to change them every time.
Do you like your smile? Sure!
What made you the happiest today? Coming back home and seeing my dogs.
Who was the last boy you texted? A contact for work.
Do you get along with your parents? I do. My mom and I will still clash every now and then but we no longer go at each other's throats, which was the daily case when I was younger.
Are you scared of needles? Terrified.
Do you believe love can last forever? Yes.
Do you like the ocean? Love it.
Are you allergic to anything? If so, what? Grass, apparently. I don't always react to it, though.
Do you know anyone who is/was a drug addict? Apparently, I did. I only learned after my cousin's dad died two years ago.
What is currently the most tan spot on your body right now? I uhhh...don't know. My skin color is equally distributed haha?? 
What is your dream job? Doing in-house PR for a company I personally like/follow, like WWE or Hybe.
Would you say you are ‘popular’? Nah. Is that still given a fuck about in your mid-20s?
Do you tend to cave into peer pressure? Nope. 
Have you lost anyone close to you? Through death or otherwise, yes.
Would you say that you are an intelligent person? In a general life sense/street smarts sense, no.
Who was the last person to hurt you? Celeste took me aback last night because she was being super (and a little unnecessarily) curt about a matter she eventually turned out to be wrong about, so there's that. I wasn't hurt per se, but I just genuinely didn't understand where her irritation was coming from. Then she turned out to be wrong on top of it all, so lol. We're good though.
Are good-byes easy or hard for you? Mostly hard.
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rulersofcerberus · 2 years
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———  basics! ♡
(PEN)NAME:   Armani Ocean { omg it’s designer water! } 
ZODIAC SIGNS:   Gemini, { that's right. fear me.} 
TIME ZONE:  GMT + 10 { I’m from down under so enjoy my inconsistencies! }
———  three  facts! ♡
I’m actually a musician! I am a vocalist, composer and producer and music is my entire reason for being. I can play a bunch of different instruments such as trumpet, piano, bass guitar, acoustic guitar and more. The general gist of it is that once I know the basics I can keep going. Can’t play a woodwind for the life of me. 
I play way too many mobile games, love live and bandori have my entire souls (Yohane & Sayo Oshi). I also play genshin a bit as well as IDV. I don’t have any form of computer that can run proper pc games so if a game interests me I typically watch letsplays lol.
I can’t watch horror movies, I am easily scared but idk why. I can play horror games, I can watch horror anime, I can read horror novels. I just can’t watch the movies without freaking out. 
———  experience! ♡
I started writing in a Danganronpa RP server back in 2019...did a few more of those and then in 2020 started working on my own world. I’m still improving with regard to all that and this is a great place to do so! My goal is to write a music series with character songs where the music tells the story because I am much better at writing lyrics than I am writing in a novel format. (it is a truth universally acknowledged that musicians can’t name files, hence all the ‘queen of file naming’ jokes that come around) 
Fun fact, I used to apologise for writing one liners to people because they were ‘too long’  
I’m still improving as a writer, I've come along way from where I started and it will only go up if I keep practicing. I'm so grateful for my designer friends for dealing with my random af tumblr questions. Still in awe I don’t have to hold the shift button to make a new line lol. 
——— muse preference !  ♡
I’m better at writing women than men, I am heavily biased to some of my muses so expect me to ramble about them more than others.
My primary muses and ones I can talk about for hours are Ryoko, Itsuko, Stella & Julia...also all of Cerberus & Takane. There’s also 2 more that I haven’t added to the blog named Anya & Viola who also have alot of my attention. 
Tropes...I like opposites, I feel like every character has an opposite one and I like forcing my ocs to challenge those dynamics. Itsuko & Eden is a fun once because you have a negative, cynical and pessimistic woman vs an optimistic ray of sunshine. Anju & Takane are another one of my favourites because its the girl who has everything trying to empathise with the girl who has nothing. 
I have to remind myself that this was a blog originally for Cerberus...haha...
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: Fluff is fluff soft moments are nice, alot of my characters are quite closed off so it’s fun to write those moments. Cute moments between them are fun too! 
ANGST: Yep. Expect alot of that here, there aren’t many of my characters who haven’t experienced something big in their lives, those moments of vulnerability or when they question something about themselves...yeah I like writing angst. 
SMUT: I can’t write it to save myself so don’t expect that here. 
PLOT / MEMES:  Memes are fun, it’s a good way to pass the time and it means I don’t have to think about the background to the scenario, I haven’t really done much plotting here so I don’t want to rule that out either! TLDR send memes and if you want to plot then IM me! 
tagged by : @serpentsexile​ 
tagging    :   Whoever wants to/hasn’t done it yet ig
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sunsumu · 4 years
Hello! Can I ask headcanons for a new female Inarizaki manager? Someone is cute as a princess and takes care of them as a mom. Something like they relationships with her, how she supports them at matches, how they protect her etc. I need more headcanon about Inarizaki!
🦊 Inarizaki Manager Hc🦊
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chaotic lowkey mean group of kids
they’re only mean to teach other though
our lord and saviour, kita, sets them straight when they go too far
sometimes atsumu gets out of line and insults you in the heat of the moment
feels instant regret, osamu is beating the living shit out of him, kita is lecturing him, suna is vibing angrily
in all seriousness, they love you so much
like the fact that you didn’t quit after the second week surprised them
they try their best to get you used to their routines and are comfortable around them
you quickly adapted to their different personalities and needs
whenever they have an important match coming up, you make sure they are well fed and sleep enough
you help them study and tutor them, so they can keep their grades up while juggling volleyball with schoolwork 
you carry extra food and snacks in your bag just in case they forget their food
you’re such an angel what did they do to deserve you?
“oh hey guys i brought some extra snacks-“
you and kita are definitely the parents of the group, shows you the ropes so you can get the hand of things faster
aran helps you carry stuff and helps out whenever he can
suna finds videos on volleyball to help you better understand the it, he also explains anything you’re confused on
the miya twins are the trouble children.
osamu will also help you and sometimes he brings you food!!
atsumu is just flirting and teasing you
you definitely warmed up to atsumu the fastest and you guys have inside jokes with each other that only you two find funny
[both of you at once] “GO DROWN IN THE SHOWER”
“haha brain go brrrr and vibrates”
[hyena laughter from the both of you]
the team doesn’t understand
they think atsumu is corrupting you
of course, the miya twins have their crazy fangirls
their fangirls attack you a lot
you’re the target of jealous glares during games or even walking down the hallway sometimes
the team admires how you don’t let it bother you and keep doing as much as you can for the team
but they worry for you ))):
whenever they hear anyone shit talking you, they come behind from the victim’s person’s back and is [m e n a c i n g]
haha jojo reference
“y/n is just a whore. she’s probably just using her position as manager to get closer to them. fucking bitch.”
[from behind] “heard you were talking some s h i t”
the miya twins definitely will fight and degrade anyone that dares to even try to spread bad rumours about you
“oh? so you guys are the girls that shit talked y/n huh?”
“i didn’t know they allowed snot nosed pigs to attend school”
ok i might’ve gone overboard with the fangirls getting their ass beat
at the end of the day they just want to protect you and take care of them, just like how you take care of them
they are protectiveᵀᴹ
when you play at venues/stadiums they walk in a formation that keeps you in the middle and them surrounding you
makes sure that at least one teammate is with you
one time they lost you and freaked the fuck out
“hey guys...where’s y/n...??”
“i thought she was with you?”
“no i thought she was with aran...”
commence mass panic
they find you being surrounded by a bunch of guys questioning what team you’re from and trying to get your number
it takes kita and aran everything they had to keep the rest of the team going feral
you usually give them pep talks when playing their first game after a loss
other than that you usually don’t because they’re confident in their skills
they just need a push forward after a loss
they often look towards you from the sidelines and you give them a thumbs up and smile brightly at them
you remember how karasuno reacted to suga getting his hands held by kiyoko?
yeah inarizaki is the same when you cheer them on, whether at a game or during practice
tears of happiness?? mostly from atsumu though
you make sure to keep their hitting, receiving, blocking stats updated so they can see their growth
at the end of the day, they’re a bunch of dorks that will fight anyone for you. they love you sm please don’t leave them-
hope you enjoyed!!
-admin oli💫
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i-luvsang · 3 years
nct dream reaction to their s/o kissing their neck
request: none genre: fluff summary: how do the members of nct dream react when their s/o kisses their neck (in a very innocent, soft way lmao) warnings: none a/n: shfjdsjshdjd this was my first time writing a reaction, i hope y’all enjoy and that it doesn’t suck too much lol. it’s really long XD like i just got more and more carried away fksdhksd
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➳ mark
this boi loves to kiss your shoulders
i just know it i’ve also seen it in like fifteen different posts but that’s not the point lmao
anyways, this time you wanted to try it instead
so you were hugging
and he kissed your shoulder like he usually does
and then you pressed a soft kiss on the skin where his neck meets his shoulder
to put it simply, he melted
he loved it so much, like so much, i cannot stress this enough
he pauses; in shock, but quickly recovers and hugs you even tighter 
he has the the softest, most adoring little smile on his face (along with a light blush cuz he’s kinda a shy baby haha)
then i think that he’s pull away just enough to press the sweetest kiss on your lips 
because that little kiss you gave him made his heart overflow with so much love that he just had to
now you both regularly kiss each other’s shoulders/neck and it’s just really cute hehdhdj
bonus: when you like actually kiss his neck (rather than shoulder) he gets so frickin soft and flustered and blushes like crazy but he really really loves it lol
➳ renjun
so he was drawing/painting like the talented artsy boy he is
and you were kinda just hanging around on the couch a few feet away
you were bored, but for the moment content with just watching him be talented and pretty
the way that his eyebrows furrowed slightly as he carefully put in the details was just so adorable
so adorable that you had to do something about it
that something entailed standing up and quietly walking up behind him
at first you just admired his art for a moment, something that he was used to you doing
but gosh he was just so endearing
so you leaned down and around, gently kissing the side of his neck
this boy froze
he could not, for the life of him, suppress the smile that started to grow on his face
his dimple popped out
and he tried not to freak out
but his blush was so evident like boi-
and again, he was just so cute, so you kissed his neck again
and this child is just about to combust because of the sheer amount of hearts and uwus inside him 
so he angrily slams his drawing utensil on the table and attacks you with kisses all over your face
➳ jeno
you were snuggling with jeno on his bed
and it was already very very soft and adorable
he was laying on his back reading a book and you were like halfway on his chest
and obviously you love jeno too much for your own good
so you wanted to kiss him
but you’re also a lazy child just like me, so you settled for kissing his neck
you just tilted your head up slightly and gave his neck a cute little smooch
you could feel him tense slightly in surprise and pleasure but this little fricker pretended to keep reading his book
but you looked up at his face and his eye smile was so big that you were sure he couldn’t even see a thing, much less read the words on the pages
so you smooched his neck again and there was absolutely no way that he could resist you
he set his book aside and wrapped his arms around you, pressing the most loving big kiss on the top of your head
he gave you another kiss
and another
and a n o t h e r
because he’s fricking whipped for you and then makes you tilt your head up so he can kiss your lips too
so in case you couldn’t tell jeno liked it when you kissed his neck
➳ haechan
this little--
istg he’s gonna be the death of us all
so you were sitting next to donghyuk; both of you doing some sort of work
and you finished first, so you kinda just sat around, very bored and wanting some entertainment
of course this baby boi loves to tease you
so you were like
“i should tease him back”
by kissing his neck
and you probably knew by then, that kissing his neck would not be his loss, would not act as teasing for him, but rather would backfire on you
but like i said, you were bored and you wanted some attention, so you leaned over
and kissed his adorable little neck
this babe freezes, turns to look at you, and just smirks
“awwww my baby can’t live without my affection for just five minutes, can they?” “you know you could just ask if you want me to kiss you. no need for these obvious hints”
and of course you mentally facepalm but you knew it was coming
besides it was cute because he was actually blushing
and he would never admit it but that made him really happy and soft
he ends up pressing the sweetest kiss on your forehead before turning back to his work (that he can’t focus on bc all he can think about is how much he loves you)
➳ jaemin
so this baby hadn’t seen you in a few days
and by his texts you could tell that he really missed you (and you ofc missed him a bunch too)
so you decided to go surprise him at the company building while he was practicing
you asked renjun and jeno to help you surprise him a bit, so they made sure that he knew you weren’t coming and that he’d be there when you come
you got there safely and successfully yay and headed to the practice room that jeno told you they were in
you walked in and were very happy to see the jaemin’s back was to you
so you motioned for the boys that noticed you to be quiet and ran up to jaemin, attacking him with the biggest back hug
but THEN you decided to kiss the back of his neck
he was already dying of happiness when he felt his arms around you
and that little kiss just sent him over the edge with love and joy
it was like all the stress and any negative emotion inside of him just melted away and he just felt so touched by that little kiss from you
especially because he’s the one who usually initiates physical affection
i think he’d actually get slightly emotional, especially if he had a hard/tiring day
is just overwhelmed with gratitude for you uwu
turns around and hugs you so tight and won’t let go of you for the rest of the week day
➳ chenle
honestly who knows what you two were doing
you were messing around with each other per usual
but you got tired lol
so you kinda just found yourselves tangled up on the ground
you were probably giggling like maniacs
and you were just so happy and in love with chenle that you had to smooch him
but like i said you were kinda just a mess of tangled up limbs
so you couldn’t reach his face
therefore, you opted to kiss his neck, which was just in reach
you gave him a big, dramatic, adorable smooch right on the front of his neck and above his collarbone
when i tell you he smiles so wide? i mean he smiles so. frickin. wide.
the biggest grin adorned his face and he lets out the loudest, happiest, most pleased laugh in the world
is really just beyond happy
he literally asks you to do it again
so obviously you do
and he freaks out again
spends like fifteen five minutes trying to get untangled from you so that he can kiss you all over and hug you into oblivion
just adores it when you kiss his neck and wants you to do it all the time
➳ jisung
so you were sitting in this baby’s lap
(which made him extremely flustered at the beginning, but once he gets used to it he actually adores having you on his lap, like idc if you’re taller or bigger than him in any way, he loves it)
you were kinda just chillin on a couch, probably both looking at your phones
it was just very soft cuz he had his arms around you and you were all curled up against him
jaemin probably walked in and threw a blanket on you, as well as took fifteen thousand pictures of you without you noticing somehow
anyways, you kinda just looked at his face and were like
“dang my boyfriend is so cute and i love him more than anything in this universe” as you should
so you were like
time to initiate some sort of other physical affection to make him extremely flustered
you’d never kissed his neck before and now was the time to do so
so you reached over and pressed a sweet, gentle kiss on the side of his neck right below his jaw
as we all expected, he f r o z e
he became a block of hecking ice idc if it was in the middle of summer tho that would make jaemin putting a blanket on you slightly odd but we can ignore that
basically he was just really flustered and a blushing mess but it most definitely makes him very happy and smiley
ok does anyone know how to fix the stupid formatting/spacing error thingy it does for bulleted stuff that it does in the app?? lol
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drwcn · 3 years
《Without Envy》- concubine/sleeper agent!wwx & prince!lwj
[story board 1]  [story board 2]  [story board 3]  [story board 4]  [story board 5]  [story board 6]
snippets (non-chrono): [1]
snippet #2  →
Wei Wuxian was absolutely rubbish at being a servant, anyone could tell you that. Without mentioning that he was the antithesis of subservient, just the manner in which he was raised did not prepare him for the bullshit of becoming Lan Wangji’s personal attendant. 
Wen Ruohan fed him, clothed him, taught him and trained him, but no skills that was imbued into his young mind had anything to do with waiting at another’s hand and foot. Wen Ruohan had high expectations and accepted nothing short of perfection which Wei Wuxian delivered on all fronts, but at the end of the day, there were servants tending to Wei Wuxian at Nevernight. His maids tidied his room, his footmen delivered his messages, and Nevernight’s cooks were charmed and bribed into preparing his favourite dishes. 
Even at Jiang-fu, after he cheated and lied and manipulated his way past their defenses, he was quickly embraced by the inner family. Well... okay, Madam Yu was still a little frosty, but she gave him a red-pouch filled with silver coins at New Year, so he’d say he had made significant progress.
Long story short: Wei Wuxian may not be a prince, but he certainly was no street rat.
So, this getting up at the ass crack of dawn business was definitely going to be a problem
Though, never let it be said that he, Wei Ying, Wei Wuxian, shirked from a challenge. Since he entered Hanguang-fu, he had been planning to make an impression on Lan Wangji, and what an impression it would be if he could meet Lan Wangji’s every need on the very first day. 
Thus, Wei Wuxian planned, he plotted, he delineated a plan that was foolproof. He had whipped up a modified time tracker that made use of the normal sand mechanism and added an additional function which would trickle a bell when the sand ran out. 
Lan Wangji liked to take a morning bath, according to the servants. Wei Wuxian aimed to rise early enough to heat the bath, prep Lan Wangji’s court robes and have his breakfast waiting on the table by the time the man was cleaned and dressed. Yes... all of this would work out swimmingly. 
 Except of course, Wei Wuxian did not anticipate that Lan Wangji was a complete freak of nature. 
In the courtyard outside of his bedchamber, half hidden in the silent greyness of the moments before dawn, Lan Wangji wielded his bichen through a series of  formations. 
Wei Wuxian stumbled at the round archway, freezing in surprise at seeing his mark already awake. He didn’t like being caught off guard; it didn’t make for a very long lifespan as a spy. 
Lan Wangji was dressed down in only a course white linen robe and grey trousers. Wei Wuxian watched him carefully, observing his movements as he swept across the courtyard, rapid and fluid, like torrents over rocky river beds. 
Perfectly balanced. Impressive. Silent and still, he stood on the sideline, analyzing the prince’s footwork, taking apart his idiosyncrasies,  and memorizing his signature. Unlike so many of their contemporaries whose swordsmanship was more flashy than functional, Wei Wuxian could tell that Gusu’s Hanguang-wang trained to win, to disarm, to kill. 
Lan Wangji...what an opponent you will be. He hid a smirk. Suibian was tucked away in a compartment beneath his floorboard, and a wild part of him itched to take it out and try it on his mark. Lan Wangji would not be an easy foe to defeat, but Wei Wuxian did not care about that; his heart picked up speed just imagining it. 
It helped that Lan Wangji was also undeniably beautiful. 
One day, your Bichen will have to contend with my Suibian - 
A sudden smack up the back of his head broke Wei Wuxian out of his ruminations. The sudden assault triggered the defensive part of his psyche, which at its core was that of an assassin, and he whipped around in a split second, without taking care to guard his expression. 
Yue-gongong, Lan Wangji’s eunuch and the second superintendent of the prince’s court jolted in surprise, taken aback by the hardness in this servant boy’s face and the heat in his eyes.    
Realizing his slip up, Wei Wuxian immediately slapped on a sheepish smile. “Ah, Yue-gongong, you scared me, haha! I - I -” 
“You lazy ox!’ Easily fooled, the eunuch immediately went back to berating him angrily. “Waking up so late and leaving dianxia without anyone to aid him! Heaven knows why dianxia would favour you to be his attendant!” 
He smacked Wei Wuxian twice with handle-end of the horsetail whisk that high-ranking eunuchs carried. 
When the time comes, I’m gutting you first. Thought Wei Wuxian as he shrank back pitifully in accordance with his continued pretense of being a helpless twink. 
“Yue-gongong.” Lan Wangji’s smooth baritone voice cut through the eunuch’s banshi-esque screech. “That’s enough. It’s Wei Ying’s first day. Do not blame him.” 
Yue-gonggong shot Wei Wuxian one last glare and backed off. “Yes dianxia.” 
“You’re dismissed for now.”  “Yes dianxia.” The eunuch bowed and retreated back to his duties elsehwere.
Wei Wuxian quickly got on his knees and thanked Lan Wangji, “Dianxia, A-Xian - uhm, Wei Ying - Wei Ying apologizes for being tardy. I will go boil water for your bath right away!” 
“No need,” replied Lan Wangji. “I take my morning baths cold.” 
Cold....bath??? Is this another weird Lan practice? 
Growing up under Wen Ruohan’s guidance, Wei Wuxian was raised to think that Gusu Lans were a sentimental bunch, too emotional to be fit for ruling because they could not put the needs of the country before their own. Wei Wuxian knew of the reputation of Gusu’a previous emperor, Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji’s father, who still lived yet had shirked from his responsibility to the throne. He was not the only emperor in history to have lost a dear love, but the the death of his empress had caused him to lose all motivation for ruling, the duty of which he had pushed onto his oldest son. 
Perhaps if Wei Wuxian had been raised by Jiang Fengmian, he would appreciate the depth of taishang-huang’s love for his empress, but the current Wei Wuxian, trained and molded by Wen Ruohan, could not muster up any respect this sentimental fool. A part of him had hoped that Lan Xichen would be different, that he could show Wen Ruohan he was a worthy equal, that Wen Ruohan’s ambition could be culled if only Gusu’s Emperor was just as strong...
 ...but Lan Xichen was just as weak; refusing to provide heirs for the crown after Nie Mingjue passed. 
“Come, stand.” A shadow appeared over him. Wei Wuxian slowly raised his head to see Lan Wangji standing before him with an outstretched hand. “Rise, Wei Ying.”  
Wei Wuxian stared at that outstretched hand, calloused along the palm and along the finger tips: the hand of a musician and a warrior. How strange indeed. Yet, when he dared reach out to it with one of his own and allowed himself to be pulled to his feet, he found that Lan Wangji’s grip was warm and gentle. 
Sentimentality is the death of power. 
He swallowed despite himself. 
“Thank you, dianxia.”
Wei Wuxian didn’t particularly enjoy being a spy, but Wen Ruohan was like a father to him, and he believed in him and in the better future that Wen Ruohan could provide to Gusu if he were to rule.
Wei Wuxian didn’t know it then, but slowly, he would be proven wrong.
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ontheblock · 3 years
BABE U WRITE FOR SALLY FACE?? Anything with Travis (male s/o with him obviously) or Sally please :O your writing is amazing!!
YES I DO !! i used to have a bunch of wips i still haven’t finished but i figured i can still add sf to my list since it was such a comfort game when it came out haha. as per usual, this isn’t beta read, i fucked the formatting up twice but just squint when you notice any errors- also thank you love <3 i‘d give you a free bologna sandwich for requesting trav ily. 100% beef obviously /winkwonk
•warning: abuse, religious guilt, homophobia and f-slur use, bad first kisses, badly written fluff, travis being travis
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Travis was meant to live a life molded for him by his father. The pattern was already placed on the fabric when his first cry shook the hospital room at 6:33am. He was supposed to be cut from his father‘s mold but Travis‘ fabric was already old and frayed, the intertwining strings of muted tones that held him together felt lose by the time he could run. Sometimes he thought about the reason why he was incomplete. His fabric wasn‘t strong enough to hold his family name, not stretchy enough to bounce back from his father‘s reactions. Travis‘ mother patched him up every time there was another bruise on his back or face. She would cut parts out of her own fabric to cover the ripped strings her husband‘s belt left on their son. But she had only so much left when the beatings got worse.
Travis was in middle school, attending a christian summer camp a few hours away from Nockfell. He never noticed how different the air was at home but the sky was so murky compared to literally everywhere else. His father thought it was a good idea to let the boy out of town while he took care of the Ministry business which was code for something Travis shouldn‘t stick his nose into. He never asked but someone went missing while he was gone. Tragic.
Not as tragic as the camp counselor calling Travis home on their last day. The boy didn‘t know about that but they told his father about some inappropriate behavior his son showed with a fellow camper - a boy his age, Kenneth didn‘t care for the name or where he was from. All he needed to know was what his son did with that boy. The counselor tried to calm the angry parent on the phone but as soon as the information was exchanged the line went dead. He didn‘t want to hear the washed up excuses. His son was young and it was best to get these urges out of his system before they could even develop - dig for the deepest root you could find and rip it from the still fresh ground before it bloomed into something ugly, even if that meant that the garden would never bloom at all. Kenneth was a man of action after all.
That evening Travis came home clueless while his father already stood in the hallway with his wife behind him, holding onto his hand and uttering whispered quick prayers but his thick fingers already curled around the leather painfully hard. The strain it caused in his hand only fueled the need for a release as he charged for his son who didn‘t even have the chance to slip out of his worn sneakers.
That evening his mother didn‘t stay when Kenneth told her to go to bed early. Travis asked himself if it pained her the same way it pained him when his skin split under the force his father put in his first few strikes.
“You want to hold hands with boys now?“
“My son isn‘t a faggot, is that clear?“
“I gave you a place in this filthy town. You will appreciate it and live a proper life!“
“You will thank me when you don‘t burn for being dirty.“
It wasn‘t meant for Travis to answer because by the end of the night he would not even think about a boy‘s hand to be soft and warm anymore.
Travis was older now but he never found enough of anything to mend the damage his father did that night. Travis didn‘t try to explain that he held onto the boy because they figured that they wouldn’t slip on the wet mud that way. Instead he kept quiet about it ever happening and his father was content with this as long as he pulled his son from the devil‘s path to sodomy.
And Travis thought so too until a thread of blue fabric pulled together a gaping hole in his fabric. It stuck out like a sore thumb - too vibrant but warmer than any patch his mother gave to him and when he sat on the grimy bathroom floor in school after Sal Fisher of all people gave him a fucking pep talk, it felt nice. The warmth let his tears evaporate so he could pull himself together for the rest of the day.
But it was short lived. The warmth spread through him so fast he felt like burning up whenever he sat in class with Sal. He tried everything to get that blue thread out of his life but pulling on it only felt like strangling himself and he regretted ever letting his bully persona slip in that bathroom just because Sal fucking Fisher found the note he threw away - the note that was about him but Travis never had it in himself to tell him that. He regretted his promise to be less of an asshole because he knew he couldn‘t. Not even three days later the heat in his belly was so hot that he boiled over when he saw Fisher talking to that ginger nerd by the lockers. He ended up calling him a faggot because how dare he be openly gay in the same town Kenneth Phelps lived? How dare he be happy like this?
Sal tensed at the insult. Did he actually think Travis could be better? And why was his freakshow friend not hurt at the insult when it still burned in his throat to say it? Why did it feel like the slur wasn‘t meant for Todd at all? Travis swallowed hard as he fled the hallway in such a hurry that the three folded up pamphlets in his barely zipped up backpack fell on the muddy vinyl flooring.
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“Fuck, Phleps. Just wait. Travis!“ The boy in question tucked at his collar as he turned a corner just to slip into another empty corridor. They had a free period right after gym class and Sal Fisher was determined to finally talk to the boy who relentlessly bullied him to now avoid him like it was the other way around. “Jesus, I‘m not gonna pry but if your dad-“ Sally harshly bumped into Travis as he whipped around, finally coming to a stop. Shame crawled up the taller teen‘s neck when he didn‘t find the prosthetic nose digging into his sweater uncomfortable.
“Shut up! God, just stop!“ Sal was surprised that he would use his Lord‘s name in vain like that and if the situation was anything but this he would‘ve laughed. “Travis, I don‘t know how you feel but-“, Sal tried again but Travis was at his limits this time. “You don‘t and you never will, Fisher. Your dad would accept you being a dirty faggot but mine doesn’t!“ He tried to fill his words with venom but it all bounced back on the guy‘s mask anyway with how much his voice actually trembled.
There was a moment of silence that made Travis want to literally get struck by his God‘s angry lightning. He couldn‘t even leave. It was like all the root his father dug out slowly crawled back to feed on his shame and ground him in front of Sal who still had to react and maybe Travis should just tell him to fuck off so he wouldn‘t have to find out what he wanted to say next.
“Travis...“ Sal lowered his voice in a fake moment of privacy. “Are you-?“ Travis already shut his eyes as he clenched his fists. He didn‘t like where this was going but there was no more fight in him. “Nevermind. You don‘t owe me shit but I saw your back.“ Travis exhaled through his mouth until there was nothing left in his lungs. He knew where that question was headed. Are you gay, Travis? Are you the faggot and that‘s why you‘re so angry? He was glad that Sal changed his approach because even Travis himself was too scared to find the answer.
“So what, Sally Face? You‘re sticking your nose somewhere it doesn’t belong. If you even have one under that stupid mask.“ Travis harshly pushed his index finger into the boys chest and the sharp inhale he made almost made him freeze up and apologize. But he couldn‘t. He was too deep to go soft now. The look in Sal‘s eyes was enough to make Travis finally stumble backwards and push past him.
He didn‘t follow him this time.
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His verbal fights with Sal Fisher were like a damn wake up call for the teen. The rush of warmth it spread in his chest and the cold shiver in sent down his spine were shaking his body every time. He started noticing that Nockfell wasn‘t that murky. Travis used to really like yellow as a child because it reminded him of his mother’s favorite sunflower dress. She was a different woman now. The vibrant yellow was fading just like her hair. Maybe it was just Nockfell, maybe it was because of her suffocating husband draining her of her life and slowly unraveling her fabric. It didn‘t matter now but to make a depressing story short, Travis didn‘t have a favorite color anymore.
But the sky looked like a pretty shade of blue on some days. He never noticed but his bathroom tiles had blue specks in them. He always thought they were just a weird grey. There were tiny flowers blooming in the most vibrant blue behind the school and he wished that they were behind the church too but nothing ever grew around that building. But he would pluck them sometimes when he was skipping gym class. His last fight in the empty hallway was weeks ago and he hoped that Sal finally gave up on his savior complex. But why did his chest sting at that thought? His fingers slowly clutched his sweater as he stared at a withering flower by his foot. Travis jumped out of his thoughts when the metal door creaked open.
“Yo.“ Sal pushed the door closed with his shoe as he held up a hand to casually greet him. His face scrunched up. “What do you want?“ Travis lowered his head again. The boy obviously noticed the fresh shiner on his face already but facing him still felt like he exposed himself. “Just wanted to confirm that the church boy was skipping class.“ Uninvited, the teen sat beside Travis on the grass, with a healthy distance of course. “Shut up. My faith has fuck all to do with school“, Travis spoke lowly but his voice was tired. Sal just hummed in agreement before silence draped over them. Not uncomfortably like the usual strained void of reactions when one of them dropped something they weren‘t prepared for. It felt ok like this and it felt like a blanket. To Travis that blanket was soft and blue but before he could shake it off and stand up there were strings of the obnoxious fabric already weaving themself into his personal space.
“We don‘t have to fight all the time.“ Sal didn‘t look at him and neither did Travis. He really didn‘t have a reason to disagree. Not one that wouldn’t blow his cover at least.
“Maybe I could come to your little church and-“ Travis head snapped up. “Don‘t“, he blurted out a little louder than he meant. “It‘s a joke. I‘m not religious.“ Sal snorted, plucking a few pieces of grass. “Yeah, because you‘re a sinner in the eyes of the Lord. You f-“ Travis had to physically stop himself by biting his lip. Sal looked over at him and Travis wished he didn‘t. “Sorry“, Travis mumbled, refusing to meet his eyes, or eye since he was pretty sure his other eye never moved before. “I‘m trying to not call people that anymore.“ because all I hear is my father saying it.
“It‘s cool.“ It wasn‘t. “Why are you skipping?“ Travis huffed. It was weird to not let the conversation derail into verbal abuse. “I don‘t know. I fell. Hit my head on the door pretty bad. As you can see.“ Sal just hummed. “That‘s why you‘re limping, too?“ Travis blurted out a “yes“ a little too fast. Why was he nervous? His whole school life already revolved around cover up stories about the strange aches and bruises he got out of nowhere.
“Right.“ Sal let it slide, again. “You‘re acing algebra, Fisher.“ It wasn‘t a question so Sal didn‘t say anything. “Hmm.“ Travis cursed himself for never learning proper social skills but his father didn‘t like him bringing strangers into the house and his teen years were a constant feeling of push and pull of picking fights with boys that sparked an ugly tingle in his belly.
“You need a tutor?“ The silence seemed to be enough for Sal. Fuck him and his open fucking hand. “Maybe.“ Travis flicked a flower with his finger, dismissing the clear offer because his stomach ignited at the fact that Sal didn‘t hate him enough yet. “Maybe there is a tutor in Addisons Appartement, Room 402, who‘s free on the weekend.“ Sal couldn‘t help but smile under his mask as Travis huffed. “Fuck you, Fisher.“
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Sal already forgot about his offer when lunch passed and his dad stood in the kitchen, washing their dishes, enjoying the background noise of his son watching TV with his cat. They were so engrossed in the VHS tape Sal put on that he didn‘t hear the door until his dad whistled from the kitchen. “Sally, door.“
“Huh? Oh. Yes, dad.“ He jumped to his feet, leaving Gizmo to the slasher movie he seemed to like. “Weird, Larry said he‘s busy“, Sal mumbled, opening the front door. “Oh.“ It was a knee jerk reaction from Sal because he expected everyone but Travis Phelps to knock at his door and truth be told, he looked like he‘d rather be anywhere else with the way his awkward greeting caught in his throat and died on his tongue as a huff. His eyes followed the way the blue strands hung over Sal‘s shoulders, the mask straps upsetting the smooth texture as a few chunks hung over the elastics. Travis hasn’t seen him with his hair down. He looked smaller in big sweatpants and a band shirt too.
“Travis?“ The boy‘s eyes snapped back to the mask in front of him. “So, algebra?“ Sal tilted his head a smidge. A small habit he picked up to better communicate what would otherwise be shown in his facial features. But it made Travis want to scream for a multitude of reasons as heat crept up his neck. “Obviously.“
Anyone else would‘ve told him to fix his tone or fuck off but Sal held open the door for him. It felt wrong but Travis took the invitation, rubbing his clammy hands on his pants. “Who is it?“, a deeper voice called and Travis almost jumped. He had to remind him this wasn‘t Kenneth. Mr Fisher wasn’t anything like his dad and he didn’t have to be on edge around the boy. “A friend“, Sal replied shortly, only getting an approving hum.
A friend. Did Sal see him as a friend? He couldn‘t dwell on it since he was pulled into the boy‘s bedroom that looked nothing like his. “Just sit anywhere.“ Sal wildly gestured into the room and Travis sat on the barely made bed as Sall dropped his books next to him.
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Travis felt like there was something breathing down his neck the entire time they sat on Sal‘s bed. His shirt collar felt like it was about to cinch his neck closed, the dangling cross necklace he kept under his shirt felt hot to the touch like it burned the shape of Jesus into his chest with every sinful thought that crossed his mind as Sal explained the most bland and unerotic subject.
“Travis?“ The boy almost choked on his own spit.
“Romans 1:26-27.“ Travis stumbled over his own words but the verse was engraved into his head after writing and reciting it for a month straight under the stern eye of his father. There was a briefe silence for a moment.
“What?“ Sal looked up from the book in his lap.
“What?“ Travis felt breathless as he stared back at Sal. “Nothing“, he quickly added before Sal could even say anything else. “Explain that again?“ But he didn‘t. Instead, Sal pushed the book off his thigh, still staring the boy down. “Did you really come here for algebra, dude?“ No. “Yes.“ Travis fiddled with the hem of his shirt, not knowing if it was anxiety, anger or just bile scratching against his stomach lining to crawl out of him.
When Sal didn‘t say anything else Travis just reached over the boys lap to take the book himself but there was already a hand pressing against his shoulder. Travis hissed as he pulled his arm back, making Sal pull back just as fast. They stared at each other for a moment before Sal‘s gaze darted to his shoulder. “You fell pretty hard on that door.“ Travis clenched his jaw. “Shut up, Fisher, and back the fuck up.“
The boy shook his head, scooting away an inch. “Listen, you can say no because I would too but I can at least get you ointment for that.“ Sal gestured to his back and shoulder and something in Travis just crumbles as he lets his hands drop into his lap, staring them down to not look at Sal. “Ok. If it gets you off my back you parasite.“
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Travis didn‘t plan this when he knocked on the apartment door. He expected to maybe stay 20 minutes before something would make him see red but all he saw was blue. Maybe he was cursed. All these years of plucking out the roots his father couldn’t reach were rendered worthless now that he sat on the rough carpet, holding his shirt up as Sal dug out the ointment.
How did he even get here? His heart beat in his throat when he felt a presence behind him. He felt the need to say something. He wanted to make it clear that this meant nothing to not make it weird but wouldn‘t that make it weirder? Wasn‘t this the same as his mother putting a bandaid on his cuts and whatever herbal mixture on his wounds? It wasn’t because he never felt the sick urge to kiss his mother.
“Ready?“, Sal asked, kneeling behind him with a glob of cool ointment on his index and middle finger. Fucking hell, why did he have to make it weird? He definitely had to say something now.
“It was my dad.“ Travis spoke fast enough to mutter his words but the long pause probably meant that Sal heard him anyway. He wanted to melt into the carpet, leave behind a stain on the boy‘s floor to annoy him just one last time. He didn‘t know what he expected him to say to that and he also didn‘t know why that was the thing he had to say. But Sal made it easy on him by just not answering at all. Instead, he dabbed the cream on the first bruise, making Travis inhale sharply but otherwise biting his tongue. Sal figured that Travis wanted to act tough by not showing that it hurt but actually, Travis didn‘t trust his voice under Sal‘s soft fingertips.
“Travis“, Sal spoke again. Travis wasn‘t sure if he hated the heavy silence more of the fact that Sal was the first to say something while he was rubbing little circles into his back. He didn‘t answer but that never held Sal back.
“Are you gay?“ His voice was so quiet that Travis wouldn‘t have heard it if they sat a little further apart but it had the same effect as screaming it for all of Nockfell to hear. Sal felt him tense up under his touch, already expecting him to jump up or at least yell at him. But neither of them did anything. Sal‘s fingers rested against the heating skin, feeling it rise with every ragged breath he managed to take. “Travis-“
“Fuck, Sal. What? Do you want me to tell you about the times my dad beat the gay out of me or do you prefer that time I wanted to kiss you in that gross fucking bathroom?“, the teen finally barked, letting his words sink in first before he hissed a quiet “shit“. The fingers on his back pulled away as Sal sat on his heels. “You wanted to kiss me?“, Sal repeated, slower than Travis but he just pressed the balls of his hands into his eyes until he saw shapes and felt like the pressure would crush his face. He heard Sal shuffle around the room, probably getting ready to throw him out like he should‘ve done a while ago. But the shuffling stopped in front of him and something told him not to look but cold hands were already on his wrists to peel his cramping hands from his face. Travis opened his eyes just in time to see that mask uncomfortably close but before he could say anything, there was an odd sensation on his lips with minimal pressure. Sal was kissing him and it snuffed the flame in his stomach for just a moment, allowing the torched butterflies to unfold their wings and fly high enough to even make his heart pump overtime. But the feeling was lost just as soon when Sal inched backwards, pulling his prosthetic back in place before Travis could even take any of this in.
“Sorry.“ Sal threw it into the room for Travis to interpret. But the gears in his head threatened to jump out of place already so he reached out to Sal who already flinched backwards, holding onto his mask. “You don‘t want that.“ Sal pushed his hand back a little. “How would you know?“ Travis furrowed his brows at him but he was thankful. He wasn‘t sure if he could take seeing the boy bare like that but he was craving that feeling his father tried to snuff so desperately.
Sal just shook his head as Travis inched closer. “I‘ll close my eyes.“ Now it was Sal‘s turn to hole up in silence, knowing that neither of them could handle the mask coming off. Something made him trust Travis‘ words as he opened the bottom clasp which was the cue for Travis to shut his eyes. He did and seconds later he felt Sal on him again. One hand clamping over his eyes just to make sure and the other fisting the front of his shirt.
This time Travis felt the cleft in Sal‘s lip and the scar tissue ripping up the soft skin. He leaned into the kiss. Where were his hands supposed to go? When Travis didn‘t find the answer his body moved on autopilot. One hand threaded through the surprisingly smooth strands as the other clung to the small of his back.
Travis should‘ve been grossed out by the drool pooling out of Sal‘s torn lip but he wasn‘t. He should be grossed out by Sal being a boy but he wasn‘t. When Sal pulled back he kept his hand over Travis‘ eyes while the other wiped the spit off his chin. The kiss alone was enough to patch up his murky fabric with bright blue strings that dominated the colors his father painted him in. Travis didn‘t know what would happen after high school. Hell, he didn‘t even know what would be tomorrow. But he didn‘t want the bright fibers to unravel him again.
A knock on the door startled both of them, making Sal pull his arm away and Travis rapidly blinking. He didn‘t notice the mangled face first as the unruly blue caught his eye. His hand did that. His heart beat in his throat again as he overheard Sal‘s father say something and Sal shooting a hum of agreement back. His prosthetic was already on his face again before Travis could catch anything besides the scar tissue crawling up his jaw and chin before splitting his lips and exposing teeth and gum.
Maybe blue was his favorite color.
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shinsoups · 4 years
Finding Kuroo —
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— O12 : nemo? neko?
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a/n: this chapter is a little longer than I expected so please bear with me. Next chapter will be back to smau format. yey!
Press play (just for the cool feels and vibes)
A tense silence filled within the corners of the shop as the fox sat atop the counter humming happily as it waited for your reply. Hyperaware with everything that's happening you try to tune him out of your mind and waited for him to calm down before you make a hasty stupid decision.
"Kitten, don't--"
"It says one last game! What if—what if I played and everything will turn back to normal?"
"What if it's lying?"
"What if --"
"The clock is ticking, Wayen." The nogitsune's sing-song voice sent a shiver down your spine. Swallowing the lump forming in your throat you pushed the words out of your mouth, "I-if I accept, will you leave everyone alone and-"
Its fox ears perked up with the condition you were demanding. -Ahhhh this why I really like to play with you Wayen you always put others first before yourself- it squinted its eyes, sighing that this would be really their last and final game.
You heard it hum in response, its dark contemplative gaze lingers on you, urging you to continue.
“And promise me that they will be safe. Every single one of them, his friends too." You looked at its piercing eyes, clutching your chest as you made a pact with a fox spirit. The nogitsune jumped from where it was sitting, excited to play once again. It strode in front of you with its tail wagging happily. It latched its arm onto you, wrapping the other around your waist as it enthusiastically placed its chin on your shoulder. “You're not even asking for your own safety, Wayen. You’re painfully selfless." Its voice hushing sadly almost saying goodbye as it utters your name. "I promise,” the nogitsune murmured with a sad smile.
“Then I accept.”
"Great,” it clasps its hand animatedly. “Now let's play hide and seek!"
As soon as Wayen said the words, the twins and Kita found their way out of the shrine they were trapped in. The blinding rays of the setting sun greeted their eyes and stumbled upon familiar faces outside. While adjusting his eyes to the sudden brightness, Atsumu was the first one to break the silence, “Aren’t ya bunch from that Fukurodani Gakuen?”
The energetic one was the first to answer, “Have we all met before?”
Osamu scoffs eyeing the shorter blonde haired one instead. Kenma averted his gaze. Akaashi sighs feeling the tension growing by the second. “Yes we’re from Fukurodani. Akaashi Keiji, Bokuto Koutaro,” he gestures to himself then to the guy next to him. “This guy, Kozume-san is from Nekoma High.”
“Nekoma,” Kita nodded, thinking this encounter was so unexpected. Names run through his mind, an endless list of acquaintances and different faces flashes thru. “I remember the captain of Nekoma…Kuroo Tetsurou was it?” The three nodded in unison.
“What are ya all doing here?” The tension in Osamu’s voice was thick, casting heaviness into the air as the group huddled closer.
“We–“ But before Bokuto could answer a piercing sound howled through the silence. The atmosphere around the shrine seemed unnerving than before. The caws of the crows and the rustling of the leaves brought icy chills down their spines.
Kenma clears his throat, his voice like a whisper, “We’re looking for Kuroo.” The last words he said was caught by everyone, “Something took him-“
Kita’s inquisitive eyes saw the stiffness in their shoulders, as if something haunting was following them as well.  This isn’t mere coincidence, Kita thought to himself. “Kuroo-san,” his fingers pressing the back of his neck, trying to form the right words to tell them.
Everyone looked at him now expectantly, waiting for him to continue “If my assumptions are correct and with the basis of all the information Wayen gave even though some of it are hindered by the nogitsune. Kuroo probably is the person who accidentally took Wayen’s omamori. The cat ears she saw was the nogitsune playing tricks on her and him. Neko. And Wayen-”
“Inari,” Osamu purses his lips now well aware where this is going. “It doesn’t mean any harm, right Kita? Your grandmother told us that it was just playing with her. So why bring harm to her now?”
“Let’s all hope that you’re right, Osamu. I don’t know but right now—” Continuous notification sounds popped into their phones. Kita looked at his friends with relief in his eyes as he saw who it was from.
The wind blows sharply, feeling the heaviness settling in their stomachs, all they could do now is hope and pray that Wayen and Kuroo is alive and unharmed.
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PRESS PLAY ▶️ (it just really suits the vibe yanno?)
Darkness captured you once again. Feeling your body falling again, the impact of your fall was over in an instant. The only light provided was the moon casting through the dark clouds enveloping it. Every thought that pass by your mind was overwhelming. No one is around to help. It’s just too much. Breathe. You tell yourself. Breathe. You took a minute to steady your breathing.
“Kitten are you there?”
His voice calmed you down. Taking in your surroundings, you noticed the old cobbled path next to a torii gate.
“I’m here. Hey?” you sighed in relief as you hear his voice still clear in your head. Following the path in front of you, you passed through the torii gates and made your way up the cobbled stairs.
“I need to find you,”
He chuckles lowly, melting the fear that settled in your stomach. “I’m serious. It wants me to find you. So we can win against it.”
“We’re playing now?”
Kuroo furrowed his brows, halting his step after finding a new cobbled trail just meters away. He knew he was just circling over and over for the past three hours. The further he traveled, the closer and denser the bamboo forest has become.
“I’m it. That was the nogitsune told me.”
“Hide and seek?”
“Yes. But-“
“And you need to find me??”
Kuroo trudged his way the path but what stood in front of him made him stop. He couldn’t believe his eyes. A dark haired fox stood in front of him, its tail and ears twitched sensing his presence. Its blue irises stared at him as if mocking him telling him ‘I warned you’. Kuroo’s eyebrow rose inquisitively. Gritting his teeth, he tightened his grip around the omamori in his pocket.
“I need to know who you are.”
“But how? It thwarts us from giving each other’s names.”
“Clues, just clues to your name. Anything. Just throw some words. I’ll try to guess.” The slight tremor in your voice didn’t go unnoticed.
“I’ll come find you.” The despair and determination in your voice somehow made Kuroo smile.
“No, I mean *static noises*
The fox smiled sadly, knowing that the game must now soon come to an end.
“Nemo?” he catches a smile in your voice.
“Yeah changed the ‘m’ with the 11th letter of the English alphabet”
You stopped in your tracks, feeling the cold breeze hitting your cheeks. Hearing the the sound of chimes somewhere not far from where you stood.
Kuroo chuckles hearing you say it so softly, making him think that maybe he’s the one who’s already losing his mind.
“Yeah. My school’s name is something like that.”
He dragged his feet, approaching the fox in front of him. The moon casting enough light to shine upon them. He crouched down giving the omamori back to the nogitsune.
“You shouldn’t have taken this you, little brat,” The voice wasn’t hers. The fox squinted its eyes and took the charm with its mouth. “You’re lucky that her wish was for everyone’s safety. I could have granted her anything before I leave.” The intensity of the nogitsune’s voice shook Kuroo to the core.  “I swear I was about to put a curse on you. But thank her once she finds you.” With that the fox ran and disappeared from his sight.
Kuroo looked up staring at the moon above. Still unable to grasp what had just happened.
“Shiro.” he murmured as he hears chimes somewhere near him.
“Yeah. Shiro… But the opposite of it.”
He hears you gasp.
“Shiro? Black…Kuroo?”
“Yes, kitten?”
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🔮fun fact: Suna was put in a time loop where everything was slowed down just like what had happened to Akaashi, Bokuto and Kenma. To them it feels like a minute had just passed.
🔮 Osamu and Kita were trapped inside the shrine. They left Suna, Wayen and Atsumu thinking it would be best to scout the area before Wayen enters the place. Atsumu later found them trapped in one of the rooms. Just like the scene in Kimetsu No Yaiba where Tanjiro and the gang where trapped in the Drum Demon’s lair. 
🔮 Kuroo was also trapped in an endless cycle. Just going in circles trying to find the shrine
a/n: ahhh i feel like the story is about to conclude soon! feel free to comment if there’s something not clear haha i’ll try my best to answer :))
🔭: masterlist
O11 • O12 • O13
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akampana · 3 years
I don't know how much of a ship it could be, but... What about Ruler Artoria or Lancer Alter Artoria with Gil? I know you said that regular Gil would probably dislike Saber Alter because she lost everything that made her unique in his eyes, but i wonder now how would both him and CasGil react to these drastically different versions of her.
Hello, Anon! Thank you for the ask. I spent a lot of time on this one, sorry for the wait!
Right, I’m going to preface this by saying FGO is a recent thing for me and I’m F2P, so I don’t actually even have Cas Gil or any other Arturia save for the OG. But as I love any version of these two way too much, I’ve obsessively gleaned whatever extra info I can from wherever I can with as much fervor as I apply to praying to the gacha, so I hope I can still provide some insight or at least give you a good read. :)
I’m gonna answer this in a slightly different format since we’re talking about opinions here. Lot’s of HCs included, since I wanted to illustrate better how their specific dynamics would go. See below:
Ruler Arturia is a casino owner and specifically a cards dealer. We also know thanks to Artoria’s material that despite not being the luckiest person alive, she has a talent for gambling. 
Regardless of the bet, the casino is usually at an advantage to win, which is what makes each game a gamble. And with our talented bunny dealer handling the cards, you can bet haha  the casino would earn a hell of a bunch. 
Enter Gilgamesh, with a ridiculously high rank of luck and LITERALLY ALL THE MONEY IN THE UNIVERSE 
Now this puts them both in a unique position because:
Arturia as a casino owner would want to glean everything she can out of that treasury
Gilgamesh is nigh impossible to trounce
What does that make for? The highest stakes round of blackjack that the world has ever seen. 
Funny thing is, Gil probably isn’t even playing to win. He’s so rich that any loss is immaterial. 
If anything, he’s staying for the challenge, and of course, the entertaining dealer.
Ruler Arturia is formatted after Lartoria’s attitude, though, so rather than sparks flying across the table, their battles would be quiet and consist of a lot of poker faces and piercing eyes. 
As Gilgamesh is technically a guest, it is not out of the question for them to share a few cocktails. 
He likes the bunny suit. He just doesn’t say so. 
Eventually, it comes to the point where he bets an irrefusable amount in exchange for a night with her. And boom, she loses, and gets treated to dinner. All in all, not such a loss. Especially since she finds that the amount he’d bet last night makes it into an expensive briefcase left in front of her casino the next morning. 
Ruler Arturia x CasGil
CasGil, I think would have the same interest, but rather than the kind of competitive rivalry Archer Gil brings to the table, he gets Ruler’s attention a different way:
He doesn’t lose. He just doesn’t.
Caster doesn’t even raise the stakes, nor does he bet such thriftless amounts like Archer Gil does, he just wins and wins and wins over a course of a few days, and Ruler eventually has to investigate why one of her tables consistently loses more than it gains
Lo and behold: it’s the King of Heroes, nonchalantly sipping on a cocktail waiting for her to arrive. 
Arturia offers to play against him, and they calmly proceed for enough rounds until he finally loses for the first time. 
Except when she checks his hand, she discovers he could have won again. 
Still possessing a knight’s honor, she tries to refund him, but he won’t take the money. He’d only take a date. 
The next day, they’re sharing her parasol, strolling on the beach with drinks in hand. She swears she’ll beat him for real next time. 
Oooh how I love older more mature Gilart. HNNNNNNNNGGG
Lancer Alter x Gilgamesh in General
There’s a lot of complexity when it comes to “Alter” Servants which I am still trying to grasp because not every Alter-ation is the same as I’m sure you know. 
Lancer Alter isn’t even Evil like Saber Alter is, she’s just more of a realist and in the eyes of her people, more of a tyrant. In fact, I think she’s closer to the essence of what a Lancer Arturia would be, and maybe she would have been the Lartoria we got had the Lion King not been conceptualized yet. But like other non-lancer Arturias she shoulders the same burden of a king. 
It’s on this basis that I say that Archer Gil also might not be attracted to Lancer Alter initially, because part of what he likes about Artoria is her idealism. He finds her idealism foolish sure, because he wouldn’t rule that way, but that’s also what fascinates him. 
Caster Gil, I believe, would have the better chance, because he’s already lived through and moved past the period in his life where he was a ruthless, feared tyrant, and he can therefore understand Lancer Alter’s mentality more than Archer Gil ever could. 
But whether or not Casgil and Lancer Alter Arturia ever end up together, entirely depends on CasGil’s interest, because he’ll be facing someone who is rather like his younger self. But a little more self-deprecating. Better feed her some junk food.
Thank you for the ask! It makes me happy to have stuff in my inbox. Hope I provided a good read for you at least. :) 
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My Personal Trainer
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I met Nick five months ago when he became my personal trainer. I joined the gym in the summer to finally work my body towards my personal goals. I had been skinny all my life and knew that if I wanted to change it I would have to get serious. Five months of 3-5 workouts a week and heavy carb/protein loading I was pushing towards my goal. I was up 20 pounds of muscle and my progress pics were really showing obvious changes. I of course had taken photos every step of the way, but hadn't really shared them with anyone until recently. Nick and I had our weekly Monday appointment scheduled. Today was chest day for me and he pushed me hard through it. I was actually pretty lucky getting Nick as my trainer. He was attractive but not instantly my type. It was easier to get a solid workout in if I wasn't drooling over my trainer the entire time. Nick was probably 5'11. He had a lot of muscle but was rounded since bulking season had set in. His arms were massive, chest was broad, and butt (from what I could tell) was quite a bubble. His legs were probably the most underdeveloped part of him but they weren't thin by any means. Definitely thicker than mine. Nick was pale but had clear, unblemished skin. His hair was dark and kept short. In fact sometimes his beard would get longer than his hair before he trimmed everything up. He was one of the few trainers that didn't seem to shave everything. His legs and arms had a nice layer of thick dark hair.
I tried not to fantasize about him but couldn't help the occasional naughty thought, especially when he would demonstrate squat formations or anything that popped his butt. However, I really tried to keep things professional. No harmless flirting or ogles were done by this guy. Nick figured out I was gay probably 2 months into our routine. It didn't phase him at all and things continued as normal. He would occasionally ask about my personal life, if I was seeing anyone, and I'd ask the same. We were both helplessly single but he was straight so there were no possibilities there. I didn't shower at the gym since I lived so close and Nick always did his workouts in the afternoon before I arrived. What this meant is that I'd never even seen the guy shirtless. The most skin I'd ever seen on the man was his calves, arms, and occasional upper thigh depending on the workout. His body was still a mystery, and that was probably a good thing for me. That all changed in the 4 month mark. We were talking after my workout and just shooting the shit. He asked if I had taken progress pictures and I explained I had, but wasn't quite ready to share. Maybe one day, I told him. He understood, but offered up his own. He flipped through his phone and then handed it to me. "Don't flip too much though," Nick said with a nervous laugh. He obviously had nudes on his phone. Of him or of someone else I wondered? The screen was zoomed in to a 3 picture side-by-side, each 6 months apart. I should probably mention that it was his neck down in nothing but some tight underwear. My eyes must have bulged. His body was amazing. I mean he definitely was a 'round' muscled guy but that was absolutely my type. His chest had a light dusting of dark hair which picked back up around his belly button and continued south, growing in intensity until it was hidden below his waistband. He kept his body hair trimmed but definitely all there. I couldn't help but focus on his package. Fuck keeping things personal, I thought. The pictures weren't amazingly lit, but I could easily see the large bulge in his briefs. Whether it was cock, balls, or both I couldn't tell. Whatever it was though, it was hefty. "... and if you blend that all together, it makes a wicked easy meal with tons of calories." Oh shit! I had completely zoned out while looking at his pictures. Quick, say something. "Well it's working out really well for you Nick. This is great progress. I'd be happy with any of them, honestly." Nick laughed. "Like, for your own body or as in your boyfriend?" It had seemed innocent enough but a million thoughts were running through my head. "Umm, well I meant for my own body, but if I was lucky enough to snatch someone up with a body like yours, I'd hold on tight." Nick just gave a cheesy grin and said thanks. We talked for a few more minutes about our weeks and what I would focus on while at the gym. Unfortunately, that night I jacked off thinking about those photos. The next night, I texted Nick telling him how raw I was from the workout yesterday and he responded with the picture he showed me. "Pain builds progress" he wrote with it. That week I did nothing but masturbate to that photo. The slippery slope had started and there was no turning back. Another month went by without much significance except how I looked at Nick. He was no longer just my personal trainer, he was now an object of my lust. Every workout he showed me I couldn't help but turn it dirty in my mind. I was losing it. We had hung out a few times outside of the gym. It had always been with a bunch of the gym staff for a game or just a night out in downtown. I got a text on Saturday morning asking if I wanted to hang out and drink some beers. His roommate was out of town and he wanted to enjoy the apartment to himself while watching the football game. I agreed, trying not to fantasize about unrealistic outcomes. When I got there he was basically in gym attire. I felt a bit dressed up in my nice jeans and button up shirt but oh well. We drank while watching the game, Nick drinking much faster than me. Near the end of the 3rd quarter, it was obvious our home team was going to win and interest in the game subsided. We talked about the gym, work, girls, guys, and continued to drink. I was getting tipsy at this point but Nick was sufficiently drunk. "When are you gonna show me your progress photos, man?" Nick asked me. He actually didn't need to beg much. The alcohol helped, but it only felt fair knowing how much I'd stared at his almost naked body. "Eh, I'll show you. Remember, I was SKINNY. Don't make fun." "I would never! Plus you've grown so much. I'm so proud!" He was smiling ear to ear. It made me swoon a little. I flipped through my phone to get the most recent. It was my 5 month comparison photo. Nothing too crazy. Just standing in front of the mirror flexing one arm in my underwear. I wore skimpy briefs but it was nothing x-rated. I had clearly changed. My ribs were no longer visible and every muscle and it's own definition. Where a flat chest had been there were now pecs. Where a stick arm was there was muscled girth. "Wow! I'm so impressed; you've changed more than I imagined." "Thanks Nick." I was genuinely appreciative of his compliments. "Although, you need to get better at posing." "What?" Nick continued, "You're not showing off the right muscles in these. Like, you've grown a lot in your back but you can't tell in these." "Oh, haha. I didn't realize there was an art to gym selfies." I chastised him a little sarcastically. "There is!!" Nick was drunkenly serious. This was clearly a subject he was passionate about. "Okay, how do you feel about practicing some?" "Sure, that's fine." I said. "You'd have to take off those clothes though to see what I mean." Nick was very direct. I played along, my mind secretly hoping for something like this or more. "That's fine. You would too, right? To show me?" "Yeah, yeah. Obviously." With that Nick stripped. There was no romantic tease to it. This was clearly just what Nick said it was and nothing more. In a few seconds he had peeled out to just his tight boxer briefs. I stood there for longer than I should have because he cleared his throat and said, "you're turn." I quickly snapped back to reality and disrobed as well. I wore my tight AussieBum red briefs tonight just in case something like this happened. What can I say, I'm a planner. "Nice briefs man." Nick offered. "Nice body." He laughed. "Okay, so the first pose is really to show off your Lats and all the work you've been doing on your back." He walked through a couple poses and I imitated him. He would correct me a few times and move my arms or body in the right way. I was really proud of myself for not popping an erection at all with the contact. Minutes passed and things started to get warm in the living room from all our flexing and holding poses. Nick offered to take some photos for me on my phone and I happily agreed. They would be much better than selfies. After taking some photos Nick asked if I would do the same. I obviously agreed. We got to a pose that Nick wanted to try to accentuate his butt. He stood sideways to the camera and twisted his torso towards the lens to accentuate the roundness of his bubble butt. I took a few photos, wishing they were on my phone instead. "Does it look good? Does my butt look good?" He asked me. "It looks incredible Nick. Easily one of the hottest asses I've ever seen." I didn't really think about what I was saying anymore. We were both getting drunk by this time. "Coming from you that means a lot, thanks!" Nick replied with a cheesy smile. "Hey, I kind of want to get some more but without my briefs. Is that okay?" "You want me to take your nudes for you?" I sarcastically asked. Probably should have played that differently. He laughed loudly, "No! I can take my own dick pics thank you. I'll still cover the goods up, I just want some sexier ones without underwear." "Sure, why would I mind?" Nick shrugged, "I dunno, just wanted to make sure, ya know?" He turned around to slip his briefs off. His butt, was amazing. Two large globes of muscle sat atop his legs. They were dusted in his dark fur but he kept his butt trimmed as well. He went through the same poses but was really good at covering up his cock with either his legs or his hands. As much as I wanted to, I never actually saw what he was packing other than some heavy pubes. When Nick felt he had enough shots, he plopped down onto the couch. He grabbed his briefs and placed them over this crotch but didn't actually put them on. He asked for his phone and flipped through the photos when I handed it to him. He was clearly pleased with the photos. "Is it bad that I find myself hot?" he asked. I laughed, still standing there in my underwear. "No. Is it bad if I do?" Oops. He looked up at me. "You think I'm hot?" I didn't know what to do. I scrambled to find words that would make this alright but the drunken haze was cast over my thoughts. "Well, never mind. That answers that question." Nick was looking down on me. I followed his eyes to see my obvious erection in my briefs. Shit!! I covered up quickly and turned from him. That's when he started laughing. "Don't worry about it dude. I'm flattered. Can't say I've given a guy a hard on before. Nice to know I can." "Ha, ha" I said sarcastically, still trying to will my cock to shrink. "Really, it's not a big deal. Come'on. Come here and help me figure out what shots are the best. You'll clearly have an eye for what looks good here." I looked over my shoulder and he was patting the seat of the couch beside him. I said Fuck it in my head and went to sit by him. My erection wasn't gone at all, but at this point in my life I wasn't really that shy about nudity anymore. A few minutes of flipping through shots and adding filters here and there, Nick asked me a question out of the blue. "So you really like cocks? Like, they look good to you?" "Yeah. Don't you like the look of your dick?" I replied. "Well yeah, but that's mine, ya know. I've never thought any other dick was nice." "I guess that's the difference in being gay," i laughed at that. Nick laughed too. "I guess you're right. But like, what exactly do you like about them?" I couldn't really explain it well after I thought for a moment. "I'm not really sure there's specific things or features I like about dicks and balls. It's just linked so closely with arousal that even seeing one triggers so much sexual endorphin release in me. And it's a muscle that can't hide sexual feelings, as we've clearly seen tonight. I like how honest cocks are." Nick lost it at that. "Hahaha, you like how 'honest' cocks are! That's a new one." "I'm a sucker for an honest dick, what can I say?" I laughed with him. Nick put his phone down. "Okay, then tell me. Do I have an honest dick?" He pulled his briefs off his cock. I stared without caring how obvious I was being, plus I assumed that's what he wanted. His cock was awesome. It was still pretty soft, cut, and pretty thick from what I could tell. However, it was his balls that was giving the bulging briefs in his photos. They were massive. He kept almost all his hair closely trimmed but Nick shaved his balls. "It's um... it's... honestly awesome. Nick, your balls are huge!" was all I could put together. "Haha, yeah. They've been big since I was a teenager." He handled them with palm and moved them around a bit. I swore I saw his cock twitch a bit too. "So, this is hot to you? Like, you actually think my cock and my balls are sexy?" "Do you need reassurance?" "No, no. It's just, I'm trying to figure it out. I'm.. I just can't believe someone would find someone else's dick hot." "Well, I could prove it to you." I offered. "Oh yeah? How?" Nick said. He's not a very good actor and it seemed obvious where this was going. I played it safe though and went with another slow tell. I moved my hand to his thigh. "I could show you how much I like your cock." Nick smiled. "You may have to. I still think you're fibbin'" "I would never lie," I joked. I moved my hand the extra few inches to his soft package. It felt even bigger in my hands. I had to skip to his balls first though since they were so incredibly. I moved them around and massaged them with my fingers. I would pull on them a little bit and stretch the skin which elicited light moans from Nick. I felt adventurous for a few reasons and leaned in. I kissed his balls, first lightly, and then heavier with some wet tongue. Nick moaned more. I continued to kiss and lick his balls while loosely gripping his cock. It was filling up quickly. A few seconds later, he was hard in my hand. I backed up from his balls to take a look at his meat. It was thicker than I thought. Probably 6 inches or so in length but probably the same around. It was the hottest cock I'd ever seen. I looked up to Nick just to reassure myself it was him and that this was honestly happening. He caught my eyes and just whispered, "Please don't stop." Oh that made me wet. I got down onto the floor and moved in between his legs. I took hold of his shaft and licked that cock from base to head like a popsicle. It was delicious. He had already started to precum a little for me. I wasn't in the mood to tease and went right into it. I took as much of Nick's cock into my mouth as I could. He wasn't super long but the girth prevented me from taking him all in on the first go. As I sucked with his member filling my mouth, Nick's light moans evolved to deep rumbling groans. He was loving this which made me even hornier. A couple of bobs was all it took for me to get most of him in my throat. After that I could try my different techniques (which were admittedly rusty). I swiveled my tongue around his head, used my hand to match pace with my mouth, and used a little teeth on the retract. Nick was loving each skill and would buck uncontrollably at some. I was surprised what a gentleman he was. He didn't try and grab my head to face fuck me (although I would have been fine with it) and made it very audible how much he appreciated what I was doing. "Fuck yes. That feels so good. You're amazing. You're incredible. Please don't stop." were the only things he could muster between groans. It only took a couple of minutes before Nick's balls began to tighten. I knew he was getting close. He finally did take hold of my head, but to remove it and saying, "I"m about to cum, man." What a fucking knight. "Good," I said and fought against his grip to latch back onto his cock. He tried to pull me off him again, "No, you really don't have to do that. I don't want you to feel like you do." I continued to stroke him with my hands as I popped off to say, "You don't know what it's like to be gay, but fact one, I WANT to do this." I batted his hands away and took his cock back into my wanting mouth. He just said, "oh god, oh god." over and over as he edged towards the finish line. Nick tried to hold back his orgasm as long as he could but finally he couldn't fight anymore. I took hold of his balls with a free hand as he erupted into me. His tank had definitely been full and I almost struggled to get it all down. Jet after jet of warm seed filled my mouth and was swallowed down. Nick tried to remain still but was bucking and shaking uncontrollably between his heavy breathing. When I was sure he was done, I milked him dry with a last squeeze and popped off his still hard cock. "So," I said, "believe me now that I actually like cock?" He tried to laugh but didn't have the energy. "That. Was. Amazing. I've never gotten head like that before. You're a master." I laughed. "Stand up," Nick said. I did as commanded and rose before him. I was still rock hard in my briefs, and had actually popped out a little on top. He put his hands on my ass and pulled me in closer. I had no words for what was happening, so I just went with it. He fondled me through my briefs for a bit, getting used to the feeling of a hard cock in close proximity to his body. He swallowed, and shucked my briefs to the floor. My cock sprang out and almost hit him in the face which he wasn't expecting and jumped back a bit. I couldn't help but laugh, "You're right to be scared. He bites." "You're huge, dude!" I was definitely longer than Nick. Around 8 inches, but not near as thick. And my balls were only average compared to his massive globes a few feet below. He hesitantly took hold of my cock with one hand and slowly stroked it. This was clearly more for him than it was for me. He was exploring what another man's cock was like and I didn't want to rush him through that. Plus it was incredibly hot to see him oaf around it like a foreign object. After giving me a slow, steady hand job for a few minutes he swallowed again and licked his lips. He inched closer and closed his eyes. I was now feeling bad about this. "Nick, stop. You don't have to do this. You don't owe me anything." He finally looked up at me. "No, I know. I just, I want to see what it's like." "Okay, but go slow. Don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable and you can stop anytime." He was looking at my dick again and nodded. He inched close again and closed his eyes to lick my cock head. Once he had a taste he moved his tongue around in his mouth to figure out if he liked it or not. "It just tastes like, skin?" I laughed, "yeah, they don't come in different flavors." "I guess I just, I thought it would taste different." I explained to him that it can if a guy precums a lot, but that I didn't. My cock was a great 'beginners' cock. We both laughed a bit. He then took hold with one hand and tried to wrap his lips around my cock. He could, but didn't take too much into his mouth. He bobbed on my cock like he thought he should but only took an inch or two in at a time and without any suction. What should I have expected from a straight guy. However poor the actual blow job was going, it was Nick who was giving it and that was incredibly hot. I was loving every second of it regardless. I must have began to leak a bit because Nick pulled away with a slight disgust taste on his mouth.
"That's what I expected they tasted like." Nick said with some nervous laughter.
"Yeah, if you don't like that you definitely won't like the ending."
He looked visibly nervous. I leaned down and pushed him away from my cock. "You're done. I'm not letting you go any further. Thanks for trying."
He sighed some relief, "Thanks for letting me try. And for that amazing blow job you gave me. I just wish I could return the favor."
"Trust me Nick, I loved every minute of that probably as much as you did." We both smiled.
"Well, do you wanna shoot on my chest?" Nick said.
I froze for a second and then began dying of laughter.
"What? People do that right?" Nick looked at my confused.
"Hahahaha, sure Nick, sure they do. But rarely does a straight guy just go, 'hey wanna cum on my chest?' It was just too funny."
He leaned back and rubbed his chest seductively, playing with himself a bit too. His cock had softened up almost entirely. "Do you wanna cum on this hot piece of man or not?"
I did.
I leaned into him and put one arm on his shoulder and the other on my cock. Nick just stared at the barrel of the gun in somewhat excited anticipation actually. Having this hunk below me, wanting my cum all over him, was enough to help me finish quickly. My balls tightened as the first blast shot forward onto his pecs. 8 steams of hot spunk fell onto Nick, coating his chest, abs, and cock in my cum. I sighed in relief.
"Hot." was all Nick had to say before we both started laughing.
We stayed there for a minute while I got my breath back and then he offered we take a shower. I rubbed his back, he rubbed mine. I probably washed his ass more than I had to but he didn't stop me or protest. By the end of the shower we both had erections again but heading into the living room he put on his briefs which signaled the nights fun was over.
We both fell asleep on the couch that night and I woke up spooning him in the morning. He was snoring. I got off of him and got the rest of my clothes on to leave. Before I left I looked back at this amazing, delicious man I had known for the past few months. He was sprawled out, chest up, almost naked in his tight white briefs. He had a serious case of morning wood going on that was clearly visible.
I felt naughty and probably was risking more than I should have, but I gave into the momentary idea. I got down on my knees and fished his cock and balls out of his briefs and gave them some light kisses. Nick continued to snore obliviously.
I took a step back to admire the view. I decided to take a picture of him like this for later use. I was going to put his junk back in but last minute decided instead to bob on it a couple times for one last taste and leave.
When I got home I felt guilty about the picture. I didn't want to delete it for obvious reasons but felt like I crossed a line. I decided to text him the photo with the caption "Had a great night. Took this souvenir. Hope you don't mind ;)"
That way if he wanted me to delete it he could tell me, but at least he would know that I had it.
I woke up from a nap to a response from Nick. "Likewise"
A few seconds later a video came through. I opened it and saw myself giving Nick head, his loud moans were close to the speaker. That little shit took a video of me blowing him without me knowing. The anger was only a reflex and I quickly found it hilarious that he captured that moment.
I texted him back, "That's blackmail!"
"Maybe it is. I need something to hold onto to remember last night."
"You could always just get the real thing again if you needed a reminder."
"Deal! Deleted."
"You don't really have to delete it, you can keep it for your own spank bank."
"haha good. I wasn't actually going to delete it anyway."
"lol, dick."
Bling. A picture of his hard cock and balls came through.
"This one?? ;P"
I was definitely jacking off today. "Tease!"
He replied, "I think we need to have a special work out session each week after our gym sessions. There are some special muscles we need to work out."
"Deal, see you Monday."
My training sessions had become something more, and I was absolutely, fucking floored about it.
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s-k-y-w-a-l-k-e-r · 4 years
My GIF making process!
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I’ve been asked many times for a tutorial, but because I get really detailed, I always get overwhelmed by the idea. But I finally decided to buckle down! 
Just so you know: I don’t use PSDs in this, and I don’t import layers to frames or anything like that. I like the hard way—at least in gif making, I believe you get higher quality gifs. Join me as I show you how to make gifs by loading videos directly into the Photoshop timeline and my coloring and sharpening techniques.
Tools used:
Mac OS X (only necessary for the first step, and there are other ways around it with a PC)
Adobe Photoshop
YouTube Purchases (any streaming service will work)
Topics covered:
Obtaining the Source Material
Loading the video file into Photoshop
Prepping, Cropping, and Resizing the Media
Adjustment Layers
Obtaining the Source Material
There are a few different methods for obtaining video to work with. Proper YouTube videos are nice, but finding any major motion picture in that format is difficult, if not illegal.
Once I realized I could get really great quality video by doing screen recordings from streaming services, I stopped worrying about finding (and pirating) high resolution video files. So now, I just go to whichever streaming service I need to, pick out the movie or show, find the spot, and record small snippets.
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Mac screen recording instructions:
On a Mac, Command+Shift+5 will bring up the screen recording dialogue. 
Resize the frame of what you want to record within the browser. 
Go to a second or two before, press the “record” button, and then begin playing the video, remembering to keep your cursor out of the recording box. 
Use the Space bar to pause your video when you’ve gotten the snippet you need. Stop the screen recording by clicking the ⏹ button that is in your menu bar at the top of the screen.
Important: when the recording appears in the bottom right of your screen, click on it, and then trim the video on either end. This will help your computer convert the video file to the type that can be opened by Photoshop.
Click “done” and it will appear on your desktop, ready to be used!
PC Users: ??? Here’s a Google search I did for you
 Loading the video file into Photoshop
Lots of people use this process for making gifs (a great tutorial!). I didn’t even know it existed until last summer, when I’d already been giffing for years. I wish I could still do something like that with these screen recordings, but the files are absolutely HUGE, especially on Macs with double retina displays, which actually increase the dpi by a lot. Making screencaps of them fills up my hard drive, almost immediately—even when I’ve got 20 gigs of free space to work with. So what do we do? We just. Open the file. In Photoshop. Et voila!
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You can do this with any type of video, not just screen recordings.
 Prepping, Cropping, and Resizing the Media
When Photoshop loads your videos up, it makes the video hilariously fast (something about frame conversion). You must slow it down for it to look natural. THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE YOU RESZE. Your Photoshop timeline window should be at the bottom of the screen. See that little triangle in the top right of the video? 
Click on it, and a menu will appear to change speed and duration.
Change the speed first- usually between 80-85% will seem realistic. (I actually went a little faster than I usually would on this at almost 86%—I don’t recommend this)
Press the button next to duration and pull the toggle all the way to the far right (if you don’t do this, full length of the video will be cut off).
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Now you’ll want to crop it. Ever since Tumblr upped its GIF size limit, I have been playing around with 7:5 ratios, but let’s go with 3:2 for now. Use the Crop tool, pick out 3:2 in the top left (it may say 2:3, but you can switch that) and then find the most suitable spot in your gif for that. Hit enter on your keyboard.
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Some things to keep in mind when cropping:
Most videos come in 16:9 ratio (BoRhap is even wider). If it’s a wide shot, you’ll need to do the full 16:9 to not lose anything. Of course, experiment and find what’s right for you!
As you can see above, I moved forward in the timeline and made the crop to a point in the video when the broadest movement was happening.
Certain videos WILL have a black or red bar that may be imperceptible until you’ve already exported the gif. Just crop in a little tighter on top and bottom to avoid them.
Now you’ll need to resize your gif to be the correct size for Tumblr. If you don’t use Tumblr’s exact dimensions, your gifs (as uploaded) will appear blurry or pixellated. We’re doing a full-width gif here, which is 540px. On a Mac, I use Command+Option+I (for “Image Size) to open the resize dialogue. You can also find it under Image->Image size...
Make sure to also have “Resample” checked. Lately I’ve been playing around to see if different options are better. Most GIF makers use “Bicubic Sharper (Reduction)” and they are not wrong to do so. I’ve just been unhappy with it lately, so I have been trying this other setting out, “Bicubic (smooth gradients)”.
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Click OK. A dialogue may come up that asks if you want to convert to a Smart Object. The answer is yes, okay, do it. The only major caveat is that you can’t go back and change the timeline speed. That’s why we did it first. But you can preview the speed now that it’s smaller, and if you don’t like it, use Command+Z (or “Undo”) and go back a couple steps to get the speed you like.
You may find, especially on a Mac screen (and possibly other displays), that at 100% your gif looks too small to be 540px. That is the curse and blessing of working with super-high resolution hardware. Zoom in to 200% and proceed about your business. This is what it will look like on Tumblr.
You may find it helpful at this point to begin by defining the beginning and end of your gif by moving around these bumpers. It’s safe to keep gifs under 02:00f in length. Under half of 01:00f will be way too short. (I tend to overshoot in length and then trim the beginning and the end once I see how big the gifs are upon exporting.)
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 Adjustment Layers
Now the creativity and fun begin!
There are a LOT of ways to get creative here. I’m going to keep it simple, very simple, but I strongly recommend opening up a new adjustment layer of each type and trying to figure out what each does!
You’ll find the adjustment layer menu at the bottom of the Layers window.
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There are a lot of ways to make Curves work for you! It can do the job of Brightness/Contrast, it can do Levels, it can do Color Balance! We’re going to use it mainly to help with brightness here, but also to level out some of the tones. One of the quick tricks you can do is use the droppers on the left side of the Properties window. There are three- one with a white tip, one gray, one black. These can help define what your white tones are (and whether they need to be more of one color or another), and so on with your blacks. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t; in this case, I think it doesn’t:
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That looks totally blown out and somehow also too dark!
So instead, we’re going to use that little hand with the finger pointing out and some arrows pointing up and down. This lets you define which sections you want to get brighter or darker, and how much. It doesn’t do color correction. In the example below, you can see I dragged up on a white spot and down on a dark spot. Then, I moved points around on the curve itself to refine (which the gif here doesn’t show...).
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Vibrance/Saturation x2
Next, I’ve been using @gwil-lee​‘s Vibrance/Saturation trick (I know you said you learned it from someone else, but I learned it from you!). 
Create a Vibrance Adjustment layer, bump the values up a bunch, and then change its Fill to somewhere between 2-9%. Change the Blend Mode to Color Burn. Then make a copy of that layer keeping everything the same, but make it Color Dodge. I can’t quite define what these do, but it makes it punchier!
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Color Balance
Most people are familiar with this. For this gif, I’m going to make the shadows more Cyan/Blue and the highlights more Red/Yellow. Just a few points each. 
I brought the Exposure up a bit, but not enough for you to need to read about, haha.
Selective Color
Here’s where you make fine adjustments to colors. This particular scene is extremely simple, color-wise, so keep it simple. I’m going to bump up the cyans/blues, take up the black by just a point or two, and maybe bump up the yellows and reds a tiny bit. (And as always, remember, the “opposite” of cyan is red, the opposite of magenta is green, and the opposite of yellow is blue. CMY/RGB!)
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I think at this point I’m going to call it with the adjustment layers. You can go absolutely hogwild with more of them! But at this point, I’m ready to start sharpening!
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I do three sharpening filters these days. These are all under Filter->Sharpen. Make sure your media layer (default called Layer 1) is selected as we go through this! (Also, this can really take a toll on your processor, so don’t say I didn’t warn you.)
Sharpen- This layer does the basic job
Smart Sharpen (Amount: 10%, Radius: 10, Reduce Noise: 4% Gaussian Blur)- This layer gives texture
Smart Sharpen (Amount: 500, Radius: 0.3, Reduce Noise: 12% Gaussian Blur)- This layer gives refined sharpening and smoothing
Fiddle with these as needed! Let your gif play all the way through- this may go slowly as your processor works on it. Make sure the beginning and end points make sense.
After You’re going to have to use File->Export->Save For Web (Legacy)... or use the shortcut of Shift+Option+Command+S. This could take some time for the dialogue to pop up! Be patient.
In my opinion, these are the best gif export settings for crisp edges and no noise:
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Now you see how big the file is in the bottom left. Tumblr won’t let you upload anything bigger than 10MB and it’s safer to stay under 9MB, in my experience. When your gif is too big, you have a couple options. You can close the dialogue and change the length of your gif. 
OR, you can uncheck “Interlaced” and bump up the lossy to 1 or or more. This will create noise. Sometimes, that’s a good thing!
Here’s without lossy:
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Here’s WITH lossy: (Honestly in a fast moving gif like this, it’s almost imperceptible, but I can see it!)
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And now that I’ve exported, I can see what there’s a little black line on the bottom! So I’m going to trim that off and call it good! You can see the full gifset here.
Hope you enjoyed! Reblog if you try this out or learned anything. Feel free to reach out with questions any time!
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